File indexing completed on 2024-05-12 05:09:46

0001 /***************************************************************************
0002     Copyright (C) 2003-2020 Robby Stephenson <>
0003  ***************************************************************************/
0005 /***************************************************************************
0006  *                                                                         *
0007  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or         *
0008  *   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as        *
0009  *   published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of        *
0010  *   the License or (at your option) version 3 or any later version        *
0011  *   accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved     *
0012  *   by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy            *
0013  *   defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the license.                    *
0014  *                                                                         *
0015  *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
0016  *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
0018  *   GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
0019  *                                                                         *
0020  *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     *
0021  *   along with this program.  If not, see <>. *
0022  *                                                                         *
0023  *   In addition, as a special exception, the author gives permission to   *
0024  *   link the code of this program with the OpenSSL library released by    *
0025  *   the OpenSSL Project (or with modified versions of OpenSSL that use    *
0026  *   the same license as OpenSSL), and distribute linked combinations      *
0027  *   including the two.  You must obey the GNU General Public License in   *
0028  *   all respects for all of the code used other than OpenSSL.  If you     *
0029  *   modify this file, you may extend this exception to your version of    *
0030  *   the file, but you are not obligated to do so.  If you do not wish to  *
0031  *   do so, delete this exception statement from your version.             *
0032  *                                                                         *
0033  ***************************************************************************/
0035 #include <config.h>
0037 #include "z3950fetcher.h"
0038 #include "z3950connection.h"
0039 #include "../collection.h"
0040 #include "../fieldformat.h"
0041 #include "../translators/xslthandler.h"
0042 #include "../translators/tellicoimporter.h"
0043 #include "../translators/grs1importer.h"
0044 #include "../translators/adsimporter.h"
0045 #include "../gui/lineedit.h"
0046 #include "../gui/combobox.h"
0047 #include "../utils/isbnvalidator.h"
0048 #include "../utils/lccnvalidator.h"
0049 #include "../utils/datafileregistry.h"
0050 #include "../tellico_debug.h"
0052 #include <KLocalizedString>
0053 #include <KConfigGroup>
0054 #include <KComboBox>
0055 #include <KAcceleratorManager>
0056 #include <KSeparator>
0057 #include <KConfig>
0059 #include <QSpinBox>
0060 #include <QFile>
0061 #include <QLabel>
0062 #include <QDomDocument>
0063 #include <QTextStream>
0064 #include <QTextCodec>
0065 #include <QGridLayout>
0066 #include <QIcon>
0068 namespace {
0069   static const int Z3950_DEFAULT_PORT = 210;
0070   static const char* Z3950_DEFAULT_ESN = "F";
0071 }
0073 using namespace Tellico;
0074 using Tellico::Fetch::Z3950Fetcher;
0076 Z3950Fetcher::Z3950Fetcher(QObject* parent_)
0077     : Fetcher(parent_), m_conn(nullptr), m_port(Z3950_DEFAULT_PORT), m_esn(QLatin1String(Z3950_DEFAULT_ESN)),
0078       m_started(false), m_done(true), m_MARC21XMLHandler(nullptr),
0079       m_UNIMARCXMLHandler(nullptr), m_MODSHandler(nullptr) {
0080 }
0082 Z3950Fetcher::Z3950Fetcher(QObject* parent_, const QString& preset_)
0083     : Fetcher(parent_), m_conn(nullptr), m_port(Z3950_DEFAULT_PORT), m_started(false), m_done(true), m_preset(preset_),
0084       m_MARC21XMLHandler(nullptr), m_UNIMARCXMLHandler(nullptr), m_MODSHandler(nullptr) {
0085   QString serverFile = DataFileRegistry::self()->locate(QStringLiteral("z3950-servers.cfg"));
0086   if(!serverFile.isEmpty()) {
0087     KConfig serverConfig(serverFile, KConfig::SimpleConfig);
0088     const QStringList servers = serverConfig.groupList();
0089     for(QStringList::ConstIterator server = servers.begin(); server != servers.end(); ++server) {
0090       if(*server == m_preset) {
0091         KConfigGroup cfg(&serverConfig, *server);
0092         m_host = cfg.readEntry("Host");
0093         m_port = cfg.readEntry("Port", Z3950_DEFAULT_PORT);
0094         m_dbname = cfg.readEntry("Database");
0095         m_queryCharSet = cfg.readEntry("Charset");
0096         m_responseCharSet = cfg.readEntry("CharsetResponse");
0097         m_syntax = cfg.readEntry("Syntax");
0098         m_user = cfg.readEntry("User");
0099         m_password = cfg.readEntry("Password");
0100       }
0101     }
0102   } else {
0103     myDebug() << "z3950-servers.cfg not found";
0104   }
0105 }
0107 Z3950Fetcher::Z3950Fetcher(QObject* parent_, const QString& host_, int port_,
0108                            const QString& dbName_, const QString& syntax_)
0109     : Fetcher(parent_), m_conn(nullptr), m_host(host_), m_port(port_), m_dbname(dbName_)
0110     , m_syntax(syntax_), m_esn(QLatin1String(Z3950_DEFAULT_ESN))
0111     , m_started(false), m_done(true), m_MARC21XMLHandler(nullptr)
0112     , m_UNIMARCXMLHandler(nullptr), m_MODSHandler(nullptr) {
0113 }
0115 Z3950Fetcher::~Z3950Fetcher() {
0116   delete m_MARC21XMLHandler;
0117   m_MARC21XMLHandler = nullptr;
0118   delete m_UNIMARCXMLHandler;
0119   m_UNIMARCXMLHandler = nullptr;
0120   delete m_MODSHandler;
0121   m_MODSHandler = nullptr;
0123   if(m_conn) {
0124     m_conn->wait();
0125     m_conn->deleteLater();
0126     m_conn = nullptr;
0127   }
0128 }
0130 QString Z3950Fetcher::source() const {
0131   return m_name.isEmpty() ? defaultName() : m_name;
0132 }
0134 // No UPC or Raw for now.
