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0001 @book{O'Brien2001, 0002 author = {O'Brien, R.}, 0003 publisher = {University Of Chicago Press}, 0004 title = {{Crippled justice: The history of modern disability policy in the workplace}}, 0005 year = {2001} 0006 } 0007 @book{Hox1995, 0008 author = {Hox, JJ}, 0009 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1995/Applied multilevel analysis - Hox.pdf:pdf}, 0010 keywords = {Linear Models}, 0011 mendeley-tags = {Linear Models}, 0012 title = {{Applied multilevel analysis}}, 0013 year = {1995} 0014 } 0015 @article{Pedersen2003, 0016 author = {Pedersen, S. S. and Middel, B. and Larsen, M. L.}, 0017 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2003/Posttraumatic stress disorder in first-time myocardial infarction patients - Pedersen, Middel, Larsen.pdf:pdf}, 0018 journal = {Heart & Lung: Journal of Acute & Critical Care}, 0019 number = {5}, 0020 pages = {300}, 0021 title = {{Posttraumatic stress disorder in first-time myocardial infarction patients}}, 0022 volume = {32}, 0023 year = {2003} 0024 } 0025 @article{Messick1989a, 0026 author = {Messick, S.}, 0027 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1989/Meaning and values in test validation The science and ethics of assessment - Messick.pdf:pdf}, 0028 journal = {Educational Researcher}, 0029 number = {2}, 0030 pages = {5--11}, 0031 title = {{Meaning and values in test validation: The science and ethics of assessment}}, 0032 volume = {18}, 0033 year = {1989} 0034 } 0035 @article{Cohen1995, 0036 author = {Cohen, J}, 0037 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1994/The earth is round rejoinder - Cohen.pdf:pdf}, 0038 journal = {American Psychologist}, 0039 number = {12}, 0040 pages = {997--1003}, 0041 title = {{The earth is round rejoinder}}, 0042 volume = {49}, 0043 year = {1994} 0044 } 0045 @article{Shalev2002, 0046 author = {Shalev, A. Y.}, 0047 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2002/Acute stress reactions in adults - Shalev.pdf:pdf}, 0048 journal = {Biological Psychiatry}, 0049 number = {7}, 0050 pages = {532--543}, 0051 title = {{Acute stress reactions in adults}}, 0052 volume = {51}, 0053 year = {2002} 0054 } 0055 @book{Freedman2009, 0056 author = {Freedman, David A.}, 0057 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/Statistical Models Theory and Practice - Freedman.pdf:pdf}, 0058 isbn = {0521743850}, 0059 pages = {456}, 0060 publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, 0061 title = {{Statistical Models: Theory and Practice}}, 0062 year = {2009} 0063 } 0064 @article{Vaughn1996, 0065 author = {Vaughn, S. and Elbaum, B. E. and Schumm, J. S.}, 0066 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1996/The effects of inclusion on the social functioning of students with learning disabilities - Vaughn, Elbaum, Schumm.pdf:pdf}, 0067 journal = {Journal of Learning Disabilities}, 0068 number = {6}, 0069 pages = {599}, 0070 title = {{The effects of inclusion on the social functioning of students with learning disabilities}}, 0071 volume = {29}, 0072 year = {1996} 0073 } 0074 @article{Helland2002, 0075 abstract = {Examined how the fulfillment of college expectations affects students' social integration. Path analysis showed that the fulfillment of social expectations for college positively affects both social integration and subsequent institutional commitment; the greater the degree of these, the more likely students will re-enroll in the university. (EV)}, 0076 author = {Helland, Patricia A. and Stallings, Hilary J. and Braxton, John M.}, 0077 issn = {1521-0251}, 0078 journal = {Journal of College Student Retention}, 0079 keywords = {Academic Persistence,College Attendance,College Students,Dropout Research,Social Integration,Withdrawal (Education)}, 0080 number = {4}, 0081 pages = {381--96}, 0082 title = {{The Fulfillment of Expectations for College and Student Departure Decisions}}, 0083 volume = {3}, 0084 year = {2002} 0085 } 0086 @article{Fombonne2008, 0087 author = {Fombonne, E.}, 0088 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2008/Thimerosal Disappears but Autism Remains - Fombonne.pdf:pdf}, 0089 journal = {Archives of General Psychiatry}, 0090 number = {1}, 0091 pages = {15}, 0092 title = {{Thimerosal Disappears but Autism Remains}}, 0093 volume = {65}, 0094 year = {2008} 0095 } 0096 @book{Angrist2008, 0097 author = {Angrist, Joshua D. and Pischke, Jorn-Steffen}, 0098 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2008/Mostly Harmless Econometrics An Empiricist's Companion - Angrist, Pischke.pdf:pdf}, 0099 isbn = {0691120358}, 0100 keywords = {Linear Models}, 0101 mendeley-tags = {Linear Models}, 0102 pages = {392}, 0103 publisher = {Princeton University Press}, 0104 title = {{Mostly Harmless Econometrics: An Empiricist's Companion}}, 0105 year = {2008} 0106 } 0107 @article{LairdNM1982, 0108 author = {Laird, NM and Ware, JH}, 0109 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1982/Random-effects models for longitudinal data - Laird, Ware.pdf:pdf}, 0110 journal = {Biometrics}, 0111 title = {{Random-effects models for longitudinal data}}, 0112 year = {1982} 0113 } 0114 @article{domingo2007developing, 0115 author = {Domingo, R.J. and Terenzini, P.T. and Reason, R.D.}, 0116 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/Developing social and personal competence in the first year of college - Domingo, Terenzini, Reason.pdf:pdf}, 0117 journal = {The Review of Higher Education}, 0118 number = {3}, 0119 pages = {271--299}, 0120 publisher = {The Johns Hopkins University Press}, 0121 title = {{Developing social and personal competence in the first year of college}}, 0122 url = {http://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=Developing+social+and+personal+competence+in+the+first+year+of+college#0}, 0123 volume = {30}, 0124 year = {2007} 0125 } 0126 @article{Radnitz1998a, 0127 abstract = {The authors assessed effects of paraplegic and quadriplegic spinal cord injuries (SCIs) on posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) by comparing severity and prevalence of PTSD in these groups to a sample of controls who experienced traumatic injuries other than SCI. The authors found that veterans with quadriplegia reported significantly less severe current PTSD symptoms than controls who were not significantly different from veterans with paraplegia. These results suggest that sustaining a quadriplegic SCI decreases risk of current PTSD, whereas sustaining a paraplegic SCI is associated with greater risk of PTSD, although the risk is no greater than that incurred from experiencing the trauma itself.}, 0128 author = {Radnitz, C L and Hsu, L and Tirch, D D and Willard, J and Lillian, L B and Walczak, S and Festa, J and Perez-Strumolo, L and Broderick, C P and Binks, M and Schlein, I and Bockian, N and Green, L and Cytryn, A}, 0129 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1998/A comparison of posttraumatic stress disorder in veterans with and without spinal cord injury - Radnitz et al.pdf:pdf}, 0130 issn = {0021-843X}, 0131 journal = {Journal of Abnormal Psychology}, 0132 keywords = {Adult,Analysis of Variance,Arousal,Female,Humans,Interview- Psychological,Logistic Models,Male,Middle Aged,Paraplegia,Prevalence,Psychiatric Status Rating Scales,Quadriplegia,Spinal Cord Injuries,Stress Disorders- Post-Traumatic,Veterans}, 0133 month = nov, 0134 number = {4}, 0135 pages = {676--80}, 0136 title = {{A comparison of posttraumatic stress disorder in veterans with and without spinal cord injury}}, 0137 url = {http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9830255}, 0138 volume = {107}, 0139 year = {1998} 0140 } 0141 @book{Everitt2005, 0142 address = {London, England}, 0143 author = {Everitt, B}, 0144 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2005/An R and S-PLUS companion to multivariate analysis - Everitt.pdf:pdf}, 0145 keywords = {R Books}, 0146 mendeley-tags = {R Books}, 0147 publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, 0148 title = {{An R and S-PLUS companion to multivariate analysis}}, 0149 year = {2005} 0150 } 0151 @article{Diller1997, 0152 author = {Diller, M.}, 0153 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1997/Dissonant Disability Policies The Tensions Between the Americans with Disabilities Act and Federal Disability Benefit Programs - Diller.pdf:pdf}, 0154 journal = {Texas Law Review}, 0155 pages = {1003}, 0156 title = {{Dissonant Disability Policies: The Tensions Between the Americans with Disabilities Act and Federal Disability Benefit Programs}}, 0157 volume = {76}, 0158 year = {1997} 0159 } 0160 @article{Bruix2001, 0161 author = {Bruix, J. and Sherman, M. and Llovet, J. M. and Beaugrand, M. and Lencioni, R. and Burroughs, A. K. and Christensen, E. and Pagliaro, L. and Colombo, M. and Rodes, J.}, 0162 journal = {Journal of Hepatology}, 0163 number = {3}, 0164 pages = {421--430}, 0165 title = {{Clinical Management of Hepatocellular Carcinoma, Conclusions of the Barcelona-2000 EASL Conference}}, 0166 volume = {35}, 0167 year = {2001} 0168 } 0169 @misc{NYHRL15, 0170 keywords = {Statute/Constitution}, 0171 mendeley-tags = {Statute/Constitution}, 0172 title = {{New York State Executive Law. Article 15 290}}, 0173 year = {1951} 0174 } 0175 @book{Seidman2012, 0176 abstract = {Although access to higher education is virtually universally available, college student retention stills remains a vexing and puzzling problem for educators and legislators. In College Student Retention: Formula for Student Success, second edition, Alan Seidman deals with this problematic issue by examining a number of areas critical to the retention of students, including the history, the theories and concepts, models, and a standardized definition of the term. Seidman and his contributors also lay out the financial implications and trends of retention in one of their updated chapters. Completely new to this edition are three chapters that examine several recent issues: the current theories of retention, retention of online students, and retention in community colleges. Tying all of these components together, Seidman then presents his formula and highly successful model for student success that colleges can implement to effect change in retaining students and helping them to complete their academic and personal goals.}, 0177 author = {Seidman, Alan}, 0178 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2012/College Student Retention Formula for Student Success - Seidman.pdf:pdf}, 0179 pages = {284}, 0180 title = {{College Student Retention: Formula for Student Success}}, 0181 url = {http://books.google.com/books?id=RGCI36TwZh0C&pgis=1}, 0182 year = {2012} 0183 } 0184 @book{Efron1997, 0185 author = {Efron, B and Gous, A}, 0186 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1997/Bayesian and frequentist model selection - Efron, Gous.pdf:pdf}, 0187 keywords = {Bayes}, 0188 mendeley-tags = {Bayes}, 0189 title = {{Bayesian and frequentist model selection}}, 0190 url = {http://statistics.stanford.edu/$\sim$ckirby/techreports/BIO/BIO 193.pdf}, 0191 year = {1997} 0192 } 0193 @article{Perry1999, 0194 author = {Perry, S. R and Cabrera, A. F and Vogt, W. P}, 0195 journal = {Journal of College Student Retention}, 0196 number = {1}, 0197 pages = {41--58}, 0198 title = {{Career maturity and college student persistence}}, 0199 volume = {1}, 0200 year = {1999} 0201 } 0202 @phdthesis{White2007, 0203 annote = {Andrew William White, "Frequent use of psychiatric emergency services: A multilevel approach" (2007). ETD Collection for University of Rhode Island. Paper AAI3277011. 0204 http://digitalcommons.uri.edu/dissertations/AAI3277011 0205 0206 }, 0207 author = {White, AW}, 0208 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/Frequent use of psychiatric emergency services A multilevel approach - White.pdf:pdf}, 0209 school = {University of Rhode Island}, 0210 title = {{Frequent use of psychiatric emergency services: A multilevel approach}}, 0211 url = {http://digitalcommons.uri.edu/dissertations/AAI3277011/}, 0212 year = {2007} 0213 } 0214 @article{Hu2002, 0215 abstract = {The self-reported experiences of 50,883 undergraduates at 123 institutions were analyzed using a multinomial hierarchical model to identify individual and institutional characteristics associated with varying levels of student engagement in educationally purposeful activities. Parental education and student academic preparation were positively associated with higher levels of engagement. White students were generally less engaged than students from other racial and ethnic groups whereas men were more likely to be either disengaged or highly engaged compared with women. Students at public institutions and research universities were less engaged than their counterparts at private colleges and other institutional types. Individual student perceptions of certain aspects of the institutional environment affected engagement in complicated ways.}, 0216 author = {Hu, Shouping and Kuh, George D.}, 0217 doi = {10.1023/A:1020114231387}, 0218 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2002/Being (Dis)Engaged in Educationally Purposeful Activities The Influences of Student and Institutional Characteristics - Hu, Kuh.pdf:pdf}, 0219 issn = {0361-0365}, 0220 journal = {Research in Higher Education}, 0221 keywords = {Humanities,Social Sciences and Law}, 0222 number = {5}, 0223 pages = {555--575}, 0224 title = {{Being (Dis)Engaged in Educationally Purposeful Activities: The Influences of Student and Institutional Characteristics}}, 0225 volume = {43}, 0226 year = {2002} 0227 } 0228 @article{Milligan2001, 0229 author = {Milligan, M. S. and Neufeldt, A. H.}, 0230 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2001/The myth of asexuality A survey of social and empirical evidence - Milligan, Neufeldt.pdf:pdf}, 0231 journal = {Sexuality and Disability}, 0232 number = {2}, 0233 pages = {91--109}, 0234 shorttitle = {The Myth of Asexuality}, 0235 title = {{The myth of asexuality: A survey of social and empirical evidence}}, 0236 volume = {19}, 0237 year = {2001} 0238 } 0239 @article{Rojahn2008, 0240 author = {Rojahn, J. and Komelasky, K. G. and Man, M.}, 0241 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2008/Implicit Attitudes and Explicit Ratings of Romantic Attraction of College Students Toward Opposite-Sex Peers with Physical Disabilities - Rojahn, Komelasky, Man.pdf:pdf}, 0242 journal = {Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities}, 0243 number = {4}, 0244 pages = {389--397}, 0245 title = {{Implicit Attitudes and Explicit Ratings of Romantic Attraction of College Students Toward Opposite-Sex Peers with Physical Disabilities}}, 0246 volume = {20}, 0247 year = {2008} 0248 } 0249 @article{Deci1991, 0250 author = {Deci, Edward L. and Ryan, Richard M.}, 0251 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1991/A motivational approach to self Integration in personality - Deci, Ryan.pdf:pdf}, 0252 journal = {Nebraska symposium on motivation}, 0253 title = {{A motivational approach to self: Integration in personality}}, 0254 url = {http://exordio.qfb.umich.mx/archivos PDF de trabajo UMSNH/Aphilosofia/2007/autoestima/motivacion.pdf}, 0255 year = {1991} 0256 } 0257 @article{Rakes2010, 0258 author = {Rakes, CR and Valentine, JC and McGatha, Maggie B. and Ronau, Robert N.}, 0259 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2010/Methods of Instructional Improvement in Algebra - Rakes et al.pdf:pdf}, 0260 journal = {Review of Educational Research}, 0261 number = {3}, 0262 pages = {372--400}, 0263 title = {{Methods of Instructional Improvement in Algebra}}, 0264 volume = {80}, 0265 year = {2010} 0266 } 0267 @article{Espie2007, 0268 author = {Espie, C. A.}, 0269 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/Understanding insomnia through cognitive modelling - Espie.pdf:pdf}, 0270 journal = {Sleep Medicine}, 0271 pages = {3--8}, 0272 title = {{Understanding insomnia through cognitive modelling}}, 0273 volume = {8}, 0274 year = {2007} 0275 } 0276 @article{Yau2003, 0277 abstract = {In many biometrical applications, the count data encountered often contain extra zeros relative to the Poisson distribution. Zero-inflated Poisson regression models are useful for analyzing such data, but parameter estimates may be seriously biased if the nonzero observations are over-dispersed and simultaneously correlated due to the sampling design or the data collection procedure. In this paper, a zero-inflated negative binomial mixed regression model is presented to analyze a set of pancreas disorder length of stay (LOS) data that comprised mainly same-day separations. Random effects are introduced to account for inter-hospital variations and the dependency of clustered LOS observations. Parameter estimation is achieved by maximizing an appropriate log-likelihood function using an EM algorithm. Alternative modeling strategies, namely the finite mixture of Poisson distributions and the non-parametric maximum likelihood approach, are also considered. The detemidnation of pertinent covariates would assist hospital administrators and clinicians to manage LOS and expenditures efficiently.}, 0278 author = {Yau, Kelvin K W and Wang, Kui and Lee, Andy H}, 0279 doi = {10.1002/bimj.200390024}, 0280 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2003/Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial Mixed Regression Modeling of Over-Dispersed Count Data with Extra Zeros - Yau, Wang, Lee.pdf:pdf}, 0281 issn = {03233847}, 0282 journal = {Biometrical Journal}, 0283 keywords = {count data,generalised linear mixed models,negative binomial,pois,random effects,son regression,zero inflation}, 0284 number = {4}, 0285 pages = {437--452}, 0286 publisher = {Wiley Online Library}, 0287 title = {{Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial Mixed Regression Modeling of Over-Dispersed Count Data with Extra Zeros}}, 0288 url = {http://doi.wiley.com/10.1002/bimj.200390024}, 0289 volume = {45}, 0290 year = {2003} 0291 } 0292 @article{Test2005, 0293 annote = {This article has a conceptual framework for self-advocacy which is necessary for successful transition, including knowledge of rights, laws, communication and leadership. Self-advocacy is necessary for successful transition. }, 0294 author = {Test, D. W. and Fowler, C. H. and Wood, W. M. and Brewer, D. M. and Eddy, S.}, 0295 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2005/A conceptual framework of self-advocacy for students with disabilities - Test et al.pdf:pdf}, 0296 journal = {Remedial and Special Education}, 0297 number = {1}, 0298 pages = {43--54}, 0299 title = {{A conceptual framework of self-advocacy for students with disabilities}}, 0300 volume = {26}, 0301 year = {2005} 0302 } 0303 @article{Dancy2010, 0304 author = {Dancy, TE}, 0305 title = {{Managing diversity:(re) visioning equity on college campuses}}, 0306 year = {2010} 0307 } 0308 @techreport{Daly2006, 0309 author = {Daly, E. and Glover, T. and McCurdy, M.}, 0310 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/Response-To-Intervention - Daly, Glover, McCurdy.pdf:pdf}, 0311 institution = {Nebraska Department of Education & the University of Nebraska}, 0312 pages = {1--28}, 0313 title = {{Response-To-Intervention}}, 0314 year = {2006} 0315 } 0316 @article{Thaheld2005, 0317 author = {Thaheld, F. H.}, 0318 journal = {BioSystems}, 0319 number = {2}, 0320 pages = {113--124}, 0321 title = {{Does consciousness really collapse the wave function? A possible objective biophysical resolution of the measurement problem}}, 0322 volume = {81}, 0323 year = {2005} 0324 } 0325 @article{Hampton2004, 0326 author = {Hampton, N. Z.}, 0327 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2004/Subjective Well-Being Among People with Spinal Cord Injuries The Role of Self-Efficacy, Perceived Social Support, and Perceived Health - Hampton.pdf:pdf}, 0328 journal = {Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin}, 0329 number = {1}, 0330 pages = {31}, 0331 shorttitle = {Subjective Well-Being Among People with Spinal Cor}, 0332 title = {{Subjective Well-Being Among People with Spinal Cord Injuries: The Role of Self-Efficacy, Perceived Social Support, and Perceived Health}}, 0333 volume = {48}, 0334 year = {2004} 0335 } 0336 @article{Schwartz2005, 0337 author = {Schwartz, JM}, 0338 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2005/Quantum physics in neuroscience and psychology a neurophysical model of mind–brain interaction - Schwartz.pdf:pdf}, 0339 journal = {Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences}, 0340 title = {{Quantum physics in neuroscience and psychology: a neurophysical model of mind–brain interaction}}, 0341 url = {http://rstb.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/360/1458/1309.short}, 0342 year = {2005} 0343 } 0344 @misc{hart2004community, 0345 abstract = {Traditionally, youth with learning, cognitive, and intellectual disabilities (LCID) have not been given the option of participating in and thus benefiting from a postsecondary education. There are school districts and community colleges across the country, however, that are creating opportunities for these youth to have the option of meaningful participation in a postsecondary education while still in secondary school (i.e., Dual Enrollment). The present study involved a national survey of 25 postsecondary education options that support youth with LCID in postsecondary education while still enrolled in secondary school as an empirical foundation for future research on these service models. The main findings indicate that although most programs provide some combination of “life-skills” training and community-based instruction combined with employment training, some innovative service models (i.e., Inclusive Programs) focus primarily on inclusive postsecondary educa- tional services for students with LCID. Inclusive programs tend to be relatively new, to serve fewer individuals than other service models, and are more collaborative (i.e., high schools, colleges and adult service agencies support students). Main survey findings are presented and discussed, followed by detailed profiles of six programs, and recommendations for future research are presented.}, 0346 annote = {25 community colleges surveyed and was discoveed three types of models were used, seperated, mixed and inclusive models. These vary by college and have strenghts and weaknesses.}, 0347 author = {Hart, D. and Mele-McCarthy, J. and Pasternack, R.H. and Zimbrich, K. and Parker, D.R.}, 0348 booktitle = {Education and Training in Developmental Disabilities}, 0349 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2004/Community college A pathway to success for youth with learning, cognitive, and intellectual disabilities in secondary settings - Hart et al.pdf:pdf}, 0350 number = {1}, 0351 pages = {54--66}, 0352 title = {{Community college: A pathway to success for youth with learning, cognitive, and intellectual disabilities in secondary settings}}, 0353 volume = {39}, 0354 year = {2004} 0355 } 0356 @article{Robert1994, 0357 author = {Robert, CP}, 0358 journal = {The Annals of Statistics}, 0359 title = {{Discussion: Markov Chains for Exploring Posterior Distributions}}, 0360 url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.2307/2242480}, 0361 year = {1994} 0362 } 0363 @article{Thomas2009a, 0364 author = {Thomas, L}, 0365 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/Improving student retention in higher education - Thomas.pdf:pdf}, 0366 journal = {Australian Universities' Review}, 0367 title = {{Improving student retention in higher education}}, 0368 url = {http://educationalpolicy.org/pdf/AUR_epitoday_090917.pdf}, 0369 year = {2009} 0370 } 0371 @article{Ruscio2007, 0372 author = {Ruscio, A. M. and Chiu, W. T. and Roy-Byrne, P. and Stang, P. E. and Stein, D. J. and Wittchen, H. U. and Kessler, R. C.}, 0373 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/Broadening the definition of generalized anxiety disorder Effects on prevalence and associations with other disorders in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication - Ruscio et al.pdf:pdf}, 0374 journal = {Journal of Anxiety Disorders}, 0375 number = {5}, 0376 pages = {662--676}, 0377 shorttitle = {Broadening the definition of generalized anxiety d}, 0378 title = {{Broadening the definition of generalized anxiety disorder: Effects on prevalence and associations with other disorders in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication}}, 0379 volume = {21}, 0380 year = {2007} 0381 } 0382 @article{Smart2006a, 0383 author = {Smart, John C. and Smart, D. W.}, 0384 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/Models of Disability Implications for the Counseling Profession - Smart, Smart.pdf:pdf}, 0385 journal = {Journal of Counseling & Development}, 0386 number = {1}, 0387 pages = {29--40}, 0388 shorttitle = {Models of Disability}, 0389 title = {{Models of Disability: Implications for the Counseling Profession}}, 0390 volume = {84}, 0391 year = {2006} 0392 } 0393 @article{Verkuyten2002, 0394 author = {Verkuyten, M.}, 0395 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2002/Ethnic attitudes among minority and majority children The role of ethnic identification, peer group victimization and parents - Verkuyten.pdf:pdf}, 0396 journal = {Social Development}, 0397 number = {4}, 0398 pages = {558--570}, 0399 title = {{Ethnic attitudes among minority and majority children: The role of ethnic identification, peer group victimization and parents}}, 0400 volume = {11}, 0401 year = {2002} 0402 } 0403 @article{Reason2009, 0404 annote = {merit index, look at for dissertation data}, 0405 author = {Reason, Robert D}, 0406 doi = {10.2202/1949-6605.5022}, 0407 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/Student Variables that Predict Retention Recent Research and New Developments - Reason.pdf:pdf}, 0408 issn = {1949-6605}, 0409 journal = {Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice}, 0410 month = oct, 0411 number = {3}, 0412 pages = {482--501}, 0413 title = {{Student Variables that Predict Retention: Recent Research and New Developments}}, 0414 volume = {46}, 0415 year = {2009} 0416 } 0417 @article{Cleveland1988, 0418 author = {Cleveland, William S. and Devlin, Susan J.}, 0419 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1988/Locally Weighted Regression An Approach to Regression Analysis by Local Fitting - Cleveland, Devlin.pdf:pdf}, 0420 journal = {Journal of the American Statistical Association}, 0421 number = {403}, 0422 pages = {596 -- 610}, 0423 publisher = {American Statistical Association}, 0424 title = {{Locally Weighted Regression: An Approach to Regression Analysis by Local Fitting}}, 0425 url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2289282}, 0426 volume = {83}, 0427 year = {1988} 0428 } 0429 @article{Jonsson2008, 0430 author = {J\"{o}nsson, G. and Ekholm, J. and Schult, M. L.}, 0431 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2008/The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health environmental factors as facilitators or barriers used in describing personal and social networks a pilot study of adults with cerebral pal.pdf:pdf}, 0432 journal = {International Journal of Rehabilitation Research}, 0433 number = {2}, 0434 pages = {119}, 0435 shorttitle = {The International Classification of Functioning, D}, 0436 title = {{The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health environmental factors as facilitators or barriers used in describing personal and social networks: a pilot study of adults with cerebral palsy}}, 0437 volume = {31}, 0438 year = {2008} 0439 } 0440 @article{Shalev, 0441 author = {Shalev, A. Y. and Pen, T. and Canetti, L.}, 0442 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1996/Predictors of PTSD in injured trauma survivors a prospective study - Shalev, Pen, Canetti.pdf:pdf}, 0443 journal = {American Journal of Psychiatry}, 0444 pages = {219--225}, 0445 title = {{Predictors of PTSD in injured trauma survivors: a prospective study}}, 0446 volume = {153}, 0447 year = {1996} 0448 } 0449 @article{korn1990simultaneous, 0450 author = {Korn, E.L. and Graubard, B.I.}, 0451 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1990/Simultaneous testing of regression coefficients with complex survey data Use of Bonferroni t statistics - Korn, Graubard.pdf:pdf}, 0452 journal = {The American Statistician}, 0453 number = {4}, 0454 pages = {270--276}, 0455 publisher = {JSTOR}, 0456 title = {{Simultaneous testing of regression coefficients with complex survey data: Use of Bonferroni t statistics}}, 0457 url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2684345}, 0458 volume = {44}, 0459 year = {1990} 0460 } 0461 @book{Mills2010, 0462 author = {Mills, Josh}, 0463 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2010/Estimation of Statistical Models in R - Mills.pdf:pdf}, 0464 keywords = {Linear Models,R Books}, 0465 mendeley-tags = {Linear Models,R Books}, 0466 publisher = {Institute of Transportation Engineers}, 0467 title = {{Estimation of Statistical Models in R}}, 0468 year = {2010} 0469 } 0470 @article{Veith2006, 0471 author = {Veith, E. M. and Sherman, J. E. and Pellino, T. A. and Yasui, N. Y.}, 0472 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/Qualitative Analysis of the Peer-Mentoring Relationship Among Individuals With Spinal Cord Injury - Veith et al.pdf:pdf}, 0473 journal = {Rehabilitation Psychology}, 0474 number = {4}, 0475 pages = {289}, 0476 title = {{Qualitative Analysis of the Peer-Mentoring Relationship Among Individuals With Spinal Cord Injury}}, 0477 volume = {51}, 0478 year = {2006} 0479 } 0480 @article{Brusin2008, 0481 author = {Brusin, JH}, 0482 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2008/Osteogenesis imperfecta - Brusin.pdf:pdf}, 0483 journal = {Radiologic Technology}, 0484 title = {{Osteogenesis imperfecta}}, 0485 url = {http://radiologictechnology.org/cgi/content/abstract/79/6/535}, 0486 year = {2008} 0487 } 0488 @misc{bragdon, 0489 keywords = {Court Case}, 0490 mendeley-tags = {Court Case}, 0491 title = {{Bragdon v. Abbott. 524 U.S. 624}}, 0492 url = {http://www.law.cornell.edu/supct/html/97-156.ZO.html}, 0493 year = {1998} 0494 } 0495 @article{Nagelkerke1991, 0496 author = {Nagelkerke, N. J. D.}, 0497 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1991/A note on a general definition of the coefficient of determination - Nagelkerke.pdf:pdf}, 0498 journal = {Biometrika}, 0499 number = {3}, 0500 pages = {691--692}, 0501 title = {{A note on a general definition of the coefficient of determination}}, 0502 volume = {78}, 0503 year = {1991} 0504 } 0505 @book{Dawkinsa, 0506 annote = {Calculus (Dawkins)}, 0507 author = {Dawkins, Paul}, 0508 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/Calculus - Dawkins.pdf:pdf}, 0509 keywords = {Mathematics}, 0510 mendeley-tags = {Mathematics}, 0511 title = {{Calculus}}, 0512 year = {2007} 0513 } 0514 @book{Lefebvre2009, 0515 address = {New York}, 0516 author = {Lefebvre, M.}, 0517 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/Basic Probability Theory with Applications - Lefebvre.pdf:pdf}, 0518 keywords = {Probability}, 0519 mendeley-tags = {Probability}, 0520 publisher = {Springer}, 0521 title = {{Basic Probability Theory with Applications}}, 0522 year = {2009} 0523 } 0524 @inproceedings{Nødtvedt2003, 0525 author = {N\o dtvedt, A and Sanchez, J and Dohoo, I}, 0526 booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics}, 0527 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2003/Applying a zero-inflated negative binomial model to hierarchical count data - N\o dtvedt, Sanchez, Dohoo.pdf:pdf}, 0528 title = {{Applying a zero-inflated negative binomial model to hierarchical count data}}, 0529 year = {2003} 0530 } 0531 @article{Nosek2003, 0532 author = {Nosek, M. A. and Hughes, R. B. and Swedlund, N. and Taylor, H. B. and Swank, P.}, 0533 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2003/Self-esteem and women with disabilities - Nosek et al.pdf:pdf}, 0534 journal = {Social Science & Medicine}, 0535 number = {8}, 0536 pages = {1737--1747}, 0537 title = {{Self-esteem and women with disabilities}}, 0538 volume = {56}, 0539 year = {2003} 0540 } 0541 @article{Shmueli2010, 0542 annote = {use to distinguish in model building}, 0543 author = {Shmueli, Galit}, 0544 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2010/To Explain or to Predict - Shmueli.pdf:pdf}, 0545 issn = {0883-4237}, 0546 journal = {Statistical Science}, 0547 keywords = {Explanatory modeling,causality,data mining,predictive modeling,predictive power,scientific research,statistical strategy}, 0548 language = {EN}, 0549 month = aug, 0550 number = {3}, 0551 pages = {289--310}, 0552 title = {{To Explain or to Predict?}}, 0553 volume = {25}, 0554 year = {2010} 0555 } 0556 @article{Cieza2009, 0557 author = {Cieza, A and Hilfiker, R and Boonen, A}, 0558 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/Items from patient-oriented instruments can be integrated into interval scales to operationalize categories of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health - Cieza, Hilfiker, Boonen.pdf:pdf}, 0559 journal = {Journal of Clinical Epidemiology}, 0560 title = {{Items from patient-oriented instruments can be integrated into interval scales to operationalize categories of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health}}, 0561 url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0895435609000882}, 0562 year = {2009} 0563 } 0564 @book{Lomax2007, 0565 author = {Lomax, Richard G.}, 0566 isbn = {9780805858501}, 0567 pages = {272}, 0568 publisher = {Routledge Academic}, 0569 title = {{Statistical Concepts: A Second Course, Third Edition}}, 0570 year = {2007} 0571 } 0572 @article{stram1994variance, 0573 author = {Stram, D.O. and Lee, J.W.}, 0574 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1994/Variance components testing in the longitudinal mixed effects model - Stram, Lee.pdf:pdf}, 0575 journal = {Biometrics}, 0576 pages = {1171--1177}, 0577 publisher = {JSTOR}, 0578 title = {{Variance components testing in the longitudinal mixed effects model}}, 0579 url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.2307/2533455}, 0580 year = {1994} 0581 } 0582 @book{Hoff2009, 0583 address = {New York}, 0584 annote = {A First Course in Bayesian Statistical Methods}, 0585 author = {Hoff, P. D.}, 0586 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/A First Course in Bayesian Statistical Methods - Hoff.pdf:pdf}, 0587 keywords = {Bayes}, 0588 mendeley-tags = {Bayes}, 0589 publisher = {Springer}, 0590 title = {{A First Course in Bayesian Statistical Methods}}, 0591 year = {2009} 0592 } 0593 @article{Elliott1990a, 0594 author = {Elliott, T. R. and Frank, R. G. and Burckhardt, C. S. and Leung, P. and Fabian, E. S. and Davidoff, G. and Roth, E. and Thomas, P. and Doljanac, R. and Dijkers, M.}, 0595 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1990/Social and interpersonal reactions to depression and disability - Elliott et al.pdf:pdf}, 0596 journal = {Rehabilitation Psychology}, 0597 number = {3}, 0598 title = {{Social and interpersonal reactions to depression and disability}}, 0599 volume = {35}, 0600 year = {1990} 0601 } 0602 @article{Guay1999a, 0603 annote = { 0604 From Duplicate 1 ( 0605 0606 0607 Predicting Change in Academic Achievement: A Model of Peer Experiences and Self-System Processes 0608 0609 0610 - Guay, F.; Boivin, M.; Hodges, E. V. E. ) 0611 0612 0613 0614 0615 0616 0617 0618 0619 }, 0620 author = {Guay, F. and Boivin, M. and Hodges, E. V. E.}, 0621 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1999/Predicting Change in Academic Achievement A Model of Peer Experiences and Self-System Processes - Guay, Boivin, Hodges.pdf:pdf}, 0622 journal = {Journal of educational psychology}, 0623 number = {3}, 0624 pages = {564--568}, 0625 shorttitle = {Predicting Change in Academic Achievement}, 0626 title = {{Predicting Change in Academic Achievement: A Model of Peer Experiences and Self-System Processes}}, 0627 volume = {91}, 0628 year = {1999} 0629 } 0630 @article{Yezierski1996, 0631 author = {Yezierski, R. P.}, 0632 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1996/Pain following spinal cord injury the clinical problem and experimental studies - Yezierski.pdf:pdf}, 0633 journal = {Pain}, 0634 number = {2-3}, 0635 pages = {185}, 0636 title = {{Pain following spinal cord injury: the clinical problem and experimental studies}}, 0637 volume = {68}, 0638 year = {1996} 0639 } 0640 @article{Kincaid2005, 0641 author = {Kincaid, C}, 0642 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2005/Guidelines for selecting the covariance structure in mixed model analysis - Kincaid.pdf:pdf}, 0643 journal = {SUGI}, 0644 title = {{Guidelines for selecting the covariance structure in mixed model analysis}}, 0645 url = {http://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=Guidelines+for+Selecting+the+Covariance+Structure+in+Mixed++Model+Analysis+#0}, 0646 year = {2005} 0647 } 0648 @techreport{horn2006profile, 0649 address = {Washington, D.C.}, 0650 author = {Horn, L. and Nevill, S. and Griffith, J.}, 0651 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/Profile of Undergraduates in US Postsecondary Education Institutions, 2003-04 With a Special Analysis of Community College Students. Statistical Analysis Report - Horn, Nevill, Griffith.pdf:pdf}, 0652 institution = {National Center for Education Statistics}, 0653 pages = {202}, 0654 publisher = {ED Pubs, PO Box 1398, Jessup, MD 20794-1398. Tel: 877-433-7827 (Toll Free); Web site: http://www. edpubs. org.}, 0655 title = {{Profile of Undergraduates in US Postsecondary Education Institutions, 2003-04: With a Special Analysis of Community College Students. Statistical Analysis Report}}, 0656 year = {2006} 0657 } 0658 @article{Reiter, 0659 author = {Reiter, R. J. and Tan, D. X. and Manchester, L. C. and Pilar, T. M. and Flores, L. J. and Koppisepi, S.}, 0660 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/Medical implications of melatonin receptor-mediated and receptor-independent actions - Reiter et al.pdf:pdf}, 0661 journal = {Advances in Medical Sciences}, 0662 pages = {11--28}, 0663 shorttitle = {Medical implications of melatonin}, 0664 title = {{Medical implications of melatonin: receptor-mediated and receptor-independent actions}}, 0665 volume = {52}, 0666 year = {2007} 0667 } 0668 @article{Druss2000, 0669 author = {Druss, B. G. and Marcus, S. C. and Rosenheck, R. A. and Olfson, M. and Tanielian, T. and Pincus, H. A.}, 0670 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2000/Understanding Disability in Mental and General Medical Conditions - Druss et al.pdf:pdf}, 0671 journal = {American Journal of Psychiatry}, 0672 number = {9}, 0673 pages = {1485}, 0674 title = {{Understanding Disability in Mental and General Medical Conditions}}, 0675 volume = {157}, 0676 year = {2000} 0677 } 0678 @book{Christensen2011, 0679 author = {Christensen, Ronald}, 0680 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2011/Plane Answers to Complex Questions The Theory of Linear Models (Springer Texts in Statistics) - Christensen.pdf:pdf}, 0681 isbn = {1441998152}, 0682 pages = {515}, 0683 publisher = {Springer}, 0684 title = {{Plane Answers to Complex Questions: The Theory of Linear Models (Springer Texts in Statistics)}}, 0685 year = {2011} 0686 } 0687 @article{Kazak1997, 0688 author = {Kazak, A. E. and Barakat, L. P. and Meeske, K. and Christakis, D. and Meadows, A. T. and Casey, R. and Penati, B. and Stuber, M. L.}, 0689 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1997/Posttraumatic stress, family functioning, and social support in survivors of childhood leukemia and their mothers and fathers - Kazak et al.pdf:pdf}, 0690 journal = {Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology}, 0691 number = {1}, 0692 pages = {120--129}, 0693 title = {{Posttraumatic stress, family functioning, and social support in survivors of childhood leukemia and their mothers and fathers}}, 0694 volume = {65}, 0695 year = {1997} 0696 } 0697 @article{Tinto2000, 0698 abstract = {Many colleges speak of the importance of increasing student retention. Many even invest substantial resources in programs to achieve that end. Witness, for instance, the growth of the freshman seminar. Some institutions even go so far as to hire retention consultants who promise significant gains in retention if only you use their programs. But while many colleges have adopted a variety of programs to enhance retention, most programs are add-ons that are marginal to the academic life of the institution. Too many colleges have adopted what Parker Palmer calls the add a course strategy. Need to address the issue of diversity? Add a course in diversity studies. Need to address the success of new students? Add a freshman seminar. Need to address student retention? Bring in a consultant and establish a committee or office charged with that responsibility. The result is a growing segmentation of services for students into increasingly autonomous fiefdoms whose functional responsibilities are reinforced by separate budget and promotion systems. Therefore, while it is true that retention programs abound on our campuses, most institutions, in my view, have not taken student retention seriously. They have done little to change the way they organize their activities, done little to alter student experience, and therefore done little to address the deeper roots of student attrition. As a result, most efforts at enhancing student retention, though successful to some degree, have had more limited impact than they should or could.}, 0699 author = {Tinto, Vincent}, 0700 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2000/Taking Student Retention Seriously Rethinking the First Year of College - Tinto.pdf:pdf}, 0701 journal = {NACADA Journal}, 0702 number = {2}, 0703 pages = {5--10}, 0704 title = {{Taking Student Retention Seriously: Rethinking the First Year of College}}, 0705 volume = {19}, 0706 year = {2000} 0707 } 0708 @article{Song2005, 0709 author = {Song, H. Y.}, 0710 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2005/Modeling social reintegration in persons with spinal cord injury - Song.pdf:pdf}, 0711 journal = {Disability & Rehabilitation}, 0712 number = {3}, 0713 pages = {131--141}, 0714 title = {{Modeling social reintegration in persons with spinal cord injury}}, 0715 volume = {27}, 0716 year = {2005} 0717 } 0718 @techreport{Davis, 0719 author = {Davis, K. and Schoen, C. and Schoenbaum, S. C. and Doty, M. M. and Holmgren, A. L. and Kriss, J. L. and Shea, K. K.}, 0720 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/Mirror, mirror on the wall An international update on the comparative performance of American health care - Davis et al.pdf:pdf}, 0721 institution = {The Commonwealth Fund}, 0722 title = {{Mirror, mirror on the wall: An international update on the comparative performance of American health care}}, 0723 year = {2007} 0724 } 0725 @inproceedings{Keller2008, 0726 address = {New York City}, 0727 author = {Keller, Richard and King, J. P.}, 0728 booktitle = {The second annual health disparities conference: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health: Toward integrated evidence-based approaches to health disparity reduction}, 0729 title = {{The relationship between employment and access to quality healthcare for individuals with disabilities.}}, 0730 year = {2008} 0731 } 0732 @article{Chatfield1991, 0733 author = {Chatfield, C}, 0734 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1991/Avoiding statistical pitfalls - Chatfield.pdf:pdf}, 0735 journal = {Statistical Science}, 0736 title = {{Avoiding statistical pitfalls}}, 0737 url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2245416}, 0738 year = {1991} 0739 } 0740 @article{Elliott1990, 0741 author = {Elliott, T. R. and Frank, R. and Corcoran, J. and Beardon, L. and Byrd, E. K.}, 0742 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1990/Previous personal experience and reactions to depression and physical disability - Elliott et al.pdf:pdf}, 0743 journal = {Rehabilitation Psychology}, 0744 number = {2}, 0745 pages = {111--120}, 0746 title = {{Previous personal experience and reactions to depression and physical disability}}, 0747 volume = {35}, 0748 year = {1990} 0749 } 0750 @article{Nishina2005, 0751 author = {Nishina, A. and Juvonen, J. and Witkow, M. R.}, 0752 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2005/Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones, but Names Will Make Me Feel Sick The Psychosocial, Somatic, and Scholastic Consequences of Peer Harassment - Nishina, Juvonen, Witkow.pdf:pdf}, 0753 journal = {Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology}, 0754 number = {1}, 0755 pages = {37--48}, 0756 shorttitle = {Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones, but Names Wi}, 0757 title = {{Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones, but Names Will Make Me Feel Sick: The Psychosocial, Somatic, and Scholastic Consequences of Peer Harassment}}, 0758 volume = {34}, 0759 year = {2005} 0760 } 0761 @article{Tryon2001, 0762 author = {Tryon, WW}, 0763 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2001/statistical difference, equivalence, and indeterminancy using inferential confidence intervals An integrated alternative method of conducting null hypothesis statistical - Tryon.pdf:pdf}, 0764 journal = {Psychological methods}, 0765 title = {{statistical difference, equivalence, and indeterminancy using inferential confidence intervals: An integrated alternative method of conducting null hypothesis statistical}}, 0766 url = {http://psycnet.apa.org/journals/met/6/4/371/}, 0767 year = {2001} 0768 } 0769 @article{Daley2003, 0770 abstract = {72 fifth-, eighth-, and eleventh-grade boys and girls were interviewed to investigate developmental changes in perceptions of peer groups and group influence Results indicated that preadolescents defined groups on the basis of common activates and social behavior and considered group influence to be greatest in these domains Older adolescents were more likely to describe peer-group influence as global and far reaching, affecting one's appearance, illicit acts, attitudes, and values Corresponding to increases in peer-group conceptions emphasizing group attitudes/norms and global influence were increases in the extent to which subjects felt that peer-group acceptance or rejection influenced self-evaluation Developmental changes in the apparent reference-group functions of peer groups for adolescent identity formation are discussed. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]}, 0771 author = {Daley, T. C. and Weisner, T. S.}, 0772 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2003/I Speak a Different Dialect Teen Explanatory Models of Difference and Disability - Daley, Weisner.pdf:pdf}, 0773 journal = {Medical Anthropology Quarterly}, 0774 number = {1}, 0775 pages = {25--48}, 0776 shorttitle = {" I Speak a Different Dialect"}, 0777 title = {{I Speak a Different Dialect: Teen Explanatory Models of Difference and Disability}}, 0778 volume = {17}, 0779 year = {2003} 0780 } 0781 @book{fanchi2006math, 0782 author = {Fanchi, J.R.}, 0783 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/Math refresher for scientists and engineers - Fanchi.pdf:pdf}, 0784 keywords = {Mathematics}, 0785 mendeley-tags = {Mathematics}, 0786 publisher = {Wiley-IEEE Press}, 0787 title = {{Math refresher for scientists and engineers}}, 0788 year = {2006} 0789 } 0790 @article{Lewis2001, 0791 author = {Lewis, J. A. and Manne, S. L. and DuHamel, K. N. and Vickburg, S. J. M. and Bovbjerg, D. H. and Currie, V. and Winkel, G. and Redd, W. H.}, 0792 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2001/Social Support, Intrusive Thoughts, and Quality of Life in Breast Cancer Survivors - Lewis et al.pdf:pdf}, 0793 journal = {Journal of Behavioral Medicine}, 0794 number = {3}, 0795 pages = {231--245}, 0796 title = {{Social Support, Intrusive Thoughts, and Quality of Life in Breast Cancer Survivors}}, 0797 volume = {24}, 0798 year = {2001} 0799 } 0800 @article{herzog2005measuring, 0801 author = {Herzog, S.}, 0802 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2005/Measuring determinants of student return vs. dropoutstopout vs. transfer A first-to-second year analysis of new freshmen - Herzog.pdf:pdf}, 0803 journal = {Research in Higher Education}, 0804 number = {8}, 0805 pages = {883--928}, 0806 publisher = {Springer}, 0807 title = {{Measuring determinants of student return vs. dropout/stopout vs. transfer: A first-to-second year analysis of new freshmen}}, 0808 volume = {46}, 0809 year = {2005} 0810 } 0811 @article{gabel2004presage, 0812 author = {Gabel, S. and Peters, S.}, 0813 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2004/Presage of a paradigm shift Beyond the social model of disability toward resistance theories of disability - Gabel, Peters.pdf:pdf}, 0814 journal = {Disability & Society}, 0815 number = {6}, 0816 pages = {585--600}, 0817 publisher = {Taylor & Francis}, 0818 title = {{Presage of a paradigm shift? Beyond the social model of disability toward resistance theories of disability}}, 0819 url = {http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/0968759042000252515}, 0820 volume = {19}, 0821 year = {2004} 0822 } 0823 @article{minami2007modeling, 0824 author = {Minami, M. and Lennert-Cody, C.E. and Gao, W. and Rom\'{a}n-Verdesoto, M.}, 0825 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/Modeling shark bycatch the zero-inflated negative binomial regression model with smoothing - Minami et al.pdf:pdf}, 0826 journal = {Fisheries Research}, 0827 number = {2}, 0828 pages = {210--221}, 0829 publisher = {Elsevier}, 0830 title = {{Modeling shark bycatch: the zero-inflated negative binomial regression model with smoothing}}, 0831 url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0165783606003821}, 0832 volume = {84}, 0833 year = {2007} 0834 } 0835 @article{Rabow1983, 0836 author = {Rabow, Jerome and Berkman, Sherry L. and Kessler, Ronald}, 0837 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1983/The Culture of Poverty and Learned Helplessness A Social Psychological Perspective - Rabow, Berkman, Kessler.pdf:pdf}, 0838 issn = {0038-0245}, 0839 journal = {Sociological Inquiry}, 0840 month = oct, 0841 number = {4}, 0842 pages = {419--434}, 0843 title = {{The Culture of Poverty and Learned Helplessness: A Social Psychological Perspective}}, 0844 volume = {53}, 0845 year = {1983} 0846 } 0847 @article{VanZyl2000, 0848 author = {van Zyl, J. M. and Neudecker, H. and Nel, D. G.}, 0849 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2000/On the distribution of the maximum likelihood estimator of Cronbach's alpha - van Zyl, Neudecker, Nel.pdf:pdf}, 0850 journal = {Psychometrika}, 0851 number = {3}, 0852 pages = {271--280}, 0853 title = {{On the distribution of the maximum likelihood estimator of Cronbach's alpha}}, 0854 volume = {65}, 0855 year = {2000} 0856 } 0857 @book{sutradhar2011dynamic, 0858 author = {Sutradhar, B.C.}, 0859 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2011/Dynamic Mixed Models for Familial Longitudinal Data - Sutradhar.pdf:pdf}, 0860 publisher = {Springer}, 0861 title = {{Dynamic Mixed Models for Familial Longitudinal Data}}, 0862 url = {http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=bCRWyG75S6kC&oi=fnd&pg=PR7&dq=Dynamic+Mixed+Models+for+Familial+Longitudinal+Data+&ots=W_BzJ1jWxS&sig=LSOC4uHXe0UiSNx2i7N5hu0-9ZU}, 0863 year = {2011} 0864 } 0865 @book{Avery1995, 0866 author = {Avery, S.}, 0867 publisher = {Compari}, 0868 title = {{The Dimensional Structure of Consciousness: A Physical Basis for Immaterialism}}, 0869 year = {1995} 0870 } 0871 @article{Wehman2000, 0872 author = {Wehman, P. and Wilson, K. and Parent, W. and Sherron-Targett, P. and McKinley, W.}, 0873 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2000/Employment Satisfaction of Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury - Wehman et al.pdf:pdf}, 0874 journal = {American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation}, 0875 number = {2}, 0876 pages = {161}, 0877 title = {{Employment Satisfaction of Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury}}, 0878 volume = {79}, 0879 year = {2000} 0880 } 0881 @article{Zhang1998, 0882 abstract = {Logistic regression is used frequently in cohort studies and clinical trials. When the incidence of an outcome of interest is common in the study population (>10%), the adjusted odds ratio derived from the logistic regression can no longer approximate the risk ratio. The more frequent the outcome, the more the odds ratio overestimates the risk ratio when it is more than 1 or underestimates it when it is less than 1. We propose a simple method to approximate a risk ratio from the adjusted odds ratio and derive an estimate of an association or treatment effect that better represents the true relative risk.}, 0883 author = {Zhang, J.}, 0884 doi = {10.1001/jama.280.19.1690}, 0885 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1998/What's the Relative Risk A Method of Correcting the Odds Ratio in Cohort Studies of Common Outcomes - Zhang.pdf:pdf}, 0886 issn = {00987484}, 0887 journal = {JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association}, 0888 month = nov, 0889 number = {19}, 0890 pages = {1690--1691}, 0891 title = {{What's the Relative Risk?: A Method of Correcting the Odds Ratio in Cohort Studies of Common Outcomes}}, 0892 url = {http://jama.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/abstract/280/19/1690}, 0893 volume = {280}, 0894 year = {1998} 0895 } 0896 @article{Rieser, 0897 author = {Rieser, Richard}, 0898 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/Unknown/Inclusion, Empowerment and the vital role of disabled people and their thinking Traditional Model of Disability - Rieser.pdf:pdf}, 0899 title = {{Inclusion, Empowerment and the vital role of disabled people and their thinking Traditional Model of Disability}} 0900 } 0901 @article{Hall2000, 0902 author = {Hall, DB}, 0903 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2000/Zero-inflated Poisson and binomial regression with random effects a case study - Hall.pdf:pdf}, 0904 journal = {Biometrics}, 0905 number = {4}, 0906 pages = {1030--1039}, 0907 title = {{Zero-inflated Poisson and binomial regression with random effects: a case study}}, 0908 volume = {56}, 0909 year = {2000} 0910 } 0911 @article{Rokach2006, 0912 author = {Rokach, A. and Lechcier-Kimel, R. and Safarov, A.}, 0913 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/Loneliness of People with Physical Disabilities - Rokach, Lechcier-Kimel, Safarov.pdf:pdf}, 0914 journal = {Social Behavior and Personality}, 0915 number = {6}, 0916 pages = {681--700}, 0917 title = {{Loneliness of People with Physical Disabilities}}, 0918 volume = {34}, 0919 year = {2006} 0920 } 0921 @book{Suess2010, 0922 author = {Suess, Eric A. and Trumbo, Bruce E.}, 0923 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2010/Introduction to Probability Simulation and Gibbs Sampling with R - Suess, Trumbo.pdf:pdf}, 0924 isbn = {038740273X}, 0925 pages = {320}, 0926 publisher = {Springer; 1st Edition. edition}, 0927 title = {{Introduction to Probability Simulation and Gibbs Sampling with R}}, 0928 url = {http://www.amazon.com/Introduction-Probability-Simulation-Gibbs-Sampling/dp/038740273X}, 0929 year = {2010} 0930 } 0931 @book{muirhead1982aspects, 0932 annote = {buy}, 0933 author = {Muirhead, R.J.}, 0934 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1982/Aspects of multivariate statistical theory - Muirhead.pdf:pdf}, 0935 publisher = {Wiley Online Library}, 0936 title = {{Aspects of multivariate statistical theory}}, 0937 url = {http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/9780470316559.fmatter/summary}, 0938 year = {1982} 0939 } 0940 @article{Mayer2008, 0941 annote = {since racial minorities have friends who are minorities and more tied to their outcomes, then the interactionist theory may not work 0942 0943 0944 may not feel part of the institution, only with their friends, may be withdrawn from faculty more 0945 0946 0947 if they have to get paid thats a problem}, 0948 author = {Mayer, A and Puller, SL}, 0949 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2008/The old boy (and girl) network Social network formation on university campuses - Mayer, Puller.pdf:pdf}, 0950 journal = {Journal of Public Economics}, 0951 number = {1-2}, 0952 pages = {329--347}, 0953 title = {{The old boy (and girl) network: Social network formation on university campuses}}, 0954 volume = {92}, 0955 year = {2008} 0956 } 0957 @article{Barakat2006, 0958 author = {Barakat, L. P. and Wodka, E. L.}, 0959 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/Posttraumatic stress symptoms in college students with a chronic illness - Barakat, Wodka.pdf:pdf}, 0960 journal = {Social Behavior and Personality}, 0961 number = {8}, 0962 pages = {999--1006}, 0963 title = {{Posttraumatic stress symptoms in college students with a chronic illness}}, 0964 volume = {34}, 0965 year = {2006} 0966 } 0967 @incollection{Agar2000, 0968 address = {San Francisco, CA}, 0969 author = {Agar, Michael}, 0970 booktitle = {New Directions for Evaluation}, 0971 doi = {10.1002/ev.1175}, 0972 editor = {Hopson, R. K.}, 0973 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2000/Border lessons Linguistic “rich points” and evaluative understanding - Agar.pdf:pdf}, 0974 issn = {1097-6736}, 0975 month = jan, 0976 number = {86}, 0977 pages = {93--109}, 0978 publisher = {Jossey-Bass}, 0979 title = {{Border lessons: Linguistic “rich points” and evaluative understanding}}, 0980 url = {http://doi.wiley.com/10.1002/ev.1175}, 0981 volume = {2000}, 0982 year = {2000} 0983 } 0984 @article{Albrecht1999, 0985 abstract = {This paper builds on the work of Sol Levine to examine a disability paradox: Why do many people with serious and persistent disabilities report that they experience a good or excellent quality of life when to most external observers these individuals seem to live an undesirable daily existence? The paper uses a qualitative approach to develop an explanation of this paradox using semi-structured interviews with 153 persons with disabilities. 54.3% of the respondents with moderate to serious disabilities reported having an excellent or good quality of life confirming the existence of the disability paradox. Analysis of the interviews reveals that for both those who report that they have a good and those who say they have a poor quality of life, quality of life is dependent upon finding a balance between body, mind and spirit in the self and on establishing and maintaining an harmonious set of relationships within the person's social context and external environment. A theoretical framework is developed to express these relationships. The findings are discussed for those with and without disabilities and directions are given for future research.}, 0986 author = {Albrecht, Gary L. and Devlieger, Patrick J.}, 0987 doi = {10.1016/S0277-9536(98)00411-0}, 0988 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1999/The disability paradox high quality of life against all odds - Albrecht, Devlieger.pdf:pdf}, 0989 issn = {0277-9536}, 0990 journal = {Social Science & Medicine}, 0991 month = apr, 0992 number = {8}, 0993 pages = {977--988}, 0994 shorttitle = {The disability paradox}, 0995 title = {{The disability paradox: high quality of life against all odds}}, 0996 url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6VBF-3VY07P8-2/2/e01cf751d020718638ea5f64ef9737f6}, 0997 volume = {48}, 0998 year = {1999} 0999 } 1000 @book{harville2008matrix, 1001 author = {Harville, D.A.}, 1002 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2008/Matrix algebra from a statistician's perspective - Harville.pdf:pdf}, 1003 keywords = {Mathematics,Matrix Algebra}, 1004 mendeley-tags = {Mathematics,Matrix Algebra}, 1005 publisher = {Springer Verlag}, 1006 title = {{Matrix algebra from a statistician's perspective}}, 1007 url = {http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=kZGBQijgGV8C&oi=fnd&pg=PR5&dq=Matrix+Algebra+From+a+Statistician?s+Perspective&ots=LS1wI4f8Ds&sig=5nvvcJgTppJcQsRCf3Xv-DsyqJI}, 1008 year = {2008} 1009 } 1010 @article{Imrie2004, 1011 author = {Imrie, R}, 1012 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2004/Demystifying disability a review of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health - Imrie.pdf:pdf}, 1013 journal = {Sociology of health & illness}, 1014 title = {{Demystifying disability: a review of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health}}, 1015 url = {http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1467-9566.2004.00391.x/full}, 1016 year = {2004} 1017 } 1018 @article{House1992, 1019 abstract = {Investigated relationship between students' academic self-concept, their achievement-related expectancies, and their subsequent college persistence among 2,324 first-year college students who were tracked for 4 consecutive academic years. Results revealed that student self-perceptions of academic ability and expectations for academic performance in college were significantly related to persistence for both two and four years. (Author/NB)}, 1020 author = {House, J. Daniel}, 1021 issn = {0897-5264}, 1022 journal = {Journal of College Student Development}, 1023 keywords = {Academic Achievement,Academic Persistence,College Students,Dropouts,Expectation,Higher Education,Self Concept,Student Characteristics}, 1024 number = {1}, 1025 pages = {5--10}, 1026 title = {{The Relationship between Academic Self-Concept, Achievement-Related Expectancies, and College Attrition}}, 1027 volume = {33}, 1028 year = {1992} 1029 } 1030 @article{Rozin2001, 1031 author = {Rozin, P. and Royzman, E. B.}, 1032 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2001/Negativity Bias, Negativity Dominance, and Contagion - Rozin, Royzman.pdf:pdf}, 1033 journal = {Personality and Social Psychology Review}, 1034 number = {4}, 1035 pages = {296}, 1036 title = {{Negativity Bias, Negativity Dominance, and Contagion}}, 1037 volume = {5}, 1038 year = {2001} 1039 } 1040 @article{Fish2000, 1041 author = {Fish, J. M.}, 1042 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2000/What Anthropology Can Do for Psychology Facing Physics Envy, Ethnocentrism, and a Belief in Race - Fish.pdf:pdf}, 1043 journal = {American Anthropologist}, 1044 number = {3}, 1045 pages = {552--563}, 1046 shorttitle = {What Anthropology Can Do for Psychology}, 1047 title = {{What Anthropology Can Do for Psychology: Facing Physics Envy, Ethnocentrism, and a Belief in" Race"}}, 1048 volume = {102}, 1049 year = {2000} 1050 } 1051 @article{Anderson2006, 1052 author = {Anderson, G. F. and Frogner, B. K. and Johns, R. A. and Reinhardt, U. E.