File indexing completed on 2024-06-23 05:07:00

0001 /*
0002     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2007 Volker Krause <>
0004     SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
0005 */
0007 #pragma once
0009 #include "entities.h"
0010 #include "handler.h"
0012 template<typename T>
0013 class QStack;
0015 namespace Akonadi
0016 {
0017 namespace Server
0018 {
0019 /**
0020   @ingroup akonadi_server_handler
0022   Handler for the LIST command.
0024   This command is used to get a (limited) listing of the available collections.
0025   It is different from the LIST command and is more similar to FETCH.
0027   The @c RID command prefix indicates that @c collection-id is a remote identifier
0028   instead of a unique identifier. In this case a resource context has to be specified
0029   previously using the @c RESSELECT command.
0031   @c depths chooses between recursive (@c INF), flat (1) and local (0, ie. just the
0032   base collection) listing, 0 indicates the root collection.
0034   The @c filter-list is used to restrict the listing to collection of a specific
0035   resource or content type.
0037   The @c option-list allows to specify the response content to some extend:
0038   - @c STATISTICS (boolean) allows to include the collection statistics (see Status)
0039   - @c ANCESTORDEPTH (numeric) allows you to specify the number of ancestor nodes that
0040     should be included additionally to the @c parent-id included anyway.
0041     Possible values are @c 0 (the default), @c 1 for the direct parent node and @c INF for all,
0042     terminating with the root collection.
0044   The name is encoded as an quoted UTF-8 string. There is no order defined for the
0045   single responses.
0047   The ancestors property is encoded as a list of UID/RID pairs.
0048 */
0049 class CollectionFetchHandler : public Handler
0050 {
0051 public:
0052     CollectionFetchHandler(AkonadiServer &akonadi);
0053     ~CollectionFetchHandler() override = default;
0055     bool parseStream() override;
0057 private:
0058     void listCollection(const Collection &root, const QStack<Collection> &ancestors, const QStringList &mimeTypes, const CollectionAttribute::List &attributes);
0059     QStack<Collection> ancestorsForCollection(const Collection &col);
0060     void retrieveCollections(const Collection &topParent, int depth);
0061     bool checkFilterCondition(const Collection &col) const;
0062     CollectionAttribute::List getAttributes(const Collection &colId, const QSet<QByteArray> &filter = QSet<QByteArray>());
0063     void retrieveAttributes(const QVariantList &collectionIds);
0065     Resource mResource;
0066     QList<MimeType::Id> mMimeTypes;
0067     int mAncestorDepth = 0;
0068     bool mIncludeStatistics = false;
0069     bool mEnabledCollections = false;
0070     bool mCollectionsToDisplay = false;
0071     bool mCollectionsToSynchronize = false;
0072     bool mCollectionsToIndex = false;
0073     QSet<QByteArray> mAncestorAttributes;
0074     QMap<qint64 /*id*/, Collection> mCollections;
0075     QHash<qint64 /*id*/, Collection> mAncestors;
0076     QMultiHash<qint64 /*collectionId*/, CollectionAttribute /*mimetypeId*/> mCollectionAttributes;
0077 };
0079 } // namespace Server
0080 } // namespace Akonadi