File indexing completed on 2024-04-28 16:30:10

0001 /***************************************************************************
0002  * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 S. MANKOWSKI
0003  * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 G. DE BURE
0004  * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
0005  ***************************************************************************/
0006 /** @file
0007  * This file implements classes SKGDocumentBank.
0008  *
0009  * @author Stephane MANKOWSKI / Guillaume DE BURE
0010  */
0011 #include "skgdocumentbank.h"
0012 #ifdef SKG_DBUS
0013 #include <qdbusconnection.h>
0014 #endif
0015 #include <qicon.h>
0016 #include <qsqldatabase.h>
0018 #include <cmath>
0020 #include "skgaccountobject.h"
0021 #include "skgbankobject.h"
0022 #include "skgerror.h"
0023 #include "skgreportbank.h"
0024 #include "skgservices.h"
0025 #include "skgtraces.h"
0026 #include "skgtransactionmng.h"
0027 #include "skgunitobject.h"
0028 #include "skgunitvalueobject.h"
0030 SKGDocumentBank::SKGDocumentBank() : SKGDocument()
0031 {
0033     connect(this, &SKGDocumentBank::tableModified, this, &SKGDocumentBank::refreshCache);
0034 #ifdef SKG_DBUS
0035     QDBusConnection dbus = QDBusConnection::sessionBus();
0036     dbus.registerObject(QStringLiteral("/skrooge/skgdocumentbank"), this, QDBusConnection::ExportAllContents);
0037 #endif
0039     // Initialisation of not undoable tables
0040     SKGListNotUndoable.push_back(QStringLiteral("T.operationbalance"));
0041     SKGListNotUndoable.push_back(QStringLiteral("T.budgetsuboperation"));
0042 }
0044 SKGDocumentBank::~SKGDocumentBank()
0045 {
0047 }
0049 SKGError SKGDocumentBank::computeBudgetSuboperationLinks() const
0050 {
0051     SKGError err;
0052     SKGTRACEINFUNCRC(5, err)
0053     // Remove computed values
0054     err = this->executeSqliteOrder(QStringLiteral("DELETE FROM budgetsuboperation"));
0056     // Compute values
0057     IFOKDO(err, executeSqliteOrder(
0058                "INSERT INTO budgetsuboperation (id, id_suboperation, i_priority) "
0060                // Garbage collector annualy
0061                "SELECT,, 6.0 FROM budget b, operation o, suboperation s WHERE AND b.rc_category_id=0 AND b.i_month=0 AND b.i_year=STRFTIME('%Y', IFNULL(s.d_date, o.d_date))"
0063                // Garbage collectory monthly
0064                " UNION SELECT,, 5.0 FROM budget b, operation o, suboperation s WHERE AND  b.rc_category_id=0 AND b.i_month<>0 AND b.i_year=STRFTIME('%Y', IFNULL(s.d_date, o.d_date)) AND b.i_month=STRFTIME('%m', IFNULL(s.d_date, o.d_date))"
0066                // Garbage categories annualy
0067                " UNION SELECT,, 4.0 - (LENGTH(c2.t_fullname)-LENGTH(REPLACE(c2.t_fullname, '" % OBJECTSEPARATOR % "', '')))/(100.0*LENGTH('" % OBJECTSEPARATOR % "')) FROM budget b, operation o, v_suboperation_display s, category c2 WHERE AND b.rc_category_id<>0 AND b.i_month=0 AND b.i_year=STRFTIME('%Y', IFNULL(s.d_date, o.d_date)) AND b.t_including_subcategories='Y' AND s.t_CATEGORY LIKE c2.t_fullname||'" % OBJECTSEPARATOR % "%' AND"
0069                // Garbage categories monthly
0070                " UNION SELECT,, 3.0 - (LENGTH(c2.t_fullname)-LENGTH(REPLACE(c2.t_fullname, '" % OBJECTSEPARATOR % "', '')))/(100.0*LENGTH('" % OBJECTSEPARATOR % "')) FROM budget b, operation o, v_suboperation_display s, category c2 WHERE AND b.rc_category_id<>0 AND b.i_month<>0 AND b.i_year=STRFTIME('%Y', IFNULL(s.d_date, o.d_date)) AND b.i_month=STRFTIME('%m', IFNULL(s.d_date, o.d_date)) AND b.t_including_subcategories='Y' AND s.t_CATEGORY LIKE c2.t_fullname||'" % OBJECTSEPARATOR % "%' AND"
0072                // Strict category annualy
0073                " UNION SELECT,, 2.0 FROM budget b, operation o, v_suboperation_display s WHERE AND b.rc_category_id<>0 AND b.i_month=0 AND b.i_year=STRFTIME('%Y', IFNULL(s.d_date, o.d_date)) AND b.rc_category_id=s.r_category_id"
0075                // Strict category monthly
0076                " UNION SELECT,, 1.0 FROM budget b, operation o, v_suboperation_display s WHERE AND b.rc_category_id<>0 AND b.i_month<>0 AND b.i_year=STRFTIME('%Y', IFNULL(s.d_date, o.d_date)) AND b.i_month=STRFTIME('%m', IFNULL(s.d_date, o.d_date)) AND +b.rc_category_id=s.r_category_id"));
0077     // Remove useless values
0078     IFOKDO(err, executeSqliteOrder(QStringLiteral("DELETE FROM budgetsuboperation WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM budgetsuboperation b2 WHERE b2.id_suboperation=budgetsuboperation.id_suboperation AND b2.i_priority<budgetsuboperation.i_priority)")))
0080     return err;
0081 }
0083 void SKGDocumentBank::setComputeBalances(bool iEnabled)
0084 {
0085     if (iEnabled != m_computeBalances) {
0086         m_computeBalances = iEnabled;
0087         computeBalances();
0088     }
0089 }
0091 SKGError SKGDocumentBank::computeBalances() const
0092 {
0093     SKGError err;
0094     SKGTRACEINFUNCRC(5, err)
0095     // Remove computed values
0096     err = this->executeSqliteOrder(QStringLiteral("DELETE FROM operationbalance"));
0098     if (m_computeBalances) {
0099         SKGStringListList result;
0100         IFOKDO(err, executeSelectSqliteOrder(QStringLiteral("SELECT id, rd_account_id, f_CURRENTAMOUNT, f_QUANTITY FROM v_operation WHERE t_template='N' ORDER BY rd_account_id, d_date, id"), result))
0101         int nb = result.count();
0102         double sum = 0;
0103         double sum2 = 0;
0104         int currentAccount = 0;
0105         QStringList items;
0106         for (int i = 1; !err && i < nb; ++i) {  // Ignore header
0107             const QStringList& line =;
0108             const QString& idOp =;
0109             int account = SKGServices::stringToInt(;
0110             double val = SKGServices::stringToDouble(;
0111             double val2 = SKGServices::stringToDouble(;
0113             if (account != currentAccount) {
0114                 sum = 0;
0115                 sum2 = 0;
0116                 currentAccount = account;
0117             }
0119             sum += val;
0120             sum2 += val2;
0122             items.push_back(idOp % "," % SKGServices::doubleToString(sum) % "," % SKGServices::doubleToString(sum2));
0124             if (items.count() == 490) {
0125                 err = this->executeSqliteOrder("INSERT INTO operationbalance (r_operation_id,f_balance,f_balance_entered) "
0126                                                "SELECT  " % items.join(QStringLiteral(" UNION SELECT ")));
0127                 items.clear();
0128             }
0129         }
0130         if (!err && !items.isEmpty()) {
0131             err = this->executeSqliteOrder("INSERT INTO operationbalance (r_operation_id,f_balance,f_balance_entered) "
0132                                            "SELECT  " % items.join(QStringLiteral(" UNION SELECT ")));
0133         }
0134     }
0135     return err;
0136 }
0138 SKGError SKGDocumentBank::endTransaction(bool succeedded)
0139 {
0140     SKGError err;
0141     if (succeedded && getDepthTransaction() == 1) {
0142         if (getCachedValue(QStringLiteral("SKG_REFRESH_VIEW")) == QStringLiteral("Y")) {
0143             QStringList listModifiedTables;
0144             err = this->getDistinctValues(QStringLiteral("doctransactionitem"),
0145                                           QStringLiteral("t_object_table"),
0146                                           QStringLiteral("rd_doctransaction_id=0"),
0147                                           listModifiedTables);
0148             if (!err &&
0149                 (listModifiedTables.contains(QStringLiteral("operation")) || listModifiedTables.contains(QStringLiteral("suboperation")) || listModifiedTables.contains(QStringLiteral("unit")) || listModifiedTables.contains(QStringLiteral("unitvalue")))
0150                ) {
0151                 // Computation of cache
0152                 err = computeBalances();
0153             }
0155             if (!err &&
0156                 (listModifiedTables.contains(QStringLiteral("operation")) || listModifiedTables.contains(QStringLiteral("suboperation")) || listModifiedTables.contains(QStringLiteral("unit")) || listModifiedTables.contains(QStringLiteral("unitvalue")) || listModifiedTables.contains(QStringLiteral("category")) || listModifiedTables.contains(QStringLiteral("budget")))
0157                ) {
0158                 // Computation of cache
0159                 err = computeBudgetSuboperationLinks();
0160             }
0161         }
0162         // Clean main variations cache
0163         m_5mainVariations_cache.clear();
0164         m_5mainVariationsCat_cache.clear();
0165         m_5mainVariations_inputs = QLatin1String("");
0166     }
0168     SKGError err2 = SKGDocument::endTransaction(succeedded);
0169     if (!err && err2) {
0170         err = err2;
0171     }
0172     return err;
0173 }
0175 QString SKGDocumentBank::getViewsIndexesAndTriggersVersion() const
0176 {
0177     return "2023.12.12_" % getParameter(QStringLiteral("SKG_LANGUAGE"));
0178 }
0180 SKGError SKGDocumentBank::refreshViewsIndexesAndTriggers(bool iForce) const
0181 {
0182     SKGError err;
0183     SKGTRACEINFUNCRC(5, err)
0185     QString version = getParameter(QStringLiteral("SKG_DB_BANK_VIEWS_VERSION"));
0186     if (!iForce && version == getViewsIndexesAndTriggersVersion()) {
0187         return err;
0188     }
0190     err = setParameter(QStringLiteral("SKG_DB_BANK_VIEWS_VERSION"), getViewsIndexesAndTriggersVersion());
0192     QString dateFormatShort = QLocale().dateFormat(QLocale::ShortFormat);
0193     int firstDayOfWeek = QLocale().firstDayOfWeek();
0195     // WARNING: Do not forget to update getViewVersion when this method is modified
0196     /**
0197      * This constant is used to initialized the data model (trigger creation)
0198      * IF YOU MODIFY THIS METHOD, DO NOT FORGET TO MODIFY getViewsIndexesAndTriggersVersion TOO
0199      */
0200     QStringList BankInitialDataModelTrigger;
0201     BankInitialDataModelTrigger << DELETECASCADEPARAMETER("bank")
0202                                 << DELETECASCADEPARAMETER("account")
0203                                 << DELETECASCADEPARAMETER("unit")
0204                                 << DELETECASCADEPARAMETER("unitvalue")
0205                                 << DELETECASCADEPARAMETER("category")
0206                                 << DELETECASCADEPARAMETER("operation")
0207                                 << DELETECASCADEPARAMETER("interest")
0208                                 << DELETECASCADEPARAMETER("suboperation")
0209                                 << DELETECASCADEPARAMETER("refund")
0210                                 << DELETECASCADEPARAMETER("payee")
0211                                 << DELETECASCADEPARAMETER("recurrentoperation")
0212                                 << DELETECASCADEPARAMETER("rule")
0213                                 << DELETECASCADEPARAMETER("budget")
0214                                 << DELETECASCADEPARAMETER("budgetrule")
0217                                 // Compute fullname
0218                                 << QStringLiteral("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS cpt_category_fullname3")
0219                                 /* << "CREATE TRIGGER cpt_category_fullname1 " // This trigger must be the first
0220                                  "AFTER UPDATE OF t_fullname ON category BEGIN "
0221                                  "UPDATE category SET t_name=t_name WHERE;"
0222                                  "END"*/
0224                                 << QStringLiteral("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS cpt_category_fullname1")
0225                                 << "CREATE TRIGGER cpt_category_fullname1 "
0226                                 "AFTER INSERT ON category BEGIN "
0227                                 "UPDATE category SET t_fullname="
0228                                 "CASE WHEN rd_category_id IS NULL OR rd_category_id='' OR rd_category_id=0 THEN new.t_name ELSE (SELECT c.t_fullname FROM category c WHERE||'" % OBJECTSEPARATOR % "'||new.t_name END "
0229                                 "WHERE;"
0230                                 "END"
0232                                 << QStringLiteral("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS cpt_category_fullname2")
0233                                 << "CREATE TRIGGER cpt_category_fullname2 "
0234                                 "AFTER UPDATE OF t_name, rd_category_id ON category BEGIN "
0235                                 "UPDATE category SET t_fullname="
0236                                 "CASE WHEN rd_category_id IS NULL OR rd_category_id='' OR rd_category_id=0 THEN new.t_name ELSE (SELECT c.t_fullname FROM category c WHERE||'" % OBJECTSEPARATOR % "'||new.t_name END "
0237                                 "WHERE;"
0238                                 "UPDATE category SET t_name=t_name WHERE;"
0239                                 "END"
0241                                 // -- Reparent suboperation on parent category when a category is removed
0242                                 << QStringLiteral("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS fkdc_category_delete")
0243                                 << "CREATE TRIGGER fkdc_category_delete "
0244                                 "BEFORE DELETE ON category "
0245                                 "FOR EACH ROW BEGIN "
0246                                 "    UPDATE suboperation SET r_category_id=OLD.rd_category_id WHERE r_category_id IN (SELECT FROM category c WHERE OR c.t_fullname LIKE OLD.t_fullname||'" % OBJECTSEPARATOR % "%'); "
0247                                 "    UPDATE payee SET r_category_id=0 WHERE r_category_id IN (SELECT FROM category c WHERE OR c.t_fullname LIKE OLD.t_fullname||'" % OBJECTSEPARATOR % "%'); "
0248                                 "END "
0250                                 << QStringLiteral("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS fkdc_category_parent_id_category_id")
0252                                 // Trigger for update on view
0253                                 << QStringLiteral("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trgu_v_operation_prop_i_tmp")
0254                                 << QStringLiteral("CREATE TRIGGER trgu_v_operation_prop_i_tmp "
0255                                         "INSTEAD OF UPDATE OF i_tmp ON v_operation_prop "
0256                                         "FOR EACH ROW BEGIN "
0257                                         "    UPDATE suboperation SET i_tmp=NEW.i_tmp WHERE id=OLD.i_SUBOPID; "
0258                                         "    UPDATE operation SET i_tmp=NEW.i_tmp WHERE id=OLD.i_OPID; "
0259                                         "    UPDATE parameters SET i_tmp=NEW.i_tmp WHERE id=OLD.i_PROPPID; "
0260                                         "END ")
0262                                 << QStringLiteral("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trgu_v_operation_prop_t_realcomment")
0263                                 << QStringLiteral("CREATE TRIGGER trgu_v_operation_prop_t_realcomment "
0264                                         "INSTEAD OF UPDATE OF t_REALCOMMENT ON v_operation_prop "
0265                                         "FOR EACH ROW BEGIN "
0266                                         "    UPDATE suboperation SET t_comment=NEW.t_REALCOMMENT WHERE id=OLD.i_SUBOPID; "
0267                                         "END ")
0269                                 << QStringLiteral("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trgu_v_operation_prop_t_unit")
0270                                 << QStringLiteral("CREATE TRIGGER trgu_v_operation_prop_t_unit "
0271                                         "INSTEAD OF UPDATE OF t_UNIT ON v_operation_prop "
0272                                         "FOR EACH ROW BEGIN "
0273                                         "    INSERT OR IGNORE INTO unit (t_name, t_symbol) VALUES (NEW.t_UNIT, NEW.t_UNIT); "
0274                                         "    UPDATE operation set rc_unit_id=(SELECT id FROM unit WHERE t_name=NEW.t_UNIT) WHERE id=OLD.i_OPID; "
0275                                         "END ")
0277                                 << QStringLiteral("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trgu_v_operation_prop_t_account")
0278                                 << QStringLiteral("CREATE TRIGGER trgu_v_operation_prop_t_account "
0279                                         "INSTEAD OF UPDATE OF t_ACCOUNT ON v_operation_prop "
0280                                         "FOR EACH ROW BEGIN "
0281                                         "    INSERT OR IGNORE INTO account (t_name, rd_bank_id) VALUES (NEW.t_ACCOUNT, (SELECT MIN(id) FROM bank)); "
0282                                         "    UPDATE operation set rd_account_id=(SELECT id FROM account WHERE t_name=NEW.t_ACCOUNT) WHERE id=OLD.i_OPID; "
0283                                         "END ")
0285                                 << QStringLiteral("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trgu_v_operation_prop_t_payee")
0286                                 << QStringLiteral("CREATE TRIGGER trgu_v_operation_prop_t_payee "
0287                                         "INSTEAD OF UPDATE OF t_PAYEE ON v_operation_prop "
0288                                         "FOR EACH ROW BEGIN "
0289                                         "    INSERT OR IGNORE INTO payee (t_name) VALUES (NEW.t_PAYEE); "
0290                                         "    UPDATE operation set r_payee_id=(SELECT id FROM payee WHERE t_name=NEW.t_PAYEE) WHERE id=OLD.i_OPID; "
0291                                         "END ")
0293                                 << QStringLiteral("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trgu_v_operation_prop_t_realrefund")
0294                                 << QStringLiteral("CREATE TRIGGER trgu_v_operation_prop_t_realrefund "
0295                                         "INSTEAD OF UPDATE OF t_REALREFUND ON v_operation_prop "
0296                                         "FOR EACH ROW BEGIN "
0297                                         "    INSERT OR IGNORE INTO refund (t_name) VALUES (NEW.t_REALREFUND); "
0298                                         "    UPDATE suboperation set r_refund_id=(SELECT id FROM refund WHERE t_name=NEW.t_REALREFUND) WHERE id=OLD.i_SUBOPID; "
0299                                         "END ")
0301                                 << QStringLiteral("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trgu_v_operation_prop_d_dateop")
0302                                 << QStringLiteral("CREATE TRIGGER trgu_v_operation_prop_d_dateop "
0303                                         "INSTEAD OF UPDATE OF d_DATEOP ON v_operation_prop "
0304                                         "FOR EACH ROW BEGIN "
0305                                         "    UPDATE suboperation set d_date=date(d_date, '+'||(julianday(NEW.d_DATEOP)-julianday(old.d_DATEOP))||' days') WHERE id=OLD.i_SUBOPID; "
0306                                         "    UPDATE operation set d_date=NEW.d_DATEOP WHERE id=OLD.i_OPID; "
0307                                         "END ");
0309     // Build triggers for normal attribute
0310     SKGServices::SKGAttributesList attributes;
0311     getAttributesDescription(QStringLiteral("operation"), attributes);
0312     int nb = attributes.count();
0313     for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
0314         QString att =;
0315         if (att == att.toLower() && att != QStringLiteral("i_tmp")) {
0316             BankInitialDataModelTrigger << QStringLiteral("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trgu_v_operation_prop_") % att
0317                                         << "CREATE TRIGGER trgu_v_operation_prop_" % att % " "
0318                                         "INSTEAD OF UPDATE OF " % att % " ON v_operation_prop "
0319                                         "FOR EACH ROW BEGIN "
0320                                         "    UPDATE operation SET " % att % "=NEW." % att % " WHERE id=OLD.i_OPID; "
0321                                         "END ";
0322         }
0323     }
0324     /**
0325      * This constant is used to initialized the data model (index creation)
0326      */
0327     QStringList BankInitialDataModelIndex;
0328     BankInitialDataModelIndex << QStringLiteral("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX uidx_unit_name ON unit(t_name)")
0329                               << QStringLiteral("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX uidx_unit_symbol ON unit(t_symbol)")
0331                               << QStringLiteral("CREATE INDEX idx_unit_unit_id ON unitvalue(rd_unit_id)")
0332                               << QStringLiteral("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX uidx_unitvalue ON unitvalue(d_date,rd_unit_id)")
0333                               << QStringLiteral("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX uidx_unitvalue2 ON unitvalue(rd_unit_id, d_date)")
0335                               << QStringLiteral("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX uidx_bank_name ON bank(t_name)")
0337                               << QStringLiteral("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX uidx_account_name ON account(t_name)")
0338                               << QStringLiteral("CREATE INDEX idx_account_bank_id ON account(rd_bank_id)")
0339                               << QStringLiteral("CREATE INDEX idx_account_type ON account(t_type)")
0341                               << QStringLiteral("CREATE INDEX idx_category_category_id ON category(rd_category_id)")
0342                               << QStringLiteral("CREATE INDEX idx_category_t_fullname ON category(t_fullname)")
0343                               << QStringLiteral("CREATE INDEX idx_category_close ON category(t_close)")
0345                               << QStringLiteral("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX uidx_category_parent_id_name ON category(t_name,rd_category_id)")
0347                               << QStringLiteral("CREATE INDEX  idx_operation_tmp1_found_transfert ON operation (rc_unit_id, d_date)")
0348                               << QStringLiteral("CREATE INDEX  idx_operation_grouped_operation_id ON operation (i_group_id)")
0349                               // << "CREATE INDEX  idx_operation_t_mode ON operation (t_mode)"
0350                               // << "CREATE INDEX  idx_operation_t_payee ON operation (t_payee)"
0351                               << QStringLiteral("CREATE INDEX  idx_operation_t_number ON operation (t_number)")
0352                               << QStringLiteral("CREATE INDEX  idx_operation_i_tmp ON operation (i_tmp)")
0353                               << QStringLiteral("CREATE INDEX  idx_operation_rd_account_id ON operation (rd_account_id)")
0354                               << QStringLiteral("CREATE INDEX  idx_operation_rd_account_id_t_imported ON operation (rd_account_id, t_imported)")
0355                               << QStringLiteral("CREATE INDEX  idx_operation_rd_account_id_t_number ON operation (rd_account_id, t_number)")
0356                               << QStringLiteral("CREATE INDEX  idx_operation_rc_unit_id ON operation (rc_unit_id)")
0357                               << QStringLiteral("CREATE INDEX  idx_operation_t_status ON operation (t_status)")
0358                               << QStringLiteral("CREATE INDEX  idx_operation_t_import_id ON operation (t_import_id)")
0359                               << QStringLiteral("CREATE INDEX  idx_operation_d_date ON operation (d_date)")
0360                               << QStringLiteral("CREATE INDEX  idx_operation_t_template ON operation (t_template)")
0362                               << QStringLiteral("CREATE INDEX  idx_operationbalance_operation_id ON operationbalance (r_operation_id)")
0364                               << QStringLiteral("CREATE INDEX idx_suboperation_operation_id ON suboperation (rd_operation_id)")
0365                               << QStringLiteral("CREATE INDEX idx_suboperation_i_tmp ON suboperation (i_tmp)")
0366                               << QStringLiteral("CREATE INDEX idx_suboperation_category_id ON suboperation (r_category_id)")
0367                               << QStringLiteral("CREATE INDEX idx_suboperation_refund_id_id ON suboperation (r_refund_id)")
0369                               << QStringLiteral("CREATE INDEX  idx_recurrentoperation_rd_operation_id ON recurrentoperation (rd_operation_id)")
0371                               << QStringLiteral("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX uidx_refund_name ON refund(t_name)")
0372                               << QStringLiteral("CREATE INDEX idx_refund_close ON refund(t_close)")
0374                               << QStringLiteral("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX uidx_payee_name ON payee(t_name)")
0375                               << QStringLiteral("CREATE INDEX idx_payee_close ON payee(t_close)")
0377                               << QStringLiteral("CREATE INDEX  idx_interest_account_id ON interest (rd_account_id)")
0378                               << QStringLiteral("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX uidx_interest ON interest(d_date,rd_account_id)")
0380                               << QStringLiteral("CREATE INDEX idx_rule_action_type ON rule(t_action_type)")
0382                               << QStringLiteral("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX uidx_budget ON budget(i_year,i_month, rc_category_id)")
0383                               << QStringLiteral("CREATE INDEX idx_budget_category_id ON budget(rc_category_id)")
0384                               << QStringLiteral("CREATE INDEX idx_budgetsuboperation_id ON budgetsuboperation (id)")
0385                               << QStringLiteral("CREATE INDEX idx_budgetsuboperation_id_suboperation ON budgetsuboperation (id_suboperation)");
0387     /**
0388      * This constant is used to initialized the data model (view creation)
0389      */
0390     QStringList BankInitialDataModelView;
0391     BankInitialDataModelView
0392     // ==================================================================
0393     // These following views contains only attributes used by corresponding class (better for performances)
0394     // unit
0395             << QStringLiteral("CREATE VIEW  v_unit_displayname AS "
0396                               "SELECT *, t_name||' ('||t_symbol||')' AS t_displayname FROM unit")
0398             << "CREATE VIEW  v_unit_tmp1 AS "
0399             "SELECT *,"
0400             "(SELECT COUNT(1) FROM unitvalue s WHERE AS i_NBVALUES, "
0401             "(CASE WHEN unit.rd_unit_id=0 THEN '' ELSE (SELECT (CASE WHEN s.t_symbol!='' THEN s.t_symbol ELSE s.t_name END) FROM unit s WHERE END) AS t_UNIT,"
0402             "(CASE unit.t_type "
0403             "WHEN '1' THEN '" % SKGServices::stringToSqlString(i18nc("Noun", "Primary currency")) % "' "
0404             "WHEN '2' THEN '" % SKGServices::stringToSqlString(i18nc("Noun", "Secondary currency")) % "' "
0405             "WHEN 'C' THEN '" % SKGServices::stringToSqlString(i18nc("Noun, a country's currency", "Currency")) % "' "
0406             "WHEN 'S' THEN '" % SKGServices::stringToSqlString(i18nc("Noun, a financial share, as in a stock market", "Share")) % "' "
0407             "WHEN 'I' THEN '" % SKGServices::stringToSqlString(i18nc("Noun, a financial index like the Dow Jones, NASDAQ, CAC40…", "Index")) % "' "
0408             "ELSE '" % SKGServices::stringToSqlString(i18nc("Noun, a physical object like a house or a car", "Object")) % "' END) AS t_TYPENLS, "
0409             "(SELECT MIN(s.d_date) FROM  unitvalue s WHERE AS d_MINDATE, "
0410             "(SELECT MAX(s.d_date) FROM  unitvalue s WHERE AS d_MAXDATE "
0411             "FROM unit"
0413             << QStringLiteral("CREATE VIEW  v_unit_tmp2 AS "
0414                               "SELECT *,"
0415                               "CASE WHEN v_unit_tmp1.t_type='1' THEN 1 ELSE IFNULL((SELECT s.f_quantity FROM unitvalue s INDEXED BY uidx_unitvalue2 WHERE AND s.d_date=v_unit_tmp1.d_MAXDATE),1) END AS f_LASTVALUE "
0416                               "FROM v_unit_tmp1")
0418             << QStringLiteral("CREATE VIEW  v_unit AS "
0419                               "SELECT *,"
0420                               "CASE WHEN v_unit_tmp2.t_type='1' THEN 1 ELSE v_unit_tmp2.f_LASTVALUE*IFNULL((SELECT s2.f_LASTVALUE FROM v_unit_tmp2 s2 WHERE , 1) END AS f_CURRENTAMOUNT "
0421                               "FROM v_unit_tmp2")
0423             // unitvalue
0424             << "CREATE VIEW  v_unitvalue_displayname AS "
0425             "SELECT *, (SELECT t_displayname FROM v_unit_displayname WHERE||' '||IFNULL(TOFORMATTEDDATE(d_date,'" % SKGServices::stringToSqlString(dateFormatShort) % "'),STRFTIME('%Y-%m-%d',d_date)) AS t_displayname FROM unitvalue"
0427             << QStringLiteral("CREATE VIEW  v_unitvalue AS "
0428                               "SELECT * "
0429                               "FROM unitvalue")
0431             // suboperation
0432             << QStringLiteral("CREATE VIEW  v_suboperation AS "
0433                               "SELECT * "
0434                               "FROM suboperation")
0436             // operation
0437             << QStringLiteral("CREATE VIEW  v_operation_numbers AS "
0438                               "SELECT DISTINCT t_number, rd_account_id FROM operation")
0440             << QStringLiteral("CREATE VIEW  v_operation_next_numbers AS "
0441                               "SELECT NEXT(T1.t_number) AS t_number, T1.rd_account_id FROM v_operation_numbers AS T1 LEFT OUTER JOIN v_operation_numbers T2 "
0442                               "ON T2.rd_account_id=T1.rd_account_id AND T2.t_number=NEXT(T1.t_number) "
0443                               "WHERE T1.t_number!='' AND (T2.t_number IS NULL) ORDER BY T1.t_number")
0445             << QStringLiteral("CREATE VIEW  v_operation_tmp1 AS "
0446                               "SELECT operation.*,"
0447                               "(CASE WHEN v_unit.t_symbol!='' THEN v_unit.t_symbol ELSE v_unit.t_name END) AS t_UNIT,"
0448                               "IFNULL((SELECT s.t_name FROM payee s WHERE, '') AS t_PAYEE,"
0449                               "v_unit.i_nbdecimal AS i_NBDEC,"
0450                               "v_unit.t_type AS t_TYPEUNIT,"
0451                               "v_unit.f_CURRENTAMOUNT AS f_CURRENTAMOUNTUNIT,"
0452                               "(SELECT TOTAL(s.f_value) FROM suboperation s WHERE s.rd_operation_id=operation.ID) AS f_QUANTITY,"
0453                               "(SELECT COUNT(1) FROM suboperation s WHERE s.rd_operation_id=operation.ID) AS i_NBSUBOPERATIONS, "
0454                               "account.t_name AS t_ACCOUNT, "
0455                               "account.t_type AS t_TYPEACCOUNT, "
0456                               "(CASE WHEN bank.t_name='' THEN '") % i18nc("Noun", "Wallets") % QStringLiteral("' ELSE bank.t_name END) AS t_BANK "
0457                                       "FROM operation, account, bank, v_unit WHERE AND AND")
0459             << QStringLiteral("CREATE VIEW  v_operation AS "
0460                               "SELECT *,"
0461                               "(SELECT FROM suboperation s WHERE AND ABS(s.f_value)=(SELECT MAX(ABS(s2.f_value)) FROM suboperation s2 WHERE AS i_MOSTIMPSUBOP,"
0462                               "v_operation_tmp1.f_CURRENTAMOUNTUNIT*v_operation_tmp1.f_QUANTITY AS f_CURRENTAMOUNT, "
0463                               "(CASE WHEN v_operation_tmp1.i_group_id<>0 AND v_operation_tmp1.t_TYPEACCOUNT<>'L' AND v_operation_tmp1.t_TYPEUNIT IN ('1', '2', 'C') AND "
0464                               "(SELECT COUNT(1) FROM operation WHERE i_group_id=v_operation_tmp1.i_group_id)=2 AND "
0465                               "EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM v_operation_tmp1 op2 WHERE op2.i_group_id=v_operation_tmp1.i_group_id "
