Warning, /office/kbibtex-testset/bib/in-the-wild/ModelTheory.bib is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 @Article{Alagi02,
0002   author =       {Suad Alagi},
0003   title =        {Institutions: integrating objects, {XML} and
0004                   databases},
0005   journal =      {Information and Software Technology},
0006   year =         {2002},
0007   Volume =       44,
0008   Pages =        {207-216},
0009   Abstract =     {A general model theory based on institutions is
0010                   proposed as a formal framework for investigating
0011                   typed object-oriented, XML and other data models
0012                   equipped with integrity constraints. A major
0013                   challenge in developing such a unified model theory
0014                   is in the requirement that it must be able to handle
0015                   major structural differences between the targeted
0016                   models as well as the significant differences in the
0017                   logic bases of their associated constraint
0018                   languages. A distinctive feature of this model
0019                   theory is that it is transformation-oriented. It is
0020                   based on structural transformations within a
0021                   particular category of models or across different
0022                   categories with a fundamental requirement that the
0023                   associated constraints are managed in such a way
0024                   that the database integrity is preserved. },
0025   keywords =     {ModelTheory Morphisms},
0026 }
0030 @article{Aspinall95,
0031   author =       "D. Aspinall",
0032   title =        "Types, Subtypes, and {ASL+}",
0033   journal =      "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
0034   volume =       "906",
0035   pages =        "116--??",
0036   year =         "1995",
0037   keywords =     {ModelTheory},
0038   abstract =     {ASL+ is a formalism for specification and
0039                   programming in-the-large, based on an arbitrary
0040                   institution. It has rules for proving the
0041                   satisfaction and refinement of specifications, which
0042                   can be seen as a type theory with subtyping,
0043                   including contravariant refinement for
0044                   \Pi-abstracted specifications and a notion of
0045                   stratified equality for higher-order objects. We
0046                   describe the syntax of the language and a partial
0047                   equivalence relation semantics. This style of
0048                   semantics is familiar from subtyping calculi, but a
0049                   novelty here is the use of a hierarchy of typed
0050                   domains instead of a single untyped domain. },
0051   url =          "citeseer.nj.nec.com/aspinall95types.html"
0052 }
0056 @PhdThesis{Aspinall97,
0057   author =       {David Aspinall},
0058   title =        {Type Systems for Modular Programming and
0059                   Specification},
0060   school =       {Edinburgh},
0061   year =         {1997},
0062   keywords =     {ModelTheory},
0063 }
0067 @INCOLLECTION{Baumeister91,
0068   AUTHOR =       "H. Baumeister",
0069   TITLE =        "Unifying Initial and Loose Semantics of
0070                   Parameterized Specifications in an Arbitrary
0071                   Institution",
0072   BOOKTITLE =    "TAPSOFT 91 Vol. 1: CAAP 91",
0073   EDITOR =       {S. Abramsky and T.S.E. Maibaum},
0074   SERIES =       "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
0075   VOLUME =       493,
0076   PAGES =        {103--120},
0077   PUBLISHER =    {Springer Verlag},
0078   YEAR =         1991,
0079   keywords =     {ModelTheory},
0080 }
0084 @Incollection{Baumeister95,
0085   author =       "H. Baumeister",
0086   title =        "Relations as Abstract Datatypes: An Institution to
0087                   Specify Relations Between Algebras",
0088   Publisher =    {Springer Verlag},
0089   editor =       {Peter D. Mosses and Mogens Nielsen and Michael
0090                   I. Schwartzbach},
0091   booktitle =    {TAPSOFT'95: Theory and Practice of Software
0092                   Development, 6th International Joint Conference},
0093   series =       {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
0094   volume =       "915",
0095   pages =        "756--771",
0096   year =         "1995",
0097   coden =        "LNCSD9",
0098   ISSN =         "0302-9743",
0099   keywords =     {ModelTheory},
0100 }
0104 @phdthesis{Baumeister98,
0105   author =       "H. Baumeister",
0106   title =        "Relations between Abstract Datatypes modeled as
0107                   Abstract Datatypes",
0108   school =       "Universit{\"a}t des Saarlandes",
