Warning, /packaging/yocto-meta-kde-demo/README.md is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 meta-kde-demo 0002 ============= 0003 0004 This layer is not meant for production use, but merely contains a demo setup 0005 for a Plasma Mobile based shell to showcase and test KF5 and Plasma usage in a 0006 Yocto system. 0007 0008 Getting Started 0009 =============== 0010 0011 Refer to the manifest files in https://invent.kde.org/packaging/yocto-manifest 0012 for tracking tested combinations of Yocto layers. The manifest names are 0013 organized according to the supported Yocto upstream layers. 0014 0015 For starting from a given manifest, just enter an empty folder and run: 0016 0017 ``` 0018 curl https://storage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > repo 0019 chmod +x repo 0020 0021 ./repo init \ 0022 -u https://invent.kde.org/packaging/yocto-manifest.git \ 0023 -m default.xml 0024 ./repo sync 0025 ``` 0026 0027 Second, configure the Yocto build and start Bitbake: 0028 0029 ``` 0030 MACHINE=raspberrypi4 . ./setup-environment 0031 bitbake kde-demo-image 0032 ```