0466                               "AND op2.t_TYPEACCOUNT<>'L' AND op2.t_TYPEUNIT IN ('1', '2', 'C') AND op2.f_QUANTITY*v_operation_tmp1.f_QUANTITY<=0) THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END) AS t_TRANSFER "
0467 //        "ROUND((SELECT s.f_CURRENTAMOUNT FROM v_unit s WHERE*v_operation_tmp1.f_QUANTITY, 2) AS f_CURRENTAMOUNT "
0468                               "FROM v_operation_tmp1")
0470             << "CREATE VIEW  v_operation_displayname AS "
0471             "SELECT *, IFNULL(TOFORMATTEDDATE(d_date,'" % SKGServices::stringToSqlString(dateFormatShort) % "'),STRFTIME('%Y-%m-%d',d_date))||' '||IFNULL(t_PAYEE,'')||' '||TOCURRENCY(v_operation.f_quantity, (SELECT (CASE WHEN s.t_symbol!='' THEN s.t_symbol ELSE s.t_name END) FROM unit s WHERE AS t_displayname FROM v_operation"
0473             << "CREATE VIEW  v_operation_delete AS "
0474             "SELECT *, (CASE WHEN t_status='Y' THEN '" %
0475             SKGServices::stringToSqlString(i18nc("Error message",  "You are not authorized to delete this transaction because in \"checked\" status")) %
0476             "' END) t_delete_message FROM operation"
0478             // account
0479             << QStringLiteral("CREATE VIEW  v_account AS "
0480                               "SELECT "
0481                               "account.*,"
0482                               "(CASE t_type "
0483                               "WHEN 'C' THEN '") % SKGServices::stringToSqlString(i18nc("Adjective, a current account", "Current")) % "' "
0484             "WHEN 'D' THEN '" % SKGServices::stringToSqlString(i18nc("Noun",  "Credit card")) % "' "
0485             "WHEN 'A' THEN '" % SKGServices::stringToSqlString(i18nc("Noun, the type of an account", "Assets")) % "' "
0486             "WHEN 'I' THEN '" % SKGServices::stringToSqlString(i18nc("Noun, a type of account WHERE you invest money", "Investment")) % "' "
0487             "WHEN 'W' THEN '" % SKGServices::stringToSqlString(i18nc("Noun, a type of account", "Wallet")) % "' "
0488             "WHEN 'L' THEN '" % SKGServices::stringToSqlString(i18nc("Noun, a type of account", "Loan")) % "' "
0489             "WHEN 'S' THEN '" % SKGServices::stringToSqlString(i18nc("Noun, a type of account", "Saving")) % "' "
0490             "WHEN 'P' THEN '" % SKGServices::stringToSqlString(i18nc("Noun, a type of account", "Pension")) % "' "
0491             "WHEN 'O' THEN '" % SKGServices::stringToSqlString(i18nc("Noun, as in other type of item", "Other")) % "' END) AS t_TYPENLS,"
0492             "(CASE WHEN bank.t_name='' THEN '" % i18nc("Noun", "Wallets") % QStringLiteral("' ELSE bank.t_name END) AS t_BANK,"
0493                     "bank.t_bank_number AS t_BANK_NUMBER,"
0494                     "bank.t_icon AS t_ICON,"
0495                     "IFNULL((SELECT f_CURRENTAMOUNTUNIT FROM v_operation_tmp1  WHERE d_date='0000-00-00' AND, 1) AS f_CURRENTAMOUNTUNIT,"
0496                     "(SELECT MAX(s.d_date) FROM  interest s WHERE AS d_MAXDATE "
0497                     "FROM account, bank WHERE")
0499             << QStringLiteral("CREATE VIEW  v_account_amount AS "
0500                               "SELECT "
0501                               "v_account.*,"
0502                               "(SELECT TOTAL(s.f_CURRENTAMOUNT) FROM v_operation s WHERE AND s.t_template='N') AS f_CURRENTAMOUNT "
0503                               "FROM v_account")
0505             << "CREATE VIEW  v_account_delete AS "
0506             "SELECT *, (CASE WHEN EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM operation WHERE AND d_date<>'0000-00-00' AND t_template='N' AND t_status='Y') THEN '" %
0507             SKGServices::stringToSqlString(i18nc("Error message",  "You are not authorized to delete this account because it contains some checked transactions")) %
0508             "' END) t_delete_message FROM account"
0510             // bank
0511             << QStringLiteral("CREATE VIEW  v_bank_displayname AS "
0512                               "SELECT *, t_name AS t_displayname FROM bank")
0514             << QStringLiteral("CREATE VIEW  v_account_displayname AS "
0515                               "SELECT *, (SELECT t_displayname FROM v_bank_displayname WHERE||'-'||t_name AS t_displayname FROM account")
0517             << QStringLiteral("CREATE VIEW  v_bank AS "
0518                               "SELECT * FROM bank")
0520             << QStringLiteral("CREATE VIEW  v_bank_amount AS "
0521                               "SELECT *,"
0522                               "(SELECT TOTAL(s.f_CURRENTAMOUNT) FROM v_account_amount s WHERE AS f_CURRENTAMOUNT "
0523                               "FROM v_bank")
0525             // category
0526             << QStringLiteral("CREATE VIEW  v_category_displayname AS "
0527                               "SELECT *, t_fullname AS t_displayname FROM category")
0529             << QStringLiteral("CREATE VIEW  v_category AS SELECT * "
0530                               "FROM category")
0532             // recurrentoperation
0533             << "CREATE VIEW  v_recurrentoperation AS "
0534             "SELECT *,"
0535             "date(d_date, '-'||((CASE t_period_unit WHEN 'W' THEN 7  ELSE 1 END)*i_period_increment)||' '||(CASE t_period_unit WHEN 'M' THEN 'month' WHEN 'Y' THEN 'year' ELSE 'day' END)) as d_PREVIOUS,"
0536             "i_period_increment||' '||(CASE t_period_unit "
0537             "WHEN 'Y' THEN '" % SKGServices::stringToSqlString(i18nc("Noun",  "year(s)")) % "' "
0538             "WHEN 'M' THEN '" % SKGServices::stringToSqlString(i18nc("Noun",  "month(s)")) % "' "
0539             "WHEN 'W' THEN '" % SKGServices::stringToSqlString(i18nc("Noun",  "week(s)")) % "' "
0540             "ELSE '" % SKGServices::stringToSqlString(i18nc("Noun",  "day(s)")) % "' END) AS t_PERIODNLS "
0541             "FROM recurrentoperation"
0543             << "CREATE VIEW  v_recurrentoperation_displayname AS "
0544             "SELECT *, IFNULL(TOFORMATTEDDATE(d_date,'" % SKGServices::stringToSqlString(dateFormatShort) % "'),STRFTIME('%Y-%m-%d',d_date))||' '||(SELECT SUBSTR(t_displayname, INSTR(t_displayname, ' ')+1) FROM v_operation_displayname WHERE AS t_displayname FROM v_recurrentoperation"
0546             // ==================================================================
0547             // These following views contains all attributes needed for display
0548             // unitvalue
0549             << QStringLiteral("CREATE VIEW  v_unitvalue_display AS "
0550                               "SELECT *,"
0551                               "unitvalue.f_QUANTITY*(SELECT TOTAL(v_operation.f_QUANTITY) FROM v_operation WHERE v_operation.rc_unit_id=unitvalue.rd_unit_id AND v_operation.d_date<=unitvalue.d_date AND v_operation.t_template='N') AS f_AMOUNTOWNED,"
0552                               "IFNULL((SELECT (CASE WHEN s.t_symbol!='' THEN s.t_symbol ELSE s.t_name END) FROM unit s WHERE s2.rd_unit_id FROM unit s2 WHERE,'') AS t_UNIT,"
0553                               "STRFTIME('%Y-%m',unitvalue.d_date) AS d_DATEMONTH,"
0554                               "STRFTIME('%Y',unitvalue.d_date) AS d_DATEYEAR "
0555                               "FROM unitvalue")
0557             // suboperation
0558             << QStringLiteral("CREATE VIEW  v_suboperation_display AS "
0559                               "SELECT *,"
0560                               "IFNULL((SELECT s.t_fullname FROM category s WHERE,'') AS t_CATEGORY, "
0561                               "IFNULL((SELECT s.t_name FROM refund s WHERE,'') AS t_REFUND, "
0562                               "IFNULL((SELECT s.t_name||\" (\"||TOCURRENCY((SELECT TOTAL(s2.f_value) FROM v_suboperation s2 WHERE s2.d_date<=v_suboperation.d_date AND s2.r_refund_id=v_suboperation.r_refund_id), (SELECT t_UNIT FROM v_operation WHERE v_suboperation.rd_operation_id =||\")\" FROM refund s WHERE,'') AS t_REFUNDDISPLAY, "
0563                               "(CASE WHEN v_suboperation.f_value>=0 THEN v_suboperation.f_value ELSE 0 END) AS f_VALUE_INCOME, "
0564                               "(CASE WHEN v_suboperation.f_value<=0 THEN v_suboperation.f_value ELSE 0 END) AS f_VALUE_EXPENSE "
0565                               "FROM v_suboperation")
0567             << QStringLiteral("CREATE VIEW  v_suboperation_displayname AS "
0568                               "SELECT *, t_CATEGORY||' : '||f_value AS t_displayname FROM v_suboperation_display")
0570             // operation
0571             << "CREATE VIEW  v_operation_display_all AS "
0572             "SELECT *,"
0573             // "(SELECT s.t_comment FROM v_suboperation_display s WHERE AS t_COMMENT,"
0574             "IFNULL((CASE WHEN v_operation.i_group_id=0 THEN '' ELSE (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT(op2.t_ACCOUNT)) FROM v_operation_tmp1 op2 WHERE op2.i_group_id=v_operation.i_group_id AND<> END), '') AS t_TOACCOUNT, "
0575             "(SELECT s.t_CATEGORY FROM v_suboperation_display s WHERE AS t_CATEGORY,"
0576             "(SELECT s.t_REFUND FROM v_suboperation_display s WHERE AS t_REFUND,"
0577             "(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(s.t_REFUNDDISPLAY) FROM v_suboperation_display s WHERE AND s.t_REFUNDDISPLAY!='') AS t_REFUNDDISPLAY,"
0578             "(CASE WHEN v_operation.f_QUANTITY<0 THEN '-' WHEN v_operation.f_QUANTITY=0 THEN '' ELSE '+' END) AS t_TYPEEXPENSE, "
0579             "(CASE WHEN v_operation.f_QUANTITY<=0 THEN '" % SKGServices::stringToSqlString(i18nc("Noun, financial transactions with a negative amount", "Expenditure")) % "' ELSE '" % SKGServices::stringToSqlString(i18nc("Noun, financial transactions with a positive amount", "Income")) % "' END) AS t_TYPEEXPENSENLS, "
0580             "TOWEEKYEAR(v_operation.d_date) AS d_DATEWEEK,"
0581             "STRFTIME('%Y-%m',v_operation.d_date) AS d_DATEMONTH,"
0582             "STRFTIME('%Y',v_operation.d_date)||'-Q'||(CASE WHEN STRFTIME('%m',v_operation.d_date)<='03' THEN '1' WHEN STRFTIME('%m',v_operation.d_date)<='06' THEN '2' WHEN STRFTIME('%m',v_operation.d_date)<='09' THEN '3' ELSE '4' END) AS d_DATEQUARTER, "
0583             "STRFTIME('%Y',v_operation.d_date)||'-S'||(CASE WHEN STRFTIME('%m',v_operation.d_date)<='06' THEN '1' ELSE '2' END) AS d_DATESEMESTER, "
0584             "STRFTIME('%Y',v_operation.d_date) AS d_DATEYEAR, "
0585             "(SELECT COUNT(1) FROM v_recurrentoperation s WHERE AS i_NBRECURRENT,  "
0586             "(CASE WHEN v_operation.f_QUANTITY>=0 THEN v_operation.f_QUANTITY ELSE 0 END) AS f_QUANTITY_INCOME, "
0587             "(CASE WHEN v_operation.f_QUANTITY<=0 THEN v_operation.f_QUANTITY ELSE 0 END) AS f_QUANTITY_EXPENSE, "
0588             "(SELECT o2.f_balance FROM operationbalance o2 WHERE ) AS f_BALANCE, "
0589             "(SELECT o2.f_balance_entered FROM operationbalance o2 WHERE ) AS f_BALANCE_ENTERED, "
0590             "(CASE WHEN v_operation.f_QUANTITY>=0 THEN v_operation.f_CURRENTAMOUNT ELSE 0 END) AS f_CURRENTAMOUNT_INCOME, "
0591             "(CASE WHEN v_operation.f_QUANTITY<=0 THEN v_operation.f_CURRENTAMOUNT ELSE 0 END) AS f_CURRENTAMOUNT_EXPENSE "
0592             "FROM v_operation"
0594             << QStringLiteral("CREATE VIEW  v_operation_display AS "
0595                               "SELECT * FROM v_operation_display_all WHERE d_date!='0000-00-00' AND t_template='N'")
0597             // unit
0598             << QStringLiteral("CREATE VIEW  v_unit_display AS "
0599                               "SELECT *,"
0600                               "i_nbdecimal AS i_NBDEC,"
0601                               "(SELECT TOTAL(o.f_QUANTITY) FROM v_operation_display_all o WHERE AND o.t_template='N') AS f_QUANTITYOWNED, "
0602                               "(SELECT TOTAL(o.f_QUANTITY) FROM v_operation_display_all o WHERE AND o.t_template='N')*v_unit.f_CURRENTAMOUNT AS f_AMOUNTOWNED "
0603                               "FROM v_unit")
0605             // account
0606             << "CREATE VIEW  v_account_display AS "
0607             "SELECT "
0608             "v_account_amount.*,"
0609             "(v_account_amount.f_CURRENTAMOUNT/(SELECT u.f_CURRENTAMOUNT FROM v_unit u, operation s WHERE AND AND s.d_date='0000-00-00')) AS f_QUANTITY, "
0610             "(SELECT (CASE WHEN u.t_symbol!='' THEN u.t_symbol ELSE u.t_name END) FROM unit u, operation s WHERE AND AND s.d_date='0000-00-00') AS t_UNIT, "
0611             "(SELECT TOTAL(s.f_CURRENTAMOUNT) FROM v_operation s WHERE AND s.t_status='Y' AND s.t_template='N') AS f_CHECKED, "
0612             "(SELECT TOTAL(s.f_CURRENTAMOUNT) FROM v_operation s WHERE AND s.t_status!='N' AND s.t_template='N') AS f_CHECKEDANDPOINTED, "
0613             "(SELECT TOTAL(s.f_CURRENTAMOUNT) FROM v_operation s WHERE AND s.t_status!='Y' AND s.t_template='N') AS f_COMING_SOON, "
0614             "(SELECT TOTAL(s.f_CURRENTAMOUNT) FROM v_operation s WHERE s.rd_account_id IN (SELECT id FROM account WHERE AND s.t_status='N' AND s.t_template='N') AS f_COMING_SOON_FROM_LINKED_ACCOUNT, "
0615             "(SELECT TOTAL(s.f_CURRENTAMOUNT) FROM v_operation s WHERE AND s.d_date<=(SELECT date('now', 'localtime')) AND s.t_template='N') AS f_TODAYAMOUNT, "
0616             "(SELECT COUNT(1) FROM v_operation_display s WHERE AS i_NBOPERATIONS, "
0617             "IFNULL((SELECT s.f_rate FROM interest s WHERE AND s.d_date=v_account_amount.d_MAXDATE),0) AS f_RATE "
0618             "FROM v_account_amount"
0620             // transactions
0621             << "CREATE VIEW  v_suboperation_consolidated AS "
0622             "SELECT "
0623             "(SELECT s.t_TYPENLS FROM v_account_display s WHERE AS t_ACCOUNTTYPE,"
0624             "(SELECT s.t_BANK FROM v_account_display s WHERE AS t_BANK,"
0625             "(SELECT u.t_TYPENLS FROM v_unit u WHERE AS t_UNITTYPE,"
0626             " AS id, "
0627             " AS i_SUBOPID, "
0628             "sop.r_refund_id AS r_refund_id, "
0629             "(CASE WHEN sop.t_comment='' THEN op.t_comment ELSE sop.t_comment END) AS t_REALCOMMENT, "
0630             "sop.t_CATEGORY AS t_REALCATEGORY, "
0631             "sop.t_REFUND AS t_REALREFUND, "
0632             "sop.r_category_id AS i_IDCATEGORY, "
0633             "(CASE WHEN sop.f_value<0 THEN '-' WHEN sop.f_value=0 THEN '' ELSE '+' END) AS t_TYPEEXPENSE, "
0634             "(CASE WHEN sop.f_value<=0 THEN '" % SKGServices::stringToSqlString(i18nc("Noun, financial transactions with a negative amount", "Expenditure")) % "' ELSE '" % SKGServices::stringToSqlString(i18nc("Noun, financial transactions with a positive amount", "Income")) % "' END) AS t_TYPEEXPENSENLS, "
0635             "sop.f_value AS f_REALQUANTITY, "
0636             "sop.f_VALUE_INCOME AS f_REALQUANTITY_INCOME, "
0637             "sop.f_VALUE_EXPENSE AS f_REALQUANTITY_EXPENSE, "
0638             "((SELECT u.f_CURRENTAMOUNT FROM v_unit u WHERE*sop.f_value) AS f_REALCURRENTAMOUNT, "
0641             "TOWEEKYEAR(sop.d_date) AS d_DATEWEEK,"
0642             "STRFTIME('%Y-%m',sop.d_date) AS d_DATEMONTH,"
0643             "STRFTIME('%Y',sop.d_date)||'-Q'||(CASE WHEN STRFTIME('%m',sop.d_date)<='03' THEN '1' WHEN STRFTIME('%m',sop.d_date)<='06' THEN '2' WHEN STRFTIME('%m',sop.d_date)<='09' THEN '3' ELSE '4' END) AS d_DATEQUARTER, "
0644             "STRFTIME('%Y',sop.d_date)||'-S'||(CASE WHEN STRFTIME('%m',sop.d_date)<='06' THEN '1' ELSE '2' END) AS d_DATESEMESTER, "
0645             "STRFTIME('%Y',sop.d_date) AS d_DATEYEAR, "
0646             "sop.d_date AS d_date, "
0647             " AS i_OPID, "
0648             "op.d_date AS d_DATEOP, "
0649             "op.*, "
0650             "sop.* "
0651             "FROM v_operation_display_all AS op, v_suboperation_display AS sop WHERE +sop.rd_operation_id=op.ID AND op.t_template='N'"
0653             << QStringLiteral("CREATE VIEW  v_operation_prop AS "
0654                               "SELECT "
0655                               " AS i_PROPPID, "
0656                               "p.t_name AS i_PROPPNAME, "
0657                               "p.t_value AS i_PROPVALUE, "
0658                               "op.* "
0659                               "FROM v_suboperation_consolidated AS op LEFT OUTER JOIN parameters AS p ON (||'-suboperation' OR p.t_uuid_parent=op.i_OPID||'-operation')")
0661             // refund
0662             << "CREATE VIEW  v_refund_delete AS "
0663             "SELECT *, (CASE WHEN EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM v_suboperation_consolidated WHERE AND t_status='Y') THEN '" %
0664             SKGServices::stringToSqlString(i18nc("Error message",  "You are not authorized to delete this tracker because used by some checked transactions")) %
0665             "' END) t_delete_message FROM refund"
0667             << QStringLiteral("CREATE VIEW  v_refund AS SELECT * FROM refund")
0669             << QStringLiteral("CREATE VIEW  v_refund_amount AS "
0670                               "SELECT *, "
0671                               "(SELECT TOTAL(o.f_REALCURRENTAMOUNT) FROM v_suboperation_consolidated o WHERE AS f_CURRENTAMOUNT "
0672                               "FROM v_refund")
0674             << QStringLiteral("CREATE VIEW  v_refund_display AS "
0675                               "SELECT *,"
0676                               "(SELECT MIN(o.d_date) FROM v_suboperation_consolidated o WHERE AS d_FIRSTDATE, "
0677                               "(SELECT MAX(o.d_date) FROM v_suboperation_consolidated o WHERE AS d_LASTDATE "
0678                               " FROM v_refund_amount")
0680             << QStringLiteral("CREATE VIEW  v_refund_displayname AS "
0681                               "SELECT *, t_name AS t_displayname FROM refund")
0683             // Payee
0684             << "CREATE VIEW  v_payee_delete AS "
0685             "SELECT *, (CASE WHEN EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM operation WHERE AND t_status='Y') THEN '" %
0686             SKGServices::stringToSqlString(i18nc("Error message",  "You are not authorized to delete this payee because used by some checked transactions")) %
0687             "' END) t_delete_message FROM payee"
0689             << QStringLiteral("CREATE VIEW v_payee_amount AS SELECT o.r_payee_id AS r_payee_id, TOTAL(o.f_CURRENTAMOUNT) AS f_CURRENTAMOUNT, COUNT(1) AS i_NBOPERATIONS FROM v_operation o GROUP BY o.r_payee_id")
0691             << QStringLiteral("CREATE VIEW  v_payee AS SELECT *,"
0692                               "IFNULL((SELECT s.t_fullname FROM category s WHERE,'') AS t_CATEGORY "
0693                               "FROM payee")
0695             << QStringLiteral("CREATE VIEW  v_payee_display AS "
0696                               "SELECT v_payee.*, "
0699                               "FROM v_payee LEFT OUTER JOIN v_payee_amount p ON")
0701             << QStringLiteral("CREATE VIEW  v_payee_displayname AS "
0702                               "SELECT *, t_name AS t_displayname FROM payee")
0704             // category
0705             << "CREATE VIEW  v_category_delete AS "
0706             "SELECT *, (CASE WHEN EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM v_suboperation_consolidated WHERE (t_REALCATEGORY=category.t_fullname OR t_REALCATEGORY like category.t_fullname||'%') AND t_status='Y') THEN '" %
0707             SKGServices::stringToSqlString(i18nc("Error message",  "You are not authorized to delete this category because used by some checked transactions")) %
0708             "' END) t_delete_message FROM category"
0710             << QStringLiteral("CREATE VIEW  v_category_amount AS SELECT o.i_IDCATEGORY AS i_IDCATEGORY, TOTAL(o.f_REALCURRENTAMOUNT) AS f_REALCURRENTAMOUNT FROM v_suboperation_consolidated o GROUP BY o.i_IDCATEGORY")
0712             << QStringLiteral("CREATE VIEW  v_category_display_tmp AS SELECT v_category.*, "
0713                               "IFNULL(t.f_REALCURRENTAMOUNT, 0) AS f_REALCURRENTAMOUNT, "
0714                               "(SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(so.rd_operation_id)) FROM operation o, suboperation so WHERE AND so.r_category_id=v_category.ID AND o.t_template='N') AS i_NBOPERATIONS "
0715                               "FROM v_category LEFT OUTER JOIN v_category_amount t ON t.i_IDCATEGORY=v_category.ID")
0717             << QStringLiteral("CREATE VIEW  v_category_used1 AS SELECT v_category.*, "
0718                               "(CASE WHEN EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM operation o, suboperation so WHERE AND so.r_category_id=v_category.ID AND o.t_template='N') THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END) AS t_ISUSED "
0719                               "FROM v_category")
0721             << "CREATE VIEW  v_category_used2 AS SELECT v_category_used1.*, "
0722             "(CASE WHEN v_category_used1.t_ISUSED='Y' THEN 'Y' WHEN EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM v_category_used1 c WHERE c.t_ISUSED='Y' AND c.t_fullname like v_category_used1.t_fullname||'" % OBJECTSEPARATOR % "%') THEN 'C' ELSE 'N' END) AS t_ISUSEDCASCADE "
0723             "FROM v_category_used1"
0725             << "CREATE VIEW  v_category_display AS SELECT *,"
0726             "v_category_display_tmp.f_REALCURRENTAMOUNT+(SELECT TOTAL(c.f_REALCURRENTAMOUNT) FROM v_category_display_tmp c WHERE c.t_fullname LIKE v_category_display_tmp.t_fullname||'" % OBJECTSEPARATOR % "%') AS f_SUMCURRENTAMOUNT, "
0727             "v_category_display_tmp.i_NBOPERATIONS+(SELECT CAST(TOTAL(c.i_NBOPERATIONS) AS INTEGER) FROM v_category_display_tmp c WHERE c.t_fullname like v_category_display_tmp.t_fullname||'" % OBJECTSEPARATOR % "%') AS i_SUMNBOPERATIONS, "
0728             "(CASE WHEN v_category_display_tmp.t_bookmarked='Y' THEN 'Y' WHEN EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM category c WHERE c.t_bookmarked='Y' AND c.t_fullname like v_category_display_tmp.t_fullname||'" % OBJECTSEPARATOR % "%') THEN 'C' ELSE 'N' END) AS t_HASBOOKMARKEDCHILD, "
0729             "(CASE WHEN v_category_display_tmp.f_REALCURRENTAMOUNT<0 THEN '-' WHEN v_category_display_tmp.f_REALCURRENTAMOUNT=0 THEN '' ELSE '+' END) AS t_TYPEEXPENSE,"
0730             "(CASE WHEN v_category_display_tmp.f_REALCURRENTAMOUNT<0 THEN '" % SKGServices::stringToSqlString(i18nc("Noun, financial transactions with a negative amount", "Expenditure")) % "' WHEN v_category_display_tmp.f_REALCURRENTAMOUNT=0 THEN '' ELSE '" % SKGServices::stringToSqlString(i18nc("Noun, financial transactions with a positive amount", "Income")) % "' END) AS t_TYPEEXPENSENLS "
0731             "FROM v_category_display_tmp"
0733             // recurrentoperation
0734             << QStringLiteral("CREATE VIEW  v_recurrentoperation_display AS "
0735                               "SELECT rop.*, op.t_ACCOUNT, op.t_number, op.t_mode, op.i_group_id, op.t_TRANSFER, op.t_PAYEE, op.t_comment, op.t_CATEGORY, op.t_status, op.f_CURRENTAMOUNT "
0736                               "FROM v_recurrentoperation rop, v_operation_display_all AS op WHERE +rop.rd_operation_id=op.ID")
0738             // rule
0739             << QStringLiteral("CREATE VIEW v_rule AS SELECT *,"
0740                               "(SELECT COUNT(1) FROM rule r WHERE r.f_sortorder<=rule.f_sortorder) AS i_ORDER "
0741                               "FROM rule")
0742             << QStringLiteral("CREATE VIEW v_rule_displayname AS SELECT *, t_description AS t_displayname FROM rule")
0744             << QStringLiteral("CREATE VIEW v_rule_display AS SELECT * FROM v_rule")
0746             // interest
0747             << QStringLiteral("CREATE VIEW v_interest AS SELECT *,"
0748                               "(SELECT s.t_name FROM account s WHERE AS t_ACCOUNT "
0749                               " FROM interest")
0750             << "CREATE VIEW v_interest_displayname AS SELECT *, IFNULL(TOFORMATTEDDATE(d_date,'" % SKGServices::stringToSqlString(dateFormatShort) % "'),STRFTIME('%Y-%m-%d',d_date))||' '||f_rate||'%' AS t_displayname FROM interest"
0752             // budgetrule
0753             << "CREATE VIEW  v_budgetrule AS "
0754             "SELECT *, "
0755             "(SELECT COUNT(1) FROM budgetrule r WHERE r.f_sortorder<=budgetrule.f_sortorder) AS i_ORDER, "
0756             "IFNULL((SELECT s.t_fullname FROM category s WHERE,'') AS t_CATEGORYCONDITION, "
0757             "IFNULL((SELECT s.t_fullname FROM category s WHERE,'') AS t_CATEGORY, "
0758             "(CASE "
0759             "WHEN budgetrule.i_condition=-1 THEN '" % SKGServices::stringToSqlString(i18nc("Noun", "Negative")) % "' "
0760             "WHEN budgetrule.i_condition=1 THEN '" % SKGServices::stringToSqlString(i18nc("Noun", "Positive")) % "' "
0761             "WHEN budgetrule.i_condition=0 THEN '" % SKGServices::stringToSqlString(i18nc("Noun", "All")) % "' "
0762             "END) AS t_WHENNLS, "
0763             "f_quantity||(CASE WHEN budgetrule.t_absolute='N' THEN '%' ELSE (SELECT t_symbol FROM unit WHERE t_type='1') END) AS t_WHATNLS,"
0764             "(CASE "
0765             "WHEN budgetrule.t_rule='N' THEN '" % SKGServices::stringToSqlString(i18nc("Noun", "Next")) % "' "
0766             "WHEN budgetrule.t_rule='C' THEN '" % SKGServices::stringToSqlString(i18nc("Noun", "Current")) % "' "
0767             "WHEN budgetrule.t_rule='Y' THEN '" % SKGServices::stringToSqlString(i18nc("Noun", "Year")) % "' "
0768             "END) AS t_RULENLS "
0769             "FROM budgetrule"
0771             << QStringLiteral("CREATE VIEW  v_budgetrule_display AS "
0772                               "SELECT * "
0773                               " FROM v_budgetrule")
0775             << QStringLiteral("CREATE VIEW  v_budgetrule_displayname AS "
0776                               "SELECT *, t_WHENNLS||' '||t_WHATNLS||' '||t_RULENLS||' '||t_CATEGORY AS t_displayname FROM v_budgetrule")
0778             // budget
0779             << QStringLiteral("CREATE VIEW  v_budget_tmp AS "
0780                               "SELECT *, "
0781                               "IFNULL((SELECT s.t_fullname FROM category s WHERE,'') AS t_CATEGORY, "
0782                               "(budget.i_year||(CASE WHEN budget.i_month=0 THEN '' WHEN budget.i_month<10 THEN '-0'||budget.i_month ELSE '-'||budget.i_month END)) AS t_PERIOD, "
0783                               "(SELECT TOTAL(o.f_REALCURRENTAMOUNT) FROM v_suboperation_consolidated o WHERE o.t_TYPEACCOUNT<>'L' AND o.i_SUBOPID IN "
0784                               "(SELECT b2.id_suboperation FROM budgetsuboperation b2 WHERE"
0785                               ") AS f_CURRENTAMOUNT, "
0786                               "(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(v_budgetrule_displayname.t_displayname,',') FROM v_budgetrule_displayname WHERE "
0787                               "(v_budgetrule_displayname.t_year_condition='N' OR budget.i_year=v_budgetrule_displayname.i_year) AND "
0788                               "(v_budgetrule_displayname.t_month_condition='N' OR budget.i_month=v_budgetrule_displayname.i_month) AND "
0789                               "(v_budgetrule_displayname.t_category_condition='N' OR budget.rc_category_id=v_budgetrule_displayname.rc_category_id) "
0790                               "ORDER BY v_budgetrule_displayname.t_absolute DESC, AS t_RULES "
0791                               "FROM budget")
0793             << QStringLiteral("CREATE VIEW  v_budget AS "
0794                               "SELECT *, "
0795                               "(f_CURRENTAMOUNT-f_budgeted_modified) AS f_DELTABEFORETRANSFER, "
0796                               "(f_CURRENTAMOUNT-f_budgeted_modified-f_transferred) AS f_DELTA "
0797                               "FROM v_budget_tmp")
0799             << QStringLiteral("CREATE VIEW  v_budget_display AS "
0800                               "SELECT *, "
0801                               "(f_CURRENTAMOUNT-f_budgeted_modified) AS f_DELTABEFORETRANSFER, "
0802                               "(f_CURRENTAMOUNT-f_budgeted_modified-f_transferred) AS f_DELTA "
0803                               "FROM vm_budget_tmp")
0805             << QStringLiteral("CREATE VIEW  v_budget_displayname AS "
0806                               "SELECT *, t_CATEGORY||' '||t_PERIOD||' '||f_budgeted_modified AS t_displayname FROM v_budget")
0808             << QStringLiteral("CREATE VIEW  v_operation_all_comment AS "
0809                               "SELECT t_comment FROM operation UNION SELECT t_comment FROM suboperation");
0811     IFOKDO(err, SKGDocument::refreshViewsIndexesAndTriggers(iForce))
0812     QStringList tables;
0813     tables << QStringLiteral("account") << QStringLiteral("unit") << QStringLiteral("unitvalue") << QStringLiteral("bank") << QStringLiteral("recurrentoperation") << QStringLiteral("refund") << QStringLiteral("payee") << QStringLiteral("operation")
0814            << QStringLiteral("operationbalance") << QStringLiteral("interest") << QStringLiteral("rule") << QStringLiteral("suboperation") << QStringLiteral("budget") << QStringLiteral("budgetrule") << QStringLiteral("budgetcategory") << QStringLiteral("budgetsuboperation") << QStringLiteral("category");
0815     IFOKDO(err, dropViewsAndIndexes(tables))
0816     IFOKDO(err, executeSqliteOrders(BankInitialDataModelIndex))
0817     IFOKDO(err, executeSqliteOrders(BankInitialDataModelView))
0818     IFOKDO(err, executeSqliteOrders(BankInitialDataModelTrigger))
0819     IFOKDO(err, executeSqliteOrder(QStringLiteral("ANALYZE")))
0821     return err;
0822 }
0824 QStringList SKGDocumentBank::getMigationSteps()
0825 {
0827     QStringList migrationSteps;
0828     migrationSteps.reserve(1000);
0829     migrationSteps
0830     // ============
0831             << QLatin1String("")
0832             << QStringLiteral("0.1")
0833             << QStringLiteral("0.2")
0834             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE unit ADD COLUMN rc_unit_id INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0")
0835             // ============
0836             << QLatin1String("")
0837             << QStringLiteral("0.2")
0838             << QStringLiteral("0.3")
0839             << QStringLiteral("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS unitvalue2")
0840             << QStringLiteral("CREATE TABLE unitvalue2("
0841                               "id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,"
0842                               "rd_unit_id INTEGER NOT NULL,"
0843                               "d_date DATE NOT NULL,"
0844                               "f_quantity FLOAT NOT NULL CHECK (f_quantity>=0))")
0846             << QStringLiteral("INSERT INTO unitvalue2 (id,rd_unit_id,d_date,f_quantity) SELECT id,rd_unit_id,d_date,f_value FROM unitvalue")
0848             << QStringLiteral("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS unitvalue")
0849             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE unitvalue2 RENAME TO unitvalue")
0850             // ============
0851             << QLatin1String("")
0852             << QStringLiteral("0.3")
0853             << QStringLiteral("0.4")
0854             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE operation ADD COLUMN t_import_id TEXT DEFAULT ''")
0855             // ============
0856             << QLatin1String("")
0857             << QStringLiteral("0.4")
0858             << QStringLiteral("0.5")
0859             << QStringLiteral("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS recurrentoperation")
0860             << QStringLiteral("CREATE TABLE recurrentoperation ("
0861                               "id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,"
0862                               "d_date DATE NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00',"
0863                               "rd_operation_id INTEGER NOT NULL,"
0864                               "i_period_increment INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 CHECK (i_period_increment>=0),"
0865                               "t_period_unit TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT 'M' CHECK (t_period_unit IN ('D', 'M', 'Y')),"
0866                               "t_auto_write VARCHAR(1) DEFAULT 'Y' CHECK (t_auto_write IN ('Y', 'N')),"
0867                               "i_auto_write_days INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 5 CHECK (i_auto_write_days>=0),"
