Warning, /office/kmymoney/vcpkg.json is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 {
0002   "name": "kmymoney",
0003   "version-string": "5.x.x-dev",
0004   "port-version": 1,
0005   "homepage": "https://kmymoney.org",
0006   "dependencies": [
0007     "ecm",
0008     "gmp",
0009     "kf5archive",
0010     "kf5completion",
0011     "kf5config",
0012     "kf5configwidgets",
0013     "kf5coreaddons",
0014     "kf5i18n",
0015     "kf5iconthemes",
0016     "kf5itemmodels",
0017     "kf5itemviews",
0018     "kf5kcmutils",
0019     "kf5kio",
0020     "kf5notifications",
0021     "kf5service",
0022     "kf5textwidgets",
0023     "kf5xmlgui",
0024     "libalkimia",
0025     "qt5-base",
0026     "qt5-svg",
0027     "qtkeychain"
0028   ],
0029   "features": {
0030     "encryption": {
0031       "description": "Allows to store financial data using strong GPG encryption. Currently non-functional due to vcpkg's gpgme missing Qt bindings.",
0032       "dependencies": [
0033         "gpgme"
0034       ]
0035     },
0036     "ical": {
0037       "description": "Enables Calendar plugin",
0038       "dependencies": [
0039         "libical"
0040       ]
0041     },
0042     "kbanking": {
0043       "description": "Enables KBanking plugin",
0044       "dependencies": [
0045         "libaqbanking"
0046       ]
0047     },
0048     "ofx": {
0049       "description": "Enables OFX importer plugin",
0050       "dependencies": [
0051         "libofx"
0052       ]
0053     },
0054     "reports": {
0055       "description": "Adds possibility to display chart and table reports",
0056       "dependencies": [
0057         "kf5diagram"
0058       ]
0059     }
0060   }
0061 }