File indexing completed on 2024-05-12 05:15:03

0001 /*
0002   This file is part of the kcalutils library.
0004   SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2001-2003 Cornelius Schumacher <>
0005   SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2004 Reinhold Kainhofer <>
0006   SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2009-2010 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB, a KDAB Group company <>
0008   SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
0009 */
0010 /**
0011   @file
0012   This file is part of the API for handling calendar data and provides
0013   static functions for formatting Incidences for various purposes.
0015   @author Cornelius Schumacher \<\>
0016   @author Reinhold Kainhofer \<\>
0017   @author Allen Winter \<\>
0018 */
0019 #pragma once
0021 #include "kcalutils_export.h"
0023 #include <KCalendarCore/Calendar>
0024 #include <KCalendarCore/Incidence>
0026 #include <QDate>
0028 #include <memory>
0030 namespace KCalUtils
0031 {
0032 class InvitationFormatterHelperPrivate;
0034 /**
0035  * @brief The InvitationFormatterHelper class
0036  */
0037 class KCALUTILS_EXPORT InvitationFormatterHelper
0038 {
0039 public:
0040     InvitationFormatterHelper();
0041     virtual ~InvitationFormatterHelper();
0042     [[nodiscard]] virtual QString generateLinkURL(const QString &id);
0043     [[nodiscard]] virtual QString makeLink(const QString &id, const QString &text);
0044     [[nodiscard]] virtual KCalendarCore::Calendar::Ptr calendar() const;
0046 private:
0047     //@cond PRIVATE
0048     Q_DISABLE_COPY(InvitationFormatterHelper)
0049     std::unique_ptr<InvitationFormatterHelperPrivate> const d;
0050     //@endcond
0051 };
0053 /**
0054   @brief
0055   Provides methods to format Incidences in various ways for display purposes.
0057   Helpers that provides several static methods to format an Incidence in
0058   different ways: like an HTML representation for KMail, a representation
0059   for tool tips, or a representation for a viewer widget.
0061 */
0062 namespace IncidenceFormatter
0063 {
0064 /**
0065   Create a QString representation of an Incidence in a nice format
0066   suitable for using in a tooltip.
0067   All dates and times are converted to local time for display.
0068   @param sourceName where the incidence is from (e.g. resource name)
0069   @param incidence is a pointer to the Incidence to be formatted.
0070   @param date is the QDate for which the toolTip should be computed; used
0071   mainly for recurring incidences. Note: For to-dos, this a date between the
0072   start date and the due date (inclusive) of the occurrence.
0073   @param richText if yes, the QString will be created as RichText.
0074 */
0075 KCALUTILS_EXPORT QString toolTipStr(const QString &sourceName, const KCalendarCore::IncidenceBase::Ptr &incidence, QDate date = QDate(), bool richText = true);
0077 /**
0078   Create a RichText QString representation of an Incidence in a nice format
0079   suitable for using in a viewer widget.
0080   All dates and times are converted to local time for display.
0081   @param calendar is a pointer to the Calendar that owns the specified Incidence.
0082   @param incidence is a pointer to the Incidence to be formatted.
0083   @param date is the QDate for which the string representation should be computed;
0084   used mainly for recurring incidences.
0085 */
0086 KCALUTILS_EXPORT QString extensiveDisplayStr(const KCalendarCore::Calendar::Ptr &calendar,
0087                                              const KCalendarCore::IncidenceBase::Ptr &incidence,
0088                                              QDate date = QDate());
0090 /**
0091   Create a RichText QString representation of an Incidence in a nice format
0092   suitable for using in a viewer widget.
0093   All dates and times are converted to local time for display.
0094   @param sourceName where the incidence is from (e.g. resource name)
0095   @param incidence is a pointer to the Incidence to be formatted.
0096   @param date is the QDate for which the string representation should be computed;
0097   used mainly for recurring incidences.
0098 */
0099 KCALUTILS_EXPORT QString extensiveDisplayStr(const QString &sourceName, const KCalendarCore::IncidenceBase::Ptr &incidence, QDate date = QDate());
0101 /**
0102   Create a QString representation of an Incidence in format suitable for
0103   including inside a mail message.
0104   All dates and times are converted to local time for display.
0105   @param incidence is a pointer to the Incidence to be formatted.
0106 */
0107 KCALUTILS_EXPORT QString mailBodyStr(const KCalendarCore::IncidenceBase::Ptr &incidence);
0109 /**
0110   Deliver an HTML formatted string displaying an invitation.
0111   Use the time zone from mCalendar.
0113   @param invitation a QString containing a string representation of a calendar Incidence
0114   which will be interpreted as an invitation.