0868                               "t_warn VARCHAR(1) DEFAULT 'Y' CHECK (t_auto_write IN ('Y', 'N')),"
0869                               "i_warn_days INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 5 CHECK (i_warn_days>=0)"
0870                               ")")
0871             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE operation ADD COLUMN r_recurrentoperation_id INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0")
0872             // ============
0873             << QLatin1String("")
0874             << QStringLiteral("0.5")
0875             << QStringLiteral("0.6")
0876             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE account ADD COLUMN t_comment TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT ''")
0877             // ============
0878             << QLatin1String("")
0879             << QStringLiteral("0.6")
0880             << QStringLiteral("0.7")
0881             << QStringLiteral("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS unit2")
0882             << QStringLiteral("CREATE TABLE unit2("
0883                               "id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,"
0884                               "t_name TEXT NOT NULL,"
0885                               "t_symbol TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
0886                               "t_country TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
0887                               "t_type VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'C' CHECK (t_type IN ('1', '2', 'C', 'S', 'O')),"
0888                               // 1=main currency, 2=secondary currency, C=currencies S=share O=object
0889                               "t_internet_code TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
0890                               "rd_unit_id INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0)")
0892             << QStringLiteral("INSERT INTO unit2 (id,t_name,t_symbol,t_country,t_type,t_internet_code,rd_unit_id) SELECT id,t_name,t_symbol,t_country,t_type,t_internet_code,rc_unit_id FROM unit")
0894             << QStringLiteral("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS unit")
0895             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE unit2 RENAME TO unit")
0896             // ============
0897             << QLatin1String("")
0898             << QStringLiteral("0.7")
0899             << QStringLiteral("0.8")
0900             << QStringLiteral("DELETE FROM operation WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM operation op WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM suboperation sop WHERE")
0901             // ============
0902             << QLatin1String("")
0903             << QStringLiteral("0.8")
0904             << QStringLiteral("0.9")
0905             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE operation SET i_group_id=0 WHERE i_group_id=''")
0906             // ============
0907             << QLatin1String("")
0908             << QStringLiteral("0.9")
0909             << QStringLiteral("1.0")
0910             << QStringLiteral("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS unit2")
0911             << QStringLiteral("CREATE TABLE unit2("
0912                               "id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,"
0913                               "t_name TEXT NOT NULL,"
0914                               "t_symbol TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
0915                               "t_country TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
0916                               "t_type VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'C' CHECK (t_type IN ('1', '2', 'C', 'S', 'I', 'O')),"
0917                               // 1=main currency, 2=secondary currency, C=currencies S=share, I=index, O=object
0918                               "t_internet_code TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
0919                               "rd_unit_id INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0)")
0921             << QStringLiteral("INSERT INTO unit2 (id,t_name,t_symbol,t_country,t_type,t_internet_code,rd_unit_id) SELECT id,t_name,t_symbol,t_country,t_type,t_internet_code,rd_unit_id FROM unit")
0923             << QStringLiteral("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS unit")
0924             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE unit2 RENAME TO unit")
0925             // ============
0926             << QLatin1String("")
0927             << QStringLiteral("1.0")
0928             << QStringLiteral("1.1")
0929             << QStringLiteral("DELETE FROM parameters WHERE t_name LIKE 'SKG_MONTHLY_REPORT_%'")
0930             // ============
0931             << QLatin1String("")
0932             << QStringLiteral("1.1")
0933             << QStringLiteral("1.2")
0934             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE suboperation ADD COLUMN t_comment TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT ''")
0935             // ============
0936             << QLatin1String("")
0937             << QStringLiteral("1.2")
0938             << QStringLiteral("1.3")
0939             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET f_sortorder=id WHERE f_sortorder IS NULL OR f_sortorder=''")
0940             // ============
0941             << QLatin1String("")
0942             << QStringLiteral("1.3")
0943             << QStringLiteral("1.4")
0944             << QStringLiteral("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS refund")
0945             << QStringLiteral("CREATE TABLE refund ("
0946                               "id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,"
0947                               "t_name TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
0948                               "t_comment TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
0949                               "t_close VARCHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_close IN ('Y', 'N')))")
0951             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE suboperation ADD COLUMN r_refund_id INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0")
0952             // ============
0953             << QLatin1String("")
0954             << QStringLiteral("1.4")
0955             << QStringLiteral("1.5")
0956             << QStringLiteral("DELETE FROM parameters WHERE (t_name LIKE 'SKG_DEFAULT_%' AND t_name!='SKG_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES') OR t_name='DBVERSION'")
0957             // ============
0958             << QLatin1String("")
0959             << QStringLiteral("1.5")
0960             << QStringLiteral("1.6")
0961             << QStringLiteral("CREATE TABLE rule ("
0962                               "id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,"
0963                               "t_description TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
0964                               "t_definition TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
0965                               "f_sortorder FLOAT"
0966                               ")")
0967             // ============
0968             << QLatin1String("")
0969             << QStringLiteral("1.6")
0970             << QStringLiteral("1.7")
0971             << QStringLiteral("CREATE TABLE action ("
0972                               "id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,"
0973                               "rd_rule_id INTEGER NOT NULL,"
0974                               "t_description TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
0975                               "t_definition TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"
0976                               ")")
0977             << QStringLiteral("DELETE FROM rule")
0978             << QStringLiteral("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS budget")
0979             // ============
0980             << QLatin1String("")
0981             << QStringLiteral("1.7")
0982             << QStringLiteral("1.8")
0983             << QStringLiteral("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS action")
0984             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE rule ADD COLUMN t_action_description TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT ''")
0985             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE rule ADD COLUMN t_action_definition TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT ''")
0986             << QStringLiteral("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS fkdc_rule_action_id_rd_rule_id")
0987             // ============
0988             << QLatin1String("")
0989             << QStringLiteral("1.8")
0990             << QStringLiteral("1.9")
0991             << QStringLiteral("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS operation2")
0992             << QStringLiteral("CREATE TABLE operation2("
0993                               "id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,"
0994                               "i_group_id INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,"
0995                               "i_number INTEGER DEFAULT 0 CHECK (i_number>=0),"
0996                               "d_date DATE NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00',"
0997                               "rd_account_id INTEGER NOT NULL,"
0998                               "t_mode TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
0999                               "t_payee TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
1000                               "t_comment TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
1001                               "rc_unit_id INTEGER NOT NULL,"
1002                               "t_status VARCHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_status IN ('N', 'P', 'Y')),"
1003                               "t_bookmarked VARCHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_bookmarked IN ('Y', 'N')),"
1004                               "t_imported VARCHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_imported IN ('Y', 'N', 'P')),"
1005                               "t_import_id TEXT DEFAULT '',"
1006                               "r_recurrentoperation_id INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0)")
1008             << QStringLiteral("INSERT INTO operation2 (id,i_group_id,i_number,d_date,rd_account_id,t_mode,t_payee,t_comment,rc_unit_id,"
1009                               "t_status,t_bookmarked,t_imported,t_import_id,r_recurrentoperation_id) "
1010                               "SELECT id,i_group_id,i_number,d_date,rd_account_id,t_mode,t_payee,t_comment,rc_unit_id,"
1011                               "(CASE WHEN t_status='C' THEN 'Y' ELSE t_status END),t_bookmarked,t_imported,t_import_id,r_recurrentoperation_id FROM operation")
1013             << QStringLiteral("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS operation")
1014             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE operation2 RENAME TO operation")
1015             // ============
1016             << QLatin1String("")
1017             << QStringLiteral("1.9")
1018             << QStringLiteral("2.0")
1019             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE operation ADD COLUMN i_tmp INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0")
1020             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE suboperation ADD COLUMN i_tmp INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0")
1021             // ============
1022             << QLatin1String("")
1023             << QStringLiteral("2.0")
1024             << QStringLiteral("2.1")
1025             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE operation ADD COLUMN t_template VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_template IN ('Y', 'N'))")
1026             // ============
1027             << QLatin1String("")
1028             << QStringLiteral("2.1")
1029             << QStringLiteral("2.2")
1030             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE recurrentoperation SET d_date=date(d_date,i_period_increment||(CASE WHEN t_period_unit='Y' THEN ' year' ELSE (CASE WHEN t_period_unit='M' THEN ' month' ELSE ' day' END) END))")
1033             << QStringLiteral("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS recurrentoperation2")
1034             << QStringLiteral("CREATE TABLE recurrentoperation2 ("
1035                               "id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,"
1036                               "d_date DATE NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00',"
1037                               "rd_operation_id INTEGER NOT NULL,"
1038                               "i_period_increment INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 CHECK (i_period_increment>=0),"
1039                               "t_period_unit TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT 'M' CHECK (t_period_unit IN ('D', 'M', 'Y')),"
1040                               "t_auto_write VARCHAR(1) DEFAULT 'Y' CHECK (t_auto_write IN ('Y', 'N')),"
1041                               "i_auto_write_days INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 5 CHECK (i_auto_write_days>=0),"
1042                               "t_warn VARCHAR(1) DEFAULT 'Y' CHECK (t_warn IN ('Y', 'N')),"
1043                               "i_warn_days INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 5 CHECK (i_warn_days>=0),"
1044                               "t_times VARCHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_times IN ('Y', 'N')),"
1045                               "i_nb_times INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 CHECK (i_nb_times>=0)"
1046                               ")")
1048             << QStringLiteral("INSERT INTO recurrentoperation2 (id,d_date,rd_operation_id,i_period_increment,t_period_unit,t_auto_write,i_auto_write_days,t_warn,i_warn_days) "
1049                               "SELECT id,d_date,rd_operation_id,i_period_increment,t_period_unit,t_auto_write,i_auto_write_days,t_warn,i_warn_days FROM recurrentoperation")
1051             << QStringLiteral("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS recurrentoperation")
1052             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE recurrentoperation2 RENAME TO recurrentoperation")
1053             // ============
1054             << QLatin1String("")
1055             << QStringLiteral("2.2")
1056             << QStringLiteral("2.3")
1057             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE rule SET t_definition=replace(t_definition,'%9','#ATT#')")
1058             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE rule SET t_definition=replace(t_definition,'''%1''','''#V1S#''')")
1059             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE rule SET t_definition=replace(t_definition,'''%2''','''#V2S#''')")
1060             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE rule SET t_definition=replace(t_definition,'''%%1%''','''%#V1S#%''')")
1061             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE rule SET t_definition=replace(t_definition,'''%1%''','''#V1S#%''')")
1062             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE rule SET t_definition=replace(t_definition,'''%%1''','''%#V1S#''')")
1063             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE rule SET t_definition=replace(t_definition,'%1','#V1#')")
1064             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE rule SET t_definition=replace(t_definition,'%2','#V2#')")
1066             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE rule SET t_action_definition=replace(t_action_definition,'%9','#ATT#')")
1067             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE rule SET t_action_definition=replace(t_action_definition,'''%1''','''#V1S#''')")
1068             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE rule SET t_action_definition=replace(t_action_definition,'''%2''','''#V2S#''')")
1069             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE rule SET t_action_definition=replace(t_action_definition,'''%%1%''','''%#V1S#%''')")
1070             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE rule SET t_action_definition=replace(t_action_definition,'''%1%''','''#V1S#%''')")
1071             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE rule SET t_action_definition=replace(t_action_definition,'''%%1''','''%#V1S#''')")
1072             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE rule SET t_action_definition=replace(t_action_definition,'%1','#V1#')")
1073             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE rule SET t_action_definition=replace(t_action_definition,'%2','#V2#')")
1074             // ============
1075             << QLatin1String("")
1076             << QStringLiteral("2.3")
1077             << QStringLiteral("2.4")
1078             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE operation SET t_template='N' WHERE t_template NOT IN ('Y', 'N')")
1079             // ============
1080             << QLatin1String("")
1081             << QStringLiteral("2.4")
1082             << QStringLiteral("2.5")
1083             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE rule ADD COLUMN t_action_type VARCHAR(1) DEFAULT 'S' CHECK (t_action_type IN ('S', 'U', 'A'))")
1084             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE rule SET t_action_type='S' WHERE t_action_type NOT IN ('S', 'U', 'A') AND  t_action_definition=''")
1085             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE rule SET t_action_type='U' WHERE t_action_type NOT IN ('S', 'U', 'A') AND  t_action_definition!=''")
1086             // ============
1087             << QLatin1String("")
1088             << QStringLiteral("2.5")
1089             << QStringLiteral("2.6")
1090             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE unit ADD COLUMN i_nbdecimal INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 2")
1091             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE unit SET i_nbdecimal=2")
1092             // ============
1093             << QLatin1String("")
1094             << QStringLiteral("2.6")
1095             << QStringLiteral("2.7")
1096             << QStringLiteral("CREATE TABLE operation2("
1097                               "id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,"
1098                               "i_group_id INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,"
1099                               "i_number INTEGER DEFAULT 0 CHECK (i_number>=0),"
1100                               "d_date DATE NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00',"
1101                               "rd_account_id INTEGER NOT NULL,"
1102                               "t_mode TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
1103                               "t_payee TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
1104                               "t_comment TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
1105                               "rc_unit_id INTEGER NOT NULL,"
1106                               "t_status VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_status IN ('N', 'P', 'Y')),"
1107                               "t_bookmarked VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_bookmarked IN ('Y', 'N')),"
1108                               "t_imported VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_imported IN ('Y', 'N', 'P', 'T')),"
1109                               "t_template VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_template IN ('Y', 'N')),"
1110                               "t_import_id TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
1111                               "i_tmp INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,"
1112                               "r_recurrentoperation_id INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0)")
1114             << QStringLiteral("INSERT INTO operation2 ("
1115                               "id,i_group_id,i_number,d_date,rd_account_id,t_mode,t_payee,t_comment,rc_unit_id,t_status,t_bookmarked,t_imported,t_template,t_import_id,i_tmp,r_recurrentoperation_id) "
1116                               "SELECT id,i_group_id,i_number,d_date,rd_account_id,t_mode,t_payee,t_comment,rc_unit_id,t_status,t_bookmarked,t_imported,t_template,t_import_id,i_tmp,r_recurrentoperation_id FROM operation")
1118             << QStringLiteral("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS operation")
1119             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE operation2 RENAME TO operation")
1120             // ============
1121             << QLatin1String("")
1122             << QStringLiteral("2.7")
1123             << QStringLiteral("2.8")
1124             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE rule SET t_action_type='U' WHERE t_action_type='S' AND  t_action_definition!=''")
1125             // ============
1126             << QLatin1String("")
1127             << QStringLiteral("2.8")
1128             << QStringLiteral("2.9")
1129             << QStringLiteral("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS interest")
1130             << QStringLiteral("CREATE TABLE interest("
1131                               "id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,"
1132                               "rd_account_id INTEGER NOT NULL,"
1133                               "d_date DATE NOT NULL,"
1134                               "f_rate FLOAT NOT NULL CHECK (f_rate>=0),"
1135                               "t_income_value_date_mode VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'F' CHECK (t_income_value_date_mode IN ('F', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5')),"
1136                               "t_expenditure_value_date_mode VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'F' CHECK (t_expenditure_value_date_mode IN ('F', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5')),"
1137                               "t_base VARCHAR(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT '24' CHECK (t_base IN ('24', '360', '365'))"
1138                               ")")
1139             // ============
1140             << QLatin1String("")
1141             << QStringLiteral("2.9")
1142             << QStringLiteral("3.0")
1143             // Current month
1144             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, 'period=\"\"1\"\"', 'period=\"\"1\"\" interval=\"\"2\"\" nb_intervals=\"\"1\"\"') WHERE t_data like '%Skrooge report plugin%'")
1145             // Previous month
1146             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, 'period=\"\"2\"\"', 'period=\"\"2\"\" interval=\"\"2\"\" nb_intervals=\"\"1\"\"') WHERE t_data like '%Skrooge report plugin%'")
1147             // Current year
1148             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, 'period=\"\"3\"\"', 'period=\"\"1\"\" interval=\"\"3\"\" nb_intervals=\"\"1\"\"') WHERE t_data like '%Skrooge report plugin%'")
1149             // Previous year
1150             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, 'period=\"\"4\"\"', 'period=\"\"2\"\" interval=\"\"3\"\" nb_intervals=\"\"1\"\"') WHERE t_data like '%Skrooge report plugin%'")
1151             // Last 30 days
1152             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, 'period=\"\"5\"\"', 'period=\"\"3\"\" interval=\"\"0\"\" nb_intervals=\"\"30\"\"') WHERE t_data like '%Skrooge report plugin%'")
1153             // Last 3 months
1154             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, 'period=\"\"6\"\"', 'period=\"\"3\"\" interval=\"\"2\"\" nb_intervals=\"\"3\"\"') WHERE t_data like '%Skrooge report plugin%'")
1155             // Last 6 months
1156             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, 'period=\"\"7\"\"', 'period=\"\"3\"\" interval=\"\"2\"\" nb_intervals=\"\"6\"\"') WHERE t_data like '%Skrooge report plugin%'")
1157             // Last 12 months
1158             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, 'period=\"\"8\"\"', 'period=\"\"3\"\" interval=\"\"2\"\" nb_intervals=\"\"12\"\"') WHERE t_data like '%Skrooge report plugin%'")
1159             // Last 2 years
1160             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, 'period=\"\"9\"\"', 'period=\"\"3\"\" interval=\"\"3\"\" nb_intervals=\"\"2\"\"') WHERE t_data like '%Skrooge report plugin%'")
1161             // Last 3 years
1162             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, 'period=\"\"10\"\"', 'period=\"\"3\"\" interval=\"\"3\"\" nb_intervals=\"\"3\"\"') WHERE t_data like '%Skrooge report plugin%'")
1163             // Last 5 years
1164             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, 'period=\"\"11\"\"', 'period=\"\"3\"\" interval=\"\"3\"\" nb_intervals=\"\"5\"\"') WHERE t_data like '%Skrooge report plugin%'")
1165             // Custom…
1166             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, 'period=\"\"12\"\"', 'period=\"\"4\"\"') WHERE t_data like '%Skrooge report plugin%'")
1168             // All without transfers
1169             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, 'type=\"\"0\"\"', 'incomes=\"\"Y\"\" expenses=\"\"Y\"\" transfers=\"\"N\"\"') WHERE t_data like '%Skrooge report plugin%'")
1170             // Income without transfers
1171             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, 'type=\"\"1\"\"', 'incomes=\"\"Y\"\" expenses=\"\"N\"\" transfers=\"\"N\"\"') WHERE t_data like '%Skrooge report plugin%'")
1172             // Expenditure without transfers
1173             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, 'type=\"\"2\"\"', 'incomes=\"\"N\"\" expenses=\"\"Y\"\" transfers=\"\"N\"\"') WHERE t_data like '%Skrooge report plugin%'")
1174             // All with transfers
1175             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, 'type=\"\"3\"\"', 'incomes=\"\"Y\"\" expenses=\"\"Y\"\" transfers=\"\"Y\"\"') WHERE t_data like '%Skrooge report plugin%'")
1176             // Income with transfers
1177             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, 'type=\"\"4\"\"', 'incomes=\"\"Y\"\" expenses=\"\"N\"\" transfers=\"\"Y\"\"') WHERE t_data like '%Skrooge report plugin%'")
1178             // Expenditure with transfers
1179             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, 'type=\"\"5\"\"', 'incomes=\"\"N\"\" expenses=\"\"Y\"\" transfers=\"\"Y\"\"') WHERE t_data like '%Skrooge report plugin%'")
1180             // ============
1181             << QLatin1String("")
1182             << QStringLiteral("3.0")
1183             << QStringLiteral("3.1")
1184             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, 'columns=\"\"2\"\"', 'columns=\"\"4\"\"') WHERE t_data like '%Skrooge report plugin%'")
1185             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, 'columns=\"\"1\"\"', 'columns=\"\"3\"\"') WHERE t_data like '%Skrooge report plugin%'")
1186             // ============
1187             << QLatin1String("")
1188             << QStringLiteral("3.1")
1189             << QStringLiteral("3.2")
1190             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE parameters SET t_name='SKGSEARCH_DEFAULT_PARAMETERS' WHERE t_name='SKGIMPORT_DEFAULT_PARAMETERS'")
1191             // ============
1192             << QLatin1String("")
1193             << QStringLiteral("3.2")
1194             << QStringLiteral("3.3")
1195             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, ' columns=&quot;4&quot;', ' columns=&quot;&quot;') WHERE t_data like '%graphicViewState=%'")
1196             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, ' columns=&quot;3&quot;', ' columns=&quot;d_DATEYEAR&quot;') WHERE t_data like '%graphicViewState=%'")
1197             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, ' columns=&quot;2&quot;', ' columns=&quot;d_DATESEMESTER&quot;') WHERE t_data like '%graphicViewState=%'")
1198             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, ' columns=&quot;1&quot;', ' columns=&quot;d_DATEQUARTER&quot;') WHERE t_data like '%graphicViewState=%'")
1199             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, ' columns=&quot;0&quot;', ' columns=&quot;d_DATEMONTH&quot;') WHERE t_data like '%graphicViewState=%'")
1201             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, ' columns=\"\"4\"\"', ' columns=\"\"\"\"') WHERE t_data like '%graphicViewState=%'")
1202             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, ' columns=\"\"3\"\"', ' columns=\"\"d_DATEYEAR\"\"') WHERE t_data like '%graphicViewState=%'")
1203             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, ' columns=\"\"2\"\"', ' columns=\"\"d_DATESEMESTER\"\"') WHERE t_data like '%graphicViewState=%'")
1204             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, ' columns=\"\"1\"\"', ' columns=\"\"d_DATEQUARTER\"\"') WHERE t_data like '%graphicViewState=%'")
1205             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, ' columns=\"\"0\"\"', ' columns=\"\"d_DATEMONTH\"\"') WHERE t_data like '%graphicViewState=%'")
1207             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE parameters SET t_value=replace(t_value, ' columns=&quot;4&quot;', ' columns=&quot;&quot;') WHERE t_name='SKGDASHBOARD_DEFAULT_PARAMETERS'")
1208             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE parameters SET t_value=replace(t_value, ' columns=&quot;3&quot;', ' columns=&quot;d_DATEYEAR&quot;') WHERE t_name='SKGDASHBOARD_DEFAULT_PARAMETERS'")
1209             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE parameters SET t_value=replace(t_value, ' columns=&quot;2&quot;', ' columns=&quot;d_DATESEMESTER&quot;') WHERE t_name='SKGDASHBOARD_DEFAULT_PARAMETERS'")
1210             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE parameters SET t_value=replace(t_value, ' columns=&quot;1&quot;', ' columns=&quot;d_DATEQUARTER&quot;') WHERE t_name='SKGDASHBOARD_DEFAULT_PARAMETERS'")
1211             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE parameters SET t_value=replace(t_value, ' columns=&quot;0&quot;', ' columns=&quot;d_DATEMONTH&quot;') WHERE t_name='SKGDASHBOARD_DEFAULT_PARAMETERS'")
1214             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, ' lines=&quot;0&quot;', ' lines=&quot;t_REALCATEGORY&quot;') WHERE t_data like '%graphicViewState=%'")
1215             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, ' lines=&quot;1&quot;', ' lines=&quot;t_payee&quot;') WHERE t_data like '%graphicViewState=%'")
1216             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, ' lines=&quot;2&quot;', ' lines=&quot;t_mode&quot;') WHERE t_data like '%graphicViewState=%'")
1217             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, ' lines=&quot;3&quot;', ' lines=&quot;t_TYPEEXPENSENLS&quot;') WHERE t_data like '%graphicViewState=%'")
1218             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, ' lines=&quot;4&quot;', ' lines=&quot;t_status&quot;') WHERE t_data like '%graphicViewState=%'")
1219             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, ' lines=&quot;5&quot;', ' lines=&quot;t_ACCOUNTTYPE&quot;') WHERE t_data like '%graphicViewState=%'")
1220             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, ' lines=&quot;6&quot;', ' lines=&quot;t_UNITTYPE&quot;') WHERE t_data like '%graphicViewState=%'")
1221             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, ' lines=&quot;7&quot;', ' lines=&quot;t_REALREFUND&quot;') WHERE t_data like '%graphicViewState=%'")
1223             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, ' lines=\"\"0\"\"', ' lines=\"\"t_REALCATEGORY\"\"') WHERE t_data like '%graphicViewState=%'")
