File indexing completed on 2024-05-12 16:39:38

0001 /* This file is part of the KDE project
0002    Copyright (C) 2003 Lucijan Busch <>
0003    Copyright (C) 2003-2014 Jarosław Staniek <>
0005    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
0006    modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
0007    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
0008    version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
0010    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
0011    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
0013    Library General Public License for more details.
0015    You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
0016    along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
0017    the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
0018  * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
0019 */
0021 #ifndef KEXIPART_H
0022 #define KEXIPART_H
0024 #include <QObject>
0025 #include <QMap>
0027 #include <kexiutils/InternalPropertyMap.h>
0028 #include "kexipartbase.h"
0030 #include <KDbTristate>
0032 class KActionCollection;
0033 class KexiWindow;
0034 class KexiWindowData;
0035 class KexiView;
0036 class KDbQuerySchema;
0037 class QAction;
0038 class QKeySequence;
0040 namespace KexiPart
0041 {
0042 class Item;
0043 class GUIClient;
0044 class StaticPartInfo;
0046 /*! Official (registered) type IDs for objects like table, query, form... */
0047 enum ObjectType {
0048     UnknownObjectType = KDb::UnknownObjectType, //!< -1, helper
0049     AnyObjectType = KDb::AnyObjectType,         //!<  0, helper
0050     TableObjectType = KDb::TableObjectType,     //!<  1, like in KDb::ObjectType
0051     QueryObjectType = KDb::QueryObjectType,     //!<  2, like in KDb::ObjectType
0052     FormObjectType = 3,
0053     ReportObjectType = 4,
0054     ScriptObjectType = 5,
0055     WebObjectType = 6,
0056     MacroObjectType = 7,
0057     LastObjectType = 7, //ALWAYS UPDATE THIS
0059     UserObjectType = 100 //!< external types
0060 };
0062 //! @return Kexi Part API version: "major.minor"
0063 //! @since 3.1
0064 KEXICORE_EXPORT QString version();
0066 //! @short The main class for kexi frontend parts (plugins) like tables, queries, forms and reports
0067 /*!
0068   Plugins create windows (KexiWindow) for a given type of object.
0070   Notes for plugins implementors:  This class supports InternalPropertyMap interface,
0071   so supported internal properties affecting its behaviour are:
0072   - newObjectsAreDirty: True if newly created, unsaved objects are dirty. False by default.
0073   - textViewModeCaption: custum i18n'd action text replacing standard "Text View" text.
0074     Used in for query's "SQL View".
0075   In general: a whole set of i18n'd action names, initialised on KexiPart::Part subclass ctor.
0076   The names are useful because the same action can have other name for each part,
0077   e.g. "New table" vs "New query" can have different forms for some languages.
0078   So this is a flexible way for customizing translatable strings.
0079  */
0080 class KEXICORE_EXPORT Part : public PartBase
0081 {
0082     Q_OBJECT
0084 public:
0085     virtual ~Part();
0087 //! @todo make it protected, outside world should use KexiProject
0088     /*! Try to execute the part. Implementations of this \a Part
0089     are able to overwrite this method to offer execution.
0090     \param item The \a KexiPart::Item that should be executed.
0091     \param sender The sender QObject which likes to execute this \a Part or
0092     NULL if there is no sender. The KFormDesigner uses this to pass
0093     the actual widget (e.g. the button that was pressed).
0094     \return true if execution was successfully else false.
0095                 */
0096     virtual bool execute(KexiPart::Item* item, QObject* sender = 0) {
0097         Q_UNUSED(item);
0098         Q_UNUSED(sender);
0099         return false;
0100     }
0102 //! @todo make it protected, outside world should use KexiProject
0103     /*! "Opens" an instance that the part provides, pointed by \a item in a mode \a viewMode.
0104      \a viewMode is one of Kexi::ViewMode enum.
0105      \a staticObjectArgs can be passed for static Kexi Parts.
