Warning, /pim/akregator/doc/index.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0" ?>
0002 <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.5-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdedbx45.dtd" [
0003   <!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE">
0004   <!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE">
0005 ]>
0007 <book id="akregator" lang="&language;">
0009 <bookinfo id="akregatorinfo">
0010 <title>The &akregator; Handbook</title>
0012 <authorgroup>
0014 <author>
0015 <firstname>Frank</firstname>
0016 <surname>Osterfeld</surname>
0017 <affiliation><address><email>frank.osterfeld@kdemail.net</email>  
0018 </address></affiliation>
0019 </author>
0020 <author>
0021 <firstname>Anne-Marie</firstname>
0022 <surname>Mahfouf</surname>
0023 <affiliation><address>&Anne-Marie.Mahfouf.mail; 
0024 </address></affiliation>
0025 </author>
0028 </authorgroup>
0029 <copyright>
0030 <year>2006</year>
0031 <holder>Frank Osterfeld</holder>
0032 </copyright>
0033 <copyright>
0034 <year>2006</year>
0035 <holder>&Anne-Marie.Mahfouf;</holder>
0036 </copyright>
0038 <legalnotice>&FDLNotice;</legalnotice>
0040 <date>2021-03-31</date>
0041 <releaseinfo>Applications 21.08</releaseinfo>
0043 <!-- Abstract about this handbook -->
0045 <abstract>
0046 <para>
0047 &akregator; is a program to read <acronym>RSS</acronym> and other online news feeds.
0048 </para>
0049 </abstract>
0052 <keywordset>
0053 <keyword>KDE</keyword>
0054 <keyword>Akregator</keyword>
0055 </keywordset>
0057 </bookinfo>
0059 <chapter id="introduction">
0060 <title>Introduction</title>
0062 <sect1 id="what-is-akregator">
0063 <title>What is &akregator;?</title>
0065 <para>&akregator; is a &kde; application for reading online news feeds. It has a
0066 powerful, user-friendly interface for reading feeds and the management of
0067 them.</para>
0069 <para>&akregator; is a lightweight and fast program for displaying news items
0070 provided by feeds, supporting all commonly-used versions of
0071 <acronym>RSS</acronym> and Atom feeds. Its interface is similar to those of
0072 e-mail programs, thus hopefully being very familiar to the user. Useful features include searching within article titles, management of feeds in folders and setting archiving
0073 preferences. Feeds can be displayed in a similar manner to e-mails. Websites related to a feed can be shown in &akregator;'s embedded browser or, at the users' choice, opened in an external browser.</para>
0074 </sect1>
0076 <sect1 id="rss-and-atom-feeds">
0077 <title><acronym>RSS</acronym> and Atom feeds</title>
0079 <para><acronym>RSS</acronym> (Really Simple Syndication) is an &XML;-based format used for publishing news or articles in a machine-readable form. An <acronym>RSS</acronym>
0080 or Atom file is also called a feed. A program that can be used to read such feeds is
0081 called a feed reader or aggregator, hence the title of the application, &akregator;.</para>
0083 <para>&akregator; automatically extracts new items from the feed and displays them in a human-friendly form to the user. The user can therefore save time with regularly-visited websites, as they need no longer manually check whether there are new pieces of information available.</para>
0084 <para><acronym>RSS</acronym> is available in different versions which
0085 are not compatible with each other (this situation caused by competing companies):
0086 <acronym>RSS</acronym> 0.9, <acronym>RSS</acronym> 1.0 and
0087 <acronym>RSS</acronym> 2.0. Atom is also an &XML;-based feed language which has
0088 been redesigned to fit the needs of webloggers and news sites. Atom attempts to
0089 replace <acronym>RSS</acronym> feeds and remove the uncertainty with
0090 incompatibilities in the different <acronym>RSS</acronym> versions.</para>
0092 </sect1>
0094 </chapter>
0096 <chapter id="quick-start">
0097 <title>Quick Start to &akregator;</title>
0099 <para>
0100 This section describes how to start using &akregator;. It explains the user
0101 interface and shows you how to add your own feed to the list. This section is
0102 particularly interesting if you are not yet familiar with the
0103 general <acronym>RSS</acronym>/Atom and feed aggregator concept.
0104 </para>
0106 <sect1 id="main-window">
0107 <title>The Main Window</title>
0108 <!--part of kontact
0109 say how to start it -->
0110 <para>When you first start &akregator;, you see its main window:
0111 <screenshot>
0112 <screeninfo>&akregator; main window</screeninfo>
0113 <mediaobject>
0114 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="main-window.png" format="PNG" /></imageobject>
0115 <textobject><phrase>&akregator; main window</phrase></textobject>
0116 </mediaobject>
0117 </screenshot>
0118 </para>
0120 <para>
0121 The main window consists of the feed list, the article list and the article
0122 viewer.
0123 </para>
0124 <para>
0125 The feed list is on the left. In the tree, you have news feeds you can
0126 select. A news feed is a collection of articles: for example, the recent news of
0127 a news site or the new entries of a blog. The default list contains feeds related to
0128 the &kde; project, but of course you can add your own feeds and remove the ones
0129 you are not interested in.
0130 </para>
0131 <para>
0132 In the upper right is the article list. It contains all the articles of the
0133 feed selected in the feed list (if it is empty, you must first fetch the feed). The list shows the headlines of the articles and the date when
0134 they were published. By default, the newest articles are at the top.
0135 <screenshot>
0136 <screeninfo>The article list</screeninfo>
0137 <mediaobject>
0138 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="main-window2.png" format="PNG" /></imageobject>
0139 <textobject><phrase>The article list for one feed</phrase></textobject>
0140 </mediaobject>
0141 </screenshot>
0142 </para>
0143 <para>
0144 If you select an article, it will be displayed in the article viewer in the
0145 lower right of the window. Depending on the feed, it contains either only a headline, a short
0146 summary, or the complete article content.
