Warning, /office/klevernotes/src/contents/ui/dialogs/todoDialog/TextAreaDelegate.qml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
0002 // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Louis Schul <schul9louis@gmail.com>
0004 // BASED ON FormTextFieldDelegate :
0005 /*
0006  * Copyright 2022 Carl Schwan <carl@carlschwan.eu>
0007  * SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
0008  */
0010 import QtQuick 2.15
0011 import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
0012 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
0014 import org.kde.kirigami 2.19 as Kirigami
0015 import org.kde.kirigamiaddons.formcard 1.0
0017 AbstractFormDelegate {
0018     id: root
0020     /**
0021      * @brief A label containing primary text that appears above and
0022      * to the left the text field.
0023      */
0024     required property string label
0026     /**
0027      * @brief set the maximum length of the text inside the TextField if maxLength > 0
0028      */
0029     property int maximumLength: 0
0031     /**
0032      * @brief This hold the activeFocus state of the internal TextField.
0033      */
0034     property alias fieldActiveFocus: textArea.activeFocus
0036     /**
0037      * @brief This hold the `readOnly` state of the internal TextField.
0038      */
0039     property alias readOnly: textArea.readOnly
0041     /**
0042      * @brief This property holds the `inputMethodHints` of the
0043      * internal TextField.
0044      *
0045      * This consists of hints on the expected content or behavior of
0046      * the text field, be it sensitive data, in a date format, or whether
0047      * the characters will be hidden, for example.
0048      *
0049      * @see <a href="https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qml-qtquick-textinput.html#inputMethodHints-prop">TextInput.inputMethodHints</a>
0050      */
0051     property alias inputMethodHints: textArea.inputMethodHints
0053     /**
0054      * @brief This property holds the `wrapMode` of the
0055      * internal TextArea.
0056      *
0057      * @see <a href="https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qml-qtquick-textedit.html#wrapMode-prop">TextEdit.wrapMode</a>
0058      */
0059     property alias wrapMode: textArea.wrapMode
0061     /**
0062      * @brief This property holds the `placeholderText` of the
0063      * internal TextField.
0064      *
0065      * This consists of secondary text shown by default on the text field
0066      * if no text has been written in it.
0067      */
0068     property alias placeholderText: textArea.placeholderText
0070     /**
0071      * @brief This property holds the current status message type of
0072      * the text field.
0073      *
0074      * This consists of an inline message with a colorful background
0075      * and an appropriate icon.
0076      *
0077      * The status property will affect the color of ::statusMessage used.
0078      *
0079      * Accepted values:
0080      * - `Kirigami.MessageType.Information` (blue color)
0081      * - `Kirigami.MessageType.Positive` (green color)
0082      * - `Kirigami.MessageType.Warning` (orange color)
0083      * - `Kirigami.MessageType.Error` (red color)
0084      *
0085      * default: `Kirigami.MessageType.Information` if ::statusMessage is set,
0086      * nothing otherwise.
0087      *
0088      * @see Kirigami.MessageType
0089      */
0090     property var status: Kirigami.MessageType.Information
0092     /**
0093      * @brief This property holds the current status message of
0094      * the text field.
0095      *
0096      * If this property is not set, no ::status will be shown.
0097      */
0098     property string statusMessage: ""
0100     /**
0101      * @This signal is emitted when the Return or Enter key is pressed.
0102      *
0103      * Note that if there is a validator or inputMask set on the text input,
0104      * the signal will only be emitted if the input is in an acceptable
0105      * state.
0106      */
0107     signal accepted();
0109     /**
0110      * @brief This signal is emitted when the Return or Enter key is pressed
0111      * or the text input loses focus.
0112      *
0113      * Note that if there is a validator or inputMask set on the text input
0114      * and enter/return is pressed, this signal will only be emitted if
0115      * the input follows the inputMask and the validator returns an
0116      * acceptable state.
0117      */
0118     signal editingFinished();
0120     /**
0121      * @brief This signal is emitted whenever the text is edited.
0122      *
0123      * Unlike textChanged(), this signal is not emitted when the text
0124      * is changed programmatically, for example, by changing the
0125      * value of the text property or by calling ::clear().
0126      */
0127     signal textEdited();
0129     background: null
0131     contentItem: ColumnLayout {
0132         spacing: Kirigami.Units.smallSpacing
0134         RowLayout {
0135             spacing: Kirigami.Units.largeSpacing
0137             Label {
0138                 text: label
0139                 elide: Text.ElideRight
0140                 color: root.enabled ? Kirigami.Theme.textColor : Kirigami.Theme.disabledTextColor
0141                 wrapMode: Text.Wrap
0142                 maximumLineCount: 2
0144                 Layout.fillWidth: true
0145             }
0146             Label {
0147                 text: metrics.label(textArea.text.length, root.maximumLength)
0148                 font: Kirigami.Theme.smallFont
0149                 color: textArea.text.length === root.maximumLength
0150                     ? Kirigami.Theme.neutralTextColor
0151                     : Kirigami.Theme.textColor
0153                 horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
0154                 visible: root.maximumLength > 0
0156                 Layout.margins: Kirigami.Units.smallSpacing
0157                 Layout.preferredWidth: metrics.advanceWidth
0159                 TextMetrics {
0160                     id: metrics
0162                     text: label(root.maximumLength, root.maximumLength)
0163                     font: Kirigami.Theme.smallFont
0165                     function label(current: int, maximum: int): string {
0166                         return i18nc("@label %1 is current text length, %2 is maximum length of text field", "%1/%2", current, maximum)
0167                     }
0168                 }
0169             }
0170         }
0172         ScrollView {
0173             Layout.fillWidth: true
0174             Layout.fillHeight: true
0176             TextArea {
0177                 id: textArea
0179                 text: root.text
0180                 placeholderText: root.placeholderText
0181                 activeFocusOnTab: false
0183                 Accessible.description: label
0185                 onTextChanged: {
0186                     if (0 < root.maximumLength && root.maximumLength < text.length) {
0187                         const excess = text.length - root.maximumLength
0189                         let newCursorPosition = cursorPosition
0190                         let oldCursorPosition = newCursorPosition - excess
0192                         if (newCursorPosition < oldCursorPosition) {
0193                             newCursorPosition = oldCursorPosition
0194                             oldCursorPosition = cursorPosition
0195                         }
0197                         const a = text.substring(0, oldCursorPosition);
0198                         const b = text.substring(newCursorPosition);
0199                         text = a + b
0201                         cursorPosition = oldCursorPosition
0202                     }
0203                     root.text = text
0204                 }
0205                 onEditingFinished: { 
0206                     root.editingFinished()
0207                 }
0208             }
0209         }
0211         Kirigami.InlineMessage {
0212             id: formErrorHandler
0214             text: root.statusMessage
0215             type: root.status
0216             visible: root.statusMessage.length > 0
0218             Layout.fillWidth: true
0219             Layout.topMargin: visible ? Kirigami.Units.smallSpacing : 0
0220         }
0221     }
0223     Accessible.role: Accessible.EditableText
0225     onActiveFocusChanged: { // propagate focus to the text field
0226         if (activeFocus) {
0227             textArea.forceActiveFocus();
0228         }
0229     }
0230     onClicked: { 
0231         textArea.forceActiveFocus()
0232     }
0234     /**
0235      * @brief Clears the contents of the text input and resets partial
0236      * text input from an input method.
0237      */
0238     function clear() {
0239         textArea.clear();
0240     }
0242     /**
0243      * Inserts text into the TextInput at position.
0244      */
0245     function insert(position: int, text: string) {
0246         textArea.insert(position, text);
0247     }
0248 }