Warning, /pim/kmail/doc/kmail2/using-kmail.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <chapter id="using-kmail">
0003 <chapterinfo>
0004 <authorgroup>
0005 <author>
0006 &Daniel.Naber;
0007 &Daniel.Naber.mail;
0008 </author>
0009 <author>
0010 &Scarlett.Clark;
0011 &Scarlett.Clark.mail;
0012 </author>
0013 <author>
0014 &David.Bryant;
0015 &David.Bryant.mail;
0016 </author>
0018 </authorgroup>
0020 <date>2020-09-12</date>
0021 <releaseinfo>5.14.2 (Applications 20.04.2)</releaseinfo>
0022 </chapterinfo>
0024 <title>Using &kmail;</title>
0026 <sect1 id="the-mail-reader-window">
0027 <title>The Main Window</title>
0029 <para>The main window is the window that appears
0030 when &kmail; is started. It is by default divided into three panes:</para>
0032 <variablelist>
0033 <varlistentry>
0034 <term>Folder List (on the left)</term>
0035 <listitem>
0036   <screenshot>
0037 <screeninfo>Folder Pane</screeninfo>
0038   <mediaobject>
0039     <imageobject>
0040       <imagedata fileref="folder-example.png" format="PNG"/>
0041     </imageobject>
0042     <textobject>
0043       <phrase>Folder Pane</phrase>
0044     </textobject>
0045     <caption>
0046       <para>The Folder List</para>
0047     </caption>
0048   </mediaobject>
0049 </screenshot>
0050 <para>&nbsp;</para> <!-- whitespace -->
0052 <para>This pane contains the list of your message folders (other email programs
0053 may call them mailboxes). To select a folder, simply click on
0054 it. The message header information contained in the folder will then appear in the Message List
0055 pane. The folder list can be displayed in both a short view, which takes up only
0056 a small portion of the left side of the screen, and a long view, which takes up the 
0057 entire left side of the screen (and can show more folders). You can toggle
0058 between these two views by using the <guilabel>Appearance</guilabel>/<guilabel>Layout</guilabel> tab
0059 in the <menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu><guimenuitem>Configure
0060 &kmail;...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> dialog. The top section of the folder pane provides quick links
0061 to your favorite folders. Drag and drop folders here, or add them via the &RMB; context menu item <guimenuitem>Add Favorite Folder</guimenuitem>.
0062 Please see the <link linkend="folders">Folders Section</link> for more details about folders.</para>
0063 <para>&nbsp;</para> <!-- whitespace -->
0064 </listitem>
0065 </varlistentry>
0067 <varlistentry>
0068 <term>Message List (on the upper right by default)</term>
0069 <listitem>
0070 <screenshot>
0071 <screeninfo>The Message List</screeninfo>
0072   <mediaobject>
0073     <imageobject>
0074       <imagedata fileref="message.png" format="PNG"/>
0075     </imageobject>
0076     <textobject>
0077       <phrase>The Message List</phrase>
0078     </textobject>
0079     <caption>
0080       <para>The Message List (Smart Theme)</para>
0081     </caption>
0082   </mediaobject>
0083 </screenshot>
0084 <para>&nbsp;</para> <!-- whitespace -->
0085 <para>This pane lists header information (Subject, Sender, and Date)
0086 for the messages in the currently selected folder. Clicking on an item in the Message List
0087 will select that message and display it in the Preview pane; you can also select
0088 more than one message by holding down the &Ctrl; key (or the &Shift; key) when clicking on messages.</para>
0090 <para>Change the appearance of your message list by selecting <menuchoice><guimenu>View</guimenu><guimenuitem>Message List</guimenuitem>
0091 <guimenuitem>Theme</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. You have several options here.
0092 </para>
0093 <itemizedlist>
0094   <listitem><para><guilabel>Classic</guilabel> A simple, backward compatible single row with clickable sort columns.</para></listitem>
0095   <listitem><para><guilabel>Smart</guilabel> A smart multi-line, multi-item list with status icons, and no sort columns.</para></listitem>
0096   <listitem><para><guilabel>Smart with Clickable Status</guilabel> A smart multi-line, multi-item list with clickable status icons.</para></listitem>
0097   <listitem><para><guilabel>Configure...</guilabel> Allows you to customize your own Message List Theme (&eg; add or remove columns from the clickable sort bar.)</para></listitem>
0098 </itemizedlist>
0099 <para>
0100 If you have chosen the Classic theme, you may sort the messages by clicking on the column that you wish to sort;
0101 if you click on the same column again, the sort order will toggle between ascending/descending. Clicking the &RMB; on the list header shows a pop up menu,
0102 which allows you to show or hide several columns in the list. You can customize the columns visible on the sort bar;
0103 see <link linkend="customize-messagelist-theme">Configure Appearance of Message List</link> for details.
0104 </para>
0105 <para>&nbsp;</para> <!-- whitespace -->
0106 </listitem>
0107 </varlistentry>
0108 <varlistentry id="using-message-preview-pane">
0109 <term>Preview Pane (in the lower right by default)</term>
0110 <listitem>
0111 <screenshot>
0112 <screeninfo>The Message Preview Pane</screeninfo>
0113   <mediaobject>
0114     <imageobject>
0115       <imagedata fileref="preview.png" format="PNG"/>
0116     </imageobject>
0117     <textobject>
0118       <phrase>The Message Preview Pane</phrase>
0119     </textobject>
0120     <caption>
0121       <para>The Preview Pane</para>
0122     </caption>
0123   </mediaobject>
0124 </screenshot>
0125 <para>&nbsp;</para> <!-- whitespace -->
0126 <anchor id="the-preview-pane-headers" />
0127 <para>This pane displays the currently selected message. Here are some ways to adjust the Preview pane.</para>
0128 <para>The top of the Preview pane displays the message headers. Several display options are available. Go to 
0129 <menuchoice><guimenu>View</guimenu><guisubmenu>Headers</guisubmenu></menuchoice>
0130 and try them out until you find one you like!</para>
0131 <itemizedlist id="using-header-options">
0132   <listitem><para><guilabel>Fancy Headers</guilabel> Colorful header with a spam status / attachments notification.</para></listitem>
0133   <listitem><para><guilabel>Brief Headers</guilabel> Title, and in parentheses: From, CCs (if any), and the date.</para></listitem>
0134   <listitem><para><guilabel>&kmail; 5.2</guilabel> An avatar (if available) with Title, From, To, CCs (if any), and spam status
0135     / attachments on separate lines.</para></listitem>
0136   <listitem><para><guilabel>Download New Themes...</guilabel> Allows you to download custom themes created by other &kmail; users.</para></listitem>
0137 </itemizedlist>
0138 <para>Click on the bar located on the left hand side of the pane to toggle between plain text and &HTML; (if and only if the message is coded both ways).
0139 The text on the bar will inform you which view you are in. The <menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu><guimenuitem>Configure
0140 &kmail;...</guimenuitem><guisubmenu>Security</guisubmenu></menuchoice> dialog allows you to select HTML as the default message
0141 display option, if you prefer &HTML; to plain text.</para>
0142 <para>If you would like to change the way your attachments appear in your messages, go to <menuchoice><guimenu>View</guimenu>
0143 <guisubmenu>Attachments</guisubmenu></menuchoice>.
0144 These are your options.</para>
0145 <itemizedlist id="using-attachment-view-options">
0146   <listitem><para><guimenuitem>As Icons</guimenuitem>, all attachments appear as icons at the bottom of the message.</para></listitem>
0147   <listitem><para><guimenuitem>Smart</guimenuitem> will show attachments as icons, unless the message suggests that they should be displayed inline.
0148     You can suggest that certain attachments should be shown inline in messages you compose by selecting <guilabel>Suggest automatic display</guilabel>
0149     in <link linkend="the-composer-window">the composer window</link> via the attachment's properties dialog.</para></listitem>
0150   <listitem><para><guimenuitem>Inline</guimenuitem> shows the contents of the attachments at the bottom of the message.
0151     Attachments that cannot be displayed, &eg; compressed files, will still be shown as an icon.</para></listitem>
0152   <listitem><para><guimenuitem>Hide</guimenuitem> will not show attachments.</para></listitem>
0153   <listitem><para><guimenuitem>In Header Only</guimenuitem> will suppress inline displays, but list the attachments along with
0154     the message headers.</para></listitem>
0155 </itemizedlist>
0156 <para>The interactions among the header themes, the attachment views, and the plain text versus &HTML; preferences is rather complex.
0157 For example, if you attach an HTML file to a plain text message, &kmail; will probably interpret your message as being coded in two
0158 different formats, even though this is not really the case. Similarly, &HTML; messages may display embedded images even when you have
0159 selected the "Hide" option for attachments.</para>
0161 <para>The structure of each message can be displayed by pressing <keycombo 
0162   action="simul">&Ctrl;&Alt;<keycap>D</keycap></keycombo>. This will open a message structure viewer below the preview pane.
0163   Turn the message structure viewer off by pressing the same three keys.</para>
0165 <para>You can scroll through the message page-by-page using the &PgUp; and &PgDn; keys, or line-by-line using the
0166 &Up; and &Down; keys; you can also use <link linkend="keyboard-shortcuts">keyboard shortcuts</link>
0167 to skip through your messages without having to use the mouse.</para></listitem>
0168 </varlistentry>
0169 </variablelist>
0171 </sect1>
0173 <sect1 id="keyboard-shortcuts">
0174 <title>Keyboard Shortcuts</title>
0176 <para>The following keyboard shortcuts are supported by default in the main window. Notice that
0177 many "universal" shortcuts (&eg; <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>C</keycap></keycombo> to
0178 copy selected text to the clipboard, or <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>F</keycap></keycombo>
0179 to open a "Find" dialog) are recognized by &kmail;, but are not documented here.</para>
0181 <informaltable>
0182 <tgroup cols="2">
0183 <thead>
0184 <row>
0185 <entry>Keyboard Shortcut</entry>
0186 <entry>Action</entry>
0187 </row>
0188 </thead>
0189 <tbody>
0190 <row>
0191 <entry>&Space;</entry>
0192 <entry>Scroll down in the current message.</entry>
0193 </row>
0194 <row>
0195 <entry><keycap>→</keycap> or <keycap>N</keycap></entry>
0196 <entry>Go to the next message in the current folder and display the message preview.</entry>
0197 </row>
0198 <row>
0199 <entry><keycap>←</keycap> or <keycap>P</keycap></entry>
0200 <entry>Go to the previous message in the current folder and display the message preview.</entry>
0201 </row>
0202 <row>
0203 <entry><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;&Home;</keycombo></entry>
0204 <entry>Go to the very first message in the current folder and display the message preview.</entry>
0205 </row>
0206 <row>
0207 <entry><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;&End;</keycombo></entry>
0208 <entry>Go to the very last message in the current folder and display the message preview.</entry>
0209 </row>
0210 <row>
0211 <entry><keycap>+</keycap></entry>
0212 <entry>Go to the next unread message in the current folder.</entry>
0213 </row>
0214 <row>
0215 <entry><keycap>-</keycap></entry>
0216 <entry>Go to the previous unread message in the current folder.</entry>
0217 </row>
0218 <row>
0219 <entry><keycap>C</keycap></entry>
0220 <entry>Copy this message to another folder.</entry>
0221 </row>
0222 <row>
0223 <entry><keycap>M</keycap></entry>
0224 <entry>Move this message to another folder.</entry>
0225 </row>
0226 <row>
0227 <entry><keycap>A</keycap></entry>
0228 <entry>Reply to all recipients of this message (with quote).</entry>
0229 </row>
0230 <row>
0231 <entry><keycap>R</keycap></entry>
0232 <entry>Reply to sender with quote.</entry>
0233 </row>
0234 <row>
0235 <entry><keycombo action="simul">&Shift;<keycap>R</keycap></keycombo></entry>
0236 <entry>Reply to sender without quoting anything.</entry>
0237 </row>
0238 <row>
0239 <entry><keycap>S</keycap></entry>
0240 <entry>Launch the message search dialog.</entry>
0241 </row>
0242 <row>
0243 <entry><keycap>T</keycap></entry>
0244 <entry>Open this message in the composition window.</entry>
0245 </row>
0246 <row>
0247 <entry>&Enter;</entry>
0248 <entry>View selected message in the full-screen message viewer.</entry>
0249 </row>
0250 <row>
0251 <entry><keycap>V</keycap></entry>
0252 <entry>View the raw message, headers and all, as a text file.</entry>
0253 </row>
0254 <row>
0255 <entry><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>L</keycap></keycombo></entry>
0256 <entry>Check for new messages on the server(s).</entry>
0257 </row>
0258 <row>
0259 <entry><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>N</keycap></keycombo></entry>
0260 <entry>Open the composition window to write a new message.</entry>
0261 </row>
0262 <row>
0263 <entry><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>+</keycap></keycombo></entry>
0264 <entry>Zoom in on the current message, in increments of 20%.</entry>
0265 </row>
0266 <row>
0267 <entry><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>-</keycap></keycombo></entry>
0268 <entry>Zoom out of the current message, in increments of 20%.</entry>
0269 </row>
0270 <row>
0271 <entry><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>0</keycap></keycombo></entry>
0272 <entry>Reset message Zoom factor to 100% (full size).</entry>
0273 </row>
0274 <row>
0275 <entry><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;&Alt;<keycap>D</keycap></keycombo></entry>
0276 <entry>Toggle message structure display (below the message preview pane).</entry>
0277 </row>
0278 <row>
0279 <entry><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;&Shift;<keycap>O</keycap></keycombo></entry>
0280 <entry>Create the tabbing toolbar (appears above the message list).</entry>
0281 </row>
0282 <row>
0283 <entry><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;&Shift;<keycap>W</keycap></keycombo></entry>
0284 <entry>Remove the currently active tab from the tabbing toolbar.</entry>
0285 </row>
0286 <row>
0287 <entry><keycombo action="simul">&Alt;<keycap>↑</keycap></keycombo></entry>
0288 <entry>Go to the previous folder in the folder list (if the folder list has focus).</entry>
0289 </row>
0290 <row>
0291 <entry><keycombo action="simul">&Alt;<keycap>↓</keycap></keycombo></entry>
0292 <entry>Go to the next folder in the folder list (if the folder list has focus).</entry>
0293 </row>
0294 <row>
0295 <entry><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;&Home;</keycombo></entry>
0296 <entry>Focus on the very first folder. Use
0297 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;&Space;</keycombo> to actually
0298 enter the folder.</entry>
0299 </row>
0300 <row>
0301 <entry><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;&End;</keycombo></entry>
0302 <entry>Focus on the very last folder. Use
0303 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;&Space;</keycombo> to actually
0304 enter the folder.</entry>
0305 </row>
0306 <row>
0307 <entry><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;&Space;</keycombo></entry>
0308 <entry>Enter the folder that has focus, &ie; the folder that you navigated
0309 to using <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;&Home;</keycombo> or
0310 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;&End;</keycombo>.</entry>
0311 </row>
0312 <row>
0313 <entry><keycombo action="simul">&Shift;<keycap>H</keycap></keycombo></entry>
0314 <entry>Toggle between plain text and &HTML; (unless &HTML; has been preferred 
0315 via the <guilabel>Settings</guilabel> dialog).</entry>
0316 </row>
0317 <row>    
0318 <entry><keycombo action="simul">&Shift;<keycap>←</keycap></keycombo> &amp;
0319 <keycombo action="simul">&Shift;<keycap>→</keycap></keycombo></entry>
0320 <entry>Select messages sequentially in the message list, starting with the current message.</entry>
0321 </row>
0322 </tbody>
0323 </tgroup>
0324 </informaltable>
0326 <para>For more keyboard shortcuts, take a look at the <menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu><guimenuitem>Configure
0327 Shortcuts...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> dialog. If you're not happy with the defaults, you can change them!</para>
0329 <para>Two mouse actions deserve mention here. First, you can select multiple noncontiguous messages to be processed
0330 all at once (&eg; copied, deleted, or moved) by pressing &Ctrl; and selecting them with the &LMB;. Second, you
0331 can open a message in an external window by double-clicking an item in the message list. If the message is in 
0332 the outbox, drafts, or templates folder, it will be opened in a composition window. Otherwise, it will be opened
0333 with the external message viewer, an abbreviated version of &kmail;'s main window without the folder and 
0334 message lists, and with shorter menus.</para>
0336 </sect1>
0338 <sect1 id="the-composer-window">
0339 <title>The Composer Window</title>
0340 <screenshot>
0341 <screeninfo>Composer Window</screeninfo>
0342   <mediaobject>
0343     <imageobject>
0344       <imagedata fileref="composer-window.png" format="PNG"/>
0345     </imageobject>
0346     <textobject>
0347       <phrase>Composer Window</phrase>
0348     </textobject>
0349     <caption>
0350       <para>The Composer Window in &HTML; composition mode.</para>
0351     </caption>
0352   </mediaobject>
0353 </screenshot>
0354 <para>&nbsp;</para> <!-- whitespace -->
0355 <para>The composer window is used to write new messages, to compose replies, and to forward messages.