0147 <screenshot>
0148 <screeninfo>Reading an article from Planet &kde;</screeninfo>
0149 <mediaobject>
0150 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="main-window4.png" format="PNG" /></imageobject>
0151 <textobject><phrase>Reading an article from Planet &kde;</phrase></textobject>
0152 </mediaobject>
0153 </screenshot>
0154 </para>
0155 </sect1>
0157 <sect1 id="add-feed">
0158 <title>Adding a feed</title>
0159 <para>&akregator; provides you with some default feeds related to &kde; -  of course, you
0160 probably want to add your own feeds. Good candidates are the news sites you visit
0161 regularly.</para>
0163 <itemizedlist>
0164 <listitem><para>
0165 Go to the menu <guimenu>Feed</guimenu> and choose <guimenuitem>Add
0166 Feed...</guimenuitem> or use the default keyboard shortcut (<keycap>Ins</keycap>).
0167 The following dialog appears, with an input line labeled <guilabel>Feed
0168 URL:</guilabel>.
0169 <screenshot>
0170 <screeninfo>Add a new feed</screeninfo>
0171 <mediaobject>
0172 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="add-feed.png" format="PNG" /></imageobject>
0173 <textobject><phrase>Add a new feed</phrase></textobject>
0174 </mediaobject>
0175 </screenshot>
0176 </para></listitem>
0178 <listitem><para>
0179 Enter
0180 <userinput>planet.ubuntu.com</userinput>
0181 or <userinput>http://planet.ubuntu.com</userinput> in the line edit next
0182 to <guilabel>Feed URL</guilabel> and click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>.
0183 </para></listitem>
0184 <listitem><para>
0185 The feed settings dialog appears and you can modify the default options. When
0186 you are happy with the feed settings, click <guibutton>OK</guibutton> again.
0187 <screenshot>
0188 <screeninfo>The feed properties dialog</screeninfo>
0189 <mediaobject>
0190 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="add-feed2.png" format="PNG" /></imageobject>
0191 <textobject><phrase>The feed properties dialog</phrase></textobject>
0192 </mediaobject>
0193 </screenshot>
0194 </para></listitem>
0195 <listitem><para>
0196 Now Planet Ubuntu has been added to your feed list.
0197 </para> </listitem>
0198 </itemizedlist>
0199 <para>
0200 There are multiple other ways to find and add interesting feeds. Within &kde;,
0201 websites browsed with &konqueror; will display the recognizable <quote>RSS</quote>
0202 icon <inlinemediaobject>
0203   <imageobject>
0204     <imagedata fileref="feed.png" format="PNG"/>
0205   </imageobject>
0206     </inlinemediaobject>in the bottom-right if a compatible news feed is
0207 detected at the website. Just left-click on the icon and choose
0208 <guimenuitem>Add Feed to &akregator;</guimenuitem>:
0209 <screenshot>
0210 <screeninfo>Automatically finding feeds through &konqueror;</screeninfo>
0211 <mediaobject>
0212 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="konq2.png" format="PNG" /></imageobject>
0213 <textobject><phrase>Automatically finding feeds through &konqueror;</phrase></textobject>
0214 </mediaobject>
0215 </screenshot>
0216 On pages with this <quote>RSS</quote> or this icon<inlinemediaobject>
0217   <imageobject>
0218     <imagedata fileref="rss.png" format="PNG"/>
0219   </imageobject>
0220     </inlinemediaobject>, right-click on the icon and choose in the context
0221     menu <guimenuitem>Copy Link Address</guimenuitem>:
0222     <screenshot>
0223       <screeninfo>Automatically finding feeds through &konqueror;</screeninfo>
0224       <mediaobject>
0225         <imageobject><imagedata fileref="konq.png" format="PNG"
0226 /></imageobject>
0227         <textobject><phrase>Automatically finding feeds through
0228             &konqueror;</phrase></textobject>
0229 </mediaobject>
0230 </screenshot>
0231 </para>
0232 <para>Switch to &akregator;, select <guimenuitem>Add Feed...</guimenuitem> and the 
0233 <guilabel>Feed URL</guilabel> is filled out with the link address.
0234 </para>
0236 <para>All feeds added using this procedures appear under <guilabel>Imported Feeds</guilabel> folder 
0237 in the feed list, and from there you can use your mouse to drag it to a different folder.
0238 </para>
0239 </sect1>
0241 <sect1 id="creating-folder">
0242 <title>Creating a Folder</title>
0243 <para>After adding your own feeds, you may want to group them in some way,
0244 rather than just leave them unsorted. So let us create a folder for the
0245 Planet Ubuntu feed we just added:</para>
0246 <itemizedlist>
0247 <listitem><para>Select the parent folder of the new folder. In this example, we
0248 select <guilabel>All Feeds</guilabel>.
0249 </para></listitem>
0250 <listitem><para>Open <menuchoice><guimenu>Feed</guimenu>
0251 <guimenuitem>New Folder...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.
0252 Enter <userinput>News</userinput> (or a more appropriate name for the feed category) in the line edit and choose <guibutton>OK</guibutton>.
0253 <screenshot>
0254 <screeninfo>The New Folder dialog</screeninfo>
0255 <mediaobject>
0256 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="add-folder.png" format="PNG" /></imageobject>
0257 <textobject><phrase>The New Folder dialog</phrase></textobject>
0258 </mediaobject>
0259 </screenshot>
0260 </para> </listitem>
0261 <listitem><para>Now you can drag the Planet Ubuntu feed to the new folder.
0262 <screenshot>
0263 <screeninfo>The News folder in the feed list</screeninfo>
0264 <mediaobject>
0265 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="add-folder2.png" format="PNG" /></imageobject>
0266 <textobject><phrase>The News folder in the feed list</phrase></textobject>
0267 </mediaobject>
0268 </screenshot>
0269 </para> </listitem>
0270 </itemizedlist>
0271 </sect1>
0273 <sect1 id="browsing-inside">
0274 <title>Browsing inside of &akregator;</title>
0275 <para>When reading feed articles, often you may want to read the web page that
0276 belongs to the article: some articles only contain the headline, and not the actual
0277 content. In this case, you need to visit the web page to read the complete article. Or perhaps
0278 an article links to some website, or you are reading a blog and want to comment
0279 on an entry. For these situations, &akregator; contains a simple web browser.
