File indexing completed on 2024-05-12 05:14:55

0001 /*
0002  *  preferences.h  -  program preference settings
0003  *  Program:  kalarm
0004  *  SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2001-2024 David Jarvie <>
0005  *
0006  *  SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
0007  */
0009 #pragma once
0011 #include "kalarmconfig.h"
0012 #include "kalarmcalendar/kadatetime.h"
0014 #include <QObject>
0015 #include <QDateTime>
0016 #include <QTimeZone>
0018 namespace KAlarmCal { class Holidays; }
0019 class AkonadiPlugin;
0022 // Settings configured in the Preferences dialog
0023 class Preferences : public PreferencesBase
0024 {
0025     Q_OBJECT
0026 public:
0029     static Preferences*     self();
0030     static void             connect(const char* signal, const QObject* receiver, const char* member);
0031     template<class Signal, class Receiver, class Func,
0032              class = typename std::enable_if<!std::is_convertible<Signal, const char*>::value>::type,
0033              class = typename std::enable_if<!std::is_convertible<Func, const char*>::value>::type>
0034     static void             connect(Signal signal, const Receiver* receiver, Func member)
0035     {
0036         QObject::connect(self(), signal, receiver, member);
0037     }
0039     /** Return whether Akonadi plugin is available and should be used.
0040      *  @see useAkonadiIfAvailable().
0041      */
0042     static bool             useAkonadi();
0044     /** Return the Akonadi plugin.
0045      *  @return the Akonadi plugin, or null if not available or not to be used.
0046      */
0047     static AkonadiPlugin*   akonadiPlugin();
0049     /** Set whether to use the Akonadi plugin if available.
0050      *  @see setUseAkonadiIfAvailable().
0051      */
0052     static void             setUseAkonadi(bool yes);
0054     static int              autoHideSystemTray();
0055     static void             setAutoHideSystemTray(int timeout);
0056     static bool             autoStartChangedByUser()         { return mAutoStartChangedByUser; }
0057     static void             setAutoStartChangedByUser(bool c){ mAutoStartChangedByUser = c; }
0059     // Access to settings
0060     static QString          previousVersion()                { return mPreviousVersion; }
0061     static Backend          previousBackend()                { return mPreviousBackend; }
0062     static void             setAskAutoStart(bool yes);
0063     static bool             noAutoStart()                    { return self()->base_NoAutoStart(); }
0064     static void             setNoAutoStart(bool yes);
0065     static bool             modalMessages();
0066     static void             setModalMessages(bool yes);
0067     static int              messageButtonDelay();
0068     static void             setMessageButtonDelay(int seconds)  { self()->setBase_MessageButtonDelay(seconds); }
0069     static KAlarmCal::KADateTime::Spec timeSpec();
0070     static QTimeZone        timeSpecAsZone();
0071     static void             setTimeSpec(const KAlarmCal::KADateTime::Spec&);
0072     static const KAlarmCal::Holidays& holidays();
0073     static void             setHolidayRegion(const QString& regionCode);
0074     static QTime            startOfDay()                     { return self()->mBase_StartOfDay.time(); }
0075     static void             setStartOfDay(const QTime&);
0076     static QTime            workDayStart()                   { return self()->mBase_WorkDayStart.time(); }
0077     static QTime            workDayEnd()                     { return self()->mBase_WorkDayEnd.time(); }
0078     static QBitArray        workDays();
0079     static void             setWorkDayStart(const QTime& t)  { self()->setBase_WorkDayStart(QDateTime(QDate(1900,1,1), t)); }
0080     static void             setWorkDayEnd(const QTime& t)    { self()->setBase_WorkDayEnd(QDateTime(QDate(1900,1,1), t)); }
0081     static void             setWorkDays(const QBitArray&);
0082     static bool             quitWarn()                       { return mUsingDefaults ? self()->base_QuitWarn() : notifying(QUIT_WARN); }
0083     static void             setQuitWarn(bool yes)            { setNotify(QUIT_WARN, yes); }
0084     static bool             confirmAlarmDeletion()           { return mUsingDefaults ? self()->base_ConfirmAlarmDeletion() : notifying(CONFIRM_ALARM_DELETION); }
0085     static void             setConfirmAlarmDeletion(bool yes){ setNotify(CONFIRM_ALARM_DELETION, yes); }
0086     static MailClient       emailClient();
0087     static void             setEmailClient(MailClient);
0088     static bool             emailCopyToKMail();
0089     static void             setEmailCopyToKMail(bool yes);
0090     static bool             emailQueuedNotify()              { return mUsingDefaults ? self()->base_EmailQueuedNotify() : notifying(EMAIL_QUEUED_NOTIFY); }
0091     static void             setEmailQueuedNotify(bool yes)   { setNotify(EMAIL_QUEUED_NOTIFY, yes); }
0092     static MailFrom         emailFrom();
0093     static QString          emailAddress();
0094     static void             setEmailAddress(MailFrom, const QString& address);
0095     static MailFrom         emailBccFrom();
0096     static QString          emailBccAddress();
0097     static void             setEmailBccAddress(bool useSystemSettings, const QString& address);
0098     static bool             emailBccUseSystemSettings();
0099     static QString          cmdXTermCommand();
0101     /** Set a non-standard command line to open a terminal window for running command
0102      *  alarms in.
