Warning, /office/kbibtex-testset/bib/bug21968-References.bib is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 @phdthesis{Chen-11,
0002         author = {A. Chenu},
0003         localfile = {/home/max/Documents/PhD/Papers/EPFL_TH5172.pdf},
0004         month = {10},
0005         organization = {EPFL},
0006         pages = {247},
0007         school = {\'{E}cole Polytechnique F\'{e}d\'{e}rale de Lausanne},
0008         title = {{Single- and Two-Phase Flow Modeling for Coupled Neutronics / Thermal-Hydraulics Transient Analysis of Advanced Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactors}},
0009         year = {2011}
0010 }
0011 @article{PrTa-13,
0012         author = {S. Pramuditya and M. Takahashi},
0013         doi = {10.1016/j.anucene.2012.11.011},
0014         issn = {0306-4549},
0015         journal = {Annals of Nuclear Energy},
0016         keywords = {Subchannel analysis; Wire-wrapped fuel subassembly; Sodium-cooled fast reactor},
0017         localfile = {/home/max/Documents/PhD/Papers/Thermal--hydraulic_analysis_of_wire-wrapped_SFR_test_subassemblies_by_subchannel_analysis_method.pdf},
0018         number = {0},
0019         pages = {109--119},
0020         title = {{Thermal--hydraulic analysis of wire-wrapped SFR test subassemblies by subchannel analysis method}},
0021         url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0306454912004446},
0022         volume = {54},
0023         year = {2013}
0024 }
0025 @article{Zube-63,
0026         author = {N. Zuber},
0027         doi = {10.1016/0017-9310(63)90029-2},
0028         issn = {0017-9310},
0029         journal = {International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer},
0030         localfile = {/home/max/Documents/PhD/Papers/Nucl_boiling_isolated_bubbles_and_similarity_with_NC.pdf},
0031         number = {1},
0032         pages = {53--78},
0033         title = {{Nucleate boiling. The region of isolated bubbles and the similarity with natural convection}},
0034         url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0017931063900292},
0035         volume = {6},
0036         year = {1963}
0037 }
0038 @article{Ichi-11,
0039         author = {M. Ichimiya},
0040         doi = {10.1016/j.egypro.2011.06.011},
0041         issn = {1876-6102},
0042         journal = {Energy Procedia},
0043         keywords = {Generation IV; Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor; Development Target; FaCT Project; Monju},
0044         localfile = {/home/max/Documents/PhD/Papers/The_Status_of_Generation_IV_Sodium-Cooled_Fast_Reactor_Technology_Development_and_its_Future_Project.pdf},
0045         note = {Asian Nuclear Prospects 2010},
0046         number = {0},
0047         pages = {79--87},
0048         title = {{The Status of Generation IV Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor Technology Development and its Future Project}},
0049         url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1876610211015207},
0050         volume = {7},
0051         year = {2011}
0052 }
0053 @article{ChKS-11,
0054         author = {Y. Chikazawa and S. Kotake and S. Sawada},
0055         doi = {10.1016/j.nucengdes.2010.10.008},
0056         issn = {0029-5493},
0057         journal = {Nuclear Engineering and Design},
0058         note = {},
0059         number = {1},
0060         pages = {378--385},
0061         title = {{Comparison of advanced fast reactor pool and loop configurations from the viewpoint of construction cost}},
0062         url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0029549310006862},
0063         volume = {241},
0064         year = {2011}
0065 }
0066 @article{Shmi-99,
0067         author = {F. Schmitz and J. Papin},
0068         doi = {10.1016/S0022-3115(98)00895-2},
0069         issn = {0022-3115},
0070         journal = {Journal of Nuclear Materials},
0071         localfile = {/home/max/Documents/PhD/Papers/Hig_burn_up_effects_on_fuel_behaviour_under_accident_conditions_the_Cabri_test.pdf},
0072         number = {1--2},
0073         pages = {55--64},
0074         title = {{High burnup effects on fuel behaviour under accident conditions: the tests CABRI REP-Na}},
0075         url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022311598008952},
0076         volume = {270},
0077         year = {1999}
0078 }
0079 @article{KaPa-98,
0080         author = {G. Kayser and J. Papin},
0081         doi = {10.1016/S0149-1970(97)00067-X},
0082         issn = {0149-1970},
0083         journal = {Progress in Nuclear Energy},
0084         localfile = {/home/max/Documents/PhD/Papers/The_reactivity_risk_in_fast_reactors_and_the_related_international_experimental_programme_CABRI_and_SCARABEE.pdf},
0085         note = {Global Environmental and Nuclear Energy Systems-2},
0086         number = {3--4},
0087         pages = {631--638},
0088         title = {{The reactivity risk in fast reactors and the related international experimental programmes CABRI and SCARABEE}},