}, 1053 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/Health care spending and use of information technology in OECD countries - Anderson et al.pdf:pdf}, 1054 journal = {Health Affairs}, 1055 number = {3}, 1056 pages = {819}, 1057 title = {{Health care spending and use of information technology in OECD countries}}, 1058 volume = {25}, 1059 year = {2006} 1060 } 1061 @article{Dovidio2001, 1062 author = {Dovidio, JF and Gaertner, SL}, 1063 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2001/Racial, ethnic, and cultural differences in responding to distinctiveness and discrimination on campus Stigma and common group identity - Dovidio, Gaertner.pdf:pdf}, 1064 journal = {Journal of Social Issues}, 1065 title = {{Racial, ethnic, and cultural differences in responding to distinctiveness and discrimination on campus: Stigma and common group identity}}, 1066 url = {http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/0022-4537.00207/full}, 1067 year = {2001} 1068 } 1069 @article{Porter2001, 1070 abstract = {Research on faculty productivity fails to account for the hierarchical nature of the data. Faculty members within an academic discipline more closely resemble one another than faculty in other disciplines, resulting in dependent observations and thus inaccurate statistical results. Unlike ordinary least squares, multilevel modeling takes into account this grouping effect. This article analyzes the research productivity of 1,104 tenured/tenure-track faculty from the 1993 NSOPF survey to compare traditional regression models with a random coefficients model. The results indicate a large grouping effect on research productivity, and the statistical as well as the substantive results of the random coefficients model differ significantly from the regression approach.}, 1071 author = {Porter, Stephen R. and Umbach, Paul D.}, 1072 doi = {10.1023/A:1026573503271}, 1073 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2001/Analyzing Faculty Workload Data Using Multilevel Modeling - Porter, Umbach.pdf:pdf}, 1074 issn = {0361-0365}, 1075 journal = {Research in Higher Education}, 1076 keywords = {Humanities,Social Sciences and Law}, 1077 number = {2}, 1078 pages = {171--196}, 1079 publisher = {Springer Netherlands}, 1080 title = {{Analyzing Faculty Workload Data Using Multilevel Modeling}}, 1081 url = {http://www.springerlink.com/content/t67853v076203p05/}, 1082 volume = {42}, 1083 year = {2001} 1084 } 1085 @article{Moss2007, 1086 author = {Moss, P. A.}, 1087 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/Reconstructing validity - Moss.pdf:pdf}, 1088 journal = {Educational Researcher}, 1089 number = {8}, 1090 pages = {470}, 1091 title = {{Reconstructing validity}}, 1092 volume = {36}, 1093 year = {2007} 1094 } 1095 @book{Hamming2004, 1096 annote = {Purchased from: Google Books}, 1097 author = {Hamming, Richard W.}, 1098 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2004/Methods of Mathematics Applied to Calculus, Probability, and Statistics (Dover Books on Mathematics) - Hamming.pdf:pdf}, 1099 isbn = {0486439453}, 1100 pages = {880}, 1101 publisher = {Dover Publications}, 1102 title = {{Methods of Mathematics Applied to Calculus, Probability, and Statistics (Dover Books on Mathematics)}}, 1103 url = {http://www.amazon.com/Methods-Mathematics-Calculus-Probability-Statistics/dp/0486439453}, 1104 year = {2004} 1105 } 1106 @article{Hadjimichael2007, 1107 author = {Hadjimichael, O. and Kerns, R. D. and Rizzo, M. A. and Cutter, G. and Vollmer, T.}, 1108 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/Persistent pain and uncomfortable sensations in persons with multiple sclerosis - Hadjimichael et al.pdf:pdf}, 1109 journal = {Pain}, 1110 number = {1-2}, 1111 pages = {35--41}, 1112 title = {{Persistent pain and uncomfortable sensations in persons with multiple sclerosis}}, 1113 volume = {127}, 1114 year = {2007} 1115 } 1116 @article{Amemiya1981, 1117 abstract = {ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT developments in econometrics in the past ten years has occurred in the area of qualitative response models, henceforth to be abbreviated as QR models, also known as quantal, categorical, or discrete models. In these statistical models the endogenous random variables take only discrete values. In this paper I will present what I consider to be the basic facts about QR models. I believe that QR models are so important in economics that every applied researcher should acquire at least a cursory knowledge of these facts. I will start with the discussion of the simplest model-the model for a univariate dichotomous dependent variable (Section 2), and then move on to multi-response (some say multinomial or polychotomous) and multivariate (meaning more than one discrete dependent variable) models (Sections 3 and 4). Most of Section 2, except 2.C, is rudimentary. Sections 2.C, 3, and 4 are novel, not in the sense that I obtain new results but that I organize results in my own way and give a critical evaluation. I will pay attention to the following three problems: (1) how to specify a model which is consistent with economic theory and which is at the same time statistically manageable, (2) how to estimate and test hypotheses on the parameters of a model, and (3) what criteria to use for choosing among competing models. Topic (2) is discussed in Sections 2.B and 3.A. The reader who finds these sections too technical may skip them without affecting the understanding of the other sections. The reader should bear in mind that the field is still growing and there are still many unsolved issues in each of the three categories above-especially, (1) and (3). The discussion of each topic will be illustrated by examples taken from the aforementioned list of references. My major aim in writing this survey has been to present a critical evaluation of a large number of multi-response and multivariate QR models, which have been proposed in the biometr... ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR Copyright of Journal of Economic Literature is the property of American Economic Association and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)}, 1118 author = {Amemiya, T}, 1119 doi = {10.2298/EKA0772055N}, 1120 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1981/Qualitative response models a survey - Amemiya.pdf:pdf}, 1121 issn = {00220515}, 1122 journal = {Journal of Economic Literature}, 1123 number = {4}, 1124 pages = {1483--1536}, 1125 publisher = {JSTOR}, 1126 title = {{Qualitative response models: a survey}}, 1127 volume = {19}, 1128 year = {1981} 1129 } 1130 @book{Tinto1987a, 1131 address = {Chicago}, 1132 author = {Tinto, Vincent}, 1133 publisher = {University Of Chicago Press}, 1134 title = {{Leaving college: Rethinking the causes and cures of student attrition.}}, 1135 year = {1987} 1136 } 1137 @article{Kennedy2000a, 1138 author = {Kennedy, P. and Rogers, B. A.}, 1139 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2000/Anxiety and depression after spinal cord injury A longitudinal analysis - Kennedy, Rogers.pdf:pdf}, 1140 journal = {Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation}, 1141 number = {7}, 1142 pages = {932--937}, 1143 shorttitle = {Anxiety and depression after spinal cord injury}, 1144 title = {{Anxiety and depression after spinal cord injury: A longitudinal analysis}}, 1145 volume = {81}, 1146 year = {2000} 1147 } 1148 @article{Terenzini1981, 1149 author = {Terenzini, P. T and Lorang, W. G and Pascarella, E. T}, 1150 journal = {Research in Higher Education}, 1151 number = {2}, 1152 pages = {109--127}, 1153 shorttitle = {Predicting freshman persistence and voluntary drop}, 1154 title = {{Predicting freshman persistence and voluntary dropout decisions: A replication}}, 1155 volume = {15}, 1156 year = {1981} 1157 } 1158 @misc{sutton, 1159 keywords = {Court Case}, 1160 mendeley-tags = {Court Case}, 1161 title = {{Sutton V. United Air Lines, Inc. 527 U.S. 471}}, 1162 year = {1999} 1163 } 1164 @article{Donnelly2004, 1165 author = {Donnelly, C. and Eng, J. J.}, 1166 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2004/Pain following spinal cord injury the impact on community reintegration - Donnelly, Eng.pdf:pdf}, 1167 journal = {Spinal Cord}, 1168 number = {5}, 1169 pages = {278--282}, 1170 shorttitle = {Pain following spinal cord injury}, 1171 title = {{Pain following spinal cord injury: the impact on community reintegration}}, 1172 volume = {43}, 1173 year = {2004} 1174 } 1175 @article{Leonard2006, 1176 author = {Leonard, M. T. and Cano, A. and Johansen, A. B.}, 1177 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/Chronic Pain in a Couples Context A Review and Integration of Theoretical Models and Empirical Evidence - Leonard, Cano, Johansen.pdf:pdf}, 1178 journal = {Journal of Pain}, 1179 number = {6}, 1180 pages = {377--390}, 1181 shorttitle = {Chronic Pain in a Couples Context}, 1182 title = {{Chronic Pain in a Couples Context: A Review and Integration of Theoretical Models and Empirical Evidence}}, 1183 volume = {7}, 1184 year = {2006} 1185 } 1186 @article{Antle2004, 1187 author = {Antle, B. J.}, 1188 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2004/Factors Associated with Self-Worth in Young People with Physical Disabilities - Antle.pdf:pdf}, 1189 journal = {Health and Social Work}, 1190 number = {3}, 1191 pages = {167--176}, 1192 title = {{Factors Associated with Self-Worth in Young People with Physical Disabilities}}, 1193 volume = {29}, 1194 year = {2004} 1195 } 1196 @article{Oatley2008, 1197 author = {Oatley, A. and Winter, M.}, 1198 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2008/Disability Appraisal, Well-Being, and Social Support Their Relationship to University Adaptation in Young Adults With Physical Disabilities - Oatley, Winter.pdf:pdf}, 1199 journal = {Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation}, 1200 number = {10}, 1201 pages = {48--48}, 1202 shorttitle = {Poster 77}, 1203 title = {{Disability Appraisal, Well-Being, and Social Support: Their Relationship to University Adaptation in Young Adults With Physical Disabilities}}, 1204 volume = {89}, 1205 year = {2008} 1206 } 1207 @article{Kenny1991, 1208 abstract = {The degree to which parental attachment and family structure are related to indexes of social and psychological functioning was examined for a sample of 1st-year college students (173 women and 53 men). Canonical analysis for the female students yielded significant results that were generally consistent with theoretical expectations. Hypothesized characteristics of insecure attachment and 2 dimensions of maladaptive family structure—parental marital conflict and perceived family anxiety concerning separation—were associated with difficulties in social competence and the presence of psychological symptoms. For male students the results of the canonical analysis were not significant. The findings suggest that for college women close parental attachments are adaptive when combined with a family structure that supports individuation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)}, 1209 author = {Kenny, Maureen E. and Donaldson, Gail A.}, 1210 doi = {10.1037/0022-0167.38.4.479}, 1211 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1991/Contributions of parental attachment and family structure to the social and psychological functioning of first-year college students - Kenny, Donaldson.pdf:pdf}, 1212 issn = {0022-0167}, 1213 journal = {Journal of Counseling Psychology}, 1214 keywords = {attachment behavior,emotional adjustment,family}, 1215 language = {English}, 1216 number = {4}, 1217 pages = {479--486}, 1218 title = {{Contributions of parental attachment and family structure to the social and psychological functioning of first-year college students}}, 1219 url = {http://doi.apa.org/getdoi.cfm?doi=10.1037/0022-0167.38.4.479}, 1220 volume = {38}, 1221 year = {1991} 1222 } 1223 @article{Boker, 1224 author = {Boker, S and Neale, M and Maes, H and Wilde, M}, 1225 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2011/OpenMx An open source extended structural equation modeling framework - Boker et al.pdf:pdf}, 1226 journal = {Psychometrika}, 1227 title = {{OpenMx: An open source extended structural equation modeling framework}}, 1228 url = {http://www.springerlink.com/index/DG37445107026711.pdf}, 1229 year = {2011} 1230 } 1231 @article{Jones1972, 1232 author = {Jones, R. L.}, 1233 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1972/Labels and stigma in special education - Jones.pdf:pdf}, 1234 journal = {Exceptional Children}, 1235 number = {7}, 1236 pages = {553--564}, 1237 title = {{Labels and stigma in special education}}, 1238 volume = {38}, 1239 year = {1972} 1240 } 1241 @article{Mould2003, 1242 author = {Mould, RA}, 1243 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2003/Quantum Brain States - Mould.pdf:pdf}, 1244 journal = {Foundations of Physics}, 1245 title = {{Quantum Brain States}}, 1246 url = {http://www.springerlink.com/index/MV4324767284002J.pdf}, 1247 year = {2003} 1248 } 1249 @article{Hoeting1996a, 1250 abstract = {We suggest a method for simultaneous variable selection and outlier identification based on the computation of posterior model probabilities. This avoids the problem that the model you select depends upon the order in which variable selection and outlier identification are carried out. Our method can find multiple outliers and appears to be successful in identifying masked outliers. We also address the problem of model uncertainty via Bayesian model averaging. For problems where the number of models is large, we suggest a Markov chain Monte Carlo approach to approximate the Bayesian model average over the space of all possible variables and outliers under consideration. Software for implementing this approach is described. In an example, we show that model averaging via simultaneous variable selection and outlier identification improves predictive performance and provides more accurate prediction intervals as compared to any single model that might reasonably be selected.}, 1251 author = {Hoeting, J}, 1252 doi = {10.1016/0167-9473(95)00053-4}, 1253 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1996/A method for simultaneous variable selection and outlier identification in linear regression - Hoeting.pdf:pdf}, 1254 issn = {01679473}, 1255 journal = {Computational Statistics & Data Analysis}, 1256 month = jul, 1257 number = {3}, 1258 pages = {251--270}, 1259 title = {{A method for simultaneous variable selection and outlier identification in linear regression}}, 1260 url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0167-9473(95)00053-4}, 1261 volume = {22}, 1262 year = {1996} 1263 } 1264 @article{Aitken1982, 1265 author = {Aitken, ND}, 1266 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1982/College student performance, satisfaction and retention Specification and estimation of a structural model - Aitken.pdf:pdf}, 1267 journal = {The Journal of Higher Education}, 1268 number = {1}, 1269 pages = {32--50}, 1270 title = {{College student performance, satisfaction and retention: Specification and estimation of a structural model}}, 1271 volume = {53}, 1272 year = {1982} 1273 } 1274 @incollection{Rothman1986, 1275 author = {Rothman, K. J.}, 1276 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1986/Modern epidemiology - Rothman.pdf:pdf}, 1277 pages = {89--129}, 1278 publisher = {Boston: Little, Brown and Co.}, 1279 title = {{Modern epidemiology}}, 1280 year = {1986} 1281 } 1282 @book{Wright1960, 1283 address = {New York}, 1284 annote = {seminal book on disability}, 1285 author = {Wright, B. A. P.}, 1286 publisher = {Harper}, 1287 title = {{Physical Disability--a Psychological Approach}}, 1288 year = {1960} 1289 } 1290 @book{Field2009, 1291 address = {Thousand Oaks, CA}, 1292 author = {Field, Andy}, 1293 isbn = {9781847879073}, 1294 publisher = {Sage Publications Ltd}, 1295 title = {{Discovering Statistics Using SPSS (Introducing Statistical Methods)}}, 1296 year = {2009} 1297 } 1298 @article{Stinson1996, 1299 author = {Stinson, M. S. and Whitmire, K. and Kluwin, T. N.}, 1300 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1996/Self-perceptions of social relationships in hearing-impaired adolescents - Stinson, Whitmire, Kluwin.pdf:pdf}, 1301 journal = {Journal of Educational Psychology}, 1302 number = {1}, 1303 pages = {132--143}, 1304 title = {{Self-perceptions of social relationships in hearing-impaired adolescents}}, 1305 volume = {88}, 1306 year = {1996} 1307 } 1308 @article{Hopson2000b, 1309 author = {Hopson, R. K}, 1310 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2000/How and Why Language Matters in Evaluation - Hopson.pdf:pdf}, 1311 journal = {New Directions for Evaluation}, 1312 pages = {1--115}, 1313 title = {{How and Why Language Matters in Evaluation}}, 1314 volume = {86}, 1315 year = {2000} 1316 } 1317 @article{Steinbeck2008, 1318 author = {Steinbeck, K. S. and Brodie, L. and Towns, S. J.}, 1319 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2008/Transition in chronic illness Who is going where - Steinbeck, Brodie, Towns.pdf:pdf}, 1320 journal = {Journal of Paediatrics & Child Health}, 1321 number = {9}, 1322 pages = {478}, 1323 title = {{Transition in chronic illness: Who is going where?}}, 1324 volume = {44}, 1325 year = {2008} 1326 } 1327 @article{NEETAP.FOGGAND2009, 1328 author = {{Neeta P. Fogg} and Harrington, Paul E.}, 1329 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/From Paternalism to Self-Advocacy Obama - Neeta P. Fogg, Harrington.pdf:pdf}, 1330 journal = {New England Journal of Higher Education}, 1331 title = {{From Paternalism to Self-Advocacy: Obama}}, 1332 year = {2009} 1333 } 1334 @article{Johnston2010, 1335 author = {Johnston, Marie}, 1336 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2010/Integrating Models of Disability A reply to Shakespeare and Watson - Johnston.pdf:pdf}, 1337 keywords = {Linear Models}, 1338 mendeley-tags = {Linear Models}, 1339 number = {February 2012}, 1340 pages = {37--41}, 1341 title = {{Integrating Models of Disability: A reply to Shakespeare and Watson}}, 1342 year = {2010} 1343 } 1344 @techreport{constitution, 1345 address = {Washington, D.C.}, 1346 annote = {S. pub., 103-21}, 1347 author = {{Office of the Secretary of the Senate} and Killian, Johnny H.}, 1348 institution = {United States Senate}, 1349 keywords = {Statute/Constitution}, 1350 mendeley-tags = {Statute/Constitution}, 1351 title = {{The Constitution of the United States of America}}, 1352 url = {http://www.senate.gov/civics/constitution_item/constitution.htm}, 1353 year = {1994} 1354 } 1355 @article{Vanderbilt2008, 1356 author = {Kam, Cindy D. and Palmer, Carl L.}, 1357 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2008/Reconsidering the effects of education on political participation - Kam, Palmer.pdf:pdf}, 1358 journal = {The Journal of Politics}, 1359 number = {3}, 1360 pages = {612--631}, 1361 title = {{Reconsidering the effects of education on political participation}}, 1362 url = {http://journals.cambridge.org/abstract_S0022381608080651}, 1363 volume = {70}, 1364 year = {2008} 1365 } 1366 @book{SAngenent, 1367 author = {Angenent, Sigurd and Robbin, Joel}, 1368 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/First Year Calculus - Angenent, Robbin.pdf:pdf}, 1369 keywords = {Mathematics}, 1370 mendeley-tags = {Mathematics}, 1371 title = {{First Year Calculus}}, 1372 year = {2009} 1373 } 1374 @article{Pollard2007, 1375 author = {Pollard, C. and Kennedy, P.}, 1376 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/A longitudinal analysis of emotional impact, coping strategies and post-traumatic psychological growth following spinal cord injury A 10-year review - Pollard, Kennedy.pdf:pdf}, 1377 journal = {British Journal of Health Psychology}, 1378 number = {3}, 1379 pages = {347--362}, 1380 shorttitle = {A longitudinal analysis of emotional impact, copin}, 1381 title = {{A longitudinal analysis of emotional impact, coping strategies and post-traumatic psychological growth following spinal cord injury: A 10-year review}}, 1382 volume = {12}, 1383 year = {2007} 1384 } 1385 @article{wyatt2006sleep, 1386 author = {Wyatt, JK and Dijk, DJ and {Ritz-de Cecco}, A. and Ronda, JM and Czeisler, CA}, 1387 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/Sleep-facilitating effect of exogenous melatonin in healthy young men and women is circadian-phase dependent - Wyatt et al.pdf:pdf}, 1388 journal = {Sleep}, 1389 number = {5}, 1390 pages = {609--618}, 1391 title = {{Sleep-facilitating effect of exogenous melatonin in healthy young men and women is circadian-phase dependent}}, 1392 url = {http://www.journalsleep.org/articles/290507.pdf}, 1393 volume = {29}, 1394 year = {2006} 1395 } 1396 @book{Jones2009, 1397 abstract = {Known for its versatility, the free programming language R is widely used for statistical computing and graphics, but is also a fully functional programming language well suited to scientific programming. An Introduction to Scientific Programming and Simulation Using Rteaches the skills needed to perform scientific programming while also introducing stochastic modelling. Stochastic modelling in particular, and mathematical modelling in general, are intimately linked to scientific programming because the numerical techniques of scientific programming enable the practical application of mathematical models to real-world problems. Following a natural progression that assumes no prior knowledge of programming or probability, the book is organised into four main sections: Programming In Rstarts with how to obtain and install R (for Windows, MacOS, and Unix platforms), then tackles basic calculations and program flow, before progressing to function based programming, data structures, graphics, and object-oriented code A Primer on Numerical Mathematicsintroduces concepts of numerical accuracy and program efficiency in the context of root-finding, integration, and optimization A Self-contained Introduction to Probability Theorytakes readers as far as the Weak Law of Large Numbers and the Central Limit Theorem, equipping them for point and interval estimation Simulation teaches how to generate univariate random variables, do Monte-Carlo integration, and variance reduction techniques In the last section, stochastic modelling is introduced using extensive case studies on epidemics, inventory management, and plant dispersal. A tried and tested pedagogic approach is employed throughout, with numerous examples, exercises, and a suite of practice projects. Unlike most guides to R, this volume is not about the application of statistical techniques, but rather shows how to turn algorithms into code. It is for those who want to make tools, not just use them.}, 1398 annote = {buy}, 1399 author = {Jones, Owen and Maillardet, Robert and Robinson, Andrew}, 1400 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/Introduction to scientific programming and simulation using R - Jones, Maillardet, Robinson.pdf:pdf}, 1401 isbn = {1420068725}, 1402 pages = {472}, 1403 publisher = {CRC Press}, 1404 title = {{Introduction to scientific programming and simulation using R}}, 1405 url = {http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=gnZC525wnzIC&pgis=1}, 1406 year = {2009} 1407 } 1408 @article{Hall1995, 1409 author = {Hall, Richard C.W.}, 1410 doi = {10.1016/S0033-3182(95)71666-8}, 1411 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1995/Global Assessment of Functioning - Hall.pdf:pdf}, 1412 issn = {00333182}, 1413 journal = {Psychosomatics}, 1414 month = may, 1415 number = {3}, 1416 pages = {267--275}, 1417 title = {{Global Assessment of Functioning}}, 1418 url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0033-3182(95)71666-8}, 1419 volume = {36}, 1420 year = {1995} 1421 } 1422 @book{Gentle2009a, 1423 annote = {http://mason.gmu.edu/$\sim$jgentle/}, 1424 author = {Gentle, James E.}, 1425 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/A Companion for Mathematical Statistics - Gentle.pdf:pdf}, 1426 keywords = {Statistical Theory and Mathematical Statistics}, 1427 mendeley-tags = {Statistical Theory and Mathematical Statistics}, 1428 title = {{A Companion for Mathematical Statistics}}, 1429 year = {2009} 1430 } 1431 @book{Richardson2010, 1432 author = {Richardson, Thomas}, 1433 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2010/Review of Math Stats - Richardson.pdf:pdf}, 1434 title = {{Review of Math Stats}}, 1435 year = {2010} 1436 } 1437 @article{Robillard1983, 1438 author = {Robillard, K. and Fichten, C. S.}, 1439 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1983/Attributions about sexuality and romantic involvement of physically disabled college students An empirical study - Robillard, Fichten.pdf:pdf}, 1440 journal = {Sexuality and Disability}, 1441 number = {3}, 1442 pages = {197--212}, 1443 title = {{Attributions about sexuality and romantic involvement of physically disabled college students: An empirical study}}, 1444 volume = {6}, 1445 year = {1983} 1446 } 1447 @article{browne2006comparison, 1448 author = {Browne, W.J. and Draper, D.}, 1449 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/A comparison of Bayesian and likelihood-based methods for fitting multilevel models - Browne, Draper.PDF:PDF}, 1450 journal = {Bayesian Analysis}, 1451 number = {3}, 1452 pages = {473--514}, 1453 publisher = {Citeseer}, 1454 title = {{A comparison of Bayesian and likelihood-based methods for fitting multilevel models}}, 1455 url = {http://www.soe.ucsc.edu/$\sim$draper/browne-draper-2006.pdf}, 1456 volume = {1}, 1457 year = {2006} 1458 } 1459 @article{McIntyreA2007, 1460 author = {McIntyre, Anne and Tempest, Stephanie}, 1461 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/Two steps forward, one step back A commentary on the disease-specific core sets of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) - McIntyre, Tempest.pdf:pdf}, 1462 journal = {Disability & Rehabilitation}, 1463 title = {{Two steps forward, one step back? A commentary on the disease-specific core sets of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF)}}, 1464 url = {http://informahealthcare.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09638280601129181}, 1465 year = {2007} 1466 } 1467 @article{Daniels2009, 1468 abstract = {Affect and emotions are frequently seen as outcomes of mastery and performance goals, but affective experiences may also predict goal adoption. In a predictive study (N = 669 first-year college students), the authors used structural equation modeling to estimate relationships from 2 initial affective experiences to mastery and performance-approach goals, from goals to discrete emotions, and from discrete emotions to final grades in a university course while controlling for prior achievement. Representing initial affective experiences, hopefulness positively predicted mastery and performance goals, whereas helplessness negatively predicted mastery goals. Mastery goals positively predicted enjoyment, which in turn positively predicted achievement, and negatively predicted boredom, which in turn negatively predicted achievement. Anxiety was negatively predicted by mastery goals, positively predicted by performance goals, and exerted a negative predictive influence on achievement. The findings suggest that predictive relationships between goals and achievement are mediated by students’ emotions. Results are discussed with regard to the importance of affect and emotions for achievement goal theory. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) (from the journal abstract)}, 1469 author = {Daniels, Lia M. and Stupnisky, Robert H. and Pekrun, Reinhard and Haynes, Tara L. and Perry, Raymond P. and Newall, Nancy E.}, 1470 doi = {10.1037/a0016096}, 1471 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/A longitudinal analysis of achievement goals From affective antecedents to emotional effects and achievement outcomes - Daniels et al.pdf:pdf}, 1472 issn = {1939-2176}, 1473 journal = {Journal of Educational Psychology}, 1474 keywords = {academic achievement,college stu,emotions,goals}, 1475 language = {English}, 1476 number = {4}, 1477 pages = {948--963}, 1478 title = {{A longitudinal analysis of achievement goals: From affective antecedents to emotional effects and achievement outcomes}}, 1479 url = {http://doi.apa.org/getdoi.cfm?doi=10.1037/a0016096}, 1480 volume = {101}, 1481 year = {2009} 1482 } 1483 @misc{AmericanswithDisabilitiesActof19901991, 1484 keywords = {Statute/Constitution}, 1485 mendeley-tags = {Statute/Constitution}, 1486 title = {{Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, 42 U.S.C. 12101 et seq.}}, 1487 year = {1991} 1488 } 1489 @article{Binks2007, 1490 author = {Binks, J. A. and Barden, W. S. and Burke, T. A. and Young, N. L.}, 1491 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/What do we really know about the transition to adult-centered health care A focus on cerebral palsy and spina bifida - Binks et al.pdf:pdf}, 1492 journal = {Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation}, 1493 number = {8}, 1494 pages = {1064}, 1495 title = {{What do we really know about the transition to adult-centered health care? A focus on cerebral palsy and spina bifida}}, 1496 volume = {88}, 1497 year = {2007} 1498 } 1499 @book{Roussas2003, 1500 annote = {Purchased from ebooks.com}, 1501 author = {Roussas, George G.}, 1502 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2003/An Introduction to Probability and Statistical Inference - Roussas.pdf:pdf}, 1503 isbn = {0125990200}, 1504 keywords = {Probability}, 1505 mendeley-tags = {Probability}, 1506 pages = {523}, 1507 publisher = {Academic Press}, 1508 title = {{An Introduction to Probability and Statistical Inference}}, 1509 url = {http://www.amazon.com/Introduction-Probability-Statistical-Inference/dp/0125990200}, 1510 year = {2003} 1511 } 1512 @misc{WAcoreservicesbill, 1513 keywords = {Statute/Constitution}, 1514 mendeley-tags = {Statute/Constitution}, 1515 title = {{Students with disabilities — Core services. Revised Code of Washington. 28B.10.912}}, 1516 year = {1994} 1517 } 1518 @article{Underhill2007, 1519 author = {Underhill, K}, 1520 journal = {Bmj}, 1521 title = {{Sexual abstinence only programmes to prevent HIV infection in high income countries: systematic review}}, 1522 url = {http://www.bmj.com/content/335/7613/248.short}, 1523 year = {2007} 1524 } 1525 @book{Ghorpade2006, 1526 annote = {http://www.springerlink.com/content/978-0-387-30530-1#section=424353&page=1}, 1527 author = {Ghorpade, Sudhir R. and Limaye, Balmohan V.}, 1528 doi = {10.1007/0-387-36425-0}, 1529 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/A Course in Calculus and Real Analysis - Ghorpade, Limaye.pdf:pdf}, 1530 isbn = {978-0-387-30530-1}, 1531 keywords = {Mathematics}, 1532 mendeley-tags = {Mathematics}, 1533 publisher = {Springer New York}, 1534 series = {Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics}, 1535 title = {{A Course in Calculus and Real Analysis}}, 1536 year = {2006} 1537 } 1538 @article{Livneh2005, 1539 author = {Livneh, H. and Antonak, R. F.}, 1540 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2005/Psychosocial adaptation to chronic illness and disability A primer for counselors - Livneh, Antonak.pdf:pdf}, 1541 journal = {Journal of Counseling & Development}, 1542 number = {1}, 1543 pages = {12--20}, 1544 shorttitle = {Psychosocial adaptation to chronic illness and dis}, 1545 title = {{Psychosocial adaptation to chronic illness and disability: A primer for counselors}}, 1546 volume = {83}, 1547 year = {2005} 1548 } 1549 @inproceedings{Oliver1990, 1550 author = {Oliver, M}, 1551 booktitle = {Joint Workshop of the Living Options Group and the Research Unit of the Royal College of Physicians}, 1552 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1990/The individual and social models of disability - Oliver.pdf:pdf}, 1553 title = {{The individual and social models of disability}}, 1554 year = {1990} 1555 } 1556 @article{Niemiec2006, 1557 author = {Niemiec, Christopher P. and Lynch, Martin F. and Vansteenkiste, Maarten and Bernstein, Jessey and Deci, Edward L. and Ryan, Richard M.}, 1558 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/The antecedents and consequences of autonomous self-regulation for college A self-determination theory perspective on socialization - Niemiec et al.pdf:pdf}, 1559 journal = {Journal of Adolescence}, 1560 title = {{The antecedents and consequences of autonomous self-regulation for college: A self-determination theory perspective on socialization}}, 1561 year = {2006} 1562 } 1563 @article{Eastin2005, 1564 author = {Eastin, M. S. and LaRose, R.}, 1565 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2005/Alt. support modeling social support online - Eastin, LaRose.pdf:pdf}, 1566 journal = {Computers in Human Behavior}, 1567 number = {6}, 1568 pages = {977--992}, 1569 shorttitle = {Alt. support}, 1570 title = {{Alt. support: modeling social support online}}, 1571 volume = {21}, 1572 year = {2005} 1573 } 1574 @article{Hedeker2008, 1575 author = {Hedeker, D}, 1576 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2008/Multilevel models for ordinal and nominal variables - Hedeker.pdf:pdf}, 1577 journal = {Handbook of multilevel analysis}, 1578 title = {{Multilevel models for ordinal and nominal variables}}, 1579 url = {http://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=Multilevel+Models+for+Ordinal+and+Nominal+Variables#0}, 1580 year = {2008} 1581 } 1582 @article{Wilks1935, 1583 author = {Wilks, SS}, 1584 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1935/The likelihood test of independence in contingency tables - Wilks.pdf:pdf}, 1585 journal = {The annals of mathematical statistics}, 1586 number = {4}, 1587 pages = {190--196}, 1588 title = {{The likelihood test of independence in contingency tables}}, 1589 volume = {6}, 1590 year = {1935} 1591 } 1592 @article{Beck1999, 1593 author = {Beck, J. D. and Pankow, J. and Tyroler, H. A. and Offenbacher, S.}, 1594 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1999/Dental infections and atherosclerosis - Beck et al.pdf:pdf}, 1595 journal = {American Heart Journal}, 1596 pages = {S528--S533}, 1597 title = {{Dental infections and atherosclerosis}}, 1598 volume = {138}, 1599 year = {1999} 1600 } 1601 @article{Raftery1995, 1602 author = {Raftery, A. E.}, 1603 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1995/Bayesian model selection in social research - Raftery.pdf:pdf}, 1604 journal = {Sociological methodology}, 1605 keywords = {Statistics}, 1606 pages = {111--163}, 1607 title = {{Bayesian model selection in social research}}, 1608 volume = {25}, 1609 year = {1995} 1610 } 1611 @article{Gelman2006a, 1612 author = {Gelman, A}, 1613 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/Prior distributions for variance parameters in hierarchical models - Gelman.pdf:pdf}, 1614 journal = {Bayesian analysis}, 1615 title = {{Prior distributions for variance parameters in hierarchical models}}, 1616 url = {http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=}, 1617 year = {2006} 1618 } 1619 @article{Tierney1994, 1620 author = {Tierney, L}, 1621 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1994/Markov chains for exploring posterior distributions - Tierney.pdf:pdf}, 1622 journal = {the Annals of Statistics}, 1623 title = {{Markov chains for exploring posterior distributions}}, 1624 url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.2307/2242477}, 1625 year = {1994} 1626 } 1627 @article{Pflaum2006, 1628 author = {Pflaum, C. and McCollister, G. and Strauss, D. J. and Shavelle, R. M. and DeVivo, M. J.}, 1629 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/Worklife After Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury - Pflaum et al.pdf:pdf}, 1630 journal = {The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine}, 1631 number = {4}, 1632 pages = {377}, 1633 title = {{Worklife After Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury}}, 1634 volume = {29}, 1635 year = {2006} 1636 } 1637 @article{Hughes1997, 1638 author = {Hughes, B. and Paterson, K.}, 1639 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1997/The social model of disability and the disappearing body towards a sociology of impairment - Hughes, Paterson.pdf:pdf}, 1640 journal = {Disability & Society}, 1641 number = {3}, 1642 pages = {325--340}, 1643 title = {{The social model of disability and the disappearing body: towards a sociology of impairment}}, 1644 volume = {12}, 1645 year = {1997} 1646 } 1647 @article{Stage1989, 1648 abstract = {The academic and social integration of college students has been the focus of much recent research. The Tinto model of college student withdrawal focused on the constructs as explanation for commitment to goals and persistence. Research results suggested that perhaps reciprocal relationships existed between academic and social integration. Significant influences from academic integration to social integration and vice-versa indicated differing reciprocal effects for males and females.}, 1649 author = {Stage, Frances K.}, 1650 doi = {10.1007/BF00992201}, 1651 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1989/Reciprocal effects between the academic and social integration of college students - Stage.pdf:pdf}, 1652 issn = {0361-0365}, 1653 journal = {Research in Higher Education}, 1654 keywords = {Humanities,Social Sciences and Law}, 1655 month = oct, 1656 number = {5}, 1657 pages = {517--530}, 1658 publisher = {Springer Netherlands}, 1659 title = {{Reciprocal effects between the academic and social integration of college students}}, 1660 url = {http://www.springerlink.com/content/nq48t3r5785737r3/}, 1661 volume = {30}, 1662 year = {1989} 1663 } 1664 @book{Raudenbush2004, 1665 address = {Lincolnwood, IL}, 1666 author = {Raudenbush, Stephen W. and Bryk, Anthony S. and Cheong, Yuk Fai and Congdon, Richard T.}, 1667 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2004/HLM 6 Hierarchical Linear and Nonlinear Modeling - Raudenbush et al.pdf:pdf}, 1668 isbn = {0894980548}, 1669 publisher = {Scientific Software International, Inc.}, 1670 title = {{HLM 6: Hierarchical Linear and Nonlinear Modeling}}, 1671 year = {2004} 1672 } 1673 @article{Sieghart1994, 1674 author = {Sieghart, W.}, 1675 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1994/Pharmacology of benzodiazepine receptors an update - Sieghart.pdf:pdf}, 1676 journal = {Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience}, 1677 number = {1}, 1678 pages = {24}, 1679 title = {{Pharmacology of benzodiazepine receptors: an update}}, 1680 volume = {19}, 1681 year = {1994} 1682 } 1683 @book{Congdon2006, 1684 annote = {Buy This Book!!!!}, 1685 author = {Congdon, P}, 1686 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/Bayesian statistical modelling - Congdon.pdf:pdf}, 1687 keywords = {Bayes,Linear Models}, 1688 mendeley-tags = {Bayes,Linear Models}, 1689 title = {{Bayesian statistical modelling}}, 1690 url = {http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=yQE1ze5-6oQC&oi=fnd&pg=PR5&dq=Bayesian+Statistical+Modelling&ots=tRD401Fv2L&sig=xszYjM4bwf2JEUUTbzFK8lFnw9w}, 1691 year = {2006} 1692 } 1693 @article{Barnard1998, 1694 author = {Barnard, E. A. and Skolnick, P. and Olsen, R. W. and Mohler, H. and Sieghart, W. and Biggio, G. and Braestrup, C. and Bateson, A. N. and Langer, S. Z.}, 1695 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1998/International Union of Pharmacology XV Subtypes of $\gamma$-aminobutyric acid A receptors classification on the basis of subunit structure and receptor function - Barnard et al.pdf:pdf}, 1696 journal = {Pharmacological Reviews}, 1697 number = {2}, 1698 pages = {291--314}, 1699 title = {{International Union of Pharmacology XV Subtypes of $\gamma$-aminobutyric acid A receptors: classification on the basis of subunit structure and receptor function}}, 1700 volume = {50}, 1701 year = {1998} 1702 } 1703 @article{Butler1997, 1704 author = {Butler, J. S. and Chatterjee, P.}, 1705 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1997/Tests of the specification of univariate and bivariate ordered Probit - Butler, Chatterjee.pdf:pdf}, 1706 journal = {Review of Economics and Statistics}, 1707 number = {2}, 1708 pages = {343--347}, 1709 title = {{Tests of the specification of univariate and bivariate ordered Probit}}, 1710 volume = {79}, 1711 year = {1997} 1712 } 1713 @book{Strang1991a, 1714 annote = { 1715 From Duplicate 1 ( 1716 1717 1718 Calculus 1719 1720 1721 - Strang, G ) 1722 1723 1724 1725 1726 From Duplicate 1 ( 1727 1728 1729 Calculus 1730 1731 1732 - Strang, G ) 1733 1734 1735 1736 1737 1738 1739 1740 1741 From Duplicate 2 ( 1742 1743 1744 Calculus 1745 1746 1747 - Strang, G ) 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 From Duplicate 2 ( 1761 1762 1763 Calculus 1764 1765 1766 - Strang, G. ) 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 }, 1776 author = {Strang, G.}, 1777 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1991/Calculus - Strang.pdf:pdf}, 1778 keywords = {Mathematics}, 1779 mendeley-tags = {Mathematics}, 1780 publisher = {Cambridge Press}, 1781 title = {{Calculus}}, 1782 year = {1991} 1783 } 1784 @article{MAAS2004, 1785 abstract = {A crucial problem in the statistical analysis of hierarchically structured data is the dependence of the observations at the lower levels. Multilevel modeling programs account for this dependence and in recent years these programs have been widely accepted. One of the major assumptions of the tests of significance used in the multilevel programs is normality of the error distributions involved. Simulations were used to assess how important this assumption is for the accuracy of multilevel parameter estimates and their standard errors. Simulations varied the number of groups, the group size, and the intraclass correlation, with the second level residual errors following one of three non-normal distributions. In addition asymptotic maximum likelihood standard errors are compared to robust (Huber/White) standard errors. The results show that non-normal residuals at the second level of the model have little or no effect on the parameter estimates. For the fixed parameters, both the maximum likelihood-based standard errors and the robust standard errors are accurate. For the parameters in the random part of the model, the maximum likelihood-based standard errors at the lowest level are accurate, while the robust standard errors are often overcorrected. The standard errors of the variances of the level-two random effects are highly inaccurate, although the robust errors do perform better than the maximum likelihood errors. For good accuracy, robust standard errors need at least 100 groups. Thus, using robust standard errors as a diagnostic tool seems to be preferable to simply relying on them to solve the problem.}, 1786 author = {Maas, C}, 1787 doi = {10.1016/j.csda.2003.08.006}, 1788 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2004/The influence of violations of assumptions on multilevel parameter estimates and their standard errors - Maas.pdf:pdf}, 1789 issn = {01679473}, 1790 journal = {Computational Statistics & Data Analysis}, 1791 month = jun, 1792 number = {3}, 1793 pages = {427--440}, 1794 title = {{The influence of violations of assumptions on multilevel parameter estimates and their standard errors}}, 1795 volume = {46}, 1796 year = {2004} 1797 } 1798 @book{Ciaccio2012a, 1799 author = {Ciaccio, A Di}, 1800 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2012/Advanced Statistical Methods for the Analysis of Large Data-Sets - Ciaccio.pdf:pdf}, 1801 keywords = {Linear Models,Statistical Theory and Mathematical Statistics}, 1802 mendeley-tags = {Linear Models,Statistical Theory and Mathematical Statistics}, 1803 title = {{Advanced Statistical Methods for the Analysis of Large Data-Sets}}, 1804 url = {http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=lsKZtkrVohsC&oi=fnd&pg=PR5&dq=Advanced+Statistical+Methods+for+the+Analysis+of+Large+Data-Sets&ots=MgzexnLuQF&sig=Tf-jGRdsGwgapwP3N1pxmuFLaeM}, 1805 year = {2012} 1806 } 1807 @article{Astin1970, 1808 author = {Astin, AW}, 1809 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1970/The methodology of research on college impact, part one - Astin.pdf:pdf}, 1810 journal = {Sociology of Education}, 1811 title = {{The methodology of research on college impact, part one}}, 1812 url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.2307/2112065}, 1813 year = {1970} 1814 } 1815 @article{Ireys1994, 1816 author = {Ireys, H. T. and Werthamer-Larsson, L. A. and Kolodner, K. B. and Gross, S. S.}, 1817 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1994/Mental Health of Young Adults with Chronic Illness The Mediating Effect of Perceived Impact - Ireys et al.pdf:pdf}, 1818 journal = {Journal of Pediatric Psychology}, 1819 number = {2}, 1820 pages = {205--222}, 1821 title = {{Mental Health of Young Adults with Chronic Illness: The Mediating Effect of Perceived Impact}}, 1822 volume = {19}, 1823 year = {1994} 1824 } 1825 @book{Trefethen1997, 1826 annote = {buy}, 1827 author = {Trefethen, Lloyd N. and III, David Bau}, 1828 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1997/Numerical Linear Algebra - Trefethen, III.pdf:pdf}, 1829 isbn = {0898713617}, 1830 keywords = {Matrix Algebra}, 1831 mendeley-tags = {Matrix Algebra}, 1832 pages = {373}, 1833 publisher = {SIAM: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, 1834 title = {{Numerical Linear Algebra}}, 1835 url = {http://www.amazon.com/Numerical-Linear-Algebra-Lloyd-Trefethen/dp/0898713617}, 1836 year = {1997} 1837 } 1838 @phdthesis{Martino2006, 1839 author = {Martino, G. M.}, 1840 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/The social difficulties children encounter transitioning from a self-contained deaf education program into a general education program - Martino.pdf:pdf}, 1841 title = {{The social difficulties children encounter transitioning from a self-contained deaf education program into a general education program}}, 1842 year = {2006} 1843 } 1844 @article{jimerson2002exploring, 1845 author = {Jimerson, S.R. and Ferguson, P. and Whipple, A.D. and Anderson, G. E. and Dalton, M.J.}, 1846 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2002/Exploring the association between grade retention and dropout A longitudinal study examining socio-emotional, behavioral, and achievement characteristics of retained students - Jimerson et al.pdf:pdf}, 1847 journal = {The California School Psychologist}, 1848 pages = {51--62}, 1849 title = {{Exploring the association between grade retention and dropout: A longitudinal study examining socio-emotional, behavioral, and achievement characteristics of retained students}}, 1850 volume = {7}, 1851 year = {2002} 1852 } 1853 @misc{IndividualswithDisabilitiesEducationAct1990, 1854 keywords = {Statute/Constitution}, 1855 mendeley-tags = {Statute/Constitution}, 1856 title = {{Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 20 U.S.C \S 1400 et seq.}}, 1857 year = {1990} 1858 } 1859 @article{Jelsma2009, 1860 author = {Jelsma, J}, 1861 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/Use of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health a literature survey - Jelsma.pdf:pdf}, 1862 journal = {Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine}, 1863 title = {{Use of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health: a literature survey}}, 1864 url = {http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/mjl/sreh/2009/00000041/00000001/art00001}, 1865 year = {2009} 1866 } 1867 @book{Stapleton, 1868 author = {Stapleton, James H.}, 1869 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/Models for Probability and Statistical Inference Theory and Applications (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics) - Stapleton.pdf:pdf}, 1870 keywords = {Probability,Statistical Theory and Mathematical Statistics}, 1871 mendeley-tags = {Probability,Statistical Theory and Mathematical Statistics}, 1872 publisher = {Wiley-Interscience}, 1873 title = {{Models for Probability and Statistical Inference: Theory and Applications (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)}}, 1874 year = {2007} 1875 } 1876 @article{Schulz1985, 1877 author = {Schulz, R. and Decker, S.}, 1878 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1985/Long-term adjustment to physical disability the role of social support, perceived control, and self-blame - Schulz, Decker.pdf:pdf}, 1879 journal = {Journal of Personality and Social Psychology}, 1880 number = {5}, 1881 pages = {1162--72}, 1882 shorttitle = {Long-term adjustment to physical disability}, 1883 title = {{Long-term adjustment to physical disability: the role of social support, perceived control, and self-blame}}, 1884 volume = {48}, 1885 year = {1985} 1886 } 1887 @article{Guay1999, 1888 author = {Guay, Frederic and Boivin, Michel and Hodges, Ernest V. E.}, 1889 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1999/Predicting Change in Academic Achievement A Model of Peer Experiences and Self-System Processes - Guay, Boivin, Hodges.pdf:pdf}, 1890 journal = {Journal of Educational Psychology}, 1891 number = {1}, 1892 pages = {105--115}, 1893 title = {{Social comparison processes and academic achievement: The dependence of the development of self-evaluations on friends' performance}}, 1894 volume = {91}, 1895 year = {1999} 1896 } 1897 @article{tinto1997classrooms, 1898 author = {Tinto, Vincent}, 1899 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1997/Colleges as communities Taking research on student persistence seriously - Tinto.pdf:pdf}, 1900 journal = {Journal of higher education}, 1901 number = {2}, 1902 pages = {167--177}, 1903 publisher = {The Johns Hopkins University Press}, 1904 title = {{Colleges as communities: Taking research on student persistence seriously}}, 1905 volume = {21}, 1906 year = {1997} 1907 } 1908 @incollection{berger2005past, 1909 address = {Westport, CT}, 1910 author = {Berger, J.B. and Lyon, S.C.}, 1911 booktitle = {College Student Retention: Formula for Student Success}, 1912 editor = {Seidman, Alan}, 1913 pages = {1--30}, 1914 publisher = {American Council on Education and Praeger Publishers}, 1915 title = {{Past to present: A historical look at retention}}, 1916 year = {2005} 1917 } 1918 @book{Goffman1963, 1919 address = {New York City}, 1920 author = {Goffman, E.}, 1921 publisher = {Simon & Schuster}, 1922 title = {{Stigma: Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity}}, 1923 year = {1963} 1924 } 1925 @article{Engum2002, 1926 author = {Engum, A and Bj\o ro, T}, 1927 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2002/An association between depression, anxiety and thyroid function–a clinical fact or an artefact - Engum, Bj\o ro.pdf:pdf}, 1928 journal = {Acta Paediatrica}, 1929 title = {{An association between depression, anxiety and thyroid function–a clinical fact or an artefact?}}, 1930 url = {http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1034/j.1600-0447.2002.01250.x/full}, 1931 year = {2002} 1932 } 1933 @article{kilian2002sample, 1934 author = {Kilian, L. and Inoue, A.}, 1935 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2002/In-Sample or out-of-sample tests of predictability which one should we use - Kilian, Inoue.pdf:pdf}, 1936 journal = {Working Paper Series}, 1937 publisher = {European Central Bank}, 1938 title = {{In-Sample or out-of-sample tests of predictability: which one should we use?}}, 1939 url = {http://ideas.repec.org/p/ecb/ecbwps/20020195.html}, 1940 year = {2002} 1941 } 1942 @article{Palmer2009, 1943 author = {Palmer, RT}, 1944 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/Exploring challenges that threaten to impede the academic success of academically underprepared Black males at an HBCU - Palmer.pdf:pdf}, 1945 journal = {Journal of College Student Development}, 1946 title = {{Exploring challenges that threaten to impede the academic success of academically underprepared Black males at an HBCU}}, 1947 url = {http://works.bepress.com/robert_palmer/2/}, 1948 year = {2009} 1949 } 1950 @article{Sharp2001, 1951 author = {Sharp, T. J. and Harvey, A. G.}, 1952 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2001/Chronic pain and posttraumatic stress disorder mutual maintenance - Sharp, Harvey.pdf:pdf}, 1953 journal = {Clinical Psychology Review}, 1954 number = {6}, 1955 pages = {857--877}, 1956 shorttitle = {Chronic pain and posttraumatic stress disorder}, 1957 title = {{Chronic pain and posttraumatic stress disorder: mutual maintenance?}}, 1958 volume = {21}, 1959 year = {2001} 1960 } 1961 @article{Denson2000, 1962 author = {Denson, C. R.}, 1963 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2000/Public Sector Transportation for People with Disabilities A Satisfaction Survey - Denson.pdf:pdf}, 1964 journal = {The Journal of Rehabilitation}, 1965 number = {3}, 1966 shorttitle = {Public Sector Transportation for People with Disab}, 1967 title = {{Public Sector Transportation for People with Disabilities: A Satisfaction Survey}}, 1968 volume = {66}, 1969 year = {2000} 1970 } 1971 @article{Stein2002, 1972 author = {Stein, M. A.}, 1973 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2002/Disability, Employment Policy, and the Supreme Court - Stein.pdf:pdf}, 1974 journal = {Stanford Law Review}, 1975 number = {2}, 1976 pages = {607--634}, 1977 title = {{Disability, Employment Policy, and the Supreme Court}}, 1978 volume = {55}, 1979 year = {2002} 1980 } 1981 @article{Park2002, 1982 author = {Park, J. and Turnbull, A. P. and Turnbull, H. R.}, 1983 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2002/Impacts of poverty on quality of life in families of children with disabilities - Park, Turnbull, Turnbull.pdf:pdf}, 1984 journal = {Exceptional Children}, 1985 number = {2}, 1986 pages = {151--172}, 1987 title = {{Impacts of poverty on quality of life in families of children with disabilities}}, 1988 volume = {68}, 1989 year = {2002} 1990 } 1991 @article{Seidman1996, 1992 author = {Seidman, Alan}, 1993 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1996/Retention Revisited R= E, Id E & In, Iv - Seidman.pdf:pdf}, 1994 journal = {College and University}, 1995 number = {4}, 1996 pages = {18--20}, 1997 title = {{Retention Revisited: R= E, Id+ E & In, Iv}}, 1998 volume = {71}, 1999 year = {1996} 2000 } 2001 @article{Mallette1991, 2002 author = {Mallette, B. I and Cabrera, A. F}, 2003 journal = {Research in Higher Education}, 2004 number = {2}, 2005 pages = {179--194}, 2006 shorttitle = {Determinants of withdrawal behavior}, 2007 title = {{Determinants of withdrawal behavior: An exploratory study}}, 2008 volume = {32}, 2009 year = {1991} 2010 } 2011 @article{Mensch1988, 2012 author = {Mensch, B. S. and Kandel, D. B.}, 2013 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1988/Dropping out of high school and drug involvement - Mensch, Kandel.pdf:pdf}, 2014 journal = {Sociology of Education}, 2015 pages = {95--113}, 2016 title = {{Dropping out of high school and drug involvement}}, 2017 year = {1988} 2018 } 2019 @article{Bonilla2011, 2020 abstract = {Near-death experiences (NDE) are lucid events that take place when a person is so physically compromised that he would die if its condition does not improve. He is unconscious, without heartbeats and breath, and with a flat-line electroencephalogram. NDE may include some of the following elements: Out of the body experiences or separation of consciousness from the physical body, increase in sensory perception and intense emotions, travel into or through a tunnel, encounter with a brilliant light and mystical beings, deceased relatives or friends, a sense of alteration in time and space, visualization of unworldly realms and a special knowledge, encounter with a barrier or boundary, and a return to the body, either voluntary or involuntary. The fact that children NDE are similar to adult NDE is an evidence that these experiences are real and not due to pre-existing beliefs, cultural influences or previous experiences in the present life. The characteristics of NDE are similar worldwide. No evidence supports the physiological, psychological, neurochemical, and neuroanatomical hypothesis proposed to explain the NDE. Multifactorial models, based on the combination of all of them (brain anoxia or hypoxia, release of serotonin, endorphins and ketamine-like compounds) have also been proposed. Although physiological, psychological, and socio-cultural factors could interact in the NDE, the hypothesis proposed consist essentially in unsupported speculations about what might be happening during the NDE.}, 2021 author = {Bonilla, Ernesto}, 2022 issn = {0535-5133}, 2023 journal = {Investigaci\'{o}n cl\'{\i}nica}, 2024 keywords = {Adult,Attitude to Death,Awareness,Awareness: physiology,Brain,Brain: psychology,Child,Consciousness,Consciousness: physiology,Culture,Heart Arrest,Heart Arrest: psychology,Humans,Hypoxia,Intraoperative Awareness,Models,Neurological,Parapsychology,Preschool,Professional-Patient Relations,Psychological,Psychophysiology,Unconsciousness,Unconsciousness: psychology}, 2025 month = mar, 2026 number = {1}, 2027 pages = {69--99}, 2028 pmid = {21614815}, 2029 title = {{[Near-death experiences]}}, 2030 url = {http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21614815}, 2031 volume = {52}, 2032 year = {2011} 2033 } 2034 @article{Watson1999, 2035 address = {Edinburgh and Leeds}, 2036 author = {Watson, N and Shakespeare, T. and {Burley Cunningham}, S and Barnes, C and Corker, M and Davis, J and Priestly, M}, 2037 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1999/Life as a Disabled Child A Qualitative Study of Young People's Experiences and Perspectives - Watson et al.pdf:pdf}, 2038 institution = {Universities of Edinburgh and Leeds}, 2039 title = {{Life as a Disabled Child: A Qualitative Study of Young People's Experiences and Perspectives}}, 2040 year = {1999} 2041 } 2042 @misc{carnevale2010help, 2043 author = {Carnevale, A.P. and Smith, N. and Strohl, J.}, 2044 publisher = {Center on Education and the Workforce}, 2045 title = {{Help wanted: Projections of jobs and education requirements through 2018}}, 2046 url = {http://www9.georgetown.edu/grad/gppi/hpi/cew/pdfs/Help_Wanted_Technical_Appendix.pdf}, 2047 year = {2010} 2048 } 2049 @article{Braxton2008, 2050 author = {Braxton, John M.}, 2051 doi = {10.1002/tl.328}, 2052 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2008/Toward a scholarship of practice centered on college student retention - Braxton.pdf:pdf}, 2053 issn = {02710633}, 2054 journal = {New Directions for Teaching and Learning}, 2055 month = jun, 2056 number = {115}, 2057 pages = {101--112}, 2058 title = {{Toward a scholarship of practice centered on college student retention}}, 2059 url = {http://doi.wiley.com/10.1002/tl.328}, 2060 volume = {2008}, 2061 year = {2008} 2062 } 2063 @book{P.P.B.Eggermont·V.N.LaRiccia2001, 2064 author = {Eggermont, P.P.B. and LaRiccia, V.N.}, 2065 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2001/Maximum penalized likelihood estimation Regression - Eggermont, LaRiccia.pdf:pdf}, 2066 keywords = {Linear Models}, 2067 mendeley-tags = {Linear Models}, 2068 title = {{Maximum penalized likelihood estimation: Regression}}, 2069 year = {2001} 2070 } 2071 @article{Antonak1995, 2072 author = {Antonak, R. F. and Livneh, H.}, 2073 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1995/Psychosocial adaptation to disability and its investigation among persons with multiple sclerosis - Antonak, Livneh.pdf:pdf}, 2074 journal = {Social Science & Medicine}, 2075 number = {8}, 2076 pages = {1099--1108}, 2077 title = {{Psychosocial adaptation to disability and its investigation among persons with multiple sclerosis}}, 2078 volume = {40}, 2079 year = {1995} 2080 } 2081 @techreport{PaulEHarrington, 2082 address = {Boston, MA}, 2083 author = {{Paul E. Harrington} and {Neeta P. Fogg} and Shaw, Christine}, 2084 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/College Access and Retention of Career and Technical Education Graduates - Paul E. Harrington, Neeta P. Fogg, Shaw.pdf:pdf}, 2085 institution = {Rennie Center for Education Research & Policy and Center for Labor and Market Studies at Northeastern University}, 2086 pages = {1--20}, 2087 title = {{College Access and Retention of Career and Technical Education Graduates}}, 2088 year = {2009} 2089 } 2090 @book{Venables2002, 2091 address = {New York, NY}, 2092 annote = {need to buy}, 2093 author = {Venables, WN and Ripley, BD}, 2094 edition = {4th Ed.}, 2095 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1999/Modern Applied Statistics With S-PLUS - Venables, Ripley.pdf:pdf}, 2096 keywords = {Linear Models,R Books}, 2097 mendeley-tags = {Linear Models,R Books}, 2098 publisher = {Springer}, 2099 title = {{Modern applied statistics with S}}, 2100 year = {2002} 2101 } 2102 @article{Fidler2006, 2103 author = {Fidler, F and Burgman, MA}, 2104 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/Impact of criticism of null hypothesis significance testing on statistical reporting practices in conservation biology - Fidler, Burgman.pdf:pdf}, 2105 journal = {Conservation Biology}, 2106 title = {{Impact of criticism of null hypothesis significance testing on statistical reporting practices in conservation biology}}, 2107 url = {http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1523-1739.2006.00525.x/full}, 2108 year = {2006} 2109 } 2110 @article{Benedict2005, 2111 author = {Benedict, R. H. B. and Wahlig, E. and Bakshi, R. and Fishman, I. and Munschauer, F. and Zivadinov, R. and Weinstock-Guttman, B.}, 2112 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2005/Predicting quality of life in multiple sclerosis accounting for physical disability, fatigue, cognition, mood disorder, personality, and behavior change - Benedict et al.pdf:pdf}, 2113 journal = {Journal of the Neurological Sciences}, 2114 number = {1-2}, 2115 pages = {29--34}, 2116 shorttitle = {Predicting quality of life in multiple sclerosis}, 2117 title = {{Predicting quality of life in multiple sclerosis: accounting for physical disability, fatigue, cognition, mood disorder, personality, and behavior change}}, 2118 volume = {231}, 2119 year = {2005} 2120 } 2121 @book{Kadane2011, 2122 author = {Kadane, JB}, 2123 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2011/Principles of uncertainty - Kadane.pdf:pdf}, 2124 title = {{Principles of uncertainty}}, 2125 year = {2011} 2126 } 2127 @article{Wong2004, 2128 abstract = {This article examined factors influencing rehabilitation counseling students' attitudes toward people with disabilities in three social contexts, using a conjoint analysis design. A total of 98 graduate students participated in this study. A conjoint measurement of 38 cards (representing people with varying disability type, gender, ethnicity, age, education, and employment status) was used. The authors found that (a) disability-related factors were heavily involved in the preference-making process, (b) attitude or preference formation was also significantly affected by other client characteristics unrelated to disability, and (c) factors influencing attitude/preference formation were similar across the three social contexts. Conjoint analysis could increase our ability to understand factors contributing to the formation of attitudes/preferences in multiple social contexts. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Copyright of Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin is the property of PRO-ED and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts)}, 2129 author = {Wong, Daniel W. and {Fong Chan} and {Da Silva Cardoso}, Elizabeth and Lam, Chow S. and Miller, Susan M.}, 2130 doi = {Article}, 2131 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2004/Rehabilitation Counseling Students' Attitudes Toward People with Disabilities in Three Social Contexts A Conjoint Analysis - Wong et al.pdf:pdf}, 2132 issn = {00343552}, 2133 journal = {Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin}, 2134 keywords = {ATTITUDE (Psychology),COUNSELING in higher education,EDUCATIONAL counseling,PEOPLE with disabilities,REHABILITATION counseling,STUDENTS -- Attitudes}, 2135 number = {4}, 2136 pages = {194--204}, 2137 shorttitle = {Rehabilitation Counseling Students' Attitudes Towa}, 2138 title = {{Rehabilitation Counseling Students' Attitudes Toward People with Disabilities in Three Social Contexts: A Conjoint Analysis}}, 2139 url = {http://offcampus.lib.washington.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=hch&AN=13349853&site=ehost-live}, 2140 volume = {47}, 2141 year = {2004} 2142 } 2143 @misc{Hasan2009, 2144 abstract = {Medical and public health research often involve the analysis of repeated or longitudinal count data that exhibit excess zeros such as the number of yearly doctor visits by a group of individuals over a number of years. Zero-inflated Poisson (ZIP) regression models can be used to account for excess zeros in count data. We propose an extension of the ZIP model that is appropriate for longitudinal data. Our extension includes a non stationary, observation-driven time series model based correlation structure. We discuss estimation of the model parameters and the inefficiency of the estimators when the correlation structure is mis-specified. The model's application to the analysis of health care utilization data is also discussed.}, 2145 author = {Hasan, M Tariqul and Sneddon, Gary}, 2146 booktitle = {Communications in Statistics Simulation and Computation}, 2147 doi = {10.1080/03610910802601332}, 2148 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/Zero-Inflated Poisson Regression for Longitudinal Data - Hasan, Sneddon.pdf:pdf}, 2149 issn = {03610918}, 2150 keywords = {ar(1),exchangeable correlation structures,generalized quasi likelihood,ma(1),non stationary,zero inflated poisson}, 2151 number = {3}, 2152 pages = {638--653}, 2153 publisher = {Taylor & Francis}, 2154 title = {{Zero-Inflated Poisson Regression for Longitudinal Data}}, 2155 url = {http://www.informaworld.com/10.1080/03610910802601332}, 2156 volume = {38}, 2157 year = {2009} 2158 } 2159 @article{Martz2001, 2160 author = {Martz, E. and Cook, D. W.}, 2161 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2001/Physical impairments as risk factors for the development of posttraumatic stress disorder - Martz, Cook.pdf:pdf}, 2162 journal = {Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin}, 2163 number = {4}, 2164 pages = {217}, 2165 title = {{Physical impairments as risk factors for the development of posttraumatic stress disorder}}, 2166 volume = {44}, 2167 year = {2001} 2168 } 2169 @article{Martinez2000, 2170 author = {Martinez, R. and Sewell, K. W.}, 2171 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2000/Explanatory Style as a Predictor of College Performance in Students with Physical Disabilities - Martinez, Sewell.pdf:pdf}, 2172 journal = {The Journal of Rehabilitation}, 2173 number = {1}, 2174 title = {{Explanatory Style as a Predictor of College Performance in Students with Physical Disabilities}}, 2175 volume = {66}, 2176 year = {2000} 2177 } 2178 @book{Lavine, 2179 author = {Lavine, M.}, 2180 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/Introduction to Statistical Thought - Lavine.pdf:pdf}, 2181 keywords = {Statistical Theory and Mathematical Statistics}, 2182 mendeley-tags = {Statistical Theory and Mathematical Statistics}, 2183 title = {{Introduction to Statistical Thought}}, 2184 year = {2009} 2185 } 2186 @article{tofighi2010rmediation, 2187 author = {Tofighi, D. and MacKinnon, DP}, 2188 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2011/RMediation An R package for mediation analysis - Tofighi, MacKinnon.pdf:pdf}, 2189 journal = {Behavior research methods}, 2190 pages = {692--700}, 2191 title = {{RMediation: An R package for mediation analysis}}, 2192 volume = {43}, 2193 year = {2011} 2194 } 2195 @incollection{messick1989validity, 2196 address = {Washington, D.C.}, 2197 author = {Messick, S.}, 2198 booktitle = {Educational measurement}, 2199 editor = {Linn, Robert}, 2200 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1989/Validity - Messick.pdf:pdf}, 2201 number = {1}, 2202 pages = {13--103}, 2203 publisher = {National Council on Measurement in Education and American Council on Education}, 2204 title = {{Validity}}, 2205 volume = {3}, 2206 year = {1989} 2207 } 2208 @book{Gut2009, 2209 address = {New York}, 2210 author = {Gut, A.}, 2211 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/An Intermediate Course in Probability - Gut.pdf:pdf}, 2212 keywords = {Probability}, 2213 mendeley-tags = {Probability}, 2214 publisher = {Springer}, 2215 title = {{An Intermediate Course in Probability}}, 2216 year = {2009} 2217 } 2218 @article{Hays2001, 2219 author = {Hays, J. C. and Steffens, D. C. and Flint, E. P. and Bosworth, H. B. and George, L. K.}, 2220 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2001/Does Social Support Buffer Functional Decline in Elderly Patients With Unipolar Depression - Hays et al.pdf:pdf}, 2221 journal = {American Journal of Psychiatry}, 2222 number = {11}, 2223 pages = {1850--1855}, 2224 title = {{Does Social Support Buffer Functional Decline in Elderly Patients With Unipolar Depression?}}, 2225 volume = {158}, 2226 year = {2001} 2227 } 2228 @article{Bernell2003, 2229 author = {Bernell, SL}, 2230 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2003/Theoretical and applied issues in defining disability in labor market research - Bernell.pdf:pdf}, 2231 journal = {Journal of Disability Policy Studies}, 2232 title = {{Theoretical and applied issues in defining disability in labor market research}}, 2233 year = {2003} 2234 } 2235 @book{Ward2007, 2236 author = {Ward, MD}, 2237 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/Maximum Likelihood for Social Sciences Strategies for Analysis - Ward.pdf:pdf}, 2238 keywords = {Linear Models}, 2239 mendeley-tags = {Linear Models}, 2240 title = {{Maximum Likelihood for Social Sciences Strategies for Analysis}}, 2241 year = {2007} 2242 } 2243 @article{Martz2005b, 2244 abstract = {Objective: To examine the associations and predictors of posttraumatic stress among individuals with spinal cord injuries (SCI) in the framework of a Person x Disability x Traumatic Event model. Design: An exploratory study involving analyses of variance, correlations, and a hierarchical multiple regression of a cross-sectional sample. Participants: Three hundred twelve individuals with SCI using a veteran or a civilian SCI clinic. Main Outcome Measures: Purdue Posttraumatic Stress Disorder--Revised scale (PPTSD-R). Results: Four out of all the examined variables had significant regression coefficients: spiritual-religious coping, pain level, severity of SCI, and number of traumatic events. Severity of SCI was a significant predictor, but data suggested that severity of SCI had a curvilinear association with both total posttraumatic stress levels and hyperarousal scores. Conclusion: Treatment of an individual's pain may reduce posttraumatic stress symptoms. Clinicians also can evaluate for previous trauma unrelated to the onset of the SCI and can intervene with the goal of reducing the impact of previous trauma on the individual's present emotional state and reactions to SCI. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2008 APA, all rights reserved)}, 2245 author = {Martz, Erin}, 2246 doi = {doi:10.1037/0090-5550.50.2.149}, 2247 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2005/Associations and Predictors of Posttraumatic Stress Levels According to Person-Related, Disability-Related, and Trauma-Related Variables Among Individuals With Spinal Cord Injuries - Martz.pdf:pdf}, 2248 issn = {0090-5550 (Print); 1939-1544 (Electronic)}, 2249 journal = {Rehabilitation Psychology}, 2250 number = {2}, 2251 pages = {149--157}, 2252 title = {{Associations and Predictors of Posttraumatic Stress Levels According to Person-Related, Disability-Related, and Trauma-Related Variables Among Individuals With Spinal Cord Injuries}}, 2253 url = {http://psycnet.apa.org/index.cfm?fa=search.displayRecord&uid=2005-05481-008}, 2254 volume = {50}, 2255 year = {2005} 2256 } 2257 @article{Hart2007, 2258 annote = { 2259 What is the article about? 2260 2261 2262 2263 what is the effect on high school community service on political participation. 2264 2265 2266 2267 In the literature review and/or conceptual framework, how do authors talk about the relationship between political participation/orientation and life course experiences, and/or the relationship between political participation/orientation and college experiences? 2268 2269 2270 2271 community service hours in high school may affect political participation later in life. 2272 2273 2274 2275 What interesting thoughts or assertions did authors make in literature review or discussion that we can use in our paper? (e.g., “the need to promote political participation is essential for our democracy,” “those who do not participate politically are likely to have a highly undemocratic view of the world”) Basically think about things we can use for fodder. 2276 2277 2278 2279 similar to other articles, that civic engagement in high school will lead to greater political partiicpation later in life, justifying a life course perspective but starting earlier than our data allows us to. 2280 2281 2282 2283 What variables or concepts relate to political participation? 2284 2285 2286 2287 local voting, president voting, civic volunteer, youth volunteer 2288 2289 2290 2291 What are the research questions of the study? 2292 2293 2294 2295 effect of civic knowledge, community service, and extracurricular participation on adult civic participation. 2296 2297 2298 2299 What data was used or collected? 2300 2301 2302 2303 NELS:88 2304 2305 2306 2307 What methodologies were employed? 2308 2309 2310 2311 logistic regression on each of the four categories. 2312 2313 2314 2315 IF SEM, describe model they intend to estimate 2316 2317 2318 2319 NA 2320 2321 2322 2323 What findings were relevant to understanding political participation? 2324 2325 2326 2327 service frquency wasnt relevant but volunteer service, mixed service, and required service were related to voting, all types of service were related to presidential election year voting, service frequency and mixed service were significant to volunteering, and all except required servic was related to youth volunteering (see tables 2-5 for results). voluntary service, mixed and required service were predictive of civic knowledge. 2328 2329 2330 2331 What interesting things stated in the discussion can we use for our paper. Make sure you cite everything. 2332 2333 2334 2335 community service may be more important than we thought and this effect may start earlier in life and we just may not be able to test it. extra curricular activities and community service lead to higher rates of viting and volunteering. 2336 2337 2338 2339 List citations of other studies that authors reference of regarding the relationship between political participation/orientation and/or the relationship between life course experiences, and/or political participation and college experiences? 2340 2341 Allahyari, R. A. (2000). Visions of charity: Volunteer workers and moral community. Berkeley: University of California Press. 2342 Astin, A. W., Sax, L. J., & Avalos, J. (1999). Long-term effects of volunteerism during the undergraduate years. Review of Higher Education, 22, 187-202.}, 2343 author = {Hart, D. and Donnelly, T.M. and Youniss, J. and Atkins, R.}, 2344 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/High school community service as a predictor of adult voting and volunteering - Hart et al.pdf:pdf}, 2345 journal = {American Educational Research Journal}, 2346 number = {1}, 2347 pages = {197}, 2348 title = {{High school community service as a predictor of adult voting and volunteering}}, 2349 url = {http://aer.sagepub.com/content/44/1/197.short}, 2350 volume = {44}, 2351 year = {2007} 2352 } 2353 @article{Aass1997, 2354 author = {Aass, N. and Fossa, S. D. and Dahl, A. A. and Aloe, T. J.}, 2355 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1997/Prevalence of anxiety and depression in cancer patients seen at the Norwegian Radium Hospital - Aass et al.pdf:pdf}, 2356 journal = {European Journal of Cancer}, 2357 number = {10}, 2358 pages = {1597--1604}, 2359 title = {{Prevalence of anxiety and depression in cancer patients seen at the Norwegian Radium Hospital}}, 2360 volume = {33}, 2361 year = {1997} 2362 } 2363 @article{Hoffman1998, 2364 author = {Hoffman, D. M.}, 2365 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1998/A Therapeutic Moment Identity, Self, and Culture in the Anthropology of Education - Hoffman.pdf:pdf}, 2366 journal = {Anthropology & Education Quarterly}, 2367 number = {3}, 2368 pages = {324--346}, 2369 shorttitle = {A Therapeutic Moment?}, 2370 title = {{A Therapeutic Moment? Identity, Self, and Culture in the Anthropology of Education}}, 2371 volume = {29}, 2372 year = {1998} 2373 } 2374 @article{Oltman2008, 2375 author = {Oltman, R and Neises, G}, 2376 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2008/ICF components of corresponding outcome measures in flexor tendon rehabilitation–a systematic review - Oltman, Neises.pdf:pdf}, 2377 journal = {BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders}, 2378 title = {{ICF components of corresponding outcome measures in flexor tendon rehabilitation–a systematic review}}, 2379 url = {http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2474/9/139/}, 2380 year = {2008} 2381 } 2382 @article{Leppel2001, 2383 abstract = {Using national-level data and a two-step procedure combining least squares regression and logit analysis, this paper examines the impact of majors on college persistence among freshmen. Holding other variables constant, women with business majors and undecided majors are less likely to persist than other women. Women with health majors are most likely to persist. Men with education majors and undecided majors are less likely to persist than other men. Men with business majors are slightly more likely to persist than other men. Differences in persistence rates are explained by differences in the relative magnitudes of goal-commitment, subject-interest, social-forces, and self-image effects. Some policy recommendations are provided.}, 2384 author = {Leppel, Karen}, 2385 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2001/The Impact of Major on College Persistence among Freshmen - Leppel.pdf:pdf}, 2386 issn = {0018-1560}, 2387 journal = {Higher Education}, 2388 month = apr, 2389 number = {3}, 2390 pages = {327--342}, 2391 title = {{The Impact of Major on College Persistence among Freshmen}}, 2392 volume = {41}, 2393 year = {2001} 2394 } 2395 @techreport{Peterson2003, 2396 annote = {Paper on causation}, 2397 author = {Peterson, P. E. and Howell, W. G.}, 2398 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2003/Latest results from the New York City voucher experiment - Peterson, Howell.pdf:pdf}, 2399 institution = {Educational Resources Information Center}, 2400 title = {{Latest results from the New York City voucher experiment}}, 2401 year = {2003} 2402 } 2403 @article{Barsky2004, 2404 abstract = {Context Hypochondriasis is a chronic, distressing, and disabling condition that is prevalent in ambulatory medical practice. Until recently, no specific treatment has been clearly demonstrated to be effective. Objective To assess the efficacy of a cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) for hypochondriasis. Design A randomized, usual care control group design, conducted between September 1997 and November 2001. The individual primary care physician was the unit of randomization, and all patients clustered within each physician's practice were assigned to the experimental treatment (individual CBT and a consultation letter to the primary care physician) or to the control condition. Subjects were assessed immediately before and 6 and 12 months after the completion of treatment. Setting and Participants Participants were 80 patients from primary care practices and 107 volunteers responding to public announcements, all of whom exceeded a predetermined cutoff score on a hypochondriasis self-report questionnaire on 2 successive occasions. Intervention A scripted, 6-session, individual CBT intervention was compared with medical care as usual. The CBT was accompanied by a consultation letter sent to the patient's primary care physician. Main Outcome Measures Hypochondriacal beliefs, fears, attitudes, and somatic symptoms; role function and impairment. Results A total of 102 individuals were assigned to CBT and 85 were assigned to medical care as usual. The sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of the 2 groups were similar at baseline. Using an intent-to-treat analytic strategy, a consistent pattern of statistically and clinically significant treatment effects was found at both 6- and 12-month follow-up, adjusting for baseline covariates that included educational level, generalized psychiatric distress, and participant status (patient vs volunteer). At 12-month follow-up, CBT patients had significantly lower levels of hypochondriacal symptoms, beliefs, and attitudes (P<.001) and health-related anxiety (P = .009). They also had significantly less impairment of social role functioning (P = .05) and intermediate activities of daily living (P<.001). Hypochondriacal somatic symptoms were not improved significantly by treatment. Conclusion This brief, individual CBT intervention, developed specifically to alter hypochondriacal thinking and restructure hypochondriacal beliefs, appears to have significant beneficial long-term effects on the symptoms of hypochondriasis.}, 2405 author = {Barsky, Arthur J. and Ahern, David K.}, 2406 doi = {10.1001/jama.291.12.1464}, 2407 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2004/Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Hypochondriasis A Randomized Controlled Trial - Barsky, Ahern.pdf:pdf}, 2408 journal = {JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association}, 2409 month = mar, 2410 number = {12}, 2411 pages = {1464--1470}, 2412 shorttitle = {Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Hypochondriasis}, 2413 title = {{Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Hypochondriasis: A Randomized Controlled Trial}}, 2414 url = {http://jama.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/abstract/291/12/1464}, 2415 volume = {291}, 2416 year = {2004} 2417 } 2418 @article{McBrien2003, 2419 author = {McBrien, J. A.}, 2420 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2003/Assessment and diagnosis of depression in people with intellectual disability - McBrien.pdf:pdf}, 2421 journal = {Journal of Intellectual Disability Research}, 2422 number = {1}, 2423 pages = {1--13}, 2424 title = {{Assessment and diagnosis of depression in people with intellectual disability}}, 2425 volume = {47}, 2426 year = {2003} 2427 } 2428 @article{Press2010, 2429 author = {Press, Chicago and Sewell, W. H. Jr}, 2430 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2010/A Theory of Structure Duality, Agency, and Transformation - Press, Sewell.pdf:pdf}, 2431 journal = {American Journal of Sociology}, 2432 number = {1}, 2433 pages = {1--29}, 2434 title = {{A Theory of Structure: Duality, Agency, and Transformation}}, 2435 volume = {98}, 2436 year = {2010} 2437 } 2438 @article{Thoits1986, 2439 author = {Thoits, P. A.}, 2440 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1986/Social support as coping assistance - Thoits.pdf:pdf}, 2441 journal = {Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology}, 2442 number = {4}, 2443 pages = {416}, 2444 title = {{Social support as coping assistance}}, 2445 volume = {54}, 2446 year = {1986} 2447 } 2448 @article{Murray2009, 2449 abstract = {Determining the importance of independent variables is of practical relevance to ecologists and managers concerned with allocating limited resources to the management of natural systems. Although techniques that identify explanatory variables having the largest influence on the response variable are needed to design management actions effectively, the use of various indices to evaluate variable importance is poorly understood. Using Monte Carlo simulations, we compared six different indices commonly used to evaluate variable importance; zero-order correlations, partial correlations, semipartial correlations, standardized regression coefficients, Akaike weights, and independent effects. We simulated four scenarios to evaluate the indices under progressively more complex circumstances that included correlation between explanatory variables, as well as a spurious variable that was correlated with other explanatory variables, but not with the dependent variable. No index performed perfectly under all circumstances, but partial correlations and Akaike weights performed poorly in all cases. Zero-order correlations was the only measure that detected the presence of a spurious variable, whereas only independent effects assigned overlap areas correctly once the spurious variable was removed. We therefore recommend using zero-order correlations to eliminate predictor variables with correlations near zero, followed by the use of independent effects to assign overlap areas and rank variable importance.}, 2450 author = {Murray, Kim and Conner, Mary M}, 2451 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/Methods to quantify variable importance implications for the analysis of noisy ecological data - Murray, Conner.pdf:pdf}, 2452 issn = {0012-9658}, 2453 journal = {Ecology}, 2454 keywords = {Biological,Computer Simulation,Conservation of Natural Resources,Conservation of Natural Resources: methods,Ecosystem,Models,Monte Carlo Method}, 2455 month = feb, 2456 number = {2}, 2457 pages = {348--55}, 2458 pmid = {19323218}, 2459 title = {{Methods to quantify variable importance: implications for the analysis of noisy ecological data}}, 2460 volume = {90}, 2461 year = {2009} 2462 } 2463 @techreport{Quinn2000, 2464 author = {Quinn, Kevin}, 2465 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2000/A Brief Introduction to Bayesian and Likelihood Inference - Quinn.pdf:pdf}, 2466 title = {{A Brief Introduction to Bayesian and Likelihood Inference}}, 2467 year = {2000} 2468 } 2469 @article{Wolf1978, 2470 author = {Wolf, M. M.}, 2471 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1978/Social validity The case for subjective measurement or how applied behavior analysis is finding its heart - Wolf.pdf:pdf}, 2472 journal = {Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis}, 2473 number = {2}, 2474 pages = {203}, 2475 title = {{Social validity: The case for subjective measurement or how applied behavior analysis is finding its heart}}, 2476 volume = {11}, 2477 year = {1978} 2478 } 2479 @article{Tierney1992, 2480 author = {Tierney, William G.}, 2481 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1992/An anthropological analysis of student participation in college - Tierney.pdf:pdf}, 2482 journal = {The Journal of Higher Education}, 2483 title = {{An anthropological analysis of student participation in college}}, 2484 url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.2307/1982046}, 2485 year = {1992} 2486 } 2487 @article{Bartels2006, 2488 author = {Bartels, LM}, 2489 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/What's the Matter with What's the Matter with Kansas - Bartels.pdf:pdf}, 2490 journal = {Quarterly Journal of Political Science}, 2491 title = {{What's the Matter with What's the Matter with Kansas?}}, 2492 url = {http://www.qjps.com/getpdf.aspx?doi=100.00000010&product=QJPS}, 2493 year = {2006} 2494 } 2495 @article{Lord2005, 2496 author = {Lord, D}, 2497 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2005/Poisson, Poisson-gamma and zero-inflated regression models of motor vehicle crashes balancing statistical fit and theory - Lord.pdf:pdf}, 2498 journal = {Accident Analysis & Prevention}, 2499 title = {{Poisson, Poisson-gamma and zero-inflated regression models of motor vehicle crashes: balancing statistical fit and theory}}, 2500 year = {2005} 2501 } 2502 @article{Parker1987, 2503 author = {Parker, J. G. and Asher, S. R.}, 2504 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1987/Peer relations and later personal adjustment Are low-accepted children at risk - Parker, Asher.pdf:pdf}, 2505 journal = {Psychological bulletin}, 2506 number = {3}, 2507 pages = {357--389}, 2508 title = {{Peer relations and later personal adjustment: Are low-accepted children at risk?}}, 2509 volume = {102}, 2510 year = {1987} 2511 } 2512 @article{Messick1995a, 2513 author = {Messick, S}, 2514 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1995/Standards of Validity and the Validity of Standards in Performance Asessment - Messick.pdf:pdf}, 2515 journal = {Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice}, 2516 title = {{Standards of Validity and the Validity of Standards in Performance Asessment}}, 2517 url = {http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1745-3992.1995.tb00881.x/abstract}, 2518 year = {1995} 2519 } 2520 @article{Rosenthal1995, 2521 author = {Rosenthal, R}, 2522 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1995/Writing meta-analytic reviews - Rosenthal.pdf:pdf}, 2523 journal = {Psychological Bulletin}, 2524 title = {{Writing meta-analytic reviews}}, 2525 url = {http://scholar.google.com/scholar?cluster=7375700892798027202&hl=en&as_sdt=0,48#1}, 2526 year = {1995} 2527 } 2528 @article{White2001, 2529 author = {White, O. R.}, 2530 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2001/Selected Issues in program evaluation Arguments for the individual, Revisited - White.pdf:pdf}, 2531 title = {{Selected Issues in program evaluation: Arguments for the individual, Revisited}}, 2532 year = {2001} 2533 } 2534 @article{Shah2006, 2535 author = {Shah, R. and Goldstein, S. M.}, 2536 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/Use of structural equation modeling in operations management research Looking back and forward - Shah, Goldstein.pdf:pdf}, 2537 journal = {Journal of Operations Management}, 2538 number = {2}, 2539 pages = {148--169}, 2540 title = {{Use of structural equation modeling in operations management research: Looking back and forward}}, 2541 volume = {24}, 2542 year = {2006} 2543 } 2544 @article{Bi1999, 2545 author = {Bi, G. Q. and Poo, M. M.}, 2546 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1999/Distributed synaptic modification in neural networks induced by patterned stimulation - Bi, Poo.pdf:pdf}, 2547 journal = {Nature}, 2548 pages = {792--795}, 2549 title = {{Distributed synaptic modification in neural networks induced by patterned stimulation}}, 2550 year = {1999} 2551 } 2552 @article{Gauntlett-Gilbert2007, 2553 author = {Gauntlett-Gilbert, J. and Eccleston, C.}, 2554 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/Disability in adolescents with chronic pain Patterns and predictors across different domains of functioning - Gauntlett-Gilbert, Eccleston.pdf:pdf}, 2555 journal = {Pain}, 2556 number = {1-2}, 2557 pages = {132--141}, 2558 shorttitle = {Disability in adolescents with chronic pain}, 2559 title = {{Disability in adolescents with chronic pain: Patterns and predictors across different domains of functioning}}, 2560 volume = {131}, 2561 year = {2007} 2562 } 2563 @book{Cooper2010, 2564 author = {Cooper, C. D. H.}, 2565 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2010/Concepts of Calculus - Cooper.pdf:pdf}, 2566 keywords = {Mathematics}, 2567 mendeley-tags = {Mathematics}, 2568 title = {{Concepts of Calculus}}, 2569 year = {2010} 2570 } 2571 @book{Chernov2010, 2572 author = {Chernov, Nikolai}, 2573 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2010/Circular and Linear Regression Fitting Circles and Lines by Least Squares (Chapman & HallCRC Monographs on Statistics & Applied Probability) - Chernov.pdf:pdf}, 2574 isbn = {143983590X}, 2575 keywords = {Linear Models}, 2576 mendeley-tags = {Linear Models}, 2577 pages = {286}, 2578 publisher = {CRC Press}, 2579 title = {{Circular and Linear Regression: Fitting Circles and Lines by Least Squares (Chapman & Hall/CRC Monographs on Statistics & Applied Probability)}}, 2580 url = {http://www.amazon.com/Circular-Linear-Regression-Monographs-Probability/dp/143983590X}, 2581 year = {2010} 2582 } 2583 @article{King2000a, 2584 author = {King, G. A. and Cathers, T. and Polgar, J. M. and MacKinnon, E. and Havens, L.}, 2585 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2000/Success in life for older adolescents with cerebral palsy - King et al.pdf:pdf}, 2586 journal = {Qualitative Health Research}, 2587 number = {6}, 2588 pages = {734}, 2589 title = {{Success in life for older adolescents with cerebral palsy}}, 2590 volume = {10}, 2591 year = {2000} 2592 } 2593 @book{DeAngelo2011, 2594 address = {Los Angeles, CA}, 2595 annote = {UCLA.}, 2596 author = {DeAngelo, Linda and Franke, Ray and Hurtado, Sylvia and Pryor, John H. and Tran, Serge}, 2597 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2011/Completing College Assessing Graduation Rates at Four-Year Institutions - DeAngelo et al.pdf:pdf}, 2598 institution = {Higher Education Research Institute}, 2599 publisher = {Higher Education Research Institute}, 2600 title = {{Completing College: Assessing Graduation Rates at Four-Year Institutions}}, 2601 year = {2011} 2602 } 2603 @article{Junco2010, 2604 author = {Junco, R}, 2605 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2010/The effect of gender, ethnicity, and income on college students' use of communication technologies - Junco.pdf:pdf}, 2606 journal = {Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking}, 2607 number = {6}, 2608 pages = {619--627}, 2609 title = {{The effect of gender, ethnicity, and income on college students' use of communication technologies}}, 2610 volume = {13}, 2611 year = {2010} 2612 } 2613 @book{Shao2003, 2614 author = {Shao, Jun}, 2615 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2003/Mathematical Statistics - Shao.pdf:pdf}, 2616 isbn = {0387953825}, 2617 keywords = {Statistical Theory and Mathematical Statistics}, 2618 mendeley-tags = {Statistical Theory and Mathematical Statistics}, 2619 pages = {520}, 2620 publisher = {Springer}, 2621 title = {{Mathematical Statistics}}, 2622 url = {http://www.amazon.com/Mathematical-Statistics-Jun-Shao/dp/0387953825}, 2623 year = {2003} 2624 } 2625 @article{Fergusson2002, 2626 author = {Fergusson, D. M. and Woodward, L. J.}, 2627 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2002/Mental health, educational, and social role outcomes of adolescents with depression - Fergusson, Woodward.pdf:pdf}, 2628 journal = {Archives of General Psychiatry}, 2629 pages = {225--231}, 2630 title = {{Mental health, educational, and social role outcomes of adolescents with depression}}, 2631 volume = {59}, 2632 year = {2002} 2633 } 2634 @article{Anderson1952, 2635 author = {Anderson, T. W. and Darling, D. A.}, 2636 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1952/Asymptotic Theory of Certain Goodness of Fit Criteria Based on Stochastic Processes - Anderson, Darling.pdf:pdf}, 2637 issn = {0003-4851}, 2638 journal = {The Annals of Mathematical Statistics}, 2639 language = {EN}, 2640 month = jun, 2641 number = {2}, 2642 pages = {193--212}, 2643 title = {{Asymptotic Theory of Certain "Goodness of Fit" Criteria Based on Stochastic Processes}}, 2644 url = {http://projecteuclid.org/euclid.aoms/1177729437}, 2645 volume = {23}, 2646 year = {1952} 2647 } 2648 @article{Walker2002, 2649 author = {Walker, H. M. and Severson, H.}, 2650 journal = {Interventions for children with or at risk for emotional and behavioral disorders}, 2651 pages = {177--194}, 2652 title = {{Developmental prevention of at-risk outcomes for vulnerable antisocial children and youth}}, 2653 year = {2002} 2654 } 2655 @techreport{steele2004higher, 2656 address = {Washington, DC}, 2657 annote = {, 1320 19th Street, NW, Suite 400, Washington, DC 20036. Tel: 202-861-8223; Fax: 202-861-9307; Web site: http://www. ihep. org. 2658 2659 2660 National Council on Disability, People with Disabilities and Postsecondary Education, p. 4. 2661 2662 2663 U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, 1993 Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study, Second Follow-up (BPS:93/97), Data Analysis System (p. 18) 2664 2665 2666 : U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, 1995–1996 Beginning Postsecondary Students Longitudinal Study, Second Follow-up (BPS:96/01), Data Analysis System. (p 16-17) 2667 2668 2669 U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, 1999–2000 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:2000), Undergraduate Data Analysis System. (p 15) 2670 2671 2672 : U.S. Department of Education, NCES, Statistical Analysis Reports. Profile of Undergraduates in U.S. Postsecondary Education Institutions: 1999-2000. (Washington, DC: author, 2002) (p.10-12) 2673 2674 2675 U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988, Fourth Follow-up (NELS:88/00), Data Analysis System. (p 7-9)}, 2676 author = {Steele, P.E. and Wolanin, T.R.}, 2677 booktitle = {Institute for Higher Education Policy}, 2678 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2004/Higher Education Opportunities for Students with Disabilities A Primer for Policymakers - Steele, Wolanin.pdf:pdf}, 2679 institution = {The Institute for Higher Education Policy}, 2680 pages = {64}, 2681 title = {{Higher Education Opportunities for Students with Disabilities: A Primer for Policymakers}}, 2682 year = {2004} 2683 } 2684 @book{Chatterjee2006, 2685 address = {Hoboken, NJ}, 2686 author = {Chatterjee, Samprit and Hadi, Ali S.}, 2687 edition = {4 ed}, 2688 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/Regression analysis by example - Chatterjee, Hadi.pdf:pdf}, 2689 keywords = {Linear Models}, 2690 mendeley-tags = {Linear Models}, 2691 publisher = {Wiley-Interscience}, 2692 title = {{Regression analysis by example}}, 2693 year = {2006} 2694 } 2695 @article{Kessler1992, 2696 author = {Kessler, R. C. and Kendler, K. S. and Heath, A. and Neale, M. C. and Eaves, L. J.}, 2697 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1992/Social support, depressed mood, and adjustment to stress A genetic epidemiologic investigation - Kessler et al.pdf:pdf}, 2698 journal = {Journal of Personality and Social Psychology}, 2699 number = {2}, 2700 pages = {257--272}, 2701 title = {{Social support, depressed mood, and adjustment to stress: A genetic epidemiologic investigation}}, 2702 volume = {62}, 2703 year = {1992} 2704 } 2705 @book{Hamada2010, 2706 author = {Hamada, Michael S. and Wilson, Alyson G. and Reese, C. Shane and Martz, Harry F.}, 2707 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2010/Bayesian Reliability - Hamada et al.pdf:pdf}, 2708 isbn = {1441926739}, 2709 keywords = {Bayes}, 2710 mendeley-tags = {Bayes}, 2711 pages = {453}, 2712 publisher = {Springer; Softcover reprint of hardcover 1st ed. 2008 edition}, 2713 title = {{Bayesian Reliability}}, 2714 url = {http://www.amazon.com/Bayesian-Reliability-Springer-Statistics-Michael/dp/1441926739/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1321859282&sr=8-1}, 2715 year = {2010} 2716 } 2717 @article{Ladd2006, 2718 author = {Ladd, G. W.}, 2719 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/Peer Rejection, Aggressive or Withdrawn Behavior, and Psychological Maladjustment from Ages 5 to 12 An Examination of Four Predictive Models - Ladd.pdf:pdf}, 2720 journal = {Child Development}, 2721 number = {4}, 2722 pages = {822--846}, 2723 shorttitle = {Peer Rejection, Aggressive or Withdrawn Behavior, }, 2724 title = {{Peer Rejection, Aggressive or Withdrawn Behavior, and Psychological Maladjustment from Ages 5 to 12: An Examination of Four Predictive Models}}, 2725 volume = {77}, 2726 year = {2006} 2727 } 2728 @book{Devore2007, 2729 author = {Devore, J. L and Berk, K. N}, 2730 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/Modern mathematical statistics with applications - Devore, Berk.pdf:pdf}, 2731 isbn = {0534404731}, 2732 keywords = {Statistical Theory and Mathematical Statistics}, 2733 mendeley-tags = {Statistical Theory and Mathematical Statistics}, 2734 publisher = {Duxbury Pr}, 2735 title = {{Modern mathematical statistics with applications}}, 2736 year = {2007} 2737 } 2738 @book{Moser2004, 2739 author = {Moser, L}, 2740 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2004/An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers - Moser.pdf:pdf}, 2741 keywords = {Mathematics}, 2742 mendeley-tags = {Mathematics}, 2743 title = {{An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers}}, 2744 url = {http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=wY7KBTIY3ccC&oi=fnd&pg=PP7&dq=An+Introduction+to+the+Theory+of+Numbers&ots=z9_0d9KjTU&sig=4A06ugDHY471NMZWbZthyYsy3_E}, 2745 year = {2004} 2746 } 2747 @article{wattenberg2004beyond, 2748 author = {Wattenberg, T.}, 2749 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2004/Beyond legal compliance Communities of advocacy that support accessible online learning - Wattenberg.pdf:pdf}, 2750 journal = {The Internet and higher education}, 2751 number = {2}, 2752 pages = {123--139}, 2753 publisher = {Elsevier}, 2754 title = {{Beyond legal compliance: Communities of advocacy that support accessible online learning}}, 2755 url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S109675160400017X}, 2756 volume = {7}, 2757 year = {2004} 2758 } 2759 @article{Barnes2001, 2760 author = {Barnes, LLB and Bull, KS}, 2761 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2001/Effects of academic discipline and teaching goals in predicting grading beliefs among undergraduate teaching faculty - Barnes, Bull.pdf:pdf}, 2762 journal = {Research in Higher Education}, 2763 number = {4}, 2764 pages = {455--467}, 2765 title = {{Effects of academic discipline and teaching goals in predicting grading beliefs among undergraduate teaching faculty}}, 2766 url = {http://www.springerlink.com/index/t4711nn76563k289.pdf}, 2767 volume = {42}, 2768 year = {2001} 2769 } 2770 @book{Sloughter2007, 2771 author = {Sloughter, Dan}, 2772 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/Yet Another Calculus Text A Short Introduction with Infinitesimals - Sloughter.pdf:pdf}, 2773 keywords = {Mathematics}, 2774 mendeley-tags = {Mathematics}, 2775 title = {{Yet Another Calculus Text A Short Introduction with Infinitesimals}}, 2776 year = {2007} 2777 } 2778 @article{Hergenrather2007, 2779 annote = {Perceptions of students without disabilities had positive feelings about others in the work place and having friendships and marital partners. }, 2780 author = {Hergenrather, K. and Rhodes, S.}, 2781 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/Exploring Undergraduate Student Attitudes Toward Persons With Disabilities Application of the Disability Social Relationship Scale - Hergenrather, Rhodes.pdf:pdf}, 2782 journal = {Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin}, 2783 number = {2}, 2784 pages = {66}, 2785 shorttitle = {Exploring Undergraduate Student Attitudes Toward P}, 2786 title = {{Exploring Undergraduate Student Attitudes Toward Persons With Disabilities: Application of the Disability Social Relationship Scale}}, 2787 volume = {50}, 2788 year = {2007} 2789 } 2790 @article{FrederickE.VarsWilliam1998, 2791 author = {Vars, Frederick E. and {William Bowen}, G.}, 2792 journal = {The Black-White test score gap}, 2793 title = {{Scholastic Aptitude Test scores, race, and academic performance in selective colleges and universities}}, 2794 url = {http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=zeaxHJwyHbcC&oi=fnd&pg=PA457&dq=race+interaction+universities&ots=6jaxryYwA7&sig=Kpgkd3wUi2XGI2ytpnOC5t9AaYo}, 2795 year = {1998} 2796 } 2797 @article{camilli1994teacher, 2798 author = {Camilli, G.}, 2799 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1994/Teacher’s Corner Origin of the Scaling Constant d = 1.7 in Item Response Theory - Camilli.pdf:pdf}, 2800 journal = {Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics}, 2801 number = {3}, 2802 pages = {293--295}, 2803 publisher = {Sage Publications}, 2804 title = {{Teacher’s Corner: Origin of the Scaling Constant d = 1.7 in Item Response Theory}}, 2805 url = {http://jeb.sagepub.com/content/19/3/293.short}, 2806 volume = {19}, 2807 year = {1994} 2808 } 2809 @book{Stitz2010, 2810 author = {Stitz, Carl and Zeager, Jeff}, 2811 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2010/College Algebra - Stitz, Zeager.pdf:pdf}, 2812 keywords = {College Algebra,Mathematics}, 2813 mendeley-tags = {College Algebra,Mathematics}, 2814 title = {{College Algebra}}, 2815 year = {2010} 2816 } 2817 @article{Whiteneck2006, 2818 author = {Whiteneck, G.}, 2819 journal = {Workshop on disability in America: A new look}, 2820 title = {{Conceptual models of disability: past, present, and future}}, 2821 year = {2006} 2822 } 2823 @misc{Richardson, 2824 annote = { 2825 Introduction to Mathematical Statistics 2826 Power Point notes, homework solutions and calculus review 2827 }, 2828 author = {Richardson, Thomas}, 2829 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2010/Introduction to Mathematical Statistics - Richardson.pdf:pdf}, 2830 keywords = {Statistical Theory and Mathematical Statistics}, 2831 mendeley-tags = {Statistical Theory and Mathematical Statistics}, 2832 title = {{Introduction to Mathematical Statistics}}, 2833 year = {2010} 2834 } 2835 @book{Finan2003, 2836 author = {Finan, Marcel B.}, 2837 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2003/Reform Calculus - Finan.pdf:pdf}, 2838 keywords = {Mathematics}, 2839 mendeley-tags = {Mathematics}, 2840 title = {{Reform Calculus}}, 2841 year = {2003} 2842 } 2843 @article{Martz2005a, 2844 author = {Martz, E. and Birks, K. and Blackwell, T. L.}, 2845 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2005/The Prediction of Levels of Posttraumatic Stress Levels by Depression among Veterans with Disabilities - Martz, Birks, Blackwell.pdf:pdf}, 2846 journal = {The Journal of Rehabilitation}, 2847 number = {1}, 2848 pages = {56--62}, 2849 title = {{The Prediction of Levels of Posttraumatic Stress Levels by Depression among Veterans with Disabilities}}, 2850 volume = {71}, 2851 year = {2005} 2852 } 2853 @article{Perlin2008, 2854 author = {Perlin, M. L.}, 2855 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2008/Simplify You, Classify You Stigma, Stereotypes and Civil Rights in Disability Classification Systems - Perlin.pdf:pdf}, 2856 title = {{"Simplify You, Classify You": Stigma, Stereotypes and Civil Rights in Disability Classification Systems}}, 2857 year = {2008} 2858 } 2859 @article{Kohrman2003, 2860 author = {Kohrman, M.}, 2861 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2003/Why Am I Not Disabled Making State Subjects, Making Statistics in Post Mao China - Kohrman.pdf:pdf}, 2862 journal = {Medical Anthropology Quarterly}, 2863 number = {1}, 2864 pages = {5--24}, 2865 shorttitle = {Why Am I Not Disabled?}, 2866 title = {{Why Am I Not Disabled? Making State Subjects, Making Statistics in Post Mao China}}, 2867 volume = {17}, 2868 year = {2003} 2869 } 2870 @book{Tinto2012, 2871 address = {Chicago IL.}, 2872 annote = {Purchased from: Amazon Kindle}, 2873 author = {Tinto, Vincent}, 2874 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2012/Completing College Rethinking Institutional Action - Tinto.pdf:pdf}, 2875 isbn = {0226804526}, 2876 pages = {283}, 2877 publisher = {University Of Chicago Press}, 2878 title = {{Completing College: Rethinking Institutional Action}}, 2879 year = {2012} 2880 } 2881 @article{Krueger2001, 2882 abstract = {Null hypothesis significance testing (NHST) is the researcher's workhorse for making inductive inferences. This method has often been challenged, has occasionally been defended, and has persistently been used through most of the history of scientific psychology. This article reviews both the criticisms of NHST and the arguments brought to its defense. The review shows that the criticisms address the logical validity of inferences arising from NHST, whereas the defenses stress the pragmatic value of these inferences. The author suggests that both critics and apologists implicitly rely on Bayesian assumptions. When these assumptions are made explicit, the primary challenge for NHST—and any system of induction—can be confronted. The challenge is to find a solution to the question of replicability.}, 2883 author = {Krueger, Joachim}, 2884 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2001/Null Hypothesis Significance Testing, On the Survival of a Flawed Method - Krueger.pdf:pdf}, 2885 journal = {American Psychologist}, 2886 number = {1}, 2887 pages = {26--16}, 2888 title = {{Null Hypothesis Significance Testing, On the Survival of a Flawed Method}}, 2889 volume = {56}, 2890 year = {2001} 2891 } 2892 @article{Tinto2006, 2893 author = {Tinto, Vincent}, 2894 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/Research and practice of student retention what next - Tinto.pdf:pdf}, 2895 journal = {Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice}, 2896 title = {{Research and practice of student retention: what next?}}, 2897 year = {2006} 2898 } 2899 @article{Braxton1988a, 2900 abstract = {The influence of student problems, which are often cited by students as reasons for withdrawal, is compared with the influence of constructs derived from Tinto's student attrition model. The findings suggest that data from post-hoc attrition studies should be used cautiously. (Author/MLW)}, 2901 author = {Braxton, John M. and Brier, E. M. and Hossler, D.}, 2902 journal = {Research in Higher Education}, 2903 keywords = {Academic Persistence,Higher Education,Models,Student Attrition,Student Characteristics,Student Problems,Withdrawal (Education)}, 2904 number = {3}, 2905 pages = {241--53}, 2906 shorttitle = {The Influence of Student Problems on Student Withd}, 2907 title = {{The Influence of Student Problems on Student Withdrawal Decisions: An Autopsy on "Autopsy" Studies}}, 2908 volume = {28}, 2909 year = {1988} 2910 } 2911 @article{Scotch2001, 2912 author = {Scotch, R. K.}, 2913 publisher = {Temple University Press}, 2914 title = {{From good will to civil rights: Transforming federal disability policy}}, 2915 year = {2001} 2916 } 2917 @article{Rodkin2006a, 2918 author = {Rodkin, P. C. and Farmer, T. W. and Acker, R. V. and Pearl, R. and Thompson, J. H. and Fedora, P.}, 2919 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/Who do students with mild disabilities nominate as cool in inclusive general education classrooms - Rodkin et al.pdf:pdf}, 2920 journal = {Journal of School Psychology}, 2921 number = {1}, 2922 pages = {67--84}, 2923 title = {{Who do students with mild disabilities nominate as cool in inclusive general education classrooms?}}, 2924 volume = {44}, 2925 year = {2006} 2926 } 2927 @article{ORBACH1982, 2928 abstract = {The efficiency of induced self-esteem in reducing various deficits caused by learned helplessness was tested in this study. Sixty undergraduate students were divided into three equal groups. The first group received uncontrollability treatment, the second received controllability treatment, and the third received no treatment. The subjects in the first two groups were asked to reduce the anxiety reaction of a confederate, as shown on an oscilloscope, by talking to him. The anxiety waves were shown on the oscilloscope and were preprogrammed so that subjects in the uncontrollability treatment group experienced lack of control over the results, while the ones in the controllability group were led to belive that they successfully controlled the changes of the confederate's anxiety. Then, half of the subjects in each of the three groups received positive feedback on their personality, while the other half received no feedback. In the last phase all subjects participated in a word recognition task using a tachistoscope operated by a combined push-button and microphone device. Response latency, number of correct identifications, and persistence in the task were recorded. In addition, the subjects completed a mood scale. The results indicate that subjects who received induced self-esteem treatment showed significantly more deficit reversal as reflected in response latency, persistence, feelings of potency, and sadness. The results are discussed in relation to (a) the assumption regarding the similarities between learned helplessness and depression, and (b) the usefulness of induced self-esteem as a form of treatment for helplessness depression.}, 2929 author = {Orbach, I}, 2930 doi = {10.1016/0092-6566(82)90009-5}, 2931 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1982/The elimination of learned helplessness deficits as a function of induced self-esteem - Orbach.pdf:pdf}, 2932 issn = {00926566}, 2933 journal = {Journal of Research in Personality}, 2934 month = dec, 2935 number = {4}, 2936 pages = {511--523}, 2937 title = {{The elimination of learned helplessness deficits as a function of induced self-esteem}}, 2938 url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0092-6566(82)90009-5}, 2939 volume = {16}, 2940 year = {1982} 2941 } 2942 @incollection{Braxton1997a, 2943 abstract = {Among other things, this Notice directs localities to take measures to stop the tendency of students to drop out of primary and secondary schools; to carry out propaganda on the Chinese Compulsory Education Law before school begins; and to organize personnel to re-educate students who have dropped out of school or who, even though of school age, have not attended school, as well as their parents, urging them to resume or start school education. The Notice also calls on education departments to cooperate with departments in charge of labor, agriculture, rural enterprise management, and industrial and commercial administration in inhibiting the illegal practice of hiring children under the age of 16.}, 2944 address = {New York}, 2945 annote = {strong support 5,9,10,13 2946 2947 2948 two are core 9, 13 2949 2950 2951 2952 }, 2953 author = {Braxton, John M. and Sullivan, A. S. and Johnson, R}, 2954 booktitle = {Higher education Handbook of theory and research}, 2955 edition = {12}, 2956 editor = {Smart, J.}, 2957 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1997/Appraising Tinto's Theory of College Student Departure - Braxton, Sullivan, Johnson.pdf:pdf}, 2958 issn = {03643417}, 2959 pages = {107--164}, 2960 pmid = {12289432}, 2961 publisher = {Agathon}, 2962 title = {{Appraising Tinto's Theory of College Student Departure}}, 2963 volume = {12}, 2964 year = {1997} 2965 } 2966 @article{Maras2000, 2967 abstract = {BACKGROUND: There have been fluctuations in research interest into the inclusion of children with disabilities in mainstream schools over the last twenty years. It is still not clear what methods, practices and types of contact are most likely to promote positive attitudes in children toward disabled peers and disability generally. AIMS: To consider two theoretical models of inter-group contact, both claiming to identify precursors for generalised attitude change, in relation to the attitudes of non-disabled children toward disabled peers as a function of different classroom contact. SAMPLE: Participants were 256 non-disabled school children aged 5-11 years (128 girls and 128 boys). METHODS: Measures of sociometric preference and the evaluation of psychological and physical attributes were used to ascertain children's perceptions of known and unknown peers with disabilities. RESULTS: A relationship was found between the type of contact the children had with disabled peers, and their perceptions of psychological and physical attributes (stereotypes) of groups of unknown disabled and non-disabled peers. CONCLUSIONS: Results show generalisation of stereotypic attitude/judgments from one type of disability to another as a consequence of the two types of contact situation. Findings have important implications for integrating disabled children into mainstream.}, 2968 author = {Maras, P and Brown, R}, 2969 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2000/Effects of different forms of school contact on children's attitudes toward disabled and non-disabled peers - Maras, Brown.pdf:pdf}, 2970 issn = {0007-0998}, 2971 journal = {The British Journal of Educational Psychology}, 2972 keywords = {Attitude,Child,Child- Preschool,Disabled Children,Female,Humans,Mainstreaming (Education),Male,Peer Group,Social Distance,Sociometric Techniques}, 2973 month = sep, 2974 pages = {337--351}, 2975 title = {{Effects of different forms of school contact on children's attitudes toward disabled and non-disabled peers}}, 2976 url = {http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11059115}, 2977 volume = {70}, 2978 year = {2000} 2979 } 2980 @article{hubbard2009attitudes, 2981 author = {Hubbard, S.M. and Stage, F.K.}, 2982 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/Attitudes, Perceptions, and Preferences of Faculty at Hispanic Serving and Predominantly Black Institutions - Hubbard, Stage.pdf:pdf}, 2983 issn = {1538-4640}, 2984 journal = {The Journal of Higher Education}, 2985 number = {3}, 2986 pages = {270--289}, 2987 publisher = {The Ohio State University Press}, 2988 title = {{Attitudes, Perceptions, and Preferences of Faculty at Hispanic Serving and Predominantly Black Institutions}}, 2989 url = {http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/journal_of_higher_education/v080/80.3.hubbard.html}, 2990 volume = {80}, 2991 year = {2009} 2992 } 2993 @incollection{bourdieu1986forms, 2994 address = {New York}, 2995 author = {Bourdieu, P.}, 2996 booktitle = {Handbook of Theory and Research for the Sociology of Education}, 2997 editor = {Richardson, J. G.}, 2998 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1986/The forms of capital - Bourdieu.pdf:pdf}, 2999 pages = {241--258}, 3000 publisher = {Greenwood Press}, 3001 title = {{The forms of capital}}, 3002 year = {1986} 3003 } 3004 @article{Xu2010, 3005 author = {Xu, Y. J. and Martz, E.}, 3006 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2010/Predictors of employment among individuals with disabilities A Bayesian analysis of the Longitudinal Study of the Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program - Xu, Martz.pdf:pdf}, 3007 journal = {Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation}, 3008 number = {1}, 3009 pages = {35--45}, 3010 title = {{Predictors of employment among individuals with disabilities: A Bayesian analysis of the Longitudinal Study of the Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program}}, 3011 volume = {32}, 3012 year = {2010} 3013 } 3014 @article{Li2002, 3015 author = {Li, F. and Barrera, M. and Hops, H. and Fisher, K. J.}, 3016 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2002/The longitudinal influence of peers on the development of alcohol use in late adolescence A growth mixture analysis - Li et al.pdf:pdf}, 3017 journal = {Journal of Behavioral Medicine}, 3018 number = {3}, 3019 pages = {293--315}, 3020 title = {{The longitudinal influence of peers on the development of alcohol use in late adolescence: A growth mixture analysis}}, 3021 volume = {25}, 3022 year = {2002} 3023 } 3024 @article{JosephL.SchaferandMarenK.Olsen1998, 3025 author = {Schafer, Joseph L. and Olsen, Maren K.}, 3026 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1998/Multiple imputation for multivariate missing-data problems A data analyst's perspective - Schafer, Olsen.pdf:pdf}, 3027 journal = {Multivariate Behavioral Research}, 3028 title = {{Multiple imputation for multivariate missing-data problems: A data analyst's perspective}}, 3029 url = {http://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=+?Multiple+Imputation+for+multivariate+Missing-Data+Problems:++A+Data+Analyst?s+Perspective.?+#0}, 3030 year = {1998} 3031 } 3032 @article{samaha2007good, 3033 author = {Samaha, A.M.}, 3034 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/What Good Is the Social Model of Disability - Samaha.pdf:pdf}, 3035 journal = {The University of Chicago Law Review}, 3036 pages = {1251--1308}, 3037 publisher = {JSTOR}, 3038 title = {{What Good Is the Social Model of Disability?}}, 3039 year = {2007} 3040 } 3041 @article{Rubin1986, 3042 author = {Rubin, Donald B. and Schenker, Nathaniel}, 3043 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1986/Multiple Imputation for Interval Estimation From Simple Random Samples With Ignorable Nonresponse - Rubin, Schenker.pdf:pdf}, 3044 journal = {Journal of the American Statistical Association}, 3045 number = {394}, 3046 pages = {366 -- 374}, 3047 title = {{Multiple Imputation for Interval Estimation From Simple Random Samples With Ignorable Nonresponse}}, 3048 url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2289225}, 3049 volume = {81}, 3050 year = {1986} 3051 } 3052 @article{Santis2006, 3053 author = {Santis, M. De and Cavaliere, A.F. and Straface, G. and Caruso, A.}, 3054 doi = {doi: DOI: 10.1016/j.reprotox.2005.01.014}, 3055 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/Rubella infection in pregnancy - Santis et al.pdf:pdf}, 3056 issn = {0890-6238}, 3057 journal = {Reproductive Toxicology}, 3058 keywords = {Congenital malformations,Fetal infections,Preconceptional vaccination,Prenatal diagnosis,Rubella virus}, 3059 month = may, 3060 number = {4}, 3061 pages = {390--398}, 3062 title = {{Rubella infection in pregnancy}}, 3063 url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6TC0-4G2BG77-1/2/32b33d379ad575bf520739674288caca}, 3064 volume = {21}, 3065 year = {2006} 3066 } 3067 @article{Stromer1983, 3068 author = {Stromer, W. F.}, 3069 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1983/Disability and Interpersonal Communication - Stromer.pdf:pdf}, 3070 journal = {Communication Education}, 3071 number = {4}, 3072 pages = {425--27}, 3073 title = {{Disability and Interpersonal Communication}}, 3074 volume = {32}, 3075 year = {1983} 3076 } 3077 @book{Rao2010, 3078 author = {Rao, C. Radhakrishna and Toutenburg, Helge and Shalabh and Heumann, Christian}, 3079 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2010/Linear Models and Generalizations Least Squares and Alternatives (Springer Series in Statistics) - Rao et al.pdf:pdf}, 3080 isbn = {3642093531}, 3081 keywords = {Linear Models}, 3082 mendeley-tags = {Linear Models}, 3083 pages = {570}, 3084 publisher = {Springer}, 3085 title = {{Linear Models and Generalizations: Least Squares and Alternatives (Springer Series in Statistics)}}, 3086 year = {2010} 3087 } 3088 @article{Raz2006, 3089 author = {Raz, A. and Fabrega, H.}, 3090 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/From repression and attention to culture and automaticity - Raz, Fabrega.pdf:pdf}, 3091 journal = {Behavioral and Brain Sciences}, 3092 number = {05}, 3093 pages = {530--530}, 3094 title = {{From repression and attention to culture and automaticity}}, 3095 volume = {29}, 3096 year = {2006} 3097 } 3098 @article{connors2007children, 3099 author = {Connors, C. and Stalker, K.}, 3100 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/Children’s experiences of disability Pointers to a social model of childhood disability - Connors, Stalker.pdf:pdf}, 3101 journal = {Disability & Society}, 3102 number = {1}, 3103 pages = {19--33}, 3104 publisher = {Taylor & Francis}, 3105 title = {{Children’s experiences of disability: Pointers to a social model of childhood disability}}, 3106 url = {http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09687590601056162}, 3107 volume = {22}, 3108 year = {2007} 3109 } 3110 @article{Astin1970a, 3111 author = {Astin, AW}, 3112 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1970/The methodology of research on college impact, part two - Astin.pdf:pdf}, 3113 journal = {Sociology of Education}, 3114 title = {{The methodology of research on college impact, part two}}, 3115 url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.2307/2111842}, 3116 year = {1970} 3117 } 3118 @book{Chen2008, 3119 annote = {http://rutherglen.science.mq.edu.au/wchen/lnfycfolder/lnfyc.html}, 3120 author = {Chen, WWL}, 3121 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2008/First Year Calculus - Chen.pdf:pdf}, 3122 keywords = {Mathematics}, 3123 mendeley-tags = {Mathematics}, 3124 title = {{First Year Calculus}}, 3125 year = {2008} 3126 } 3127 @article{DeStefano1993, 3128 author = {DeStefano, F. and Anda, R. F. and Kahn, H. S. and Williamson, D. F. and Russell, C. M.}, 3129 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1993/Dental disease and risk of coronary heart disease and mortality - DeStefano et al.pdf:pdf}, 3130 journal = {British Medical Journal}, 3131 number = {6879}, 3132 pages = {688--691}, 3133 title = {{Dental disease and risk of coronary heart disease and mortality}}, 3134 volume = {306}, 3135 year = {1993} 3136 } 3137 @book{Durrett2010, 3138 annote = {buy}, 3139 author = {Durrett, Rick}, 3140 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2010/Probability theory and examples - Durrett.pdf:pdf}, 3141 keywords = {Probability}, 3142 mendeley-tags = {Probability}, 3143 title = {{Probability: theory and examples}}, 3144 url = {http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=evbGTPhuvSoC&oi=fnd&pg=PR5&dq=Probability+Theory+and+Examples+Durrett&ots=b5beyk4ukl&sig=G9q_FK3LQK0X5HGy4padEqJrOxY}, 3145 year = {2010} 3146 } 3147 @article{gautieri2009molecular, 3148 author = {Gautieri, A. and Uzel, S. and Vesentini, S. and Redaelli, A. and Buehler, M.J.}, 3149 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/Molecular and mesoscale mechanisms of osteogenesis imperfecta disease in collagen fibrils - Gautieri et al.pdf:pdf}, 3150 journal = {Biophysical Journal}, 3151 number = {3}, 3152 pages = {857--865}, 3153 publisher = {Elsevier}, 3154 title = {{Molecular and mesoscale mechanisms of osteogenesis imperfecta disease in collagen fibrils}}, 3155 url = {http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0006349509010261}, 3156 volume = {97}, 3157 year = {2009} 3158 } 3159 @article{Yates1934, 3160 author = {Yates, F}, 3161 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1934/Contingency tables involving small numbers and the $\chi$ 2 test - Yates.pdf:pdf}, 3162 journal = {Supplement to the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society}, 3163 title = {{Contingency tables involving small numbers and the $\chi$ 2 test}}, 3164 url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.2307/2983604}, 3165 year = {1934} 3166 } 3167 @article{EdwardP.St.Joh1995, 3168 author = {{St. John}, Edward P. and Starkey, Johnny B.