Warning, /office/kmymoney/doc/details-widgets.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
0002 <sect1 id="reference.widgets">
0003 <sect1info>
0004   <authorgroup>
0005     <author> &Thomas.Baumgart; &Thomas.Baumgart.mail; </author>
0006   </authorgroup>
0007   <date>2010-07-25</date>
0008   <releaseinfo>4.5</releaseinfo>
0009 </sect1info>
0011 <title>Widgets</title>
0013 <para>
0014   &kmymoney; has some specific widgets not found in other applications. The
0015   usage of these widgets is explained in this chapter.
0016 </para>
0018 <sect2 id="reference.widgets.datepicker">
0019 <title>Date entry widget</title>
0021 <para>
0022   Whenever &kmymoney; needs information about a specific date, &eg;, the posting
0023   date of a transaction or the opening date of an account, it offers the user
0024   the <emphasis>date entry widget</emphasis>. This widget consists of three
0025   fields and a button. The fields present the <emphasis>day</emphasis>, the
0026   <emphasis>month</emphasis>, and the <emphasis>year</emphasis>, separated by
0027   the date separator characters specified by your locale settings. If you push
0028   the button, will open the <emphasis>datepicker</emphasis> widget.
0029 </para>
0031 <para>
0032 <screenshot>
0033         <screeninfo>Tip of the Day</screeninfo>
0034         <mediaobject>
0035         <imageobject>
0036         <imagedata fileref="date_widget.png" format="PNG" />
0037         </imageobject>
0038         <textobject>
0039         <phrase>Date widget</phrase>
0040         </textobject>
0041         </mediaobject>
0042 </screenshot>
0043 </para>
0045 <para>
0046   Within the date entry widget, the &Left;/&Right; cursor keys can be used to switch
0047   between the <emphasis>day</emphasis>, the <emphasis>month</emphasis>, and the
0048   <emphasis>year</emphasis> fields. Using the &Up;/&Down; cursor keys, the value of
0049   the selected field can be incremented/decremented.  The <keycap>+</keycap> and
0050   <keycap>-</keycap> keys can be used to increment/decrement a single day.
0051   Month and year boundaries are considered and incremented/decremented if
0052   necessary. Pressing <keycap>T</keycap> will set the date to today's date.
0053 </para>
0055 <para>
0056   The date can also be changed using the mouse. Clicking on the
0057   <emphasis>day</emphasis>, <emphasis>month</emphasis>, or
0058   <emphasis>year</emphasis> field selects the field. The value can then be
0059   incremented/decremented using the arrow buttons on the right of the
0060   widget. They act exactly the same as the &Up;/&Down; cursor keys.
0061 </para>
0063 <para>
0064   The datepicker opens when the button to the right of the arrow buttons is
0065   pressed. It shows four arrow buttons at the top, two on each side of the
0066   currently selected month name and year. The leftmost buttons are used to
0067   decrement the year and the month; the buttons to the right of the year are
0068   used to increment the month and the year. The button to the very right closes
0069   the datepicker.
0070 </para>
0072 <para>
0073   Beneath the buttons, the widget presents a calendar page for the selected 
0074   month. Clicking a day on the calendar selects that date, closes the
0075   datepicker, and transfers the selected date into the <emphasis>day</emphasis>,
0076   <emphasis>month</emphasis>, and <emphasis>year</emphasis> fields.
0077 </para>
0079 <para>
0080   At the bottom of the datepicker widget, there are a button, a text edit field,
0081   and a combo box. Pressing the button selects today's date in the
0082   datepicker. The text field can be used to enter a specific date. Pressing the
0083   &Enter; key shows that date in the datepicker widget.  The
0084   combo box allows the user to select a specific week, and continue to pick a
0085   date from there.
0086 </para>
0087 </sect2>
0089 <sect2 id="reference.widgets.value">
0090 <title>Value entry</title>
0091 <para>
0092   The value entry widget consists of a text field (that accepts digits,
0093   thousands separators, and decimal symbols) as well as a button to the
0094   right. Use the digits to enter the value. Separate the fractional part by
0095   entering the decimal separator for your locale. If you click on the button to
0096   the right or press a key representing a numeric operation (&eg;, <keycap>+</keycap>,
0097   <keycap>-</keycap>, <keycap>/</keycap>, <keycap>*</keycap> or <keycap>%</keycap>)
0098   a little calculator will pop up and allow you to calculate the final value.