0135 bool Z3950Fetcher::canSearch(Fetch::FetchKey k) const {
0136   return k == Title || k == Person || k == ISBN || k == Keyword || k == LCCN;
0137 }
0139 bool Z3950Fetcher::canFetch(int type) const {
0140   return type == Data::Collection::Book || type == Data::Collection::Bibtex;
0141 }
0143 void Z3950Fetcher::readConfigHook(const KConfigGroup& config_) {
0144   QString preset = config_.readEntry("Preset");
0145   if(preset.isEmpty()) {
0146     m_host = config_.readEntry("Host");
0147     int p = config_.readEntry("Port", Z3950_DEFAULT_PORT);
0148     if(p > 0) {
0149       m_port = p;
0150     }
0151     m_dbname = config_.readEntry("Database");
0152     m_queryCharSet = config_.readEntry("Charset");
0153     m_responseCharSet = config_.readEntry("CharsetResponse");
0154     if(m_responseCharSet.isEmpty()) {
0155       m_responseCharSet = m_queryCharSet;
0156     }
0157     m_syntax = config_.readEntry("Syntax");
0158     m_user = config_.readEntry("User");
0159     m_password = config_.readEntry("Password");
0160   } else {
0161     m_preset = preset;
0162     QString serverFile = DataFileRegistry::self()->locate(QStringLiteral("z3950-servers.cfg"));
0163     if(!serverFile.isEmpty()) {
0164       KConfig serverConfig(serverFile, KConfig::SimpleConfig);
0165       const QStringList servers = serverConfig.groupList();
0166       for(QStringList::ConstIterator server = servers.begin(); server != servers.end(); ++server) {
0167         if(*server == preset) {
0168           KConfigGroup cfg(&serverConfig, *server);
0169 //          const QString name = cfg.readEntry("Name");
0170           m_host = cfg.readEntry("Host");
0171           m_port = cfg.readEntry("Port", Z3950_DEFAULT_PORT);
0172           m_dbname = cfg.readEntry("Database");
0173           m_queryCharSet = cfg.readEntry("Charset");
0174           m_syntax = cfg.readEntry("Syntax");
0175           m_user = cfg.readEntry("User");
0176           m_password = cfg.readEntry("Password");
0177         }
0178       }
0179     } else {
0180       myDebug() << "z3950-servers.cfg not found";
0181     }
0182   }
0183 }
0185 void Z3950Fetcher::saveConfigHook(KConfigGroup& config_) {
0186   config_.writeEntry("Syntax", m_syntax);
0187 }
0189 void Z3950Fetcher::search() {
0190 #ifdef HAVE_YAZ
0191   m_started = true;
0192   m_done = false;
0193   if(m_host.isEmpty() || m_dbname.isEmpty()) {
0194     myDebug() << source() << "- host and dbname are not set!";
0195     stop();
0196     return;
0197   }
0199   QString svalue = request().value();
0200   bool hasQuotes = svalue.startsWith(QLatin1Char('"')) && svalue.endsWith(QLatin1Char('"'));
0201   if(!hasQuotes) {
0202     hasQuotes = svalue.startsWith(QLatin1Char('\'')) && svalue.endsWith(QLatin1Char('\''));
0203   }
0204   if(!hasQuotes) {
0205     svalue = QLatin1Char('"') + svalue + QLatin1Char('"');
0206   }
0208   switch(request().key()) {
0209     case Title:
0210       m_pqn = QLatin1String("@attr 1=4 ") + svalue;
0211       break;
0212     case Person:
0213       m_pqn = QLatin1String(" @attr 1=1003 ") + svalue;
0214       break;
0215     case ISBN:
0216       {
0217         m_pqn.clear();
0218         QString s = request().value();
0219         s.remove(QLatin1Char('-'));
0220         QStringList isbnList = FieldFormat::splitValue(s);
0221         // also search for isbn10 values
0222         for(QStringList::Iterator it = isbnList.begin(); it != isbnList.end(); ++it) {
0223           if((*it).startsWith(QLatin1String("978"))) {
0224             QString isbn10 = ISBNValidator::isbn10(*it);
0225             isbn10.remove(QLatin1Char('-'));
0226             it = isbnList.insert(it, isbn10);
0227             ++it;
0228           }
0229         }
0230         const int count = isbnList.count();
0231         if(count > 1) {
0232           m_pqn = QStringLiteral("@or ");
0233         }
0234         for(int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
0235           m_pqn += QLatin1String(" @attr 1=7 ") +;
