File indexing completed on 2024-05-12 05:20:00

0001 /*
0002     aboutdata.cpp
0004     This file is part of Kleopatra, the KDE keymanager
0005     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2001, 2002, 2004 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB
0007     SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
0008 */
0010 #include <config-kleopatra.h>
0011 #include <version-kleopatra.h>
0013 #include "aboutdata.h"
0015 #include "kleopatraapplication.h"
0017 #include <Libkleo/GnuPG>
0019 #include <QCoreApplication>
0020 #include <QSettings>
0021 #include <QThread>
0023 #include <KLazyLocalizedString>
0024 #include <KLocalizedString>
0026 #include "kleopatra_debug.h"
0028 /* Path to GnuPGs signing keys relative to the GnuPG installation */
0030 #define GNUPG_DISTSIGKEY_RELPATH "/../share/gnupg/distsigkey.gpg"
0031 #endif
0032 /* Path to a VERSION file relative to QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath */
0033 #ifndef VERSION_RELPATH
0034 #define VERSION_RELPATH "/../VERSION"
0035 #endif
0037 static const char kleopatra_version[] = KLEOPATRA_VERSION_STRING;
0039 struct about_data {
0040     const KLazyLocalizedString name;
0041     const KLazyLocalizedString desc;
0042     const char *email;
0043     const char *web;
0044 };
0046 static const about_data authors[] = {
0047     {kli18n("Andre Heinecke"), kli18n("Current Maintainer"), "", nullptr},
0048     {kli18n("Marc Mutz"), kli18n("Former Maintainer"), "", nullptr},
0049     {kli18n("Steffen Hansen"), kli18n("Former Maintainer"), "", nullptr},
0050     {kli18n("Matthias Kalle Dalheimer"), kli18n("Original Author"), "", nullptr},
0051 };
0053 static const about_data credits[] = {
0054     {kli18n("David Faure"), kli18n("Backend configuration framework, KIO integration"), "", nullptr},
0055     {kli18n("Michel Boyer de la Giroday"),
0056      kli18n("Key-state dependent colors and fonts in the certificates list"),
0057      "",
0058      nullptr},
0059     {kli18n("Thomas Moenicke"), kli18n("Artwork"), "", nullptr},
0060     {kli18n("Frank Osterfeld"), kli18n("Resident gpgme/win wrangler, UI Server commands and dialogs"), "", nullptr},
0061     {kli18n("Karl-Heinz Zimmer"), kli18n("DN display ordering support, infrastructure"), "", nullptr},
0062     {kli18n("Laurent Montel"), kli18n("Qt5 port, general code maintenance"), "", nullptr},
0063 };
0065 static void updateAboutDataFromSettings(KAboutData *about, const QSettings *settings)
0066 {
0067     if (!about || !settings) {
0068         return;
0069     }
0070     about->setDisplayName(settings->value(QStringLiteral("displayName"), about->displayName()).toString());
0071     about->setProductName(settings->value(QStringLiteral("productName"), about->productName()).toByteArray());
0072     about->setComponentName(settings->value(QStringLiteral("componentName"), about->componentName()).toString());
0073     about->setShortDescription(settings->value(QStringLiteral("shortDescription"), about->shortDescription()).toString());
0074     about->setHomepage(settings->value(QStringLiteral("homepage"), about->homepage()).toString());
0075     about->setBugAddress(settings->value(QStringLiteral("bugAddress"), about->bugAddress()).toByteArray());
0076     about->setVersion(settings->value(QStringLiteral("version"), about->version()).toByteArray());
0077     about->setOtherText(settings->value(QStringLiteral("otherText"), about->otherText()).toString());
0078     about->setCopyrightStatement(settings->value(QStringLiteral("copyrightStatement"), about->copyrightStatement()).toString());
0079     about->setDesktopFileName(settings->value(QStringLiteral("desktopFileName"), about->desktopFileName()).toString());
0080 }
0082 // Extend the about data with the used GnuPG Version since this can
0083 // make a big difference with regards to the available features.