1224             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, ' lines=\"\"1\"\"', ' lines=\"\"t_payee\"\"') WHERE t_data like '%graphicViewState=%'")
1225             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, ' lines=\"\"2\"\"', ' lines=\"\"t_mode\"\"') WHERE t_data like '%graphicViewState=%'")
1226             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, ' lines=\"\"3\"\"', ' lines=\"\"t_TYPEEXPENSENLS\"\"') WHERE t_data like '%graphicViewState=%'")
1227             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, ' lines=\"\"4\"\"', ' lines=\"\"t_status\"\"') WHERE t_data like '%graphicViewState=%'")
1228             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, ' lines=\"\"5\"\"', ' lines=\"\"t_ACCOUNTTYPE\"\"') WHERE t_data like '%graphicViewState=%'")
1229             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, ' lines=\"\"6\"\"', ' lines=\"\"t_UNITTYPE\"\"') WHERE t_data like '%graphicViewState=%'")
1230             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, ' lines=\"\"7\"\"', ' lines=\"\"t_REALREFUND\"\"') WHERE t_data like '%graphicViewState=%'")
1232             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE parameters SET t_value=replace(t_value, ' lines=&quot;0&quot;', ' lines=&quot;t_REALCATEGORY&quot;') WHERE t_name='SKGDASHBOARD_DEFAULT_PARAMETERS'")
1233             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE parameters SET t_value=replace(t_value, ' lines=&quot;1&quot;', ' lines=&quot;t_payee&quot;') WHERE t_name='SKGDASHBOARD_DEFAULT_PARAMETERS'")
1234             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE parameters SET t_value=replace(t_value, ' lines=&quot;2&quot;', ' lines=&quot;t_mode&quot;') WHERE t_name='SKGDASHBOARD_DEFAULT_PARAMETERS'")
1235             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE parameters SET t_value=replace(t_value, ' lines=&quot;3&quot;', ' lines=&quot;t_TYPEEXPENSENLS&quot;') WHERE t_name='SKGDASHBOARD_DEFAULT_PARAMETERS'")
1236             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE parameters SET t_value=replace(t_value, ' lines=&quot;4&quot;', ' lines=&quot;t_status&quot;') WHERE t_name='SKGDASHBOARD_DEFAULT_PARAMETERS'")
1237             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE parameters SET t_value=replace(t_value, ' lines=&quot;5&quot;', ' lines=&quot;t_ACCOUNTTYPE&quot;') WHERE t_name='SKGDASHBOARD_DEFAULT_PARAMETERS'")
1238             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE parameters SET t_value=replace(t_value, ' lines=&quot;6&quot;', ' lines=&quot;t_UNITTYPE&quot;') WHERE t_name='SKGDASHBOARD_DEFAULT_PARAMETERS'")
1239             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE parameters SET t_value=replace(t_value, ' lines=&quot;7&quot;', ' lines=&quot;t_REALREFUND&quot;') WHERE t_name='SKGDASHBOARD_DEFAULT_PARAMETERS'")
1240             // ============
1241             << QLatin1String("")
1242             << QStringLiteral("3.3")
1243             << QStringLiteral("3.4")
1244             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE parameters SET t_value=replace(t_value, ' columns=\"4\"', ' columns=\"\"') WHERE t_name='SKGREPORT_DEFAULT_PARAMETERS'")
1245             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE parameters SET t_value=replace(t_value, ' columns=\"3\"', ' columns=\"d_DATEYEAR\"') WHERE t_name='SKGREPORT_DEFAULT_PARAMETERS'")
1246             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE parameters SET t_value=replace(t_value, ' columns=\"2\"', ' columns=\"d_DATESEMESTER\"') WHERE t_name='SKGREPORT_DEFAULT_PARAMETERS'")
1247             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE parameters SET t_value=replace(t_value, ' columns=\"1\"', ' columns=\"d_DATEQUARTER\"') WHERE t_name='SKGREPORT_DEFAULT_PARAMETERS'")
1248             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE parameters SET t_value=replace(t_value, ' columns=\"0\"', ' columns=\"d_DATEMONTH\"') WHERE t_name='SKGREPORT_DEFAULT_PARAMETERS'")
1251             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE parameters SET t_value=replace(t_value, ' lines=\"0\"', ' lines=\"t_REALCATEGORY\"') WHERE t_name='SKGREPORT_DEFAULT_PARAMETERS'")
1252             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE parameters SET t_value=replace(t_value, ' lines=\"1\"', ' lines=\"t_payee\"') WHERE t_name='SKGREPORT_DEFAULT_PARAMETERS'")
1253             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE parameters SET t_value=replace(t_value, ' lines=\"2\"', ' lines=\"t_mode\"') WHERE t_name='SKGREPORT_DEFAULT_PARAMETERS'")
1254             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE parameters SET t_value=replace(t_value, ' lines=\"3\"', ' lines=\"t_TYPEEXPENSENLS\"') WHERE t_name='SKGREPORT_DEFAULT_PARAMETERS'")
1255             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE parameters SET t_value=replace(t_value, ' lines=\"4\"', ' lines=\"t_status\"') WHERE t_name='SKGREPORT_DEFAULT_PARAMETERS'")
1256             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE parameters SET t_value=replace(t_value, ' lines=\"5\"', ' lines=\"t_ACCOUNTTYPE\"') WHERE t_name='SKGREPORT_DEFAULT_PARAMETERS'")
1257             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE parameters SET t_value=replace(t_value, ' lines=\"6\"', ' lines=\"t_UNITTYPE\"') WHERE t_name='SKGREPORT_DEFAULT_PARAMETERS'")
1258             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE parameters SET t_value=replace(t_value, ' lines=\"7\"', ' lines=\"t_REALREFUND\"') WHERE t_name='SKGREPORT_DEFAULT_PARAMETERS'")
1259             // ============
1260             << QLatin1String("")
1261             << QStringLiteral("3.4")
1262             << QStringLiteral("3.5")
1263             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE account ADD COLUMN t_bookmarked VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_bookmarked IN ('Y', 'N'))")
1264             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE account SET t_bookmarked='N'")
1265             // ============
1266             << QLatin1String("")
1267             << QStringLiteral("3.5")
1268             << QStringLiteral("3.6")
1269             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE rule ADD COLUMN t_bookmarked VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_bookmarked IN ('Y', 'N'))")
1270             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE rule SET t_bookmarked='N'")
1271             // ============
1272             << QLatin1String("")
1273             << QStringLiteral("3.6")
1274             << QStringLiteral("3.7")
1275             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE suboperation SET r_category_id=0 WHERE r_category_id=(SELECT id FROM category WHERE t_name='')")
1276             << QStringLiteral("DELETE FROM category WHERE t_name=''")
1277             // ============
1278             << QLatin1String("")
1279             << QStringLiteral("3.7")
1280             << QStringLiteral("3.8")
1281             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE recurrentoperation SET t_times='N' WHERE t_times IS NULL")
1282             // ============
1283             << QLatin1String("")
1284             << QStringLiteral("3.8")
1285             << QStringLiteral("3.9")
1286             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, 'Skrooge dashboard plugin', 'Dashboard plugin') WHERE t_data like '%Skrooge dashboard plugin%'")
1287             // ============
1288             << QLatin1String("")
1289             << QStringLiteral("3.9")
1290             << QStringLiteral("4.0")
1291             << "UPDATE rule SET t_definition=replace(t_definition, '" % SKGServices::stringToSqlString(QStringLiteral("date('now', 'localtime','-1")) % "', '" % SKGServices::stringToSqlString(QStringLiteral("date('now', 'localtime','start of month','-1")) % "')"
1292             // ============
1293             << QLatin1String("")
1294             << QStringLiteral("4.0")
1295             << QStringLiteral("4.1")
1296             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE rule SET t_definition=replace(t_definition,'t_REFUND','t_REALREFUND')")
1297             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE rule SET t_action_definition=replace(t_action_definition,'t_REFUND','t_REALREFUND')")
1298             // ============
1299             << QLatin1String("")
1300             << QStringLiteral("4.1")
1301             << QStringLiteral("4.2")
1302             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE operation SET t_imported='Y' WHERE t_imported='T'")
1303             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE operation SET t_imported='N' WHERE t_imported!='N' AND t_import_id='';")
1304             // ============
1305             << QLatin1String("")
1306             << QStringLiteral("4.2")
1307             << QStringLiteral("4.3")
1308             <<  QStringLiteral("CREATE TABLE payee ("
1309                                "id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,"
1310                                "t_name TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
1311                                "t_address TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '')")
1313             << QStringLiteral("INSERT INTO payee (t_name) "
1314                               "SELECT distinct(operation.t_payee) FROM operation WHERE operation.t_payee<>''")
1316             << QStringLiteral("CREATE TABLE operation2("
1317                               "id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,"
1318                               "i_group_id INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,"
1319                               "i_number INTEGER DEFAULT 0 CHECK (i_number>=0),"
1320                               "d_date DATE NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00',"
1321                               "rd_account_id INTEGER NOT NULL,"
1322                               "t_mode TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
1323                               "r_payee_id INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,"
1324                               "t_comment TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
1325                               "rc_unit_id INTEGER NOT NULL,"
1326                               "t_status VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_status IN ('N', 'P', 'Y')),"
1327                               "t_bookmarked VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_bookmarked IN ('Y', 'N')),"
1328                               "t_imported VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_imported IN ('Y', 'N', 'P', 'T')),"
1329                               "t_template VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_template IN ('Y', 'N')),"
1330                               "t_import_id TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
1331                               "i_tmp INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,"
1332                               "r_recurrentoperation_id INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0)")
1334             << QStringLiteral("INSERT INTO operation2 ("
1335                               "id,i_group_id,i_number,d_date,rd_account_id,t_mode,r_payee_id,t_comment,rc_unit_id,t_status,t_bookmarked,t_imported,t_template,t_import_id,i_tmp,r_recurrentoperation_id) "
1336                               "SELECT id,i_group_id,i_number,d_date,rd_account_id,t_mode,(CASE WHEN (SELECT FROM payee WHERE payee.t_name=operation.t_payee) IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE (SELECT FROM payee WHERE payee.t_name=operation.t_payee) END),t_comment,rc_unit_id,t_status,t_bookmarked,t_imported,t_template,t_import_id,i_tmp,r_recurrentoperation_id FROM operation")
1338             << QStringLiteral("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS operation")
1339             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE operation2 RENAME TO operation")
1341             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE parameters SET t_value=replace(t_value, 't_payee', 't_PAYEE') WHERE t_name like '%_DEFAULT_PARAMETERS'")
1342             // ============
1343             << QLatin1String("")
1344             << QStringLiteral("4.3")
1345             << QStringLiteral("4.4")
1346             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE rule SET t_definition=replace(t_definition, 't_payee', 't_PAYEE') WHERE t_definition like '%t_payee'")
1347             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, 't_payee', 't_PAYEE') WHERE t_data like '%t_payee'")
1348             // ============
1349             << QLatin1String("")
1350             << QStringLiteral("4.4")
1351             << QStringLiteral("4.5")
1352             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE rule SET t_definition=replace(t_definition, 't_payee', 't_PAYEE') WHERE t_definition like '%t_payee%'")
1353             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE rule SET t_action_definition=replace(t_action_definition, 't_payee', 't_PAYEE') WHERE t_action_definition like '%t_payee%'")
1354             // ============
1355             << QLatin1String("")
1356             << QStringLiteral("4.5")
1357             << QStringLiteral("4.6")
1358             << QStringLiteral("DELETE FROM suboperation WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM operation WHERE")
1359             // ============
1360             << QLatin1String("")
1361             << QStringLiteral("4.6")
1362             << QStringLiteral("4.7")
1363             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, ' smoothScrolling=&quot;N&quot;', ' zoomPosition=&quot;0&quot;') WHERE t_data like '% smoothScrolling=&quot;N&quot;%'")
1364             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, ' smoothScrolling=&quot;Y&quot;', ' zoomPosition=&quot;0&quot;') WHERE t_data like '% smoothScrolling=&quot;Y&quot;%'")
1365             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE parameters SET t_value=replace(t_value, ' smoothScrolling=&quot;N&quot;', ' zoomPosition=&quot;0&quot;') WHERE t_value like '% smoothScrolling=&quot;N&quot;%'")
1366             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE parameters SET t_value=replace(t_value, ' smoothScrolling=&quot;Y&quot;', ' zoomPosition=&quot;0&quot;') WHERE t_value like '% smoothScrolling=&quot;Y&quot;%'")
1367             // ============
1368             << QLatin1String("")
1369             << QStringLiteral("4.7")
1370             << QStringLiteral("4.8")
1371             << QStringLiteral("CREATE TABLE operationbalance("
1372                               "id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,"
1373                               "f_balance FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,"
1374                               "r_operation_id INTEGER NOT NULL)")
1375             // ============
1376             << QLatin1String("")
1377             << QStringLiteral("4.8")
1378             << QStringLiteral("4.9")
1379             <<
1380             QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, ' lines=&quot;t_ACCOUNTTYPE&quot; nbLevelLines=&quot;0&quot;', ' lines=&quot;&quot; nbLevelLines=&quot;0&quot;')")
1381             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, ' lines=\"\"t_ACCOUNTTYPE\"\" nbLevelLines=\"\"0\"\"', ' lines=\"\"\"\" nbLevelLines=\"\"0\"\"')")
1382             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, ' lines=&amp;quot;t_ACCOUNTTYPE&amp;quot; nbLevelLines=&amp;quot;0&amp;quot;', ' lines=&amp;quot;&amp;quot; nbLevelLines=&amp;quot;0&amp;quot;')")
1383             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE parameters SET t_value=replace(t_value, ' lines=&amp;quot;t_ACCOUNTTYPE&amp;quot; nbLevelLines=&amp;quot;0&amp;quot;', ' lines=&amp;quot;&amp;quot; nbLevelLines=&amp;quot;0&amp;quot;')")
1385             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, ' lines=&quot;t_UNITTYPE&quot;', ' lines=&quot;t_UNITTYPE&quot; lines2=&quot;t_UNIT&quot;')")
1386             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, ' lines=\"\"t_UNITTYPE\"\"', ' lines=\"\"t_UNITTYPE\"\"  lines2=\"\"t_UNIT\"\"')")
1387             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, ' lines=&amp;quot;t_UNITTYPE&amp;quot;', ' lines=&amp;quot;t_UNITTYPE&amp;quot; lines2=&amp;quot;t_UNIT&amp;quot;')")
1388             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE parameters SET t_value=replace(t_value, ' lines=&amp;quot;t_UNITTYPE&amp;quot;', ' lines=&amp;quot;t_UNITTYPE&amp;quot; lines2=&amp;quot;t_UNIT&amp;quot;')")
1390             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, ' lines=&quot;t_ACCOUNTTYPE&quot;', ' lines=&quot;t_ACCOUNTTYPE&quot; lines2=&quot;t_ACCOUNT&quot;')")
1391             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, ' lines=\"\"t_ACCOUNTTYPE\"\"', ' lines=\"\"t_ACCOUNTTYPE\"\"  lines2=\"\"t_ACCOUNT\"\"')")
1392             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, ' lines=&amp;quot;t_ACCOUNTTYPE&amp;quot;', ' lines=&amp;quot;t_ACCOUNTTYPE&amp;quot; lines2=&amp;quot;t_ACCOUNT&amp;quot;')")
1393             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE parameters SET t_value=replace(t_value, ' lines=&amp;quot;t_ACCOUNTTYPE&amp;quot;', ' lines=&amp;quot;t_ACCOUNTTYPE&amp;quot; lines2=&amp;quot;t_ACCOUNT&amp;quot;')")
1395             // ============
1396             << QLatin1String("")
1397             << QStringLiteral("4.9")
1398             << QStringLiteral("5.0")
1399             << QStringLiteral("CREATE TABLE budget ("
1400                               "id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,"
1401                               "rc_category_id INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,"
1402                               "f_budgeted FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.0,"
1403                               "i_year INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 2010,"
1404                               "i_month INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 CHECK (i_month>=0 AND i_month<=12)"
1405                               ")")
1406             // ============
1407             << QLatin1String("")
1408             << QStringLiteral("5.0")
1409             << QStringLiteral("5.1")
1410             << QStringLiteral("CREATE TABLE budgetrule ("
1411                               "id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,"
1412                               "rc_category_id INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,"
1413                               "i_year INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 2010,"
1414                               "i_month INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 CHECK (i_month>=0 AND i_month<=12),"
1415                               "i_condition INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 CHECK (i_condition IN (-1,0,1)),"
1416                               "f_quantity FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.0,"
1417                               "t_absolute TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y' CHECK (t_absolute IN ('Y', 'N')),"
1418                               "rc_category_id_target INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,"
1419                               "t_rule TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_rule IN ('N', 'C', 'Y'))"
1420                               ")")
1421             // ============
1422             << QLatin1String("")
1423             << QStringLiteral("5.1")
1424             << QStringLiteral("5.2")
1425             << QStringLiteral("CREATE TABLE budgetcategory("
1426                               "id INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,"
1427                               "id_category INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0)")
1428             // ============
1429             << QLatin1String("")
1430             << QStringLiteral("5.2")
1431             << QStringLiteral("5.3")
1432             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE budget ADD COLUMN f_budgeted_modified FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.0")
1433             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE budget SET f_budgeted_modified=f_budgeted")
1434             // ============
1435             << QLatin1String("")
1436             << QStringLiteral("5.3")
1437             << QStringLiteral("5.4")
1438             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, ' lines=&quot;&quot;', ' lines=&quot;#NOTHING#&quot;')")
1439             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, ' lines=\"\"\"\"', ' lines=\"\"#NOTHING#\"\"')")
1440             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, ' lines=&amp;quot;&amp;quot;', ' lines=&amp;quot;#NOTHING#&amp;quot;')")
1441             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE parameters SET t_value=replace(t_value, ' lines=&amp;quot;&amp;quot;', ' lines=&amp;quot;#NOTHING#&amp;quot;')")
1443             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, ' lines2=&quot;&quot;', ' lines2=&quot;#NOTHING#&quot;')")
1444             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, ' lines2=\"\"\"\"', ' lines2=\"\"#NOTHING#\"\"')")
1445             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, ' lines2=&amp;quot;&amp;quot;', ' lines2=&amp;quot;#NOTHING#&amp;quot;')")
1446             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE parameters SET t_value=replace(t_value, ' lines2=&amp;quot;&amp;quot;', ' lines2=&amp;quot;#NOTHING#&amp;quot;')")
1448             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, ' columns=&quot;&quot;', ' columns=&quot;#NOTHING#&quot;')")
1449             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, ' columns=\"\"\"\"', ' columns=\"\"#NOTHING#\"\"')")
1450             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data, ' columns=&amp;quot;&amp;quot;', ' columns=&amp;quot;#NOTHING#&amp;quot;')")
1451             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE parameters SET t_value=replace(t_value, ' columns=&amp;quot;&amp;quot;', ' columns=&amp;quot;#NOTHING#&amp;quot;')")
1452             // ============
1453             << QLatin1String("")
1454             << QStringLiteral("5.4")
1455             << QStringLiteral("5.5")
1456             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE budgetrule ADD COLUMN t_category_condition TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y' CHECK (t_category_condition IN ('Y', 'N'))")
1457             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE budgetrule ADD COLUMN t_year_condition TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y' CHECK (t_year_condition IN ('Y', 'N'))")
1458             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE budgetrule ADD COLUMN t_month_condition TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y' CHECK (t_month_condition IN ('Y', 'N'))")
1460             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE budgetrule SET t_year_condition='Y'")
1461             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE budgetrule SET t_year_condition='N', i_year=2010 WHERE i_year=0")
1462             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE budgetrule SET t_month_condition='Y'")
1463             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE budgetrule SET t_month_condition='N', i_month=1 WHERE i_month=0")
1464             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE budgetrule SET t_category_condition='Y'")
1465             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE budgetrule SET t_category_condition='N' WHERE rc_category_id=0")
1466             // ============
1467             << QLatin1String("")
1468             << QStringLiteral("5.5")
1469             << QStringLiteral("5.6")
1470             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE budgetrule ADD COLUMN t_category_target TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y' CHECK (t_category_target IN ('Y', 'N'))")
1471             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE budgetrule SET t_category_target='N'")
1472             // ============
1473             << QLatin1String("")
1474             << QStringLiteral("5.6")
1475             << QStringLiteral("5.7")
1476             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE budget ADD COLUMN f_transferred FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.0")
1477             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE budget SET f_transferred=0")
1478             // ============
1479             << QLatin1String("")
1480             << QStringLiteral("5.7")
1481             << QStringLiteral("5.8")
1482             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE budget ADD COLUMN t_including_subcategories TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_including_subcategories IN ('Y', 'N'));")
1483             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE budget SET t_including_subcategories='N'")
1484             // ============
1485             << QLatin1String("")
1486             << QStringLiteral("5.8")
1487             << QStringLiteral("5.9")
1488             << QStringLiteral("DELETE FROM parameters WHERE t_uuid_parent='advices';")
1489             // ============
1490             << QLatin1String("")
1491             << QStringLiteral("5.9")
1492             << QStringLiteral("6.0")
1493             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE category SET t_name=t_name;")
1494             // ============
1495             << QLatin1String("")
1496             << QStringLiteral("6.0")
1497             << QStringLiteral("6.1")
1498             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE node SET t_data=replace(t_data,'t_type', 't_TYPENLS')")
1499             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE parameters SET t_value=replace(t_value, 't_type', 't_TYPENLS') where t_name like '%_DEFAULT_PARAMETERS'")
1500             // ============
1501             << QLatin1String("")
1502             << QStringLiteral("6.1")
1503             << QStringLiteral("6.2")
1504             << QStringLiteral("CREATE TABLE account2("
1505                               "id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,"
1506                               "t_name TEXT NOT NULL,"
1507                               "t_number TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
1508                               "t_agency_number TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
1509                               "t_agency_address TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
1510                               "t_comment TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
1511                               "t_close VARCHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_close IN ('Y', 'N')),"
1512                               "t_type VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'C' CHECK (t_type IN ('C', 'D', 'A', 'I', 'O', 'W')),"
1513                               // C=current D=credit card A=assets (for objects) I=Investment W=Wallet O=other
1514                               "t_bookmarked VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_bookmarked IN ('Y', 'N')),"
1515                               "rd_bank_id INTEGER NOT NULL)")
1516             << QStringLiteral("INSERT INTO account2 (id, t_name, t_number, t_agency_number, t_agency_address, t_comment, t_close, t_type, t_bookmarked, rd_bank_id) "
1517                               "SELECT id, t_name, t_number, t_agency_number, t_agency_address, t_comment, t_close, t_type, t_bookmarked, rd_bank_id FROM account")
1518             << QStringLiteral("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS account")
1519             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE account2 RENAME TO account")
1520             // ============
1521             << QLatin1String("")
1522             << QStringLiteral("6.2")
1523             << QStringLiteral("6.3")
1524             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE suboperation ADD COLUMN t_formula TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '';")
1525             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE suboperation SET t_formula=''")
1526             // ============
1527             << QLatin1String("")
1528             << QStringLiteral("6.3")
1529             << QStringLiteral("6.4")
1530             << QStringLiteral("CREATE TABLE vm_category_display_tmp(  id INT,  t_name TEXT,  t_fullname TEXT,  rd_category_id INT,  i_NBOPERATIONS,  f_REALCURRENTAMOUNT)")
1531             // ============
1532             << QLatin1String("")
1533             << QStringLiteral("6.4")
1534             << QStringLiteral("6.5")
1535             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE category ADD COLUMN t_bookmarked VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_bookmarked IN ('Y', 'N'));")
1536             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE payee ADD COLUMN t_bookmarked VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_bookmarked IN ('Y', 'N'));")
1537             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE category SET t_bookmarked='N'")
1538             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE payee SET t_bookmarked='N'")
1539             // ============
1540             << QLatin1String("")
1541             << QStringLiteral("6.5")
1542             << QStringLiteral("6.6")
1543             << QStringLiteral("CREATE TABLE vm_budget_tmp(  id INT,  rc_category_id INT,  f_budgeted REAL,  i_year INT,  i_month INT,  f_budgeted_modified REAL,  f_transferred REAL,  t_including_subcategories TEXT,  t_CATEGORY,  t_PERIOD,  f_CURRENTAMOUNT,  t_RULES)")
1544             // ============
1545             << QLatin1String("")
1546             << QStringLiteral("6.6")
1547             << QStringLiteral("6.7")
1548             << QStringLiteral("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS vm_category_display_tmp")
1549             << QStringLiteral("CREATE TABLE vm_category_display_tmp(  id INT,  t_name TEXT,  t_fullname TEXT,  rd_category_id INT,  i_NBOPERATIONS,  f_REALCURRENTAMOUNT, t_bookmarked)")
1550             // ============
1551             << QLatin1String("")
1552             << QStringLiteral("6.7")
1553             << QStringLiteral("6.8")
1554             << QStringLiteral("CREATE TABLE recurrentoperation2 ("
1555                               "id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,"
1556                               "d_date DATE NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00',"
1557                               "rd_operation_id INTEGER NOT NULL,"
1558                               "i_period_increment INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 CHECK (i_period_increment>=0),"
1559                               "t_period_unit TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT 'M' CHECK (t_period_unit IN ('D', 'W', 'M', 'Y')),"
1560                               "t_auto_write VARCHAR(1) DEFAULT 'Y' CHECK (t_auto_write IN ('Y', 'N')),"
1561                               "i_auto_write_days INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 5 CHECK (i_auto_write_days>=0),"
1562                               "t_warn VARCHAR(1) DEFAULT 'Y' CHECK (t_warn IN ('Y', 'N')),"
1563                               "i_warn_days INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 5 CHECK (i_warn_days>=0),"
1564                               "t_times VARCHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_times IN ('Y', 'N')),"
1565                               "i_nb_times INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 CHECK (i_nb_times>=0)"
