Warning, /office/skrooge/appveyor.ini is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 [General] 0002 Branch = master 0003 ShallowClone = True 0004 0005 # Variables defined here override the default value 0006 # The variable names are case sensitive 0007 [Variables] 0008 #Root = D:\qt-sdk 0009 0010 #Values need to be overwritten to create a cache 0011 UseCache = True 0012 CreateCache = True 0013 Msys = C:\msys64\ 0014 APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER = ${Variables:Root} 0015 0016 0017 # Settings applicable for all Crafts matrices 0018 # Settings are Category/key=value 0019 # Category is case sensitive 0020 [GeneralSettings] 0021 General/EMERGE_PKGDSTDIR=${Variables:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER}/binaries 0022 Paths/python = C:\Python36 0023 Paths/python27 = C:\Python27 0024 Paths/Msys = ${Variables:Msys} 0025 Paths/DownloadDir = ${Variables:Root}/downloads 0026 ShortPath/Enabled = False 0027 ShortPath/EnableJunctions = True 0028 ShortPath/JunctionDir = ${Variables:Root}/csp 0029 Packager/UseCache = ${Variables:UseCache} 0030 Packager/CreateCache = ${Variables:CreateCache} 0031 Packager/CacheDir = ${Variables:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER}/cache 0032 Packager/RepositoryUrl = http://downloads.kdab.com/ci/cache/skrooge/cache 0033 ContinuousIntegration/RepositoryUrl = http://downloads.kdab.com/ci/cache/skrooge/binary 0034 ContinuousIntegration/Enabled=True 0035 ContinuousIntegration/UpdateRepository = True 0036 Compile/BuildType = Release 0037 QtSDK/Version=5.10.1 0038 QtSDK/Path=C:\Qt 0039 QtSDK/Enabled=True 0040 Blueprints/BlueprintRoot = ${Variables:Root}/blueprints 0041 0042 [BlueprintSettings] 0043 /.buildTests = False 0044 0045 qt-apps/skrooge.version = master 0046 qt-apps/charm.version = master 0047 qt-apps/fatcrm.version = master 0048 0049 win32libs/icu.ignored = True 0050 binary/mysql.ignored = True 0051 win32libs/dbus.ignored = True 0052 0053 [windows-msvc2015_32-cl] 0054 Packager/PackageType = SevenZipPackager 0055 QtSDK/Compiler = msvc2015 0056 General/ABI = windows-msvc2015_32-cl 0057 General/Options = qt-apps/skrooge.skroogeProbeOnly = True 0058 0059 [windows-mingw_32-gcc] 0060 Packager/PackageType = SevenZipPackager 0061 QtSDK/Compiler = mingw53_32 0062 General/ABI = windows-mingw_32-gcc 0063 General/Options = qt-apps/skrooge.skroogeProbeOnly = True;qt-apps/skrooge.disableGammarayBuildCliInjector = True 0064 0065 [windows-msvc2017_64-cl] 0066 # create a portable 7z and an installer 0067 Packager/PackageType = MultiCollectionPackager 0068 QtSDK/Compiler = msvc2017_64 0069 General/ABI = windows-msvc2017_64-cl