0356   It can be opened in several ways. Here are the various options for composing messages.</para>
0357 <sect2 id="composing-a-message">
0358 <title>Composing a Message</title>
0359 <variablelist>
0360   <varlistentry id="compose-new-message"><term>New Message...</term>
0361   <listitem>
0362   <para>The New Message composer window can be invoked in four different ways:</para>
0363       <itemizedlist>
0364         <listitem>
0365           <para><menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu><guisubmenu>New</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>New Message...</guimenuitem></menuchoice></para>
0366         </listitem>
0367         <listitem>
0368           <para><menuchoice><guimenu>Message</guimenu><guimenuitem>New Message...</guimenuitem></menuchoice></para>
0369         </listitem>
0370         <listitem>
0371           <para>Via the <guiicon><inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="mail-message-new.png" format="PNG"/>
0372           </imageobject></inlinemediaobject> New</guiicon> icon on the main toolbar.</para>
0373         </listitem>
0374         <listitem>
0375           <para>Via the keyboard shortcut <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>N</keycap></keycombo>.</para>
0376         </listitem>
0377       </itemizedlist>
0378       <para>To write your message, fill in the appropriate fields in the
0379         composer window. Use the <guimenu>View</guimenu> menu
0380         to select which header fields are displayed. Any selection you make will remain as the
0381         default when you open a new composer window. These items are available.</para>
0382       <itemizedlist id="composer-headers">
0383         <listitem>
0384           <para>The <guimenuitem>Identity</guimenuitem> drop down box lets you select an identity to use.</para>
0385         </listitem>
0386         <listitem>
0387           <para>The <guimenuitem>Dictionary</guimenuitem> drop down box lets you choose a dictionary for spell checking.</para>
0388         </listitem>
0389         <listitem>
0390           <para><guimenuitem>Sent-Mail Folder</guimenuitem> lets you specify where a local copy of this message will be saved when you send it.</para>
0391         </listitem>
0392         <listitem>
0393           <para><guimenuitem>Mail Transport</guimenuitem> lets you select an outgoing mail server.</para>
0394         </listitem>
0395         <listitem>
0396           <para>The traditional From:, To:, and Subject: fields. (The Reply To: field will appear only if you have
0397             specified an alternative <guilabel>Reply To</guilabel> address on the <guilabel>Advanced</guilabel> tab
0398             in the <menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu><guisubmenu>Configure &kmail;...</guisubmenu>
0399             <guisubmenu>Accounts</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Identities</guimenuitem></menuchoice> dialog.)</para>
0400         </listitem>
0401         <listitem>
0402           <para><guimenuitem>Use Fixed Font</guimenuitem> toggles fixed width fonts on and off.</para>
0403         </listitem>
0404         <listitem>
0405           <para><guimenuitem>Snippets</guimenuitem> displays the snippets window, where you may save frequently used bits of verbiage.</para>
0406         </listitem>
0407       </itemizedlist>
0409 <para>There are a variety of shortcuts to help you select
0410 recipients. The <guibutton>Select...</guibutton> button next to
0411 the <guilabel>To:</guilabel>, <guilabel>CC:</guilabel>, and
0412 <guilabel>BCC:</guilabel> fields opens a list from &kaddressbook; so you can
0413 select one or more people who should receive this message.</para>
0415 <para>Alternatively, when you start typing an address in one of the
0416 <guilabel>To:</guilabel>/<guilabel>CC:</guilabel>/<guilabel>BCC:</guilabel>
0417 fields, a popup will appear that suggests similar recently used addresses
0418 and closely matching addresses from &kaddressbook;; if you do not like this automatic 
0419 popup, you can disable it by clicking the &RMB; in the field where you're typing, then choosing 
0420 a different <guilabel>Text Completion &gt;</guilabel> mode. You can also use this context menu to fine-tune the
0421 order in which suggested completions appear (via <guilabel>Configure Completion...</guilabel>).</para>
0423 <para>Whenever you want to add more than one
0424 recipient in one of the fields, use a comma to separate one address
0425 from the next one. 
0426 <!-- fixme: there's now a setting for this: -->
0427 You may have to specify fully qualified addresses
0428 (&ie; <userinput>user@example.com</userinput>) even for local
0429 users, depending on your system configuration.</para>
0431 <para>When you are finished with your message, click the <guiicon><inlinemediaobject><imageobject>
0432 <imagedata fileref="mail-send.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> Send</guiicon> icon to send the message now,
0433 or click the <guiicon><inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="mail-queue.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject>
0434 </inlinemediaobject> Queue</guiicon> icon to put the message in the outbox.
0435 If your message is not finished yet, select <menuchoice><guimenu>Message</guimenu><guimenuitem>Save as Draft</guimenuitem></menuchoice>
0436 to save it for later editing.
0437 If you want to print your message, select <menuchoice><guimenu>Message</guimenu><guimenuitem>Print Preview</guimenuitem></menuchoice>
0438 to preview the message, and <menuchoice><guimenu>Message</guimenu><guimenuitem>Print</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to print it.</para>
0439   <para id="send-later"><menuchoice><guimenu>Message</guimenu><guimenuitem>Send Later</guimenuitem></menuchoice>
0440     lets you schedule your emails to be sent at a specific date and time. Please see 
0441     <ulink url="help:/akonadi_sendlater_agent">Send Later Agent</ulink> for details.</para>
0442 <para>&nbsp;</para> <!-- whitespace -->
0443 </listitem>
0444 </varlistentry>
0445 <varlistentry id="new-compose-from-templates">
0446     <term><menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu><guisubmenu>New</guisubmenu><guisubmenu>Message From Template</guisubmenu>
0447     <guimenuitem><replaceable>My Super Template</replaceable></guimenuitem></menuchoice></term>
0448   <listitem>
0449     <para>Composing a new message from a template is useful when you have created a masterpiece
0450     that you would like to use as a template for future new messages.
0451     Select <menuchoice><guimenu>Message</guimenu><guimenuitem>Save as Template</guimenuitem></menuchoice>; this will place your new template in
0452     the <guilabel>templates</guilabel> folder. You can revise the template at any time by selecting it from this folder.
0453     Double click on the template's name (or press the shortcut key, <keycap>T</keycap>) to open it in a composition window.
0454     You may also select the template via the <guimenu>File</guimenu> menu, as shown above.</para>
0455   <para>&nbsp;</para> <!-- whitespace -->
0456   </listitem>
0457 </varlistentry>
0458 </variablelist>
0459 </sect2>
0461 <sect2 id="encrypt-sign">
0462 <title>Signing and Encrypting Messages</title>
0464 <para>
0465 If you want to send an <link linkend="pgp-encrypt-your-messages">encrypted</link>
0466 or <link linkend="pgp-sign-your-messages">digitally signed</link> message, select the
0467 <guiicon><inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="document-edit.png" format="PNG"/>
0468 </imageobject></inlinemediaobject> Sign</guiicon> and / or <guiicon><inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata
0469 fileref="document-decrypt.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> Encrypt</guiicon> icon in the toolbar.
0470 Use the <menuchoice><guimenuitem>Options</guimenuitem><guisubmenu>Cryptographic Message
0471 Format &gt;</guisubmenu></menuchoice> dropdown list to select the format used to encrypt the 
0472 message. (The <guilabel>Options</guilabel> menu also lets you sign / encrypt the message.)
0473 You may choose one of five formatting options.
0474 </para>
0476 <variablelist id="cryptographic-message-formats">
0477 <varlistentry>
0478 <term><guilabel>Any</guilabel></term>
0479 <listitem>
0480 <para>&kmail; will use a format which is understood by all recipients of the
0481 message. The preferred format for each recipient can be specified via 
0482 <ulink url="help:/kaddressbook">&kaddressbook;</ulink>.</para></listitem>
0483 </varlistentry>
0484 <varlistentry>
0485 <term><guilabel>Inline OpenPGP (deprecated)</guilabel></term>
0486 <listitem>
0487 <para>This format is deprecated, but is supported for backward compatibility. If you use this format then only the
0488 message text will be signed and/or encrypted. <emphasis>Attachments will 
0489 neither be signed nor encrypted.</emphasis> &HTML; messages cannot be signed
0490 with this format. You should only use this format
0491 when necessary, &ie; if you send messages to people who use email clients that cannot
0492 handle the more advanced formats.</para></listitem>
0493 </varlistentry>
0494 <varlistentry>
0495 <term><guilabel>OpenPGP/&MIME;</guilabel></term>
0496 <listitem>
0497 <para>This format is the successor to the inline OpenPGP format. If you
0498 use this format then the message text and all attachments will be signed
0499 and/or encrypted (at least by default). This is the recommended format if you
0500 use OpenPGP encryption.</para></listitem>
0501 </varlistentry>
0502 <varlistentry>
0503 <term><guilabel>S/&MIME;</guilabel></term>
0504 <listitem>
0505 <para>This format is an alternative format to OpenPGP/&MIME;. If you
0506 use this format then the message text and all attachments will be signed
0507 and/or encrypted (at least by default). This format is mostly used by
0508 corporations. It relies on an x.509 certificate, not a PGP / GPG key.</para></listitem>
0509 </varlistentry>
0510 <varlistentry>
0511 <term><guilabel>S/&MIME; opaque</guilabel></term>
0512 <listitem>
0513 <para>This format is a variant of the S/&MIME; format. Because it rolls the message, any attachments,
0514 and the digital signature into a single &MIME; object, it is cpu-intensive and should only be
0515 used if necessary.</para></listitem>
0516 </varlistentry>
0517 </variablelist>
0518 <para>&nbsp;</para> <!-- whitespace -->
0519 </sect2>
0521 <sect2 id="html-mails">
0522 <title>Creating &HTML; Messages</title>
0524 <para>Note that &HTML; messages are often regarded as an annoyance; therefore,
0525 you should use &HTML; messages judiciously. In particular, you should never
0526 send &HTML; messages to mailing list recipients unless &HTML; messages are explicitly
0527 allowed.</para>
0529 <para>To create &HTML; messages, you must first enable
0530 the markup tools. To do this, enable <guimenuitem>Rich Text Editing</guimenuitem>
0531 in the <menuchoice><guimenu>Options</guimenu></menuchoice> menu, or click on
0532 the <guiicon><inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="preferences-desktop-font.png"
0533 format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> Rich Text</guiicon> icon on the &kmail; toolbar.
0534 An additional toolbar with several formatting tools will appear. Via the &HTML; toolbar you can choose
0535 standard text or bulleted / numbered lists. (Use the <guilabel>None <inlinemediaobject><imageobject>
0536 <imagedata fileref="go-down.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject></guilabel>
0537 drop-down list at the left edge of the toolbar to control the style of bulleted / numbered lists.)
0538 You can also control the font family, the font size, the font style (bold,
0539 italic, underlined, or strike-through) and the text / background color. And you can specify
0540 the alignment of the text (left aligned, centered, right aligned, or justified) and
0541 insert anchor tags (aka links), horizontal lines, images, tables, and arbitrary &HTML; code
0542 (although support for some of the more advanced &HTML; tags is still incomplete).</para>
0543 <para>&nbsp;</para> <!-- whitespace -->
0544 </sect2>
0546 <sect2 id="attachments">
0547 <title>Adding Attachments</title>
0549 <para>You can attach files to your message by using any of these methods.</para>
0551 <itemizedlist>
0552 <listitem>
0553 <para>Use the <menuchoice><guimenu>Attach</guimenu><guisubmenu>Attach
0554 &gt;</guisubmenu></menuchoice> dropdown list and ensuing dialog to choose a file;</para>
0555 </listitem>
0556 <listitem>
0557 <para>Click the <guiicon><inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="mail-attachment.png" format="PNG"/>
0558 </imageobject></inlinemediaobject> Attach </guiicon> icon and select the file you wish to attach;</para>
0559 </listitem>
0560 <listitem>
0561 <para>Drag a file from the desktop or another folder into the
0562 composer window;</para> 
0563 </listitem>
0564 <listitem>
0565 <para>Drag a message from &kmail;'s message list into the composer
0566 window – that message will then be attached;</para>
0567 </listitem>
0568 <listitem>
0569 <para>Select one of the additional options in the
0570 <menuchoice><guimenu>Attach</guimenu></menuchoice> menu; or</para>
0571 </listitem>
0572 <listitem>
0573 <para> Select <menuchoice><guimenu>Message</guimenu><guimenuitem><inlinemediaobject><imageobject>
0574 <imagedata fileref="document-open.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> Insert Text File ...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>
0575 or <menuchoice><guimenu>Message</guimenu><guimenuitem><inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="document-open.png" format="PNG"/>
0576 </imageobject></inlinemediaobject> Insert Recent Text File  &gt;</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para>
0577 </listitem>
0578 </itemizedlist>
0580 <para>Once a file is attached to your message, it appears in the attachments
0581 pane at the bottom of the composer window. You can use the
0582 &RMB; on each attachment to <guimenuitem>View</guimenuitem>, <guimenuitem>Open</guimenuitem>,
0583 <guimenuitem>Edit</guimenuitem>, <guimenuitem>Reload</guimenuitem>,
0584 <guimenuitem>Save As...</guimenuitem>, or <guimenuitem>Remove</guimenuitem> the
0585 attachment. (This context menu varies a little, depending on the file type of the
0586 attachment.) Several options (Compress / Encrypt / Sign / Suggest Automatic Display) may
0587 be toggled on or off for each file attached to a message.</para>
0589 <para>Use the <guimenuitem>Properties</guimenuitem> item in the context menu to
0590 open the <guilabel>Attachment Properties</guilabel> dialog.
0591 The first field contains the attachment's &MIME; type. Just like the <guilabel>Name</guilabel>
0592 field, it is automatically filled with an appropriate value. Sometimes the
0593 &MIME; type may be wrong. You can then type in any &MIME; type or
0594 choose from the list of common &MIME; types. You can also select an encoding
0595 method for your file from the list of encoding options (normally, the default
0596 value works fine). Check the <guilabel>Suggest automatic display</guilabel> option 
0597 if you want to suggest to the recipient the automatic (inline) display of this attachment. 
0598 Whether this works, or not, depends on the recipient's email client,
0599 and on his settings.</para>
0601 <para>You can also attach public crypto keys to the message by choosing the appropriate options in the
0602 <menuchoice><guimenu>Attach</guimenu></menuchoice> menu. <application>GnuPG</application>
0603 keys and x.509 certificates are (usually) handled as file attachments.</para>
0605 </sect2>
0607 <sect2 id="checking-the-spelling-of-your-message">
0608 <title>Checking the Spelling of your Message</title>
0610 <para>&kmail; can automatically check the spelling of your message
0611 and underline unknown words in red. If there are too many
0612 unknown words, &kmail; will disable its checking. To select the language
0613 used when checking, select <menuchoice><guimenu>View</guimenu>
0614 <guimenuitem>Dictionary</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. You can disable
0615 automatic spell checking in the <menuchoice><guimenu>Options</guimenu></menuchoice> menu.</para>
0616 <para>If you need to write mails in different languages, enable the <guilabel>Dictionary</guilabel> 
0617 drop down box with <menuchoice><guimenu>View</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Dictionary</guimenuitem></menuchoice> 
0618 from the menu. Using this drop down box allows you to change the spell checker's language with one mouse click.
0619 </para>
0620 <para>To check the spelling of your message via a dialog, select
0621 <menuchoice><guimenu>Tools</guimenu>
0622 <guimenuitem>Spelling...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. &kmail; uses 
0623 &sonnet; to check spelling; &sonnet; is the &kde; frontend to the 
0624 <application>Aspell</application>, <application>Hspell</application>,
0625 <application>Enchant</application>, and <application>HUNSPELL</application> spell
0626 checking programs. Note that you may need to configure the spell checker using
0627 <menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu>
0628 <guimenuitem>Spellchecker...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para>
0630 </sect2>
0632 <sect2 id="setup-text-snippets">
0633 <title>Setting Up the Text Snippets Tool</title>
0634 <para>
0635 When editing in the composer window you can insert frequently used bits of text as snippets. To configure mail snippets, select <menuchoice> 
0636 <guimenu>View</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Snippets</guimenuitem> </menuchoice> from the menubar. A new panel will appear on the right side of the composer window.