0089         url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S014919709700067X},
0090         volume = {32},
0091         year = {1998}
0092 }
0093 @article{RoPS-94,
0094         author = {P. Royl and W. Pfrang and D. Struwe},
0095         doi = {10.1016/0029-5493(94)90259-3},
0096         issn = {0029-5493},
0097         journal = {Nuclear Engineering and Design},
0098         localfile = {/home/max/Documents/PhD/Papers/Reactivity_feedback_eval_mat_reloc_Cabri-1_fuel_worth_dirstrib_SNR_300.pdf},
0099         number = {1},
0100         pages = {85--91},
0101         title = {{Reactivity feedback evaluation of material relocations in the Cabri-1 experiments with fuel worth distributions from SNR-300}},
0102         url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0029549394902593},
0103         volume = {147},
0104         year = {1994}
0105 }
0106 @book{Kess-12,
0107         author = {G. Kessler},
0108         isbn = {9783642119903},
0109         lccn = {2012935791},
0110         publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
0111         series = {{Power systems}},
0112         title = {{Sustainable and Safe Nuclear Fission Energy: Technology and Safety of Fast and Thermal Nuclear Reactors}},
0113         url = {http://books.google.de/books?id=kBATvrB7iDcC},
0114         year = {2012}
0115 }
0116 @article{FiVa-11,
0117         author = {G.L. Fiorini and A. Vasile},
0118         doi = {10.1016/j.nucengdes.2011.01.052},
0119         issn = {0029-5493},
0120         journal = {Nuclear Engineering and Design},
0121         note = {Seventh European Commission conference on Euratom research and training in reactor systems (Fission Safety 2009)},
0122         number = {9},
0123         pages = {3461--3469},
0124         title = {{European Commission -- 7th Framework Programme: The Collaborative Project on European Sodium Fast Reactor (CP ESFR)}},
0125         url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0029549311001737},
0126         volume = {241},
0127         year = {2011}
0128 }
0129 @article{Chen-09,
0130         author = {A. Chenu and K. Mikityuk and R. Chawla},
0131         doi = {10.1016/j.nucengdes.2009.07.015},
0132         issn = {0029-5493},
0133         journal = {Nuclear Engineering and Design},
0134         localfile = {/home/max/Documents/PhD/Papers/TRACE_simulation_of_sodium_boiling_in_pin_bundle_experiments_under_loss-of-flow_conditions.pdf},
0135         number = {11},
0136         pages = {2417--2429},
0137         title = {{TRACE simulation of sodium boiling in pin bundle experiments under loss-of-flow conditions}},
0138         url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0029549309003380},
0139         volume = {239},
0140         year = {2009}
0141 }
0142 @article{HKMP-87,
0143         author = {F. Huber and A. Kaiser and K. Mattes and W. Peppler},
0144         doi = {10.1016/0029-5493(87)90087-2},
0145         issn = {0029-5493},
0146         journal = {Nuclear Engineering and Design},
0147         localfile = {/home/max/Documents/PhD/Papers/Steady_state_and_transient_sodium_boiling_experiment_37_pin_bundle.pdf},
0148         number = {3},
0149         pages = {377--386},
0150         title = {{Steady state and transient sodium boiling experiments in a 37-pin bundle}},
0151         url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0029549387900872},
0152         volume = {100},
0153         year = {1987}
0154 }
0155 @article{ChTo-86,
0156         author = {S.K. Cheng and N.E. Todreas},
0157         doi = {10.1016/0029-5493(86)90249-9},
0158         issn = {0029-5493},
0159         journal = {Nuclear Engineering and Design},
0160         localfile = {/home/max/Documents/PhD/Papers/Hydrodynamic_models_and_correlations_for_bare_and_wire_wrapped_hex_rod_bundles.pdf},
0161         number = {2},
0162         pages = {227--251},
0163         title = {{Hydrodynamic models and correlations for bare and wire-wrapped hexagonal rod bundles --- Bundle friction factors, subchannel friction factors and mixing parameters}},
0164         url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0029549386902499},
0165         volume = {92},
0166         year = {1986}
0167 }
0168 @article{NiOk-90,
0169         author = {H. Ninokata and T. Okano},
0170         doi = {10.1016/0029-5493(90)90386-C},
0171         issn = {0029-5493},
0172         journal = {Nuclear Engineering and Design},
0173         localfile = {/home/max/Documents/PhD/Papers/SABENA_Subassembly_boiling_evolution_numerical_anylsis.pdf},
0174         number = {2--3},
0175         pages = {349--367},
0176         title = {{Sabena: Subassembly boiling evolution numerical analysis}},
0177         url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/002954939090386C},
0178         volume = {120},
0179         year = {1990}
0180 }
0181 @article{Tenc-10,