0109   year =         "1998",
0110   keywords =     {ModelTheory},
0111 }
0115 @InProceedings{BeierlelncsVoss87,
0116   author =       "C. Beierle and A. Voss",
0117   title =        "Viewing Implementations as an Institution",
0118   pages =        "196--218",
0119   ISBN =         "3-540-18508-9",
0120   editor =       "D. E. Rydeheard {D.H. Pitt, A. Poign{\'e}}",
0121   booktitle =    "Proceedings of the Conference on Category Theory and
0122                   Computer Science",
0123   address =      "Edinburgh, UK",
0124   month =        sep,
0125   year =         "1987",
0126   series =       "LNCS",
0127   volume =       "283",
0128   publisher =    "Springer",
0129   keywords =     {ModelTheory},
0130 }
0134 @inproceedings{BidoitHennicker93,
0135   author =       "Michel Bidoit and Rolf Hennicker",
0136   title =        "A General Framework for Modular Implementations of
0137                   Modular System Specifications",
0138   booktitle =    "{TAPSOFT}",
0139   pages =        "199-214",
0140   year =         "1993",
0141   keywords =     {ModelTheory},
0142   abstract =     {We investigate the impact of modularity on the
0143                   semantics and on the implementation of software
0144                   specifications. Based on the stratified loose
0145                   semantics approach we develop a suitable
0146                   specification framework which meets our basic
0147                   requirements: the independent construction of
0148                   implementations for the single constituent parts
0149                   (modules) of a system specification and the
0150                   encapsulated development of each implementation part
0151                   using the principle of stepwise refinement. Our
0152                   paper is not aimed at providing an elaborated
0153                   specification language but rather to concentrate on
0154                   the modularity issues of system development. Hence,
0155                   only few but powerful constructs are provided which
0156                   can be seen as a kernel for ...},
0157   url =          "citeseer.nj.nec.com/bidoit93general.html",
0158 }
0162 @inbook{BurstallDiaconescu94,
0163   AUTHOR =       {R. Burstall and R. Diaconescu},
0164   TITLE =        {Hiding and behaviour: an institutional approach},
0165   BOOKTITLE =    {A Classical Mind: Essays Dedicated to C.A.R. Hoare},
0166   editor =       {A. William Roscoe},
0167   pages =        {75--92},
0168   PUBLISHER =    {Prentice-Hall},
0169   keywords =     {ModelTheory},
0170   YEAR =         {1994}
0171 }
0175 @Incollection{CerioliZucca97,
0176   author =       {M. Cerioli and E. Zucca},
0177   title =        {Implementation of Derived Programs (Almost) for
0178                   Free},
0179   booktitle =    {Recent trends in algebraic development
0180                   techniques. Proc.\ 12th International Workshop},
0181   editor =       {F. {Parisi Presicce}},
0182   series =       {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
0183   volume =       {1376},
0184   publisher =    {Springer},
0185   Year =         1998,
0186   pages =        {141--155},
0187   keywords =     {ModelTheory Metaformalisms},
0188 }
0192 @article{CorneliusEtAl95,
0193   author =       {Cornelius, F. and Ehrig, H. and Orejas, F. and
0194                   Baldamus, M.},
0195   title =        {Abstract and behaviour module specifications},
0196   journal =      {Mathematical Structures in Computer Science},
0197   volume =       9,
0198   pages =        {21--62},
0199   year =         {1999},
0200   abstract =     {The theory of algebraic module specifications and
0201                   modular systems developed mainly in the framework of
0202                   equational algebraic specifications is shown to be
0203                   almost independent of the und erlying kind of
0204                   specifications. In fact, it is shown in this paper
0205                   that the theory can be formulated entirely on the
0206                   level of specification frames using indexed
0207                   categories. In this framework it is called abstract
0208                   module specifications. Main results concerning
0209                   correctness and compositionality of abstract module
0210                   specifications can be obtained if the category of
0211                   abstract specifications has certain kinds of
0212                   pushouts which allow amalgamations and/or extensions
0213                   on the semantical level, as well as suitable free
0214                   constructions. The theory of abstract module
0215                   specifications is applied to the behaviour
0216                   specification frame in the sense of Nivela and