0115   @param calendar is a pointer to the Calendar that owns the invitation.
0116   @param helper is a pointer to an InvitationFormatterHelper.
0118   @since 5.23.0
0119 */
0120 KCALUTILS_EXPORT QString formatICalInvitation(const QString &invitation, const KCalendarCore::Calendar::Ptr &calendar, InvitationFormatterHelper *helper);
0122 /**
0123   Deliver an HTML formatted string displaying an invitation.
0124   Differs from formatICalInvitation() in that invitation details (summary, location, etc)
0125   have HTML formatting cleaned.
0126   Use the time zone from calendar.
0128   @param invitation a QString containing a string representation of a calendar Incidence
0129   which will be interpreted as an invitation.
0130   @param calendar is a pointer to the Calendar that owns the invitation.
0131   @param helper is a pointer to an InvitationFormatterHelper.
0132   @param sender is a QString containing the email address of the person sending the invitation.
0134   @since 5.23.0
0135 */
0136 KCALUTILS_EXPORT QString formatICalInvitationNoHtml(const QString &invitation,
0137                                                     const KCalendarCore::Calendar::Ptr &calendar,
0138                                                     InvitationFormatterHelper *helper,
0139                                                     const QString &sender);
0141 /**
0142   Build a pretty QString representation of an Incidence's recurrence info.
0143   @param incidence is a pointer to the Incidence whose recurrence info
0144   is to be formatted.
0145 */
0146 KCALUTILS_EXPORT QString recurrenceString(const KCalendarCore::Incidence::Ptr &incidence);
0148 /**
0149   Returns a reminder string computed for the specified Incidence.
0150   Each item of the returning QStringList corresponds to a string
0151   representation of an reminder belonging to this incidence.
0152   @param incidence is a pointer to the Incidence.
0153   @param shortfmt if false, a short version of each reminder is printed;
0154   else a longer version of each reminder is printed.
0155 */
0156 KCALUTILS_EXPORT QStringList reminderStringList(const KCalendarCore::Incidence::Ptr &incidence, bool shortfmt = true);
0158 /**
0159   Build a QString time representation of a QTime object.
0160   @param time The time to be formatted.
0161   @param shortfmt If true, display info in short format.
0162   @see dateToString(), dateTimeToString().
0163 */
0164 KCALUTILS_EXPORT QString timeToString(QTime time, bool shortfmt = true);
0166 /**
0167   Build a QString date representation of a QDate object.
0168   All dates and times are converted to local time for display.
0169   @param date The date to be formatted.
0170   @param shortfmt If true, display info in short format.
0171   @see dateToString(), dateTimeToString().
0172 */
0173 KCALUTILS_EXPORT QString dateToString(QDate date, bool shortfmt = true);
0175 KCALUTILS_EXPORT QString formatStartEnd(const QDateTime &start, const QDateTime &end, bool isAllDay);
0177 /**
0178   Build a QString date/time representation of a QDateTime object.
0179   All dates and times are converted to local time for display.
0180   @param date The date to be formatted.
0181   @param dateOnly If true, don't print the time fields; print the date fields only.
0182   @param shortfmt If true, display info in short format.
0183   @see dateToString(), timeToString().
0184 */
0185 KCALUTILS_EXPORT QString dateTimeToString(const QDateTime &date, bool dateOnly = false, bool shortfmt = true);
0187 /**
0188   Returns a Calendar Resource label name for the specified Incidence.
0189   @param calendar is a pointer to the Calendar.
0190   @param incidence is a pointer to the Incidence.
0191 */
0192 KCALUTILS_EXPORT QString resourceString(const KCalendarCore::Calendar::Ptr &calendar, const KCalendarCore::Incidence::Ptr &incidence);
0194 /**
0195   Returns a duration string computed for the specified Incidence.
0196   Only makes sense for Events and Todos.
0197   @param incidence is a pointer to the Incidence.
0198 */
0199 KCALUTILS_EXPORT QString durationString(const KCalendarCore::Incidence::Ptr &incidence);
0201 class EventViewerVisitor;
0202 template<typename T>
0203 class ScheduleMessageVisitor;
0204 class InvitationHeaderVisitor;
0205 class InvitationBodyVisitor;
0206 class ToolTipVisitor;
0207 class MailBodyVisitor;
0208 }
0209 }