0182         author = {D. Tenchine},
0183         doi = {10.1016/j.nucengdes.2010.01.006},
0184         issn = {0029-5493},
0185         journal = {Nuclear Engineering and Design},
0186         localfile = {/home/max/Documents/PhD/Papers/Some_Thermal_hydraulic_challenges_in_sodium_cooled_fast_reactors.pdf},
0187         number = {5},
0188         pages = {1195--1217},
0189         title = {{Some thermal hydraulic challenges in sodium cooled fast reactors}},
0190         url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0029549310000300},
0191         volume = {240},
0192         year = {2010}
0193 }
0194 @article{RoGo_etal-12,
0195         author = {F. Roelofs and V.R. Gopala and L. Chandra and M. Viellieber and A. Class},
0196         doi = {10.1016/j.nucengdes.2012.05.029},
0197         issn = {0029-5493},
0198         journal = {Nuclear Engineering and Design},
0199         localfile = {/home/max/Documents/PhD/Papers/Simulating_fuel_assemblies_with_low_resolution_approach_CFD_approach.pdf},
0200         number = {0},
0201         pages = {548--559},
0202         title = {{Simulating fuel assemblies with low resolution CFD approaches}},
0203         url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0029549312003056},
0204         volume = {250},
0205         x-fetchedfrom = {ScienceDirect},
0206         year = {2012}
0207 }
0208 @article{KaHW-98,
0209         author = {A. Kaiser and F. Huber and D. Wilhelm},
0210         doi = {10.1016/S0894-1777(98)10008-0},
0211         issn = {0894-1777},
0212         journal = {Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science},
0213         keywords = {Molten fuel coolant interaction; Sodium; Alumina thermite; Iron; Energy conversion; Vapour explosion; Melt fragmentation; Multiphase computer codes},
0214         localfile = {/home/max/Documents/PhD/Papers/Experiments_on_the_behaviour_of_a_hot_melt_injected_into_sodium.pdf},
0215         number = {1},
0216         pages = {48--69},
0217         title = {{Experiments on the behaviour of a hot melt injected into sodium}},
0218         url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0894177798100080},
0219         volume = {18},
0220         x-fetchedfrom = {ScienceDirect},
0221         year = {1998}
0222 }
0223 @article{NiKa-13,
0224         author = {H. Ninokata and H. Kamide},
0225         journal = {Nuclear Technology},
0226         localfile = {/home/max/Documents/PhD/work/Papers/Thermal_hydraulics_of_Sodium_cooled_fast_reactors_key_issues_higlights.pdf},
0227         month = {1},
0228         number = {1},
0229         pages = {11--23},
0230         title = {{Thermal hydraulics of sodium-cooled fast reactors: key design and safety issues and highlights}},
0231         volume = {181},
0232         x-color = {#cc3300},
0233         year = {2013}
0234 }
0235 @techreport{SNL-07,
0236         author = {E.J. Parma and others},
0237         institution = {Sandia National Laboratories},
0238         localfile = {/home/max/Documents/PhD/work/Papers/GNEP_Sandia_future_fuel_testing_ACRR.pdf},
0239         month = {10},
0240         organization = {Sandia National Laboratories},
0241         pages = {43},
0242         publisher = {Sandia Corporation},
0243         title = {{Global Nuclear Energy Patnership Fuels Transient Testing at the Sandia National Laboratories Nuclear Facilities: Planning and Facility Infrastructure Options}},
0244         type = {Report},
0245         year = {2007}
0246 }
0247 @techreport{NEA-10,
0248         author = {S. Gordelier and R. Cameron},
0249         institution = {Nuclear Energy Agency},
0250         isbn = {978-92-64-99122-4},
0251         localfile = {/home/max/Documents/PhD/work/Papers/Comparing_Nuclear_Accident_Risks_with_Those_from_Other_Energy_Sources.pdf},
0252         number = {NEA No.6861},
0253         publisher = {Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development},
0254         title = {{Comparing Nuclear Accident Risks with Those from Other Energy Sources}},
0255         year = {2010}
0256 }
0257 @techreport{OECD-11,
0258         author = {OECD NEA},
0259         institution = {NEA},
0260         isbn = {978-92-64-99155-2},
0261         number = {NEA No. 6908},
0262         organization = {OECD},
0263         pages = {142},
0264         publisher = {OECD},
0265         title = {{Experimental Facilities for Sodium Fast Reactor Safety Studies}},
0266         year = {2011}
0267 }
0268 @article{RoWa-30,
0269         author = {W.H Rodebush and E.G. Walters},
0270         journal = {Journal of the American Chemical Society},
0271         number = {7},
0272         pages = {2654--2665},
0273         publisher = {ACS Publications},
0274         title = {{The Vapor Pressure and Vapor Density of Sodium}},
0275         url = {http://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/ja01370a011},
0276         url2 = {http://academic.regis.edu/ed205/Kolb.pdf},
0277         volume = {52},