0637 </para>
0638 <para>To add a new snippet to the Snippet Panel, right click on the panel, then click <menuchoice><guimenu>Add Snippet</guimenu></menuchoice>
0639 in the context menu. A snippet editor dialog will appear, in which new text can be added and the snippet can be given a name. A
0640 <guilabel>Shortcut</guilabel> can also be associated with the snippet. 
0641 Snippets can be grouped together by creating groups and adding snippets to a particular group.
0642 Use the &RMB; context menu to add, edit, or remove snippets of text from the saved collection.
0643 </para>
0644 <para>The <guilabel>Snippets</guilabel> tool enables insertion of variable text in predefined places any time you insert a snippet
0645 in a file. To do this, <guilabel>Snippets</guilabel> provides its own variables mechanism. You can insert variables in the snippet
0646 text itself by using separators ( $ ) to enclose the variable names. For example: $variablename$, $invoicenumber$, $weekno$.
0647 </para>
0648 <para>
0649   The variable separator can be changed to another character by changing <varname>snippetDelimiter</varname> in the
0650   [SnippetPart] section in the Text Snippet configuration file, which can be found at ~./config/kmailsnippetrc.
0651 <programlisting>
0652 snippetDelimiter=$
0653 </programlisting>
0655 </para>
0657 </sect2>
0658 <sect2 id="using-the-translator">
0659   <title>Using the Built-in Translator</title>
0660   <para>The &kmail; 2 composer provides a built-in translator that can be accessed by selecting
0661     <menuchoice><guimenu>Tools</guimenu><guimenuitem>Translator</guimenuitem></menuchoice> from the
0662     menu bar. A new panel will appear at the bottom of the composer window.</para>
0663     <para> To translate a section of text, first enter the text you would like translated in the
0664         box labeled <guilabel>Drag text that you want to translate.</guilabel>. Select the language in
0665     which it is written in the <guilabel>From:</guilabel> drop down box. Select the language you
0666     would like to translate to in the <guilabel>To:</guilabel> drop down box, then click the
0667     <guibutton>Translate</guibutton> button. After being translated by Google Translate, a free online service,
0668     your translated text will appear in the next box. If you need to translate in the other direction
0669     you can just click the <guibutton>Invert</guibutton> button.
0670     To clear all text, click the <guibutton>Clear</guibutton> button. </para>
0671 </sect2>
0672 </sect1>
0674 <sect1 id="folders">
0675 <title>Message Folders</title>
0676 <screenshot>
0677 <screeninfo>Folder Setup Example</screeninfo>
0678   <mediaobject>
0679     <imageobject>
0680       <imagedata fileref="folder-example.png" format="PNG"/>
0681     </imageobject>
0682     <textobject>
0683       <phrase>Folder Setup Example</phrase>
0684     </textobject>
0685     <caption>
0686       <para>&kmail;'s default folders.</para>
0687     </caption>
0688   </mediaobject>
0689 </screenshot>
0690 <para>&nbsp;</para> <!-- whitespace -->
0691 <para>Message Folders are used to organize your email messages. When you
0692   first start &kmail; the <quote>Local Folders</quote> containing <guilabel>inbox</guilabel>,
0693 <guilabel>outbox</guilabel>, <guilabel>sent-mail</guilabel>,
0694 <guilabel>trash</guilabel>, <guilabel>drafts</guilabel> and <guilabel>templates</guilabel> 
0695 folders are created. Each of these folders has a special function.</para>
0696 <variablelist>
0697 <varlistentry>
0698 <term><guilabel>inbox:</guilabel></term>
0699 <listitem>
0700 <para>Where &kmail; by default puts your new messages when you tell it to check your
0701   mail. </para><note><para>&IMAP; accounts will not use this inbox. The &IMAP; inbox is located on the &IMAP; server.</para></note>
0702 </listitem>
0703 </varlistentry>
0704 <varlistentry>
0705 <term><guilabel>outbox:</guilabel></term>
0706 <listitem>
0707 <para>Where messages are put while they are waiting to be delivered.
0708 You must not just drag and drop messages here to send them; use the <guiicon><inlinemediaobject>
0709 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="mail-send.png" format="PNG"/>
0710 </imageobject></inlinemediaobject> Send</guiicon>
0711 icon in the composer window instead.</para>
0712 </listitem></varlistentry>
0713 <varlistentry>
0714 <term><guilabel>sent-mail:</guilabel></term>
0715 <listitem>
0716 <para>By default, a copy of every message you send is saved in this folder.</para>
0717 </listitem></varlistentry>
0718 <varlistentry>
0719 <term><guilabel>trash:</guilabel></term>
0720 <listitem>
0721 <para>By default, all messages that you have designated as trash are moved into this folder.</para>
0722 </listitem></varlistentry>
0723 <varlistentry>
0724 <term><guilabel>drafts:</guilabel></term>
0725 <listitem>
0726 <para>Contains messages you started to write but then saved to this
0727   folder with <menuchoice><guimenu>Message</guimenu><guimenuitem>Save as Draft</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para>
0728 </listitem></varlistentry>
0729 <varlistentry>
0730 <term><guilabel>templates:</guilabel></term>
0731 <listitem>
0732 <para>This folder holds your templates created via <menuchoice><guimenu>Message</guimenu><guimenuitem>Save as Template</guimenuitem></menuchoice>
0733 from the composer window. Please see <link linkend="new-compose-from-templates">New Composer Templates</link> for details.</para>
0734 </listitem></varlistentry>
0735 </variablelist>
0736 <para>&nbsp;</para> <!-- whitespace -->
0737 <sect2 id="folder-details">
0738 <title>Creating and Using Folders</title>
0740 <para>Organize your emails (&eg; mailing lists, bills and receipts, &etc;) by creating new folders. To create a new folder, select
0741 <menuchoice><guimenu>Folder</guimenu><guimenuitem>Add Folder...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>, or <guimenuitem>Add Folder...</guimenuitem> from
0742 the &RMB; context menu. A dialog will pop up. Enter the name of the new folder in the text box. You can fully customize each folder
0743 (&ie; views, replies, &etc;) by selecting the folder you wish to modify in the folders pane and then choosing <guimenuitem>Folder
0744 Properties</guimenuitem> from the &RMB; context menu.
0745 See <link linkend="folders-properties-window">Properties of Folders</link> for details.</para>
0747 <para>To move messages from one folder into another, select the message(s) you want to move and press the <keycap>M</keycap> key or select
0748 <menuchoice><guimenu>Message</guimenu><guimenuitem>Move Message To... &gt;</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. A list of folders will appear; select the folder
0749 into which you wish to move the message from that list. Messages can also be moved by dragging them from the Message list to a folder in the Folder
0750 list, or by using a context menu invoked with the &RMB;.</para>
0752 <para>If you have folders that are frequently accessed, you can add them to your favorite folders pane (above the list of folders). Add them with the &RMB;
0753 context menu option <guimenuitem>Add to Favorite Folders</guimenuitem>.</para>
0755 <para>You can create a virtual folder with search parameters by going to <menuchoice><guimenu>Tools</guimenu>
0756 <guimenuitem>Find Messages...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>, or by using keyboard shortcut <keycap>S</keycap>. Enter your search parameters into the dialog. Name
0757 your search with the <guilabel>Search folder name:</guilabel> textbox, &eg; <replaceable>emails with the word Blog</replaceable>. Click the <guibutton>Search</guibutton> button. Now select
0758 the <guibutton>Open Search Folder</guibutton> button. A results folder will open, positioned at the bottom of the Folder pane.
0759 (By default, each new search is named "Last Search". You can save particular search parameters by assigning a special name as described above.)</para>
0761 <para>Creating filters to automatically move messages to specified folders is a great way to organize messages by mailing list, sender, subject &etc;
0762 Please see <link linkend="filters">Filters</link> for details.</para>
0764 <para>If you receive emails from a trusted source (&eg; a Blog you signed up for) that is formatted in &HTML; 
0765 and you would like to enable &HTML; view for those emails only, you can create a new folder, set up a 
0766 <link linkend="filters">filter</link> to place all email from the Blog in the new folder,
0767 select the folder, and then choose <menuchoice><guimenu>Folder</guimenu><guimenuitem>Message Default Format  &gt;</guimenuitem>
0768 <guimenuitem>Prefer &HTML; to Plain Text</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para>
0769 <para>&nbsp;</para> <!-- whitespace -->
0771 <para>Some common folder actions are</para>
0772 <variablelist>
0773 <varlistentry>
0774 <term><menuchoice><guimenu>Folder</guimenu><guimenuitem>Move All Messages to Trash</guimenuitem></menuchoice></term>
0775 <listitem>
0776 <para><action>Move</action> all the messages in the selected folder to the trash folder.</para>
0777 </listitem></varlistentry>
0778 <varlistentry>
0779 <term><menuchoice><guimenu>Folder</guimenu><guimenuitem>Archive Folder</guimenuitem></menuchoice></term>
0780 <listitem>
0781 <para><action>Create an archive</action> of the folder. See <link linkend="folder-archive">Archive Folder</link> for details.</para>
0782 </listitem></varlistentry>
0783 <varlistentry>
0784 <term><menuchoice><guimenu>Folder</guimenu><guimenuitem>Delete Folder</guimenuitem></menuchoice></term>
0785 <listitem>
0786 <para><action>Remove a folder</action> with all its messages and sub-folders.</para>
0787 </listitem></varlistentry>
0788 <varlistentry>
0789 <term><menuchoice><guimenu>Folder</guimenu><guimenuitem>Remove Duplicate Messages</guimenuitem></menuchoice></term>
0790 <listitem>
0791 <para><action>Search</action> the currently selected folder for duplicates and <action>delete</action> them.</para>
0792 </listitem></varlistentry>
0793 </variablelist>
0794 <para>&nbsp;</para> <!-- whitespace -->
0795 </sect2>
0797 <sect2 id="folders-properties-window">
0798 <title>Folder Properties</title>
0799 <screenshot>
0800 <screeninfo>Folder Properties Example</screeninfo>
0801   <mediaobject>
0802     <imageobject>
0803       <imagedata fileref="folder-properties.png" format="PNG"/>
0804     </imageobject>
0805     <textobject>
0806       <phrase>Folder Properties Example</phrase>
0807     </textobject>
0808     <caption>
0809       <para>The Folder Properties Dialog</para>
0810     </caption>
0811   </mediaobject>
0812 </screenshot>
0813 <para>&nbsp;</para> <!-- whitespace -->
0814 <para>The <guilabel>Properties of Folder</guilabel> dialog lets you specify its properties. Note that some properties are only
0815 available for the folders you create and not for default folders like <guilabel>inbox</guilabel> &etc; The six default folders cannot be renamed.</para>
0817 <sect3 id="folders-properties-general">
0818 <title>General tab</title>
0819 <para>If you want to rename a folder, change the entry in the <guilabel>Name:</guilabel> field.</para>
0821 <para><guilabel>Act on new/unread mail in this folder</guilabel> is enabled by default on new folders. It enables notifications about new mail that arrives in the folder. Uncheck this option on folders like SPAM and trash for which you do not desire notifications.</para>
0822 <para>Check <guilabel>Keep replies in this folder</guilabel> if you want
0823 replies to these messages to be stored in this folder rather than in the default configured sent-mail folder.</para>
0825 <para>Check <guilabel>Hide this folder in the folder selection dialog</guilabel> if you do not want this folder to be shown in folder selection dialogs,
0826 such as the <guimenuitem>Jump to Folder</guimenuitem> and <guimenuitem>Move Message to</guimenuitem> dialogs.</para>
0828 <para>New folders use the default identity. If you wish to associate a folder with a different identity, uncheck
0829 <guilabel>Use default identity</guilabel> and select a different one
0830 from the <guilabel>Sender identity</guilabel> drop down menu. See <link linkend="configure-identity">Identities configuration</link> for
0831 information on Identities. Replies to messages that were sent directly to you will still default to the message's <quote>To</quote> address if a
0832 matching identity is found.</para>
0834 <!-- <para>If you have groupware, you can change the contents &eg; calendar, notes, &etc; of the folder in the
0835 <guilabel>Folder contents:</guilabel> drop down box.</para>
0837 <para>If you share the folder with other users, you can <guilabel>Share unread state with all users</guilabel> which will show the same unread state for all users.</para>
0838 <informalexample><para>For example, a ticket system that all emails must be read and multiple users are responsible for reading unread tickets.</para></informalexample> -->  <!-- I cannot find any "groupware" functionality in kmail. @dcb2020291 -->
0839 </sect3>
0841 <sect3 id="folders-properties-view">
0842 <title>View tab</title>
0843 <para>The <guilabel>Use custom icons</guilabel> option lets you choose icons that are different from the defaults in the folder list.</para>
0844 <para>With the <guilabel>Show column</guilabel> drop down list you can set the visible columns in the header pane to Default, Sender, or Receiver. This may be useful
0845 if you use a custom folder to save some of your own sent messages.</para>
0846 <para>In the <guilabel>Message List</guilabel> section you can select and configure an <guilabel>Aggregation</guilabel> and <guilabel>Theme</guilabel>
0847 for this folder that differs from the default configured in &kmail;s settings. For more details see the <link linkend="configure-appearance-message-list">
0848 Message List</link> tab on the <guilabel>Appearance</guilabel> page.</para>
0849 <para>The <guilabel>Message Default Format</guilabel> section lets you choose between plain and &HTML; displays for messages in this folder.</para>
0850 </sect3>
0852 <sect3 id="folders-properties-retrieval">
0853 <title>Retrieval tab</title>
0854 <para>If you have an account that does not receive much mail and you don't want &kmail; to query the server too often, you can uncheck <guilabel>Use options from parent folder or account</guilabel> to set
0855 a longer interval in the <guilabel>Automatically synchronize after:</guilabel> spin box.</para>
0856 <para>In <guilabel>Retrieval Options</guilabel> you can change the <guilabel>Always retrieve full messages</guilabel> option to <guilabel>Retrieve message
0857 bodies on demand</guilabel> if you have a slow connection. You can also set how long the message will be retained locally via the spin box.
0858 </para>
0859 </sect3>
0861 <sect3 id="folders-properties-templates">
0862 <title>Templates tab</title>
0863 <para>On this tab you can define folder-specific templates for your custom folders.  
0864 For more details see the <link linkend="configure-composer-standard-templates">
0865 Standard Templates</link> tab on the <guilabel>Composer</guilabel> page.
0866 </para>
0867 </sect3>
0869 <sect3 id="folders-properties-expiry">
0870 <title>Expiry tab</title>
0871 <para>You can set up automatic cleanup or deletion of emails. Check the box if you would like to automatically expire
0872 read or unread messages respectively. Set the number of days in the spin box. If you do not want to delete the messages permanently, you can
0873 assign a folder to keep them in via the <guilabel>Move expired messages to:</guilabel> text box / folder selection dialog. Once you have reviewed
0874 the messages and want to delete them permanently,
0875 you can go to the folder expiry options of the folder you chose to move them to and set the option <guilabel>Delete expired messages
0876 permanently</guilabel>, then click the <guibutton>Save Settings and Expire Now</guibutton> button.
0877 </para>
0878 <warning><para>Messages that are deleted cannot be restored, so be careful with this setting.</para></warning>
0879 <para>&nbsp;</para> <!-- whitespace -->
0880 </sect3>
0882 <sect3 id="folders-properties-mailinglist">
0883 <title>Mailing List tab</title>
0885 <para>If you are going to use the folder for a mailing list open the
0886 <guilabel>Mailing List Folder Properties</guilabel> dialog with
0887 <menuchoice><guimenu>Folder</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Mailing List Management</guimenuitem>
0888 </menuchoice> from the menu. Then you should
0889 check <guilabel>Folder holds a mailing list</guilabel> to associate this folder
0890 with the mailing list. Next you should click on <guilabel>Detect Automatically</guilabel>. &kmail; will then try
0891 to guess some information about the mailing list from the currently selected
0892 message. If &kmail; could not determine some addresses then you can add
0893 the missing information manually. To do this first select the
0894 <guilabel>Address type</guilabel> for which you want to add an address.