0280 Whenever you follow a link in the article viewer, by default &akregator; opens the link in
0281 new tab.</para>
0282 <note><para>Note that the browser in &akregator; is not intended to replace your
0283 favorite Web Browser. It is meant for reading articles, commenting on them, or
0284 following up a link quickly. It is not meant for browsing the web in general. It
0285 lacks many features fully-fledged web browsers offer.</para></note>
0286 </sect1>
0287 </chapter>
0289 <chapter id="configuration">
0290 <title>Configuring &akregator;</title>
0291 <para>Most of &akregator;'s options are listed in the &akregator; configuration
0292 dialog. The configuration dialog can be found in the menu under <menuchoice>
0293 <guimenu>Settings</guimenu><guimenuitem>Configure &akregator;...</guimenuitem>
0294 </menuchoice></para>
0295 <sect1 id="general-tab">
0296 <title>General</title>
0297 <para>The General tab contains the basic and otherwise-uncategorizable options of &akregator;.</para>
0298 <screenshot>
0299 <screeninfo>The General tab</screeninfo>
0300 <mediaobject>
0301 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="general-tab.png" format="PNG" /></imageobject>
0302 <textobject><phrase>The General tab</phrase></textobject>
0303 </mediaobject>
0304 </screenshot>
0306 <variablelist>
0307 <varlistentry>
0308 <term><guilabel>Global</guilabel></term>
0309 <listitem>
0311 <variablelist>
0312 <varlistentry>
0313 <term><guilabel>Show tray icon</guilabel></term>
0314 <listitem><para>Display the &akregator; icon in the systray.</para>
0315 </listitem>
0316 </varlistentry>
0317 <varlistentry>
0318 <term><guilabel>Show unread articles in Taskbar</guilabel></term>
0319 <listitem><para>Defines if the number of unread articles should be shown on the system taskbar item.</para>
0320 </listitem>
0321 </varlistentry>
0322 <varlistentry>
0323 <term><guilabel>Hide feeds with no unread articles</guilabel></term>
0324 <listitem><para>If checked, hides feeds with no unread articles.</para>
0325 </listitem>
0326 </varlistentry>
0327 <varlistentry>
0328 <term><guilabel>Lock feeds in place</guilabel></term>
0329 <listitem><para>If checked, prevents feeds from being moved in the list, all feeds will be locked where they are.</para>
0330 </listitem>
0331 </varlistentry>
0332 <varlistentry>
0333 <term><guilabel>Auto-expand folders containing unread articles</guilabel></term>
0334 <listitem><para>If checked, auto-expands folders with unread articles.</para>
0335 </listitem>
0336 </varlistentry>
0337 <varlistentry>
0338 <term><guilabel>Use notifications for all feeds</guilabel></term>
0339 <listitem><para>Set global notifications for all feeds. This setting will
0340 override the individual notification value of each feed. When enabled, &akregator; will notify you of all new articles fetched in any feed. If you only want to enable notifications for some (but not all) feeds, leave this option disabled and enable notifications for each specific feed using the individual feed properties dialog.</para>
0341 </listitem>
0342 </varlistentry>
0343 <varlistentry>
0344 <term><guilabel>Use interval fetching</guilabel></term>
0345 <listitem><para>If this is unchecked, interval checking is disabled. However, if this is checked, you can set in <guilabel>Fetch feeds
0346 every:</guilabel> the interval that &akregator; will automatically check for new feed entries. Note that fetching articles generates traffic and therefore may be costly to the provider hosting the feed you're reading. Some sites may even block connections from your computer if you attempt to fetch the feed too often. In general, 30 minutes is a good choice. </para>
0347 </listitem>
0348 </varlistentry>
0349 <varlistentry>
0350 <term><guilabel>Fetch feeds every:</guilabel></term>
0351 <listitem><para>This is enabled when <guilabel>Use interval
0352 fetching</guilabel> is checked. You can specify a time interval, after which
0353 feeds are checked for new articles. Default is 30 minutes.</para>
0354 </listitem>
0355 </varlistentry>
0356 </variablelist>
0358 </listitem>
0359 </varlistentry>
0360 <varlistentry>
0361 <term><guilabel>Startup</guilabel></term>
0362 <listitem>
0364 <variablelist>
0365 <varlistentry>
0366 <term><guilabel>Mark all feeds as read on startup</guilabel></term>
0367 <listitem><para>When enabled, &akregator; marks all articles as read when
0368 started.</para>
0369 </listitem>
0370 </varlistentry>
0371 <varlistentry>
0372 <term><guilabel>Fetch all feeds on startup</guilabel></term>
0373 <listitem><para>When enabled, &akregator; fetches all feeds right after
0374 start.</para>
0375 </listitem>
0376 </varlistentry>
0377 </variablelist>
0379 </listitem>
0380 </varlistentry>
0381 <varlistentry>
0382 <term><guilabel>Network</guilabel></term>
0383 <listitem>
0384 <variablelist>
0385 <varlistentry>
0386 <term><guilabel>Use the browser cache (less network traffic)</guilabel></term>
0387 <listitem><para>When enabled, the &kde;-wide browser cache settings are used when
0388 updating feeds. You can configure the &kde;-wide browser cache 
0389 in &konqueror;'s configuration dialog.</para>
0390 <note><para>You should leave this option enabled whenever possible. Disabling
0391 this option leads to increased network traffic. The traffic caused by
0392 aggregators not using caching increases the costs for providers and may decrease the number of feeds that are offered in future.</para></note>
0393 </listitem>
0394 </varlistentry>
0395 </variablelist>
0396 </listitem>
0397 </varlistentry>
0398 </variablelist>
0400 </sect1>
0402 <sect1 id="adblock-tab">
0403 <title>URL Interceptor</title>
0404 <para>&akregator; can be configured to replace or remove images or frames from web pages that match a series of filters.</para>
0406 <screenshot>
0407 <screeninfo>The URL Interceptor tab</screeninfo>
0408 <mediaobject>
0409 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="interceptor-tab.png" format="PNG" /></imageobject>
0410 <textobject><phrase>The URL Interceptor tab</phrase></textobject>
0411 </mediaobject>
0412 </screenshot>
0414 <para>For a detailed description of this feature see <ulink url="help:/kcontrol/khtml-adblock">AdBlock Filters</ulink>.
