File indexing completed on 2024-05-19 12:59:22

0001 /***************************************************************************
0002  * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 S. MANKOWSKI
0003  * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 G. DE BURE
0004  * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
0005  ***************************************************************************/
0006 /** @file
0007  * This file is a query creator for skrooge
0008  *
0009  * @author Stephane MANKOWSKI / Guillaume DE BURE
0010  */
0011 #include "skgquerycreator.h"
0013 #include <qdom.h>
0014 #include <qheaderview.h>
0015 #include <qmenu.h>
0017 #include "skgdocument.h"
0018 #include "skgpredicatcreator.h"
0019 #include "skgquerydelegate.h"
0020 #include "skgruleobject.h"
0021 #include "skgservices.h"
0023 #define ADDOPERATOR(title, op) \
0024     { \
0025         QAction* act = helpMenu->addAction(title); \
0026         act->setData(op); \
0027         connect(act, &QAction::triggered, this, &SKGQueryCreator::onAddText); \
0028     }
0030 SKGQueryCreator::SKGQueryCreator(QWidget* iParent)
0031     : QWidget(iParent), m_document(nullptr), m_updateMode(false)
0032 {
0033     ui.setupUi(this);
0035     ui.kList->horizontalHeader()->setSectionResizeMode(QHeaderView::Interactive);
0036     ui.kList->verticalHeader()->setSectionResizeMode(QHeaderView::Fixed);
0037     ui.kList->setWordWrap(false);
0038     ui.kList->horizontalHeader()->setSectionsMovable(true);
0040     ui.kToolHelp->setIcon(SKGServices::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("dialog-information")));
0041     ui.kCheckMode->setIcon(SKGServices::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("arrow-down")));
0042     ui.kCheckMode->setToolTip(i18nc("A tool tip", "Switch in advanced mode"));
0044     connect(ui.kFilterEdit, &QLineEdit::textChanged, this, &SKGQueryCreator::onTextFilterChanged);
0045     connect(ui.kCheckMode, &QToolButton::clicked, this, &SKGQueryCreator::switchAdvancedSearchMode);
0046     connect(ui.kList, &SKGTableWidget::removeLine, this, &SKGQueryCreator::removeLine);
0047     connect(ui.kFilterEdit, &QLineEdit::returnPressed, this, &SKGQueryCreator::search);
0048     connect(ui.kListAtt, &QListWidget::doubleClicked, this, &SKGQueryCreator::onAddColumn);
0050     addNewLine();
0051     onTextFilterChanged(QLatin1String(""));
0052 }
0054 SKGQueryCreator::~SKGQueryCreator()
0055 {
0056     m_document = nullptr;
0057 }
0059 void SKGQueryCreator::onTextFilterChanged(const QString& iFilter)
0060 {
0061     auto tooltip = i18nc("Tooltip", "<html><head/><body><p>Searching is case-insensitive. So table, Table, and TABLE are all the same.<br/>"
0062                          "If you just put a word or series of words in the search box, the application will filter the table to keep all lines having these words (logical operator AND). <br/>"
0063                          "If you want to add (logical operator OR) some lines, you must prefix your word by '+'.<br/>"
0064                          "If you want to remove (logical operator NOT) some lines, you must prefix your word by '-'.<br/>"
0065                          "If you want to search only on some columns, you must prefix your word by the beginning of column name like: col1:word.<br/>"
0066                          "If you want to search only on one column, you must prefix your word by the column name and a dot like: col1.:word.<br/>"
0067                          "If you want to use the character ':' in value, you must specify the column name like this: col1:value:rest.<br/>"
0068                          "If you want to search for a phrase or something that contains spaces, you must put it in quotes, like: 'yes, this is a phrase'.</p>"
0069                          "<p>You can also use operators '&lt;', '&gt;', '&lt;=', '&gt;=', '=' and '#' (for regular expression).</p>"
0070                          "<p><span style=\"font-weight:600; text-decoration: underline;\">Examples:</span><br/>"