0236           if(count > 1 && i < count-2) {
0237             m_pqn += QLatin1String(" @or");
0238           }
0239         }
0240       }
0241       break;
0242     case LCCN:
0243       {
0244         m_pqn.clear();
0245         QString s = request().value();
0246         s.remove(QLatin1Char('-'));
0247         QStringList lccnList = FieldFormat::splitValue(s);
0248         while(!lccnList.isEmpty()) {
0249           m_pqn += QLatin1String(" @or @attr 1=9 ") + lccnList.front();
0250           if(lccnList.count() > 1) {
0251             m_pqn += QLatin1String(" @or");
0252           }
0253           m_pqn += QLatin1String(" @attr 1=9 ") + LCCNValidator::formalize(lccnList.front());
0254           lccnList.pop_front();
0255         }
0256       }
0257       break;
0258     case Keyword:
0259       m_pqn = QLatin1String("@attr 1=1016 ") + svalue;
0260       break;
0261     case Raw:
0262       m_pqn = request().value();
0263       break;
0264     default:
0265       myWarning() << source() << "- key not recognized:" << request().key();
0266       stop();
0267       return;
0268   }
0269 //  myLog() << "PQN query = " << m_pqn;
0271   if(m_conn) {
0272     m_conn->reset(); // reset counts
0273   }
0275   process();
0276 #else // HAVE_YAZ
0277   stop();
0278   return;
0279 #endif
0280 }
0282 void Z3950Fetcher::setCharacterSet(const QString& qcs_, const QString& rcs_) {
0283   m_queryCharSet = qcs_;
0284   m_responseCharSet = rcs_.isEmpty() ? qcs_ : rcs_;
0285 }
0287 void Z3950Fetcher::continueSearch() {
0288 #ifdef HAVE_YAZ
0289   m_started = true;
0290   process();
0291 #endif
0292 }
0294 void Z3950Fetcher::stop() {
0295   if(!m_started) {
0296     return;
0297   }
0298   m_started = false;
0299   if(m_conn) {
0300    // give it a second to cleanup
0301     m_conn->abort();
0302     m_conn->wait(1000);
0303   }
0304   emit signalDone(this);
0305 }
0307 bool Z3950Fetcher::initMARC21Handler() {
0308   if(m_MARC21XMLHandler) {
0309     return true;
0310   }
0312   QString xsltfile = DataFileRegistry::self()->locate(QStringLiteral("MARC21slim2MODS3.xsl"));
0313   if(xsltfile.isEmpty()) {
0314     myWarning() << "can not locate MARC21slim2MODS3.xsl.";
0315     return false;
0316   }
0318   QUrl u = QUrl::fromLocalFile(xsltfile);
0320   m_MARC21XMLHandler = new XSLTHandler(u);
0321   if(!m_MARC21XMLHandler->isValid()) {
0322     myWarning() << "error in MARC21slim2MODS3.xsl.";
0323     delete m_MARC21XMLHandler;
0324     m_MARC21XMLHandler = nullptr;
0325     return false;
0326   }
0327   return true;
0328 }
0330 bool Z3950Fetcher::initUNIMARCHandler() {
0331   if(m_UNIMARCXMLHandler) {
0332     return true;
0333   }
0335   QString xsltfile = DataFileRegistry::self()->locate(QStringLiteral("UNIMARC2MODS3.xsl"));
0336   if(xsltfile.isEmpty()) {
0337     myWarning() << "can not locate UNIMARC2MODS3.xsl.";
0338     return false;
0339   }
0341   QUrl u = QUrl::fromLocalFile(xsltfile);
0343   m_UNIMARCXMLHandler = new XSLTHandler(u);
0344   if(!m_UNIMARCXMLHandler->isValid()) {
0345     myWarning() << "error in UNIMARC2MODS3.xsl.";
0346     delete m_UNIMARCXMLHandler;
0347     m_UNIMARCXMLHandler = nullptr;
0348     return false;
0349   }
0350   return true;
0351 }
0353 bool Z3950Fetcher::initMODSHandler() {
0354   if(m_MODSHandler) {
0355     return true;
0356   }
0358   QString xsltfile = DataFileRegistry::self()->locate(QStringLiteral("mods2tellico.xsl"));
0359   if(xsltfile.isEmpty()) {
0360     myWarning() << "can not locate mods2tellico.xsl.";
0361     return false;
0362   }
0364   QUrl u = QUrl::fromLocalFile(xsltfile);
0366   m_MODSHandler = new XSLTHandler(u);
0367   if(!m_MODSHandler->isValid()) {
0368     myWarning() << "error in mods2tellico.xsl.";
0369     delete m_MODSHandler;
0370     m_MODSHandler = nullptr;
0371     // no use in keeping the MARC handlers now
0372     delete m_MARC21XMLHandler;
0373     m_MARC21XMLHandler = nullptr;
0374     delete m_UNIMARCXMLHandler;
0375     m_UNIMARCXMLHandler = nullptr;