0099 </para>
0101 <para>
0102   Negative values can be entered by preceding the value with a minus sign. In
0103   case your locale is set to display negative numbers with parentheses around
0104   the value, the value can also be enclosed in parenthesis in the value entry
0105   widget.
0106 </para>
0108 <para>
0109 <screenshot>
0110         <screeninfo>Tip of the Day</screeninfo>
0111         <mediaobject>
0112         <imageobject>
0113         <imagedata fileref="value_widget.png" format="PNG" />
0114         </imageobject>
0115         <textobject>
0116         <phrase>Value widget</phrase>
0117         </textobject>
0118         </mediaobject>
0119 </screenshot>
0120 </para>
0122 <para>
0123   Use the calculator widget just like a normal calculator and once done leave
0124   it by clicking on the <guibutton>=</guibutton> button or press the <keycap>=</keycap>
0125   key on your keyboard.
0126 </para>
0127 </sect2>
0129 <sect2 id="reference.widgets.payee">
0130 <title>Payee/Payer entry</title>
0132 <para>
0133   When you are requested to enter a payee/payer for a transaction, you can start
0134   entering the name by pressing keys on your keyboard.  As long as matching
0135   entries exist in the list of payees/payers maintained by &kmymoney; they will
0136   be presented in a box beneath or above the text entry area. Using the mouse or
0137   the &Up;/&Down; keys one can select a name from that list. Using the keyboard
0138   additionally requires you to select the entry by pressing the &Enter; key.
0139 </para>
0141 <para>
0142 <screenshot>
0143         <screeninfo>Tip of the Day</screeninfo>
0144         <mediaobject>
0145         <imageobject>
0146         <imagedata fileref="payee_widget.png" format="PNG" />
0147         </imageobject>
0148         <textobject>
0149         <phrase>Payee widget</phrase>
0150         </textobject>
0151         </mediaobject>
0152 </screenshot>
0153 </para>
0155 <para>
0156   If a name is entered that is not yet known to &kmymoney; you will be asked if
0157   you want to create a new payee/payer record.  If you do not wish to do so,
0158   then the field will be blanked. Otherwise, the record will be created and
0159   added to the list.
0160 </para>
0162 <para>
0163   Once the edit field contains characters, the list only shows those payees that
0164   match the character sequence entered. Double-click on the arrow of the combo
0165   box to show all payees in the list.
0166 </para>
0168 </sect2>
0170 <sect2 id="reference.widgets.category">
0171 <title>Category/account entry</title>
0173 <para>
0174   When you are requested to enter the name of a category or account, you can
0175   start entering the name by pressing keys on your keyboard.  As long as
0176   matching entries exist in the list of categories/accounts known to &kmymoney;
0177   they will be presented in a box beneath or above the text entry area. Using
0178   the mouse or the &Up;/&Down; keys one can select a name from that list. Using the
0179   keyboard additionally requires you to select the entry by pressing the &Enter;
0180   key.
0181 </para>
0183 <para>
0184 <screenshot>
0185         <screeninfo>Tip of the Day</screeninfo>
0186         <mediaobject>
0187         <imageobject>
0188         <imagedata fileref="category_widget.png" format="PNG" />
0189         </imageobject>
0190         <textobject>
0191         <phrase>Category widget</phrase>
0192         </textobject>
0193         </mediaobject>
0194 </screenshot>
0195 </para>
0197 <para>
0198   If a name is entered that is not yet known to &kmymoney; you will be asked if
0199   you want to create a new category record.  If you do not wish to do so, then
0200   the field will be blanked. Otherwise, the record will be created and added to
0201   the list.
0202 </para>
0204 <para>
0205   Once the edit field is filled with characters, the list only shows those
0206   categories/accounts that match the character sequence entered. Double-click on
0207   the arrow of the combo box to show the complete list.
0208 </para>
0210 </sect2>
0211 </sect1>