File indexing completed on 2024-05-12 05:14:38

0001 /*
0002  *  alarmtimewidget.h  -  alarm date/time entry widget
0003  *  Program:  kalarm
0004  *  SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2001-2023 David Jarvie <>
0005  *
0006  *  SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
0007  */
0009 #pragma once
0011 #include "kalarmcalendar/datetime.h"
0013 #include <QFrame>
0015 class QAbstractButton;
0016 class KDateComboBox;
0017 class ButtonGroup;
0018 class ComboBox;
0019 class RadioButton;
0020 class CheckBox;
0021 class PushButton;
0022 class TimeEdit;
0023 class TimePeriod;
0024 class TimeSpinBox;
0025 class TimeZoneCombo;
0027 using namespace KAlarmCal;
0030 class AlarmTimeWidget : public QFrame
0031 {
0032     Q_OBJECT
0033 public:
0034     enum Mode {       // 'mode' values for constructor
0035         AT_TIME        = 0x01,  // "At ..."
0036         DEFER_TIME     = 0x02,  // "Defer to ..."
0037         DEFER_ANY_TIME = DEFER_TIME | 0x04  // "Defer to ..." with 'any time' option
0038     };
0039     AlarmTimeWidget(const QString& groupBoxTitle, Mode, QWidget* parent = nullptr);
0040     explicit AlarmTimeWidget(Mode, QWidget* parent = nullptr);
0041     KADateTime        getDateTime(bool checkExpired = true, bool showErrorMessage = true, QWidget** errorWidget = nullptr) const
0042                       { return getDateTime(nullptr, checkExpired, showErrorMessage, errorWidget); }
0043     KADateTime        getDateTime(int* minsFromNow) const
0044                       { return getDateTime(minsFromNow, true, true, nullptr); }
0045     void              setDateTime(const DateTime&);
0046     void              setMinDateTimeIsCurrent();
0047     void              setMinDateTime(const KADateTime& = KADateTime());
0048     void              setMaxDateTime(const DateTime& = DateTime());
0049     const KADateTime& maxDateTime() const           { return mMaxDateTime; }
0050     KADateTime::Spec  timeSpec() const              { return mTimeSpec; }
0051     void              setReadOnly(bool);
0052     bool              anyTime() const               { return mAnyTime; }
0053     bool              anyTimeSelected() const;
0054     void              enableAnyTime(bool enable);
0056     /** Select/deselect 'Time from now' option.
0057      *  @param minutes  Value to set in 'Time from now', or
0058      *                  if < 0, select 'At date/time' option.
0059      */
0060     void              selectTimeFromNow(int minutes = 0);
0061     void              focusTimeFromNow();
0062     void              showMoreOptions(bool);
0063     QSize             sizeHint() const override              { return minimumSizeHint(); }
0065     static QString    i18n_TimeAfterPeriod();
0066     static const int  maxDelayTime;    // maximum time from now
0069     void              changed(const KAlarmCal::KADateTime&);
0070     void              dateOnlyToggled(bool anyTime);
0071     void              pastMax();
0073 private Q_SLOTS:
0074     void              updateTimes();
0075     void              slotButtonSet(QAbstractButton*);
0076     void              dateTimeChanged();
0077     void              delayTimeChanged(int);
0078     void              slotPresetSelected(int);
0079     void              slotAnyTimeToggled(bool);
0080     void              slotTimeZoneChanged();
0081     void              showTimeZoneSelector();
0083 private:
0084     void              init(Mode, const QString& groupBoxTitle = QString());
0085     KADateTime        getDateTime(int* minsFromNow, bool checkExpired, bool showErrorMessage, QWidget** errorWidget) const;
0086     void              setAnyTime();
0087     void              setMaxDelayTime(const KADateTime& now);
0088     void              setMaxMinTimeIf(const KADateTime& now);
0090     ButtonGroup*      mButtonGroup;
0091     RadioButton*      mAtTimeRadio;
0092     RadioButton*      mAfterTimeRadio;
0093     CheckBox*         mAnyTimeCheckBox;
0094     KDateComboBox*    mDateEdit;
0095     TimeEdit*         mTimeEdit;
0096     TimeSpinBox*      mDelayTimeEdit{nullptr};
0097     TimePeriod*       mDelayTimePeriod{nullptr};
0098     ComboBox*         mPresetsCombo{nullptr};
0099     PushButton*       mTimeZoneButton;
0100     QWidget*          mTimeZoneBox;           // contains label and time zone combo box
0101     TimeZoneCombo*    mTimeZone;
0102     KADateTime        mMinDateTime;           // earliest allowed date/time
0103     KADateTime        mMaxDateTime;           // latest allowed date/time
0104     KADateTime::Spec  mTimeSpec;              // time spec used
0105     int               mAnyTime;               // 0 = date/time is specified, 1 = only a date, -1 = uninitialised
0106     bool              mAnyTimeAllowed;        // 'mAnyTimeCheckBox' is enabled
0107     bool              mDeferring;             // being used to enter a deferral time
0108     bool              mMinDateTimeIsNow {false}; // earliest allowed date/time is the current time
0109     bool              mPastMax {false};       // current time is past the maximum date/time
0110     bool              mMinMaxTimeSet {false}; // limits have been set for the time edit control
0111 };
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