0415 </para>
0416 </sect1>
0418 <sect1 id="archive-tab">
0419 <title>Archive</title>
0420 <para>Archiving articles means storing the links of articles. Here you can limit the
0421 number of articles stored and the method used for archiving. These settings are
0422 global settings, used by all feeds within &akregator;. If you want to use a custom
0423 setting for a feed, you can set it in each feed properties dialog in the archive
0424 tab.</para>
0425 <screenshot>
0426 <screeninfo>The Archive tab</screeninfo>
0427 <mediaobject>
0428 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="archive-tab.png" format="PNG" /></imageobject>
0429 <textobject><phrase>The Archive tab</phrase></textobject>
0430 </mediaobject>
0431 </screenshot>
0433 <variablelist>
0434 <varlistentry>
0435 <term><guilabel>Default Archive Settings</guilabel></term>
0436 <listitem>
0438 <variablelist>
0439 <varlistentry>
0440 <term><guilabel>Keep all articles</guilabel></term>
0441 <listitem><para>All articles are kept forever.</para>
0442 </listitem>
0443 </varlistentry>
0444 <varlistentry>
0445 <term><guilabel>Limit feed archive size to:</guilabel></term> 
0446 <listitem><para>If the number of articles exceeds the chosen limit, the oldest
0447 articles are deleted. Note that flagged articles are ignored when counting the
0448 number of articles: if your limit is 500, and you have 510 unflagged and 50
0449 flagged articles, &akregator; will ignore the 50 flagged ones and only delete
0450 the 10 oldest unflagged articles. So in this example, 550 articles would be kept.</para>
0451 </listitem>
0452 </varlistentry>
0453 <varlistentry>
0454 <term><guilabel>Delete articles older than:</guilabel></term>
0455 <listitem><para>Articles older than the specified number of days are deleted from the archive, unless they have the keep flag set. &akregator; checks for expired articles at startup and then once per hour, so expiry may be delayed.</para></listitem>
0456 </varlistentry>
0457 <varlistentry>
0458 <term><guilabel>Disable archiving</guilabel></term>
0459 <listitem><para>No articles are stored - all articles are discarded when
0460 quitting &akregator;.</para> </listitem>
0461 </varlistentry>
0462 </variablelist>
0465 </listitem>
0466 </varlistentry>
0467 <varlistentry>
0468 <term><guilabel>Do not expire important articles</guilabel></term>
0469 <listitem><para>Right clicking on an article opens a context menu where
0470 you can mark this article as Important. Articles marked as Important will not
0471 expire, they will be kept.</para>
0472 </listitem>
0473 </varlistentry>
0474 </variablelist>
0476 </sect1>
0477 <sect1 id="appearance-tab">
0478 <title>Appearance</title>
0479 <para>On this page you can configure the appearance of the article viewer and
0480 the browser tabs. You can specify the colors, font sizes and families to be used.
0481 </para>
0482 <screenshot>
0483 <screeninfo>The Appearance tab</screeninfo>
0484 <mediaobject>
0485 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="appearance-tab.png" format="PNG"
0486 /></imageobject>
0487 <textobject><phrase>The Appearance tab</phrase></textobject>
0488 </mediaobject>
0489 </screenshot>
0491 <variablelist>
0492 <varlistentry>
0493 <term><guilabel>Article List Colors</guilabel></term>
0494 <listitem><para>Selecting <guilabel>Use custom colors</guilabel> allows
0495 you to select own colors for <guilabel>Unread articles</guilabel> and
0496 <guilabel>New articles</guilabel></para>
0497 </listitem>
0498 </varlistentry>
0500 <varlistentry>
0501 <term><guilabel>Font Size</guilabel></term>
0502 <listitem>
0504 <variablelist>
0505 <varlistentry>
0506 <term><guilabel>Minimum font size</guilabel></term>
0507 <listitem><para>Set the minimum size for the article viewer</para>
0508 </listitem>
0509 </varlistentry>
0510 <varlistentry>
0511 <term><guilabel>Medium font size</guilabel></term>
0512 <listitem><para>Set the default font size for the article viewer</para>
0513 </listitem>
0514 </varlistentry>
0515 </variablelist>
0517 </listitem>
0518 </varlistentry>
0519 <varlistentry>
0520 <term><guilabel>Fonts</guilabel></term>
0521 <listitem>
0523 <variablelist>
0524 <varlistentry>
0525 <term><guilabel>Standard font:</guilabel></term>
0526 <listitem><para>In the article viewer, the content is rendered using
0527 the Standard font in Medium font size. If you change the Standard font,
0528 the change will be applied in the article viewer.</para>
0529 </listitem>
0530 </varlistentry>
0531 <varlistentry>
0532 <term><guilabel>Fixed font:</guilabel></term>
0533 <listitem><para>If the article uses a fixed-width font in the article viewer, the
0534 content will be rendered using this font family in MediumĀ font size. </para>
0535 </listitem>
0536 </varlistentry>
0537 <varlistentry>
0538 <term><guilabel>Serif font:</guilabel></term>
0539 <listitem><para>If the article uses Serif fonts, they will be
0540 rendered using the family you choose here in Medium font size.</para>
0541 </listitem>
0542 </varlistentry>
0543 <varlistentry>
0544 <term><guilabel>Sans serif font:</guilabel></term>
0545 <listitem><para>If the article uses Sans-serif fonts, they will be
0546 rendered using the family you choose here in Medium font size.</para>
0547 </listitem>
0548 </varlistentry>
0549 </variablelist>
0551 </listitem>
0552 </varlistentry>
0553 <varlistentry>
0554 <term><guilabel>Underline links</guilabel></term>
0555 <listitem><para>Check this if you want links to be underlined by default.</para>
0556 </listitem>
0557 </varlistentry>
0558 </variablelist>
0560 </sect1>
