Warning, file /office/kmymoney/packaging/release-windows-packages was not indexed or was modified since last indexation (in which case cross-reference links may be missing, inaccurate or erroneous).

0001 #!/bin/sh
0002 #
0003 # unpack windows rpm's from opensuse download server, upload files to kde.org and file a related release ticket
0004 #
0005 # Author: Ralf Habacker <ralf.habacker@freenet.de>
0006 #
0007 # requirements:
0008 #
0009 #  osc - opensuse build service command line client
0010 #
0011 # syntax: release-windows-packages [<options>] <mode>
0012 #
0013 # run ./release-windows-packages to see all modes and options
0014 #
0015 NAME=kmymoney5
0016 # package name on download.kde.org
0017 RELEASE_NAME=kmymoney
0019 PACKAGENAME32=mingw32-$NAME
0020 ROOT32=windows\:mingw\:win32
0021 ARCHOUT32=i686-w64-mingw32
0022 use32=1
0024 PACKAGENAME64=mingw64-$NAME
0025 ROOT64=windows\:mingw\:win64
0026 ARCHOUT64=x86_64-w64-mingw32
0027 use64=1
0029 REPO=openSUSE_Leap_15.3
0031 usesrc=0
0033 PHABURL=https://phabricator.kde.org
0034 oscoptions="-A https://api.opensuse.org"
0035 apitoken=cli-uxo23l4q5qrzoyscbz5kp4zcngqp
0036 options='projectPHIDs[]=PHID-PROJ-3qa4tomwgrmcmp4ym2ow'
0038 # abort on errors
0039 set -e
0041 echo2() { printf "%s\n" "$*" >&2; }
0043 which 7z >/dev/null 2>&1
0044 if test $? -ne 0; then
0045     echo "7z not found, run 'zypper install p7zip'"
0046     exit 1
0047 fi
0049 self=$(realpath $0)
0051 if ! test -d "work"; then
0052     mkdir work
0053 fi
0055 echo2 "running mode $1"
0056 dryrun=0
0057 update=0
0058 update_symlink=0
0059 curl=curl
0060 branch=stable
0062 # check options
0063 for var in "$@"; do
0064 case $var in
0065 --update-32) ## update i686 variant
0066         use64=0
0067         usesrc=0
0068         update=1
0069         shift
0070         ;;
0072 --update-64) ## update x86_64 variant
0073         use32=0
0074         usesrc=0
0075         update=1
0076         shift
0077         ;;
0079 --symlink) ## update 'latest' symbolic link
0080         update_symlink=1
0081         shift
0082         ;;
0084 --unstable) ## release unstable version
0085         branch=unstable
0086         ROOT32=home\:rhabacker\:branches\:windows\:mingw\:win32\:$NAME
0087         ROOT64=home\:rhabacker\:branches\:windows\:mingw\:win64\:$NAME
0088         shift
0089         ;;
0091 --dryrun) ## simulate upload only
0092         dryrun=1
0093         curl="echo curl"
0094         shift
0095         ;;
0096 esac
0097 done
0099 SRCROOT32=${ROOT32}
0100 SRCROOT64=${ROOT64}
0102 function clean() {
0103         rm -rf work/*
0104 }
0106 function download() {
0107         cd work
0108         rm -rf binaries
0109         if test $use32 -eq 1; then
0110                 osc $oscoptions getbinaries $ROOT32 $PACKAGENAME32:$PACKAGENAME32-installer $REPO x86_64
0111                 VERSION=$(find binaries/ -name "*$PACKAGENAME32-setup*" | sed "s,^.*$PACKAGENAME32-setup-,,g;s,-.*$,,g")
0112                 echo $VERSION > VERSION
0113         fi
0114         if test $use64 -eq 1; then
0115                 osc $oscoptions getbinaries $ROOT64 $PACKAGENAME64:$PACKAGENAME64-installer $REPO x86_64
0116                 VERSION=$(find binaries/ -name "*$PACKAGENAME64-setup*" | sed "s,^.*$PACKAGENAME64-setup-,,g;s,-.*$,,g")
0117                 echo $VERSION > VERSION
0118         fi
0119         cd ..
