Warning, /office/kmymoney/doc/details-search.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
0002 <chapter id="details.search">
0003 <chapterinfo>
0004   <authorgroup>
0005     <author> &Darin.Strait; &Darin.Strait.mail; </author>
0006   </authorgroup>
0007   <date>2010-07-25</date>
0008   <releaseinfo>4.5</releaseinfo>
0009 </chapterinfo>
0011 <title>Search Transactions</title>
0013 <sect1 id="details.search.general">
0014 <title>General</title>
0016 <para>
0017   The <guilabel>Search Transactions</guilabel> dialog searches your data based
0018   on criteria that you specify. You can access the dialog by going to
0019   the <guimenu>Edit</guimenu> menu and selecting
0020   <guimenuitem>Find transaction...</guimenuitem>.
0021 </para>
0023 <para>
0024   There are two main tabs in this dialog. The <quote>Criteria</quote> tab
0025   displays a number of sub-tabs for specifying the search criteria.
0026 </para>
0028 <para>
0029   The results will be displayed under the <quote>Result</quote> tab after the
0030   search has completed. Below the list of results, &kmymoney; shows the number
0031   of transactions that met the search criteria.  Double-clicking on an
0032   individual transaction in the result list will bring up the appropriate ledger
0033   and display the transaction.
0034 </para>
0036 <para>
0037   When the <guibutton>Find</guibutton> button is pressed, the search is
0038   initiated and all criteria that have been entered on any tab will be taken
0039   into account.
0040 </para>
0042 <para>
0043  The <guibutton>Reset</guibutton> button resets all of the fields on all of the
0044  criteria sub-tabs back to the defaults. This allows you to specify new search
0045  criteria.
0046 </para>
0048 <para>
0049   The <guibutton>Close</guibutton> button closes the <guilabel>Search
0050   Transactions</guilabel> dialog box.
0051 </para>
0053 </sect1>
0055 <sect1 id="details.search.criteria">
0056 <title>Search Criteria</title>
0058 <para>
0059   There are several sub-tabs under the main <quote>Criteria</quote> tab, each of
0060   which allows you to specify different types of search criteria.  Below the
0061   area for specifying the criteria, &kmymoney; lists each of the different types
0062   of criteria that are currently specified for the search.
0063 </para>
0065 <sect2 id="details.search.text">
0066 <title>Text</title>
0068 <screenshot>
0069 <mediaobject>
0070 <imageobject>
0071 <imagedata fileref="find-text.png" format="PNG" />
0072 </imageobject>
0073 <textobject>
0074 <phrase>Search transactions Dialog, Text tab</phrase>
0075 </textobject>
0076 </mediaobject>
0077 </screenshot>
0079 <para>
0080   This tab allows you to specify text to search for.  There are also two check
0081   boxes that control how the text is used in the search.
0082 </para>
0084 <para>
0085   By default, this will match on simple substrings. For example:
0086 </para>
0088 <para>
0089 <itemizedlist>
0090   <listitem>
0091     <para><quote>Best</quote> will find <quote>Best Cakes, Inc.</quote></para>
0092   </listitem>
0093   <listitem>
0094     <para>
0095       <quote>est</quote> will also find <quote>Best Cakes, Inc.</quote>
0096     </para>
0097   </listitem>
0098 </itemizedlist>
0099 </para>
0101 <para>
0102   In the dropdown field next to the text field,
0103   select <guilabel>Contains</guilabel> if you want to find transactions that
0104   contain the text, or select <guilabel>Does not contain</guilabel> if you want
0105   to find transactions that do not contain the specified text.
0106 </para>
0108 <para>
0109   If you check the <guilabel>Case Sensitive</guilabel> box, the search will be
0110   case sensitive.  For example, <quote>best</quote> would not find <quote>Best
0111   Cakes, Inc.</quote> if this option is set.
0112 </para>
0114 <para>
0115   If you check the <guilabel>Treat Text as regular expression</guilabel> box,
0116   the text will be treated as a regular expression.  For details on how to
0117   craft a regular expression, visit the &Qt; documentation about the
0118   <ulink url="https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qregularexpression.html">QRegularExpression
0119   class</ulink>.
0120 </para>
0121 </sect2>
0123 <sect2 id="details.search.account">
0124 <title>Account</title>
0126 <screenshot>
0127 <mediaobject>
0128 <imageobject>
0129 <imagedata fileref="find-account.png" format="PNG" />
0130 </imageobject>
0131 <textobject>
0132 <phrase>Search transactions Dialog, Account tab</phrase>
0133 </textobject>
0134 </mediaobject>
0135 </screenshot>
0137 <para>
0138   This tab allows you to specify the accounts that should be searched.
0139 </para>
0141 <para>
0142   Accounts are displayed in a tree format. Accounts that are marked for search
0143   are indicated with a check box. If you click the <guibutton>All</guibutton>
0144   button, all accounts are marked for searching. If you click the
0145   <guibutton>None</guibutton> button, no accounts will be marked for
0146   searching. Individual accounts can be marked or unmarked by clicking on the
0147   box next to the account name using the &LMB;. A complete hierarchy of accounts
0148   can be marked or unmarked by clicking on the box using the &RMB;.
0149 </para>
0150 </sect2>
0152 <sect2 id="details.search.date">
0153 <title>Date</title>
0155 <screenshot>
0156 <mediaobject>
0157 <imageobject>
0158 <imagedata fileref="find-date.png" format="PNG" />
0159 </imageobject>
0160 <textobject>
0161 <phrase>Search transactions Dialog, Date tab</phrase>
0162 </textobject>
0163 </mediaobject>
0164 </screenshot>
0166 <para>
0167   This tab allows you to specify which dates should be searched.
0168 </para>
0170 <para>
0171   The <quote>Range</quote> control provides a convenient way to set the From and
0172   To controls.  The From and To controls can be manipulated individually. Dates
0173   can be entered manually. The controls will prevent you from entering
0174   non-existing dates. Date values can also be changed by clicking on the up and
0175   down arrows when a particular part of a date is highlighted.  Clicking on the
0176   small calendar icon will bring up a calendar to easily select dates.
