Warning, /office/kbibtex-testset/bib/in-the-wild/imps-bibliography.bib is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 %% This file is a complete bibliography of the papers on IMPS in 
0002 %% BibTeX format.  Send questions to wmfarmer at mcmaster.ca.
0004 @TechReport{Farmer87,
0005   author =      "W. M. Farmer",
0006   title =       "Abstract Data Types in Many-Sorted Second-Order Logic",
0007   institution = "The {MITRE} Corporation",
0008   year =        "1987",
0009   OPTtype =     "",
0010   number =      "M87-64",
0011   OPTaddress =  "202 Burlington Road, Bedford, MA 01730-1420, USA",
0012   OPTmonth =    "",
0013   OPTnote =     ""
0014 }
0016 @Article{Farmer90,
0017   author =      "W. M. Farmer",
0018   title =       "A Partial Functions Version of {Church's} Simple 
0019                  Theory of Types",
0020   journal =     "Journal of Symbolic Logic",
0021   year =        "1990",
0022   volume =      "55",
0023   Optnumber =   "3",
0024   pages =       "1269--91",
0025   OPTmonth =    "",
0026   OPTnote =     "Also {MITRE} Corporation technical report M88-52,
0027                  1988; revised 1990."
0028 }
0030 @Article{Farmer93b,
0031   author =      "W. M. Farmer",
0032   title =       "A Simple Type Theory with Partial Functions and Subtypes",
0033   journal =     "Annals of Pure and Applied Logic",
0034   year =        "1993",
0035   volume =      "64",
0036   OPTnumber =   "3",
0037   pages =       "211--240",
0038   OPTmonth =    "",
0039   OPTnote =     ""
0040 }
0042 @InProceedings{Farmer94,
0043   author =      "W. M. Farmer",
0044   title =       "Theory Interpretation in Simple Type Theory",
0045   booktitle =   "Higher-Order Algebra, Logic, and Term Rewriting",
0046   year =        "1994",
0047   series =      "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
0048   volume =      "816",
0049   editor =      "J. Heering et al.",
0050   pages =       "96--123",
0051   publisher =   "Springer-Verlag",
0052   OPTnote =     ""
0053 }
0055 @TechReport{Farmer94a,
0056   author =      "W. M. Farmer",
0057   title =       "A General Method for Safely Overwriting Theories in
0058                  Mechanized Mathematics Systems",
0059   institution = "The {MITRE} Corporation",
0060   year =        "1994",
0061   OPTtype =     "",
0062   OPTnumber =   "",
0063   OPTaddress =  "202 Burlington Road, Bedford, MA 01730-1420, USA",
0064   OPTmonth =    "",
0065   OPTnote =     "Revised version of the technical report ``A
0066                  technique for safely extending axiomatic theories''."
0067 }
0069 @Article{Farmer95,
0070   author =       "W. M. Farmer",
0071   title =        "Reasoning about Partial Functions with the Aid of a
0072                   Computer",
0073   OPTcrossref =  "",
0074   OPTkey =       "",
0075   journal =      "Erkenntnis",
0076   year =         "1995",
0077   volume =       "43",
0078   OPTnumber =    "3",
0079   pages =        "279--294",
0080   OPTmonth =     "",
0081   OPTnote =      "",
0082   OPTannote =    "",
0083   patron =       "Farmer"
0084 }
0086 @InProceedings{Farmer96,
0087   author =       {W. M. Farmer},
0088   title =        {Mechanizing the Traditional Approach to Partial Functions},
0089   booktitle =    {CADE-13 Workshop on the Mechanization of 
0090                  Partial Functions},
0091   OPTcrossref =  {},
0092   OPTkey =       {},
0093   pages =        {27--32},
0094   year =         {1996},
0095   editor =       {W.~Farmer and M.~Kerber and M.~Kohlhase},
0096   OPTvolume =    {},
0097   OPTnumber =    {},
0098   OPTseries =    {},
0099   OPTaddress =   {},
0100   OPTmonth =     {July},
0101   OPTorganization = {},
0102   OPTpublisher = {},
0103   OPTnote =      {},
0104   OPTannote =    {}