}, 3169 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1995/An alternative to net price Assessing the influence of prices and subsidies on within-year persistence - St. John, Starkey.pdf:pdf}, 3170 journal = {The Journal of Higher Education}, 3171 title = {{An alternative to net price: Assessing the influence of prices and subsidies on within-year persistence}}, 3172 year = {1995} 3173 } 3174 @book{ChristianRitzJensCarlStreibig2008, 3175 author = {Ritz, Christian and Streibig, Jens Carl}, 3176 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2008/Nonlinear regression with R - Ritz, Streibig.pdf:pdf}, 3177 keywords = {Linear Models}, 3178 mendeley-tags = {Linear Models}, 3179 title = {{Nonlinear regression with R}}, 3180 year = {2008} 3181 } 3182 @article{Hammell2007, 3183 author = {Hammell, K. W.}, 3184 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/Quality of life after spinal cord injury a meta-synthesis of qualitative findings - Hammell.pdf:pdf}, 3185 journal = {Spinal Cord}, 3186 pages = {124--139}, 3187 shorttitle = {Quality of life after spinal cord injury}, 3188 title = {{Quality of life after spinal cord injury: a meta-synthesis of qualitative findings}}, 3189 volume = {45}, 3190 year = {2007} 3191 } 3192 @article{Simons2006, 3193 abstract = {Method: This study examined the association between marijuana-related problems and social norms, impulsivity, and perceived use utility among 292 college students. Zero-inflated negative binomial regression was used to simultaneously predict expected nonusers as well as predict counts of reported marijuana-related problems among expected users. Gender, social norms, impulsivity, and perceived use utility were used to predict expected nonusers as well as number of marijuana-related problems among expected users. Results: Only social norms were associated with the prediction of zero-values. In contrast, only perceived use utility was associated with the prediction of number of marijuana-related problems. Conclusions: Results generally are consistent with theories of the differential association of social-environmental and biopsychological variables with use and problems, respectively. Zero-inflated regression models are a useful strategy to examine risk behaviors with low base rates.}, 3194 author = {Simons, Jeffrey S and Neal, Dan J and Gaher, Raluca M}, 3195 doi = {10.1080/00952990500328539}, 3196 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/Risk for Marijuana-Related Problems among College Students An Application of Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial Regression - Simons, Neal, Gaher.pdf:pdf}, 3197 issn = {0095-2990}, 3198 journal = {The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse}, 3199 keywords = {Marijuana,affect,drug abuse,expected utility,impulsivity,social norms}, 3200 language = {en}, 3201 month = jan, 3202 number = {1}, 3203 pages = {41--53}, 3204 publisher = {Informa UK Ltd UK}, 3205 title = {{Risk for Marijuana-Related Problems among College Students: An Application of Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial Regression}}, 3206 volume = {32}, 3207 year = {2006} 3208 } 3209 @article{min2005random, 3210 abstract = {For count responses, the situation of excess zeros (relative to what standard models allow) often occurs in biomedical and sociological applications. Modeling repeated measures of zero-inflated count data presents special challenges. This is because in addition to the problem of extra zeros, the correlation between measurements upon the same subject at different occasions needs to be taken into account. This article discusses random effect models for repeated measurements on this type of response variable. A useful model is the hurdle model with random effects, which separately handles the zero observations and the positive counts. In maximum likelihood model fitting, we consider both a normal distribution and a nonparametric approach for the random effects. A special case of the hurdle model can be used to test for zero inflation. Random effects can also be introduced in a zero-inflated Poisson or negative binomial model, but such a model may encounter fitting problems if there is zero deflation at any settings of the explanatory variables. A simple alternative approach adapts the cumulative logit model with random effects, which has a single set of parameters for describing effects. We illustrate the proposed methods with examples.}, 3211 annote = { 3212 From Duplicate 2 ( 3213 3214 3215 Random effect models for repeated measures of zero-inflated count data 3216 3217 3218 - Min, Y.; Agresti, A. ) 3219 3220 3221 3222 3223 3224 3225 3226 3227 }, 3228 author = {Min, Yongyi and Agresti, Alan}, 3229 doi = {10.1191/1471082X05st084oa}, 3230 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2005/Random effect models for repeated measures of zero-inflated count data - Min, Agresti.pdf:pdf}, 3231 issn = {1471082X}, 3232 journal = {Statistical Modelling}, 3233 month = mar, 3234 number = {1}, 3235 pages = {1--19}, 3236 publisher = {SAGE Publications}, 3237 title = {{Random effect models for repeated measures of zero-inflated count data}}, 3238 url = {http://smj.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/5/1/1 http://smj.sagepub.com/content/5/1/1.short}, 3239 volume = {5}, 3240 year = {2005} 3241 } 3242 @techreport{Avraham2009, 3243 author = {Avraham, R. and Dafny, L. and Schanzenbach, M.}, 3244 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/The Impact of Tort Reform on Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance Premiums - Avraham, Dafny, Schanzenbach.pdf:pdf}, 3245 institution = {NBER}, 3246 title = {{The Impact of Tort Reform on Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance Premiums}}, 3247 year = {2009} 3248 } 3249 @article{lee2008randomized, 3250 author = {Lee, D.S.}, 3251 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2008/Randomized experiments from non-random selection in US House elections - Lee.pdf:pdf}, 3252 issn = {0304-4076}, 3253 journal = {Journal of Econometrics}, 3254 number = {2}, 3255 pages = {675--697}, 3256 publisher = {Elsevier}, 3257 title = {{Randomized experiments from non-random selection in US House elections}}, 3258 url = {http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0304407607001121}, 3259 volume = {142}, 3260 year = {2008} 3261 } 3262 @incollection{SerraHagendorn2005, 3263 abstract = {Quotes from Tinto and Bean on the misuse of the term dropout. Dropouts usually do not see themselves as failures, but rather as people who have achieved their personal goals. NB: this could also be attribution: no one likes to admit their are failures.}, 3264 author = {Hagendorn, L. S.}, 3265 booktitle = {College Student Retention: Formula for Student Success}, 3266 chapter = {4}, 3267 editor = {Seidman, Alan}, 3268 isbn = {0275981932}, 3269 pages = {89--105}, 3270 publisher = {American Council on Education and Praeger Publishers}, 3271 title = {{How to define retention: A new look at an old problem}}, 3272 year = {2005} 3273 } 3274 @article{Gui2010, 3275 author = {Guiffrida, D. A. and Douthit, Kathryn Z.}, 3276 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2010/The black student experience at predominantly white colleges Implications for school and college counselors - Guiffrida, Douthit.pdf:pdf}, 3277 journal = {Journal of Counseling & Development}, 3278 title = {{The black student experience at predominantly white colleges: Implications for school and college counselors}}, 3279 url = {http://aca.metapress.com/index/U600J1H34H40316G.pdf}, 3280 year = {2010} 3281 } 3282 @book{Korn2000, 3283 author = {Korn, Granino A. and Korn, Theresa M.}, 3284 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/Handbook of Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists - Polyanin, Manzhirov.pdf:pdf}, 3285 isbn = {0486411478}, 3286 keywords = {Mathematics}, 3287 mendeley-tags = {Mathematics}, 3288 pages = {1152}, 3289 publisher = {Dover Publications}, 3290 title = {{Mathematical Handbook for Scientists and Engineers: Definitions, Theorems, and Formulas for Reference and Review (Dover Civil and Mechanical Engineering)}}, 3291 url = {http://www.amazon.com/Mathematical-Handbook-Scientists-Engineers-Definitions/dp/0486411478}, 3292 year = {2000} 3293 } 3294 @article{Splawa-Neyman1990, 3295 author = {Splawa-Neyman, J. and Dabrowska, D. M. and Speed, T. P.}, 3296 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1990/On the application of probability theory to agricultural experiments - Splawa-Neyman, Dabrowska, Speed.pdf:pdf}, 3297 journal = {Statistical Science}, 3298 number = {4}, 3299 pages = {465--472}, 3300 title = {{On the application of probability theory to agricultural experiments}}, 3301 volume = {5}, 3302 year = {1990} 3303 } 3304 @book{Venables2001, 3305 address = {New York, NY}, 3306 author = {Venables, William N. and Ripley, Brian D.}, 3307 edition = {3rd Ed.}, 3308 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1999/Modern Applied Statistics With S-PLUS - Venables, Ripley.pdf:pdf}, 3309 isbn = {0387988254}, 3310 keywords = {Linear Models}, 3311 mendeley-tags = {Linear Models}, 3312 pages = {520}, 3313 publisher = {Springer}, 3314 title = {{Modern Applied Statistics With S-PLUS}}, 3315 year = {1999} 3316 } 3317 @article{MacCallum1992, 3318 author = {MacCallum, R. C. and Roznowski, M. and Necowitz, L. B.}, 3319 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1992/Model modifications in covariance structure analysis The problem of capitalization on chance - MacCallum, Roznowski, Necowitz.pdf:pdf}, 3320 journal = {Psychological Bulletin}, 3321 number = {3}, 3322 pages = {490--504}, 3323 title = {{Model modifications in covariance structure analysis: The problem of capitalization on chance}}, 3324 volume = {111}, 3325 year = {1992} 3326 } 3327 @article{Walker2000, 3328 author = {Walker, H. M. and Nishioka, V. M. and Zeller, R. and Severson, H. H. and Feil, E. G.}, 3329 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2000/Causal factors and potential solutions for the persistent underidentification of students having emotional or behavioral disorders in the context of schooling - Walker et al.pdf:pdf}, 3330 journal = {Assessment for Effective Intervention}, 3331 number = {1}, 3332 pages = {29}, 3333 title = {{Causal factors and potential solutions for the persistent underidentification of students having emotional or behavioral disorders in the context of schooling}}, 3334 volume = {26}, 3335 year = {2000} 3336 } 3337 @book{Harrell, 3338 author = {Harrell, Frank E Jr}, 3339 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2012/Regression modeling strategies - Harrell.pdf:pdf}, 3340 title = {{Regression modeling strategies}}, 3341 year = {2012} 3342 } 3343 @article{Justice2006, 3344 author = {Justice, L. M.}, 3345 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/Evidence-based practice, response to intervention, and the prevention of reading difficulties - Justice.pdf:pdf}, 3346 journal = {Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools}, 3347 number = {4}, 3348 pages = {284}, 3349 title = {{Evidence-based practice, response to intervention, and the prevention of reading difficulties}}, 3350 volume = {37}, 3351 year = {2006} 3352 } 3353 @article{Lumley2006, 3354 author = {Lumley, T}, 3355 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/Relative risk regression in medical research models, contrasts, estimators, and algorithms - Lumley.pdf:pdf}, 3356 journal = {UW Biostatistics Working Paper Series}, 3357 title = {{Relative risk regression in medical research: models, contrasts, estimators, and algorithms}}, 3358 url = {http://www.bepress.com/uwbiostat/paper293/}, 3359 year = {2006} 3360 } 3361 @article{Levit2003, 3362 author = {Levit, K. and Smith, C. and Cowan, C. and Lazenby, H. and Sensenig, A. and Catlin, A.}, 3363 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2003/Trends In US Health Care Spending, 2001 - Levit et al.pdf:pdf}, 3364 journal = {Health Affairs}, 3365 number = {1}, 3366 pages = {154--164}, 3367 title = {{Trends In US Health Care Spending, 2001}}, 3368 volume = {22}, 3369 year = {2003} 3370 } 3371 @article{Allen1997, 3372 author = {Allen, S. M. and Mor, V.}, 3373 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1997/The Prevalence and Consequences of Unmet Need Contrasts Between Older and Younger Adults with Disability - Allen, Mor.pdf:pdf}, 3374 journal = {Medical Care}, 3375 number = {11}, 3376 pages = {1132}, 3377 shorttitle = {The Prevalence and Consequences of Unmet Need}, 3378 title = {{The Prevalence and Consequences of Unmet Need: Contrasts Between Older and Younger Adults with Disability}}, 3379 volume = {35}, 3380 year = {1997} 3381 } 3382 @book{WorldHealthOrganization1980, 3383 address = {Geneva, Switzerland}, 3384 author = {{World Health Organization}}, 3385 publisher = {WorldHealth Organization}, 3386 title = {{International Classification of Impairments, Disabilities, and Handicaps}}, 3387 year = {1980} 3388 } 3389 @book{Jackman2009, 3390 annote = {Buy This Book!!!!}, 3391 author = {Jackman, S}, 3392 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/Bayesian analysis for the social sciences - Jackman.pdf:pdf}, 3393 keywords = {Bayes,Linear Models}, 3394 mendeley-tags = {Bayes,Linear Models}, 3395 title = {{Bayesian analysis for the social sciences}}, 3396 year = {2009} 3397 } 3398 @article{wallace2003identity, 3399 annote = {...: Integrating stages of change, motivational interviewing, and identity theories for race, people of color, sexual orientation, and disability}, 3400 author = {Wallace, BC and Carter, RT and Nanin, J. and Keller, R. and Alleyne, V. and Wallace, B. and Carter, R.}, 3401 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2003/Identity development for “diverse and different others” - Wallace et al.pdf:pdf}, 3402 journal = {Understanding and dealing with violence: A multicultural approach}, 3403 pages = {41--92}, 3404 title = {{Identity development for “diverse and different others”}}, 3405 year = {2003} 3406 } 3407 @article{Colder2002, 3408 author = {Colder, C. R. and Campbell, R. T. and Ruel, E. and Richardson, J. L. and Flay, B. R.}, 3409 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2002/A finite mixture model of growth trajectories of adolescent alcohol use Predictors and consequences - Colder et al.pdf:pdf}, 3410 journal = {Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology}, 3411 number = {4}, 3412 pages = {976--984}, 3413 title = {{A finite mixture model of growth trajectories of adolescent alcohol use: Predictors and consequences}}, 3414 volume = {70}, 3415 year = {2002} 3416 } 3417 @article{Lillis2011a, 3418 author = {Lillis, MP}, 3419 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2011/Faculty Emotional Intelligence and Student-Faculty Interactions Implications for Student Retention - Lillis.pdf:pdf}, 3420 journal = {Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice}, 3421 title = {{Faculty Emotional Intelligence and Student-Faculty Interactions: Implications for Student Retention}}, 3422 url = {http://baywood.metapress.com/index/BR3410071T62J867.pdf}, 3423 year = {2011} 3424 } 3425 @article{bourke2000faculty, 3426 author = {Bourke, A.B. and Strehorn, KC and Silver, P.}, 3427 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2000/Faculty members' provision of instructional accommodations to students with LD - Bourke, Strehorn, Silver.pdf:pdf}, 3428 issn = {0022-2194}, 3429 journal = {Journal of Learning Disabilities}, 3430 number = {1}, 3431 pages = {26}, 3432 publisher = {SAGE Publications}, 3433 title = {{Faculty members' provision of instructional accommodations to students with LD}}, 3434 volume = {33}, 3435 year = {2000} 3436 } 3437 @article{Chung2006, 3438 author = {Chung, M. C. and Preveza, E. and Papandreou, K. and Prevezas, N.}, 3439 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/The relationship between posttraumatic stress disorder following spinal cord injury and locus of control - Chung et al.pdf:pdf}, 3440 journal = {Journal of Affective Disorders}, 3441 number = {1-3}, 3442 pages = {229--232}, 3443 title = {{The relationship between posttraumatic stress disorder following spinal cord injury and locus of control}}, 3444 volume = {93}, 3445 year = {2006} 3446 } 3447 @article{Santelli2006, 3448 author = {Santelli, J. and Ott, M. A. and Lyon, M. and Rogers, J. and Summers, D. and Schleifer, R.}, 3449 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/Abstinence and abstinence-only education A review of US policies and programs - Santelli et al.pdf:pdf}, 3450 journal = {Journal of Adolescent Health}, 3451 number = {1}, 3452 pages = {72--81}, 3453 shorttitle = {Abstinence and abstinence-only education}, 3454 title = {{Abstinence and abstinence-only education: A review of US policies and programs}}, 3455 volume = {38}, 3456 year = {2006} 3457 } 3458 @article{Walkera, 3459 abstract = {The concept of degrees of freedom, considered of central importance to interpretation of psychological and educational data, is presented and the computational procedure outlined. A section is devoted to the importance of the concept and illustrations are given to show how the number of degrees of freedom may be determined for various situations. Bibliography of 13 references.}, 3460 author = {Walker, H. M.}, 3461 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1940/Degrees of freedom - Walker.pdf:pdf}, 3462 journal = {Journal of Educational Psychology}, 3463 number = {4}, 3464 pages = {253--269}, 3465 title = {{Degrees of freedom}}, 3466 volume = {31}, 3467 year = {1940} 3468 } 3469 @article{Maher1983, 3470 author = {Maher, C. A.}, 3471 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1983/Goal Attainment Scaling A Method for Evaluating Special Education Services - Maher.pdf:pdf}, 3472 journal = {Exceptional Children}, 3473 number = {6}, 3474 pages = {529--36}, 3475 title = {{Goal Attainment Scaling: A Method for Evaluating Special Education Services}}, 3476 volume = {49}, 3477 year = {1983} 3478 } 3479 @article{Bruyere2005, 3480 abstract = {This article reviews the literature from the 3 years since the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health's (ICF's) endorsement, focusing on those articles that discuss (a) what the ICF means and how it can be used; (b) the general utility of the ICF for specific fields, such as nursing, occupational therapy, speech-language pathology, and audiology; (c) examples of applications for classification in particular disorders, such as chronic health conditions, neuromusculoskeletal conditions, cognitive disorders, mental disorders, sensory disorders, and primary and secondary conditions in children; (d) uses of the ICF to recode prior work across multiple surveys and across country coding schemes on disability-related national survey items; and (e) governmental uses of the ICF in the United States and selected countries abroad. Future directions needed to effectively implement the ICF across rehabilitation policy, research, and practice are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) (from the journal abstract)}, 3481 author = {Bruy\`{e}re, Susanne M. and {Van Looy}, Sara A. and Peterson, David B. and Bruyere, SM}, 3482 doi = {10.1037/0090-5550.50.2.113}, 3483 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2005/The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health Contemporary Literature Overview - Bruy\`{e}re et al.pdf:pdf}, 3484 issn = {0090-5550}, 3485 journal = {Rehabilitation Psychology}, 3486 keywords = {cognitive ability,disabilities,health,psychodia}, 3487 language = {English}, 3488 number = {2}, 3489 pages = {113--121}, 3490 title = {{The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health: Contemporary Literature Overview}}, 3491 volume = {50}, 3492 year = {2005} 3493 } 3494 @book{Samaniego2010, 3495 annote = {http://www.springerlink.com/content/978-1-4419-5941-6#section=714794&page=1}, 3496 author = {Samaniego, FJ}, 3497 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2010/A comparison of the Bayesian and frequentist approaches to estimation - Samaniego.pdf:pdf}, 3498 keywords = {Bayes,Statistical Theory and Mathematical Statistics}, 3499 mendeley-tags = {Bayes,Statistical Theory and Mathematical Statistics}, 3500 title = {{A comparison of the Bayesian and frequentist approaches to estimation}}, 3501 url = {http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=WGaKMfKm0sAC&oi=fnd&pg=PR3&dq=A+Comparison+of+the+Bayesian+and+Frequentist+Approaches+to+Estimation&ots=Dn6rmtMeUi&sig=xmDJx-nt1xYwpaaPVvLJClIf9po}, 3502 year = {2010} 3503 } 3504 @book{Robert2007, 3505 address = {New York}, 3506 author = {Robert, C. P.}, 3507 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/The Bayesian Choice From Decision-Theoretic Foundations to Computational Implementation - Robert.pdf:pdf}, 3508 keywords = {Bayes}, 3509 mendeley-tags = {Bayes}, 3510 publisher = {Springer}, 3511 title = {{The Bayesian Choice: From Decision-Theoretic Foundations to Computational Implementation}}, 3512 year = {2007} 3513 } 3514 @article{Widerstroum-Noga2001, 3515 author = {Widerstroum-Noga, E. G. and Felipe-Cuervo, E. and Yezierski, R. P.}, 3516 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2001/Chronic pain after spinal injury Interference with sleep and daily activities - Widerstroum-Noga, Felipe-Cuervo, Yezierski.pdf:pdf}, 3517 journal = {Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation}, 3518 number = {11}, 3519 pages = {1571--1577}, 3520 shorttitle = {Chronic pain after spinal injury}, 3521 title = {{Chronic pain after spinal injury: Interference with sleep and daily activities}}, 3522 volume = {82}, 3523 year = {2001} 3524 } 3525 @article{McLaughlin2004, 3526 abstract = {Although persons with disabilities compose a growing portion of workers, when compared with other aspects of diversity (e.g., race/ethnicity or gender), disability has received relatively little research attention. In a between-subjects experimental design with more than 600 participants, we evaluated the roles of disability type (AIDS, cerebral palsy, and stroke), stigma, and employee characteristics in acceptance of a coworker with a disability. Stigma largely mediated the relationship between disability type and acceptance. Employee characteristics had direct effects on some aspects of acceptance. Exploratory factor analysis of stigma revealed six factors; however, only a "performance impact" factor was consistently related to acceptance, suggesting that perceived implications of the coworker's disability for job performance are critical.}, 3527 author = {McLaughlin, Mary E. and Bell, Myrtle P. and Stringer, Donna Y.}, 3528 doi = {10.1177/1059601103257410}, 3529 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2004/Stigma and Acceptance of Persons With Disabilities Understudied Aspects of Workforce Diversity - McLaughlin, Bell, Stringer.pdf:pdf}, 3530 journal = {Group Organization Management}, 3531 month = jun, 3532 number = {3}, 3533 pages = {302--333}, 3534 shorttitle = {Stigma and Acceptance of Persons With Disabilities}, 3535 title = {{Stigma and Acceptance of Persons With Disabilities: Understudied Aspects of Workforce Diversity}}, 3536 volume = {29}, 3537 year = {2004} 3538 } 3539 @article{baron1986moderator, 3540 author = {Baron, R.M. and Kenny, D.A.}, 3541 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1986/The moderator–mediator variable distinction in social psychological research Conceptual, strategic, and statistical considerations - Baron, Kenny.pdf:pdf}, 3542 journal = {Journal of Personality and Social Psychology}, 3543 number = {6}, 3544 pages = {1173--1182}, 3545 publisher = {American Psychological Association}, 3546 title = {{The moderator–mediator variable distinction in social psychological research: Conceptual, strategic, and statistical considerations}}, 3547 volume = {51}, 3548 year = {1986} 3549 } 3550 @article{Whiteneck2004, 3551 author = {Whiteneck, G. and Meade, M. A. and Dijkers, M. and Tate, D. G. and Bushnik, T. and Forchheimer, M. B.}, 3552 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2004/Environmental factors and their role in participation and life satisfaction after spinal cord injury - Whiteneck et al.pdf:pdf}, 3553 journal = {Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation}, 3554 number = {11}, 3555 pages = {1793--1803}, 3556 title = {{Environmental factors and their role in participation and life satisfaction after spinal cord injury}}, 3557 volume = {85}, 3558 year = {2004} 3559 } 3560 @article{guiffrida2006toward, 3561 annote = {Guiffrida (2006) }, 3562 author = {Guiffrida, D. A.}, 3563 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/Toward a cultural advancement of Tinto's theory - Guiffrida.pdf:pdf}, 3564 journal = {The Review of Higher Education}, 3565 number = {4}, 3566 pages = {451--472}, 3567 publisher = {The Johns Hopkins University Press}, 3568 title = {{Toward a cultural advancement of Tinto's theory}}, 3569 volume = {29}, 3570 year = {2006} 3571 } 3572 @article{DErrico2009, 3573 abstract = {Null Hypothesis Significance Testing (NHST) is a well known tool in statistical inference. NHST has a wide potential applicability in experimental research, for instance in treatment of outlying observations. However, rational of NHST and inter-pretations of results of significance tests are debated. In the present paper, principles and applications of NHST are presented and discussed in the framework of Bayesian statistics, focusing on perspectives of metrological interest.}, 3574 author = {D’Errico, Giampaolo E.}, 3575 doi = {10.1016/j.measurement.2009.08.004}, 3576 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/Issues in significance testing - D’Errico.pdf:pdf}, 3577 issn = {02632241}, 3578 journal = {Measurement}, 3579 keywords = {bayesian statistics,null hypothesis significance testing,outliers in measurement}, 3580 month = dec, 3581 number = {10}, 3582 pages = {1478--1481}, 3583 title = {{Issues in significance testing}}, 3584 url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.measurement.2009.08.004}, 3585 volume = {42}, 3586 year = {2009} 3587 } 3588 @techreport{brewer2007enhancing, 3589 author = {Brewer, D.}, 3590 booktitle = {Employment and Disability Institute Collection}, 3591 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/Enhancing Transition for Students with Disabilities Across New York State State Performance Plan 13 and the New York State Transition Quality Indicators - Brewer.pdf:pdf}, 3592 institution = {Cornell University}, 3593 pages = {1228}, 3594 title = {{Enhancing Transition for Students with Disabilities Across New York State: State Performance Plan 13 and the New York State Transition Quality Indicators}}, 3595 year = {2007} 3596 } 3597 @article{tang2010trends, 3598 author = {Tang, N. and Stein, J. and Hsia, R.Y. and Maselli, J.H. and Gonzales, R.}, 3599 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2010/Trends and characteristics of US emergency department visits, 1997-2007 - Tang et al.pdf:pdf}, 3600 journal = {JAMA: the journal of the American Medical Association}, 3601 number = {6}, 3602 pages = {664}, 3603 publisher = {Am Med Assoc}, 3604 title = {{Trends and characteristics of US emergency department visits, 1997-2007}}, 3605 url = {http://jama.ama-assn.org/content/304/6/664.short}, 3606 volume = {304}, 3607 year = {2010} 3608 } 3609 @article{Peck1992, 3610 author = {Peck, C. A. and Carlson, P. and Helmsetter, E.}, 3611 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1992/Parent and teacher perceptions of outcomes for typically developing children enrolled in integrated early childhood programs A statewide survey - Peck, Carlson, Helmsetter.pdf:pdf}, 3612 journal = {Journal of Early Intervention}, 3613 number = {1}, 3614 pages = {53}, 3615 title = {{Parent and teacher perceptions of outcomes for typically developing children enrolled in integrated early childhood programs: A statewide survey}}, 3616 volume = {16}, 3617 year = {1992} 3618 } 3619 @incollection{BraxtonJohnM.andHirschy2005, 3620 address = {Westport, CT}, 3621 author = {Braxton, John M. and Hirschy, Amy. S.}, 3622 booktitle = {College Student Retention: Formula for Student Success}, 3623 editor = {Seidman, A.}, 3624 publisher = {American Council on Education and Praeger Publishers}, 3625 title = {{Theoretical developments in the study of college student departure}}, 3626 year = {2005} 3627 } 3628 @book{Knight1999, 3629 author = {Knight, Keith}, 3630 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1999/Mathematical Statistics (Chapman & HallCRC Texts in Statistical Science) - Knight.pdf:pdf}, 3631 isbn = {158488178X}, 3632 keywords = {Statistical Theory and Mathematical Statistics}, 3633 mendeley-tags = {Statistical Theory and Mathematical Statistics}, 3634 pages = {504}, 3635 publisher = {Chapman and Hall/CRC}, 3636 title = {{Mathematical Statistics (Chapman & Hall/CRC Texts in Statistical Science)}}, 3637 url = {http://www.amazon.com/Mathematical-Statistics-Chapman-Statistical-Science/dp/158488178X}, 3638 year = {1999} 3639 } 3640 @article{Cano2000, 3641 annote = {for mediation}, 3642 author = {Cano, A. and Weisberg, J. N. and Gallagher, R. M.}, 3643 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2000/Marital satisfaction and pain severity mediate the association between negative spouse responses to pain and depressive symptoms in a chronic pain patient sample - Cano, Weisberg, Gallagher.pdf:pdf}, 3644 journal = {Pain Medicine}, 3645 number = {1}, 3646 pages = {35--43}, 3647 title = {{Marital satisfaction and pain severity mediate the association between negative spouse responses to pain and depressive symptoms in a chronic pain patient sample}}, 3648 volume = {1}, 3649 year = {2000} 3650 } 3651 @misc{socialsecurityact, 3652 keywords = {Statute/Constitution}, 3653 mendeley-tags = {Statute/Constitution}, 3654 title = {{Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. 7}}, 3655 year = {1935} 3656 } 3657 @article{DeBettencourt2002, 3658 author = {DeBettencourt, L. U.}, 3659 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2002/Understanding the Differences between IDEA and Section 504 - deBettencourt.pdf:pdf}, 3660 journal = {Teaching Exceptional Children}, 3661 number = {3}, 3662 pages = {16--23}, 3663 title = {{Understanding the Differences between IDEA and Section 504}}, 3664 volume = {34}, 3665 year = {2002} 3666 } 3667 @book{Blanck2004, 3668 author = {Blanck, P. and Hill, E. and Siegal, C. and Waterstone, M.}, 3669 publisher = {Thomson/West, St. Paul, Minn.}, 3670 title = {{Disability civil rights law and policy}}, 3671 year = {2004} 3672 } 3673 @article{Artiles2011, 3674 author = {Artiles, AJ}, 3675 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2011/Toward an Interdisciplinary Understanding of Educational Equity and Difference - Artiles.pdf:pdf}, 3676 journal = {Educational Researcher}, 3677 pages = {431--445}, 3678 title = {{Toward an Interdisciplinary Understanding of Educational Equity and Difference}}, 3679 volume = {40}, 3680 year = {2011} 3681 } 3682 @article{Smith1998, 3683 author = {Smith, W. T. and Londborg, P. D. and Glaudin, V. and Painter, J. R.}, 3684 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1998/Short-Term Augmentation of Fluoxetine With Clonazepam in the Treatment of Depression A Double-Blind Study - Smith et al.pdf:pdf}, 3685 pages = {1339--1345}, 3686 shorttitle = {Short-Term Augmentation of Fluoxetine With Clonaze}, 3687 title = {{Short-Term Augmentation of Fluoxetine With Clonazepam in the Treatment of Depression: A Double-Blind Study}}, 3688 volume = {155}, 3689 year = {1998} 3690 } 3691 @book{Davidson2010, 3692 address = {New York, NY}, 3693 author = {Davidson, Kenneth R. and Donsig, Allan P.}, 3694 doi = {10.1007/978-0-387-98098-0}, 3695 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2010/Real Analysis and Applications - Davidson, Donsig.pdf:pdf}, 3696 isbn = {978-0-387-98097-3}, 3697 keywords = {Mathematics}, 3698 mendeley-tags = {Mathematics}, 3699 publisher = {Springer New York}, 3700 series = {Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics}, 3701 title = {{Real Analysis and Applications}}, 3702 year = {2010} 3703 } 3704 @article{wild2002rethinking, 3705 author = {Wild, L. and Ebbers, L.}, 3706 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2002/Rethinking student retention in community colleges - Wild, Ebbers.pdf:pdf}, 3707 journal = {Community College Journal of Research & Practice}, 3708 number = {6}, 3709 pages = {503--519}, 3710 title = {{Rethinking student retention in community colleges}}, 3711 volume = {26}, 3712 year = {2002} 3713 } 3714 @article{Martz2005, 3715 author = {Martz, E. and Livneh, H. and Priebe, M. and Wuermser, L. A. and Ottomanelli, L.}, 3716 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2005/Predictors of Psychosocial Adaptation Among People With Spinal Cord Injury or Disorder - Martz et al.pdf:pdf}, 3717 journal = {Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation}, 3718 number = {6}, 3719 pages = {1182--1192}, 3720 title = {{Predictors of Psychosocial Adaptation Among People With Spinal Cord Injury or Disorder}}, 3721 volume = {86}, 3722 year = {2005} 3723 } 3724 @book{Wiener, 3725 author = {{Richard L. Wiener} and Willborn, Steven L.}, 3726 editor = {Wiener, Richard L. and Willborn, Steven L.}, 3727 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2011/Disability and Aging Discrimination - Richard L. Wiener, Willborn.pdf:pdf}, 3728 title = {{Disability and Aging Discrimination}}, 3729 year = {2011} 3730 } 3731 @article{imai2009, 3732 annote = {Kosuke Imai, Gary King, and Olivia Lau. 2007. “Zelig: Everyone’s Statistical Software,” http://GKing.harvard.edu/zelig. 3733 3734 3735 Imai, Kosuke, Gary King, and Olivia Lau. (2008). “Toward A Common Frame- work for Statistical Analysis and Development.” Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, Vol. 17, No. 4 (December), pp. 892-913.}, 3736 author = {Imai, K. and King, G. and Lau, O.}, 3737 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/Zelig Everyone’s statistical software - Imai, King, Lau.pdf:pdf}, 3738 pages = {1--554}, 3739 publisher = {Citeseer}, 3740 title = {{Zelig: Everyone’s statistical software}}, 3741 year = {2009} 3742 } 3743 @article{Rubin1996, 3744 author = {Rubin, Donald B.}, 3745 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1996/Multiple Imputation After 18 Years - Rubin.pdf:pdf}, 3746 journal = {Journal of the American Statistical Association}, 3747 number = {434}, 3748 pages = {473 -- 489}, 3749 title = {{Multiple Imputation After 18+ Years}}, 3750 url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2291635}, 3751 volume = {91}, 3752 year = {1996} 3753 } 3754 @book{Rubin1987, 3755 address = {New York}, 3756 author = {Rubin, Donald B.}, 3757 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1987/Multiple Imputation for Nonresponse in Surveys - Rubin.pdf:pdf}, 3758 isbn = {0471655740}, 3759 keywords = {Mathematics}, 3760 mendeley-tags = {Mathematics}, 3761 publisher = {Wiley}, 3762 title = {{Multiple Imputation for Nonresponse in Surveys}}, 3763 year = {1987} 3764 } 3765 @article{Badley2008, 3766 abstract = {A key area left open in the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF) is the distinction between activity and participation. This paper suggests characteristics to distinguish between the components in the ICF model which explicitly include the relationship of contextual factors to the different components. Ten distinguishing characteristics are presented which fall into three major groups: the construct of the component, individual effects, and contextual influences. Application of these suggests that there are four distinguishable components of functioning, disability, and health, which are labeled body functions and structures, acts, tasks, and societal involvement. The body functions and structures component is the same as the ICF component. Acts, tasks, and societal involvement are sub-components of the combined ICF components of activity and participation. Contextual influences operate both as facilitators or barriers (as suggested in the ICF) and as scene-setters. An enhanced model of the relationship between the components is presented, suggesting that there are reciprocal relationships between contextual factors acting as scene-setters, contextual factors acting as facilitators or barriers, societal involvement, tasks, and acts. Further research is needed to determine to what extent these characteristics can be operationalized to distinguish between items in the ICF combined activity and participation classification.}, 3767 author = {Badley, Elizabeth M.}, 3768 doi = {10.1016/j.socscimed.2008.01.026}, 3769 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2008/Enhancing the conceptual clarity of the activity and participation components of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health - Badley.pdf:pdf}, 3770 issn = {0277-9536}, 3771 journal = {Social Science & Medicine}, 3772 keywords = {Activity,Conceptual model,Disability,Environmental factors,Functioning,Participation}, 3773 month = jun, 3774 number = {11}, 3775 pages = {2335--2345}, 3776 title = {{Enhancing the conceptual clarity of the activity and participation components of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health}}, 3777 volume = {66}, 3778 year = {2008} 3779 } 3780 @article{Law2007, 3781 author = {Law, M. and Petrenchik, T. and King, G. and Hurley, P.}, 3782 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/Perceived Environmental Barriers to Recreational, Community, and School Participation for Children and Youth With Physical Disabilities - Law et al.pdf:pdf}, 3783 journal = {Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation}, 3784 number = {12}, 3785 pages = {1636--1642}, 3786 title = {{Perceived Environmental Barriers to Recreational, Community, and School Participation for Children and Youth With Physical Disabilities}}, 3787 volume = {88}, 3788 year = {2007} 3789 } 3790 @article{Stephens1974, 3791 author = {Stephens, MA}, 3792 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1974/EDF statistics for goodness of fit and some comparisons - Stephens.pdf:pdf}, 3793 journal = {Journal of the American Statistical Association}, 3794 title = {{EDF statistics for goodness of fit and some comparisons}}, 3795 url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2286009}, 3796 year = {1974} 3797 } 3798 @article{Taleporos2002, 3799 author = {Taleporos, G. and McCabe, M. P.}, 3800 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2002/The Impact of Sexual Esteem, Body Esteem, and Sexual Satisfaction on Psychological Well-Being in People with Physical Disability - Taleporos, McCabe.pdf:pdf}, 3801 journal = {Sexuality and Disability}, 3802 number = {3}, 3803 pages = {177--183}, 3804 title = {{The Impact of Sexual Esteem, Body Esteem, and Sexual Satisfaction on Psychological Well-Being in People with Physical Disability}}, 3805 volume = {20}, 3806 year = {2002} 3807 } 3808 @article{Morris2009, 3809 author = {Morris, J and Reese, J}, 3810 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/Facebook Usage as a Predictor of Retention at a Private 4-Year Institution - Morris, Reese.pdf:pdf}, 3811 journal = {Journal of College Student Retention}, 3812 number = {3}, 3813 pages = {311--322}, 3814 title = {{Facebook Usage as a Predictor of Retention at a Private 4-Year Institution}}, 3815 volume = {11}, 3816 year = {2009} 3817 } 3818 @article{Kovacic2010, 3819 author = {Kova\v{c}i\'{c}, ZJ}, 3820 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2010/Early Prediction of Student Success Mining Students Enrollment Data - Kova\v{c}i\'{c}.pdf:pdf}, 3821 journal = {Proceedings of Informing Science & IT Education Conference (InSITE) 2010}, 3822 title = {{Early Prediction of Student Success: Mining Students Enrollment Data}}, 3823 url = {http://titania.addu.edu.ph/researches/DECISION SUPPORT/Early Prediction of Student Success Mining Students Enrollment Data.pdf}, 3824 year = {2010} 3825 } 3826 @article{Budh2007, 3827 author = {Budh, C. N. and Osteraker, A. L.}, 3828 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/Life satisfaction in individuals with a spinal cord injury and pain - Budh, Osteraker.pdf:pdf}, 3829 journal = {Clinical Rehabilitation}, 3830 number = {1}, 3831 pages = {89}, 3832 title = {{Life satisfaction in individuals with a spinal cord injury and pain}}, 3833 volume = {21}, 3834 year = {2007} 3835 } 3836 @article{Lareau1999, 3837 author = {Lareau, A. and Horvat, E. M. N.}, 3838 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1999/Moments of social inclusion and exclusion Race, class and cultural capital in family-school relationships - Lareau, Horvat.pdf:pdf}, 3839 journal = {Sociology of Education}, 3840 number = {1}, 3841 pages = {37--53}, 3842 shorttitle = {Moments of social inclusion and exclusion}, 3843 title = {{Moments of social inclusion and exclusion: Race, class and cultural capital in family-school relationships}}, 3844 volume = {72}, 3845 year = {1999} 3846 } 3847 @article{Friedland1999, 3848 author = {Friedland, MT}, 3849 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1999/Not Disabled Enough The ADA's Major Life Activity Definition of Disability - Friedland.pdf:pdf}, 3850 journal = {Stanford law review}, 3851 title = {{Not Disabled Enough: The ADA's" Major Life Activity" Definition of Disability}}, 3852 url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.2307/1229460}, 3853 year = {1999} 3854 } 3855 @article{McClurg2006, 3856 annote = {· What is the article about? how social networks affect political participation. 3857 · In the literature review and/or conceptual framework, how do authors talk about the relationship between political participation/orientation and life course experiences, and/or the relationship between political participation/orientation and college experiences? nothing on life-course but more on the experiences of talking with political participation with others, which may be influenced in a college setting. 3858 · What interesting thoughts or assertions did authors make in literature review or discussion that we can use in our paper? (e.g., “the need to promote political participation is essential for our democracy,” “those who do not participate politically are likely to have a highly undemocratic view of the world”) Think about things we can use for fodder. discussions among individuals who are politically active may make them more knowledgeable about political issues and allow them to be more politically active. they also can pick up cues from others on their political predispositions (zaller 1992). 3859 · What variables or concepts relate to political participation? political talk, political agreement, and political knowledge. also controlled for was respondant knowledge, interest, strength of partisanship and political contact, and volume of political talk, % agreeing with discussants and political knolwedge. 3860 · What are the research questions of the study? does political talk affect participation. 3861 · What data was used or collected? survey administered during 1996 political participation on two midwestern communities. 3862 · What methodologies were employed? negative binomial regression and linear regression, ordinered regression 3863 · IF SEM, describe model they intend to estimate none 3864 · What findings were relevant to understanding political participation? 3865 3866 the model adding volume of political talk, % agreeing with discussants and political knolwedge significantly added to model fit showing these are significantly adding to the model controlling for control variables discussed above including education and age. 3867 · What interesting things stated in the discussion can we use for our paper. Make sure you cite everything. that the people around you can influence your political participation and it can be also who you choose to hang out with as possible predictive of political participation. 3868 · List citations of other studies that authors reference of regarding the relationship between political participation/orientation and/or the relationship between life course experiences, and/or political participation and college experiences? 3869 3870 3871 3872 University Press. Zuckerman,of Chicago New 3873 Zaller, J. 1992. The Nature and Origins of Mass Opinion. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 3874 3875 }, 3876 author = {McClurg, S. D.}, 3877 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/The electoral relevance of political talk Examining disagreement and expertise effects in social networks on political participation - McClurg.pdf:pdf}, 3878 journal = {American Journal of Political Science}, 3879 number = {3}, 3880 pages = {737--754}, 3881 title = {{The electoral relevance of political talk: Examining disagreement and expertise effects in social networks on political participation}}, 3882 url = {http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1540-5907.2006.00213.x/full}, 3883 volume = {50}, 3884 year = {2006} 3885 } 3886 @article{Paulsen2005, 3887 author = {Paulsen, J. S. and Nehl, C. and Hoth, K. F. and Kanz, J. E. and Benjamin, M. and Conybeare, R. and McDowell, B. and Turner, B.}, 3888 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2005/Depression and Stages of Huntington's Disease - Paulsen et al.pdf:pdf}, 3889 pages = {496--502}, 3890 title = {{Depression and Stages of Huntington's Disease}}, 3891 volume = {17}, 3892 year = {2005} 3893 } 3894 @book{FriedrichLiese, 3895 address = {New York}, 3896 author = {Liese, Friedrich and Miescke, Klaus‐J. and Hand, DJ}, 3897 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2008/Statistical Decision Theory Estimation, Testing, and Selection - Liese, Miescke, Hand.pdf:pdf}, 3898 publisher = {Springer}, 3899 title = {{Statistical Decision Theory: Estimation, Testing, and Selection}}, 3900 year = {2008} 3901 } 3902 @article{Wiggins1979, 3903 author = {Wiggins, J. S.}, 3904 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1979/A psychological taxonomy of trait-descriptive terms The interpersonal domain - Wiggins.pdf:pdf}, 3905 journal = {Journal of Personality and Social Psychology}, 3906 number = {3}, 3907 pages = {395--412}, 3908 shorttitle = {A psychological taxonomy of trait-descriptive term}, 3909 title = {{A psychological taxonomy of trait-descriptive terms: The interpersonal domain}}, 3910 volume = {37}, 3911 year = {1979} 3912 } 3913 @book{Dudley, 3914 author = {Dudley, Richard}, 3915 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2003/Mathematical Statistics - Dudley.pdf:pdf}, 3916 keywords = {Statistical Theory and Mathematical Statistics}, 3917 mendeley-tags = {Statistical Theory and Mathematical Statistics}, 3918 title = {{Mathematical Statistics}}, 3919 year = {2003} 3920 } 3921 @article{john1989effects, 3922 author = {John, E.P.S. and Noell, J.}, 3923 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1989/The effects of student financial aid on access to higher education An analysis of progress with special consideration of minority enrollment - John, Noell.pdf:pdf}, 3924 journal = {Research in higher Education}, 3925 number = {6}, 3926 pages = {563--581}, 3927 publisher = {Springer}, 3928 title = {{The effects of student financial aid on access to higher education: An analysis of progress with special consideration of minority enrollment}}, 3929 url = {http://www.springerlink.com/index/T30103054557NG28.pdf}, 3930 volume = {30}, 3931 year = {1989} 3932 } 3933 @article{Kennedy1997, 3934 author = {Kennedy, P. and Frankel, H. and Gardner, B. and Nuseibeh, I.}, 3935 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1997/Factors associated with acute and chronic pain following traumatic spinal cord injuries - Kennedy et al.pdf:pdf}, 3936 journal = {Spinal Cord}, 3937 number = {12}, 3938 pages = {814--817}, 3939 title = {{Factors associated with acute and chronic pain following traumatic spinal cord injuries}}, 3940 volume = {35}, 3941 year = {1997} 3942 } 3943 @book{Dekking2005a, 3944 annote = {http://www.springerlink.com/content/978-1-85233-896-1#section=531358&page=1}, 3945 author = {Dekking, F.M. and Kraaikamp, C. and Lopuha\"{a}, H.P. and Meester, L.E.}, 3946 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2005/A Modern Introduction to Probability and Statistics Understanding Why and How (Springer Texts in Statistics) - Dekking et al.pdf:pdf}, 3947 keywords = {Linaer Models,Statistical Theory and Mathematical Statistics}, 3948 mendeley-tags = {Linaer Models,Statistical Theory and Mathematical Statistics}, 3949 publisher = {Springer}, 3950 title = {{A Modern Introduction to Probability and Statistics: Understanding Why and How (Springer Texts in Statistics)}}, 3951 year = {2005} 3952 } 3953 @article{Hurtado1999, 3954 author = {Hurtado, S and Milem, J}, 3955 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1999/Enacting Diverse Learning Environments Improving the Climate for RacialEthnic Diversity in Higher Education. ASHE-ERIC Higher Education Report, Vol. 26 - Hurtado, Milem.pdf:pdf}, 3956 title = {{Enacting Diverse Learning Environments: Improving the Climate for Racial/Ethnic Diversity in Higher Education. ASHE-ERIC Higher Education Report, Vol. 26}}, 3957 url = {http://eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/recordDetail?accno=ED430514}, 3958 year = {1999} 3959 } 3960 @article{ReneeWE1983, 3961 author = {Weber, Renee and Crocker, Jennifer}, 3962 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1983/Cognitive Processes in the Revision of Stereotypic Beliefs - Weber, Crocker.pdf:pdf}, 3963 journal = {Journal of Personality and Social Psychology}, 3964 title = {{Cognitive processes in the revision of stereotypic beliefs}}, 3965 url = {http://psycnet.apa.org/journals/psp/45/5/961/}, 3966 year = {1983} 3967 } 3968 @article{Smith2005, 3969 author = {Smith, L. A. and Williams, J. M.}, 3970 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2005/Developmental differences in understanding the causes, controllability and chronicity of disabilities - Smith, Williams.pdf:pdf}, 3971 journal = {Child: Care, Health & Development}, 3972 number = {4}, 3973 pages = {479}, 3974 title = {{Developmental differences in understanding the causes, controllability and chronicity of disabilities}}, 3975 volume = {31}, 3976 year = {2005} 3977 } 3978 @article{Fotouhi2003, 3979 author = {Fotouhi, AR}, 3980 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2003/Comparisons of estimation procedures for nonlinear multilevel models - Fotouhi.pdf:pdf}, 3981 journal = {Journal of Statistical Software}, 3982 title = {{Comparisons of estimation procedures for nonlinear multilevel models}}, 3983 year = {2003} 3984 } 3985 @article{MacCallum1993, 3986 author = {MacCallum, R. C. and Wegener, D. T. and Uchino, B. N. and Fabrigar, L. R.}, 3987 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1993/The problem of equivalent models in applications of covariance structure analysis - MacCallum et al.pdf:pdf}, 3988 journal = {Psychological Bulletin}, 3989 pages = {185--185}, 3990 title = {{The problem of equivalent models in applications of covariance structure analysis}}, 3991 volume = {114}, 3992 year = {1993} 3993 } 3994 @book{Larsen2011, 3995 annote = {buy}, 3996 author = {Larsen, Richard J. and Marx, Morris L.}, 3997 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2011/Introduction to Mathematical Statistics and Its Applications, An (5th Edition) - Larsen, Marx.djvu:djvu}, 3998 isbn = {0321693949}, 3999 keywords = {Statistical Theory and Mathematical Statistics}, 4000 mendeley-tags = {Statistical Theory and Mathematical Statistics}, 4001 pages = {768}, 4002 publisher = {Prentice Hall}, 4003 title = {{Introduction to Mathematical Statistics and Its Applications, An (5th Edition)}}, 4004 url = {http://www.amazon.com/Introduction-Mathematical-Statistics-Its-Applications/dp/0321693949}, 4005 year = {2011} 4006 } 4007 @article{Scott2010, 4008 author = {Scott, JG and Berger, JO}, 4009 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2010/Bayes and empirical-Bayes multiplicity adjustment in the variable-selection problem - Scott, Berger.pdf:pdf}, 4010 journal = {The Annals of Statistics}, 4011 title = {{Bayes and empirical-Bayes multiplicity adjustment in the variable-selection problem}}, 4012 year = {2010} 4013 } 4014 @article{Lovett2010, 4015 author = {Lovett, BJ}, 4016 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2010/Extended Time Testing Accommodations for Students With Disabilities Answers to Five Fundamental Questions - Lovett.pdf:pdf}, 4017 journal = {Review of Educational Research}, 4018 title = {{Extended Time Testing Accommodations for Students With Disabilities: Answers to Five Fundamental Questions}}, 4019 url = {http://rer.sagepub.com/content/early/2010/06/03/0034654310364063.abstract}, 4020 year = {2010} 4021 } 4022 @article{Glasman2006, 4023 abstract = {A meta-analysis (k of conditions = 128; N = 4,598) examined the influence of factors present at the time an attitude is formed on the degree to which this attitude guides future behavior. The findings indicated that attitudes correlated with a future behavior more strongly when they were easy to recall (accessible) and stable over time. Because of increased accessibility, attitudes more strongly predicted future behavior when participants had direct experience with the attitude object and reported their attitudes frequently. Because of the resulting attitude stability, the attitude-behavior association was strongest when attitudes were confident, when participants formed their attitude on the basis of behavior-relevant information, and when they received or were induced to think about one- rather than two-sided information about the attitude object. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2008 APA, all rights reserved). (from the journal abstract)}, 4024 author = {Glasman, Laura R. and Albarrac\'{\i}n, Dolores}, 4025 doi = {10.1037/0033-2909.132.5.778}, 4026 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/Forming attitudes that predict future behavior A meta-analysis of the attitude-behavior relation - Glasman, Albarrac\'{\i}n.pdf:pdf}, 4027 issn = {0033-2909}, 4028 journal = {Psychological Bulletin}, 4029 keywords = {Adult Attitudes,Behavior,attitude accessibility,attitude change,attitude formation,attitude stability,attitude-behavior relation,meta-analysis}, 4030 number = {5}, 4031 pages = {778--822}, 4032 shorttitle = {Forming attitudes that predict future behavior}, 4033 title = {{Forming attitudes that predict future behavior: A meta-analysis of the attitude-behavior relation}}, 4034 url = {dalbarra@ufl.edu}, 4035 volume = {132}, 4036 year = {2006} 4037 } 4038 @techreport{CathyHenderson, 4039 address = {Washington, D.C.}, 4040 author = {Henderson, Cathy}, 4041 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1992/College Freshman with Disabilities A Statistical Profile - Henderson.pdf:pdf}, 4042 institution = {American Council on Education}, 4043 title = {{College Freshman with Disabilities A Statistical Profile}}, 4044 year = {1992} 4045 } 4046 @article{Hutchison1995, 4047 author = {Hutchison, T.}, 4048 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1995/The classification of disability - Hutchison.pdf:pdf}, 4049 journal = {Archives of Disease in Childhood}, 4050 number = {2}, 4051 pages = {91}, 4052 title = {{The classification of disability}}, 4053 volume = {73}, 4054 year = {1995} 4055 } 4056 @techreport{habley2004works, 4057 address = {Iowa City, IA}, 4058 author = {Habley, Wes and Valiga, Michael and McClanahan, Randy and Burkum, Kurt}, 4059 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2010/What works in student retention - Habley et al.pdf:pdf}, 4060 institution = {ACT, Inc.}, 4061 title = {{What works in student retention}}, 4062 volume = {21}, 4063 year = {2010} 4064 } 4065 @article{Liu2005, 4066 author = {Liu, Ivy and Agresti, Alan}, 4067 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2005/The analysis of ordered categorical data An overview and a survey of recent developments - Liu, Agresti.pdf:pdf}, 4068 journal = {TEST}, 4069 number = {1}, 4070 pages = {1--73}, 4071 title = {{The analysis of ordered categorical data: An overview and a survey of recent developments}}, 4072 url = {http://www.springerlink.com/index/vj250ju52484xj03.pdf}, 4073 volume = {14}, 4074 year = {2005} 4075 } 4076 @article{Pascarella1983, 4077 abstract = {Tinto's model of college persistence/withdrawal, developed for residential colleges, is tested at a nonresidential institution. Results indicated that the concepts of person-environment fit, social integration, and institutional commitment operated differently in the commuter institution. A reconceptualized model for explaining persistence/withdrawal decisions is discussed. (Author/IS)}, 4078 author = {Pascarella, Ernest T. and {Paul B. Duby} and Iverson, Barbara K.}, 4079 journal = {Sociology of Education}, 4080 keywords = {College Freshmen,Commuter Colleges,Decision Making,Dropout Characteristics,Dropout Research,Dropouts,Higher Education,Institutional Characteristics,Models,Research Design,Residential Colleges,School Holding Power,Social Environment,Social Integration,Student Characteristics,Student College Relationship}, 4081 month = apr, 4082 number = {2}, 4083 pages = {88--100}, 4084 title = {{A Test and Reconceptualization of a Theoretical Model of College Withdrawal in a Commuter Institution Setting}}, 4085 volume = {56}, 4086 year = {1983} 4087 } 4088 @book{ErnestT.PascarellaAuthor2005, 4089 annote = {Purchased from: Amazon Kindle 4090 4091 4092 277-279 4093 288-290 4094 295-296 4095 307-309 4096 330-332 4097 559-560 4098 561-562 4099 565-566 4100 4101 4102 Ladd, 1996 4103 (Astin, 1996b; 4104 Kuh, 1993). 4105 4106 4107 (American Association of Colleges and Universities, 2002; Boyte, 2000; Campus Compact, 1999; Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, 1991; Colby, Ehrlich, Beaumont, & Stephens, 2003; Ehrlich, 2000; Levine, 1994; National Education Goals Panel, 1992; Schneider, 2001; see also Wellman, 1999). 4108 4109 4110 (Ingels et al., 2002; Knox, Lindsay, & Kolb, 1993). 4111 (Berkner, He, & Cataldi, 2002; Bowen & Bok, 1998; Graham & Cockriel, 1997; Ingels et al., 2002; Kuh et al., 2001; Nolin & Chapman, 1997; "Why College?" 1999). 4112 4113 4114 (Huang & Healy, 1997; Sax, 2000; Smith et al., 1994), (Sax & Astin, 1998; Smith et al., 1994), 4115 4116 }, 4117 author = {Pascarella, Ernest T. and Terenzini, Patrick T.}, 4118 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2005/How College Affects Students A Third Decade of Research - Pascarella, Terenzini.pdf:pdf}, 4119 isbn = {0787910449}, 4120 pages = {848}, 4121 publisher = {Jossey-Bass; 1 edition}, 4122 title = {{How College Affects Students: A Third Decade of Research}}, 4123 year = {2005} 4124 } 4125 @article{Bonanno2007, 4126 author = {Bonanno, G. A. and Galea, S. and Bucciarelli, A. and Vlahov, D.}, 4127 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/What predicts psychological resilience after disaster The role of demographics, resources, and life stress - Bonanno et al.pdf:pdf}, 4128 journal = {Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology}, 4129 number = {5}, 4130 pages = {671--682}, 4131 shorttitle = {What predicts psychological resilience after disas}, 4132 title = {{What predicts psychological resilience after disaster? The role of demographics, resources, and life stress}}, 4133 volume = {75}, 4134 year = {2007} 4135 } 4136 @article{Kennedy2006, 4137 author = {Kennedy, P. and Lude, P. and Taylor, N.}, 4138 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/Quality of life, social participation, appraisals and coping post spinal cord injury a review of four community samples - Kennedy, Lude, Taylor.pdf:pdf}, 4139 journal = {Spinal Cord}, 4140 pages = {95--105}, 4141 shorttitle = {Quality of life, social participation, appraisals }, 4142 title = {{Quality of life, social participation, appraisals and coping post spinal cord injury: a review of four community samples}}, 4143 volume = {44}, 4144 year = {2006} 4145 } 4146 @article{Wand2002, 4147 author = {Wand, MP}, 4148 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2002/Vector differential calculus in statistics - Wand.pdf:pdf}, 4149 journal = {The American Statistician}, 4150 title = {{Vector differential calculus in statistics}}, 4151 url = {http://pubs.amstat.org/doi/pdf/10.1198/000313002753631376}, 4152 year = {2002} 4153 } 4154 @article{Cano2004, 4155 author = {Cano, A.}, 4156 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2004/Pain catastrophizing and social support in married individuals with chronic pain the moderating role of pain duration - Cano.pdf:pdf}, 4157 journal = {Pain}, 4158 number = {3}, 4159 pages = {656--664}, 4160 shorttitle = {Pain catastrophizing and social support in married}, 4161 title = {{Pain catastrophizing and social support in married individuals with chronic pain: the moderating role of pain duration}}, 4162 volume = {110}, 4163 year = {2004} 4164 } 4165 @article{pascarella1980predicting, 4166 author = {Pascarella, Ernest T. and Terenzini, Patrick T.}, 4167 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1980/Predicting freshman persistence and voluntary dropout decisions from a theoretical model - Pascarella, Terenzini.pdf:pdf}, 4168 journal = {The Journal of Higher Education}, 4169 number = {1}, 4170 pages = {60--75}, 4171 publisher = {JSTOR}, 4172 title = {{Predicting freshman persistence and voluntary dropout decisions from a theoretical model}}, 4173 volume = {51}, 4174 year = {1980} 4175 } 4176 @book{billingsley2008probability, 4177 annote = {buy}, 4178 author = {Billingsley, P.}, 4179 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2008/Probability and measure - Billingsley.djvu:djvu}, 4180 keywords = {Probability}, 4181 mendeley-tags = {Probability}, 4182 publisher = {Wiley-India}, 4183 title = {{Probability and measure}}, 4184 url = {http://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&q=Probability+and+measure&btnG=Search&as_sdt=0,48&as_ylo=&as_vis=0#0}, 4185 year = {2008} 4186 } 4187 @article{Cohn2004, 4188 author = {Cohn, EG and Rotton, J}, 4189 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2004/Temperature, City Size, and the Southern Subculture of Violence Support for Social EscapeAvoidance (SEA) Theory - Cohn, Rotton.pdf:pdf}, 4190 journal = {Journal of Applied Social Psychology}, 4191 title = {{Temperature, City Size, and the Southern Subculture of Violence: Support for Social Escape/Avoidance (SEA) Theory}}, 4192 url = {http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1559-1816.2004.tb02792.x/abstract}, 4193 year = {2004} 4194 } 4195 @article{Hahn1993a, 4196 annote = {\textcite{Hahn1993a} discusses the social model as interaction between individuals and their environment. }, 4197 author = {Hahn, H}, 4198 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1993/The political implications of disability definitions and data - Hahn.pdf:pdf}, 4199 journal = {Journal of Disability Policy Studies}, 4200 number = {2}, 4201 pages = {41--52}, 4202 title = {{The political implications of disability definitions and data}}, 4203 url = {http://dps.sagepub.com/content/4/2/41.short}, 4204 volume = {4}, 4205 year = {1993} 4206 } 4207 @article{Sarason1983, 4208 author = {Sarason, I. G. and Levine, H. M. and Basham, R. B. and Sarason, B. R.