File indexing completed on 2024-05-12 13:20:22

0001 #!/bin/sh
0003 if [ $(id -u) -eq 0 ]; then
0004     echo "Don't run this script as root"
0005     exit 1
0006 fi
0008 docker_exe="docker"
0009 qt_version=5
0011 usage()
0012 {
0013     echo "Usage: $0 [-n] [-q VERSION ] container | directory"
0014     echo "  -n         Use nvidia-docker instead of docker executable (see README for details)"
0015     echo "  -q         Set the QT version that should be supported in image (default 5)"
0016     echo "  container  An existing development container name."
0017     echo "             See 'docker ps -a'."
0018     echo "  directory  Location to use for a new development container."
0019     echo "             Final path component will be the container name."
0020     exit 1
0021 }
0023 while getopts "naq:" o; do
0024     case "${o}" in
0025         n)
0026             docker_exe="nvidia-docker"
0027             ;;
0028         q)
0029            qt_version="$OPTARG"
0030            ;;
0031         a)
0032             attach=true
0033             ;;
0034         *)
0035             usage
0036             ;;
0037     esac
0038 done
0039 shift $((OPTIND-1))
0041 if [ "$qt_version" = "6" ]; then
0042     base_image="kdepim:qt6-dev"
0043 else
0044     base_image="kdepim:dev"
0045 fi
0047 if [ -z $1 ]; then
0048     usage
0049 fi
0051 container_name=`basename $1`
0053 # Is kdepim-dev already running?
0054 num=$(${docker_exe} ps -f name=${container_name} | wc -l)
0055 if [ ${num} -eq 2 ]; then
0056     if [ "${attach}" = true ]; then
0057         # Attach to it
0058         ${docker_exe} attach ${container_name}
0059     else
0060         ${docker_exe} exec -it -u neon ${container_name} bash
0061     fi
0062 else
0063     # Just stopped?
0064     num=$(${docker_exe} ps -a -f name=${container_name} | wc -l)
0065     if [ ${num} -eq 2 ]; then
0066         # Start it and attach to it
0067         ${docker_exe} start -ai ${container_name}
0068     elif [ ! -d $1 -o ! -w $1 ]; then
0069         echo "$1 is not a container name or a writable directory"
0070         exit 1
0071     else
0072         # Create a new container from the kdepim:dev image
0073         # using directory $1 for repository check-outs.
0074         user=$(id -u)
0075         args="-e DISPLAY \
0076             -e ICECC_SERVER \
0077             -e WAYLAND_DISPLAY \
0078             -e XDG_SESSION_TYPE \
0079             -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw,z \
0080             -v $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/pulse:$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/pulse:rw,z \
0081             -v $1:/home/neon/kdepim:rw,z"
0083         if [ ! -z "$WAYLAND_DISPLAY" ] && [ -e $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/$WAYLAND_DISPLAY ]; then
0084                 args="${args} \
0086        fi
0087        ${docker_exe} run \
0088             -ti \
0089             ${args} \
0090             --user=$(id -u):$(id -g) \
0091             --privileged \
0092             --name ${container_name} \
0093             ${base_image}
0094     fi
0095 fi