0084 static void loadBackendVersions()
0085 {
0086     auto thread = QThread::create([]() {
0087         STARTUP_TIMING << "Checking backend versions";
0088         const auto backendVersions = Kleo::backendVersionInfo();
0089         STARTUP_TIMING << "backend versions checked";
0090         if (!backendVersions.empty()) {
0091             QMetaObject::invokeMethod(qApp, [backendVersions]() {
0092                 auto about = KAboutData::applicationData();
0093                 about.setOtherText(i18nc("Preceeds a list of applications/libraries used by Kleopatra", "Uses:") //
0094                                    + QLatin1StringView{"<ul><li>"} //
0095                                    + backendVersions.join(QLatin1StringView{"</li><li>"}) //
0096                                    + QLatin1StringView{"</li></ul>"} //
0097                                    + about.otherText());
0098                 KAboutData::setApplicationData(about);
0099             });
0100         }
0101     });
0102     thread->start();
0103 }
0105 // This code is mostly for Gpg4win and GnuPG VS-Desktop so that they
0106 // can put in their own about data information.
0107 static void loadCustomAboutData(KAboutData *about)
0108 {
0109     const QStringList searchPaths = {Kleo::gnupgInstallPath()};
0110     const QString versionFile = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + QStringLiteral(VERSION_RELPATH);
0111     const QString distSigKeys = Kleo::gnupgInstallPath() + QStringLiteral(GNUPG_DISTSIGKEY_RELPATH);
0112     STARTUP_TIMING << "Starting version info check";
0113     bool valid = Kleo::gpgvVerify(versionFile, QString(), distSigKeys, searchPaths);
0114     STARTUP_TIMING << "Version info checked";
0115     if (valid) {
0116         qCDebug(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << "Found valid VERSION file. Updating about data.";
0117         auto settings = std::make_shared<QSettings>(versionFile, QSettings::IniFormat);
0118         settings->beginGroup(QStringLiteral("Kleopatra"));
0119         updateAboutDataFromSettings(about, settings.get());
0120         KleopatraApplication::instance()->setDistributionSettings(settings);
0121     }
0122     loadBackendVersions();
0123 }
0125 AboutData::AboutData()
0126     : KAboutData(QStringLiteral("kleopatra"),
0127                  i18n("Kleopatra"),
0128                  QLatin1StringView(kleopatra_version),
0129                  i18n("Certificate Manager and Unified Crypto GUI"),
0130                  KAboutLicense::GPL,
0131                  i18n("(c) 2002 Steffen\u00A0Hansen, Matthias\u00A0Kalle\u00A0Dalheimer, Klar\u00E4lvdalens\u00A0Datakonsult\u00A0AB\n"
0132                       "(c) 2004, 2007, 2008, 2009 Marc\u00A0Mutz, Klar\u00E4lvdalens\u00A0Datakonsult\u00A0AB") //
0133                      + QLatin1Char('\n') //
0134                      + i18n("(c) 2016-2018 Intevation GmbH") //
0135                      + QLatin1Char('\n') //
0136                      + i18n("(c) 2010-%1 The Kleopatra developers, g10 Code GmbH", QStringLiteral("2024")))
0137 {
0138     using ::authors;
0139     using ::credits;
0140     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof authors / sizeof *authors; ++i) {
0141         addAuthor(KLocalizedString(authors[i].name).toString(),
0142                   KLocalizedString(authors[i].desc).toString(),
0143                   QLatin1StringView(authors[i].email),
0144                   QLatin1StringView(authors[i].web));
0145     }
0146     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof credits / sizeof *credits; ++i) {
0147         addCredit(KLocalizedString(credits[i].name).toString(),
0148                   KLocalizedString(credits[i].desc).toString(),
0149                   QLatin1StringView(credits[i].email),
0150                   QLatin1StringView(credits[i].web));
0151     }
0153     loadCustomAboutData(this);
0154 }