0895 You can choose among five options.</para>
0896 <variablelist>
0897 <varlistentry id="folders-properties-mailinglist-post">
0898 <term><guilabel>Post to List</guilabel></term>
0899 <listitem>
0900 <para>This address is used for sending messages to the mailing list. This is usually an email address.</para>
0901 </listitem></varlistentry>
0902 <varlistentry id="folders-properties-mailinglist-subscribe">
0903 <term><guilabel>Subscribe to List</guilabel></term>
0904 <listitem>
0905 <para>This address is used for subscribing to the mailing list. This can be an email address or the address of a web page.</para>
0906 </listitem></varlistentry>
0907 <varlistentry id="folders-properties-mailinglist-unsubscribe">
0908 <term><guilabel>Unsubscribe From List</guilabel></term>
0909 <listitem><para>This address is used for unsubscribing from the mailing list. This can be an email address or the address of a web page.</para>
0910 </listitem></varlistentry>
0911 <varlistentry id="folders-properties-mailinglist-archive">
0912 <term><guilabel>List Archives</guilabel></term>
0913 <listitem><para>This is the address of the archive of the mailing list. This is usually the address of a web page.</para>
0914 </listitem></varlistentry>
0915 <varlistentry id="folders-properties-mailinglist-help">
0916 <term><guilabel>List Help</guilabel></term>
0917 <listitem>
0918 <para>This address is used for requesting help for this mailing list. This is usually an email address.</para>
0919 </listitem></varlistentry>
0920 </variablelist>
0922 <para>After selecting the appropriate <guilabel>Address type</guilabel>,
0923 enter the email address or the address of the web page and then click on
0924 <guilabel>Add</guilabel>. With <guilabel>Remove</guilabel> you can remove
0925 addresses.</para>
0927 <para>When all the addresses have been added, you can execute an action, &eg;
0928 go to the list archives, by selecting the appropriate
0929 <guilabel>Address type</guilabel> and then clicking on
0930 <guilabel>Invoke Handler</guilabel>. If there is an email address and an
0931 address of a web page for the desired action, you will have to select
0932 the <guilabel>Preferred handler</guilabel> prior to clicking on
0933 <guilabel>Invoke Handler</guilabel>. Select <guilabel>KMail</guilabel> if you
0934 want to send a message to the email address and select
0935 <guilabel>Browser</guilabel> if you want to go to the web page.</para>
0937 <para>You can also send a new message to the
0938 mailing list via <menuchoice><guimenu>Message</guimenu><guimenuitem>New
0939         Message to Mailing-List...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> (instead of <guilabel>Invoke Handler</guilabel>).</para>
0940 </sect3>
0942 <sect3 id="folders-properties-shortcut">
0943 <title>Shortcut tab</title>
0944 <para>You can define a keyboard shortcut to access the folder.</para>
0945 </sect3>
0947 <sect3 id="folders-properties-maintainance">
0948 <title>Maintenance tab</title>
0949 <para>This tab shows an overview about the folder type and its size, 
0950 the number of read and unread messages in the folder and allows you to enable
0951 text indexing.</para>
0952 </sect3>
0954 <sect3 id="folders-properties-quota">
0955 <title>Quota tab (&IMAP; only)</title>
0956 <para>
0957 This tab will show you how much space has been allocated to your &IMAP; account by the server,
0958 and also how much of the allocated space you are currently using.
0959 </para>
0960 </sect3>
0962 <sect3 id="folders-properties-acl">
0963 <title>Access Control tab (&IMAP; only)</title>
0964 <para>Here you can manage the access control lists (&acl;s) of &IMAP; folders.</para>
0965 <note><para>The &IMAP; server must have user level &acl; configured and enabled for this tab to be visible.</para></note>
0966 <para>The currently active &acl; is shown in the list. It consists of pairs of <guilabel>User Id</guilabel>s and the
0967  <guilabel>Permissions</guilabel> granted to users identified by that <guilabel>User Id</guilabel>.
0968  <footnote>
0969  <para>Note that a single <guilabel>User Id</guilabel> might refer to more than one user. Depending on the &IMAP;
0970  server and its configuration, there may be User Ids that correspond to groups of users, anonymous users, or any user.
0971  Consult the manual of your specific &IMAP; server implementation for more information.</para>
0972  </footnote> &acl;s are settable per-folder.</para>
0973  <note><para>As with everything else when using <emphasis>disconnected &IMAP;</emphasis>, you need to sync with the server for
0974  the changes to be transferred to the server.</para></note>
0975 <para>&IMAP; &acl;s define a lot of fine-grained permissions that you can grant or deny other users. For the sake of clarity,
0976  &kmail; will present them as the following five categories that you can choose from (see <xref linkend="table-acl-summary"/>
0977  for the details if you already know &IMAP; &acl;s).</para>
0978 <variablelist>
0979 <varlistentry id="folders-properties-acl-none">
0980 <term><guilabel>None</guilabel></term>
0981 <listitem>
0982 <para>Grants the users identified by <guilabel>User Id</guilabel> no rights at all. This is also the
0983  default for users not explicitly (or implicitly, as a group) listed in the &acl;. These users will not see this folder in the list of
0984  &IMAP; folders presented to them by their mail clients.</para>
0985 </listitem></varlistentry>
0986 <varlistentry id="folders-properties-acl-read">
0987 <term><guilabel>Read</guilabel></term>
0988 <listitem>
0989 <para>Grants the users identified by <guilabel>User Id</guilabel> reading rights for this folder. This also
0990  includes the ability for their mail clients to mark mails as read and store this information on the server.
0991 <footnote>
0992 <para>Every user has their own list of read mail, so none of your unread mails will suddenly be marked as
0993  read just because someone else has already read them.</para>
0994 </footnote>
0995 </para>
0996 <para>These users will see this folder in the list of &IMAP; folders presented to them by their mail clients.</para>
0997 <para>Use this to create a shared folder that others can read, but not modify.</para>
0998 <informalexample>
0999 <para>If you were the editor of a company's news letter, you could create a folder for the purpose of
1000  distributing the news letter, grant everyone reading rights, and save the letter to this folder instead
1001  of sending it out by email to a catch-all address.</para>
1002 </informalexample>
1003 </listitem></varlistentry>
1004 <varlistentry id="folders-properties-acl-append">
1005 <term><guilabel>Append</guilabel></term>
1006 <listitem>
1007 <para>(also known as <guilabel>Post</guilabel>)</para>
1008 <para>Grants the users identified by <guilabel>User Id</guilabel> reading (see above) and posting rights for this folder.</para>
1009 <para>Use this to create a shared folder that others can read and post messages to, but cannot otherwise modify.</para>
1010 <informalexample>
1011 <para>If you wanted to create a company-wide discussion forum, instead of using a web-based form or a separate company-private usenet server,
1012  you could create a bunch of folders (one per topic), and grant everyone reading and posting rights. Instead of posting to an &nntp;
1013  server or writing their messages into a web form, people would just write emails and store them in the folder suiting the topic of the message.</para>
1014 </informalexample>
1015 </listitem></varlistentry>
1016 <varlistentry id="folders-properties-acl-write">
1017 <term><guilabel>Write</guilabel></term>
1018 <listitem>
1019 <para>Grants the users identified by <guilabel>User Id</guilabel> reading, posting (see above), and writing rights for this folder.</para>
1020 <para>The right to write to a folder includes deleting of messages, creating subfolders, and storing other attributes than
1021  read/unread on the server (&eg; answered).</para>
1022 <para>Use this to create a shared folder that everyone has (almost, see <xref linkend="folders-properties-acl-all"/>) the same rights for.</para>
1023 <informalexample>
1024 <para>In the <xref linkend="folders-properties-acl-append"/> example, you could assign write rights to a group of people
1025  acting as moderators, who would then be able to remove off-topic posts, and create sub-topic folders for high-traffic folders.</para>
1026 </informalexample>
1027 </listitem></varlistentry>
1028 <varlistentry id="folders-properties-acl-all">
1029 <term><guilabel>All</guilabel></term>
1030 <listitem>
1031 <para>Grants the users identified by <guilabel>User Id</guilabel> reading, posting, writing (see above),
1032  as well as administration rights, &ie; the right to modify the &acl; of this folder.</para>
1033 <para>This is the default set of rights for the owner of a folder.</para>
1034 </listitem></varlistentry>
1035 </variablelist>
1036 <para><xref linkend="table-acl-summary"/> summarizes the &IMAP; &acl; rights associated with each permission level.</para>
1037 <table id="table-acl-summary">
1038 <title>&acl; Rights Summary</title>
1039           <tgroup cols="6">
1040             <thead>
1041               <row>
1042                 <entry>&acl; right</entry>
1043                 <entry><xref linkend="folders-properties-acl-none"/></entry>
1044                 <entry><xref linkend="folders-properties-acl-read"/></entry>
1045                 <entry><xref linkend="folders-properties-acl-append"/></entry>
1046                 <entry><xref linkend="folders-properties-acl-write"/></entry>
1047                 <entry><xref linkend="folders-properties-acl-all"/></entry>
1048               </row>
1049             </thead>
1050             <!--tfoot/-->
1051             <tbody>
1052               <row>
1053                 <entry>Lookup</entry>
1054                 <entry></entry>
1055                 <entry>x</entry>
1056                 <entry>x</entry>
1057                 <entry>x</entry>
1058                 <entry>x</entry>
1059               </row>
1060               <row>
1061                 <entry>Read</entry>
1062                 <entry></entry>
1063                 <entry>x</entry>
1064                 <entry>x</entry>
1065                 <entry>x</entry>
1066                 <entry>x</entry>
1067               </row>
1068               <row>
1069                 <entry>Store Seen</entry>
1070                 <entry></entry>
1071                 <entry>x</entry>
1072                 <entry>x</entry>
1073                 <entry>x</entry>
1074                 <entry>x</entry>
1075               </row>
1076               <row>
1077                 <entry>Insert</entry>
1078                 <entry></entry>
1079                 <entry></entry>
1080                 <entry>x</entry>
1081                 <entry>x</entry>
1082                 <entry>x</entry>
1083               </row>
1084               <row>
1085                 <entry>Post</entry>
1086                 <entry></entry>
1087                 <entry></entry>
1088                 <entry>x</entry>
1089                 <entry>x</entry>
1090                 <entry>x</entry>
1091               </row>
1092               <row>
1093                 <entry>Write Flags</entry>
1094                 <entry></entry>
1095                 <entry></entry>
1096                 <entry></entry>
1097                 <entry>x</entry>
1098                 <entry>x</entry>
1099               </row>
1100               <row>
1101                 <entry>Create</entry>
1102                 <entry></entry>
1103                 <entry></entry>
1104                 <entry></entry>
1105                 <entry>x</entry>
1106                 <entry>x</entry>
1107               </row>
1108               <row>
1109                 <entry>Delete</entry>
1110                 <entry></entry>
1111                 <entry></entry>
1112                 <entry></entry>
1113                 <entry>x</entry>
1114                 <entry>x</entry>
1115               </row>
1116               <row>
1117                 <entry>Administer</entry>
1118                 <entry></entry>
1119                 <entry></entry>
1120                 <entry></entry>
1121                 <entry></entry>
1122                 <entry>x</entry>
1123               </row>
1124             </tbody>
1125           </tgroup>
1126         </table>
1127 </sect3>
1129 </sect2>
1130 </sect1>
1132 <sect1 id="filters">
1133 <title>Message Filters</title>
1134 <anchor id="filters-id"/>
1135 <screenshot>
1136 <screeninfo>The Filter Dialog</screeninfo>
1137   <mediaobject>
1138     <imageobject>
1139       <imagedata fileref="filter-dialog.png" format="PNG"/>
1140     </imageobject>
1141     <textobject>
1142       <phrase>The Filter Dialog</phrase>
1143     </textobject>
1144     <caption>
1145       <para>The Filter Creation Dialog</para>
1146     </caption>
1147   </mediaobject>
1148 </screenshot>
1149 <para>&nbsp;</para> <!-- whitespace -->
1151 <para>After using &kmail; for a while, you may find that you have trouble
1152 sorting out the new messages in your inbox when they arrive. Filters allow you
1153 to automatically perform certain actions on incoming messages and to manually
1154 perform actions on selected messages in a folder.</para>
1156 <para>Filters consist of filter criteria, whose rules are used
1157 to determine whether this filter should be applied to a given
1158 message, and a list of filter actions, which describe what is to be
1159 done with, or to, the message if the search pattern matches.</para>
1161 <note><para>Filters are considered one after the other,
1162 starting with the first filter in the list. The first one whose
1163 pattern matches the given message is applied; you can request that
1164 the remaining filters also be processed, but the default is to stop
1165 processing at the first matching filter. </para></note>
1167 <para>Usually, filters are used on incoming messages, but they can
1168 also be applied to sent messages or to an arbitrary message or group
1169 of messages. To selectively filter messages, select the messages you
1170 want to filter in the message list and either type <keycombo
1171 action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>J</keycap> </keycombo> or select
1172 <menuchoice><guimenu>Message</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Apply
1173 Filter</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. This will apply the filters (the ones that
1174 have been marked for manual filtering in the <link
1175 linkend="filter-dialog">advanced filter dialog</link>) to those messages.</para>
1177 <sect2 id="filter-quick">
1178 <title>Fast Filter Creation</title>
1180 <para>There are two methods for creating a filter; the quick method is
1181 to use <menuchoice><guimenu>Message</guimenu><guimenuitem>Create
1182 Filter</guimenuitem></menuchoice> and select a criterion from the submenu. This will open the filter dialog
1183 and present you with a new filter which has the first rule of the
1184 search pattern and the first action (as <guilabel>Move into Folder</guilabel>) 
1185 preset. In most cases, all you have to do is select the folder where the message
1186 should be moved, but you can, of course, edit the filter as you
1187 like.</para>
1189 <para>When creating a filter on mailing list messages, this method 
1190 will try to find a criterion that
1191 uniquely identifies messages from the list. If it succeeds, the guessed
1192 name of the list is presented in the
1193 <menuchoice><guimenu>Message</guimenu><guisubmenu>Create
1194 Filter</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Filter on
1195 Mailing-List...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> menu entry.</para>
1197 <para>The second method is to manually construct a filter from scratch
1198 by calling the filter dialog through
1199 <menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu><guimenuitem>Configure 
1200 Filters...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. The filter dialog is described in
1201 detail in the following subsection.</para>
1202 <para>&nbsp;</para> <!-- whitespace -->
1203 </sect2>
1205 <sect2 id="filter-dialog">
1206 <title>The Filter Dialog</title>
1207 <anchor id="filter-dialog-id"/>
1209 <para>This dialog allows you to manage and edit your list of
1210 filters.</para>
1212 <para>You can reach it either via
1213 <menuchoice><guimenu>Message</guimenu><guisubmenu>Create
1214 Filter</guisubmenu></menuchoice> or
1215 <menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu><guimenuitem>Configure 
1216 Filters...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para>
1218 <para>The dialog is divided into three main sections on the <guilabel>General</guilabel> 
1219 and <guilabel>Advanced</guilabel> tabs.</para>
1220 <variablelist>
1221 <varlistentry>
1222 <term><guilabel>Available Filters</guilabel></term>
1223 <listitem><para>This group contains the list of filters and some action
1224 buttons to modify the filters, namely: create new filters; move them up or 
1225 down the list; copy one of them; delete them; or rename them. If you select
1226 a filter from the list, its properties are shown in the right-hand half
1227 of the dialog.</para></listitem>
1228 </varlistentry>
1229 <varlistentry>
1230 <term><guilabel>Filter Criteria</guilabel></term> <listitem><para>In
1231 this group you can edit the pattern that messages must match before the
1232 filter is applied to them. You can select whether all of the
1233 defined rules must match, or whether a single match
1234 is enough. See <link linkend="filter-criteria">Search Patterns</link>
1235 below for a detailed description of each search rule type.</para>
1237 <para> You can click on <guibutton>&nbsp;&plus;&nbsp;</guibutton> to get an
1238 additional (initially empty) rule if you want to define more complex
1239 patterns, and on <guibutton>&nbsp;&minus;&nbsp;</guibutton> to remove the selected
1240 rule. <guibutton>Clear</guibutton> clears the pattern, &ie;, it removes
1241 all but one rule from the screen and resets it.</para>
1242 </listitem>
1243 </varlistentry>
1244 <varlistentry>
1245 <term><guilabel>Filter Actions</guilabel></term> <listitem><para>In
1246 this group you can edit the list of actions that are applied to all
1247 messages that match the defined filter criteria. See <link
1248 linkend="filter-action">Filter Actions</link> below for a detailed
1249 description of each action type.</para>
1251 <para> You can click on <guibutton>&nbsp;&plus;&nbsp;</guibutton> to get a new,
1252 empty action (if you want to define more than one action), and on
1253 <guibutton>&nbsp;&minus;&nbsp;</guibutton> to remove the selected
1254 action. <guibutton>Clear</guibutton> clears the list, &ie; it
1255 removes all but one action and resets that one.</para>
1256 </listitem>
1257 </varlistentry>
1259 <varlistentry>
1260 <term><guilabel>Advanced Options</guilabel></term>
1262 <listitem>
1264 <para>In this group you can define a few advanced options
1265 that allow you to fine tune your filtering.</para>
1267 <para>Using the first row of check boxes, you can toggle when the
1268 filter is applied: the <guilabel>Apply this filter to incoming messages</guilabel>
1269 option means that the filter is applied to messages when you receive
1270 them (&ie; on <guiicon><inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="mail-receive.png"
1271 format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject> Check Mail</guiicon>).