0376     return false;
0377   }
0378   return true;
0379 }
0381 void Z3950Fetcher::process() {
0382   if(m_conn) {
0383     m_conn->wait();
0384   } else {
0385     m_conn = new Z3950Connection(this, m_host, m_port, m_dbname, m_syntax, m_esn);
0386     m_conn->setCharacterSet(m_queryCharSet, m_responseCharSet);
0387     if(!m_user.isEmpty()) {
0388       m_conn->setUserPassword(m_user, m_password);
0389     }
0390   }
0392   m_conn->setQuery(m_pqn);
0393   m_conn->start();
0394 }
0396 void Z3950Fetcher::handleResult(const QString& result_) {
0397   if(result_.isEmpty()) {
0398     myDebug() << "empty record found, maybe the character encoding or record format is wrong?";
0399     return;
0400   }
0401   // possible to get a race condition where the fetcher has been stopped
0402   // even as new results come in
0403   if(!m_started) {
0404     return;
0405   }
0407 #if 0
0408   myWarning() << "Remove debug from z3950fetcher.cpp";
0409   {
0410     QFile f1(QLatin1String("/tmp/z3950.txt"));
0411     if( {
0412 //      if( | QIODevice::Append)) {
0413       QTextStream t(&f1);
0414       t.setCodec("UTF-8");
0415       t << result_;
0416     }
0417     f1.close();
0418   }
0419 #endif
0420   // assume always utf-8
0421   QString str, msg;
0422   Data::CollPtr coll;
0423   // not marc, has to be grs-1
0424   if(m_syntax == QLatin1String("grs-1")) {
0425     Import::GRS1Importer imp(result_);
0426     coll = imp.collection();
0427     msg = imp.statusMessage();
0428   } else if(m_syntax == QLatin1String("ads")) {
0429     Import::ADSImporter imp(result_);
0430     coll = imp.collection();
0431     msg = imp.statusMessage();
0432   } else { // now the MODS stuff
0433     if(m_syntax == QLatin1String("mods")) {
0434       str = result_;
0435     } else if(m_syntax == QLatin1String("unimarc") && initUNIMARCHandler()) {
0436       str = m_UNIMARCXMLHandler->applyStylesheet(result_);
0437     } else if(initMARC21Handler()) { // got to be usmarc/marc21
0438       str = m_MARC21XMLHandler->applyStylesheet(result_);
0439     }
0440     if(str.isEmpty() || !initMODSHandler()) {
0441       myDebug() << "empty string or can't init";
0442       stop();
0443       return;
0444     }
0445 #if 0
0446     myWarning() << "Remove debug from z3950fetcher.cpp";
0447     {
0448       QFile f2(QLatin1String("/tmp/mods.xml"));
0449 //      if( {
0450       if( | QIODevice::Append)) {
0451         QTextStream t(&f2);
0452         t.setCodec("UTF-8");
0453         t << str;
0454       }
0455       f2.close();
0456     }
0457 #endif
0458     Import::TellicoImporter imp(m_MODSHandler->applyStylesheet(str));
0459     imp.setOptions(imp.options() ^ Import::ImportProgress); // no progress needed
0460     coll = imp.collection();
0461     msg = imp.statusMessage();
0462   }
0464   if(!coll) {
0465     if(!msg.isEmpty()) {
0466       message(msg, MessageHandler::Warning);
0467     }
0468     myDebug() << "no collection pointer:" << msg;
0469     return;
0470   }
0472   if(coll->entryCount() == 0) {
0473 //    myDebug() << "no Tellico entry in result";
0474     return;
0475   }
0477   // since the Dewey and LoC field titles have a context in their i18n call here
0478   // but not in the mods2tellico.xsl stylesheet where the field is actually created
0479   // update the field titles here
0480   QHashIterator<QString, QString> i(allOptionalFields());
0481   while(i.hasNext()) {
0483     Data::FieldPtr field = coll->fieldByName(i.key());
0484     if(field) {
0485       field->setTitle(i.value());
0486       coll->modifyField(field);
0487     }
0488   }
0490   Data::EntryList entries = coll->entries();
0491   foreach(Data::EntryPtr entry, entries) {
0492     FetchResult* r = new FetchResult(this, entry);
0493     m_entries.insert(r->uid, entry);
0494     emit signalResultFound(r);
0495   }
0496 }
0498 void Z3950Fetcher::done() {
0499   m_done = true;
0500   stop();
0501 }
0503 Tellico::Data::EntryPtr Z3950Fetcher::fetchEntryHook(uint uid_) {
