Warning, /pim/kmail/doc/akonadi_followupreminder_agent/index.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 <?xml version="1.0" ?> 0002 <!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.5-Based Variant V1.1//EN" 0003 "dtd/kdedbx45.dtd" [ 0004 <!ENTITY i18n-followupreminderagent "<application>Follow Up Reminder Agent</application>"> 0005 <!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE"> 0006 <!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE"> 0007 ]> 0008 0009 <article id="followupreminder" lang="&language;"> 0010 <articleinfo> 0011 <title>The &i18n-followupreminderagent; Handbook</title> 0012 <authorgroup> 0013 <author> 0014 <personname> 0015 <firstname>Laurent</firstname> 0016 <surname>Montel</surname> 0017 </personname> 0018 &Laurent.Montel.mail; 0019 </author> 0020 <!-- TRANS:ROLES_OF_TRANSLATORS --> 0021 </authorgroup> 0022 0023 <copyright> 0024 <year>2014</year> 0025 <holder>&Laurent.Montel;</holder> 0026 </copyright> 0027 0028 <date>2019-09-21</date> 0029 <releaseinfo>5.13 (Applications 19.12)</releaseinfo> 0030 0031 </articleinfo> 0032 0033 <sect1 id="introduction"> 0034 <title>Introduction</title> 0035 0036 <para> 0037 &i18n-followupreminderagent; is an akonadi agent which follow up reminder mail 0038 </para> 0039 0040 <sect2 id="using-kapp"> 0041 <title>Using &i18n-followupreminderagent;</title> 0042 0043 <para>Use <menuchoice><guimenu>Options</guimenu><guimenuitem>Create Follow Up Reminder</guimenuitem></menuchoice> 0044 in &kmail;'s composer window to open a dialog which allows you to create a reminder to follow up your current email 0045 at a specific date.</para> 0046 0047 <screenshot> 0048 <screeninfo>&i18n-followupreminderagent; Dialog</screeninfo> 0049 <mediaobject> 0050 <imageobject> 0051 <imagedata fileref="add-followup-reminder.png" format="PNG"/> 0052 </imageobject> 0053 <textobject> 0054 <phrase>&i18n-followupreminderagent; Dialog</phrase> 0055 </textobject> 0056 <caption> 0057 <para>&i18n-followupreminderagent; Dialog</para> 0058 </caption> 0059 </mediaobject> 0060 </screenshot> 0061 0062 <para>Press the arrow-down button against the <guilabel>Date</guilabel> field to select the date from the &kde; calendar widget. It is also possible to choose your calender for the reminder using the <guilabel>Store ToDo in</guilabel> drop-down list.</para> 0063 <para>To remove reminders you have scheduled, use <menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu> 0064 <guimenuitem>Configure &kmail;...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> then select the <guilabel>Plugins</guilabel> page in &kmail; and press 0065 the configuration button against the <guilabel>Followup Reminder Agent</guilabel> item. Then use the context menu launched with a &RMB; click on a reminder item to select the <guimenuitem>Delete</guimenuitem> action. 0066 </para> 0067 0068 <screenshot> 0069 <screeninfo>Configure &i18n-followupreminderagent;</screeninfo> 0070 <mediaobject> 0071 <imageobject> 0072 <imagedata fileref="followupreminder-configure.png" format="PNG"/> 0073 </imageobject> 0074 <textobject> 0075 <phrase>Configure &i18n-followupreminderagent;</phrase> 0076 </textobject> 0077 <caption> 0078 <para>Configure &i18n-followupreminderagent;</para> 0079 </caption> 0080 </mediaobject> 0081 </screenshot> 0082 0083 </sect2> 0084 0085 <sect2 id="credits"> 0086 0087 <title>Credits and License</title> 0088 0089 <para>&i18n-followupreminderagent;</para> 0090 <para> 0091 Program copyright 2014-2019 &Laurent.Montel; &Laurent.Montel.mail; 0092 </para> 0093 <para> 0094 Documentation Copyright © 2014-2019 &Laurent.Montel; &Laurent.Montel.mail; 0095 </para> 0096 0097 <!-- TRANS:CREDIT_FOR_TRANSLATORS --> 0098 0099 &underFDL; <!-- FDL: do not remove --> 0100 &underGPL; <!-- GPL License --> 0101 </sect2> 0102 0103 </sect1> 0104 0105 </article> 0106 <!-- 0107 Local Variables: 0108 mode: xml 0109 sgml-minimize-attributes:nil 0110 sgml-general-insert-case:lower 0111 sgml-indent-step:0 0112 sgml-indent-data:nil 0113 End: 0114 0115 vim:tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:expandtab 0116 kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; tab-width 2; indent-mode none; 0117 -->