Warning, /office/kbibtex-testset/bib/in-the-wild/cryptobook.bib is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 @BOOK{abo02, 0002 author="Thiery Autret and Laurent Bellefin and Marie-Laure Oble-Laffaire", 0003 title="S\'ecuriser ses \'echanges \'electroniques avec une PKI", 0004 publisher="Eyrolles", 0005 year="2002", 0006 } 0007 @BOOK{bak01, 0008 author="Doris Baker and H. X. Mel", 0009 title="La cryptographie d\'ecrypt\'ee", 0010 publisher="CampusPress", 0011 year="2001", 0012 } 0013 @BOOK{bs96, 0014 author="Eric Bach and Jeffrey Shallit", 0015 title="Algorithmic number theory", 0016 volume="1", 0017 publisher="MIT Press", 0018 year="1996", 0019 } 0020 @BOOK{bcl92, 0021 author="Jean-Pierre Barth\'elemy and G\'erard Cohen and Antoine Lobstein", 0022 title="Complexit\'e algorithmique et probl\`emes de communications", 0023 publisher="Masson", 0024 year="1992", 0025 } 0026 @BOOK{bau97, 0027 author="Friedrich Bauer", 0028 title="Decrypted Secrets : methods and maxims of cryptology", 0029 publisher="Springer-Verlag", 0030 year="1997", 0031 } 0032 @BOOK{bmp99, 0033 author="Alain Bensoussan and Sylvain Martin and Isabelle Pottier", 0034 title="Cryptologie et signature \'electronique : aspects juridiques", 0035 publisher="Herm\`es", 0036 year="1999", 0037 } 0038 @BOOK{coh93, 0039 author="Henri Cohen", 0040 title="A Course in Computational Algebraic Number Theory", 0041 publisher="Springer-Verlag", 0042 year="1993", 0043 } 0044 @BOOK{cfa05, 0045 author="Henri Cohen and Gerhard Frey and Roberto Avanzi", 0046 title="Handbook of Elliptic and Hyperelliptic Curve Cryptography: Theory and Practice", 0047 publisher="Chapman \& Hall", 0048 year="2005", 0049 } 0050 @BOOK{cp01, 0051 author="Richard Crandall and Carl Pomerance", 0052 title="Prime Numbers : a computational perspective", 0053 publisher="Springer-Verlag", 0054 year="2001", 0055 } 0056 @BOOK{dam99, 0057 author="Ivan Damg{\aa}rd", 0058 title="Lectures on Data Security", 0059 publisher="Springer-Verlag", 0060 series="Lecture Notes in Computer Science", 0061 volume="1561", 0062 year="1999", 0063 } 0064 @BOOK{dr02, 0065 author="Joan Daemen and Vincent Rijmen", 0066 title="The Design of Rijndael : AES - The Advanced Encryption Standard", 0067 publisher="Springer-Verlag", 0068 year="2002", 0069 } 0070 @BOOK{dk02, 0071 author="Hans Delfs and Helmut Knebl", 0072 title="Introduction to Cryptography : principles and applications", 0073 publisher="Springer-Verlag", 0074 year="2002", 0075 } 0076 @BOOK{dem97, 0077 author="Michel Demazure", 0078 title="Cours d'Alg\`ebre : primalit\'e, divisibilit\'e, codes", 0079 publisher="Cassini", 0080 year="1997", 0081 } 0082 @BOOK{dum07, 0083 author="Jean-Guillaume Dumas and Eric Tannier and Jean-Louis Roch", 0084 title="Th\'eorie des codes, compression, cryptage, correction", 0085 publisher="Dunod", 0086 year="2007", 0087 } 0088 @BOOK{gol99, 0089 author="Oded Goldreich", 0090 title="Modern Cryptography, Probabilistic Proofs and Pseudo-randomness", 0091 publisher="Springer-Verlag", 0092 year="1999", 0093 } 0094 @BOOK{gol2001, 0095 author="Oded Goldreich", 0096 title="{T}he {F}oundations of {C}ryptography, Volume I", 0097 publisher="{C}ambridge {U}niversity {P}ress", 0098 year="2001", 0099 } 0100 @BOOK{gol2004, 0101 author="Oded Goldreich", 0102 title="{T}he {F}oundations of {C}ryptography, Volume II", 0103 publisher="{C}ambridge {U}niversity {P}ress", 