File indexing completed on 2024-05-19 05:05:33

0001 /***************************************************************************
0002  *   SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
0003  *                                                                         *
0004  *   SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2004-2023 Thomas Fischer <>
0005  *                                                                         *
0006  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
0007  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
0008  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
0009  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
0010  *                                                                         *
0011  *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
0012  *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
0014  *   GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
0015  *                                                                         *
0016  *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     *
0017  *   along with this program; if not, see <>. *
0018  ***************************************************************************/
0020 #include "fileexporterbibtex.h"
0022 #include <typeinfo>
0024 #include <QTextCodec>
0025 #include <QTextStream>
0026 #include <QStringList>
0027 #include <QBuffer>
0029 #include <BibTeXEntries>
0030 #include <BibTeXFields>
0031 #include <Preferences>
0032 #include <File>
0033 #include <Element>
0034 #include <Entry>
0035 #include <Macro>
0036 #include <Preamble>
0037 #include <Value>
0038 #include <Comment>
0039 #include "encoderlatex.h"
0040 #include "fileexporter_p.h"
0041 #include "logging_io.h"
0043 #define normalizeText(text) (text).normalized(QString::NormalizationForm_C)
0045 class FileExporterBibTeX::Private
0046 {
0047 private:
0048     FileExporterBibTeX *parent;
0050     /**
0051      * Determine a codec to use based on various settings such as
0052      * the global preferences, per-file settings, or configuration
0053      * settings passed to this FileExporterBibTeX instance.
0054      */
0055     QPair<QString, QTextCodec *> determineTargetCodec() {
0056         QString encoding = QStringLiteral("utf-8"); ///< default encoding if nothing else is set
0057         if (!this->encoding.isEmpty())
0058             /// Encoding as loaded in loadPreferencesAndProperties(..) has low priority
0059             encoding = this->encoding;
0060         if (!forcedEncoding.isEmpty())
0061             /// Encoding as set via setEncoding(..) has high priority
0062             encoding = forcedEncoding;
0063         encoding = encoding.toLower();
0064         if (encoding == QStringLiteral("utf-8") || encoding == QStringLiteral("utf8"))
0065             return QPair<QString, QTextCodec *>(QStringLiteral("utf-8"), nullptr); ///< a 'nullptr' encoder signifies UTF-8
0066         else if (encoding == QStringLiteral("latex"))
0067             return QPair<QString, QTextCodec *>(encoding, nullptr); ///< "LaTeX" encoding is actually just UTF-8
0068         else
0069             return QPair<QString, QTextCodec *>(encoding, QTextCodec::codecForName(encoding.toLatin1().constData()));
0070     }
0072     inline bool canEncode(const QChar &c, QTextCodec *codec) {
0073         if (codec == nullptr)
0074             return true; ///< no codec means 'use UTF-8'; assume that UTF-8 can encode anything
0076         /// QTextCodec::canEncode has some issues and cannot be relied upon
0077         QTextCodec::ConverterState state(QTextCodec::ConvertInvalidToNull);
0078         const QByteArray conversionResult = codec->fromUnicode(&c, 1, &state);
0079         /// Conversion failed if codec gave a single byte back which is 0x00
0080         /// (due to QTextCodec::ConvertInvalidToNull above)
0081         return conversionResult.length() != 1 || != QLatin1Char('\0');
0082     }
0084 public:
0085     QChar stringOpenDelimiter;
0086     QChar stringCloseDelimiter;
0087     KBibTeX::Casing keywordCasing;
0088     QString encoding, forcedEncoding;
0089     Qt::CheckState protectCasing;
0090     QString personNameFormatting;
0091     QString listSeparator;
0092     bool sortedByIdentifier;
0093     bool cancelFlag;
0095     Private(FileExporterBibTeX *p)
0096             : parent(p), cancelFlag(false)
0097     {
0098         // Initialize variables like 'keywordCasing' or 'personNameFormatting' from Preferences
0099         loadPreferencesAndProperties(nullptr /** no File object to evaluate properties from */);
0100     }
0102     void loadPreferencesAndProperties(const File *bibtexfile) {
0103 #ifdef HAVE_KF
0104         encoding = Preferences::instance().bibTeXEncoding();
0105         QString stringDelimiter = Preferences::instance().bibTeXStringDelimiter();
0106         if (stringDelimiter.length() != 2)
0107             stringDelimiter = Preferences::defaultBibTeXStringDelimiter;
0108 #else // HAVE_KF
0109         encoding = QStringLiteral("LaTeX");
0110         const QString stringDelimiter = QStringLiteral("{}");
0111 #endif // HAVE_KF
0112         stringOpenDelimiter = stringDelimiter[0];
0113         stringCloseDelimiter = stringDelimiter[1];
0114 #ifdef HAVE_KF
0115         keywordCasing = Preferences::instance().bibTeXKeywordCasing();
0116         protectCasing = Preferences::instance().bibTeXProtectCasing() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked;
0117         listSeparator =  Preferences::instance().bibTeXListSeparator();
0118         sortedByIdentifier = Preferences::instance().bibTeXEntriesSortedByIdentifier();
0119 #else // HAVE_KF
0120         keywordCasing = KBibTeX::Casing::LowerCase;
0121         protectCasing = Qt::PartiallyChecked;
0122         listSeparator = QStringLiteral("; ");
0123         sortedByIdentifier = false;
0124 #endif // HAVE_KF
0125         personNameFormatting = Preferences::instance().personNameFormat();
0127         /// Check if a valid File object was provided
0128         if (bibtexfile != nullptr) {