0071                          "+val1 +val2 =&gt; Keep lines containing val1 OR val2<br/>"
0072                          "+val1 -val2 =&gt; Keep lines containing val1 but NOT val2<br/>"
0073                          "'abc def' =&gt; Keep lines containing the sentence 'abc def' <br/>"
0074                          "'-att:abc def' =&gt; Remove lines having a column name starting by abc and containing 'abc def' <br/>"
0075                          "abc:def =&gt; Keep lines having a column name starting by abc and containing def<br/>"
0076                          ":abc:def =&gt; Keep lines containing 'abc:def'<br/>"
0077                          "Date&gt;2015-03-01 =&gt; Keep lines where at least one attribute starting by Date is greater than 2015-03-01<br/>"
0078                          "Date.&gt;2015-03-01 =&gt; Keep lines where at the Date attribute is greater than 2015-03-01<br/>"
0079                          "Amount&lt;10 =&gt;Keep lines where at least one attribute starting by Amount is less than 10<br/>"
0080                          "Amount=10 =&gt;Keep lines where at least one attribute starting by Amount is equal to 10<br/>"
0081                          "Amount&lt;=10 =&gt;Keep lines where at least one attribute starting by Amount is less or equal to 10<br/>"
0082                          "abc#^d.*f$ =&gt; Keep lines having a column name starting by abc and matching the regular expression ^d.*f$</p>"
0083                          "<span style=\"font-weight:600; text-decoration: underline;\">Your filter is understood like this:</span><br/>"
0084                          "%1</body></html>", SKGServices::stringToHtml(SKGServices::searchCriteriasToWhereClause(SKGServices::stringToSearchCriterias(iFilter), m_attributes, m_document, true)));
0085     ui.kFilterEdit->setToolTip(tooltip);
0086 }
0088 bool SKGQueryCreator::advancedSearchMode() const
0089 {
0090     return (!ui.kFilterEdit->isVisible());
0091 }
0093 void SKGQueryCreator::setAdvancedSearchMode(bool iAdvancedMode) const
0094 {
0095     if (iAdvancedMode) {
0096         ui.kToolHelp->hide();
0097         ui.kFrmAdvanced->show();
0098         ui.kFilterEdit->hide();
0099         ui.kCheckMode->setIcon(SKGServices::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("arrow-up")));
0100         ui.kCheckMode->setToolTip(i18nc("A tool tip", "Switch in simple mode"));
0101     } else {
0102         ui.kToolHelp->show();
0103         ui.kFrmAdvanced->hide();
0104         ui.kFilterEdit->show();
0105         ui.kCheckMode->setIcon(SKGServices::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("arrow-down")));
0106         ui.kCheckMode->setToolTip(i18nc("A tool tip", "Switch in advanced mode"));
0107     }
0108 }
0110 void SKGQueryCreator::switchAdvancedSearchMode() const
0111 {
0112     setAdvancedSearchMode(!advancedSearchMode());
0113 }
0115 void SKGQueryCreator::setParameters(SKGDocument* iDocument, const QString& iTable, const QStringList& iListAttribute, bool iModeUpdate)
0116 {
0117     m_document = iDocument;
0118     m_table = iTable;
0119     m_updateMode = iModeUpdate;
0120     m_attributes = iListAttribute;
0122     setAdvancedSearchMode(m_updateMode);
0123     ui.kCheckMode->setVisible(!m_updateMode);
0125 //     QString txt=(updateMode ? i18nc("Description", "Double click on a field name to add it to your modification definition.") : i18nc("Description", "Double click on a field name to add it to your search definition."))+'\n'+i18nc("Description", "Double click on a cell to modify it.");
0126 //     ui.kLabel->setComment ( "<html><body><b>"+SKGServices::stringToHtml ( txt ) +"</b></body></html>" );
0127 //     ui.kLabel->setIcon ( SKGServices::fromTheme( updateMode ? "view-refresh" :"edit-find" ), KTitleWidget::ImageLeft );
0129     // Build list of attributes
0130     if (m_document != nullptr) {
0131         auto delegate = new SKGQueryDelegate(ui.kList, m_document, m_updateMode, iListAttribute);
0132         connect(delegate, &SKGQueryDelegate::commitData, this, &SKGQueryCreator::onCloseEditor, Qt::QueuedConnection);
