Warning, /office/kbibtex-testset/bib/minix.bib is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 %%% -*-BibTeX-*-
0002 %%% ====================================================================
0003 %%%  BibTeX-file{
0004 %%%     author          = "Nelson H. F. Beebe",
0005 %%%     version         = "2.04",
0006 %%%     date            = "10 October 2008",
0007 %%%     time            = "12:56:55 MDT",
0008 %%%     filename        = "minix.bib",
0009 %%%     address         = "University of Utah
0010 %%%                        Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB
0011 %%%                        155 S 1400 E RM 233
0012 %%%                        Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090
0013 %%%                        USA",
0014 %%%     telephone       = "+1 801 581 5254",
0015 %%%     FAX             = "+1 801 581 4148",
0016 %%%     URL             = "http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe",
0017 %%%     checksum        = "13166 3742 19830 179028",
0018 %%%     email           = "beebe at math.utah.edu, beebe at acm.org,
0019 %%%                        beebe at computer.org (Internet)",
0020 %%%     codetable       = "ISO/ASCII",
0021 %%%     keywords        = "Minix, operating system",
0022 %%%     license         = "public domain",
0023 %%%     supported       = "yes",
0024 %%%     docstring       = "This is a bibliography of publications
0025 %%%                        about Minix, a UNIX-like operating system.
0026 %%%
0027 %%%                        After a several-year-long hiatus, Minix
0028 %%%                        development is again active, with a Web
0029 %%%                        site at:
0030 %%%
0031 %%%                            http://www.minix3.org/
0032 %%%
0033 %%%                        Companion bibliographies linux.bib and
0034 %%%                        unix.bib in this collection cover the Linux
0035 %%%                        and UNIX operating systems, compsys.bib
0036 %%%                        covers the Computing Systems journal of the
0037 %%%                        USENIX Association published with the
0038 %%%                        collaboration of the European UNIX Systems
0039 %%%                        Users Group (EUUG), and usenix.bib covers
0040 %%%                        publications of the USENIX Association, and
0041 %%%                        its conferences and workshops.
0042 %%%
0043 %%%                        At version 2.04, the year coverage looked
0044 %%%                        like this:
0045 %%%
0046 %%%                             1987 (   7)    1995 (   8)    2003 (   0)
0047 %%%                             1988 (  18)    1996 (   1)    2004 (   2)
0048 %%%                             1989 (  12)    1997 (   4)    2005 (   1)
0049 %%%                             1990 (  18)    1998 (   2)    2006 (  15)
0050 %%%                             1991 (  12)    1999 (   0)    2007 (   1)
0051 %%%                             1992 (   8)    2000 (   0)    2008 (   1)
0052 %%%                             1993 (   8)    2001 (   1)
0053 %%%                             1994 (   3)    2002 (   1)
0054 %%%
0055 %%%                             Article:         39
0056 %%%                             Book:             9
0057 %%%                             InProceedings:   18
0058 %%%                             MastersThesis:   32
0059 %%%                             Misc:             6
0060 %%%                             Proceedings:     18
0061 %%%                             TechReport:       1
0062 %%%
0063 %%%                             Total entries:  123
0064 %%%
0065 %%%                        This bibliography was collected from the
0066 %%%                        OCLC library databases, from the University
0067 %%%                        of California MELVYL catalog, from the
0068 %%%                        U. S. Library of Congress catalog, from the
0069 %%%                        IEEE INSPEC (1989--1995) database, from the
0070 %%%                        author's bibliography collections, and from
0071 %%%                        a very large computer science bibliography
0072 %%%                        collection on ftp.ira.uka.de in
0073 %%%                        /pub/bibliography to which many people of
0074 %%%                        have contributed.  The snapshot of this
0075 %%%                        collection was taken on 5-May-1994, and it
0076 %%%                        consists of 441 BibTeX files, 2,672,675
0077 %%%                        lines, 205,289 entries, and 6,375
0078 %%%                        <at>String{} abbreviations, occupying
0079 %%%                        94.8MB of disk space.
0080 %%%
0081 %%%                        Numerous errors in the sources noted above
0082 %%%                        have been corrected.  Spelling has been
0083 %%%                        verified with the UNIX spell and GNU ispell
0084 %%%                        programs using the exception dictionary
0085 %%%                        stored in the companion file with extension
0086 %%%                        .sok.
0087 %%%
0088 %%%                        BibTeX citation tags are uniformly chosen as
0089 %%%                        name:year:abbrev, where name is the family
0090 %%%                        name of the first author or editor, year is a
0091 %%%                        4-digit number, and abbrev is a 3-letter
0092 %%%                        condensation of important title
0093 %%%                        words. Citation tags were automatically
0094 %%%                        generated by software developed for the
0095 %%%                        BibNet Project.
0096 %%%
0097 %%%                        In this bibliography, entries are sorted
0098 %%%                        first by ascending year, and within each
0099 %%%                        year, alphabetically by author or editor,
0100 %%%                        and then, if necessary, by the 3-letter
0101 %%%                        abbreviation at the end of the BibTeX
0102 %%%                        citation tag, using the bibsort -byyear
0103 %%%                        utility.  Year order has been chosen to
0104 %%%                        make it easier to identify the most recent
0105 %%%                        work.
0106 %%%
0107 %%%                        The checksum field above contains a CRC-16
0108 %%%                        checksum as the first value, followed by the
0109 %%%                        equivalent of the standard UNIX wc (word
0110 %%%                        count) utility output of lines, words, and
0111 %%%                        characters.  This is produced by Robert
0112 %%%                        Solovay's checksum utility.",
0113 %%%  }
0114 %%% ====================================================================
0116 @Preamble{"%\input bibnames.sty " #
0117           "%\input path.sty " #
0118           "%\hyphenation{}"
0119 }
0121 %%% ====================================================================
0122 %%% Acknowledgement abbreviations:
0124 @String{ack-nhfb = "Nelson H. F. Beebe,
0125                     University of Utah,
0126                     Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB,
0127                     155 S 1400 E RM 233,
0128                     Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090, USA,
0129                     Tel: +1 801 581 5254,
0130                     FAX: +1 801 581 4148,
0131                     e-mail: \path|beebe@math.utah.edu|,
0132                             \path|beebe@acm.org|,
0133                             \path|beebe@computer.org| (Internet),
0134                     URL: \path|http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/|"}
0136 %%% ====================================================================
0137 %%% Journal abbreviations:
0139 @String{j-AUSTRALIAN-COMP-SCI-COMM = "Australian Computer Science
0140                                   Communications"}
0142 @String{j-BYTE                  = "Byte Magazine"}
0144 @String{j-COMP-EDU-J            = "Computers in education journal"}
0146 @String{j-COMPUTER              = "Computer"}
0148 @String{j-EUUG-NEWSLETTER       = "European UNIX Systems User Group, EUUG
0149                                   Newsletter"}
0151 @String{j-IEEE-MICRO            = "IEEE Micro"}
0153 @String{j-J-KOREA-INFO-SCI-SOCIETY = "Journal of the Korea Information Science
0154                                   Society = Chongbo Kwahakhoe nonmunji"}
0156 @String{j-J-SYST-SOFTW          = "The Journal of Systems and Software"}
0158 @String{j-JERIC                 = "ACM Journal on Educational Resources in
0159                                   Computing (JERIC)"}
0161 @String{j-LOGIN                 = ";login: the USENIX Association newsletter"}
0163 @String{j-MICROPROC-MICROPROG   = "Microprocessing and Microprogramming"}
0165 @String{j-OPER-SYS-REV          = "Operating Systems Review"}
0167 @String{j-SIGADA-LETTERS        = "ACM SIGADA Ada Letters"}
0169 @String{j-SIGCSE                = "SIGCSE Bulletin (ACM Special Interest Group
0170                                   on Computer Science Education)"}
0172 %%% ====================================================================
0173 %%% Publisher abbreviations:
0175 @String{pub-ACM                 = "ACM Press"}
0176 @String{pub-ACM:adr             = "New York, NY 10036, USA"}
0178 @String{pub-EUROPEN             = "EurOpen"}
0179 @String{pub-EUROPEN:adr         = "Buntingford, Herts, UK"}
0181 @String{pub-EUUG                = "European UNIX Users Group"}
0182 @String{pub-EUUG:adr            = "Buntingford, Herts, UK"}
0184 @String{pub-IEEE                = "IEEE Computer Society Press"}
0185 @String{pub-IEEE:adr            = "1109 Spring Street, Suite 300, Silver
0186                                   Spring, MD 20910, USA"}
0188 @String{pub-NIST                = "National Institute for Standards and
0189                                   Technology"}
0190 @String{pub-NIST:adr            = "Gaithersburg, MD, USA"}
0192 @String{pub-PEARSON-PH          = "Pearson Pren{\-}tice Hall"}
0193 @String{pub-PEARSON-PH:adr      = "Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458, USA"}
0195 @String{pub-PH                  = "Pren{\-}tice-Hall"}
0196 @String{pub-PH:adr              = "Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632, USA"}
0198 @String{pub-SV                  = "Springer-Verlag Inc."}
0199 @String{pub-SV:adr              = "New York, NY, USA"}
0201 %%% ====================================================================
0202 %%% Series abbreviations:
0204 @String{ser-LNCS                = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science"}
0206 %%% ====================================================================
0207 %%% Bibliography entries:
0209 @Article{Tanenbaum:1987:MAU,
0210   author =       "Andrew S. Tanenbaum",
0211   title =        "{MINIX}: {A UNIX} Clone with Source Code for the {IBM
0212                  PC}",
0213   journal =      j-LOGIN,
0214   volume =       "12",
0215   number =       "2",
0216   pages =        "3--9",
0217   month =        mar,
0218   year =         "1987",
0219   ISSN =         "1044-6397",
0220   bibdate =      "Sat May 4 19:58:57 1996",
0221   bibsource =    "Misc/usenix.bib",
0222 }
0224 @Misc{Tanenbaum:1987:MBSa,
0225   author =       "Andrew S. Tanenbaum",
0226   title =        "{Minix} binaries and sources for {512K IBM PC-AT}'s",
0227   publisher =    pub-PH,
0228   address =      pub-PH:adr,
0229   edition =      "Version 1.2",
0230   year =         "1987",
0231   bibdate =      "Sat May 4 18:45:07 MDT 1996",
0232   note =         "6 computer disks.",
0233   series =       "Prentice-Hall software series",
0234   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
0235   annote =       "Title from disk label. Reference manual has title and
0236                  copyright date: Minix for the IBM PC, XT, and AT /
0237                  Andrew S. Tanenbaum. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
0238                  Prentice-Hall, c1988. Boot diskette -- Root file system
0239                  -- /USR -- /USER -- Kernal, MM, FS, H, and LIB sources
0240                  -- Tools -- Include and commands sources. System
0241                  requirements: IBM PC-AT; 512K RAM.",
0242   keywords =     "IBM microcomputers -- Programming.; MINIX (Computer
0243                  operating system)",
0244 }
0246 @Misc{Tanenbaum:1987:MBSb,
0247   author =       "Andrew S. Tanenbaum",
0248   title =        "{Minix} binaries and sources for {640K IBM PC}'s",
0249   publisher =    pub-PH,
0250   address =      pub-PH:adr,
0251   edition =      "Version 1.2",
0252   year =         "1987",
0253   ISBN =         "0-13-583873-8",
0254   LCCN =         "????",
0255   bibdate =      "Sat May 4 18:45:07 MDT 1996",
0256   note =         "9 computer disks.",
0257   series =       "Prentice-Hall software series",
0258   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
0259   annote =       "Title from disk label. Boot diskette -- Root file
0260                  system -- /USR -- /USER -- Kernal and H sources -- LS
0261                  and LIB sources -- MM and tools sources -- Include and
0262                  commands sources -- Commands sources (part 2). System
0263                  requirements: IBM PC; 640K RAM.",
0264 }
0266 @Article{Tanenbaum:1987:MUC,
0267   author =       "Andrew S. Tanenbaum",
0268   title =        "{MINIX}: {A} {UNIX} Clone with Source Code for the
0269                  {IBM PC}",
0270   journal =      j-LOGIN,
0271   volume =       "12",
0272   number =       "2",
0273   pages =        "3--9",
0274   month =        mar # "\slash " # apr,
0275   year =         "1987",
0276   ISSN =         "1044-6397",
0277   bibdate =      "Tue Feb 20 15:42:13 MST 1996",
0278   bibsource =    "ftp://ftp.uu.net/library/bibliography",
0279   affiliation =  "Vrije Universiteit",
0280 }
0282 @Book{Tanenbaum:1987:OSD,
0283   author =       "A. S. Tanenbaum",
0284   title =        "Operating Systems: Design and Implementation",
0285   publisher =    pub-PH,
0286   address =      pub-PH:adr,
0287   year =         "1987",
0288   ISBN =         "0-13-637331-3",
0289   bibdate =      "Sat May 04 19:58:57 1996",
0290   bibsource =    "Misc/TUBScsd/1987.bib",
0291   annote =       "Praxisorientierte, gute Darstellung. Ein
0292                  vollstaendiges, Unix - aehnliches Betriebssystem -
0293                  Minix - wird vollstaendig im Quellcode angegeben.",
0294   descriptor =   "Client, Datei, Dateiverwaltung, Dialoggeraet,
0295                  Parallel, Prozessorvergabe, Server, Verklemmung,
0296                  Virtueller Speicher, Ein/Ausgabe, Prozess,
0297                  Speicherverwaltung, Synchronisation, Unix,
0298                  Betriebssystem",
0299 }
0301 @Article{Tanenbaum:1987:UCS,
0302   author =       "Andrew S. Tanenbaum",
0303   title =        "A {UNIX} clone with source code for operating systems
0304                  courses",
0305   journal =      j-OPER-SYS-REV,
0306   volume =       "21",
0307   number =       "1",
0308   pages =        "20--29",
0309   month =        jan,
0310   year =         "1987",
0311   CODEN =        "OSRED8",
0312   ISSN =         "0163-5980",
0313   bibdate =      "Sat Aug 26 08:55:35 MDT 2006",
0314   bibsource =    "http://portal.acm.org/",
0315   keywords =     "MINIX",
0316   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
0317 }
0319 @MastersThesis{Cushing:1988:IMC,
0320   author =       "David Bruce Cushing",
0321   title =        "The Implementation of multicast communication in the
0322                  {MINIX} operating system kernel",
0323   type =         "Thesis ({M.Comp.Sc.})",
0324   school =       "School of Computer Science, Technical University of
0325                  Nova Scotia",
0326   address =      "Halifax, NS, Canada",
0327   pages =        "viii + 119",
0328   year =         "1988",
0329   bibdate =      "Wed Apr 12 06:03:19 2006",
0330   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
0331 }
0333 @InProceedings{Fugini:1988:EUP,
0334   author =       "M. G. Fugini and R. Bellinzona and G. Martella",
0335   title =        "An extension to {Unix} protection mechanisms to
0336                  support flexible resource sharing and discretionary
0337                  authorization",
0338   crossref =     "IEEE:1988:AIT",
0339   pages =        "663--671",
0340   year =         "1988",
0341   bibdate =      "Mon Sep 30 17:21:43 MDT 1996",
0342   abstract =     "An enhancement is proposed to the standard Unix
0343                  protection mechanisms to provide more flexible resource
0344                  sharing facilities in Unix-based environments. The Unix
0345                  basic privileges, and the concepts of ownership and
0346                  user group are enlarged to allow for selective resource
0347                  sharing on the basis of a finer protection granularity.
0348                  The concepts and the tools for system administration
0349                  are extended to multiple authorizers, each responsible
0350                  for a set of system objects and for a community of
0351                  users. The authors present the tools for specifying the
0352                  resource sharing policies: a specification language,
0353                  and an environment for management and analysis of these
0354                  specifications. The implementation of the protection
0355                  mechanisms that support the described extensions is
0356                  illustrated; the approach is based on the
0357                  restructuration of the kernel of the Unix-like Minix
0358                  system.",
0359   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
0360   affiliation =  "Brescia Univ., Italy",
0361   classification = "C6120 (File organisation); C6130 (Data handling
0362                  techniques); C6150J (Operating systems)",
0363   keywords =     "Discretionary authorization; Finer protection
0364                  granularity; Flexible resource sharing facilities;
0365                  Multiple authorizers; Ownership; Resource sharing
0366                  policies; Selective resource sharing; Specification
0367                  language; Standard Unix protection mechanisms; System
0368                  administration; System objects; Unix basic privileges;
0369                  Unix-based environments; Unix-like Minix system; User
0370                  group; access control; resource allocation; security of data;
0371                  storage allocation; Unix; discretionary authorization;
0372                  standard Unix protection mechanisms; flexible resource
0373                  sharing facilities; Unix-based environments; Unix basic
0374                  privileges; ownership; user group; selective resource
0375                  sharing; finer protection granularity; system
0376                  administration; multiple authorizers; system objects;
0377                  resource sharing policies; specification language;
0378                  Unix-like Minix system",
0379   thesaurus =    "Access control; Resource allocation; Security of data;
0380                  Storage allocation; Unix",
0381 }
0383 @Article{Koo:1988:SSM,
0384   author =       "Yong Wan Koo and Young Chan Kim",
0385   title =        "A study on the scheduling mechanism for real time
0386                  system",
0387   journal =      j-J-KOREA-INFO-SCI-SOCIETY,
0388   volume =       "15",
0389   number =       "3",
0390   pages =        "158--170",
0391   month =        jun,
0392   year =         "1988",
0393   CODEN =        "HJKHDC",
0394   ISSN =         "0258-9125",
0395   bibdate =      "Mon Sep 30 17:55:16 MDT 1996",
0396   abstract =     "Preemptive priority based scheduling policy, which is
0397                  based upon its CPU processing time in order to use CPU
0398                  impartially, doesn't guarantee the satisfiable response
0399                  time transaction. This paper presents the preemptive
0400                  priority based deadline scheduling policy according to
0401                  the priority of processes being determined by its
0402                  urgency, so that it may be suitable for real time
0403                  processes, that is, it may enable the scheduler to
0404                  guarantee good response time and to process deadline
0405                  jobs. Two timers supporting deadline scheduler with
0406                  real time clock interrupt were implemented in MINIX O.S
0407                  under IBM-PC/AT.",
0408   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
0409   classification = "C6150J (Operating systems)",
0410   keywords =     "Deadline scheduler; IBM-PC/AT; MINIX O.S; Real time
0411                  clock interrupt; Real time system; Scheduling
0412                  mechanism; Timers",
0413   language =     "Korean",
0414   pubcountry =   "South Korea",
0415   thesaurus =    "Operating systems [computers]; Real-time systems;
0416                  Scheduling",
0417 }
0419 @Article{Li:1988:SUI,
0420   author =       "Lianzhi Li and Fushun Guo",
0421   title =        "The structure and user-interface of {MINIX}",
0422   journal =      "Mini-Micro Systems",
0423   volume =       "9",
0424   number =       "10",
0425   pages =        "7--10, 15",
0426   year =         "1988",
0427   CODEN =        "XWJXEH",
0428   ISSN =         "0364-9342",
0429   bibdate =      "Mon Sep 30 17:55:16 MDT 1996",
0430   abstract =     "The MINIX is a mini-Unix operating system for the IBM
0431                  PC/AT and its compatibles. The authors introduce the
0432                  internal structure of MINIX, which is divided into four
0433                  main parts: process management, I/O management, storage
0434                  management and document management. The user interface
0435                  and commands of MINIX are also described.",
0436   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
0437   classification = "C6150J (Operating systems)",
0438   keywords =     "Document management; I/O management; IBM PC/AT;
0439                  Mini-Unix operating system; MINIX; Process management;
0440                  Storage management; Structure; User-interface",
0441   language =     "Chinese",
0442   pubcountry =   "China",
0443   thesaurus =    "Operating systems [computers]",
0444 }
0446 @InProceedings{Maginnis:1988:DCT,
0447   author =       "P. Tobin Maginnis",
0448   title =        "Design considerations for the transformation of
0449                  {MINIX} into a distributed operating system",
0450   crossref =     "ACM:1988:PFS",
0451   pages =        "608--615",
0452   DOI =          "http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/322609.323135",
0453   year =         "1988",
0454   bibdate =      "Mon Sep 30 17:21:43 MDT 1996",
0455   abstract =     "MINIX is a version seven UNIX compatible operating
0456                  system written for the Intel 8088 CPU and IBM-PC
0457                  circuit package. MINIX is being transformed into a
0458                  distributed operating system by adding four components
0459                  to the basic operating system. These include an
0460                  extended IPC service, network service manager, resource
0461                  manager, and communication manager. Design
0462                  considerations include a definition of distributed
0463                  operating systems (DOSs), a description of existing
0464                  DOSs, a description of operating system architectural
0465                  components which add DOS functionality, a plan for the
0466                  placement of these components within the MINIX
0467                  environment, an explanation of the types of DOS
0468                  communication, and the implementation of DOS
0469                  communication.",
0470   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
0471   affiliation =  "Dept. of Comput. Inf. Sci., Mississippi Univ.,
0472                  University, MS, USA",
0473   classification = "C5620 (Computer networks and techniques); C6150J
0474                  (Operating systems)",
0475   keywords =     "Communication manager; Distributed operating system;
0476                  DOS communication; DOS functionality; IBM-PC; Intel
0477                  8088 CPU; IPC service, network service manager; MINIX;
0478                  Resource manager; UNIX compatible operating system",
0479   thesaurus =    "Computer networks; Network operating systems",
0480 }
0482 @MastersThesis{Naniwadekar:1988:ACD,
0483   author =       "Devendra Vithal Naniwadekar",
0484   title =        "Approximations to creating a distributed minix
0485                  operating system",
0486   type =         "Thesis (M.S.)",
0487   school =       "University of Mississippi",
0488   address =      "Oxford, MS, USA",
0489   pages =        "v + 89",
0490   year =         "1988",
0491   bibdate =      "Sat May 4 18:45:07 MDT 1996",
0492   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
0493 }
0495 @InProceedings{Naniwadekar:1988:IRM,
0496   author =       "Devendra Naniwadekar",
0497   title =        "Implementation of a resource manager for distributed
0498                  {MINIX}",
0499   crossref =     "ACM:1988:PFS",
0500   pages =        "686--686",
0501   year =         "1988",
0502   DOI =          "http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/322609.323153",
0503   bibdate =      "Sat Aug 26 07:01:46 2006",
0504   abstract =     "MINIX is an operating system written by Andrew S.