0129             /// If there is a File object, extract its properties which
0130             /// overturn the global preferences
0131             if (bibtexfile->hasProperty(File::Encoding))
0132                 encoding = bibtexfile->property(File::Encoding).toString();
0133             if (bibtexfile->hasProperty(File::StringDelimiter)) {
0134                 QString stringDelimiter = bibtexfile->property(File::StringDelimiter).toString();
0135                 if (stringDelimiter.length() != 2)
0136                     stringDelimiter = Preferences::defaultBibTeXStringDelimiter;
0137                 stringOpenDelimiter = stringDelimiter[0];
0138                 stringCloseDelimiter = stringDelimiter[1];
0139             }
0140             if (bibtexfile->hasProperty(File::KeywordCasing))
0141                 keywordCasing = static_cast<KBibTeX::Casing>(bibtexfile->property(File::KeywordCasing).toInt());
0142             if (bibtexfile->hasProperty(File::ProtectCasing))
0143                 protectCasing = static_cast<Qt::CheckState>(bibtexfile->property(File::ProtectCasing).toInt());
0144             if (bibtexfile->hasProperty(File::NameFormatting)) {
0145                 /// if the user set "use global default", this property is an empty string
0146                 /// in this case, keep default value
0147                 const QString buffer = bibtexfile->property(File::NameFormatting).toString();
0148                 personNameFormatting = buffer.isEmpty() ? personNameFormatting : buffer;
0149             }
0150             if (bibtexfile->hasProperty(File::ListSeparator))
0151                 listSeparator = bibtexfile->property(File::ListSeparator).toString();
0152             if (bibtexfile->hasProperty(File::SortedByIdentifier))
0153                 sortedByIdentifier = bibtexfile->property(File::SortedByIdentifier).toBool();
0154         }
0155     }
0157     QString internalValueToBibTeX(const Value &value, const Encoder::TargetEncoding targetEncoding, const QString &key = QString())
0158     {
0159         if (value.isEmpty())
0160             return QString();
0162         QString result;
0163         result.reserve(1024);
0164         bool isOpen = false;
0165         QSharedPointer<const ValueItem> prev;
0166         for (const auto &valueItem : value) {
0167             QSharedPointer<const MacroKey> macroKey = valueItem.dynamicCast<const MacroKey>();
0168             if (!macroKey.isNull()) {
0169                 if (isOpen) result.append(stringCloseDelimiter);
0170                 isOpen = false;
0171                 if (!result.isEmpty()) result.append(QStringLiteral(" # "));
0172                 result.append(macroKey->text());
0173                 prev = macroKey;
0174             } else {
0175                 QSharedPointer<const PlainText> plainText = valueItem.dynamicCast<const PlainText>();
0176                 if (!plainText.isNull()) {
0177                     QString textBody = EncoderLaTeX::instance().encode(plainText->text(), targetEncoding);
0178                     if (!isOpen) {
0179                         if (!result.isEmpty()) result.append(QStringLiteral(" # "));
0180                         result.append(stringOpenDelimiter);
0181                     } else if (!prev.dynamicCast<const PlainText>().isNull()) {
0182                         if (key.toLower().startsWith(Entry::ftKeywords))
0183                             // Keywords in the 'keywords' field are separated by semicolons
0184                             result.append(QStringLiteral(";"));
0185                         else
0186                             result.append(QStringLiteral(" "));
0187                     } else if (!prev.dynamicCast<const Person>().isNull()) {
0188                         /// handle "et al." i.e. "and others"
0189                         result.append(QStringLiteral(" and "));
0190                     } else {
0191                         result.append(stringCloseDelimiter).append(QStringLiteral(" # ")).append(stringOpenDelimiter);
0192                     }
0193                     isOpen = true;
0195                     if (stringOpenDelimiter == QLatin1Char('"'))
0196                         protectQuotationMarks(textBody);
0197                     result.append(textBody);
0198                     prev = plainText;
0199                 } else {
0200                     QSharedPointer<const VerbatimText> verbatimText = valueItem.dynamicCast<const VerbatimText>();
0201                     if (!verbatimText.isNull()) {
0202                         const QString keyToLower(key.toLower());
0203                         QString textBody = verbatimText->text();
0204                         if (!isOpen) {
0205                             if (!result.isEmpty()) result.append(QStringLiteral(" # "));
0206                             result.append(stringOpenDelimiter);
0207                         } else if (!prev.dynamicCast<const VerbatimText>().isNull()) {
0208                             if (keyToLower.startsWith(Entry::ftUrl) || keyToLower.startsWith(Entry::ftLocalFile) || keyToLower.startsWith(Entry::ftFile) || keyToLower.startsWith(Entry::ftDOI))
0209                                 /// Filenames and alike have be separated by a semicolon,
0210                                 /// as a plain comma may be part of the filename or URL
0211                                 result.append(QStringLiteral("; "));
0212                             else
0213                                 result.append(QStringLiteral(" "));
0214                         } else {
0215                             result.append(stringCloseDelimiter).append(QStringLiteral(" # ")).append(stringOpenDelimiter);
0216                         }
0217                         isOpen = true;
0219                         if (stringOpenDelimiter == QLatin1Char('"'))
0220                             protectQuotationMarks(textBody);
0221                         if (keyToLower == Entry::ftFile && verbatimText->hasComment()) {
0222                             /// Special case: This verbatim text is for a 'file' field and contains a comment.
