Warning, /pim/akonadi/src/xml/autotests/knutdemo.xml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 <knut> 0002 <collection rid="c1" name="Mail Account" content="inode/directory"> 0003 <collection rid="c11" name="Inbox" content="inode/directory,message/rfc822"> 0004 <attribute type="ENTITYDISPLAY" >("Posteingang" "mail-folder-inbox")</attribute> 0005 <collection rid="c111" name="KDE PIM" content="inode/directory,message/rfc822"> 0006 </collection> 0007 <collection rid="c112" name="Akonadi" content="inode/directory,message/rfc822"> 0008 <attribute type="AccessRights">wcW</attribute> 0009 </collection> 0010 <item rid="mail1" mimetype="message/rfc822"> 0011 <payload>Subject: Welcome to the Knut resource 0012 To: new-user@this-computer.local 0013 From: knut@your.computer.local 0014 MIME-Version: 1.0 0015 Content-Type: text/plain 0016 Date: Thu, 01 Jan 2009 15:08:50 +0000 0017 0018 This is a mail body 0019 </payload> 0020 <flag>\SEEN</flag> 0021 </item> 0022 </collection> 0023 </collection> 0024 <collection rid="c2" name="Groupware Account" content="inode/directory"> 0025 <collection rid="c21" name="My Calendar" content="text/calendar"> 0026 </collection> 0027 <collection rid="c22" name="My Addressbook" content="text/directory"> 0028 <item rid="contact1" mimetype="text/directory"> 0029 <payload> 0030 BEGIN:VCARD 0031 EMAIL:vkrause@kde.org 0032 FN:Volker Krause 0033 GEO:52.500000;13.366667 0034 N:Krause;Volker;;; 0035 NAME:Volker Krause 0036 ORG:KDE 0037 REV:2003-02-27T20:08:42Z 0038 ROLE:Author of this file 0039 TZ:+02:00 0040 UID:bb2slGmqxb 0041 URL:http://www.akonadi-project.org 0042 VERSION:3.0 0043 END:VCARD 0044 </payload> 0045 </item> 0046 </collection> 0047 <collection rid="c23" name="My Tasks" content="text/calendar"> 0048 <item rid="task1" mimetype="text/calendar"> 0049 <payload> 0050 BEGIN:VCALENDAR 0051 PRODID:-//K Desktop Environment//NONSGML libkcal 3.5//EN 0052 VERSION:2.0 0053 BEGIN:VTODO 0054 DTSTAMP:20090101T154017Z 0055 ORGANIZER:MAILTO:vkrause@kde.org 0056 CREATED:20040505T094143Z 0057 UID:libkcal-1506191911.958 0058 LAST-MODIFIED:20040512T133925Z 0059 SUMMARY:Add a demo task to this file 0060 PRIORITY:3 0061 DUE;VALUE=DATE:20090101 0062 COMPLETED:20090101T133925Z 0063 PERCENT-COMPLETE:100 0064 END:VTODO 0065 END:VCALENDAR 0066 </payload> 0067 </item> 0068 </collection> 0069 <collection rid="c24" name="My Journal" content="text/calendar"> 0070 </collection> 0071 </collection> 0072 </knut>