0134         ui.kList->setItemDelegate(delegate);
0136         // Keep only existing attribute
0137         SKGServices::SKGAttributesList listAtts;
0138         int nb = iListAttribute.count();
0140         SKGServices::SKGAttributesList attributes;
0141         m_document->getAttributesDescription(m_table, attributes);
0142         listAtts.reserve(nb + attributes.count());
0143         for (const auto& att : qAsConst(attributes)) {
0144             if (iListAttribute.isEmpty() || iListAttribute.contains( {
0145                 listAtts.push_back(att);
0146             }
0147         }
0149         // Adding properties
0150         for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
0151             const QString& att =;
0152             if (att.startsWith(QLatin1String("p_"))) {
0153                 SKGServices::SKGAttributeInfo info;
0154        = att;
0155                 info.display = att.right(att.length() - 2);
0156                 info.type = SKGServices::TEXT;
0157                 info.icon = iDocument->getIcon(att);
0158                 listAtts.push_back(info);
0159             }
0160         }
0162         ui.kList->setRowCount(0);
0164         // Build list of attributes
0165         QMenu* helpMenu = nullptr;
0166         if (!iModeUpdate) {
0167             helpMenu = new QMenu(this);
0168             {
0169                 QAction* act = helpMenu->addAction(i18nc("Operator contains", "or"));
0170                 act->setData(QStringLiteral(" +"));
0171                 connect(act, &QAction::triggered, this, &SKGQueryCreator::onAddText);
0172             }
0173             {
0174                 QAction* act = helpMenu->addAction(i18nc("Operator contains", "but not"));
0175                 act->setData(QStringLiteral(" -"));
0176                 connect(act, &QAction::triggered, this, &SKGQueryCreator::onAddText);
0177             }
0178             helpMenu->addSeparator();
0179         }
0180         int nbCol = listAtts.count();
0181         for (int i = 0; i < nbCol; ++i) {
0182             auto listItem = new QListWidgetItem(,;
0183             ui.kListAtt->addItem(listItem);
0184             listItem->setData(Qt::UserRole,;
0186             if (helpMenu != nullptr) {
0187                 QAction* act = helpMenu->addAction(,;
0188                 act->setData(;
0189                 connect(act, &QAction::triggered, this, &SKGQueryCreator::onAddText);
0190             }
0191         }
0192         ui.kListAtt->sortItems();
0193         ui.kListAtt->setModelColumn(nbCol);
0194         if (helpMenu != nullptr) {
0195             helpMenu->addSeparator();
0196             {
0197                 QAction* act = helpMenu->addAction(i18nc("Operator contains", "Contains"));
0198                 act->setData(QStringLiteral(":"));
0199                 connect(act, &QAction::triggered, this, &SKGQueryCreator::onAddText);
0200             }
0201             ADDOPERATOR(QStringLiteral("="), QStringLiteral("="))
0202             ADDOPERATOR(i18nc("Noun", "Regular expression"), QStringLiteral("#"))
0203             ADDOPERATOR(QStringLiteral(">"), QStringLiteral(">"))
0204             ADDOPERATOR(QStringLiteral("<"), QStringLiteral("<"))
0205             ADDOPERATOR(QStringLiteral(">="), QStringLiteral(">="))
0206             ADDOPERATOR(QStringLiteral("<="), QStringLiteral("<="))
0207             ui.kToolHelp->setMenu(helpMenu);
0208         }
0210         connect(ui.kList->verticalHeader(), &QHeaderView::sectionClicked, this, &SKGQueryCreator::removeLine);
0211         connect(ui.kList->horizontalHeader(), &QHeaderView::sectionClicked, this, &SKGQueryCreator::removeColumn);
0213         addNewLine();
0214     }
0215 }
0217 int SKGQueryCreator::getIndexQueryColumn(const QString& iAttribute, int row)
0218 {
0219     // Search column for this attribute
0220     int output = -1;
0221     int nbCol = ui.kList->columnCount();
0222     for (int i = 0; i < nbCol && output == -1; ++i) {
