File indexing completed on 2024-05-19 05:06:54

0001 /*
0002     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2005-2021 Thomas Baumgart <>
0003     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015 Christian Dávid <>
0004     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Dawid Wróbel <>
0005     SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
0006 */
0011 #include <kmm_plugin_export.h>
0013 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0014 // QT Includes
0016 #include <QMap>
0017 #include <QObject>
0019 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0020 // KDE Includes
0022 #include <KXMLGUIClient>
0024 #include "kcoreaddons_version.h"
0026 class KToggleAction;
0027 class KPluginMetaData;
0029 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0030 // Project Includes
0032 #include "mymoneykeyvaluecontainer.h"
0034 class MyMoneyStorageMgr;
0035 class MyMoneyAccount;
0036 class KMyMoneySettings;
0037 class IMyMoneyOperationsFormat;
0038 class SelectedObjects;
0040 namespace KMyMoneyPlugin {
0041 class AppInterface;
0042 class ImportInterface;
0043 class StatementInterface;
0044 class ViewInterface;
0045 }
0047 namespace eKMyMoney {
0048 enum class StorageType;
0049 }
0051 /**
0052  * @defgroup KMyMoneyPlugin
0053  *
0054  * KMyMoney knows several types of plugins. The most common and generic one is KMyMoneyPlugin::Plugin.
0055  *
0056  * Another group of plugins are just loaded on demand and offer special functions with a tight integration into KMyMoney. Whenever possible you should use this
0057  * kind of plugins. At the moment this are the onlineTask and payeeIdentifierData.
0058  *
0059  * @{
0060  */
0062 namespace KMyMoneyPlugin {
0064 /**
0065  * This class describes the interface between KMyMoney and it's plugins.
0066  *
0067  * The plugins are based on Qt 5's plugin system. So you must compile json information into the plugin.
0068  * KMyMoney looks into the folder "${PLUGIN_INSTALL_DIR}/kmymoney/" and loads all plugins found there (if the user did not deactivate the plugin).
0069  *
0070  * The json header of the plugin must comply with the requirements of KCoreAddon's KPluginMetaData class.
0071  * To load the plugin at start up the service type "KMyMoney/Plugin" must be set.
0072  *
0073  * @warning The plugin system for KMyMoney 5 is still in development. Especially the loading of the on-demand plugins (mainly undocumented :( ) will change.
0074  *
0075  * A basic json header is shown below.
0076  * @code{.json}
0077    {
0078     "KPlugin": {
0079         "Authors": [
0080             {
0081                 "Name": "Author's Names, Second Author",
0082                 "Email": "E-Mail 1, E-Mail 2"
0083             }
0084         ],
0085         "Description": "Short description for plugin list (translateable)",
0086         "EnabledByDefault": true,
0087         "Icon": "icon to be shown in plugin list",
0088         "Id": "a unique identifier",
0089         "License": "see KPluginMetaData for list of predefined licenses (translateable)",
0090         "Name": "Name of the plugin (translateable)",
0092      }
0093    }
0094  * @endcode
0095  *
0096  * This example assumes you are using
0097  * @code{.cmake}
0098    configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/... ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/... @ONLY)
0099    @endcode
0100  * to replace the version variables using cmake.
0101  *
0102  * @see
0103  * @see
0104  *
0105  */
0106 class KMM_PLUGIN_EXPORT Plugin : public QObject, public KXMLGUIClient
0107 {
0108     Q_OBJECT
0109 public:
0110     explicit Plugin(QObject* parent, const KPluginMetaData& metaData, const QVariantList& args);
0111     virtual ~Plugin();
0113     QString componentDisplayName() const;
0115 public Q_SLOTS:
0116     /**
0117      * @brief Called during plug in process
0118      */
0119     virtual void plug(KXMLGUIFactory* guiFactory);
0121     /**
0122      * @brief Called before unloading
0123      */
0124     virtual void unplug();
0126     /**
0127      * This method is called by the application whenever a
0128      * selection changes. The default implementation does nothing.
0129      */
0130     virtual void updateActions(const SelectedObjects& selections);
0132     /**
0133      * This method is called by the application whenever the
0134      * configuration changes. The default implementation does nothing.