0278         x-color = {#fc3a76},
0279         x-fetchedfrom = {Google Scholar},
0280         year = {1930}
0281 }
0282 @article{TUYK-08,
0283         author = {M. Takahashi and S. Uchida and Y. Yamada and K. Koyama},
0284         journal = {Progress in Nuclear Energy},
0285         number = {2},
0286         pages = {269--275},
0287         publisher = {Elsevier},
0288         title = {{Safety design of Pb--Bi-cooled direct contact boiling water fast reactor (PBWFR)}},
0289         url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0149197007001448},
0290         volume = {50},
0291         x-fetchedfrom = {Google Scholar},
0292         year = {2008}
0293 }
0294 @article{TaUc_etal-05,
0295         author = {M. Takahashi and S. Uchida and K. Hata and T. Matsuzawa and H. Osada and Y. Kasahara and N. Sawa and Y. Okubo and T. Obara and E. Yusibani},
0296         journal = {Progress in Nuclear Energy},
0297         number = {1},
0298         pages = {190--201},
0299         publisher = {Elsevier},
0300         title = {{PbBi-cooled direct contact boiling water small reactor}},
0301         url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0149197005000685; http://www.nr.titech.ac.jp/coe21/eng/events/ines1/pdf/59_takahashi.pdf},
0302         volume = {47},
0303         x-color = {#0033ff},
0304         x-fetchedfrom = {Google Scholar},
0305         year = {2005}
0306 }
0307 @techreport{FiLe-95,
0308         author = {J.K. Fink and L. Leibowitz},
0309         institution = {Argonne National Lab., IL (United States)},
0310         title = {{Thermodynamic and transport properties of sodium liquid and vapor}},
0311         url = {http://www.osti.gov/energycitations/product.biblio.jsp?osti_id=94649},
0312         x-color = {#fc3a76},
0313         x-fetchedfrom = {Google Scholar},
0314         year = {1995}
0315 }
0316 @techreport{PSI-98,
0317         address = {CH-5232},
0318         author = {S. Hirschberg and G. Spiekerman and R. Dones},
0319         edition = {1},
0320         institution = {Paul Scherrer Institut},
0321         issn = {1019-0643},
0322         location = {Villingen},
0323         number = {98-16},
0324         publisher = {PSI},
0325         title = {{Sever Accident in the Energy Sector}},
0326         year = {1998}
0327 }
0328 @inproceedings{HeSt_etal-13,
0329         author = {W. Hering and R. Stieglitz and A. Jianu and M. Lux and A. Onea and S. Scherrer and C. Homann},
0330         booktitle = {{Int. Conf. on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles}},
0331         journal = {{Int. Conf. on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles}},
0332         localfile = {/home/max/Documents/PhD/Papers/Scientific_program_of_the_Karlsruhe_Sodium_Laboratory.pdf},
0333         title = {{Scientific program of the Karlsruhe Sodium Laboratory (KASOLA)}},
0334         volume = {Paper ID IAEA-CN-199/257},
0335         year = {2013}
0336 }
0337 @inproceedings{OnHH_etal-13,
0338         address = {Pisa, Italy},
0339         author = {A. Onea and W. Hering and C. Homann and A. Jianu and M. Lux and S. Scherrer and R. Stieglitz},
0340         booktitle = {The $15^{th}$ International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics},
0341         localfile = {/home/max/Documents/PhD/Papers/optimization_of_the_kasola_high_temperature_liquid_metal_loop.pdf},
0342         month = {05},
0343         organization = {NURETH-15},
0344         title = {{Optimization of the Kasola high temperature liquid metal loop}},
0345         year = {2013}
0346 }
0347 @electronic{Wjasm,
0348         month = {09},
0349         title = {{Jasmin webpage}},
0350         url = {www.jasmin-fp7.eu},
0351         year = {2013}
0352 }
0353 @electronic{Wirsn,
0354         month = {09},
0355         title = {{Irsn computer codes}},
0356         url = {http://www.irsn.fr/EN/Research/Scientific-tools/Computer-codes},
0357         year = {2013}
0358 }
0359 @unpublished{Xpc_WJ,
0360         author = {W. Jaeger},
0361         month = {09},
0362         note = {Computation results of TRACE model of Kasola},
0363         title = {{Private communication}},
0364         year = {2013}
0365 }
0366 @article{SeJD-10,
0367         doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nucengdes.2010.07.001},
0368         issn = {0029-5493},
0369         journal = {Nuclear Engineering and Design},
0370         note = {<ce:title>4th International Topical Meeting on High Temperature Reactor Technology (HTR 2008), with Regular Papers</ce:title>},
0371         number = {10},
0372         pages = {3329--3335},
0373         title = {{Sodium boiling stabilisation in a fast breeder subassembly during an unprotected loss of flow accident}},
0374         url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0029549310004656},
0375         volume = {240},
0376         x-fetchedfrom = {ScienceDirect},
0377         year = {2010},
