File indexing completed on 2025-03-09 04:41:48

0001 /*  This is RTF to HTML converter, implemented as a text filter, generally.
0002     Copyright (C) 2003 Valentin Lavrinenko,
0004     available at
0006     Original available under the terms of the GNU LGPL2, and according
0007     to those terms, relicensed under the GNU GPL2 for inclusion in Tellico */
0009 /***************************************************************************
0010  *                                                                         *
0011  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or         *
0012  *   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as        *
0013  *   published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of        *
0014  *   the License or (at your option) version 3 or any later version        *
0015  *   accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved     *
0016  *   by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy            *
0017  *   defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the license.                    *
0018  *                                                                         *
0019  *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
0020  *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
0022  *   GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
0023  *                                                                         *
0024  *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     *
0025  *   along with this program.  If not, see <>. *
0026  *                                                                         *
0027  ***************************************************************************/
0029 #include "fmt_opts.h"
0031 //krazy:excludeall=doublequote_chars
0033 using namespace rtf;
0035 std::string formatting_options::get_par_str() const
0036 {
0037    std::string style;
0038    switch (papAlign)
0039    {
0040    case formatting_options::align_right:
0041       style+="text-align:right;";
0042       break;
0043    case formatting_options::align_center:
0044       style+="text-align:center;";
0045       break;
0046    case formatting_options::align_justify:
0047       style+="text-align:justify;";
0048    default: break;
0049    }
0050    if (papFirst!=0)
0051    {
0052       style+="text-indent:";
0053       style+=from_int(papFirst);
0054       style+="pt;";
0055    }
0056    if (papLeft!=0)
0057    {
0058       style+="margin-left:";
0059       style+=from_int(papLeft);
0060       style+="pt;";
0061    }
0062    if (papRight!=0)
0063    {
0064       style+="margin-right:";
0065       style+=from_int(papRight);
0066       style+="pt;";
0067    }
0068    if (papBefore!=0)
0069    {
0070       style+="margin-top:";
0071       style+=from_int(papBefore);
0072       style+="pt;";
0073    }
0074    if (papAfter!=0)
0075    {
0076       style+="margin-bottom:";
0077       style+=from_int(papAfter);
0078       style+="pt;";
0079    }
0080    if (style.empty())
0081       return std::string("<p>");
0082    else
0083    {
0084       style.insert(0, "<p style=\"");
0085       return style+"\">";
0086    }
0087 }
0089 std::string formatter::format(const formatting_options &_opt)
0090 {
0091    formatting_options last_opt, opt(_opt);
0092    std::string result;
0093    if (!opt_stack.empty())
0094    {
0095       int cnt=0;
0096       fo_deque::reverse_iterator i;
0097       for (i=opt_stack.rbegin(); i!=opt_stack.rend(); ++i)
0098       {
0099          if (*i==opt)
0100             break;
0101          ++cnt;
0102       }
0103       if (cnt==0)
0104          return "";
0105       if (i!=opt_stack.rend())
0106       {
0107          while (cnt--)
0108          {
0109             result+="</span>";
0110             opt_stack.pop_back();
0111          }
0112          return result;
0113       }
0114       last_opt=opt_stack.back();
0115    }
0116    if (last_opt.chpVAlign!=formatting_options::va_normal
0117        && last_opt.chpVAlign!=opt.chpVAlign)