0223         QTableWidgetItem* it_h = ui.kList->horizontalHeaderItem(i);
0224         if ((it_h != nullptr) && iAttribute == it_h->data(Qt::UserRole).toString()) {
0225             if (row >= 0) {
0226                 // Check if the cell is empty
0227                 QTableWidgetItem* it = ui.kList->item(row, i);
0228                 if (it != nullptr) {
0229                     if (it->text().isEmpty()) {
0230                         output = i;
0231                     }
0232                 }
0233             } else {
0234                 output = i;
0235             }
0236         }
0237     }
0239     // If not existing, we have to create it
0240     if (output == -1) {
0241         int nb = ui.kListAtt->count();
0242         for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
0243             QListWidgetItem* it = ui.kListAtt->item(i);
0244             if ((it != nullptr) && iAttribute == it->data(Qt::UserRole).toString()) {
0245                 addColumnFromAttribut(it);
0246                 output = nbCol;
0247                 break;
0248             }
0249         }
0250     }
0252     return output;
0253 }
0255 void SKGQueryCreator::clearContents()
0256 {
0257     ui.kList->clearContents();
0258     ui.kList->setRowCount(0);
0260     addNewLine();
0261 }
0263 void SKGQueryCreator::setXMLCondition(const QString& iXML)
0264 {
0265     QDomDocument doc(QStringLiteral("SKGML"));
0266     doc.setContent(iXML);
0267     QDomElement root = doc.documentElement();
0269     ui.kList->clearContents();
0270     ui.kList->setRowCount(0);
0271     ui.kList->setColumnCount(0);
0273     if (root.tagName() == QStringLiteral("element")) {
0274         // Mode advanced
0275         setAdvancedSearchMode(true);
0276         int row = -1;
0277         QDomNode l = root.firstChild();
0278         while (!l.isNull()) {
0279             QDomElement elementl = l.toElement();
0280             if (!elementl.isNull()) {
0281                 // Add new line
0282                 addNewLine();
0283                 ++row;
0285                 QDomNode n = elementl.firstChild();
0286                 while (!n.isNull()) {
0287                     QDomElement element = n.toElement();
0288                     if (!element.isNull()) {
0289                         QString attribute = element.attribute(QStringLiteral("attribute"));
0290                         int idx = getIndexQueryColumn(attribute, row);
0291                         if (idx >= 0) {
0292                             QDomDocument doc2(QStringLiteral("SKGML"));
0293                             QDomElement root2 = doc2.createElement(QStringLiteral("element"));
0294                             doc2.appendChild(root2);
0295                             root2.setAttribute(QStringLiteral("operator"), element.attribute(QStringLiteral("operator")));
0296                             root2.setAttribute(QStringLiteral("value"), element.attribute(QStringLiteral("value")));
0297                             root2.setAttribute(QStringLiteral("value2"), element.attribute(QStringLiteral("value2")));
0298                             root2.setAttribute(QStringLiteral("att2"), element.attribute(QStringLiteral("att2")));
0299                             root2.setAttribute(QStringLiteral("att2s"), element.attribute(QStringLiteral("att2s")));
0300                             QTableWidgetItem* it = ui.kList->item(row, idx);
0301                             if (it != nullptr) {
0302                                 QString xml = doc2.toString();
0304                                 it->setText(SKGPredicatCreator::getTextFromXml(xml));
0305                                 it->setData(Qt::UserRole, xml);
0306                             }
0307                         }
0308                     }
0309                     n = n.nextSibling();
0310                 }
0311             }
0312             l = l.nextSibling();
0313         }
0315         addNewLine();
0316     } else  {
0317         // Mode simple