1566                               ")")
1568             << QStringLiteral("INSERT INTO recurrentoperation2 (id,d_date,rd_operation_id,i_period_increment,t_period_unit,t_auto_write,i_auto_write_days,t_warn,i_warn_days,t_times,i_nb_times) "
1569                               "SELECT id,d_date,rd_operation_id,i_period_increment,t_period_unit,t_auto_write,i_auto_write_days,t_warn,i_warn_days,t_times,i_nb_times FROM recurrentoperation")
1571             << QStringLiteral("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS recurrentoperation")
1572             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE recurrentoperation2 RENAME TO recurrentoperation")
1573             // ============
1574             << QLatin1String("")
1575             << QStringLiteral("6.8")
1576             << QStringLiteral("6.9")
1577             << "CREATE TABLE category2 ("
1579             "t_name TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '' CHECK (t_name NOT LIKE '%" % OBJECTSEPARATOR % "%'),"
1580             "t_fullname TEXT,"
1581             "rd_category_id INT,"
1582             "t_bookmarked VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_bookmarked IN ('Y', 'N'))"
1583             ")"
1584             << QStringLiteral("INSERT INTO category2 (id, t_name, t_fullname, rd_category_id, t_bookmarked) "
1585                               "SELECT id, t_name, t_fullname, r_category_id, t_bookmarked FROM category")
1587             << QStringLiteral("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS category")
1588             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE category2 RENAME TO category")
1590             << QStringLiteral("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS vm_category_display_tmp")
1591             << QStringLiteral("CREATE TABLE vm_category_display_tmp(  id INT,  t_name TEXT,  t_fullname TEXT,  rd_category_id INT,  i_NBOPERATIONS,  f_REALCURRENTAMOUNT, t_bookmarked)")
1592             // ============
1593             << QLatin1String("")
1594             << QStringLiteral("6.9")
1595             << QStringLiteral("7.0")
1596             << QStringLiteral("DELETE FROM parameters WHERE t_name LIKE 'SKG_MONTHLY_REPORT_%'")
1597             // ============ SKROOGE 1.0.0 ^^^
1598             << QLatin1String("")
1599             << QStringLiteral("7.0")
1600             << QStringLiteral("7.1")
1601             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE unit ADD COLUMN t_source TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT ''")
1602             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE unit SET t_source=''")
1603             // ============
1604             << QLatin1String("")
1605             << QStringLiteral("7.1")
1606             << QStringLiteral("7.2")
1607             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE unit SET t_source='Yahoo' WHERE t_source='' AND t_internet_code<>''")
1608             // ============
1609             << QLatin1String("")
1610             << QStringLiteral("7.2")
1611             << QStringLiteral("7.3")
1612             << QStringLiteral("CREATE TABLE account2("
1613                               "id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,"
1614                               "t_name TEXT NOT NULL,"
1615                               "t_number TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
1616                               "t_agency_number TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
1617                               "t_agency_address TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
1618                               "t_comment TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
1619                               "t_close VARCHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_close IN ('Y', 'N')),"
1620                               "t_type VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'C' CHECK (t_type IN ('C', 'D', 'A', 'I', 'L', 'W', 'O')),"
1621                               // C=current D=credit card A=assets (for objects) I=Investment W=Wallet L=Loan O=other
1622                               "t_bookmarked VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_bookmarked IN ('Y', 'N')),"
1623                               "rd_bank_id INTEGER NOT NULL)")
1624             << QStringLiteral("INSERT INTO account2 (id, t_name, t_number, t_agency_number, t_agency_address, t_comment, t_close, t_type, t_bookmarked, rd_bank_id) "
1625                               "SELECT id, t_name, t_number, t_agency_number, t_agency_address, t_comment, t_close, t_type, t_bookmarked, rd_bank_id FROM account")
1626             << QStringLiteral("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS account")
1627             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE account2 RENAME TO account")
1628             // ============ SKROOGE 1.1.0 ^^^
1629             << QLatin1String("")
1630             << QStringLiteral("7.3")
1631             << QStringLiteral("7.4")
1632             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE unit ADD COLUMN t_bookmarked VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_bookmarked IN ('Y', 'N'))")
1633             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE unit SET t_bookmarked='N'")
1634             // ============
1635             << QLatin1String("")
1636             << QStringLiteral("7.4")
1637             << QStringLiteral("7.5")
1638             << QStringLiteral("DELETE FROM parameters WHERE t_name LIKE 'SKGOPERATION_%'")
1639             // ============
1640             << QLatin1String("")
1641             << QStringLiteral("7.5")
1642             << QStringLiteral("7.6")
1643             << "CREATE TABLE category2 ("
1645             "t_name TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '' CHECK (t_name NOT LIKE '%" % OBJECTSEPARATOR % "%'),"
1646             "t_fullname TEXT,"
1647             "rd_category_id INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,"
1648             "t_bookmarked VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_bookmarked IN ('Y', 'N'))"
1649             ")"
1650             << QStringLiteral("INSERT INTO category2 (id, t_name, t_fullname, rd_category_id, t_bookmarked) "
1651                               "SELECT id, t_name, t_fullname, (CASE WHEN rd_category_id IS NULL OR rd_category_id='' THEN 0 ELSE rd_category_id END), t_bookmarked FROM category")
1653             << QStringLiteral("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS category")
1654             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE category2 RENAME TO category")
1655             // ============
1656             << QLatin1String("")
1657             << QStringLiteral("7.6")
1658             << QStringLiteral("7.7")
1659             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE operationbalance ADD COLUMN f_balance_entered FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0")
1660             // ============ SKROOGE 1.3.2 ^^^
1661             << QLatin1String("")
1662             << QStringLiteral("7.7")
1663             << QStringLiteral("7.8")
1664             << QStringLiteral("CREATE TABLE account2("
1665                               "id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,"
1666                               "t_name TEXT NOT NULL,"
1667                               "t_number TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
1668                               "t_agency_number TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
1669                               "t_agency_address TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
1670                               "t_comment TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
1671                               "t_close VARCHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_close IN ('Y', 'N')),"
1672                               "t_type VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'C' CHECK (t_type IN ('C', 'D', 'A', 'I', 'L', 'W', 'S', 'O')),"
1673                               // C=current D=credit card A=assets (for objects) I=Investment W=Wallet L=Loan S=Saving O=other
1674                               "t_bookmarked VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_bookmarked IN ('Y', 'N')),"
1675                               "rd_bank_id INTEGER NOT NULL)")
1676             << QStringLiteral("INSERT INTO account2 (id, t_name, t_number, t_agency_number, t_agency_address, t_comment, t_close, t_type, t_bookmarked, rd_bank_id) "
1677                               "SELECT id, t_name, t_number, t_agency_number, t_agency_address, t_comment, t_close, t_type, t_bookmarked, rd_bank_id FROM account")
1678             << QStringLiteral("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS account")
1679             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE account2 RENAME TO account")
1680             // ============
1681             << QLatin1String("")
1682             << QStringLiteral("7.8")
1683             << QStringLiteral("7.9")
1684             << QStringLiteral("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS vm_budget_tmp")
1685             << QStringLiteral("CREATE TABLE vm_budget_tmp(  id INT,  rc_category_id INT,  f_budgeted REAL,  i_year INT,  i_month INT,  f_budgeted_modified REAL,  f_transferred REAL,  t_including_subcategories TEXT,  t_CATEGORY,  t_PERIOD,  f_CURRENTAMOUNT,  t_RULES)")
1686             << QStringLiteral("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS vm_category_display_tmp")
1687             << QStringLiteral("CREATE TABLE vm_category_display_tmp(  id INT,  t_name TEXT,  t_fullname TEXT,  rd_category_id INT,  i_NBOPERATIONS,  f_REALCURRENTAMOUNT, t_bookmarked)")
1688             // ============ SKROOGE 1.3.3 ^^^
1689             << QLatin1String("")
1690             << QStringLiteral("7.9")
1691             << QStringLiteral("8.0")
1692             << QStringLiteral("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS operationbalance")
1693             << QStringLiteral("CREATE TABLE operationbalance("
1694                               "r_operation_id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,"
1695                               "f_balance FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,"
1696                               "f_balance_entered FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0)")
1697             << QLatin1String("")
1698             << QStringLiteral("8.0")
1699             << QStringLiteral("8.1")
1700             << QStringLiteral("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS operationbalance")
1701             << QStringLiteral("CREATE TABLE operationbalance("
1702                               "r_operation_id INTEGER NOT NULL,"
1703                               "f_balance FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,"
1704                               "f_balance_entered FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0)")
1705             // ============ SKROOGE 1.4.0 ^^^
1706             << QLatin1String("")
1707             << QStringLiteral("8.1")
1708             << QStringLiteral("8.2")
1709             << QStringLiteral("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS budgetcategory")
1710             << QStringLiteral("CREATE TABLE budgetsuboperation("
1711                               "id INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,"
1712                               "id_suboperation INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,"
1713                               "i_priority INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0)")
1714             << QLatin1String("")
1715             << QStringLiteral("8.2")
1716             << QStringLiteral("8.3")
1717             << QStringLiteral("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS vm_category_display_tmp")
1718             << QStringLiteral("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS fkdc_category_vm_category_display_tmp_id_rd_category_id")
1719             // ============ SKROOGE 1.7.4 ^^^
1720             << QLatin1String("")
1721             << QStringLiteral("8.3")
1722             << QStringLiteral("8.4")
1723             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE account ADD COLUMN f_maxamount FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 10000.0")
1724             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE account ADD COLUMN t_maxamount_enabled VARCHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_close IN ('Y', 'N'))")
1725             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE account ADD COLUMN f_minamount FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.0")
1726             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE account ADD COLUMN t_minamount_enabled VARCHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_close IN ('Y', 'N'))")
1727             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE account SET f_maxamount=10000.0, t_maxamount_enabled='N', f_minamount=0.0, t_minamount_enabled='N'")
1728             // ============ SKROOGE 1.7.7 ^^^
1729             << QLatin1String("")
1730             << QStringLiteral("8.4")
1731             << QStringLiteral("8.5")
1732             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE account ADD COLUMN d_reconciliationdate DATE")
1733             // ============
1734             << QLatin1String("")
1735             << QStringLiteral("8.5")
1736             << QStringLiteral("8.6")
1737             << QStringLiteral("CREATE TABLE account2("
1738                               "id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,"
1739                               "t_name TEXT NOT NULL,"
1740                               "t_number TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
1741                               "t_agency_number TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
1742                               "t_agency_address TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
1743                               "t_comment TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
1744                               "t_close VARCHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_close IN ('Y', 'N')),"
1745                               "t_type VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'C' CHECK (t_type IN ('C', 'D', 'A', 'I', 'L', 'W', 'S', 'P', 'O')),"
1746                               // C=current D=credit card A=assets (for objects) I=Investment W=Wallet L=Loan S=Saving P=Pension O=other
1747                               "t_bookmarked VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_bookmarked IN ('Y', 'N')),"
1748                               "f_maxamount FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 10000.0,"
1749                               "t_maxamount_enabled VARCHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_close IN ('Y', 'N')),"
1750                               "f_minamount FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.0,"
1751                               "t_minamount_enabled VARCHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_close IN ('Y', 'N')),"
1752                               "d_reconciliationdate DATE,"
1753                               "rd_bank_id INTEGER NOT NULL)")
1754             << QStringLiteral("INSERT INTO account2 (id, t_name, t_number, t_agency_number, t_agency_address, t_comment, t_close, t_type, t_bookmarked, f_maxamount, t_maxamount_enabled, f_minamount, t_minamount_enabled, d_reconciliationdate, rd_bank_id) "
1755                               "SELECT id, t_name, t_number, t_agency_number, t_agency_address, t_comment, t_close, t_type, t_bookmarked, f_maxamount, t_maxamount_enabled, f_minamount, t_minamount_enabled, d_reconciliationdate, rd_bank_id FROM account")
1756             << QStringLiteral("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS account")
1757             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE account2 RENAME TO account")
1758             // ============ SKROOGE 1.8.0 ^^^
1759             << QLatin1String("")
1760             << QStringLiteral("8.6")
1761             << QStringLiteral("8.7")
1762             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE suboperation ADD COLUMN d_date DATE NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00'")
1763             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE suboperation SET d_date=(SELECT d_date FROM operation WHERE")
1764             << QLatin1String("")
1765             << QStringLiteral("8.7")
1766             << QStringLiteral("8.8")
1767             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE rule SET t_action_definition=replace(t_action_definition, '\"d_date\"', '\"d_DATEOP\"') WHERE t_action_definition like '%\"d_date\"%'")
1768             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE rule SET t_definition=replace(t_definition, '\"d_date\"', '\"d_DATEOP\"') WHERE t_definition like '%\"d_date\"%'")
1769             // ============ SKROOGE 1.9.0 ^^^
1770             << QLatin1String("")
1771             << QStringLiteral("8.8")
1772             << QStringLiteral("8.9")
1773             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE suboperation ADD COLUMN i_order INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0")
1774             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE suboperation SET i_order=id")
1775             << QLatin1String("")
1776             << QStringLiteral("8.9")
1777             << QStringLiteral("9.0")
1778             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE account ADD COLUMN r_account_id INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0")
1779             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE account SET r_account_id=0")
1780             << QLatin1String("")
1781             << QStringLiteral("9.0")
1782             << QStringLiteral("9.1")
1783             << QStringLiteral("CREATE TABLE rule2 ("
1784                               "id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,"
1785                               "t_description TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
1786                               "t_definition TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
1787                               "t_action_description TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
1788                               "t_action_definition TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
1789                               "t_action_type VARCHAR(1) DEFAULT 'S' CHECK (t_action_type IN ('S', 'U', 'A', 'T')),"
1790                               "t_bookmarked VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_bookmarked IN ('Y', 'N')),"
1791                               "f_sortorder FLOAT"
1792                               ")")
1793             << QStringLiteral("INSERT INTO rule2 (id, t_description, t_definition, t_action_description, t_action_definition, t_action_type, t_bookmarked,f_sortorder) SELECT id, t_description, t_definition, t_action_description, t_action_definition, t_action_type, t_bookmarked,f_sortorder FROM rule")
1794             << QStringLiteral("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS rule")
1795             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE rule2 RENAME TO rule")
1796             << QLatin1String("")
1797             << QStringLiteral("9.1")
1798             << QStringLiteral("9.2")
1799             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE parameters SET t_value=replace(t_value, ' limitVisible=&amp;amp;quot;Y&amp;amp;quot; ', ' limitVisible=&amp;amp;quot;Y&amp;amp;quot; averageVisible=&amp;amp;quot;Y&amp;amp;quot; ')")
1800             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE parameters SET t_value=replace(t_value, ' limitVisible=&amp;amp;quot;N&amp;amp;quot; ', ' limitVisible=&amp;amp;quot;N&amp;amp;quot; averageVisible=&amp;amp;quot;N&amp;amp;quot; ')")
1801             << QLatin1String("")
1802             << QStringLiteral("9.2")
1803             << QStringLiteral("9.3")
1804             << QStringLiteral("CREATE TABLE operation2 ("
1805                               "id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,"
1806                               "i_group_id INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,"
1807                               "i_number INTEGER DEFAULT 0 CHECK (i_number>=0),"
1808                               "d_date DATE NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00',"
1809                               "d_createdate DATE NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,"
1810                               "rd_account_id INTEGER NOT NULL,"
1811                               "t_mode TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
1812                               "r_payee_id INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,"
1813                               "t_comment TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
1814                               "rc_unit_id INTEGER NOT NULL,"
1815                               "t_status VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_status IN ('N', 'P', 'Y')),"
1816                               "t_bookmarked VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_bookmarked IN ('Y', 'N')),"
1817                               "t_imported VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_imported IN ('Y', 'N', 'P', 'T')),"
1818                               "t_template VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_template IN ('Y', 'N')),"
1819                               "t_import_id TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
1820                               "i_tmp INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,"
1821                               "r_recurrentoperation_id INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0)")
1822             << QStringLiteral("INSERT INTO operation2 (id, i_group_id, i_number, d_date, d_createdate, rd_account_id, t_mode, r_payee_id, t_comment,"
1823                               "rc_unit_id, t_status, t_bookmarked, t_imported, t_template, t_import_id, i_tmp, r_recurrentoperation_id) "
1824                               "SELECT id, i_group_id, i_number, d_date, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, rd_account_id, t_mode, r_payee_id, t_comment,"
1825                               "rc_unit_id, t_status, t_bookmarked, t_imported, t_template, t_import_id, i_tmp, r_recurrentoperation_id FROM operation")
1826             << QStringLiteral("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS operation")
1827             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE operation2 RENAME TO operation")
1828             << QLatin1String("")
1829             << QStringLiteral("9.3")
1830             << QStringLiteral("9.4")
1831             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE rule SET t_definition=replace(t_definition,'#ATT#>=#V1# AND #ATT#&lt;=#V2#','((#ATT#>=#V1# AND #ATT#&lt;=#V2#) OR (#ATT#>=#V2# AND #ATT#&lt;=#V1#))')")
1832             << QLatin1String("")
1833             << QStringLiteral("9.4")
1834             << QStringLiteral("9.5")
1835             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE account ADD COLUMN f_importbalance FLOAT")
1836             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE account SET f_importbalance=NULL")
1837             // ============ SKROOGE 2.4.0 ^^^
1838             << QLatin1String("")
1839             << QStringLiteral("9.5")
1840             << QStringLiteral("9.6")
1841             << QStringLiteral("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS vm_budget_tmp(  id INT,  rc_category_id INT,  f_budgeted REAL,  i_year INT,  i_month INT,  f_budgeted_modified REAL,  f_transferred REAL,  t_including_subcategories TEXT,  t_CATEGORY,  t_PERIOD,  f_CURRENTAMOUNT,  t_RULES)")
1842             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE budgetrule ADD COLUMN f_sortorder FLOAT")
1843             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE budgetrule SET f_sortorder=id WHERE f_sortorder IS NULL OR f_sortorder=''")
1844             << QLatin1String("")
1845             << QStringLiteral("9.6")
1846             << QStringLiteral("9.7")
1847             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE budget ADD COLUMN t_modification_reasons TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT ''")
1848             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE budget SET t_modification_reasons=''")
1849             // ============ SKROOGE 2.8.1 ^^^
1850             << QLatin1String("")
1851             << QStringLiteral("9.7")
1852             << QStringLiteral("9.8")
1853             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE operation SET d_createdate=d_date WHERE d_createdate=''")
1854             // ============ SKROOGE 2.9.0 ^^^
1855             << QLatin1String("")
1856             << QStringLiteral("9.8")
1857             << QStringLiteral("9.9")
1858             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE payee ADD r_category_id INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0")
1859             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE payee SET r_category_id=0")
1860             << QLatin1String("")
1861             << QStringLiteral("9.9")
1862             << QStringLiteral("10.0")
1863             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE payee ADD t_close VARCHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_close IN ('Y', 'N'))")
1864             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE payee SET t_close='N'")
1865             << QLatin1String("")
1866             << QStringLiteral("10.0")
1867             << QStringLiteral("10.1")
1868             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE category ADD t_close VARCHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_close IN ('Y', 'N'))")
1869             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE category SET t_close='N'")
1870             // ============ SKROOGE 2.11.0 ^^^
1871             << QLatin1String("")
1872             << QStringLiteral("10.1")
1873             << QStringLiteral("10.2")
1874             << QStringLiteral("CREATE TABLE operation2("
1875                               "id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,"
1876                               "i_group_id INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,"
1877                               "t_number TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
1878                               "d_date DATE NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00',"
1879                               "d_createdate DATE NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,"
1880                               "rd_account_id INTEGER NOT NULL,"
1881                               "t_mode TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
1882                               "r_payee_id INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,"
1883                               "t_comment TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
1884                               "rc_unit_id INTEGER NOT NULL,"
1885                               "t_status VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_status IN ('N', 'P', 'Y')),"
1886                               "t_bookmarked VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_bookmarked IN ('Y', 'N')),"
1887                               "t_imported VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_imported IN ('Y', 'N', 'P', 'T')),"
1888                               "t_template VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_template IN ('Y', 'N')),"
1889                               "t_import_id TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
1890                               "i_tmp INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,"
1891                               "r_recurrentoperation_id INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0)")
1892             << QStringLiteral("INSERT INTO operation2 (id, i_group_id, t_number, d_date, d_createdate, rd_account_id, t_mode, r_payee_id, t_comment,"
1893                               "rc_unit_id, t_status, t_bookmarked, t_imported, t_template, t_import_id, i_tmp, r_recurrentoperation_id) "
1894                               "SELECT id, i_group_id, (CASE WHEN i_number=0 OR i_number IS NULL THEN '' ELSE i_number END), d_date, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, rd_account_id, t_mode, r_payee_id, t_comment,"
1895                               "rc_unit_id, t_status, t_bookmarked, t_imported, t_template, t_import_id, i_tmp, r_recurrentoperation_id FROM operation")
1896             << QStringLiteral("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS operation")
1897             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE operation2 RENAME TO operation")
1898             << QLatin1String("")
1899             << QStringLiteral("10.2")
1900             << QStringLiteral("10.3")
1901             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE rule SET t_definition=replace(t_definition, 'i_number', 't_number')")
1902             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE rule SET t_action_definition=replace(t_action_definition, 'i_number', 't_number')")
1903             // ============ SKROOGE 2.11.0 ^^^
1904             << QLatin1String("")
1905             << QStringLiteral("10.3")
1906             << QStringLiteral("10.4")
1907             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE account ADD COLUMN f_reconciliationbalance FLOAT")
1908             << QStringLiteral("UPDATE account SET f_reconciliationbalance=NULL")
1909             // ============ SKROOGE 2.13.0 ^^^
1910             << QLatin1String("")
1911             << QStringLiteral("10.4")
1912             << QStringLiteral("10.5")
1913             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE account ADD COLUMN d_importdate DATE")
1914             // ============ SKROOGE 2.26.0 ^^^
1915             << QLatin1String("")
1916             << QStringLiteral("10.5")
1917             << QStringLiteral("10.6")
1918             << QStringLiteral("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS unitvalue3")
1919             << QStringLiteral("CREATE TABLE unitvalue3("
1920                               "id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,"
1921                               "rd_unit_id INTEGER NOT NULL,"
1922                               "d_date DATE NOT NULL,"
1923                               "f_quantity FLOAT NOT NULL)")
1924             << QStringLiteral("INSERT INTO unitvalue3 (id,rd_unit_id,d_date,f_quantity) SELECT id,rd_unit_id,d_date,f_quantity FROM unitvalue")
1925             << QStringLiteral("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS unitvalue")
1926             << QStringLiteral("ALTER TABLE unitvalue3 RENAME TO unitvalue");
1928     return migrationSteps;
1929 }
1931 SKGError SKGDocumentBank::migrate(bool& oMigrationDone)
1932 {
1933     SKGError err;
1934     SKGTRACEINFUNCRC(5, err)
1935     oMigrationDone = false;
1936     QStringList migrationSteps = getMigationSteps();
1938     {
1939         int nbSteps = migrationSteps.count();
1940         SKGBEGINPROGRESSTRANSACTION(*this, "#INTERNAL#" % i18nc("Progression step", "Migrate document"), err, 5)
1941         IFOK(err) {
1942             QString version = getParameter(QStringLiteral("SKG_DB_BANK_VERSION"));
1943             QString initialversion = version;
1944             QString lastversion = QStringLiteral("10.6");
1945             if (version.isEmpty()) {
1946                 SKGTRACEL(10) << "Initial creation" << SKGENDL;
1947                 /**
1948                  * This constant is used to initialized the data model.