}, 4209 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1983/Assessing social support The social support questionnaire - Sarason et al.pdf:pdf}, 4210 journal = {Journal of Personality and Social Psychology}, 4211 number = {1}, 4212 pages = {127--139}, 4213 title = {{Assessing social support: The social support questionnaire}}, 4214 volume = {44}, 4215 year = {1983} 4216 } 4217 @article{sobel1982asymptotic, 4218 author = {Sobel, M.E.}, 4219 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1982/Asymptotic confidence intervals for indirect effects in structural equation models - Sobel.pdf:pdf}, 4220 journal = {Sociological methodology}, 4221 number = {1982}, 4222 pages = {290--312}, 4223 publisher = {American Sociological Association}, 4224 title = {{Asymptotic confidence intervals for indirect effects in structural equation models}}, 4225 url = {http://www.mendeley.com/research/asymptotic-confidence-intervals-for-indirect-effects-in-structural-equation-models/}, 4226 volume = {13}, 4227 year = {1982} 4228 } 4229 @article{Faw2005, 4230 author = {Faw, B}, 4231 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2005/What We Know and What We Don't About Consciousness Science - Faw.pdf:pdf}, 4232 journal = {Journal of Consciousness Studies}, 4233 title = {{What We Know and What We Don't About Consciousness Science}}, 4234 url = {http://www.imprint.co.uk/pdf/ASSC_9.pdf}, 4235 year = {2005} 4236 } 4237 @article{Pym2005, 4238 author = {Pym, L. J. and Cook, S. M. and Rosahl, T. and McKernan, R. M. and Atack, J. R.}, 4239 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2005/Selective labelling of diazepam-insensitive GABA A receptors in vivo using 3 H Ro 15-4513 - Pym et al.pdf:pdf}, 4240 journal = {British Journal of Pharmacology}, 4241 pages = {817--825}, 4242 title = {{Selective labelling of diazepam-insensitive GABA A receptors in vivo using [3 H] Ro 15-4513}}, 4243 volume = {146}, 4244 year = {2005} 4245 } 4246 @incollection{Hopson2000a, 4247 address = {San Francisco, CA}, 4248 author = {Hopson, Rodney K.}, 4249 booktitle = {New Directions for Evaluation}, 4250 doi = {10.1002/ev.1167}, 4251 editor = {Hopson, R. K.}, 4252 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2000/Editor's notes - Hopson.pdf:pdf}, 4253 issn = {1097-6736}, 4254 month = jan, 4255 number = {86}, 4256 pages = {1--3}, 4257 publisher = {Jossey-Bass}, 4258 title = {{Editor's notes}}, 4259 url = {http://doi.wiley.com/10.1002/ev.1167}, 4260 volume = {2000}, 4261 year = {2000} 4262 } 4263 @article{Besag1994, 4264 author = {Besag, J}, 4265 journal = {The Annals of Statistics}, 4266 title = {{Discussion: Markov chains for exploring posterior distributions}}, 4267 url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.2307/2242479}, 4268 year = {1994} 4269 } 4270 @article{Cohen1985, 4271 author = {Cohen, S. and Wills, T. A.}, 4272 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1985/Stress, social support, and the buffering hypothesis - Cohen, Wills.pdf:pdf}, 4273 journal = {Psychological Bulletin}, 4274 number = {2}, 4275 pages = {310--57}, 4276 title = {{Stress, social support, and the buffering hypothesis}}, 4277 volume = {98}, 4278 year = {1985} 4279 } 4280 @article{Grayson1996, 4281 author = {Grayson, E. and Marini, I.}, 4282 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1996/Simulated disability exercises and their impact on attitudes toward persons with disabilities - Grayson, Marini.pdf:pdf}, 4283 journal = {International Journal of Rehabilitation Research}, 4284 number = {2}, 4285 pages = {123}, 4286 title = {{Simulated disability exercises and their impact on attitudes toward persons with disabilities}}, 4287 volume = {19}, 4288 year = {1996} 4289 } 4290 @article{giordano1993family, 4291 author = {Giordano, P.C. and Cernkovich, S.A. and DeMaris, A.}, 4292 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1993/The family and peer relations of Black adolescents - Giordano, Cernkovich, DeMaris.pdf:pdf}, 4293 journal = {Journal of Marriage & the Family}, 4294 publisher = {Blackwell Publishing}, 4295 title = {{The family and peer relations of Black adolescents}}, 4296 url = {http://psycnet.apa.org/psycinfo/2001-05388-002}, 4297 year = {1993} 4298 } 4299 @article{Agarwal2002, 4300 author = {Agarwal, D K and Gelfand, A E and Citron-Pousty, S}, 4301 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2002/Zero-inflated models with application to spatial count data - Agarwal, Gelfand, Citron-Pousty.pdf:pdf}, 4302 journal = {Environmental and Ecological Statistics}, 4303 pages = {341--355}, 4304 title = {{Zero-inflated models with application to spatial count data}}, 4305 volume = {9}, 4306 year = {2002} 4307 } 4308 @article{tucker2006, 4309 author = {Tucker, K.L. and Ozer, D.J. and Lyubomirsky, S. and Boehm, J.K.}, 4310 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/Testing for measurement invariance in the satisfaction with life scale A comparison of Russians and North Americans - Tucker et al.pdf:pdf}, 4311 journal = {Social Indicators Research}, 4312 number = {2}, 4313 pages = {341--360}, 4314 publisher = {Springer}, 4315 title = {{Testing for measurement invariance in the satisfaction with life scale: A comparison of Russians and North Americans}}, 4316 volume = {78}, 4317 year = {2006} 4318 } 4319 @article{Hebl2005, 4320 author = {Hebl, M. R. and Skorinko, J. L.}, 4321 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2005/Acknowledging One's Physical Disability in the Interview Does When” Make a Difference - Hebl, Skorinko.pdf:pdf}, 4322 journal = {Journal of Applied Social Psychology}, 4323 number = {12}, 4324 pages = {2477--2492}, 4325 shorttitle = {Acknowledging One's Physical Disability in the Int}, 4326 title = {{Acknowledging One's Physical Disability in the Interview: Does "When” Make a Difference?}}, 4327 volume = {35}, 4328 year = {2005} 4329 } 4330 @book{Breslow1996, 4331 author = {Breslow, Norman}, 4332 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1996/Generalized Linear Models Checking Assumptions and Strengthening Conclusions - Breslow.pdf:pdf}, 4333 keywords = {Linear Models}, 4334 mendeley-tags = {Linear Models}, 4335 title = {{Generalized Linear Models: Checking Assumptions and Strengthening Conclusions}}, 4336 year = {1996} 4337 } 4338 @inproceedings{Tinto2006a, 4339 author = {Tinto, V. and Pusser, B.}, 4340 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/Moving from theory to action Building a model of institutional action for student success - Tinto, Pusser.pdf:pdf}, 4341 pages = {2007}, 4342 title = {{Moving from theory to action: Building a model of institutional action for student success}}, 4343 volume = {23}, 4344 year = {2006} 4345 } 4346 @article{Stein1997, 4347 author = {Stein, M. B. and Walker, J. R. and Hazen, A. L. and Forde, D. R.}, 4348 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1997/Full and Partial Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Findings From a Community Survey - Stein et al.pdf:pdf}, 4349 journal = {American Journal of Psychiatry}, 4350 number = {8}, 4351 pages = {1114--1119}, 4352 shorttitle = {Full and Partial Posttraumatic Stress Disorder}, 4353 title = {{Full and Partial Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Findings From a Community Survey}}, 4354 volume = {154}, 4355 year = {1997} 4356 } 4357 @article{hayes2009beyond, 4358 author = {Hayes, A.F.}, 4359 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/Beyond Baron and Kenny Statistical mediation analysis in the new millennium - Hayes.pdf:pdf}, 4360 journal = {Communication Monographs}, 4361 number = {4}, 4362 pages = {408--420}, 4363 publisher = {Taylor & Francis}, 4364 title = {{Beyond Baron and Kenny: Statistical mediation analysis in the new millennium}}, 4365 volume = {76}, 4366 year = {2009} 4367 } 4368 @article{Shakespeare2002, 4369 author = {Shakespeare, T. and Watson, N.}, 4370 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2002/The social model of disability an outdated ideology - Shakespeare, Watson.pdf:pdf}, 4371 journal = {The Disability Studies Reader}, 4372 number = {1}, 4373 pages = {9--28}, 4374 publisher = {Emerald Group Publishing Limited}, 4375 title = {{The social model of disability: an outdated ideology}}, 4376 volume = {2}, 4377 year = {2002} 4378 } 4379 @incollection{Museus2008, 4380 author = {Museus, SD}, 4381 booktitle = {Using campus culture assessments to enhance cross-cultural engagement}, 4382 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2008/Focusing on institutional fabric - Museus.pdf:pdf}, 4383 title = {{Focusing on institutional fabric}}, 4384 year = {2008} 4385 } 4386 @misc{washstatedisability, 4387 keywords = {Statute/Constitution}, 4388 mendeley-tags = {Statute/Constitution}, 4389 title = {{Revised Code of Washington 49.60.040}}, 4390 year = {2009} 4391 } 4392 @article{mayes1982surveying, 4393 author = {Mayes, A.N. and McConatha, J.}, 4394 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1982/Surveying student needs A means of evaluating student services - Mayes, McConatha.pdf:pdf}, 4395 journal = {Journal of College Student Personnel}, 4396 number = {6}, 4397 pages = {473--76}, 4398 title = {{Surveying student needs: A means of evaluating student services}}, 4399 url = {http://eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/recordDetail?accno=EJ272305}, 4400 volume = {23}, 4401 year = {1982} 4402 } 4403 @article{Elliott1996, 4404 abstract = {Although depression has been widely studied among persons with spinal cord injury, the ubiquitous and unsophisticated use of the term and presumtions about its manifestations in the rehabilitation setting have needlessly encumbered the understanding and treatment of depression. Major themes and issues in the study, measurement, and treatment of depression among persons with spinal cord injury are reviewed. Greater precision is recommended in distinguishing diagnosable depression from displays of negative affect, anxiety, distress, and dysphoria. Correlates of depressive behavior among persons with SCI are surveyed, and guidelines for research and practice in the SCI setting are explicated.}, 4405 author = {Elliott, Timothy R. and Frank, Robert G.}, 4406 doi = {10.1016/S0003-9993(96)90263-4}, 4407 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1996/Depression following spinal cord injury - Elliott, Frank.pdf:pdf}, 4408 issn = {0003-9993}, 4409 journal = {Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation}, 4410 month = aug, 4411 number = {8}, 4412 pages = {816--823}, 4413 title = {{Depression following spinal cord injury}}, 4414 url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6WB6-4CG1SCG-29/2/615b5d8a392e6bc3b48837212008452e}, 4415 volume = {77}, 4416 year = {1996} 4417 } 4418 @article{Batavia2001, 4419 author = {Batavia, Andrew I. and Schriner, Kay}, 4420 doi = {10.1111/j.1541-0072.2001.tb02122.x}, 4421 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2001/The Americans With Disabilities Act as Engine of Social Change Models of Disability and the Potential of a Civil Rights Approach - Batavia, Schriner.pdf:pdf}, 4422 issn = {0190-292X}, 4423 journal = {Policy Studies Journal}, 4424 month = nov, 4425 number = {4}, 4426 pages = {690--702}, 4427 title = {{The Americans With Disabilities Act as Engine of Social Change: Models of Disability and the Potential of a Civil Rights Approach}}, 4428 volume = {29}, 4429 year = {2001} 4430 } 4431 @article{Tierney2000, 4432 author = {Tierney, WG}, 4433 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2000/Power, identity, and the dilemma of college student departure - Tierney.pdf:pdf}, 4434 journal = {Reworking the student departure puzzle}, 4435 title = {{Power, identity, and the dilemma of college student departure}}, 4436 year = {2000} 4437 } 4438 @article{Drimmer1992, 4439 author = {Drimmer, J. C.}, 4440 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1992/Cripples, overcomers, and civil rights Tracing the evolution of federal legislation and social policy for people with disabilities - Drimmer.PDF:PDF}, 4441 journal = {UCLA Law Review}, 4442 pages = {1341}, 4443 title = {{Cripples, overcomers, and civil rights: Tracing the evolution of federal legislation and social policy for people with disabilities}}, 4444 volume = {40}, 4445 year = {1992} 4446 } 4447 @book{Mejlbro, 4448 author = {Mejlbro, Leif}, 4449 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/Discrete Distributions - Probability Examples - Mejlbro.pdf:pdf}, 4450 isbn = {9788776815219}, 4451 keywords = {Probability}, 4452 mendeley-tags = {Probability}, 4453 publisher = {Leif Mejlbro & Ventus Publishing ApS}, 4454 title = {{Discrete Distributions - Probability Examples}}, 4455 year = {2009} 4456 } 4457 @book{Hirst2005, 4458 address = {New York}, 4459 author = {Hirst, K. E.}, 4460 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2005/Calculus of one variable - Hirst.pdf:pdf}, 4461 keywords = {Mathematics}, 4462 mendeley-tags = {Mathematics}, 4463 publisher = {Springer}, 4464 title = {{Calculus of one variable}}, 4465 year = {2005} 4466 } 4467 @article{DeBerard2004, 4468 abstract = {This research examines potential psychosocial predictors of freshman academic achievement and retention. College students were assessed on various dimensions, (i.e., demographics, prior academic record, smoking, drinking, health-related quality of life, social support, coping) during the first week of their freshman year, and at the beginning of the next academic year. A multiple linear regression equation predicting cumulative GPA using 10 predictors accounted for 56% of the variance in academic achievement while a logistic equation predicting retention rates was not statistically significant. The amount of variance accounted for in first year cumulative GPA (56%) represents a substantial improvement in prediction over using highschool GPA and SAT scores alone (25%; Wolfe & Johnson, 1995). However, similar to past research, some health and psychosocial variables (e.g., smoking, drinking, health-related quality of life, social support, and maladaptive coping strategies) were related to retention. This model may be used as a tool to proactively identify students at high risk for poor academic performance during their freshman year and to provide direction regarding proactive intervention strategies for maladaptive behaviors predictive of poor academic performance (e.g., smoking, binge-drinking, social support, coping). Reprinted by permission of the publisher.}, 4469 author = {Deberard, M. Scott and Spielmans, Glen I. and Julka, D. L.}, 4470 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2004/Predictors of Academic Achievement and Retention Among College Freshmen A Longitudinal Study - Deberard, Spielmans, Julka.pdf:pdf}, 4471 issn = {01463934}, 4472 journal = {College Student Journal}, 4473 keywords = {freshmen -- achievements,holding power -- college}, 4474 number = {1}, 4475 pages = {66--80}, 4476 title = {{Predictors of Academic Achievement and Retention Among College Freshmen: A Longitudinal Study}}, 4477 volume = {38}, 4478 year = {2004} 4479 } 4480 @article{Sigelman1986, 4481 author = {Sigelman, C. K. and Miller, T. E. and Whitworth, L. A.}, 4482 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1986/The early development of stigmatizing reactions to physical differences - Sigelman, Miller, Whitworth.pdf:pdf}, 4483 journal = {Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology}, 4484 number = {1}, 4485 pages = {17--32}, 4486 title = {{The early development of stigmatizing reactions to physical differences}}, 4487 volume = {7}, 4488 year = {1986} 4489 } 4490 @article{Ott1988, 4491 abstract = {As a first step in developing a model of academic dismissal, logistic regression was employed to analyze predictors of academic performance (academic dismissal versus satisfactory performance) for first-time freshmen after one semester in an eastern state university. The analyses for each of two entry years produced very similar results. The analyses indicated that academic performance was highly related to high school academic grade point average (gpa). After controlling for SAT Verbal and SAT Math scores and high school academic gpa, race and the academic grouping of the student's major were significantly related to academic performance. However, for students of a given race and in a given academic grouping with the same SAT Verbal scores, the same SAT Math scores, and the same high school academic gpas, there was no significant difference in the predicted probability of academic dismissal for (1) men and women students, (2) dormitory and commuter students, and (3) full-time and part-time students.}, 4492 author = {Ott, Mary Diederich}, 4493 doi = {10.1007/BF00976858}, 4494 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1988/An analysis of predictors of early academic dismissal - Ott.pdf:pdf}, 4495 issn = {0361-0365}, 4496 journal = {Research in Higher Education}, 4497 keywords = {Humanities,Social Sciences and Law}, 4498 number = {1}, 4499 pages = {34--48}, 4500 title = {{An analysis of predictors of early academic dismissal}}, 4501 volume = {28}, 4502 year = {1988} 4503 } 4504 @article{Bierens2004, 4505 author = {Bierens, HJ}, 4506 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2004/The tobit model - Bierens.pdf:pdf}, 4507 journal = {Econometrica}, 4508 title = {{The tobit model}}, 4509 url = {}, 4510 year = {2004} 4511 } 4512 @book{Sparks2005, 4513 author = {Sparks, John C.}, 4514 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2005/Calculus Without Limits Almost - Sparks.pdf:pdf}, 4515 keywords = {Mathematics}, 4516 mendeley-tags = {Mathematics}, 4517 title = {{Calculus Without Limits Almost}}, 4518 year = {2005} 4519 } 4520 @article{Terenzini1994, 4521 author = {Terenzini, Patrick T. and Rendon, LI}, 4522 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1994/The transition to college Diverse students, diverse stories - Terenzini, Rendon.pdf:pdf}, 4523 journal = {Research in Higher Education}, 4524 title = {{The transition to college: Diverse students, diverse stories}}, 4525 url = {http://www.springerlink.com/index/R0047V507771Q5K2.pdf}, 4526 year = {1994} 4527 } 4528 @article{Lynn2003, 4529 author = {Lynn, H. S.}, 4530 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2003/Suppression and Confounding in Action - Lynn.pdf:pdf}, 4531 journal = {The American Statistician}, 4532 keywords = {Statistics}, 4533 number = {1}, 4534 pages = {58--62}, 4535 title = {{Suppression and Confounding in Action}}, 4536 volume = {57}, 4537 year = {2003} 4538 } 4539 @book{Congdon2003, 4540 annote = {Buy This Book!!!!}, 4541 author = {Congdon, P}, 4542 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2003/Applied bayesian modelling - Congdon.pdf:pdf}, 4543 keywords = {Bayes,Linear Models}, 4544 mendeley-tags = {Bayes,Linear Models}, 4545 title = {{Applied bayesian modelling}}, 4546 url = {http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=C88x6zF_ogcC&oi=fnd&pg=PP7&dq=Applied+Bayesian+Modeling&ots=8ZThfZxUf4&sig=CSReIhlFOE8rJM_A68Uo1Q5_9Pg}, 4547 year = {2003} 4548 } 4549 @incollection{Kaminsky2000, 4550 address = {San Francisco, CA}, 4551 author = {Kaminsky, Alexis}, 4552 booktitle = {New Directions for Evaluation}, 4553 doi = {10.1002/ev.1173}, 4554 editor = {Hopson, R. K.}, 4555 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2000/Beyond the literal Metaphors and why they matter - Kaminsky.pdf:pdf}, 4556 issn = {1097-6736}, 4557 month = jan, 4558 number = {86}, 4559 pages = {69--80}, 4560 publisher = {Jossey-Bass}, 4561 title = {{Beyond the literal: Metaphors and why they matter}}, 4562 url = {http://doi.wiley.com/10.1002/ev.1173}, 4563 volume = {2000}, 4564 year = {2000} 4565 } 4566 @book{Klenke2008, 4567 author = {Klenke, Achim}, 4568 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2008/Probability Theory A Comprehensive Course (Universitext) - Klenke.pdf:pdf}, 4569 isbn = {1848000472}, 4570 keywords = {Probability}, 4571 mendeley-tags = {Probability}, 4572 pages = {633}, 4573 publisher = {Springer}, 4574 title = {{Probability Theory: A Comprehensive Course (Universitext)}}, 4575 year = {2008} 4576 } 4577 @article{Kessler2005, 4578 author = {Kessler, R. C. and Chiu, W. T. and Demler, O. and Walters, E. E.}, 4579 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2005/Prevalence, Severity, and Comorbidity of 12-Month DSM-IV Disorders in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication - Kessler et al.pdf:pdf}, 4580 pages = {617--627}, 4581 title = {{Prevalence, Severity, and Comorbidity of 12-Month DSM-IV Disorders in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication}}, 4582 volume = {62}, 4583 year = {2005} 4584 } 4585 @article{Stewart2006, 4586 author = {Stewart, D. and Stavness, C. and King, G. and Antle, B. and Law, M.}, 4587 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/A critical appraisal of literature reviews about the transition to adulthood for youth with disabilities - Stewart et al.pdf:pdf}, 4588 journal = {Physical and Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics}, 4589 number = {4}, 4590 pages = {5--24}, 4591 title = {{A critical appraisal of literature reviews about the transition to adulthood for youth with disabilities}}, 4592 volume = {26}, 4593 year = {2006} 4594 } 4595 @book{Roussas1997, 4596 annote = {buy}, 4597 author = {Roussas, GG}, 4598 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1997/A course in mathematical statistics - Roussas.pdf:pdf}, 4599 keywords = {Statistical Theory and Mathematical Statistics}, 4600 mendeley-tags = {Statistical Theory and Mathematical Statistics}, 4601 title = {{A course in mathematical statistics}}, 4602 url = {http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=2QkkUA8hgx0C&oi=fnd&pg=PP2&dq=A+Course+in+Mathematical+Statistics&ots=yuX1kvgJxj&sig=hyZpRuUSdnyyPSNw1r7b09KW1Gc}, 4603 year = {1997} 4604 } 4605 @article{Hong2000, 4606 author = {Hong, Y. Y. and Morris, M. W. and Chiu, C. Y. and Benet-Martinez, V.}, 4607 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2000/Multicultural minds A dynamic constructivist approach to culture and cognition - Hong et al.pdf:pdf}, 4608 journal = {American Psychologist}, 4609 number = {7}, 4610 pages = {709--20}, 4611 title = {{Multicultural minds: A dynamic constructivist approach to culture and cognition}}, 4612 volume = {55}, 4613 year = {2000} 4614 } 4615 @book{Smart1997, 4616 author = {Smart, John C. and Tierney, William G.}, 4617 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1997/Higher Education Handbook of Theory and Research, Volume XII - Smart, Tierney.pdf:pdf}, 4618 isbn = {0875861180}, 4619 pages = {498}, 4620 publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers}, 4621 title = {{Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research, Volume XII}}, 4622 year = {1997} 4623 } 4624 @article{Coie1993, 4625 author = {Coie, JD and Watt, NF and West, SG}, 4626 journal = {American Psychologist}, 4627 number = {10}, 4628 pages = {1013--1022}, 4629 title = {{The science of prevention: A conceptual framework and some directions for a national research program}}, 4630 volume = {48}, 4631 year = {1993} 4632 } 4633 @article{Lamprecht2002, 4634 author = {Lamprecht, F. and Sack, M.}, 4635 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2002/Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Revisited - Lamprecht, Sack.pdf:pdf}, 4636 journal = {Psychosomatic Medicine}, 4637 pages = {222--237}, 4638 title = {{Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Revisited}}, 4639 volume = {64}, 4640 year = {2002} 4641 } 4642 @article{Hedges2007, 4643 abstract = {Experiments that assign intact groups to treatment conditions are increasingly common in social research. In educational research, the groups assigned are often schools. The design of group-randomized experiments requires knowledge of the intraclass correlation structure to compute statistical power and sample sizes required to achieve adequate power. This article provides a compilation of intraclass correlation values of academic achievement and related covariate effects that could be used for planning group-randomized experiments in education. It also provides variance component information that is useful in planning experiments involving covariates. The use of these values to compute the statistical power of group-randomized experiments is illustrated.}, 4644 author = {Hedges, L. V. and Hedberg, E. C.}, 4645 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/Intraclass Correlation Values for Planning Group-Randomized Trials in Education - Hedges, Hedberg.pdf:pdf}, 4646 issn = {0162-3737}, 4647 journal = {Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis}, 4648 month = mar, 4649 number = {1}, 4650 pages = {60--87}, 4651 title = {{Intraclass Correlation Values for Planning Group-Randomized Trials in Education}}, 4652 volume = {29}, 4653 year = {2007} 4654 } 4655 @article{Hanson2003, 4656 author = {Hanson, K. W. and Neuman, P. and Dutwin, D. and Kasper, J. D.}, 4657 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2003/Uncovering the health challenges facing people with disabilities the role of health insurance - Hanson et al.pdf:pdf}, 4658 journal = {Health Affairs}, 4659 pages = {552--65}, 4660 title = {{Uncovering the health challenges facing people with disabilities: the role of health insurance}}, 4661 url = {http://content.healthaffairs.org/content/early/2003/11/19/hlthaff.w3.552.full.pdf}, 4662 year = {2003} 4663 } 4664 @article{Bouras2009, 4665 author = {Bouras, N.}, 4666 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/Mental health and related issues for people with intellectual disability - Bouras.pdf:pdf}, 4667 journal = {Current Opinion in Psychiatry}, 4668 number = {5}, 4669 pages = {429}, 4670 title = {{Mental health and related issues for people with intellectual disability}}, 4671 volume = {22}, 4672 year = {2009} 4673 } 4674 @article{Unger2000, 4675 annote = {retention rates similar to those of part time students.}, 4676 author = {Unger, KV}, 4677 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2000/Outcomes of postsecondary supported education programs for people with psychiatric disabilities - Unger.pdf:pdf}, 4678 journal = {Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation}, 4679 title = {{Outcomes of postsecondary supported education programs for people with psychiatric disabilities}}, 4680 year = {2000} 4681 } 4682 @phdthesis{quinn2009survey, 4683 annote = {This article surveyed the accomodations given by one state among their higher education services. This is neccessary to understand because some colleges will give the minimum of services required under Sec. 504, others will go beyond those. Even though some will go beyond what the law require but this will be quite diverse in what services are offered. In addition not only what services to students but to educate faculty as well.}, 4684 author = {Quinn, C.D.}, 4685 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/A Survey of Disability Support Services in Illinois Higher Education - Quinn.pdf:pdf}, 4686 pages = {1--75}, 4687 school = {Eastern Illinois University}, 4688 title = {{A Survey of Disability Support Services in Illinois Higher Education}}, 4689 year = {2009} 4690 } 4691 @article{dowrick2005postsecondary, 4692 author = {Dowrick, P.W. and Anderson, J. and Heyer, K. and Acosta, J.}, 4693 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2005/Postsecondary education across the USA Experiences of adults with disabilities - Dowrick et al.pdf:pdf}, 4694 journal = {Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation}, 4695 number = {1}, 4696 pages = {41--47}, 4697 publisher = {IOS Press}, 4698 title = {{Postsecondary education across the USA: Experiences of adults with disabilities}}, 4699 url = {http://iospress.metapress.com/index/tv5m77d2u1k5ufba.pdf}, 4700 volume = {22}, 4701 year = {2005} 4702 } 4703 @book{Stewart1992, 4704 author = {Stewart, A. L. and Ware, J. E.}, 4705 publisher = {Duke University Press}, 4706 title = {{Measuring functioning and well-being: the medical outcomes study approach}}, 4707 year = {1992} 4708 } 4709 @phdthesis{Jean2010a, 4710 author = {Jean, D}, 4711 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2010/The Academic and Social Adjustment of First-Generation College Students - Jean.pdf:pdf}, 4712 school = {Seton Hall University}, 4713 title = {{The Academic and Social Adjustment of First-Generation College Students}}, 4714 type = {Dissertation}, 4715 year = {2010} 4716 } 4717 @article{Rao2004, 4718 abstract = {Attitudes toward disabilities as a topic is widely researched when it comes to published studies concerned with disability issues. 'Attitudinal barriers' is recognized widely as an impediment to success of persons with disabilities. However, this also happens to be the least researched variable in studies done with faculty and students with disabilities in higher education. This article presents review of literature on faculty attitudes towards persons with disabilities in four different parts: attitudes as a construct, views on attitudes towards disabilities, measurement of attitude towards disabilities, and studies done at colleges and universities with faculty. The fourth section discusses various variables that influence attitudes of faculty towards disabilities. Implications for future studies are discussed. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]}, 4719 author = {Rao, Shaila}, 4720 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2004/Faculty Attitudes and Students with Disabilities in Higher Education A Literature Review - Rao.pdf:pdf}, 4721 issn = {<strong>01463934</strong>}, 4722 journal = {College Student Journal}, 4723 keywords = {disabilities,educational psychology,higher education,students with disabilities,universities & colleges -- faculty}, 4724 number = {2}, 4725 pages = {191--198}, 4726 title = {{Faculty Attitudes and Students with Disabilities in Higher Education: A Literature Review}}, 4727 year = {2004} 4728 } 4729 @article{Fox2006a, 4730 author = {Fox, John and Andersen, Robert}, 4731 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/Effect displays for multinomial and proportional-odds logit models - Fox, Andersen.pdf:pdf}, 4732 journal = {Sociological Methodology}, 4733 title = {{Effect displays for multinomial and proportional-odds logit models}}, 4734 url = {http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/118728243/abstract}, 4735 year = {2006} 4736 } 4737 @article{Alriksson-Schmidt2007, 4738 author = {Alriksson-Schmidt, A. I. and Wallander, J. and Biasini, F.}, 4739 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/Quality of Life and Resilience in Adolescents with a Mobility Disability - Alriksson-Schmidt, Wallander, Biasini.pdf:pdf}, 4740 journal = {Journal of Pediatric Psychology}, 4741 number = {3}, 4742 pages = {370}, 4743 title = {{Quality of Life and Resilience in Adolescents with a Mobility Disability}}, 4744 volume = {32}, 4745 year = {2007} 4746 } 4747 @article{Richardson1961, 4748 author = {Richardson, S. A. and Goodman, N. and Hastorf, A. H. and Dornbusch, S. M.}, 4749 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1961/Cultural uniformity in reaction to physical disabilities - Richardson et al.pdf:pdf}, 4750 journal = {American Sociological Review}, 4751 pages = {241--247}, 4752 title = {{Cultural uniformity in reaction to physical disabilities}}, 4753 volume = {26}, 4754 year = {1961} 4755 } 4756 @article{Tsiouris2001, 4757 author = {Tsiouris, J. A.}, 4758 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2001/Diagnosis of depression in people with severeprofound intellectual disability - Tsiouris.pdf:pdf}, 4759 journal = {Journal of Intellectual Disability Research}, 4760 number = {2}, 4761 pages = {115--120}, 4762 title = {{Diagnosis of depression in people with severe/profound intellectual disability}}, 4763 volume = {45}, 4764 year = {2001} 4765 } 4766 @book{koch2007introduction, 4767 author = {Koch, K.R.}, 4768 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/Introduction to Bayesian statistics - Koch.pdf:pdf}, 4769 keywords = {Bayes}, 4770 mendeley-tags = {Bayes}, 4771 publisher = {Springer Verlag}, 4772 title = {{Introduction to Bayesian statistics}}, 4773 url = {http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=-Jc93GraPIwC&oi=fnd&pg=PA2&dq=Introduction+to+Bayesian+Statistics&ots=JHdLVmDSiG&sig=GXGl8lVsZ4qDN6SXRMVy5U_qWVQ}, 4774 year = {2007} 4775 } 4776 @article{Kornblith2001, 4777 abstract = {BACKGROUND: Three theoretical models by which social support may influence the impact of stressful life events on cancer patients' psychological state were tested: 1) the additive model, in which social support and stressful life events each directly influence cancer patients' adjustment, irrespective of the magnitude of the other; 2) the buffering hypothesis, in which stressful events occurring in the presence of social support should produce less distress than if they occur in its absence; and 3) both additive and buffering models. METHODS: One hundred seventy-nine patients who had Stage II breast cancer (median age, 56 yrs; 68% disease free), treated a mean of 6.8 years since entry to Cancer and Leukemia Group B (CALGB) 8541, were interviewed by telephone concerning their psychosocial adjustment. The following measures were used: Medical Outcome Study Social Support Survey (MOS-SSS), Life Experience Survey (LES) a measure of stressful life events within the past 12 months, European Organization for Research on the Treatment of Cancer (EORTC QLQ-C30) a measure of quality of life, Mental Health Inventory (MHI), and the Systems of Belief Inventory (SBI) a measure of spiritual and religious involvement. RESULTS: Hierarchical regression analyses revealed that less than excellent levels of social support (P < 0.01), greater negative impact of LES fateful life events (e.g., death of family member) (P < 0.05), personal illness or injury (P < 0.05), and all other negative life events in the past year (< 4; P < 0.01) were significant predictors of greater MHI psychological distress, in addition to being divorced or separated (P < 0.001), and more recently treated for cancer on CALGB 8541 (P < 0.05). The interaction of LES scores with MOS-SSS or SBI social support, used to test the buffering hypothesis, did not significantly improve the prediction of MHI psychological distress. CONCLUSIONS: The results supported the additive model, with both stressful life events and social support independently and significantly affecting patients' emotional state. However, the level of social support needed to be very high to reduce the likelihood of severe psychological distress.}, 4778 author = {Kornblith, A B and Herndon, J E and Zuckerman, E and Viscoli, C M and Horwitz, R I and Cooper, M R and Harris, L and Tkaczuk, K H and Perry, M C and Budman, D and Norton, L C and Holland, J}, 4779 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2001/Social support as a buffer to the psychological impact of stressful life events in women with breast cancer - Kornblith et al.pdf:pdf}, 4780 issn = {0008-543X}, 4781 journal = {Cancer}, 4782 keywords = {Adult,Aged,Breast Neoplasms,Female,Humans,Life Change Events,Middle Aged,Models- Theoretical,Neoplasm Staging,Regression Analysis,Social Support,Socioeconomic Factors,Stress- Psychological}, 4783 month = jan, 4784 number = {2}, 4785 pages = {443--454}, 4786 title = {{Social support as a buffer to the psychological impact of stressful life events in women with breast cancer}}, 4787 url = {http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11180093}, 4788 volume = {91}, 4789 year = {2001} 4790 } 4791 @article{DaronAcemogluJoshuaD.Angrist2001, 4792 author = {Acemoglu, Daron and Angrist, Joshua D.}, 4793 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2001/Consequences of employment protection The case of the Americans with Disabilities Act - Acemoglu, Angrist.pdf:pdf}, 4794 journal = {Journal of Political Economy}, 4795 title = {{Consequences of employment protection? The case of the Americans with Disabilities Act}}, 4796 url = {http://emilyskarbek.com/uploads/Acemoglu_2001_Consequences_of_Employment_Protection_-_Case_of_the_ADA.pdf}, 4797 year = {2001} 4798 } 4799 @incollection{Hopson2000, 4800 address = {San Francisco, CA}, 4801 author = {Hopson, Rodney K. and Lucas, Kenya J. and Peterson, James A.}, 4802 booktitle = {New Directions for Evaluation}, 4803 doi = {10.1002/ev.1170}, 4804 editor = {Hopson, R. K.}, 4805 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2000/HIVAIDS talk Implications for prevention intervention and evaluation - Hopson, Lucas, Peterson.pdf:pdf}, 4806 issn = {1097-6736}, 4807 number = {86}, 4808 pages = {29--42}, 4809 publisher = {Jossey-Bass}, 4810 title = {{HIV/AIDS talk: Implications for prevention intervention and evaluation}}, 4811 url = {http://doi.wiley.com/10.1002/ev.1170}, 4812 volume = {2000}, 4813 year = {2000} 4814 } 4815 @article{Tinto1997, 4816 author = {Tinto, Vincent}, 4817 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1997/Classrooms as communities Exploring the educational character of student persistence - Tinto.pdf:pdf}, 4818 journal = {Journal of higher education}, 4819 title = {{Classrooms as communities: Exploring the educational character of student persistence}}, 4820 url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.2307/2959965}, 4821 year = {1997} 4822 } 4823 @article{Hanley, 4824 author = {Hanley, M. and Jensen, M. and Ehde, D. and Hoffman, A. J. and Patterson, D. and Robinson, L.}, 4825 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2004/Psychosocial predictors of long-term adjustment to lower-limb amputation and phantom limb pain - Hanley et al.pdf:pdf}, 4826 journal = {Disability & Rehabilitation}, 4827 number = {14}, 4828 pages = {882--893}, 4829 title = {{Psychosocial predictors of long-term adjustment to lower-limb amputation and phantom limb pain}}, 4830 volume = {26}, 4831 year = {2004} 4832 } 4833 @article{Muller2011, 4834 author = {M\"{u}ller, P}, 4835 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2011/A product partition model with regression on covariates - M\"{u}ller.pdf:pdf}, 4836 journal = {Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics}, 4837 title = {{A product partition model with regression on covariates}}, 4838 url = {http://pubs.amstat.org/doi/abs/10.1198/jcgs.2011.09066}, 4839 year = {2011} 4840 } 4841 @article{Stein2000, 4842 author = {Stein, MA}, 4843 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2000/Labor markets, rationality, and workers with disabilities - Stein.pdf:pdf}, 4844 journal = {Berkeley Journal of Employment and Labor Law}, 4845 title = {{Labor markets, rationality, and workers with disabilities}}, 4846 url = {http://heinonlinebackup.com/hol-cgi-bin/get_pdf.cgi?handle=hein.journals/berkjemp21&section=16}, 4847 year = {2000} 4848 } 4849 @article{Deckro2002, 4850 author = {Deckro, G. R. and Ballinger, K. M. and Hoyt, M. and Wilcher, M. and Dusek, J. and Myers, P. and Greenberg, B. and Rosenthal, D. S. and Benson, H.}, 4851 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2002/The evaluation of a mindbody intervention to reduce psychological distress and perceived stress in college students - Deckro et al.pdf:pdf}, 4852 journal = {Journal of American College Health}, 4853 number = {6}, 4854 pages = {281--287}, 4855 title = {{The evaluation of a mind/body intervention to reduce psychological distress and perceived stress in college students}}, 4856 volume = {50}, 4857 year = {2002} 4858 } 4859 @article{Newsom2005, 4860 abstract = {Negative social exchanges have been more reliably related to psychological health than have positive social exchanges. Little research, however, has sought to understand how underlying appraisal processes link such exchanges to psychological health. This study examined the frequencies of occurrence and appraisals of four parallel domains of positive and negative exchanges in relation to positive well-being and psychological distress in a national sample of 916 older adults. Structural equation analyses revealed that negative exchanges were related both to less well-being and greater psychological distress, whereas positive exchanges were related only to positive well-being. Furthermore, results supported a process in which appraisals mediated the link between social exchanges and psychological health. This social appraisal process helps explain the disproportionate impact of negative exchanges on psychological health.}, 4861 author = {Newsom, Jason T. and Rook, Karen S. and Nishishiba, Masami and Sorkin, Dara H. and Mahan, Tyrae L.}, 4862 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2005/Understanding the Relative Importance of Positive and Negative Social Exchanges Examining Specific Domains and Appraisals - Newsom et al.pdf:pdf}, 4863 journal = {The Journals of Gerontology}, 4864 month = nov, 4865 number = {6}, 4866 pages = {P304--312}, 4867 shorttitle = {Understanding the Relative Importance of Positive}, 4868 title = {{Understanding the Relative Importance of Positive and Negative Social Exchanges: Examining Specific Domains and Appraisals}}, 4869 url = {http://psychsoc.gerontologyjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/60/6/P304}, 4870 volume = {60}, 4871 year = {2005} 4872 } 4873 @article{Llewellyn2000, 4874 author = {Llewellyn, A. and Hogan, K.}, 4875 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2000/The use and abuse of models of disability - Llewellyn, Hogan.pdf:pdf}, 4876 journal = {Disability & Society}, 4877 number = {1}, 4878 pages = {157--165}, 4879 title = {{The use and abuse of models of disability}}, 4880 volume = {15}, 4881 year = {2000} 4882 } 4883 @book{Greene2010, 4884 author = {Greene, William H. and Hensher, David A.}, 4885 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2010/Modeling ordered choices A primer - Greene, Hensher.pdf:pdf}, 4886 keywords = {Linear Models}, 4887 mendeley-tags = {Linear Models}, 4888 title = {{Modeling ordered choices: A primer}}, 4889 year = {2010} 4890 } 4891 @article{Yu2005, 4892 author = {Yu, G. and Zhang, Y. and Yan, R.}, 4893 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2005/Loneliness, peer acceptance, and family functioning of Chinese children with learning disabilities Characteristics and relationships - Yu, Zhang, Yan.pdf:pdf}, 4894 journal = {Psychology in the Schools}, 4895 number = {3}, 4896 pages = {325--331}, 4897 shorttitle = {Loneliness, peer acceptance, and family functionin}, 4898 title = {{Loneliness, peer acceptance, and family functioning of Chinese children with learning disabilities: Characteristics and relationships}}, 4899 volume = {42}, 4900 year = {2005} 4901 } 4902 @book{Ntzoufras2011, 4903 author = {Ntzoufras, I}, 4904 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2011/Bayesian modeling using WinBUGS - Ntzoufras.pdf:pdf}, 4905 keywords = {Bayes}, 4906 mendeley-tags = {Bayes}, 4907 title = {{Bayesian modeling using WinBUGS}}, 4908 year = {2011} 4909 } 4910 @article{Berry2000, 4911 author = {Berry, H. and Jones, M. A.}, 4912 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2000/Social security disability insurance and supplemental security income for undergraduates with disabilities An analysis of the National Postsecondary Student Aid Survey (NPSAS 2000) - Berry, Jones.pdf:pdf}, 4913 journal = {Honolulu, HI: National Center for the Study of Postsecondary Education Supports}, 4914 title = {{Social security disability insurance and supplemental security income for undergraduates with disabilities: An analysis of the National Postsecondary Student Aid Survey (NPSAS 2000)}}, 4915 year = {2000} 4916 } 4917 @techreport{Horn1999bb, 4918 address = {Washington, D.C.}, 4919 author = {Horn, Laura and Berktold, Jennifer}, 4920 institution = {U.S. Department of Education. National Center for Education Statistics.}, 4921 title = {{Students With Disabilities in Postsecondary Eduction: A Profile of Preparation, Participation, and Outcomes, NCES 1999–187}}, 4922 year = {1999} 4923 } 4924 @book{Geiss2009, 4925 annote = {buy}, 4926 author = {Geiss, C. and Geiss, S.}, 4927 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/An introduction to probability theory - Geiss, Geiss.pdf:pdf}, 4928 keywords = {Probability}, 4929 mendeley-tags = {Probability}, 4930 title = {{An introduction to probability theory}}, 4931 year = {2009} 4932 } 4933 @article{Hujoel2000a, 4934 author = {Hujoel, P. P. and Drangsholt, M. and Spiekerman, C. and DeRouen, T. A.}, 4935 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2000/Periodontal disease and coronary heart disease risk - Hujoel et al.pdf:pdf}, 4936 journal = {JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association}, 4937 number = {11}, 4938 pages = {1406}, 4939 title = {{Periodontal disease and coronary heart disease risk}}, 4940 volume = {284}, 4941 year = {2000} 4942 } 4943 @book{Polyanin2006, 4944 author = {Polyanin, Andrei D. and Manzhirov, Alexander V.}, 4945 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/Handbook of Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists - Polyanin, Manzhirov.pdf:pdf}, 4946 isbn = {1584885025}, 4947 keywords = {Mathematics}, 4948 mendeley-tags = {Mathematics}, 4949 pages = {1544}, 4950 publisher = {Chapman and Hall/CRC}, 4951 title = {{Handbook of Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists}}, 4952 url = {http://www.amazon.com/Handbook-Mathematics-Engineers-Scientists-Polyanin/dp/1584885025}, 4953 year = {2006} 4954 } 4955 @article{Duggan, 4956 author = {Duggan, C. H. and Dijkers, M. and Cupal, D. D. and Brewer, B. W. and Grant, J. S. and Elliott, T. R. and Giger, J. N. and Bartolucci, A. A. and Hollick, C. and Radnitz, C. L.}, 4957 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2001/Quality of life after spinal cord injury A qualitative study - Duggan et al.pdf:pdf}, 4958 journal = {Rehabilitation Psychology}, 4959 number = {1}, 4960 pages = {3--27}, 4961 title = {{Quality of life after spinal cord injury: A qualitative study}}, 4962 volume = {46}, 4963 year = {2001} 4964 } 4965 @article{O'Brien1993, 4966 author = {O'Brien, M. T.}, 4967 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1993/Multiple sclerosis the role of social support and disability - O'Brien.pdf:pdf}, 4968 journal = {Clinical Nursing Research}, 4969 number = {1}, 4970 pages = {67--85}, 4971 title = {{Multiple sclerosis: the role of social support and disability}}, 4972 volume = {2}, 4973 year = {1993} 4974 } 4975 @article{Willcoxson2010, 4976 author = {Willcoxson, L}, 4977 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2010/Factors affecting intention to leave in the first, second and third year of university studies a semester by semester investigation - Willcoxson.pdf:pdf}, 4978 journal = {Higher Education Research & Development}, 4979 title = {{Factors affecting intention to leave in the first, second and third year of university studies: a semester by semester investigation}}, 4980 year = {2010} 4981 } 4982 @article{Russell1956, 4983 author = {Russell, A. L.}, 4984 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1956/A system of classification and scoring for prevalence surveys of periodontal disease - Russell.pdf:pdf}, 4985 journal = {Journal of Dental Research}, 4986 number = {3}, 4987 pages = {350--359}, 4988 title = {{A system of classification and scoring for prevalence surveys of periodontal disease}}, 4989 volume = {35}, 4990 year = {1956} 4991 } 4992 @book{ChristopherManning2007, 4993 author = {{Christopher Manning}}, 4994 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/Logistic regression (with R) - Christopher Manning.pdf:pdf}, 4995 keywords = {Linear Models,R Books}, 4996 mendeley-tags = {Linear Models,R Books}, 4997 title = {{Logistic regression (with R)}}, 4998 year = {2007} 4999 } 5000 @article{Gelman2005, 5001 author = {Gelman, Andrew}, 5002 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2005/Analysis of Variance Why It Is More Important than Ever - Gelman.pdf:pdf}, 5003 journal = {The Annals of Statistics}, 5004 number = {1}, 5005 pages = {1 -- 31}, 5006 publisher = {Institute of Mathematical Statistics}, 5007 title = {{Analysis of Variance: Why It Is More Important than Ever}}, 5008 url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/3448650}, 5009 volume = {33}, 5010 year = {2005} 5011 } 5012 @article{Ozer2003, 5013 author = {Ozer, E. J. and Best, S. R. and Lipsey, T. L. and Weiss, D. S.}, 5014 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2003/Predictors of posttraumatic stress disorder and symptoms in adults A meta-analysis - Ozer et al.pdf:pdf}, 5015 journal = {Psychological Bulletin}, 5016 number = {1}, 5017 pages = {52--73}, 5018 title = {{Predictors of posttraumatic stress disorder and symptoms in adults: A meta-analysis}}, 5019 volume = {129}, 5020 year = {2003} 5021 } 5022 @article{brown2008social, 5023 author = {Brown, S.D. and Tramayne, S. and Hoxha, D. and Telander, K. and Fan, X. and Lent, R.W.}, 5024 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2008/Social cognitive predictors of college students' academic performance and persistence A meta-analytic path analysis - Brown et al.pdf:pdf}, 5025 journal = {Journal of Vocational Behavior}, 5026 number = {3}, 5027 pages = {298--308}, 5028 title = {{Social cognitive predictors of college students' academic performance and persistence: A meta-analytic path analysis}}, 5029 volume = {72}, 5030 year = {2008} 5031 } 5032 @article{Eisenhauer2008, 5033 author = {Eisenhauer, Joseph G.}, 5034 doi = {10.1111/j.1467-9639.2008.00324.x}, 5035 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2008/Degrees of Freedom - Eisenhauer.pdf:pdf}, 5036 issn = {0141982X}, 5037 journal = {Teaching Statistics}, 5038 month = sep, 5039 number = {3}, 5040 pages = {75--78}, 5041 title = {{Degrees of Freedom}}, 5042 url = {http://doi.wiley.com/10.1111/j.1467-9639.2008.00324.x}, 5043 volume = {30}, 5044 year = {2008} 5045 } 5046 @article{Tenenhaus2010, 5047 author = {Tenenhaus, A}, 5048 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2010/Regularized Generalized Canonical Correlation Analysis - Tenenhaus.pdf:pdf}, 5049 journal = {Psychometrika}, 5050 title = {{Regularized Generalized Canonical Correlation Analysis}}, 5051 year = {2010} 5052 } 5053 @article{Glass1997, 5054 author = {Glass, C. A. and Jackson, H. F. and Dutton, J. and Charlifue, S. and Orritt, C.}, 5055 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1997/Estimating social adjustment following spinal trauma-I Who is more realistic-patient or spouse a statistical justification - Glass et al.pdf:pdf}, 5056 journal = {Spinal Cord}, 5057 number = {5}, 5058 pages = {320--325}, 5059 shorttitle = {Estimating social adjustment following spinal trau}, 5060 title = {{Estimating social adjustment following spinal trauma-I: Who is more realistic-patient or spouse? a statistical justification}}, 5061 volume = {35}, 5062 year = {1997} 5063 } 5064 @article{Kessler1999, 5065 author = {Kessler, R. C. and DuPont, R. L. and Berglund, P. and Wittchen, H. U.}, 5066 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1999/Impairment in pure and comorbid generalized anxiety disorder and major depression at 12 months in two national surveys - Kessler et al.pdf:pdf}, 5067 journal = {American Journal of Psychiatry}, 5068 pages = {1915--1923}, 5069 title = {{Impairment in pure and comorbid generalized anxiety disorder and major depression at 12 months in two national surveys}}, 5070 volume = {156}, 5071 year = {1999} 5072 } 5073 @article{Cahill1995, 5074 author = {Cahill, S. E. and Eggleston, R.}, 5075 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1995/Reconsidering the Stigma of Physical Disability Wheelchair Use and Public Kindness - Cahill, Eggleston.pdf:pdf}, 5076 journal = {The Sociological Quarterly}, 5077 number = {4}, 5078 pages = {681--698}, 5079 title = {{Reconsidering the Stigma of Physical Disability: Wheelchair Use and Public Kindness}}, 5080 volume = {36}, 5081 year = {1995} 5082 } 5083 @article{Newcomb1993, 5084 author = {Newcomb, A. F. and Bukowski, W. M. and Pattee, L.}, 5085 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1993/Children's peer relations A meta-analytic review of popular, rejected, neglected, controversial, and average sociometric status - Newcomb, Bukowski, Pattee.pdf:pdf}, 5086 journal = {Psychological Bulletin}, 5087 number = {1}, 5088 pages = {99}, 5089 title = {{Children's peer relations: A meta-analytic review of popular, rejected, neglected, controversial, and average sociometric status}}, 5090 volume = {113}, 5091 year = {1993} 5092 } 5093 @article{Jones2006, 5094 author = {Jones, E.}, 5095 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/Historical approaches to post-combat disorders - Jones.pdf:pdf}, 5096 journal = {Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences}, 5097 number = {1468}, 5098 pages = {533--542}, 5099 title = {{Historical approaches to post-combat disorders}}, 5100 volume = {361}, 5101 year = {2006} 5102 } 5103 @book{Callahan, 5104 author = {Callahan, James and Hoffman, Kenneth and Cox, David and O’Shea, Donal and Pollatsek, Harriet and Senechal, Lester}, 5105 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2008/Calculus in Context - Callahan et al.pdf:pdf}, 5106 keywords = {Mathematics}, 5107 mendeley-tags = {Mathematics}, 5108 title = {{Calculus in Context}}, 5109 year = {2008} 5110 } 5111 @article{EdwardM.LevinsonandEricJ.Palmer2005, 5112 author = {Levinson, Edward M. and Palmer, Eric J.}, 5113 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2005/Preparing students with disabilities for school-to-work transition and postschool life - Levinson, Palmer.pdf:pdf}, 5114 journal = {Principal Leadership}, 5115 title = {{Preparing students with disabilities for school-to-work transition and postschool life}}, 5116 year = {2005} 5117 } 5118 @book{Beezer, 5119 annote = {http://linear.ups.edu/}, 5120 author = {Beezer, Robert A.}, 5121 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2011/A First Course in Linear Algebra - Beezer.pdf:pdf}, 5122 keywords = {Mathematics,Matrix Algebra}, 5123 mendeley-tags = {Mathematics,Matrix Algebra}, 5124 title = {{A First Course in Linear Algebra}}, 5125 year = {2011} 5126 } 5127 @book{Fox2004, 5128 author = {Fox, John}, 5129 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2004/Nonparametric Regression - Fox.pdf:pdf}, 5130 keywords = {Linear Models}, 5131 mendeley-tags = {Linear Models}, 5132 title = {{Nonparametric Regression}}, 5133 year = {2004} 5134 } 5135 @article{Schafer1999, 5136 author = {Schafer, J. L}, 5137 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1999/Multiple imputation a primer - Schafer.pdf:pdf}, 5138 journal = {Statistical methods in medical research}, 5139 number = {1}, 5140 pages = {3--15}, 5141 title = {{Multiple imputation: a primer}}, 5142 volume = {8}, 5143 year = {1999} 5144 } 5145 @article{Drton2007, 5146 author = {Drton, M. and Sturmfels, B. and Sullivant, S.}, 5147 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/Algebraic factor analysis Tetrads, pentads and beyond - Drton, Sturmfels, Sullivant.pdf:pdf}, 5148 journal = {Probability Theory and Related Fields}, 5149 number = {3}, 5150 pages = {463--493}, 5151 publisher = {Springer}, 5152 title = {{Algebraic factor analysis: Tetrads, pentads and beyond}}, 5153 volume = {138}, 5154 year = {2007} 5155 } 5156 @book{Andersen2010, 5157 address = {New York, NY}, 5158 author = {Andersen, Per Kragh and Skovgaard, Lene Theil}, 5159 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2010/Regression with Linear Predictors - Andersen, Skovgaard.pdf:pdf}, 5160 keywords = {Linear Models}, 5161 mendeley-tags = {Linear Models}, 5162 publisher = {Springer New York}, 5163 series = {Statistics for Biology and Health}, 5164 title = {{Regression with Linear Predictors}}, 5165 year = {2010} 5166 } 5167 @article{Bowman2010, 5168 abstract = {College student spiritual development constitutes an important, yet understudied topic in higher education research. In particular, very little is known about whether and how this development varies among students from diverse religious backgrounds. Using a longitudinal sample of 14,527 students from 136 institutions, the current study explored the degree to which spiritual development is related to the religious affiliations of students and the type of colleges and universities they attend. Hierarchical linear modeling analyses demonstrate numerous differences between students who identify with religious majority groups (e.g., Lutherans, Methodists), religious minority groups (e.g., Muslims, Seventh Day Adventists), and no religion at all. In most instances, the presence of individual differences in spiritual development depends upon the religious affiliation of the institution. Moreover, several college experiences are positively associated with spiritual development. Implications for higher education practitioners and administrators are discussed.}, 5169 annote = { 5170 -- A paragraph or two about the nature of paper. Why was the study necessary? 5171 5172 how is a persons spiritual development helped or hindered through their college experience. what institutional characteristics affect spiritual development. 5173 5174 5175 5176 -- Research questions 5177 5178 First, how are religious minority status and insti- tutional type related to spiritual development? Second, to what extent do any individual- level effects differ for students attending religiously affiliated (versus secular) institutions? Third, to what extent are precollege dispositions and college experiences associated with spiritual development? 5179 5180 5181 5182 -- What data were analyzed? Who sponsored the data? Some studies use multiple sources so be clear about what the sources are and where they came from? 5183 5184 Data from the Spirituality in Higher Education project from HERI sponsored by the Templeton foundation. 14,527 participants from 136 institutions did the followup questionaiire so will be used for analysis 5185 5186 -- What was the sample under study? Be brief here. One or two sentences 5187 5188 undergraduates at 136 institutions across the nation. 5189 5190 -- What was the major outcome variable? Continuous? Dichotomous? 5191 5192 spiritualitual identification scale and Spiritual quest measure, both continous. 5193 5194 -- What were the student-level predictors? It may be helpful to think of categories (e.g., socio-demographic, cognitive functioning, teacher quality, etc.) 5195 5196 Female 5197 Age 5198 African American/Black 5199 American Indian/Alaska 5200 Native Asian/Pacific Islander 5201 Latino/Chicano 5202 Other race/ethnicity 5203 Parental education 5204 C average high school GPA 5205 B average high school GPA 5206 Double minority student 5207 Catholic student 5208 Born-again Christian student 5209 Non-affiliated student 5210 Interactions with others who hold similar religious views 5211 Faculty support of religious/spiritual development Religious engagementEcumenical worldview (institutional) 5212 Ecumenical worldview (individual) 5213 2004 spiritual identification 5214 2004 spiritual quest 5215 2007 spiritual identification 5216 2007 spiritual quest 5217 5218 -- What were the institutional-level predictors? Be very clear/specific here because we are going to recommend so ways to think about creating level-2 variables here. 5219 5220 Secular institutions 5221 Catholic institutions 5222 Other religious institutions 5223 5224 5225 5226 -- What software was used? 5227 5228 unknown 5229 5230 -- What were major findings? 5231 5232 non-catholic religious schools have highest spiritual development, then catholic schools then secular schools. these changes are fully explained by student engagement and spiritual behavior. 5233 5234 -- How does this study relate to our article? 5235 5236 Use of multiple outcome variables may give different prespectives of our outcome if possible to get the information from the data sets we have.}, 5237 author = {Bowman, Nicholas A. and Small, Jenny L.}, 5238 doi = {10.1007/s11162-010-9175-2}, 5239 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2010/Do College Students Who Identify with a Privileged Religion Experience Greater Spiritual Development Exploring Individual and Institutional Dynamics - Bowman, Small.pdf:pdf}, 5240 issn = {0361-0365}, 5241 journal = {Research in Higher Education}, 5242 keywords = {Humanities,Social Sciences and Law}, 5243 month = apr, 5244 number = {7}, 5245 pages = {595--614}, 5246 publisher = {Springer Netherlands}, 5247 title = {{Do College Students Who Identify with a Privileged Religion Experience Greater Spiritual Development? Exploring Individual and Institutional Dynamics}}, 5248 url = {http://www.springerlink.com/content/7652q67481278l70/}, 5249 volume = {51}, 5250 year = {2010} 5251 } 5252 @article{Lundberg2004, 5253 author = {Lundberg, Carol A. and Schreiner, Laurie A.}, 5254 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2004/Quality and frequency of faculty-student interaction as predictors of learning An analysis by student race ethnicity - Lundberg, Schreiner.pdf:pdf}, 5255 journal = {Journal of College Student Development}, 5256 title = {{Quality and frequency of faculty-student interaction as predictors of learning: An analysis by student race ethnicity}}, 5257 year = {2004} 5258 } 5259 @article{Oron2005, 5260 author = {Oron, A}, 5261 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2005/Easy Prey Evidence for Race and Military Related Targeting in the Distribution of Pay-Day Loan Branches in Washington State - Oron.pdf:pdf}, 5262 journal = {University of Washington, unpublished working paper}, 5263 title = {{Easy Prey: Evidence for Race and Military Related Targeting in the Distribution of Pay-Day Loan Branches in Washington State}}, 5264 url = {http://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=Easy+Prey+Evidence+for+Race+and+Military+Related+Targeting+In+the+Distribution+of+Pay-Day+Loan+Branches#0}, 5265 year = {2005} 5266 } 5267 @book{McCullagh1989, 5268 address = {Boca Raton, FL}, 5269 author = {McCullagh, P. and Nelder, John A.}, 5270 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1989/Generalized Linear Models, Second Edition (Chapman & HallCRC Monographs on Statistics & Applied Probability) - McCullagh, Nelder.pdf:pdf}, 5271 isbn = {0412317605}, 5272 publisher = {Chapman and Hall/CRC}, 5273 title = {{Generalized Linear Models, Second Edition (Chapman & Hall/CRC Monographs on Statistics & Applied Probability)}}, 5274 year = {1989} 5275 } 5276 @book{Clausen, 5277 author = {Clausen, C.