Warning, /pim/akregator/interfaces/akregator.kcfg is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
0002 <kcfg xmlns="http://www.kde.org/standards/kcfg/1.0"
0003       xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
0004       xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.kde.org/standards/kcfg/1.0
0005       http://www.kde.org/standards/kcfg/1.0/kcfg.xsd" >
0006  <kcfgfile name="akregatorrc" />
0007  <group name="View" >
0008   <entry key="Hide Read Feeds" type="Bool">
0009       <label>Hide feeds with no unread articles</label>
0010       <whatsthis>Hides feeds with no unread articles</whatsthis>
0011       <default>false</default>
0012   </entry>
0013   <entry key="ShowMenuBar" type="Bool">
0014     <default>true</default>
0015      <!-- label and whatsthis are already provided by KStandardAction::showMenubar -->
0016      <label></label>
0017      <whatsthis></whatsthis>
0018   </entry>
0020   <entry key="Lock Feeds In Place" type="Bool">
0021       <label>Prevent feeds from being moved in the list</label>
0022       <whatsthis>Locks feeds where they are</whatsthis>
0023       <default>false</default>
0024   </entry>
0025   <entry key="Auto Expand Folders" type="Bool">
0026       <label>Auto-Expand folders with unread articles</label>
0027       <whatsthis>Auto-expand folders containing unread articles</whatsthis>
0028       <default>false</default>
0029   </entry>
0030   <entry key="Show Quick Filter" type="Bool" >
0031     <label>Show Quick Filter</label>
0032     <whatsthis>Show Quick Filter Bar</whatsthis>
0033     <default>true</default>
0034   </entry>
0035   <entry key="Status Filter" type="Int" >
0036     <label>Status Filter</label>
0037     <whatsthis>Stores the last status filter setting</whatsthis>
0038     <default>0</default>
0039   </entry>
0040   <entry key="Text Filter" type="String" >
0041     <label>Text Filter</label>
0042     <whatsthis>Stores the last search line text</whatsthis>
0043   </entry>
0044   <entry key="View Mode" type="Int" >
0045    <label>View Mode</label>
0046    <whatsthis>Article display mode.</whatsthis>
0047    <default>0</default>
0048   </entry>
0049   <entry key="Splitter 1 Sizes" type="IntList" >
0050    <label>Sizes for first splitter</label>
0051    <whatsthis>First (usually vertical) splitter widget sizes.</whatsthis>
0052    <default>225,650</default>
0053   </entry>
0054   <entry key="Splitter 2 Sizes" type="IntList" >
0055    <label>Sizes for second splitter</label>
0056    <whatsthis>Second (usually horizontal) splitter widget sizes.</whatsthis>
0057    <default>50,350</default>
0058   </entry>
0059  </group>
0060  <group name="Security">
0061    <entry name="CheckPhishingUrl" type="Bool">
0062       <default>false</default>
0063    </entry>
0064    <entry name="LoadExternalReferences" type="Bool">
0065       <default>true</default>
0066    </entry>
0067  </group>
0068  <group name="Appearance">
0069    <entry key="Standard Font" type="String" />
0070    <entry key="Fixed Font" type="String" />
0071    <entry key="Serif Font" type="String" />
0072    <entry key="Sans Serif Font" type="String" />
0073    <entry key="UseCustomColors" type="Bool">
0074         <default>false</default>
0075    </entry>
0076     <entry key="ColorUnreadArticles" type="Color">
0077         <default>#0000FF</default>
0078     </entry>
0079     <entry key="ColorNewArticles" type="Color">
0080         <default>#FF0000</default>
0081     </entry>
0082     <entry key="GrantleeDirectory" type="String" >
0083         <default>5.2</default>
0084     </entry>
0085  </group>
0086  <group name="HTML Settings" >
0087   <entry key="Fonts" type="StringList" />
0088   <entry key="MediumFontSize" type="Int">
0089     <default>12</default>
0090   </entry>
0091   <entry key="MinimumFontSize" type="Int">
0092     <default>8</default>
0093   </entry>
0094   <entry key="AccessKeyEnabled" type="Bool">
0095        <default>true</default>
0096   </entry>
0097  </group>
0098   <group name="Archive">
0099    <entry key="ArchiveMode" type="Enum">
0100      <label>Archive Mode</label>