1949                  * Rules for attribute name:
1950                  *    t_xxx for TEXT and VARCHAR
1951                  *    d_xxx for DATE
1952                  *    f_xxx for FLOAT
1953                  *    i_xxx for INTEGER
1954                  *    r_xxx for a link without constraint
1955                  *    rc_pointed_table_pointed_attribute_xxx for link on other an object in named "pointed_table" with "pointed_attribute"=id of pointing object
1956                  *                                       a constraint will be created without DELETE CASCADE
1957                  *    rd_pointed_table_pointed_attribute_xxx for link on other an object in named "pointed_table" with "pointed_attribute"=id of pointing object
1958                  *                                       a constraint will be created with DELETE CASCADE
1959                  *    xxx must be in lower case for R/W attributes and in upper case for R/O attributes
1960                  * Rules for table name:
1961                  *    v_yyy for views
1962                  */
1963                 QStringList BankInitialDataModel;
1964                 BankInitialDataModel
1965                 // ==================================================================
1966                 // Table unit
1967                         << QStringLiteral("CREATE TABLE unit("
1968                                           "id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,"
1969                                           "t_name TEXT NOT NULL,"
1970                                           "t_symbol TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
1971                                           "t_country TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
1972                                           "t_type VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'C' CHECK (t_type IN ('1', '2', 'C', 'S', 'I', 'O')),"
1973                                           // 1=main currency, 2=secondary currency, C=currencies S=share, I=index, O=object
1974                                           "t_internet_code TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
1975                                           "i_nbdecimal INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 2,"
1976                                           "rd_unit_id INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,"
1977                                           "t_source TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
1978                                           "t_bookmarked VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_bookmarked IN ('Y', 'N'))"
1979                                           ")")
1981                         // ==================================================================
1982                         // Table unitvalue
1983                         << QStringLiteral("CREATE TABLE unitvalue("
1984                                           "id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,"
1985                                           "rd_unit_id INTEGER NOT NULL,"
1986                                           "d_date DATE NOT NULL,"
1987                                           "f_quantity FLOAT NOT NULL)")
1989                         // ==================================================================
1990                         // Table bank
1991                         << QStringLiteral("CREATE TABLE bank ("
1992                                           "id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,"
1993                                           "t_name TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
1994                                           "t_bank_number TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
1995                                           "t_icon TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '')")
1997                         // ==================================================================
1998                         // Table account
1999                         << QStringLiteral("CREATE TABLE account("
2000                                           "id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,"
2001                                           "t_name TEXT NOT NULL,"
2002                                           "t_number TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
2003                                           "t_agency_number TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
2004                                           "t_agency_address TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
2005                                           "t_comment TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
2006                                           "t_close VARCHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_close IN ('Y', 'N')),"
2007                                           "t_type VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'C' CHECK (t_type IN ('C', 'D', 'A', 'I', 'L', 'W', 'S', 'P', 'O')),"
2008                                           // C=current D=credit card A=assets (for objects) I=Investment W=Wallet L=Loan S=Saving P=Pension O=other
2009                                           "t_bookmarked VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_bookmarked IN ('Y', 'N')),"
2010                                           "f_maxamount FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 10000.0,"
2011                                           "t_maxamount_enabled VARCHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_close IN ('Y', 'N')),"
2012                                           "f_minamount FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.0,"
2013                                           "t_minamount_enabled VARCHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_close IN ('Y', 'N')),"
2014                                           "d_importdate DATE,"
2015                                           "f_importbalance FLOAT,"
2016                                           "d_reconciliationdate DATE,"
2017                                           "f_reconciliationbalance FLOAT,"
2018                                           "r_account_id INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,"
2019                                           "rd_bank_id INTEGER NOT NULL)")
2021                         // ==================================================================
2022                         // Table interest
2023                         << QStringLiteral("CREATE TABLE interest("
2024                                           "id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,"
2025                                           "rd_account_id INTEGER NOT NULL,"
2026                                           "d_date DATE NOT NULL,"
2027                                           "f_rate FLOAT NOT NULL CHECK (f_rate>=0),"
2028                                           "t_income_value_date_mode VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'F' CHECK (t_income_value_date_mode IN ('F', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5')),"
2029                                           "t_expenditure_value_date_mode VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'F' CHECK (t_expenditure_value_date_mode IN ('F', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5')),"
2030                                           "t_base VARCHAR(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT '24' CHECK (t_base IN ('24', '360', '365'))"
2031                                           ")")
2033                         // ==================================================================
2034                         // Table category
2035                         << "CREATE TABLE category ("
2036                         "id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,"
2037                         "t_name TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '' CHECK (t_name NOT LIKE '%" % OBJECTSEPARATOR % "%'),"
2038                         "t_fullname TEXT,"
2039                         "t_close VARCHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_close IN ('Y', 'N')),"
2040                         "rd_category_id INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,"
2041                         "t_bookmarked VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_bookmarked IN ('Y', 'N'))"
2042                         ")"
2044                         // ==================================================================
2045                         // Table operation
2046                         << QStringLiteral("CREATE TABLE operation("
2047                                           "id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,"
2048                                           "i_group_id INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,"
2049                                           "t_number TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
2050                                           "d_date DATE NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00',"
2051                                           "d_createdate DATE NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,"
2052                                           "rd_account_id INTEGER NOT NULL,"
2053                                           "t_mode TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
2054                                           "r_payee_id INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,"
2055                                           "t_comment TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
2056                                           "rc_unit_id INTEGER NOT NULL,"
2057                                           "t_status VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_status IN ('N', 'P', 'Y')),"
2058                                           "t_bookmarked VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_bookmarked IN ('Y', 'N')),"
2059                                           "t_imported VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_imported IN ('Y', 'N', 'P', 'T')),"
2060                                           "t_template VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_template IN ('Y', 'N')),"
2061                                           "t_import_id TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
2062                                           "i_tmp INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,"
2063                                           "r_recurrentoperation_id INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0)")
2065                         << QStringLiteral("CREATE TABLE operationbalance("
2066                                           "r_operation_id INTEGER NOT NULL,"
2067                                           "f_balance FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,"
2068                                           "f_balance_entered FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0)")
2070                         // ==================================================================
2071                         // Table refund
2072                         << QStringLiteral("CREATE TABLE refund ("
2073                                           "id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,"
2074                                           "t_name TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
2075                                           "t_comment TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
2076                                           "t_close VARCHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_close IN ('Y', 'N')))")
2078                         // ==================================================================
2079                         // Table payee
2080                         << QStringLiteral("CREATE TABLE payee ("
2081                                           "id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,"
2082                                           "t_name TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
2083                                           "t_address TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
2084                                           "t_bookmarked VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_bookmarked IN ('Y', 'N')),"
2085                                           "t_close VARCHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_close IN ('Y', 'N')),"
2086                                           "r_category_id INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"
2087                                           ")")
2089                         // ==================================================================
2090                         // Table suboperation
2091                         << QStringLiteral("CREATE TABLE suboperation("
2092                                           "id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,"
2093                                           "d_date DATE NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00',"
2094                                           "t_comment TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
2095                                           "rd_operation_id INTEGER NOT NULL,"
2096                                           "r_category_id INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,"
2097                                           "f_value FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.0,"
2098                                           "t_formula TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
2099                                           "i_tmp INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,"
2100                                           "r_refund_id INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,"
2101                                           "i_order INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"
2102                                           ")")
2104                         // ==================================================================
2105                         // Table recurrentoperation
2106                         << QStringLiteral("CREATE TABLE recurrentoperation ("
2107                                           "id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,"
2108                                           "d_date DATE NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00',"
2109                                           "rd_operation_id INTEGER NOT NULL,"
2110                                           "i_period_increment INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 CHECK (i_period_increment>=0),"
2111                                           "t_period_unit TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT 'M' CHECK (t_period_unit IN ('D', 'W', 'M', 'Y')),"
2112                                           "t_auto_write VARCHAR(1) DEFAULT 'Y' CHECK (t_auto_write IN ('Y', 'N')),"
2113                                           "i_auto_write_days INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 5 CHECK (i_auto_write_days>=0),"
2114                                           "t_warn VARCHAR(1) DEFAULT 'Y' CHECK (t_warn IN ('Y', 'N')),"
2115                                           "i_warn_days INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 5 CHECK (i_warn_days>=0),"
2116                                           "t_times VARCHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_times IN ('Y', 'N')),"
2117                                           "i_nb_times INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 CHECK (i_nb_times>=0)"
2118                                           ")")
2120                         // ==================================================================
2121                         // Table rule
2122                         << QStringLiteral("CREATE TABLE rule ("
2123                                           "id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,"
2124                                           "t_description TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
2125                                           "t_definition TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
2126                                           "t_action_description TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
2127                                           "t_action_definition TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
2128                                           "t_action_type VARCHAR(1) DEFAULT 'S' CHECK (t_action_type IN ('S', 'U', 'A', 'T')),"
2129                                           "t_bookmarked VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_bookmarked IN ('Y', 'N')),"
2130                                           "f_sortorder FLOAT"
2131                                           ")")
2133                         // ==================================================================
2134                         // Table budget
2135                         << QStringLiteral("CREATE TABLE budget ("
2136                                           "id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,"
2137                                           "rc_category_id INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,"
2138                                           "t_including_subcategories TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_including_subcategories IN ('Y', 'N')),"
2139                                           "f_budgeted FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.0,"
2140                                           "f_budgeted_modified FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.0,"
2141                                           "t_modification_reasons TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',"
2142                                           "f_transferred FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.0,"
2143                                           "i_year INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 2010,"
2144                                           "i_month INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 CHECK (i_month>=0 AND i_month<=12)"
2145                                           ")")
2147                         << QStringLiteral("CREATE TABLE budgetsuboperation("
2148                                           "id INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,"
2149                                           "id_suboperation INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,"
2150                                           "i_priority INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0)")
2152                         << QStringLiteral("CREATE TABLE budgetrule ("
2153                                           "id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,"
2154                                           "rc_category_id INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,"
2155                                           "t_category_condition TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y' CHECK (t_category_condition IN ('Y', 'N')),"
2156                                           "t_year_condition TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y' CHECK (t_year_condition IN ('Y', 'N')),"
2157                                           "i_year INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 2010,"
2158                                           "i_month INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 CHECK (i_month>=0 AND i_month<=12),"
2159                                           "t_month_condition TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y' CHECK (t_month_condition IN ('Y', 'N')),"
2160                                           "i_condition INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 CHECK (i_condition IN (-1,0,1)),"
2161                                           "f_quantity FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.0,"
2162                                           "t_absolute TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y' CHECK (t_absolute IN ('Y', 'N')),"
2163                                           "rc_category_id_target INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,"
2164                                           "t_category_target TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y' CHECK (t_category_target IN ('Y', 'N')),"
2165                                           "t_rule TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N' CHECK (t_rule IN ('N', 'C', 'Y')),"
2166                                           "f_sortorder FLOAT"
2167                                           ")")
2169                         << QStringLiteral("CREATE TABLE vm_budget_tmp("
2170                                           "id INT,"
2171                                           "rc_category_id INT,"
2172                                           "f_budgeted REAL,"
2173                                           "i_year INT,"
2174                                           "i_month INT,"
2175                                           "f_budgeted_modified REAL,"
2176                                           "t_modification_reasons TEXT,"
2177                                           "f_transferred REAL,"
2178                                           "t_including_subcategories TEXT,"
2179                                           "t_CATEGORY TEXT,"
2180                                           "t_PERIOD TEXT,"
2181                                           "f_CURRENTAMOUNT REAL,"
2182                                           "t_RULES TEXT)");
2184                 IFOKDO(err, this->executeSqliteOrders(BankInitialDataModel))
2186                 // Set new version
2187                 version = lastversion;
2188                 IFOKDO(err, SKGDocument::setParameter(QStringLiteral("SKG_DB_BANK_VERSION"), version))
2189             }
2191             if (!err && SKGServices::stringToDouble(version) > SKGServices::stringToDouble(lastversion)) {
2192                 err = SKGError(ERR_ABORT, i18nc("Error message", "Impossible to load a document generated by a more recent version"));
2193             }
2195             IFOK(err) {
2196                 QString v1;
2197                 QString v2;
2198                 bool computeCaches = false;
2199                 for (int i = 0; !err && i < nbSteps; ++i) {
2200                     if ( {
2201                         ++i;
2202                         v1 =;
2203                         ++i;
2204                         v2 =;
2205                         if (version == v1) {
2206                             SKGTRACEL(10) << "Migration from " << v1 << " to " << v2 << SKGENDL;
2207                             for (int j = i + 1; !err && j < nbSteps; ++j) {
2208                                 const QString& sql =;
2209                                 if (!sql.isEmpty()) {
2210                                     ++i;
2211                                     IFOKDO(err, this->executeSqliteOrder(sql))
2212                                 } else {
2213                                     break;
2214                                 }
2215                             }
2217                             if (v1 == QStringLiteral("4.7") ||
2218                                 v1 == QStringLiteral("5.1") ||
2219                                 v1 == QStringLiteral("5.7") ||
2220                                 v1 == QStringLiteral("5.9") ||
2221                                 v1 == QStringLiteral("8.0") ||
2222                                 v1 == QStringLiteral("8.1") ||
2223                                 v1 == QStringLiteral("10.0") ||
2224                                 v1 == QStringLiteral("10.5")) {
2225                                 computeCaches = true;
2226                             }
2228                             // Set new version
2229                             version = v2;
2230                             IFOKDO(err, SKGDocument::setParameter(QStringLiteral("SKG_DB_BANK_VERSION"), version))
2231                             oMigrationDone = true;
2232                         }
2233                     }
2234                 }
2235                 IFOKDO(err, stepForward(1, i18nc("Progression step", "Refresh views")))
2237                 if (!err && computeCaches) {
2238                     err = refreshViewsIndexesAndTriggers(v1 == QStringLiteral("10.5"));
2239                     IFOKDO(err, stepForward(2, i18nc("Progression step", "Computation of balances")))
2240                     IFOKDO(err, computeBalances())
2241                     IFOKDO(err, stepForward(3, i18nc("Progression step", "Computation of budgets")))
2242                     IFOKDO(err, computeBudgetSuboperationLinks())
2243                     IFOKDO(err, stepForward(4))
2244                 }
2246                 IFOK(err) {
2247                     bool mig = false;
2248                     err = SKGDocument::migrate(mig);
2249                     oMigrationDone = oMigrationDone || mig;
2250                 } else {
2251                     err.addError(ERR_FAIL, i18nc("Error message: Could not perform database migration", "Database migration from version %1 to version %2 failed", initialversion, version));
2252                 }
2253                 IFOKDO(err, stepForward(5))
2254             }
2255         }
2256     }
2258     return err;
2259 }
2261 SKGError SKGDocumentBank::dump(int iMode) const
2262 {
2263     SKGError err;
2264     if (Q_LIKELY(getMainDatabase())) {
2265         // dump parameters
2267         err = SKGDocument::dump(iMode);
2269         if ((iMode & DUMPUNIT) != 0) {
2270             SKGTRACE << "=== DUMPUNIT (UNITS))===" << SKGENDL;
2271             err.addError(dumpSelectSqliteOrder(QStringLiteral("SELECT * FROM v_unit_display ORDER BY id")));
2273             SKGTRACE << "=== DUMPUNIT (VALUES) ===" << SKGENDL;
2274             err.addError(dumpSelectSqliteOrder(QStringLiteral("SELECT * FROM v_unitvalue_display ORDER BY rd_unit_id, d_date")));
2275         }
2277         if ((iMode & DUMPACCOUNT) != 0) {
2278             SKGTRACE << "=== DUMPACCOUNT (BANKS) ===" << SKGENDL;
2279             err.addError(dumpSelectSqliteOrder(QStringLiteral("SELECT * FROM v_bank ORDER BY id")));
2281             SKGTRACE << "=== DUMPACCOUNT (ACCOUNTS) ===" << SKGENDL;
2282             err.addError(dumpSelectSqliteOrder(QStringLiteral("SELECT * FROM v_account_display ORDER BY rd_bank_id, id")));
2283         }
2285         if ((iMode & DUMPOPERATION) != 0) {
2286             SKGTRACE << "=== DUMPOPERATION (OPERATIONS) ===" << SKGENDL;
2287             err.addError(dumpSelectSqliteOrder(QStringLiteral("SELECT * FROM v_operation_display_all ORDER BY id")));
2290             err.addError(dumpSelectSqliteOrder(QStringLiteral("SELECT * FROM v_suboperation_display ORDER BY rd_operation_id, id")));
2292             SKGTRACE << "=== DUMPOPERATION (RECURRENT) ===" << SKGENDL;
2293             err.addError(dumpSelectSqliteOrder(QStringLiteral("SELECT * FROM v_recurrentoperation ORDER BY rd_operation_id, id")));
2295             SKGTRACE << "=== DUMPOPERATION (TRACKER) ===" << SKGENDL;
2296             err.addError(dumpSelectSqliteOrder(QStringLiteral("SELECT * FROM v_refund ORDER BY id")));
2297         }
2299         if ((iMode & DUMPPAYEE) != 0) {
2300             SKGTRACE << "=== DUMPOPERATION (PAYEE) ===" << SKGENDL;
2301             err.addError(dumpSelectSqliteOrder(QStringLiteral("SELECT * FROM v_payee ORDER BY id")));
2302         }
2304         if ((iMode & DUMPCATEGORY) != 0) {
2305             SKGTRACE << "=== DUMPCATEGORY ===" << SKGENDL;
2306             err.addError(dumpSelectSqliteOrder(QStringLiteral("SELECT * FROM v_category_display ORDER BY rd_category_id, id")));
2307         }
2309         if ((iMode & DUMPBUDGET) != 0) {
2310             SKGTRACE << "=== DUMPBUDGET (BUDGET) ===" << SKGENDL;
2311             err.addError(dumpSelectSqliteOrder(QStringLiteral("SELECT * FROM v_budget_display ORDER BY t_PERIOD")));
2313             SKGTRACE << "=== DUMPBUDGET (RULES) ===" << SKGENDL;
2314             err.addError(dumpSelectSqliteOrder(QStringLiteral("SELECT * FROM v_budgetrule_display ORDER BY t_absolute DESC, id")));
2315         }
2317         SKGTRACE << "=== END DUMP BANK DOCUMENT ===" << SKGENDL;
2318     }
2320     return err;
2321 }
2323 SKGError SKGDocumentBank::addOrModifyUnitValue(const QString& iUnitName, QDate iDate, double iValue, SKGUnitValueObject* oValue) const
2324 {
2325     SKGError err;
2326     SKGTRACEINFUNCRC(10, err)
2328     // Creation or update of the unit
2329     bool insertOrUpdate = true;
2330     SKGUnitObject unit(const_cast<SKGDocumentBank*>(this));
2331     err = unit.setName(iUnitName);
2332     IFOKDO(err, unit.setSymbol(iUnitName))
2333     if (!unit.exist()) {
2334         insertOrUpdate = false;
2335         IFOKDO(err,
2336     } else {
2337         err = unit.load();
2338     }
2340     // Creation or update of the value
2341     SKGUnitValueObject value;
2342     IFOKDO(err, unit.addUnitValue(value))
2343     IFOKDO(err, value.setDate(iDate))
2344     IFOKDO(err, value.setQuantity(iValue))
2345     IFOKDO(err,
2347     if (oValue != nullptr) {
2348         *oValue = value;
2349     }
2351     // Add error if needed
2352     IFKO(err) err.addError(ERR_FAIL, i18nc("Error message",  "Transaction '%1' on '%2' failed", QStringLiteral("SKGDocumentBank::addOrModifyUnitValue"),
2353                                            iUnitName % " / " % SKGServices::dateToSqlString(iDate) % " / " % SKGServices::doubleToString(iValue)));