0505                  Tanenbaum and is very much like UNIX Version 7. It uses
0506                  the same system calls and even the shell is
0507                  functionally identical to that of UNIX. It is written
0508                  in C language and Intel 8088 assembly language. MINIX
0509                  has all the functionalities of an operating system
0510                  namely, process manager, I/O manager, device driver,
0511                  state saver, inter-process communication, memory
0512                  manager and file manager, user interface, utilities and
0513                  timing service. MINIX, being a modular operating
0514                  system, is easy to understand and modify and it is
0515                  distributed with source code. Thus, MINIX can be
0516                  identified as a suitable candidate for transforming it
0517                  into a distributed operating system (DOS). To transform
0518                  MINIX into a DOS, a kernel process called NET is
0519                  proposed to be added. This will be logically located at
0520                  the same hierarchical level as the memory manager and
0521                  the file system. NET will be composed of a
0522                  communication manager (CM), a network manager(NM), a
0523                  resource manager (RM) and extended IPC. These managers
0524                  will be transparent to users but will offer
0525                  functionality of a DOS. At present, IPC in MINIX takes
0526                  place using messages stored in shared buffers. This is
0527                  due to the restricted address space of the Intel 8088
0528                  microprocessor. User requests are carried out by
0529                  sending messages either to the memory manager or the
0530                  file system which in turn send messages to the system
0531                  and device driver processes and upon successful
0532                  completion of the task, return a message to the user
0533                  via the same route. The resource manager is an
0534                  essential component of a DOS. As the name suggests, it
0535                  manages the resources of a system. It maintains an up
0536                  to date version of the system's resources and also
0537                  keeps track of the status of other systems in the
0538                  network. This is achieved by maintaining a global
0539                  kernel data structure called the System State Table
0540                  (SST). Entries in the SST include logical unit number
0541                  of the various hosts, their logical names, physical
0542                  station addresses, number of processes running, percent
0543                  of idle time, available memory, number of users, number
0544                  of open virtual circuits and an 'altruism' factor
0545                  indicating willingness to accept remote processes for
0546                  running. The SST may be accessed by the NM to map
0547                  logical host names to numbers or physical
0548                  addresses. The resource manager may be accessed by
0549                  higher level components such as the user interface,
0550                  linking loader or by advanced programmers by making
0551                  resource manager service calls. In this way, the user
0552                  interface and parallel loader query the RM to discover
0553                  the number of available processors, willingness to
0554                  accept remote requests, etc. The resource manager
0555                  employs two types of messages: 1) messages are sent at
0556                  boot time to all hosts announcing the present status of
0557                  the local system including the boot version, and 2) a
0558                  message is sent after each time-out interval. If a
0559                  message is not received from a remote host after two
0560                  time-out intervals, the remote node is presumed to be
0561                  dead. The CM interacts with RM concerning the status
0562                  information. This status information, piggy-backed onto
0563                  message frames, is attached to incoming and outgoing
0564                  frames. On incoming frames, the status information is
0565                  placed in a temporary buffer for analysis by the
0566                  RM. The RM also places local host status information in
0567                  a second temporary buffer area so that the CM may
0568                  piggyback the status data onto outgoing frames.",
0569   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
0570 }
0572 @InProceedings{Navaux:1988:MA,
0573   author =       "P. O. A. Navaux and T. S. Cirano and A. S. Carissimi
0574                  and J. C. Netto",
0575   title =        "{M3P}-project architecture",
0576   crossref =     "Silveira:1988:ADV",
0577   pages =        "234--244",
0578   year =         "1988",
0579   bibdate =      "Mon Sep 30 17:55:16 MDT 1996",
0580   abstract =     "Describes the M3P machine, minix-multimicroprocessor
0581                  project, giving its architecture, the concepts about
0582                  interprocessor cooperation and one overview of Minix,
0583                  an Unix-like system.",
0584   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
0585   affiliation =  "Univ. Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil",
0586   classification = "C5220 (Computer architecture); C5440 (Multiprocessor
0587                  systems and techniques)",
0588   keywords =     "Architecture; Interprocessor cooperation; M3P machine;
0589                  Minix; Minix-multimicroprocessor project; Unix-like
0590                  system",
0591   language =     "Portuguese",
0592   thesaurus =    "Computer architecture; Multiprocessing systems",
0593 }
0595 @InProceedings{Ramesh:1988:DDM,
0596   author =       "K. S. Ramesh",
0597   title =        "Design and development of {MINIX} distributed
0598                  operating system",
0599   crossref =     "ACM:1988:PFS",
0600   pages =        "685--685",
0601   year =         "1988",
0602   DOI =          "http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/322609.323152",
0603   bibdate =      "Sat Aug 26 07:04:36 2006",
0604   abstract =     "Students and faculty of University of Mississippi are
0605                  in the process of transforming MINIX into a truly
0606                  distributed operating system. MINIX is a complete
0607                  operating system and has all the components such as 1)
0608                  Process manager, 2) Memory manager, 3) File manager, 4)
0609                  Device drivers, 5) Inter process communication, 6) Real
0610                  time clock, 7) General I/O, 8) Utilities, 9) State
0611                  saver and 10) Timing service. Unlike major operating
0612                  systems which are monolithic in structure, MINIX is
0613                  itself a collection of processes that communicate with
0614                  each other through message passing. The design of the
0615                  MINIX distributed system involves the addition of a
0616                  server process called NET to the existing operating
0617                  system. The functionality of the NET server can be
0618                  broadly classified into four major routines. They are:
0619                  1) the communication manager which transmits and
0620                  receives the frames from the remote hosts through the
0621                  HSLAN driver installed in kernel. It also performs the
0622                  error detection and correction function and maintains
0623                  the transmission protocol. 2) The interprocess
0624                  communication manager which maps message buffer into
0625                  the fixed size frames to be transmitted by the
0626                  communication manager. It also has primitives such as
0627                  request, reply, flow controlled send to initiate and
0628                  maintain a virtual circuit with the remote system. 3)
0629                  The resource manager which is employed as a child
0630                  process of the NET server process holds the status of
0631                  the network. It maintains information such as remote
0632                  logical address, number of process running in each
0633                  system, resources available at each site etc. 4)
0634                  Finally, the network service manager which services the
0635                  remote file request from the local process and also the
0636                  local file request from the remote host. Addition of
0637                  these components in the NET process would enhance the
0638                  capabilities of the operating system and provide users
0639                  access to remote file systems and remote resources and
0640                  also enable users to exploit multiprocessor
0641                  capabilities with the help of well defined algorithms
0642                  and tools. To accomplish the transformation of MINIX
0643                  the following changes have been made to incorporate the
0644                  NET process. Modify a system tool called Build which
0645                  patches the independent files bootblock, kernel, memory
0646                  manager, file manager and init into the memory resident
0647                  portion of MINIX. Build was modified so that one more
0648                  component NET could be added to the MINIX image. These
0649                  were non-trivial changes because in addition to
0650                  combining the object module Build also puts the CS \&
0651                  DS for all these components at the beginning of kernel
0652                  data space, so that kernel can load their memory maps
0653                  in the proc table during system initialization.
0654                  Increase the storage size in the kernel data space
0655                  where the CS \& DS of all the components are stored so
0656                  that Build can install the CS \& DS of NET. Assign and
0657                  make an entry into the memory manager proc table so
0658                  that NET could make system calls to the memory manager.
0659                  Assign an entry into the file system proc table and
0660                  assign the working directory, real uid, effective uid
0661                  for the NET process. The NET process like other
0662                  processes is designed such that it will continuously
0663                  wait for and respond to messages from other processes.
0664                  Initially, it will be blocked waiting to receive a
0665                  message from any process. Modify the dump routine to
0666                  display the status of the NET process. Finally, the NET
0667                  process is designed to continuously wait for its
0668                  service request messages from other processes. The NET
0669                  process is structured in such a way that the type of
0670                  request is resolved and switched into a table of
0671                  service routines. On accomplishing the service request
0672                  the process loops back to receive the next request,
0673                  thus providing the foundation for the development of
0674                  the internal NET routines discussed above.",
0675   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
0676 }
0678 @InProceedings{Roskos:1988:MSP,
0679   author =       "J. Eric Roskos",
0680   title =        "{MINIX} security policy model",
0681   crossref =     "IEEE:1988:FAC",
0682   volume =       "4",
0683   publisher =    pub-IEEE,
0684   address =      pub-IEEE:adr,
0685   pages =        "393--399",
0686   year =         "1988",
0687   ISBN =         "0-8186-0895-1",
0688   DOI =          "http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ACSAC.1988.113338 ",
0689   LCCN =         "????",
0690   bibdate =      "Fri May 24 09:57:34 MDT 1996",
0691   bibsource =    "Compendex database",
0692   note =         "Available from IEEE Service Cent (catalog no.
0693                  88CH2619-5). Piscataway, NJ, USA.",
0694   abstract =     "The author describes how the Bell-La Padula model
0695                  might be applied to the current, unrated Minix
0696                  operating system. Also discussed are security issues
0697                  pertaining to inherited accesses and the method used to
0698                  characterize the Minix file permissions in terms of the
0699                  more general access matrix model.",
0700   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
0701   affiliation =  "Inst for Defense Anal, Alexandria, VA, USA",
0702   classification = "723; C6150J (Operating systems)",
0703   conference =   "Fourth Aerospace Computer Security Applications
0704                  Conference",
0705   conferenceyear = "1988",
0706   keywords =     "Access matrix model; Bell-La Padula model; Bell-La
0707                  Padula Model; Computer Operating Systems; Computer
0708                  Systems, Digital--Security Systems; Data
0709                  Processing--Security of Data; File Permission; General
0710                  Access Matrix Model; Inherited accesses; Minix file
0711                  permissions; Minix operating system; Minix Operating
0712                  System; Minix security policy model; Minix Security
0713                  Policy Model; Security Systems",
0714   meetingabr =   "Fourth Aerosp Comput Secur Appl Conf",
0715   meetingaddress = "Orlando, FL, USA",
0716   meetingdate =  "Dec 12--16 1988",
0717   meetingdate2 = "1988 Dec 12--16",
0718   sponsor =      "IEEE, Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA, USA",
0719   thesaurus =    "Operating systems [computers]; Security of data",
0720 }
0722 @Book{Tanenbaum:1988:MAS,
0723   author =       "Andrew S. Tanenbaum and Johan W. Stevenson and Jost
0724                  Muller",
0725   title =        "{MINIX} for the {ATARI} {ST} and {MINIX} manual for
0726                  the {ATARI} {ST}",
0727   publisher =    pub-PH,
0728   address =      pub-PH:adr,
0729   edition =      "Version 1.1.",
0730   year =         "1988",
0731   ISBN =         "0-13-584392-8 (disks), 0-13-584434-7 (manual)",
0732   LCCN =         "QA76.76.O63",
0733   bibdate =      "Mon Sep 30 17:55:16 MDT 1996",
0734   note =         "9 computer disks.",
0735   abstract =     "MINIX is a new operating system that is similar to
0736                  Version 7 of the UNIX operating system. MINIX is widely
0737                  used on the IBM PC, and has now been ported to the
0738                  Atari ST and Mega ST. Unlike the UNIX system itself,
0739                  MINIX comes complete with all the source code. MINIX
0740                  features: a system call compatible with V7 UNIX (except
0741                  for a few very minor calls); a Kernighan and Ritchie
0742                  compatible C compiler; a shell that is functionally
0743                  identical to the Bourne shell; full multiprogramming
0744                  (fork+exec; background jobs in shell: cc file.c and );
0745                  a full screen editor inspired by emacs (modeless,
0746                  autoinsert, etc.); over 60 popular utilities (cat, cp,
0747                  grep, ls, make, mount, sort, etc.); and over 100
0748                  library procedures (atoi, fork, malloc, stdio, strcmp,
0749                  etc.) It works with floppy-only systems or with hard
0750                  disk systems. A full operating system source code is
0751                  included, and the source code for all utilities (except
0752                  the C compiler) is also included.",
0753   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
0754   annote =       "Title from disk label. An operating system for small
0755                  computer systems, inspired by V7 of the UNIX operating
0756                  system. It has a hierarchical file system, supports
0757                  full multitasking, and has a command interpreter,
0758                  called the shell, similar to the Bourne shell on UNIX.
0759                  Comes with 100 utility programs, nearly all of which
0760                  are similar to UNIX programs. System requirements:
0761                  Amiga ST; 512K RAM; TOS. Atari ST",
0762   classification = "C6150J (Operating systems)",
0763   keywords =     "Atari ST; Bourne shell; Emacs; Floppy disk systems;
0764                  Full screen editor; Hard disk systems; Kernighan and
0765                  Ritchie compatible C compiler; Library procedures; Mega
0766                  ST; MINIX; Multiprogramming; Operating system;
0767                  Operating systems (Computers) -- Software.; Source
0768                  code; System call; UNIX; Utilities",
0769   thesaurus =    "Atari computers; Microcomputer applications; Unix;
0770                  User manuals",
0771 }
0773 @Book{Tanenbaum:1988:MIPa,
0774   author =       "Andrew S. Tanenbaum",
0775   title =        "{MINIX} for the {IBM PC}, {XT}, and {AT}",
0776   publisher =    pub-PH,
0777   address =      pub-PH:adr,
0778   pages =        "xv + 486",
0779   year =         "1988",
0780   ISBN =         "0-13-584400-2 (paperback)",
0781   LCCN =         "QA76.76.O63",
0782   bibdate =      "Sat May 4 18:45:07 MDT 1996",
0783   series =       "Prentice-Hall software series",
0784   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
0785   keywords =     "IBM microcomputers -- Programming.; MINIX (Computer
0786                  operating system)",
0787 }
0789 @Misc{Tanenbaum:1988:MIPb,
0790   author =       "Andrew S. Tanenbaum",
0791   title =        "{Minix} 1.3 for the {IBM PC-AT}'s",
0792   publisher =    pub-PH,
0793   address =      pub-PH:adr,
0794   edition =      "Version 1.3.",
0795   year =         "1988",
0796   ISBN =         "0-13-583303-5",
0797   LCCN =         "????",
0798   bibdate =      "Sat May 4 18:45:07 MDT 1996",
0799   note =         "5 computer disks.",
0800   series =       "Prentice-Hall software series",
0801   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
0802   annote =       "Title from disk label. Reference manual has title and
0803                  copyright date: Minix for the IBM PC, XT, and AT /
0804                  Andrew S. Tanenbaum. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
0805                  Prentice-Hall, c1988. Boot diskette -- Root file system
0806                  -- Operating systems sources -- Commands sources.
0807                  System requirements: IBM PC-AT; 256K RAM.",
0808   keywords =     "IBM microcomputers -- Programming.; MINIX (Computer
0809                  operating system)",
0810 }
0812 @Book{Tanenbaum:1988:OSD,
0813   author =       "Andrew S. Tanenbaum",
0814   title =        "Operating System: Design and Implementation",
0815   publisher =    pub-PH,
0816   address =      pub-PH:adr,
0817   year =         "1988",
0818   ISBN =         "0-13-637331-3",
0819   bibdate =      "Sat May 4 19:58:57 1996",
0820   bibsource =    "Misc/TUBScsd.bib",
0821   annote =       "Alle Grundlegenden Prinzipien fuer das Design und die
0822                  Implementierung Werden Beschrieben. die Resultate
0823                  Werden Anhand der Unix-aehnlichen Implementierung Minix
0824                  Beschrieben, Wobei der C-quellcode Ebenfalls Teil des
0825                  Buches Ist.",
0826   descriptor =   "Betriebssystem",
0827 }
0829 @MastersThesis{Aas:1989:HMP,
0830   author =       "Gisle Aas",
0831   title =        "{HP-Minix}: portering av et operativsystem.
0832                  (Norwegian). [{HP-Minux}: Porting of an operating
0833                  system]",
0834   type =         "Hovedoppgave i datafag (Computer Science thesis)",
0835   school =       "Universitetet i Troms{\o}",
0836   address =      "Troms{\o}, Norway",
0837   pages =        "161",
0838   year =         "1989",
0839   bibdate =      "Wed Apr 12 05:58:18 2006",
0840   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
0841   language =     "Norwegian",
0842 }
0844 @Article{Durr:1989:MAS,
0845   author =       "C. L. Durr",
0846   title =        "Multis for the {Atari} {ST} (multi-user packages)",
0847   journal =      "Chip",
0848   month =        jul,
0849   year =         "1989",
0850   CODEN =        "CHIPDP",
0851   ISSN =         "0170-6632",
0852   bibdate =      "Mon Sep 30 17:55:16 MDT 1996",
0853   abstract =     "The author compares two software packages that allow
0854                  several users to share a PC and that can be run on an
0855                  Atari PC. The two are: Minix and OS-9/68000, both
0856                  needing a RAM of 1 Mbyte and diskette drive of 360-720
0857                  kbyte. The OS-9 costs 1600 DM and has a greater real
0858                  time performance than Minix. Minix costs 230 DM and
0859                  comes on nine 3.5' discs which include operating
0860                  system, utilities, C-compiler and source text. The
0861                  author liked Minix's compatibility with Unix v.7. He
0862                  describes how both packages are installed and used and
0863                  selects prints for comment.",
0864   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
0865   classification = "C6150J (Operating systems)",
0866   issue =        "no.7 p. 38-42",
0867   keywords =     "1 MB; Atari PC; Atari ST; C-compiler; Compatibility;
0868                  Minix; Multi-user packages; Operating system;
0869                  OS-9/68000; Real time performance; Software packages;
0870                  Source text; Unix v.7; Utilities",
0871   language =     "German",
0872   numericalindex = "Memory size 1.0E+06 Byte",
0873   pubcountry =   "West Germany",
0874   thesaurus =    "Atari computers; Multiprogramming; Software packages",
0875 }
0877 @InProceedings{Gammill:1989:DFS,
0878   author =       "R. Gammill and J. Hernes",
0879   title =        "A distributed file system for {MINIX}",
0880   crossref =     "Anonymous:1989:SPA",
0881   pages =        "151--160",
0882   year =         "1989",
0883   bibdate =      "Mon Sep 30 17:55:16 MDT 1996",
0884   abstract =     "The design and implementation of a distributed file
0885                  system for the MINIX operating system is described.
0886                  MINIX is a UNIX-like pedagogic operating system for
0887                  IBM-compatible personal computers, which was created by
0888                  Andrew S. Tanenbaum. Important features of MINIX are
0889                  described and reasons for its use in this project are
0890                  examined. One such reason is the authors' desire to use
0891                  it as the basis of a course on distributed systems and
0892                  networks.",
0893   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
0894   affiliation =  "Dept. of Comput. Sci., North Dakota State Univ.,
0895                  Fargo, ND, USA",
0896   classification = "C6150J (Operating systems)",
0897   keywords =     "Course; Distributed file system; Distributed systems;
0898                  IBM-compatible personal computers; MINIX operating
0899                  system; Networks; UNIX-like pedagogic operating
0900                  system",
0901   thesaurus =    "Distributed processing; Operating systems [computers];
0902                  Unix",
0903 }
0905 @MastersThesis{Guha:1989:EMO,
0906   author =       "Amitava Guha",
0907   title =        "Enhancement of {Minix} operating system",
0908   type =         "Thesis (M.S.)",
0909   school =       "Department of Computer Science, Southern Illinois
0910                  University at Carbondale",
0911   address =      "Carbondale, IL, USA",
0912   pages =        "44",
0913   year =         "1989",
0914   bibdate =      "Sat May 4 18:45:07 MDT 1996",
0915   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
0916 }
0918 @InProceedings{Gull:1989:MMH,
0919   author =       "A. Gull and S. K. Das",
0920   title =        "Memory management hardware: panacea or pain?",
0921   crossref =     "Anonymous:1989:UEC",
0922   pages =        "217--221",
0923   year =         "1989",
0924   bibdate =      "Mon Sep 30 17:53:27 MDT 1996",
0925   abstract =     "Computer manufacturers have flooded the bottom end of
0926                  the market with a diverse range of low budget hardware.