}, 5278 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2008/Review of Logarithms - Clausen.pdf:pdf}, 5279 title = {{Review of Logarithms}}, 5280 year = {2008} 5281 } 5282 @article{Rindskopf2003, 5283 author = {Rindskopf, D.}, 5284 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2003/Mixture or homogeneous Comment on Bauer and Curran (2003) - Rindskopf.pdf:pdf}, 5285 journal = {Psychological Methods}, 5286 keywords = {Statistics}, 5287 pages = {364--368}, 5288 title = {{Mixture or homogeneous? Comment on Bauer and Curran (2003)}}, 5289 volume = {8}, 5290 year = {2003} 5291 } 5292 @article{Pascarella2012, 5293 author = {Pascarella, Ernest T and Terenzini, Patrick T and Taylor, Published and Terenzini, T}, 5294 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2012/Student-Faculty Relationships of the Structural and Student-Peer as Mediators Effects Residence of Arrangement Undergraduate - Pascarella et al.pdf:pdf}, 5295 number = {6}, 5296 pages = {344--353}, 5297 title = {{Student-Faculty Relationships of the Structural and Student-Peer as Mediators Effects Residence of Arrangement Undergraduate}}, 5298 volume = {73}, 5299 year = {2012} 5300 } 5301 @inproceedings{burkum2010retention, 5302 author = {Burkum, K. and Habley, W. and McClanahan, R. and Valiga, M.}, 5303 booktitle = {2010 AIR Forum}, 5304 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2010/Retention Diverse Institutions = Diverse Retention Practices - Burkum et al.pdf:pdf}, 5305 title = {{Retention: Diverse Institutions = Diverse Retention Practices?}}, 5306 year = {2010} 5307 } 5308 @book{Mrazek1994, 5309 address = {Washington, D.C.}, 5310 author = {Mrazek, Patricia J and Haggerty, Robert J and {Committee on Prevention of Mental Disorders}, Institute on Medicine}, 5311 publisher = {National Academy Press}, 5312 title = {{Reducing risks for mental disorders: Frontiers for preventive intervention research}}, 5313 year = {1994} 5314 } 5315 @book{Durrett2009, 5316 annote = {Buy This Book!!!!}, 5317 author = {Durrett, Rick}, 5318 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/Elementary Probability for Applications - Durrett.pdf:pdf}, 5319 keywords = {Probability}, 5320 mendeley-tags = {Probability}, 5321 title = {{Elementary Probability for Applications}}, 5322 year = {2009} 5323 } 5324 @article{zeileis2008regression, 5325 author = {Zeileis, A. and Kleiber, C. and Jackman, S.}, 5326 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2008/Regression models for count data in R - Zeileis, Kleiber, Jackman.pdf:pdf}, 5327 journal = {Journal of Statistical Software}, 5328 number = {8}, 5329 pages = {1--25}, 5330 publisher = {Citeseer}, 5331 title = {{Regression models for count data in R}}, 5332 url = {http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=}, 5333 volume = {27}, 5334 year = {2008} 5335 } 5336 @article{fogg2009labor, 5337 author = {Fogg, N. and Harrington, P.}, 5338 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/From labor shortage to labor surplus The changing labor market context and its meaning for higher education - Fogg, Harrington.pdf:pdf}, 5339 journal = {Continuing Higher Education Review}, 5340 pages = {11--31}, 5341 title = {{From labor shortage to labor surplus: The changing labor market context and its meaning for higher education}}, 5342 volume = {73}, 5343 year = {2009} 5344 } 5345 @article{Manns1999, 5346 author = {Manns, P. J. and Chad, K. E.}, 5347 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1999/Determining the relation between quality of life, handicap, fitness, and physical activity for persons with spinal cord injury - Manns, Chad.pdf:pdf}, 5348 journal = {Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation}, 5349 number = {12}, 5350 pages = {1566--1571}, 5351 title = {{Determining the relation between quality of life, handicap, fitness, and physical activity for persons with spinal cord injury}}, 5352 volume = {80}, 5353 year = {1999} 5354 } 5355 @book{Bolstad2009, 5356 author = {Bolstad, William M.}, 5357 isbn = {0470046090}, 5358 pages = {336}, 5359 publisher = {Wiley; 1 edition}, 5360 title = {{Understanding Computational Bayesian Statistics}}, 5361 year = {2009} 5362 } 5363 @article{Guiffrida2006, 5364 author = {Guiffrida, D. A.}, 5365 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/Preparing and supporting African American college students - Guiffrida.pdf:pdf}, 5366 journal = {VISTAS online(American Counseling Association)}, 5367 title = {{Preparing and supporting African American college students}}, 5368 year = {2006} 5369 } 5370 @article{ZegerKarim1991, 5371 author = {Zeger, Scott L. and Karim, M. Rezaul}, 5372 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1991/Generalized linear models with random effects a Gibbs sampling approach - Zeger, Karim.pdf:pdf}, 5373 journal = {Journal of the American statistical association}, 5374 title = {{Generalized linear models with random effects; a Gibbs sampling approach}}, 5375 url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2289717}, 5376 year = {1991} 5377 } 5378 @article{Asch2001, 5379 author = {Asch, A.}, 5380 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2001/Critical Race Theory, Feminism, and Disability Reflections on Social Justice and Personal Identity - Asch.pdf:pdf}, 5381 journal = {Ohio State Law Journal}, 5382 pages = {391}, 5383 shorttitle = {Critical Race Theory, Feminism, and Disability}, 5384 title = {{Critical Race Theory, Feminism, and Disability: Reflections on Social Justice and Personal Identity}}, 5385 volume = {62}, 5386 year = {2001} 5387 } 5388 @article{Agresti2005, 5389 author = {Agresti, Alan and Hitchcock, David B.}, 5390 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2005/Bayesian inference for categorical data analysis - Agresti, Hitchcock.pdf:pdf}, 5391 journal = {Statistical Methods and Applications}, 5392 title = {{Bayesian inference for categorical data analysis}}, 5393 year = {2005} 5394 } 5395 @article{Aznar2005, 5396 author = {Aznar, A. S. and Castanon, D. G.}, 5397 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2005/Quality of life from the point of view of Latin American families a participative research study - Aznar, Castanon.pdf:pdf}, 5398 journal = {Journal of Intellectual Disability Research}, 5399 number = {10}, 5400 pages = {784--788}, 5401 shorttitle = {Quality of life from the point of view of Latin Am}, 5402 title = {{Quality of life from the point of view of Latin American families: a participative research study}}, 5403 volume = {49}, 5404 year = {2005} 5405 } 5406 @book{Bentler1995, 5407 author = {Bentler, P. M.}, 5408 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1995/EQS structural equations program manual - Bentler.pdf:pdf}, 5409 publisher = {Multivariate Software Encino, CA}, 5410 title = {{EQS structural equations program manual}}, 5411 year = {1995} 5412 } 5413 @book{VanderLaan2011, 5414 address = {New York, NY}, 5415 author = {van der Laan, Mark J. and Rose, Sherri}, 5416 doi = {10.1007/978-1-4419-9782-1}, 5417 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2011/Targeted Learning Causal Inference for Observational Data - van der Laan, Rose.pdf:pdf}, 5418 isbn = {978-1-4419-9781-4}, 5419 keywords = {Linear Models}, 5420 mendeley-tags = {Linear Models}, 5421 publisher = {Springer New York}, 5422 series = {Springer Series in Statistics}, 5423 title = {{Targeted Learning: Causal Inference for Observational Data}}, 5424 year = {2011} 5425 } 5426 @article{Trosset2009a, 5427 author = {Trosset, MW}, 5428 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/An introduction to statistical inference and its applications with R - Trosset.pdf:pdf}, 5429 title = {{An introduction to statistical inference and its applications with R}}, 5430 url = {http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=XPgDTUkus_IC&oi=fnd&pg=PP1&dq=An+Introduction+to+Statistical+Inference+and+Its+Applications+with+R&ots=DpvOiHIC8m&sig=ISD88zFmAktuw1qv5LpMSlIiO_w}, 5431 year = {2009} 5432 } 5433 @misc{IndividualswithDisabilitiesEducationImprovementActof20042004, 5434 keywords = {Statute/Constitution}, 5435 mendeley-tags = {Statute/Constitution}, 5436 title = {{Individuals With Disabilities Education Improvement Act Of 2004, Pub. 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No. 108-446, 104 Stat. 1142}}, 5437 year = {2004} 5438 } 5439 @article{Kennedy2000, 5440 author = {Kennedy, P. and Marsh, N. and Lowe, R. and Grey, N. and Short, E. and Rogers, B.}, 5441 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2000/A longitudinal analysis of psychological impact and coping strategies following spinal cord injury - Kennedy et al.pdf:pdf}, 5442 journal = {British Journal of Health Psychology}, 5443 number = {2}, 5444 pages = {157--172}, 5445 title = {{A longitudinal analysis of psychological impact and coping strategies following spinal cord injury}}, 5446 volume = {5}, 5447 year = {2000} 5448 } 5449 @article{Westen2004, 5450 author = {Westen, D. and Weinberger, J.}, 5451 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2004/When Clinical Description Becomes Statistical Prediction - Westen, Weinberger.pdf:pdf}, 5452 journal = {American Psychologist}, 5453 number = {7}, 5454 pages = {595--613}, 5455 title = {{When Clinical Description Becomes Statistical Prediction}}, 5456 volume = {59}, 5457 year = {2004} 5458 } 5459 @book{Wright1983, 5460 author = {Wright, Beatrice A.}, 5461 edition = {2 Sub}, 5462 isbn = {0060472413}, 5463 pages = {520}, 5464 publisher = {HarperCollins Publishers}, 5465 title = {{Physical Disability, a Psychosocial Approach}}, 5466 year = {1983} 5467 } 5468 @incollection{Keller2007, 5469 address = {New York}, 5470 author = {Keller, R. and King, J. P.}, 5471 booktitle = {Toward equity in health: A new global approach to health disparities}, 5472 editor = {Wallace, B.C.}, 5473 publisher = {Springer}, 5474 title = {{Health disparities and people with disabilities}}, 5475 year = {2007} 5476 } 5477 @article{Gelman2008, 5478 author = {Gelman, A and Dyk, DA Van}, 5479 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2008/Using redundant parameterizations to fit hierarchical models - Gelman, Dyk.pdf:pdf}, 5480 journal = {Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics}, 5481 title = {{Using redundant parameterizations to fit hierarchical models}}, 5482 url = {http://pubs.amstat.org/doi/pdf/10.1198/106186008X287337}, 5483 year = {2008} 5484 } 5485 @book{smith2011multilevel, 5486 annote = {buy}, 5487 author = {Smith, R.B.}, 5488 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2011/Multilevel Modeling of Social Problems - Smith.pdf:pdf}, 5489 keywords = {Linear Models}, 5490 mendeley-tags = {Linear Models}, 5491 publisher = {Springer Verlag}, 5492 title = {{Multilevel Modeling of Social Problems}}, 5493 url = {http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=kZXSTgRueeMC&oi=fnd&pg=PA2&dq="Multilevel+Modeling+of+Social+Problems+A+Causal+Perspective"&ots=qhpJzuUTCm&sig=M_YayVfgH1TeHfFsVk1jVDudcSs}, 5494 year = {2011} 5495 } 5496 @article{Wynne-Edwards2000, 5497 author = {Wynne-Edwards, K. E. and Reburn, C. J.}, 5498 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2000/Behavioral endocrinology of mammalian fatherhood - Wynne-Edwards, Reburn.pdf:pdf}, 5499 journal = {Trends in Ecology & Evolution}, 5500 number = {11}, 5501 pages = {464--468}, 5502 title = {{Behavioral endocrinology of mammalian fatherhood}}, 5503 volume = {15}, 5504 year = {2000} 5505 } 5506 @article{Jones2008, 5507 author = {Jones, S and Johnson-Yale, C}, 5508 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2008/Academic work, the Internet and US college students - Jones, Johnson-Yale.pdf:pdf}, 5509 journal = {Internet and Higher Education}, 5510 title = {{Academic work, the Internet and US college students}}, 5511 year = {2008} 5512 } 5513 @article{hanger2011bounce, 5514 author = {Hanger, M.A. and Goldenson, J. and Weinberg, M. and Schmitz-Sciborski, A. and Monzon, R.}, 5515 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2011/The Bounce Back Retention Program One-year Follow-up Study - Hanger et al.pdf:pdf}, 5516 journal = {Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice}, 5517 number = {2}, 5518 pages = {205--227}, 5519 publisher = {Baywood}, 5520 title = {{The Bounce Back Retention Program: One-year Follow-up Study}}, 5521 url = {http://baywood.metapress.com/index/U48Q2X16U0R3G52J.pdf}, 5522 volume = {13}, 5523 year = {2011} 5524 } 5525 @article{Benz2000, 5526 author = {Benz, M. R and Lindstrom, L. and Yovanoff, P.}, 5527 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2000/Improving Graduation and Employment Outcomes of Students with Disabilities Predictive Factors and Student Perspectives - Benz, Lindstrom, Yovanoff.pdf:pdf}, 5528 journal = {Exceptional Children}, 5529 number = {4}, 5530 pages = {509--29}, 5531 shorttitle = {Improving Graduation and Employment Outcomes of St}, 5532 title = {{Improving Graduation and Employment Outcomes of Students with Disabilities: Predictive Factors and Student Perspectives}}, 5533 volume = {66}, 5534 year = {2000} 5535 } 5536 @article{Sieghart1995, 5537 author = {Sieghart, W.}, 5538 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1995/Structure and pharmacology of gamma-aminobutyric acidA receptor subtypes - Sieghart.pdf:pdf}, 5539 journal = {Pharmacological Reviews}, 5540 number = {2}, 5541 pages = {181--234}, 5542 title = {{Structure and pharmacology of gamma-aminobutyric acidA receptor subtypes}}, 5543 volume = {47}, 5544 year = {1995} 5545 } 5546 @article{Findler2000, 5547 author = {Findler, L. S.}, 5548 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2000/The role of grandparents in the social support system of mothers of children with a physical disability - Findler.pdf:pdf}, 5549 journal = {Families in society}, 5550 number = {4}, 5551 pages = {370--381}, 5552 title = {{The role of grandparents in the social support system of mothers of children with a physical disability}}, 5553 volume = {81}, 5554 year = {2000} 5555 } 5556 @article{Augutis2007, 5557 author = {Augutis, M. and Levi, R. and Asplund, K. and Berg-Kelly, K.}, 5558 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/Psychosocial Aspects of Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury With Onset During Adolescence A Qualitative Study - Augutis et al.pdf:pdf}, 5559 journal = {The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine}, 5560 number = {Suppl 1}, 5561 pages = {S55}, 5562 shorttitle = {Psychosocial Aspects of Traumatic Spinal Cord Inju}, 5563 title = {{Psychosocial Aspects of Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury With Onset During Adolescence: A Qualitative Study}}, 5564 volume = {30}, 5565 year = {2007} 5566 } 5567 @book{King1989, 5568 address = {New York}, 5569 author = {King, G.}, 5570 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1998/Unifying political methodology - King.pdf:pdf}, 5571 keywords = {Linear Models}, 5572 mendeley-tags = {Linear Models}, 5573 publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, 5574 title = {{Unifying political methodology}}, 5575 year = {1998} 5576 } 5577 @article{Sackett1996, 5578 author = {Sackett, D. L and Deeks, J. J and Altman, D. G.}, 5579 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1996/Down with odds ratios! - Sackett, Deeks, Altman.pdf:pdf}, 5580 journal = {Evidence Based Medicine}, 5581 number = {6}, 5582 pages = {164--166}, 5583 title = {{Down with odds ratios!}}, 5584 volume = {1}, 5585 year = {1996} 5586 } 5587 @book{satorra1999scaled, 5588 author = {Satorra, A.}, 5589 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1999/Scaled and adjusted restricted tests in multi-sample analysis of moment structures - Satorra.pdf:pdf}, 5590 publisher = {Universitat Pompeu Fabra}, 5591 title = {{Scaled and adjusted restricted tests in multi-sample analysis of moment structures}}, 5592 url = {http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=189431}, 5593 year = {1999} 5594 } 5595 @techreport{Black2006, 5596 address = {Washington, DC:}, 5597 author = {Black, William E. and Ireys, Henry T.}, 5598 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/Understanding Enrollment Trends and Participant Characteristics of the Medicaid Buy-In Program, 2003-2004 - Black, Ireys.pdf:pdf}, 5599 institution = {Mathematica Policy Research, Inc}, 5600 title = {{Understanding Enrollment Trends and Participant Characteristics of the Medicaid Buy-In Program, 2003-2004}}, 5601 url = {http://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&q=Understanding+Enrollment+Trends+and+Participant+Characteristics+of+the+Medicaid+Buy-In+Program,+2003-2004&btnG=Search&as_sdt=0,48&as_ylo=&as_vis=0#0}, 5602 year = {2006} 5603 } 5604 @article{Barnard-Brak2009, 5605 author = {Barnard-Brak, L. and Davis, T. and Tate, A. and Sulak, T.}, 5606 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/Attitudes as a predictor of college students requesting accommodations - Barnard-Brak et al.pdf:pdf}, 5607 journal = {Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation}, 5608 number = {3}, 5609 pages = {189--198}, 5610 title = {{Attitudes as a predictor of college students requesting accommodations}}, 5611 volume = {31}, 5612 year = {2009} 5613 } 5614 @book{Fink1997, 5615 annote = {http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=}, 5616 author = {Fink, D}, 5617 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1997/A compendium of conjugate priors - Fink.pdf:pdf}, 5618 keywords = {Bayes}, 5619 mendeley-tags = {Bayes}, 5620 title = {{A compendium of conjugate priors}}, 5621 url = {http://scholar.google.com/scholar?cluster=3976439074143630317&hl=en&as_sdt=0,48#0}, 5622 year = {1997} 5623 } 5624 @article{airoldi2008mixed, 5625 author = {Airoldi, E.M. and Blei, D.M. and Fienberg, S.E. and Xing, E.P.}, 5626 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2008/Mixed membership stochastic blockmodels - Airoldi et al.pdf:pdf}, 5627 journal = {The Journal of Machine Learning Research}, 5628 pages = {1981--2014}, 5629 publisher = {JMLR. org}, 5630 title = {{Mixed membership stochastic blockmodels}}, 5631 url = {http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1442798}, 5632 volume = {9}, 5633 year = {2008} 5634 } 5635 @article{Allen1999, 5636 author = {Allen, David F.}, 5637 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1999/Desire to finish college An empirical link between motivation and persistence - Allen.pdf:pdf}, 5638 journal = {Research in Higher Education}, 5639 number = {4}, 5640 pages = {461--485}, 5641 title = {{Desire to finish college: An empirical link between motivation and persistence}}, 5642 volume = {40}, 5643 year = {1999} 5644 } 5645 @article{Smiley2003, 5646 author = {Smiley, E. and Cooper, S. A.}, 5647 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2003/Intellectual disabilities, depressive episode, diagnostic criteria and Diagnostic Criteria for Psychiatric Disorders for Use with Adults with Learning DisabilitiesMental Retardation - Smiley, Cooper.pdf:pdf}, 5648 journal = {Journal of Intellectual Disability Research}, 5649 number = {s1}, 5650 pages = {62--71}, 5651 title = {{Intellectual disabilities, depressive episode, diagnostic criteria and Diagnostic Criteria for Psychiatric Disorders for Use with Adults with Learning Disabilities/Mental Retardation}}, 5652 volume = {47}, 5653 year = {2003} 5654 } 5655 @article{Olfson2000, 5656 author = {Olfson, M. and Guardino, M. and Struening, E. and Schneier, F. R. and Hellman, F. and Klein, D. F.}, 5657 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2000/Barriers to the Treatment of Social Anxiety - Olfson et al.pdf:pdf}, 5658 journal = {American Journal of Psychiatry}, 5659 pages = {521--527}, 5660 title = {{Barriers to the Treatment of Social Anxiety}}, 5661 volume = {157}, 5662 year = {2000} 5663 } 5664 @article{Man2006, 5665 author = {Man, M. and Rojahn, J. and Chrosniak, L. and Sanford, J.}, 5666 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/College Students’ Romantic Attraction Toward Peers with Physical Disabilities - Man et al.pdf:pdf}, 5667 journal = {Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities}, 5668 number = {1}, 5669 pages = {35--44}, 5670 title = {{College Students’ Romantic Attraction Toward Peers with Physical Disabilities}}, 5671 volume = {18}, 5672 year = {2006} 5673 } 5674 @article{Doran2006, 5675 abstract = {Value-added models of student achievement have received widespread attention in light of the current test-based accountability movement. These models use longitudinal growth modeling techniques to identify effective schools or teachers based upon the results of changes in student achievement test scores. Given their increasing popularity, this article demonstrates how to perform the data analysis necessary to fit a general value-added model using the nlme package available for the R statistics environment. We demonstrate techniques for inspecting the data prior to fitting the model, walk a practitioner through a sample analysis, and discuss general extensions commonly found across the literature that may be incorporated to enhance the basic model presented, including the estimation of multiple outcomes and teacher effects.}, 5676 author = {Doran, H. C. and Lockwood, J. R.}, 5677 doi = {10.3102/10769986031002205}, 5678 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/Fitting Value-Added Models in R - Doran, Lockwood.pdf:pdf}, 5679 issn = {1076-9986}, 5680 journal = {Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics}, 5681 month = jan, 5682 number = {2}, 5683 pages = {205--230}, 5684 title = {{Fitting Value-Added Models in R}}, 5685 url = {http://jeb.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/31/2/205}, 5686 volume = {31}, 5687 year = {2006} 5688 } 5689 @article{st1991framework, 5690 author = {{St. John}, E.P.}, 5691 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1991/A framework for reexamining state resource-management strategies in higher education - St. John.pdf:pdf}, 5692 journal = {The Journal of Higher Education}, 5693 pages = {263--287}, 5694 publisher = {JSTOR}, 5695 title = {{A framework for reexamining state resource-management strategies in higher education}}, 5696 url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.2307/1982282}, 5697 year = {1991} 5698 } 5699 @article{Platt2008, 5700 abstract = {Normatively and intuitively, we conceive of political participation as an integral component of democratic policymaking. However, research on participation generally does not include policy considerations as part of individuals’ decisions to engage in activism. I offer an opportunity model of participation that begins to study how policy goals shape individual participation and how aggregate participation shapes policymaking. The central argument is that individuals’ policy goals allow them to recognize those moments when it is most efficient and/or effective to take action. Examining black participation from 1980 to 1994, I show that black Americans are more likely to participate when they face external threats, are embedded in social networks, and have greater access to policymakers. Most importantly, the recognition of these opportunities varies according to individuals’ resources. This research moves beyond the discussion of who participates to address the equally fundamental question: participation for what?}, 5701 annote = { 5702 What is the article about? 5703 5704 5705 5706 is wanting to change policy a motivating factor for political participation. 5707 5708 5709 5710 In the literature review and/or conceptual framework, how do authors talk about the relationship between political participation/orientation and life course experiences, and/or the relationship between political participation/orientation and college experiences? 5711 5712 5713 5714 the main focus is how wanting to change policy, and access to policy makers may impact political participation relating to black politics. 5715 5716 5717 5718 What interesting thoughts or assertions did authors make in literature review or discussion that we can use in our paper? (e.g., “the need to promote political participation is essential for our democracy,” “those who do not participate politically are likely to have a highly undemocratic view of the world”) Basically think about things we can use for fodder. 5719 5720 5721 5722 in our variable of wanting to change political structure, that may be a proxy to support or not support this hypothesis, also with wanting to be a community leader, these may have in them policy goals and reasons for participation. 5723 5724 5725 5726 What variables or concepts relate to political participation? 5727 5728 5729 5730 see below on what data was collected, overall 4 groups, participation, petitions, party and rally. 5731 5732 5733 5734 What are the research questions of the study? 5735 5736 5737 5738 are people more likely to be active if someone (Reagan) that perceived to be against african ameriacns are in office, having allies in congress helps raise participation, as the nation more conservative and less access for black americans it may decrease participation, those who are in network are more likely to participate, and greater black participation will lead to more actions from congress on black issues. 5739 5740 5741 5742 What data was used or collected? 5743 5744 5745 5746 good paragraph from the article: 5747 "The Roper Center asks about 12 activities.5 Of these 12 forms of participation,five relate to individual efforts to communicate one’s preferences—contacting a member of Congress, attending a public meeting, writing a letter to a periodical, writing an article for a periodical, and making a speech. Three activities are concerned with organizational affiliation and service—serving on a committee in a local organization, serving as an officer for a club or organization, and being a member of a ‘‘good government’’ organization. Lastly, there are three forms of participation that incorporate individual efforts into some broader collective action—attending a political rally, working for a political party, and signing a petition. Given the impracticality of analyzing how all of these activities are shaped by opportunities and in turn influence congressional attention, I focus on these last three acts that involve collective efforts to influence policy." 5748 5749 5750 5751 What methodologies were employed? 5752 5753 5754 5755 two stage random effects logit models, on the four groups then OLS regression on 58 parameters on aggregate level vairables looking at age, house hold income, education and organizational activity. 5756 5757 5758 5759 IF SEM, describe model they intend to estimate 5760 5761 5762 5763 NA 5764 5765 5766 5767 What findings were relevant to understanding political participation? 5768 5769 5770 5771 new participants are needed to change policy agenda (Cobb and Elder 1972; Schattschneider 1975; Cobb et al. 1976; Baumgartner and Jones 1993). so therefore people that want to change political structure or be a community leader may be wanting to change policy, this is tangential i know but still could be discussed in future directions. 5772 5773 5774 5775 5776 5777 What interesting things stated in the discussion can we use for our paper. Make sure you cite everything. 5778 5779 5780 5781 black individuals are more likely to participate in high unemployment, durign the Reagan administration, when they are apart of a social network and have greater access to policy makers. no relationship was found with congressional attention to black issues. 5782 5783 5784 5785 List citations of other studies that authors reference of regarding the relationship between political participation/orientation and/or the relationship between life course experiences, and/or political participation and college experiences? 5786 5787 Arceneaux, K. (2003). The conditional impact of blame attribution on the relationship between economic adversity and turnout. Political Research Quarterly, 56, 67–75 5788 Baumgartner, F. R., & Jones, B. D. (1993). Agendas and instability in American politics. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 5789 Bobo, 5790 Cobb, R., Ross, J.-K., & Ross, M. H. (1976). Agenda building as a comparative political process. American Political Science Review, 70, 126–138. 5791 Cobb, R. W., & Elder, C. D. (1972). Participation in American politics: The dynamics of agenda- building. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. 5792 5793 5794 5795 5796 Gurin, P., Hatchett, S., & Jackson, J. (1989). Hope and independence: Blacks’ response to electoral and party politics. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. 5797 5798 5799 McClurg, S. D. (2003). Social networks and political participation: The role of social interaction in explaining political participation. Political Research Quarterly, 56, 449–464. 5800 5801 5802 Schattschneider, E. E. (1975). Semisovereign people: A realist’s view of democracy in America. New York: Dryden Press}, 5803 author = {Platt, Matthew B.}, 5804 doi = {10.1007/s11109-008-9054-0}, 5805 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2008/Participation for What A Policy-motivated Approach to Political Activism - Platt.pdf:pdf}, 5806 issn = {0190-9320}, 5807 journal = {Political Behavior}, 5808 keywords = {Behavioral Science}, 5809 month = feb, 5810 number = {3}, 5811 pages = {391--413}, 5812 publisher = {Springer Netherlands}, 5813 title = {{Participation for What? A Policy-motivated Approach to Political Activism}}, 5814 url = {http://www.springerlink.com/content/111786813374178j/}, 5815 volume = {30}, 5816 year = {2008} 5817 } 5818 @article{Greenland1989, 5819 author = {Greenland, S.}, 5820 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1989/Modeling and variable selection in epidemiologic analysis - Greenland.pdf:pdf}, 5821 journal = {American Journal of Public Health}, 5822 number = {3}, 5823 pages = {340--349}, 5824 title = {{Modeling and variable selection in epidemiologic analysis}}, 5825 volume = {79}, 5826 year = {1989} 5827 } 5828 @article{Zeileis2010, 5829 author = {Zeileis, A.}, 5830 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2010/Beta Regression in R - Zeileis.pdf:pdf}, 5831 journal = {Journal of Statistical Software}, 5832 title = {{Beta Regression in R}}, 5833 url = {http://eeecon.uibk.ac.at/$\sim$zeileis/papers/ERCIM-2010.pdf}, 5834 year = {2010} 5835 } 5836 @inproceedings{Wayman2003, 5837 address = {Chicago, IL}, 5838 author = {Wayman, J. C}, 5839 booktitle = {Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association}, 5840 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2003/Multiple imputation for missing data What is it and how can I use it - Wayman.pdf:pdf}, 5841 title = {{Multiple imputation for missing data: What is it and how can I use it}}, 5842 year = {2003} 5843 } 5844 @article{Strine2005, 5845 author = {Strine, T. W. and Hootman, J. M. and Chapman, D. P. and Okoro, C. A. and Balluz, L.}, 5846 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2005/Health-Related Quality of Life, Health Risk Behaviors, and Disability Among Adults With Pain-Related Activity Difficulty - Strine et al.pdf:pdf}, 5847 journal = {American Journal of Public Health}, 5848 number = {11}, 5849 pages = {2042--2048}, 5850 title = {{Health-Related Quality of Life, Health Risk Behaviors, and Disability Among Adults With Pain-Related Activity Difficulty}}, 5851 volume = {95}, 5852 year = {2005} 5853 } 5854 @article{Jackman2000, 5855 author = {Jackman, S}, 5856 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2000/Estimation and inference are missing data problems Unifying social science statistics via Bayesian simulation - Jackman.pdf:pdf}, 5857 journal = {Political Analysis}, 5858 title = {{Estimation and inference are missing data problems: Unifying social science statistics via Bayesian simulation}}, 5859 url = {http://pan.oxfordjournals.org/content/8/4/307.short}, 5860 year = {2000} 5861 } 5862 @techreport{Cook2010, 5863 address = {Washington, DC}, 5864 author = {Cook, B. G. and Pullaro, Natalie}, 5865 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2010/College graduation rates Behind the numbers - Cook, Pullaro.pdf:pdf}, 5866 institution = {American Council on Education}, 5867 title = {{College graduation rates: Behind the numbers}}, 5868 url = {http://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&q="College+Graduation+Rates:+Behind+the+Numbers"&btnG=Search&as_sdt=0,48&as_ylo=&as_vis=0#0}, 5869 year = {2010} 5870 } 5871 @book{Albert2007, 5872 address = {New York}, 5873 author = {Albert, J.}, 5874 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/Bayesian Computation with R - Albert.pdf:pdf}, 5875 keywords = {Bayes,R Books}, 5876 mendeley-tags = {Bayes,R Books}, 5877 publisher = {Springer}, 5878 title = {{Bayesian Computation with R}}, 5879 year = {2007} 5880 } 5881 @article{Bruyere2004, 5882 author = {Bruyere, S. M. and Erickson, W. A. and VanLooy, S.}, 5883 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2004/Comparative Study of Workplace Policy and Practices Contributing to Disability Nondiscrimination - Bruyere, Erickson, VanLooy.pdf:pdf}, 5884 journal = {Rehabilitation Psychology}, 5885 number = {1}, 5886 pages = {28--38}, 5887 title = {{Comparative Study of Workplace Policy and Practices Contributing to Disability Nondiscrimination}}, 5888 volume = {49}, 5889 year = {2004} 5890 } 5891 @book{dey2000generalized, 5892 author = {Dey, D. and Ghosh, S.K. and Mallick, B.K.}, 5893 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2000/Generalized linear models A Bayesian perspective - Dey, Ghosh, Mallick.djvu:djvu}, 5894 keywords = {Bayes}, 5895 mendeley-tags = {Bayes}, 5896 publisher = {CRC}, 5897 title = {{Generalized linear models: A Bayesian perspective}}, 5898 url = {http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=Y5AARf7oTNkC&oi=fnd&pg=PA1&dq=Generalized+linear+models+-+a+Bayesian+perspective&ots=8ZX5bIps3u&sig=O0pyIa3IKG6bQeeqgQaO_vKWbNY}, 5899 volume = {5}, 5900 year = {2000} 5901 } 5902 @article{Greenfield2000, 5903 author = {Greenfield, P. M.}, 5904 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2000/What Psychology Can Do for Anthropology, or Why Anthropology Took Postmodernism on the China - Greenfield.pdf:pdf}, 5905 journal = {American Anthropologist}, 5906 number = {3}, 5907 pages = {564--576}, 5908 title = {{What Psychology Can Do for Anthropology, or Why Anthropology Took Postmodernism on the China}}, 5909 volume = {102}, 5910 year = {2000} 5911 } 5912 @book{Kutner2004, 5913 author = {Kutner, Michael H and Nachtsheim, Christopher J. and Neter, John and Li, William}, 5914 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2004/Applied Linear Statistical Models (McGraw-HillIrwin Series Operations and Decision Sciences) - Kutner et al.pdf:pdf}, 5915 isbn = {0072386886}, 5916 keywords = {Linear Models}, 5917 mendeley-tags = {Linear Models}, 5918 pages = {1424}, 5919 publisher = {McGraw-Hill/Irwin}, 5920 title = {{Applied Linear Statistical Models (McGraw-Hill/Irwin Series Operations and Decision Sciences)}}, 5921 url = {http://www.amazon.com/Applied-Linear-Statistical-Models-Michael/dp/007310874X}, 5922 year = {2004} 5923 } 5924 @article{Boschen2003, 5925 abstract = {This paper presents the results of a 2-year mixed methodology (quantitative and qualitative) study examining the reintegration and quality of life of community-residing adults with spinal cord injury (SCI). A convenience sample of 100 individuals with SCI completed three questionnaires for the quantitative study phase. A self-selected subsample of 34 of the participants then attended qualitative focus groups to further explore adjustment to living in the community after SCI. The results revealed that locus of control is crucial to subjective quality of life, productivity status, satisfaction with performance of daily activities and satisfaction with community integration. Respondents confirmed that substantial adjustments are required after SCI, and that these can be aided through education, involvement in productive activity and participation in social and leisure activities. A dominant finding was that social support and peer mentoring were invaluable. Stable health and appropriate pain management were crucial to subjective satisfaction with community integration, yet for many of the respondents these were elusive. Although the participants valued the rehabilitation process, they felt that "the system" was not client-centred and that the timing of services and information was not always relevant to individual needs. The clinical and practical implications of these results are discussed.}, 5926 author = {Boschen, Kathryn A and Tonack, Mark and Gargaro, Judith}, 5927 doi = {10.1097/01.mrr.0000088440.78481.1f}, 5928 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2003/Long-term adjustment and community reintegration following spinal cord injury - Boschen, Tonack, Gargaro.pdf:pdf}, 5929 issn = {0342-5282}, 5930 journal = {International Journal of Rehabilitation Research. Internationale Zeitschrift F\"{u}r Rehabilitationsforschung. Revue Internationale De Recherches De R\'{e}adaptation}, 5931 keywords = {Adult,Female,Humans,Internal-External Control,Male,Quality of Life,Social Adjustment,Social Support,Spinal Cord Injuries}, 5932 month = sep, 5933 number = {3}, 5934 pages = {157--64}, 5935 title = {{Long-term adjustment and community reintegration following spinal cord injury}}, 5936 url = {http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14501566}, 5937 volume = {26}, 5938 year = {2003} 5939 } 5940 @article{issacharoff2000discrimination, 5941 author = {Issacharoff, S. and Nelson, J.}, 5942 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2000/Discrimination with a Difference Can Employment Discrimination Law Accomodate the Americans with Disabilities Act - Issacharoff, Nelson.pdf:pdf}, 5943 journal = {NCL Rev.}, 5944 pages = {307}, 5945 publisher = {HeinOnline}, 5946 title = {{Discrimination with a Difference: Can Employment Discrimination Law Accomodate the Americans with Disabilities Act}}, 5947 url = {http://heinonlinebackup.com/hol-cgi-bin/get_pdf.cgi?handle=hein.journals/nclr79&section=17}, 5948 volume = {79}, 5949 year = {2000} 5950 } 5951 @article{Pike1997, 5952 abstract = {Examines the relationship between residential learning communities and students' experiences and persistence during the first year of college. Data taken from 2,678 students indicated that the residential learning communities did not improve students' academic achievement and persistence directly, but did indirectly improve students' success by enhancing their incorporation into college. (RJM)}, 5953 author = {Pike, Gary R. and Schroeder, Charles C. and Berry, Thomas R.}, 5954 issn = {0897-5264}, 5955 journal = {Journal of College Student Development}, 5956 keywords = {Academic Achievement,Academic Persistence,College Freshmen,Dormitories,Higher Education,Residential Colleges,School Holding Power,Social Integration,Student Attitudes,Student College Relationship}, 5957 number = {6}, 5958 pages = {609--621}, 5959 shorttitle = {Enhancing the Educational Impact of Residence Hall}, 5960 title = {{Enhancing the Educational Impact of Residence Halls: The Relationship between Residential Learning Communities and First-Year College Experiences and Persistence}}, 5961 volume = {38}, 5962 year = {1997} 5963 } 5964 @article{Ware1992, 5965 author = {Ware, J. E. Jr and Sherbourne, C. D.}, 5966 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1992/The MOS 36-ltem Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36) I. Conceptual Framework and Item Selection - Ware, Sherbourne.pdf:pdf;:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1992/The MOS 36-ltem Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36) I. Conceptual Framework and Item Selection - Ware, Sherbourne(2).pdf:pdf;:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1992/The MOS 36-ltem Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36) I. Conceptual Framework and Item Selection - Ware, Sherbourne(3).pdf:pdf}, 5967 journal = {Medical care}, 5968 number = {6}, 5969 pages = {473--483}, 5970 title = {{The MOS 36-ltem Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36): I. Conceptual Framework and Item Selection}}, 5971 volume = {30}, 5972 year = {1992} 5973 } 5974 @article{imai2010identification, 5975 author = {Imai, K. and Keele, L. and Yamamoto, T.}, 5976 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2010/Identification, inference and sensitivity analysis for causal mediation effects - Imai, Keele, Yamamoto.pdf:pdf}, 5977 journal = {Statistical Science}, 5978 number = {1}, 5979 pages = {51--71}, 5980 publisher = {Institute of Mathematical Statistics}, 5981 title = {{Identification, inference and sensitivity analysis for causal mediation effects}}, 5982 url = {http://projecteuclid.org/euclid.ss/1280841733}, 5983 volume = {25}, 5984 year = {2010} 5985 } 5986 @book{rieser1990disability, 5987 address = {London, England}, 5988 author = {Rieser, R. and Mason, M.}, 5989 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1992/Disability equality in the classroom a human rights issue - Rieser, Mason.pdf:pdf}, 5990 publisher = {Disability Equality in Education}, 5991 title = {{Disability equality in the classroom: a human rights issue}}, 5992 year = {1992} 5993 } 5994 @article{Baril1995, 5995 author = {Baril, G. L. and Cannon, J. T.}, 5996 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1995/What is the probability that null hypothesis testing is meaningless - Baril, Cannon.pdf:pdf}, 5997 journal = {American Psychologist}, 5998 number = {12}, 5999 pages = {1098--1099}, 6000 title = {{What is the probability that null hypothesis testing is meaningless?}}, 6001 volume = {50}, 6002 year = {1995} 6003 } 6004 @article{King2006, 6005 author = {King, G. and Willoughby, C. and Specht, J. A. and Brown, E.}, 6006 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/Social Support Processes and the Adaptation of Individuals With Chronic Disabilities - King et al.pdf:pdf}, 6007 journal = {Qualitative Health Research}, 6008 number = {7}, 6009 pages = {902}, 6010 title = {{Social Support Processes and the Adaptation of Individuals With Chronic Disabilities}}, 6011 volume = {16}, 6012 year = {2006} 6013 } 6014 @article{smith2008defining, 6015 author = {Smith, J. D. and Polloway, E. A.}, 6016 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2008/Defining Disability Up and Down The Problem of Normality - Smith, Polloway.pdf:pdf}, 6017 journal = {Intellectual and developmental disabilities}, 6018 number = {3}, 6019 pages = {234--238}, 6020 publisher = {American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities}, 6021 title = {{Defining Disability Up and Down: The Problem of Normality}}, 6022 url = {http://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN&cpsidt=20510003}, 6023 volume = {46}, 6024 year = {2008} 6025 } 6026 @book{Faraway2005, 6027 address = {Boca Raton, FL}, 6028 annote = {Purchased from ebooks.com}, 6029 author = {Faraway, Julian J.}, 6030 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2005/Extending the Linear Model with R Generalized Linear, Mixed Effects and Nonparametric Regression Models (Chapman & HallCRC Texts in Statistical Science) - Faraway.pdf:pdf}, 6031 isbn = {158488424X}, 6032 keywords = {Linear Models}, 6033 mendeley-tags = {Linear Models}, 6034 publisher = {Chapman and Hall/CRC}, 6035 title = {{Extending the Linear Model with R: Generalized Linear, Mixed Effects and Nonparametric Regression Models (Chapman & Hall/CRC Texts in Statistical Science)}}, 6036 year = {2005} 6037 } 6038 @article{Duncan1999, 6039 author = {Duncan, A}, 6040 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1999/Defining Disability in the ADA Sutton v. United Airlines, Inc - Duncan.pdf:pdf}, 6041 journal = {La. L. Rev.}, 6042 title = {{Defining Disability in the ADA: Sutton v. United Airlines, Inc}}, 6043 url = {http://heinonlinebackup.com/hol-cgi-bin/get_pdf.cgi?handle=hein.journals/louilr60&section=43}, 6044 year = {1999} 6045 } 6046 @article{Green2003, 6047 author = {Green, S. E.}, 6048 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2003/What do you mean ‘what's wrong with her” stigma and the lives of families of children with disabilities - Green.pdf:pdf}, 6049 journal = {Social Science & Medicine}, 6050 number = {8}, 6051 pages = {1361--1374}, 6052 title = {{What do you mean ‘what's wrong with her”: stigma and the lives of families of children with disabilities}}, 6053 volume = {57}, 6054 year = {2003} 6055 } 6056 @article{Oktay2004, 6057 author = {Oktay, J. S. and Tompkins, C. J.}, 6058 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2004/Personal Assistance Providers' Mistreatment of Disabled Adults - Oktay, Tompkins.pdf:pdf}, 6059 journal = {Health and Social Work}, 6060 number = {3}, 6061 pages = {177--189}, 6062 title = {{Personal Assistance Providers' Mistreatment of Disabled Adults}}, 6063 volume = {29}, 6064 year = {2004} 6065 } 6066 @article{rubin2005causal, 6067 author = {Rubin, D.B.}, 6068 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2005/Causal inference using potential outcomes - Rubin.pdf:pdf}, 6069 journal = {Journal of the American Statistical Association}, 6070 number = {469}, 6071 pages = {322--331}, 6072 publisher = {ASA}, 6073 title = {{Causal inference using potential outcomes}}, 6074 url = {http://pubs.amstat.org/doi/abs/10.1198/016214504000001880}, 6075 volume = {100}, 6076 year = {2005} 6077 } 6078 @article{robbins2004psychosocial, 6079 author = {Robbins, S.B. and Lauver, K. and Le, H. and Davis, D. and Langley, R. and Carlstrom, A.}, 6080 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2004/Do psychosocial and study skill factors predict college outcomes A meta-analysis - Robbins et al.pdf:pdf}, 6081 journal = {Psychological Bulletin}, 6082 number = {2}, 6083 pages = {261}, 6084 publisher = {American Psychological Association}, 6085 title = {{Do psychosocial and study skill factors predict college outcomes? A meta-analysis}}, 6086 volume = {130}, 6087 year = {2004} 6088 } 6089 @article{Cook1979, 6090 author = {Cook, R. D.}, 6091 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1979/Influential observations in linear regression - Cook.pdf:pdf}, 6092 journal = {Journal of the American Statistical Association}, 6093 title = {{Influential observations in linear regression}}, 6094 year = {1979} 6095 } 6096 @article{BINKS1997, 6097 author = {Binks, T M and Radnitz, C L and Morgan, A I and Vinciguerra, V}, 6098 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1997/Relationship between Level of Spinal Cord Injury and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms - Binks et al.pdf:pdf}, 6099 journal = {Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences}, 6100 number = {1 Psychobiology of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, The}, 6101 pages = {430--432}, 6102 title = {{Relationship between Level of Spinal Cord Injury and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms}}, 6103 volume = {821}, 6104 year = {1997} 6105 } 6106 @article{Braxton2000b, 6107 author = {Braxton, JM}, 6108 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2000/The influence of active learning on the college student departure process Toward a revision of Tinto's theory - Braxton.pdf:pdf}, 6109 journal = {Journal of Higher Education}, 6110 number = {5}, 6111 pages = {569--590}, 6112 title = {{The influence of active learning on the college student departure process: Toward a revision of Tinto's theory}}, 6113 volume = {71}, 6114 year = {2000} 6115 } 6116 @book{Goldstein2010, 6117 author = {Goldstein, H}, 6118 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2010/Multilevel statistical models - Goldstein.pdf:pdf}, 6119 keywords = {Linear Models}, 6120 mendeley-tags = {Linear Models}, 6121 title = {{Multilevel statistical models}}, 6122 year = {2010} 6123 } 6124 @book{Ross2009, 6125 annote = {buy}, 6126 author = {Ross, Sheldon M.}, 6127 edition = {Tenth Edit}, 6128 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/Introduction to Probability Models - Ross.pdf:pdf}, 6129 isbn = {0123756863}, 6130 keywords = {Probability}, 6131 mendeley-tags = {Probability}, 6132 pages = {800}, 6133 publisher = {Academic Press}, 6134 title = {{Introduction to Probability Models}}, 6135 url = {http://www.amazon.com/Introduction-Probability-Models-Tenth-Sheldon/dp/0123756863}, 6136 year = {2009} 6137 } 6138 @article{Dobbie2001, 6139 abstract = {This paper extends the two-component approach to modelling count data with extra zeros, considered by Mullahy (1986), Heilbron (1994) and Welsh et al. (1996), to take account of possible serial dependence between repeated observations. Generalized estimating equations (Liang & Zeger, 1986) are constructed for each component of the model by incorporating correlation matrices into each of the maximum likelihood estimating equations. The proposed method is demonstrated on weekly counts of Noisy Friarbirds (Philemon cornic-ulatus), which were recorded by observers for the Canberra Garden Bird Survey (Hermes, 1981)}, 6140 author = {Dobbie, Melissa J and Welsh, A H}, 6141 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2001/Modelling correlated zero-inflated count data - Dobbie, Welsh.pdf:pdf}, 6142 institution = {Australian National University}, 6143 journal = {Australian New Zealand Journal of Statistics}, 6144 keywords = {ha statistics,qa mathematics}, 6145 number = {4}, 6146 pages = {431--444}, 6147 publisher = {John Wiley & Sons}, 6148 title = {{Modelling correlated zero-inflated count data}}, 6149 url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1467-842X.00191}, 6150 volume = {43}, 6151 year = {2001} 6152 } 6153 @book{Sarkar2008a, 6154 author = {Sarkar, D.}, 6155 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2008/Lattice multivariate data visualization with R - Sarkar.pdf:pdf}, 6156 publisher = {Springer Verlag}, 6157 title = {{Lattice: multivariate data visualization with R}}, 6158 year = {2008} 6159 } 6160 @article{Yee2010, 6161 author = {Yee, TW}, 6162 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2010/The VGAM package for categorical data analysis - Yee.pdf:pdf}, 6163 journal = {Journal of Statistical Software}, 6164 title = {{The VGAM package for categorical data analysis}}, 6165 url = {http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=}, 6166 year = {2010} 6167 } 6168 @article{Scott2007, 6169 author = {Scott, K. M. and Bruffaerts, R. and Tsang, A. and Ormel, J. and Alonso, J. and Angermeyer, M. C. and Benjet, C. and Bromet, E. and de Girolamo, G. and de Graaf, R.}, 6170 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/Depression–anxiety relationships with chronic physical conditions Results from the World Mental Health surveys - Scott et al.pdf:pdf}, 6171 journal = {Journal of Affective Disorders}, 6172 number = {1-3}, 6173 pages = {113--120}, 6174 shorttitle = {Depression–anxiety relationships with chronic phys}, 6175 title = {{Depression–anxiety relationships with chronic physical conditions: Results from the World Mental Health surveys}}, 6176 volume = {103}, 6177 year = {2007} 6178 } 6179 @article{Lindbeck1995, 6180 author = {Lindbeck, A}, 6181 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1995/Welfare State Disincentives with Endogenous Habits and Norms - Lindbeck.pdf:pdf}, 6182 journal = {Scandinavian Journal of Economics}, 6183 title = {{Welfare State Disincentives with Endogenous Habits and Norms}}, 6184 url = {http://econpapers.repec.org/article/blascandj/v_3A97_3Ay_3A1995_3Ai_3A4_3Ap_3A477-94.htm}, 6185 year = {1995} 6186 } 6187 @article{Jorge2004, 6188 author = {Jorge, RE and Robinson, RG}, 6189 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2004/Major depression following traumatic brain injury - Jorge, Robinson.pdf:pdf}, 6190 journal = {Archives of General Psychiatry}, 6191 title = {{Major depression following traumatic brain injury}}, 6192 url = {http://archpsyc.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/abstract/61/1/42}, 6193 year = {2004} 6194 } 6195 @article{hofmann1998centering, 6196 author = {Hofmann, D.A. and Gavin, M.B.}, 6197 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1998/Centering decisions in hierarchical linear models Implications for research in organizations - Hofmann, Gavin.pdf:pdf}, 6198 journal = {Journal of Management}, 6199 number = {5}, 6200 pages = {623--641}, 6201 publisher = {Sage Publications}, 6202 title = {{Centering decisions in hierarchical linear models: Implications for research in organizations}}, 6203 url = {http://jom.sagepub.com/content/24/5/623.short}, 6204 volume = {24}, 6205 year = {1998} 6206 } 6207 @misc{tierney1992official, 6208 author = {Tierney, William G.}, 6209 publisher = {Norwood, NJ: Ablex}, 6210 title = {{Official encouragement, institutional discouragement: Minorities in academe—the American Indian experience}}, 6211 year = {1992} 6212 } 6213 @article{Clark2000, 6214 author = {Clark, K. E. and Ladd, G. W.}, 6215 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2000/Connectedness and autonomy support in parent-child relationships links to children's socioemotional orientation and peer relationships - Clark, Ladd.pdf:pdf}, 6216 journal = {Developmental Psychology}, 6217 number = {4}, 6218 pages = {485}, 6219 title = {{Connectedness and autonomy support in parent-child relationships: links to children's socioemotional orientation and peer relationships}}, 6220 volume = {36}, 6221 year = {2000} 6222 } 6223 @techreport{Strasser2005, 6224 annote = {buy}, 6225 author = {Strasser, H.}, 6226 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2005/Introduction to Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes (STATS) - Strasser.pdf:pdf}, 6227 keywords = {Probability}, 6228 mendeley-tags = {Probability}, 6229 title = {{Introduction to Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes (STATS)}}, 6230 year = {2005} 6231 } 6232 @article{NoyesJr2005, 6233 author = {{Noyes Jr}, R. and Carney, C. P. and Hillis, S. L. and Jones, L. E. and Langbehn, D. R.}, 6234 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2005/Prevalence and Correlates of Illness Worry in the General Population - Noyes Jr et al.pdf:pdf}, 6235 journal = {Psychosomatics}, 6236 number = {6}, 6237 pages = {529}, 6238 title = {{Prevalence and Correlates of Illness Worry in the General Population}}, 6239 volume = {46}, 6240 year = {2005} 6241 } 6242 @article{roweton1991predicting, 6243 author = {Roweton, W.E. and Bare, C.}, 6244 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1991/Predicting Rural College Retention - Roweton, Bare.pdf:pdf}, 6245 title = {{Predicting Rural College Retention}}, 6246 url = {http://eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/recordDetail?accno=ED335185}, 6247 year = {1991} 6248 } 6249 @techreport{Arch2011, 6250 address = {Honolulu, HI}, 6251 author = {Arch, Rese}, 6252 booktitle = {Evaluation}, 6253 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2011/Factors Influencing Student Retention in Higher Education - Arch.pdf:pdf}, 6254 institution = {Kamehameha Schools Research & Evaluation}, 6255 title = {{Factors Influencing Student Retention in Higher Education}}, 6256 year = {2011} 6257 } 6258 @book{muller2006linear, 6259 author = {Muller, K.E. and Stewart, P.W.}, 6260 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/Linear model theory univariate, multivariate, and mixed models - Muller, Stewart.pdf:pdf}, 6261 isbn = {0471214884}, 6262 keywords = {Linear Models}, 6263 mendeley-tags = {Linear Models}, 6264 publisher = {John Wiley and Sons}, 6265 title = {{Linear model theory: univariate, multivariate, and mixed models}}, 6266 year = {2006} 6267 } 6268 @techreport{Smith2003, 6269 author = {Smith, V. K. and Rousseau, D. M. and and the Uninsured, Kaiser Commission on Medicaid}, 6270 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2003/SCHIP Program Enrollment June 2002 Update - Smith, Rousseau, Uninsured.pdf:pdf}, 6271 institution = {Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured}, 6272 shorttitle = {SCHIP Program Enrollment}, 6273 title = {{SCHIP Program Enrollment: June 2002 Update}}, 6274 year = {2003} 6275 } 6276 @article{Zhang2008, 6277 abstract = {Testing multilevel mediation using hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) has gained tremendous popularity in recent years. However, potential confounding in multilevel mediation effect estimates can arise in these models when within-group effects differ from between-group effects. This study summarizes three types of HLM-based multilevel mediation models, and then explains that in two types of these models confounding can be produced and erroneous conclusions may be derived when using popularly recommended procedures. A Monte Carlo simulation study illustrates that these procedures can underestimate or overestimate true mediation effects. Recommendations are provided for appropriately testing multilevel mediation and for differentiating within-group versus between-group effects in multilevel settings.}, 6278 author = {Zhang, Z. and Zyphur, M. J. and Preacher, K. J.}, 6279 doi = {10.1177/1094428108327450}, 6280 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2008/Testing Multilevel Mediation Using Hierarchical Linear Models Problems and Solutions - Zhang, Zyphur, Preacher.pdf:pdf}, 6281 issn = {1094-4281}, 6282 journal = {Organizational Research Methods}, 6283 month = dec, 6284 number = {4}, 6285 pages = {695--719}, 6286 title = {{Testing Multilevel Mediation Using Hierarchical Linear Models: Problems and Solutions}}, 6287 url = {http://orm.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/12/4/695}, 6288 volume = {12}, 6289 year = {2008} 6290 } 6291 @techreport{McGaugheyMarthaJ.;KiernanWilliamE.;McNallyLorraineC.;Cooperman, 6292 author = {McGaughey, Martha J. and Kiernan, William E. and McNally, Lorraine C. and Cooperman, Paula J.}, 6293 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1991/Supported Employment for People with Severe Physical Disabilities Survey of State and Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies - Kiernan, McGaughey.pdf:pdf}, 6294 institution = {Children's Hospital, Boston, MA. Training and Research Inst. for People with Disabilities.; United Cerebral Palsy Association, New York, NY.}, 6295 title = {{Supported employment for people with severe physical disabilities}}, 6296 year = {1991} 6297 } 6298 @article{Gatchel2004, 6299 author = {Gatchel, R. J.}, 6300 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2004/Comorbidity of Chronic Pain and Mental Health Disorders The Biopsychosocial Perspective - Gatchel.pdf:pdf}, 6301 journal = {American Psychologist}, 6302 number = {8}, 6303 pages = {10}, 6304 shorttitle = {Comorbidity of Chronic Pain and Mental Health Diso}, 6305 title = {{Comorbidity of Chronic Pain and Mental Health Disorders: The Biopsychosocial Perspective}}, 6306 volume = {59}, 6307 year = {2004} 6308 } 6309 @article{law1991americans, 6310 author = {Law, S.K.}, 6311 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1991/The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 Burden on Business or Dignity for the Disabled - Law.pdf:pdf}, 6312 journal = {Duq. L. Rev.}, 6313 pages = {99}, 6314 publisher = {HeinOnline}, 6315 title = {{The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990: Burden on Business or Dignity for the Disabled}}, 6316 url = {http://heinonlinebackup.com/hol-cgi-bin/get_pdf.cgi?handle=hein.journals/duqu30&section=12}, 6317 volume = {30}, 6318 year = {1991} 6319 } 6320 @article{griffin1995correlational, 6321 author = {Griffin, D. and Gonzalez, R.}, 6322 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1995/Correlational analysis of dyad-level data in the exchangeable case - Griffin, Gonzalez.pdf:pdf}, 6323 journal = {Psychological Bulletin}, 6324 number = {3}, 6325 pages = {430}, 6326 publisher = {American Psychological Association}, 6327 title = {{Correlational analysis of dyad-level data in the exchangeable case}}, 6328 url = {http://psycnet.apa.org/psycinfo/1996-93542-001}, 6329 volume = {118}, 6330 year = {1995} 6331 } 6332 @article{Guiffrida2004, 6333 author = {Guiffrida, D. A.}, 6334 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2004/Friends from home Asset and liability to African American students attending a predominantly White institution - Guiffrida.pdf:pdf}, 6335 journal = {Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice}, 6336 number = {3}, 6337 pages = {693--708}, 6338 title = {{Friends from home: Asset and liability to African American students attending a predominantly White institution}}, 6339 url = {http://journals.naspa.org/jsarp/vol41/iss4/art6/}, 6340 volume = {24}, 6341 year = {2004} 6342 } 6343 @book{Kuttler2010a, 6344 author = {Kuttler, Kenneth}, 6345 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2011/Advanced Calculus - Kuttler.pdf:pdf}, 6346 keywords = {Mathematics}, 6347 mendeley-tags = {Mathematics}, 6348 title = {{Advanced Calculus}}, 6349 year = {2011} 6350 } 6351 @book{Corral, 6352 author = {Corral, Michael}, 6353 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2008/Vector Calculus - Corral.pdf:pdf}, 6354 keywords = {Mathematics}, 6355 mendeley-tags = {Mathematics}, 6356 title = {{Vector Calculus}}, 6357 year = {2008} 6358 } 6359 @article{Nonis1998, 6360 author = {Nonis, S. A. and Hudson, G. I. and Logan, L. B. and Ford, C. W.}, 6361 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1998/Influence of perceived control over time on college students' stress and stress-related outcomes - Nonis et al.pdf:pdf}, 6362 journal = {Research in Higher Education}, 6363 number = {5}, 6364 pages = {587--605}, 6365 title = {{Influence of perceived control over time on college students' stress and stress-related outcomes}}, 6366 volume = {39}, 6367 year = {1998} 6368 } 6369 @book{Ramachandran2009, 6370 annote = {In Spring 2010 I used this book to teach a calculus-based undergraduate course in statistics and probability at Metropolitan State University in Saint Paul. I covered chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 12 and 13. 6371 6372 6373 In short, I cannot recommend the book. Explanations are often verbose and hard to follow, there are no problem solutions in the back of the book, and there is a plethora of typos and more serious mistakes throughout the book. Below is a detailed list of the mistakes I found in the first printing of the first edition. It is to be hoped that these will be corrected in later printings. 6374 6375 6376 The numbers of many problems haven't been checked, often leading to outrageous and unrealistic probabilities or p-values etc. Examples are the problems 4.1.8, 4.1.9, 4.1.10, 4.1.13, 4.1.14, 4.4.5, 4.4.6, 7.1.6, 7.4.8, 7.4.12, 7.4.15, 7.5.5, 7.6.3, 7.6.4, 12.4.7. 6377 6378 6379 P.8 Definition 1.3.1 falsely asserts that if every element of the population has the same chance of being chosen, then every size n subset is equally likely. 6380 6381 6382 P.27 Definition 1.5.2 for upper and lower quartile is incorrect (or at least unclear) in the case of several identical data items. 6383 6384 6385 P.67 Birthday paradox example, final answer for n=40 is wrong. 