Warning, file /office/skrooge/skgbasegui/skgtabpage.cpp was not indexed or was modified since last indexation (in which case cross-reference links may be missing, inaccurate or erroneous).

0001 /***************************************************************************
0002  * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 S. MANKOWSKI stephane@mankowski.fr
0003  * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 G. DE BURE support@mankowski.fr
0004  * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
0005  ***************************************************************************/
0006 /** @file
0007  * This file is a class managing widget.
0008  *
0009  * @author Stephane MANKOWSKI / Guillaume DE BURE
0010  */
0011 #include "skgtabpage.h"
0013 #include <klocalizedstring.h>
0014 #include <kmessagebox.h>
0016 #include <qwidget.h>
0017 #ifdef SKG_WEBENGINE
0018 #include <qwebengineview.h>
0019 #endif
0020 #ifdef SKG_WEBKIT
0021 #include <qwebview.h>
0022 #endif
0023 #if !defined(SKG_WEBENGINE) && !defined(SKG_WEBKIT)
0024 #include <qlabel.h>
0025 #endif
0026 #include <qmath.h>
0028 #include <cmath>
0030 #include "skgdocument.h"
0031 #include "skghtmlboardwidget.h"
0032 #include "skgmainpanel.h"
0033 #include "skgnodeobject.h"
0034 #include "skgservices.h"
0035 #include "skgtraces.h"
0036 #include "skgtransactionmng.h"
0037 #include "skgtreeview.h"
0039 SKGTabPage::SKGTabPage(QWidget* iParent, SKGDocument* iDocument)
0040     : SKGWidget(iParent, iDocument), m_pin(false)
0041 {
0044     // Save original size
0045     m_fontOriginalPointSize = this->font().pointSize();  // Use this instead of zoomableWidget()
0046 }
0048 SKGTabPage::~SKGTabPage()
0049 {
0051 }
0053 bool SKGTabPage::close(bool iForce)
0054 {
0056 #ifdef SKG_KF_5102
0057     int conf = KMessageBox::PrimaryAction;
0058 #else
0059     int conf = KMessageBox::Yes;
0060 #endif
0062     if (!iForce && isPin()) {
0063         QApplication::setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor));
0064 #ifdef SKG_KF_5102
0065         conf = KMessageBox::questionTwoActions(this,
0066                                                i18nc("Question", "Do you really want to close this pinned page?"),
0067                                                i18nc("Question", "Pinned page"),
0068                                                KStandardGuiItem::apply(),
0069                                                KStandardGuiItem::cancel(),
0070                                                QStringLiteral("closepinnedpage"));
0071 #else
0072         conf = KMessageBox::questionYesNo(this,
0073                                           i18nc("Question", "Do you really want to close this pinned page?"),
0074                                           i18nc("Question", "Pinned page"),
0075                                           KStandardGuiItem::yes(),
0076                                           KStandardGuiItem::no(),
0077                                           QStringLiteral("closepinnedpage"));
0078 #endif
0079         QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
0080     }
0081     overwrite();
0082 #ifdef SKG_KF_5102
0083     if (conf == KMessageBox::SecondaryAction) {
0084 #else
0085     if (conf == KMessageBox::No) {
0086 #endif
0087         return false;
0088     }
0089     return QWidget::close();
0090 }
0092 void SKGTabPage::setBookmarkID(const QString& iId)
0093 {
0094     m_bookmarkID = iId;
0095 }
0097 QString SKGTabPage::getBookmarkID()
0098 {
0099     return m_bookmarkID;
0100 }
0101 SKGTabPage::SKGPageHistoryItemList SKGTabPage::getPreviousPages()
0102 {
0103     return m_previousPages;
0104 }
0106 void SKGTabPage::setPreviousPages(const SKGTabPage::SKGPageHistoryItemList& iPages)
0107 {
0108     m_previousPages = iPages;
0109 }
0111 SKGTabPage::SKGPageHistoryItemList SKGTabPage::getNextPages()
0112 {
0113     return m_nextPages;
0114 }
0116 void SKGTabPage::setNextPages(const SKGTabPage::SKGPageHistoryItemList& iPages)
0117 {
0118     m_nextPages = iPages;
0119 }
0121 bool SKGTabPage::isOverwriteNeeded()
0122 {
0123     // Is this widget linked to a bookmark ?
0124     if (!m_bookmarkID.isEmpty()) {
0125         // Yes. Is state modified ?
