Warning, /office/kbibtex-testset/bib/in-the-wild/q-wehner.bib is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0002 @inproceedings{wehner04a,
0003   author = "S. Wehner and R. de Wolf",
0004   title = "Improved Lower Bounds for Locally Decodable Codes and Private Information Retrieval",
0005   booktitle = "Proceedings of the 32nd ICALP",
0006   year = 2005,
0007   series = "LNCS",
0008   volume = 3580,
0009   pages = "1424--1436",
0010 }
0012 @mastersthesis{wehner04:thesis,
0013   author = "S. Wehner",
0014   title = "Quantum Computation and Privacy",
0015   year = 2004,
0016   school = "University of Amsterdam"
0017 }
0019 @inproceedings{wehner04b,
0020   author = "M. Christandl and S. Wehner",
0021   title = "Quantum Anonymous Transmissions",
0022   booktitle = "Proceedings of 11th ASIACRYPT",
0023   year = 2005,
0024   series = "LNCS",
0025   volume = 3788,
0026   pages = "217--235"
0027 }
0029 @unpublished{wehner05a,
0030   author = "H. Buhrman and M. Christandl and P. Hayden and H.-K. Lo and S. Wehner",
0031   title = "Possibility, Impossibility and Cheat-Sensitivity of Quantum Bit String Commitments",
0032   journal="Physical Review A",
0033   volume=78, 
0034   pages=022316,
0035   year=2008
0036 }
0038 @article{wehner05b,
0039   author = "H. Buhrman and M. Christandl and F. Unger and S. Wehner and A. Winter",
0040   title = "Implications of Superstrong Nonlocality for Cryptography",
0041   journal = "Proceedings of the Royal Society A",
0042   pages = "1919--1932",
0043   year = 2006,
0044   volume = 462,
0045   number = 2071,
0046 }
0048 @inproceedings{wehner05c,
0049   author = "S. Wehner",
0050   title = "Entanglement in Interactive Proof Systems with Binary Answers",
0051   year = 2006,
0052   booktitle = "Proceedings of STACS 2006",
0053   series = "LNCS",
0054   volume = 3884,
0055   pages = "162--171",
0056 }
0058 @article{wehner05d,
0059   author = "S. Wehner",
0060   title = "Tsirelson bounds for generalized {C}lauser-{H}orne-{S}himony-{H}olt inequalities",
0061   year = 2006,
0062   journal = "Physical Review A",
0063   pages = 022110,
0064   volume = 73,
0065 }
0067 @unpublished{wehner06a,
0068   author = "M.Ballester and S. Wehner",
0069   title = "Locking with three mutually unbiased bases",
0070   note = "quant-ph/0606244v2"
0071 }
0073 @article{wehner06b,
0074   author = "M. Ballester and S. Wehner and A. Winter",
0075   title = "State discrimination with post-measurement information",
0076   journal="IEEE Transactions on information theory",
0077   volume=54, 
0078   number=9,
0079   year=2008,
0080   pages="4183--4198"
0081 }
0083 @article{wehner06c,
0084   author = "M.Ballester and S. Wehner",
0085   title = "Entropic uncertainty relations and locking: tight bounds for mutually unbiased bases",
0086   journal = pra,
0087   volume = 75,
0088   pages = 022319,
0089   year = 2007
0090 }
0092 @article{wehner06d,
0093   author = "H. Buhrman and M. Christandl and P. Hayden and H.-K. Lo and S. Wehner",
0094   title = "Security of quantum bit string commitment depends on the information measure",
0095   eprint = "quant-ph/0609237",
0096   journal = "Physical Review Letters",
0097   volume = 97,
0098   pages = 250501,
0099   year = 2006
0100 }
0102 @article{wehner07a,
0103   author = "J. Smolin and G. Smith and S. Wehner",
0104   title = "A simple family of non-additive quantum codes",
0105   journal=prl,
0106   volume=99,
0107   pages=130505,
0108   year=2007
0109 }
0111 @inproceedings{wehner07b,
0112   author = "S. Wehner and J. Wullschleger",
0113   title ="Composable security in the bounded-quantum-storage model",
0114   year=2008,
0115   booktitle="Proceedings of ICALP",
0116   pages="604--615"
0117 }
0119 @article{wehner07c, 
0120   author = "S. Wehner and A. Winter",
0121   title = "Higher entropic uncertainty relations for anti-commuting observables",
0122   journal="Journal of Mathematical Physics",
0123   year=2008,
0124   pages=062105,
0125   volume=49
0126 }
0128 @article{wehner07d,
0129   author = "S. Wehner and C. Schaffner and B. Terhal",
0130   title = "Cryptography from noisy storage",