0135      */
0136     virtual void updateConfiguration();
0138 protected:
0139     /** See KMyMoneyApp::toggleAction() for a description */
0140     KToggleAction* toggleAction(const QString& name) const;
0142     // define interface classes here. The interface classes provide a mechanism
0143     // for the plugin to interact with KMyMoney
0144     // they are defined in the following form for an interface
0145     // named Xxx:
0146     //
0147     // XxxInterface* xxxInterface();
0149     AppInterface* appInterface() const;
0150     ViewInterface* viewInterface() const;
0151     StatementInterface* statementInterface() const;
0152     ImportInterface* importInterface() const;
0154 private:
0155     QString m_componentDisplayName;
0156 };
0158 /**
0159  * This class describes the interface between the KMyMoney
0160  * application and it's ONLINE-BANKING plugins. All online banking plugins
0161  * must provide this interface.
0162  *
0163  * A good tutorial on how to design and develop a plugin
0164  * structure for a KDE application (e.g. KMyMoney) can be found at
0165  *
0166  *
0167  */
0168 class KMM_PLUGIN_EXPORT OnlinePlugin
0169 {
0170 public:
0171     OnlinePlugin();
0172     virtual ~OnlinePlugin();
0174     virtual void protocols(QStringList& protocolList) const = 0;
0176     /**
0177      * This method returns a pointer to a widget representing an additional
0178      * tab that will be added to the KNewAccountDlg. The string referenced
0179      * with @a tabName will be filled with the text that should be placed
0180      * on the tab. It should return 0 if no additional tab is needed.
0181      *
0182      * Information about the account can be taken out of @a account.
0183      *
0184      * Once the pointer to the widget is returned to KMyMoney, it takes care
0185      * of destruction of all included widgets when the dialog is closed. The plugin
0186      * can access the widgets created after the call to storeConfigParameters()
0187      * happened.
0188      */
0189     virtual QWidget* accountConfigTab(const MyMoneyAccount& account, QString& tabName) = 0;
0191     /**
0192      * This method is called by the framework whenever it is time to store
0193      * the configuration data maintained by the plugin. The plugin should use
0194      * the widgets created in accountConfigTab() to extract the current values.
0195      *
0196      * @param current The @a current container contains the current settings
0197      */
0198     virtual MyMoneyKeyValueContainer onlineBankingSettings(const MyMoneyKeyValueContainer& current) = 0;
0200     /**
0201      * This method is called by the framework when the user wants to map
0202      * a KMyMoney account onto an online account. The KMyMoney account is identified
0203      * by @a acc and the online provider should store its data in @a onlineBankingSettings
0204      * upon success.
0205      *
0206      * @retval true if account is mapped
0207      * @retval false if account is not mapped
0208      */
0209     virtual bool mapAccount(const MyMoneyAccount& acc, MyMoneyKeyValueContainer& onlineBankingSettings) = 0;
0211     /**
0212      * This method is called by the framework when the user wants to update
0213      * a KMyMoney account with data from an online account. The KMyMoney account is identified
0214      * by @a acc. The online provider should read its data from acc.onlineBankingSettings().
0215      * @a true is returned upon success. The plugin might consider to stack the requests
0216      * in case @a moreAccounts is @p true. @a moreAccounts defaults to @p false.
0217      *
0218      * @retval true if account is updated
0219      * @retval false if account is not updated
0220      */
0221     virtual bool updateAccount(const MyMoneyAccount& acc, bool moreAccounts = false) = 0;
0222 };
0224 /**
0225  * This class describes the interface between the KMyMoney
0226  * application and it's IMPORTER plugins. All importer plugins
0227  * must provide this interface.
0228  *
0229  * A good tutorial on how to design and develop a plugin
0230  * structure for a KDE application (e.g. KMyMoney) can be found at
0231  *
0232  *
0233  */
0234 class KMM_PLUGIN_EXPORT ImporterPlugin
0235 {
0236 public:
0237     ImporterPlugin();
0238     virtual ~ImporterPlugin();
0240     /**
0241      * This method returns the list of the MIME types that this plugin handles,
0242      * e.g. {"application/x-ofx", "application/x-qfx"}. Be specific: don't use generic
0243      * types, like "text/plain", which many other types inherit from, and which
0244      * would result in @ref isMyFormat() returning false positives.
0245      *
0246      * @return QStringList List of MIME types
0247      */
0248     virtual QStringList formatMimeTypes() const = 0;
0250     /**
0251      * This method checks whether the file provided is of expected format.
