Warning, /pim/itinerary/src/app/EventEditor.qml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 /*
0002     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Volker Krause <vkrause@kde.org>
0004     SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
0005 */
0007 import QtQuick
0008 import QtQuick.Layouts
0009 import QtQuick.Controls as QQC2
0010 import org.kde.kirigami as Kirigami
0011 import org.kde.kirigamiaddons.formcard as FormCard
0012 import org.kde.i18n.localeData
0013 import org.kde.kitinerary
0014 import org.kde.itinerary
0016 EditorPage {
0017     id: root
0019     title: i18nc("event as in concert/conference/show, not as in appointment", "Edit Event")
0021     isValidInput: eventName.text !== "" && startDateEdit.hasValue && (!endDateEdit.hasValue || startDateEdit.value < endDateEdit.value)
0023     function apply(reservation) {
0024         let event = reservation.reservationFor;
0025         event.name = eventName.text;
0026         let loc = address.save(reservation.reservationFor.location ? reservation.reservationFor.location : Factory.makePlace());
0027         loc.name = venueName.text;
0028         event.location = loc;
0029         event.url = urlEdit.text;
0031         if (entranceTimeEdit.isModified)
0032             event = Util.setDateTimePreserveTimezone(event, "doorTime", entranceTimeEdit.value);
0033         if (startDateEdit.isModified)
0034             event = Util.setDateTimePreserveTimezone(event, "startDate", startDateEdit.value);
0035         if (endDateEdit.isModified)
0036             event = Util.setDateTimePreserveTimezone(event, "endDate", endDateEdit.value);
0038         let newRes = reservation;
0039         newRes.reservationFor = event;
0040         bookingEdit.apply(newRes);
0041         return newRes;
0042     }
0044     ColumnLayout {
0045         spacing: 0
0047         FormCard.FormHeader {
0048             title: i18nc("event as in concert/conference/show, not as in appointment", "Event")
0049         }
0051         FormCard.FormCard {
0052             FormCard.FormTextFieldDelegate {
0053                 id: eventName
0054                 label: i18nc("event name", "Name")
0055                 text: reservation.reservationFor.name
0056                 status: Kirigami.MessageType.Error
0057                 statusMessage: text === "" ? i18n("Name must not be empty.") : ""
0058             }
0059             FormCard.FormDelegateSeparator {}
0060             FormDateTimeEditDelegate {
0061                 id: entranceTimeEdit
0062                 text: i18nc("time of entrance", "Entrance")
0063                 obj: reservation.reservationFor
0064                 propertyName: "doorTime"
0065                 initialValue: {
0066                     let d = new Date(startDateEdit.value);
0067                     d.setHours(d.getHours() - 2);
0068                     return d;
0069                 }
0070                 status: Kirigami.MessageType.Warning
0071                 statusMessage: {
0072                     if (entranceTimeEdit.hasValue && entranceTimeEdit.value > startDateEdit.value)
0073                         return i18n("Entrance time has to be before the start time.")
0074                     return '';
0075                 }
0076             }
0077             FormCard.FormDelegateSeparator {}
0078             FormDateTimeEditDelegate {
0079                 id: startDateEdit
0080                 text: i18n("Start Time")
0081                 obj: reservation.reservationFor
0082                 propertyName: "startDate"
0083                 status: Kirigami.MessageType.Error
0084                 statusMessage: startDateEdit.hasValue ? '' : i18n("Start time has to be set.")
0085             }
0086             FormCard.FormDelegateSeparator {}
0087             FormDateTimeEditDelegate {
0088                 id: endDateEdit
0089                 text: i18n("End Time")
0090                 obj: reservation.reservationFor
0091                 propertyName: "endDate"
0092                 initialValue: {
0093                     let d = new Date(startDateEdit.value);
0094                     d.setHours(d.getHours() + 2);
0095                     return d;
0096                 }
0097                 status: Kirigami.MessageType.Error
0098                 statusMessage: {
0099                     if (endDateEdit.hasValue && endDateEdit.value < startDateEdit.value)
0100                         return i18n("End time has to be after the start time.")
0101                     return '';
0102                 }
0103             }
0104             FormCard.FormDelegateSeparator {}
0105             FormCard.FormTextFieldDelegate {
0106                 id: urlEdit
0107                 label: i18n("Website")
0108                 text: root.reservation.reservationFor.url
0109                 inputMethodHints: Qt.ImhUrlCharactersOnly
0110             }
0111         }
0113         FormCard.FormHeader {
0114             title: i18n("Venue")
0115         }
0117         FormCard.FormCard {
0118             FormCard.FormTextFieldDelegate {
0119                 id: venueName
0120                 label: i18nc("venue name", "Name")
0121                 text: reservation.reservationFor.location ? reservation.reservationFor.location.name : ""
0122             }
0123             FormCard.FormDelegateSeparator {}
0124             FormPlaceEditorDelegate {
0125                 id: address
0126                 place: {
0127                     if (root.reservation.reservationFor.location)
0128                         return root.reservation.reservationFor.location;
0129                     return cityAtTime(root.reservation.reservationFor.startDate);
0130                 }
0131             }
0132         }
0134         // TODO seat
0136         BookingEditorCard {
0137             id: bookingEdit
0138             item: reservation
0139             defaultCurrency: Country.fromAlpha2(address.currentCountry).currencyCode
0140         }
0141     }
0142 }