Warning, /office/kbibtex-testset/bib/in-the-wild/julio.bib is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 % Julio H. Braslavsky references in BibTeX format
0002 % Time-stamp: <2004-05-20 10:36:21 julio>
0003 @string{ASME = "Trans. ASME, J. Basic Engrg."}%
0004 @string{TAC = "IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control"}%
0005 @string{SIAM = "SIAM J. Control and Optimization"}%
0006 @string{MCSS = "Math. Contr. , Signals, Syst."}%
0007 @string{CAS = "IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems"}%
0008 @string{TIT = "IEEE Trans. on Information Theory"}%
0009 @string{IEEptD = "IEE Proceedings Part D"}%
0010 @string{IJC = "Int. J. of Control"}%
0011 @string{SCL = "Systems \& Control Letters"}%
0014 @Article{ASBK00,
0015   author =       {M. Arcak and M. Seron and J.H. Braslavsky and
0016                   P. Kokotovi\'{c}},
0017   title =        {Robustification of backstepping against input
0018                   unmodeled dynamics},
0019   journal =      TAC,
0020   year =         2000,
0021   volume =       45,
0022   number =       7,
0023   pages =        {1358-1363}
0024 }
0028 @inproceedings{BAG88,
0029   author =       {J.H. Braslavsky and R.J. Aimaretti and
0030                   R.L.V. Gonz\'alez},
0031   title =        {Linear Programming Techniques in the Design of
0032                   Controllers for Non-Minimum Phase Systems},
0033   booktitle =    {Proc.\  of the XI Argentine Symposium of
0034                   Automatic Control},
0035   year =         {1988},
0036   month =        {September},
0037   address =      {Buenos Aires, Argentina},
0038   note =         {(Spanish)}
0039 }
0041 @InProceedings{BAG88s,
0042   author =       {J.H. Braslavsky and R.J. Aimaretti and
0043                   R.L.V. Gonz\'alez},
0044   title =        {T\'ecnicas de programaci\'on lineal en el dise\~no
0045                   de controladores para systemas no m\'{\i}nima fase},
0046   booktitle =    {Anales del XI Congreso Argentino de Control
0047                   Autom\'atico},
0048   year =         1988,
0049   address =      {Buenos Aires, Argentina},
0050   month =        {Septiembre}
0051 }
0053 @Article{BMF02,
0054   author =       {J.H. Braslavsky and R.H. Middleton and
0055                   J.S. Freudenberg},
0056   title =        {Cheap Control Performance of a Class of
0057                   Non-Right-Invertible Nonlinear Systems},
0058   journal =      TAC,
0059   year =         2002,
0060   month =        {August},
0061   volume =       47,
0062   number =       8,
0063   pages =        {1314--1319}
0064 }
0066 @InProceedings{BMF95,
0067   author =       {J.H. Braslavsky and R.H. Middleton and
0068                   J.S. Freudenberg},
0069   title =        {Sensitivity and robustness of sampled-data control
0070                   systems: a frequency domain viewpoint},
0071   booktitle =    {Proc.\  of the 1995 American Control Conference},
0072   year =         1995,
0073   address =      {Seattle, WA, USA},
0074   month =        {June},
0075   pages =        {1040-1044}
0076 }
0078 @inproceedings{BMF95a,
0079   author =       {J.H. Braslavsky and R.H. Middleton and
0080                   J.S. Freudenberg},
0081   title =        {Frequency response of generalized sampled-data hold
0082                   functions},
0083   booktitle =    {Proc.\  of the 34th Conference on Decision and Control},
0084   year =         1995,
0085   month =        {December},
0086   pages =        {3596-3601},
0087   address =      {New Orleans, LO, USA}
0088 }
0090 @Article{BMF98,
0091   author =       {J.H. Braslavsky and R.H. Middleton and
0092                   J.S. Freudenberg},
0093   title =        {${L}_2$-induced norms and frequency-gains of
0094                   sampled-data sensitivity operators},
0095   journal =      TAC,
0096   year =         1998,
0097   volume =       43,
0098   number =       2,
0099   pages =        {252-8}
0100 }
0102 @InProceedings{BMF99,
0103   author =       {J.H. Braslavsky and R.H. Middleton and
0104                   J.S. Freudenberg},
0105   title =        {Performance Limitations in a Class of Single-Input
0106                   Two-Output Nonlinear Systems},
0107   booktitle =    {Proc. of the 1999 American Control Conference},
0108   year =         1999,
0109   address =      {San Diego, CA, USA}
0110 }
0112 @InProceedings{BMF99b,
0113   author =       {J.H. Braslavsky and R.H. Middleton and
0114                   J.S. Freudenberg},
0115   title =        {Cheap Control Performance of a Class of
0116                   Non-Right-Invertible Nonlinear Systems},
0117   booktitle =    {Proc.\  of the 38th IEEE Conference on Decision
0118                   and Control},
0119   year =         1999,
0120   address =      {Phoenix, AZ, USA}
