File indexing completed on 2024-12-22 04:48:10
0001 /* 0002 SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later 0003 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Louis Schul <> 0004 */ 0005 0006 // CREDIT TO ORIGINAL IDEA: 0007 0008 #include "blockLexer.h" 0009 0010 #include <QJsonArray> 0011 #include <QMap> 0012 0013 #include "kleverconfig.h" 0014 #include "parser.h" 0015 0016 BlockLexer::BlockLexer(Parser *parser) 0017 : m_parser(parser) 0018 { 0019 } 0020 0021 void BlockLexer::lex(QString &src) 0022 { 0023 src = preprocess(src); 0024 tokenize(src, true); 0025 } 0026 0027 QString BlockLexer::preprocess(QString &src) const 0028 { 0029 QRegularExpressionMatch cap; 0030 0031 for (auto &pat : preprocessRegex.toStdMap()) { 0032 cap = pat.second.match(src); 0033 while (cap.hasMatch()) { 0034 src = src.replace(pat.second, pat.first); 0035 cap = pat.second.match(src); 0036 } 0037 } 0038 0039 return src; 0040 }; 0041 0042 void BlockLexer::tokenize(QString &remaining, const bool top) 0043 { 0044 static const QString emptyStr = QLatin1String(); 0045 QRegularExpressionMatch cap; 0046 0047 static PluginHelper *pluginHelper = m_parser->getPluginHelper(); 0048 static NoteMapperParserUtils *mapperParserUtils = pluginHelper->getMapperParserUtils(); 0049 static HighlightParserUtils *highlightParserUtils = pluginHelper->getHighlightParserUtils(); 0050 static PUMLParserUtils *pumlParserUtils = pluginHelper->getPUMLParserUtils(); 0051 0052 while (!remaining.isEmpty()) { 0053 cap = block_newline.match(remaining); 0054 if (cap.hasMatch()) { 0055 remaining.replace(cap.capturedStart(), cap.capturedLength(), emptyStr); 0056 0057 if (cap.capturedLength() > 1) { 0058 static const QVariantMap tok{{QStringLiteral("type"), QStringLiteral("space")}}; 0059 m_parser->tokens.append(tok); 0060 } 0061 } 0062 0063 cap = block_code.match(remaining); 0064 if (cap.hasMatch()) { 0065 remaining.replace(cap.capturedStart(), cap.capturedLength(), emptyStr); 0066 0067 QString cap0 = cap.captured(0); 0068 static const QRegularExpression fourSpaceBlockReg = QRegularExpression(QStringLiteral("^ {4}"), QRegularExpression::MultilineOption); 0069 cap0.replace(fourSpaceBlockReg, emptyStr); 0070 static const QRegularExpression newLineReg = QRegularExpression(QStringLiteral("\n+$")); 0071 const QString text = cap0.replace(newLineReg, emptyStr); 0072 0073 const QVariantMap tok{{QStringLiteral("type"), QStringLiteral("code")}, {QStringLiteral("text"), text}}; 0074 m_parser->tokens.append(tok); 0075 continue; 0076 } 0077 0078 cap = block_fences.match(remaining); 0079 if (cap.hasMatch()) { 0080 remaining.replace(cap.capturedStart(), cap.capturedLength(), emptyStr); 0081 0082 const QString text = cap.captured(3); 0083 const QString lang = cap.captured(2).trimmed(); 0084 const QVariantMap tok{{QStringLiteral("type"), QStringLiteral("code")}, {QStringLiteral("text"), text}, {QStringLiteral("lang"), lang}}; 0085 m_parser->tokens.append(tok); 0086 if (KleverConfig::pumlEnabled() && (lang.toLower() == QStringLiteral("puml") || lang.toLower() == QStringLiteral("plantuml"))) { 0087 pumlParserUtils->addToNotePUMLBlock(text); 0088 } else if (KleverConfig::codeSynthaxHighlightEnabled() && !lang.isEmpty()) { // Send