0318         setAdvancedSearchMode(false);
0319         ui.kFilterEdit->setText(root.attribute(QStringLiteral("query")));
0320     }
0321 }
0323 QString SKGQueryCreator::getXMLCondition()
0324 {
0325     QString output;
0326     if (advancedSearchMode()) {
0327         // Mode advanced
0328         QHeaderView* hHeader = ui.kList->horizontalHeader();
0329         if (hHeader != nullptr) {
0330             QDomDocument doc(QStringLiteral("SKGML"));
0331             QDomElement element = doc.createElement(QStringLiteral("element"));
0332             doc.appendChild(element);
0334             element.appendChild(doc.createComment(QStringLiteral("OR")));
0336             bool empty = true;
0337             int nbRow = ui.kList->rowCount();
0338             int nbCol = hHeader->count();
0339             for (int j = 0; j < nbRow; ++j) {
0340                 QDomElement elementLine = doc.createElement(QStringLiteral("element"));
0341                 element.appendChild(elementLine);
0343                 elementLine.appendChild(doc.createComment(QStringLiteral("AND")));
0345                 bool atLeastOne = false;
0346                 for (int i = 0; i < nbCol; ++i) {
0347                     int iRealPos = hHeader->logicalIndex(i);
0348                     QTableWidgetItem* it = ui.kList->item(j, iRealPos);
0349                     if (it != nullptr) {
0350                         QString co = it->data(Qt::UserRole).toString();
0351                         if (!co.isEmpty()) {
0352                             QDomElement elementElement = doc.createElement(QStringLiteral("element"));
0353                             elementLine.appendChild(elementElement);
0355                             QTableWidgetItem* it_h = ui.kList->horizontalHeaderItem(iRealPos);
0356                             QString attname = it_h->data(Qt::UserRole).toString();
0358                             QDomDocument doc2(QStringLiteral("SKGML"));
0359                             doc2.setContent(co);
0360                             QDomElement root2 = doc2.documentElement();
0362                             elementElement.setAttribute(QStringLiteral("attribute"), attname);
0363                             elementElement.setAttribute(QStringLiteral("operator"), root2.attribute(QStringLiteral("operator")));
0364                             if (root2.hasAttribute(QStringLiteral("value"))) {
0365                                 elementElement.setAttribute(QStringLiteral("value"), root2.attribute(QStringLiteral("value")));
0366                             }
0367                             if (root2.hasAttribute(QStringLiteral("value2"))) {
0368                                 elementElement.setAttribute(QStringLiteral("value2"), root2.attribute(QStringLiteral("value2")));
0369                             }
0370                             if (root2.hasAttribute(QStringLiteral("att2"))) {
0371                                 elementElement.setAttribute(QStringLiteral("att2"), root2.attribute(QStringLiteral("att2")));
0372                             }
0373                             if (root2.hasAttribute(QStringLiteral("att2s"))) {
0374                                 elementElement.setAttribute(QStringLiteral("att2s"), root2.attribute(QStringLiteral("att2s")));
0375                             }
0377                             atLeastOne = true;
0378                             empty = false;
0379                         }
0380                     }
0381                 }
0383                 if (!atLeastOne) {
0384                     element.removeChild(elementLine);
0385                 }
0386             }
0387             if (!empty) {
0388                 output = doc.toString();
0389             }
0390         }
0391     } else {
0392         // Mode simple
0393         QDomDocument doc(QStringLiteral("SKGML"));
0394         QDomElement element = doc.createElement(QStringLiteral("simple"));
0395         element.setAttribute(QStringLiteral("query"), ui.kFilterEdit->text());