0378         author = {J.M. Seiler and D. Juhel and Ph. Dufour}
0379 }
0380 @article{SeCL_etal-90,
0381         author    = {J.M. Seiler and G. Cognet and E. Leborgne and J. Moreau and J.R. Pages and J. Papin and B. Rameau},
0382         title     = {French LMBFBR core thermo-hydraulic studies for nominal and accident conditions},
0383         journal   = {Nuclear Engineering and Design},
0384         number   = {124},
0385         pages    = {403--415},
0386         year      = {1990}
0387 }
0388 @book{Ko_etal-94,
0389         title={Liquid Metal Thermal-hydraulics},
0390         author = {H.M. Kottowski-Dümenil and others},
0391         address = {Bonn},
0392         publisher={Inforum Verlags},
0393         year = {1994},
0394         isbn={9783926956224},
0395         lccn={97106013},
0396         size = {397 S. : graph. Darst.},
0397         keywords = {Schneller Brutreaktor / Flüssigmetall / Strömungssieden},
0398         note = {Literaturangaben},
0399         bestand = {Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) - KIT-Bibliothek <90> [Signatur: 2012 A 3654];}
0400 }
0401 @manual{ASTNAman,
0402         title = {ASTEC\_Na on-line user's manual},
0403         organization = {IRSN}
0404 }
0405 @manual{CEASRmanV2,
0406     author    = {L. Piar},
0407     title     = {CESAR module: General features and physical modelling},
0408     organization   = {IRSN/DPAM/SEMCA},
0409     year      = {2011},
0410     month    = {04}
0411 }
0412 @techreport{Xtreport,
0413     author    = {L. Piar and N. Trégourès and A. Modal},
0414     title     = {ASTEC-V2 code: CESAR physical and numerical modelling},
0415     institution = {IRSN},
0416     year      = {2011},
0417     localfile = {./../Papers/ASTECV2-09-10-CESAR.pdf}
0418 }
0419 @manual{TRACE_man,
0420     title     = {TRACE V5.0 THEORY MANUAL Field Equations, Solution Methods, and Physical Models},
0421     organization   = {NRC},
0422     year      = {2012},
0423     month    = {05},
0424     localfile = {./../Papers/TRACE_TheoryManual.pdf}
0425 }
0426 @incollection{Blas-1912,
0427     year={1913},
0428     isbn={978-3-662-01944-3},
0429     booktitle={Mitteilungen über Forschungsarbeiten auf dem Gebiete des Ingenieurwesens},
0430     volume={131},
0431     series={Mitteilungen über Forschungsarbeiten auf dem Gebiete des Ingenieurwesens},
0432     doi={10.1007/978-3-662-02239-9_1},
0433     title={Das Aehnlichkeitsgesetz bei Reibungsvorgängen in Flüssigkeiten},
0434     url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-02239-9_1},
0435     publisher={Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
0436     author={H. Blasius},
0437     pages={1-41},
0438     localfile={./../Papers/Das_Aehnlichkeitsgesetz_bei_Reibungsvorgängen_in_Fluessigkeiten.pdf},
0439     language={German}
0440 }
0441 @article{ChMC-11,
0442     title = {Pressure drop modeling and comparisons with experiments for single- and two-phase sodium flow },
0443     journal = {Nuclear Engineering and Design },
0444     volume = {241},
0445     number = {9},
0446     pages = {3898 - 3909},
0447     year = {2011},
0448     note = {<ce:title>Seventh European Commission conference on Euratom research and training in reactor systems (Fission Safety 2009)</ce:title> },
0449     issn = {0029-5493},
0450     doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nucengdes.2011.07.009},
0451     url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0029549311005462},
0452     author = {A. Chenu and K. Mikityuk and R. Chawla},
0453     localfile={./../Papers/Pressure_drop_modeling_and_comparisons_with_experiments_for_single_and_two-phase_sodium_flow.pdf}
0454 }
0455 @article{TuCW-06,
0456     title = {Comparison of sodium and lead-cooled fast reactors regarding reactor physics aspects, severe safety and economical issues },
0457     journal = {Nuclear Engineering and Design },
0458     volume = {236},
0459     number = {14–16},
0460     pages = {1589 - 1598},
0461     year = {2006},
0462     note = {<ce:title>13th International Conference on Nuclear Energy</ce:title> <xocs:full-name>13th International Conference on Nuclear Energy</xocs:full-name> },
0463     issn = {0029-5493},
0464     doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nucengdes.2006.04.019},
0465     url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0029549306003347},
0466     author = {Kamil Tuček and Johan Carlsson and Hartmut Wider}
0467 }
0468 @article{Cole-39,
0469 author = {C.F. Colebrook},
0471 journal = {Journal of The Institution of Civil Engineers},
0472 localfile = {./../Papers/Colebrook_equation.pdf},
0473 volume = {11},
0474 year = {1939},
0475 pages = {133--156},
0476 issue = {4},
0477 doi = {10.1680/ijoti.1939.13150},
0478 masid = {45329750}
0479 }
0480 @electronic{SNL_MELCOR,
0481   title         = {Description of MELCOR},
0482   url           = {http://melcor.sandia.gov/},
0483   month         = {12},
0484   year          = {2013}
