File indexing completed on 2024-05-19 05:11:16

0001 /*
0002   Requires the Qt and KDE widget libraries, available at no cost at
0003 and respectively
0005   SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2002-2004 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB,
0006         <>
0008   SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
0009 */
0010 #pragma once
0012 #include "akonadi-calendar_export.h"
0013 #include "etmcalendar.h"
0015 #include <KCalendarCore/FreeBusyCache>
0017 #include <memory>
0019 // TODO: document
0020 namespace Akonadi
0021 {
0022 class FreeBusyManagerPrivate;
0023 class FreeBusyManagerStatic;
0025 class AKONADI_CALENDAR_EXPORT FreeBusyManager : public QObject, public KCalendarCore::FreeBusyCache
0026 {
0027     Q_OBJECT
0028 public:
0029     /**
0030      * Returns the FreeBusyManager
0031      */
0032     static FreeBusyManager *self();
0034     void setCalendar(const Akonadi::ETMCalendar::Ptr &calendar);
0036     /**
0037       Publishes the owners freebusy information from the current calendar
0038       starting from the current date/time to current date/time + freeBusyPublishDays.
0039       If an upload is already in progress nothing happens.
0041       @see KCalPrefBase::freeBusyPublishUrl()
0042       @see KCalPrefBase::freeBusyPublishDays();
0043       */
0044     Q_INVOKABLE void publishFreeBusy(QWidget *parentWidget = nullptr);
0046     /**
0047       Mail the freebusy information.
0048       */
0049     Q_INVOKABLE void mailFreeBusy(int daysToPublish = 30, QWidget *parentWidget = nullptr);
0051     /**
0052       Retrieve the freebusy information of somebody else, i.e. it will not try
0053       to download our own freebusy information.
0055       This method will first try to find Akonadi resource that have the
0056       'FreeBusyProvider' capability set. If none is found then there is a fallback
0057       on the URL mechanism (see below). If at least one is found then it will
0058       be first queried over D-Bus to know if it can handle free-busy information
0059       for that email address. If true then it will be queried for the free-busy
0060       data for a period ranging from today to today plus 14 days, defined in
0061       FreeBusyManagerPrivate::FreeBusyProvidersRequestsQueue::FreeBusyProvidersRequestsQueue()
0062       as hard-coded magic value. If the Akonadi resource responds successfully
0063       (still over D-Bus) then the freeBusyRetrieved signal is emitted. If any
0064       of those steps then the URL mechanism will be used as a fallback.
0066       The URL mechanism makes use of a local cache, if the information
0067       for a given email is already downloaded it will return the information
0068       from the cache. The free-busy information must be accessible using HTTP
0069       and the URL is build dynamically from the email address and the global
0070       groupware settings.
0072       The call is asynchronous, a download is started in the background (if
0073       needed) and freeBusyRetrieved will be emitted when the download is finished.
0075       @see KCalPrefs::thatIsMe( const QString &email );
0076       @see Akonadi::FreeBusyProviderBase
0078       @param email Address of the person for which the F/B list should be
0079               retrieved.
0080       @param forceDownload Set to true to trigger a download even when automatic
0081               retrieval of freebusy information is disabled in the configuration.
0082       @return true if a download is initiated, and false otherwise
0083     */
0084     Q_INVOKABLE bool retrieveFreeBusy(const QString &email, bool forceDownload, QWidget *parentWidget = nullptr);
0086     /**
0087       Clears the retrieval queue, i.e. all retrieval request that are not started
0088       yet will not start at all. The freebusy retrieval that currently is
0089       downloading (if one) will not be canceled.
0091       @see retrieveFreeBusy
0092       */
0093     void cancelRetrieval();
0095     /**
0096       Load freebusy information belonging to an email. The information is loaded
0097       from a local file. If the file does not exists or doesn't contain valid
0098       information 0 is returned. In that case the information should be retrieved
0099       again by calling retrieveFreeBusy.
0101       Implements KCalendarCore::FreeBusyCache::loadFreeBusy
0103       @param email is a QString containing a email string in the
0104       "FirstName LastName <emailaddress>" format.
0105     */
0106     [[nodiscard]] KCalendarCore::FreeBusy::Ptr loadFreeBusy(const QString &email) override;
0108     /**
0109       Save freebusy information belonging to an email.
0111       Implements KCalendarCore::FreeBusyCache::saveFreeBusy
0113       @param freebusy is a pointer to a valid FreeBusy instance.
0114       @param person is a valid Person instance.
0115     */
0116     bool saveFreeBusy(const KCalendarCore::FreeBusy::Ptr &freebusy, const KCalendarCore::Person &person) override;
0119     /**
0120       This signal is emitted to return results of free/busy requests.
0121     */
0122     void freeBusyRetrieved(const KCalendarCore::FreeBusy::Ptr &fb, const QString &email);
0124 protected:
0125     /** React on timer events, used for delayed freebusy list uploading */
0126     void timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event) override;
0128 private:
0129     /**
0130       Creates a new FreeBusyManager, private because FreeBusyManager is a
0131       Singleton
0132       */
0133     AKONADI_CALENDAR_NO_EXPORT FreeBusyManager();
0134     ~FreeBusyManager() override;
0136 private:
0137     friend class FreeBusyManagerStatic;
0139     std::unique_ptr<FreeBusyManagerPrivate> const d_ptr;
0140     Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE(FreeBusyManager)
0141     Q_DISABLE_COPY(FreeBusyManager)
0142     Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_ptr, void checkFreeBusyUrl())
0143     Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_ptr, void processFreeBusyDownloadResult(KJob *))
0144     Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_ptr, void processFreeBusyUploadResult(KJob *))
0145     Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_ptr, void processRetrieveQueue())
0146     Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_ptr, void uploadFreeBusy())
0147 };
0148 }