0126         SKGNodeObject node(getDocument(), SKGServices::stringToInt(m_bookmarkID));
0127         if (node.exist()) {
0128             QStringList d = SKGServices::splitCSVLine(node.getData());
0129             if (d.count() > 2) {
0130                 QString currentState = getState().trimmed();
0131                 QString oldState = d[2].trimmed();
0132                 currentState.remove('\n');
0133                 oldState.remove('\n');
0134                 SKGTRACEL(20) << "oldState      =[" << oldState << ']' << SKGENDL;
0135                 SKGTRACEL(20) << "currentState  =[" << currentState << ']' << SKGENDL;
0136                 SKGTRACEL(20) << "Bookmark diff =" << (currentState != oldState ? "TRUE" : "FALSE") << SKGENDL;
0137                 return (currentState != oldState);
0138             }
0139         }
0140     } else {
0141         // No. It is a page opened from context or from another page
0142         QString name = getDefaultStateAttribute();
0143         if (!name.isEmpty()) {
0144             QString currentState = getState().trimmed();
0145             QString oldState = getDocument()->getParameter(name);
0146             currentState.remove('\n');
0147             oldState.remove('\n');
0148             SKGTRACEL(20) << "oldState      =[" << oldState << ']' << SKGENDL;
0149             SKGTRACEL(20) << "currentState  =[" << currentState << ']' << SKGENDL;
0150             SKGTRACEL(20) << "Page diff =" << (currentState != oldState ? "TRUE" : "FALSE") << SKGENDL;
0151             return (currentState != oldState);
0152         }
0153     }
0154     return false;
0155 }
0157 void SKGTabPage::overwrite(bool iUserConfirmation)
0158 {
0160     // Is this widget linked to a bookmark ?
0161     if (!m_bookmarkID.isEmpty()) {
0162         // Yes. Is state modified ?
0163         SKGNodeObject node(getDocument(), SKGServices::stringToInt(m_bookmarkID));
0164         if (node.exist()) {
0165             QStringList d = SKGServices::splitCSVLine(node.getData());
0166             QString fullname = node.getFullName();
0167             if (d.count() > 2) {
0168                 QString currentState = getState().trimmed();
0169                 QString oldState = d[2].trimmed();
0170                 currentState.remove('\n');
0171                 oldState.remove('\n');
0172                 SKGTRACEL(20) << "oldState      =[" << oldState << ']' << SKGENDL;
0173                 SKGTRACEL(20) << "currentState  =[" << currentState << ']' << SKGENDL;
0174                 if (currentState != oldState) {
0175                     QApplication::setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor));
0176 #ifdef SKG_KF_5102
0177                     int conf = KMessageBox::PrimaryAction;
0178 #else
0179                     int conf = KMessageBox::Yes;
0180 #endif
0181                     if (iUserConfirmation && !oldState.isEmpty()) {
0182 #ifdef SKG_KF_5102
0183                         conf = KMessageBox::questionTwoActions(this,
0184                                                                i18nc("Question", "Bookmark '%1' has been modified. Do you want to update it with the current state?", fullname),
0185                                                                i18nc("Question", "Bookmark has been modified"),
0186                                                                KStandardGuiItem::apply(),
0187                                                                KStandardGuiItem::cancel(),
0188                                                                QStringLiteral("updateBookmarkOnClose"));
0189 #else
0190                         conf = KMessageBox::questionYesNo(this,
0191                                                           i18nc("Question", "Bookmark '%1' has been modified. Do you want to update it with the current state?", fullname),
0192                                                           i18nc("Question", "Bookmark has been modified"),
0193                                                           KStandardGuiItem::yes(),
0194                                                           KStandardGuiItem::no(),
0195                                                           QStringLiteral("updateBookmarkOnClose"));
0196 #endif
0197                     }
0198                     QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
0199 #ifdef SKG_KF_5102
0200                     if (conf == KMessageBox::PrimaryAction) {
0201 #else
0202                     if (conf == KMessageBox::Yes) {
0203 #endif
0204                         SKGError err;
0205                         {
0206                             SKGBEGINLIGHTTRANSACTION(*getDocument(), i18nc("Noun, name of the user action", "Bookmark update '%1'", fullname), err)
0207                             d[2] = currentState;
0208                             IFOKDO(err, node.setData(SKGServices::stringsToCsv(d)))
0209                             IFOKDO(err, node.save())
0210                         }
0211                         IFOKDO(err, SKGError(0, i18nc("Successful message after an user action", "Bookmark updated")))
0212                         SKGMainPanel::displayErrorMessage(err);
0213                     }
0214                 }
0215             }
0216         }
0217     } else {
0218         // No. It is a page opened from context or from another page
0219         QString name = getDefaultStateAttribute();
0220         if (!name.isEmpty()) {
0221             QString currentState = getState().trimmed();
0222             QString oldState = getDocument()->getParameter(name);
0223             SKGTRACEL(20) << "oldState      =[" << oldState << ']' << SKGENDL;
