Warning, /office/kbibtex-testset/bib/in-the-wild/pure-intro.bib is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 @PhdThesis{Aardappel,
0002   author =       {Wouter van Oortmerssen},
0003   title =        {Concurrent Tree Space Transformation in the Aardappel Programming Language},
0004   school =       {University of Southampton, UK},
0005   year =         2000
0006 }
0008 @book{AbSu96,
0009     author = "Abelson, Harold and Sussman, Gerald Jay and Sussman, Julie",
0010     title = "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs",
0011     year = 1996,
0012     publisher = "MIT Press",
0013     edition = "2nd"
0014 }
0016 @InProceedings{Adaptive,
0017   author =       {R. C. Sekar and R. Ramesh and I. V. Ramakrishnan},
0018   title =        {Adaptive Pattern Matching},
0019   booktitle =    {Proc. International Colloquium on Automata Languages and Programming (ICALP)},
0020   pages =        {247--260},
0021   year =         1992,
0022   volume =       623,
0023   series =       {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}
0024 }
0026 @Misc{Ak07,
0027   author =       {Vyacheslav Akhmechet},
0028   title =        {Functional Programming For The Rest of Us},
0029   howpublished = {\url{http://www.defmacro.org/ramblings/fp.html}},
0030   month =        {June},
0031   year =         2007
0032 }
0034 @ARTICLE{Alice,
0035   title = {A Concurrent Lambda Calculus with Futures},
0036   year = {2006},
0037   author = {Joachim Niehren and Jan Schwinghammer and Gert Smolka},
0038   month = nov,
0039   pages = {338-356},
0040   number = 3,
0041   volume = 364,
0042   journal = {Theoretical Computer Science},
0043   label = {jlambda-fut},
0044   note = {See \url{http://www.ps.uni-sb.de/alice}}
0045 }
0047 @Book{Bertrand,
0048   author =       {William Leler},
0049   title =        {Constraint Programming Languages: Their Specification and Generation},
0050   publisher =    {Addison-Wesley},
0051   year =         1988
0052 }
0054 @Book{BiWa88,
0055   author =       {Richard Bird and Philip Wadler},
0056   title =        {Introduction to Functional Programming},
0057   publisher =    {Prentice Hall},
0058   year =         1988,
0059   address =      {New York}
0060 }
0062 @book{Clean,
0063   author  = {Rinus Plasmeijer and Marko van Eekelen},
0064   title   = {Clean Version 2.0 Language Report},
0065   publisher = {University of Nijmegen},
0066   year    = 2001,
0067   month   = {December}
0068 }
0070 @InCollection{DeJo90,
0071   author =       {Nachum Dershowitz and Jean-Pierre Jouannaud},
0072   title =        {Rewrite systems},
0073   booktitle =    {Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science},
0074   pages =        {243--320},
0075   publisher =    {Elsevier},
0076   year =         1990,
0077   editor =       {J. van Leeuwen},
0078   volume =       {B},
0079   chapter =      6
0080 }
0082 @Book{Do85,
0083   author =       {Michael O'Donnell},
0084   title =        {Equational Logic as a Programming Language},
0085   publisher =    {MIT Press},
0086   year =         1985,
0087   series =       {Series in the Foundations of Computing},
0088   address =      {Cambridge, Mass.}
0089 }
0091 @Misc{FP,
0092   key =          {Wikipedia Functional programming},
0093   title =        {Wikipedia article ``{Functional programming}''},
0094   howpublished = {\newline\url{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Functional_programming}},
0095   month =        {October},
0096   year =         2008
0097 } 
0099 @book{GSL,
0100 author =     "M. Galassi and J. Davies and J. Theiler and B. Gough and G. Jungman and M. Booth and F. Rossi",
0101 title =      "GNU Scientific Library Reference Manual",
0102 publisher =  "Network Theory Limited",
0103 year =       "2006",
0104 isbn =       "0-9541617-3-4",
0105 note = {See \url{http://www.gnu.org/software/gsl}}
0106 }
0108 @InProceedings{Gr91,
0109   author =       {Albert Gr\"af},
0110   title =        {Left-to-right tree pattern matching},
0111   booktitle =    {Rewriting Techniques and Applications},
0112   pages =        {323--334},
0113   year =         1991,
0114   editor =       {Ronald V. Book},
0115   series =       {LNCS 488},
0116   publisher =    {Springer}
0117 }
0119 @book{Haskell98,
0120   title = {Haskell 98 Language and Libraries: The Revised Report},
0121   editor = {Simon Peyton Jones},
0122   howpublished = {PDF},
0123   month = {September},
0124   pages = {277},
0125   publisher = {\url{http://haskell.org}},
0126   type = {Language Definition},
0127   url = {http://haskell.org/definition/haskell98-report.pdf},
0128   year = {2002},
0129   description = {This report defines the syntax for Haskell programs and an informal abstract semantics for the meaning of such programs.},
0130   keywords = {haskell }
0131 }
0133 @Book{Hu00,
0134   author =       {Paul Hudak},
0135   title =        {The Haskell School of Expression: Learning Functional Programming Through Multimedia},
0136   publisher =    {Cambridge University Press},
0137   year =         2000
0138 }
0140 @article{Hu89,
0141         AUTHOR = {John Hughes},
0142         TITLE = {Why Functional Programming Matters},
0143         JOURNAL = {Computer Journal},
0144         VOLUME = 32,
0145         NUMBER = 2,
0146         PAGES = {98--107},
0147         YEAR = 1989,
0148         url = {citeseer.ist.psu.edu/hughes84why.html}
0149 }
0151 @Misc{LLVM,