0561 <sect1 id="browser-tab">
0562 <title>Browser</title>
0563 <para>This tab allows you to customize the behavior of the internal browser
0564 tabs.</para>
0565 <screenshot>
0566 <screeninfo>The Browser tab</screeninfo>
0567 <mediaobject>
0568 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="browser-tab.png" format="PNG" /></imageobject>
0569 <textobject><phrase>The Browser tab</phrase></textobject>
0570 </mediaobject>
0571 </screenshot>
0573 <variablelist>
0574 <varlistentry>
0575 <term><guilabel>Left mouse click</guilabel></term>
0576 <listitem><para>You can choose three actions for the Left mouse click
0577 action: <guilabel>Open in Tab</guilabel> (open the link in a tab and put this
0578 tab in focus), <guilabel>Open in Background Tab</guilabel> (open the link in a
0579 tab but keep the current tab in focus) and <guilabel>Open in External
0580 Browser</guilabel> to open an article in a new window with your default browser.</para>
0581 </listitem>
0582 </varlistentry>
0583 <varlistentry>
0584 <term><guilabel>Middle mouse click</guilabel></term>
0585 <listitem><para>As above, you can set one of the three actions for the
0586 middle mouse click.</para>
0587 </listitem>
0588 </varlistentry>
0589 <varlistentry>
0590 <term><guilabel>External Browsing</guilabel></term>
0591 <listitem>
0593 <variablelist>
0594 <varlistentry>
0595 <term><guilabel>Use default web browser</guilabel></term>
0596 <listitem><para>If this is checked, &akregator; will use the web browser
0597 you set in &systemsettings;. It may be the &kde; default, &konqueror;, or another browser
0598 depending on what you set here.</para>
0599 </listitem>
0600 </varlistentry>
0601 <varlistentry>
0602 <term><guilabel>Use this command:</guilabel></term>
0603 <listitem><para>You can use another web browser for &akregator; other than your
0604 &kde; default. If you wish to do so, check this option and enter the command for the
0605 browser, provided it is in your $<envar>PATH</envar>.</para>
0606 </listitem>
0607 </varlistentry>
0608 </variablelist>
0610 </listitem>
0611 </varlistentry>
0612 <varlistentry>
0613 <term><guilabel>Tabs</guilabel></term>
0614 <listitem>
0616 <variablelist>
0617 <varlistentry>
0618 <term><guilabel>Always show the tab bar</guilabel></term>
0619 <listitem><para>If this option is checked, the tab will be always shown, even when only one tab is open. This allows you to create tabs directly from the tab bar. Otherwise, the tab bar will be shown only when several tabs are open.</para>
0620 </listitem>
0621 </varlistentry>
0622 <varlistentry>
0623 <term><guilabel>Show close button on each tab</guilabel></term>
0624 <listitem><para>If this option is checked, the close button will appear when
0625 you move your mouse on the left side of the tab title so you can more easily
0626 close tabs.</para>
0627 </listitem>
0628 </varlistentry>
0629 <varlistentry>
0630 <term><guilabel>Open links in new tab instead of in new window</guilabel></term>
0631 <listitem><para>If checked, &akregator; will open a link which would normally open in a new window (external browser) in 
0632 a new tab instead.</para>
0633 </listitem>
0634 </varlistentry>
0635 </variablelist>
0637 </listitem>
0638 </varlistentry>
0639 <varlistentry>
0640 <term><guilabel>Security</guilabel></term>
0641 <listitem>
0643 <variablelist>
0644 <varlistentry>
0645 <term><guilabel>Verify URLs using Google's Safe Browsing API</guilabel></term>
0646 <listitem><para>If this option is checked, <ulink url="https://safebrowsing.google.com/">Google Safe Browsing</ulink> API will be used to check &URL;s against Google's constantly updated lists of unsafe web resources. Examples of unsafe web resources are social engineering sites (phishing and deceptive sites) and sites that host malware or unwanted software.</para>
0647 </listitem>
0648 </varlistentry>
0649 <varlistentry>
0650 <term><guilabel>Enable Javascript</guilabel></term>
0651 <listitem><para>If checked, &akregator; will use &javascript; when processing web resources. &javascript; usage has several <ulink url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JavaScript#Security">security implications</ulink>.</para>
0652 </listitem>
0653 </varlistentry>
0654 <varlistentry>
0655 <term><guilabel>Misc</guilabel></term>
0656 <listitem>
0658 <variablelist>
0659 <varlistentry>
0660 <term><guilabel>Access Key Enabled</guilabel></term>
0661 <listitem><para>This is an accessibility option. When checked, &akregator; will process the web page accessKey property, which defines the keyboard shortcut used to jump to a given element.</para>
0662 </listitem>
0663 </varlistentry>
0664 </variablelist>
0666 </listitem>
0667 </varlistentry>
0668 </variablelist>
0670 </listitem>
0671 </varlistentry>
0672 </variablelist>
0674 </sect1>
0675 <sect1 id="advanced-tab">
0676 <title>Advanced</title>
0677 <para>The Advanced tab allows you to set more advanced options. If you
0678 are not sure about their effect, you can just leave the default ones.</para>
0679 <screenshot>
0680 <screeninfo>The Advanced tab</screeninfo>
0681 <mediaobject>
0682 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="advanced-tab.png" format="PNG" /></imageobject>
0683 <textobject><phrase>The Advanced tab</phrase></textobject>
0684 </mediaobject>
0685 </screenshot>
0687 <variablelist>
0688 <varlistentry>
0689 <term><guilabel>Archive</guilabel></term>
0690 <listitem>
0692 <variablelist>
0693 <varlistentry>
0694 <term><guilabel>Archive backend:</guilabel></term>
0695 <listitem><para>&akregator; currently only uses the Metakit database.