0217                   Orejas leading to behaviour module specifications.},
0218   keywords =     {ModelTheory},
0219 }
0223 @article{Diaconescu00,
0224   author =       "Razvan Diaconescu",
0225   title =        "Category-based constraint logic",
0226   journal =      "Mathematical Structures in Computer Science",
0227   volume =       "10",
0228   number =       "3",
0229   pages =        "373-407",
0230   year =         "2000",
0231   keywords =     {ModelTheory Logics},
0232   url =          "citeseer.nj.nec.com/diaconescu99categorybased.html",
0233 }
0237 @article{DiaconescuFutatsugi02,
0238   author =       "R. Diaconescu and K. Futatsugi",
0239   title =        "Logical foundations of {CafeOBJ}",
0240   journal =      {Theoretical computer science},
0241   volume =       {285},
0242   pages =        {289--318},
0243   year =         {2002},
0244   keywords =     {ModelTheory Logics Heterogeneity},
0245 }
0249 @INPROCEEDINGS{DiaconescuGoGuenStefaneas91,
0250   AUTHOR =       {Diaconescu, R{\u{a}}zvan and Goguen, Joseph and
0251                   Stefaneas, Petros},
0252   TITLE =        {Logical Support for Modularisation},
0253   BOOKTITLE =    {Proceedings of a Workshop on Logical Frameworks},
0254   EDITOR =       {Huet, Gerard and Plotkin, Gordon},
0255   YEAR =         {1991},
0256   HOWPUBLISHED = {Programming Research Group, Oxford University},
0257   keywords =     {ModelTheory},
0258 }
0262 @incollection{DuranMeseguer99,
0263   author =       "Francisco Dur\'an and Jos\'e Meseguer",
0264   title =        "Structured Theories and Institutions",
0265   editor =       {Martin Hofmann and Giuseppe Rosolini and Dusko
0266                   Pavlovic},
0267   booktitle =    {CTCS '99 Conference on Category Theory and Computer
0268                   Science},
0269   series =       {Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science},
0270   volume =       29,
0271   year =         1999,
0272   keywords =     {ModelTheory},
0273   url =          "citeseer.nj.nec.com/465777.html"
0274 }
0278 @ARTICLE{EhrigGrosseRhode94,
0279   AUTHOR =       "H. Ehrig and M. Gro\ss{}e--{R}hode",
0280   TITLE =        "Functorial theory of parameterized specifications in
0281                   a general specification framework",
0282   JOURNAL =      "Theoretical Computer Science",
0283   VOLUME =       135,
0284   PAGES =        {221--266},
0285   YEAR =         1994,
0286   abstract =     {A general specification framework based on the
0287                   notion of indexed categories is introduced in order
0288                   to study the structural aspects of specifications
0289                   independent of the underlying logics. Similar to
0290                   institutions this concept of specification frames
0291                   allows to formulate a unified structural theory of
0292                   various kinds of algebraic specifications which have
0293                   been studied separately in the literature before. In
0294                   contrast to institutions we do not require to have
0295                   satisfaction relations and conditions which allows
0296                   to handle also behavioural specifications and
0297                   semantics and various concepts of constraints in
0298                   this framework. In this framework we generalize the
0299                   well-known theory of parameterized algebraic
0300                   specifications with initial semantics from the
0301                   equational case to specification frames satisfying
0302                   mainly three basic axioms. The existence of
0303                   pushouts, free constructions and
0304                   amalgamation. Moreover, an axiomatic treatment of
0305                   restriction is presented which allows to study in
0306                   addition to refinement also implementations of
0307                   parameterized specifications including
0308                   restrictions. Finally we present an axiomatic
0309                   framework for functorial semantics which opens the
0310                   way to apply the theory not only to initial
0311                   semantics but also to other kinds of functorial
0312                   semantics, including final and specific kinds of
0313                   loose semantics. },
0314   keywords =     {ModelTheory},
0315 }
0319 @INCOLLECTION{EhrigJimenezOrejas93,
0320   AUTHOR =       {H. Ehrig and R. M. Jimenez and F. Orejas},
0321   TITLE =        {Compositionality Results for Different Types of
0322                   Parameterization and Parameter Passing in
0323                   Specification Languages},
0324   BOOKTITLE =    {TAPSOFT 93},
0325   EDITOR =       {M.-C. Gaudel and J.-P. Jouannaud},
0326   SERIES =       {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