0152 key = {Chris Lattner},
0153 author = {Chris {Lattner et al}},
0154 title = {The {LLVM} Compiler Infrastructure},
0155 year = {2008},
0156 url = {http://llvm.org},
0157 howpublished = {\url{http://llvm.org}}
0158 }
0160 @Manual{MATLAB,
0161   author =      "J. N. Little and C. B. Moler",
0162   address =     "Cochinate Place, 24 Prime Park Way, Natick, MA 01760",
0163   key =         "Mathworks",
0164   month =       jan,
0165   organization = "{MathWorks}, Inc.",
0166   title =       "{MATLAB} User's Guide",
0167   year =        "1990",
0168 }
0170 @book{ML,
0171         author = {Milner, Robin   and Tofte, Mads   and Harper, Robert   and Macqueen, David  },
0172         citeulike-article-id = 113339,
0173         howpublished = {Paperback},
0174         isbn = 0262631814,
0175         keywords = {ml programming},
0176         priority = 2,
0177         publisher = {The MIT Press},
0178         title = {The Definition of Standard ML - Revised},
0179         url = {http://www.amazon.ca/exec/obidos/redirect?tag=citeulike04-20{\&}path=ASIN/0262631814},
0180         year = 1997
0181 }
0183 @InCollection{Miranda,
0184   Author =       "David A. Turner",
0185   Title =        "An Overview of {Miranda}",
0186   Editor =       "David A. Turner",
0187   BookTitle =    "Research Topics in Functional Programming",
0188   Publisher =    Addison-Wesley,
0189   Year =         1990,
0190   Series =       "University of Texas at Austin Year of Programming
0191                   Series",
0192   Address =      NY,
0193   Pages =        "1-16",
0194   Annote =       "3 references.",
0195   note =         {See \url{http://miranda.org.uk}}
0196 }
0198 @incollection{ OBJ,
0199     author = "Joseph Goguen and Timothy Winkler and Jos\'e Meseguer and Kokichi Futatsugi and Jean-Pierre Jouannaud",
0200     title = "Introducing {OBJ}",
0201     booktitle = "Applications of Algebraic Specification using {OBJ}",
0202     publisher = "Cambridge",
0203     editor = "Joseph Goguen",
0204     year = "1993"
0205 }
0207 @InProceedings{OPAL,
0208   author =       {Klaus Didrich and Andreas Fett and Carola Gerke and Wolfgang Grieskamp and Peter Pepper},
0209   title =        {{OPAL}: Design and Implementation of an Algebraic Programming Language},
0210   booktitle =    {Programming Languages and System Architectures},
0211   pages =        {228--244},
0212   year =         1994,
0213   editor =       {J\"urg Gutknecht},
0214   series =       {LNCS 782},
0215   publisher =    {Springer}
0216 }
0218 @book{Octave,
0219 author =     "John W. Eaton",
0220 title =      "GNU Octave Manual",
0221 publisher =  "Network Theory Limited",
0222 year =       "2002",
0223 isbn =       "0-9541617-2-6",
0224 note = {See \url{http://www.octave.org}}
0225 }
0227 @book{Ok98,
0228  author = {Chris Okasaki},
0229  title = {Purely Functional Data Structures},
0230  year = {1998},
0231  isbn = {0-521-63124-6},
0232  publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
0233  address = {New York, NY, USA}
0234 }
0236 @InProceedings{Ok98b,
0237   author =       {Chris Okasaki},
0238   title =        {Views for {Standard ML}},
0239   booktitle =    {SIGPLAN Workshop on {ML}},
0240   pages =        {14--23},
0241   year =         1998,
0242   address =      {Baltimore, Maryland, USA},
0243   month =        {September},
0244   url = "citeseer.ist.psu.edu/okasaki98view.html"
0245 }
0247 @manual{ Otter,
0248     author = "William W.~McCune",
0249     title = "{OTTER} 3.0 Reference Manual and Guide",
0250     year = "1994"
0251 }
0253 @book{QPL,
0254   title =        {The Q Programming Language},
0255   author =       {Albert Gr{\"a}f},
0256   publisher =    {\url{http://q-lang.sf.net}},
0257   year =         2008
0258 }
0260 @Book{Rewriting,
0261   author =      "F. Baader and T. Nipkow",
0262   title =       "Term Rewriting and all that",
0263   publisher =   "Cambridge University Press",
0264   address =     "Cambridge",
0265   year =        "1998",
0266   ISBN =        "0521455200",
0267   descriptor =  "Reduktionssystem, Term-Ersetzungssystem, Term",
0268 }
0270 @TECHREPORT{UUCS2005005,
0271   author =       {Martin Bravenboer and Arthur van Dam and Karina Olmos and Eelco Visser},
0272   year =         2005,
0273   title =        {Program Transformation with Scoped Dynamic Rewrite Rules},
0274   number =       {UU-CS-2005-005},
0275   institution =  {Institute of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht
0276                   University}
0277 }
0279 @InProceedings{Wa87,
0280   author =       {Philip Wadler},
0281   title =        {Views: {A} way for pattern matching to cohabit with data
0282                   abstraction},
0283   booktitle =    {Proc. Principles of Programming Languages},
0284   year =         1987,
0285   publisher =    {ACM}
0286 }
0288 @Book{Whitehead98,
0289   title =       "A Treatise on Universal Algebra, with Applications",
0290   author =      "Alfred North Whitehead",
0291   publisher =   "Cambridge",
0292   year =        "1898",
0293   note =        "Reprinted 1960",
0294 }
0296 @article { orlarey:04a , 
0297   author        = {Yann Orlarey and Dominique Fober and Stephane Letz},
0298   title         = {Syntactical and Semantical Aspects of {Faust}},
0299   journal       = {Soft Computing},
0300   volume    = {8},
0301   number    = {9},
0302   year      = {2004},
0303   pages     = {623-632}
0304 }