0121 }
0124 @Article{BMMF97,
0125   author =       {J.H. Braslavsky and G. Meinsma and R.H. Middleton
0126                   and J.S. Freudenberg},
0127   title =        {On a key sampling formula relating the {L}aplace and
0128                   {Z} transforms},
0129   journal =      SCL,
0130   year =         1997,
0131   volume =       {29},
0132   number =       {4},
0133   pages =        {181-190}
0134 }
0136 @InProceedings{BSGG96,
0137   author =       {J.H. Braslavsky and M.M. Seron and G.C. Goodwin and
0138                   R.W. Grainger},
0139   title =        {Tradeoffs in Multivariable Filter Design with
0140                   Applications to Fault Detection},
0141   booktitle =    {Proc.\  of the 35th Conference on Decision and Control},
0142   year =         1996,
0143   address =      {Kobe, Japan},
0144   month =        {December}
0145 }
0147 @InProceedings{BSK98,
0148   author =       {J.H. Braslavsky and M.M. Seron and
0149                   P.V. Kokotovi\'{c}},
0150   title =        {Near-optimal cheap control of nonlinear systems},
0151   booktitle =    {Preprints of the 4th IFAC Nonlinear Control Systems
0152                   Design Symposium (NOLCOS)},
0153   pages =        {109-14},
0154   year =         1998,
0155   volume =       1,
0156   address =      {University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands},
0157   month =        {July}
0158 }
0160 @Article{BSMK99,
0161   author =       {J.H. Braslavsky and M.M. Seron and 
0162                   D.Q. Mayne and P.V. Kokotovi\'{c}},
0163   title =        {Limiting Performance of Optimal Linear Filters},
0164   journal =      {Automatica},
0165   year =         1999,
0166   volume =       35,
0167   number =       2,
0168   pages =        {189-199},
0169   month =        {February}
0170 }
0172 @inproceedings{BrM93a,
0173   author =       {J.H. Braslavsky and R.H. Middleton},
0174   title =        {On the stabilization of linear unstable systems with
0175                   control constraints},
0176   booktitle =    {Proc.\  of the 12th IFAC World Congress},
0177   year =         {1993},
0178   month =        {July},
0179   volume =       {7},
0180   pages =        {433-436},
0181   address =      {Sydney}
0182 }
0184 @Article{BrM96,
0185   author =       {J.H. Braslavsky and R.H. Middleton},
0186   title =        {Global and Semi-global Stabilizability in Certain
0187                   Cascade Nonlinear Systems},
0188   journal =      TAC,
0189   year =         1996,
0190   volume =       41,
0191   number =       6,
0192   month =        {June},
0193   pages =        {876-881}
0194 }
0196 @phdthesis{Bra95,
0197   author =       {J.H. Braslavsky},
0198   title =        {Frequency domain analysis of sampled-data control
0199                   systems},
0200   year =         {1995},
0201   month =        {October},
0202   address =      {NSW 2308, Australia},
0203   school =       {The University of Newcastle}
0204 }
0206 @article{FMB95,
0207   author =       {J.S. Freudenberg and R.H. Middleton and
0208                   J.H. Braslavsky},
0209   title =        {Inherent design limitations for linear sampled-data
0210                   feedback systems},
0211   journal =      {International Journal of Control},
0212   year =         {1995},
0213   month =        {June},
0214   volume =       {61},
0215   number =       {6},
0216   pages =        {1387-1421}
0217 }
0219 @Article{FMB97,
0220   author =       {J.S. Freudenberg and R.H. Middleton and
0221                   J.H. Braslavsky},
0222   title =        {Robustness of Zero-Shifting via Generalized
0223                   Sampled-data hold Functions},
0224   journal =      TAC,
0225   year =         1997,
0226   volume =       42,
0227   number =       12,
0228   pages =        "1681-92",
0229   month =        "December"
0230 }
0232 @Article{GBS02,
0233   author =       {G.C. Goodwin and J.H. Braslavsky and M.M. Seron},
0234   title =        {Non-Stationary Stochastic Embedding for Transfer
0235                   Function Estimation},
0236   journal =      {Automatica},
0237   year =         2002,
0238   volume =       38,
0239   number =       1,
0240   month =        {January},
0241   pages =        {47--62}
0242 }
0244 @InProceedings{HjB99,
0245   author =       {H. Hjalmarsson and J.H. Braslavsky},
0246   title =        {Tuning of controllers and generalized hold functions
0247                   in sampled-data systems using {I}terative {F}eedback
0248                   {T}uning},
0249   booktitle =    {Proc.\  of the IFAC 14th World Congress},
0250   year =         1999,
0251   month =        {June},
0252   address =      {Beijing, China}
0253 }
0255 @InProceedings{MiB00,
0256   author =       {R.H. Middleton and J.H. Braslavsky},