0101      <default>keepAllArticles</default>
0102      <choices>
0103        <choice name="keepAllArticles">
0104          <label>Keep All Articles</label>
0105          <whatsthis>Save an unlimited number of articles.</whatsthis>
0106        </choice>
0107        <choice name="limitArticleNumber">
0108          <label>Limit Number of Articles</label>
0109          <whatsthis>Limit the number of articles in a feed</whatsthis>
0110        </choice>
0111        <choice name="limitArticleAge">
0112          <label>Delete Expired Articles</label>
0113          <whatsthis>Delete expired articles</whatsthis>
0114        </choice>
0115        <choice name="disableArchiving">
0116          <label>Disable Archiving</label>
0117          <whatsthis>Do not save any articles</whatsthis>
0118        </choice>
0119       </choices>
0120    </entry>
0121   <entry key="Max Article Age" type="Int" >
0122    <label>Expiry Age</label>
0123    <whatsthis>Default expiry age for articles in days.</whatsthis>
0124    <default>60</default>
0125   </entry>
0126   <entry key="Max Article Number" type="Int" >
0127    <label>Article Limit</label>
0128    <whatsthis>Number of articles to keep per feed.</whatsthis>
0129    <default>1000</default>
0130   </entry>
0131   <entry key="Do Not Expire Important Articles" type="Bool">
0132  <label>Do Not Expire Important Articles</label>
0133    <whatsthis>When this option is enabled, articles you marked as important will not be removed when limit the archive size by either age or number of the articles.</whatsthis>
0134    <default>true</default>
0135   </entry>
0136  </group>
0137  <group name="Network" >
0138   <entry key="Concurrent Fetches" type="Int" >
0139    <label>Concurrent Fetches</label>
0140    <whatsthis>Number of concurrent fetches</whatsthis>
0141    <default>6</default>
0142   </entry>
0143   <entry key="Use HTML Cache" type="Bool" >
0144    <label>Use HTML Cache</label>
0145    <whatsthis>Use the KDE-wide HTML cache settings when downloading feeds, to avoid unnecessary traffic. Disable only when necessary.</whatsthis>
0146    <default>true</default>
0147   </entry>
0148   <entry key="Custom UserAgent" type="String" >
0149    <whatsthis>This option allows user to specify custom user-agent string instead of using the default one. This is here because some proxies may interrupt the connection because of having "gator" in the name.</whatsthis>
0150    <default></default>
0151   </entry>
0152  </group>
0153  <group name="General" >
0154   <entry key="Fetch On Startup" type="Bool" >
0155    <label>Fetch on startup</label>
0156    <whatsthis>Fetch feedlist on startup.</whatsthis>
0157    <default>false</default>
0158   </entry>
0159   <entry key="Mark All Feeds Read On Startup" type="Bool" >
0160    <label>Mark all feeds as read on startup</label>
0161    <whatsthis>Mark all feeds as read on startup.</whatsthis>
0162    <default>false</default>
0163   </entry>
0164   <entry key="Use Interval Fetch" type="Bool" >
0165    <label>Use interval fetching</label>
0166    <whatsthis>Fetch all feeds every %1 minutes.</whatsthis>
0167    <default>true</default>
0168   </entry>
0169   <entry key="Auto Fetch Interval" type="Int" >
0170    <label>Interval for autofetching</label>
0171    <whatsthis>Interval for autofetching in minutes.</whatsthis>
0172    <default>30</default>
0173   </entry>
0174   <entry key="Use Notifications" type="Bool" >
0175    <label>Use notifications</label>
0176    <whatsthis>Specifies if the balloon notifications are used or not.</whatsthis>
0177    <default>false</default>
0178   </entry>
0179   <entry key="Show Tray Icon" type="Bool" >
0180    <label>Show tray icon</label>
0181    <whatsthis>Specifies if the tray icon is shown or not.</whatsthis>
0182    <default>true</default>
0183   </entry>
0184   <entry key="Show Unread In Taskbar" type="Bool" >
0185    <label>Show Unread In Taskbar</label>
0186    <whatsthis>Specifies if we show unread article in taskbar.</whatsthis>
0187    <default>true</default>
0188   </entry>
