Warning, file /office/kmymoney/kmymoney/widgets/register.h was not indexed or was modified since last indexation (in which case cross-reference links may be missing, inaccurate or erroneous).

0001 /*
0002     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2006-2018 Thomas Baumgart <tbaumgart@kde.org>
0003     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017-2018 Łukasz Wojniłowicz <lukasz.wojnilowicz@gmail.com>
0004     SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
0005 */
0007 #ifndef REGISTER_H
0008 #define REGISTER_H
0010 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0011 // QT Includes
0013 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0014 // KDE Includes
0016 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0017 // Project Includes
0019 #include "transactioneditorcontainer.h"
0021 class MyMoneyAccount;
0022 class MyMoneySplit;
0023 class MyMoneyTransaction;
0025 namespace eWidgets {
0026 enum class SortField;
0027 namespace eTransaction {
0028 enum class Column;
0029 }
0030 namespace eRegister {
0031 enum class DetailColumn;
0032 }
0033 }
0034 namespace eMyMoney {
0035 namespace Account {
0036 enum class Type;
0037 }
0038 }
0040 template <typename T> class QList;
0042 namespace KMyMoneyRegister
0043 {
0044 class RegisterItem;
0045 class Transaction;
0046 class SelectedTransactions;
0048 class RegisterPrivate;
0049 class Register : public TransactionEditorContainer
0050 {
0051     Q_OBJECT
0052     Q_DISABLE_COPY(Register)
0054     friend class Transaction;
0055     friend class StdTransaction;
0056     friend class InvestTransaction;
0058 public:
0059     explicit Register(QWidget* parent = nullptr);
0060     virtual ~Register();
0062     /**
0063     * add the item @a p to the register
0064     */
0065     void addItem(RegisterItem* p);
0067     /**
0068     * insert the item @a p into the register after item @a q
0069     */
0070     void insertItemAfter(RegisterItem* p, RegisterItem* q);
0072     /**
0073     * remove the item @p from the register
0074     */
0075     void removeItem(RegisterItem* p);
0077     /**
0078     * This method returns a list of pointers to all selected items
0079     * in the register
0080     *
0081     * @retval QList<RegisterItem*>
0082     */
0083     QList<RegisterItem*> selectedItems() const;
0085     /**
0086     * Construct a list of all currently selected transactions in the register.
0087     * If the current item carrying the focus (see focusItem() ) is selected
0088     * it will be the first one contained in the list.
0089     *
0090     * @param list reference to QList receiving the SelectedTransaction()'s
0091     */
0092     void selectedTransactions(SelectedTransactions&  list) const;
0094     QString text(int row, int col) const;
0095     QWidget* createEditor(int row, int col, bool initFromCell) const;
0096     void setCellContentFromEditor(int row, int col);
0097     void endEdit();
0099     RegisterItem* focusItem() const;
0100     RegisterItem* anchorItem() const;
0102     /**
0103     * set focus to specific item.
0104     * @return true if the item got focus
0105     */
0106     bool setFocusItem(RegisterItem* focusItem);
0108     void setAnchorItem(RegisterItem* anchorItem);
0110     /**
0111     * Set focus to the first focussable item
0112     * @return true if a focussable item was found
0113     */
0114     bool setFocusToTop();
0116     /**
0117     * Select @a item and unselect all others if @a dontChangeSelections
0118     * is @a false. If m_buttonState differs from Qt::NoButton (method is
0119     * called as a result of a mouse button press), then the setting of
0120     * @a dontChangeSelections has no effect.
0121     */
0122     void selectItem(RegisterItem* item, bool dontChangeSelections = false);
0124     /**
0125     * Clears all items in the register. All objects
0126     * added to the register will be deleted.
0127     */
0128     void clear();
0130     void updateRegister(bool forceUpdateRowHeight = false);
0132     /**
0133     * Assign all visible items an alternate background color
0134     */
0135     void updateAlternate() const;
0137     /**
0138     * make sure, we only show a single marker in a row
0139     * through hiding unused ones
0140     */
0141     void suppressAdjacentMarkers();
0143     /**
0144     * Adjusts column @a col so that all data fits in width.