0927                  Although the processing power of these machines has
0928                  steadily increased, such workstations are typically
0929                  devoid of the expensive memory management hardware
0930                  often found on larger machines. The authors investigate
0931                  the difficulties of supporting Unix on such machines.
0932                  They draw examples from two separate reimplementations
0933                  of the MINIX operating system both of which support
0934                  efficient, if not secure, Unix-like processes without
0935                  the aid of memory management hardware.",
0936   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
0937   affiliation =  "City Univ., London, UK",
0938   classification = "C5430 (Microcomputers); C6120 (File organisation);
0939                  C6150J (Operating systems)",
0940   keywords =     "Low budget hardware; Memory management; MINIX
0941                  operating system; MINIX-ST; Processing power;
0942                  Reimplementations; STIX OS; Unix-like processes;
0943                  Workstations",
0944   thesaurus =    "Operating systems [computers]; Storage management;
0945                  Unix; Workstations",
0946 }
0948 @Article{Gull:1989:PMO,
0949   author =       "Aarron Gull and Sunil K. Das",
0950   title =        "A Port of the {MINIX} Operating System to the {Atari
0951                  ST}",
0952   journal =      j-EUUG-NEWSLETTER,
0953   volume =       "9",
0954   number =       "1",
0955   pages =        "2--14",
0956   month =        "Spring",
0957   year =         "1989",
0958   CODEN =        "EONLE8",
0959   ISSN =         "1011-4211",
0960   bibdate =      "Tue Feb 20 15:42:13 MST 1996",
0961   bibsource =    "ftp://ftp.uu.net/library/bibliography;
0962                  Misc/usenix.bib",
0963   affiliation =  "City University London",
0964 }
0966 @Article{Hays:1989:OSC,
0967   author =       "James H. Hays",
0968   title =        "An Operating Systems Course Using {Minix}",
0969   journal =      j-SIGCSE,
0970   volume =       "21",
0971   number =       "4",
0972   pages =        "11--12",
0973   day =          "1",
0974   month =        dec,
0975   year =         "1989",
0976   CODEN =        "SIGSD3",
0977   DOI =          "http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/74091.74093",
0978   ISSN =         "0097-8418",
0979   bibdate =      "Sat Aug 26 07:00:15 2006",
0980   bibsource =    "UnCover library database",
0981   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
0982 }
0984 @MastersThesis{Hernes:1989:DFS,
0985   author =       "Jeffrey Lee Hernes",
0986   title =        "A distributed file server for {MINIX}",
0987   type =         "Thesis (M.S.)",
0988   school =       "North Dakota State University",
0989   address =      "Fargo, ND, USA",
0990   pages =        "iv + 43",
0991   year =         "1989",
0992   bibdate =      "Sat May 4 18:45:07 MDT 1996",
0993   series =       "Thesis / Computer Science, North Dakota State
0994                  University Thesis (North Dakota State University. Dept.
0995                  of Computer Science); 1989",
0996   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
0997   keywords =     "Computer networks.; Electronic data processing --
0998                  Distributed processing.; File organization (Computer
0999                  science)",
1000 }
1002 @MastersThesis{Kachel:1989:MMB,
1003   author =       "Timothy Paul Kachel",
1004   title =        "{MINNET}, a {MINIX} based broadcast network using
1005                  {RS232}",
1006   type =         "Thesis (M.S.)",
1007   school =       "North Dakota State University",
1008   address =      "Fargo, ND, USA",
1009   pages =        "iv + 67",
1010   year =         "1989",
1011   bibdate =      "Sat May 4 18:45:07 MDT 1996",
1012   series =       "Thesis / Computer Science, North Dakota State
1013                  University Thesis (North Dakota State University. Dept.
1014                  of Computer Science); 1989",
1015   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
1016   keywords =     "Computer networks.; MINNET (Computer program)",
1017 }
1019 @MastersThesis{Kobylanski:1989:IPS,
1020   author =       "Stanley George Kobylanski",
1021   title =        "An implementation of process swapping in {MINIX} (a
1022                  message passing oriented operating system)",
1023   type =         "Thesis (M.S.)",
1024   school =       "Kansas State University",
1025   address =      "Manhattan, KS, USA",
1026   pages =        "vi + 63 + 59",
1027   year =         "1989",
1028   bibdate =      "Sat May 4 18:45:07 MDT 1996",
1029   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
1030 }
1032 @Article{Anonymous:1990:AOS,
1033   author =       "Anonymous",
1034   title =        "Alternative Operating Systems, Part 5: {Unix} with a
1035                  Microscope: {Minix}, a low-cost {Unix}, runs on
1036                  ordinary personal computers",
1037   journal =      j-BYTE,
1038   volume =       "15",
1039   number =       "13",
1040   pages =        "345--346",
1041   month =        dec,
1042   year =         "1990",
1043   CODEN =        "BYTEDJ",
1044   ISSN =         "0360-5280",
1045   bibdate =      "Tue Jan 2 10:01:41 MST 1996",
1046   bibsource =    "Compendex database",
1047   abstract =     "In order to solve many software problems, the
1048                  operating system must be understood. UNIX is a
1049                  complicated operating system and a source license is
1050                  very expensive. Minix is an operating system that is
1051                  compatible with UNIX version 7. Xenix is a PC version
1052                  of UNIX which supports many commercially available
1053                  programs.",
1054   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
1055   classification = "722; 723",
1056   journalabr =   "Byte",
1057   keywords =     "Computer Operating Systems; Computer Software ---
1058                  Evaluation; Minix; UNIX; UNIX Version 7; Xenix",
1059 }
1061 @Article{Anonymous:1990:MCL,
1062   author =       "Anonymous",
1063   title =        "{MINIX}: a `{CLONIX}' for learning how to build
1064                  operating systems",
1065   journal =      "Novatica",
1066   volume =       "16",
1067   number =       "86",
1068   pages =        "79--82",
1069   year =         "1990",
1070   CODEN =        "NOVAEC",
1071   ISSN =         "0211-2124",
1072   bibdate =      "Mon Sep 30 17:21:43 MDT 1996",
1073   abstract =     "Describes the main features of MINIX (Mini-Unix),
1074                  designed by Tanenbaum to overcome AT and T restrictions
1075                  on using Unix code for educational purposes. MINIX,
1076                  well documented in Tanenbaum's book `Operating Systems:
1077                  Design and Implementation', runs on IBM PC XT, AT and
1078                  compatibles, and is indistinguishable to the user from
1079                  Unix 7, except for the absence of certain commands. The
1080                  article describes MINIX architecture, processes and
1081                  messages, device handles and devices, memory and file
1082                  management, and user processes.",
1083   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
1084   classification = "C0220 (Education and training); C6150J (Operating
1085                  systems)",
1086   keywords =     "IBM PC XT; MINIX; Tanenbaum; Unix; Unix 7",
1087   language =     "Spanish",
1088   pubcountry =   "Spain",
1089   thesaurus =    "Computer science education; IBM computers; Operating
1090                  systems [computers]; Software packages; Unix",
1091 }
1093 @Article{Chappelow:1990:DIS,
1094   author =       "Stephen W. Chappelow and Steven F. Ackerman and
1095                  Stephen J. Hartley",
1096   title =        "Design and implementation of a swapper for the {MINIX}
1097                  operating system",
1098   journal =      j-SIGCSE,
1099   volume =       "22",
1100   number =       "4",
1101   pages =        "55--59",
1102   month =        dec,
1103   year =         "1990",
1104   CODEN =        "SIGSD3",
1105   DOI =          "http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/122153.122165",
1106   ISSN =         "0097-8418",
1107   bibdate =      "Mon Sep 30 17:21:43 MDT 1996",
1108   abstract =     "The University of Vermont does not offer a course
1109                  which provides practical experience working with the
1110                  internals of operating systems. To remedy this, an
1111                  independent study course was undertaken during the
1112                  Spring 1989 semester which involved working with the
1113                  internals of a real operating system. The goal of the
1114                  project was to design and implement a major component
1115                  of an operating system known as the swapper. The basis
1116                  for the project was the MINIX operating system, which
1117                  is a message-passing operating system that runs on
1118                  microcomputers and whose user interface mimics Version
1119                  7 UNIX. The structure, algorithms, and implementation
1120                  of a swapper are analyzed in detail. Finally, the
1121                  practical value of the research experience is
1122                  discussed.",
1123   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
1124   affiliation =  "Dept. of Comput. Sci. and Electr. Eng., Vermont Univ.,
1125                  Burlington, VT, USA",
1126   classification = "C0220 (Education and training); C6150J (Operating
1127                  systems)",
1128   keywords =     "Independent study course; Message-passing operating
1129                  system; MINIX operating system; Swapper; User
1130                  interface; Version 7 UNIX",
1131   thesaurus =    "Computer science education; Educational courses;
1132                  Operating systems [computers]",
1133 }
1135 @InProceedings{Donaldson:1990:TMW,
1136   author =       "A. L. Donaldson and J. W. {Taylor, Jr.} and D. M.
1137                  Chizmadia",
1138   title =        "Trusted {MINIX}: a worked example",
1139   crossref =     "Anonymous:1990:NCS",
1140   pages =        "307--317 (vol. 1)",
1141   year =         "1990",
1142   bibdate =      "Mon Sep 30 17:00:16 MDT 1996",
1143   abstract =     "The Trusted MINIX system is being developed to provide
1144                  a worked example of C2 security mechanisms and
1145                  assurances based on MINIX Version 1.5. MINIX is a small
1146                  UNIX-like operating system for the PC/AT workstation,
1147                  originally developed as a teaching tool for operating
1148                  systems classes. Although the computer system will
1149                  generally be used by only a single user at a time,
1150                  MINIX was designed for multi-user, multi-tasking
1151                  operation. From this perspective, the security
1152                  modifications required for Trusted MINIX are
1153                  essentially the same as for any multi-user system.
1154                  However, MINIX was designed with a more modular
1155                  internal structure than the monolithic UNIX kernel, and
1156                  this structure affects how security features are added
1157                  to MINIX. The paper gives an overview of the worked
1158                  example, both from historical and technical
1159                  perspectives.",
1160   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
1161   affiliation =  "Escom Corp., Oakton, VA, USA",
1162   classification = "C6130S (Data security); C6150J (Operating systems)",
1163   keywords =     "C2 security mechanisms; MINIX Version 1.5;
1164                  Multi-tasking; PC/AT workstation; TCSEC; Trusted MINIX
1165                  system; UNIX kernel; UNIX-like operating system; IBM computers; microcomputer applications; operating
1166                  systems (computers); security of data; Unix; TCSEC;
1167                  Trusted MINIX system; C2 security mechanisms; MINIX
1168                  Version 1.5; UNIX-like operating system; PC/AT
1169                  workstation; multi-tasking; UNIX kernel",
1170   thesaurus =    "IBM computers; Microcomputer applications; Operating
1171                  systems [computers]; Security of data; Unix",
1172 }
1174 @MastersThesis{Fresquez:1990:SIM,
1175   author =       "Vicente Fresquez",
1176   title =        "A swapping implementation for the {MINIX} operating
1177                  system",
1178   type =         "Thesis (M.S.)",
1179   school =       "University of Texas at El Paso",
1180   address =      "El Paso, TX, USA",
1181   pages =        "viii + 122",
1182   year =         "1990",
1183   bibdate =      "Sat May 4 18:45:07 MDT 1996",
1184   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
1185   keywords =     "Operating systems (Computers); Virtual storage
1186                  (Computer science)",
1187 }
1189 @Article{Grehan:1990:MM,
1190   author =       "R. Grehan",
1191   title =        "Multitasking for the masses",
1192   journal =      j-BYTE,
1193   volume =       "15",
1194   number =       "2",
1195   pages =        "279--280, 282, 284, 286, 288, 334",
1196   month =        feb,
1197   year =         "1990",
1198   CODEN =        "BYTEDJ",
1199   ISSN =         "0360-5280",
1200   bibdate =      "Mon Sep 30 17:53:27 MDT 1996",
1201   abstract =     "The author describes multitasking and notes that there
1202                  are two major varieties of task or context switching:
1203                  preemptive and cooperative. There are various way to
1204                  bring multitasking to IBM PC/XT compatibles. The
1205                  spectrum ranges from complete multitasking environments
1206                  (some that try to maintain DOS compatibility, others
1207                  that give up the idea of wrestling with DOS and define
1208                  a completely new operating system) to multitasking
1209                  within the confines of a programming language. The
1210                  author briefly describes: DESQview; THeos 86;
1211                  Wendin-DOS; QNX; Minix; Xinu; F83; Mack 2; and Modula
1212                  2.",
1213   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
1214   classification = "C6150J (Operating systems)",
1215   keywords =     "DESQview; DOS compatibility; F83; Mack 2; Minix;
1216                  Modula 2; Multitasking environments; Operating system;
1217                  Programming language; QNX; THeos 86; Wendin-DOS; Xinu",
1218   thesaurus =    "IBM computers; Multiprogramming",
1219 }
1221 @Article{Hartley:1990:EMO,
1222   author =       "Stephen J. Hartley",
1223   title =        "Experience with {MINIX} in an operating systems lab",
1224   journal =      j-SIGCSE,
1225   volume =       "22",
1226   number =       "3",
1227   pages =        "34--38",
1228   month =        sep,
1229   year =         "1990",
1230   CODEN =        "SIGSD3",
1231   DOI =          "http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/101085.101096",
1232   ISSN =         "0097-8418",
1233   bibdate =      "Mon Sep 30 17:53:27 MDT 1996",
1234   abstract =     "Most standard undergraduate operating systems courses
1235                  teach theory and concepts, without exposing students to
1236                  the detailed internal operation or source code of an
1237                  actual operating system. A. S. Tanenbaum's MINIX
1238                  operating system (1987) is designed to give students
1239                  `hands-on' experience with the internals of an
1240                  operating system in order to illustrate the theory and
1241                  concepts. The use of MINIX in an operating systems
1242                  laboratory at the University of Vermont is described.
1243                  The paper gives an overview of the history and
1244                  structure of MINIX and describes some of the projects,
1245                  such as file locking, symbolic links, memory
1246                  compaction, modifying the CPU scheduler, and named
1247                  pipes, that have been used in an Operating Systems
1248                  Laboratory course at the University of Vermont.",
1249   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
1250   affiliation =  "Dept. of Comput. Sci., Trinity Univ., San Antonio, TX,
1251                  USA",
1252   classification = "C0220 (Education and training); C6150J (Operating
1253                  systems)",
1254   keywords =     "CPU scheduler; File locking; IBM; Memory compaction;
1255                  MINIX; Operating systems; Symbolic links; Unix",
1256   thesaurus =    "Computer science education; Operating systems
1257                  [computers]",
1258 }
1260 @MastersThesis{Her:1990:ISR,
1261   author =       "Sheau-Chuen Her",
1262   title =        "Implement a simple remote procedure call model in
1263                  Minix",
1264   type =         "Thesis (M.S.)",
1265   school =       "California State University, Chico",
1266   address =      "Chico, CA, USA",
1267   pages =        "viii + 43",
1268   year =         "1990",
1269   bibdate =      "Sat May 4 18:45:07 MDT 1996",
1270   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
1271   keywords =     "Computer networks.; Electronic data processing --
1272                  Distributed processing.; MINIX (Computer operating
1273                  system)",
1274 }
1276 @Article{Hoffman:1990:FSM,
1277   author =       "P. K. Hoffman and G. {de V. Smit}",
1278   title =        "A file server for a multi-transputer {Unix} system",
1279   journal =      "South African Computer Journal",
1280   month =        oct,
1281   year =         "1990",
1282   ISSN =         "1015-7999",
1283   bibdate =      "Mon Sep 30 17:21:43 MDT 1996",
1284   abstract =     "The DISTRIX operating system is a multiprocessor
1285                  UNIX-like distributed operating system. It consists of
1286                  a number of satellite processors connected to central
1287                  servers. The system is based on the MINIX operating
1288                  system, which is in turn based on UNIX Version 7. A
1289                  remote procedure calling interface is used in
1290                  conjunction with a system wide, end-to-end
1291                  communications protocol that connects satellite
1292                  processors to the central servers. A cached file server
1293                  provides access to all files and devices at the Unix
1294                  system call level. The design of the file server is
1295                  discussed in depth and the performance evaluated.",
1296   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
1297   affiliation =  "Dept. of Comput. Sci., Cape Town Univ., Rondebosch,
1298                  South Africa",
1299   classification = "C5440 (Multiprocessor systems and techniques); C5690
1300                  (Other data communication equipment and techniques);
1301                  C6150J (Operating systems)",
1302   issue =        "no.3 p. 30-8",
1303   keywords =     "Cached file server; Central servers; DISTRIX operating
1304                  system; End-to-end communications protocol; File
1305                  server; MINIX operating system; Multi-transputer Unix
1306                  system; Multiprocessor UNIX-like distributed operating
1307                  system; Remote procedure calling interface; Satellite
1308                  processors; Unix system call level; UNIX Version 7",
1309   pubcountry =   "South Africa",
1310   thesaurus =    "File servers; Multiprocessing programs;
1311                  Multiprocessing systems; Transputers; Unix",
1312 }
1314 @Article{Koch:1990:MTS,
1315   author =       "L. Koch",
1316   title =        "{MINIX}\slash {THL} a training system for instruction
1317                  in operating systems",
1318   journal =      "Informatik, Informationen Reporte",
1319   year =         "1990",
1320   ISSN =         "0233-2582",
1321   bibdate =      "Mon Sep 30 17:21:43 MDT 1996",
1322   abstract =     "Explains the need to formulate training for UNIX.
1323                  MINIX/THL is defined as a UNIX system version 7 for
1324                  IBM-PC 8088, 8086, 80286 and ATARI ST for minimal
1325                  configuration demands. The items in the course, as
1326                  distributed by Prentice Hall, are described. Its
1327                  structural layers and memory are set out.",
1328   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
1329   affiliation =  "Tech. Hochschule Leipzig, Germany",
1330   classification = "C0220 (Education and training); C6150J (Operating
1331                  systems); C7810C (Computer-aided instruction)",
1332   issue =        "no.5 p. 159-65",
1333   keywords =     "ATARI ST; IBM-PC; Instruction; MINIX/THL; Operating
1334                  systems; Training system; UNIX",
1335   language =     "German",
1336   pubcountry =   "Germany",
1337   thesaurus =    "Computer aided instruction; Computer science
1338                  education; Operating systems [computers]; Training;
1339                  Unix",
1340 }
1342 @MastersThesis{Larribeau:1990:MDP,
1343   author =       "Scott Larribeau",
1344   title =        "The {MINIX} development project",
1345   type =         "Thesis (M.S.)",
1346   school =       "California Polytechnic State University",
1347   address =      "San Luis Obispo, CA, USA",
1348   pages =        "vi + 145",
1349   year =         "1990",
1350   bibdate =      "Sat May 4 18:45:07 MDT 1996",
1351   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
1352   keywords =     "MINIX (Computer operating system); Operating systems
1353                  (Computers)",
1354 }
1356 @Article{Meumann:1990:MDD,
1357   author =       "M. D. Meumann and M. H. Rennhackkamp",
1358   title =        "{MINIX} for a distributed database system",
1359   journal =      "South African Computer Journal",
1360   month =        oct,
1361   year =         "1990",
1362   ISSN =         "1015-7999",
1363   bibdate =      "Mon Sep 30 17:21:43 MDT 1996",
1364   abstract =     "A user of a distributed database management system
1365                  must be able to access data which is stored on a number
1366                  of different sites and connected by a network, without
1367                  being aware of the physical data distribution. The
1368                  NRDNIX distributed database management system consists
1369                  of four major components, namely the presentation
1370                  manager, communication kernel, database manager and
1371                  network manager. The development of a distributed
1372                  system requires the addition of communication
1373                  capabilities to the supporting operating system. The
1374                  MINIX operating system could be considered as a
1375                  possible implementation environment. MINIX is based on
1376                  the client-server message passing model.
1377                  Architecturally it consists of a user layer, a server
1378                  layer and two kernel layers. A distributed database
1379                  implementation using MINIX can be configured as a
1380                  database server process, an extension to the existing
1381                  file system, a specialized database file system, a
1382                  network operating system process or a distributed
1383                  operating system process. MINIX has a number of
1384                  drawbacks, namely deadlock, alarm signals, deviations
1385                  from the message passing model and memory limitations.