only the value that will be highlighted 0089 highlightParserUtils->addToNoteCodeBlocks(text); 0090 } 0091 continue; 0092 } 0093 0094 cap = block_heading.match(remaining); 0095 if (cap.hasMatch()) { 0096 remaining.replace(cap.capturedStart(), cap.capturedLength(), emptyStr); 0097 0098 if (KleverConfig::noteMapEnabled()) { 0099 mapperParserUtils->addToNoteHeaders(cap.captured(0).trimmed()); 0100 } 0101 0102 const QVariantMap tok{{QStringLiteral("type"), QStringLiteral("heading")}, 0103 {QStringLiteral("depth"), cap.capturedLength(1)}, 0104 {QStringLiteral("text"), cap.captured(2)}}; 0105 m_parser->tokens.append(tok); 0106 continue; 0107 } 0108 0109 cap = block_nptable.match(remaining); 0110 if (top && cap.hasMatch()) { 0111 static const QRegularExpression headerPipeReg = QRegularExpression(QStringLiteral("^ *| *\\| *$")); 0112 const QStringList headerList = splitCells(cap.captured(1).replace(headerPipeReg, emptyStr)); 0113 0114 static const QRegularExpression alignReg = QRegularExpression(QStringLiteral("^ *|\\| *$")); 0115 static const QRegularExpression alignSplitterReg = QRegularExpression(QStringLiteral(" *\\| *")); 0116 QStringList alignList = cap.captured(2).replace(alignReg, emptyStr).split(alignSplitterReg); 0117 if (alignList.last().isEmpty()) 0118 alignList.removeLast(); 0119 0120 static const QRegularExpression endingNewLineReg = QRegularExpression(QStringLiteral("\n$")); 0121 QStringList allCells = cap.captured(3).replace(endingNewLineReg, emptyStr).split(QStringLiteral("\n")); 0122 if (allCells.last().isEmpty()) 0123 allCells.removeLast(); 0124 0125 QJsonArray cells; 0126 0127 const int headerSize = headerList.size(); 0128 const int alignSize = alignList.size(); 0129 if (headerSize == alignSize) { 0130 remaining.replace(cap.capturedStart(), cap.capturedLength(), emptyStr); 0131 0132 for (int i = 0; i < alignSize; i++) { 0133 static const QRegularExpression rightAlignReg = QRegularExpression(QStringLiteral("^ *-+: *$")); 0134 static const QRegularExpression centerAlignReg = QRegularExpression(QStringLiteral("^ *:-+: *$")); 0135 static const QRegularExpression leftAlignReg = QRegularExpression(QStringLiteral("^ *:-+ *$")); 0136 if (rightAlignReg.match(alignList[i]).hasMatch()) { 0137 alignList[i] = QStringLiteral("right"); 0138 } else if (centerAlignReg.match(alignList[i]).hasMatch()) { 0139 alignList[i] = QStringLiteral("center"); 0140 } else if (leftAlignReg.match(alignList[i]).hasMatch()) { 0141 alignList[i] = QStringLiteral("left"); 0142 } else { 0143 alignList[i] = emptyStr; 0144 } 0145 } 0146 for (int i = 0; i < allCells.size(); i++) { 0147 const auto cellsList = QJsonArray::fromStringList(splitCells(allCells[i], headerSize)); 0148 cells.append(QJsonValue(cellsList)); 0149 } 0150 const QVariantMap item{{QStringLiteral("type"), QStringLiteral("table")}, 0151 {QStringLiteral("header"), headerList}, 0152 {QStringLiteral("align"), alignList}, 0153 {QStringLiteral("cells"), cells}}; 0154 m_parser->tokens.append(item); 0155 continue; 0156 } 0157 } 0158 0159 cap = block_hr.match(remaining); 0160 if (cap.hasMatch()) { 0161 remaining.replace(cap.capturedStart(), cap.capturedLength(), emptyStr); 0162 0163 static const QVariantMap