0145     */
0146     void adjustColumn(int col);
0148     /**
0149     * Convenience method to setup the register to show the columns
0150     * based on the account type of @a account. If @a showAccountColumn
0151     * is @a true then the account column is shown independent of the
0152     * account type. If @a account does not have an @a id, all columns
0153     * will be hidden.
0154     */
0155     void setupRegister(const MyMoneyAccount& account, bool showAccountColumn = false);
0157     /**
0158     * Show the columns contained in @a cols for @a account. @a account
0159     * can be left empty ( MyMoneyAccount() ) e.g. for the search dialog.
0160     */
0161     void setupRegister(const MyMoneyAccount& account, const QList<eWidgets::eTransaction::Column>& cols);
0163     void setSortOrder(const QString& order);
0164     const QList<eWidgets::SortField>& sortOrder() const;
0165     eWidgets::SortField primarySortKey() const;
0166     void sortItems();
0168     /**
0169     * This member returns the last visible column that is used by the register
0170     * after it has been setup using setupRegister().
0171     *
0172     * @return last actively used column (base 0)
0173     */
0174     eWidgets::eTransaction::Column lastCol() const;
0176     RegisterItem* firstItem() const;
0177     RegisterItem* firstVisibleItem() const;
0178     RegisterItem* nextItem(RegisterItem*) const;
0179     RegisterItem* lastItem() const;
0180     RegisterItem* lastVisibleItem() const;
0181     RegisterItem* prevItem(RegisterItem*) const;
0182     RegisterItem* itemAtRow(int row) const;
0184     void resize(int col, bool force = false);
0186     void forceUpdateLists();
0188     void ensureItemVisible(RegisterItem* item);
0190     void arrangeEditWidgets(QMap<QString, QWidget*>& editWidgets, Transaction* t) override;
0191     void removeEditWidgets(QMap<QString, QWidget*>& editWidgets) override;
0192     void tabOrder(QWidgetList& tabOrderWidgets, KMyMoneyRegister::Transaction* t) const override;
0194     int rowHeightHint() const;
0196     void clearSelection();
0198     /**
0199     * This method creates a specific transaction according to the
0200     * transaction passed in @a transaction.
0201     *
0202     * @param parent pointer to register where the created object should be added
0203     * @param transaction the transaction which should be used to create the object
0204     * @param split the split of the transaction which should be used to create the object
0205     * @param uniqueId an int that will be used to construct the id of the item
0206     *
0207     * @return pointer to created object (0 upon failure)
0208     */
0209     static Transaction* transactionFactory(Register *parent, const MyMoneyTransaction& transaction, const MyMoneySplit& split, int uniqueId);
0211     const MyMoneyAccount& account() const;
0213     /**
0214     * This method creates group marker items and adds them to the register
0215     */
0216     void addGroupMarkers();
0218     /**
0219     * This method removes all trailing group markers and in a second
0220     * run reduces all adjacent group markers to show only one. In that
0221     * case the last one will remain.
0222     */
0223     void removeUnwantedGroupMarkers();
0225     void setLedgerLensForced(bool forced = true);
0226     bool ledgerLens() const;
0228     /**
0229     * Sets the selection mode to @a mode. Supported modes are QTable::Single and
0230     * QTable::Multi. QTable::Multi is the default when the object is created.
0231     */
0232     void setSelectionMode(SelectionMode mode);
0234     /**
0235     * This method sets a hint that the register instance will be used
0236     * with a transaction editor. This information is used while the column
0237     * sizes are being auto adjusted. If a transaction editor is used then
0238     * it's possible that it will need some extra space.