6386 6387 6388 P.73 Example 2.4.3 notation and concept of "genetic makeup" and "allele" are not sufficiently explained for non-biologists. 6389 6390 6391 P.77 Step three of Bayes' Rule: "denominator probability" is not explained; the rule as written is not clear. 6392 6393 6394 P.83 Problem 2.6.29 Variable i is used twice. "Head ith probability p" is unclear. 6395 6396 6397 P.85 Line 5: "for all real values x of X" should be "for all real numbers"; this is the whole point of the sentence. 6398 6399 6400 P.90 Problems 2.5.2 and 2.5.3 use the terms "probability function" and "distribution"; should be "probability mass function". 2.5.4 should not use the notation p(x) for the cdf. 6401 6402 6403 P.91 Problem 2.5.5 No random variable can have the given cdf, since it isn't right continuous. 6404 6405 6406 P.95 Definition 2.6.3 The crucial difference between E((X-mu)^2) and (E(X-mu))^2 is obscured by writing E(X-mu)^2. The definition is not clear. Ambiguous notations such as E(X-mu)^2, EX^2, E(X-my)^3 and E(X-muX)(Y-muY) are used throughout the book. 6407 6408 6409 P.106 Problem 2.6.8: variance 4 is not needed. 6410 6411 6412 P.121 The Poisson approximation "rule of thumb" np<5 is only valid for large n. 6413 6414 6415 P.128 Explanation of QQ plot is not intelligible. r_i is not "the rank i-th observation", but the "rank of the i-th observation". Figure 3.3 cannot be understood; there should be just as many points to the right of 0.0 as there are to the left. Furthermore, on p.312 the horizontal and vertical axes of QQ plots are reversed. On p.222 it is called "normal-score plot", using a different rule. Step 4 (45 degree line) is wrong. 6416 6417 6418 The fundamental relationship of Poisson variables and exponential variables in describing Poisson processes is nowhere mentioned. 6419 6420 6421 P.141 last line: the very first double integral in the book is wrong, confusing students immensely. "dxdy" should be "dydx". On p.142 bottom, "dxdy" is missing altogether. 6422 6423 6424 P.146 Definition 3.3.5 E(X,Y) should be E(XY). 6425 6426 6427 P.147 Theorem 3.3.2(b) Var(X|Y) has not been defined. 6428 6429 6430 P.149 top: rho does not depend on lower case x and y, so rho(x,y) does not make sense. The statement "if Y=aX+b (a<>0) then rho=1" is false. In the "Properties" box, Cov(X;Y) must be replaced by rho. 6431 6432 6433 The crucial theorem stating that the variance of a sum of independent variables equals the sum of the variances is used throughout the book, but never clearly stated or proved. 6434 6435 6436 P.151 Problem 3.3.5 These are marginal probability mass functions, not density functions. 6437 6438 6439 P.152 Problem 3.3.14 The notation for "proportional" has not been introduced. 6440 6441 6442 P.153 Problem 3.3.18 X and Y cannot be independent. 6443 6444 6445 P.165 line 6: restriction K>=2 not needed. However it should be mentioned that Chebyshev's Theorem is only interesting for K>1. 6446 6447 6448 P.166 Theorem 3.5.2 The notations X-bar and S_n have not been defined. In the proof, the undefined abbreviation "iid" is used (which also cannot be found in the index). However, the variables were not assumed to be iid. 6449 6450 6451 P.168 Theorem 3.5.2 It should be emphasized that the central limit theorem has one important assumption: that the mean and variance be finite. On the other hand, the moment generating function is not needed for the statement. 6452 6453 6454 P.169 Example 3.5.7 (b) assumption n=300 is missing. (c) what is n? 6455 6456 6457 P.170 Example 3.5.8 is completely unclear. "such that they can be confident"? How confident? In the solution the confidence 0.99 appears out of the blue. The maximum of pq should be explained with calculus. The fundamental importance of this example needs to be explained: it is used to estimate any unknown probability, not just unfair coins. 6458 6459 6460 P.172 Problem 3.5.4 This should be "number of cars arriving at a busy intersection in a given 20 minute interval". 6461 6462 6463 P.173 All the problems from section 3.5 return later in section 4.1. 6464 6465 6466 P.184 line 5: the normal distribution is not called "the theorem of de Moivre-Laplace". 6467 6468 6469 P.185 Example 4.1.1 The last paragraph should not be part of the example. 6470 6471 6472 P.186 Theorem 4.1.1 Was already used on p.167. The last sentence is Theorem 3.5.2. 6473 6474 6475 P.187 Example 4.1.2 Cannot be solved at this point, needs Corollary 4.2.2! 6476 6477 6478 P.213 "z-series" should be "z-scores" 6479 6480 6481 P.215 "(a+0.5)" should be "(b+0.5)" 6482 6483 6484 P.217 Problem 4.4.10 "90 heads" should be "at least 90 heads". 6485 6486 6487 P.316 line 2: "we know that" should give a reference to the proper theorem. 6488 6489 6490 P.328 Problem 6.5.9 "1997" and "1998" should be "2000" and "2001". 6491 6492 6493 P.341 figure at the bottom: explain the meaning of the two distributions, "critical value" has not been explained. 6494 6495 6496 Many hypothesis tests are taken to be one-tailed, without proper justification. In the real world, such justification is extremely rare. 6497 6498 6499 While the text emphasizes the importance of computing p-values, the worked examples almost never show the computation of p-values. 6500 6501 6502 The crucial difference between the size of an effect and the statistical significance of an effect is not sufficiently emphasized. 6503 6504 6505 P.345 Example 7.1.5 is unrealistic, testing a null hypothesis of mu=15 against an alternative of mu=16. The value mu=16 should only be used to compute beta, not as alternative hypothesis. 6506 6507 6508 P.346 The example is unintelligible, since mu_a is not explained. 6509 6510 6511 P.349 Problem 7.1.5(c) beta=0.8 is completely unrealistic. 6512 6513 6514 P.365 Top: Assumption n>=30 for the large sample case is incomplete: we also need finite variance! 6515 6516 6517 P.373 Line 4: X_{1n_1}, X_{2n_2} 6518 6519 6520 P.387 Problem 7.5.9: Cannot assume that the samples are independent; only part (c) makes any sense. 6521 6522 6523 P.389 Top: Definitions of Q^2 is wrong; denominator should be np_i. 6524 6525 6526 P.390 Box: "exact methods are available etc." is not an assumption. 6527 6528 6529 P.390 Should point out the crucial logical issue here: if Q^2 is small, then we don't have enough evidence to reject H_0; this DOES NOT imply that we have evidence in favor of H_0! Same mistake in example 7.6.3. 6530 6531 6532 P.391 "n=4" should be "k=4"; n is 500. 6533 6534 6535 P.392 Section 7.6.2 Horrible language. 6536 6537 6538 P.393 bottom of box: E_{ij} = n_{i.}n_{.j} (Same typo on p.394). 6539 6540 6541 P.393 Explanation for the degrees of freedom formula (r-1)(c-1) is missing. 6542 6543 6544 P.398 Problem 7.6.5 Where does H_0 come from? Does it talk about before or after advertising? 6545 6546 6547 P.601 Line 6: "differing only in median or mean 3"?? 6548 6549 6550 P.602 The given approach for computing confidence intervals for the median is wrong. The median will be below X_{a+1} with probability alpha/2. 6551 6552 6553 P.603 Example 12.2.1. Don't report this as a 95% confidence interval; state the correct confidence level instead. 6554 6555 6556 P.607 Section 12.3.1 Assumption of continuous distribution should be stated first; no need to repeat P(X<=M)=0.5 later. 6557 6558 6559 P.608 Bottom. Explain what "ties" are. 6560 6561 6562 P.621 Step 2 of box is not clear. 6563 6564 6565 P.621 Bottom: why switch from N_{1b} to N_{1a}? 6566 6567 6568 P.622 Box: Variance formula contradicts the one given on the previous page; expected value formula should have n_1, not N_1. 6569 6570 6571 P.625 Line 6: denominator should be sqrt(1.68), not sqrt(16,900). 6572 6573 6574 P.685 Metropolis Algorithm: the problem that the algorithm solves is not motivated. Surely it should be trivial to generate values according to a given discrete probability distribution? After all, step 1 of the algorithm requires just that. 6575 6576 6577 P.659 Why are "pseudo values" defined if they are not used for the jackknife estimate? 6578 6579 6580 P.666 Example 13.3.2 Last sentence: 12.37 and 43.9 should not be compared: one is a standard error, the other a standard deviation. Need to divide by square root of 12. 6581 6582 6583 P.671 line 5: g(x,y)|theta should be g(x,y|theta) 6584 6585 6586 P.663 The word "resampling" is used, but the core idea of resampling is not explained. 6587 6588 6589 P.684 line 1: state space S is not used. 6590 6591 6592 P.684 line 8: p(x,y) = p_{m,m+1}(x,y) 6593 6594 6595 P.684 "...then the limiting distribution is the invariant distribution" does not make sense: they are always the same! 6596 6597 6598 P.684 "ergodic" is not defined. 6599 6600 6601 P.689 Metropolis-Hastings algorithm: "x_n = x_{n-1}" should be "x_{k+1}=x_k". 6602 6603 6604 P.758 Appendix III: In Def 3.2.7, the exponential distribution was given with a parameter beta, not lambda. 6605 6606 6607 P.758 Appendix III: Formula for the pdf of a normal distribution is wrong. }, 6608 author = {Ramachandran, K.M. and Tsokos, Chris P.}, 6609 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/Mathematical Statistics with Applications - Ramachandran, Tsokos.pdf:pdf}, 6610 isbn = {0123748488}, 6611 keywords = {Linear Models,Statistical Theory and Mathematical Statistics}, 6612 mendeley-tags = {Linear Models,Statistical Theory and Mathematical Statistics}, 6613 pages = {848}, 6614 publisher = {Academic Press}, 6615 title = {{Mathematical Statistics with Applications}}, 6616 year = {2009} 6617 } 6618 @article{Flanders1987, 6619 author = {Flanders, W. Dana and Rhodes, Philip H.}, 6620 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1987/Large sample confidence intervals for regression standardized risks, risk ratios, and risk differences - Flanders, Rhodes.pdf:pdf}, 6621 journal = {Journal of chronic diseases}, 6622 title = {{Large sample confidence intervals for regression standardized risks, risk ratios, and risk differences}}, 6623 url = {http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/0021968187901068}, 6624 year = {1987} 6625 } 6626 @article{JennrichR.I.andSampson1976, 6627 author = {Jennrich, R.I. and Sampson, PF}, 6628 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1976/Newton-Raphson and related algorithms for maximum likelihood variance component estimation - Jennrich, Sampson.pdf:pdf}, 6629 journal = {Technometrics}, 6630 pages = {11--17}, 6631 title = {{Newton-Raphson and related algorithms for maximum likelihood variance component estimation}}, 6632 url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.2307/1267911}, 6633 year = {1976} 6634 } 6635 @article{Elliott1995, 6636 author = {Elliott, T. R. and Shewchuk, R. M.}, 6637 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1995/Social Support and Leisure Activities Following Severe Physical Disability Testing the Mediating Effects of Depression - Elliott, Shewchuk.pdf:pdf}, 6638 journal = {Basic and Applied Social Psychology}, 6639 number = {4}, 6640 pages = {471--487}, 6641 shorttitle = {Social Support and Leisure Activities Following Se}, 6642 title = {{Social Support and Leisure Activities Following Severe Physical Disability: Testing the Mediating Effects of Depression}}, 6643 volume = {16}, 6644 year = {1995} 6645 } 6646 @article{Gopen1990, 6647 author = {Gopen, G. and Swan, J.}, 6648 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1990/The Science of Scientific Writing - Gopen, Swan.pdf:pdf}, 6649 journal = {American Scientist}, 6650 pages = {550--558}, 6651 title = {{The Science of Scientific Writing}}, 6652 volume = {78}, 6653 year = {1990} 6654 } 6655 @article{Seeliger2003, 6656 author = {Seeliger, F and Leeb, T}, 6657 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2003/Osteogenesis imperfecta in two litters of dachshunds - Seeliger, Leeb.pdf:pdf}, 6658 journal = {Veterinary Pathology}, 6659 title = {{Osteogenesis imperfecta in two litters of dachshunds}}, 6660 url = {http://vet.sagepub.com/content/40/5/530.full}, 6661 year = {2003} 6662 } 6663 @article{Tate1997, 6664 author = {Tate, WF}, 6665 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1997/Race-ethnicity, SES, gender, and language proficiency trends in mathematics achievement An update - Tate.pdf:pdf}, 6666 journal = {Journal for Research in Mathematics Education}, 6667 title = {{Race-ethnicity, SES, gender, and language proficiency trends in mathematics achievement: An update}}, 6668 url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/749636}, 6669 year = {1997} 6670 } 6671 @article{Stewart1989, 6672 author = {Stewart, A. L. and Greenfield, S. and Hays, R. D. and Wells, K. and Rogers, W. H. and Berry, S. D. and McGlynn, E. A. and Ware, J. E.}, 6673 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1989/Functional status and well-being of patients with chronic conditions Results from the Medical Outcomes Study - Stewart et al.pdf:pdf}, 6674 journal = {JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association}, 6675 number = {7}, 6676 pages = {907--913}, 6677 title = {{Functional status and well-being of patients with chronic conditions: Results from the Medical Outcomes Study}}, 6678 volume = {262}, 6679 year = {1989} 6680 } 6681 @article{Fike2008, 6682 abstract = {This study analyzed predictors of fall-to-spring and fall-to-fall retention for 9,200 first-time-in-college students who enrolled in a community college over a four-year period. Findings highlight the impact of developmental education programs and internet-based courses on student persistence. Additional predictors include financial aid, parents' education, the number of semester hours enrolled in and dropped during the first fall semester, and participation in the Student Support Services program.}, 6683 author = {Fike, D. S. and Fike, R.}, 6684 doi = {10.1177/0091552108320222}, 6685 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2008/Predictors of First-Year Student Retention in the Community College - Fike, Fike.pdf:pdf}, 6686 issn = {0091-5521}, 6687 journal = {Community College Review}, 6688 month = oct, 6689 number = {2}, 6690 pages = {68--88}, 6691 title = {{Predictors of First-Year Student Retention in the Community College}}, 6692 volume = {36}, 6693 year = {2008} 6694 } 6695 @article{Lonigan2003, 6696 author = {Lonigan, C. J. and Phillips, B. M. and Hooe, E. S.}, 6697 journal = {Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology}, 6698 number = {3}, 6699 pages = {465--480}, 6700 title = {{Relations of positive and negative affectivity to anxiety and depression in children: Evidence from a latent variable longitudinal study}}, 6701 volume = {71}, 6702 year = {2003} 6703 } 6704 @book{cad2001international, 6705 address = {Geneva, Switzerland}, 6706 annote = {the ICF not only takes into account the medical manifestations of a disability but also the limitations it places on the ability to function. There are four key definitions within the ICF; activity, participation, activity limitations and participation restrictions. an activty is an execution of a task or action by an individual. participation is involvement in a life situation. an acvitity limitation is difficulty an inidividual may have in executing activites, and participation restrictions are problems an individual is involved in life situations. 6707 6708 6709 While the ICF takes into account environmetal factors from individual factors such as immediate areas an individual comes into contact with (such as family, friends, colleagues, etc) and social factors, these are not important in the adjudication of reasonable accomodations. 6710 6711 6712 6713 }, 6714 author = {{World Health Organization}}, 6715 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2001/International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) - World Health Organization.pdf:pdf}, 6716 publisher = {Author}, 6717 title = {{International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF)}}, 6718 year = {2001} 6719 } 6720 @article{halperin1965recommended, 6721 author = {Halperin, M. and Hartley, HO and Hoel, PG}, 6722 journal = {American Statistician}, 6723 number = {3}, 6724 pages = {12--14}, 6725 publisher = {JSTOR}, 6726 title = {{Recommended Standards for Statistical Symbols and Notation. COPSS Committee on Symbols and Notation}}, 6727 url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2681417}, 6728 volume = {19}, 6729 year = {1965} 6730 } 6731 @article{Eliott2003, 6732 author = {Eliott, D. and Rezai, K. A. and Dass, A. B. and Lewis, J.}, 6733 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2003/Management of retinal detachment in osteogenesis imperfecta - Eliott et al.pdf:pdf}, 6734 title = {{Management of retinal detachment in osteogenesis imperfecta}}, 6735 volume = {121}, 6736 year = {2003} 6737 } 6738 @article{Hout2002, 6739 author = {Hout, Michael and Fischer, Claude S.}, 6740 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2002/Why more Americans have no religious preference Politics and generations - Hout, Fischer.pdf:pdf}, 6741 journal = {American Sociological Review}, 6742 title = {{Why more Americans have no religious preference: Politics and generations}}, 6743 url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/3088891}, 6744 year = {2002} 6745 } 6746 @article{Weiss1999, 6747 author = {Weiss, S. C.}, 6748 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1999/Economics, ethics, and end-of-life care - Weiss.pdf:pdf}, 6749 journal = {JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association}, 6750 pages = {2076--2076}, 6751 title = {{Economics, ethics, and end-of-life care}}, 6752 volume = {282}, 6753 year = {1999} 6754 } 6755 @misc{culligan2009, 6756 annote = {This dissertation is a good study on how previous education (HS diploma vs. GED) may affect retention among individuals with disabilities. In addition the types of services they receive will also affect retention rates. Those who got assistive technology and tutoring had better rates of retention than those testing alone or multiple services. Although age and disability category did not show any significant relationships.}, 6757 author = {Culligan, M.}, 6758 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/Disability And Community College Retention Rates - Culligan.pdf:pdf}, 6759 title = {{Disability And Community College Retention Rates}}, 6760 urldate = {03/07/10}, 6761 year = {2009} 6762 } 6763 @article{Wilks1938, 6764 author = {Wilks, SS}, 6765 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1938/The large-sample distribution of the likelihood ratio for testing composite hypotheses - Wilks.pdf:pdf}, 6766 journal = {The Annals of Mathematical Statistics}, 6767 number = {1}, 6768 pages = {60--62}, 6769 title = {{The large-sample distribution of the likelihood ratio for testing composite hypotheses}}, 6770 volume = {9}, 6771 year = {1938} 6772 } 6773 @article{Nielsen2009, 6774 author = {Nielsen, D. and Sigurdsson, S. O. and Austin, J.}, 6775 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/Preventing back injuries in hospital settings the effects of video modeling on safe patient lifting by nurses - Nielsen, Sigurdsson, Austin.pdf:pdf}, 6776 journal = {Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis}, 6777 pages = {551--561}, 6778 title = {{Preventing back injuries in hospital settings: the effects of video modeling on safe patient lifting by nurses}}, 6779 volume = {42}, 6780 year = {2009} 6781 } 6782 @article{Hennekens1988, 6783 author = {{Steering Committee and of the Physicians' Health Study Research Group}}, 6784 journal = {The New England Journal of Medicine}, 6785 number = {4}, 6786 pages = {262--264}, 6787 shorttitle = {Preliminary report}, 6788 title = {{Preliminary report: Findings from the aspirin component of the ongoing Physicians’ Health Study}}, 6789 volume = {318}, 6790 year = {1988} 6791 } 6792 @article{Carrasco2005, 6793 abstract = {In any field in which decisions are subject to measurements, interchangeability between the methods used to obtain these measurements is essential. To consider methods as interchangeable, a certain degree of agreement is needed between the measurements they provide. The concordance correlation coefficient is an index that assesses the strength of agreement and it has been widely applied in situations in which measurements are made on a continuous scale. Recently the concordance correlation coefficient has been defined as a specific intraclass correlation coefficient estimated by the variance components of a Normal-Normal mixed linear model. Although this coefficient was defined for the continuous scale case, it may also be used with a discrete scale. In this case the data are often transformed and normalized, and the concordance correlation is applied. This study discusses the expression of the concordance correlation coefficient for discrete Poisson data by means of the Poisson-Normal generalized linear mixed model. The behaviour of the concordance correlation coefficient estimate is assessed by means of a simulation study, in which the estimates were compared using four models: three Normal-Normal mixed models with raw data, log-transformed data and square-root transformed data, and the Poisson-Normal generalized linear mixed model. An example is provided in which two different methods are used to measure CD34+ cells.}, 6794 author = {Carrasco, Josep L and Jover, Lluis}, 6795 doi = {10.1002/sim.2397}, 6796 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2005/Concordance correlation coefficient applied to discrete data - Carrasco, Jover.pdf:pdf}, 6797 issn = {0277-6715}, 6798 journal = {Statistics in Medicine}, 6799 keywords = {Biomedical Research,Biomedical Research: statistics & numerical data,CD4 Lymphocyte Count,CD4 Lymphocyte Count: statistics & numerical data,Data Interpretation,Humans,Models,Poisson Distribution,Spain,Statistical,Stem Cell Transplantation}, 6800 month = dec, 6801 number = {24}, 6802 pages = {4021--34}, 6803 pmid = {16320280}, 6804 title = {{Concordance correlation coefficient applied to discrete data}}, 6805 url = {http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16320280}, 6806 volume = {24}, 6807 year = {2005} 6808 } 6809 @article{Dersh2002, 6810 author = {Dersh, J. and Polatin, P. B. and Gatchel, R. J.}, 6811 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2002/Chronic Pain and Psychopathology Research Findings and Theoretical Considerations - Dersh, Polatin, Gatchel.pdf:pdf}, 6812 journal = {Psychosomatic Medicine}, 6813 number = {5}, 6814 pages = {773--786}, 6815 shorttitle = {Chronic Pain and Psychopathology}, 6816 title = {{Chronic Pain and Psychopathology: Research Findings and Theoretical Considerations}}, 6817 volume = {64}, 6818 year = {2002} 6819 } 6820 @article{Sieghart2002, 6821 author = {Sieghart, W. and Sperk, G.}, 6822 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2002/Subunit Composition, Distribution and Function of GABA A Receptor Subtypes - Sieghart, Sperk.pdf:pdf}, 6823 journal = {Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry}, 6824 pages = {795--816}, 6825 title = {{Subunit Composition, Distribution and Function of GABA A Receptor Subtypes}}, 6826 volume = {2}, 6827 year = {2002} 6828 } 6829 @article{Santich1997, 6830 author = {Santich, M. and Kavanagh, D. J.}, 6831 journal = {Australian Psychologist}, 6832 number = {2}, 6833 pages = {126--130}, 6834 title = {{Social adaptation of children with mild intellectual disability: Effects of partial integration within primary school classes}}, 6835 volume = {32}, 6836 year = {1997} 6837 } 6838 @misc{Bureau, 6839 annote = {date retrieved: February 13, 2012}, 6840 author = {{United States Census Bureau}}, 6841 booktitle = {American Community Survey}, 6842 keywords = {Government Data}, 6843 language = {en}, 6844 mendeley-tags = {Government Data}, 6845 title = {{Educational Attainment}}, 6846 url = {http://factfinder2.census.gov/faces/tableservices/jsf/pages/productview.xhtml?pid=ACS_10_1YR_S1501&prodType=table}, 6847 year = {2010} 6848 } 6849 @article{Olympics2003, 6850 author = {Olympics, S.}, 6851 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2003/Multinational study of attitudes toward individuals with intellectual disabilities General findings and calls to action - Olympics.pdf:pdf}, 6852 journal = {Washington, DC: Special Olympics. Retrieved February}, 6853 pages = {2008}, 6854 title = {{Multinational study of attitudes toward individuals with intellectual disabilities: General findings and calls to action}}, 6855 volume = {20}, 6856 year = {2003} 6857 } 6858 @article{Graham2009, 6859 author = {Graham, J. W.}, 6860 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/Missing data analysis Making it work in the real world - Graham.pdf:pdf}, 6861 journal = {Annual Review of Psychology}, 6862 keywords = {Statistics}, 6863 pages = {549--576}, 6864 title = {{Missing data analysis: Making it work in the real world}}, 6865 volume = {60}, 6866 year = {2009} 6867 } 6868 @article{Kim2006, 6869 author = {Kim, J. K. and {Michael Brick}, J. and Fuller, W. A. and Kalton, G.}, 6870 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/On the bias of the multiple-imputation variance estimator in survey sampling - Kim et al.pdf:pdf}, 6871 journal = {Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology)}, 6872 number = {3}, 6873 pages = {509--521}, 6874 title = {{On the bias of the multiple-imputation variance estimator in survey sampling}}, 6875 volume = {68}, 6876 year = {2006} 6877 } 6878 @article{Riley1998, 6879 author = {Riley, A. W. and Ensminger, M. E. and Green, B. and Kang, M.}, 6880 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1998/Social role functioning by adolescents with psychiatric disorders - Riley et al.pdf:pdf}, 6881 journal = {Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry}, 6882 number = {6}, 6883 pages = {620}, 6884 title = {{Social role functioning by adolescents with psychiatric disorders}}, 6885 volume = {37}, 6886 year = {1998} 6887 } 6888 @book{Friedman, 6889 address = {New York City}, 6890 author = {Friedman, Jerome and Hastie, Trevor and Tibshirani, Robert}, 6891 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2008/The Elements of Statistical Learning Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction - Friedman, Hastie, Tibshirani.pdf:pdf}, 6892 keywords = {Linear Models,Statistical Theory and Mathematical Statistics}, 6893 mendeley-tags = {Linear Models,Statistical Theory and Mathematical Statistics}, 6894 publisher = {Springer Verlag}, 6895 title = {{The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction}}, 6896 year = {2008} 6897 } 6898 @book{Rowe2003, 6899 author = {Rowe, D. B}, 6900 isbn = {1584883189}, 6901 publisher = {CRC Press}, 6902 title = {{Multivariate Bayesian statistics: models for source separation and signal unmixing}}, 6903 year = {2003} 6904 } 6905 @article{bauer2006conceptualizing, 6906 author = {Bauer, D. J. and Preacher, K.J. and Gil, K.M.}, 6907 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/Conceptualizing and testing random indirect effects and moderated mediation in multilevel models New procedures and recommendations - Bauer, Preacher, Gil.pdf:pdf}, 6908 journal = {Psychological Methods}, 6909 number = {2}, 6910 pages = {142--163}, 6911 publisher = {American Psychological Association}, 6912 title = {{Conceptualizing and testing random indirect effects and moderated mediation in multilevel models: New procedures and recommendations}}, 6913 volume = {11}, 6914 year = {2006} 6915 } 6916 @article{baldridge2001toward, 6917 author = {Baldridge, D.C. and Veiga, J.F.}, 6918 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2001/Toward a greater understanding of the willingness to request an accommodation Can requesters' beliefs disable the Americans with Disabilities Act - Baldridge, Veiga.pdf:pdf}, 6919 journal = {Academy of Management Review}, 6920 pages = {85--99}, 6921 publisher = {JSTOR}, 6922 title = {{Toward a greater understanding of the willingness to request an accommodation: Can requesters' beliefs disable the Americans with Disabilities Act?}}, 6923 year = {2001} 6924 } 6925 @article{Bachmeyer2009, 6926 annote = {Use as mis-represented figure}, 6927 author = {Bachmeyer, M. H. and Piazza, C. C. and Fredrick, L. D. and Reed, G. K. and Rivas, K. D. and Kadey, H. J.}, 6928 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/Functional analysis and treatment of multiply controlled inappropriate mealtime behavior - Bachmeyer et al.pdf:pdf}, 6929 journal = {Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis}, 6930 pages = {641--658}, 6931 title = {{Functional analysis and treatment of multiply controlled inappropriate mealtime behavior}}, 6932 volume = {42}, 6933 year = {2009} 6934 } 6935 @article{Sahu2011, 6936 abstract = {Recently, there has been a surge of interest in Bayesian space-time modeling of daily maximum eight-hour average ozone concentration levels. Hierarchical models based on well known time series modeling methods such as the dynamic linear models (DLM) and the auto-regressive (AR) models are often used in the literature. The DLM, developed as a result of the popularity of Kalman filtering methods, provide a dynamical state-space system that is thought to evolve from a pair of state and observation equations. The AR models, on the other hand, cast in a Bayesian hierarchical setting, have recently been developed through a pair of models where a measurement error model is formulated at the top level and an AR model for the true ozone concentration levels is postulated at the next level. Each of the modeling scenarios is set in an appropriate multivariate setting to model the spatial dependence. This paper compares these two methods in hierarchical Bayesian settings. A simplified skeletal version of the DLM taken from Dou et al. (2009) is compared theoretically with a matching hierarchical AR model. The comparisons reveal many important differences in the induced space-time correlation structures. Further comparisons of the variances of the predictive distributions by conditioning on different sets of data for each model show superior performances of the AR models under certain conditions. These theoretical investigations are followed-up by a simulation study and a real data example implemented using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods for modeling daily maximum eight-hour average ozone concentration levels observed in the state of New York in the months of July and August, 2006. The hierarchical AR model is chosen by all the model choice criteria considered in this example.}, 6937 author = {Sahu, S.K. and Bakar, K.S.}, 6938 doi = {10.1016/j.stamet.2011.04.009}, 6939 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2011/A comparison of Bayesian models for daily ozone concentration levels - Sahu, Bakar.pdf:pdf}, 6940 issn = {15723127}, 6941 journal = {Statistical Methodology}, 6942 keywords = {auto-regressive model,bayesian inference,dynamic linear model,maximum daily eight-hour ozone levels,space-time modeling}, 6943 month = may, 6944 title = {{A comparison of Bayesian models for daily ozone concentration levels}}, 6945 url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.stamet.2011.04.009}, 6946 year = {2011} 6947 } 6948 @article{Hardeland2008, 6949 author = {Hardeland, R. and Poeggeler, B. and Srinivasan, V. and Trakht, I. and Pandi-Perumal, S. R. and Cardinali, D. P.}, 6950 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2008/Melatonergic Drugs in Clinical Practice - Hardeland et al.pdf:pdf}, 6951 journal = {Arzneimittel-Forschung (Drug Research)}, 6952 number = {1}, 6953 pages = {1--10}, 6954 title = {{Melatonergic Drugs in Clinical Practice}}, 6955 volume = {58}, 6956 year = {2008} 6957 } 6958 @article{Dawes2010, 6959 author = {Dawes, C and Cesarini, D and Fowler, JH}, 6960 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2010/Do Psychological Traits Mediate the Relationship Between Genes and Political Participation - Dawes, Cesarini, Fowler.pdf:pdf}, 6961 title = {{Do Psychological Traits Mediate the Relationship Between Genes and Political Participation?}}, 6962 url = {http://politics.as.nyu.edu/docs/IO/18125/dawes.pdf}, 6963 year = {2010} 6964 } 6965 @incollection{Imai2010, 6966 author = {Imai, K and Keele, L}, 6967 booktitle = {Advances in Social Science Research Using R}, 6968 editor = {Vinod, Hrishikesh D.}, 6969 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2010/Causal mediation analysis using R - Imai, Keele.pdf:pdf}, 6970 pages = {129--154}, 6971 title = {{Causal mediation analysis using R}}, 6972 url = {http://www.springerlink.com/index/J830145621R83565.pdf}, 6973 year = {2010} 6974 } 6975 @article{Eccleston2008, 6976 author = {Eccleston, C. and Wastell, S. and Crombez, G. and Jordan, A.}, 6977 journal = {European Journal of Pain}, 6978 number = {6}, 6979 pages = {765--774}, 6980 title = {{Adolescent social development and chronic pain}}, 6981 volume = {12}, 6982 year = {2008} 6983 } 6984 @article{Mcclelland2006, 6985 author = {Mcclelland, Katherine and College, Marshall and Linnander, Erika}, 6986 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/The Role of Contact and Information in Racial Attitude Change among White College Students - Mcclelland, College, Linnander.pdf:pdf}, 6987 journal = {Sociological Inquiry}, 6988 number = {1}, 6989 pages = {81--115}, 6990 title = {{The Role of Contact and Information in Racial Attitude Change among White College Students}}, 6991 volume = {76}, 6992 year = {2006} 6993 } 6994 @article{Carpenter1994, 6995 abstract = {BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE. Research in rehabilitation has been focused primarily on provision of care issues and treatment intervention outcome measures. The input of the clients involved has not been solicited in a systematic way. As a physical therapist practicing in rehabilitation, the researcher became increasingly aware of a discrepancy between the perception of spinal cord injury and its consequences held by health professionals and those people who experience the injury over many years. It was recognition of this discrepancy that formed the background from which this study evolved. The purpose of this qualitative research study was to explore individual conceptions of the experience of spinal cord injury from the perspective of adult learning. SUBJECTS AND METHODS. Semistructured, in-depth interviews were conducted with 10 individuals who had sustained a traumatic spinal cord injury 3 to 5 years prior to the interview. Questions asked were nondirective and designed to trigger accounts of meaningful aspects of the subjects' disability experience since their injury. Data analysis entailed several thorough readings of the interview transcripts from which three categories of meaning developed and for which criteria were established. RESULTS. The categories of meaning--rediscovery of self, redefining disability, and establishing a new identity--represented commonalities of conceptions of the spinal cord injury and the resulting disability experience. The continuity of "self" was of primary importance to the ongoing experience of disability, and the learning involved was diverse and intensely personal. Strategies used by the subjects in achieving these categories are discussed. CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION. Although the contribution of the rehabilitation instruction, and particularly that of individual health care professionals, was acknowledged by the subjects, the adequacy of the preparation of clinicians for their role as adult educators in the rehabilitation process is questioned. A theory of transformative learning is introduced as a possible explanatory model for the study findings, application of which may facilitate a more client-centered approach to rehabilitation practice.}, 6996 author = {Carpenter, C}, 6997 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1994/The experience of spinal cord injury the individual's perspective--implications for rehabilitation practice - Carpenter.pdf:pdf}, 6998 journal = {Physical Therapy}, 6999 month = jul, 7000 number = {7}, 7001 pages = {614--628}, 7002 shorttitle = {The experience of spinal cord injury}, 7003 title = {{The experience of spinal cord injury: the individual's perspective--implications for rehabilitation practice}}, 7004 url = {http://www.ptjournal.org/cgi/content/abstract/74/7/614}, 7005 volume = {74}, 7006 year = {1994} 7007 } 7008 @article{schreiber2006reporting, 7009 author = {Schreiber, J.B. and Nora, A. and Stage, F.K. and Barlow, E.A. and King, J.}, 7010 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/Reporting structural equation modeling and confirmatory factor analysis results A review - Schreiber et al.pdf:pdf}, 7011 journal = {The Journal of Educational Research}, 7012 number = {6}, 7013 pages = {323--338}, 7014 publisher = {Heldref Publications}, 7015 title = {{Reporting structural equation modeling and confirmatory factor analysis results: A review}}, 7016 url = {http://heldref-publications.metapress.com/index/c256m70841uu1114.pdf}, 7017 volume = {99}, 7018 year = {2006} 7019 } 7020 @article{Krahe2006, 7021 author = {Krahe, B. and Altwasser, C.}, 7022 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/Changing negative attitudes towards persons with physical disabilities an experimental intervention - Krahe, Altwasser.pdf:pdf}, 7023 journal = {Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology}, 7024 number = {1}, 7025 pages = {59}, 7026 shorttitle = {Changing negative attitudes towards persons with p}, 7027 title = {{Changing negative attitudes towards persons with physical disabilities: an experimental intervention}}, 7028 volume = {16}, 7029 year = {2006} 7030 } 7031 @article{lovitt2011applied, 7032 author = {Lovitt, T.C.}, 7033 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2011/Applied Behavior Analysis A Method That Languished but Should Be Restored - Lovitt.pdf:pdf}, 7034 journal = {Intervention in School & Clinic}, 7035 publisher = {SAGE Publications}, 7036 title = {{Applied Behavior Analysis: A Method That Languished but Should Be Restored}}, 7037 url = {http://isc.sagepub.com/content/early/2011/10/20/1053451211424598.full.pdf+html}, 7038 year = {2011} 7039 } 7040 @article{Ireys2007, 7041 author = {Ireys, HT}, 7042 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/The interaction of policy and enrollment in the Medicaid Buy-In Program, 2005 - Ireys.pdf:pdf}, 7043 journal = {Washington DC: Mathematica Policy Inc.}, 7044 title = {{The interaction of policy and enrollment in the Medicaid Buy-In Program, 2005}}, 7045 url = {http://www.nchsd.org/libraryfiles/mbi/mpr_mbi_reportenrollmentpolicymay2007.pdf}, 7046 year = {2007} 7047 } 7048 @book{Grinstead1997a, 7049 author = {Doyle, Peter G}, 7050 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/Introduction to Probability - Doyle.pdf:pdf}, 7051 isbn = {0821807498}, 7052 keywords = {Probability}, 7053 mendeley-tags = {Probability}, 7054 pages = {510}, 7055 publisher = {American Mathematical Society}, 7056 title = {{Introduction to Probability}}, 7057 year = {2006} 7058 } 7059 @article{Cronbach2004, 7060 author = {Cronbach, L. J. and Shavelson, R. J.}, 7061 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2004/My current thoughts on coefficient alpha and successor procedures - Cronbach, Shavelson.pdf:pdf}, 7062 journal = {Educational and Psychological Measurement}, 7063 keywords = {Statistics}, 7064 number = {3}, 7065 pages = {391}, 7066 title = {{My current thoughts on coefficient alpha and successor procedures}}, 7067 volume = {64}, 7068 year = {2004} 7069 } 7070 @article{alper1995does, 7071 author = {Alper, J. S.}, 7072 journal = {The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics}, 7073 number = {2}, 7074 pages = {167--172}, 7075 publisher = {Wiley Online Library}, 7076 title = {{Does the ADA Provide Protection Against Discrimination on the Basis of Genotype?}}, 7077 url = {http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1748-720X.1995.tb01346.x/abstract}, 7078 volume = {23}, 7079 year = {1995} 7080 } 7081 @book{Shapiro, 7082 author = {Shapiro, Bruce E.}, 7083 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/Multivariate Calculus in 25 Easy Lectures - Shapiro.pdf:pdf}, 7084 keywords = {Mathematics}, 7085 mendeley-tags = {Mathematics}, 7086 title = {{Multivariate Calculus in 25 Easy Lectures}}, 7087 year = {2006} 7088 } 7089 @article{Fleming1998, 7090 author = {Fleming, Jacqueline and Morning, Carole}, 7091 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1998/Correlates of the SAT in Minority Engineering Students An Exploratory Study - Fleming, Morning.pdf:pdf}, 7092 journal = {The Journal of Higher Education}, 7093 number = {1}, 7094 pages = {89 -- 108}, 7095 publisher = {Ohio State University Press}, 7096 title = {{Correlates of the SAT in Minority Engineering Students: An Exploratory Study}}, 7097 url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2649183}, 7098 volume = {69}, 7099 year = {1998} 7100 } 7101 @article{Shogren2006, 7102 author = {Shogren, K. A. and Turnbull, A. P.}, 7103 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/Promoting Self-determination in Young Children With Disabilities The Critical Role of Families - Shogren, Turnbull.pdf:pdf}, 7104 journal = {Infants & Young Children}, 7105 number = {4}, 7106 pages = {338}, 7107 shorttitle = {Promoting Self-determination in Young Children Wit}, 7108 title = {{Promoting Self-determination in Young Children With Disabilities: The Critical Role of Families}}, 7109 volume = {19}, 7110 year = {2006} 7111 } 7112 @book{Gut2005, 7113 address = {New York}, 7114 author = {Gut, A.}, 7115 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2005/Probability A Graduate Course - Gut.pdf:pdf}, 7116 keywords = {Probability}, 7117 mendeley-tags = {Probability}, 7118 publisher = {Springer}, 7119 title = {{Probability: A Graduate Course}}, 7120 year = {2005} 7121 } 7122 @article{Mosholder2011, 7123 author = {Mosholder, R}, 7124 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2011/Encouraging Post-Secondary Native American Student Persistence - Mosholder.pdf:pdf}, 7125 journal = {Online Submission}, 7126 title = {{Encouraging Post-Secondary Native American Student Persistence}}, 7127 url = {http://eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/recordDetail?accno=ED526311}, 7128 year = {2011} 7129 } 7130 @article{Danoff-burg2004, 7131 abstract = {The personality trait of unmitigated communion, an extreme focus on relationships that has been associated with self-neglect, has been linked to poorer outcomes for both men and women, but is more common among women. This longitudinal study is the first to examine the influence of unmitigated communion on adaptation to a chronic illness that affects a much greater proportion of women to men. Women with rheumatoid arthritis completed measures of unmitigated communion, social constraints, and psychological distress at study entry and repeated the distress measure one year later. As expected, unmitigated communion was associated with psychological distress. Cross-sectional moderation analyses indicated that low social constraints buffered the negative effects of unmitigated communion.}, 7132 author = {Danoff-burg, Sharon and Trudeau, Kimberlee J. and Paget, Stephen A.}, 7133 doi = {10.1111/j.0022-3506.2004.00255.x}, 7134 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2004/Unmitigated Communion, Social Constraints, and Psychological Distress Among Women With Rheumatoid Arthritis - Danoff-burg, Trudeau, Paget.pdf:pdf}, 7135 journal = {Journal of Personality}, 7136 month = feb, 7137 pages = {29--46}, 7138 title = {{Unmitigated Communion, Social Constraints, and Psychological Distress Among Women With Rheumatoid Arthritis}}, 7139 url = {http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/bpl/jopy/2004/00000072/00000001/art00002}, 7140 volume = {72}, 7141 year = {2004} 7142 } 7143 @techreport{Rumberger2008, 7144 address = {Santa Barbara, CA}, 7145 author = {Rumberger, R. and Lim, S. A}, 7146 booktitle = {Policy Brief}, 7147 institution = {California Dropout Research Project}, 7148 shorttitle = {Why students drop out of school}, 7149 title = {{Why students drop out of school: A review of 25 years of research}}, 7150 volume = {15}, 7151 year = {2008} 7152 } 7153 @article{Bolker2009, 7154 abstract = {How should ecologists and evolutionary biologists analyze nonnormal data that involve random effects? Nonnormal data such as counts or proportions often defy classical statistical procedures. Generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) provide a more flexible approach for analyzing nonnormal data when random effects are present. The explosion of research on GLMMs in the last decade has generated considerable uncertainty for practitioners in ecology and evolution. Despite the availability of accurate techniques for estimating GLMM parameters in simple cases, complex GLMMs are challenging to fit and statistical inference such as hypothesis testing remains difficult. We review the use (and misuse) of GLMMs in ecology and evolution, discuss estimation and inference and summarize 'best-practice' data analysis procedures for scientists facing this challenge.}, 7155 author = {Bolker, Benjamin M and Brooks, Mollie E and Clark, Connie J and Geange, Shane W and Poulsen, John R and Stevens, M Henry H and White, Jada-Simone S}, 7156 doi = {10.1016/j.tree.2008.10.008}, 7157 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/Generalized linear mixed models a practical guide for ecology and evolution - Bolker et al.pdf:pdf}, 7158 issn = {0169-5347}, 7159 journal = {Trends in ecology & evolution}, 7160 keywords = {Bayes Theorem,Biological Evolution,Data Interpretation,Ecology,Likelihood Functions,Linear Models,Software,Statistical}, 7161 month = mar, 7162 number = {3}, 7163 pages = {127--35}, 7164 pmid = {19185386}, 7165 title = {{Generalized linear mixed models: a practical guide for ecology and evolution}}, 7166 volume = {24}, 7167 year = {2009} 7168 } 7169 @article{McKay2008, 7170 abstract = {Do service learning courses offer the opportunity for first-generation students to experience academic and social integration and ultimately, academic success? Our study answered this question by exploring the quality of interaction between first-generation students and faculty that characterizes service learning pedagogy, and by revealing ways in which service learning courses academically engage first-generation students in community service projects. Combining quantitative and qualitative methods, results confirm the vital role of communication between faculty and first-generation students and the potential for service learning courses to facilitate the process of integration. Implications for continued research in this area of instructional communication are also explored. Do service learning courses offer the opportunity for first-generation students to experience academic and social integration and ultimately, academic success? Our study answered this question by exploring the quality of interaction between first-generation students and faculty that characterizes service learning pedagogy, and by revealing ways in which service learning courses academically engage first-generation students in community service projects. Combining quantitative and qualitative methods, results confirm the vital role of communication between faculty and first-generation students and the potential for service learning courses to facilitate the process of integration. Implications for continued research in this area of instructional communication are also explored.}, 7171 author = {McKay, Valerie C. and Estrella, Jeremy}, 7172 doi = {10.1080/03634520801966123}, 7173 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2008/First-Generation Student Success The Role of Faculty Interaction in Service Learning Courses - McKay, Estrella.pdf:pdf}, 7174 issn = {0363-4523}, 7175 journal = {Communication Education}, 7176 month = jul, 7177 number = {3}, 7178 pages = {356--372}, 7179 publisher = {Routledge}, 7180 title = {{First-Generation Student Success: The Role of Faculty Interaction in Service Learning Courses}}, 7181 url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/03634520801966123}, 7182 volume = {57}, 7183 year = {2008} 7184 } 7185 @article{Tucker1998, 7186 author = {Tucker, B. P.}, 7187 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1998/Deaf culture, cochlear implants, and elective disability - Tucker.pdf:pdf}, 7188 journal = {The Hastings Center Report}, 7189 number = {4}, 7190 title = {{Deaf culture, cochlear implants, and elective disability}}, 7191 volume = {28}, 7192 year = {1998} 7193 } 7194 @article{Maldonado2005, 7195 author = {Maldonado, David}, 7196 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2005/The Student-Initiated Retention Project Theoretical Contributions and the Role of Self-Empowerment - Maldonado.pdf:pdf}, 7197 issn = {0002-8312}, 7198 journal = {American Educational Research Journal}, 7199 number = {4}, 7200 pages = {605 -- 638}, 7201 title = {{The Student-Initiated Retention Project: Theoretical Contributions and the Role of Self-Empowerment}}, 7202 url = {http://uwashington.worldcat.org/oclc/1990440099961&referer=brief_results}, 7203 volume = {42}, 7204 year = {2005} 7205 } 7206 @article{Schay2007, 7207 author = {Schay, G}, 7208 journal = {Recherche}, 7209 title = {{Introduction to probability with statistical applications}}, 7210 url = {http://www.lavoisier.fr/livre/notice.asp?id=OSRWLXAKK6LOWU}, 7211 year = {2007} 7212 } 7213 @article{CUI2008, 7214 abstract = {For the problem of variable selection for the normal linear model, fixed penalty selection criteria such as AIC, Cp, BIC and RIC correspond to the posterior modes of a hierarchical Bayes model for various fixed hyperparameter settings. Adaptive selection criteria obtained by empirical Bayes estimation of the hyperparameters have been shown by George and Foster [2000. Calibration and Empirical Bayes variable selection. Biometrika 87(4), 731–747] to improve on these fixed selection criteria. In this paper, we study the potential of alternative fully Bayes methods, which instead margin out the hyperparameters with respect to prior distributions. Several structured prior formulations are considered for which fully Bayes selection and estimation methods are obtained. Analytical and simulation comparisons with empirical Bayes counterparts are studied.}, 7215 author = {Cui, W and George, E}, 7216 doi = {10.1016/j.jspi.2007.02.011}, 7217 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2008/Empirical Bayes vs. fully Bayes variable selection - Cui, George.pdf:pdf}, 7218 issn = {03783758}, 7219 journal = {Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference}, 7220 month = apr, 7221 number = {4}, 7222 pages = {888--900}, 7223 title = {{Empirical Bayes vs. fully Bayes variable selection}}, 7224 url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jspi.2007.02.011}, 7225 volume = {138}, 7226 year = {2008} 7227 } 7228 @book{Kuhn1996, 7229 address = {Chicago}, 7230 author = {Kuhn, T.S.}, 7231 edition = {Second}, 7232 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1970/The structure of scientific revolutions - Kuhn.pdf:pdf}, 7233 publisher = {The University of Chicago Press}, 7234 title = {{The structure of scientific revolutions}}, 7235 year = {1970} 7236 } 7237 @article{REITE1972, 7238 abstract = {Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a heritable disorder of connective tissue that is characterized by multiple fractures, severe deformities, and disturbances of growth that frequently result in dwarfism. A study of 12 children with OI found them to be unusually well adjusted and of at least normal intelligence. The authors hypothesize that the generalized metabolic energy disturbance associated with the disease, perhaps specifically an alteration in cyclic AMP metabolism, might affect the patient's psychological functioning, or affective "tone," in a beneficial and/or protective manner.}, 7239 author = {Reite, Martin and Davis, Keith and Solomons, Clive and Ott, John}, 7240 doi = {10.1176/appi.ajp.128.12.1540}, 7241 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1972/Osteogenesis Imperfecta Psychological Function - Reite et al.pdf:pdf}, 7242 journal = {American Journal of Psychiatry}, 7243 number = {12}, 7244 pages = {1540--1546}, 7245 title = {{Osteogenesis Imperfecta: Psychological Function}}, 7246 url = {http://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/cgi/content/abstract/128/12/1540}, 7247 volume = {128}, 7248 year = {1972} 7249 } 7250 @article{Bonanno2001, 7251 author = {Bonanno, G. A. and Kaltman, S.}, 7252 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2001/The varieties of grief experience - Bonanno, Kaltman.pdf:pdf}, 7253 journal = {Clinical Psychology Review}, 7254 number = {5}, 7255 pages = {705--734}, 7256 title = {{The varieties of grief experience}}, 7257 volume = {21}, 7258 year = {2001} 7259 } 7260 @article{Saenz1999, 7261 author = {Saenz, T and Marcoulides, GA}, 7262 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1999/The relationship between college experience and academic performance among minority students - Saenz, Marcoulides.pdf:pdf}, 7263 journal = {International Journal of Educational Management}, 7264 title = {{The relationship between college experience and academic performance among minority students}}, 7265 year = {1999} 7266 } 7267 @article{VanDerHeyden2007, 7268 author = {VanDerHeyden, A. M. and Witt, J. C. and Gilbertson, D.}, 7269 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/A multi-year evaluation of the effects of a Response to Intervention (RTI) model on identification of children for special education - VanDerHeyden, Witt, Gilbertson.pdf:pdf}, 7270 journal = {Journal of School Psychology}, 7271 number = {2}, 7272 pages = {225--256}, 7273 title = {{A multi-year evaluation of the effects of a Response to Intervention (RTI) model on identification of children for special education}}, 7274 volume = {45}, 7275 year = {2007} 7276 } 7277 @book{MobileReference2007, 7278 author = {MobileReference}, 7279 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/Calculus Study Guide - MobileReference.pdf:pdf}, 7280 keywords = {Mathematics}, 7281 mendeley-tags = {Mathematics}, 7282 publisher = {MobileReference}, 7283 title = {{Calculus Study Guide}}, 7284 year = {2007} 7285 } 7286 @article{Ryu2009, 7287 author = {Ryu, M}, 7288 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/Twenty-Third Status Report Minorities in Higher Education 2009 Supplement - Ryu.pdf:pdf}, 7289 journal = {American Council on Higher Education}, 7290 title = {{Twenty-Third Status Report: Minorities in Higher Education 2009 Supplement}}, 7291 url = {http://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=TwenTy-Third+STaTuS+reporT+Minorities+in++Higher+Education+2009+supplement#1}, 7292 year = {2009} 7293 } 7294 @article{barnard2010accommodation, 7295 author = {Barnard-Brak, L. and Lechtenberger, D. and Lan, W.Y.}, 7296 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2010/Accommodation strategies of college students with disabilities - Barnard-Brak, Lechtenberger, Lan.pdf:pdf}, 7297 journal = {Qualitative Report}, 7298 number = {2}, 7299 pages = {411--429}, 7300 publisher = {Nova Southeastern University. 3301 College Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33317. Tel: 954-262-5389; Fax: 954-262-3970; Web site: http://www. nova. edu/ssss/QR}, 7301 title = {{Accommodation strategies of college students with disabilities}}, 7302 url = {http://www.nova.edu/ssss/QR/QR15-2/barnard-brak.pdf}, 7303 volume = {15}, 7304 year = {2010} 7305 } 7306 @article{Banks2000, 7307 author = {Banks, M. I. and Pearce, R. A.}, 7308 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2000/Kinetic Differences between Synaptic and Extrasynaptic GABAA Receptors in CA1 Pyramidal Cells - Banks, Pearce.pdf:pdf}, 7309 journal = {Journal of Neuroscience}, 7310 number = {3}, 7311 pages = {937}, 7312 title = {{Kinetic Differences between Synaptic and Extrasynaptic GABAA Receptors in CA1 Pyramidal Cells}}, 7313 volume = {20}, 7314 year = {2000} 7315 } 7316 @article{Blum1991, 7317 abstract = {Increasingly, children with disabling conditions are surviving through childhood into adolescence and beyond. This places increased importance on understanding adolescent, family, and peer relationships, which are critical to healthy development among adolescents in general and to transitions to successful adulthood among youths with physical disabilities in particular. The purpose of this study was to identify the patterns of family and peer interactions. One hundred two youths with spina bifida and 60 adolescents with cerebral palsy between the ages of 12 and 22 completed written psychological measures as well as an in-depth structured interview. Approximately 90% of youths with spina bifida and cerebral palsy resided at home, of whom 80.4% and 72% lived with both parents. Almost without exception, parental relationships were defined as positive, with no difference of attitude noted toward the mother and father. Relationships with parents for teenagers with spina bifida were marked by high levels of dependence on parents for personal care such as bowel programs and, for both groups, low levels of responsibility at home and lack of discussion with parents about sexuality or menstruation. Although friends were viewed as very important by most respondents (approximately 83%), relationships were characterized by extremely limited out-of-school contacts, negligible participation with organized social activities, and a primary orientation toward sedentary activities. Finally, regarding heterosexual relationships, whereas 44.1% of respondents with spina bifida and 54.2% of respondents with cerebral palsy said their friends dated, only 14.7% and 28.3% of study participants indicated that they had ever been on a date and, even for those teenagers, heterosexual social contacts were infrequent.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)}, 7318 author = {Blum, R. W. and Resnick, M D and Nelson, R and {St Germaine}, A}, 7319 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1991/Family and peer issues among adolescents with spina bifida and cerebral palsy - Blum et al.pdf:pdf}, 7320 issn = {0031-4005}, 7321 journal = {Pediatrics}, 7322 month = aug, 7323 number = {2}, 7324 pages = {280--5}, 7325 title = {{Family and peer issues among adolescents with spina bifida and cerebral palsy}}, 7326 url = {http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1861926}, 7327 volume = {88}, 7328 year = {1991} 7329 } 7330 @phdthesis{hilden1995multilevel, 7331 author = {Hilden-Minton, J.A.}, 7332 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1995/Multilevel diagnostics for mixed and hierarchical linear models - Hilden-Minton.pdf:pdf}, 7333 publisher = {UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Los Angeles}, 7334 title = {{Multilevel diagnostics for mixed and hierarchical linear models}}, 7335 url = {http://theses.stat.ucla.edu/1/james.pdf}, 7336 year = {1995} 7337 } 7338 @article{Green2002, 7339 author = {Green, R.}, 7340 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2002/Is pedophilia a mental disorder - Green.pdf:pdf}, 7341 journal = {Archives of sexual behavior}, 7342 number = {6}, 7343 pages = {467--471}, 7344 title = {{Is pedophilia a mental disorder?}}, 7345 volume = {31}, 7346 year = {2002} 7347 } 7348 @article{Publishing2012, 7349 author = {Copas, J. B.}, 7350 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1993/The Shrinkage of Point Scoring Methods - Copas.pdf:pdf}, 7351 journal = {Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics)}, 7352 keywords = {binary regression,independence bayes,point scoring,shrinkage}, 7353 number = {2}, 7354 pages = {315--331}, 7355 title = {{The Shrinkage of Point Scoring Methods}}, 7356 volume = {42}, 7357 year = {1993} 7358 } 7359 @article{Bronson1995, 7360 author = {Bronson, M. B. and Hauser-Cram, P. and Warfield, M. E.}, 7361 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1995/Classroom behaviors of preschool children with and without developmental disabilities - Bronson, Hauser-Cram, Warfield.pdf:pdf}, 7362 journal = {Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology}, 7363 number = {3}, 7364 pages = {371--390}, 7365 title = {{Classroom behaviors of preschool children with and without developmental disabilities}}, 7366 volume = {16}, 7367 year = {1995} 7368 } 7369 @article{Silver, 7370 author = {Silver, R. C. and Wortman, C. B. and Wayment, H. A.}, 7371 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1996/Social Constraints, Intrusive Thoughts, and Depressive Symptoms Among Bereaved Mothers - Silver, Wortman, Wayment.pdf:pdf}, 7372 journal = {Journal of Personality and Social Psychology}, 7373 number = {2}, 7374 pages = {271--282}, 7375 title = {{Social Constraints, Intrusive Thoughts, and Depressive Symptoms Among Bereaved Mothers}}, 7376 volume = {70}, 7377 year = {1996} 7378 } 7379 @article{Lewis2010, 7380 abstract = {This study evaluated the relationship between condom-related protective behavioral strategies (PBS; including those that require active behavior and mental planning) and condom use at both global and event levels. College students (N = 623; 57.8% female) completed self-report measures of condom-related PBS, as well as drinking and sexual behavior. Logistic regression findings indicated that students who reported greater use of condom-related PBS were more likely to discuss their and their partner's HIV status, sexually transmitted infection (STI) history (other than HIV), and protection against STIs (such as HIV and other STIs) the first time they had sex with their most recent vaginal sexual partner. Logistic regression findings also indicated that more frequent use of condom-related PBS was associated with being more likely to use a condom during the most recent vaginal sexual experience. Zero-inflated negative binomial regression results showed that condom-related PBS predicted condom non-users and that condom-related PBS were associated with increased use of condoms during sexual behavior in the previous three months. These results extend prior research by demonstrating that both active and mental planning condom-related PBS are associated with condom use at both the global and event levels, which suggests that condom-related PBS may be useful to incorporate in interventions targeting risky sexual behavior among young adults.