File indexing completed on 2024-05-19 05:08:42

0001 /*
0002     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2006 Thomas Baumagrt <>
0003     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017 Łukasz Wojniłowicz <>
0004     SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
0005 */
0010 #include "kmm_wizard_export.h"
0012 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0013 // QT Includes
0015 #include <QDialog>
0017 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0018 // KDE Includes
0020 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0021 // Project Includes
0023 class KMyMoneyWizardPage;
0025 template <class T> class QList;
0027 /**
0028  * @author Thomas Baumgart (C) 2006
0029  *
0030  * This is a base class for implementation of the KMyMoneyWizard. It provides
0031  * the following layout of a wizard:
0032  *
0033  * @code
0034  * +-wizardLayout-----------------------------------------------+
0035  * |+-stepLayout--++-------------------------------------------+|
0036  * ||             ||+-pageLayout------------------------------+||
0037  * ||             |||                                         |||
0038  * ||             |||                                         |||
0039  * ||             |||                                         |||
0040  * ||             |||                                         |||
0041  * ||             |||                                         |||
0042  * ||             |||                                         |||
0043  * ||             ||+-----------------------------------------+||
0044  * ||             |||+-buttonLayout--------------------------+|||
0045  * ||             ||||                                       ||||
0046  * ||             |||+---------------------------------------+|||
0047  * ||             ||+-----------------------------------------+||
0048  * |+-------------++-------------------------------------------+|
0049  * +------------------------------------------------------------+
0050  * @endcode
0051  *
0052  * To the left there is an area in the same color
0053  * as the title bar showing the steps for this wizard. Each such step
0054  * can consist of one or more wizard pages. At the bottom of this area
0055  * the text "Step x of y" is shown and updated. To the right of this
0056  * part, the actual wizard page is shown. At the bottom of the page
0057  * the class inserts a standard button widget consisting of a Help,
0058  * Back, Next/Finish and Cancel button.
0059  *
0060  * The wizard serves as container for the wizard pages. In order to access
0061  * the data filled into the pages, one would have to provide getter methods.
0062  *
0063  * Here is an example how this object could be used. Please also see the
0064  * example described with the KMyMoneyWizardPage class.
0065  *
0066  * @code
0067  *
0068  * class KNewUserGeneral;
0069  * class KNewUserPersonal;
0070  *
0071  * class KNewUserWizard : public KMyMoneyWizard
0072  * {
0073  *   Q_OBJECT
0074  * public:
0075  *   KNewUserWizard(QWidget* parent = nullptr, const char* name = 0, bool modal = false, Qt::WindowFlags flags = {});
0076  *
0077  * private:
0078  *   KNewUserGeneral*  m_generalPage;
0079  *   KNewUserPersonal* m_personalPage;
0080  *   KNewUserFinal*    m_finalPage;
0081  *   // add more pages here
0082  *
0083  *   friend class KNewUserGeneral;
0084  *   friend class KNewUserPersonal;
0085  *   friend class KNewUserFinal;
0086  *   // add more pages here
0087  * };
0088  * @endcode
0089  *
0090  * The implementation is also easy and looks like this:
0091  *
0092  * @code
0093  * KNewUserWizard::KNewUserWizard(QWidget* parent, const char* name, bool modal, Qt::WindowFlags flags) :
0094  *   KMyMoneyWizard(parent, name, modal, flags)
0095  * {
0096  *   setTitle("KMyMoney New User Setup");
0097  *   addStep("General Data");
0098  *   addStep("Personal Data");
0099  *   addStep("Finish");
0100  *
0101  *   m_generalPage = new KNewUserGeneral(this);
0102  *   m_personalPage = new KNewUserPersonal(this);
0103  *   m_finalPage = new KNewUserFinal(this);
0104  *
0105  *   setFirstPage(m_testPage1);
0106  * }
0107  * @endcode
0108  *
0109  * Don't forget to call setFirstPage() to get things started.
0110  *
0111  * The code to use this whole structure would then look something like this:
0112  *
0113  * @code
0114  *     KNewUserWizard* wizard = new KNewUserWizard(this, "NewUserWizard");
0115  *     int rc = wizard->exec();
0116  * @endcode
0117  *
0118  * The return code of exec() is either @p QDialog::Accepted or
0119  * @p QDialog::Rejected.
0120  *
0121  * @note The implementation of this class is heavily based on ideas found at
0122  *
0123  */
0124 class KMyMoneyWizardPrivate;
0125 class KMM_WIZARD_EXPORT KMyMoneyWizard : public QDialog
0126 {
0127     friend class KMyMoneyWizardPage;
0129     Q_OBJECT
0130     Q_DISABLE_COPY(KMyMoneyWizard)
0132 public:
0133     /**
0134       * Modify the title of the wizard to be @p txt.
0135       *
0136       * @param txt The text that should be used as title
0137       */
0138     void setTitle(const QString& txt);
0140     /**
0141       * Add step @p text to the wizard
0142       *
0143       * @param text Text to be shown for this step
0144       */
0145     void addStep(const QString& text);
0147     QList<KMyMoneyWizardPage*> historyPages() const;
0149     /**
0150       * This method repeats selection of the current step in the
0151       * step frame.
0152       * This is used to allow changes made to showing and hiding
0153       * pages to immediately to be reflected in the step frame
0154       */
0155     void reselectStep();
0157     /**
0158      * Setup a global help context for the wizard. It will be used whenever
0159      * there is no specific help context available for the current page.
0160      *
0161      * @sa KMyMoneyWizardPage::helpContext()
0162      */
0163     void setHelpContext(const QString& ctx);
0165     virtual ~KMyMoneyWizard();
0167 public Q_SLOTS:
0168     void selectNextPage();
0169     void selectPreviousPage();
0172 //  /**
0173 //    * This signal is sent out, when a new payee needs to be created
0174 //    * @sa KMyMoneyCombo::createItem()
0175 //    *
0176 //    * @param txt The name of the payee to be created
0177 //    * @param id A connected slot should store the id of the created object in this variable
0178 //    */
0179 //  void createPayee(const QString& txt, QString& id);
0181 //  /**
0182 //    * This signal is sent out, when a new category needs to be created
0183 //    * @sa KMyMoneyCombo::createItem()
0184 //    *
0185 //    * @param txt The name of the category to be created
0186 //    * @param id A connected slot should store the id of the created object in this variable
0187 //    */
0188 //  void createCategory(const QString& txt, QString& id);
0190 protected:
0191     KMyMoneyWizardPrivate * const d_ptr;
0192     KMyMoneyWizard(KMyMoneyWizardPrivate &dd, QWidget* parent = nullptr, bool modal = false, Qt::WindowFlags f = {});
0193     /**
0194       * Constructor (kept protected, so that one cannot create such an object directly)
0195       */
0196     explicit KMyMoneyWizard(QWidget* parent = nullptr, bool modal = false, Qt::WindowFlags f = {});
0198 protected Q_SLOTS:
0199     void accept() override;
0200     void completeStateChanged();
0202 private Q_SLOTS:
0203     void backButtonClicked();
0204     void nextButtonClicked();
0205     void helpButtonClicked();
0207 private:
0208     Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE(KMyMoneyWizard)
0209 };
0211 #endif