0327   PUBLISHER =    {Springer Verlag},
0328   VOLUME =       668,
0329   PAGES =        {31--45},
0330   YEAR =         1993,
0331   keywords =     {ModelTheory},
0332 }
0336 @incollection{EhrigKreowski99,
0337   AUTHOR =       {H. Ehrig and H.-J. Kreowski},
0338   TITLE =        {Refinement and Implementation},
0339   BOOKTITLE =    {Algebraic Foundations of Systems Specifications},
0340   PUBLISHER =    {Springer Verlag},
0341   pages =        {201--242},
0342   keywords =     {ModelTheory},
0343   EDITOR =       {E.~Astesiano and H.-J.~Kreowski and
0344                   B.~Krieg--Br\"uckner},
0345   YEAR =         {1999},
0346 }
0350 @BOOK{EhrigMahr90,
0351   AUTHOR =       "H. Ehrig and B. Mahr",
0352   TITLE =        "Fundamentals of Algebraic Specification 2",
0353   PUBLISHER =    "Springer Verlag, Heidelberg",
0354   YEAR =         1990,
0355   keywords =     {ModelTheory},
0356 }
0360 @InProceedings{Goguen91a,
0361   author =       "Joseph A. Goguen",
0362   title =        "Types as Theories",
0363   booktitle =    "Proc. of Symposium on General Topology and
0364                   Applications",
0365   publisher =    "Oxford University Press",
0366   year =         "1991",
0367   keywords =     {ModelTheory},
0368 }
0372 @InCollection{GoguenTracz00,
0373   key =          "Goguen \& Tracz",
0374   author =       "Joseph A. Goguen and Will Tracz",
0375   title =        "An Implementation-Oriented Semantics for Module
0376                   Composition",
0377   booktitle =    "Foundations of Component-Based Systems",
0378   editor =       "Gary T. Leavens and Murali Sitaraman",
0379   year =         "2000",
0380   publisher =    "Cambridge University Press",
0381   address =      "New York, NY",
0382   ISBN =         "0-521-77164-1",
0383   chapter =      "11",
0384   pages =        "231--263",
0385   annote =       "29 references.",
0386   url =          "citeseer.nj.nec.com/206136.html",
0387   keywords =     {ModelTheory},
0388 }
0392 @Article{JimenezOrejasEhrig95,
0393   author =       {R. M. Jimenez and F. Orejas and H. Ehrig},
0394   title =        {Compositionality and compatibility of
0395                   parameterization and parameter passing in
0396                   specification languages},
0397   journal =      {MSCS},
0398   year =         {1995},
0399   keywords =     {ModelTheory},
0400   volume =       {5},
0401   number =       {2},
0402   pages =        {283--314},
0403   abstract =     {In this paper we continue previous work by Sannella,
0404                   Sokolowski and Tarlecki on parameterization in
0405                   specification languages. Within the loose approach,
0406                   we define specification and model level semantics
0407                   for two kinds of parameterizations (parameterized
0408                   specifications and specifications of parameterized
0409                   data types) and describe, in a compositional manner,
0410                   parameter passing at both levels. Moreover, the
0411                   specification and the model level semantics of
0412                   parameter passing are shown to be compatible. We
0413                   also show that the results obtained do not only
0414                   apply to the loose approach but can also be directly
0415                   applicable to the initial framework, and in general
0416                   to any other kind of monomorphic framework (i.e., a
0417                   framework where all specifications are
0418                   monomorphic). In particular, the results obtained
0419                   generalize and extend previous results for the
0420                   initial approach. Finally, to obtain our results,
0421                   new categorical constructions of multiple pushouts,
0422                   amalgamations and extensions, which generalize
0423                   standard notions of pushouts, amalgamations and
0424                   extensions, had to be introduced. },
0425 }
0429 @incollection{Mossakowski00c,
0430   Author =       {T. Mossakowski},
0431   Title =        {Specification in an arbitrary institution with
0432                   symbols},
0433   Editor =       {C. Choppy and D. Bert and P. Mosses},
0434   Booktitle =    {Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques,
0435                   14th International Workshop, WADT'99, Bonas, France},
0436   series =       "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
0437   publisher =    "Springer-Verlag",
0438   volume =       {1827},
0439   year =         2000,
0440   pages =        {252--270},
0441   keywords =     {Metaformalisms ModelTheory},
0442 }
0446 @incollection{Orejas99,
0447   AUTHOR =       {F. Orejas},
0448   TITLE =        {Structuring and Modularity},
