Warning, /packaging/yocto-meta-kde/recipes-application/education/kanagram.inc is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Andreas Cord-Landwehr <cordlandwehr@kde.org>
0002 #
0003 # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
0005 SUMMARY = "Kanagram"
0006 DESCRIPTION = "Kanagram is a game based on anagrams of words: the puzzle is solved when \
0007     the letters of the scrambled word are put back in the correct order"
0008 HOMEPAGE = "https://edu.kde.org/kanagram/"
0009 LICENSE = "GPL-2.0"
0010 LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=751419260aa954499f7abaabaa882bbe"
0011 PR = "r0"
0013 DEPENDS += " \
0014     kcrash \
0015     ki18n \
0016     kio \
0017     knewstuff \
0018     knotifications \
0019     knotifyconfig \
0020     libkeduvocdocument \
0021 "
0023 inherit cmake_kdeapp
0024 inherit kcoreaddons
0025 inherit kconfig
0026 inherit kauth
0027 inherit mime-xdg
0029 RDEPENDS:${PN} += " \
0030     kdeedu-data \
0031 "
0033 FILES:${PN} += " \
0034     ${datadir}/knsrcfiles/ \
0035 "