0485 }
0486 @techreport{CaFo-81,
0487   title = {A theoretical study on the growth of large sodium vapor bubbles in liquid sodium},
0488   series = {Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe ; 3173},
0489   author = {Casadei and Folco},
0490   address = {Karlsruhe},
0491   publisher = {Kernforschungszentrum},
0492   year = {1981},
0493   size = {47, [34] S. : 34 graph. Darst.},
0494   note = {Als Ms. vervielfältigt. - Literaturverz. S. 45 - 47},
0495   bestand = {Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) - KIT-Bibliothek <90> [Signatur: ZE 2643-3173.1981];
0496   Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), KIT-Bibliothek Nord <Ka 85> [Signatur: KFK-3173];
0497   Universitätsbibliothek Stuttgart <93> [Signatur: 2Ca 9026-3173];
0498   }
0499 }
0500 @techreport{PeSP-13,
0501     author    = {Sara Perez-Martin and Michael Schikorr and Werner Pfrang},
0502     title     = {Thermal properties of SFR oxide fuels bearing minor actinides},
0503     institution = {KIT},
0504     type     = {Internal report}, 
0505     year      = {2013},
0506     month    = {10},
0507     localfile = {./../Papers/Thermal_properties_of_SFR_oxide_fuels_bearing_minor_actinides.pdf},
0508 }
0509 @article{PeSS-70,
0510   title = {Investigation on dynamic boiling in sodium cooled fast reactors },
0511   journal = {Nuclear Engineering and Design },
0512   volume = {14},
0513   number = {1},
0514   pages = {23 - 42},
0515   year = {1970},
0516   note = {},
0517   issn ={0029-5493},
0518   doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0029-5493(70)90081-6},
0519   url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0029549370900816},
0520   author = {W. Peppler and E.G. Schlechtendahl and G.F. Schultheiss},
0521   localfile= {./../Papers/Investigations_on_dynamic_boiling_in_sodium_fast_reactor.pdf}
0522 }
0523 @techreport{CP_ESFR_SP32_D3,
0524     author    = {K. Mikityuk and J. Krepel and D. Blanchet and Ph. Dufour and E. Bubelis and L. Burgazzi and P.Turroni and V. Peluso and F. Bianchi ans S. Massara},
0525     title     = {ESFR core characterization for safety analysis and review of different design solutions from viewpoint of their impact on safety},
0526     institution = {Seventh Framework Programmme EURATOM},
0527     %type     = {}, 
0528     %number   = {},
0529     %address  = {},
0530     year      = {2012},
0531     month    = {11},
0532     %note     = {},
0533     localfile={./../Papers/CP_ESFR-_SP3_2_T3_D3_ESFR_core_characterization_for_safety_analysis_final_signed_Rev2_FINAL.pdf}
0534 }
0535 @inproceedings{Kamb-99,
0536     author    = {Mitsuru Kambe},
0538     booktitle = {7th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering},
0539     editor   = {JSME},
0540     %volume   = {},
0541     organization = {Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI)},
0542     %number   = {},
0543     %series   = {},
0544     pages    = {10},
0545     address  = {Z- 2 I-I, Iwa dokita, Komae-shi. Tokyo 201-8511, Japan},
0546     year      = {1999},
0547     month    = {04},
0548     %publisher= {},
0549     %note     = {},
0550     localfile ={./../Papers/Fast_reactor_passive_shutdown_system_LIM.pdf}
0551 }
0552 @electronic{Wgeh_prism,
0553   title         = {GEH Prism website},
0554   url           = {http://gehitachiprism.com/what-is-prism/how-prism-works/},
0555   month         = {12},
0556   year          = {2013}
0557 }
0558 @inbook{SlTS-92,
0559 title={Assessment of prism responses to loss of flow events},
0560 url={http://www.osti.gov/scitech/servlets/purl/10173120},
0561 abstractNote={The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), with Brookhaven national Laboratory providing technical support, is continuing a preapplication review of the 471 MWt, advanced liquid metal reactor (ALMR), PRISM by General Electric. The revised design has been evaluated using the SSC code, for a series of loss of flow events (LOF) with and without gas expansion modules (GEMs). These devices have a net worth of 69{cents} and have reduced the seriousness of the LOF in PRISM. However, it was found that the extremely low probability case of an instantaneous loss of 4 EM pumps without scram could lead to sodium boiling even with the GEMs.},
0562 booktitle={ANP`92: international conference on design and safety of advanced nuclear power plants,Tokyo (Japan),25-29 Oct 1992},
0563 author={Slovik, G.C. and Van Tuyle, G.J. [Brookhaven National Lab.,Upton, NY (United States)] and Sands, S. [Nuclear Regulatory Commission,Washington, DC (United States)]},
0564 year={1992},
0565 month={Sep},
0566 localfile={./../Papers/Assesement_of_CFD_codes_used_in_nuclear_safety_simulations.okular}
0567 }
0568 @article{KaUo-98,
0569   title={Design and development of fast breeder reactor passive reactivity control systems: LEM and LIM},
0570   author={Kambe, Mitsuru and Uotani, Masaki},
0571   journal={Nuclear technology},