1386                  The severity of the fundamental design flaws in MINIX
1387                  render it unusable for the implementation of a
1388                  distributed database management system.",
1389   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
1390   affiliation =  "Dept. of Comput. Sci., Stellenbosch Univ., South
1391                  Africa",
1392   classification = "C6150J (Operating systems); C6160B (Distributed
1393                  DBMS)",
1394   issue =        "no.3 p. 23-9",
1395   keywords =     "Alarm signals; Client-server message passing model;
1396                  Communication capabilities; Communication kernel;
1397                  Database manager; Database server process; Deadlock;
1398                  Distributed database implementation; Distributed
1399                  database management system; Distributed operating
1400                  system process; Existing file system; Implementation
1401                  environment; Kernel layers; Memory limitations; MINIX
1402                  operating system; Network manager; Network operating
1403                  system process; NRDNIX distributed database management
1404                  system; Physical data distribution; Presentation
1405                  manager; Server layer; Specialized database file
1406                  system; User layer",
1407   pubcountry =   "South Africa",
1408   thesaurus =    "Distributed databases; Network operating systems;
1409                  Unix",
1410 }
1412 @Article{Rennhackkamp:1990:NDD,
1413   author =       "M. H. Rennhackkamp",
1414   title =        "The {NRDNIX} distributed database management system",
1415   journal =      "South African Computer Journal",
1416   month =        jan,
1417   year =         "1990",
1418   ISSN =         "1015-7999",
1419   bibdate =      "Mon Sep 30 17:53:27 MDT 1996",
1420   abstract =     "A distributed database management system must
1421                  facilitate integrated processing of data which is
1422                  physically distributed over a network of node
1423                  computers, while providing locality transparency. The
1424                  NRDNIX prototype has locality, logical and physical
1425                  independence as goals, together with adequate
1426                  availability and efficient throughput. It is
1427                  architecturally described in terms of an integration of
1428                  the ANSI/X3/SPARC database management system and the
1429                  ISO interconnection reference models. Communication
1430                  takes place via a broadcast network. The data is
1431                  horizontally distributed over the horizontally
1432                  controlled nodes, with duplication according to usage.
1433                  An adaption of the entity-relationship data model is
1434                  supported, with extensions to the relationships to
1435                  include update dependencies. Some supporting operating
1436                  systems have been considered, including MINIX. However,
1437                  a more feasible and popular implementation which is
1438                  being used is the development of device drivers for the
1439                  XENIX operating system, for example for the network
1440                  interface.",
1441   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
1442   affiliation =  "Dept. of Comput. Sci., Stellenbosch Univ., South
1443                  Africa",
1444   classification = "B6210L (Computer communications); C5620W (Other
1445                  networks); C6150J (Operating systems); C6160B
1446                  (Distributed DBMS)",
1447   issue =        "no.1 p. 5-10",
1448   keywords =     "ANSI/X3/SPARC database management system; Broadcast
1449                  network; Device drivers; Distributed database
1450                  management system; Distributed DBMS; Duplication;
1451                  Entity-relationship data model; Horizontally controlled
1452                  nodes; Integrated processing; ISO interconnection
1453                  reference models; Locality transparency; Network
1454                  interface; Node computers; NRDNIX distributed database;
1455                  NRDNIX prototype; Physical independence; Supporting
1456                  operating systems; Throughput; Update dependencies;
1457                  XENIX operating system",
1458   pubcountry =   "South Africa",
1459   thesaurus =    "Computer networks; Distributed databases; Open
1460                  systems; Operating systems [computers]",
1461 }
1463 @MastersThesis{Sand:1990:IDF,
1464   author =       "Erik Martin Sand",
1465   title =        "Implementation of a distributed file system for
1466                  {MINIX}: a paper",
1467   type =         "Thesis (M.S.)",
1468   school =       "North Dakota State University",
1469   address =      "?Fargo, ND, USA",
1470   pages =        "v + 158",
1471   year =         "1990",
1472   bibdate =      "Sat May 4 18:45:07 MDT 1996",
1473   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
1474   keywords =     "Computer networks.; Electronic data processing --
1475                  Distributed processing.; Operating systems (Computers)
1476                  -- Study and teaching (Higher)",
1477 }
1479 @MastersThesis{Tiwana:1990:ITI,
1480   author =       "Gurumukh Singh Tiwana",
1481   title =        "Implementation of {TCP\slash IP} in the {Minix}
1482                  operating system",
1483   type =         "Thesis (M.S.)",
1484   school =       "Southern Illinois University at Carbondale",
1485   address =      "Carbondale, IL, USA",
1486   pages =        "iii + 48 + [1]",
1487   year =         "1990",
1488   bibdate =      "Sat May 4 18:45:07 MDT 1996",
1489   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
1490 }
1492 @Article{Yager:1990:AOS,
1493   author =       "T. Yager",
1494   title =        "Alternative operating systems. 5. {Unix} with a
1495                  microscope",
1496   journal =      j-BYTE,
1497   volume =       "15",
1498   number =       "13",
1499   pages =        "345--346",
1500   month =        dec,
1501   year =         "1990",
1502   CODEN =        "BYTEDJ",
1503   ISSN =         "0360-5280",
1504   bibdate =      "Mon Sep 30 17:21:43 MDT 1996",
1505   abstract =     "For pt.4 see ibid., vol.15, no.12, p.381-5, 1990.
1506                  Looks at Minix, a low cost version of Unix ideal for
1507                  study purposes. The author discusses how to install
1508                  Minix, and looks at its features from the users point
1509                  of view. He then looks at the source code, one of
1510                  Minix's strengths. The networking capabilities are also
1511                  considered.",
1512   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
1513   classification = "C6150J (Operating systems)",
1514   keywords =     "Minix; Networking capabilities; Operating systems;
1515                  Source code; Study",
1516   thesaurus =    "Operating systems [computers]; Unix",
1517 }
1519 @Article{Aguirre:1991:EMD,
1520   author =       "G. Aguirre and M. Errecalde and R. Guerrero and C.
1521                  Kavka and G. Leguizamon and M. Printista and R.
1522                  Gallard",
1523   title =        "Experiencing {Minix} as a didactical aid for operating
1524                  systems courses",
1525   journal =      j-OPER-SYS-REV,
1526   volume =       "25",
1527   number =       "3",
1528   pages =        "32--39",
1529   month =        jul,
1530   year =         "1991",
1531   CODEN =        "OSRED8",
1532   DOI =          "http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/122572.122575",
1533   ISSN =         "0163-5980",
1534   bibdate =      "Mon Sep 30 17:21:43 MDT 1996",
1535   abstract =     "Minix is a Unix clone operating system to be run on
1536                  IBM PCs and compatibles. The article describes the
1537                  results of some extensions on the internal work of
1538                  Minix as an exercise on operating systems design and
1539                  implementation that attempts to transfer that
1540                  experience to other groups of interest. The paper
1541                  intends to be interpreted as a report remarking what
1542                  kind of work was done having an extensively documented
1543                  copy of the source code of an operating system, taking
1544                  into account that the developers are undergraduates in
1545                  computer science.",
1546   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
1547   affiliation =  "Escuela de Inf., Univ. Nacional de San Luis,
1548                  Argentina",
1549   classification = "C0220 (Education and training); C6150J (Operating
1550                  systems)",
1551   keywords =     "Computer science; Didactical aid; IBM PCs; Minix;
1552                  Operating systems courses; Unix clone",
1553   thesaurus =    "Computer science education; Operating systems
1554                  [computers]; Unix",
1555 }
1557 @MastersThesis{Anglin:1991:AMP,
1558   author =       "Elizabeth Anglin",
1559   title =        "Addition of a message passing measure to {MINIX} ({A}
1560                  process-based operating system)",
1561   type =         "Thesis (M.S.)",
1562   school =       "Kansas State University",
1563   address =      "Manhattan, KS, USA",
1564   pages =        "iii + 90",
1565   year =         "1991",
1566   bibdate =      "Sat May 4 18:45:07 MDT 1996",
1567   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
1568 }
1570 @InProceedings{Archer:1991:TRP,
1571   author =       "M. Archer and D. Frincke and K. Levitt",
1572   title =        "A template for rapid prototyping of operating
1573                  systems",
1574   crossref =     "Winkler:1991:SPS",
1575   pages =        "119--127",
1576   year =         "1991",
1577   bibdate =      "Mon Sep 30 17:21:43 MDT 1996",
1578   abstract =     "Rapid prototyping of many classes of systems can be
1579                  facilitated by starting from an executable template
1580                  specification appropriate to that class. A system
1581                  template serves several useful purposes. It organizes
1582                  ones thinking about the particular system to be
1583                  specified, and speeds the specification process by
1584                  pre-specifying structures and operations common to all
1585                  systems in a class. If executable, it can be developed
1586                  into a system prototype. Though beyond the scope of
1587                  this paper, it can organize proofs of properties of the
1588                  specification and its implementations by making it
1589                  possible to isolate the relevant proof obligations. The
1590                  authors templates have an additional property: they
1591                  classify sub-specifications according to `kinds' that
1592                  needs to be completed differently. The authors
1593                  illustrate rapid prototyping from a template for
1594                  operating systems, specifically showing how to obtain a
1595                  rapid prototype of the MINIX system. This approach may
1596                  also be useful for other classes of systems, such as
1597                  architectures.",
1598   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
1599   affiliation =  "Div. of Comput. Sci., California Univ., Davis, CA,
1600                  USA",
1601   classification = "C6110B (Software engineering techniques); C6150J
1602                  (Operating systems)",
1603   keywords =     "Executable template specification; MINIX system;
1604                  Operating systems; Proof obligations; Rapid
1605                  prototyping; Specification process;
1606                  Sub-specifications",
1607   thesaurus =    "Operating systems [computers]; Software prototyping",
1608 }
1610 @MastersThesis{Ference:1991:IMC,
1611   author =       "James M. Ference",
1612   title =        "Implementation of {Minix} on the {CT-MiniFrame}",
1613   type =         "Thesis (M.S.)",
1614   school =       "San Francisco State University",
1615   address =      "San Francisco, CA, USA",
1616   pages =        "xi + 380",
1617   year =         "1991",
1618   bibdate =      "Sat May 4 18:45:07 MDT 1996",
1619   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
1620   keywords =     "Operating systems (Computers)",
1621 }
1623 @MastersThesis{Meier:1991:PM,
1624   author =       "Harald Meier",
1625   title =        "{Portierung von Minix auf 68000-rechner}",
1626   school =       "Technische Universit{\"{a}}t Braunschweig",
1627   address =      "Braunschweig, Germany",
1628   year =         "1991",
1629   bibdate =      "Fri Dec 18 11:04:47 1998",
1630   bibsource =    "Misc/TUBScsd.bib",
1631   descriptor =   "68000, Betriebssystem, Minix, Task",
1632 }
1634 @Article{Mull:1991:EST,
1635   author =       "A. J. Mull and P. T. Maginnis",
1636   title =        "Evolutionary steps toward a distributed operating
1637                  system: theory and implementation",
1638   journal =      j-OPER-SYS-REV,
1639   volume =       "25",
1640   number =       "4",
1641   pages =        "4--13",
1642   month =        oct,
1643   year =         "1991",
1644   CODEN =        "OSRED8",
1645   ISSN =         "0163-5980",
1646   bibdate =      "Mon Sep 30 17:13:18 MDT 1996",
1647   abstract =     "Generally speaking, distributed operating system (DOS)
1648                  designers seem more concerned with resource sharing,
1649                  global file system transparency, and implementation
1650                  methodology. The authors feel that a DOS may provide
1651                  the platform for linear speedup of applications if
1652                  performance considerations are given highest priority
1653                  in the design of the DOS. Work has been underway to
1654                  test the implementation of such a DOS design in the
1655                  MINIX environment.",
1656   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
1657   affiliation =  "Dept. of Comput. and Inf. Sci., Mississippi Univ.,
1658                  University, MS, USA",
1659   classification = "C6150J (Operating systems); C6150N (Distributed
1660                  systems)",
1661   keywords =     "Distributed operating system; DOS; MINIX environment;
1662                  Performance",
1663   thesaurus =    "Network operating systems; Unix",
1664 }
1666 @MastersThesis{Smith:1991:RPU,
1667   author =       "Richard Smith",
1668   title =        "Real-time processing under the {MINIX} system",
1669   type =         "Thesis (M.Sc.)",
1670   publisher =    "National Library of Canada = Biblioth{\`e}que
1671                  nationale du Canada",
1672   school =       "University of Regina",
1673   address =      "Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada",
1674   year =         "1991",
1675   ISBN =         "0-315-70349-0",
1676   LCCN =         "????",
1677   bibdate =      "Sat May 4 18:45:07 MDT 1996",
1678   note =         "2 microfiches. University Microfilms order no.
1679                  UMI00319115.",
1680   series =       "Canadian theses = Th{\`e}ses canadiennes",
1681   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
1682 }
1684 @Misc{Tanenbaum:1991:M,
1685   author =       "Andrew S. Tanenbaum",
1686   title =        "{MINIX}",
1687   publisher =    pub-PH,
1688   address =      pub-PH:adr,
1689   edition =      "Version 1.5.",
1690   year =         "1991",
1691   bibdate =      "Sat May 4 18:45:07 MDT 1996",
1692   note =         "12 computer disks.",
1693   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
1694   annote =       "Title from disk label. Disk 1. PC boot disk -- Disk 2.
1695                  AT boot disk -- Disk 3. Universal boot disk -- Disk 4.
1696                  Root file system -- Disk 5. System binaries \#1 -- Disk
1697                  6. System binaries \#2 -- Disk 7. System binaries \#3
1698                  -- Disk 8. Operating system sources -- Disk 9. Commands
1699                  sources \#1 -- Disk 10. Commands sources \#2 -- Disk
1700                  11. Networking sources -- Disk 12. Boot disk with ST
1701                  506 hard disk. An operating system that is system call
1702                  compatible with Version 7 of UNIX operating system.
1703                  System requirements: IBM PC, XT or AT or PS/2 or
1704                  compatibles; 512K; 10 megabyte hard disk; monochrome
1705                  Hercules CBA or EGA. IBM PC. IBM AT. IBM XT. IBM
1706                  PS/2.",
1707   keywords =     "IBM microcomputers -- Programming.; MINIX (Computer
1708                  operating system)",
1709 }
1711 @Misc{Tanenbaum:1991:MAS,
1712   author =       "Andrew S. Tanenbaum",
1713   title =        "{MINIX} 1.5 for the {Atari ST} and {MegaST}",
1714   publisher =    pub-PH,
1715   address =      pub-PH:adr,
1716   year =         "1991",
1717   ISBN =         "0-13-585035-5",
1718   LCCN =         "QA76.76.O63",
1719   bibdate =      "Sat May 4 18:45:07 MDT 1996",
1720   note =         "10 computer disks.",
1721   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
1722   annote =       "Title from disk label. Presents an operating system
1723                  that is system call compatible with version 7 of the
1724                  UNIX operating system. Includes the source code for the
1725                  complete system (over 125,000 lines of C), but does not
1726                  include the C compiler sources. System requirements:
1727                  Atari ST or MegaST; at least 1M; 720K disk drive. Atari
1728                  ST",
1729   keywords =     "Operating systems (Computers) -- Software.",
1730 }
1732 @Misc{Tanenbaum:1991:MIP,
1733   author =       "Andrew S. Tanenbaum",
1734   title =        "{MINIX} 1.5 5 1/4in for the {IBM PC}, {XT}, {AT}, 386
1735                  and {PS/2}",
1736   publisher =    pub-PH,
1737   address =      pub-PH:adr,
1738   edition =      "Version 1.5.",
1739   year =         "1991",
1740   ISBN =         "0-13-585076-2",
1741   LCCN =         "????",
1742   bibdate =      "Sat May 4 18:45:07 MDT 1996",
1743   note =         "17 computer disks.",
1744   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
1745   annote =       "Title from disk label. Disk 1. PC boot disk -- Disk 2.
1746                  AT boot disk -- Disk 3. Universal boot disk -- Disk 4.
1747                  Root file system -- Disk 5. System binaries \#1 (/usr)
1748                  -- Disk 6. System binaries \#2 -- Disk 7. System
1749                  binaries \#3 -- Disk 8. System binaries \#4 -- Disk 9.
1750                  System binaries \# 5 -- Disk 10. System binaries \#6 --
1751                  Disk 11. Operating system sources -- Disk 12. Include,
1752                  lib, tools sources -- Disk 13. Commands sources \#1 --
1753                  Disk 14. Commands sources \#2 -- Disk 15. Commands
1754                  sources \#3 -- Disk 16. Commands sources \#4 -- Disk
1755                  17. Networking sources. An operating system that is
1756                  system call compatible with Version 7 of UNIX operating
1757                  system. System requirements: IBM PC, XT or AT, 386 or
1758                  PS/2 or compatibles.",
1759   keywords =     "IBM microcomputers -- Programming.; MINIX (Computer
1760                  operating system)",
1761 }
1763 @Article{Tsai:1991:ICM,
1764   author =       "Shang Rong Tsai and Ru Jing Chen",
1765   title =        "Interprocess communication with multicast support in
1766                  {DMINIX} operating system",
1767   journal =      j-MICROPROC-MICROPROG,
1768   volume =       "32",
1769   number =       "1-5",
1770   pages =        "145--152",
1771   month =        aug,
1772   year =         "1991",
1773   CODEN =        "MMICDT",
1774   ISSN =         "0165-6074",
1775   bibdate =      "Mon Sep 30 17:21:43 MDT 1996",
1776   note =         "17th EUROMICRO Symposium on Microprocessing and
1777                  Microprogramming. Hardware and Software Design
1778                  Automation.",
1779   abstract =     "DMINIX is a distributed operating system derived from
1780                  MINIX. The design and implementation of the
1781                  interprocess communication in the DMINIX system are
1782                  presented in this paper. The design goals of
1783                  interprocess communication in DMINIX are to supply a
1784                  highly reliable and network transparent environment for
1785                  system and user processes, and to make the designs and
1786                  developments of distributed software simpler. The
1787                  authors followed MINIX's rendezvous strategy in IPC
1788                  design to simplify the managements of system buffers.
1789                  Network transparency is very important in designing a
1790                  large-scale distributed system. With this property the
1791                  mobility of processes can be increased. Thus, in the
1792                  DMINIX system, a distributed program can be developed
1793                  on a single machine and then distributed on network of
1794                  computers once the program is logically correct. The
1795                  IPC was carefully designed such that it can easily
1796                  support more system services such as distributed file
1797                  services and process migration. The IPC also supports
1798                  multicast. The design of multicast support in the
1799                  DMINIX system will be discussed.",
1800   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
1801   affiliation =  "Dept. of Electr. Eng., Nat. Cheng-Kung Univ., Tainan,
1802                  Taiwan",
1803   classification = "C5620 (Computer networks and techniques); C6150J
1804                  (Operating systems)",
1805   keywords =     "Distributed operating system; DMINIX operating system;
1806                  Interprocess communication; Multicast support; Network
1807                  transparency; System buffers",
1808   thesaurus =    "Network operating systems",
1809 }
1811 @InProceedings{Archer:1992:EOS,
1812   author =       "M. Archer and J. Bock and D. Frincke and K. Levitt",
1813   title =        "Effectiveness of operating system prototyping from a
1814                  template: application to {MINIX}",
1815   crossref =     "Kanapoulos:1992:SIW",
1816   pages =        "55--66",
1817   DOI =          "http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/IWRSP.1991.218623",
1818   year =         "1992",
1819   bibdate =      "Mon Sep 30 17:00:16 MDT 1996",
1820   abstract =     "In a previous paper, M. Archer et al. (1990) presented
1821                  a tool for the rapid prototyping of operating systems
1822                  based on an executable template operating system
1823                  specification. By extending the template specification,
1824                  a designer can generate a rapid prototype of a specific
1825                  operating system. The template specification consists
1826                  of sorts (object classes) arranged in a hierarchy of
1827                  three kinds, where the design decisions made in the
1828                  template for each kind are in some sense more general
1829                  than those made for its successor kind. The FASE (final
1830                  algebra specification and execution) system language
1831                  was used as the language for the specification. It is
1832                  the authors' belief that the SRM template is general
1833                  enough to be used as a basis for rapid prototyping
1834                  nearly any non-distributed operating system at the
1835                  system call level. It is important to test this belief,
1836                  and to show that the speed of prototype development and
1837                  the execution speed of a rapid prototype are great
1838                  enough for the development of a prototype to be useful
1839                  for testing the properties of a design. The authors
1840                  answer these questions, demonstrate the usefulness of
1841                  having a rapid prototype of an operating system, and
1842                  evaluate the template methodology in general.",
1843   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
1844   affiliation =  "Div. of Comput. Sci., California Univ., Davis, CA,
1845                  USA",
1846   classification = "C6110B (Software engineering techniques); C6150J
1847                  (Operating systems)",
1848   keywords =     "Executable template operating system specification;
1849                  FASE; Final algebra specification; MINIX;
1850                  Non-distributed operating system; Object classes;
1851                  Operating system prototyping; Rapid prototype; Specific
1852                  operating system; SRM template; System call level;
1853                  System language",
1854   thesaurus =    "Formal specification; Operating systems [computers];
1855                  Software prototyping; Specification languages",
1856 }
1858 @InProceedings{Louboutin:1992:IPM,
1859   author =       "S. R. Y. Louboutin",
1860   title =        "An implementation of a process migration mechanism
1861                  using {Minix}",
1862   crossref =     "Anonymous:1992:EUG",
1863   pages =        "213--224",
1864   year =         "1992",
1865   bibdate =      "Mon Sep 30 17:13:18 MDT 1996",
1866   abstract =     "An implementation of a process migration mechanism
1867                  realised on a network of PCs running under Minix is
1868                  described. The design of Minix incorporates modern
1869                  operating system design concepts (micro kernal, message
1870                  passing, client-server model) and insures a good
1871                  process encapsulation which is necessary for such a
1872                  realisation. Remote execution is achieved by using
1873                  surrogates or stub processes so that the lack of
1874                  integration of the platform can be overcome. Despite
1875                  the drawback of leaving a residual dependency on the
1876                  node where the migrating process has been created it
1877                  appears to be an appealing approach particularly
1878                  suitable to this system. The isomorphism between the
1879                  built-in message passing mechanism and the add-on
1880                  Amoeba communication protocol implementing RPC has been
1881                  extensively used to this purpose. Minix, even enhanced
1882                  with the Amoeba network communication facility is
1883                  certainly not a distributed system. However, it
1884                  features some of the properties which makes feasible
1885                  the realisation of a process migration facility.