0252      * The default implementation checks whether the file's MIME type inherits any
0253      * of the types provided by @ref formatMimeTypes().
0254      *
0255      * @param filename Fully-qualified pathname to a file
0256      *
0257      * @return bool Whether the indicated file is importable by this plugin
0258      */
0259     virtual bool isMyFormat(const QString& filename) const;
0261     /**
0262      * Import a file
0263      *
0264      * @param filename File to import
0265      *
0266      * @return bool Whether the import was successful.
0267      */
0268     virtual bool import(const QString& filename) = 0;
0270     /**
0271      * Returns the error result of the last import
0272      *
0273      * @return QString English-language name of the error encountered in the
0274      *  last import, or QString() if it was successful.
0275      *
0276      */
0277     virtual QString lastError() const = 0;
0278 };
0280 /**
0281  * This class describes the interface between the KMyMoney
0282  * application and it's STORAGE plugins. All storage plugins
0283  * must provide this interface.
0284  *
0285  */
0286 class KMM_PLUGIN_EXPORT StoragePlugin
0287 {
0288 public:
0289     StoragePlugin() = default;
0290     virtual ~StoragePlugin() = default;
0292     /**
0293      * @brief Loads file into storage
0294      * @param url URL of the file
0295      * @return true if successfully opened
0296      */
0297     virtual bool open(const QUrl& url) = 0;
0299     /**
0300      * @brief Saves storage into file
0301      * @param url URL of the file
0302      * @return true if successfully saved
0303      */
0304     virtual bool save(const QUrl& url) = 0;
0306     /**
0307      * @brief Saves storage into file
0308      * @param url URL of the file
0309      * @return true if successfully saved
0310      */
0311     virtual bool saveAs() = 0;
0313     /**
0314      * @brief Storage identifier
0315      * @return Storage identifier
0316      */
0317     virtual eKMyMoney::StorageType storageType() const = 0;
0319     virtual QString fileExtension() const = 0;
0321     /**
0322      * @brief returns the full URL used to open the database (incl. password)
0323      * @return QUrl to re-open the database
0324      */
0325     virtual QUrl openUrl() const = 0;
0326 };
0328 /**
0329  * This class describes the interface between the KMyMoney
0330  * application and its data plugins. All data plugins
0331  * must provide this interface.
0332  *
0333  */
0334 class KMM_PLUGIN_EXPORT DataPlugin
0335 {
0336 public:
0337     DataPlugin() = default;
0338     virtual ~DataPlugin() = default;
0340     /**
0341      * @brief Gets data from data service
0342      * @param arg Item name to retrieve data for
0343      * @param type Data type to retrieve for item
0344      * @return a data like int or QString
0345      */
0346     virtual QVariant requestData(const QString& arg, uint type) = 0;
0347 };
0349 class OnlinePluginExtended;
0351 /**
0352  * @brief The Container struct to hold all plugin interfaces
0353  */
0354 struct Container {
0355     QMap<QString, Plugin*> standard; // this should contain all loaded plugins because every plugin should inherit Plugin class
0356     QMap<QString, OnlinePlugin*> online; // casted standard plugin, if such interface is available
0357     QMap<QString, OnlinePluginExtended*> extended; // casted standard plugin, if such interface is available
0358     QMap<QString, ImporterPlugin*> importer; // casted standard plugin, if such interface is available
0359     QMap<QString, StoragePlugin*> storage; // casted standard plugin, if such interface is available
0360     QMap<QString, DataPlugin*> data; // casted standard plugin, if such interface is available
0361 };
0363 } // end of namespace
0365 /**
0366  * @brief Structure of plugins objects by their interfaces
0367  */
0368 KMM_PLUGIN_EXPORT extern KMyMoneyPlugin::Container pPlugins;
0370 Q_DECLARE_INTERFACE(KMyMoneyPlugin::OnlinePlugin, "org.kmymoney.plugin.onlineplugin")
0371 Q_DECLARE_INTERFACE(KMyMoneyPlugin::ImporterPlugin, "org.kmymoney.plugin.importerplugin")
0372 Q_DECLARE_INTERFACE(KMyMoneyPlugin::StoragePlugin, "org.kmymoney.plugin.storageplugin")
0373 Q_DECLARE_INTERFACE(KMyMoneyPlugin::DataPlugin, "org.kmymoney.plugin.dataplugin")
0375 /** @} */
0377 #endif