0696 <!--but for &kde; 4, &akregator; will offer other database backends--></para>
0697 </listitem>
0698 </varlistentry>
0699 </variablelist>
0701 </listitem>
0702 </varlistentry>
0703 <varlistentry>
0704 <term><guilabel>Article List</guilabel></term>
0705 <listitem>
0707 <variablelist>
0708 <varlistentry>
0709 <term><guilabel>Mark selected article read after</guilabel></term>
0710 <listitem><para>Default is 0 seconds, which means that as soon as
0711 you click on an article it is marked as read. You can choose to mark any
0712 article as read after a specified number of seconds.</para>
0713 </listitem>
0714 </varlistentry>
0715 <varlistentry>
0716 <term><guilabel>Reset search bar when changing feeds</guilabel></term>
0717 <listitem><para>This will clear the search bar when you change feed.</para>
0718 </listitem>
0719 </varlistentry>
0720 </variablelist>
0722 </listitem>
0723 </varlistentry>
0724 </variablelist>
0726 </sect1>
0727 </chapter>
0729 <chapter id="commands">
0730 <title>Command Reference</title>
0732 <sect1 id="akregator-mainwindow">
0733 <title>Menus and Shortcut Keys</title>
0735 <sect2>
0736 <title>The File Menu</title>
0738 <variablelist>
0739 <varlistentry>
0740 <term><menuchoice>
0741 <guimenu>File</guimenu>
0742 <guimenuitem>Import Feeds</guimenuitem>
0743 </menuchoice></term>
0744 <listitem><para><action>Open</action> the import feeds dialog to load <quote>OPML Outlines</quote> 
0745 with feed subscriptions.
0746 </para></listitem>
0747 </varlistentry>
0749 <varlistentry>
0750 <term><menuchoice>
0751 <guimenu>File</guimenu>
0752 <guimenuitem>Export Feeds</guimenuitem>
0753 </menuchoice></term>
0754 <listitem><para><action>Open</action> the save as dialog and export your feeds and folder structure
0755 as <filename class="extension">.opml</filename> file.</para></listitem>
0756 </varlistentry>
0758 <varlistentry>
0759 <term><menuchoice>
0760 <shortcut>
0761 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>Q</keycap></keycombo>
0762 </shortcut>
0763 <guimenu>File</guimenu>
0764 <guimenuitem>Quit</guimenuitem>
0765 </menuchoice></term>
0766 <listitem><para><action>Quit</action> &akregator;</para></listitem>
0767 </varlistentry>
0768 </variablelist>
0770 </sect2>
0772 <sect2>
0773 <title>The Edit Menu</title>
0775 <variablelist>
0776 <varlistentry>
0777 <term><menuchoice>
0778 <shortcut>
0779 <keycap>F2</keycap>
0780 </shortcut>
0781 <guimenu>Edit</guimenu>
0782 <guimenuitem>Edit Feed...</guimenuitem>
0783 </menuchoice></term>
0784 <listitem><para><action>Edit</action> current feed to change its properties in
0785 the Properties dialog</para></listitem>
0786 </varlistentry>
0787 <varlistentry>
0788 <term><menuchoice>
0789 <shortcut>
0790 <keycombo action="simul">&Alt;<keycap>Del</keycap></keycombo>
0791 </shortcut>
0792 <guimenu>Edit</guimenu>
0793 <guimenuitem>Delete feed</guimenuitem>
0794 </menuchoice></term>
0795 <listitem><para><action>Delete</action> current feed</para></listitem>
0796 </varlistentry>
0797 </variablelist>
0799 </sect2>
0801 <sect2>
0802 <title>The View Menu</title>
0804 <variablelist>
0805 <varlistentry>
0806 <term><menuchoice><shortcut><keycombo
0807 action="simul">&Ctrl;&Shift;<keycap>1</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
0808 <guimenu>View</guimenu><guimenuitem>Normal View</guimenuitem></menuchoice>, 
0809 <menuchoice><shortcut><keycombo
0810 action="simul">&Ctrl;&Shift;<keycap>2</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
0811 <guimenu>View</guimenu><guimenuitem>Widescreen View</guimenuitem>
0812 </menuchoice> and 
0813 <menuchoice><shortcut><keycombo
0814 action="simul">&Ctrl;&Shift;<keycap>3</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
0815 <guimenu>View</guimenu><guimenuitem>Combined View</guimenuitem>
0816 </menuchoice></term>
0817 <listitem><para><action>Choose</action> the View Mode for &akregator;</para>
0818 </listitem>
0819 </varlistentry>
0820 <varlistentry>
0821 <term><menuchoice>
0822 <shortcut><keycombo
0823 action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>+</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
0824 <guimenu>View</guimenu>
0825 <guimenuitem>Enlarge Font</guimenuitem>
0826 </menuchoice></term>
0827 <listitem><para><action>Increase</action> the font size in the article
0828 viewer</para>
0829 </listitem>
0830 </varlistentry>
0831 <varlistentry>
0832 <term><menuchoice>
0833 <shortcut><keycombo
0834 action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>-</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
0835 <guimenu>View</guimenu>
0836 <guimenuitem>Shrink Font</guimenuitem>
0837 </menuchoice></term>
0838 <listitem><para><action>Decrease</action> the font size in the article
0839 viewer</para>
0840 </listitem>
0841 </varlistentry>
0842 </variablelist>
0844 </sect2>
0846 <sect2>
0847 <title>The Go Menu</title>
0849 <variablelist>
0850 <varlistentry>
0851 <term><menuchoice>
0852 <shortcut><keycap>Left</keycap></shortcut>
0853 <guimenu>Go</guimenu>
0854 <guimenuitem>Previous Article</guimenuitem>
0855 </menuchoice></term>
0856 <listitem><para><action>Go</action> to the previous article in the article
0857 list</para></listitem>
0858 </varlistentry>
0859 <varlistentry>
0860 <term><menuchoice>
0861 <shortcut><keycap>-</keycap></shortcut>
0862 <guimenu>Go</guimenu>
0863 <guimenuitem>Previous Unread Article</guimenuitem>
0864 </menuchoice></term>
0865 <listitem><para><action>Go</action> to the previous unread