1886                  Furthermore, Minix does not require an actual network
1887                  to develop and test networking software which can be
1888                  done on a standalone system. It therefore is a suitable
1889                  and inexpensive platform to conduct such experiments.",
1890   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
1891   affiliation =  "Univ. Coll., Dublin, Ireland",
1892   classification = "B6210L (Computer communications); C5620 (Computer
1893                  networks and techniques); C6150J (Operating systems)",
1894   keywords =     "Add-on Amoeba communication protocol; Amoeba network
1895                  communication facility; Built-in message passing
1896                  mechanism; Client-server model; Isomorphism; Message
1897                  passing; Micro kernal; Migrating process; Minix; Modern
1898                  operating system design concepts; Networking software;
1899                  PCs; Process encapsulation; Process migration
1900                  mechanism; Remote execution; Residual dependency; RPC;
1901                  Stub processes; Surrogates",
1902   thesaurus =    "Computer networks; Microcomputer applications; Unix",
1903 }
1905 @InProceedings{Pazzini:1992:TMT,
1906   author =       "M. Pazzini and P. Navaux",
1907   title =        "{TRIX}, a multiprocessor transputer-based operating
1908                  system",
1909   crossref =     "Valero:1992:PCT",
1910   pages =        "621--630 (vol. 1)",
1911   year =         "1992",
1912   bibdate =      "Mon Sep 30 17:00:16 MDT 1996",
1913   note =         "Two volumes.",
1914   abstract =     "The TRIX project develops an operating system to run
1915                  on multiprocessor machines based on INMOS transputers.
1916                  The source code used to begin the implementation is the
1917                  MINIX operating system, which provides an environment
1918                  of communicating sequential processes. Transputers have
1919                  been embedded in hardware this environment so the
1920                  kernel becomes very small and fast. As the
1921                  architectures supported are multiprocessed, the
1922                  original MINIX communication scheme has to be changed,
1923                  to include locality transparency The TRIX message
1924                  passing mechanism uses transputer instructions to send
1925                  and receive messages and a new task has been added to
1926                  the original MINIX kernel to route outside messages. A
1927                  new Memory Manager is being developed, to distribute
1928                  and balance the processes load amongst the transputer
1929                  network.",
1930   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
1931   affiliation =  "Dept. de Eletronica e Computacao, Univ. Federal de
1932                  Santa Maria, Brazil",
1933   classification = "C5220P (Parallel architecture); C5440
1934                  (Multiprocessor systems and techniques); C6150N
1935                  (Distributed systems)",
1936   keywords =     "Communicating sequential processes; INMOS transputers;
1937                  Locality transparency; Message passing mechanism;
1938                  MINIX; Multiprocessor machines; Multiprocessor
1939                  transputer-based operating system; Source code;
1940                  Transputer instructions; TRIX",
1941   thesaurus =    "Multiprocessing systems; Network operating systems;
1942                  Transputer systems",
1943 }
1945 @Book{Tanenbaum:1992:MRM,
1946   author =       "Andrew S. (Andrew Stuart) Tanenbaum and Adrie Koolen
1947                  and Johan W. Stevenson",
1948   title =        "{Minix} 1.5 reference manual",
1949   publisher =    pub-PH,
1950   address =      pub-PH:adr,
1951   pages =        "vii + 709",
1952   year =         "1992",
1953   ISBN =         "0-13-579632-6",
1954   LCCN =         "QA76.76.O63 M74525 1992",
1955   bibdate =      "Sat May 4 18:45:07 MDT 1996",
1956   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
1957   keywords =     "Microcomputers -- Operating systems",
1958 }
1960 @Article{Wei:1992:DSU,
1961   author =       "Yan Wei",
1962   title =        "Disk structures of {Unix} file systems",
1963   journal =      "Mini-Micro Systems",
1964   volume =       "13",
1965   number =       "10",
1966   pages =        "60--64",
1967   year =         "1992",
1968   CODEN =        "XWJXEH",
1969   ISSN =         "1000-1220",
1970   bibdate =      "Mon Sep 30 17:00:16 MDT 1996",
1971   abstract =     "The disk structures of file systems in two up-to-date
1972                  versions of the Unix system (System V and BSD) are
1973                  analysed. Their features are compared to each other.
1974                  The i-node and disk block management mechanisms
1975                  connected with disk structures are also discussed.
1976                  Finally, the disk structure of Minix (a teaching
1977                  version of Unix system) file system is introduced.",
1978   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
1979   classification = "C6120 (File organisation); C6150J (Operating
1980                  systems)",
1981   keywords =     "BSD; Disk block management mechanisms; Disk
1982                  structures; File systems; I-node; Minix; System V;
1983                  Teaching version; Unix system; Up-to-date versions",
1984   language =     "Chinese",
1985   pubcountry =   "China",
1986   thesaurus =    "Storage allocation; Storage management; Unix",
1987 }
1989 @Article{Ciancarini:1993:LMM,
1990   author =       "P. Ciancarini and N. Guerrini",
1991   title =        "{Linda} meets {Minix}",
1992   journal =      j-OPER-SYS-REV,
1993   volume =       "27",
1994   number =       "4",
1995   pages =        "76--92",
1996   month =        oct,
1997   year =         "1993",
1998   CODEN =        "OSRED8",
1999   DOI =          "http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/163640.163647",
2000   ISSN =         "0163-5980",
2001   bibdate =      "Mon Sep 30 17:00:16 MDT 1996",
2002   abstract =     "Currently much interest is devoted to the development
2003                  of systems supporting parallel and distributed
2004                  programming over a network of workstations. The authors
2005                  explore operating system support for this kind of
2006                  programming, that is usually implemented at the user
2007                  process level. They have chosen the Linda model as the
2008                  basis of a programming system for networks of personal
2009                  computers running Minix, a Unix-like operating system.
2010                  They briefly describe the Minix operating system and
2011                  its services for remote communication based on the
2012                  Amoeba protocol. They have extended Minix with new
2013                  communication primitives based on Linda; they show
2014                  their implementation, describing the new system
2015                  architecture, and compare the new system with other
2016                  Linda implementations.",
2017   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
2018   affiliation =  "Bologna Univ., Italy",
2019   classification = "C6110P (Parallel programming); C6140D (High level
2020                  languages); C6150N (Distributed systems)",
2021   keywords =     "Amoeba protocol; Communication primitives; Distributed
2022                  programming; Linda; Minix; Operating system support;
2023                  Personal computer networks; Remote communication; Unix;
2024                  Workstation network",
2025   thesaurus =    "Microcomputer applications; Network operating systems;
2026                  Parallel languages; Remote procedure calls",
2027 }
2029 @Article{DeJonge:1993:LDN,
2030   author =       "W. {De Jonge} and M. F. Kaashoek and W. C. Hsieh",
2031   title =        "The {Logical Disk}: a new approach to improving file
2032                  systems",
2033   journal =      j-OPER-SYS-REV,
2034   volume =       "27",
2035   number =       "5",
2036   pages =        "15--28",
2037   month =        dec,
2038   year =         "1993",
2039   CODEN =        "OSRED8",
2040   ISSN =         "0163-5980",
2041   bibdate =      "Mon Sep 30 17:08:59 MDT 1996",
2042   note =         "14th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles,
2043                  Ashville, NC, USA.",
2044   abstract =     "The Logical Disk (LD) defines a new interface to disk
2045                  storage that separates file management and disk
2046                  management by using logical block numbers and block
2047                  lists. The LD interface is designed to support multiple
2048                  file systems and to allow multiple implementations,
2049                  both of which are important given the increasing use of
2050                  kernels that support multiple operating system
2051                  personalities. A log-structured implementation of LD
2052                  (LLD) demonstrates that LD can be implemented
2053                  efficiently. LLD adds about 5\% to 10\% to the purchase
2054                  cost of a disk for the main memory it requires.
2055                  Combining LLD with an existing file system results in a
2056                  log-structured file system that exhibits the same
2057                  performance characteristics as the Sprite
2058                  log-structured file system.",
2059   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
2060   affiliation =  "Dept. of Math. and Comput. Sci., Vrije Univ.,
2061                  Amsterdam, Netherlands",
2062   classification = "C6120 (File organisation); C6150J (Operating
2063                  systems)",
2064   keywords =     "Block lists; Disk management; Disk storage; File
2065                  management; File systems; Log-structured file system;
2066                  Logical block numbers; Logical Disk; MINIX; Multiple
2067                  file systems; Operating system personalities;
2068                  Performance characteristics; Sprite; UNIX",
2069   thesaurus =    "File organisation; Operating systems [computers];
2070                  Storage management",
2071 }
2073 @Article{Guerrero:1993:IEA,
2074   author =       "R. Guerrero and L. Leguizamon and R. Gallard",
2075   title =        "Implementation and evaluation of alternative process
2076                  schedulers in {Minix}",
2077   journal =      j-OPER-SYS-REV,
2078   volume =       "27",
2079   number =       "1",
2080   pages =        "79--100",
2081   month =        jan,
2082   year =         "1993",
2083   CODEN =        "OSRED8",
2084   DOI =          "http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/160551.160558",
2085   ISSN =         "0163-5980",
2086   bibdate =      "Mon Sep 30 17:00:16 MDT 1996",
2087   bibsource =    "Compendex database",
2088   abstract =     "Minix is a Unix clone Operating System, designed by
2089                  Tanembaum ([2], [3]) to allow beginners to do practical
2090                  training in Operatin Systems area. In this context the
2091                  present paper describes the work done by a group of
2092                  students implementing alternative process schedulers
2093                  disciplines and their evaluation comparing performance
2094                  estimates. Some unexpected deviations in the original
2095                  implementation (Minix V. 1. 0), found during software
2096                  development, are also reported.",
2097   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
2098   affiliation =  "Dept. de Inf., Univ. Nacional de San Luis, Argentina",
2099   affiliation =  "Univ Nacional de San Luis",
2100   affiliationaddress = "San Luis, Argent",
2101   classification = "C0220 (Education and training); C6150J (Operating
2102                  systems); C7810C (Computer-aided instruction)",
2103   classification = "722.4; 723.1",
2104   journalabr =   "Oper Syst Rev ACM",
2105   keywords =     "Alternative process schedulers disciplines; Beginners;
2106                  Performance estimates; Practical training; Software
2107                  development; Students; Unix clone operating system",
2108   keywords =     "Alternative process schedulers; Computer operating
2109                  systems; Computer software; Evaluation; MINIX;
2110                  Performance; Scheduling; Software engineering",
2111   thesaurus =    "Computer science education; Educational computing;
2112                  Scheduling; Unix",
2113 }
2115 @Article{Kavka:1993:EDM,
2116   author =       "C. Kavka and M. Printista and R. Gallard",
2117   title =        "Extending device management in {Minix}",
2118   journal =      j-OPER-SYS-REV,
2119   volume =       "27",
2120   number =       "2",
2121   pages =        "35--43",
2122   month =        apr,
2123   year =         "1993",
2124   CODEN =        "OSRED8",
2125   DOI =          "http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/155848.155856",
2126   ISSN =         "0163-5980",
2127   bibdate =      "Mon Sep 30 17:00:16 MDT 1996",
2128   abstract =     "Minix is a Unix clone operating system, designed by
2129                  Tanembaum (1987), to allow beginners to do practical
2130                  training in the operating systems area. In this context
2131                  the present paper describes the work done by a group of
2132                  undergraduates implementing extensions in device
2133                  management. Problems in the original code, detected
2134                  during the analysis and development stages, are also
2135                  reported.",
2136   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
2137   affiliation =  "Dept. de Inf., Univ. Nacional de San Luis, Argentina",
2138   classification = "C6150J (Operating systems)",
2139   keywords =     "Device management; Minix; Operating systems; Unix
2140                  clone",
2141   thesaurus =    "Unix",
2142 }
2144 @MastersThesis{Li:1993:PMV,
2145   author =       "Xiaohong Li",
2146   title =        "Porting {MINIX} to {VM}",
2147   type =         "Thesis (M.S.)",
2148   school =       "Teikyo Marycrest University",
2149   address =      "Tokyo, Japan (??)",
2150   pages =        "v + 83",
2151   year =         "1993",
2152   bibdate =      "Sat May 4 18:45:07 MDT 1996",
2153   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
2154   keywords =     "IBM 9370 (Computer); IBM Personal Computer.; Virtual
2155                  computer systems.",
2156 }
2158 @Article{Nakao:1993:ACD,
2159   author =       "Zensho Nakao and Masaya Kinjo and Masahiro Nakama",
2160   title =        "{Ada} and {C}: differences as the language for system
2161                  programming",
2162   journal =      j-SIGADA-LETTERS,
2163   volume =       "13",
2164   number =       "5",
2165   pages =        "22--31",
2166   month =        sep # "\slash " # oct,
2167   year =         "1993",
2168   CODEN =        "AALEE5",
2169   ISSN =         "0736-721X",
2170   bibdate =      "Thu Sep 04 06:50:32 1997",
2171   bibsource =    "Compendex database",
2172   abstract =     "Some fundamental differences between Ada and C as the
2173                  language for operating system description are listed
2174                  up. Specifically, those differences observed in
2175                  translating the C-based MINIX operating system into Ada
2176                  are presented. The authors also give concrete
2177                  illustrative program examples.",
2178   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
2179   affiliation =  "Fac. of Eng., Ryukyus Univ., Okinawa, Japan",
2180   classification = "721.1; 723.1; 723.1.1; 723.2; C6110 (Systems
2181                  analysis and programming); C6140D (High level
2182                  languages); C6150C (Compilers, interpreters and other
2183                  processors); C6150J (Operating systems)",
2184   conferenceyear = "1993",
2185   journalabr =   "Ada Lett",
2186   keywords =     "Ada; Ada (programming language); Ada-based MINIX
2187                  operating systems; Boolean algebra; C; C (programming
2188                  language); C-based MINIX operating system; C-based
2189                  MINIX operating systems; Codes (symbols); Computer
2190                  operating systems; Computer systems programming; Data
2191                  structures; Data types; Operating system description;
2192                  Program translators; Programming languages; Programming
2193                  theory; System programming",
2194   thesaurus =    "Ada; Ada listings; C language; Operating systems
2195                  [computers]; Program interpreters; Programming; Unix",
2196 }
2198 @Article{Tsai:1993:LMM,
2199   author =       "Shang Rong Tsai and Lian-Jou Tsai",
2200   title =        "A logical machine monitor supporting an environment
2201                  for development and execution of operating systems",
2202   journal =      j-J-SYST-SOFTW,
2203   volume =       "21",
2204   number =       "1",
2205   pages =        "27--39",
2206   month =        apr,
2207   year =         "1993",
2208   CODEN =        "JSSODM",
2209   ISSN =         "0164-1212",
2210   bibdate =      "Mon Sep 30 17:00:16 MDT 1996",
2211   abstract =     "The logical machine is an approach for designing and
2212                  developing operating systems. It partitions
2213                  conventional operating systems into two parts, the
2214                  logical machine operating system and the logical
2215                  machine monitor, which are responsible for user
2216                  services and system resource management, respectively.
2217                  The logical machine monitor provides a logical machine
2218                  interface for the logical machine operating system to
2219                  get the resources it needs. A logical machine monitor,
2220                  LMM386, has been successfully implemented to provide an
2221                  environment for the development and execution of a
2222                  logical machine operating systems (LMOS). Also, the
2223                  LMM386 introduces a tool for developing LMM386 itself
2224                  and the LMOS. This article discusses how to develop a
2225                  logical machine system on 80386 machines. An LMOS
2226                  derived from MINIX, executed in this environment, was
2227                  built to demonstrate the feasibility and merits of the
2228                  logical machine concept. By this approach, one can
2229                  easily monitor the behaviour of the LMOS. Furthermore,
2230                  by applying the concept in a distributed environment,
2231                  one can enhance the system capabilities, such as remote
2232                  disk mapping, disk replication and fault tolerance,
2233                  without changing the internal logic of the LMOS.",
2234   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
2235   affiliation =  "Dept. of Electr. Eng., Nat. Cheng-Kung Univ., Tainan,
2236                  Taiwan",
2237   classification = "C6150J (Operating systems); C7430 (Computer
2238                  engineering)",
2239   keywords =     "80386 Machines; Disk replication; Distributed
2240                  environment; Fault tolerance; LMM386; Logical machine
2241                  monitor; Logical machine operating system; MINIX;
2242                  Remote disk mapping; System development; System
2243                  resource management; User services; Virtual machine",
2244   thesaurus =    "Operating systems [computers]; Virtual machines",
2245 }
2247 @MastersThesis{Viken:1993:LRA,
2248   author =       "J{\o}rn I. Viken",
2249   title =        "Lindex --- en reimplementasjon av {MINIX} ved hjelp av
2250                  {Linda.} (Norwegian) [{Lindex}: a reimplementation of
2251                  {MINIX} with the help af {Linda}",
2252   language =     "Norwegian",
2253   school =       "Universitetet i Oslo,",
2254   year =         "1993",
2255   pages =        "179",
2256   address =      "Oslo, Norway",
2257   type =         "Hovedoppgave i informatikk (Informatics thesis)",
2258   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
2259   bibdate =      "Wed Apr 12 06:00:34 2006",
2260 }
2262 @Article{Ashton:1994:SMT,
2263   author =       "P. Ashton and D. Ayers and P. Smith",
2264   title =        "Sun{OS} {Minix}: a tool for use in operating system
2265                  laboratories",
2266   journal =      j-AUSTRALIAN-COMP-SCI-COMM,
2267   volume =       "16",
2268   number =       "1,",
2269   pages =        "259--269",
2270   year =         "1994",
2271   CODEN =        "ACSCDD",
2272   ISSN =         "0157-3055",
2273   bibdate =      "Mon Sep 30 17:02:30 MDT 1996",
2274   abstract =     "Laboratory work is an essential part of the learning
2275                  experience in many areas of computer science, and this
2276                  is particularly true in the area of operating systems.
2277                  To support laboratory work in operating systems, we
2278                  have created SunOS Minix, a version of the Minix
2279                  operating system that runs as a process under Sun Unix
2280                  (SunOS). To date, projects for two advanced classes on
2281                  operating systems have involved extensive work with the
2282                  SunOS Minix source code. Also, we are in the process of
2283                  developing a novel graphical monitoring and control
2284                  interface that will make SunOS Minix a powerful tool
2285                  for use in introductory operating system
2286                  laboratories.",
2287   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
2288   affiliation =  "Dept. of Comput. Sci., Canterbury Univ., Christchurch,
2289                  New Zealand",
2290   classification = "C0220 (Computing education and training); C6150J
2291                  (Operating systems)",
2292   keywords =     "Advanced classes; Computer science; Control interface;
2293                  Graphical monitoring; Introductory operating system
2294                  laboratories; Laboratory work; Minix operating system;
2295                  Operating system laboratories; Source code; Sun Unix;
2296                  SunOS Minix",
2297   thesaurus =    "Computer science education; Operating systems
2298                  [computers]; Teaching; Unix",
2299 }
2301 @InProceedings{Tsai:1994:LBF,
2302   author =       "Shang Rong Tsai and Jyh-Tzong Chiou and Huan-Ting
2303                  Jen",
2304   title =        "Load balance facility in distributed {MINIX} system",
2305   crossref =     "IEEE:1994:SAI",
2306   pages =        "162--169",
2307   DOI =          "http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/EURMIC.1994.390339 ",
2308   year =         "1994",
2309   bibdate =      "Mon Sep 30 17:06:20 MDT 1996",
2310   abstract =     "This paper presents the design of a load balance
2311                  facility with dynamic load balance policy in the
2312                  Distributed MINIX operating system. It also discusses
2313                  the performance improved with the load balance
2314                  facilities. Process migration and remote execution are
2315                  used as the basic mechanisms to achieve load balance.
