File indexing completed on 2025-02-02 05:02:47

0001   <div align="center">
0002     <table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">
0003       <tr>
0004         <td align="right" valign="top" width="30%" rowspan="3">
0005           <img src="contact_photo" width="100" vspace="1">
0006         </td>
0007         <td align="left" width="70%" colspan="2"><font size="+2" ><b>{{ contact.realName }}</b></font></td>
0008       </tr>
0009       <tr>
0010         <td align="left" colspan="2">
0011         {% if contact.title %}
0012             {{ contact.title }}
0013         {% elif contact.role %}
0014             {{ contact.role }}
0015         {% else %}
0016             {{ contact.profession }}
0017         {% endif %}
0018         </td>
0019       </tr>
0020       <tr>
0021         <td align="left" colspan="2">{{ contact.organization }}</td>
0022       </tr>
0024       {% if contact.birthday %}
0025       <tr>
0026         <td align="right" valign="top" width="30%"><b><font color="grey">{% i18n "Birthday" %}</font></b></td>
0027         <td align="left" valign="top" colspan="2">
0028           {{ contact.formattedBirthday }}&nbsp;{% i18np "(One year old)" "(%1 years old)" contact.age %}
0029         </td>
0030       </tr>
0031       {% endif %}
0033       {% for phoneNumber in contact.phoneNumbers %}
0034       <tr>
0035         <td align="right" valign="top" width="30%"><b><font color="grey">{{ phoneNumber.typeLabel }}</font></b></td>
0036         {% if phoneNumber.supportsSms %}
0037           <td align="left" valign="top"><a href="tel:{{ phoneNumber.normalizedNumber }}">{{ phoneNumber.number }}</a></td>
0038           <td align="left" valign="top"><a href="sms:{{ phoneNumber.normalizedNumber }}"><img src="sms_icon" align="top"/></a></td>
0039         {% else %}
0040           <td align="left" valign="top" colspan="2"><a href="tel:{{ phoneNumber.normalizedNumber }}">{{ phoneNumber.number }}</a></td>
0041         {% endif %}
0042       </tr>
0043       {% endfor %}
0045       {% for email in contact.emails %}
0046       <tr>
0047           <td align="right" valign="top" width="30%"><b><font color="grey">{% i18n "Email" %}</font></b></td>
0048           <td align="left" valign="top" colspan="2"><a href="mailto:{{ }}">{{ }}</a></td>
0049       </tr>
0050       {% endfor %}
0052       {% for imAddress in contact.impps %}
0053       <tr>
0054           <td align="right" valign="top" width="30%"><b><font color="grey">{{ imAddress.serviceLabel }}</font></b></td>
0055           <td align="left" valign="top">{{ imAddress.address.path|safe }}</td>
0056           <td align="left" valign="top">{% icon imAddress.serviceIcon small %}</td>
0057       </tr>
0058       {% endfor %}
0060       {% for website in contact.urls %}
0061       <tr>
0062         <td align="right" valign="top" width="30%"><b><font color="grey">{% i18n "Website" %}</font></b></td>
0063         <td align="left" valign="top" colspan="2">
0064         {% if website.url.scheme %}
0065             <a href="{{ website.url }}">
0066         {% else %}
0067             <a href="https://{{ website.url }}">
0068         {% endif %}
0069         {{ website.url }}</a></td>
0070       </tr>
0071       {% endfor %}
0073       {% if contact.blogFeed %}
0074       <tr>
0075         <td align="right" valign="top" width="30%"><b><font color="grey">{% i18n "Blog Feed" %}</font></b></td>
0076         <td align="left" valign="top" colspan="2">
0077         {% if contact.blogFeed.scheme %}
0078             <a href="{{ contact.blogFeed }}">
0079         {% else %}
0080             <a href="https://{{ contact.blogFeed }}">
0081         {% endif %}
0082         {{ contact.blogFeed }}</a>
0083       </tr>
0084       {% endif %}
0086       {% for address in contact.addresses %}
0087       <tr>
0088          <td align="right" valign="top" width="30%"><b><font color="grey">{{ address.typeLabel }}</font></b></td>
0089          <td align="left" valign="top"><a href="{{ address.geoUri }}">
0090          {% with address.formattedAddress as fa %}
0091            {% for line in fa.splitlines %}
0092              {{ line }}
0093              {% if line and not forloop.last %}<br/>{% endif %}
0094            {% endfor %}
0095          {% endwith %}
0096          </a></td>
0097          <td align="left" valign="top"><a href="{{ address.geoUri }}">
0098             <img src="map_icon" align="top"/>
0099          </a></td>
0100       </tr>
0101       {% endfor %}
0103       {% if contact.profession %}
0104         {% with contact.professionLabel as title %}
0105         {% with contact.profession as value %}
0106         {% include "contact_row.html" %}
0107         {% endwith %}
0108         {% endwith %}
0109       {% endif %}
0111       {% if contact.department %}
0112         {% with contact.departmentLabel as title %}
0113         {% with contact.department as value %}
0114         {% include "contact_row.html" %}
0115         {% endwith %}
0116         {% endwith %}
0117       {% endif %}
0119       {% if %}
0120         {% with contact.officeLabel as title %}
0121         {% with as value %}
0122         {% include "contact_row.html" %}
0123         {% endwith %}
0124         {% endwith %}
0125       {% endif %}
0127       {% if contact.managersName %}
0128         {% with contact.managerLabel as title %}
0129         {% with contact.managersName as value %}
0130         {% include "contact_row.html" %}
0131         {% endwith %}
0132         {% endwith %}
0133       {% endif %}
0135       {% if contact.assistantsName %}
0136         {% with contact.assistantLabel as title %}
0137         {% with contact.assistantsName as value %}
0138         {% include "contact_row.html" %}
0139         {% endwith %}
0140         {% endwith %}
0141       {% endif %}
0143       {% if contact.spousesName %}
0144         {% with contact.spouseLabel as title %}
0145         {% with contact.spousesName as value %}
0146         {% include "contact_row.html" %}
0147         {% endwith %}
0148         {% endwith %}
0149       {% endif %}
0151       {% if contact.anniversary %}
0152         {% with contact.anniversaryLabel as title %}
0153         {% with contact.formattedAnniversary as value %}
0154         {% include "contact_row.html" %}
0155         {% endwith %}
0156         {% endwith %}
0157       {% endif %}
0159       {% for customField in customFieldsUrl %}
0160         {% with customField.title as title %}
0161         {% with customField.value|safe as value %}
0162         {% include "contact_row.html" %}
0163         {% endwith %}
0164         {% endwith %}
0165       {% endfor %}
0167       {% for customField in customFields %}
0168         {% with customField.title as title %}
0169         {% with customField.value as value %}
0170         {% include "contact_row.html" %}
0171         {% endwith %}
0172         {% endwith %}
0173       {% endfor %}
0175       {% if contact.addressBookName %}
0176         {% with contact.addressBookLabel as title %}
0177         {% with contact.addressBookName as value %}
0178         {% include "contact_row.html" %}
0179         {% endwith %}
0180         {% endwith %}
0181       {% endif %}
0182       {% if contact.note %}
0183         {% with contact.noteLabel as title %}
0184         {% with contact.note|linebreaksbr as value %}
0185         {% include "contact_row.html" %}
0186         {% endwith %}
0187         {% endwith %}
0188       {% endif %}
0189     </table>
0190     {% if hasqrcode %}
0191       <p align="center">
0192        <img src="qrcode" vspace="1">
0193       </p>
0194     {% endif %}
0195   </div>