0449   BOOKTITLE =    {Algebraic Foundations of Systems Specifications},
0450   PUBLISHER =    {Springer Verlag},
0451   pages =        {159--200},
0452   keywords =     {ModelTheory},
0453   EDITOR =       {E.~Astesiano and H.-J.~Kreowski and
0454                   B.~Krieg--Br\"uckner},
0455   YEAR =         {1999},
0456 }
0460 @phdthesis{Sannella82,
0461   author =       {Donald Sannella},
0462   title =        {Semantics, Implementation and Pragmatics of {C}lear,
0463                   a Program Specification Language},
0464   school =       {Department of Computer Science, University of
0465                   Edinburgh},
0466   year =         1982,
0467   abstract =     {Specifications are necessary for communicating
0468                   decisions and intentions and for documenting results
0469                   at many stages of the program development
0470                   process. Informal specifications are typically used
0471                   today, but they are imprecise and often
0472                   ambiguous. Formal specifications are precise and
0473                   exact but are more difficult to write and
0474                   understand. We present work aimed toward enabling
0475                   the practical use of formal specifications in
0476                   program development, concentrating on the Clear
0477                   language for structured algebraic specification. Two
0478                   different but equivalent denotational semantics for
0479                   Clear are given. One is a version of a semantics due
0480                   to Burstall and Goguen with a few corrections, in
0481                   which the category-theoretic notion of a colimit is
0482                   used to define Clear's structuring operations
0483                   independently of the underlying ``institution''
0484                   (logical formalism). The other semantics defines the
0485                   same operations by means of straightforward
0486                   set-theoretic constructions; it is not
0487                   institution-independent but it can be modified to
0488                   handle all institutions of apparent interest. Both
0489                   versions of the semantics have been implemented. The
0490                   set-theoretic implementation is by far the more
0491                   useful of the two, and includes a parser and
0492                   typechecker. An implementation is useful for
0493                   detecting syntax and type errors in specifications,
0494                   and can be used as a front end for systems which
0495                   manipulate specifications. Several large
0496                   specifications which have been processed by the
0497                   set-theoretic implementation are presented. A
0498                   semi-automatic theorem prover for Clear built on top
0499                   of the Edinburgh LCF system is described. It takes
0500                   advantage of the structure of Clear specifications
0501                   to restrict the available information to that which
0502                   seems relevant to proving the theorem at hand. If
0503                   the system is unable to prove a theorem
0504                   automatically the user can attempt the proof
0505                   interactively using the high-level primitives and
0506                   inference rules provided. We lay a theoretical
0507                   foundation for the use of Clear in systematic
0508                   program development by investigating a new notion of
0509                   the implementation of a specification by a
0510                   lower-level specification. This notion extends to
0511                   handle parameterised specifications. We show that
0512                   this implementation relation is transitive and
0513                   commutes with Clear's structuring operations under
0514                   certain conditions. This means that a large
0515                   specification can be refined to a program in a
0516                   gradual and modular fashion, where the correctness
0517                   of the individual refinements guarantees the
0518                   correctness of the resulting program.},
0519   comment =      {Report CST-17-82},
0520   keywords =     {ModelTheory},
0521 }
0525 @article{SannellaSokolowskiTarlecki92,
0526   author =       {Donald Sannella and Stefan Soko{\l}owski and Andrzej
0527                   Tarlecki},
0528   title =        {Toward Formal Development of Programs from Algebraic
0529                   Specifications: Parameterisation Revisited},
0530   journal =      {Acta Informatica},
0531   volume =       29,
0532   number =       8,
0533   pages =        {689--736},