0103      */
0104     static void setCmdXTermSpecialCommand(const QString& cmd);
0106     /** Set a standard command line to open a terminal window for running command
0107      *  alarms in.
0108      */
0109     static void setCmdXTermCommand(int index);
0111     /** Return the currently configured command line to open a terminal window for
0112      *  running command alarms in, together with its index.
0113      *  @return  0 if user-defined command line,
0114      *          -1 if empty command line,
0115      *         > 0 if a standard command line.
0116      */
0117     static std::pair<int, QString> cmdXTermCommandIndex();
0119     /** Return the standard command line to open a terminal window for running
0120      *  command alarms in, as represented by the index returned by cmdXTermCommandIndex().
0121      *  @param index  Index to the command line. Must be > 0.
0122      *  @return  the command line, or empty if @p index does not refer to a program
0123      *           which is available on this system.
0124      */
0125     static QString cmdXTermStandardCommand(int index);
0127     /** Return all standard command lines to open terminal windows for running command
0128      *  alarms in. Only those command lines which invoke programs which exist on this
0129      *  system will be returned.
0130      *  @return  command lines, indexed by their index number.
0131      */
0132     static QHash<int, QString> cmdXTermStandardCommands();
0134     static SoundType        defaultSoundType();
0135     static void             setDefaultSoundType(SoundType);
0136     static float            defaultSoundVolume()             { int vol = self()->mBase_DefaultSoundVolume; return (vol < 0) ? -1 : static_cast<float>(vol) / 100; }
0137     static void             setDefaultSoundVolume(float v)   { self()->setBase_DefaultSoundVolume(v < 0 ? -1 : static_cast<int>(v * 100)); }
0139     // Config file entry names for notification messages
0140     static const QLatin1String QUIT_WARN;
0141     static const QLatin1String ASK_AUTO_START;
0142     static const QLatin1String CONFIRM_ALARM_DELETION;
0143     static const QLatin1String EMAIL_QUEUED_NOTIFY;
0145     bool                    useDefaults(bool def) override   { mUsingDefaults = def;  return PreferencesBase::useDefaults(def); }
0148     void                    timeZoneChanged(const KAlarmCal::KADateTime::Spec& newTz);
0149     void                    holidaysChanged(const KAlarmCal::Holidays& newHolidays);
0150     void                    startOfDayChanged(const QTime& newStartOfDay);
0151     void                    workTimeChanged(const QTime& startTime, const QTime& endTime, const QBitArray& workDays);
0153 private Q_SLOTS:
0154     void                    timeZoneChange(const QString&);
0155     void                    holidaysChange(const QString& regionCode);
0156     void                    startDayChange(const QDateTime&);
0157     void                    workTimeChange(const QDateTime&, const QDateTime&, int days);
0159 private:
0160     Preferences();         // only one instance allowed
0161     static void             setNotify(const QString& messageID, bool notify);
0162     static bool             notifying(const QString& messageID);
0164     static Preferences*     mInstance;
0165     static bool             mUsingDefaults;
0166     static KAlarmCal::Holidays* mHolidays;
0167     static QString          mPreviousVersion;  // last KAlarm version which wrote the config file
0168     static Backend          mPreviousBackend;  // backend used by last used version of KAlarm
0170     // All the following members are accessed by the Preferences dialog classes
0171     static int              mMessageButtonDelay;  // 0 = scatter; -1 = no delay, no scatter; >0 = delay, no scatter
0173     // Change tracking
0174     static bool             mAutoStartChangedByUser; // AutoStart has been changed by the user
0175 };
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