2316                  We also design a simple and efficient method to get the
2317                  workload of a computer and a method to get process
2318                  characteristics. Depending on the workload and process
2319                  characteristics, the load balance facilities can decide
2320                  which process to migrate and where to migrate
2321                  effectively. The experiment shows that the system
2322                  performance can be improved with our load balance
2323                  facilities.",
2324   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
2325   affiliation =  "Dept. of Electr. Eng., Nat. Cheng Kung Univ., Tainan,
2326                  Taiwan",
2327   classification = "C6150N (Distributed systems software)",
2328   keywords =     "Distributed MINIX system; Dynamic load balance policy;
2329                  Load balance facility; Process characteristics; Process
2330                  migration; Remote execution; System performance",
2331   thesaurus =    "Network operating systems; Operating systems
2332                  [computers]; Processor scheduling; Resource allocation;
2333                  Unix",
2334 }
2336 @MastersThesis{Chang:1995:IWS,
2337   author =       "Chiu-liang Chang",
2338   title =        "The implementation of a Window system for {MINIX}
2339                  1.3",
2340   type =         "Thesis (M.S.)",
2341   school =       "California State University, Chico",
2342   address =      "Chico, CA, USA",
2343   pages =        "x + 65",
2344   year =         "1995",
2345   bibdate =      "Thu Sep 4 06:34:12 MDT 1997",
2346   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
2347 }
2349 @MastersThesis{Chittoor:1995:ISS,
2350   author =       "Chandra S. Chittoor",
2351   title =        "Implementation of sockets on {SunOS Minix}",
2352   type =         "Thesis (M.S.)",
2353   school =       "Kansas State University",
2354   address =      "Manhattan, KS, USA",
2355   pages =        "iii + 75",
2356   year =         "1995",
2357   bibdate =      "Sat May 4 18:45:07 MDT 1996",
2358   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
2359 }
2361 @Article{Matsumoto:1995:CSN,
2362   author =       "H. Matsumoto and Y. Hashino and H. Yashiro and N.
2363                  Shinohara and H. Omura",
2364   title =        "Computer simulation on nonlinear interaction of
2365                  intense microwaves with space plasmas",
2366   journal =      "Transactions of the Institute of Electronics,
2367                  Information and Communication Engineers B-II",
2368   volume =       "J78B-II",
2369   number =       "3",
2370   pages =        "119--129",
2371   month =        mar,
2372   year =         "1995",
2373   CODEN =        "DTBTEU",
2374   bibdate =      "Mon Sep 30 17:06:20 MDT 1996",
2375   abstract =     "In order to provide a quantitative measure of the
2376                  nonlinear effects of intense microwaves on space
2377                  plasmas, we conducted computer simulations using an
2378                  electromagnetic particle code called KEMPO. It turns
2379                  out that the excited level of the Langmuir waves is
2380                  smaller than that of the electron cyclotron harmonic
2381                  waves. This finding was the opposite of the theoretical
2382                  prediction. Interpretation of this apparent
2383                  contradiction with the theory is given.",
2384   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
2385   affiliation =  "Radio Atmos. Sci. Center, Kyoto Univ., Japan",
2386   classification = "A5235M (Nonlinear plasma waves and nonlinear
2387                  interactions); A5240D (Electromagnetic wave propagation
2388                  in plasma); A9420R (Ionospheric plasma waves,
2389                  instabilities, and interactions); B5210H
2390                  (Electromagnetic wave propagation in plasma); C7340
2391                  (Geophysics computing)",
2392   keywords =     "Computer simulation; Electromagnetic particle code;
2393                  Electron cyclotron harmonic waves; Intense microwaves;
2394                  KEMPO; Langmuir waves; Microwave Ionosphere Nonlinear
2395                  Interaction Experiment; MINIX; Nonlinear effects;
2396                  Nonlinear interaction; Solar power station; Space
2397                  plasmas; Three wave coupling; Wave-wave-particle
2398                  interaction",
2399   language =     "Japanese",
2400   pubcountry =   "Japan",
2401   thesaurus =    "Geophysics computing; Ionosphere; Microwave power
2402                  transmission; Plasma electromagnetic wave propagation;
2403                  Plasma Langmuir waves; Plasma nonlinear waves; Solar
2404                  power satellites",
2405 }
2407 @InProceedings{ONeil:1995:GDD,
2408   author =       "T. E. O'Neil and B. Knudson",
2409   title =        "A Generic Device Driver for the {MINIX} Operating
2410                  System",
2411   crossref =     "Anonymous:1995:SCC",
2412   pages =        "187--193",
2413   year =         "1995",
2414   bibdate =      "Thu Sep 4 06:34:12 MDT 1997",
2415   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
2416 }
2418 @Article{Wainer:1995:IRS,
2419   author =       "Gabriel A. Wainer",
2420   title =        "Implementing real-time services in {MINIX}",
2421   journal =      j-OPER-SYS-REV,
2422   volume =       "29",
2423   number =       "3",
2424   pages =        "75--84",
2425   month =        jul,
2426   year =         "1995",
2427   CODEN =        "OSRED8",
2428   DOI =          "http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/206826.206846",
2429   ISSN =         "0163-5980",
2430   bibdate =      "Mon Sep 30 17:02:30 MDT 1996",
2431   abstract =     "We present the results of a project devoted to
2432                  providing programming facilities to develop hard
2433                  real-time software. We have used the MINIX operating
2434                  system as a tool. We allow the programmer to define
2435                  timing constraints for the tasks, letting the operating
2436                  system run these tasks in a timely fashion. In this
2437                  way, we can improve productivity, security and costs in
2438                  the system development cycle.",
2439   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
2440   affiliation =  "Dept. de Comput., Buenos Aires Univ., Argentina",
2441   classification = "C6115 (Programming support); C6130S (Data security);
2442                  C6150J (Operating systems)",
2443   keywords =     "Costs; Hard real-time software development; MINIX
2444                  operating system; Productivity; Programming facilities;
2445                  Real-time services; Security; System development cycle;
2446                  Tasks; Timing constraints",
2447   thesaurus =    "Operating systems [computers]; Real-time systems;
2448                  Security of data; Software cost estimation; Software
2449                  tools; Timing",
2450 }
2452 @MastersThesis{Xu:1995:SIP,
2453   author =       "Li Xu",
2454   title =        "Study of an implementation of processes in {MINIX}",
2455   type =         "Thesis (M.S.)",
2456   school =       "Mathematics and Computer Science, Central Missouri
2457                  State University",
2458   address =      "Warrensburg, MO, USA",
2459   pages =        "iv + 34",
2460   year =         "1995",
2461   bibdate =      "Sat May 4 18:45:07 MDT 1996",
2462   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
2463   keywords =     "MINIX (Computer file)",
2464 }
2466 @MastersThesis{Yang:1995:SMO,
2467   author =       "Po-Tsun Yang",
2468   title =        "Study of {MINIX} operating system",
2469   type =         "Thesis (M.S.)",
2470   school =       "Mathematics and Computer Science, Central Missouri
2471                  State University",
2472   address =      "Warrensburg, MO 64093, USA",
2473   pages =        "iv + 27",
2474   year =         "1995",
2475   bibdate =      "Sat May 4 18:45:07 MDT 1996",
2476   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
2477   keywords =     "MINIX (Computer file); Operating systems (Computers)",
2478 }
2480 @MastersThesis{Vaidyanathan:1996:PMM,
2481   author =       "Ranjani Vaidyanathan",
2482   title =        "Porting {MINIX} to a multiprocessor platform",
2483   type =         "Thesis (M. S.)",
2484   school =       "Southwest Texas State University",
2485   address =      "San Marcos, TX, US",
2486   pages =        "156",
2487   year =         "1996",
2488   bibdate =      "Thu Sep 4 06:34:12 MDT 1997",
2489   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
2490   keywords =     "Operating systems (Computers); Multiprocessors.",
2491 }
2493 @Article{Ashton:1997:UIN,
2494   author =       "Paul Ashton",
2495   title =        "Using interaction networks for visualization of
2496                  message passing",
2497   journal =      j-SIGCSE,
2498   pages =        "272--276",
2499   year =         "1997",
2500   CODEN =        "SIGSD3",
2501   ISSN =         "0097-8418",
2502   bibdate =      "Thu Sep 4 05:55:40 MDT 1997",
2503   bibsource =    "Compendex database",
2504   abstract =     "Understanding software structured as separate programs
2505                  that communicate via message passing requires
2506                  understanding how the various programs interact with
2507                  each other, as well as understanding the individual
2508                  programs in isolation. An interaction network display
2509                  shows in a visual way message passing within and
2510                  between programs. We have implemented an interaction
2511                  network monitor for the MINIX operating system, for use
2512                  in showing students how the system programs and
2513                  processes of MINIX interact to provide operating system
2514                  services. We give three examples to demonstrate the
2515                  insights into message-based systems that can be gained
2516                  from studying interaction network displays.",
2517   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
2518   affiliation =  "Univ of Canterbury",
2519   affiliationaddress = "Christchurch, New Zealand",
2520   classification = "722.4; 723; 723.1",
2521   conference =   "Proceedings of the 1997 28th SIGCSE Technical
2522                  Symposium on Computer Science Education",
2523   journalabr =   "SIGCSE Bull",
2524   keywords =     "Interactive computer systems; Computer networks;
2525                  Computer operating systems; Structured programming;
2526                  Message passing; Interaction networks; minix operating
2527                  systems",
2528   meetingaddress = "San Jose, CA, USA",
2529   meetingdate =  "Feb 27--Mar 1 1997",
2530   meetingdate2 = "02/27--03/01/97",
2531   sponsor =      "ACM SIGCSE",
2532 }
2534 @Article{Christie:1997:DAK,
2535   author =       "Dave Christie",
2536   title =        "Developing the {AMD-K5} Architecture",
2537   journal =      j-IEEE-MICRO,
2538   volume =       "16",
2539   number =       "2",
2540   pages =        "16--26",
2541   month =        apr,
2542   year =         "1997",
2543   bibdate =      "Thu Sep 04 09:19:47 1997",
2544   note =         "Brief mention of a working port of MINIX to the
2545                  AM29000 RISC microprocessor.",
2546   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
2547 }
2549 @Article{Olabe:1997:OSD,
2550   author =       "M. A. Olabe",
2551   title =        "Operating systems design and implementation: an
2552                  integrated approach using {Minix}",
2553   journal =      j-COMP-EDU-J,
2554   volume =       "7",
2555   number =       "1",
2556   pages =        "59--65",
2557   month =        jan # "\slash " # mar,
2558   year =         "1997",
2559   CODEN =        "CEJOE7",
2560   ISSN =         "1069-3769",
2561   bibdate =      "Thu Sep 4 10:00:57 MDT 1997",
2562   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
2563   classification = "B0120 (Education and training); B6200
2564                  (Telecommunication); C0220 (Computing education and
2565                  training); C6150J (Operating systems)",
2566   corpsource =   "Univ. del Pais Vasco, Bilbao, Spain",
2567   keywords =     "computer science education; educational courses;
2568                  operating systems (computers); teaching;
2569                  telecommunication engineering education; Unix;
2570                  operating systems design; operating systems
2571                  implementation; integrated approach; Minix; Mini-UNIX;
2572                  teaching; educational course; telecommunication
2573                  engineering programme; ETSII-IT, Bilbao, Spain; process
2574                  management; input-output; memory management; file
2575                  system; multitasking; laboratory exercises; source file
2576                  modification; confidence level",
2577   treatment =    "A Application",
2578 }
2580 @Book{Tanenbaum:1997:OSD,
2581   author =       "Andrew S. Tanenbaum and Albert S. Woodhull",
2582   title =        "Operating Systems -- Design and Implementation",
2583   publisher =    pub-PH,
2584   address =      pub-PH:adr,
2585   edition =      "Second",
2586   pages =        "xvii + 939",
2587   year =         "1997",
2588   ISBN =         "0-13-638677-6",
2589   LCCN =         "QA76.76.O63T36 1997",
2590   bibdate =      "Wed Dec 31 08:29:24 1997",
2591   note =         "Includes CD-ROM.",
2592   price =        "US\$62.00",
2593   libnote =      "Not yet in my library.",
2594 }
2596 @Book{Tanenbaum:1998:OSS,
2597   author =       "Andrew S. Tanenbaum and Albert S. Woodhull and Junko
2598                  Chigira",
2599   title =        "Operetingu shisutemu: sekkei to riron oyobi minikkusu
2600                  ni yoru jisso",
2601   publisher =    "Purentisuhoru Shuppan",
2602   address =      "Tokyo, Japan",
2603   edition =      "Second",
2604   pages =        "1033",
2605   year =         "1998",
2606   ISBN =         "4-89471-047-1",
2607   ISBN-13 =      "978-4-89471-047-4",
2608   LCCN =         "????",
2609   bibdate =      "Wed Apr 12 06:12:15 2006",
2610   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
2611   language =     "Japanese",
2612 }
2614 @MastersThesis{Williams:1998:MLU,
2615   author =       "James D. Williams",
2616   title =        "A methodology for {Linux} as a user process based on
2617                  {Solaris Minix} on the {SPARC} architecture",
2618   type =         "Thesis ({M.S.})",
2619   school =       "New Mexico State University",
2620   address =      "as Cruces, NM 88003-8001, USA",
2621   pages =        "xiii + 141",
2622   year =         "1998",
2623   bibdate =      "Wed Apr 12 06:09:29 2006",
2624   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
2625 }
2627 @Book{Tanenbaum:2001:MOS,
2628   author =       "Andrew S. Tanenbaum",
2629   title =        "Modern operating systems",
2630   publisher =    pub-PH,
2631   address =      pub-PH:adr,
2632   edition =      "Second",
2633   pages =        "xxiv + 951",
2634   year =         "2001",
2635   ISBN =         "0-13-031358-0",
2636   ISBN-13 =      "978-0-13-031358-4",
2637   LCCN =         "QA76.76.O63 T359 2001",
2638   bibdate =      "Wed Apr 12 05:42:19 MDT 2006",
2639   bibsource =    "z3950.loc.gov:7090/Voyager",
2640   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
2641   subject =      "Operating systems (Computers)",
2642   keywords =     "GNU/Linux; MINIX; UNIX; Windows 2000",
2643 }
2645 @Article{Howatt:2002:OSP,
2646   author =       "James Howatt",
2647   title =        "Operating systems projects: {Minix} revisited",
2648   journal =      j-SIGCSE,
2649   volume =       "34",
2650   number =       "4",
2651   pages =        "109--111",
2652   month =        dec,
2653   year =         "2002",
2654   CODEN =        "SIGSD3",
2655   DOI =          "http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/820127.820179",
2656   ISSN =         "0097-8418",
2657   bibdate =      "Sat Aug 26 06:56:54 2006",
2658   abstract =     "The author argues for the use of a real, albeit
2659                  educational-strength, operating system, instead of
2660                  simulators, on which to base operating systems
2661                  projects. Minix developers have created a version that
2662                  can be run on Windows and Unix platforms, without the
2663                  need for hard-drive partitioning. Sample projects
2664                  demonstrate how Minix can be used to reinforce
2665                  operating systems concepts.",
2666   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
2667 }
2669 @MastersThesis{Lakshmi:2004:IMM,
2670   author =       "Narasimhan Krishnan Lakshmi",
2671   title =        "Improving {MINIX} memory management",
2672   type =         "Thesis ({M.S.})",
2673   school =       "Kansas State University",
2674   address =      "Manhattan, KS 66506, USA",
2675   pages =        "vi + 62",
2676   year =         "2004",
2677   bibdate =      "Wed Apr 12 06:13:44 2006",
2678   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
2679 }
2681 @MastersThesis{Noll:2004:MDD,
2682   author =       "Ryan P. Noll",
2683   title =        "{Minix} device driver for the {AMD PCnet32}",
2684   type =         "Thesis ({B.S.})",
2685   school =       "California Polytechnic State University,",
2686   address =      "San Luis Obispo, CA, USA",
2687   pages =        "various",
2688   year =         "2004",
2689   bibdate =      "Wed Apr 12 06:15:39 2006",
2690   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
2691 }
2693 @MastersThesis{Herder:2005:TTM,
2694   author =       "Jorrit N. Herder",
2695   title =        "Towards a True Microkernel Operating System: {A}
2696                  revision of {MINIX} that brings quality enhancements
2697                  and strongly reduces the kernel in size by moving
2698                  device drivers to user-space",
2699   type =         "{Master of Science}",
2700   school =       "Department of Computer Science, Vrije Universiteit",
2701   address =      "Amsterdam, The Netherlands",
2702   pages =        "xvi + 117",
2703   day =          "23",
2704   month =        feb,
2705   year =         "2005",
2706   bibdate =      "Wed Jan 09 08:17:53 2008",
2707   URL =          "http://www.minix3.org/doc/herder_thesis.pdf",
2708   abstract =     "An operating system forms the foundation for all of
2709                  the user?s computer activities. Therefore, it should be
2710                  trustworthy and function flawlessly. Unfortunately,
2711                  today?s operating systems, such as Windows and Linux,
2712                  fail to deliver to this ideal, because they suffer from
2713                  fundamental design flaws and bugs. Their monolithic
2714                  kernel tend be overloaded with functionality that runs
2715                  at the highest privilege level. This easily introduces
2716                  bugs and breaches the Principle of Least Authorization
2717                  (POLA) with all the related risks. A malfunctioning
2718                  third-party device driver, for example, can easily reek
2719                  havoc on the system and leave it in a state of total
2720                  mayhem.\par
2722                  Microkernel operating systems have a different design
2723                  that makes them less vulnerable to these problems. A
2724                  microkernel provides only a minimal set of abstractions
2725                  that runs at the highest privilege level. Extended
2726                  operating system functionality is typically available
2727                  by means of user-space servers. By splitting an
2728                  operating system into small, independent parts, the
2729                  system becomes less complex and more robust, because
2730                  the smaller parts are more manageable and help to
2731                  isolate faults, respectively.\par
2733                  This thesis describes an effort to create a more
2734                  reliable operating system by exploiting modularity.
2735                  MINIX was chosen as the base operating system for this
2736                  project because it already is relatively small and
2737                  simple, but provides POSIX compliance at the same time.
2738                  MINIX? kernel can be characterized as a hybrid
2739                  microkernel because it includes device drivers. MINIX?
2740                  memory manager (MM) and file system (FS), however, are
2741                  already implemented as independent user-space
2742                  servers.\par
2744                  The main contribution of this work is that MINIX was
2745                  fully revised to become a true microkernel operating
2746                  system. In kernel-space, several system calls were
2747                  added to support the user-space device drivers, MINIX?
2748                  interprocess communication (IPC) facilities were
2749                  improved, and a new shutdown sequence was realized. In
2750                  user-space, a new information server (IS) was set up to
2751                  handle debugging dumps and a library was created to
2752                  maintain a list watchdog timers. These modifications
2753                  made it possible to strongly reduce the size of MINIX?