0189   <entry key="Disable Introduction" type="Bool" >
0190      <default>false</default>
0191   </entry>
0192   <entry key="Disable Save As Notification" type="Bool" >
0193      <default>false</default>
0194   </entry>
0195  </group>
0196  <group name="Browser" >
0197   <entry key="EnableJavascript" type="Bool">
0198    <label>Enable Javascript</label>
0199    <default>true</default>
0200   </entry>
0201   <entry key="Always Show Tab Bar" type="Bool">
0202     <label>Always show the tab bar</label>
0203     <whatsthis>Always show the tab bar, even when only one tab is open</whatsthis>
0204     <default>false</default>
0205   </entry>
0206   <entry key="Close Button On Tabs" type="Bool">
0207     <label>Show close buttons on tabs</label>
0208     <whatsthis>Show close buttons on tabs instead of icons</whatsthis>
0209     <default>false</default>
0210   </entry>
0211   <entry key="New Window In Tab" type="Bool">
0212     <label>Open links in new tab instead of in new window</label>
0213     <whatsthis>Open a link which would normally open in a new window (external browser) in a new tab instead</whatsthis>
0214     <default>false</default>
0215   </entry>
0216   <entry key="External Browser Use Kde Default" type="Bool" >
0217    <label>Use default KDE web browser</label>
0218    <whatsthis>Use KDE web browser when opening in external browser.</whatsthis>
0219    <default>true</default>
0220   </entry>
0221   <entry key="External Browser Use Custom Command" type="Bool" >
0222    <label>Use this command:</label>
0223    <whatsthis>Use the specified command when opening in external browser.</whatsthis>
0224    <default>false</default>
0225   </entry>
0226   <entry key="External Browser Custom Command" type="String" >
0227    <whatsthis>Command to launch external browser. URL will substitute for %u.</whatsthis>
0228    <default>firefox %u</default>
0229   </entry>
0230   <entry key="LMB Behaviour" type="Enum" >
0231    <whatsthis>What the click with left mouse button should do.</whatsthis>
0232    <default>OpenInInternalBrowser</default>
0233    <choices>
0234     <choice name="OpenInInternalBrowser" />
0235     <choice name="OpenInBackground" />
0236     <choice name="OpenInExternalBrowser" />
0237    </choices>
0238   </entry>
0239   <entry key="MMB Behaviour" type="Enum" >
0240    <whatsthis>What the click with middle mouse button should do.</whatsthis>
0241    <default>OpenInExternalBrowser</default>
0242    <choices>
0243     <choice name="OpenInInternalBrowser" />
0244     <choice name="OpenInBackground" />
0245     <choice name="OpenInExternalBrowser" />
0246    </choices>
0247   </entry>
0248   </group>
0249 <group name="Columns" >
0250   <entry key="Feedlist Header States" type="IntList" ><!-- move back to type String, when the saveState()-Qt-Bug is fixed -->
0251    <default></default>
0252   </entry>
0253   <entry key="Articlelist Header States" type="IntList" ><!-- move back to type String, when the saveState()-Qt-Bug is fixed -->
0254    <default></default>
0255   </entry>
0256   <entry key="Articlelist Sort Column" type="Int" >
0257    <default>0</default>
0258   </entry>
0259   <entry key="Articlelist Sort Order" type="Int" >
0260    <default>0</default>
0261   </entry>
0262 </group>
0263 <group name="Advanced" >
0264   <entry key="Archive Backend" type="String" >
0265    <label>Archive Backend</label>
0266    <default>metakit</default>
0267   </entry>
0268   <entry key="Delay Mark Read" name="UseMarkReadDelay" type="Bool" >
0269    <whatsthis>Whether to delay before marking an article as read upon selecting it.</whatsthis>
0270    <default>true</default>
0271   </entry>
0272   <entry key="Mark Read Delay" name="MarkReadDelay" type="Int" >
0273    <whatsthis>Configurable delay between selecting an article and it being marked as read.</whatsthis>
0274    <default>0</default>
0275   </entry>
0276   <entry key="Reset Quick Filter On Node Change" type="Bool" >
0277    <whatsthis>Resets the quick filter when changing feeds.</whatsthis>
0278    <default>false</default>
0279   </entry>
0280 </group>
0281 </kcfg>