0120         if test $usesrc -eq 1; then
0121                 downloadsrc
0122         fi
0123         touch work/$1.finished
0124 }
0126 function getversion() {
0127         if ! test -f work/VERSION; then
0128                 echo "no version found"
0129                 exit 1;
0130         fi
0131         VERSION=$(cat work/VERSION)
0132 }
0134 function downloadsrc() {
0135         cd work
0136         # fetch source package
0137         src32pkg=$(osc $oscoptions ls -b -r $SRCREPO -a x86_64 $SRCROOT32 $PACKAGENAME32 | grep src)
0138         osc $oscoptions getbinaries --sources $SRCROOT32 $PACKAGENAME32 $SRCREPO x86_64 $src32pkg
0139         # we only need once source package
0140         #src64pkg=$(osc $oscoptions ls -b -r $SRCREPO -a x86_64 $SRCROOT64 mingw64-umbrello | grep src)
0141         #osc $oscoptions getbinaries --sources $SRCROOT64 mingw64-umbrello $SRCREPO x86_64 $src64pkg
0142         # fetch debug packages
0143         debug32pkg=$(osc $oscoptions ls -b -r $SRCREPO -a x86_64 $SRCROOT32 $PACKAGENAME32 | grep debug)
0144         osc $oscoptions getbinaries $SRCROOT32 $PACKAGENAME32 $SRCREPO x86_64 $debug32pkg
0145         if test -n "$ROOT64"; then
0146             debug64pkg=$(osc $oscoptions ls -b -r $SRCREPO -a x86_64 $SRCROOT64 $PACKAGENAME64 | grep debug)
0147             osc $oscoptions getbinaries $SRCROOT64 $PACKAGENAME64 $SRCREPO x86_64 $debug64pkg
0148         fi
0149         cd ..
0150         touch $1.finished
0151 }
0153 function unpack()  {
0154         getversion
0155         cd work
0156         files=$(cd binaries; find -name '*setup*' -o -name '*portable*' -o -name '*src*' -o -name '*debugpackage*' | grep "$VERSION" | sed 's,^.,binaries,g')
0157         if test -d tmp; then
0158                 rm -rf tmp
0159         fi
0160         mkdir -p tmp
0161         for i in $(echo $files); do
0162                 (cd tmp; rpm2cpio ../$i | cpio -idmv)
0163         done
0164         cd ..
0165         touch $1.finished
0166 }
0168 function movepackage() {
0169         cd work
0170         rm -rf out
0171         mkdir -p out
0172         for i in $(find tmp/ -type f -name '*.exe' -o -name '*.7z' -o -name '*.xz'); do
0173                 on=$(basename $i | sed  's,lp..,,g');
0174                 cp $i out/$on
0175         done
0176         cd ..
0177         touch $1.finished
0178 }
0180 function repacksource() {
0181         # repackage source package
0182         srcfile=$(find work/tmp -name "$NAME*.xz")
0183         outfile=$(basename $srcfile | sed 's,\.tar\.xz,\.7z,g')
0184         (mkdir -p work/srctmp; cd work/srctmp; tar -xJf ../../$srcfile; 7za a ../out/$outfile *; cd ..; rm -rf srctmp)
0185         touch work/$1.finished
0186 }
0188 function createsha() {
0189         (cd work/out; find -type f -name '*.7z' -o -name '*.exe' -o -name '*.xz' | sed 's,\./,,g' | sort | xargs sha256sum > $NAME.sha256sum)
0190         touch work/$1.finished
0191 }
0193 function upload() {
0194         for i in $(find work/out -name '*.7z' -o -name '*.exe' -o -name '*.xz'); do
0195                 $curl -T $i ftp://upload.kde.org/incoming/
0196                 if test $? -ne 0; then
0197                         echo "upload failed"
0198                         exit 1
0199                 fi
0200         done
0201         touch work/$1.finished
0202 }
0204 function createdescription() {
0205         getversion
0206         description="Please move the $RELEASE_NAME related files which have been uploaded to upload.kde.org/incoming to download mirror '$branch/$RELEASE_NAME/$VERSION' location"
0207         if test $update -eq 1; then
0208                 description="$description and remove the old files from this directory."