0257   title =        {On the relationship between logarithmic sensitivity
0258                   integrals and limiting optimal control problems},
0259   booktitle =    {Proc.\ of the 39th IEEE Conference on Decision and
0260                   Control},
0261   volume =       5,
0262   pages =        {4990--4995},
0263   year =         2000,
0264   address =      {Sydney},
0265   month =        {December}
0266 }
0268 @InProceedings{MiB02,
0269   author =       {R.H. Middleton and J.H. Braslavsky},
0270   title =        {Towards quantitative time domain design tradeoffs in
0271                   nonlinear control},
0272   booktitle =    {Proceedings of the 2002 American Control Conference},
0273   volume =       6,
0274   pages =        {4896--4901},
0275   year =         2002,
0276   month =        {May},
0277   address =      {Anchorage, USA}
0278 }
0280 @InProceedings{RBV02,
0281   author =       {M.E. Romero and J.H. Braslavsky and M.I. Valla},
0282   title =        {A ripple minimization strategy for direct torque and
0283                   flux control of induction motors using sliding
0284                   modes},
0285   booktitle =    {Proceedigns of the 15th IFAC World Congress on
0286                   Automatic Control},
0287   year =         2002,
0288   month =        {July},
0289   address =      {Barcelona, Spain}
0290 }
0292 @InProceedings{RGLBV99,
0293   author =       {Reinelt, W. and Garully, A. and Ljung, L. and
0294                   Braslavsky, J. H. and Vicino, A.},
0295   title =        {Model error concepts in identification for control},
0296   booktitle =    {Proc.\  of the 38th IEEE Conference on Decision
0297                   and Control},
0298   year =         1999,
0299   address =      {Phoenix, AZ, USA}
0300 }
0302 @Book{SBG97a,
0303   author =       {M.M. Seron and J.H. Braslavsky and G.C. Goodwin},
0304   title =        {Fundamental Limitations in Filtering and Control},
0305   publisher =    {Springer-Verlag},
0306   year =         1997,
0307   address =      {London}
0308 }
0310 @InProceedings{SBKM97a,
0311   author =       "M.M. Seron and J.H. Braslavsky and
0312                   P.V. Kokotovi\'{c} and D.Q. Mayne",
0313   title =        "Feedback Limitations in Nonlinear Systems: {F}rom
0314                   {B}ode Integrals to Cheap Control",
0315   pages =        "2067-72",
0316   booktitle =    "Proc.\  of the 36th Conference on Decision and Control",
0317   year =         1997,
0318   month =        "December",
0319   address =      "San Diego, CA, USA"
0320 }
0322 @Article{SBKM99,
0323   author =       {M.M. Seron and J.H. Braslavsky and
0324                   P.V. Kokotovi\'{c} and D.Q. Mayne},
0325   title =        {Feedback Limitations in Nonlinear Systems: {F}rom
0326                   {B}ode Integrals to Cheap Control},
0327   journal =      TAC,
0328   year =         1999,
0329   volume =       44,
0330   number =       4,
0331   pages =        "829-833",
0332   month =        {April}
0333 }
0335 @InProceedings{braslavsky04:_snration,
0336   author =       {J.H. Braslavsky and R.H. Middleton and
0337                   J.S. Freudenberg},
0338   title =        {Feedback Stabilization over Signal-to-Noise Ratio
0339                   Constrained Channels},
0340   booktitle =    {Proceeding of the 2004 American Control Conference},
0341   year =         2004,
0342   address =      {Boston, MA, USA},
0343   month =        {June}
0344 }
0346 @Article{lau03:_under,
0347   author =       {K. Lau and R.H. Middleton and J.H. Braslavsky},
0348   title =        {Undershoot and Settling Time Trade-offs for
0349                   Nonlinear Non-minimum Phase Systems},
0350   journal =      TAC,
0351   year =         2003,
0352   volume =       48,
0353   number =       8,
0354   pages =        {1389 - 1393},
0355   month =        {August}
0356 }
0358 @InProceedings{middleton03:_conjec,
0359   author =       {Middleton, R.H. and Lau, K. and Braslavsky, J.H.},
0360   title =        {Conjectures and Counterexamples on Optimal ${L}_2$
0361                   Disturbance Attenuation in Nonlinear Systems},
0362   booktitle =    {Proceedings of the 42nd IEEE Conference on Decision
0363                   and Control},
0364   year =         2003,
0365   address =      {Maui, Hawaii, USA},
0366   month =        {December}
0367 }
0369 @InProceedings{middleton04:_stabil,
0370   author =       {Rick Middleton and Julio Braslavsky and Jim
0371                   Freudenberg},
0372   title =        {Stabilisation of non-minimum phase plants over
0373                   signal-to-noise ratio constrained channels},
0374   booktitle =    {Asian Control Conference},
0375   year =         2004,
0376   address =      {Melbourne, Australia},
0377   month =        {July},
0378   note =         {To appear}
0379 }