2754                  kernel by transforming the PRINTER, MEMORY, AT WINI,
2755                  FLOPPY and TTY tasks into independent, user-space
2756                  device drivers.",
2757   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
2758 }
2760 @MastersThesis{Alting:2006:MPM,
2761   author =       "Ingmar A. Alting",
2762   title =        "{MinixPPC}: {A} port of the {MINIX OS} to the
2763                  {PowerPC} platform: Creating a programming model for
2764                  architecture independency [sic]",
2765   type =         "Masters thesis",
2766   school =       "Department of Computer Science, Vrije Universiteit",
2767   address =      "Amsterdam, The Netherlands",
2768   pages =        "xi + 83 + 59",
2769   day =          "15",
2770   month =        sep,
2771   year =         "2006",
2772   bibdate =      "Wed Jan 09 08:22:16 2008",
2773   URL =          "http://www.minix3.org/doc/alting_thesis.pdf",
2774   abstract =     "The main goal of this project is to indicate what it
2775                  means to port an operating system from one architecture
2776                  to another, and provide a programming paradigm that
2777                  would make future ports easy and fast.\par
2779                  The natively supported architecture of MINIX is the IBM
2780                  PC compatible, that's built around the Intel
2781                  architecture. This is a CISC architecture with hardware
2782                  support for easy stack usage. The choice for the POWER
2783                  architecture could not have been further away as this
2784                  is a RISC architecture, and completely different in
2785                  many ways.\par
2787                  This thesis will [sic] focuses on the model created for
2788                  creating portable system code. Not to be confused with
2789                  portable programs using a standard API. It will
2790                  describe the changes made and problems faced porting
2791                  the MINIX code base. The places where changes are made
2792                  can be viewed as hotspots. For every new architecture
2793                  compatibility problems are to be expected there. Some
2794                  hotspots are used as example and the solution taken for
2795                  MinixPPC is presented to the reader.\par
2797                  A number of problems were found at the start of the
2798                  project. The MINIX OS is (still) using the old {\tt
2799                  a.out} format for it's executables. There is no
2800                  (recent) public compiler kit that is able to generate
2801                  {\tt a.out} format executables for the PowerPC. A
2802                  utility program had to be written to convert a minimum
2803                  section count Elf32 executable to {\tt a.out}
2804                  format. This way the installed compiler kit from host
2805                  OS can be used, which is a recent version of the GNU/C
2806                  compiler. Getting the kernel to load and executed by
2807                  the boot software of the PowerPC architecture was the
2808                  next challenge. With the aid of Open Source software a
2809                  preliminary scheme is created until MinixPPC is able to
2810                  compile itself. This introduces a new project of
2811                  getting a recent version of the GCC compiler kit ported
2812                  to MinixPPC.\par
2814                  The following reasoning defines the choice for the
2815                  driver model used in the creation of MinixPPC.\par
2817                  (1) System dependencies are located inside devices
2818                  drivers. Defining a method to create and develop device
2819                  drivers that have isolated system dependencies
2820                  contribute to the portability of the driver (this could
2821                  isolate the whole driver).\par
2823                  (2) The CPU is (just) a device.\par
2825                  (3) Creating a device driver for the CPU isolates the
2826                  CPU functionality from the rest of the system.\par
2828                  (4) With every device hidden behind its driver,
2829                  architecture dependent and independent code are
2830                  separated.\par
2832                  In principle the CPU could have multiple devices
2833                  inside, for example MMU and timers. For MinixPPC a
2834                  logical separation is made by creating two drivers for
2835                  the CPU, the Memory and System driver. At the moment
2836                  MinixPPC is able to boot, access a MINIX v3 file system
2837                  and run programs, but there are still problems. Not all
2838                  system calls are debugged and the system must be
2839                  thoroughly tested. The difficult part of the MinixPPC
2840                  project is done, but there is more work ahead. There is
2841                  working code and to some degree only hard work is
2842                  needed, most of the figuring-out, and trial-and-error
2843                  is done.",
2844   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
2845 }
2847 @InProceedings{Fraser:2006:AFS,
2848   author =       "Timothy Fraser and Nick L. {Petroni, Jr.} and William
2849                  A. Arbaugh",
2850   title =        "Applying flow-sensitive {CQUAL} to verify {MINIX}
2851                  authorization check placement: 3",
2852   crossref =     "ACM:2006:PWP",
2853   pages =        "3--6",
2854   year =         "2006",
2855   DOI =          "http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1134744.1134747",
2856   bibdate =      "Sat Aug 26 06:52:32 2006",
2857   abstract =     "We present the first use of flow-sensitive CQUAL to
2858                  verify the placement of operating system authorization
2859                  checks. Our analysis of MINIX 3 system servers and
2860                  discovery of a non-exploitable Time-Of-Check\slash
2861                  Time-Of-Use bug demonstrate the effectiveness of flow
2862                  sensitive CQUAL and its advantage over earlier
2863                  flow-insensitive versions. We also identify and suggest
2864                  alternatives to current CQUAL usability features that
2865                  encourage analysts to make omissions that cause the
2866                  otherwise sound tool to produce false-negative
2867                  results.",
2868   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
2869 }
2871 @MastersThesis{Gerofi:2006:MVD,
2872   author =       "Bal{\'a}zs Ger{\H{o}}fi",
2873   title =        "{MINIX VFS}: Design and implementation of the {MINIX
2874                  Virtual File} system",
2875   type =         "Masters thesis",
2876   school =       "Department of Computer Science, Vrije Universiteit",
2877   address =      "Amsterdam, The Netherlands",
2878   pages =        "x + 108",
2879   month =        aug,
2880   year =         "2006",
2881   bibdate =      "Wed Jan 09 08:09:02 2008",
2882   URL =          "http://www.minix3.org/doc/gerofi_thesis.pdf",
2883   abstract =     "The Virtual File system (VFS) is an abstraction layer
2884                  over the file system implementations in the operating
2885                  system. It handles all system calls related to the file
2886                  system and allows for client applications to access
2887                  different types of file systems in a uniform way. It
2888                  also provides a common interface to several kinds of
2889                  file system implementations. The VFS layer was
2890                  introduced first in the SunOS and it is present in many
2891                  modern operating systems.\par
2893                  MINIX 3 is a microkernel based POSIX compliant
2894                  operating system designed to be highly reliable,
2895                  flexible, and secure. A minimal kernel provides
2896                  interrupt handlers, a mechanism for starting and
2897                  stopping processes, a scheduler, and interprocess
2898                  communication. Standard operating system functionality
2899                  that is present in a monolithic kernel is moved to user
2900                  space, and no longer runs at the highest privilege
2901                  level. Device drivers, the file system, the network
2902                  server and high-level memory management run as separate
2903                  user processes that are encapsulated in their private
2904                  address space.\par
2906                  By splitting an operating system into small,
2907                  independent modules, the system becomes less complex
2908                  and more robust, because the smaller parts are more
2909                  manageable and help to isolate faults.\par
2911                  This thesis describes the Virtual File system design
2912                  and implementation in the MINIX 3 operating system. It
2913                  also gives a comparison to other VFS designs.
2914                  Exploiting modularity is a key idea behind MINIX,
2915                  therefore the design of the Virtual File system layer
2916                  is also driven by this idea. The result is a
2917                  substantially different architecture from the Virtual
2918                  File system layer in other UNIX-like operating
2919                  systems.\par
2921                  The main contribution of this work is that the MINIX FS
2922                  server was fully revised in order to divide it into an
2923                  abstract layer and the actual MINIX file system driver.
2924                  New data structures and methods were added to the
2925                  virtual layer and modifications were realized in the
2926                  actual file system implementation.",
2927   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
2928 }
2930 @InProceedings{Herder:2006:CHD,
2931   author =       "Jorrit N. Herder and Herbert Bos and Ben Gras and
2932                  Philip Homburg and Andrew S. Tanenbaum",
2933   editor =       "????",
2934   booktitle =    "Proceedings of the 6th European Dependable Computing
2935                  Conference, 18--20 October 2006, Coimbra, Portugal",
2936   title =        "Construction of a Highly Dependable Operating System",
2937   publisher =    "????",
2938   address =      "????",
2939   pages =        "10",
2940   year =         "2006",
2941   ISBN =         "????",
2942   ISBN-13 =      "????",
2943   LCCN =         "????",
2944   bibdate =      "Wed Jan 09 08:30:39 2008",
2945   URL =          "http://www.minix3.org/doc/EDCC-2006.pdf;
2946                  http://www.eu-egee.org/egee_events/events/edcc-6-sixth-european-dependable-computing-conference-18-20-october-2006-coimbra-portugal/",
2947   abstract =     "It has been well established that most operating
2948                  system crashes are due to bugs in device drivers.
2949                  Because drivers are normally linked into the kernel
2950                  address space, a buggy driver can wipe out kernel
2951                  tables and bring the system crashing to a grinding
2952                  halt.\par
2954                  We have greatly mitigated this problem by reducing the
2955                  kernel to an absolute minimum and running each driver
2956                  as a separate, unprivileged user-mode process. In
2957                  addition, we implemented a POSIX-conformant operating
2958                  system, MINIX 3, as multiple user-mode servers. In this
2959                  design, a server or driver failure no longer is fatal
2960                  and does not require rebooting the computer.\par
2962                  This paper discusses how we designed and implemented
2963                  the system, which problems we encountered, and how we
2964                  solved these problems. We also discuss the performance
2965                  effects of our changes and evaluate how our multiserver
2966                  design improves operating system dependability over
2967                  monolithic designs.",
2968   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
2969 }
2971 @TechReport{Herder:2006:LMB,
2972   author =       "Jorrit N. Herder and Herbert Bos and Andrew S.
2973                  Tanenbaum",
2974   title =        "A Lightweight Method for Building Reliable Operating
2975                  Systems Despite Unreliable Device Drivers",
2976   type =         "Technical Report",
2977   number =       "IR-CS-018",
2978   institution =  "Department of Computer Science, Vrije Universiteit",
2979   address =      "Amsterdam, The Netherlands",
2980   pages =        "14",
2981   month =        jan,
2982   year =         "2006",
2983   bibdate =      "Wed Jan 09 08:04:48 2008",
2984   URL =          "http://www.minix3.org/doc/reliable-os.pdf",
2985   abstract =     "It has been well established that most operating
2986                  system crashes are due to bugs in device drivers.
2987                  Because drivers are normally linked into the kernel
2988                  address space, a buggy driver can wipe out kernel
2989                  tables and bring the system crashing to a halt. We have
2990                  greatly mitigated this problem by reducing the kernel
2991                  to an absolute minimum and running each driver as a
2992                  separate, unprivileged process in user space. In
2993                  addition, we implemented a POSIX-conformant operating
2994                  system as multiple user-mode processes. In this design,
2995                  all that is left in kernel mode is a tiny kernel of
2996                  under 3800 lines of executable code for catching
2997                  interrupts, starting and stopping processes, and doing
2998                  IPC. By moving nearly the entire operating system to
2999                  multiple, protected user-mode processes we reduce the
3000                  consequences of faults, since a driver failure no
3001                  longer is fatal and does not require rebooting the
3002                  computer. In fact, our system incorporates a
3003                  reincarnation server that is designed to deal with such
3004                  errors and often allows for full recovery, transparent
3005                  to the application and without loss of data. To achieve
3006                  maximum reliability, our design was guided by
3007                  simplicity, modularity, least authorization, and fault
3008                  tolerance. This paper discusses our lightweight
3009                  approach and reports on its performance and
3010                  reliability. It also compares our design to other
3011                  proposals for protecting drivers using kernel wrapping
3012                  and virtual machines.",
3013   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
3014 }
3016 @Article{Herder:2006:MHR,
3017   author =       "Jorrit N. Herder and Herbert Bos and Ben Gras and
3018                  Philip Homburg and Andrew S. Tanenbaum",
3019   title =        "{MINIX 3}: a highly reliable, self-repairing operating
3020                  system",
3021   journal =      j-OPER-SYS-REV,
3022   volume =       "40",
3023   number =       "3",
3024   pages =        "80--89",
3025   month =        jul,
3026   year =         "2006",
3027   CODEN =        "OSRED8",
3028   DOI =          "http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1151374.1151391",
3029   ISSN =         "0163-5980",
3030   bibdate =      "Sat Aug 26 06:31:15 2006",
3031   URL =          "http://www.minix3.org/doc/OSR-2006.pdf",
3032   abstract =     "Different kinds of people use computers now than
3033                  several decades ago, but operating systems have not
3034                  fully kept pace with this change. It is true that we
3035                  have point-and-click GUIs now instead of command line
3036                  interfaces, but the expectation of the average user is
3037                  different from what it used to be, because the user is
3038                  different. Thirty or 40 years ago, when operating
3039                  systems began to solidify into their current form,
3040                  almost all computer users were programmers, scientists,
3041                  engineers, or similar professionals doing heavy-duty
3042                  computation, and they cared a great deal about speed.
3043                  Few teenagers and even fewer grandmothers spent hours a
3044                  day behind their terminal. Early users expected the
3045                  computer to crash often; reboots came as naturally as
3046                  waiting for the neighborhood TV repairman to come
3047                  replace the picture tube on their home TVs. All that
3048                  has changed and operating systems need to change with
3049                  the times.",
3050   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
3051 }
3053 @Article{Herder:2006:MSP,
3054   author =       "Jorrit N. Herder and Herbert Bos and Ben Gras and
3055                  Philip Homburg and Andrew S. Tanenbaum",
3056   title =        "Modular System Programming in {MINIX 3}",
3057   journal =      j-LOGIN,
3058   volume =       "31",
3059   number =       "2",
3060   pages =        "19--28",
3061   month =        apr,
3062   year =         "2006",
3063   CODEN =        "LOGNEM",
3064   ISSN =         "1044-6397",
3065   bibdate =      "Tue Apr 11 10:53:03 MDT 2006",
3066   bibsource =    "http://www.usenix.org/publications/login/2006-04/index.html",
3067   URL =          "http://www.usenix.org/publications/login/2006-04/openpdfs/herder.pdf;
3068                  http://www.minix3.org/",
3069   abstract =     "When the first modern operating systems were being
3070                  developed in the early 1960s, the designers were so
3071                  worried about performance that these systems were
3072                  written in assembly language, even though high-level
3073                  languages such as FORTRAN, MAD, and Algol were well
3074                  established. Reliability and security were not even on
3075                  the radar. Times have changed and we now need to
3076                  reexamine the need for reliability in operating
3077                  systems.",
3078   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
3079 }
3081 @InProceedings{Herder:2006:RUR,
3082   author =       "Jorrit N. Herder and Herbert Bos and Ben Gras and
3083                  Philip Homburg and Andrew S. Tanenbaum",
3084   crossref =     "Jesshope:2006:ACS",
3085   title =        "Reorganizing {UNIX} for Reliability",
3086   pages =        "??--??",
3087   year =         "2006",
3088   bibdate =      "Wed Jan 09 08:01:21 2008",
3089   URL =          "http://www.minix3.org/doc/ACSAC-2006.pdf",
3090   abstract =     "In this paper, we discuss the architecture of a
3091                  modular UNIX-compatible operating system, MINIX 3, that
3092                  provides reliability beyond that of most other systems.
3093                  With nearly the entire operating system running as a
3094                  set of user-mode servers and drivers atop a minimal
3095                  kernel, the system is fully compartmentalized.\par
3097                  By moving most of the code to unprivileged user-mode
3098                  processes and restricting the powers of each one, we
3099                  gain proper fault isolation and limit the damage bugs
3100                  can do. Moreover, the system has been designed to
3101                  survive and automatically recover from failures in
3102                  critical modules, such as device drivers, transparent
3103                  to applications and without user intervention.\par
3105                  We used this new design to develop a highly reliable,
3106                  open-source, POSIX-conformant member of the UNIX family.
3107                  The resulting system is freely available and has been
3108                  downloaded over 75,000 times since its release.",
3109   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
3110   pagecount =    "14",
3111 }
3113 @MastersThesis{Kelly:2006:PMX,
3114   author =       "Ivan Kelly",
3115   title =        "Porting {MINIX} to {Xen}",
3116   type =         "Final Year Project",
3117   school =       "Department of Computer Science, University of
3118                  Limerick",
3119   address =      "Limerick, Ireland",
3120   day =          "8",
3121   month =        may,
3122   year =         "2006",
3123   bibdate =      "Wed Jan 09 08:35:58 2008",
3124   URL =          "http://minixonxen.skynet.ie/cgi-bin/trac.cgi/attachment/wiki/Report/Report.pdf?format=raw",
3125   abstract =     "Virtualisation has received a lot of attention from
3126                  the I.T. media lately. Paravirtualisation in particular
3127                  has drawn a lot of attention due to its high
3128                  performance. Paravirtualised virtual machines run at
3129                  near native speeds. Operating systems must be modified
3130                  to run on paravirtualised platforms.\par
3132                  Developers starting out in the field of
3133                  paravirtualisation face a steep learning curve. This
3134                  project hopes to soften that curve, by supplying
3135                  developers with an insight into the porting of an
3136                  operating system to a paravirtualised platform. In this
3137                  case, the MINIX operating system is ported to the Xen
3138                  platform.",
3139   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
3140 }
3142 @MastersThesis{Meurs:2006:BPM,
3143   author =       "Rogier Meurs",
3144   title =        "Building Performance Measurement Tools for the {MINIX
3145                  3} Operating System",
3146   type =         "Masters thesis",
3147   school =       "Department of Computer Science, Vrije Universiteit",
3148   address =      "Amsterdam, The Netherlands",
3149   month =        aug,
3150   pages =        "ii + 59",
3151   year =         "2006",
3152   bibdate =      "Wed Jan 09 08:28:23 2008",
3153   URL =          "http://www.minix3.org/doc/meurs_thesis.pdf",
3154   abstract =     "The efficiency of computer programs has been always a
3155                  big theme in the history of computing. In the early
3156                  days, programs were written in the machine's native
3157                  instruction set to squeeze every bit of performance out
3158                  of the CPU. Nowadays most programs are written in
3159                  higher level languages which impose an overhead but
3160                  ease the job of programming. Some languages are based
3161                  on program execution by an interpreter, which slows
3162                  down execution even more. However, the programming
3163                  language is not the only factor influencing the speed
3164                  of execution. A simple programming error or the wrong
3165                  choice of data structure or sort algorithm could cause
3166                  a program to execute orders of magnitudes slower then
3167                  needed. To detect the existence or even find the
3168                  location of such an error in a program is not always a
3169                  trivial task.",
3170   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
3171 }
3173 @Article{Tanenbaum:2006:CWM,
3174   author =       "A. S. Tanenbaum and J. N. Herder and H. Bos",
3175   title =        "Can we make operating systems reliable and secure?",
3176   journal =      j-COMPUTER,
3177   year =         "2006",
3178   volume =       "39",
3179   number =       "5",
3180   pages =        "44--51",
3181   DOI =          "http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/MC.2006.156",
3182   abstract =     "Microkernels long discarded as unacceptable because of
3183                  their lower performance compared with monolithic
3184                  kernels might be making a comeback in operating systems
3185                  due to their potentially higher reliability, which many
3186                  researchers now regard as more important than
3187                  performance. Each of the four different attempts to
3188                  improve operating system reliability focuses on
3189                  preventing buggy device drivers from crashing the
3190                  system. In the Nooks approach, each driver is
3191                  individually hand wrapped in a software jacket to
3192                  carefully control its interactions with the rest of the
3193                  operating system, but it leaves all the drivers in the
3194                  kernel. The paravirtual machine approach takes this one
3195                  step further and moves the drivers to one or more
3196                  machines distinct from the main one, taking away even
3197                  more power from the drivers. Both of these approaches
3198                  are intended to improve the reliability of existing
3199                  (legacy) operating systems. In contrast, two other
3200                  approaches replace legacy operating systems with more
3201                  reliable and secure ones. The multiserver approach runs
3202                  each driver and operating system component in a
3203                  separate user process and allows them to communicate
3204                  using the microkernel's IPC mechanism. Finally,
3205                  Singularity, the most radical approach, uses a
3206                  type-safe language, a single address space, and formal
3207                  contracts to carefully limit what each module can do.",
3208   CODEN =        "CPTRB4",
3209   ISSN =         "0018-9162",
3210   month =        may,
3211   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
3212   bibdate =      "Sat Aug 26 07:15:02 2006",
3213 }
3215 @Book{Tanenbaum:2006:OSD,
3216   author =       "Andrew S. Tanenbaum and Albert S. Woodhull",
3217   title =        "Operating systems: design and implementation",
3218   publisher =    pub-PEARSON-PH,
3219   address =      pub-PEARSON-PH:adr,
3220   edition =      "Third",
3221   pages =        "xvii + 1054",
3222   year =         "2006",
3223   ISBN =         "0-13-142938-8",
3224   ISBN-13 =      "978-0-13-142938-3",
3225   LCCN =         "QA76.76.O63 T36 2006",
3226   bibdate =      "Wed Apr 12 05:42:39 MDT 2006",
3227   bibsource =    "z3950.loc.gov:7090/Voyager",
3228   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
3229   subject =      "Operating systems (Computers)",
3230   keywords =     "MINIX 3",
3231 }
3233 @MastersThesis{vanMoolenbroek:2007:MSM,
3234   author =       "David van Moolenbroek",
3235   title =        "Multimedia support for {MINIX 3}",
3236   type =         "Masters thesis",
3237   school =       "Department of Computer Science, Vrije Universiteit",
3238   address =      "Amsterdam, The Netherlands",
3239   pages =        "187",
3240   month =        sep,
3241   year =         "2007",
3242   bibdate =      "Wed Jan 09 08:14:03 2008",
3243   URL =          "http://www.minix3.org/doc/moolenbroek_thesis.pdf",
3244   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
3245 }
3247 @Article{Du:2008:SSI,
3248   author =       "Wenliang Du and Ronghua Wang",
3249   title =        "{SEED}: {A} Suite of Instructional Laboratories for
3250                  Computer Security Education",
3251   journal =      j-JERIC,
3252   volume =       "8",
3253   number =       "1",
3254   pages =        "3:1--3:??",
3255   month =        mar,
3256   year =         "2008",
3257   CODEN =        "????",
3258   DOI =          "http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1348713.1348716",
3259   ISSN =         "1531-4278",
3260   bibdate =      "Fri Jun 20 10:13:08 MDT 2008",
3261   bibsource =    "http://www.acm.org/pubs/contents/journals/jeric/",
3262   abstract =     "The security and assurance of our computing
3263                  infrastructure has become a national priority. To
3264                  address this priority, higher education has gradually
3265                  incorporated the principles of computer and information
3266                  security into the mainstream undergraduate and graduate
3267                  computer science curricula. To achieve effective
3268                  education, learning security principles must be
3269                  grounded in experience. This calls for effective
3270                  laboratory exercises (or course projects). Although a
3271                  number of laboratories have been designed for security
3272                  education, they only cover a small portion of the
3273                  fundamental security principles. Moreover, their
3274                  underlying lab environments are different, making
3275                  integration of these laboratories infeasible for a
3276                  semester-long course. Currently, security laboratories
3277                  that can be widely adopted are still lacking, and they
3278                  are in great demand in security education.\par
3280                  We have developed a novel laboratory environment
3281                  (referred to as SEED). The SEED environment consists of
3282                  Minix, an instructional operating system (OS), and
3283                  Linux, a production OS; it takes advantage of the
3284                  simplicity of Minix and the completeness of Linux, and
3285                  provides a unified platform to support a rich set of
3286                  laboratories for computer security education. Based on
3287                  the SEED environment, we have developed a list of
3288                  laboratories that cover a wide spectrum of security
3289                  principles. These labs provide opportunities for
3290                  students to develop essential skills for secure
3291                  computing practice. We have been using these labs in
3292                  our courses during the last five years. This article
3293                  presents our SEED environment, laboratories, and
3294                  evaluation results.",
3295   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
3296   articleno =    "3",
3297   keywords =     "education; instructional laboratories; security",
3298 }
3300 %%% ====================================================================
3301 %%% Cross-referenced entries must come last.