0504   return m_entries[uid_];
0505 }
0507 void Z3950Fetcher::customEvent(QEvent* event_) {
0508   if(!m_conn) {
0509     return;
0510   }
0512   if(event_->type() == Z3950ResultFound::uid()) {
0513     if(m_done) {
0514       myWarning() << "result returned after done signal!";
0515     }
0516     Z3950ResultFound* e = static_cast<Z3950ResultFound*>(event_);
0517     handleResult(e->result());
0518   } else if(event_->type() == Z3950ConnectionDone::uid()) {
0519     Z3950ConnectionDone* e = static_cast<Z3950ConnectionDone*>(event_);
0520     if(e->messageType() > -1) {
0521       message(e->message(), e->messageType());
0522     }
0523     m_hasMoreResults = e->hasMoreResults();
0524     m_conn->wait();
0525     done();
0526   } else if(event_->type() == Z3950SyntaxChange::uid()) {
0527     if(m_done) {
0528       myWarning() << "syntax changed after done signal!";
0529     }
0530     Z3950SyntaxChange* e = static_cast<Z3950SyntaxChange*>(event_);
0531     if(m_syntax != e->syntax()) {
0532       m_syntax = e->syntax();
0533       // it gets saved when saveConfigHook() get's called from the Fetcher() d'tor
0534     }
0535   } else {
0536     myWarning() << "weird type: " << event_->type();
0537   }
0538 }
0540 Tellico::Fetch::FetchRequest Z3950Fetcher::updateRequest(Data::EntryPtr entry_) {
0541 //  myDebug() << source() << ": " << entry_->title();
0542   QString isbn = entry_->field(QStringLiteral("isbn"));
0543   if(!isbn.isEmpty()) {
0544     return FetchRequest(Fetch::ISBN, isbn);
0545   }
0547   QString lccn = entry_->field(QStringLiteral("lccn"));
0548   if(!lccn.isEmpty()) {
0549     return FetchRequest(Fetch::LCCN, lccn);
0550   }
0552   // optimistically try searching for title and rely on Collection::sameEntry() to figure things out
0553   QString t = entry_->field(QStringLiteral("title"));
0554   if(!t.isEmpty()) {
0555     return FetchRequest(Fetch::Title, t);
0556   }
0557   return FetchRequest();
0558 }
0560 Tellico::Fetch::ConfigWidget* Z3950Fetcher::configWidget(QWidget* parent_) const {
0561   return new Z3950Fetcher::ConfigWidget(parent_, this);
0562 }
0564 QString Z3950Fetcher::defaultName() {
0565   return i18n("z39.50 Server");
0566 }
0568 QString Z3950Fetcher::defaultIcon() {
0569   return QStringLiteral("network-server-database"); // rather arbitrary
0570 }
0572 // static
0573 Tellico::StringHash Z3950Fetcher::allOptionalFields() {
0574   StringHash hash;
0575   hash[QStringLiteral("address")]  = i18n("Address");
0576   hash[QStringLiteral("abstract")] = i18n("Abstract");
0577   hash[QStringLiteral("illustrator")] = i18n("Illustrator");
0578   hash[QStringLiteral("dewey")] = i18nc("Dewey Decimal classification system", "Dewey Decimal");
0579   hash[QStringLiteral("lcc")] = i18nc("Library of Congress classification system", "LoC Classification");
0580   return hash;
0581 }
0583 Z3950Fetcher::ConfigWidget::ConfigWidget(QWidget* parent_, const Z3950Fetcher* fetcher_/*=0*/)
0584     : Fetch::ConfigWidget(parent_) {
0585   QGridLayout* l = new QGridLayout(optionsWidget());
0586   l->setSpacing(4);
0587   l->setColumnStretch(1, 10);
0589   int row = -1;
0591   m_usePreset = new QCheckBox(i18n("Use preset &server:"), optionsWidget());
0592   l->addWidget(m_usePreset, ++row, 0);
0593   connect(m_usePreset, &QAbstractButton::toggled, this, &ConfigWidget::slotTogglePreset);
0594   m_serverCombo = new GUI::ComboBox(optionsWidget());
0595   void (GUI::ComboBox::* activatedInt)(int) = &GUI::ComboBox::activated;
0596   connect(m_serverCombo, activatedInt, this, &ConfigWidget::slotPresetChanged);
0597   l->addWidget(m_serverCombo, row, 1);
0598   ++row;
0599   l->addWidget(new KSeparator(optionsWidget()), row, 0, 1, 2);
0600   l->setRowMinimumHeight(row, 10);
0602   QLabel* label = new QLabel(i18n("Hos&t: "), optionsWidget());
0603   l->addWidget(label, ++row, 0);
0604   m_hostEdit = new GUI::LineEdit(optionsWidget());
0605   connect(m_hostEdit, &QLineEdit::textChanged, this, &ConfigWidget::slotSetModified);