0534   comment =      {Reviewed in CR 9405-0310, CR 9503-0176; an early
0535                   version of this, with an extended example in an
0536                   appendix, appeared as report 6/90, Univ. Bremen,
0537                   1990},
0538   year =         1992,
0539   url =          {ftp://ftp.dcs.ed.ac.uk/pub/dts/param.ps},
0540   postscript =   {param.ps},
0541   abstract =     {Parameterisation is an important mechanism for
0542                   structuring programs and specifications into modular
0543                   units. The interplay between parameterisation (of
0544                   programs and of specifications) and specification
0545                   (of parameterised and of non-parameterised programs)
0546                   is analysed, exposing important semantic and
0547                   methodological differences between specifications of
0548                   parameterised programs and parameterised
0549                   specifications. The extension of parameterisation
0550                   mechanisms to the higher-order case is considered,
0551                   both for parameterised programs and parameterised
0552                   specifications, and the methodological consequences
0553                   of such an extension are explored. A specification
0554                   formalism with parameterisation of an arbitrary
0555                   order is presented. Its denotational-style semantics
0556                   is accompanied by an inference system for proving
0557                   that an object satisfies a specification. The
0558                   formalism includes the basic specification-building
0559                   operations of the ASL specification language and is
0560                   institution independent.},
0561   keywords =     {ModelTheory},
0562 }
0566 @article{SannellaTarlecki87,
0567   author =       {Donald Sannella and Andrzej Tarlecki},
0568   title =        {On Observational Equivalence and Algebraic
0569                   Specification},
0570   journal =      {Journal of Computer and System Sciences},
0571   volume =       34,
0572   pages =        {150--178},
0573   year =         1987,
0574   abstract =     {The properties of a simple and natural notion of
0575                   observational equivalence of algebras and the
0576                   corresponding specification-building operation are
0577                   studied. We begin with a definition of observational
0578                   equivalence which is adequate to handle reachable
0579                   algebras only, and show how to extend it to cope
0580                   with unreachable algebras and also how it may be
0581                   generalised to make sense under an arbitrary
0582                   institution. Behavioural equivalence is treated as
0583                   an important special case of observational
0584                   equivalence, and its central role in program
0585                   development is shown by means of an example.},
0586   comment =      {Reviewed in MR 88j:68118 and CR 8808-0615; this is
0587                   the final complete version of
0588                   SannellaDT:observational-equivalence85},
0589   keywords =     {ModelTheory},
0590 }
0594 @article{SannellaTarlecki88a,
0595   author =       {Donald Sannella and Andrzej Tarlecki},
0596   title =        {Toward Formal Development of Programs from Algebraic
0597                   Specifications: Implementations Revisited},
0598   journal =      {Acta Informatica},
0599   volume =       25,
0600   pages =        {233--281},
0601   year =         1988,
0602   url =          {ftp://ftp.dcs.ed.ac.uk/pub/dts/impl.ps},
0603   postscript =   {impl.ps},
0604   abstract =     {The program development process is viewed as a
0605                   sequence of implementation steps leading from a
0606                   specification to a program. Based on an elementary
0607                   notion of refinement, two notions of implementation
0608                   are studied: constructor implementations which
0609                   involve a construction ``on top of'' the
0610                   implementing specification, and abstractor
0611                   implementations which additionally provide for
0612                   abstraction from some details of the implemented
0613                   specification. These subsume most formal notions of
0614                   implementation in the literature. Both kinds of
0615                   implementations satisfy a vertical composition and a
0616                   (modified) horizontal composition property. All the
0617                   definitions and results are shown to generalise to
0618                   the framework of an arbitrary institution, and a way