1272 The filter can be applied to all messages, to all but online IMAP accounts, or
1273 to particular incoming email accounts.</para>
1274 <para>The <guilabel>Apply this filter to sent
1275 messages</guilabel> option means that the filter is applied to
1276 messages when you send them, and the <guilabel>Apply this filter on manual
1277 filtering</guilabel> option controls whether to apply this filter when
1278 filtering is specifically selected (&ie; via
1279 <menuchoice><guimenu>Message</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Apply
1280 Filters</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.)</para>
1281 <para>If <guilabel>Apply this filter to sent messages</guilabel> is checked
1282 the filter will be triggered <emphasis>after</emphasis> the message is sent and it will 
1283 only affect the local copy of the message. If the recipient's copy 
1284 also needs to be modified, please use <guilabel>Apply this filter before 
1285 sending messages</guilabel>.
1286 </para>
1287 <para>The <guilabel>If this filter matches, stop processing here</guilabel>
1288 check box controls whether or not the filters after
1289 the current filter will be processed when the current filter matches.</para>
1291 <para>If the <guilabel>Add this filter to the Apply Filter menu</guilabel>
1292 check box is selected, this filter will be inserted
1293 in the <menuchoice><guimenu>Message</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Apply
1294 Filter</guimenuitem></menuchoice> submenu. You can then apply this
1295 single filter to a message or a set of messages. If you select this option,
1296 you may optionally select a keyboard shortcut and insert a special icon
1297 to invoke this filter from the toolbar.</para>
1299 <para>Another way of applying filters is to use the
1300 <menuchoice><guimenu>Message</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Apply
1301 Filters</guimenuitem></menuchoice> menu option, which applies <emphasis>all</emphasis>
1302 the filters – one after another – until they are all used or one of the
1303 filters that matches specifies the <guilabel>If this filter matches, stop
1304 processing here</guilabel> option.</para>
1306 </listitem>
1307 </varlistentry>
1308 </variablelist>
1310 <note><para>Filters are automatically named unless you explicitly
1311 rename them using the <guibutton><inlinemediaobject><imageobject>
1312 <imagedata fileref="document-edit.png" format="PNG"/>
1313 </imageobject></inlinemediaobject> Rename...</guibutton> button.
1314 The dialog assumes that it should continue auto-naming the filter
1315 as long as the filter name starts with <quote>&lt;</quote>.
1316 </para>
1318 <para>If you apply filter changes, via
1319 <guibutton>OK</guibutton> or <guibutton>Apply</guibutton>, only the valid
1320 filters are actually copied to the internal filter manager.</para>
1322 <para>Similarly, empty rules and actions are removed from the pattern
1323 and action lists, respectively, before the filter is saved.</para>
1324 </note>
1325 <para>&nbsp;</para> <!-- whitespace -->
1326 </sect2>
1328 <sect2 id="filter-criteria">
1329 <title>Search Patterns</title>
1331 <para>The most common use of filters is to filter on the sender of
1332 messages. This can be done by choosing <guilabel>From</guilabel>. A
1333 good bet for a mailing list would be
1334 <guilabel>All Recipients</guilabel>, but there are other criteria
1335 a filter can search for (note that all patterns are interpreted 
1336 case-insensitively).</para>
1338 <variablelist>
1339 <varlistentry>
1340 <term><guilabel>Complete Message</guilabel></term>
1341 <listitem>
1342 <para>Searches the whole message (&ie; headers, body and attachments,
1343 if any).</para>
1344 </listitem>
1345 </varlistentry>
1346 <varlistentry>
1347 <term><guilabel>Body of Message</guilabel></term>
1348 <listitem>
1349 <para>Searches the body of the message (&ie; the whole message except the headers).</para>
1350 </listitem>
1351 </varlistentry>
1352 <varlistentry>
1353 <term><guilabel>Anywhere in Headers</guilabel></term>
1354 <listitem>
1355 <para>Searches all the headers in the message.</para>
1356 </listitem>
1357 </varlistentry>
1358 <varlistentry>
1359 <term><guilabel>All Recipients</guilabel></term>
1360 <listitem>
1361 <para>Searches the <quote>To</quote> and <quote>CC</quote> header fields of the message.</para>
1362 </listitem>
1363 </varlistentry>
1364 <varlistentry>
1365 <term><guilabel>Size in Bytes</guilabel></term>
1366 <listitem>
1367 <para>Sets upper or lower bounds on the message's size.</para>
1368 </listitem>
1369 </varlistentry>
1370 <varlistentry>
1371 <term><guilabel>Age in Days</guilabel></term>
1372 <listitem>
1373 <para>Sets upper or lower bounds on the message's age.</para>
1374 </listitem>
1375 </varlistentry>
1376 <varlistentry>
1377 <term><guilabel>Message Status</guilabel></term>
1378 <listitem>
1379 <para>Sets restrictions on the status of the message (Important / Read / Unread / &etc; 
1380 see <menuchoice><guimenu>Message</guimenu><guimenuitem>Mark Message &gt;</guimenuitem></menuchoice>).</para>
1381 </listitem>
1382 </varlistentry>
1383 <varlistentry>
1384 <term><guilabel>Message Tag</guilabel></term>
1385 <listitem>
1386 <para>Checks for tagged messages. See <menuchoice><guimenu>Message</guimenu><guimenuitem>Mark Message &gt;</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para>
1387 </listitem>
1388 </varlistentry>
1389 <varlistentry>
1390 <term><guilabel>Encrypted</guilabel></term>
1391 <listitem>
1392 <para>Checks for encrypted messages.</para>
1393 </listitem>
1394 </varlistentry>
1395 <varlistentry>
1396     <term>Any other value (<guilabel>From</guilabel>, <guilabel>To</guilabel>, <guilabel>Date</guilabel>, &etc;)</term>
1397 <listitem>
1398 <para>Searches the header field with that name.</para>
1399 </listitem>
1400 </varlistentry>
1401 </variablelist>
1403 <para>The list of possible rules depends on what you selected in the first
1404 drop down box. The available rules are:</para>
1406 <informaltable>
1407 <tgroup cols="3">
1408 <thead>
1409 <row>
1410 <entry>Rule</entry>
1411 <entry>Available for</entry>
1412 <entry>Description</entry>
1413 </row>
1414 </thead>
1415 <tbody>
1416 <row>
1417 <entry><guilabel>contains</guilabel>/<guilabel>does not contain</guilabel></entry>
1418 <entry>all textual search items</entry>
1419 <entry>Matches if the searched item contains (or does not contain) the given
1420 text.</entry>
1421 </row>
1422 <row>
1423 <entry><guilabel>equals</guilabel>/<guilabel>does not equal</guilabel></entry>
1424 <entry>most textual search items</entry>
1425 <entry>Matches if the searched item is equal to (or not equal to) the given
1426 text.</entry>
1427 </row>
1428 <row>
1429 <entry><guilabel>starts with</guilabel>/<guilabel>does not start with</guilabel></entry>
1430 <entry>most textual search items</entry>
1431 <entry>Matches if the searched item begins with (or does not begin with) the given
1432 text.</entry>
1433 </row>
1434 <row>
1435 <entry><guilabel>ends with</guilabel>/<guilabel>does not end with</guilabel></entry>
1436 <entry>most textual search items</entry>
1437 <entry>Matches if the searched item ends with (or does not end with) the given
1438 text.</entry>
1439 </row>
1440 <row>
1441 <entry><guilabel>matches regular expr.</guilabel>/<guilabel>does not match reg. expr.</guilabel></entry>
1442 <entry>all textual search items</entry>
1443 <entry>Matches if a part of the searched item matches the given regular 
1444 expression (or does not match it). If the regular expression editor is 
1445 installed then you can edit the regular expression by clicking on the <guilabel>Edit...</guilabel> button.</entry>
1446 </row>
1447 <row>
1448 <entry><guilabel>has an attachment</guilabel>/<guilabel>has no attachment</guilabel></entry>
1449 <entry><guilabel>Complete Message</guilabel></entry>
1450 <entry>Matches if the message has an attachment (or does not have an attachment).</entry>
1451 </row>
1452 <!-- <row>
1453 <entry><guilabel>is in address book</guilabel>/<guilabel>is not in address book</guilabel></entry>
1454 <entry>most textual search items</entry>
1455 <entry>Matches if the searched item contains an address that is in your address
1456 book (or if the searched items contains only unknown addresses). Of course,
1457 this rule only makes sense for address fields like From or
1458 <guilabel>&lt;recipients&gt;</guilabel></entry>
1459 </row> --> <!-- Can't find this anywhere. @dcb2020292. -->
1460 <!-- <row>
1461 <entry><guilabel>is in category</guilabel>/<guilabel>is not in category</guilabel></entry>
1462 <entry>most textual search items</entry>
1463 <entry>Matches if the searched item contains an address that is in the
1464 specified category in your address book (or if the searched item contains
1465 no address that is in the specified category). Again, this rule only makes
1466 sense for address fields.</entry>
1467 </row> --> <!-- Can't find this anywhere. @dcb2020292. -->
1468 <row>
1469 <entry><guilabel>is equal to</guilabel>/<guilabel>is not equal to</guilabel></entry>
1470 <entry>numerical search items</entry>
1471 <entry>Matches if the value of the search item is equal to (or not equal to) 
1472 the specified value.</entry>
1473 </row>
1474 <row>
1475 <entry><guilabel>is less than</guilabel></entry>
1476 <entry>numerical search items</entry>
1477 <entry>Matches if the value of the search item is less than
1478 the specified value.</entry>
1479 </row>
1480 <row>
1481 <entry><guilabel>is greater than</guilabel></entry>
1482 <entry>numerical search items</entry>
1483 <entry>Matches if the value of the search item is greater than
1484 the specified value.</entry>
1485 </row>
1486 <row>
1487 <entry><guilabel>is less than or equal to</guilabel></entry>
1488 <entry>numerical search items</entry>
1489 <entry>Matches if the value of the search item is less than or equal to
1490 the specified value.</entry>
1491 </row>
1492 <row>
1493 <entry><guilabel>is greater than or equal to</guilabel></entry>
1494 <entry>numerical search items</entry>
1495 <entry>Matches if the value of the search item is greater than or equal to
1496 the specified value.</entry>
1497 </row>
1498 <row>
1499 <entry><guilabel>is</guilabel>/<guilabel>is not</guilabel></entry>
1500 <entry><guilabel>Message Status</guilabel></entry>
1501 <entry>Matches if the message has (or does not have) the specified status.</entry>
1502 </row>
1503 <row>
1504 <entry><guilabel>is after</guilabel>/<guilabel>is before or equal to</guilabel></entry>
1505 <entry><guilabel>Date</guilabel> header</entry>
1506 <entry>Matches if the message was sent after (not after) the specified date.</entry>
1507 </row>
1508 <row>
1509 <entry><guilabel>is before</guilabel>/<guilabel>is after or equal to</guilabel></entry>
1510 <entry><guilabel>Date</guilabel> header</entry>
1511 <entry>Matches if the message was sent before (not before) the specified date.</entry>
1512 </row>
1513 </tbody>
1514 </tgroup>
1515 </informaltable>
1516 <para>&nbsp;</para> <!-- whitespace -->
1517 </sect2>
1519 <sect2 id="filter-action">
1520 <title>Filter Action</title>
1522 <para>The most common use of filters is to divert some incoming messages to
1523 particular folders; this can be done by choosing <guilabel>Move into
1524 Folder</guilabel>. Here is a list of all possible actions.</para>
1526 <variablelist>
1527 <varlistentry>
1528 <term><guilabel>Move Into Folder</guilabel></term>
1529 <listitem>
1530 <para>This will move the message into another folder, and remove it from
1531 its current folder.</para>
1532 <!-- fixme: still correct? --><!-- This works in version 5.14.2. Tested @dcb2020293. -->
1533 </listitem>
1534 </varlistentry>
1535 <varlistentry>
1536 <term><guilabel>Copy Into Folder</guilabel></term>
1537 <listitem>
1538 <para>This will copy the message to another folder, and leave the message in the current folder.</para>
1539 <!-- <note><para>You currently cannot use &IMAP;
1540 folders as a target.</para></note> --><!-- This works in version 5.14.2. Tested @dcb2020293. -->
1541 </listitem>
1542 </varlistentry>
1543 <varlistentry>
1544 <term><guilabel>Set Identity To</guilabel></term>
1545 <listitem>
1546 <para>This will set the identity that will be used when you reply to this
1547 message.</para>
1548 </listitem>
1549 </varlistentry>
1550 <varlistentry>
1551 <term><guilabel>Mark As</guilabel></term>
1552 <listitem>
1553 <para>This allows you to mark the message as read or important (flagged), but
1554 also as forwarded, replied, &etc;</para>
1555 </listitem>
1556 </varlistentry>
1557 <varlistentry>
1558 <term><guilabel>Add Tag</guilabel></term>
1559 <listitem>
1560 <para>This will add a tag to the message. You may choose from a list of
1561 all the tags that have been defined.</para>
1562 </listitem>
1563 </varlistentry>
1564 <varlistentry>
1565 <term><guilabel>Send Fake MDN</guilabel></term>
1566 <listitem>
1567 <para>This will send a faked message disposition notification (&ie; a read
1568 receipt) to the sender of the message.</para>
1569 </listitem>
1570 </varlistentry>
1571 <varlistentry>
1572 <term><guilabel>Set Transport To</guilabel></term>
1573 <listitem>
1574 <para>This will set the method of transport (&eg; &SMTP;)
1575 that will be used when you reply to the message. You may choose from a list of all your outgoing email accounts.</para>
1576 </listitem>
1577 </varlistentry> 
1578 <varlistentry>
1579 <term><guilabel>Set Reply-To To</guilabel></term>
1580 <listitem><para>This will modify the <guilabel>Reply-To</guilabel> field of this
1581 message. This can be useful for mailing lists that automatically set a Reply-To
1582 address you do not wish to use.</para>
1583 </listitem>
1584 </varlistentry>
1585 <varlistentry>
1586 <term><guilabel>Forward To</guilabel></term>
1587 <listitem><para>This will forward the message inline (&ie; as if you selected <menuchoice><guimenu>Message</guimenu>
1588 <guimenuitem>Forward</guimenuitem><guimenuitem>Inline...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>) to another email address. You 
1589 may select a custom forwarding template if such a template has been defined. If &kaddressbook; is installed, you may choose the
1590 <quote>Forward To</quote> address from a pop-up window.</para>
1591 </listitem>
1592 </varlistentry>
1593 <varlistentry>
1594 <term><guilabel>Redirect To</guilabel></term>
1595 <listitem><para>This will redirect the message as-is to another email address. If &kaddressbook; is installed, you may
1596 choose the <quote>Redirect To</quote> address from a pop-up window.</para>
1597 </listitem>
1598 </varlistentry>
1599 <varlistentry>
1600 <term><guilabel>Confirm Delivery</guilabel></term>
1601 <listitem><para>Will return a message to the sender that
1602 verifies successful delivery of their message, if the sender requested that.</para> 
1603 <para>This action allows you to select who will get delivery receipts from
1604 you. Though you can globally enable the sending of delivery
1605 confirmations in the <guilabel>Configure &kmail;...</guilabel> dialog
1606 (<link linkend="configure-security"><guilabel>Security</guilabel>
1607 page</link>) we do not recommend that you send them to everyone, since this
1608 makes tracking of spam messages very easy for the spammers.</para>
1609 </listitem>
1610 </varlistentry>
1611 <varlistentry>
1612 <term><guilabel>Execute Command</guilabel> (for advanced users only)</term>
1613 <listitem>
1614 <para>This will execute a program, but will not modify the
1615 message. Specify the full path to the program you want to
1616 execute; &kmail; will then wait until the program returns.