0105 }
0107 @InProceedings{Farmer98,
0108   author =       {W. M. Farmer},
0109   title =        {{STMM} and Partial Functions},
0110   booktitle =    {CADE-15 Workshop on the Mechanization of 
0111                  Partial Functions},
0112   OPTcrossref =  {},
0113   OPTkey =       {},
0114   pages =        {3--14},
0115   year =         {1998},
0116   editor =       {M.~Kerber},
0117   OPTvolume =    {},
0118   OPTnumber =    {},
0119   OPTseries =    {},
0120   OPTaddress =   {},
0121   OPTmonth =     {July},
0122   OPTorganization = {},
0123   OPTpublisher = {},
0124   OPTnote =      {},
0125   OPTannote =    {}
0126 }
0128 @InProceedings{Farmer98a,
0129   author =       {W. M. Farmer},
0130   title =        {The Interactive Mathematics Laboratory},
0131   booktitle =    {Proceedings of the 31st Annual Midwest Instruction 
0132                   and Computing Symposium (MICS '98)},
0133   OPTcrossref =  {},
0134   OPTkey =       {},
0135   pages =        {16--18},
0136   year =         {1998},
0137   OPTeditor =    {},
0138   OPTvolume =    {},
0139   OPTnumber =    {},
0140   OPTseries =    {},
0141   OPTaddress =   {},
0142   month =        {April},
0143   OPTorganization = {},
0144   OPTpublisher = {},
0145   OPTnote =      {},
0146   OPTannote =    {}
0147 }
0149 @InProceedings{Farmer99,
0150   author =       {W. M. Farmer},
0151   title =        {A Scheme for Defining Partial Higher-Order
0152                   Functions by Recursion},
0153   booktitle =    {3rd Irish Workshop on Formal Methods},
0154   OPTcrossref =  {},
0155   OPTkey =       {},
0156   OPTpages =     {},
0157   year =         {1999},
0158   OPTeditor =    {},
0159   OPTvolume =    {},
0160   OPTnumber =    {},
0161   series =       {electronic Workshops in Computing, \url{http://ewic.org.uk/workshops}},
0162   OPTaddress =   {},
0163   OPTmonth =     {},
0164   OPTorganization = {},
0165   OPTpublisher = {},
0166   OPTnote =      {},
0167   OPTannote =    {}
0168 }
0170 @InProceedings{Farmer00,
0171   author =      "W. M. Farmer",
0172   title =       "An Infrastructure for Intertheory Reasoning",
0173   booktitle =   "Automated Deduction---CADE-17",
0174   year =        "2000",
0175   series =      "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
0176   volume =      "1831",
0177   editor =      "D. McAllester",
0178   pages =       "115--131",
0179   OPTorganization =     "",
0180   publisher =   "Springer-Verlag",
0181   OPTaddress =  "",
0182   OPTmonth =    "",
0183   OPTnote =     ""
0184 }
0186 @InProceedings{Farmer00a,
0187   author =       {W. M. Farmer},
0188   title =        {A Proposal for the Development of an Interactive
0189                   Mathematics Laboratory for Mathematics Education},
0190   booktitle =    {CADE-17 Workshop on Deduction Systems for Mathematics 
0191                   Education},
0192   OPTcrossref =  {},
0193   OPTkey =       {},
0194   pages =        {20--25},
0195   year =         {2000},
0196   editor =       {E.~Melis},
0197   OPTvolume =    {},
0198   OPTnumber =    {},
0199   OPTseries =    {},
0200   OPTaddress =   {},
0201   OPTmonth =     {June},
0202   OPTorganization = {},
0203   OPTpublisher = {},
0204   OPTnote =      {},
0205   OPTannote =    {}
0206 }
0208 @Article{Farmer01,
0209   author =       {W. M. Farmer},
0210   title =        {{STMM}: A Set Theory for Mechanized Mathematics},
0211   journal =      {Journal of Automated Reasoning},
0212   year =         {2001},
0213   OPTkey =       {},
0214   volume =       {26},
0215   OPTnumber =    {3},
0216   pages =        {269--289},
0217   OPTmonth =     {},
0218   OPTnote =      {},
0219   OPTannote =    {}
0220 }
0222 @InProceedings{Farmer04,
0223   author =      "W. M. Farmer",
