File indexing completed on 2024-05-12 16:42:19

0001 /*
0002     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017-2018 Łukasz Wojniłowicz <>
0003     SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
0004 */
0006 #ifndef MODELENUMS_H
0007 #define MODELENUMS_H
0009 #include <QHashFunctions>
0010 #include <qnamespace.h>
0011 #include <QMetaType>
0013 namespace eAccountsModel {
0014 enum class Column {
0015     FirstColumnMarker = 0,
0016     Account = 0,  // CAUTION! Assumption is being made that Account column number is always 0 and you shouldn't change this
0017     Type,
0018     Tax,
0019     VAT,
0020     CostCenter,
0021     TotalBalance,
0022     PostedValue,
0023     TotalValue,
0024     AccountNumber,
0025     AccountSortCode,
0026     LastColumnMarker,
0027 };
0029 inline uint qHash(const Column key, uint seed) {
0030     return ::qHash(static_cast<uint>(key), seed);
0031 }
0033 enum class Role {
0034     ID = Qt::UserRole,                     /**< The account id is stored in this role in column 0 as a string.*/
0035     Favorite = Qt::UserRole + 1,           /**< The 'account is favorite' property is stored in this role in column 0 as a bool.*/
0036     Account = Qt::UserRole + 2,            /**< The MyMoneyAccount is stored in this role in column 0.*/
0037     Balance = Qt::UserRole + 3,            /**< The account balance is stored in this role in column 0 as a MyMoneyMoney object.*/
0038     Value = Qt::UserRole + 4,              /**< The account value (the balance converted to base currency) is stored in this role in column 0 as a MyMoneyMoney object.*/
0039     TotalValue = Qt::UserRole + 5,         /**< The account total value (the value of the account and of child accounts) is stored in this role in column 0 as a MyMoneyMoney object.*/
0040     DisplayOrder = Qt::UserRole + 9,       /**< This role is used by the filtering proxies to order the accounts for displaying.*/
0041     FullName = Qt::UserRole + 10,          /**< This role is used to provide the full pathname of the account */
0042 };
0044 inline uint qHash(const Role key, uint seed) {
0045     return ::qHash(static_cast<uint>(key), seed);
0046 }
0047 }
0049 namespace eLedgerModel {
0050 enum class Column {
0051     Number = 0,
0052     Date,
0053     Security,
0054     CostCenter,
0055     Detail,
0056     Reconciliation,
0057     Payment,
0058     Deposit,
0059     Quantity,
0060     Price,
0061     Amount,
0062     Value,
0063     Balance,
0065     // insert new columns above this line
0066     LastColumn
0067 };
0069 enum class Role {
0070     // Roles returning values
0071     PostDate = Qt::UserRole,
0072     PayeeName,
0073     Account,
0074     CounterAccount,
0075     SplitCount,
0076     Reconciliation,
0077     ReconciliationShort,
0078     ReconciliationLong,
0079     SplitShares,
0080     ShareAmount,
0081     ShareAmountSuffix,
0082     SplitValue,
0083     Memo,
0084     SingleLineMemo,
0085     Number,
0086     Erroneous,
0087     Import,
0088     Split,
0089     Transaction,
0091     // Roles returning ids
0092     TransactionId,
0093     SplitId,
0094     TransactionSplitId,
0095     PayeeId,
0096     AccountId,
0097     CounterAccountId,
0098     CostCenterId,
0099     ScheduleId,
0100     TransactionCommodity,
0102     // A pseudo role to emit the dataChanged() signal when
0103     // used with setData()
0104     EmitDataChanged,
0106 };
0107 }
0109 /**
0110   * Make it possible to hold eAccountsModel::Column objects inside @ref QVariant objects.
0111   */
0112 Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(eAccountsModel::Column)
0114 #endif