1617 If you do not want &kmail; to wait, append '&amp;' to the command.
1618 You can feed the segments of the message
1619 into the program one by one: <symbol>&percnt;0</symbol>,
1620 <symbol>&percnt;1</symbol>, &etc; stand for files representing
1621 the message segments. For common messages, <symbol>&percnt;0</symbol> is the
1622 plain text message, <symbol>&percnt;1</symbol> the first attachment and so
1623 on. Additionally, the whole message is fed into the program's
1624 <acronym>stdin</acronym>; and every occurrence of
1625 <symbol>&percnt;{foo}</symbol> is replaced by the content of the foo
1626 header. If you need to identify the message via its storage location in the
1627 Akonadi database, you can use the %{itemid} or %{itemurl} placeholders to
1628 achieve that.</para>
1630 <!-- fixme: still correct? --><!-- I think so. But not yet tested. @dcb2020293 -->
1631 <warning><para>This currently only works if the message has
1632 <emphasis>at least one</emphasis> attachment. No, not even
1633 <symbol>&percnt;0</symbol> will work in the general
1634 case!</para></warning>
1636 <tip><para> You can enter arbitrarily-complex shell commands here,
1637 since &kmail; uses a sub shell to execute the command line; therefore,
1638 even this command will work (within its limits):
1639 <userinput><command>uudecode</command> <option>-o</option>
1640 <parameter>$(mktemp kmail-uudecoded.XXXXXX)</parameter> &amp;&amp;
1641 <command>echo</command> <parameter>$'\a'</parameter></userinput></para></tip>
1642 <!-- fixme: is this uudecode tip useless now?? -->
1643 </listitem>
1644 </varlistentry>
1645 <varlistentry>
1646 <term><guilabel>Pipe Through</guilabel></term>
1647 <listitem>
1648 <para>This will feed the message to a program: if the program returns
1649 output, the entire message (including the headers) will be replaced
1650 with this output; if the program does not return output or exits
1651 with a return code other than 0 (indicating an error occurred), the message
1652 will not change.  Specify the full path to the program. The same
1653 substitutions (<symbol>&percnt;n</symbol>,
1654 <symbol>&percnt;{foo}</symbol> as with <guilabel>Execute
1655 Command</guilabel> may be performed on the command line.</para>
1656 <para>Both the Anti-Spam Wizard and the Anti-Virus Wizard use the <quote>Pipe Through</quote>
1657 action to check for spam / malware. The commonly available anti-spam and anti-virus programs 
1658 return the message, and insert an extra header record, if spam (or a virus) is detected.</para>
1659 <warning><para>Be cautious with this action, as it can damage
1660 your messages if the filter program returns garbage or extra
1661 lines.</para></warning>
1662 </listitem>
1663 </varlistentry>
1664 <varlistentry>
1665 <term><guilabel>Remove Header</guilabel></term>
1666 <listitem>
1667 <para>Will remove all header fields with the
1668 given name from the message. This is useful mainly for removing bogus
1669 <quote>Reply-To:</quote> headers.</para>
1670 </listitem>
1671 </varlistentry>
1672 <varlistentry>
1673 <term><guilabel>Add Header</guilabel></term>
1674 <listitem>
1675 <para>If no such field is already present this will add a new header field
1676 with the given name and value to the message; if there already is a
1677 header field with that name, it is overwritten with the 
1678 given value; if there are already multiple headers with the given
1679 name (&eg; <quote>Received:</quote> headers), an arbitrary one of them is
1680 overwritten and the others are left unchanged -- this is a known
1681 limitation. You may want to combine this filter with the
1682 <guilabel>Remove Header</guilabel> filter above to make sure that
1683 there are no other headers with that name in the message.</para>
1684 </listitem>
1685 </varlistentry>
1686 <varlistentry>
1687 <term><guilabel>Rewrite Header</guilabel></term>
1688 <listitem>
1689 <para>Will scan the given header field, modify its contents and write
1690 it back. The search string is always interpreted as a case-sensitive
1691 regular expression. The replacement string is inserted literally
1692 except for occurrences of <userinput>\n</userinput>,
1693 <userinput>$n</userinput> and <userinput>${nn}</userinput>, where
1694 <userinput>n</userinput> is a positive (single-digit, except for the
1695 third form) number or <userinput>0</userinput>. These constructs are
1696 interpreted as back references to substrings captured with parentheses
1697 in the search string.</para><para>Analogous restrictions as in the
1698 <guilabel>Add Header</guilabel> action apply here, too.</para>
1699 </listitem>
1700 </varlistentry>
1701 <varlistentry>
1702 <term><guilabel>Play Sound</guilabel></term>
1703 <listitem>
1704 <para>Will play the specified sound. A browse button lets you choose a pre-recorded sound (&eg; .wav) file.</para>
1705 </listitem>
1706 </varlistentry>
1707 <varlistentry>
1708 <term><guilabel>Add to Address Book</guilabel></term>
1709 <listitem>
1710 <para>If &kaddressbook; is installed, this action will let you specify which header to scan
1711 (From, To, CC, or BCC), what tag to assign, if any, and which named address book to store the
1712 addresses in.</para>
1713 </listitem>
1714 </varlistentry>
1715 <varlistentry>
1716 <term><guilabel>Delete Message</guilabel></term>
1717 <listitem>
1718 <para>Deletes the selected message(s). Use this option cautiously. Deleted messages cannot be recovered.</para>
1719 </listitem>
1720 </varlistentry>
1721 <varlistentry>
1722 <term><guilabel>Unset Status</guilabel></term>
1723 <listitem>
1724 <para>This is the inverse of <guilabel>Mark As</guilabel>, above. Instead of marking the selected
1725 message as important, read, &etc;, this action will clear the specified flag.</para>
1726 </listitem>
1727 </varlistentry>
1728 <varlistentry>
1729 <term><guilabel>Encrypt</guilabel></term>
1730 <listitem>
1731 <para>Will encrypt the selected message(s) with the specified public key. You may choose from any public
1732 / private key pairs saved on your key ring.</para>
1733 </listitem>
1734 </varlistentry>
1735 <varlistentry>
1736 <term><guilabel>Decrypt</guilabel></term>
1737 <listitem>
1738 <para>Will decrypt the selected message(s). Use this action with caution. &kmail; will decrypt
1739 messages automatically when you open them for viewing, so you probably don't really need to use this action.</para>
1740 </listitem>
1741 </varlistentry>
1742 </variablelist>
1743 <para>&nbsp;</para> <!-- whitespace -->
1744 </sect2>
1746 <sect2 id="filter-examples">
1747 <title>Filter Examples</title>
1749 <para>As of yet &kmail; does not highlight or mark mails that
1750 have an extra <replaceable>Priority:</replaceable> header.
1751 If you want to flag all <quote>urgent</quote> messages as being
1752 <emphasis>important</emphasis>, you can use a filter:</para>
1754 <procedure>
1755 <title>Tagging urgent messages as <emphasis>important</emphasis></title>
1756 <step>
1757 <para>Open up the <menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu><guimenuitem>Configure
1758 Filters...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> dialog and click the
1759 <guiicon><inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="document-new.png" format="PNG"/>
1760 </imageobject></inlinemediaobject> New</guiicon> icon below the <guilabel>Available Filters</guilabel>
1761 list.</para>
1762 </step>
1763 <step>
1764 <para>In the <guilabel>Filter Criteria</guilabel> area, select <guilabel>Anywhere 
1765 in Headers</guilabel> and <guilabel>contains</guilabel> from the drop down boxes and type
1766 <userinput>Priority</userinput> in the text field. Select the same criterion 
1767 in the next line and type <userinput>urgent</userinput> in the
1768 text field of the second drop down box.</para>
1769 <para>So your filter will match all messages containing a
1770 <quote>Priority: urgent</quote> header field.</para>
1771 </step>
1772 <step>
1773 <para>Skip down to the <guilabel>Filter Actions</guilabel> area.
1774 Select <guilabel>Mark As</guilabel> from the first drop down box.
1775 A new drop down box containing a list of marker flags is shown
1776 to the right. Select <guilabel>Important</guilabel> from the
1777 drop down box.</para>
1778 </step>
1779 <step>
1780 <para>Since you want this filter to <emphasis>not</emphasis>
1781 prevent other filters' message rules from being applied,
1782 carefully <emphasis>uncheck</emphasis> the
1783 <guilabel>If this filter matches, stop processing here</guilabel> option on the <quote>Advanced</quote> tab.</para>
1784 </step>
1785 <step>
1786 <para>Click on <guibutton>OK</guibutton>, and you are done.</para>
1787 <para>Just remember to move the <quote>Priority: urgent</quote>
1788 filter entry to the top of the <guilabel>Available Filters</guilabel>
1789 list each time you add a new filter, so that your
1790 flow-through filter is always applied first.</para>
1791 </step>
1792 </procedure>
1794 <para>If you are subscribed to the (general) &kde; List, you could create a
1795 folder for the list (let's call it
1796 <replaceable>KDE-General</replaceable>) and use a filter to
1797 automatically transfer new messages from your inbox to your
1798 <replaceable>KDE-General</replaceable> folder if they came from the
1799 &kde; List. Here is how to create this filter:</para>
1801 <procedure>
1802 <title>Filtering a mailing list</title>
1803 <step>
1804 <para>Check if <menuchoice><guimenu>Message</guimenu><guisubmenu>Create
1805 filter</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Filter on
1806 Mailing-List...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> can identify the mailing
1807 list (the name of the list should then appear in the menu item); in
1808 this case, this works and you are presented with a filter that has
1809 <quote>List-Id <guilabel>contains</guilabel>
1810 &lt;kde.kde.org&gt;</quote> preset. Then select the
1811 desired destination folder from the folder pull-down menu in the
1812 <guilabel>Filter Action</guilabel> group and that is it.</para>
1814 <para>If that does not work, think of a unique way of identifying the
1815 messages you want to filter. The (almost) unique property of &kde;
1816 List messages is that they always contain
1817 <quote>kde@kde.org</quote> in the
1818 <guilabel>To:</guilabel> or <guilabel>CC:</guilabel> field. It is not
1819 quite perfect, because this fails for cross-posted messages.</para>
1820 </step>
1821 <step>
1822 <para>Select <menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu><guimenuitem>Configure 
1823 Filters...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para>
1824 </step>
1825 <step>
1826 <para>Press the <guibutton><inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="document-new.png"
1827 format="PNG"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject></guibutton> button to create an empty
1828 filter. It will appear as <guilabel>&lt;unknown&gt;</guilabel>.</para>
1829 </step>
1830 <step>
1831 <para>In the <guilabel> Filter Criteria</guilabel> area, select
1832 <guilabel>All Recipients</guilabel> from the first drop down box,
1833 <guilabel>contains</guilabel> from the second drop down box, and type
1834 <userinput>kde@kde.org</userinput> in the text
1835 field.</para>
1836 </step>
1837 <step>
1838 <para>Skip down to the <guilabel>Filter Actions</guilabel> section. Select <guilabel>Move Into
1839 Folder</guilabel> from the first drop down box. Click on the folder icon and a window
1840 containing a list of folders will appear. Select the folder that you
1841 want the filtered messages to be transferred to. For this example, you would select
1842 <guilabel>KDE-General</guilabel>.</para>
1843 </step>
1844 </procedure>
1846 <para>You may find that you need to use more powerful criteria to
1847 properly filter your messages; for example, you may only want to
1848 filter the &kde; List messages that are written by your friend <replaceable>Fred
1849 Johnson &lt;fj@anywhere.com&gt;</replaceable>. This is where the rest of the
1850 matching criteria section comes into play:</para>
1852 <procedure>
1853 <title>Extending the filter</title>
1854 <step>
1855 <para>Open up the <guilabel>Configure Filters...</guilabel> window and select
1856 the filter you just created.</para>
1857 </step>
1858 <step>
1859 <para>Since you want to filter all messages that have
1860 <replaceable>kde@kde.org</replaceable> in the
1861 <guilabel>To:</guilabel> or <guilabel>CC:</guilabel> field
1862 <emphasis>and</emphasis> that are from Fred, check the
1863 <guibutton>Match all of the following</guibutton> radio
1864 button.</para>
1865 </step>
1866 <step>
1867 <para>Now, go to the second search rule and select the following from
1868 the pull-down menus: <guilabel>From</guilabel>,
1869 <guilabel>contains</guilabel>. Now, type
1870 <userinput>fj@anywhere.com</userinput> in the text field.</para>
1871 </step>
1872 </procedure>
1874 <para>You now have a filter that identifies all &kde; List messages
1875 that are from <userinput>fj@anywhere.com</userinput>.</para>
1876 <para>&nbsp;</para> <!-- whitespace -->
1877 <!-- fixme: trigger with ctrl-j or whenever new mail arrives (unless
1878 <guilabel>Advanced Options</guilabel> are changed. -->
1879 </sect2>
1881 <sect2 id="filter-optimization">
1882 <title>Filter Optimization</title>
1884 <para>It is important to realize that the order of the
1885 filters has an  impact on the speed of the filtering process. Here are
1886 some ideas which can help you to improve filter performance.
1887 </para>
1889 <variablelist>
1890 <varlistentry>
1891 <term>Stop filter processing as soon as possible:</term>
1892 <listitem>
1893 <para>If you know that a filter finally processes a certain class of 
1894 messages, please make sure to check the option <guilabel>If this filter 
1895 matches, stop processing here</guilabel> for the filter. 
1896 This will avoid the evaluation of the filter rules of all subsequent
1897 filters. (See the advanced options in the <link linkend="filter-dialog-id">
1898 Filter Dialog</link>).</para>
1899 <para>An example is filtering messages from mailing lists via List-Id
1900 header into separate folders. Having found out that a message came from 
1901 list A means that you can avoid checking the next filter for messages
1902 from list B.
1903 </para>
1904 </listitem>
1905 </varlistentry>
1907 <varlistentry>
1908 <term>Consider the costs of the evaluation of filter rules:</term>
1909 <listitem>
1910 <para>The time required to evaluate a filter rule depends on the way
1911 the rule is constructed. In particular, scanning for a
1912 substring using the <guilabel>contains</guilabel> operation is faster
1913 than a pattern matching using the <guilabel>matches regular
1914 expr.</guilabel> operation.
1915 </para>
1916 <para>Another dependency is on the amount of data which is used for the
1917 evaluation of a filter rule. If the rule is based on a message header,
1918 its evaluation should normally be much faster than the evaluation of 
1919 a rule based on the complete message.
1920 </para>
1921 <para>Try to keep the filter rules as simple as possible.
1922 </para>
1923 </listitem>
1924 </varlistentry>
1927 <varlistentry>
1928 <term>Check the order of your filters:</term>
1929 <listitem>
1930 <para>The various filter actions have different degrees of complexity. 
1931 The most expensive filter actions are <guilabel>Pipe Through</guilabel> 
1932 and <guilabel>Execute Command</guilabel>, because both need external 
1933 programs to be run. Placing filters containing these filter actions
1934 behind other filters that can reduce the number of times these complex
1935 actions are required is useful, if the filter logic allows
1936 this.</para> 
1937 <para>An example is filtering messages from a mailing list and detecting 
1938 spam messages. For the spam detection you will usually use an external 
1939 tool via a <guilabel>Pipe Through</guilabel> action. Filtering the messages 
1940 for the mailing list is done via the List-Id header. If you do not want to 
1941 check the messages from the mailing list for spam too, it is better to
1942 use the filter for the mailing list messages before the filter for the 
1943 spam detection. This way you avoid the expensive and slow spam check for all
1944 messages which were identified as mailing list messages.
1945 </para>
1946 </listitem>
1947 </varlistentry>
1948 </variablelist>
1949 </sect2>
1951 <sect2 id="filter-logging">
1952 <title>Filter Log</title>
1953 <para>If you want to verify that your filters work as intended, you can
1954 open a viewer for the filter log via <menuchoice><guimenu>Tools</guimenu>
1955 <guimenuitem>Filter Log Viewer...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. 
1956 </para>
1957 <para>In the viewer you can configure logging of the filter 
1958 process. You can control the level of detail recorded, clear the log, limit the size of the log, 
1959 and save the log as a file. The log can provide valuable information when 
1960 you want to improve your filter rules.
1961 </para>
1962 </sect2>
1963 </sect1>
1965 <sect1 id="backups">
1966 <title>Backing up &kmail;</title>
1967 <para>This section describes various backup solutions within &kmail;.</para>
1968 <sect2 id="archiving">
1969 <title>Archiving</title>
1970 <variablelist>
1971 <varlistentry id="folder-archive">
1972 <term><menuchoice><guimenu>Folder</guimenu><guimenuitem>Archive Folder...</guimenuitem></menuchoice></term>
1973 <listitem>
1974 <para>This feature is also available through the context menu launched with a &RMB;, then select <guimenuitem>Archive Folder...</guimenuitem>. This will
1975 <action>open a dialog</action> that allows you to create a single archive of the currently selected folder.</para>
1976 <para>The <guilabel>Folder:</guilabel> shows the currently selected folder, if you wish to change the folder to be archived click the folder icon.