tok{{QStringLiteral("type"), QStringLiteral("hr")}}; 0164 m_parser->tokens.append(tok); 0165 continue; 0166 } 0167 0168 cap = block_blockquote.match(remaining); 0169 if (cap.hasMatch()) { 0170 remaining.replace(cap.capturedStart(), cap.capturedLength(), emptyStr); 0171 0172 static const QVariantMap startingTok{{QStringLiteral("type"), QStringLiteral("blockquote_start")}}; 0173 m_parser->tokens.append(startingTok); 0174 0175 QString cap0 = cap.captured(0); 0176 static const QRegularExpression quoteBlockReg = QRegularExpression(QStringLiteral("^ *> ?"), QRegularExpression::MultilineOption); 0177 cap0.replace(quoteBlockReg, emptyStr); 0178 0179 tokenize(cap0, top); 0180 0181 static const QVariantMap endingTok{{QStringLiteral("type"), QStringLiteral("blockquote_end")}}; 0182 m_parser->tokens.append(endingTok); 0183 continue; 0184 } 0185 0186 cap = block_list.match(remaining); 0187 if (cap.hasMatch()) { 0188 remaining.replace(cap.captured(0), emptyStr); 0189 0190 QString bull = cap.captured(2); 0191 const bool isOrdered = bull.length() > 1; 0192 static const QString dotStr = QStringLiteral("."); 0193 if (bull.endsWith(dotStr)) 0194 bull.remove(dotStr); 0195 0196 const QVariantMap tok{{QStringLiteral("type"), QStringLiteral("list_start")}, 0197 {QStringLiteral("ordered"), isOrdered}, 0198 {QStringLiteral("start"), isOrdered ? bull : emptyStr}}; 0199 m_parser->tokens.append(tok); 0200 0201 QRegularExpressionMatchIterator globalCap = block_item.globalMatch(cap.captured(0)); 0202 bool next = false; 0203 0204 while (globalCap.hasNext()) { 0205 const auto matchedItem =; 0206 QString item = matchedItem.captured(); 0207 0208 int space = item.length(); 0209 static const QRegularExpression bulletReg = QRegularExpression(QStringLiteral("^ *([*+-]|\\d+\\.) +")); 0210 const QRegularExpressionMatch firstBulletCatch = bulletReg.match(item); 0211 item.replace(firstBulletCatch.capturedStart(), firstBulletCatch.capturedLength(), emptyStr); 0212 0213 if (item.indexOf(QStringLiteral("\n ")) != -1) { 0214 space -= item.length(); 0215 static const QRegularExpression multiSpaceBlockReg = 0216 QRegularExpression(QStringLiteral("^ {1,") + QString::number(space) + QStringLiteral("}"), QRegularExpression::MultilineOption); 0217 item.replace(multiSpaceBlockReg, emptyStr); 0218 } 0219 0220 static const QRegularExpression looseItemReg = QRegularExpression(QStringLiteral("\n\n(?!\\s*$)")); 0221 bool loose = next || looseItemReg.match(item).hasMatch(); 0222 0223 if (globalCap.hasNext()) { 0224 next = !item.isEmpty() && item[item.length() - 1] == QChar::fromLatin1('\n'); 0225 if (!loose) { 0226 loose = next; 0227 } 0228 } 0229 0230 static const QRegularExpression taskCatcherReg = QRegularExpression(QStringLiteral("(^\\[[ xX]\\] )")); 0231 const QRegularExpressionMatch taskCatcher = taskCatcherReg.match(item); 0232 const bool istask = taskCatcher.hasMatch(); 0233 bool ischecked = false; 0234 if (istask) { 0235 ischecked = item[1] != QChar::fromLatin1(' '); 0236 item.replace(taskCatcher.capturedStart(1), taskCatcher.capturedLength(1), emptyStr); 0237 } 0238 const QVariantMap startingTok{{QStringLiteral("type"), loose ? QStringLiteral("loose_item_start") : QStringLiteral("list_item_start")}, 0239 {QStringLiteral("task"), istask}, 