0224   title =       "Formalizing Undefinedness Arising in Calculus",
0225   booktitle =   "Automated Reasoning---IJCAR 2004",
0226   year =        "2004",
0227   series =      "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
0228   volume =      "3097",
0229   editor =      "D. Basin and M. Rusinowitch",
0230   pages =       "475--489",
0231   OPTorganization =     "",
0232   publisher =   "Springer-Verlag",
0233   OPTaddress =  "",
0234   OPTmonth =    "",
0235   OPTnote =     ""
0236 }
0238 @TechReport{Farmer04a,
0239   author =       {W. M. Farmer},
0240   title =        {A Sound and Complete Proof System for 
0241                   {STT}{\small w}{U}},
0242   institution =  {McMaster University},
0243   year =         {2004},
0244   OPTkey =       {},
0245   OPTtype =      {},
0246   number =       {No.~CAS-04-01-WF},
0247   OPTaddress =   {},
0248   OPTmonth =     {},
0249   OPTnote =      {},
0250   OPTannote =    {}
0251 }
0253 @InCollection{Farmer06,
0254   author =       {W. M. Farmer},
0255   title =        {{IMPS}},
0256   booktitle =    {The Seventeen Provers of the World},
0257   OPTcrossref =  {},
0258   OPTkey =       {},
0259   pages =        {72--87},
0260   publisher =    {Springer-Verlag},
0261   year =         {2006},
0262   editor =       {F. Wiedijk},
0263   volume =       {3600},
0264   OPTnumber =    {},
0265   series =       {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
0266   OPTtype =      {},
0267   OPTchapter =   {},
0268   OPTaddress =   {},
0269   OPTedition =   {},
0270   OPTmonth =     {},
0271   OPTnote =      {},
0272   OPTannote =    {}
0273 }
0275 @Article{FarmerGrigorov09,
0276   author =       {W. M. Farmer and O. Grigorov},
0277   title =        {Panoptes: An Exploration Tool for Formal Proofs},
0278   journal =      {Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science},
0279   year =         {2009},
0280   OPTkey =       {},
0281   volume =       {226},
0282   OPTnumber =    {},
0283   pages =        {39--48},
0284   OPTmonth =     {},
0285   note =         {\texttt{DOI:10.1016/j.entcs.2008.12.096}},
0286   OPTannote =    {}
0287 }
0289 @Article{FarmerGuttman00,
0290   author =       {W. M. Farmer and J. D. Guttman},
0291   title =        {A Set Theory with Support for Partial Functions},
0292   journal =      {Studia Logica},
0293   year =         {2000},
0294   OPTkey =       {},
0295   volume =       {66},
0296   OPTnumber =    {},
0297   pages =        {59--78},
0298   OPTmonth =     {},
0299   OPTnote =      {},
0300   OPTannote =    {}
0301 }
0303 @InProceedings{FarmerMohrenschildt00,
0304   author =       {W. M. Farmer and M. v. Mohrenschildt},
0305   title =        {Transformers for Symbolic Computation and Formal
0306                   Deduction},
0307   booktitle =    {CADE-17 Workshop on the Role of Automated Deduction 
0308                   in Mathematics},
0309   OPTcrossref =  {},
0310   OPTkey =       {},
0311   pages =        {36--45},
0312   year =         {2000},
0313   editor =       {S. Colton and U. Martin and V. Sorge},
0314   OPTvolume =    {},
0315   OPTnumber =    {},
0316   OPTseries =    {},
0317   OPTaddress =   {},
0318   OPTmonth =     {June},
0319   OPTorganization = {},
0320   OPTpublisher = {},
0321   OPTnote =      {},
0322   OPTannote =    {}
0323 }
0325 @InProceedings{FarmerEtAl90,
0326   author =      "W. M. Farmer and J. D. Guttman and F. J. Thayer",
0327   title =       "{IMPS}: An {I}nteractive {M}athematical {P}roof 
0328                  {S}ystem (system abstract)",
0329   booktitle =   "10th International Conference on Automated Deduction",
0330   year =        "1990",
0331   series =      "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