1977  The <guilabel>Format:</guilabel> drop down menu allows you to choose a format (choices are: zip, tar, tar.bz2, and tar.gz).
1978  If you would like to change the default name or location, click the folder button to the right of <guilabel>Archive File</guilabel>.</para>
1979  <para>Check the <guilabel>Delete folder and subfolders after completion</guilabel> button if you would like everything you archived deleted from
1980 the &kmail; database after the external archive has been saved.
1981  By default all subfolders will be archived. Uncheck <guilabel>Archive all subfolders</guilabel> if you only want to archive the parent folder.</para>
1982 </listitem></varlistentry>
1983 <varlistentry id="auto-archive">
1984 <term><menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu><guimenuitem>Configure Automatic Archiving...</guimenuitem></menuchoice></term>
1985 <listitem>
1986 <para>This is a powerful tool that can be used to assist in backing up your email. Please see <ulink url="help:/akonadi_archivemail_agent">Automatic Archiving</ulink> for details.</para>
1987 </listitem>
1988 </varlistentry>
1989 <!-- <varlistentry id="archive-folder">
1990 <term><menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu><guimenuitem>Configure Folder Archive Agent...</guimenuitem></menuchoice></term>
1991 <listitem>
1992 <para>This feature allows you to archive single emails to a specified folder.</para>
1993 <para>Folder Archive can be enabled on a per account basis to allow you to archive individual emails through the right click menu.</para>
1994 <screenshot>
1995 <screeninfo>Screenshot of Folder Archive</screeninfo>
1996   <mediaobject>
1997     <imageobject>
1998       <imagedata fileref="folderarchiveagent.png" format="PNG" />
1999     </imageobject>
2000   </mediaobject>
2001 </screenshot>
2002 <para>Folder Archive is used to archive single emails to a specified folder. For instance, you need to archive all of
2003 those pesky bill receipts in one place. Folder Archive can easily accommodate those needs. <action>Start by
2004 using <menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu><guimenuitem>Configure Folder Archive Agent...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>
2005 in &kmail;'s reader window to open a dialog to set up the folder archive agent.</action>
2006 </para>
2008 <para>This dialog will have a tab for each of your configured accounts including Local Folders and you will need to configure all accounts that you wish to
2009 use this feature with. The first option allows you to enable/disable the folder archive agent. It is disabled by default, to enable check the <guilabel>Enable</guilabel>
2010 checkbox. You can set the location of your Archive folder by clicking the folder icon next to
2011 <guilabel>Folder:</guilabel> and selecting the folder you wish to use. For example, you could create
2012 a folder called <quote>bill receipts</quote> by clicking the <guibutton>New Subfolder...</guibutton> and typing <userinput>bill receipts</userinput> in
2013 the dialog. You may choose a folder location anywhere, &eg;.. a folder in your <quote>Local Folders</quote> or on your &IMAP; server.</para>
2014 <para>
2015 You have several choices on how the emails will be archived:
2016 </para>
2017 <variablelist id="archivefolder-options">
2018   <varlistentry>
2019   <term><guilabel>Unique folder</guilabel></term>
2020   <listitem><para>Uses the selected folder sorted by date.</para></listitem>
2021   </varlistentry>
2022   <varlistentry>
2023   <term><guilabel>Folder by months</guilabel></term>
2024   <listitem><para>Creates new folders inside the selected folder by months.</para></listitem>
2025   </varlistentry>
2026   <varlistentry>
2027   <term><guilabel>Folder by years</guilabel></term>
2028   <listitem><para>Creates new folders inside the selected folder by years.</para></listitem>
2029   </varlistentry>
2030 </variablelist>
2031 <para>
2032 Now when you receive a bill receipt, &RMB; the email and select <guimenuitem>Archive</guimenuitem> from the menu. The email will be archived
2033 into your configured archive folder for easy viewing later on.
2034 </para>
2035 </listitem>
2036 </varlistentry> --><!-- This feature is no longer available. @dcb2020295 -->
2037 </variablelist> 
2038 </sect2>
2039 <sect2 id="exporting">
2040 <title>Exporting</title>
2041 <variablelist>
2042 <varlistentry id="settingsexport">
2043 <term><menuchoice><guimenu>Tools</guimenu><guimenuitem>Import/Export &kmail; Data...</guimenuitem></menuchoice></term>
2044 <listitem>
2045 <para>This feature exports settings and local mail to a compressed file. Please see <ulink url="help:/pimdataexporter">pim data exporter</ulink> for details.</para>
2046 </listitem>
2047 </varlistentry>
2048 </variablelist>
2049 </sect2>
2050 </sect1>
2051 <sect1 id="import-restore">
2052 <title>Restore and Import in &kmail;</title>
2053 <para>This section describes restoring backups and importing data into &kmail;.</para>
2055 <sect2 id="restore">
2056 <title>Restoring backed up email and settings</title>
2057 <variablelist>
2058 <varlistentry id="settingsimport">
2059 <term><menuchoice><guimenu>Tools</guimenu><guimenuitem>Export &kmail; Data...</guimenuitem></menuchoice></term>
2060 <listitem>
2061 <para>If you used PIM Data Exporter to backup local email and / or settings, please use it again to restore data
2062 into &kmail;. See <ulink url="help:/pimdataexporter">PIM Data Exporter</ulink> for details.</para>
2063 </listitem></varlistentry>
2064 </variablelist>
2065 </sect2>
2067 <sect2 id="importing-options">
2068 <title>Importing options in &kmail;</title>
2070 <para>
2071 &kmail; has an import wizard to make the transition from another email application easier.
2072 </para>
2074 <variablelist>
2075 <varlistentry id="importing-import-wizard">
2076 <term><menuchoice>
2077 <guimenu>Tools</guimenu>
2078 <guimenuitem>Import from another Email Client...</guimenuitem>
2079 </menuchoice></term>
2080 <listitem>
2081 <para>This starts the import wizard and tries to automatically detect data from another email application.
2082     In case the mail data you want to import is not found, use the <guilabel>Manual Selection</guilabel> option.</para>
2083 </listitem>
2084 </varlistentry>
2086 <varlistentry id="importing-import-manual">
2087 <term><menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu><guimenuitem><inlinemediaobject>
2088 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="document-import.png" format="PNG"/>
2089 </imageobject></inlinemediaobject> Import Messages...</guimenuitem></menuchoice></term>
2090 <listitem>
2091 <para>Starts the import wizard and lets you select the desired data manually.</para></listitem>
2092 </varlistentry>
2093 </variablelist>
2095 <para>
2096 Please read the <ulink url="help:/importwizard">Import Wizard</ulink> documentation for details.
2097 </para>
2099 </sect2>
2101 </sect1>
2102 <sect1 id="multiple-accounts">
2103 <title>Using Multiple Accounts</title>
2105 <para>Multiple accounts are used to check for messages from more than one email address
2106 and/or mail server. Select <menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu>
2107 <guimenuitem><inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="configurebutton.png" format="PNG"/>
2108 </imageobject></inlinemediaobject> Configure &kmail;...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> and click on the
2109 <guilabel>Accounts</guilabel> page to add or change your account settings. See the
2110 <link linkend="getting-started">Getting started</link> section for more
2111 information on the settings in the <guilabel>Accounts</guilabel> page.</para>
2113 <para>To check for messages from a particular account, use the
2114 <menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu><guimenuitem><inlinemediaobject>
2115 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="mail-receive.png" format="PNG"/>
2116 </imageobject></inlinemediaobject> Check Mail
2117 In</guimenuitem></menuchoice> submenu to select the account to check
2118 for mail. You can also press and hold the &LMB; on the <guiicon><inlinemediaobject>
2119 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="mail-receive.png" format="PNG"/>
2120 </imageobject></inlinemediaobject> Check
2121 Mail</guiicon> icon (on the toolbar) for a few seconds to get a list of accounts.</para>
2123 </sect1>
2125 <sect1 id="pgp">
2126 <!-- This section is from Andreas Gungl, 2000-05-21, updated 2002-10-06 by Ingo Kloecker -->
2127 <!-- Edited and modified by D. Bryant 2020-10-22. -->
2128 <title>Signing and Encrypting Messages with <application>GnuPG</application></title>
2130 <!--
2131 <note><para>There have been major changes in the way &kmail; handles 
2132 signing/encryption. The following introduction applies to the previous
2133 version of &kmail;. You can still read the introduction to get an overview
2134 about how to sign/encrypt messages, but the details, especially those of
2135 the configuration, will differ.</para></note>
2136 -->
2137 <para>This is a short introduction on how to set up &kmail;'s
2138 <application>GnuPG</application> (<application>&GNU; Privacy Guard</application>) support;
2139 it gives some hints on the use of
2140 <application>GnuPG</application> too. It is written for people who are beginners in
2141 this area; if you are familiar with the use of <application>GnuPG</application>, you can
2142 skip most of the steps.</para>
2144 <para>Please
2145 also check out the <link linkend="pgp-faq">&FAQ; item about
2146 <application>GnuPG</application></link>.</para>
2148 <warning><para>Attachments will not be signed/encrypted if you are using
2149 inline OpenPGP. To sign/encrypt attachments, you have to install GnuPG and
2150 some necessary libraries.
2151 Then, you can decide for each attachment whether it should be signed/encrypted or not.
2152 </para></warning>
2154 <!-- <warning><para>&kmail; has to rely on <application>GnuPG</application>'s
2155 output; this output is often different between different versions of 
2156 <application>GnuPG</application>, so it is important that you test if encryption
2157 really works with your setup before you start using it seriously. &kmail; might
2158 <emphasis>not</emphasis> warn you if something fails - enable 
2159 <guilabel>Show signed/encrypted text
2160 after composing</guilabel>.  </para></warning> --><!-- Removing this warning ... GnuPG is stable now. @dcb2020295 -->
2162 <para>To set up and use <application>GnuPG</application> support in &kmail; it is
2163 necessary to have <application>GnuPG</application> installed and configured
2164 properly. Of course, we cannot give you a full introduction to
2165 <application>GnuPG</application> here. We will only mention the steps you must perform
2166 to get <application>GnuPG</application> going. For details you should look at 
2167 <ulink url="https://www.gnupg.org/docs.html#guides">The &GNU; Privacy Handbook</ulink>.</para>
2169 <para>It is certainly a good idea to study the GnuPG documentation as well as an
2170 introduction to public key cryptography. That way you can learn a lot about
2171 the basic concepts, which will help you understand what is going on. Also,
2172 many security related issues you should know about are discussed there.</para>
2174 <sect2 id="pgp-preconditions">
2175 <title>Preconditions</title>
2177 <para>&kmail; expects that your <application>GnuPG</application> binary is called
2178 <command>gpg</command>. If this is not the case for you,
2179 just make a symlink.</para>
2181 <para>If you have not yet done so, you must generate a key pair (secret and public
2182 keys) for your identity. You may do this using &kgpg; or &kleopatra; or at the command line: 
2183 <userinput><command>gpg</command> <option>--gen-key</option></userinput>. Or you
2184 can ask &kmail; to create a new key pair when you create
2185 a new email account. The identity (normally your name followed by your email address
2186 within brackets, such as <userinput>John Doe
2187 &lt;john@example.com&gt;</userinput>) and your passphrase are important for the
2188 co-operation between &kmail; and <application>GnuPG</application>.</para>
2190 </sect2>
2192 <sect2 id="pgp-settings">
2193 <title><application>GnuPG</application>-Related Settings in &kmail;</title>
2195 <para>Select the <guilabel>Composing</guilabel> tab on
2196 the <guilabel>Security</guilabel> settings page. There you will find the
2197 following options:</para>
2199 <variablelist>
2200 <!-- not in 2.0.96?
2201 <varlistentry>
2202 <term><guilabel>Encryption tool</guilabel></term>
2203 <listitem>
2204 <para>Here you can choose if you want to use <application>PGP</application>,
2205 <application>GnuPG</application> or no encryption
2206 software at all; of course, the program you select has to be
2207 installed on your system (it is also important to select the correct
2208 version.)</para>
2209 </listitem>
2210 </varlistentry>
2211     --><!-- Gpg is used by default. @dcb2020296. -->
2213 <varlistentry>
2214 <term><guilabel>When encrypting emails, always also encrypt to the certificate of my own identity</guilabel></term>
2215 <listitem>
2216 <para>If this option is off and you want to send an encrypted message to somebody,
2217 then you cannot read this message any longer after you have composed and
2218 encrypted it. Turn this option on to keep the encrypted messages you send readable for
2219 you, too.</para>
2220 </listitem>
2221 </varlistentry>
2223 <varlistentry>
2224 <term><guilabel>Store sent messages encrypted</guilabel></term>
2225 <listitem>
2226 <para>When this box is checked, sent messages are stored encrypted, as they were 
2227 sent. This is not recommended, as you will not be able to read the messages 
2228 any longer if a necessary certificate expires. (Notice that GPG keys do
2229 not expire, as a general rule; this caution is primarily relevant for x.509 certificate users.)</para> 
2230 </listitem>
2231 </varlistentry>
2233 <varlistentry>
2234 <term><guilabel>Always show the encryption keys for approval</guilabel></term>
2235 <listitem>
2236 <para>This will always open a dialog that lets you choose the keys used for
2237 each recipient when you are sending an encrypted message. If this
2238 option is off, &kmail; will show the dialog only when it cannot
2239 find a key for a recipient or when there are conflicting or unset encryption
2240 preferences.</para> 
2241 </listitem>
2242 </varlistentry>
2244 <varlistentry>
2245 <term><guilabel>When saving as draft, always sign/encrypt as indicated</guilabel></term>
2246 <listitem><para>If this option is on, &kmail; will automatically encrypt (and / or sign) messages
2247 that you save in the <guilabel>drafts</guilabel> folder (when you specify signing / encryption).</para></listitem>
2248 </varlistentry>
2250 <varlistentry>
2251 <term><guilabel>Show sign/encrypt indicator in editor</guilabel></term>
2252 <listitem><para>If this option is on, &kmail; will display an indicator in the composition window
2253 to inform you that this message will be signed / encrypted whenever that is the case.</para></listitem>
2254 </varlistentry>
2256 </variablelist>
2258 <para>Now that you have set up the encryption tool, you must tell &kmail; which
2259 OpenPGP key you want to use for signing and encrypting messages.
2260 To do this go to the <link linkend="configure-identity">Identities configuration</link>
2261 and set the key that should be used via the <guilabel>Cryptography</guilabel> tab in the
2262 identity configuration dialog.</para>
2264 <para>Now you can sign outgoing messages. To let people send you
2265 encrypted messages, and to let them verify your signature, you
2266 must send them your public key, or upload your public key to a public
2267 <application>GnuPG</application> key server (so people can fetch your key from the server).
2268 To send encrypted messages to other people, or to verify their signed
2269 messages, you will need their public keys. You can search for public keys on a
2270 public <application>GnuPG</application> key server. Or you can ask your friends
2271 to send you one or more of their public keys.</para>
2273 </sect2>
2275 <sect2 id="pgp-sign-your-messages">
2276 <title>Sign your Messages</title>
2278 <para>Compose your message as usual in the composer
2279 window. Before you send the message, check the <guibutton><inlinemediaobject>
2280 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="document-edit.png" format="PNG"/>
2281 </imageobject></inlinemediaobject> Sign</guibutton>
2282 icon on the toolbar of the composer window, or select <menuchoice>
2283 <guimenu>Options</guimenu><guimenuitem><inlinemediaobject><imageobject>
2284 <imagedata fileref="document-edit.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject>
2285 </inlinemediaobject> Sign Message</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. Then, you can send
2286 the message. The identity you are using to write the current message needs to 
2287 be connected to an <guilabel>OpenPGP Key</guilabel> in the <guilabel>Identity</guilabel>
2288 section of the <guilabel>Configure</guilabel> dialog.
2289 To sign the message, &kmail; needs to know your <application>GnuPG</application> 
2290 passphrase. You may be asked to supply it, or,
2291 if you have previously given the phrase to &kmail;, the
2292 message will be signed automatically.</para>
2294 </sect2>
2296 <sect2 id="pgp-encrypt-your-messages">
2297 <title>Encrypt your Messages</title>
2299 <para>To send an encrypted message to somebody whose
2300 public key is on your gpg key ring, simply create the message in the composer window.