0223                             /// This means it most probably came from JabRef which makes use of the non-standard
0224                             /// format of   comment:filename:filetype
0225                             /// To be compatible with JabRef, rebuild a string that matches what JabRef would
0226                             /// generate. As filetype is not stored, make an educated guess here.
0227                             /// Also, filenames are not verbatim for JabRef, so  _  must be written as  \_
0228                             const int p = qMin(textBody.length(), qMin(8, qMax(2, textBody.lastIndexOf(QLatin1Char('.')))));
0229                             const QString extension = textBody.right(p).toLower();
0230                             const QString filetype = extension == QStringLiteral(".pdf") ? QStringLiteral("PDF") : extension == QStringLiteral(".html") || extension == QStringLiteral(".htm") ? QStringLiteral("HTML") : extension == QStringLiteral(".doc") ? QStringLiteral("DOC") : extension == QStringLiteral(".docx") ? QStringLiteral("DOCX") : QStringLiteral("BINARY");
0231                             result.append(verbatimText->comment()).append(QLatin1Char(':')).append(EncoderLaTeX::instance().encode(textBody, EncoderLaTeX::TargetEncoding::ASCII)).append(QLatin1Char(':')).append(filetype);
0232                         } else
0233                             result.append(textBody);
0234                         prev = verbatimText;
0235                     } else {
0236                         QSharedPointer<const Person> person = valueItem.dynamicCast<const Person>();
0237                         if (!person.isNull()) {
0238                             QString firstName = person->firstName();
0239                             if (!firstName.isEmpty() && requiresPersonQuoting(firstName, false))
0240                                 firstName = firstName.prepend(QStringLiteral("{")).append(QStringLiteral("}"));
0242                             QString lastName = person->lastName();
0243                             if (!lastName.isEmpty() && requiresPersonQuoting(lastName, true))
0244                                 lastName = lastName.prepend(QStringLiteral("{")).append(QStringLiteral("}"));
0246                             QString suffix = person->suffix();
0248                             /// Fall back and enforce comma-based name formatting
0249                             /// if name contains a suffix like "Jr."
0250                             /// Otherwise name could not be parsed again reliable
0251                             const QString pnf = suffix.isEmpty() ? personNameFormatting : Preferences::personNameFormatLastFirst;
0252                             QString thisName = EncoderLaTeX::instance().encode(Person::transcribePersonName(pnf, firstName, lastName, suffix), targetEncoding);
0254                             if (!isOpen) {
0255                                 if (!result.isEmpty()) result.append(QStringLiteral(" # "));
0256                                 result.append(stringOpenDelimiter);
0257                             } else if (!prev.dynamicCast<const Person>().isNull())
0258                                 result.append(QStringLiteral(" and "));
0259                             else {
0260                                 result.append(stringCloseDelimiter).append(QStringLiteral(" # ")).append(stringOpenDelimiter);
0261                             }
0262                             isOpen = true;
0264                             if (stringOpenDelimiter == QLatin1Char('"'))
0265                                 protectQuotationMarks(thisName);
0266                             result.append(thisName);
0267                             prev = person;
0268                         } else {
0269                             QSharedPointer<const Keyword> keyword = valueItem.dynamicCast<const Keyword>();
0270                             if (!keyword.isNull()) {
0271                                 QString textBody = EncoderLaTeX::instance().encode(keyword->text(), targetEncoding);
0272                                 if (!isOpen) {
0273                                     if (!result.isEmpty()) result.append(QStringLiteral(" # "));
0274                                     result.append(stringOpenDelimiter);
0275                                 } else if (!prev.dynamicCast<const Keyword>().isNull())
0276                                     result.append(listSeparator);
0277                                 else {
0278                                     result.append(stringCloseDelimiter).append(QStringLiteral(" # ")).append(stringOpenDelimiter);
0279                                 }
0280                                 isOpen = true;
0282                                 if (stringOpenDelimiter == QLatin1Char('"'))
0283                                     protectQuotationMarks(textBody);
0284                                 result.append(textBody);
0285                                 prev = keyword;
0286                             }
0287                         }
0288                     }
0289                 }
0290             }
0291             prev = valueItem;
0292         }
0294         if (isOpen) result.append(stringCloseDelimiter);
0296         result.squeeze();
0297         return result;
0298     }
0300     bool writeEntry(QString &output, const Entry &entry, const Encoder::TargetEncoding &targetEncoding) {
0301         /// write start of a entry (entry type and id) in plain ASCII
0302         output.append(QLatin1Char('@')).append(BibTeXEntries::instance().format(entry.type(), keywordCasing));
0303         output.append(QLatin1Char('{')).append(Encoder::instance().convertToPlainAscii(;
0305         for (Entry::ConstIterator it = entry.constBegin(); it != entry.constEnd(); ++it) {
0306             const QString &key = it.key();
0307             const Value &value = it.value();
0308             if (value.isEmpty()) continue; ///< ignore empty key-value pairs
0310             QString text = internalValueToBibTeX(value, targetEncoding, key);
0311             if (text.isEmpty()) {
0312                 /// ignore empty key-value pairs
0313                 qCWarning(LOG_KBIBTEX_IO) << "Value for field " << key << " is empty";
0314                 continue;
0315             }
0317             // FIXME hack!