0332   volume =      "449",
0333   editor =      "M. E. Stickel",
0334   pages =       "653--654",
0335   OPTorganization =     "",
0336   publisher =   "Springer-Verlag",
0337   OPTaddress =  "",
0338   OPTmonth =    "",
0339   OPTnote =     ""
0340 }
0342 @InProceedings{FarmerEtAl92a,
0343   author =      "W. M. Farmer and J. D. Guttman and F. J. Thayer",
0344   title =       "{IMPS}: System Description",
0345   booktitle =   "Automated Deduction---CADE-11",
0346   year =        "1992",
0347   series =      "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
0348   volume =      "607",
0349   editor =      "D. Kapur",
0350   pages =       "701--705",
0351   OPTorganization =     "",
0352   publisher =   "Springer-Verlag",
0353   OPTaddress =  "",
0354   OPTmonth =    "",
0355   OPTnote =     ""
0356 }
0358 @InProceedings{FarmerEtAl92b,
0359   author =      "W. M. Farmer and J. D. Guttman and F. J. Thayer",
0360   title =       "Little Theories",
0361   booktitle =   "Automated Deduction---CADE-11",
0362   year =        "1992",
0363   series =      "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
0364   volume =      "607",
0365   editor =      "D. Kapur",
0366   pages =       "567--581",
0367   OPTorganization =     "",
0368   publisher =   "Springer-Verlag",
0369   OPTaddress =  "",
0370   OPTmonth =    "",
0371   OPTnote =     ""
0372 }
0374 @Article{FarmerEtAl93,
0375   author =      "W. M. Farmer and J. D. Guttman and F. J. Thayer",
0376   title =       "{IMPS}: An {I}nteractive {M}athematical {P}roof {S}ystem",
0377   journal =     "Journal of Automated Reasoning",
0378   year =        "1993",
0379   volume =      "11",
0380   OPTnumber =   "2",
0381   pages =       "213--248",
0382   OPTmonth =    "October"
0383 }
0385 @InProceedings{FarmerEtAl93a,
0386   author =      "W. M. Farmer and J. D. Guttman and F. J. Thayer",
0387   title =       "Reasoning with Contexts",
0388   booktitle =   "Design and Implementation of Symbolic Computation Systems",
0389   year =        "1993",
0390   series =      "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
0391   volume =      "722",
0392   editor =      "A. Miola",
0393   pages =       "216--228",
0394   OPTorganization =     "",
0395   publisher =   "Springer-Verlag",
0396   OPTaddress =  "",
0397   OPTmonth =    "",
0398   OPTnote =     ""
0399 }
0401 @TechReport{FarmerEtAl93b,
0402   author =      "W. M. Farmer and J. D. Guttman and F. J. Thayer",
0403   title =       "The {IMPS} User's Manual",
0404   institution = "The {MITRE} Corporation",
0405   year =        "1993",
0406   OPTtype =     "",
0407   number =      "M-93B138",
0408   OPTaddress =  "202 Burlington Road, Bedford, MA 01730-1420, USA",
0409   OPTmonth =    "November",
0410   OPTnote =     "Available at 
0411                  \url{ftp://math.harvard.edu/imps/doc/}"
0412 }
0414 @InProceedings{FarmerEtAl94,
0415   author =      "W. M. Farmer and J. D. Guttman and M. E. Nadel and 
0416                  F. J. Thayer",
0417   title =       "Proof Script Pragmatics in {IMPS}",
0418   booktitle =   "Automated Deduction---CADE-12",
0419   year =        "1994",
0420   series =      "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
0421   volume =      "814",
0422   editor =      "A. Bundy",
0423   pages =       "356--370",
0424   OPTorganization =     "",
0425   publisher =   "Springer-Verlag",
0426   OPTaddress =  "",
0427   OPTmonth =    "",
0428   OPTnote =     ""
0429 }
0431 @Article{FarmerEtAl95,
0432   author =       "W. M. Farmer and J. D. Guttman and F. J. Thayer",
0433   title =        "Contexts in Mathematical Reasoning and Computation",
0434   OPTcrossref =  "",
0435   OPTkey =       "",
0436   journal =      "Journal of Symbolic Computation",