0572   volume={122},
0573   number={2},
0574   pages={179--195},
0575   year={1998},
0576   publisher={American Nuclear Society},
0577   localfile={./../Papers/Design_and_development_of_fast_breeder_reactor_passive_reactivity_control_systems_LEM_and_LIM.okular}
0578 }
0579 @article{Nove-72,
0580   title = {Turbulent flow pressure drop model for fuel rod assemblies utilizing a helical wire-wrap spacer system },
0581   journal = {Nuclear Engineering and Design },
0582   volume = {22},
0583   number = {1},
0584   pages = {28 - 42},
0585   year = {1972},
0586   note = {},
0587   issn = {0029-5493},
0588   doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0029-5493(72)90059-3},
0589   url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0029549372900593},
0590   author = {E.H. Novendstern},
0591   localfile = {./../Papers/Turbulent_flow_pressure_drop_model_for_fuel_rod_assemblies_wire_wrap_spacer.pdf}
0592 }
0593 @article{MoFT-98,
0594   title = {Thermodynamic properties and equations of state for fast reactor safety analysis: Part II: Properties of fast reactor materials },
0595   journal = {Nuclear Engineering and Design },
0596   volume = {183},
0597   number = {3},
0598   pages = {193 - 211},
0599   year = {1998},
0600   note = {},
0601   issn = {0029-5493},
0602   doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0029-5493(98)00176-9},
0603   url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0029549398001769},
0604   author = {K Morita and E.A Fischer and K Thurnay},
0605   localfile = {./../Papers/Thermodynamic_properties_and_equations_of_state_for_fast_reactor_safety_analysis_Part2_Properties_of_fast_reactor_materials.pdf}
0606 }
0607 @techreport{FiLe-79,
0608     author    = {Joanne K. Fink and Leonard Leibowitz},
0609     title     = {Thermophysical properties of Sodium},
0610     institution = {Argonne National Laboratory},
0611     type     = {Technical report}, 
0612     number   = {ANL-CEN-RSD-79-1},
0613     %address  = {},
0614     year      = {1979},
0615     month    = {5},
0616     %note     = {},
0617     localfile= {./../Papers/Thermophysical_properties_of_sodium.pdf}
0618 }
0619 @techreport{MTKF-99,
0620     author    = {K. Morita and Y. Tobita and Sa. Kondo and E.A. Fischer},
0621     title     = {SIMMER-III Analytic Thermophysical Property Model},
0622     institution = {O-arai Engineering Center},
0623     %type     = {}, 
0624     %number   = {},
0625     %address  = {},
0626     year      = {1999},
0627     %month    = {},
0628     %note     = {},
0629     localfile={./../Papers/SIMMERIII_Analytic_Thermophysical_Property_Model.pdf}
0630 }
0631 @techreport{Grus-94,
0632 title = {Influence of control rod enhanced expansion devices on the course of unprotected transients in the EFR},
0633 series = {Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe ; 5370},
0634 author = {Kußmaul, Günter},
0635 address = {Karlsruhe},
0636 year = {1994},
0637 edition = {Als Ms. gedr.},
0638 size = {III, 34 S. : graph. Darst.},
0639 bestand = {Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) - KIT-Bibliothek <90> [Signatur: ZE 2643-5370.1994];
0640 Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), KIT-Bibliothek Nord <Ka 85> [Signatur: KFK-5370];
0641 Universitätsbibliothek Stuttgart <93> [Signatur: 2Ca 9026-5370];
0642 Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden - Rossendorf e. V. <D 120>;
0643 },
0644 localfile={./../Papers/Influence_of_control_rod_enhanced_expansion_devices_on_the_course_of_unprotected_transients_in_the_EFR.okular}
0645 }
0646 @article{Bale-89,
0647 year={1989},
0648 issn={0197-0216},
0649 journal={Bulletin of Alloy Phase Diagrams},
0650 volume={10},
0651 number={3},
0652 doi={10.1007/BF02877509},
0653 title={The Li-Na (Lithium-Sodium) system},
0654 url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF02877509},
0655 publisher={Springer US},
0656 author={C.W. Bale},
0657 pages={265-268},
0658 language={English},
0659 localfile={./../Papers/The_Li_Na_system.okular}
0660 }
0661 @techreport{Whit-71,
0662     author    = {Charles Whitmarsh},
0663     title     = {Neutronic design calculations for lithium 7 cooled nuclear reactor for space applications},
0664     institution = {NASA},
0665     type     = {Technical report}, 
0666     number   = {NASA-TN-D-6169;E-5775},
0667     address  = {NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland,OH, United States},
0668     year      = {1971},
0669     month    = {02},
0670     pages       ={40},
0671     language ={English},
0673     localfile = {./../Papers/Neutronic_design_for_a_lithium_cooled_reactor_for_space_applications.pdf}
0674 }
0675 @article{ZhWJ-13,
0676 title = {Transmutation of americium in a large sized sodium-cooled fast reactor loaded with nitride fuel },
0677 journal = {Annals of Nuclear Energy },
0678 volume = {53},
0679 number = {0},
0680 pages = {26 - 34},
0681 year = {2013},