0318             const QSharedPointer<const ValueItem> &first = *value.constBegin();
0319             if (PlainText::isPlainText(*first) && (key == Entry::ftTitle || key == Entry::ftBookTitle || key == Entry::ftSeries)) {
0320                 if (protectCasing == Qt::Checked)
0321                     addProtectiveCasing(text);
0322                 else if (protectCasing == Qt::Unchecked)
0323                     removeProtectiveCasing(text);
0324             }
0326             output.append(QStringLiteral(",\n\t"));
0327             output.append(Encoder::instance().convertToPlainAscii(BibTeXFields::instance().format(key, keywordCasing)));
0328             output.append(QStringLiteral(" = ")).append(normalizeText(text));
0329         }
0330         output.append(QStringLiteral("\n}\n\n"));
0332         return true;
0333     }
0335     bool writeMacro(QString &output, const Macro &macro, const Encoder::TargetEncoding &targetEncoding) {
0336         QString text = internalValueToBibTeX(macro.value(), targetEncoding);
0337         if (protectCasing == Qt::Checked)
0338             addProtectiveCasing(text);
0339         else if (protectCasing == Qt::Unchecked)
0340             removeProtectiveCasing(text);
0342         output.append(QLatin1Char('@')).append(BibTeXEntries::instance().format(QStringLiteral("String"), keywordCasing));
0343         output.append(QLatin1Char('{')).append(normalizeText(macro.key()));
0344         output.append(QStringLiteral(" = ")).append(normalizeText(text));
0345         output.append(QStringLiteral("}\n\n"));
0347         return true;
0348     }
0350     bool writeComment(QString &output, const Comment &comment) {
0351         QString text = comment.text() ;
0353         switch (comment.context()) {
0354         case Preferences::CommentContext::Verbatim:
0355             output.append(normalizeText(text)).append(QStringLiteral("\n\n"));
0356             break;
0357         case Preferences::CommentContext::Prefix: {
0358             const QStringList commentLines = text.split(QStringLiteral("\n"));
0359             for (const QString &line : commentLines)
0360                 output.append(comment.prefix()).append(normalizeText(line)).append(QLatin1Char('\n'));
0361             output.append(QLatin1Char('\n'));
0362         }
0363         break;
0364         case Preferences::CommentContext::Command:
0365             output.append(QLatin1Char('@')).append(BibTeXEntries::instance().format(QStringLiteral("Comment"), keywordCasing));
0366             output.append(QLatin1Char('{')).append(normalizeText(text));
0367             output.append(QLatin1Char('}')).append(QStringLiteral("\n\n"));
0368             break;
0369         }
0371         return true;
0372     }
0374     bool writePreamble(QString &output, const Preamble &preamble) {
0375         output.append(QLatin1Char('@')).append(BibTeXEntries::instance().format(QStringLiteral("Preamble"), keywordCasing)).append(QLatin1Char('{'));
0376         /// Strings from preamble do not get LaTeX-encoded, may contain raw LaTeX commands and code
0377         output.append(normalizeText(internalValueToBibTeX(preamble.value(), Encoder::TargetEncoding::RAW)));
0378         output.append(QStringLiteral("}\n\n"));
0380         return true;
0381     }
0383     QString addProtectiveCasing(QString &text) {
0384         /// Check if either
0385         ///  - text is too short (less than two characters)  or
0386         ///  - text neither starts/stops with double quotation marks
0387         ///    nor starts with { and stops with }
0388         if (text.length() < 2 || ((text[0] != QLatin1Char('"') || text[text.length() - 1] != QLatin1Char('"')) && (text[0] != QLatin1Char('{') || text[text.length() - 1] != QLatin1Char('}')))) {
0389             /// Nothing to protect, as this is no text string
0390             return text;
0391         }
0393         bool addBrackets = true;
0395         if (text[1] == QLatin1Char('{') && text[text.length() - 2] == QLatin1Char('}')) {
0396             /// If the given text looks like this:  {{...}}  or  "{...}"
0397             /// still check that it is not like this: {{..}..{..}}
0398             addBrackets = false;
0399             for (int i = text.length() - 2, count = 0; !addBrackets && i > 1; --i) {
0400                 if (text[i] == QLatin1Char('{')) ++count;
0401                 else if (text[i] == QLatin1Char('}')) --count;
0402                 if (count == 0) addBrackets = true;
0403             }
0404         }
0406         if (addBrackets)
0407             text.insert(1, QStringLiteral("{")).insert(text.length() - 1,  QStringLiteral("}"));
0409         return text;
0410     }
0412     QString removeProtectiveCasing(QString &text) {
0413         /// Check if either
0414         ///  - text is too short (less than two characters)  or
0415         ///  - text neither starts/stops with double quotation marks
0416         ///    nor starts with { and stops with }
0417         if (text.length() < 2 || ((text[0] != QLatin1Char('"') || text[text.length() - 1] != QLatin1Char('"')) && (text[0] != QLatin1Char('{') || text[text.length() - 1] != QLatin1Char('}')))) {
0418             /// Nothing to protect, as this is no text string
0419             return text;
0420         }
0422         if (text[1] != QLatin1Char('{') || text[text.length() - 2] != QLatin1Char('}'))
0423             /// Nothing to remove
0424             return text;