0606   connect(m_hostEdit, &QLineEdit::textChanged, this, &ConfigWidget::signalName);
0607   l->addWidget(m_hostEdit, row, 1);
0608   QString w = i18n("Enter the host name of the server.");
0609   label->setWhatsThis(w);
0610   m_hostEdit->setWhatsThis(w);
0611   label->setBuddy(m_hostEdit);
0613   label = new QLabel(i18n("&Port: "), optionsWidget());
0614   l->addWidget(label, ++row, 0);
0615   m_portSpinBox = new QSpinBox(optionsWidget());
0616   m_portSpinBox->setMaximum(999999);
0617   m_portSpinBox->setMinimum(0);
0618   m_portSpinBox->setValue(Z3950_DEFAULT_PORT);
0619   void (QSpinBox::* valueChanged)(int) = &QSpinBox::valueChanged;
0620   connect(m_portSpinBox, valueChanged, this, &ConfigWidget::slotSetModified);
0621   l->addWidget(m_portSpinBox, row, 1);
0622   w = i18n("Enter the port number of the server. The default is %1.", Z3950_DEFAULT_PORT);
0623   label->setWhatsThis(w);
0624   m_portSpinBox->setWhatsThis(w);
0625   label->setBuddy(m_portSpinBox);
0627   label = new QLabel(i18n("&Database: "), optionsWidget());
0628   l->addWidget(label, ++row, 0);
0629   m_databaseEdit = new GUI::LineEdit(optionsWidget());
0630   connect(m_databaseEdit, &QLineEdit::textChanged, this, &ConfigWidget::slotSetModified);
0631   l->addWidget(m_databaseEdit, row, 1);
0632   w = i18n("Enter the database name used by the server.");
0633   label->setWhatsThis(w);
0634   m_databaseEdit->setWhatsThis(w);
0635   label->setBuddy(m_databaseEdit);
0637   label = new QLabel(i18n("Query character set: "), optionsWidget());
0638   l->addWidget(label, ++row, 0);
0639   m_charSetCombo1 = new KComboBox(true, optionsWidget());
0640   m_charSetCombo1->addItem(QString());
0641   m_charSetCombo1->addItem(QStringLiteral("marc8"));
0642   m_charSetCombo1->addItem(QStringLiteral("iso-8859-1"));
0643   m_charSetCombo1->addItem(QStringLiteral("utf-8"));
0644   connect(m_charSetCombo1, &QComboBox::currentTextChanged, this, &ConfigWidget::slotSetModified);
0645   l->addWidget(m_charSetCombo1, row, 1);
0646   w = i18n("Enter the character set encoding used for queries by the z39.50 server. The most likely choice "
0647            "is MARC-8, although ISO-8859-1 is common as well.");
0648   label->setWhatsThis(w);
0649   m_charSetCombo1->setWhatsThis(w);
0650   label->setBuddy(m_charSetCombo1);
0652   label = new QLabel(i18n("Results character set: "), optionsWidget());
0653   l->addWidget(label, ++row, 0);
0654   m_charSetCombo2 = new KComboBox(true, optionsWidget());
0655   m_charSetCombo2->addItem(QString());
0656   m_charSetCombo2->addItem(QStringLiteral("marc8"));
0657   m_charSetCombo2->addItem(QStringLiteral("iso-8859-1"));
0658   m_charSetCombo2->addItem(QStringLiteral("utf-8"));
0659   connect(m_charSetCombo2, &QComboBox::currentTextChanged, this, &ConfigWidget::slotSetModified);
0660   l->addWidget(m_charSetCombo2, row, 1);
0661   w = i18n("Enter the character set encoding used for responses by the z39.50 server. The most likely choice "
0662            "is MARC-8, although ISO-8859-1 is common as well.");
0663   label->setWhatsThis(w);
0664   m_charSetCombo2->setWhatsThis(w);
0665   label->setBuddy(m_charSetCombo2);
0667   label = new QLabel(i18n("&Format: "), optionsWidget());
0668   l->addWidget(label, ++row, 0);
0669   m_syntaxCombo = new GUI::ComboBox(optionsWidget());
0670   m_syntaxCombo->addItem(i18n("Auto-detect"), QString());
0671   m_syntaxCombo->addItem(QStringLiteral("MODS"), QLatin1String("mods"));
0672   m_syntaxCombo->addItem(QStringLiteral("MARC21"), QLatin1String("marc21"));
0673   m_syntaxCombo->addItem(QStringLiteral("UNIMARC"), QLatin1String("unimarc"));
0674   m_syntaxCombo->addItem(QStringLiteral("USMARC"), QLatin1String("usmarc"));
0675   m_syntaxCombo->addItem(QStringLiteral("ADS"), QLatin1String("ads"));
0676   m_syntaxCombo->addItem(QStringLiteral("GRS-1"), QLatin1String("grs-1"));
0677   connect(m_syntaxCombo, &QComboBox::currentTextChanged, this, &ConfigWidget::slotSetModified);
0678   l->addWidget(m_syntaxCombo, row, 1);