0866 article in the article list</para></listitem>
0867 </varlistentry>
0868 <varlistentry>
0869 <term><menuchoice>
0870 <shortcut><keycap>Right</keycap></shortcut>
0871 <guimenu>Go</guimenu>
0872 <guimenuitem>Next Article</guimenuitem>
0873 </menuchoice></term>
0874 <listitem><para><action>Go</action> to the next article in the article
0875 list</para></listitem>
0876 </varlistentry>
0877 <varlistentry>
0878 <term><menuchoice>
0879 <shortcut><keycap>+</keycap></shortcut>
0880 <guimenu>Go</guimenu>
0881 <guimenuitem>Next Unread Article</guimenuitem>
0882 </menuchoice></term>
0883 <listitem><para><action>Go</action> to the next unread article in the article
0884 list</para></listitem>
0885 </varlistentry>
0886 <varlistentry>
0887 <term><menuchoice>
0888 <shortcut><keycap>P</keycap></shortcut>
0889 <guimenu>Go</guimenu>
0890 <guimenuitem>Previous Feed</guimenuitem>
0891 </menuchoice></term>
0892 <listitem><para><action>Go</action> to the previous feed in the feed
0893 list</para></listitem>
0894 </varlistentry>
0895 <varlistentry>
0896 <term><menuchoice>
0897 <shortcut><keycombo
0898 action="simul">&Alt;<keycap>-</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
0899 <guimenu>Go</guimenu>
0900 <guimenuitem>Previous Unread Feed</guimenuitem>
0901 </menuchoice></term>
0902 <listitem><para><action>Go</action> to the previous unread feed in the feed
0903 list</para></listitem>
0904 </varlistentry>
0905 <varlistentry>
0906 <term><menuchoice>
0907 <shortcut><keycap>N</keycap></shortcut>
0908 <guimenu>Go</guimenu>
0909 <guimenuitem>Next Feed</guimenuitem>
0910 </menuchoice></term>
0911 <listitem><para><action>Go</action> to the next feed in the feed
0912 list</para></listitem>
0913 </varlistentry>
0914 <varlistentry>
0915 <term><menuchoice>
0916 <shortcut><keycombo
0917 action="simul">&Alt;<keycap>+</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
0918 <guimenu>Go</guimenu>
0919 <guimenuitem>Next Unread Feed</guimenuitem>
0920 </menuchoice></term>
0921 <listitem><para><action>Go</action> to the next unread feed in the feed
0922 list</para></listitem>
0923 </varlistentry>
0924 </variablelist>
0926 </sect2>
0928 <sect2>
0929 <title>The Feed Menu</title>
0931 <variablelist>
0932 <varlistentry>
0933 <term><menuchoice>
0934 <shortcut><keycap>Ins</keycap></shortcut>
0935 <guimenu>Feed</guimenu>
0936 <guimenuitem>Add Feed...</guimenuitem>
0937 </menuchoice></term>
0938 <listitem><para><action>Open</action> the Add Feed dialog</para></listitem>
0939 </varlistentry>
0940 <varlistentry>
0941 <term><menuchoice>
0942 <shortcut><keycombo
0943 action="simul">&Shift;<keycap>Ins</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
0944 <guimenu>Feed</guimenu>
0945 <guimenuitem>New Folder...</guimenuitem>
0946 </menuchoice></term>
0947 <listitem><para><action>Open</action> the Add Folder dialog</para></listitem>
0948 </varlistentry>
0949 <varlistentry>
0950 <term><menuchoice>
0951 <shortcut><keycombo
0952 action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>R</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
0953 <guimenu>Feed</guimenu>
0954 <guimenuitem>Mark Feed as Read</guimenuitem>
0955 </menuchoice></term>
0956 <listitem><para><action>Mark</action> the current feed as read</para></listitem>
0957 </varlistentry>
0958 <varlistentry>
0959 <term><menuchoice>
0960 <shortcut><keycombo
0961 action="simul">&Ctrl; &Shift;<keycap>R</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
0962 <guimenu>Feed</guimenu>
0963 <guimenuitem>Mark All Feeds as Read</guimenuitem>
0964 </menuchoice></term>
0965 <listitem><para><action>Mark</action> all feeds as already
0966 read</para></listitem>
0967 </varlistentry>
0968 <varlistentry>
0969 <term><menuchoice>
0970 <shortcut><keycap>F5</keycap></shortcut>
0971 <guimenu>Feed</guimenu>
0972 <guimenuitem>Fetch Feed</guimenuitem>
0973 </menuchoice></term>
0974 <listitem><para><action>Fetch</action> the current feed</para></listitem>
0975 </varlistentry>
0976 <varlistentry>
0977 <term><menuchoice>
0978 <shortcut><keycombo
0979 action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>L</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
0980 <guimenu>Feed</guimenu>
0981 <guimenuitem>Fetch All Feeds</guimenuitem>
0982 </menuchoice></term>
0983 <listitem><para><action>Fetch</action> all feeds</para></listitem>
0984 </varlistentry>
0985 <varlistentry>
0986 <term><menuchoice>
0987 <shortcut><keycap>Esc</keycap></shortcut>
0988 <guimenu>Feed</guimenu>
0989 <guimenuitem>Abort Fetches</guimenuitem>
0990 </menuchoice></term>
0991 <listitem><para><action>Stop</action> &akregator; fetching
0992 feeds</para></listitem>
0993 </varlistentry>
0994 </variablelist>
0996 </sect2>
0998 <sect2>
0999 <title>The Article Menu</title>
1001 <variablelist>
1002 <varlistentry>
1003 <term><menuchoice>
1004 <shortcut><keycombo
1005 action="simul">&Shift;<keycap>Return</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
1006 <guimenu>Article</guimenu>
1007 <guimenuitem>Open in Tab</guimenuitem>
1008 </menuchoice></term>
1009 <listitem><para><action>Open</action> the current article in a
1010 tab within &akregator;</para></listitem>
1011 </varlistentry>
1012 <varlistentry>
1013 <term><menuchoice>
1014 <shortcut><keycap>Return</keycap></shortcut>
1015 <guimenu>Article</guimenu>
1016 <guimenuitem>Open in Background Tab</guimenuitem>
1017 </menuchoice></term>
1018 <listitem><para><action>Load</action> the current article in
1019 into a new tab, but not automatically activate that tab. 