0426         /// If the given text looks like this:  {{...}}  or  "{...}"
0427         /// still check that it is not like this: {{..}..{..}}
0428         bool removeBrackets = true;
0429         for (int i = text.length() - 2, count = 0; removeBrackets && i > 1; --i) {
0430             if (text[i] == QLatin1Char('{')) ++count;
0431             else if (text[i] == QLatin1Char('}')) --count;
0432             if (count == 0) removeBrackets = false;
0433         }
0435         if (removeBrackets)
0436             text.remove(text.length() - 2, 1).remove(1, 1);
0438         return text;
0439     }
0441     QString &protectQuotationMarks(QString &text) {
0442         int p = -1;
0443         while ((p = text.indexOf(QLatin1Char('"'), p + 1)) > 0)
0444             if (p == 0 || text[p - 1] != QLatin1Char('\\')) {
0445                 text.insert(p + 1, QStringLiteral("}")).insert(p, QStringLiteral("{"));
0446                 ++p;
0447             }
0448         return text;
0449     }
0451     bool requiresPersonQuoting(const QString &text, bool isLastName) {
0452         if (isLastName && !text.contains(QLatin1Char(' ')))
0453             /** Last name contains NO spaces, no quoting necessary */
0454             return false;
0455         else if (!isLastName && !text.contains(QStringLiteral(" and ")))
0456             /** First name contains no " and " no quoting necessary */
0457             return false;
0458         else if (isLastName && !text.isEmpty() && text[0].isLower())
0459             /** Last name starts with lower-case character (von, van, de, ...) */
0460             // FIXME does not work yet
0461             return false;
0462         else if (text[0] != QLatin1Char('{') || text[text.length() - 1] != QLatin1Char('}'))
0463             /** as either last name contains spaces or first name contains " and " and there is no protective quoting yet, there must be a protective quoting added */
0464             return true;
0466         int bracketCounter = 0;
0467         for (int i = text.length() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
0468             if (text[i] == QLatin1Char('{'))
0469                 ++bracketCounter;
0470             else if (text[i] == QLatin1Char('}'))
0471                 --bracketCounter;
0472             if (bracketCounter == 0 && i > 0)
0473                 return true;
0474         }
0475         return false;
0476     }
0478     bool saveAsString(QString &output, const File *bibtexfile) {
0479         const Encoder::TargetEncoding targetEncoding = determineTargetCodec().first == QStringLiteral("latex") || determineTargetCodec().first == QStringLiteral("us-ascii") ? Encoder::TargetEncoding::ASCII : Encoder::TargetEncoding::UTF8;
0481         const File *_bibtexfile = sortedByIdentifier ? File::sortByIdentifier(bibtexfile) : bibtexfile;
0483         /// Memorize which entries are used in a crossref field
0484         QHash<QString, QStringList> crossRefMap;
0485         for (File::ConstIterator it = _bibtexfile->constBegin(); it != _bibtexfile->constEnd() && !cancelFlag; ++it) {
0486             QSharedPointer<const Entry> entry = (*it).dynamicCast<const Entry>();
0487             if (!entry.isNull()) {
0488                 const QString crossRef = PlainTextValue::text(entry->value(Entry::ftCrossRef));
0489                 if (!crossRef.isEmpty()) {
0490                     QStringList crossRefList = crossRefMap.value(crossRef, QStringList());
0491                     crossRefList.append(entry->id());
0492                     crossRefMap.insert(crossRef, crossRefList);
0493                 }
0494             }
0495         }
0497         int currentPos = 0, totalElements = _bibtexfile->count();
0498         bool result = true;
0499         bool allPreamblesAndMacrosProcessed = false;
0500         QSet<QString> processedEntryIds;
0501         for (File::ConstIterator it = _bibtexfile->constBegin(); it != _bibtexfile->constEnd() && result && !cancelFlag; ++it) {
0502             QSharedPointer<const Element> element = (*it);
0503             QSharedPointer<const Entry> entry = element.dynamicCast<const Entry>();
0505             if (!entry.isNull()) {
0506                 processedEntryIds.insert(entry->id());
0508                 /// Postpone entries that are crossref'ed
0509                 const QStringList crossRefList = crossRefMap.value(entry->id(), QStringList());
0510                 if (!crossRefList.isEmpty()) {
0511                     bool allProcessed = true;
0512                     for (const QString &origin : crossRefList)
0513                         allProcessed &= processedEntryIds.contains(origin);
0514                     if (allProcessed)
0515                         crossRefMap.remove(entry->id());
0516                     else
0517                         continue;
0518                 }
0520                 if (!allPreamblesAndMacrosProcessed) {
0521                     /// Guarantee that all macros and the preamble are written
0522                     /// before the first entry (@article, ...) is written
0523                     for (File::ConstIterator msit = it + 1; msit != _bibtexfile->constEnd() && result && !cancelFlag; ++msit) {
0524                         QSharedPointer<const Preamble> preamble = (*msit).dynamicCast<const Preamble>();
0525                         if (!preamble.isNull()) {
0526                             result &= writePreamble(output, *preamble);
0527                             /// Instead of an 'emit' ...