0679   w = i18n("Enter the data format used by the z39.50 server. Tellico will attempt to "
0680            "automatically detect the best setting if <i>auto-detect</i> is selected.");
0681   label->setWhatsThis(w);
0682   m_syntaxCombo->setWhatsThis(w);
0683   label->setBuddy(m_syntaxCombo);
0685   label = new QLabel(i18n("&User: "), optionsWidget());
0686   l->addWidget(label, ++row, 0);
0687   m_userEdit = new GUI::LineEdit(optionsWidget());
0688   m_userEdit->setPlaceholderText(i18n("Optional"));
0689   connect(m_userEdit, &QLineEdit::textChanged, this, &ConfigWidget::slotSetModified);
0690   l->addWidget(m_userEdit, row, 1);
0691   w = i18n("Enter the authentication user name used by the z39.50 database. Most servers "
0692            "do not need one.");
0693   label->setWhatsThis(w);
0694   m_userEdit->setWhatsThis(w);
0695   label->setBuddy(m_userEdit);
0697   label = new QLabel(i18n("Pass&word: "), optionsWidget());
0698   l->addWidget(label, ++row, 0);
0699   m_passwordEdit = new GUI::LineEdit(optionsWidget());
0700   m_passwordEdit->setPlaceholderText(i18n("Optional"));
0701   m_passwordEdit->setEchoMode(QLineEdit::Password);
0702   connect(m_passwordEdit, &QLineEdit::textChanged, this, &ConfigWidget::slotSetModified);
0703   l->addWidget(m_passwordEdit, row, 1);
0704   w = i18n("Enter the authentication password used by the z39.50 database. Most servers "
0705            "do not need one. The password will be saved in plain text in the Tellico "
0706            "configuration file.");
0707   label->setWhatsThis(w);
0708   m_passwordEdit->setWhatsThis(w);
0709   label->setBuddy(m_passwordEdit);
0711   l->setRowStretch(++row, 1);
0713   // now add additional fields widget
0714   addFieldsWidget(Z3950Fetcher::allOptionalFields(), fetcher_ ? fetcher_->optionalFields() : QStringList());
0716   loadPresets(fetcher_ ? fetcher_->m_preset : QString());
0717   if(fetcher_) {
0718     m_hostEdit->setText(fetcher_->m_host);
0719     m_portSpinBox->setValue(fetcher_->m_port);
0720     m_databaseEdit->setText(fetcher_->m_dbname);
0721     m_userEdit->setText(fetcher_->m_user);
0722     m_passwordEdit->setText(fetcher_->m_password);
0723     m_charSetCombo1->setEditText(fetcher_->m_queryCharSet);
0724     m_charSetCombo2->setEditText(fetcher_->m_responseCharSet);
0725     // the syntax is detected automatically by the fetcher
0726     // since the config group gets deleted in the config file,
0727     // the value needs to be retained here
0728     m_syntax = fetcher_->m_syntax;
0729     m_syntaxCombo->setCurrentData(m_syntax);
0730   }
0731   KAcceleratorManager::manage(optionsWidget());
0733   // start with presets turned off
0734   m_usePreset->setChecked(fetcher_ && !fetcher_->m_preset.isEmpty());
0736   slotTogglePreset(m_usePreset->isChecked());
0737 }
0739 Z3950Fetcher::ConfigWidget::~ConfigWidget() {
0740 }
0742 void Z3950Fetcher::ConfigWidget::saveConfigHook(KConfigGroup& config_) {
0743   if(m_usePreset->isChecked()) {
0744     QString presetID = m_serverCombo->currentData().toString();
0745     config_.writeEntry("Preset", presetID);
0746     return;
0747   }
0748   config_.deleteEntry("Preset");
0750   QString s = m_hostEdit->text().trimmed();
0751   if(!s.isEmpty()) {
0752     config_.writeEntry("Host", s);
0753   }
0754   int port = m_portSpinBox->value();
0755   if(port > 0) {
0756     config_.writeEntry("Port", port);
0757   }
0758   s = m_databaseEdit->text().trimmed();
0759   if(!s.isEmpty()) {
0760     config_.writeEntry("Database", s);
0761   }
0762   s = m_charSetCombo1->currentText().trimmed();
0763   if(!s.isEmpty()) {
0764     config_.writeEntry("Charset", s);
0765   }
0766   s = m_charSetCombo2->currentText().trimmed();
0767   if(!s.isEmpty()) {
0768     config_.writeEntry("CharsetResponse", s);
0769   }
0770   s = m_userEdit->text();
0771   if(!s.isEmpty()) {
0772     config_.writeEntry("User", s);
0773   }
0774   s = m_passwordEdit->text();
0775   if(!s.isEmpty()) {