0106      The new widget will be a child of \a parent. */
0107     KexiWindow* openInstance(QWidget* parent, KexiPart::Item *item,
0108                              Kexi::ViewMode viewMode = Kexi::DataViewMode, QMap<QString, QVariant>* staticObjectArgs = 0);
0110 //! @todo make it protected, outside world should use KexiProject
0111     /*! Removes any stored data pointed by \a item (example: table is dropped for table part).
0112      From now this data is inaccesible, and \a item disappear.
0113      You do not need to remove \a item, or remove object's schema stored in the database,
0114      beacuse this will be done automatically by KexiProject after successful
0115      call of this method. All object's data blocks are also automatically removed from database
0116      (from "kexi__objectdata" table).
0117      For this, a database connection associated with kexi project owned by \a win can be used.
0119      Database transaction is started by KexiProject before calling this method,
0120      and it will be rolled back if you return false here.
0121      You shouldn't use by hand transactions here.
0123      Default implementation just removes object from kexi__* system structures
0124      at the database backend using KDbConnection::removeObject(). */
0125     virtual tristate remove(KexiPart::Item *item);
0127     /*! Renames stored data pointed by \a item to \a newName
0128      (example: table name is altered in the database).
0129      For this, a database connection associated with kexi project owned by \a win can be used.
0130      You do not need to change \a item, and change object's schema stored in the database,
0131      beacuse this is automatically handled by KexiProject.
0133      Database transaction is started by KexiProject before calling this method,
0134      and it will be rolled back if you return false here.
0135      You shouldn't use by hand transactions here.
0137      Default implementation does nothing and returns true. */
0138     virtual tristate rename(KexiPart::Item *item, const QString& newName);
0140     /*! Creates and returns a new temporary data for a window  \a window.
0141      This method is called on openInstance() once per dialog.
0142      Reimplement this to return KexiWindowData subclass instance.
0143      Default implemention just returns empty KexiWindowData object. */
0144     Q_REQUIRED_RESULT virtual KexiWindowData *createWindowData(KexiWindow *window);
0146     /*! Creates a new view for mode \a viewMode, \a item and \a parent. The view will be
0147      used inside \a dialog. */
0148     virtual KexiView *createView(QWidget *parent, KexiWindow *window, KexiPart::Item *item,
0149                                  Kexi::ViewMode viewMode = Kexi::DataViewMode,
0150                                  QMap<QString, QVariant> *staticObjectArgs = nullptr) /*Q_REQUIRED_RESULT*/ = 0;
0152     //virtual void initTabs();
0154     /*! @return i18n'd instance name usable for displaying in gui as object's name,
0155      e.g. "table".
0156      The name is valid identifier - contains latin-1 lowercase characters only. */
0157     QString instanceName() const;
0159     /*! @return i18n'd tooltip that can also act as descriptive name of the action.
0160      Example: "Create new table". */
0161     QString toolTip() const;
0163     /*! @return i18n'd "what's this" string. Example: "Creates new table." */
0164     QString whatsThis() const;
0166     /*! \return part's GUI Client, so you can
0167      create part-wide actions using this client. */
0168     GUIClient *guiClient() const;
0170     /*! \return part's GUI Client, so you can
0171      create instance-wide actions using this client. */
0172     GUIClient *instanceGuiClient(Kexi::ViewMode mode = Kexi::AllViewModes) const;
0174     /*! \return action collection for mode \a viewMode. */
0175     KActionCollection* actionCollectionForMode(Kexi::ViewMode viewMode) const;
0177     const Kexi::ObjectStatus& lastOperationStatus() const;
0179     /*! \return query schema currently edited in the \a view.
0180      * It may be the original/saved query if user has no unsaved changes so far
0181      * or a temporary unsaved query if there are unsaved modifications.
0182      * The query can be used for example by data exporting routines so user can
0183      * export result of a running unsaved query without prior saving it. For implementation in plugins. */
0184     virtual KDbQuerySchema *currentQuery(KexiView* view);
0186     /*! @internal
0187      Creates GUIClients for this part, attached to the main window.
0188      This method is called by KexiMainWindow. */
0189     void createGUIClients();
0192     void newObjectRequest(KexiPart::Info *info);
0194 protected:
0195     /*!