0118    {
0119       int cnt=0;
0120       fo_deque::reverse_iterator i;
0121       for (i=opt_stack.rbegin(); i!=opt_stack.rend(); ++i)
0122       {
0123          if (i->chpVAlign==formatting_options::va_normal)
0124             break;
0125          ++cnt;
0126       }
0127       while (cnt--)
0128       {
0129          result+="</span>";
0130          opt_stack.pop_back();
0131       }
0132       last_opt=opt_stack.empty()?formatting_options():opt_stack.back();
0133    }
0134    std::string style;
0135    if (opt.chpBold!=last_opt.chpBold)
0136    {
0137       style+="font-weight:";
0138       style+=opt.chpBold?"bold":"normal";
0139       style+=";";
0140    }
0141    if (opt.chpItalic!=last_opt.chpItalic)
0142    {
0143       style+="font-style:";
0144       style+=opt.chpItalic?"italic":"normal";
0145       style+=";";
0146    }
0147    if (opt.chpUnderline!=last_opt.chpUnderline)
0148    {
0149       style+="text-decoration:";
0150       style+=opt.chpUnderline?"underline":"none";
0151       style+=";";
0152    }
0153    if (opt.chpVAlign!=formatting_options::va_normal)
0154       opt.chpFontSize=(int)(0.7*(opt.chpFontSize?opt.chpFontSize:24));
0155    if (opt.chpFontSize!=last_opt.chpFontSize)
0156    {
0157       style+="font-size:";
0158       style+=from_int(opt.chpFontSize/2);
0159       style+="pt;";
0160    }
0161    if (opt.chpVAlign!=last_opt.chpVAlign)
0162    {
0163       style+="vertical-align:";
0164       style+=opt.chpVAlign==formatting_options::va_sub?"sub":"super";
0165       style+=";";
0166    }
0167    if (opt.chpFColor!=last_opt.chpFColor)
0168    {
0169       style+="color:";
0170       style+=opt.chpFColor.r>0?"#"+hex(opt.chpFColor.r&0xFF)
0171                                   +hex(opt.chpFColor.g&0xFF)
0172                                   +hex(opt.chpFColor.b&0xFF)
0173                               :"WindowText";
0174       style+=";";
0175    }
0176    if (opt.chpBColor!=last_opt.chpBColor)
0177    {
0178       style+="background-color:";
0179       style+=opt.chpBColor.r>0?"#"+hex(opt.chpBColor.r&0xFF)
0180                                   +hex(opt.chpBColor.g&0xFF)
0181                                   +hex(opt.chpBColor.b&0xFF)
0182                               :"Window";
0183       style+=";";
0184    }
0185    if (opt.chpHighlight!=last_opt.chpHighlight)
0186    {
0187       style+="background-color:";
0188       switch (opt.chpHighlight)
0189       {
0190       case 0: style+="Window"; break;
0191       case 1: style+="black"; break;
0192       case 2: style+="blue"; break;
0193       case 3: style+="aqua"; break;
0194       case 4: style+="lime"; break;
0195       case 5: style+="fuchsia"; break;
0196       case 6: style+="red"; break;
0197       case 7: style+="yellow"; break;
0198       case 9: style+="navy"; break;
0199       case 10: style+="teal"; break;
0200       case 11: style+="green"; break;
0201       case 12: style+="purple"; break;
0202       case 13: style+="maroon"; break;
0203       case 14: style+="olive"; break;
0204       case 15: style+="gray"; break;
0205       case 16: style+="silver"; break;
0206       }
0207       style+=";";
0208    }
0209    if (opt.chpFont!=last_opt.chpFont)
0210    {
0211       style+="font-family:'";
0213       style+="'";
0214       switch (
0215       {
0216       case font::ff_serif: style+=", serif"; break;
0217       case font::ff_sans_serif: style+=", sans-serif"; break;
0218       case font::ff_cursive: style+=", cursive"; break;
0219       case font::ff_fantasy: style+=", fantasy"; break;
0220       case font::ff_monospace: style+=", monospace"; break;
0221       default: break;
0222       }
0223       style+=";";
0224    }
0225    opt_stack.push_back(opt);
0226    return result+"<span style=\""+style+"\">";
0227 }
0229 std::string formatter::close()
0230 {
0231    std::string result;
0232    for (fo_deque::iterator i=opt_stack.begin(); i!=opt_stack.end(); ++i)
0233       result+="</span>";
0234    return result;
0235 }