0240 {QStringLiteral("checked"), ischecked}}; 0241 m_parser->tokens.append(startingTok); 0242 0243 tokenize(item, false); 0244 0245 static const QVariantMap endingTok{{QStringLiteral("type"), QStringLiteral("list_item_end")}}; 0246 m_parser->tokens.append(endingTok); 0247 } 0248 static const QVariantMap endingTok{{QStringLiteral("type"), QStringLiteral("list_end")}}; 0249 m_parser->tokens.append(endingTok); 0250 0251 continue; 0252 } 0253 0254 cap = block_html.match(remaining); 0255 if (cap.hasMatch()) { 0256 remaining.replace(cap.capturedStart(), cap.capturedLength(), emptyStr); 0257 0258 const bool pre = 0259 (cap.captured(1) == QStringLiteral("pre") || cap.captured(1) == QStringLiteral("script") || cap.captured(1) == QStringLiteral("type")); 0260 0261 const QVariantMap tok{{QStringLiteral("type"), QStringLiteral("html")}, {QStringLiteral("pre"), pre}, {QStringLiteral("text"), cap.captured(0)}}; 0262 m_parser->tokens.append(tok); 0263 continue; 0264 } 0265 0266 cap = block_def.match(remaining); 0267 if (top && cap.hasMatch()) { 0268 remaining.replace(cap.capturedStart(), cap.capturedLength(), emptyStr); 0269 0270 static const QRegularExpression whiteSpaceReg = QRegularExpression(QStringLiteral("\\s+")); 0271 const QString tag = cap.captured(1).toLower().replace(whiteSpaceReg, emptyStr); 0272 if (!m_parser->links.contains(tag)) { 0273 const QMap<QString, QString> link{{QStringLiteral("href"), cap.captured(2)}, {QStringLiteral("title"), cap.captured(3)}}; 0274 m_parser->links.insert(tag, link); 0275 } 0276 continue; 0277 } 0278 0279 cap = block_table.match(remaining); 0280 if (top && cap.hasMatch()) { 0281 remaining.replace(cap.capturedStart(), cap.capturedLength(), emptyStr); 0282 0283 static const QRegularExpression headerPipeReg = QRegularExpression(QStringLiteral("^ *| *$")); 0284 const QStringList headerList = splitCells(cap.captured(1).replace(headerPipeReg, emptyStr)); 0285 0286 static const QRegularExpression alignReg = QRegularExpression(QStringLiteral("^ *|\\| *$")); 0287 static const QRegularExpression alignSplitterReg = QRegularExpression(QStringLiteral(" *\\| *")); 0288 QStringList alignList = cap.captured(2).replace(alignReg, emptyStr).split(alignSplitterReg); 0289 if (alignList.last().isEmpty()) 0290 alignList.removeLast(); 0291 0292 static const QRegularExpression cellReg = QRegularExpression(QStringLiteral("(?: *\\| *)?\n$")); 0293 QStringList allCells = cap.captured(3).replace(cellReg, emptyStr).split(QStringLiteral("\n")); 0294 if (allCells.last().isEmpty()) 0295 allCells.removeLast(); 0296 0297 QJsonArray cells; 0298 0299 const int headerSize = headerList.size(); 0300 const int alignSize = alignList.size(); 0301 if (headerSize == alignSize) { 0302 for (int i = 0; i < alignSize; i++) { 0303 static const QRegularExpression rightAlignReg = QRegularExpression(QStringLiteral("^ *-+: *$")); 0304 static const QRegularExpression centerAlignReg = QRegularExpression(QStringLiteral("^ *:-+: *$")); 0305 static const QRegularExpression leftAlignReg = QRegularExpression(QStringLiteral("^ *:-+ *$")); 0306 if (rightAlignReg.match(alignList[i]).hasMatch()) { 0307 alignList[i] = QStringLiteral("right"); 0308 } else if (centerAlignReg.match(alignList[i]).hasMatch()) { 0309 alignList[i] = QStringLiteral("center"); 0310 } else if (leftAlignReg.match(alignList[i]).hasMatch()) { 0311 alignList[i] = QStringLiteral("left"); 0312 } else { 0313 alignList[i] = emptyStr; 0314 } 0315 } 0316 0317 QJsonArray cellsList; 0318 const int cellsSize = allCells.size(); 0319 for (int i = 0; i < cellsSize; i++) { 0320 static const QRegularExpression tableCellReg = QRegularExpression(QStringLiteral("^ *\\| *| *\\| *$")); 0321 cellsList = QJsonArray::fromStringList(splitCells(allCells[i].replace(tableCellReg, emptyStr), headerSize)); 0322 cells.append(QJsonValue(cellsList)); 0323 } 0324 0325 const QVariantMap item{{QStringLiteral("type"), QStringLiteral("table")}, 0326 {QStringLiteral("header"), headerList}, 0327 {QStringLiteral("align"), alignList}, 0328 {QStringLiteral("cells"), cells}}; 0329 m_parser->tokens.append(item); 0330 continue; 0331 } 0332 } 0333 0334 cap = block_lheading.match(remaining); 0335 if (cap.hasMatch()) { 0336 remaining.replace(cap.capturedStart(), cap.capturedLength(), emptyStr); 0337 0338 const int depth = cap.captured(2) == QStringLiteral("=") ? 1 : 2; 0339 0340 const QVariantMap tok{{QStringLiteral("type"), QStringLiteral("heading")}, 0341 {QStringLiteral("depth"), depth}, 0342 {QStringLiteral("text"), cap.captured(1)}}; 0343 m_parser->tokens.append(tok); 0344 continue; 0345 } 0346 0347 cap = block_paragraph.match(remaining); 0348 if (top && cap.hasMatch()) { 0349 remaining.replace(cap.capturedStart(), cap.capturedLength(), emptyStr); 0350 0351 const QString text = cap.captured(1).endsWith(QStringLiteral("\n")) ? cap.captured(1).left(cap.captured(1).length() - 1) : cap.captured(1); 0352 0353 const QVariantMap tok{{QStringLiteral("type"), QStringLiteral("paragraph")}, {QStringLiteral("text"), text}}; 0354 m_parser->tokens.append(tok); 0355 continue; 0356 } 0357 0358 cap = block_text.match(remaining); 0359 if (cap.hasMatch()) { 0360 remaining.replace(cap.capturedStart(), cap.capturedLength(), emptyStr); 0361 0362 const QVariantMap tok{{QStringLiteral("type"), QStringLiteral("text")}, {QStringLiteral("text"), cap.captured(0)}}; 0363 m_parser->tokens.append(tok); 0364 continue; 0365 } 0366 0367 if (!remaining.isEmpty()) { 0368 qFatal("Infinite loop on byte: %d", remaining[0].unicode()); 0369 } 0370 } 0371 } 0372 0373 QStringList BlockLexer::splitCells(QString &tableRow, const int count) const 0374 { 0375 static const QRegularExpression cellReg = QRegularExpression(QStringLiteral("([^\\\\])\\|")); 0376 static const QRegularExpression cellSplitterReg = QRegularExpression(QStringLiteral(" +\\| *")); 0377 QStringList cells = tableRow.replace(cellReg, QStringLiteral("\\1 |")).split(cellSplitterReg); 0378 if (cells.last().isEmpty()) 0379 cells.removeLast(); 0380 0381 if (cells.length() > count && count > -1) { 0382 cells.erase(cells.end() - count, cells.end()); 0383 } else { 0384 while (cells.length() < count) { 0385 cells.append(QLatin1String()); 0386 } 0387 } 0388 0389 for (int i = 0; i < cells.length(); i++) { 0390 static const QRegularExpression pipeReg = QRegularExpression(QStringLiteral("\\\\\\|")); 0391 cells[i] = cells[i].replace(pipeReg, QStringLiteral("|")); 0392 } 0393 0394 return cells; 0395 }