0619                   of changing institutions during the implementation
0620                   process is introduced. All this is illustrated by
0621                   means of simple concrete examples.},
0622   comment =      {This is the final version of
0623                   SannellaDT:implementations-revisited87},
0624   keywords =     {ModelTheory},
0625 }
0629 @article{SannellaTarlecki88b,
0630   author =       {Donald Sannella and Andrzej Tarlecki},
0631   title =        {Specifications in an Arbitrary Institution},
0632   journal =      {Information and Computation},
0633   volume =       76,
0634   pages =        {165--210},
0635   year =         1988,
0636   abstract =     {A formalism for constructing and using axiomatic
0637                   specifications in an arbitrary logical system is
0638                   presented. This builds on the framework provided by
0639                   Goguen and Burstall's work on the notion of an
0640                   \emph{institution} as a formalisation of the concept
0641                   of a logical system for writing specifications. We
0642                   show how to introduce free variables into the
0643                   sentences of an arbitrary institution and how to add
0644                   quantifiers which bind them. We use this foundation
0645                   to define a set of primitive operations for building
0646                   specifications in an arbitrary institution based
0647                   loosely on those in the ASL kernel specification
0648                   language. We examine the set of operations which
0649                   results when the definitions are instantiated in
0650                   institutions of total and partial first-order logic
0651                   and compare these with the operations found in
0652                   existing specification languages. We present proof
0653                   rules which allow proofs to be conducted in
0654                   specifications built using the operations we
0655                   define. Finally, we introduce a simple mechanism for
0656                   defining and applying parameterised specifications
0657                   and briefly discuss the program development
0658                   process.},
0659   comment =      {Reviewed in MR 89d:68056 and Zbl 654.68017; an early
0660                   short version was
0661                   SannellaDT:specs-arbitrary-institution84},
0662   keywords =     {ModelTheory},
0663 }
0667 @Incollection{SchroederEtAl01a,
0668   author =       "Lutz Schr{\"o}der and Till Mossakowski and Andrzej
0669                   Tarlecki and Bartek Klin and Piotr Hoffman",
0670   title =        "Semantics of Architectural Specifications in {CASL}",
0671   Editor =       {H. Hu\ss{}mann},
0672   Booktitle =    {Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering},
0673   series =       "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
0674   publisher =    "Springer-Verlag",
0675   volume =       "2029",
0676   pages =        "253--268",
0677   year =         "2001",
0678   ISSN =         "0302-9743",
0679   url =
0680                   "http://link.springer-ny.com/link/service/series/0558/bibs/2029/20290253.htm; http://link.springer-ny.com/link/service/series/0558/papers/2029/20290253.pdf",
0681   keywords =     {ModelTheory},
0682 }
0686 @InCollection{SernadasSernadas86,
0687   author =       "C. Sernadas and A. Sernadas",
0688   title =        "Conceptual Modeling Abstractions as Parameterized
0689                   Theories in Institutions",
0690   booktitle =    "Database Semantics, N-H",
0691   year =         "1986",
0692   keywords =     {ModelTheory},
0693 }
0697 @TechReport{SernadasSernadas93,
0698   author =       "A. Sernadas and C. Sernadas",
0699   title =        "Denotational Semantics of Object Specification
0700                   Within an Arbitrary Temporal Logic Institution",
0701   type =         "Research Report",
0702   institution =  "Section of Computer Science, Department of
0703                   Mathematics, Instituto Superior T\'ecnico",
0704   address =      "1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal",
0705   year =         "1993",
0706   note =         "Presented at IS-CORE Workshop 93",
0707   ps =
0708                   "http://www.cs.math.ist.utl.pt/ftp/pub/SernadasA/93-SS-osli.ps",
0709   st =           "c",
0710   keywords =     {Metaformalisms ModelTheory},
0711 }
0715 @ARTICLE{Tarlecki86a,
0716   AUTHOR =       "A. Tarlecki",
0717   TITLE =        "Quasi-varieties in Abstract Algebraic Institutions",
0718   JOURNAL =      "Journal of Computer and System Sciences",
0719   VOLUME =       33,
0720   PAGES =        {333--360},
0721   YEAR =         1986,
0722   keywords =     {ModelTheory Metatheorems},
0723 }