2354     return err;
2355 }
2357 SKGServices::SKGUnitInfo SKGDocumentBank::getPrimaryUnit() const
2358 {
2359     SKGServices::SKGUnitInfo output;
2361     output.Name = getCachedValue(QStringLiteral("primaryUnitCache"));
2362     if (output.Name.isEmpty()) {
2363         this->refreshCache(QStringLiteral("unit"));
2364         output.Name = getCachedValue(QStringLiteral("primaryUnitCache"));
2365     }
2366     output.Value = 1;
2367     output.Symbol = getCachedValue(QStringLiteral("primaryUnitSymbolCache"));
2368     output.NbDecimal = SKGServices::stringToInt(getCachedValue(QStringLiteral("primaryUnitDecimalCache")));
2370     return output;
2371 }
2373 SKGServices::SKGUnitInfo SKGDocumentBank::getSecondaryUnit() const
2374 {
2375     SKGServices::SKGUnitInfo output;
2377     output.Name = getCachedValue(QStringLiteral("secondaryUnitCache"));
2378     if (output.Name.isEmpty()) {
2379         this->refreshCache(QStringLiteral("unit"));
2380         output.Name = getCachedValue(QStringLiteral("secondaryUnitCache"));
2381     }
2382     output.Symbol = getCachedValue(QStringLiteral("secondaryUnitSymbolCache"));
2383     output.Value = SKGServices::stringToDouble(getCachedValue(QStringLiteral("secondaryUnitValueCache")));
2384     output.NbDecimal = SKGServices::stringToInt(getCachedValue(QStringLiteral("secondaryUnitDecimalCache")));
2386     return output;
2387 }
2389 QString SKGDocumentBank::formatPrimaryMoney(double iValue, int iForcedNbOfDigit) const
2390 {
2391     auto unit = getPrimaryUnit();
2392     if (iForcedNbOfDigit != -1) {
2393         unit.NbDecimal = iForcedNbOfDigit;
2394     }
2395     return formatMoney(iValue, unit, false);
2396 }
2398 QString SKGDocumentBank::formatSecondaryMoney(double iValue, int iForcedNbOfDigit) const
2399 {
2400     auto unit = getSecondaryUnit();
2401     if (iForcedNbOfDigit != -1) {
2402         unit.NbDecimal = iForcedNbOfDigit;
2403     }
2404     return formatMoney(iValue, unit, false);
2405 }
2407 QString SKGDocumentBank::getCategoryForPayee(const QString& iPayee, bool iComputeAllPayees) const
2408 {
2410     QString output;
2411     QString key = "categoryForPayee-" + iPayee;
2412     output = getCachedValue(key);
2413     if (output.isEmpty()) {
2414         QString sql = "SELECT * FROM (SELECT 9999, t_name, t_CATEGORY FROM v_payee WHERE t_CATEGORY!='' UNION "
2415                       "SELECT COUNT(1), t_name, t_CATEGORY from (SELECT payee.t_name, t_CATEGORY FROM payee, v_suboperation_display sop, v_operation op WHERE AND sop.rd_operation_id=op.ID) GROUP BY t_name, t_CATEGORY) ORDER BY 2, 1 DESC";
2416         if (!iComputeAllPayees) {
2417             sql = "SELECT 9999, t_name, t_CATEGORY FROM v_payee WHERE t_name='" % SKGServices::stringToSqlString(iPayee) % "' AND t_CATEGORY!='' "
2418                   "UNION ALL SELECT COUNT(1),t_PAYEE, t_REALCATEGORY FROM (SELECT t_PAYEE, t_REALCATEGORY, d_date FROM v_suboperation_consolidated "
2419                   "WHERE t_PAYEE='" % SKGServices::stringToSqlString(iPayee) % "' ORDER BY d_date DESC LIMIT 50) GROUP BY t_REALCATEGORY ORDER BY COUNT(1) DESC";
2420         }
2421         SKGStringListList result;
2422         executeSelectSqliteOrder(sql, result);
2423         int nb = result.count();
2424         if (nb >= 1) {
2425             QString currentComputeKey;
2426             QString currentCat;
2427             int currentCount = 0;
2428             int sum = 0;
2429             for (int i = 1 ; i < nb; ++i) {
2430                 int count = SKGServices::stringToInt(;
2431                 QString newComputeKey = "categoryForPayee-" +;
2432                 if (newComputeKey != currentComputeKey) {
2433                     // The computed key change
2434                     if (!currentComputeKey.isEmpty()) {
2435                         // Store the automatic category of the key
2436                         if (sum > 0 && 100 * currentCount / sum > 70) {
2437                             addValueInCache(currentComputeKey, currentCat);
2438                             if (currentComputeKey == key) {
2439                                 output = currentCat;
2440                             }
2441                         }
2442                     }
2444                     // Start to compute the new sum and keep this category
2445                     currentCount = count;
2446                     currentCat =;
2447                     currentComputeKey = newComputeKey;
2449                     sum = count;
2450                 } else {
2451                     // Continue to compute the sum
2452                     sum += count;
2453                 }
2454             }
2456             // Compute the last
2457             if (!currentComputeKey.isEmpty()) {
2458                 // Store the automatic category of the key
2459                 if (sum > 0 && 100 * currentCount / sum > 70) {
2460                     addValueInCache(currentComputeKey, currentCat);
2461                     if (currentComputeKey == key) {
2462                         output = currentCat;
2463                     }
2464                 }
2465             }
2466         }
2467     }
2469     return output;
2470 }
2472 void SKGDocumentBank::refreshCache(const QString& iTable) const
2473 {
2474     if (iTable == QStringLiteral("unit") || iTable.isEmpty()) {
2475         SKGTRACEINFUNC(10)
2476         SKGStringListList result;
2477         executeSelectSqliteOrder(QStringLiteral("SELECT t_name, t_symbol, i_nbdecimal FROM unit WHERE t_type='1'"), result);
2478         if (result.size() == 2) {
2479             addValueInCache(QStringLiteral("primaryUnitCache"),;
2480             addValueInCache(QStringLiteral("primaryUnitSymbolCache"),;
2481             addValueInCache(QStringLiteral("primaryUnitDecimalCache"),;
2482         } else {
2483             addValueInCache(QStringLiteral("primaryUnitCache"), QLatin1String(""));
2484             addValueInCache(QStringLiteral("primaryUnitSymbolCache"), QLatin1String(""));
2485             addValueInCache(QStringLiteral("primaryUnitDecimalCache"), QStringLiteral("2"));
2486         }
2488         executeSelectSqliteOrder(QStringLiteral("SELECT t_name, t_symbol, f_CURRENTAMOUNT, i_nbdecimal FROM v_unit WHERE t_type='2'"), result);
2489         if (result.size() == 2) {
2490             addValueInCache(QStringLiteral("secondaryUnitCache"),;
2491             addValueInCache(QStringLiteral("secondaryUnitSymbolCache"),;
2492             addValueInCache(QStringLiteral("secondaryUnitValueCache"),;
2493             addValueInCache(QStringLiteral("secondaryUnitDecimalCache"),;
2494         } else {
2495             addValueInCache(QStringLiteral("secondaryUnitCache"), QLatin1String(""));
2496             addValueInCache(QStringLiteral("secondaryUnitSymbolCache"), QLatin1String(""));
2497             addValueInCache(QStringLiteral("secondaryUnitValueCache"), QStringLiteral("1"));
2498             addValueInCache(QStringLiteral("secondaryUnitDecimalCache"), QStringLiteral("2"));
2499         }
2500     }
2501     SKGDocument::refreshCache(iTable);
2502 }
2504 SKGError SKGDocumentBank::addOrModifyAccount(const QString& iName, const QString& iNumber, const QString& iBankName) const
2505 {
2506     SKGError err;
2507     SKGTRACEINFUNCRC(10, err)
2509     // Creation or update of the bank
2511     SKGBankObject bank(const_cast<SKGDocumentBank*>(this));
2512     err = bank.setName(iBankName);
2513     IFOKDO(err,
2515     // Creation or update of the account
2516     SKGAccountObject account;
2517     IFOKDO(err, bank.addAccount(account))
2518     IFOKDO(err, account.setAttribute(QStringLiteral("rd_bank_id"), SKGServices::intToString(bank.getID())))
2519     IFOKDO(err, account.setName(iName))
2520     IFOKDO(err, account.setAttribute(QStringLiteral("t_number"), iNumber))
2521     IFOKDO(err,
2523     IFKO(err) err.addError(ERR_FAIL, i18nc("Error message",  "Transaction '%1' on '%2' failed", QStringLiteral("SKGDocumentBank::addOrModifyAccount"), iName));
2524     return err;
2525 }
2527 QString SKGDocumentBank::getFileExtension() const
2528 {
2529     return QStringLiteral("skg");
2530 }
2532 QString SKGDocumentBank::getDocumentHeader() const
2533 {
2534     return QStringLiteral("SKROOGE");
2535 }
2537 SKGDocument::SKGModelTemplateList SKGDocumentBank::getDisplaySchemas(const QString& iRealTable) const
2538 {
2539     SKGModelTemplateList listSchema;
2540     listSchema.reserve(10);
2542     // Get properties
2543     QStringList properties;
2544     QString tableForProperties = iRealTable;
2545     if (tableForProperties == QStringLiteral("suboperation")) {
2546         tableForProperties = QStringLiteral("operation");
2547     }
2548     this->getDistinctValues(QStringLiteral("parameters"), QStringLiteral("t_name"), "(t_uuid_parent like '%-" % tableForProperties % "' OR t_uuid_parent like '%-sub" % tableForProperties % "') AND t_name NOT LIKE 'SKG_%'", properties);
2550     // Build property schema
2551     QString propSchema;
2552     int nb = properties.count();
2553     for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
2554         propSchema += ";p_" % % "|N";
2555     }
2557     // Build schemas
2558     if (iRealTable == QStringLiteral("operation") || iRealTable == QStringLiteral("suboperation")) {
2559         SKGModelTemplate def;
2560 = QStringLiteral("default");
2561 = i18nc("Noun, the default value of an item", "Default");
2562         def.icon = QStringLiteral("edit-undo");
2563         def.schema = "d_date;d_DATEWEEK|N;d_DATEMONTH|N;d_DATEQUARTER|N;d_DATESEMESTER|N;d_DATEYEAR|N;i_NBRECURRENT;t_bookmarked;t_ACCOUNT;t_TOACCOUNT|N;t_number;t_mode;t_PAYEE;t_comment;t_REALCOMMENT;t_CATEGORY;t_REALCATEGORY;t_status;"
2567                      "t_imported|N;t_REALREFUND|N;t_REFUND|N;t_REFUNDDISPLAY|N"
2568                      ";f_BALANCE|N;f_BALANCE_ENTERED|N;d_createdate|N;i_OPID|N" % propSchema;
2569         listSchema.push_back(def);
2571         SKGModelTemplate minimum;
2572 = QStringLiteral("minimum");
2573 = i18nc("Noun, the minimum value of an item", "Minimum");
2574         minimum.icon = QLatin1String("");
2575         minimum.schema = "d_date;d_DATEWEEK|N;d_DATEMONTH|N;d_DATEQUARTER|N;d_DATESEMESTER|N;d_DATEYEAR|N;i_NBRECURRENT|N;t_bookmarked|N;t_ACCOUNT;t_TOACCOUNT|N;t_number|N;t_mode|N;t_PAYEE|N;t_comment|N;t_REALCOMMENT|N;t_CATEGORY|N;t_REALCATEGORY|N;t_status;"
2579                          "t_imported|N;t_REALREFUND|N;t_REFUND|N;t_REFUNDDISPLAY|N"
2580                          ";f_BALANCE|N;f_BALANCE_ENTERED|N;d_createdate|N;i_OPID|N" % propSchema;
2581         listSchema.push_back(minimum);
2583         SKGModelTemplate doubleColumn;
2584 = QStringLiteral("doublecolumn");
2585 = i18nc("Noun",  "Amount in 2 columns");
2586         doubleColumn.icon = QLatin1String("");
2587         doubleColumn.schema = "d_date;d_DATEWEEK|N;d_DATEMONTH|N;d_DATEQUARTER|N;d_DATESEMESTER|N;d_DATEYEAR|N;i_NBRECURRENT;t_bookmarked;t_ACCOUNT;t_TOACCOUNT|N;t_number;t_mode;t_PAYEE;t_comment;t_REALCOMMENT;t_CATEGORY;t_REALCATEGORY;t_status;"
2591                               "t_imported|N;t_REALREFUND|N;t_REFUND|N;t_REFUNDDISPLAY|N"
2592                               ";f_BALANCE|N;f_BALANCE_ENTERED|N;d_createdate|N;i_OPID|N" % propSchema;
2593         listSchema.push_back(doubleColumn);
2595         SKGModelTemplate amountEntered;
2596 = QStringLiteral("amountentered");
2597 = i18nc("Noun",  "Amount entered");
2598         amountEntered.icon = QLatin1String("");
2599         amountEntered.schema = "d_date;d_DATEWEEK|N;d_DATEMONTH|N;d_DATEQUARTER|N;d_DATESEMESTER|N;d_DATEYEAR|N;i_NBRECURRENT;t_bookmarked;t_ACCOUNT;t_TOACCOUNT|N;t_number;t_mode;t_PAYEE;t_comment;t_REALCOMMENT;t_CATEGORY;t_REALCATEGORY;t_status;"
2603                                "t_imported|N;t_REALREFUND|N;t_REFUND|N;t_REFUNDDISPLAY|N"
2604                                ";f_BALANCE|N;f_BALANCE_ENTERED|N;d_createdate|N;i_OPID|N" % propSchema;
2605         listSchema.push_back(amountEntered);
2607         SKGModelTemplate doubleColumnEntered;
2608 = QStringLiteral("doublecolumnentered");
2609 = i18nc("Noun",  "Amount entered in 2 columns");
2610         doubleColumnEntered.icon = QLatin1String("");
2611         doubleColumnEntered.schema = "d_date;d_DATEWEEK|N;d_DATEMONTH|N;d_DATEQUARTER|N;d_DATESEMESTER|N;d_DATEYEAR|N;i_NBRECURRENT;t_bookmarked;t_ACCOUNT;t_TOACCOUNT|N;t_number;t_mode;t_PAYEE;t_comment;t_REALCOMMENT;t_CATEGORY;t_REALCATEGORY;t_status;"
2613                                      "f_CURRENTAMOUNT|N;f_CURRENTAMOUNT_EXPENSE|N;f_CURRENTAMOUNT_INCOME|N;"
2615                                      "t_imported|N;t_REALREFUND|N;t_REFUND|N;t_REFUNDDISPLAY|N"
2616                                      ";f_BALANCE|N;f_BALANCE_ENTERED|N;d_createdate|N;i_OPID|N" % propSchema;
2617         listSchema.push_back(doubleColumnEntered);
2618     } else if (iRealTable == QStringLiteral("recurrentoperation")) {
2619         SKGModelTemplate def;
2620 = QStringLiteral("default");
2621 = i18nc("Noun, the default value of an item", "Default");
2622         def.icon = QStringLiteral("edit-undo");
2623         def.schema = "d_date;t_PERIODNLS;i_nb_times;i_auto_write_days;i_warn_days;t_ACCOUNT;t_number;t_mode;t_PAYEE;t_comment;t_CATEGORY;"
2624                      "t_status;f_CURRENTAMOUNT" % propSchema;
2625         listSchema.push_back(def);
2627         SKGModelTemplate minimum;
2628 = QStringLiteral("minimum");
2629 = i18nc("Noun, the minimum value of an item", "Minimum");
2630         minimum.icon = QLatin1String("");
2631         minimum.schema = "d_date;t_PERIODNLS;i_nb_times;i_auto_write_days;i_warn_days;t_ACCOUNT;t_number|N;t_mode|N;t_PAYEE;t_comment|N;t_CATEGORY|N;"
2632                          "t_status;f_CURRENTAMOUNT" % propSchema;
2633         listSchema.push_back(minimum);
2634     } else if (iRealTable == QStringLiteral("account")) {
2635         SKGModelTemplate def;
2636 = QStringLiteral("default");
2637 = i18nc("Noun, the default value of an item", "Default");
2638         def.icon = QStringLiteral("edit-undo");
2639         def.schema = "t_BANK;t_close;t_bookmarked;t_name;t_TYPENLS;t_BANK_NUMBER;t_agency_number;t_number;t_agency_address;t_comment;f_CURRENTAMOUNT;f_QUANTITY|N;f_TODAYAMOUNT|N;f_CHECKED;f_COMING_SOON;f_importbalance|N;d_importdate|N;f_reconciliationbalance|N;d_reconciliationdate|N;i_NBOPERATIONS;f_RATE|N" % propSchema;
2640         listSchema.push_back(def);
2642         SKGModelTemplate minimum;
2643 = QStringLiteral("minimum");
2644 = i18nc("Noun, the minimum value of an item", "Minimum");
2645         minimum.icon = QLatin1String("");
2646         minimum.schema = "t_BANK;t_close;t_bookmarked|N;t_name;t_TYPENLS|N;t_BANK_NUMBER|N;t_agency_number|N;t_number|N;t_agency_address|N;t_comment|N;f_CURRENTAMOUNT|N;f_QUANTITY|N;f_TODAYAMOUNT|N;f_CHECKED|N;f_COMING_SOON|N;f_importbalance|N;d_importdate|N;f_reconciliationbalance|N;d_reconciliationdate|N;i_NBOPERATIONS|N;f_RATE|N" % propSchema;
2647         listSchema.push_back(minimum);
2649         SKGModelTemplate intermediate;
2650 = QStringLiteral("intermediate");
2651 = i18nc("Noun, an intermediate value between two extremums", "Intermediate");
2652         intermediate.icon = QLatin1String("");
2653         intermediate.schema = "t_BANK;t_close;t_bookmarked;t_name;t_TYPENLS|N;t_BANK_NUMBER|N;t_agency_number|N;t_number|N;t_agency_address|N;t_comment|N;f_CURRENTAMOUNT;f_QUANTITY|N;f_TODAYAMOUNT|N,f_CHECKED;f_COMING_SOON;f_importbalance|N;d_importdate|N;f_reconciliationbalance|N;d_reconciliationdate|N;i_NBOPERATIONS|N;f_RATE|N" % propSchema;
2654         listSchema.push_back(intermediate);
2655     } else if (iRealTable == QStringLiteral("category")) {
2656         SKGModelTemplate def;
2657 = QStringLiteral("default");
2658 = i18nc("Noun, the default value of an item", "Default");
2659         def.icon = QStringLiteral("edit-undo");
2660         def.schema = "t_name;t_close;t_bookmarked;i_NBOPERATIONS;f_REALCURRENTAMOUNT;i_SUMNBOPERATIONS;f_SUMCURRENTAMOUNT" % propSchema;
2661         listSchema.push_back(def);
2663         SKGModelTemplate minimum;
2664 = QStringLiteral("minimum");
2665 = i18nc("Noun, the minimum value of an item", "Minimum");
2666         minimum.icon = QLatin1String("");
2667         minimum.schema = "t_name;t_close|N;t_bookmarked;i_NBOPERATIONS|N;f_REALCURRENTAMOUNT|N;i_SUMNBOPERATIONS|N;f_SUMCURRENTAMOUNT|N" % propSchema;
2668         listSchema.push_back(minimum);
2670         SKGModelTemplate op;
2671 = QStringLiteral("with_operations");
2672 = i18nc("Noun",  "With transactions");
2673         op.icon = QLatin1String("");
2674         op.schema = "t_name;t_close;t_bookmarked;i_NBOPERATIONS;f_REALCURRENTAMOUNT;i_SUMNBOPERATIONS|N;f_SUMCURRENTAMOUNT|N" % propSchema;
2675         listSchema.push_back(op);
2677         SKGModelTemplate op2;
2678 = QStringLiteral("with_cumulative_operations");
2679 = i18nc("Noun",  "With cumulative transactions");
2680         op2.icon = QLatin1String("");
2681         op2.schema = "t_name;t_close;t_bookmarked;i_NBOPERATIONS|N;f_REALCURRENTAMOUNT|N;i_SUMNBOPERATIONS;f_SUMCURRENTAMOUNT" % propSchema;
2682         listSchema.push_back(op2);
2683     } else if (iRealTable == QStringLiteral("unit")) {
2684         SKGModelTemplate def;
2685 = QStringLiteral("default");
2686 = i18nc("Noun, the default value of an item", "Default");
2687         def.icon = QStringLiteral("edit-undo");
2688         def.schema = "t_name;t_symbol;t_bookmarked;t_country;t_TYPENLS;t_source;t_internet_code;f_CURRENTAMOUNT;f_QUANTITYOWNED;f_AMOUNTOWNED;i_nbdecimal;t_UNIT;d_MAXDATE|N" % propSchema;
2689         listSchema.push_back(def);
2691         SKGModelTemplate minimum;
2692 = QStringLiteral("minimum");
2693 = i18nc("Noun, the minimum value of an item", "Minimum");
2694         minimum.icon = QLatin1String("");
2695         minimum.schema = "t_name;t_symbol;t_bookmarked|N;t_country|N;t_TYPENLS;t_source|N;t_internet_code|N;f_CURRENTAMOUNT|N;f_QUANTITYOWNED|N;f_AMOUNTOWNED|N;i_nbdecimal|N;t_UNIT|N;d_MAXDATE|N" % propSchema;
2696         listSchema.push_back(minimum);
2697     } else if (iRealTable == QStringLiteral("unitvalue")) {
2698         SKGModelTemplate def;
2699 = QStringLiteral("default");
2700 = i18nc("Noun, the default value of an item", "Default");
2701         def.icon = QStringLiteral("edit-undo");
2702         def.schema = "d_date;f_quantity;t_UNIT|N;f_AMOUNTOWNED|N" % propSchema;
2703         listSchema.push_back(def);
2704     } else if (iRealTable == QStringLiteral("refund")) {
2705         SKGModelTemplate def;
2706 = QStringLiteral("default");
2707 = i18nc("Noun, the default value of an item", "Default");
2708         def.icon = QStringLiteral("edit-undo");
2709         def.schema = "t_name;t_comment;t_close;d_FIRSTDATE;d_LASTDATE;f_CURRENTAMOUNT" % propSchema;
2710         listSchema.push_back(def);
2712         SKGModelTemplate minimum;
2713 = QStringLiteral("minimum");
2714 = i18nc("Noun, the minimum value of an item", "Minimum");
2715         minimum.icon = QLatin1String("");
2716         minimum.schema = "t_name;t_comment|N;t_close;d_FIRSTDATE|N;d_LASTDATE|N;f_CURRENTAMOUNT" % propSchema;
2717         listSchema.push_back(minimum);
2718     } else if (iRealTable == QStringLiteral("payee")) {
2719         SKGModelTemplate def;
2720 = QStringLiteral("default");
2721 = i18nc("Noun, the default value of an item", "Default");
2722         def.icon = QStringLiteral("edit-undo");
2723         def.schema = "t_name;t_close;t_bookmarked;t_address;i_NBOPERATIONS|N;f_CURRENTAMOUNT;t_CATEGORY|N" % propSchema;
2724         listSchema.push_back(def);
2726         SKGModelTemplate minimum;
2727 = QStringLiteral("minimum");
2728 = i18nc("Noun, the minimum value of an item", "Minimum");
2729         minimum.icon = QLatin1String("");
2730         minimum.schema = "t_name;t_close|N;t_bookmarked;t_address|N;i_NBOPERATIONS|N;f_CURRENTAMOUNT;t_CATEGORY|N" % propSchema;
2731         listSchema.push_back(minimum);
2732     } else if (iRealTable == QStringLiteral("rule")) {
2733         SKGModelTemplate def;
2734 = QStringLiteral("default");
2735 = i18nc("Noun, the default value of an item", "Default");
2736         def.icon = QStringLiteral("edit-undo");
2737         def.schema = "i_ORDER;t_bookmarked;t_action_type;t_description;t_action_description" % propSchema;
2738         listSchema.push_back(def);
2739     } else if (iRealTable == QStringLiteral("interest")) {
2740         SKGModelTemplate def;
2741 = QStringLiteral("default");
2742 = i18nc("Noun, the default value of an item", "Default");
2743         def.icon = QStringLiteral("edit-undo");
2744         def.schema = "d_date;f_rate;t_income_value_date_mode;t_expenditure_value_date_mode;t_base" % propSchema;
2745         listSchema.push_back(def);
2747         SKGModelTemplate minimum;
2748 = QStringLiteral("minimum");
2749 = i18nc("Noun, the minimum value of an item", "Minimum");
2750         minimum.icon = QLatin1String("");
2751         minimum.schema = "d_date;f_rate;t_income_value_date_mode|N;t_expenditure_value_date_mode|N;t_base|N" % propSchema;
2752         listSchema.push_back(minimum);
2753     } else if (iRealTable == QStringLiteral("interest_result")) {
2754         SKGModelTemplate def;
2755 = QStringLiteral("default");
2756 = i18nc("Noun, the default value of an item", "Default");
2757         def.icon = QStringLiteral("edit-undo");
2758         def.schema = "d_date;d_valuedate;t_comment;f_currentamount;f_coef;f_rate;f_annual_interest;f_accrued_interest" % propSchema;
2759         listSchema.push_back(def);
2761         SKGModelTemplate minimum;
2762 = QStringLiteral("minimum");
2763 = i18nc("Noun, the minimum value of an item", "Minimum");
2764         minimum.icon = QLatin1String("");
2765         minimum.schema = "d_date;d_valuedate|N;t_comment|N;f_currentamount|N;f_coef|N;f_rate;f_annual_interest;f_accrued_interest|N" % propSchema;
2766         listSchema.push_back(minimum);
2767     } else if (iRealTable == QStringLiteral("budget")) {
2768         SKGModelTemplate def;
2769 = QStringLiteral("default");
2770 = i18nc("Noun, the default value of an item", "Default");
2771         def.icon = QStringLiteral("edit-undo");
2772         def.schema = "t_CATEGORY;t_PERIOD;i_year|N;i_month|N;f_budgeted;f_budgeted_modified;f_CURRENTAMOUNT;f_DELTABEFORETRANSFER|N;t_RULES;f_DELTA" % propSchema;
2773         listSchema.push_back(def);
2775         SKGModelTemplate minimum;
2776 = QStringLiteral("minimum");
2777 = i18nc("Noun, the minimum value of an item", "Minimum");
2778         minimum.icon = QLatin1String("");
2779         minimum.schema = "t_CATEGORY;t_PERIOD;i_year|N;i_month|N;f_budgeted|N;f_budgeted_modified;f_CURRENTAMOUNT;f_DELTABEFORETRANSFER;t_RULES|N;f_DELTA|N" % propSchema;
2780         listSchema.push_back(minimum);
2781     } else if (iRealTable == QStringLiteral("budgetrule")) {
2782         SKGModelTemplate def;
2783 = QStringLiteral("default");
2784 = i18nc("Noun, the default value of an item", "Default");
2785         def.icon = QStringLiteral("edit-undo");
2786         def.schema = "i_ORDER;t_CATEGORYCONDITION;i_year;i_month;t_WHENNLS;t_WHATNLS;t_RULENLS;t_CATEGORY" % propSchema;
2787         listSchema.push_back(def);
2788     } else {
2789         listSchema = SKGDocument::getDisplaySchemas(iRealTable);
2790     }
2792     return listSchema;
2793 }
2795 QString SKGDocumentBank::getIconName(const QString& iString) const
2796 {
2797     QString att = iString.toLower();
2799     if (att.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_bookmarked"))) {
2800         return QStringLiteral("bookmarks");
2801     }
2802     if (att.endsWith(QLatin1String("f_balance")) ||
2803         att.endsWith(QLatin1String("f_balance_entered")) ||
2804         att.endsWith(QLatin1String("f_reconciliationbalance"))) {
2805         return QStringLiteral("office-chart-line");
2806     }
2807     if (att.endsWith(QLatin1String("i_nbrecurrent"))) {
2808         return QStringLiteral("chronometer");
2809     }
2810     if (att.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_status")) ||
2811         att.endsWith(QLatin1String("f_checked")) ||
2812         att.endsWith(QLatin1String("f_coming_soon")) ||
2813         att.endsWith(QLatin1String("d_reconciliationdate"))) {
2814         return QStringLiteral("dialog-ok");
2815     }
2816     if (att.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_close"))) {
2817         return QStringLiteral("window-close");
2818     }
2819     if (att.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_categorycondition")) ||
2820         att.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_category")) ||
2821         att.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_realcategory"))) {
2822         return QStringLiteral("view-categories");
2823     }
2824     if (att.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_symbol"))) {
2825         return QStringLiteral("taxes-finances");
2826     }
2827     if (att.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_typeexpensenls"))) {
2828         return QStringLiteral("skrooge_type");
2829     }
2830     if (att.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_typenls"))) {
2831         if (att.contains(QStringLiteral("v_unit"))) {
2832             return QStringLiteral("view-bank-account-savings");
2833         }
2834         if (att.contains(QStringLiteral("v_account"))) {
2835             return QStringLiteral("skrooge_credit_card");
2836         }
2837     }
2838     if (att.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_unit")) ||
2839         att.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_unittype"))) {
2840         return QStringLiteral("taxes-finances");
2841     }
2842     if (att.endsWith(QLatin1String("f_value")) ||
2843         att.endsWith(QLatin1String("f_currentamount")) ||
2844         att.endsWith(QLatin1String("f_todayamount")) ||
2845         att.endsWith(QLatin1String("f_sumcurrentamount")) ||
2846         att.endsWith(QLatin1String("quantity")) ||
2847         att.endsWith(QLatin1String("f_realcurrentamount"))) {
2848         return QStringLiteral("skrooge_type");
2849     }
2850     if (att.endsWith(QLatin1String("_expense"))) {
2851         return QStringLiteral("list-remove");
2852     }
2853     if (att.endsWith(QLatin1String("_income")) ||
2854         att.endsWith(QLatin1String("f_annual_interest")) ||
2855         att.endsWith(QLatin1String("f_accrued_interest"))) {
2856         return QStringLiteral("list-add");
2857     }
2858     if (att.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_description"))) {
2859         return QStringLiteral("edit-find");
2860     }
2861     if (att.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_action_description"))) {
2862         return QStringLiteral("system-run");
2863     }
2864     if (att.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_imported")) ||
2865         att.endsWith(QLatin1String("f_importbalance")) ||
2866         att.endsWith(QLatin1String("d_importdate"))) {
2867         return QStringLiteral("utilities-file-archiver");
2868     }
2869     if (att.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_refund")) ||
2870         att.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_refunddisplay")) ||
2871         att.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_realrefund"))) {
2872         return QStringLiteral("crosshairs");
2873     }
2874     if (att.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_mode"))) {
2875         return QStringLiteral("skrooge_credit_card");
2876     }
2877     if (att.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_account")) ||
2878         att.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_toaccount")) ||
2879         att.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_accounttype"))) {
2880         return QStringLiteral("view-bank");
2881     }
2882     if (att.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_payee"))) {
2883         return QStringLiteral("user-group-properties");
2884     }
2885     if (att.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_comment")) ||
2886         att.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_realcomment"))) {
2887         return QStringLiteral("draw-freehand");
2888     }
2889     if (att.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_warn")) ||
2890         att.endsWith(QLatin1String("i_warn_days"))) {
2891         return QStringLiteral("dialog-information");
2892     }
2893     if (att.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_name"))) {
2894         if (att.contains(QStringLiteral("v_account"))) {
2895             return QStringLiteral("view-bank");
2896         }
2897         if (att.contains(QStringLiteral("v_category"))) {
2898             return QStringLiteral("view-categories");
2899         }
2900         if (att.contains(QStringLiteral("v_refund"))) {
2901             return QStringLiteral("crosshairs");
2902         }
2903         if (att.contains(QStringLiteral("v_unit"))) {
2904             return QStringLiteral("taxes-finances");
2905         }
2906         if (att.contains(QStringLiteral("v_payee"))) {
2907             return QStringLiteral("user-group-properties");
2908         }
2909     }
2910     if (att.endsWith(QLatin1String("f_rate"))) {
2911         return QStringLiteral("skrooge_more");
2912     }
2913     if (att.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_internet_code")) || att.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_source")) || att.endsWith(QLatin1String("d_maxdate"))) {
2914         return QStringLiteral("download");
2915     }
2916     if (att.contains(QStringLiteral(".d_")) || att.startsWith(QLatin1String("d_"))) {
2917         return QStringLiteral("view-calendar");
2918     }
2919     if (att.endsWith(QLatin1String("i_year")) || att.endsWith(QLatin1String("i_month")) || att.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_period"))) {