0104 year="2004", 0105 } 0106 @BOOK{hkt2008, 0107 author="James Hirschfeld and G\'abor Korchm\'aros and Fernando Torres ", 0108 title="{A}lgebraic {C}urves over a {F}inite {F}ield", 0109 publisher="{P}rinceton {U}niversity {P}ress", 0110 year="2008", 0111 } 0112 @BOOK{hmv04, 0113 author="Darel Hankerson and Alfred Menezes and Scott Vanstone", 0114 title="Guide to Elliptic Curve Cryptography", 0115 publisher="Springer-Verlag", 0116 year="2004", 0117 } 0118 @BOOK{kah80, 0119 author="David Kahn", 0120 title="La Guerre des Codes Secrets", 0121 publisher="InterEditions", 0122 year="1980", 0123 } 0124 @BOOK{kna92, 0125 author="Antony Knapp", 0126 title="Elliptic Curves", 0127 publisher="Princeton University Press", 0128 year="1992", 0129 } 0130 @BOOK{kob94, 0131 author="Neal Koblitz", 0132 title="A Course in Number Theory and Cryptography", 0133 publisher="Springer-Verlag", 0134 year="1994", 0135 } 0136 @BOOK{kob98, 0137 author="Neal Koblitz", 0138 title="Algebraic Aspects of Cryptography", 0139 publisher="Springer-Verlag", 0140 year="1998", 0141 } 0142 @BOOK{kr98, 0143 author="Ramanujachary Kumanduri and Cristina Romero", 0144 title="Number Theory with Computer Applications", 0145 publisher="Prentice Hall", 0146 year="1998", 0147 } 0148 @BOOK{lub96, 0149 author="Michael Luby", 0150 title="Pseudorandomness and Cryptographic Applications", 0151 publisher="Princeton University Press", 0152 year="1996", 0153 } 0154 @BOOK{mar04, 0155 author="Bruno Martin", 0156 title="Codage, cryptologie et applications", 0157 publisher="Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes", 0158 year="2004", 0159 } 0160 @BOOK{mao04, 0161 author="Wenbo Mao", 0162 title="Modern Cryptography", 0163 publisher="Hewlett-Packard Company", 0164 year="2004", 0165 } 0166 @BOOK{mvv97, 0167 author="Alfred Menezes and Paul van Oorschot and Scott Vanstone", 0168 title="Handbook of Applied Cryptography", 0169 publisher="CRC Press", 0170 year="1997", 0171 } 0172 @BOOK{phs03, 0173 author="Josef Pieprzyk and Thomas Hardjono and Jennifer Seberry", 0174 title="Fundamentals of Computer Security", 0175 publisher="Springer-Verlag", 0176 year="2003", 0177 } 0178 @BOOK{puj04, 0179 author="Guy Pujolle", 0180 title="S\'ecurit\'e Wi-Fi", 0181 publisher="Eyrolles", 0182 year="2004", 0183 } 0184 @BOOK{sch95, 0185 author="Bruce Schneier", 0186 title="Cryptographie Appliqu\'ee", 0187 publisher="International Thomson Publishing France", 0188 year="1995", 0189 } 0190 @BOOK{sil86, 0191 author="Joseph Silverman", 0192 title="The Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves", 0193 publisher="Springer-Verlag", 0194 year="1986", 0195 } 0196 @BOOK{sin99, 0197 author="Simon Singh", 0198 title="Histoire des codes secrets", 0199 publisher="\'Editions Jean-Claude Latt\`es", 0200 year="1999", 0201 } 0202 @BOOK{sma03, 0203 author="Nigel Smart", 0204 title="Cryptography : an introduction", 0205 publisher="MacGraw-Hill", 0206 year="2003", 0207 } 0208 @BOOK{ste98, 0209 author="Jacques Stern", 0210 title="La Science du Secret", 0211 publisher="\'Editions Odile Jacob", 0212 year="1998", 0213 } 0214 @BOOK{sti96, 0215 author="Douglas Stinson", 0216 title="Cryptographie Th\'eorie et Pratique", 0217 publisher="International Thomson Publishing France", 0218 year="1996", 0219 } 0220 @BOOK{zem00, 0221 author="Gilles Zemor", 0222 title="Cours de Cryptographie", 0223 publisher="Cassini", 0224 year="2000", 