Warning, /office/kbibtex-testset/bib/in-the-wild/kreutz.bib is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 @INPROCEEDINGS{Adler:1996,
0002   author =       {J. Adler and B. D. Rao and K. Kreutz-Delgado},
0003   title =        {Comparison of Basis Selection Methods},
0004   booktitle =    {Proceedings of the 30th Asilomar conference on signals, systems and computers},
0005   year =         {1996},
0006   pages =        {252-257},
0007 }
0009 @ARTICLE{Cotter:1999,
0010   author =       {S. F. Cotter and J. Adler and B. D. Rao and K. Kreutz-Delgado},
0011   title =        {Forward sequential algorithms for best basis selection},
0012   journal =      {{IEE} Proc. Vis. Imae Signal Process.},
0013   year =         {1999},
0014   volume =       {146},
0015   number =       {5},
0016   pages =        {235-244},
0017   month =        {October},
0018 }
0020 @ARTICLE{DeMers:1996,
0021   author =       {D. DeMers and K. Kreutz-Delgado},
0022   title =        {Canonical parameterization of excess motor degrees of freedom with self-organizing maps},
0023   journal =      {IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks},
0024   year =         {1996},
0025   volume =       {7},
0026   number =       {1},
0027   pages =        {45-55},
0028   month =        {January 1996},
0029 }
0031 @INPROCEEDINGS{Engan:1999,
0032   author =       {Kjersti Engan and Bhaskar D. Rao and Kenneth Kreutz-Delgado},
0033   title =        {Frame design using {FOCUSS} with method of optimal directions ({MOD})},
0034   booktitle =    {Proc. {NORSIG} 1999, Tronheim, Norway, June, 1999},
0035   year =         {1999},
0036   pages =        {65-69},
0037 }
0039 @PHDTHESIS{Engan:2000,
0040   author =       {Kjersi Engan},
0041   title =        {Frame based signal representation and compression},
0042   school =       {Stavanger Universty College, Norway},
0043   year =         {2000}
0044 }
0046 @INPROCEEDINGS{Engan:2000b,
0047   author =       {Kjersti Engan and Bhaskar D. Rao and Kenneth Kreutz-Delgado},
0048   title =        {Regularized {FOCUSS} for subset selection in noise},
0049   booktitle =    {Proc. {NORSIG} 2000, Sweden, June, 2000},
0050   year =         {2000},
0051   pages =        {247-250},
0052 }
0054 @ARTICLE{Hardt:2000,
0055   author =       {M. Hardt and J. W. Helton and K. Kreutz-Delgado},
0056   title =        {Numerical solution of nonlinear H\_2 and H\_infin control problems with application to jet engine compressors},
0057   journal =      {IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology},
0058   year =         {2000},
0059   volume =       {8},
0060   number =       {1},
0061   pages =        {98-111},
0062   month =        {January},
0063 }
0065 @TECHREPORT{Kreutz:1997,
0066   author =       {Kenneth Kreutz-Delgado and Bhaskar D. Rao},
0067   title =        {A General Approach to Sparse Basis Selection: Majorization, Concavity, and Affine Scaling},
0068   institution =  {University of California, San Diego},
0069   year =         {1997},
0070   number =       {UCSD-CIE-97-7-1},
0071   month =        {July},
0072   note =         {http://cairo.ucsd.edu/$\sim$kreutz/publications.htm}
0073 }
0075 @INPROCEEDINGS{Kreutz:1998,
0076   author =       {Kenneth Kreutz-Delgado and Bhaskar D. Rao and Kjersti Engan},
0077   title =        {Applications of concave/Schur-concave functions to the learning of overcomplete dictionaries and sparse representations},
0078   booktitle =    {Conference Record of the 32rd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers},
0079   year =         {1998},
0080   pages =        {546-550}
0081 }
0083 @INPROCEEDINGS{Kreutz:1998b,
0084   author =       {Kenneth Kreutz-Delgado and Bhaskar D. Rao},
0085   title =        {Measures and algorithms for best basis selection},
0086   booktitle =    {1998 {IEEE} International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing},
0087   year =         {1998},
0088   pages =        {1881-1884}
0089 }
0091 @INPROCEEDINGS{Kreutz:1999,
0092   author =       {Kenneth Kreutz-Delgado and Bhaskar D. Rao and Kjersti Engan},
0093   title =        {Novel algorithms for learning overcomplete dictionaries},
0094   booktitle =    {Conference Record of the 33rd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers},
0095   year =         {1999},
0096   pages =        {971-975}
0097 }