1020 That is useful to browse a feed, open all interesting articles into background 
1021 tabs and later read them all.
1022 </para></listitem>
1023 </varlistentry>
1024 <varlistentry>
1025 <term><menuchoice>
1026 <shortcut><keycombo
1027 action="simul">&Ctrl; &Shift;<keycap>Return</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
1028 <guimenu>Article</guimenu>
1029 <guimenuitem>Open in External Browser.</guimenuitem>
1030 </menuchoice></term>
1031 <listitem><para><action>Open</action> the current article in
1032 an external browser</para></listitem>
1033 </varlistentry>
1034 <varlistentry>
1035 <term><menuchoice>
1036 <shortcut><keycombo
1037 action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>I</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
1038 <guimenu>Article</guimenu>
1039 <guimenuitem>Mark as Important</guimenuitem>
1040 </menuchoice></term>
1041 <listitem><para><action>Mark</action> the current article as
1042 important</para></listitem>
1043 </varlistentry>
1044 <varlistentry>
1045 <term><menuchoice>
1046 <guimenu>Article</guimenu>
1047 <guimenuitem>Mark as</guimenuitem>
1048 </menuchoice></term>
1049 <listitem><para><action>Mark</action> the current article as
1050 Read <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>E</keycap></keycombo>, 
1051 New <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>N</keycap></keycombo> or 
1052 Unread <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>U</keycap></keycombo></para></listitem>
1053 </varlistentry>
1054 <varlistentry>
1055 <term><menuchoice>
1056 <shortcut><keycap>Del</keycap></shortcut>
1057 <guimenu>Article</guimenu>
1058 <guimenuitem>Delete</guimenuitem>
1059 </menuchoice></term>
1060 <listitem><para><action>Delete</action> the current article</para></listitem>
1061 </varlistentry>
1062 <varlistentry>
1063 <term><menuchoice>
1064 <guimenu>Article</guimenu>
1065 <guimenuitem>Send Link Address...</guimenuitem>
1066 </menuchoice></term>
1067 <listitem><para><action>Open</action> your mail client and attach the link
1068 in the mail.</para></listitem>
1069 </varlistentry>
1070 <varlistentry>
1071 <term><menuchoice>
1072 <guimenu>Article</guimenu>
1073 <guimenuitem>Send File...</guimenuitem>
1074 </menuchoice></term>
1075 <listitem><para><action>Open</action> your mail client and attach the file
1076 in the mail.
1077 </para></listitem>
1078 </varlistentry>
1079 <!--FIXME not in kf5?
1080 <varlistentry>
1081 <term><menuchoice>
1082 <shortcut><keycombo
1083 action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>S</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
1084 <guimenu>Article</guimenu>
1085 <guimenuitem>Share Article</guimenuitem>
1086 </menuchoice></term>
1087 <listitem><para>Use this action you to share news 
1088  with your friends using the microblog services identi.ca and twitter.
1089 </para></listitem>
1090 </varlistentry>
1091 -->
1092 </variablelist>
1093 </sect2>
1095 <sect2>
1096 <title>The Settings and Help Menu</title>
1098 <variablelist>
1099 <varlistentry>
1100 <term><menuchoice>
1101 <guimenu>Settings</guimenu>
1102 <guimenuitem>Show Quick Filter</guimenuitem>
1103 </menuchoice></term>
1104 <listitem><para><action>Toggle</action> the Quick Filter (Show/Hide it)
1105 <screenshot>
1106 <screeninfo>The Quick Filter</screeninfo>
1107 <mediaobject>
1108 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="quick-filter.png" format="PNG" /></imageobject>
1109 <textobject><phrase>The Quick Filter</phrase></textobject>
1110 </mediaobject>
1111 </screenshot>
1112 </para></listitem>
1113 </varlistentry>
1115 </variablelist>
1117 <para>
1118 Additionally &akregator; has the common &kde; <guimenu>Settings</guimenu> and <guimenu>Help</guimenu>
1119 menu items, for more information read the sections about the <ulink url="help:/fundamentals/menus.html#menus-settings"
1120 >Settings Menu</ulink> and <ulink url="help:/fundamentals/menus.html#menus-help">Help Menu</ulink>
1121 of the &kde; Fundamentals.
1122 </para>
1124 <para>Many actions provided in the menu are also available in the context menus of the feed list, 
1125 the article list and the article viewer.
1126 </para>
1128 </sect2>
1130 </sect1>
1131 </chapter>
1133 <chapter id="credits">
1135 <title>Credits and License</title>
1137 <para>
1138 &akregator;
1139 </para>
1140 <para>
1141 Program copyright 2004-2010 Akregator authors
1142 </para>
1144 <para>
1145 Documentation copyright 2006 
1146 Frank Osterfeld <email>frank.osterfeld@kdemail.net</email>
1147 </para>
1149 <para>
1150 Documentation copyright 2006
1151 &Anne-Marie.Mahfouf; &Anne-Marie.Mahfouf.mail;
1152 </para>
1155 &underFDL;               <!-- FDL: do not remove -->
1156 &underGPL;           <!-- GPL License -->
1158 </chapter>
1160 &documentation.index;
1161 </book>
1162 <!--
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1164 mode: sgml
1165 sgml-minimize-attributes: nil
1166 sgml-general-insert-case: lower
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1169 End:
1170 -->