Warning, /office/kexi/cmake/modules/MacroKexiAddBenchmark.cmake is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 # Copyright (c) 2010, Cyrille Berger, <cberger@cberger.net>
0002 # Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Alexander Neundorf, <neundorf@kde.org>
0003 # Copyright (c) 2006, 2007, Laurent Montel, <montel@kde.org>
0004 # Copyright (c) 2007 Matthias Kretz <kretz@kde.org>
0005 #
0006 # Redistribution and use is allowed according to the terms of the BSD license.
0007 # For details see the accompanying COPYING-CMAKE-SCRIPTS file.
0009 add_custom_target(benchmark)
0011 macro(kexi_add_benchmark _test_NAME)
0013     set(_srcList ${ARGN})
0014     set(_targetName ${_test_NAME})
0015     if( ${ARGV1} STREQUAL "TESTNAME" )
0016         set(_targetName ${ARGV2})
0017         list(REMOVE_AT _srcList 0 1)
0018     endif()
0020     set(_nogui)
0021     list(GET ${_srcList} 0 first_PARAM)
0022     if( ${first_PARAM} STREQUAL "NOGUI" )
0023         set(_nogui "NOGUI")
0024     endif()
0026     add_executable( ${_test_NAME} ${_srcList} )
0027     ecm_mark_as_test(${_test_NAME})
0029     if(NOT KDE4_TEST_OUTPUT)
0030         set(KDE4_TEST_OUTPUT plaintext)
0031     endif()
0032     set(KDE4_TEST_OUTPUT ${KDE4_TEST_OUTPUT} CACHE STRING "The output to generate when running the QTest unit tests")
0034     set(using_qtest "")
0035     foreach(_filename ${_srcList})
0036         if(NOT using_qtest)
0037             if(EXISTS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_filename}")
0038                 file(READ ${_filename} file_CONTENT)
0039                 string(REGEX MATCH "QTEST_(KDE)?MAIN" using_qtest "${file_CONTENT}")
0040             endif()
0041         endif()
0042     endforeach(_filename)
0044     get_target_property( loc ${_test_NAME} LOCATION )
0045     if(WIN32)
0046       if(MSVC_IDE)
0047         string(REGEX REPLACE "\\$\\(.*\\)" "\${CTEST_CONFIGURATION_TYPE}" loc "${loc}")
0048       endif()
0049       # .bat because of rpath handling
0050       set(_executable "${loc}.bat")
0051     else()
0052       if (APPLE AND NOT _nogui)
0053         set(_executable ${EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH}/${_test_NAME}.app/Contents/MacOS/${_test_NAME})
0054       else ()
0055         # .shell because of rpath handling
0056         set(_executable "${loc}.shell")
0057       endif ()
0058     endif()
0060     if (using_qtest AND KDE4_TEST_OUTPUT STREQUAL "xml")
0061         #MESSAGE(STATUS "${_targetName} : Using QTestLib, can produce XML report.")
0062         add_custom_target( ${_targetName} COMMAND ${_executable} -xml -o ${_targetName}.tml )
0063     else ()
0064         #MESSAGE(STATUS "${_targetName} : NOT using QTestLib, can't produce XML report, please use QTestLib to write your unit tests.")
0065         add_custom_target( ${_targetName} COMMAND ${_executable} )
0066     endif ()
0068     add_dependencies(benchmark ${_targetName} )
0069 #    add_test( ${_targetName} ${EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH}/${_test_NAME} -xml -o ${_test_NAME}.tml )
0071     if (NOT MSVC_IDE)   #not needed for the ide
0072         # if the tests are EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL, add a target "buildtests" to build all tests
0073         if (NOT BUILD_TESTING)
0074            get_directory_property(_buildtestsAdded BUILDTESTS_ADDED)
0075            if(NOT _buildtestsAdded)
0076               add_custom_target(buildtests)
0077               set_directory_properties(PROPERTIES BUILDTESTS_ADDED TRUE)
0078            endif()
0079            add_dependencies(buildtests ${_test_NAME})
0080         endif ()
0081     endif ()
0082 endmacro()