0099 @INPROCEEDINGS{Kreutz:1999b,
0100   author =       {Kenneth Kreutz-Delgado and Bhaskar D. Rao},
0101   title =        {Sparse basis selection, {ICA} and majorization: towards a unified perspective},
0102   booktitle =    {1999 {IEEE} International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing},
0103   year =         {1999},
0104   pages =        {1081-1084}
0105 }
0107 @INPROCEEDINGS{Kreutz:1999c,
0108     AUTHOR = "Kenneth Kreutz-Delgado and Bhaskar D. Rao and Kjersti Engan and Te-Won Lee and Terrence J. Sejnowski",
0109     TITLE = "{Convex/Schur--Convex (CSC) Log-Priors and Sparse Coding}",
0110     BOOKTITLE = "Proc.\ 6th Joint Symposium on Neural Computation",
0111     ADDRESS = "Caltech, Pasadena, California",
0112     MONTH = "May",
0113     YEAR = "1999",
0114   note =         {http://cairo.ucsd.edu/$\sim$kreutz/publications.htm}
0115 }
0117 @INPROCEEDINGS{Kreutz:1999d,
0118     AUTHOR = "Kenneth Kreutz-Delgado and Bhaskar D. Rao and Kjersti Engan and Te-Won Lee and Terrence J. Sejnowski",
0119     TITLE = "{Learning Overcomplete Dictionaries: Convex/Schur-Convex (CSC) Log-Priors,
0120                 Factorial Codes, and Independent/Dependent Component Analysis (I/DCA)}",
0121     BOOKTITLE = "Proc.\ 6th Joint Symposium on Neural Computation",
0122     ADDRESS = "Caltech, Pasadena, California",
0123     MONTH = "May",
0124     YEAR = "1999",
0125   note =         {http://cairo.ucsd.edu/$\sim$kreutz/publications.htm}
0126 }
0128 @INPROCEEDINGS{Kreutz:2000,
0129   author =       {Kenneth Kreutz-Delgado and Bhaskar D. Rao},
0130   title =        {{FOCUSS}-Based Dictionary Learning Algorithms},
0131   booktitle =    {Proceedings of the SPIE Volume 4119: Wavelet Applications in Signal and Image Processing VIII},
0132   volume =       {4119-53},
0133   organization = {SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering},
0134   address =      {Bellingham, Washington},
0135   month =        {July-August},
0136   year =         {2000},
0137 }
0139 @TECHREPORT{Murray:1999,
0140   author =       {Joseph F. Murray},
0141   title =        {Recognizing Rotated and Occluded Shapes Using Cortronic Neural Networks and Biologically Motivated Feature Extractors},
0142   institution =  {{UCSD}},
0143   year =         {1999},
0144   type =         {Center for Information Engineering},
0145   number =       {UCSD-CIE-99-8-1},
0146   note =         {http://cairo.ucsd.edu/$\sim$jfmurray/publications.htm}
0147 }
0149 @INPROCEEDINGS{Murray:2001b,
0150   author =       {Joseph F. Murray and Kenneth Kreutz-Delgado},
0151   title =        {An Improved FOCUSS-Based Learning Algorithm for Solving Sparse Linear Inverse Problems},
0152   booktitle =    {Conference Record of the 35rd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers},
0153   year =         {2001},
0154   month =        {November},
0155 }
0157 @INPROCEEDINGS{Rao:1997,
0158   author =       {Bhaskar D. Rao and Kenneth Kreutz-Delgado},
0159   title =        {Deriving algorithms for computing sparse solutions to linear inverse problems},
0160   booktitle =    {Conference Record of the 31rd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers},
0161   year =         {1997},
0162   pages =        {955-959}
0163 }
0165 @INPROCEEDINGS{Rao:1998,
0166   author =       {Bhaskar D. Rao and Kenneth Kreutz-Delgado},
0167   title =        {Basis selection in the presence of noise},
0168   booktitle =    {Conference Record of the 32rd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers},
0169   year =         {1998},
0170   pages =        {752-756}
0171 }
0173 @INPROCEEDINGS{Rao:1998b,
0174   author =       {Bhaskar D. Rao and Kenneth Kreutz-Delgado and S. Dharanipragada},
0175   title =        {Improving spectral resolution using basis selection},
0176   booktitle =    {Ninth {IEEE} Signal Processing Workshop on Statistical and Array Processing},
0177   year =         {1998},
0178   pages =        {336-339}
0179 }
0181 @ARTICLE{Rao:1999,
0182   author =       {Bhaskar D. Rao and Kenneth Kreutz-Delgado},
0183   title =        {An Affine Scaling Methodology for Best Basis Selection},
0184   journal =      {{IEEE} Trans. Sig. Proc.},
0185   year =         {1999},
0186   volume =       {47},
0187   number =       {1},
0188   pages =        {187-200},
0189   month =        {January},
0190 }