0528 #if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 5, 0)
0529                             QMetaObject::invokeMethod(parent, "progress", Qt::DirectConnection, QGenericReturnArgument(), Q_ARG(int, ++currentPos), Q_ARG(int, totalElements));
0530 #else // QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 5, 0)
0531                             QMetaObject::invokeMethod(parent, "progress", Qt::DirectConnection, QMetaMethodReturnArgument(), Q_ARG(int, ++currentPos), Q_ARG(int, totalElements));
0532 #endif
0533                         } else {
0534                             QSharedPointer<const Macro> macro = (*msit).dynamicCast<const Macro>();
0535                             if (!macro.isNull()) {
0536                                 result &= writeMacro(output, *macro, targetEncoding);
0537                                 /// Instead of an 'emit' ...
0538 #if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 5, 0)
0539                                 QMetaObject::invokeMethod(parent, "progress", Qt::DirectConnection, QGenericReturnArgument(), Q_ARG(int, ++currentPos), Q_ARG(int, totalElements));
0540 #else // QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 5, 0)
0541                                 QMetaObject::invokeMethod(parent, "progress", Qt::DirectConnection, QMetaMethodReturnArgument(), Q_ARG(int, ++currentPos), Q_ARG(int, totalElements));
0542 #endif
0543                             }
0544                         }
0545                     }
0546                     allPreamblesAndMacrosProcessed = true;
0547                 }
0549                 result &= writeEntry(output, *entry, targetEncoding);
0550                 /// Instead of an 'emit' ...
0551 #if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 5, 0)
0552                 QMetaObject::invokeMethod(parent, "progress", Qt::DirectConnection, QGenericReturnArgument(), Q_ARG(int, ++currentPos), Q_ARG(int, totalElements));
0553 #else // QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 5, 0)
0554                 QMetaObject::invokeMethod(parent, "progress", Qt::DirectConnection, QMetaMethodReturnArgument(), Q_ARG(int, ++currentPos), Q_ARG(int, totalElements));
0555 #endif
0556             } else {
0557                 QSharedPointer<const Comment> comment = element.dynamicCast<const Comment>();
0558                 if (!comment.isNull() && !comment->text().startsWith(QStringLiteral("x-kbibtex-"))) {
0559                     result &= writeComment(output, *comment);
0560                     /// Instead of an 'emit' ...
0561 #if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 5, 0)
0562                     QMetaObject::invokeMethod(parent, "progress", Qt::DirectConnection, QGenericReturnArgument(), Q_ARG(int, ++currentPos), Q_ARG(int, totalElements));
0563 #else // QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 5, 0)
0564                     QMetaObject::invokeMethod(parent, "progress", Qt::DirectConnection, QMetaMethodReturnArgument(), Q_ARG(int, ++currentPos), Q_ARG(int, totalElements));
0565 #endif
0566                 } else if (!allPreamblesAndMacrosProcessed) {
0567                     QSharedPointer<const Preamble> preamble = element.dynamicCast<const Preamble>();
0568                     if (!preamble.isNull()) {
0569                         result &= writePreamble(output, *preamble);
0570                         /// Instead of an 'emit' ...
0571 #if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 5, 0)
0572                         QMetaObject::invokeMethod(parent, "progress", Qt::DirectConnection, QGenericReturnArgument(), Q_ARG(int, ++currentPos), Q_ARG(int, totalElements));
0573 #else // QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 5, 0)
0574                         QMetaObject::invokeMethod(parent, "progress", Qt::DirectConnection, QMetaMethodReturnArgument(), Q_ARG(int, ++currentPos), Q_ARG(int, totalElements));
0575 #endif
0576                     } else {
0577                         QSharedPointer<const Macro> macro = element.dynamicCast<const Macro>();
0578                         if (!macro.isNull()) {
0579                             result &= writeMacro(output, *macro, targetEncoding);
0580                             /// Instead of an 'emit' ...
0581 #if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 5, 0)
0582                             QMetaObject::invokeMethod(parent, "progress", Qt::DirectConnection, QGenericReturnArgument(), Q_ARG(int, ++currentPos), Q_ARG(int, totalElements));
0583 #else // QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 5, 0)
0584                             QMetaObject::invokeMethod(parent, "progress", Qt::DirectConnection, QMetaMethodReturnArgument(), Q_ARG(int, ++currentPos), Q_ARG(int, totalElements));
0585 #endif
0586                         }
0587                     }
0588                 }
0589             }
0590         }
0592         /// Crossref'ed entries are written last
0593         if (!crossRefMap.isEmpty())
0594             for (File::ConstIterator it = _bibtexfile->constBegin(); it != _bibtexfile->constEnd() && result && !cancelFlag; ++it) {
0595                 QSharedPointer<const Entry> entry = (*it).dynamicCast<const Entry>();
0596                 if (entry.isNull()) continue;
0597                 if (!crossRefMap.contains(entry->id())) continue;
0599                 result &= writeEntry(output, *entry, targetEncoding);
0600                 /// Instead of an 'emit' ...