0437   year =         "1995",
0438   volume =       "19",
0439   OPTnumber =    "",
0440   pages =        "201--216",
0441   OPTmonth =     "",
0442   OPTnote =      "",
0443   OPTannote =    "",
0444   patron =       "Farmer"
0445 }
0447 @InProceedings{FarmerEtAl96,
0448   author =      "W. M. Farmer and J. D. Guttman and F. J. {Thayer F\'abrega}",
0449   title =       "{IMPS}: An Updated System Description",
0450   booktitle =   "Automated Deduction---CADE-13",
0451   year =        "1996",
0452   series =      "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
0453   volume =      "1104",
0454   editor =      "M. McRobbie and J. Slaney",
0455   pages =       "298--302",
0456   OPTorganization =     "",
0457   publisher =   "Springer-Verlag",
0458   OPTaddress =  "",
0459   OPTmonth =    "",
0460   OPTnote =     ""
0461 }
0463 @Article{FarmerThayer91,
0464   author =      "W. M. Farmer and F. J. Thayer",
0465   title =       "Two Computer-Supported Proofs in Metric Space Topology",
0466   journal =     "Notices of the American Mathematical Society",
0467   year =        "1991",
0468   volume =      "38",
0469   OPTnumber =   "9",
0470   pages =       "1133--1138",
0471   OPTmonth =    "",
0472   OPTnote =     ""
0473 }
0475 @TechReport{FarmerThayer94,
0476   author =      "W. M. Farmer and F. J. Thayer",
0477   title =       "Formal Numerical Program Analysis",
0478   institution = "The {MITRE} Corporation",
0479   year =        "1994",
0480   OPTtype =     "",
0481   OPTnumber =   "",
0482   OPTaddress =  "202 Burlington Road, Bedford, MA 01730-1420, USA",
0483   OPTmonth =    "",
0484   OPTnote =     ""
0485 }
0487 @TechReport{Guttman91,
0488   author =      "J. D. Guttman",
0489   title =       "A Proposed Interface Logic for Verification Environments",
0490   institution = "The {MITRE} Corporation",
0491   year =        "1991",
0492   OPTtype =     "",
0493   number =      "M91-19",
0494   OPTaddress =  "202 Burlington Road, Bedford, MA 01730-1420, USA",
0495   OPTmonth =    "",
0496   OPTnote =     ""
0497 }
0499 @InProceedings{Guttman92,
0500   author =      "J. D. Guttman",
0501   title =       "Building Verification Environments from Components: 
0502                  A Position Paper",
0503   booktitle =   "Proceedings, Workshop on Effective Use of Automated 
0504                  Reasoning Technology in System Development",
0505   year =        "1992",
0506   OPTeditor =   "",
0507   pages =       "4--17",
0508   OPTorganization =     "",
0509   OPTpublisher =        "",
0510   address =     "Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, D.C.",
0511   month =       "April",
0512   OPTnote =     ""
0513 }
0515 @TechReport{Guttman94,
0516   author =       "J. D. Guttman",
0517   title =        "A Simple Virtual Memory Scheme Formalized in {IMPS}",
0518   institution =  "The {MITRE} Corporation",
0519   year =         "1994",
0520   patron =      "Guttman"
0521 }
0523 @InCollection{GuttmanJohnson94,
0524   author =       "J. D. Guttman and D. M. Johnson",
0525   title =        "Three Applications of {Formal} {Methods} at {MITRE}",
0526   booktitle =    "FME '94:  Industrial Benefits of Formal Methods",
0527   publisher =    "Springer Verlag",
0528   year =         1994,
0529   editor =       "M. Naftalin and T. Denvir and M. Bertran",
0530   volume =       873,
0531   series =       "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
0532   pages =        "55--65",
0533   patron =      "Guttman"
0534 }
0536 @TechReport{Monk86,
0537   author =      "L. G. Monk",
0538   title =       "{PDLM}: A {P}roof {D}evelopment {L}anguage for 
0539                  {M}athematics",
0540   institution = "The {MITRE} Corporation",
0541   year =        "1986",