0239     */
0240     void setUsedWithEditor(bool value);
0242     eWidgets::eRegister::DetailColumn getDetailsColumnType() const;
0243     void setDetailsColumnType(eWidgets::eRegister::DetailColumn detailsColumnType);
0245 public Q_SLOTS:
0246     void ensureFocusItemVisible();
0248 protected:
0250     void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override;
0251     void contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *e) override;
0253     void unselectItems(int from = -1, int to = -1);
0254     void selectItems(int from, int to);
0255     void doSelectItems(int from, int to, bool selected);
0256     int selectedItemsCount() const;
0258     bool event(QEvent*) override;
0259     void focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent*) override;
0260     void focusInEvent(QFocusEvent*) override;
0261     void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent*) override;
0262     void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* ev) override;
0264     int rowToIndex(int row) const;
0265     void setupItemIndex(int rowCount);
0267     /**
0268     * This method determines the register item that is one page
0269     * further down or up in the ledger from the previous focus item.
0270     * The height to scroll is determined by visibleHeight()
0271     *
0272     * @param key Qt::Page_Up or Qt::Page_Down depending on the direction to scroll
0273     * @param modifiers state of Qt::ShiftModifier, Qt::ControlModifier, Qt::AltModifier and
0274     *              Qt::MetaModifier.
0275     */
0276     void scrollPage(int key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers);
0278     /**
0279     * This method determines the pointer to a RegisterItem
0280     * based on the item's @a id. If @a id is empty, this method
0281     * returns @a m_lastItem.
0282     *
0283     * @param id id of the item to be searched
0284     * @return pointer to RegisterItem or 0 if not found
0285     */
0286     RegisterItem* itemById(const QString& id) const;
0288     /**
0289     * Override logic and use standard QFrame behaviour
0290     */
0291     bool focusNextPrevChild(bool next) override;
0293     bool eventFilter(QObject* o, QEvent* e) override;
0295     void handleItemChange(RegisterItem* old, bool shift, bool control);
0297     void selectRange(RegisterItem* from, RegisterItem* to, bool invert, bool includeFirst, bool clearSel);
0299     /**
0300     * Returns the minimum column width based on the data in the header and the transactions.
0301     */
0302     int minimumColumnWidth(int col);
0304 protected Q_SLOTS:
0305     void resize();
0307     void selectItem(int row, int col);
0308     void slotEnsureItemVisible();
0309     void slotDoubleClicked(int row, int);
0312     void transactionsSelected(const KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransactions& list);
0313     /**
0314     * This signal is emitted when the focus and selection changes to @p item.
0315     *
0316     * @param item pointer to transaction that received the focus and was selected
0317     */
0318     void focusChanged(KMyMoneyRegister::Transaction* item);
0320     /**
0321     * This signal is emitted when the focus changes but the selection remains
0322     * the same. This usually happens when the focus is changed using the keyboard.
0323     */
0324     void focusChanged();
0326     /**
0327     * This signal is emitted when an @p item is about to be selected. The boolean
0328     * @p okToSelect is preset to @c true. If the @p item should not be selected
0329     * for whatever reason, the boolean @p okToSelect should be reset to @c false
0330     * by the connected slot.
0331     */
0332     void aboutToSelectItem(KMyMoneyRegister::RegisterItem* item, bool& okToSelect);
0334     void editTransaction();
0336     /**
0337     * This signal is sent out when the user clicks on the ReconcileStateColumn and
0338     * only a single transaction is selected.
0339     */
0340     void reconcileStateColumnClicked(KMyMoneyRegister::Transaction* item);
0342     /**
0343     * This signal is sent out, if an item without a transaction id has been selected.
0344     */
0345     void emptyItemSelected();
0347     /**
0348     * This signal is sent out, if the user selects an item with the right mouse button
0349     */
0350     void openContextMenu();
0352     /**
0353     * This signal is sent out when a new item has been added to the register
0354     */
0355     void itemAdded(RegisterItem* item);
0357 private:
0358     RegisterPrivate * const d_ptr;
0359     Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE(Register)
0360 };
0362 } // namespace
0364 #endif