0224             SKGTRACEL(20) << "currentState  =[" << currentState << ']' << SKGENDL;
0225             currentState.remove('\n');
0226             oldState.remove('\n');
0227             if (currentState != oldState) {
0228                 QApplication::setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor));
0229 #ifdef SKG_KF_5102
0230                 int conf = KMessageBox::PrimaryAction;
0231 #else
0232                 int conf = KMessageBox::Yes;
0233 #endif
0234                 if (iUserConfirmation && !oldState.isEmpty()) {
0235 #ifdef SKG_KF_5102
0236                     conf = KMessageBox::questionTwoActions(this,
0237                                                            i18nc("Question", "Page has been modified. Do you want to update it with the current state?"),
0238                                                            i18nc("Question", "Page has been modified"),
0239                                                            KStandardGuiItem::apply(),
0240                                                            KStandardGuiItem::cancel(),
0241                                                            QStringLiteral("updateContextOnClose"));
0242 #else
0243                     conf = KMessageBox::questionYesNo(this,
0244                                                       i18nc("Question", "Page has been modified. Do you want to update it with the current state?"),
0245                                                       i18nc("Question", "Page has been modified"),
0246                                                       KStandardGuiItem::yes(),
0247                                                       KStandardGuiItem::no(),
0248                                                       QStringLiteral("updateContextOnClose"));
0249 #endif
0250                 }
0251                 QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
0252 #ifdef SKG_KF_5102
0253                 if (conf == KMessageBox::PrimaryAction) {
0254 #else
0255                 if (conf == KMessageBox::Yes) {
0256 #endif
0257                     SKGError err;
0258                     {
0259                         SKGBEGINLIGHTTRANSACTION(*getDocument(), i18nc("Noun, name of the user action", "Save default state"), err)
0260                         err = getDocument()->setParameter(name, currentState);
0261                     }
0262                     IFOKDO(err, SKGError(0, i18nc("Successful message after an user action", "Default state saved")))
0263                     SKGMainPanel::displayErrorMessage(err);
0264                 }
0265             }
0266         }
0267     }
0268 }
0271 bool SKGTabPage::isEditor()
0272 {
0273     return false;
0274 }
0276 void SKGTabPage::activateEditor() {}
0278 QWidget* SKGTabPage::zoomableWidget()
0279 {
0280     return mainWidget();
0281 }
0283 QList< QWidget* > SKGTabPage::printableWidgets()
0284 {
0285     QList< QWidget* > output;
0286     output.push_back(mainWidget());
0287     return output;
0288 }
0290 bool SKGTabPage::isZoomable()
0291 {
0292     return (zoomableWidget() != nullptr);
0293 }
0295 void SKGTabPage::setZoomPosition(int iValue)
0296 {
0297     QWidget* widget = zoomableWidget();
0298     auto* treeView = qobject_cast<SKGTreeView*>(widget);
0299     if (treeView != nullptr) {
0300         treeView->setZoomPosition(iValue);
0301     } else {
0302 #ifdef SKG_WEBENGINE
0303         auto webView = qobject_cast<QWebEngineView*>(widget);
0304 #endif
0305 #ifdef SKG_WEBKIT
0306         auto webView = qobject_cast<QWebView*>(widget);
0307 #endif
0308 #if defined(SKG_WEBENGINE) || defined(SKG_WEBKIT)
0309         if (webView != nullptr) {
0310             webView->setZoomFactor(qPow(10, static_cast<qreal>(iValue) / 30.0));
0311         } else {
0312             int pointSize = qMax(1, m_fontOriginalPointSize + iValue);
0313             QFont f = widget->font();
0314             f.setPointSize(pointSize);
0315             widget->setFont(f);
0317             auto cs = widget->findChildren<SKGHtmlBoardWidget*>();
0318             for (auto c : qAsConst(cs)) {
0319                 c->setPointSize(pointSize);
0320             }
0321         }
0322 #endif
0323     }
0324 }
0326 int SKGTabPage::zoomPosition()
0327 {
0328     int output = 0;
0329     QWidget* widget = zoomableWidget();
0330     auto* treeView = qobject_cast<SKGTreeView*>(widget);
0331     if (treeView != nullptr) {
0332         output = treeView->zoomPosition();
0333     } else {
0334 #ifdef SKG_WEBENGINE
0335         auto webView = qobject_cast<QWebEngineView*>(widget);
0336 #endif
0337 #ifdef SKG_WEBKIT
0338         auto webView = qobject_cast<QWebView*>(widget);
0339 #endif
0340 #if defined(SKG_WEBENGINE) || defined(SKG_WEBKIT)
0341         if (webView != nullptr) {
0342             output = qRound(30.0 * log10(webView->zoomFactor()));
0343         } else if (widget != nullptr) {
0344             output = widget->font().pointSize() - m_fontOriginalPointSize;
0345         }
0346 #endif
0347     }
0348     return output;
0349 }
0351 SKGTabPage* SKGTabPage::parentTabPage(QWidget* iWidget)
0352 {
0353     auto* output = qobject_cast< SKGTabPage* >(iWidget);
0354     if ((output == nullptr) && (iWidget != nullptr)) {
0355         QWidget* iParent = iWidget->parentWidget();
0356         if (iParent != nullptr) {
0357             output = SKGTabPage::parentTabPage(iParent);
0358         }
0359     }
0360     return output;
0361 }
0363 bool SKGTabPage::isPin() const
0364 {
0365     return m_pin;
0366 }
0368 void SKGTabPage::setPin(bool iPin)
0369 {
0370     m_pin = iPin;
0371 }