0131   year=2008,
0132   journal="Physical Review Letters",
0133   volume=100,
0134   pages=220502
0135 }
0137 @inproceedings{wehner08a,
0138   author = "A. C. Doherty and Y. Liang and B. Toner and S. Wehner",
0139   title = "The quantum moment problem and bounds on entangled multi-prover games", 
0140   year=2008,
0141  booktitle="Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity",
0142  pages="199--210"
0144 }
0146 @phdthesis{wehner:thesis,
0147   author = "S. Wehner",
0148   title = "Cryptography in a Quantum World",
0149   school="University of Amsterdam",
0150   year=2008
0151 }
0153 @article{wehner08b,
0154   author = "C. Schaffner and B. Terhal and S. Wehner",
0155   title = "Robust cryptography in the noisy-quantum-storage model",
0156   pages="0963--0996",
0157   journal="Quantum Information and Computation",
0158   year=2009
0159 }
0161 @article{wehner08c,
0162   author = "S. Wehner and M. Christandl and A.C. Doherty",
0163   title ="A lower bound on the dimension of a quantum system given measured data",
0164   journal="Physical Review A",
0165   year=2008,
0166   pages=062112,
0167   volume=78
0168 }
0170 @article{wehner08d,
0171   author = "G. Ver Steeg and S. Wehner",
0172   title = "Relaxed uncertainty relations and information processing",
0173   journal="Quantum Information and Computation",
0174   volume=9,
0175   pages="0801--0832",
0176   year=2009
0177 }
0179 @article{wehner08e,
0180   author = "W. Matthews and S. Wehner and A. Winter",
0181   title = "Distinguishability of Quantum States Under Restricted Families of Measurements with an Application to Quantum Data Hiding",
0182   journal="Communications in Mathematical Physics",
0183   volume=291,
0184   number=3,
0185   year=2009
0186 }
0188 @article{wehner09a,
0189   author = "R. K{\"o}nig and S. Wehner", 
0190   title = "A strong converse for classical channel coding using entangled inputs",
0191   year=2009,
0192   journal="Physical Review Letters",
0193   volume=103,
0194   pages=070504
0195 }
0197 @unpublished{wehner09b,
0198   author = "R. K{\"o}nig and S. Wehner and J. Wullschleger",
0199   title = "Unconditional security from noisy quantum storage",
0200   year=2009,
0201   note="arXiv:0906.1030"
0202 }
0204 @article{wehner09c,
0205    author = "S. Wehner and A. Winter",
0206    title = "Entropic uncertainty relations -- A survey",
0207    journal="New Journal of Physics",
0208    note ="Special Issue on Quantum Information and Many-Body Systems",
0209    pages="025009",
0210    year=2010
0211 }
0213 @article{wehner09d,
0214    author = "A. J. Short and S. Wehner",
0215    title = "Entropy in general physical theories",
0216    journal="New Journal of Physics",
0217    volume=12,
0218    pages=033023,
0219    year=2010
0220 }
0222 @article{wehner09e,
0223    author = "H. Barnum and S. Beigi and S. Boixo and M. B. Elliot and S. Wehner",
0224    title = "Local quantum measurement and no-signaling imply quantum correlations",
0225    journal="Physical Review Letters",
0226    volume=104,
0227    pages=140401,
0228    year=2010
0229 }
0231 @article{wehner09f,
0232   author = "S. Wehner and M. Curty and C. Schaffner and H. Lo",
0233   title = "Implementation of two-party protocols in the noisy-storage model",
0234   journal="Physical Review A",
0235   volume=81,
0236   pages=052336,
0237   year=2010
0238 }
0240 @unpublished{wehner10a,
0241    author = "D. Gopal and S. Wehner",
0242    title = "On the use of post-measurement information in state discrimination",
0243    year=2010,
0244    note="arXiv:1003.0716"
0245 }
0246 @unpublished{wehner10b,
0247    author = "J. Oppenheim and S. Wehner",
0248    title = "If quantum mechanics were more non-local it would violate the uncertainty principle",
0249    year=2010,
0250    note="arXiv:1004.2507"
0251 }
0252 @unpublished{wehner10c,
0253    author = "P. Mandayam and N. Balachandran and S. Wehner",
0254    title = "A transform of complementary aspects with applications to entropic uncertainty relations",
0255    note = "arXiv:1004.5086",
0256    year=2010
0257 }