0601 #if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 5, 0)
0602                 QMetaObject::invokeMethod(parent, "progress", Qt::DirectConnection, QGenericReturnArgument(), Q_ARG(int, ++currentPos), Q_ARG(int, totalElements));
0603 #else // QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 5, 0)
0604                 QMetaObject::invokeMethod(parent, "progress", Qt::DirectConnection, QMetaMethodReturnArgument(), Q_ARG(int, ++currentPos), Q_ARG(int, totalElements));
0605 #endif
0606             }
0608         if (_bibtexfile != bibtexfile)
0609             /// _bibtexfile is not the origianl bibtexfile passed to this function,
0610             /// but was generated as part of the sorting by identifier,
0611             /// thus destroy it now
0612             delete _bibtexfile;
0614         return result;
0615     }
0617     bool saveAsString(QString &output, const QSharedPointer<const Element> &element) {
0618         const Encoder::TargetEncoding targetEncoding = determineTargetCodec().first == QStringLiteral("latex") ? Encoder::TargetEncoding::ASCII : Encoder::TargetEncoding::UTF8;
0620         const QSharedPointer<const Entry> &entry = element.dynamicCast<const Entry>();
0621         if (!entry.isNull())
0622             return writeEntry(output, *entry, targetEncoding);
0623         else {
0624             const QSharedPointer<const Macro> &macro = element.dynamicCast<const Macro>();
0625             if (!macro.isNull())
0626                 return writeMacro(output, *macro, targetEncoding);
0627             else {
0628                 const QSharedPointer<const Comment> &comment = element.dynamicCast<const Comment>();
0629                 if (!comment.isNull())
0630                     return writeComment(output, *comment);
0631                 else {
0632                     const QSharedPointer<const Preamble> &preamble = element.dynamicCast<const Preamble>();
0633                     if (!preamble.isNull())
0634                         return writePreamble(output, *preamble);
0635                     else
0636                         qCWarning(LOG_KBIBTEX_IO) << "Trying to save unsupported Element to BibTeX";
0637                 }
0638             }
0639         }
0641         return false;
0642     }
0644     QByteArray applyEncoding(const QString &input) {
0645         QTextCodec *codec = determineTargetCodec().second;
0647         QString rewrittenInput;
0648         rewrittenInput.reserve(input.length() * 12 / 10 /* add 20% */ + 1024 /* plus 1K */);
0649         const Encoder &laTeXEncoder = EncoderLaTeX::instance();
0650         for (const QChar &c : input) {
0651             if (codec == nullptr /** meaning UTF-8, which can encode anything */ || canEncode(c, codec))
0652                 rewrittenInput.append(c);
0653             else
0654                 rewrittenInput.append(laTeXEncoder.encode(QString(c), Encoder::TargetEncoding::ASCII));
0655         }
0657         if (codec == nullptr || (codec->name().toLower() != "utf-16" && codec->name().toLower() != "utf-32")) {
0658             // Unless encoding is UTF-16 or UTF-32 (those have BOM to detect encoding) ...
0660             // Determine which (if at all) encoding comment to be included in BibTeX data
0661             QString encodingForComment; //< empty by default
0662             if (!forcedEncoding.isEmpty())
0663                 // For this exporter instance, a specific encoding was forced upon
0664                 encodingForComment = forcedEncoding;
0665             else if (!encoding.isEmpty())
0666                 // File had an encoding in its properties
0667                 // (variable 'encoding' was set in 'loadPreferencesAndProperties')
0668                 encodingForComment = encoding;
0670             if (!encodingForComment.isEmpty()) {
0671                 // Verify that 'encodingForComment', which labels an encoding,
0672                 // is compatible with the target codec
0673 #define normalizeCodecName(codecname) codecname.toLower().remove(QLatin1Char(' ')).remove(QLatin1Char('-')).remove(QLatin1Char('_')).replace(QStringLiteral("euckr"),QStringLiteral("windows949"))
0674                 const QString lowerNormalizedEncodingForComment = normalizeCodecName(encodingForComment);
0675                 const QString lowerNormalizedCodecName = codec != nullptr ? normalizeCodecName(QString::fromLatin1(codec->name())) : QString();
0676                 if (codec == nullptr) {
0677                     if (lowerNormalizedEncodingForComment != QStringLiteral("utf8") && lowerNormalizedEncodingForComment != QStringLiteral("latex")) {
0678                         qCWarning(LOG_KBIBTEX_IO) << "No codec (means UTF-8 encoded output) does not match with encoding" << encodingForComment;
0679                         return QByteArray();
0680                     }
0681                 } else if (lowerNormalizedCodecName != lowerNormalizedEncodingForComment) {
0682                     qCWarning(LOG_KBIBTEX_IO) << "Codec with name" << codec->name() << "does not match with encoding" << encodingForComment;
0683                     return QByteArray();
0684                 }
0685             }
0687             if (!encodingForComment.isEmpty() && encodingForComment.toLower() != QStringLiteral("latex") && encodingForComment.toLower() != QStringLiteral("us-ascii"))
0688                 // Only if encoding is not pure ASCII (i.e. 'LaTeX' or 'US-ASCII') add
0689                 // a comment at the beginning of the file to tell which encoding was used
0690                 rewrittenInput.prepend(QString(QStringLiteral("@comment{x-kbibtex-encoding=%1}\n\n")).arg(encodingForComment));
0691         } else {
0692             // For UTF-16 and UTF-32, no special comment needs to be added:
0693             // Those encodings are recognized by their BOM or the regular
0694             // occurrence of 0x00 bytes which is typically if encoding
0695             // ASCII text.