0396         element.setAttribute(QStringLiteral("sql"), SKGServices::searchCriteriasToWhereClause(SKGServices::stringToSearchCriterias(ui.kFilterEdit->text()), m_attributes, m_document));
0397         doc.appendChild(element);
0398         output = doc.toString();
0399     }
0401     return output;
0402 }
0404 void SKGQueryCreator::onCloseEditor()
0405 {
0406     // If all lignes have at least one value then add a new line
0407     bool lineEmpty = false;
0408     int nbCol = ui.kList->columnCount();
0409     int nbRow = ui.kList->rowCount();
0410     for (int j = 0; !lineEmpty && j < nbRow; ++j) {
0411         lineEmpty = true;
0412         for (int i = 0; lineEmpty && i < nbCol; ++i) {
0413             QTableWidgetItem* it = ui.kList->item(j, i);
0414             if ((it != nullptr) && !it->text().isEmpty()) {
0415                 lineEmpty = false;
0416             }
0417         }
0418     }
0420     if (!lineEmpty) {
0421         addNewLine();
0422     }
0424     resizeColumns();
0425 }
0427 void SKGQueryCreator::onAddText()
0428 {
0429     auto* act = qobject_cast< QAction* >(sender());
0430     if (act != nullptr) {
0431         ui.kFilterEdit->insert(act->data().toString());
0432     }
0433 }
0435 void SKGQueryCreator::onAddColumn()
0436 {
0437     QList<QListWidgetItem*> selection = ui.kListAtt->selectedItems();
0438     if (selection.count() == 1) {
0439         QListWidgetItem* listItem =;
0440         addColumnFromAttribut(listItem);
0441     }
0442 }
0444 void SKGQueryCreator::addColumnFromAttribut(const QListWidgetItem* iListItem)
0445 {
0446     if (iListItem != nullptr) {
0447         bool previous = ui.kList->blockSignals(true);
0449         int nb = ui.kList->columnCount();
0450         ui.kList->setColumnCount(nb + 1);
0452         // Create header
0453         auto item = new QTableWidgetItem(iListItem->icon(), iListItem->text());
0454         item->setData(Qt::UserRole, iListItem->data(Qt::UserRole));
0455         ui.kList->setHorizontalHeaderItem(nb, item);
0457         // Create items
0458         int nbRows = ui.kList->rowCount();
0459         for (int i = 0; i < nbRows; ++i) {
0460             ui.kList->setItem(i, nb, new QTableWidgetItem());
0461         }
0462         ui.kList->blockSignals(previous);
0464         resizeColumns();
0465     }
0466 }
0468 void SKGQueryCreator::addNewLine()
0469 {
0470     // add line is only for
0471     if (!m_updateMode || ui.kList->rowCount() < 1) {
0472         bool previous = ui.kList->blockSignals(true);
0474         int nbCol = ui.kList->columnCount();
0475         int row = ui.kList->rowCount();
0476         ui.kList->insertRow(row);
0478         // Add a delete icon
0479         if (!m_updateMode) {
0480             ui.kList->setVerticalHeaderItem(row, new QTableWidgetItem(SKGServices::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("edit-delete")), QLatin1String("")));
0481         }
0483         for (int i = 0; i < nbCol; ++i) {
0484             auto item = new QTableWidgetItem();
0485             ui.kList->setItem(row, i, item);
0486         }
0487         ui.kList->blockSignals(previous);
0489         resizeColumns();
0490     }
0491 }
0493 int SKGQueryCreator::getColumnsCount()
0494 {
0495     return ui.kList->horizontalHeader()->count();
0496 }
0498 int SKGQueryCreator::getLinesCount()
0499 {
0500     return ui.kList->rowCount();
0501 }
0503 void SKGQueryCreator::removeColumn(int iColumn)
0504 {
0505     ui.kList->removeColumn(iColumn);
0507     // To be sure that we have at least an empty line
0508     onCloseEditor();
0509 }
0511 void SKGQueryCreator::removeLine(int iRow)
0512 {
0513     ui.kList->removeRow(iRow);
0515     // To be sure that we have at least an empty line
0516     onCloseEditor();
0517 }
0519 void SKGQueryCreator::resizeColumns()
0520 {
0521     ui.kList->horizontalHeader()->setSectionResizeMode(QHeaderView::Stretch);
0522     qApp->processEvents(QEventLoop::AllEvents, 300);
0523     ui.kList->horizontalHeader()->setSectionResizeMode(QHeaderView::Interactive);
0524 }