0682 note = {},
0683 issn = {0306-4549},
0684 doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.anucene.2012.08.009},
0685 url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0306454912002988},
0686 author = {Youpeng Zhang and Janne Wallenius and Mikael Jolkkonen},
0687 keywords = {\{BN1200\}},
0688 keywords = {Nitride fuel},
0689 keywords = {Americium transmutation},
0690 keywords = {Transient analysis },
0691 localfile= {./../Papers/Transmutation_of_americium_in_a_large_sized_sodium_cooled_fast_reactor_loaded_with_nitride_fuel.pdf}
0692 }
0693 @article{Burg-13,
0694 title = {Analysis of solutions for passively activated safety shutdown devices for \{SFR\} },
0695 journal = {Nuclear Engineering and Design },
0696 volume = {260},
0697 number = {0},
0698 pages = {47 - 53},
0699 year = {2013},
0700 note = {},
0701 issn = {0029-5493},
0702 doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nucengdes.2013.03.020},
0703 url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0029549313001623},
0704 author = {Luciano Burgazzi},
0705 localfile={./../Papers/Analysis_of_solutions_for_passively_activated_safety_shutdown_devices_for_SFR.pdf}
0706 }
0707 @mastersthesis{DeWi-11,
0708     author    = {Jacob DeWitte},
0709     title     = {Reactor protection system design alternatives for sodium fast reactors},
0710     school    = {Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Nuclear Science and Engineering.},
0711     type        ={Master thesis},
0712     url         ={http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/76523},
0713     pages={179},
0714     %address  = {},
0715     year      = {2011},
0716     month    = {01},
0717     note     = {},
0718     identifier={823867743},
0719     localfile={./../Papers/Reactor_protection_system_design_alternatives_for_sodium_fast_reactors.pdf}
0720 }
0721 @article{Marc-77,
0722 title = {Overview of core disruptive accidents },
0723 journal = {Nuclear Engineering and Design },
0724 volume = {42},
0725 number = {1},
0726 pages = {11 - 17},
0727 year = {1977},
0728 note = {},
0729 issn = {0029-5493},
0730 doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0029-5493(77)90057-7},
0731 url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0029549377900577},
0732 author = {J.F. Marchaterre},
0733 localfile={./../Papers/overview_of_core_disruptive_accident.pdf}
0734 }
0735 @book{IAEA-07,
0736   title={Liquid Metal Cooled Reactors: Experience in Design and Operation},
0737   author={International Atomic Energy Agency},
0738   number={Nr. 1569},
0739   isbn={9789201079077},
0740   series={IAEA-Tecdoc},
0741   url={http://books.google.de/books?id=BcJuLgAACAAJ},
0742   year={2007},
0743   publisher={International Atomic Energy Agency}
0744 }
0745 @article{RaVC-13,
0746 title = {A robust thermal model to investigate radial propagation of core damage due to total instantaneous blockage in \{SFR\} fuel subassembly },
0747 journal = {Annals of Nuclear Energy },
0748 volume = {62},
0749 number = {0},
0750 pages = {342 - 356},
0751 year = {2013},
0752 note = {},
0753 issn = {0306-4549},
0754 doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.anucene.2013.06.032},
0755 url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0306454913003356},
0756 author = {L. Ravi and K. Velusamy and P. Chellapandi},
0757 keywords = {<!-- Tag Not Handled --><keyword id="k0005">Total instantaneous blockage},
0758 keywords = {<!-- Tag Not Handled --><keyword id="k0010">Fuel subassembly},
0759 keywords = {<!-- Tag Not Handled --><keyword id="k0015">Fast reactor},
0760 keywords = {<!-- Tag Not Handled --><keyword id="k0020">Damage propagation},
0761 keywords = {<!-- Tag Not Handled --><keyword id="k0025">Voller’s algorithm },
0762 localfile={./../Papers/A_robust_thermal_model_to_investigate_radial_propagation_of_core_damage_due_to_total_instantaneous_blockage_in_SFR_fuel_subassembly.okular}
0763 }
0764 @article {Freefempp,
0765 author = {Hecht, F.}, 
0766 title = {New development in freefem++},
0767 journal = {J. Numer. Math.},  
0768 fjournal = {Journal of Numerical Mathematics},
0769 volume = {20}, 
0770 year = {2012},
0771 number = {3-4}, 
0772 pages = {251--265},
0773 issn = {1570-2820}, 
0774 mrclass = {65Y15}, 
0775 mrnumber = {3043640}
0776 }
0777 @article{KoSa-84,
0778 title = {Fundamentals of liquid metal boiling thermohydraulics },
0779 journal = {Nuclear Engineering and Design },
0780 volume = {82},
0781 number = {2–3},
0782 pages = {281 - 304},
0783 year = {1984},
0784 note = {},
0785 issn = {0029-5493},
0786 doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0029-5493(84)90216-4},
0787 url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0029549384902164},
0788 author = {H.M. Kottowski and C. Savatteri},
0789 keywords={Sodium boiling; pressure drop; Ispra; experiment; tubular flow},
0790 localfile={./../Papers/Fundamentals_of_liquid_metal_boiling_thermohydraulics.okular}
0791 }