0225 } 0226 @BOOK{fer02, 0227 author="Christiane F\'eral-Schuhl", 0228 title="Cyberdroit. Le droit \`a l'\'epreuve de l'Internet", 0229 publisher="Dunod", 0230 edition="3e", 0231 year="2002", 0232 } 0233 @BOOK{sch03, 0234 author="G{\"u}nter Sch{\"a}fer", 0235 title="Security in Fixed and Wireless Networks: 0236 An Introduction to Securing Data Communications", 0237 publisher="Wiley", 0238 month="D\'ecembre", 0239 year="2003", 0240 } 0241 @BOOK{bs93, 0242 author="Eli Biham and Adi Shamir", 0243 title="Differential cryptanalysis of Data Encryption Standard", 0244 publisher="Springer-Verlag", 0245 year="1993", 0246 } 0247 @book {ln97, 0248 author = {Lidl, Rudolf and Niederreiter, Harald}, 0249 title = {Finite fields}, 0250 edition = {Second}, 0251 series = {Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications}, 0252 volume = {20}, 0253 publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, 0254 address = {Cambridge}, 0255 year = {1997}, 0256 } 0257 @BOOK{ms77, 0258 author="F. J. MacWilliams and N. J. A. Sloane", 0259 title="The Theory of Error-Correcting Code", 0260 publisher="North-Holland", 0261 year="1977", 0262 } 0263 @BOOK{pw95, 0264 author="O. Papini and J. Wolfmann", 0265 title="Alg\`ebre Discr\`ete et Codes Correcteurs", 0266 publisher="Springer-Verlag", 0267 year="1995", 0268 } 0269 @Book{sen02, 0270 author = "N. Sendrier", 0271 title = "Cryptosyst\`emes \`a cl\'e publique bas\'es sur les codes correcteurs 0272 d'erreurs", 0273 publisher = "Habilitation \`a diriger des recherches, Inria", 0274 year = "2002", 0275 } 0276 @BOOK{lar00, 0277 author="Eric Larcher", 0278 title="L'Internet s\'ecuris\'e", 0279 publisher="Eyrolles", 0280 year="2000", 0281 } 0282 @BOOK{pas04, 0283 author="Romualdo Pastor-Satorras and Alessandro Vespignani", 0284 title="L'Internet, structure et \'evolution", 0285 publisher="Belin", 0286 year="2004", 0287 } 0288 @BOOK{tav02, 0289 author="Christian Tavernier", 0290 title="Les cartes \`a puce", 0291 publisher="Dunod", 0292 year="2002", 0293 } 0294 @BOOK{std10, 0295 author="Tom {Saint~Denis}", 0296 title="Bignum Math: Implementing cryptographic multiple precision arithmetic", 0297 publisher="Syngress", 0298 year="2010", 0299 } 0300 @BOOK{sta07, 0301 author="Mark Stamp and Richard Low", 0302 title="Applied Cryptanalysis: Breaking Ciphers in the Real World", 0303 publisher="John Wiley", 0304 year="2007", 0305 } 0306 @BOOK{sta03, 0307 author="William Stallings", 0308 title="Cryptography and network security, principles and practices", 0309 publisher="Prentice Hall", 0310 year="2003", 0311 } 0312 @BOOK{brv05, 0313 author="Pierre Barth\'elemy and Robert Rolland and Pascal V\'eron", 0314 title="Cryptographie principes et mises en \oe uvre", 0315 publisher="Lavoisier", 0316 year="2005", 0317 } 0318 @BOOK{vau06, 0319 author="S. Vaudenay", 0320 title="A Classical Introduction to Cryptography", 0321 publisher="Springer", 0322 year="2006", 0323 } 0324 @BOOK{wmm10, 0325 editor ="I. Woungang and S. Misra and S. C. Misra", 0326 title="Selected Topics in Information and Coding Theory", 0327 publisher="World Scientific", 0328 series= "Series on Coding Theory and Cryptology ", 0329 volume= "7", 0330 year="2010", 0331 } 0332 @BOOK{gui10, 0333 author="Philippe Guillot", 0334 title="Courbes elliptiques, une pr\'esentation \'el\'ementaire pour la cryptographie", 0335 publisher="Lavoisier", 0336 year="2010", 0337 }