2301 Before you send the message, check the <guibutton><inlinemediaobject><imageobject>
2302 <imagedata fileref="document-decrypt.png" format="PNG"/>
2303 </imageobject></inlinemediaobject> Encrypt</guibutton> 
2304 button in the toolbar of the composer window (or select <menuchoice>
2305 <guimenu>Options</guimenu><guimenuitem><inlinemediaobject><imageobject>
2306 <imagedata fileref="document-decrypt.png" format="PNG"/>
2307 </imageobject></inlinemediaobject> Encrypt Message</guimenuitem></menuchoice>).
2308 Then send the message.</para>
2310 <para>
2311 If you checked the <guibutton><inlinemediaobject><imageobject>
2312 <imagedata fileref="document-decrypt.png" format="PNG"/>
2313 </imageobject></inlinemediaobject> Encrypt</guibutton> button and &kmail;
2314 cannot find a matching key for a recipient, it will allow you to modify
2315 your key ring before trying again.
2316 If &kmail; finds more than one trusted key for a recipient, it will
2317 display a list containing all matching keys for this recipient. In either
2318 case you can select the key(s) which should be used for encrypting
2319 this message for the recipient in question.</para>
2321 <para>If you are using a key for the first time, if there are conflicting
2322 Encryption Preferences, or if <guilabel>Always
2323 show the encryption keys for approval</guilabel> is selected in the
2324 <guilabel>Security</guilabel> section of &kmail;'s configuration dialog,
2325 the <guilabel>Encryption Key Approval</guilabel> dialog will appear.
2326 You can select different keys for the recipients and can 
2327 set the <guilabel>Encryption Preference</guilabel> for each recipient.
2328 The option, <guilabel>Encrypt whenever encryption is
2329 possible</guilabel> (on the <guilabel>Cryptography</guilabel> tab of the
2330 <menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu><guimenuitem>Configure &kmail;...</guimenuitem>
2331 </menuchoice> dialog), will automatically encrypt your message if there is a 
2332 trusted key for each recipient.</para>
2334 <para>As mentioned above, you will not be able to read your own encrypted sent
2335 messages if you do not check <guilabel>When encrypting emails, always also encrypt 
2336 to the certificate of my own identity</guilabel> in the
2337 settings' <guilabel>Security</guilabel> page.</para>
2339 </sect2>
2341 <sect2 id="pgp-send-your-public-key">
2342 <title>Send your Public Key</title>
2344 <para>Prepare a message to the person to whom you want to send your public key.
2345 Then choose, in the composer window's menu,
2346 <menuchoice><guimenu>Attach</guimenu><guimenuitem>Attach Public
2347 Key</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. This will attach your public key – the one you are
2348 currently using – to the message.</para>
2350 <para>Remember that it is not perfectly safe to just sign the message to ensure
2351 that the receiver gets the correct key. There can (possibly) be a "man-in-the-middle"
2352 attack: somebody could intercept your message, change the attached key, and then sign the message with that other
2353 key. The recipient should verify the attached key by checking the
2354 key's fingerprint against the one he received in a secure way from you.
2355 Alternatively, just ask him to use the key he received to compose and send an encrypted
2356 message back to you. If your secret key decrypts that message, he has a copy of your public key. See
2357 the <application>GnuPG</application> documentation for further details.</para>
2359 </sect2>
2361 <sect2 id="pgp-you-received-an-encrypted-message">
2362 <title>You received an encrypted Message</title>
2364 <para>All you have to do is to select the message in &kmail;. You may be
2365 prompted for your passphrase. Then, &kmail; will decrypt the message and
2366 show you the plain text if the message was encrypted with your public
2367 key. If not, you will not be able to read it. By default, &kmail; stores messages
2368 encrypted, so nobody can read these messages without knowing your passphrase, or, at a minimum, your login password.</para>
2370 </sect2>
2372 <sect2 id="pgp-receiving-a-public-key">
2373 <title>Receiving a Public Key</title>
2375 <para>You can receive a public key as an attachment, or via http, ftp, or a floppy.
2376 Before you use this key to encrypt a message to the owner of the
2377 key, you should verify the key (check its fingerprint or look for
2378 trusted signatures); then, you can add this key to your public keyring
2379 by typing <userinput><command>gpg</command> <option>--import</option>
2380 <replaceable>filename</replaceable></userinput> at the command line. 
2381 If the key is not certified with another signature that you have already trusted,
2382 you cannot use it to encrypt messages unless you sign (certify) the key with your own key.
2383 </para>
2385 </sect2>
2387 </sect1>
2389 <sect1 id="the-anti-spam-wizard">
2390 <title>The Anti-Spam Wizard</title>
2392 <sect2 id="spam-wizard-basics">
2393 <title>Basics</title>
2395 <para>&kmail; does not have a built-in spam detection solution: the developers believe 
2396 using external, but specialized, tools is the better approach. &kmail; uses these tools 
2397 through its flexible filter architecture. The Anti-Spam Wizard helps you with the 
2398 initial filter setup.
2399 </para>
2401 <variablelist>
2402 <varlistentry>
2403 <term>What can the wizard do to help you?</term>
2404 <listitem>
2405 <para>It will give you some choices about how you want the spam filtering to be set up. 
2406 Afterwards it will automatically create the appropriate filter rules.
2407 </para>
2408 </listitem>
2409 </varlistentry>
2410 <varlistentry>
2411 <term>What are the limitations of the wizard?</term>
2412 <listitem>
2413 <para>All it can do is set up the filters for you; it will provide a 
2414 standard setup. Manual modifications that have been applied to existing anti-spam filters are not recognized.
2415 Instead, such filters are overwritten by the wizard.
2416 </para>
2417 </listitem>
2418 </varlistentry>
2419 </variablelist>
2421 <para>You can activate the wizard via <menuchoice><guimenu>Tools</guimenu>
2422 <guisubmenu>Anti-Spam Wizard...</guisubmenu></menuchoice>. If this choice is not
2423 available, click <menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu><guisubmenu>Configure
2424 &kmail;...</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Plugins</guimenuitem></menuchoice> and
2425 check the box next to <guilabel>Antispam</guilabel>. You will be prompted to
2426 restart &kmail;; when you do, the wizard will appear on the <guilabel>Tools</guilabel> menu.</para>
2428 <para>The wizard scans for known anti-spam tools on your computer. 
2429 It is also possible to use the results of spam checks made by your service provider,
2430 by evaluating header information which has been added to the messages.
2431 You can let the wizard prepare &kmail; to use one or more of these in parallel.
2432 However, note that anti-spam tool operations are unusually time consuming.
2433 &kmail; can appear to be frozen during the scan of messages for spam, so
2434 you may encounter problems with the responsiveness of &kmail;. Please consider 
2435 deleting the filter rules created by the wizard if the filtering becomes 
2436 too slow for you. (This has been a problem with older hardware. It probably won't afflict more modern machines.)</para>
2437 <para>Here are some observations about a few anti-spam tools.</para>
2439 <variablelist>
2440 <varlistentry>
2441   <term>Bogofilter</term>
2442 <listitem>
2443 <para>Bogofilter is a Bayesian filter. Its spam detection ability
2444 relies on an initial training phase. On the other hand, it's a pretty 
2445 fast tool. That's why it is recommended for people who 
2446 want fast spam detection, and who aren't worried
2447 about putting some effort into the initial training, before the detection rate
2448 increases significantly.
2449 </para>
2450 </listitem>
2451 </varlistentry>
2452 <varlistentry>
2453   <term>SpamAssassin</term>
2454 <listitem>
2455 <para>SpamAssassin is a fairly complex tool to use against spam.
2456 Although its behavior depends heavily on its configuration,
2457 it can detect spam quite well without any training. However,
2458 scanning a message takes a little longer compared to pure Bayesian 
2459 filters. Let's say it's not the tool of choice for people without
2460 some background information about SpamAssassin's capabilities.
2461 </para>
2462 </listitem>
2463 </varlistentry>
2464 <varlistentry>
2465   <term>Annoyance Filter</term>
2466 <listitem>
2467 <para>Perhaps not so often used until more distributions pick it up.
2468 It's clearly a tool for specialists.
2469 </para>
2470 </listitem>
2471 </varlistentry>
2472 <varlistentry>
2473   <term>GMX Spam Filter</term>
2474 <listitem>
2475 <para>If you get your mail via the GMX freemail provider,
2476 your messages have already been scanned for spam. The result of that process is
2477 documented in a special header field in each message. It's possible to
2478 use the content of this header field to filter out spam. There is very little
2479 slowdown in the filtering when this tool is used, as the messages
2480 have already been processed by the external email server.
2481 </para>
2482 </listitem>
2483 </varlistentry>
2484 </variablelist>
2487 </sect2>
2489 <sect2 id="spam-wizard-advanced">
2490 <title>Advanced</title>
2492 <para>&kmail; can use several 
2493 external tools to detect spam messages; it will try to automatically find 
2494 out which tools are installed on your system, and will display all of these
2495 in a list. The list is ordered by the average speed of the filtering
2496 process of the tools. You can mark the tools which you want 
2497 &kmail; to utilize to detect spam. If you want more choices, you 
2498 can simply close the wizard, install a new tool, then restart the wizard.
2499 </para>
2501 <para>If you have marked at least one tool, &kmail; is able to provide filters
2502 which allow the classification of the messages as spam or not spam. It will 
2503 also provide actions to let you manually classify messages. These actions will 
2504 be available in the <menuchoice><guimenu>Message</guimenu><guisubmenu>Apply
2505 Filter &gt;</guisubmenu></menuchoice> menu item, and also via a pair of icons on the toolbar.
2506 If any of the tools you selected support Bayesian filtering (&ie; a method 
2507 to detect spam based on statistical analysis of the messages) then these 
2508 messages are not only marked but additionally piped through the tools to
2509 help them learn, thereby improving their detection rate.
2510 </para>
2512 <para>On the second page, you will be able to select some additional
2513 actions to be performed in &kmail; with regard to spam messages: if you
2514 want messages detected as spam to be moved into a certain folder, select
2515 the appropriate folder and mark the <guilabel>Move known spam to:</guilabel> 
2516 option; if messages detected as spam should additionally be marked as read, 
2517 then mark the <guilabel>Mark detected spam messages as read</guilabel> option.
2518 </para>
2520 <para>Selecting at least one of the available tools will allow
2521 the wizard to finish the filter setup. The wizard will not take any
2522 modifications in existing filters, formerly created by it, into
2523 consideration, but will either append new filters or replace existing filters.
2524 In any case you may want to inspect the result of this process in the
2525 <link linkend="filter-dialog">Filter Dialog</link>. 
2526 The wizard will also create toolbar buttons for marking messages as spam or
2527 as ham. Keep in mind that classifying messages as spam will also move those 
2528 messages to the folder you have specified for spam messages, when you
2529 select the <quote>spam</quote> option.
2530 </para>
2532 </sect2>
2534 <sect2 id="spam-wizard-details">
2535 <title>Some More Details for Experts</title>
2537 <para>The wizard uses information stored in a special configuration file named 
2538 <filename>kmail.antispamrc</filename> (stored in the global or local &kde;
2539 config directory). It will first check the global config file and then the local 
2540 config file. If the local config file contains an entry with a higher (newer) 
2541 version number, the configuration data from the local file (for that
2542 tool) is used, so both administrators and users can update the
2543 wizard's configuration.
2544 </para>
2546 <para>The local detection of spam messages is achieved by creating 
2547 <guilabel>pipe through</guilabel> actions per-tool within a 
2548 special filter. Another filter contains rules to check for detected spam 
2549 messages and actions to mark them and (optionally, depending on the choice 
2550 in the wizard) to move them into a folder. Both filters are configured to 
2551 be applied to incoming messages and for manual filtering.
2552 </para>
2554 <para>Two filters are needed for the classification of ham and spam. They
2555 contain actions to mark the messages appropriately. As mentioned above, the
2556 filter for classification as spam can have another supplementary action to
2557 move the messages into a predefined folder. If the selected tools support
2558 Bayesian filtering, the wizard will create additional filter actions to pass
2559 the messages to the tools (via <guilabel>Execute Command</guilabel> actions)
2560 in the appropriate learning mode.
2561 </para>
2563 <para>If you want to fine-tune the filtering process, you might be interested in the 
2564 chapter about <link linkend="filter-optimization">Filter Optimization</link>.</para>
2566 </sect2>
2568 </sect1>
2570 <sect1 id="the-anti-virus-wizard">
2571 <title>The Anti-Virus Wizard</title>
2573 <sect2 id="virus-wizard-basics">
2574 <title>Basics</title>
2576 <para>&kmail; does not have a built-in virus detection solution: the developers believe 
2577 using external, but specialized, tools is the better approach. &kmail; uses these tools 
2578 through its flexible filter architecture. The Anti-Virus Wizard helps you with the 
2579 initial filter setup.
2580 </para>
2582 <variablelist>
2583 <varlistentry>
2584 <term>What can the wizard do to help you?</term>
2585 <listitem>
2586 <para>It will give you some choices about how you want virus filtering to be set up. 
2587 Afterwards it will automatically create the appropriate filter rules.
2588 </para>
2589 </listitem>
2590 </varlistentry>
2591 <varlistentry>
2592 <term>What are the limitations of the wizard?</term>
2593 <listitem>
2594 <para>All it can do is set up the filters for you; it will provide a 
2595 standard setup. Manual modifications that have been applied to existing anti-virus filters are not recognized.
2596 Instead, such filters are overwritten by the wizard.
2597 </para>
2598 </listitem>
2599 </varlistentry>
2600 </variablelist>
2602 <para>You can activate the wizard via <menuchoice><guimenu>Tools</guimenu>
2603 <guisubmenu>Anti-Virus Wizard...</guisubmenu></menuchoice>. If this choice is not
2604 available, click <menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu><guisubmenu>Configure
2605 &kmail;...</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Plugins</guimenuitem></menuchoice> and
2606 check the box next to <guilabel>Antivirus</guilabel>. You will be prompted to
2607 restart &kmail;; when you do, the wizard will appear on the <guilabel>Tools</guilabel> menu.</para>
2609 </sect2>
2611 <sect2 id="virus-wizard-advanced">
2612 <title>Advanced</title>
2614 <para>The Anti-Virus Wizard basically works the same way as the
2615 <link linkend="the-anti-spam-wizard">Anti-Spam Wizard</link> does.
2616 &kmail; can use several 
2617 external tools to detect messages containing viruses. It will determine 
2618 which of these tools are installed on your system, and will show you the
2619 results from the search. You can mark the tools which you want
2620 &kmail; to use for virus detection. If you want more choices, you 
2621 can simply close the wizard, install a new tool, then restart the wizard.
2622 </para>
2624 <para>If you have chosen at least one tool you will be able to select actions
2625 for &kmail; to perform on messages containing viruses. To let &kmail; detect
2626 messages containing viruses, you should mark the <guilabel>Check messages using the
2627 anti-virus tools</guilabel> option. If you want messages infected by a 
2628 virus to be moved into a certain folder, select the appropriate folder and
2629 mark the <guilabel>Move detected viral messages to the selected folder</guilabel> 
2630 option. If such messages should also be marked as read,
2631 select the <guilabel>Additionally, mark detected viral messages as read</guilabel> option.
2632 </para>
2634 <para>Selecting at least one of these options will allow
2635 the wizard to finish the filter setup. The wizard will not take any existing
2636 filter rules into account, but will append new rules. In any case you
2637 may want to inspect the result of this process in the 
2638 <link linkend="filter-dialog">Filter Dialog</link>.
2639 </para>
2641 </sect2>
2643 <sect2 id="virus-wizard-details">
2644 <title>Details</title>
2646 <para>The wizard uses information stored in a special configuration file named 
2647 <filename>kmail.antivirusrc</filename> (stored in the global or local &kde;
2648 config directory). If the local config file contains an entry with a higher (newer) 
2649 version number, the configuration data from the local file (for that
2650 tool) is used, so both administrators and users can update the
2651 wizard's configuration.
2652 </para>
2654 <para>The detection of messages containing viruses is achieved by creating 
2655 <guilabel>pipe through</guilabel> actions per-tool within a 
2656 special filter. Another filter contains rules to check for infected 
2657 messages, and actions to mark them and (optionally, depending on the choice 
2658 in the wizard) to move them into a folder. Both filters are configured to 
2659 be applied to incoming messages and for manual filtering.
2660 </para>
2662 </sect2>
2664 </sect1>
2666 </chapter>