0696         }
0698         rewrittenInput.squeeze();
0700         return codec == nullptr ? rewrittenInput.toUtf8() : codec->fromUnicode(rewrittenInput);
0701     }
0703     bool writeOutString(const QString &outputString, QIODevice *iodevice) {
0704         bool result = outputString.length() > 0;
0706         if (result) {
0707             const QByteArray outputData = applyEncoding(outputString);
0708             result &= outputData.length() > 0;
0709             if (!result)
0710                 qCWarning(LOG_KBIBTEX_IO) << "outputData.length() is" << outputData.length();
0711             if (result)
0712                 result &= iodevice->write(outputData) == outputData.length();
0713             if (!result)
0714                 qCWarning(LOG_KBIBTEX_IO) << "Writing data to IO device failed, not everything was written";
0715         } else
0716             qCWarning(LOG_KBIBTEX_IO) << "outputString.length() is" << outputString.length();
0718         return result;
0719     }
0720 };
0723 FileExporterBibTeX::FileExporterBibTeX(QObject *parent)
0724         : FileExporter(parent), d(new Private(this))
0725 {
0726     /// nothing
0727 }
0729 FileExporterBibTeX::~FileExporterBibTeX()
0730 {
0731     delete d;
0732 }
0734 void FileExporterBibTeX::setEncoding(const QString &encoding)
0735 {
0736     d->forcedEncoding = encoding;
0737 }
0739 QString FileExporterBibTeX::toString(const QSharedPointer<const Element> &element, const File *bibtexfile)
0740 {
0741     d->cancelFlag = false;
0743     if (bibtexfile != nullptr)
0744         d->loadPreferencesAndProperties(bibtexfile);
0746     QString outputString;
0747     outputString.reserve(1024);
0748     bool result = d->saveAsString(outputString, element);
0749     if (!result) {
0750         qCWarning(LOG_KBIBTEX_IO) << "saveInString(..) failed";
0751         return QString();
0752     }
0754     outputString.squeeze();
0755     return outputString.normalized(QString::NormalizationForm_C);
0756 }
0758 QString FileExporterBibTeX::toString(const File *bibtexfile)
0759 {
0760     d->cancelFlag = false;
0762     if (bibtexfile == nullptr) {
0763         qCWarning(LOG_KBIBTEX_IO) << "No bibliography to write given";
0764         return QString();
0765     } else if (bibtexfile->isEmpty()) {
0766         qCDebug(LOG_KBIBTEX_IO) << "Bibliography is empty";
0767         return QString();
0768     }
0770     d->loadPreferencesAndProperties(bibtexfile);
0772     QString outputString;
0773     outputString.reserve(bibtexfile->length() * 1024); //< reserve 1K per element
0774     bool result = d->saveAsString(outputString, bibtexfile);
0775     if (!result) {
0776         qCWarning(LOG_KBIBTEX_IO) << "saveInString(..) failed";
0777         return QString();
0778     }
0780     outputString.squeeze();
0781     return outputString.normalized(QString::NormalizationForm_C);
0782 }
0784 bool FileExporterBibTeX::save(QIODevice *iodevice, const File *bibtexfile)
0785 {
0786     d->cancelFlag = false;
0788     check_if_bibtexfile_or_iodevice_invalid(bibtexfile, iodevice);
0790     // Call 'toString' to get an in-memory representation of the BibTeX data,
0791     // then rewrite the output either protect only sensitive text (e.g. '&')
0792     // or rewrite all known non-ASCII characters to their LaTeX equivalents
0793     // (e.g. U+00E4 to '{\"a}')
0794     const bool result = d->writeOutString(toString(bibtexfile), iodevice);
0796     return result && !d->cancelFlag;
0797 }
0799 bool FileExporterBibTeX::save(QIODevice *iodevice, const QSharedPointer<const Element> &element, const File *bibtexfile)
0800 {
0801     d->cancelFlag = false;
0803     check_if_iodevice_invalid(iodevice);
0805     const bool result = d->writeOutString(toString(element, bibtexfile), iodevice);
0807     iodevice->close();
0808     return result && !d->cancelFlag;
0809 }
0811 void FileExporterBibTeX::cancel()
0812 {
0813     d->cancelFlag = true;
0814 }
0816 QString FileExporterBibTeX::valueToBibTeX(const Value &value, Encoder::TargetEncoding targetEncoding, const QString &key)
0817 {
0818     FileExporterBibTeX staticFileExporterBibTeX(nullptr);
0819     staticFileExporterBibTeX.d->cancelFlag = false;
0820     return staticFileExporterBibTeX.d->internalValueToBibTeX(value, targetEncoding, key);
0821 }
0823 QString FileExporterBibTeX::editionNumberToString(const int edition, const Preferences::BibliographySystem bibliographySystem)
0824 {
0825     if (edition <= 0) {
0826         qCWarning(LOG_KBIBTEX_IO) << "Cannot convert a non-positive number (" << edition << ") into a textual representation";
0827         return QString();
0828     }
0830     // According to,
0831     // edition values should look like this:
0832     //  - for first to fifth, write "First" to "Fifth"
0833     //  - starting from sixth, use numeric form like "17th"
0834     // According to,
0835     // edition values should by just numbers (digits) without text,
0836     // such as '1' in a @sa PlainText.
0838     if (bibliographySystem == Preferences::BibliographySystem::BibLaTeX)
0839         return QString::number(edition);
0840     else if (bibliographySystem == Preferences::BibliographySystem::BibTeX)
0841         // BibTeX uses ordinals
0842         return numberToOrdinal(edition);
0843     else
0844         return QString();
0845 }
0847 bool FileExporterBibTeX::isFileExporterBibTeX(const FileExporter &other) {
0848     return typeid(other) == typeid(FileExporterBibTeX);
0849 }