0177 </para>
0178 </sect2>
0181 <sect2 id="details.search.amount">
0182 <title>Amount</title>
0184 <screenshot>
0185 <mediaobject>
0186 <imageobject>
0187 <imagedata fileref="find-amount.png" format="PNG" />
0188 </imageobject>
0189 <textobject>
0190 <phrase>Search transactions Dialog, Amount tab</phrase>
0191 </textobject>
0192 </mediaobject>
0193 </screenshot>
0195 <para>
0196   This tab allows you to specify what amounts should be searched for.
0197 </para>
0199 <para>
0200   You can search for an exact amount or for a range of amounts. If you click on
0201   the calculator icon, a small on-screen calculator will pop up to assist you in
0202   entering a value.
0203 </para>
0204 </sect2>
0206 <sect2 id="details.search.category">
0207 <title>Category</title>
0209 <screenshot>
0210 <mediaobject>
0211 <imageobject>
0212 <imagedata fileref="find-category.png" format="PNG" />
0213 </imageobject>
0214 <textobject>
0215 <phrase>Search transactions Dialog, Category tab</phrase>
0216 </textobject>
0217 </mediaobject>
0218 </screenshot>
0220 <para>
0221   This tab allows you to specify which categories should be searched.
0222 </para>
0224 <para>
0225   Categories are displayed in a tree format. Categories that are marked for
0226   search are indicated with a box. If you click the <guibutton>All</guibutton>
0227   button, all categories are marked for searching. If you click
0228   the <guibutton>None</guibutton> button, no categories will be marked for
0229   searching. If you click the <guibutton>Income</guibutton> button, income
0230   categories will be marked and expense categories will be unmarked. If you
0231   click the <guibutton>Expense</guibutton> button, income categories will be
0232   unmarked and expense categories will be marked.
0233 </para>
0235 <para>
0236   Individual categories can be marked or unmarked by clicking on the box next to
0237   the category name using the &LMB;. A complete hierarchy of categories can be
0238   marked or unmarked by clicking on the box using the &RMB;.
0239 </para>
0240 </sect2>
0242 <sect2 id="details.search.payee">
0243 <title>Payee</title>
0245 <screenshot>
0246 <mediaobject>
0247 <imageobject>
0248 <imagedata fileref="find-payee.png" format="PNG" />
0249 </imageobject>
0250 <textobject>
0251 <phrase>Search transactions Dialog, Payee tab</phrase>
0252 </textobject>
0253 </mediaobject>
0254 </screenshot>
0256 <para>
0257   This tab allows you to specify which payees should be searched.
0258 </para>
0260 <para>
0261   Payees that are marked for search are indicated with a box. If you click
0262   the <guibutton>All</guibutton> button, all payees are marked for searching. If
0263   you click the <guibutton>None</guibutton> button, no payees will be marked for
0264   searching. Individual payees can be marked or unmarked by clicking on the box
0265   next to the payee name.
0266 </para>
0268 <para>
0269   If you check the <guilabel>Select transactions without payees</guilabel> box,
0270   only transactions with no payee will be selected.
0271 </para>
0273 </sect2>
0275 <sect2 id="details.search.details">
0276 <title>Details</title>
0278 <para>
0279   This tab allows you to specify various additional search criteria.
0280 </para>
0282 <screenshot>
0283 <mediaobject>
0284 <imageobject>
0285 <imagedata fileref="find-details.png" format="PNG" />
0286 </imageobject>
0287 <textobject>
0288 <phrase>Search transactions Dialog, Details tab</phrase>
0289 </textobject>
0290 </mediaobject>
0291 </screenshot>
0293 <para>
0294 <itemizedlist>
0295   <title>Type can be one of the following:</title>
0296   <listitem><para>All Types</para></listitem>
0297   <listitem><para>Payments</para></listitem>
0298   <listitem><para>Deposits</para></listitem>
0299   <listitem><para>Transfers</para></listitem>
0300 </itemizedlist>
0302 <itemizedlist>
0303   <title>State can be one of the following:</title>
0304   <listitem><para>All states</para></listitem>
0305   <listitem><para>Not reconciled</para></listitem>
0306   <listitem><para>Cleared</para></listitem>
0307   <listitem><para>Reconciled</para></listitem>
0308 </itemizedlist>
0310 <itemizedlist>
0311   <title>Validity can be one of the following:</title>
0312   <listitem><para>Any transaction</para></listitem>
0313   <listitem><para>Valid transaction</para></listitem>
0314   <listitem><para>Invalid transaction</para></listitem>
0315 </itemizedlist>
0316 </para>
0318 <para>
0319   You can search for a particular transaction number or search for a range of
0320   transaction numbers.
0321 </para>
0323 </sect2>
0324 </sect1>
0326 <sect1 id="details.search.results">
0327 <title>Search results</title>
0329 <para>
0330   The <quote>Result</quote> tab displays the Date, Account, Details,
0331   Reconciliation status, Payment, and Deposit for each transaction
0332   that matches the search criteria you have entered.  Right clicking
0333   on the header row of the results list allows you to alter the sort
0334   order of the results.
0335 </para>
0337 <para>
0338   Double-clicking on a transaction will display the corresponding
0339   account ledger and focus on the selected transaction.
0340 </para>
0342 </sect1>
0344 </chapter>