0196      Creates new Plugin
0197      @param parent parent of this plugin
0198      @param instanceName i18n'd instance name written using only lowercase alphanumeric
0199             characters (a..z, 0..9).
0200             Use '_' character instead of spaces. First character should be a..z character.
0201             If you cannot use latin characters in your language, use english word.
0202             Example: "table".
0203      @param toolTip i18n'd tooltip that can also act as descriptive name of the action.
0204                     Example: "Create new table".
0205      @param whatsThis i18n'd "what's this" string. Example: "Creates new table."
0206      @param list extra arguments passed to the plugin
0207     */
0208     Part(QObject *parent,
0209         const QString& instanceName,
0210         const QString& toolTip,
0211         const QString& whatsThis,
0212         const QVariantList& list);
0214     //! Used by StaticPart
0215     Part(QObject* parent, StaticPartInfo *info);
0217     virtual void initPartActions();
0218     virtual void initInstanceActions();
0220     /*! Can be reimplemented if object data is extended beyond the default set of properties. This
0221      is the case for table and query schema objects, where object of KDbObject subclass is returned.
0222      In this case value pointed by @a ownedByWindow is set to false. Default implemenatation returns
0223      owned KDbObject object (value pointed by @a ownedByWindow is set to true).
0224      @a ownedByWindow is required. */
0225     Q_REQUIRED_RESULT virtual KDbObject *loadSchemaObject(KexiWindow *window, const KDbObject &object,
0226                                         Kexi::ViewMode viewMode, bool *ownedByWindow);
0228     bool loadDataBlock(KexiWindow *window, QString *dataString, const QString& dataID = QString());
0230     /*! Creates shared action for action collection declared
0231      for 'instance actions' of this part.
0232      See KexiSharedActionHost::createSharedAction() for details.
0233      Pass desired QAction subclass with \a subclassName (e.g. "KToggleAction") to have
0234      that subclass allocated instead just QAction (what is the default). */
0235     QAction * createSharedAction(Kexi::ViewMode mode, const QString &text,
0236                                 const QString &pix_name, const QKeySequence &cut, const char *name,
0237                                 const char *subclassName = 0);
0239     /*! Convenience version of above method - creates shared toggle action. */
0240     QAction * createSharedToggleAction(Kexi::ViewMode mode, const QString &text,
0241                                       const QString &pix_name, const QKeySequence &cut, const char *name);
0243     /*! Creates shared action for action collection declared
0244      for 'part actions' of this part.
0245      See KexiSharedActionHost::createSharedAction() for details.
0246      Pass desired QAction subclass with \a subclassName (e.g. "KToggleAction") to have
0247      that subclass allocated instead just QAction (what is the default). */
0248     QAction * createSharedPartAction(const QString &text,
0249                                     const QString &pix_name, const QKeySequence &cut, const char *name,
0250                                     const char *subclassName = 0);
0252     /*! Convenience version of above method - creates shared toggle action
0253      for 'part actions' of this part. */
0254     QAction * createSharedPartToggleAction(const QString &text,
0255                                           const QString &pix_name, const QKeySequence &cut, const char *name);
0257     void setActionAvailable(const char *action_name, bool avail);
0259 private:
0260     //! Calls loadSchemaObject() (virtual), updates ownership of object data for @a window
0261     //! and assigns the created data to @a window.
0262     void loadAndSetSchemaObject(KexiWindow *window, const KDbObject& object,
0263                                Kexi::ViewMode viewMode);
0265     Q_DISABLE_COPY(Part)
0267     class Private;
0268     Private * const d;
0270     friend class Manager;
0271     friend class ::KexiWindow;
0272     friend class GUIClient;
0273 };
0275 /*! \return full caption for item \a item and part \a part.
0276  If \a part is provided, the captions will be in a form of "name : inctancetype", e.g. "Employees : Table",
0277  otherwise it will be in a form of "name", e.g. "Employees". */
0278 KEXICORE_EXPORT QString fullCaptionForItem(KexiPart::Item *item, KexiPart::Part *part);
0280 } // namespace KexiPart
0282 #endif