Warning, /pim/kitinerary/autotests/extractordata/nationalrail/GLC-KGX.ics is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 BEGIN:VCALENDAR 0002 PRODID:-//OJP/Thales//EN 0003 VERSION:2.0 0004 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN 0005 METHOD:PUBLISH 0006 BEGIN:VEVENT 0007 DTSTAMP:20230219T115625Z 0008 UID:20230219T115625Z-C50900@liv1-ojpapp101.nreproduction.local 0009 CATEGORIES:Travel 0010 DTSTART:20230220T124000 0011 DTEND:20230220T173200 0012 SUMMARY:Journey Details: Glasgow Central (GLC) to London Kings Cross (KGX 0013 ) 0014 DESCRIPTION:Journey Details: Glasgow Central (GLC) to London Euston (EUS) 0015 \, dep 12:40\, arr 17:12\nTrain Company: Avanti West Coast\nMode of Tran 0016 sport: Train\n\nJourney Details: London Euston (EUS) to London Kings Cro 0017 ss (KGX)\, dep 17:27\, arr 17:32\nMode of Transport: Underground\n\n 0018 LOCATION:Glasgow Central Rail Station\, UK 0019 ORGANIZER;CN=National Rail Enquiries:MAILTO:NREServiceDesk@smart421.com 0020 END:VEVENT 0021 END:VCALENDAR