0776     config_.writeEntry("Password", s);
0777   }
0778   s = m_syntaxCombo->currentData().toString();
0779   if(!s.isEmpty()) {
0780     m_syntax = s;
0781   }
0782   config_.writeEntry("Syntax", m_syntax);
0783 }
0785 void Z3950Fetcher::ConfigWidget::slotTogglePreset(bool on) {
0786   m_serverCombo->setEnabled(on);
0787   if(on) {
0788     emit signalName(m_serverCombo->currentText());
0789   }
0790   m_hostEdit->setEnabled(!on);
0791   if(!on && !m_hostEdit->text().isEmpty()) {
0792     emit signalName(m_hostEdit->text());
0793   }
0794   m_portSpinBox->setEnabled(!on);
0795   m_databaseEdit->setEnabled(!on);
0796   m_userEdit->setEnabled(!on);
0797   m_passwordEdit->setEnabled(!on);
0798   m_charSetCombo1->setEnabled(!on);
0799   m_charSetCombo2->setEnabled(!on);
0800   m_syntaxCombo->setEnabled(!on);
0801   if(on) {
0802     emit signalName(m_serverCombo->currentText());
0803   }
0804 }
0806 void Z3950Fetcher::ConfigWidget::slotPresetChanged() {
0807   emit signalName(m_serverCombo->currentText());
0808 }
0810 void Z3950Fetcher::ConfigWidget::loadPresets(const QString& current_) {
0811   const QString lang = QLocale().uiLanguages().constFirst();
0812   const QString lang2A = lang.contains(QLatin1Char('-')) ? lang.section(QLatin1Char('-'), 0, 0) : lang;
0814   QString serverFile = DataFileRegistry::self()->locate(QStringLiteral("z3950-servers.cfg"));
0815   if(serverFile.isEmpty()) {
0816     myWarning() << "no z3950 servers file found";
0817     return;
0818   }
0820   int idx = -1;
0822   KConfig serverConfig(serverFile, KConfig::SimpleConfig);
0823   const QStringList servers = serverConfig.groupList();
0824   // I want the list of servers sorted by name so use QMap instead of QHash
0825   QMap<QString, QString> serverNameMap;
0826   QHash<QString, QIcon> flags;
0827   for(QStringList::ConstIterator server = servers.constBegin(); server != servers.constEnd(); ++server) {
0828     if((*server).isEmpty()) {
0829       myDebug() << "empty id";
0830       continue;
0831     }
0832     KConfigGroup cfg(&serverConfig, *server);
0833     const QString name = cfg.readEntry("Name");
0834     if(!name.isEmpty()) {
0835       serverNameMap.insert(name, *server);
0836     }
0837   }
0838   for(QMap<QString, QString>::ConstIterator it = serverNameMap.constBegin(); it != serverNameMap.constEnd(); ++it) {
0839     const QString name = it.key();
0840     const QString group = it.value();
0841     KConfigGroup cfg(&serverConfig, group);
0842     const QString country = cfg.readEntry("Country", QString());
0844     QIcon icon;
0845     if(!country.isEmpty()) {
0846       QHash<QString, QIcon>::ConstIterator it = flags.constFind(country);
0847       if(it != flags.constEnd()) {
0848         icon = it.value();
0849       } else {
0850         const QString flag = QStandardPaths::locate(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation,
0851                                                     QStringLiteral("kf5/locale/countries/%1/flag.png").arg(country));
0852         if (!flag.isEmpty()) {
0853           icon = QIcon(flag);
0854           flags.insert(country, icon);
0855         }
0856       }
0857     }
0858     m_serverCombo->addItem(icon, name, group);
0860     if(current_.isEmpty() && idx == -1) {
0861       // set the initial selection to something depending on the language
0862       const QStringList locales = cfg.readEntry("Locale", QStringList());
0863       if(locales.contains(lang) || locales.contains(lang2A)) {
0864         idx = m_serverCombo->count() - 1;
0865       }
0866     } else if(group == current_) {
0867       idx = m_serverCombo->count() - 1;
0868     }
0869   }
0870   if(idx > -1) {
0871     m_serverCombo->setCurrentIndex(idx);
0872   }
0873 }
0875 QString Z3950Fetcher::ConfigWidget::preferredName() const {
0876   if(m_usePreset->isChecked()) {
0877     return m_serverCombo->currentText();
0878   }
0879   QString s = m_hostEdit->text();
0880   return s.isEmpty() ? i18n("z39.50 Server") : s;
0881 }