Warning, /pim/kmail/doc/akonadi_sendlater_agent/index.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0" ?>
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0004   <!ENTITY i18n-sendlateragent "<application>Send Later Agent</application>">
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0006   <!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE"> 
0007 ]>
0009 <article id="sendlateragent" lang="&language;">
0010 <articleinfo>
0011 <title>The &i18n-sendlateragent; Handbook</title>
0012 <authorgroup>
0013 <author>
0014 <personname>
0015 <firstname>Laurent</firstname>
0016 <surname>Montel</surname>
0017 </personname>
0018 &Laurent.Montel.mail;
0019 </author>
0020 <author>
0021 <firstname>Scarlett</firstname>
0022 <surname>Clark</surname>
0023 <affiliation><address>
0024 &Scarlett.Clark.mail;
0025 </address></affiliation>
0026 </author>
0028 </authorgroup>
0030 <copyright>
0031 <year>2013</year>
0032 <holder>&Laurent.Montel;</holder>
0033 </copyright>
0035 <date>2019-09-21</date>
0036 <releaseinfo>5.13 (Applications 19.12)</releaseinfo>
0038 </articleinfo>
0040 <sect1 id="introduction">
0041 <title>Introduction</title>
0043 <para>
0044 &i18n-sendlateragent; is an akonadi agent which allows you to send scheduled mails once or repeatedly.
0045 </para>
0047 <sect2 id="using-kapp">
0048 <title>Using &i18n-sendlateragent;</title>
0050 <para>Use <menuchoice><guimenu>Message</guimenu><guimenuitem>Send Later</guimenuitem></menuchoice>
0051 in &kmail;'s composer window to open a dialog which allows you to schedule your emails to send 
0052 at a specific date and time.</para>
0054 <screenshot>
0055 <screeninfo>&i18n-sendlateragent; Dialog</screeninfo>
0056   <mediaobject>
0057     <imageobject>
0058       <imagedata fileref="sendlateragent-dialog.png" format="PNG"/>
0059     </imageobject>
0060     <textobject>
0061       <phrase>&i18n-sendlateragent; Dialog</phrase>
0062     </textobject>
0063     <caption>
0064       <para>&i18n-sendlateragent; Dialog</para>
0065     </caption>
0066   </mediaobject>
0067 </screenshot>
0069 <para>Say you have constructed a brilliant email outlining tasks you wish your employees to complete while you are at the conference, but you will be
0070 on an airplane when you wish the email to be sent. Use this feature to send the email at a precise date and time. To schedule the email to send later, first check the <guilabel>Delay</guilabel> box and then select the date and time on the <guilabel>Send at:</guilabel>
0071 menu.</para>
0072 <para>
0073 If you need to send a weekly reminder email to your employees, you can configure it to repeat sending the message by checking <guilabel>Repeat every</guilabel>
0074 checkbox and selecting the desired intervals.</para>
0075 <para> You can put the message in your queued messages by selecting the <guibutton>Send Later</guibutton> button to schedule the message immediately.
0076 </para>
0077 <para>This agent works independent from &kmail; and does not need a running &kmail; instance or &kmail; being
0078 in online mode to send scheduled emails.</para>
0079 <para>If you have no network connection when a scheduled message should be sent, the agent will report an error
0080 and ask if you want to resend it later.</para>
0081 <para>At login to a &kde; session the agent checks the scheduled messages and sends all 
0082 messages overdue since the last logout if necessary.
0083 </para>
0084 <para>To change the options for emails you have scheduled to send later, use <menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu>
0085 <guimenuitem>Configure &kmail;...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> then select the <guilabel>Plugins</guilabel> page in &kmail; and press
0086 the configuration button against the <guilabel>Send Later Agent</guilabel> item.
0087 </para>
0089 <screenshot>
0090 <screeninfo>Configure &i18n-sendlateragent;</screeninfo>
0091   <mediaobject>
0092     <imageobject>
0093       <imagedata fileref="sendlateragent-configure.png" format="PNG"/>
0094     </imageobject>
0095     <textobject>
0096       <phrase>Configure &i18n-sendlateragent;</phrase>
0097     </textobject>
0098     <caption>
0099       <para>Configure &i18n-sendlateragent;</para>
0100     </caption>
0101   </mediaobject>
0102 </screenshot>
0104 <para><action>This brings up a dialog that allows you to modify the schedule and remove emails 
0105 that have been sent using the send later feature.</action>
0106 </para>
0107 <para>It is not possible to change the content (body, headers &etc;) of a scheduled message.
0108 </para>
0109 </sect2>
0111 <sect2 id="credits">
0113 <title>Credits and License</title>
0115 <para>&i18n-sendlateragent;</para>
0116 <para>
0117 Program copyright 2013-2019 &Laurent.Montel; &Laurent.Montel.mail;
0118 </para>
0119 <para>
0120 Documentation Copyright &copy; 2013-2019 &Laurent.Montel; &Laurent.Montel.mail;
0121 </para>
0125 &underFDL;               <!-- FDL: do not remove -->
0126 &underGPL;               <!-- GPL License -->
0127 </sect2>
0129 </sect1>
0131 </article>
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