0542   OPTtype =     "",
0543   number =      "M86-37",
0544   OPTaddress =  "202 Burlington Road, Bedford, MA 01730-1420, USA",
0545   OPTmonth =    "",
0546   OPTnote =     ""
0547 }
0549 @Article{Monk88,
0550   author =      "L. G. Monk",
0551   title =       "Inference Rules Using Local Contexts",
0552   journal =     "Journal of Automated Reasoning",
0553   year =        "1988",
0554   volume =      "4",
0555   OPTnumber =   "4",
0556   pages =       "445--462",
0557   OPTmonth =    "",
0558   OPTnote =     ""
0559 }
0561 @Manual{ReesEtAl90,
0562   title =       "The T Manual",
0563   author =      "J. A. Rees and N. I. Adams and J. R. Meehan",
0564   organization =        "Computer Science Department, Yale University",
0565   OPTaddress =  "",
0566   edition =     "Fifth",
0567   year =        "1990",
0568   OPTmonth =    "",
0569   OPTnote =     ""
0570 }
0572 @TechReport{Thayer87,
0573   author =      "F. J. Thayer",
0574   title =       "Obligated Term Replacements",
0575   institution = "The {MITRE} Corporation",
0576   year =        "1987",
0577   OPTtype =     "",
0578   number =      "MTR-10301",
0579   OPTaddress =  "202 Burlington Road, Bedford, MA 01730-1420, USA",
0580   OPTmonth =    "",
0581   OPTnote =     ""
0582 }
0584 @TechReport{Thayer94,
0585   author =      "F. J. Thayer",
0586   title =       "An Approach to Process Algebra using {IMPS}",
0587   institution = "The {MITRE} Corporation",
0588   year =        "1994",
0589   OPTtype =     "",
0590   number =      "MP-94B193",
0591   OPTaddress =  "202 Burlington Road, Bedford, MA 01730-1420, USA",
0592   OPTmonth =    "",
0593   OPTnote =     ""
0594 }
0596 @TechReport{ThayerGuttman95,
0597   author =       "F. J. Thayer and J. D. Guttman",
0598   title =        "Copy on Write",
0599   institution =  "The {MITRE} Corporation",
0600   year =         "1995",
0601   OPTcrossref =  "",
0602   OPTkey =       "",
0603   OPTtype =      "",
0604   OPTnumber =    "",
0605   OPTaddress =   "202 Burlington Road, Bedford, MA 01730-1420, USA",
0606   OPTmonth =     "",
0607   OPTnote =      "",
0608   OPTannote =    ""
0609 }
0611 @MastersThesis{Miller02,
0612   author =       {D. Miller},
0613   title =        {Two Formal Theories of Character Strings},
0614   school =       {McMaster University},
0615   year =         {2002},
0616   OPTkey =       {},
0617   OPTtype =      {},
0618   OPTaddress =   {Hamilton, Ontario, Canada},
0619   OPTmonth =     {},
0620   OPTnote =      {},
0621   OPTannote =    {}
0622 }
0624 @MastersThesis{Tan02,
0625   author =       {P. Tan},
0626   title =        {Mechanical Verification of Machine Integer Programs 
0627                   in a Fragment of {C}},
0628   school =       {McMaster University},
0629   year =         {2002},
0630   OPTkey =       {},
0631   OPTtype =      {},
0632   OPTaddress =   {Hamilton, Ontario, Canada},
0633   OPTmonth =     {},
0634   OPTnote =      {},
0635   OPTannote =    {}
0636 }
0638 @MastersThesis{Li02,
0639   author =       {Y. Li},
0640   title =        {{IMPS} to {OMDoc} Translation},
0641   school =       {McMaster University},
0642   year =         {2002},
0643   OPTkey =       {},
0644   OPTtype =      {},
0645   OPTaddress =   {Hamilton, Ontario, Canada},
0646   OPTmonth =     {},
0647   OPTnote =      {},
0648   OPTannote =    {}
0649 }
0651 @MastersThesis{Grigorov08,
0652   author =       {O. Grigorov},
0653   title =        {Panoptes: An Exploration Tool for Formal Proofs},
0654   school =       {McMaster University},
0655   year =         {2008},
0656   OPTkey =       {},
0657   OPTtype =      {},
0658   OPTaddress =   {Hamilton, Ontario, Canada},
0659   OPTmonth =     {},
0660   OPTnote =      {},
0661   OPTannote =    {}
0662 }