0209         elif test $update_symlink -eq 1; then
0210                 description="$description and update the symbolic link '$branch/$RELEASE_NAME/latest' to '$branch/$RELEASE_NAME/$VERSION'."
0211         else
0212                 description="$description."
0213         fi
0214         sums=$(cat work/out/$NAME.sha256sum | gawk 'BEGIN { print "dir   shasum                                                            file"}  $2 ~ /mingw32/ { print "win32 " $0 } $2 ~ /mingw64/ { print "win64 " $0 } $2 ~ /\-src/ { print "src   " $0 }')
0215         echo -e "$description\n\n$sums" > work/description
0216         cat work/description
0217         touch work/$1.finished
0218 }
0220 function ticket() {
0221         getversion
0222         description=$(cat work/description)
0223         $curl $PHABURL/api/maniphest.createtask \
0224         -d api.token=$apitoken \
0225         -d "title=tarball move request for $branch/$RELEASE_NAME/$VERSION" \
0226         -d "description=$description" \
0227         -d "$options"
0228         touch work/$1.finished
0229 }
0231 function sf() {
0232         clean
0233         download
0234         unpack
0235         movepackage
0236         if test $usesrc -eq 1; then
0237                 repacksource
0238         fi
0239         createsha
0240         echo "All release related files are located in work/out"
0241         ls work/out
0242         touch work/$1.finished
0243 }
0245 function kde() {
0246         clean
0247         download
0248         unpack
0249         movepackage
0250         if test $usesrc -eq 1; then
0251                 repacksource
0252         fi
0253         createsha
0254         upload
0255         echo "Content for ticket creating:"
0256         createdescription
0257         echo run "$0 ticket" to submit ticket
0258         touch work/$1.finished
0259 }
0261 function help() {
0262         echo "syntax: release-windows-packages [<options>] <mode>"
0263         echo
0264         echo "options:"
0265         gawk '$0 ~ /^--[a-z].*) ##/ { sub(/) ##/,"",$0); a = $1; $1 = ""; printf("    %-20s  - %s\n",a, $0); }' $0
0266         echo
0267         echo "modes:"
0268         gawk '$0 ~ /^[a-z].*) ##/ { sub(/) ##/,"",$0); a = $1; $1 = ""; printf("    %-20s  - %s\n",a, $0); }' $0
0270 }
0272 case $1 in
0273 clean) ## clean working area
0274         clean;
0275         ;;
0277 download) ## download rpm packages
0278         download
0279         ;;
0281 downloadsrc) ## download source
0282         downloadsrc
0283         ;;
0285 unpack) ## unpack rpm files
0286         unpack
0287         ;;
0289 movepackage) ## move windows binary packages into upload folder
0290         movepackage
0291         ;;
0293 repacksource) ## repackage source tar ball to 7z
0294         repacksource
0295         ;;
0297 createsha) ## create sha256sums
0298         createsha
0299         ;;
0301 upload) ## upload files to staging area
0302         upload
0303         ;;
0305 createdescription) ## create ticket description
0306         createdescription
0307         ;;
0309 ticket) ## submit phabricator ticket
0310         ticket
0311         ;;
0313 sf) ## run all required targets for releasing on sourceforge
0314         sf
0315         ;;
0317 kde) ## run all required targets for releasing on download.kde.org
0318         kde
0319         ;;
0320 *)
0321         help
0322         ;;
0323 esac
0325 exit 0