2920         return QStringLiteral("view-calendar");
2921     }
2922     if (att.endsWith(QLatin1String("f_delta"))) {
2923         return QStringLiteral("security-high");
2924     }
2925     if (att.endsWith(QLatin1String("f_deltabeforetransfer"))) {
2926         return QStringLiteral("security-medium");
2927     }
2928     if (att.endsWith(QLatin1String("f_budgeted")) || att.endsWith(QLatin1String("f_budgeted_modified"))) {
2929         return QStringLiteral("view-calendar-whatsnext");
2930     }
2931     if (att.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_rules"))) {
2932         return QStringLiteral("system-run");
2933     }
2934     if (att.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_whennls"))) {
2935         return QStringLiteral("view-calendar");
2936     }
2937     if (att.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_whatnls"))) {
2938         return QStringLiteral("skrooge_type");
2939     }
2940     if (att.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_rulenls"))) {
2941         return QStringLiteral("view-calendar-whatsnext");
2942     }
2943     if (att.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_bank"))) {
2944         return QStringLiteral("view-bank");
2945     }
2946     if (att.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_transfer"))) {
2947         return QStringLiteral("exchange-positions");
2948     }
2949     if (att.endsWith(QLatin1String("_number"))) {
2950         return QStringLiteral("dialog-information");
2951     }
2952     if (att.endsWith(QLatin1String("i_auto_write_days"))) {
2953         return QStringLiteral("insert-text");
2954     }
2955     if (att.endsWith(QLatin1String("_address"))) {
2956         return QStringLiteral("address-book-new");
2957     }
2958     if (att.endsWith(QLatin1String("i_order"))) {
2959         return QStringLiteral("view-sort-ascending");
2960     }
2961     if (att.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_periodnls"))) {
2962         return QStringLiteral("smallclock");
2963     }
2964     if (att.endsWith(QLatin1String("i_nbsuboperations"))) {
2965         return QStringLiteral("exchange-positions");
2966     }
2967     return SKGDocument::getIconName(iString);
2968 }
2970 QString SKGDocumentBank::getDisplay(const QString& iString) const
2971 {
2972     QString output = iString.toLower();
2974     // Internationallization
2975     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("account.t_name")) ||
2976         output.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_account"))) {
2977         return i18nc("Noun, an account as in a bank account", "Account");
2978     }
2979     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_accounttype"))) {
2980         return i18nc("Noun, an account as in a bank account", "Account's type");
2981     }
2982     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_operationname"))) {
2983         return i18nc("Noun, a financial operation", "Transaction");
2984     }
2985     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_name"))) {
2986         return i18nc("Noun, the name of an item", "Name");
2987     }
2988     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("account.f_value")) ||
2989         output.endsWith(QLatin1String("f_balance"))) {
2990         return i18nc("Noun, as in commercial balance", "Balance");
2991     }
2992     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("f_balance_entered"))) {
2993         return i18nc("Noun, as in commercial balance", "Balance entered");
2994     }
2995     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("f_value"))) {
2996         return i18nc("Name, the numerical amount of a financial operation", "Amount");
2997     }
2998     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("f_currentamount")) ||
2999         output.endsWith(QLatin1String("f_realcurrentamount"))) {
3000         return i18nc("Name, the numerical amount of a financial operation", "Amount");
3001     }
3002     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("f_todayamount"))) {
3003         return i18nc("Name, the numerical amount of a financial operation", "Today amount");
3004     }
3005     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("f_currentamount_income")) ||
3006         output.endsWith(QLatin1String("f_realcurrentamount_income"))) {
3007         return i18nc("Noun, financial transactions with a positive amount", "Income");
3008     }
3009     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("f_currentamount_expense")) ||
3010         output.endsWith(QLatin1String("f_realcurrentamount_expense"))) {
3011         return i18nc("Noun, financial transactions with a negative amount", "Expenditure");
3012     }
3013     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("f_quantity_income")) ||
3014         output.endsWith(QLatin1String("f_realquantity_income"))) {
3015         return i18nc("Noun",  "Income entered");
3016     }
3017     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("f_quantity_expense")) ||
3018         output.endsWith(QLatin1String("f_realquantity_expense"))) {
3019         return i18nc("Noun",  "Expenditure entered");
3020     }
3021     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("f_quantityowned"))) {
3022         return i18nc("Noun",  "Quantity owned");
3023     }
3024     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("f_amountowned"))) {
3025         return i18nc("Noun",  "Amount owned");
3026     }
3027     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("quantity"))) {
3028         return i18nc("Noun",  "Amount entered");
3029     }
3030     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("account.t_number"))) {
3031         return i18nc("Noun",  "Account number");
3032     }
3033     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_number"))) {
3034         return i18nc("Noun, a number identifying an item", "Number");
3035     }
3036     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_bank_number"))) {
3037         return i18nc("Noun",  "Bank number");
3038     }
3039     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_agency_number"))) {
3040         return i18nc("Noun",  "Agency number");
3041     }
3042     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_agency_address"))) {
3043         return i18nc("Noun",  "Agency address");
3044     }
3045     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_address"))) {
3046         return i18nc("Noun",  "Address");
3047     }
3048     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_payee"))) {
3049         return i18nc("A person or institution receiving a payment, or paying the operation", "Payee");
3050     }
3051     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_comment"))) {
3052         return i18nc("Noun, a user comment on an item", "Comment");
3053     }
3054     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_realcomment"))) {
3055         return i18nc("Noun, a user comment on an item", "Sub comment");
3056     }
3057     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_mode"))) {
3058         return i18nc("Noun, the mode used for payment of the transaction (Credit Card, Cheque, Transfer…)", "Mode");
3059     }
3060     if (output.contains(QStringLiteral("recurrentoperation")) && output.endsWith(QLatin1String("d_date"))) {
3061         return i18nc("Noun",  "Next occurrence");
3062     }
3063     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("d_date")) ||
3064         output.endsWith(QLatin1String("d_dateop"))) {
3065         return i18nc("Noun, the date of an item", "Date");
3066     }
3067     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("d_createdate"))) {
3068         return i18nc("Noun, the date of creation of an item", "Creation date");
3069     }
3070     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("d_dateweek"))) {
3071         return i18nc("Noun, 7 days", "Week");
3072     }
3073     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("d_datemonth"))) {
3074         return i18nc("Noun, the months in a year", "Month");
3075     }
3076     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("d_datequarter"))) {
3077         return i18nc("Noun, 3 months", "Quarter");
3078     }
3079     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("d_datesemester"))) {
3080         return i18nc("Noun, 6 months", "Semester");
3081     }
3082     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("d_dateyear"))) {
3083         return  i18nc("Noun, the years in a century", "Year");
3084     }
3085     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("d_firstdate"))) {
3086         return i18nc("Noun, the date of an item", "First date");
3087     }
3088     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("d_lastdate"))) {
3089         return i18nc("Noun, the date of an item", "Last date");
3090     }
3091     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("d_maxdate"))) {
3092         return i18nc("Noun, the date of the last download", "Download date");
3093     }
3094     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("d_reconciliationdate"))) {
3095         return i18nc("Noun, the date of the last reconciliation", "Reconciliation date");
3096     }
3097     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_categorycondition")) ||
3098         output.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_category")) ||
3099         output.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_realcategory"))) {
3100         return i18nc("Noun, the category of an item", "Category");
3101     }
3102     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_bank"))) {
3103         return i18nc("Noun, a financial institution", "Bank");
3104     }
3105     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_unit"))) {
3106         return i18nc("Noun, the unit of an operation, usually a currency or a share", "Unit");
3107     }
3108     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_unittype"))) {
3109         return i18nc("Noun, the unit of an operation, usually a currency or a share", "Unit's type");
3110     }
3111     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("f_checked"))) {
3112         return i18nc("Adjective, has an item been checked or not", "Checked");
3113     }
3114     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("f_coming_soon"))) {
3115         return i18nc("Adjective, a foreseen value", "To be Checked");
3116     }
3117     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_symbol"))) {
3118         return i18nc("Noun, ahe unit symbol, something in the line of $, €, £…", "Symbol");
3119     }
3120     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_country"))) {
3121         return i18nc("Noun, a country in the world (France, China…)", "Country");
3122     }
3123     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_type")) ||
3124         output.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_typenls"))) {
3125         return i18nc("Noun, the type of an item", "Type");
3126     }
3127     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_typeexpensenls"))) {
3128         return i18nc("Noun, the type of an item", "Type");
3129     }
3130     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_internet_code"))) {
3131         return i18nc("Noun",  "Internet code");
3132     }
3133     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("i_nboperations"))) {
3134         return i18nc("Noun",  "Number of transactions");
3135     }
3136     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_periodnls"))) {
3137         return i18nc("Noun, how frequently something occurs", "Periodicity");
3138     }
3139     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("i_auto_write_days"))) {
3140         return i18nc("Automatically write something", "Auto write");
3141     }
3142     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("i_nb_times"))) {
3143         return i18nc("Noun",  "Nb of occurrences");
3144     }
3145     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("i_warn_days"))) {
3146         return i18nc("Verb, warn the user about an event", "Warn");
3147     }
3148     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_close"))) {
3149         return i18nc("Adjective, a closed item", "Closed");
3150     }
3151     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_bookmarked"))) {
3152         return i18nc("Adjective, an highlighted item", "Highlighted");
3153     }
3154     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_status"))) {
3155         return i18nc("Noun, the status of an item", "Status");
3156     }
3157     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("i_nbrecurrent"))) {
3158         return i18nc("Adjective, an item scheduled to happen on a regular basis", "Scheduled");
3159     }
3160     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("i_sumnboperations"))) {
3161         return i18nc("Noun",  "Number of transactions (cumulative)");
3162     }
3163     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("f_sumcurrentamount"))) {
3164         return i18nc("Noun",  "Amount (cumulative)");
3165     }
3166     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_description"))) {
3167         return i18nc("Noun",  "Search description");
3168     }
3169     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_action_description"))) {
3170         return i18nc("Noun",  "Process description");
3171     }
3172     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_action_type"))) {
3173         return i18nc("Noun, the type of action", "Action type");
3174     }
3175     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_refund")) ||
3176         output.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_realrefund"))) {
3177         return i18nc("Noun, something that is used to track items", "Tracker");
3178     }
3179     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_refunddisplay"))) {
3180         return i18nc("Noun, something that is used to track items", "Trackers");
3181     }
3182     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_imported"))) {
3183         return i18nc("Noun",  "Import status");
3184     }
3185     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("i_nbdecimal"))) {
3186         return i18nc("Noun, after the dot",  "Nb decimal");
3187     }
3188     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("f_rate"))) {
3189         return i18nc("Noun, for a share",  "Rate");
3190     }
3191     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("d_valuedate"))) {
3192         return i18nc("Noun",  "Value date");
3193     }
3194     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("f_coef"))) {
3195         return i18nc("Noun",  "Coef");
3196     }
3197     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("f_annual_interest"))) {
3198         return i18nc("Noun",  "Annual Interest");
3199     }
3200     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("f_accrued_interest"))) {
3201         return i18nc("Noun",  "Accrued Interest");
3202     }
3203     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_income_value_date_mode"))) {
3204         return i18nc("Noun",  "Value date for credit");
3205     }
3206     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_expenditure_value_date_mode"))) {
3207         return i18nc("Noun",  "Value date for debit");
3208     }
3209     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_base"))) {
3210         return i18nc("Noun",  "Base computation");
3211     }
3212     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("i_year"))) {
3213         return i18nc("Noun",  "Year");
3214     }
3215     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("i_month"))) {
3216         return i18nc("Noun",  "Month");
3217     }
3218     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_period"))) {
3219         return i18nc("Noun",  "Period");
3220     }
3221     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("i_order"))) {
3222         return i18nc("Noun, sort order", "Order");
3223     }
3224     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_whennls"))) {
3225         return i18nc("Noun", "When");
3226     }
3227     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_whatnls"))) {
3228         return i18nc("Noun", "What");
3229     }
3230     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_rulenls"))) {
3231         return i18nc("Noun", "Impacted budget");
3232     }
3233     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_rules"))) {
3234         return i18nc("Noun", "Rules");
3235     }
3236     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("f_budgeted"))) {
3237         return i18nc("Noun", "Entered Budget");
3238     }
3239     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("f_budgeted_modified"))) {
3240         return i18nc("Noun", "Corrected budget");
3241     }
3242     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("f_delta"))) {
3243         return i18nc("Noun", "Delta after rules");
3244     }
3245     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("f_deltabeforetransfer"))) {
3246         return i18nc("Noun", "Delta");
3247     }
3248     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_source"))) {
3249         return i18nc("Noun", "Download source");
3250     }
3251     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_transfer"))) {
3252         return i18nc("Noun", "Transfer");
3253     }
3254     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_toaccount"))) {
3255         return i18nc("Noun, a target account of a transfer", "To account");
3256     }
3257     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("f_maxamount"))) {
3258         return i18nc("Noun, a maximum limit", "Maximum limit");
3259     }
3260     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("f_minamount"))) {
3261         return i18nc("Noun, a minimum limit", "Minimum limit");
3262     }
3263     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("i_opid"))) {
3264         return i18nc("Noun, the id of an operation", "Transaction id");
3265     }
3266     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("#nothing#"))) {
3267         return i18nc("Noun, the absence of anything", "-- Nothing --");
3268     }
3269     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("f_importbalance"))) {
3270         return i18nc("Noun", "Balance import");
3271     }
3272     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("f_reconciliationbalance"))) {
3273         return i18nc("Noun", "Balance reconciliation");
3274     }
3275     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("d_importdate"))) {
3276         return i18nc("Noun, the date of the last import", "Import date");
3277     }
3278     if (output.endsWith(QLatin1String("i_nbsuboperations"))) {
3279         return i18nc("Noun", "Number of split");
3280     }
3282     return SKGDocument::getDisplay(iString);
3283 }
3285 QString SKGDocumentBank::getRealAttribute(const QString& iString) const
3286 {
3287     if (iString.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_BANK"))) {
3288         return QStringLiteral("bank.rd_bank_id.t_name");
3289     }
3290     if (iString.endsWith(QLatin1String("t_BANK_NUMBER"))) {
3291         return QStringLiteral("bank.rd_bank_id.t_bank_number");
3292     }
3293     return SKGDocument::getRealAttribute(iString);
3294 }
3296 SKGServices::AttributeType SKGDocumentBank::getAttributeType(const QString& iAttributeName) const
3297 {
3298     SKGServices::AttributeType output = SKGServices::TEXT;
3299     if (iAttributeName == QStringLiteral("t_status") || iAttributeName == QStringLiteral("t_imported")) {
3300         return SKGServices::TRISTATE;
3301     }
3302     if (iAttributeName == QStringLiteral("t_close") || iAttributeName == QStringLiteral("t_bookmarked")  || iAttributeName == QStringLiteral("t_auto_write") ||
3303         iAttributeName == QStringLiteral("t_warn") || iAttributeName == QStringLiteral("t_TRANSFER") || iAttributeName == QStringLiteral("t_template") ||
3304         iAttributeName == QStringLiteral("t_times") ||
3305         iAttributeName == QStringLiteral("t_absolute") || iAttributeName == QStringLiteral("t_category_condition") || iAttributeName == QStringLiteral("t_month_condition") || iAttributeName == QStringLiteral("t_year_condition") || iAttributeName == QStringLiteral("t_including_subcategories")) {
3306         return SKGServices::BOOL;
3307     }
3308     output = SKGDocument::getAttributeType(iAttributeName);
3310     return output;
3311 }
3314 QVariantList SKGDocumentBank::getBudget(const QString& iMonth) const
3315 {
3317     QVariantList table;
3318     SKGStringListList listTmp;
3319     SKGError err = executeSelectSqliteOrder("SELECT t_CATEGORY, f_budgeted, f_CURRENTAMOUNT, f_DELTABEFORETRANSFER, f_budgeted_modified  FROM v_budget "
3320                                             "where t_PERIOD='" % iMonth % "' ORDER BY t_CATEGORY;",
3321                                             listTmp);
3322     int nbval = listTmp.count();
3323     if (!err && nbval > 1) {
3324         table.reserve(nbval + 1);
3325         table.push_back(QVariantList() << "sum" << getDisplay(QStringLiteral("t_CATEGORY")) << getDisplay(QStringLiteral("f_budgeted_modified")) << getDisplay(QStringLiteral("f_CURRENTAMOUNT")) << getDisplay(QStringLiteral("f_DELTA")));
3326         double sum1 = 0;
3327         double sum2 = 0;
3328         double sum3 = 0;
3329         double sum4 = 0;
3330         for (int i = 1; i < nbval; ++i) {  // Ignore header
3331             double v1 = SKGServices::stringToDouble(;
3332             double v2 = SKGServices::stringToDouble(;
3333             double v3 = SKGServices::stringToDouble(;
3334             double v4 = SKGServices::stringToDouble(;
3335             table.push_back(QVariantList() << false << << v1 << v2 << v3 << v4);
3337             sum1 += v1;
3338             sum2 += v2;
3339             sum3 += v3;
3340             sum4 += v4;
3341         }
3342         table.push_back(QVariantList() << true << i18nc("Noun, the numerical total of a sum of values", "Total") << sum1 << sum2 << sum3 << sum4);
3343     }
3344     return table;
3345 }
3347 QVariantList SKGDocumentBank::getMainCategories(const QString& iPeriod, int iNb)
3348 {
3350     QVariantList table;
3351     SKGServices::SKGUnitInfo primary = getPrimaryUnit();
3353     QString wc = "t_TRANSFER='N' AND t_TYPEEXPENSE='-' AND " + SKGServices::getPeriodWhereClause(iPeriod);
3355     SKGStringListList listTmp;
3356     SKGError err = executeSelectSqliteOrder("SELECT t_REALCATEGORY, TOTAL(f_REALCURRENTAMOUNT), "
3357                                             "100*TOTAL(f_REALCURRENTAMOUNT)/(SELECT TOTAL(f_REALCURRENTAMOUNT) FROM v_suboperation_consolidated WHERE " % wc % ") "
3358                                             "FROM v_suboperation_consolidated "
3359                                             "WHERE " % wc % " GROUP BY t_REALCATEGORY ORDER BY TOTAL(f_REALCURRENTAMOUNT)",
3360                                             listTmp);
3361     int nbval = listTmp.count();
3362     if (!err && (nbval != 0)) {
3363         table.reserve(nbval);
3364         table.push_back(QVariantList() << "sum" << getDisplay(QStringLiteral("t_REALCATEGORY")) << iPeriod << "url" << "percent");
3366         // Add X main categories
3367         for (int i = 1; i < nbval && i <= iNb; ++i) {  // Ignore header
3368             QString cat =;
3369             double v = qAbs(SKGServices::stringToDouble(;
3370             double p = qAbs(SKGServices::stringToDouble(;
3371             table.push_back(QVariantList() << false << cat << v << QString(wc % " AND t_REALCATEGORY='" % SKGServices::stringToSqlString(cat) % "'") << p);
3372         }
3374         // Build "Other" category
3375         QStringList listCat;
3376         listCat.reserve(nbval);
3377         double sum = 0.0;
3378         double sumPercent = 0.0;
3379         for (int i = iNb + 1; i < nbval; ++i) {
3380             listCat.push_back(SKGServices::stringToSqlString(;
3381             sum += qAbs(SKGServices::stringToDouble(;
3382             sumPercent += qAbs(SKGServices::stringToDouble(;
3383         }
3384         if (listCat.count() != 0) {
3385             table.push_back(QVariantList() << false << i18nc("an other category", "Others") << sum << QString(wc % " AND t_REALCATEGORY IN ('" % listCat.join(QStringLiteral("','")) % "')") << sumPercent);
3386         }
3387     }
3388     return table;
3389 }
3391 QStringList SKGDocumentBank::get5MainCategoriesVariationList(const QString& iPeriod, const QString& iPreviousPeriod, bool iOnlyIssues, QStringList* oCategoryList)
3392 {
3394     // Compute input string
3395     QString inputString = iPeriod % iPreviousPeriod % (iOnlyIssues ? 'Y' : 'N') % (oCategoryList != nullptr ? 'Y' : 'N');
3397     // Use cache or not
3398     QStringList output;
3399     if (inputString == m_5mainVariations_inputs) {
3400         // Yes
3401         output = m_5mainVariations_cache;
3402         if (oCategoryList != nullptr) {
3403             *oCategoryList = m_5mainVariationsCat_cache;
3404         }
3405     }
3406     m_5mainVariations_inputs = inputString;
3408     if (output.isEmpty()) {
3409         SKGServices::SKGUnitInfo primary = getPrimaryUnit();
3411         SKGStringListList listTmp;
3412         SKGError err = executeSelectSqliteOrder("select *, 100*(A2-A1)/ABS(A1) as 'V' from "
3413                                                 "(SELECT t_REALCATEGORY as 'C1', TOTAL(f_REALCURRENTAMOUNT) as 'A1' FROM v_suboperation_consolidated where "
3414                                                 "t_TRANSFER='N' AND " + SKGServices::getPeriodWhereClause(iPreviousPeriod) + " AND t_TYPEEXPENSE='-' group by t_REALCATEGORY) A,"
3415                                                 "(SELECT t_REALCATEGORY as 'C2', TOTAL(f_REALCURRENTAMOUNT) as 'A2' FROM v_suboperation_consolidated where "
3416                                                 "t_TRANSFER='N' AND " + SKGServices::getPeriodWhereClause(iPeriod) + " AND t_TYPEEXPENSE='-' group by t_REALCATEGORY) B "
3417                                                 "WHERE A.C1=B.C2 AND ABS(A2-A1)/ABS(A1)>0.1 " +
3418                                                 (iOnlyIssues ? "AND ((A1<0 AND A2<0 AND A2<A1) OR (A1>0 AND A2>0 AND A2<A1))" : "") +
3419                                                 " ORDER BY ABS(A2-A1) DESC LIMIT 5;",
3420                                                 listTmp);
3421         IFOK(err) {
3422             // Clear the list
3423             m_5mainVariations_cache.clear();
3424             m_5mainVariationsCat_cache.clear();
3426             // Fill list
3427             int nbval = listTmp.count();
3428             for (int i = 1; i < nbval; ++i) {  // Ignore header
3429                 /*Example of sentences:
3430                   Expenses in category "Food > Grocery" in November decreased by 14% for a total  of 220,48€.
3431                   Expenses in category "Food" (no subcategory) in November increased by 24% for a total of 70,20€.
3432                   Expenses in category "Automotive > Fuel" in November increased by 24% for a total of 122,48€.
3433                   Expenses in category "Misc" in November decreased by 30% for a total of 36,52€.
3434                   This month, you spent 75,00€ in Category "Bills > Subscriptions". No expense in that category was found in previous month
3435                   Expenses with mode "withdrawal" reprensented 60,00€ of your expenses in current month*/
3436                 QString c1 =;
3437                 double a1 = SKGServices::stringToDouble(;
3438                 double a2 = SKGServices::stringToDouble(;
3439                 double v = SKGServices::stringToDouble(;
3441                 QString a2f = formatMoney(qAbs(a2), primary);
3442                 if (a1 < 0 && a2 < 0) {
3443                     QString vf = formatPercentage(qAbs(v), v < 0);
3444                     if (v < 0) {
3445                         m_5mainVariations_cache.push_back(i18n("Expenses in category <b>'%1'</b> increased by <b>%2</b> for a total of <b>%3</b>.", c1, vf, a2f));
3446                         m_5mainVariationsCat_cache.push_back(c1);
3447                     } else {
3448                         if (!iOnlyIssues) {
3449                             m_5mainVariations_cache.push_back(i18n("Expenses in category <b>'%1'</b> decreased by <b>%2</b> for a total of <b>%3</b>.", c1, vf, a2f));
3450                             m_5mainVariationsCat_cache.push_back(c1);
3451                         }
3452                     }
3453                 } else if (a1 > 0 && a2 > 0) {
3454                     QString vf = formatPercentage(qAbs(v));
3455                     if (v > 0) {
3456                         if (!iOnlyIssues) {
3457                             m_5mainVariations_cache.push_back(i18n("Incomes in category <b>'%1'</b> increased by <b>%2</b> for a total of <b>%3</b>.", c1, vf, a2f));
3458                             m_5mainVariationsCat_cache.push_back(c1);
3459                         }
3460                     } else {
3461                         m_5mainVariations_cache.push_back(i18n("Incomes in category <b>'%1'</b> decreased by <b>%2</b> for a total of <b>%3</b>.", c1, vf, a2f));
3462                         m_5mainVariationsCat_cache.push_back(c1);
3463                     }
3464                 }
3465             }
3466         }
3467         output = m_5mainVariations_cache;
3468         if (oCategoryList != nullptr) {
3469             *oCategoryList = m_5mainVariationsCat_cache;
3470         }
3471     }
3472     return output;
3473 }
3475 SKGReport* SKGDocumentBank::getReport() const
3476 {
3477     return new SKGReportBank(const_cast<SKGDocumentBank*>(this));
3478 }