3303 @Proceedings{Anonymous:1987:ESC,
3304   editor =       "Anonymous",
3305   title =        "{EUUG} Spring '87 Conference Proceedings",
3306   publisher =    pub-EUROPEN,
3307   address =      pub-EUROPEN:adr,
3308   pages =        "????",
3309   year =         "1987",
3310   bibdate =      "Sun Apr 13 12:27:34 MDT 1997",
3311   abstract =     "The following topics were dealt with: Unix; Vorlich;
3312                  structural regular expressions; event queue;
3313                  manufacturing; entertainment; distributed processing;
3314                  real-time systems; MINIX; telephone switch; banking;
3315                  selective calling system; marketing; commercial
3316                  computing; standards for Intel-based microcomputers;
3317                  C++; MuX; intelligent information server; SVID
3318                  compatible system; and Apple Macintosh integration",
3319   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
3320   classcodes =   "C6115 (Programming support); C6150J (Operating
3321                  systems)",
3322   conflocation = "M/S Mariella sailing between Helsinki, Finland and
3323                  Stockholm, Sweden; 12-14 May 1987",
3324   countrypub =   "UK",
3325   keywords =     "administrative data processing; Apple; banking; C++;
3326                  calling system; commercial computing; distributed
3327                  processing; entertainment; event queue; Intel;
3328                  intelligent information server; Macintosh;
3329                  manufacturing; marketing; MINIX; MuX; operating
3330                  systems; operating systems (computers); programming
3331                  environments; real-; real-time systems; selective;
3332                  standards; structural regular expressions; SVID;
3333                  telephone switch; time systems; Unix; UNIX; Vorlich",
3334 }
3336 @Proceedings{ACM:1988:PFS,
3337   editor =       "{ACM}",
3338   booktitle =    "Proceedings, focus on software / 1988 ACM Sixteenth
3339                  Annual Computer Science Conference, February 23--25,
3340                  the Westin, Peachtree Plaza, Atlanta, Georgia",
3341   title =        "Proceedings, focus on software / 1988 {ACM} Sixteenth
3342                  Annual Computer Science Conference, February 23--25,
3343                  the Westin, Peachtree Plaza, Atlanta, Georgia",
3344   publisher =    pub-ACM,
3345   address =      pub-ACM:adr,
3346   pages =        "xix + 749",
3347   year =         "1988",
3348   ISBN =         "0-89791-260-8",
3349   LCCN =         "QA 76.758 A26 1988",
3350   bibdate =      "Mon Sep 30 17:21:43 MDT 1996",
3351   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
3352   confdate =     "23--25 Feb. 1988",
3353   conflocation = "Atlanta, GA, USA",
3354   confsponsor =  "ACM",
3355 }
3357 @Proceedings{IEEE:1988:AIT,
3358   editor =       "{IEEE}",
3359   booktitle =    "Artificial intelligence: theory and applications:
3360                  proceedings, International Computer Science Conference
3361                  '88: 19--21 December, 1988, the Excelsior Hotel,
3362                  Causeway Bay, Hong Kong",
3363   title =        "Artificial intelligence: theory and applications:
3364                  proceedings, International Computer Science Conference
3365                  '88: 19--21 December, 1988, the Excelsior Hotel,
3366                  Causeway Bay, Hong Kong",
3367   publisher =    pub-IEEE,
3368   address =      pub-IEEE:adr,
3369   pages =        "735",
3370   year =         "1988",
3371   bibdate =      "Mon Sep 30 17:21:43 MDT 1996",
3372   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
3373   confdate =     "19--21 Dec. 1988",
3374   conflocation = "Hong Kong",
3375   pubcountry =   "Hong Kong",
3376 }
3378 @Proceedings{IEEE:1988:FAC,
3379   editor =       "{IEEE}",
3380   booktitle =    "Fourth Aerospace Computer Security Applications
3381                  Conference: Orlando, Florida, December 12--16, 1988",
3382   title =        "Fourth Aerospace Computer Security Applications
3383                  Conference: Orlando, Florida, December 12--16, 1988",
3384   publisher =    pub-IEEE,
3385   address =      pub-IEEE:adr,
3386   pages =        "xii + 440",
3387   year =         "1988",
3388   ISBN =         "0-8186-0895-1",
3389   LCCN =         "QA76.9.A25 A39 1988",
3390   bibdate =      "Mon Sep 30 17:55:16 MDT 1996",
3391   note =         "IEEE Cat. No.CH2619-5",
3392   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
3393   confdate =     "12--16 Dec. 1988",
3394   conflocation = "Orlando, FL, USA",
3395   confsponsor =  "IEEE; ASIS",
3396 }
3398 @Proceedings{Silveira:1988:ADV,
3399   editor =       "P. M. Silveira",
3400   booktitle =    "Anais do VIII Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de
3401                  Computacao (VIII Congress of the Brazilian Computing
3402                  Society)",
3403   title =        "Anais do {VIII} Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de
3404                  Computacao ({VIII} Congress of the Brazilian Computing
3405                  Society)",
3406   publisher =    "Sociedade Brasileira Computacao",
3407   address =      "Rio de Janeiro, Brazil",
3408   pages =        "x + 389",
3409   year =         "1988",
3410   bibdate =      "Mon Sep 30 17:55:16 MDT 1996",
3411   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
3412   confdate =     "17--22 July 1988",
3413   conflocation = "Rio de Janeiro, Brazil",
3414   pubcountry =   "Brazil",
3415 }
3417 @Proceedings{Anonymous:1989:SPA,
3418   editor =       "Anonymous",
3419   booktitle =    "SCCS Proceedings. 22nd Annual Small College Computing
3420                  Symposium",
3421   title =        "{SCCS} Proceedings. 22nd Annual Small College
3422                  Computing Symposium",
3423   publisher =    "Univ. Wisconsin-Eau Claire",
3424   address =      "Eau Claire, WI, USA",
3425   pages =        "v + 436",
3426   year =         "1989",
3427   bibdate =      "Mon Sep 30 17:55:16 MDT 1996",
3428   abstract =     "The following topics were dealt with: SEDES, special
3429                  education diagnostic expert system; word processing;
3430                  telecommunications; parallel processing; humanities
3431                  computing; AI; computer courses; CAI; distributed file
3432                  system for MINIX; programming environment; scattering
3433                  simulation; visual thinking; teaching cognitive
3434                  science; documentation library systems; soils
3435                  geography; software engineering; computer graphics; and
3436                  interactive video;.",
3437   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
3438   classification = "C0220 (Education and training); C6170 (Expert
3439                  systems); C7810C (Computer-aided instruction)",
3440   confdate =     "21--22 April 1989",
3441   conflocation = "Eau Claire, WI, USA",
3442   keywords =     "AI; CAI; Cognitive science; Computer courses; Computer
3443                  graphics; Distributed file system; Documentation
3444                  library systems; Humanities computing; Interactive
3445                  video; MINIX; Parallel processing; Programming
3446                  environment; Scattering simulation; SEDES; Software
3447                  engineering; Soils geography; Special education
3448                  diagnostic expert system; Teaching; Telecommunications;
3449                  Visual thinking; Word processing",
3450   thesaurus =    "Computer aided instruction; Computer science
3451                  education; Educational courses; Expert systems;
3452                  Teaching; Training",
3453 }
3455 @Proceedings{Anonymous:1989:UEC,
3456   editor =       "Anonymous",
3457   booktitle =    "UNIX: European challenges: proceedings of the Spring
3458                  1989 EUUG conference, April 3--7, 1989, Palais des
3459                  Congres, Brussels, Belgium",
3460   title =        "{UNIX}: European challenges: proceedings of the Spring
3461                  1989 {EUUG} conference, April 3--7, 1989, Palais des
3462                  Congres, Brussels, Belgium",
3463   publisher =    pub-EUUG,
3464   address =      pub-EUUG:adr,
3465   pages =        "xi + 291",
3466   year =         "1989",
3467   ISBN =         "0-9513181-2-8",
3468   LCCN =         "QA76.76.O63U54514 1989",
3469   bibdate =      "Mon Sep 30 17:53:27 MDT 1996",
3470   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
3471   confdate =     "3--7 April 1989",
3472   conflocation = "Brussels, Belgium",
3473   pubcountry =   "UK",
3474 }
3476 @Proceedings{Anonymous:1990:ISS,
3477   editor =       "Anonymous",
3478   booktitle =    "Information systems security: standards --- the key to
3479                  the future: 13th National Computer Security Conference:
3480                  Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington, DC, 1--4 October,
3481                  1990: proceedings",
3482   title =        "Information systems security: standards --- the key to
3483                  the future: 13th National Computer Security Conference:
3484                  Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington, {DC}, 1--4 October,
3485                  1990: proceedings",
3486   publisher =    "National Institute of Standards and Technology,
3487                  National Computer Security Center",
3488   address =      "Gaithersburg, MD, USA",
3489   pages =        "xi + 839",
3490   year =         "1990",
3491   ISBN =         "",
3492   LCCN =         "",
3493   bibdate =      "Thu Sep 04 10:27:54 1997",
3494   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
3495 }
3497 @Proceedings{Anonymous:1990:NCS,
3498   editor =       "Anonymous",
3499   booktitle =    "13th National Computer Security Conference.
3500                  Proceedings Information Systems Security. Standards -
3501                  the Key to the Future",
3502   title =        "13th National Computer Security Conference.
3503                  Proceedings Information Systems Security. Standards -
3504                  the Key to the Future",
3505   publisher =    pub-NIST,
3506   address =      pub-NIST:adr,
3507   pages =        "xi + 839",
3508   year =         "1990",
3509   bibdate =      "Mon Sep 30 17:00:16 MDT 1996",
3510   note =         "2 vol.",
3511   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
3512   confdate =     "1--4 Oct. 1990",
3513   conflocation = "Washington, DC, USA",
3514   confsponsor =  "NIST",
3515 }
3517 @Proceedings{Winkler:1991:SPS,
3518   editor =       "Stanley Winkler",
3519   booktitle =    "Shortening the path from specification to prototype:
3520                  the First International Workshop on Rapid System
3521                  Prototyping, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina,
3522                  USA, June 4--7, 1990",
3523   title =        "Shortening the path from specification to prototype:
3524                  the First International Workshop on Rapid System
3525                  Prototyping, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina,
3526                  {USA}, June 4--7, 1990",
3527   publisher =    pub-IEEE,
3528   address =      pub-IEEE:adr,
3529   pages =        "ix + 215",
3530   year =         "1991",
3531   ISBN =         "0-8186-2175-3",
3532   LCCN =         "QA76.9.C65 I577 1990",
3533   bibdate =      "Mon Sep 30 17:21:43 MDT 1996",
3534   note =         "IEEE Cat. No.91TH0380-6.",
3535   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
3536   confdate =     "4--7 June 1990",
3537   conflocation = "Research Triangle Park, NC, USA",
3538   confsponsor =  "IEEE",
3539 }
3541 @Proceedings{Anonymous:1992:EUG,
3542   editor =       "Anonymous",
3543   booktitle =    "{EurOpen. UNIX Goes East. Proceedings of the Autumn
3544                  1991 EurOpen Conference}",
3545   title =        "{EurOpen. UNIX Goes East. Proceedings of the Autumn
3546                  1991 EurOpen Conference}",
3547   publisher =    pub-EUROPEN,
3548   address =      pub-EUROPEN:adr,
3549   pages =        "vii + 322",
3550   year =         "1992",
3551   bibdate =      "Mon Sep 30 17:13:18 MDT 1996",
3552   abstract =     "The following topics were dealt with: UNIX and virtual
3553                  reality; interactive user interface design; QEF/QEI
3554                  model for software component consistency; multimedia
3555                  synchronization and UNIX; wafer-scale component;
3556                  performance evaluation; real time measures of UNIX-like
3557                  operating systems; steppingstones; measuring X11
3558                  performance; security and open working in the networked
3559                  academic community; phLOGIN; MANIFOLD; specification
3560                  language for IPC; distributed concurrent implementation
3561                  of standard ML; load balancing; public access
3562                  interfaces to OSI directory; managing international
3563                  X.500 directory pilot; XLookUp; process migration
3564                  mechanism using Minix; HAWKS-a toolkit for interpreted
3565                  telematic applications; virtual swap space in SunOS;
3566                  automounting; monitoring network performance;
3567                  StormCast-a distributed application;
3568                  location-independent object invocation in open
3569                  distributed systems; communicating database objects;
3570                  UNIX in Novell Environment; and international hotel
3571                  reservations system.",
3572   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
3573   classification = "C5470 (Performance evaluation and testing); C6140D
3574                  (High level languages); C6150J (Operating systems);
3575                  C6150N (Distributed systems); C7250N (Front end systems
3576                  for online searching)",
3577   confdate =     "16--20 Sept. 1991",
3578   conflocation = "Budapest, Hungary",
3579   keywords =     "Automounting; Communicating database objects;
3580                  Distributed application; Distributed concurrent; HAWKS;
3581                  Interactive user interface design; International hotel
3582                  reservations system; International X.500 directory
3583                  pilot; Interpreted telematic applications; IPC; Load
3584                  balancing; Location-independent object invocation;
3585                  MANIFOLD; Minix; Monitoring; Multimedia
3586                  synchronization; Network performance; Networked
3587                  academic community; Novell Environment; Open
3588                  distributed systems; Open working; OSI directory;
3589                  Performance evaluation; PhLOGIN; Process migration;
3590                  Public access interfaces; QEF/QEI model; Real time
3591                  measures; Security; Software component consistency;
3592                  Specification language; Standard ML; Steppingstones;
3593                  StormCast; SunOS; Toolkit; UNIX-like operating systems;
3594                  Virtual reality; Virtual swap space; Wafer-scale
3595                  component; X11 performance; XLookUp",
3596   pubcountry =   "UK",
3597   thesaurus =    "Distributed processing; Information retrieval systems;
3598                  Parallel languages; Performance evaluation; Unix; User
3599                  interfaces",
3600 }
3602 @Proceedings{Kanapoulos:1992:SIW,
3603   editor =       "N. Kanapoulos",
3604   booktitle =    "The Second International Workshop on Rapid System
3605                  Prototyping: Research Triangle Park, North Carolina,
3606                  USA, June 11--13, 1991: shortening the path from
3607                  specification to prototype",
3608   title =        "The Second International Workshop on Rapid System
3609                  Prototyping: Research Triangle Park, North Carolina,
3610                  {USA}, June 11--13, 1991: shortening the path from
3611                  specification to prototype",
3612   publisher =    pub-IEEE,
3613   address =      pub-IEEE:adr,
3614   pages =        "viii + 201",
3615   year =         "1992",
3616   ISBN =         "0-8186-3040-X",
3617   LCCN =         "QA76.76.D47 I598 1991",
3618   bibdate =      "Mon Sep 30 17:00:16 MDT 1996",
3619   note =         "IEEE Catalog No. 92TH0454-9.",
3620   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
3621   confdate =     "11--13 June 1991",
3622   conflocation = "Research Triangle Park, NC, USA",
3623   confsponsor =  "IEEE; ACM",
3624 }
3626 @Proceedings{Valero:1992:PCT,
3627   editor =       "M. Valero and E. Onate and M. Jane and J. L. Larriba
3628                  and B. Suarez",
3629   booktitle =    "Parallel Computing and Transputer Applications",
3630   title =        "Parallel Computing and Transputer Applications",
3631   publisher =    "CIMNE",
3632   address =      "Barcelona, Spain",
3633   pages =        "1520",
3634   year =         "1992",
3635   ISBN =         "84-87867-13-8",
3636   LCCN =         "????",
3637   bibdate =      "Mon Sep 30 17:00:16 MDT 1996",
3638   note =         "Two volumes.",
3639   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
3640   availability = "IOS Press, Amsterdam, Netherlands",
3641   confdate =     "21--25 Sept. 1992",
3642   conflocation = "Barcelona, Spain",
3643   pubcountry =   "Spain",
3644 }
3646 @Proceedings{IEEE:1994:SAI,
3647   editor =       "{IEEE}",
3648   booktitle =    "System architecture and integration: proceedings of
3649                  the 20th EUROMICRO Conference, EUROMICRO 94, September
3650                  5--8, 1994, Liverpool, England",
3651   title =        "System architecture and integration: proceedings of
3652                  the 20th {EUROMICRO} Conference, {EUROMICRO} 94,
3653                  September 5--8, 1994, Liverpool, England",
3654   publisher =    pub-IEEE,
3655   address =      pub-IEEE:adr,
3656   pages =        "xxi + 720",
3657   year =         "1994",
3658   ISBN =         "0-8186-6430-4",
3659   LCCN =         "QA76.9.A73 E94 1994",
3660   bibdate =      "Mon Sep 30 17:06:20 MDT 1996",
3661   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
3662   confdate =     "5--8 Sept. 1994",
3663   conflocation = "Liverpool, UK",
3664 }
3666 @Proceedings{Anonymous:1995:SCC,
3667   editor =       "Anonymous",
3668   booktitle =    "Small College computing: Annual symposium; 28th ---
3669                  April 1995, Sioux Falls, SD",
3670   title =        "Small College computing: Annual symposium; 28th ---
3671                  April 1995, Sioux Falls, {SD}",
3672   publisher =    "SCCS",
3673   address =      "????",
3674   pages =        "????",
3675   year =         "1995",
3676   bibdate =      "Thu Sep 4 06:34:12 MDT 1997",
3677   series =       "SCCS -PROCEEDINGS- 1995; 28th",
3678   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
3679 }
3681 @Proceedings{ACM:2006:PPA,
3682   editor =       "{ACM}",
3683   booktitle =    "{PLDI 2006: Proceedings of the 2006 ACM SIGPLAN
3684                  conference on Programming language design and
3685                  implementation 2006, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, June
3686                  11--14, 2006}",
3687   title =        "{PLDI 2006: Proceedings of the 2006 ACM SIGPLAN
3688                  conference on Programming language design and
3689                  implementation 2006, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, June
3690                  11--14, 2006}",
3691   publisher =    pub-ACM,
3692   address =      pub-ACM:adr,
3693   pages =        "????",
3694   year =         "2006",
3695   ISBN =         "1-59593-320-4",
3696   ISBN-13 =      "978-1-59593-320-1",
3697   LCCN =         "????",
3698   bibdate =      "Sat Aug 26 06:46:41 2006",
3699   note =         "ACM order number 548060.",
3700   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
3701 }
3703 @Proceedings{ACM:2006:PWP,
3704   editor =       "{ACM}",
3705   booktitle =    "{Proceedings of the 2006 workshop on Programming
3706                  languages and analysis for security, Ottawa, Ontario,
3707                  Canada}",
3708   title =        "{Proceedings of the 2006 workshop on Programming
3709                  languages and analysis for security, Ottawa, Ontario,
3710                  Canada}",
3711   publisher =    pub-ACM,
3712   address =      pub-ACM:adr,
3713   pages =        "????",
3714   year =         "2006",
3715   ISBN =         "1-59593-374-3",
3716   ISBN-13 =      "978-1-59593-374-4",
3717   LCCN =         "????",
3718   bibdate =      "Sat Aug 26 06:50:03 2006",
3719   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
3720 }
3722 @Proceedings{Jesshope:2006:ACS,
3723   editor =       "Chris Jesshope and Colin Egan",
3724   booktitle =    "{Advances in computer systems architecture: 11th
3725                  Asia-Pacific conference, ACSAC 2006, Shanghai, China,
3726                  September 6--8, 2006, proceedings}",
3727   title =        "{Advances in computer systems architecture: 11th
3728                  Asia-Pacific conference, ACSAC 2006, Shanghai, China,
3729                  September 6--8, 2006, proceedings}",
3730   volume =       "4186",
3731   publisher =    pub-SV,
3732   address =      pub-SV:adr,
3733   pages =        "xiv + 605",
3734   year =         "2006",
3735   ISBN =         "3-540-40056-7 (softcover)",
3736   ISBN-13 =      "978-3-540-40056-1 (softcover)",
3737   LCCN =         "QA76.9.A73 A28 2006",
3738   bibdate =      "Wed Jan 9 08:44:39 MST 2008",
3739   bibsource =    "z3950.loc.gov:7090/Voyager",
3740   series =       ser-LNCS,
3741   acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
3742 }