}, 7381 author = {Lewis, Melissa A and Kaysen, Debra L and Rees, Michiko and Woods, Briana A}, 7382 doi = {10.1080/00224490903132069}, 7383 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2010/The relationship between condom-related protective behavioral strategies and condom use among college students global- and event-level evaluations - Lewis et al.pdf:pdf}, 7384 issn = {1559-8519}, 7385 journal = {Journal of sex research}, 7386 keywords = {Adolescent,Adult,Alcohol Drinking,Alcohol Drinking: psychology,Attitudes,Coitus,Coitus: psychology,Condoms,Condoms: utilization,Contraception Behavior,Contraception Behavior: statistics & numerical dat,Female,HIV Infections,HIV Infections: prevention & control,HIV Infections: psychology,Health Knowledge,Humans,Logistic Models,Male,Practice,Sexually Transmitted Diseases,Sexually Transmitted Diseases: prevention & contro,Sexually Transmitted Diseases: psychology,Students,Universities,Young Adult}, 7387 month = sep, 7388 number = {5}, 7389 pages = {471--8}, 7390 pmid = {19657943}, 7391 publisher = {Routledge}, 7392 title = {{The relationship between condom-related protective behavioral strategies and condom use among college students: global- and event-level evaluations}}, 7393 url = {http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/content$\sim$db=all$\sim$content=a913565839}, 7394 volume = {47}, 7395 year = {2010} 7396 } 7397 @article{Shear2005, 7398 author = {Shear, K. and Frank, E. and Houck, P. R. and Reynolds, C. F.}, 7399 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2005/Treatment of Complicated Grief A Randomized Controlled Trial - Shear et al.pdf:pdf}, 7400 journal = {JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association}, 7401 pages = {2601--2608}, 7402 title = {{Treatment of Complicated Grief A Randomized Controlled Trial}}, 7403 volume = {293}, 7404 year = {2005} 7405 } 7406 @book{Ablon1984, 7407 author = {Ablon, J.}, 7408 publisher = {Praeger Publishers}, 7409 shorttitle = {Little People in America}, 7410 title = {{Little People in America: The Social Dimension of Dwarfism}}, 7411 year = {1984} 7412 } 7413 @book{Dovermann2003, 7414 author = {Dovermann, Karl Heinz}, 7415 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2003/A Summary of Calculus - Dovermann.pdf:pdf}, 7416 keywords = {Mathematics}, 7417 mendeley-tags = {Mathematics}, 7418 title = {{A Summary of Calculus}}, 7419 year = {2003} 7420 } 7421 @article{Hamel2012, 7422 author = {Hamel, Sandra and Yoccoz, Nigel G. and Gaillard, Jean-Michel}, 7423 doi = {10.1111/j.2041-210X.2012.00195.x}, 7424 issn = {2041210X}, 7425 journal = {Methods in Ecology and Evolution}, 7426 month = mar, 7427 pages = {no--no}, 7428 title = {{Statistical evaluation of parameters estimating autocorrelation and individual heterogeneity in longitudinal studies}}, 7429 url = {http://doi.wiley.com/10.1111/j.2041-210X.2012.00195.x}, 7430 year = {2012} 7431 } 7432 @book{Cox2006, 7433 annote = {Purchased from ebooks.com}, 7434 author = {Cox, D. R.}, 7435 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/Principles of statistical inference - Cox.pdf:pdf}, 7436 keywords = {Statistical Theory and Mathematical Statistics}, 7437 mendeley-tags = {Statistical Theory and Mathematical Statistics}, 7438 publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, 7439 title = {{Principles of statistical inference}}, 7440 year = {2006} 7441 } 7442 @article{Salinas2003, 7443 abstract = {This article reports on a causal-comparative study of 1,425 students constituting the entire cohort of 1992 entering freshman at the University of Texas Pan American (UTPA). The study compares the characteristics of the cohort who left UTPA before graduation, those who were retained and graduated within 6 years, those who left and did not return, and those who returned and ultimately graduated from the institution. Using persistence models, the study reveals a pattern of student behavior and student characteristics to each group that provides indications of how to identify and assist students in danger of not completing their education.}, 7444 author = {Salinas, A. and Llanes, J. R.}, 7445 doi = {10.1177/1538192702238728}, 7446 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2003/Student Attrition, Retention, and Persistence The Case of the University of Texas Pan American - Salinas, Llanes.pdf:pdf}, 7447 issn = {1538-1927}, 7448 journal = {Journal of Hispanic Higher Education}, 7449 month = jan, 7450 number = {1}, 7451 pages = {73--97}, 7452 title = {{Student Attrition, Retention, and Persistence: The Case of the University of Texas Pan American}}, 7453 url = {http://jhh.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/2/1/73}, 7454 volume = {2}, 7455 year = {2003} 7456 } 7457 @article{Blee2006, 7458 abstract = {How do local social movement groups respond to national electoral politics? Previous studies, often based on aggregated data on public protests, focus on the effects of elections on established social movement organizations (SMOs). Some find that SMOs flourish during election years, taking advantage of the political opportunities that elections pose. Others conclude that elections hurt SMOs, siphoning members and resources. Using ethnographic, in-depth interview, and document data on new and emerging social movement groups (SMGs) in Pittsburgh for 20 months before and after the 2004 U.S. presidential election, we examine how members think about elections and whether and how groups decide to respond to national electoral campaigns. We find that SMGs vary considerably in the strategies of action or inaction they adopt, depending on their changing sense of whether the election poses an opportunity or a threat to the group and that these strategies of action are patterned in path-dependent sequences. We conclude with a discussion of the possibilities for integrating concepts of path-dependency and timing into social movement research.}, 7459 author = {Blee, Kathleen M. and Currier, Ashley}, 7460 doi = {10.1007/s11133-006-9025-x}, 7461 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/How Local Social Movement Groups Handle a Presidential Election - Blee, Currier.pdf:pdf}, 7462 issn = {0162-0436}, 7463 journal = {Qualitative Sociology}, 7464 keywords = {Humanities,Social Sciences and Law}, 7465 month = jul, 7466 number = {3}, 7467 pages = {261--280}, 7468 publisher = {Springer Netherlands}, 7469 title = {{How Local Social Movement Groups Handle a Presidential Election}}, 7470 url = {http://www.springerlink.com/content/751754v4l1061713/}, 7471 volume = {29}, 7472 year = {2006} 7473 } 7474 @incollection{Fichten1988, 7475 author = {Fichten, C. S.}, 7476 booktitle = {Attitudes toward persons with disabilities}, 7477 editor = {Yucker, H. E.}, 7478 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1988/Students with physical disabilities in higher education Attitudes and beliefs that affect integration - Fichten.pdf:pdf}, 7479 pages = {171--186}, 7480 title = {{Students with physical disabilities in higher education: Attitudes and beliefs that affect integration}}, 7481 year = {1988} 7482 } 7483 @incollection{Oliver1996, 7484 author = {Oliver, M}, 7485 booktitle = {Exploring the divide: Illness and disability}, 7486 editor = {Barnes, Colin and Mercer, Geof}, 7487 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1996/Defining impairment and disability issues at stake - Oliver.pdf:pdf}, 7488 pages = {29--54}, 7489 publisher = {The Disability Press}, 7490 title = {{Defining impairment and disability: issues at stake}}, 7491 year = {1996} 7492 } 7493 @misc{Beijingolympics2008, 7494 author = {{The Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad}}, 7495 title = {{News - The Official Website of the Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games}}, 7496 url = {http://en.paralympic.beijing2008.cn/}, 7497 year = {2008} 7498 } 7499 @article{Dey1993, 7500 abstract = {While higher education researchers have long been concerned with the development and application of methods to adequately assess the impact of college on students, strong advances in statistical theory and computational practice have shifted this focus from the fundamental issues of research design to the application of appropriate statistics. This study focuses on the practical implications of applying logistic regression, probit analysis, and linear regression to the problem of predicting college student retention. Rather than simply assuming that one technique is analytically superior to others based on theoretical grounds, this study explores how these techniques compare in predicting student retention using data provided by registrars from a national sample of colleges and universities. Results indicate that despite the theoretical advantages offered by logistic regression and probit analysis, there is little practical difference between either of these two techniques and more traditional linear regression.}, 7501 author = {Dey, Eric L. and Astin, Alexander W.}, 7502 doi = {10.1007/BF00991920}, 7503 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1993/Statistical alternatives for studying college student retention A comparative analysis of logit, probit, and linear regression - Dey, Astin.pdf:pdf}, 7504 issn = {0361-0365}, 7505 journal = {Research in Higher Education}, 7506 keywords = {Humanities,Social Sciences and Law}, 7507 month = oct, 7508 number = {5}, 7509 pages = {569--581}, 7510 publisher = {Springer Netherlands}, 7511 title = {{Statistical alternatives for studying college student retention: A comparative analysis of logit, probit, and linear regression}}, 7512 url = {http://www.springerlink.com/content/p4226224l235g8g8/}, 7513 volume = {34}, 7514 year = {1993} 7515 } 7516 @article{Cudeck2003, 7517 author = {Cudeck, R. and Henly, S. J.}, 7518 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2003/A realistic perspective on pattern representation in growth data Comment on Bauer and Curran (2003) - Cudeck, Henly.pdf:pdf}, 7519 journal = {Psychological Methods}, 7520 keywords = {Statistics}, 7521 pages = {378--383}, 7522 title = {{A realistic perspective on pattern representation in growth data: Comment on Bauer and Curran (2003)}}, 7523 volume = {8}, 7524 year = {2003} 7525 } 7526 @article{devivo1992community, 7527 author = {DeVivo, MJ and Richards, JS}, 7528 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/Community Reintegration After Spinal Cord Injury - Priebe et al.pdf:pdf}, 7529 issn = {0031-1758}, 7530 journal = {Paraplegia}, 7531 number = {2}, 7532 pages = {108--112}, 7533 publisher = {Macmillan}, 7534 title = {{Community reintegration and quality of life following spinal cord injury}}, 7535 volume = {30}, 7536 year = {1992} 7537 } 7538 @article{Baumann2003, 7539 author = {Baumann, S. W. and Baur, R. and Sigel, E.}, 7540 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2003/Individual properties of the two functional agonist sites in GABAA receptors - Baumann, Baur, Sigel.pdf:pdf}, 7541 journal = {Journal of Neuroscience}, 7542 number = {35}, 7543 pages = {11158--11166}, 7544 title = {{Individual properties of the two functional agonist sites in GABAA receptors}}, 7545 volume = {23}, 7546 year = {2003} 7547 } 7548 @article{McHorney1994, 7549 author = {McHorney, C. A. and Ware, J. E. Jr. and Lu, J. F. R. and Sherbourne, C. D.}, 7550 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1994/The MOS 36-item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36) III. Tests of data quality, scaling assumptions, and reliability across diverse patient groups - McHorney et al.pdf:pdf}, 7551 journal = {Medical care}, 7552 number = {1}, 7553 pages = {40--66}, 7554 title = {{The MOS 36-item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36): III. Tests of data quality, scaling assumptions, and reliability across diverse patient groups}}, 7555 volume = {32}, 7556 year = {1994} 7557 } 7558 @article{Galvin2003, 7559 abstract = {This article seeks to demonstrate that, to function as a truly emancipatory phenomenon, disability culture must be relieved of the paradox that keeps it trapped in modernist assumptions that serve to reinforce its marginalised status. The paradox of disability culture may be stated as follows. How can we claim unity without falling into the same exclusionary practices that have served to create our divisive identifications in the first place? Conversely, how can we relinquish the practices of identification that are based on binary oppositions without losing the ability to claim identities at all? I argue that, by extricating it from its origins in essentialist assumptions, disability culture can be reinvigo rated as a truly emancipatory device, which is capable of devising positive identities which, rather than celebrating the 'disabled identity', rely on its dissolution. ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR Copyright of Disability & Society is the property of Routledge and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)}, 7560 author = {Galvin, Rose}, 7561 doi = {10.1080/0968759032000097889}, 7562 issn = {09687599}, 7563 journal = {Disability & Society}, 7564 number = {5}, 7565 pages = {675--690}, 7566 pmid = {10849107}, 7567 publisher = {Routledge}, 7568 title = {{The Paradox of Disability Culture: the need to combine versus the imperative to let go}}, 7569 volume = {18}, 7570 year = {2003} 7571 } 7572 @article{Turton2001, 7573 author = {Turton, N.}, 7574 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2001/Welfare benefits and work disincentives - Turton.pdf:pdf}, 7575 journal = {Journal of Mental Health}, 7576 number = {3}, 7577 pages = {285--300}, 7578 title = {{Welfare benefits and work disincentives}}, 7579 volume = {10}, 7580 year = {2001} 7581 } 7582 @article{Fuller2004, 7583 author = {Fuller, M}, 7584 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2004/Incorporating disabled students within an inclusive higher education environment - Fuller.pdf:pdf}, 7585 journal = {Disability & Society}, 7586 title = {{Incorporating disabled students within an inclusive higher education environment}}, 7587 url = {http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/0968759042000235307}, 7588 year = {2004} 7589 } 7590 @article{Bryk1988, 7591 author = {Bryk, AS and Raudenbush, SW}, 7592 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1988/Heterogeneity of variance in experimental studies A challenge to conventional interpretations - Bryk, Raudenbush.pdf:pdf}, 7593 journal = {Psychological Bulletin}, 7594 title = {{Heterogeneity of variance in experimental studies: A challenge to conventional interpretations}}, 7595 url = {http://scholar.google.com/scholar?cluster=14781881069613039063&hl=en&as_sdt=0,48#2}, 7596 year = {1988} 7597 } 7598 @article{MAYOU2000, 7599 author = {Mayou, RA and Ehlers, A. and Hobbs, M.}, 7600 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2000/Psychological debriefing for road traffic accident victims Three-year follow-up of a randomised controlled trial - Mayou, Ehlers, Hobbs.pdf:pdf}, 7601 journal = {The British Journal of Psychiatry}, 7602 number = {6}, 7603 pages = {589--593}, 7604 title = {{Psychological debriefing for road traffic accident victims Three-year follow-up of a randomised controlled trial}}, 7605 volume = {176}, 7606 year = {2000} 7607 } 7608 @article{Bronfenbrenner1977, 7609 author = {Bronfenbrenner, U.}, 7610 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1977/Toward an experimental ecology of human development - Bronfenbrenner.pdf:pdf}, 7611 journal = {American Psychologist}, 7612 number = {7}, 7613 pages = {513--531}, 7614 title = {{Toward an experimental ecology of human development}}, 7615 volume = {32}, 7616 year = {1977} 7617 } 7618 @article{Hadeld2010, 7619 author = {Hadfield, Jarrod}, 7620 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2010/MCMC methods for multi-response generalised linear mixed models The MCMCglmm R package - Hadfield.pdf:pdf}, 7621 journal = {Journal of Statistical Software}, 7622 title = {{MCMC methods for multi-response generalised linear mixed models: The MCMCglmm R package}}, 7623 url = {http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=}, 7624 year = {2010} 7625 } 7626 @article{Fink2009, 7627 author = {Fink, EL}, 7628 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/The FAQs on Data Transformation - Fink.pdf:pdf}, 7629 journal = {Communication Monographs}, 7630 number = {4}, 7631 pages = {379--397}, 7632 title = {{The FAQs on Data Transformation}}, 7633 volume = {76}, 7634 year = {2009} 7635 } 7636 @article{Suris1996, 7637 author = {Suris, J. C. and Resnick, M. D. and Cassuto, N. and Blum, R. W.}, 7638 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1996/Sexual behavior of adolescents with chronic disease and disability - Suris et al.pdf:pdf}, 7639 journal = {Journal of adolescent health}, 7640 number = {2}, 7641 pages = {124--131}, 7642 title = {{Sexual behavior of adolescents with chronic disease and disability}}, 7643 volume = {19}, 7644 year = {1996} 7645 } 7646 @article{Cook1999, 7647 author = {Cook, B. G. and Semmel, M. I.}, 7648 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1999/Peer acceptance of included students with disabilities as a function of severity of disability and classroom composition - Cook, Semmel.pdf:pdf}, 7649 journal = {The Journal of Special Education}, 7650 number = {1}, 7651 pages = {50}, 7652 title = {{Peer acceptance of included students with disabilities as a function of severity of disability and classroom composition}}, 7653 volume = {33}, 7654 year = {1999} 7655 } 7656 @article{Brower1992, 7657 author = {Brower, A. M}, 7658 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1992/The second half of student integration The effects of life task predominance on student persistence - Brower.pdf:pdf}, 7659 journal = {The Journal of Higher Education}, 7660 number = {4}, 7661 pages = {441--462}, 7662 shorttitle = {The" second half" of student integration}, 7663 title = {{The "second half" of student integration: The effects of life task predominance on student persistence}}, 7664 volume = {63}, 7665 year = {1992} 7666 } 7667 @article{Crook1994, 7668 author = {Crook, J. and Moldofsky, H.}, 7669 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1994/The probability of recovery and return to work from work disability as a function of time - Crook, Moldofsky.pdf:pdf}, 7670 journal = {Quality of Life Research}, 7671 pages = {97--109}, 7672 title = {{The probability of recovery and return to work from work disability as a function of time}}, 7673 volume = {3}, 7674 year = {1994} 7675 } 7676 @misc{ADAregs, 7677 keywords = {Regulations}, 7678 mendeley-tags = {Regulations}, 7679 title = {{Regulations To Implement The Equal Employment Provisions Of The Americans With Disabilities Act, 29 C.F.R. 1630}}, 7680 year = {2011} 7681 } 7682 @article{&2008, 7683 author = {Rodgers, Kelly A. and Summers, Jessica J.}, 7684 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2008/African American students at predominantly White institutions A motivational and self-systems approach to understanding retention - Rodgers, Summers.pdf:pdf}, 7685 journal = {Educational Psychology Review}, 7686 title = {{African American students at predominantly White institutions: A motivational and self-systems approach to understanding retention}}, 7687 url = {http://www.springerlink.com/index/a6822r85270g37g0.pdf}, 7688 year = {2008} 7689 } 7690 @article{Lotkowski2004, 7691 author = {Lotkowski, VA}, 7692 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2004/The role of academic and non-academic factors in improving college retention - Lotkowski.pdf:pdf}, 7693 journal = {ACT Policy Report}, 7694 title = {{The role of academic and non-academic factors in improving college retention}}, 7695 url = {http://inpathways.net/college_retention.pdf}, 7696 year = {2004} 7697 } 7698 @article{Moncrieff2006, 7699 author = {Moncrieff, J. and Cohen, D.}, 7700 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/Do antidepressants cure or create abnormal brain states - Moncrieff, Cohen.pdf:pdf}, 7701 journal = {PLoS Medicine}, 7702 number = {7}, 7703 pages = {e240}, 7704 title = {{Do antidepressants cure or create abnormal brain states}}, 7705 volume = {3}, 7706 year = {2006} 7707 } 7708 @article{Rao2002a, 7709 author = {Rao, C. Radhakrishna}, 7710 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2002/Linear Statistical Inference and Its Applications - Rao.pdf:pdf}, 7711 keywords = {Linear Models}, 7712 mendeley-tags = {Linear Models}, 7713 title = {{Linear Statistical Inference and Its Applications}}, 7714 url = {http://www.lavoisier.fr/notice/frJEOALSRN3RZLKO.html}, 7715 year = {2002} 7716 } 7717 @article{dworsky2010helping, 7718 author = {Dworsky, A. and P\'{e}rez, A.}, 7719 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2010/Helping former foster youth graduate from college through campus support programs - Dworsky, P\'{e}rez.pdf:pdf}, 7720 issn = {0190-7409}, 7721 journal = {Children and Youth Services Review}, 7722 number = {2}, 7723 pages = {255--263}, 7724 publisher = {Elsevier}, 7725 title = {{Helping former foster youth graduate from college through campus support programs}}, 7726 url = {http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0190740909002485}, 7727 volume = {32}, 7728 year = {2010} 7729 } 7730 @article{Wallander1998, 7731 author = {Wallander, J. L. and Varni, J. W.}, 7732 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1998/Effects of pediatric chronic physical disorders on child and family adjustment - Wallander, Varni.pdf:pdf}, 7733 journal = {The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines}, 7734 number = {01}, 7735 pages = {29--46}, 7736 title = {{Effects of pediatric chronic physical disorders on child and family adjustment}}, 7737 volume = {39}, 7738 year = {1998} 7739 } 7740 @article{Whitley2000, 7741 author = {Whitley, D. C. and Ford, M. G. and Livingstone, D. J.}, 7742 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2000/Unsupervised forward selection a method for eliminating redundant variables - Whitley, Ford, Livingstone.pdf:pdf}, 7743 journal = {Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences}, 7744 number = {5}, 7745 pages = {1160--1168}, 7746 title = {{Unsupervised forward selection: a method for eliminating redundant variables}}, 7747 volume = {40}, 7748 year = {2000} 7749 } 7750 @article{Massie2004, 7751 author = {Massie, M. J.}, 7752 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2004/Prevalence of Depression in Patients With Cancer - Massie.pdf:pdf}, 7753 journal = {Journal of the National Cancer Institute Monographs}, 7754 pages = {57--71}, 7755 title = {{Prevalence of Depression in Patients With Cancer}}, 7756 volume = {32}, 7757 year = {2004} 7758 } 7759 @incollection{Brown2000, 7760 address = {San Francisco, CA}, 7761 author = {Brown, Courtney L.}, 7762 booktitle = {New Directions for Evaluation}, 7763 doi = {10.1002/ev.1172}, 7764 editor = {Hopson, R. K.}, 7765 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2000/Sociolinguistic dynamics of gender in focus groups - Brown.pdf:pdf}, 7766 issn = {1097-6736}, 7767 month = jan, 7768 number = {86}, 7769 pages = {55--67}, 7770 publisher = {Jossey-Bass}, 7771 title = {{Sociolinguistic dynamics of gender in focus groups}}, 7772 url = {http://doi.wiley.com/10.1002/ev.1172}, 7773 volume = {2000}, 7774 year = {2000} 7775 } 7776 @article{Martin2002, 7777 author = {Martin, Andrew D. and Saunders, Kyle L.}, 7778 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2002/Bayesian Inference for Political Science Panel Data - Martin, Saunders.pdf:pdf}, 7779 journal = {American Political Science Association}, 7780 title = {{Bayesian Inference for Political Science Panel Data}}, 7781 url = {http://adm.wustl.edu/media/working/admksapsa.pdf}, 7782 year = {2002} 7783 } 7784 @article{Nosek2006, 7785 author = {Nosek, M. A. and Hughes, R. B. and Taylor, H. B. and Taylor, P.}, 7786 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/Disability, psychosocial, and demographic characteristics of abused women with physical disabilities - Nosek et al.pdf:pdf}, 7787 journal = {Violence Against Women}, 7788 number = {9}, 7789 pages = {838}, 7790 title = {{Disability, psychosocial, and demographic characteristics of abused women with physical disabilities}}, 7791 volume = {12}, 7792 year = {2006} 7793 } 7794 @book{Lange2010, 7795 address = {New York, NY}, 7796 author = {Lange, Kenneth}, 7797 doi = {10.1007/978-1-4419-7165-4}, 7798 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2010/Applied Probability - Lange.pdf:pdf}, 7799 isbn = {978-1-4419-7164-7}, 7800 keywords = {Probability}, 7801 mendeley-tags = {Probability}, 7802 publisher = {Springer New York}, 7803 series = {Springer Texts in Statistics}, 7804 title = {{Applied Probability}}, 7805 url = {http://www.springerlink.com/content/978-1-4419-7164-7/}, 7806 year = {2010} 7807 } 7808 @article{Shoemaker1999, 7809 abstract = {Statistical analyses are used in many fields of genetic research. Most geneticists are taught classical statistics, which includes hypothesis testing, estimation and the construction of confidence intervals; this framework has proved more than satisfactory in many ways. What does a Bayesian framework have to offer geneticists? Its utility lies in offering a more direct approach to some questions and the incorporation of prior information. It can also provide a more straightforward interpretation of results. The utility of a Bayesian perspective, especially for complex problems, is becoming increasingly clear to the statistics community; geneticists are also finding this framework useful and are increasingly utilizing the power of this approach.}, 7810 author = {Shoemaker, J}, 7811 doi = {10.1016/S0168-9525(99)01751-5}, 7812 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1999/Bayesian statistics in genetics a guide for the uninitiated - Shoemaker.pdf:pdf}, 7813 issn = {01689525}, 7814 journal = {Trends in Genetics}, 7815 month = sep, 7816 number = {9}, 7817 pages = {354--358}, 7818 title = {{Bayesian statistics in genetics: a guide for the uninitiated}}, 7819 url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0168-9525(99)01751-5}, 7820 volume = {15}, 7821 year = {1999} 7822 } 7823 @article{King2000, 7824 author = {King, G. and Tomz, M. and Wittenberg, J.}, 7825 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2000/Making the most of statistical analyses Improving interpretation and presentation - King, Tomz, Wittenberg.pdf:pdf}, 7826 journal = {American Journal of Political Science}, 7827 keywords = {Statistics}, 7828 number = {2}, 7829 pages = {347--361}, 7830 title = {{Making the most of statistical analyses: Improving interpretation and presentation}}, 7831 volume = {44}, 7832 year = {2000} 7833 } 7834 @article{Braxton2011, 7835 author = {Braxton, JM}, 7836 title = {{Understanding and Reducing College Student Departure: Ashe-Eric Higher Education Report}}, 7837 year = {2011} 7838 } 7839 @misc{Sheppard, 7840 author = {Sheppard, Lianne}, 7841 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/Analysis planning - Sheppard.pdf:pdf}, 7842 keywords = {Analysis Planning,Statistical Planning}, 7843 mendeley-tags = {Analysis Planning,Statistical Planning}, 7844 title = {{Analysis planning}}, 7845 year = {2007} 7846 } 7847 @article{McCracken1992, 7848 author = {McCracken, L. M. and Zayfert, C. and Gross, R. T.}, 7849 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1992/The Pain Anxiety Symptoms Scale development and validation of a scale to measure fear of pain - McCracken, Zayfert, Gross.pdf:pdf}, 7850 journal = {Pain(Amsterdam)}, 7851 number = {1}, 7852 pages = {67--73}, 7853 title = {{The Pain Anxiety Symptoms Scale: development and validation of a scale to measure fear of pain}}, 7854 volume = {50}, 7855 year = {1992} 7856 } 7857 @article{Brazier1992, 7858 author = {Brazier, J. E. and Harper, R. and Jones, N. M. and O'cathain, A. and Thomas, K. J. and Usherwood, T. and Westlake, L.}, 7859 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1992/Validating the SF-36 health survey questionnaire new outcome measure for primary care - Brazier et al.pdf:pdf}, 7860 journal = {British Medical Journal}, 7861 number = {6846}, 7862 pages = {160--164}, 7863 title = {{Validating the SF-36 health survey questionnaire: new outcome measure for primary care}}, 7864 volume = {305}, 7865 year = {1992} 7866 } 7867 @article{Leget2009, 7868 abstract = {This article discusses the relation between empirical and normative approaches in bioethics. The issue of dwarf tossing, while admittedly unusual, is chosen as a point of departure because it challenges the reader to look with fresh eyes upon several central bioethical themes, including human dignity, autonomy, and the protection of vulnerable people. After an overview of current approaches to the integration of empirical and normative ethics, we consider five ways that the empirical and normative can be brought together to speak to the problem of dwarf tossing: prescriptive applied ethics, theoretical ethics, critical applied ethics, particularist ethics and integrated empirical ethics. We defend a position of critical applied ethics that allows for a two-way relation between empirical and normative theories. Against efforts fully to integrate the normative and the empirical into one synthesis, we propose that the two should stand in tension and relation to one another. The approach we endorse acknowledges that a social practice can and should be judged both by the gathering of empirical data and by normative ethics. Critical applied ethics uses a five stage process that includes: (a) determination of the problem, (b) description of the problem, (c) empirical study of effects and alternatives, (d) normative weighing and (e) evaluation of the effects of a decision. In each stage, we explore the perspective from both the empirical (sociological) and the normative ethical point of view. We conclude by applying our five-stage critical applied ethics to the example of dwarf tossing.}, 7869 author = {Leget, Carlo and Borry, Pascal and de Vries, Raymond}, 7870 doi = {10.1111/j.1467-8519.2009.01711.x}, 7871 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/'Nobody tosses a dwarf!' The relation between the empirical and the normative reexamined - Leget, Borry, de Vries.pdf:pdf}, 7872 issn = {1467-8519}, 7873 journal = {Bioethics}, 7874 keywords = {Bioethics,Data Collection,Data Collection: methods,Decision Making,Decision Making: ethics,Dwarfism,Empirical Research,Empiricism,Ethical Analysis,Ethical Theory,Europe,Human Rights,Human Rights: legislation & jurisprudence,Humans,Leisure Activities,Morals,Prejudice,Problem Solving,Problem Solving: ethics,United States,Vulnerable Populations,Vulnerable Populations: legislation & jurisprudenc}, 7875 month = may, 7876 number = {4}, 7877 pages = {226--35}, 7878 pmid = {19338523}, 7879 title = {{'Nobody tosses a dwarf!' The relation between the empirical and the normative reexamined}}, 7880 url = {http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=2709754&tool=pmcentrez&rendertype=abstract}, 7881 volume = {23}, 7882 year = {2009} 7883 } 7884 @article{Farnsworth2008a, 7885 author = {Farnsworth, G. V. GV V}, 7886 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2008/Econometrics in R - Farnsworth.pdf:pdf}, 7887 journal = {Unpublished manuscript, Kellogg Graduate School of Management}, 7888 title = {{Econometrics in R}}, 7889 url = {http://gaobo.net/cran/doc/contrib/Farnsworth-EconometricsInR.pdf}, 7890 year = {2008} 7891 } 7892 @article{Geraerts2007, 7893 author = {Geraerts, E. and Kozaric-Kovacic, D. and Merckelbach, H. and Peraica, T. and Jelicic, M. and Candel, I.}, 7894 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/Traumatic memories of war veterans Not so special after all - Geraerts et al.pdf:pdf}, 7895 journal = {Consciousness and Cognition}, 7896 number = {1}, 7897 pages = {170--177}, 7898 shorttitle = {Traumatic memories of war veterans}, 7899 title = {{Traumatic memories of war veterans: Not so special after all}}, 7900 volume = {16}, 7901 year = {2007} 7902 } 7903 @techreport{astin2005degree, 7904 address = {Los Angeles, CA}, 7905 author = {Astin, Alexander W. and Oseguera, Leticia}, 7906 booktitle = {Higher Education Research Institution, University of California Los Angeles}, 7907 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2005/Degree attainment rates at American colleges and universities Revised edition - Astin, Oseguera.pdf:pdf}, 7908 institution = {Higher Education Research Institute, UCLA}, 7909 title = {{Degree attainment rates at American colleges and universities: Revised edition}}, 7910 year = {2005} 7911 } 7912 @article{Pascarella1986, 7913 abstract = {The influence of an intensive two-day orientation to college on freshman year voluntary persistence/withdrawal decisions was estimated within an explanatory causal model. The results suggest that the major influence of orientation on persistence is indirect, being transmitted through its positive effects on level of student social integration and commitment to the institution.}, 7914 author = {Pascarella, Ernest T. and Terenzini, Patrick T. and Wolfle, Lee M.}, 7915 doi = {10.2307/1981479}, 7916 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1986/Orientation to College and Freshman Year PersistenceWithdrawal Decisions - Pascarella, Terenzini, Wolfle.pdf:pdf}, 7917 issn = {0022-1546}, 7918 journal = {The Journal of Higher Education}, 7919 month = mar, 7920 number = {2}, 7921 pages = {155--175}, 7922 title = {{Orientation to College and Freshman Year Persistence/Withdrawal Decisions}}, 7923 volume = {57}, 7924 year = {1986} 7925 } 7926 @article{SunshineHillygus2005, 7927 annote = { 7928 What is the article about? 7929 7930 7931 7932 looking at higher education content to see if it will predict political participation. 7933 7934 7935 7936 In the literature review and/or conceptual framework, how do authors talk about the relationship between political participation/orientation and life course experiences, and/or the relationship between political participation/orientation and college experiences? 7937 7938 7939 7940 the author uses the civic engagement hypothesis, arguing the more poeple learn about politics the more they will become engaged in the political process and accept democratic principles. the more education a person gets the more they will understand teh system and the costs of political partiicpation go down. 7941 7942 7943 7944 What interesting thoughts or assertions did authors make in literature review or discussion that we can use in our paper? (e.g., “the need to promote political participation is essential for our democracy,” “those who do not participate politically are likely to have a highly undemocratic view of the world”) Basically think about things we can use for fodder. 7945 7946 7947 7948 this gives some evdience to our argument that majors (or content areas) may be relevant to future political partiicpation. 7949 7950 7951 7952 What variables or concepts relate to political participation? 7953 7954 7955 7956 many control variables, but the numer of credits in business, science and education, whether they have an advanced degree, political interest. also verbal SAT scores help understand intellectual performance, 7957 7958 7959 7960 What are the research questions of the study? 7961 7962 7963 7964 does what you study and your intellectual abilities affect political participation. 7965 7966 7967 7968 What data was used or collected? 7969 7970 7971 7972 B&B 7973 7974 7975 7976 What methodologies were employed? 7977 7978 7979 7980 logistic regression, for whether voted or not, and whether they participated in political activites 7981 7982 7983 7984 IF SEM, describe model they intend to estimate 7985 7986 7987 7988 NA 7989 7990 7991 7992 What findings were relevant to understanding political participation? 7993 7994 7995 7996 intellect is not related to political participation, but social science credits, humanitities credit in college are positively related, business and science are negatively related to political participation. post college political interest is related. whether voting or not, none of the majors except social science and education are related. 7997 7998 7999 8000 What interesting things stated in the discussion can we use for our paper. Make sure you cite everything. 8001 8002 8003 8004 those in social sciences and humanities were more likely to partiicpate incommunity service, vote, discuss politics and participate in politics right after college. 8005 8006 8007 8008 List citations of other studies that authors reference of regarding the relationship between political participation/orientation and/or the relationship between life course experiences, and/or political participation and college experiences? 8009 8010 Galston, William A. (2001). Political knowledge, political engagement and civic education. Annual Review of Political Science 4: 217-234. 8011 8012 8013 Levine, Peter and Lopez, Mark H. (2004). Themes Emphasized in Social Studies and Civics Classes: New Evidence. CIRCLE fact sheet.}, 8014 author = {Hillygus, D. Sunshine}, 8015 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2005/The missing link Exploring the relationship between higher education and political engagement - Hillygus.pdf:pdf}, 8016 journal = {Political Behavior}, 8017 number = {1}, 8018 pages = {25--47}, 8019 shorttitle = {The missing link}, 8020 title = {{The missing link: Exploring the relationship between higher education and political engagement}}, 8021 volume = {27}, 8022 year = {2005} 8023 } 8024 @article{Jones2002, 8025 author = {Jones, L}, 8026 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2002/Examining the ethnic minority student experience at predominantly White institutions A case study - Jones.pdf:pdf}, 8027 journal = {Journal of Hispanic Higher Education}, 8028 number = {1}, 8029 pages = {19--39}, 8030 title = {{Examining the ethnic minority student experience at predominantly White institutions: A case study}}, 8031 volume = {1}, 8032 year = {2002} 8033 } 8034 @book{Weinstein2010, 8035 author = {Weinstein, Gilbert}, 8036 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2010/Advanced Calculus - Weinstein.pdf:pdf}, 8037 keywords = {Mathematics}, 8038 mendeley-tags = {Mathematics}, 8039 title = {{Advanced Calculus}}, 8040 year = {2010} 8041 } 8042 @article{Planning2004, 8043 author = {Planning, P. C.}, 8044 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2004/Transition to adulthood for students with severe intellectual disabilities Shifting toward person-family interdependent planning - Planning.pdf:pdf}, 8045 journal = {Research & Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities}, 8046 number = {1}, 8047 pages = {53--57}, 8048 title = {{Transition to adulthood for students with severe intellectual disabilities: Shifting toward person-family interdependent planning}}, 8049 volume = {29}, 8050 year = {2004} 8051 } 8052 @misc{Perlman, 8053 author = {Perlman, Michael D.}, 8054 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/Multivariate Statistical Analysis - Perlman.pdf:pdf}, 8055 keywords = {Linear Models}, 8056 mendeley-tags = {Linear Models}, 8057 title = {{Multivariate Statistical Analysis}}, 8058 year = {2007} 8059 } 8060 @article{rubin2004direct, 8061 author = {Rubin, D.B.}, 8062 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2004/Direct and indirect causal effects via potential outcomes - Rubin.pdf:pdf}, 8063 journal = {Scandinavian Journal of Statistics}, 8064 pages = {161--170}, 8065 publisher = {JSTOR}, 8066 title = {{Direct and indirect causal effects via potential outcomes}}, 8067 url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/4616821}, 8068 year = {2004} 8069 } 8070 @article{DavidHurstandBeckySmerdon2000, 8071 author = {Hurst, David and Smerdon, Becky}, 8072 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2000/Postsecondary Students With Disabilities Enrollment, Services, and Persistence - Hurst, Smerdon.pdf:pdf}, 8073 journal = {EDITORIAL NOTE}, 8074 title = {{Postsecondary Students With Disabilities: Enrollment, Services, and Persistence}}, 8075 url = {http://nces.ed.gov/pubs2001/2001602.pdf#page=54}, 8076 year = {2000} 8077 } 8078 @techreport{Braun2006, 8079 author = {Braun, H. and Jenkins, F. and Grigg, W. and Tirre, W.}, 8080 booktitle = {US Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics, NCES}, 8081 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/Comparing private schools and public schools using hierarchical linear modeling - Braun et al.pdf:pdf}, 8082 title = {{Comparing private schools and public schools using hierarchical linear modeling}}, 8083 volume = {461}, 8084 year = {2006} 8085 } 8086 @article{Crewe1981, 8087 abstract = {The Functional Assessment Inventory (FAI) has been developed for diagnostic use in vocational rehabilitation. This study involved field testing and initial validation of the Inventory as a diagnostic tool. Thirty vocational rehabilitation counselors administered the Inventory to 351 clients. Factor analysis identified 8 scales: Cognitive Function, Motor Function, Personality and Behavior. Vocational Qualifications, Medical Condition, Vision, Hearing, and Economic Disincentives. Content and concurrent validity of the Inventory were assessed by comparing the scores of clients grounded by medical diagnosis and by relating scores to counselors' judgments of severity of disability and employability. Clients with various primary disabilities appeared to differ from one another on the factor scales and on individual items in predictable ways. Total Functional Limitations scores were highly correlated with counselors' ratings of severity of disability and employability.}, 8088 author = {Crewe, N M and Athelstan, G T}, 8089 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1981/Functional assessment in vocational rehabilitation a systematic approach to diagnosis and goal setting - Crewe, Athelstan.pdf:pdf}, 8090 issn = {0003-9993}, 8091 journal = {Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation}, 8092 keywords = {Adolescent,Adult,Cognition,Disability Evaluation,Female,Health Status,Humans,Male,Middle Aged,Motor Skills,Personality Tests,Rehabilitation- Vocational}, 8093 month = jul, 8094 number = {7}, 8095 pages = {299--305}, 8096 shorttitle = {Functional assessment in vocational rehabilitation}, 8097 title = {{Functional assessment in vocational rehabilitation: a systematic approach to diagnosis and goal setting}}, 8098 url = {http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7247655}, 8099 volume = {62}, 8100 year = {1981} 8101 } 8102 @book{Zuur2009, 8103 annote = {http://www.springerlink.com/content/978-0-387-93836-3#section=79195&page=1}, 8104 author = {Zuur, Alain F. and Ieno, E. N. and Meesters, E. H. W. G.}, 8105 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/A Beginner's Guide to R - Zuur, Ieno, Meesters.pdf:pdf}, 8106 keywords = {R Books}, 8107 mendeley-tags = {R Books}, 8108 publisher = {Springer Verlag}, 8109 title = {{A Beginner's Guide to R}}, 8110 year = {2009} 8111 } 8112 @book{Finan2003b, 8113 author = {Finan, Marcel B.}, 8114 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2003/Functions Modeling Change A Precalculus Course - Finan.pdf:pdf}, 8115 keywords = {Mathematics}, 8116 mendeley-tags = {Mathematics}, 8117 title = {{Functions Modeling Change A Precalculus Course}}, 8118 year = {2003} 8119 } 8120 @article{Greenberg2003, 8121 author = {Greenberg, P. E. and Kessler, R. C. and Birnbaum, H. G. and Leong, S. A. and Lowe, S. W. and Berglund, P. A. and Corey-Lisle, P. K.}, 8122 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2003/The economic burden of depression in the United States how did it change between 1990 and 2000 - Greenberg et al.pdf:pdf}, 8123 journal = {The Journal of clinical psychiatry}, 8124 number = {12}, 8125 pages = {1465}, 8126 title = {{The economic burden of depression in the United States: how did it change between 1990 and 2000?}}, 8127 volume = {64}, 8128 year = {2003} 8129 } 8130 @article{fedor2005descriptive, 8131 author = {Fedor-Freybergh, P.G. and Mikuleck\`y, M.}, 8132 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2005/From the descriptive towards inferential statistics. Hundred years since conception of the Student’s t-distribution - Fedor-Freybergh, Mikuleck`y.pdf:pdf}, 8133 journal = {Neuro Endocrinol Lett}, 8134 pages = {167--171}, 8135 title = {{From the descriptive towards inferential statistics. Hundred years since conception of the Student’s t-distribution}}, 8136 url = {http://www.nel.edu/pdf_/26_3/260305E01_15990717_Editorial.pdf}, 8137 volume = {26}, 8138 year = {2005} 8139 } 8140 @article{Nielsen2003a, 8141 author = {Nielsen, M. S.}, 8142 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2003/Prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder in persons with spinal cord injuries The mediating effect of social support - Nielsen.pdf:pdf}, 8143 journal = {Rehabilitation Psychology}, 8144 number = {4}, 8145 pages = {289--295}, 8146 title = {{Prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder in persons with spinal cord injuries: The mediating effect of social support}}, 8147 volume = {48}, 8148 year = {2003} 8149 } 8150 @article{Keck1994, 8151 author = {Keck, L.}, 8152 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1994/Social Networks and Support Groups Experiences and Strategies for Managing a Chronic Disability - Keck.pdf:pdf}, 8153 journal = {Anthropology of Work Review}, 8154 number = {2-3}, 8155 pages = {12--14}, 8156 shorttitle = {Social Networks and Support Groups}, 8157 title = {{Social Networks and Support Groups: Experiences and Strategies for Managing a Chronic Disability}}, 8158 volume = {15}, 8159 year = {1994} 8160 } 8161 @article{Smedley1993, 8162 author = {Smedley, BD}, 8163 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1993/Minority-status stresses and the college adjustment of ethnic minority freshmen - Smedley.pdf:pdf}, 8164 journal = {Journal of Higher Education}, 8165 title = {{Minority-status stresses and the college adjustment of ethnic minority freshmen}}, 8166 url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.2307/2960051}, 8167 year = {1993} 8168 } 8169 @article{Conger1974, 8170 author = {Conger, A. J.}, 8171 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1974/A revised definition for suppressor variables A guide to their identification and interpretation - Conger.pdf:pdf}, 8172 journal = {Educational and Psychological Measurement}, 8173 keywords = {Statistics}, 8174 number = {1}, 8175 pages = {35}, 8176 title = {{A revised definition for suppressor variables: A guide to their identification and interpretation}}, 8177 volume = {34}, 8178 year = {1974} 8179 } 8180 @article{Kaplan1958, 8181 author = {Kaplan, E. L. and Meier, P.}, 8182 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1958/Nonparametric estimation from incomplete observations - Kaplan, Meier.pdf:pdf}, 8183 journal = {Journal of the American statistical association}, 8184 keywords = {Statistics}, 8185 number = {282}, 8186 pages = {457--481}, 8187 title = {{Nonparametric estimation from incomplete observations}}, 8188 volume = {53}, 8189 year = {1958} 8190 } 8191 @article{Ehrsson2007, 8192 abstract = {I report an illusion in which individuals experience that they are located outside their physical bodies and looking at their bodies from this perspective. This demonstrates that the experience of being localized within the physical body can be determined by the visual perspective in conjunction with correlated multisensory information from the body.}, 8193 author = {Ehrsson, H. Henrik}, 8194 doi = {10.1126/science.1142175}, 8195 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/The Experimental Induction of Out-of-Body Experiences - Ehrsson.pdf:pdf}, 8196 journal = {Science}, 8197 month = aug, 8198 number = {5841}, 8199 pages = {1048}, 8200 title = {{The Experimental Induction of Out-of-Body Experiences}}, 8201 url = {http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/abstract/317/5841/1048}, 8202 volume = {317}, 8203 year = {2007} 8204 } 8205 @article{Paolini2004, 8206 author = {Paolini, S. and Hewstone, M. and Cairns, E. and Voci, A.}, 8207 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2004/Effects of direct and indirect cross-group friendships on judgments of Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland The mediating role of an anxiety-reduction mechanism - Paolini et al.pdf:pdf}, 8208 journal = {Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin}, 8209 number = {6}, 8210 pages = {770}, 8211 title = {{Effects of direct and indirect cross-group friendships on judgments of Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland: The mediating role of an anxiety-reduction mechanism}}, 8212 volume = {30}, 8213 year = {2004} 8214 } 8215 @article{Ferri2005, 8216 author = {Ferri, B. and Connor, D.}, 8217 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2005/Tools of exclusion Race, disability, and (re) segregated education - Ferri, Connor.pdf:pdf}, 8218 journal = {The Teachers College Record}, 8219 number = {3}, 8220 pages = {453--474}, 8221 title = {{Tools of exclusion: Race, disability, and (re) segregated education}}, 8222 volume = {107}, 8223 year = {2005} 8224 } 8225 @article{Lockwood2003, 8226 abstract = {The current environment of test-based accountability in public education has fostered increased interest in analyzing longitudinal data on student achievement. In particular, value-added models (VAM) that use longitudinal student achievement data linked to teachers and schools to make inferences about teacher and school effectiveness have burgeoned. Depending on the available data and desired inferences, the models can range from straightforward hierarchical linear models to more complicated and computationally demanding cross-classified models. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate how R, via the lme function for linear mixed effects models in the nlme package (Pinheiro and Bates, 2000), can be used to estimate all of the most common valueadded models used in educational research. After providing background on the substantive problem, we develop notation for the data and model structures that are considered. We then present a sequence of increasingly complex models and demonstrate how to estimate the models in R. We conclude with a discussion of the strengths and limitations of the R facilities for modeling longitudinal student achievement data.}, 8227 author = {Lockwood, J R and Doran, Harold and McCaffrey, Daniel F}, 8228 journal = {R News}, 8229 keywords = {longitudinal,r,student achievment}, 8230 number = {3}, 8231 pages = {17--23}, 8232 title = {{Using R for estimating longitudinal student achievement models}}, 8233 volume = {3}, 8234 year = {2003} 8235 } 8236 @article{Fong2009a, 8237 abstract = {Generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) continue to grow in popularity due to their ability to directly acknowledge multiple levels of dependency and model different data types. For small sample sizes especially, likelihood-based inference can be unreliable with variance components being particularly difficult to estimate. A Bayesian approach is appealing but has been hampered by the lack of a fast implementation, and the difficulty in specifying prior distributions with variance components again being particularly problematic. Here, we briefly review previous approaches to computation in Bayesian implementations of GLMMs and illustrate in detail, the use of integrated nested Laplace approximations in this context. We consider a number of examples, carefully specifying prior distributions on meaningful quantities in each case. The examples cover a wide range of data types including those requiring smoothing over time and a relatively complicated spline model for which we examine our prior specification in terms of the implied degrees of freedom. We conclude that Bayesian inference is now practically feasible for GLMMs and provides an attractive alternative to likelihood-based approaches such as penalized quasi-likelihood. As with likelihood-based approaches, great care is required in the analysis of clustered binary data since approximation strategies may be less accurate for such data.}, 8238 author = {Fong, Youyi and Rue, H\aa vard and Wakefield, Jon}, 8239 doi = {10.1093/biostatistics/kxp053}, 8240 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/Bayesian inference for generalized linear mixed models - Fong, Rue, Wakefield.pdf:pdf}, 8241 issn = {1468-4357}, 8242 journal = {Biostatistics (Oxford, England)}, 8243 month = dec, 8244 number = {3}, 8245 pages = {397--412}, 8246 pmid = {19966070}, 8247 title = {{Bayesian inference for generalized linear mixed models}}, 8248 url = {http://biostatistics.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/11/3/397}, 8249 volume = {11}, 8250 year = {2009} 8251 } 8252 @article{Muthen2002, 8253 author = {Muth\'{e}n, L. K. and Muthen, B. O.}, 8254 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2002/How to use a Monte Carlo study to decide on sample size and determine power - Muth\'{e}n, Muthen.pdf:pdf}, 8255 journal = {Structural Equation Modeling}, 8256 keywords = {Statistics}, 8257 number = {4}, 8258 pages = {599--620}, 8259 title = {{How to use a Monte Carlo study to decide on sample size and determine power}}, 8260 volume = {9}, 8261 year = {2002} 8262 } 8263 @article{Baayen2008, 8264 author = {Baayen, RH}, 8265 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2008/Mixed-effects modeling with crossed random effects for subjects and items - Baayen.pdf:pdf}, 8266 journal = {Journal of memory and language}, 8267 title = {{Mixed-effects modeling with crossed random effects for subjects and items}}, 8268 url = {http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0749596X07001398}, 8269 year = {2008} 8270 } 8271 @article{Geuze2007, 8272 author = {Geuze, E. and Westenberg, H. G. M. and Jochims, A. and de Kloet, C. S. and Bohus, M. and Vermetten, E. and Schmahl, C.}, 8273 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/Altered Pain Processing in Veterans With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder - Geuze et al.pdf:pdf}, 8274 journal = {Archives of General Psychiatry}, 8275 number = {1}, 8276 pages = {76}, 8277 title = {{Altered Pain Processing in Veterans With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder}}, 8278 volume = {64}, 8279 year = {2007} 8280 } 8281 @article{bullock2010yes, 8282 author = {Bullock, J.G. and Green, D.P. and Ha, S.E.}, 8283 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2010/Yes, but what’s the mechanism(don’t expect an easy answer) - Bullock, Green, Ha.pdf:pdf}, 8284 journal = {Journal of personality and social psychology}, 8285 number = {4}, 8286 pages = {550}, 8287 publisher = {American Psychological Association}, 8288 title = {{Yes, but what’s the mechanism?(don’t expect an easy answer)}}, 8289 url = {http://psycnet.apa.org/journals/psp/98/4/550/}, 8290 volume = {98}, 8291 year = {2010} 8292 } 8293 @incollection{Paolella2006, 8294 annote = { 8295 From Duplicate 2 ( 8296 8297 8298 Calculus Review 8299 8300 8301 - Paolella, M.S. ) 8302 8303 8304 8305 Fundamental Probability : A Computational Approach 8306 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 0-470-02594-8 8307 8308 8309 8310 }, 8311 author = {Paolella, M.S.}, 8312 booktitle = {Fundamental Probability: A Computational Approach}, 8313 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/Calculus review - Paolella.pdf:pdf}, 8314 title = {{Calculus review}}, 8315 year = {2006} 8316 } 8317 @article{Ekiz, 8318 author = {Ekiz, U}, 8319 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2002/A Bayesian method to detect outliers in multivariate linear regression - Ekiz.pdf:pdf}, 8320 journal = {Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics}, 8321 pages = {77--82}, 8322 title = {{A Bayesian method to detect outliers in multivariate linear regression}}, 8323 url = {http://www.mat.hacettepe.edu.tr/hjms/english/issues/vol31/full-text/77-82.pdf}, 8324 volume = {31}, 8325 year = {2002} 8326 } 8327 @article{Staley1999, 8328 author = {Staley, K. J. and Proctor, W. R.}, 8329 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1999/Modulation of mammalian dendritic GABAA receptor function by the kinetics of Cl-and HCO3-transport - Staley, Proctor.pdf:pdf}, 8330 pages = {693--712}, 8331 title = {{Modulation of mammalian dendritic GABAA receptor function by the kinetics of Cl-and HCO3-transport}}, 8332 volume = {519}, 8333 year = {1999} 8334 } 8335 @inproceedings{Dekker2009, 8336 author = {Dekker, GW}, 8337 booktitle = {Educational Data Mining 2009}, 8338 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/Predicting students drop out A case study - Dekker.pdf:pdf}, 8339 title = {{Predicting students drop out: A case study}}, 8340 year = {2009} 8341 } 8342 @article{Metz2004, 8343 author = {Metz, GW}, 8344 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2004/Challenge and changes to Tinto's persistence theory A historical review - Metz.pdf:pdf}, 8345 journal = {Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory and Practice}, 8346 title = {{Challenge and changes to Tinto's persistence theory: A historical review}}, 8347 url = {http://baywood.metapress.com/index/m2ccr7y1wy2qupk5.pdf}, 8348 year = {2004} 8349 } 8350 @article{Horton2007, 8351 author = {Horton, N. J. and Kleinman, K. P.}, 8352 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/Much ado about nothing a comparison of missing data methods and software to fit incomplete data regression models - Horton, Kleinman.pdf:pdf}, 8353 journal = {The American Statistician}, 8354 keywords = {Statistics}, 8355 number = {1}, 8356 pages = {79}, 8357 title = {{Much ado about nothing: a comparison of missing data methods and software to fit incomplete data regression models}}, 8358 volume = {61}, 8359 year = {2007} 8360 } 8361 @article{Stevens1996, 8362 author = {Stevens, S. E. and Steele, C. A. and Jutai, J. W. and Kalnins, I. V. and Bortolussi, J. A. and Biggar, W. D.}, 8363 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1996/Adolescents with physical disabilities some psychosocial aspects of health - Stevens et al.pdf:pdf}, 8364 journal = {Journal of Adolescent Health}, 8365 number = {2}, 8366 pages = {157--64}, 8367 shorttitle = {Adolescents with physical disabilities}, 8368 title = {{Adolescents with physical disabilities: some psychosocial aspects of health}}, 8369 volume = {19}, 8370 year = {1996} 8371 } 8372 @article{American1994, 8373 author = {Rendon, Laura}, 8374 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1994/Validating Culturally Diverse Students Toward a New Model of Learning and Student Development - Rendon.pdf:pdf}, 8375 journal = {Innovative Higher Education}, 8376 number = {1}, 8377 pages = {33--51}, 8378 title = {{Validating Culturally Diverse Students: Toward a New Model of Learning and Student Development}}, 8379 volume = {19}, 8380 year = {1994} 8381 } 8382 @article{Pockett2004, 8383 author = {Pockett, S}, 8384 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2004/Does consciousness cause behaviour - Pockett.pdf:pdf}, 8385 journal = {Journal of Consciousness Studies}, 8386 title = {{Does consciousness cause behaviour?}}, 8387 url = {http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/imp/jcs/2004/00000011/00000002/art00002}, 8388 year = {2004} 8389 } 8390 @inproceedings{JinChen, 8391 author = {Chen, Jin and Zerquera, Desiree}, 8392 booktitle = {Annual Conference of the Association for Education Finance and Policy}, 8393 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2011/A Methodological Review of Studies on Effects of Financial Aid on College Student Success - Chen, Zerquera.pdf:pdf}, 8394 title = {{A Methodological Review of Studies on Effects of Financial Aid on College Student Success}}, 8395 year = {2011} 8396 } 8397 @misc{Adolph, 8398 annote = {Notes from Autumn 2009 Maximum Likelihood Methods for the Social Sciences, CS&SS 510, notes mixed and updated from 2011 class.}, 8399 author = {Adolph, Christopher}, 8400 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2011/Maximum Likelihood Methods for the Social Sciences - Adolph.pdf:pdf}, 8401 keywords = {Linear Models,Statistical Theory and Mathematical Statistics}, 8402 mendeley-tags = {Linear Models,Statistical Theory and Mathematical Statistics}, 8403 title = {{Maximum Likelihood Methods for the Social Sciences}}, 8404 year = {2011} 8405 } 8406 @article{Ward2009, 8407 author = {Ward, K}, 8408 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/A tangled web of terms The overlap and unique contribution of involvement, engagement, and integration to understanding college student success - Ward.pdf:pdf}, 8409 journal = {Journal of College Student Development}, 8410 number = {4}, 8411 pages = {407--428}, 8412 title = {{A tangled web of terms: The overlap and unique contribution of involvement, engagement, and integration to understanding college student success}}, 8413 volume = {50}, 8414 year = {2009} 8415 } 8416 @book{khuri2009linear, 8417 author = {Khuri, A.I.}, 8418 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/Linear model methodology - Khuri.pdf:pdf}, 8419 keywords = {Linear Models}, 8420 mendeley-tags = {Linear Models}, 8421 publisher = {Chapman & Hall}, 8422 title = {{Linear model methodology}}, 8423 year = {2009} 8424 } 8425 @article{Goldstein1997, 8426 author = {Goldstein, S. B. and Johnson, V. A.}, 8427 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1997/Stigma by Association Perceptions of the Dating Partners of College Students With Physical Disabilities - Goldstein, Johnson.pdf:pdf}, 8428 journal = {Basic and Applied Social Psychology}, 8429 number = {4}, 8430 pages = {495--504}, 8431 shorttitle = {Stigma by Association}, 8432 title = {{Stigma by Association: Perceptions of the Dating Partners of College Students With Physical Disabilities}}, 8433 volume = {19}, 8434 year = {1997} 8435 } 8436 @article{Heirdsfield2008, 8437 author = {Heirdsfield, AM}, 8438 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2008/Enhancing the first year experience-Longitudinal perspectives on a peer mentoring scheme - Heirdsfield.pdf:pdf}, 8439 title = {{Enhancing the first year experience-Longitudinal perspectives on a peer mentoring scheme}}, 8440 year = {2008} 8441 } 8442 @book{Wilde2009, 8443 author = {Wilde, Ivan F}, 8444 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/Measure, Integration, & Probability - Wilde.pdf:pdf}, 8445 keywords = {Probability}, 8446 mendeley-tags = {Probability}, 8447 title = {{Measure, Integration, & Probability}}, 8448 year = {2009} 8449 } 8450 @book{Dawkins, 8451 author = {Dawkins, Paul}, 8452 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/Linear Algebra - Dawkins.pdf:pdf}, 8453 keywords = {Mathematics,Matrix Algebra}, 8454 mendeley-tags = {Mathematics,Matrix Algebra}, 8455 title = {{Linear Algebra}}, 8456 year = {2007} 8457 } 8458 @article{Boyer, 8459 author = {Boyer, B. A. and Knolls, M. L. and Kafkalas, C. M. and Tollen, L. G. and Swartz, M. and MacNeill, S. E. and Lichtenberg, P. A. and LaBuda, J. and Kim, J. and Heinemann, A. W.}, 8460 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2000/Prevalence and relationships of posttraumatic stress in families experiencing pediatric spinal cord injury - Boyer et al.pdf:pdf}, 8461 journal = {Rehabilitation Psychology}, 8462 number = {4}, 8463 pages = {339--355}, 8464 title = {{Prevalence and relationships of posttraumatic stress in families experiencing pediatric spinal cord injury}}, 8465 volume = {45}, 8466 year = {2000} 8467 } 8468 @article{Shields2006, 8469 author = {Shields, N. and Murdoch, A. and Loy, Y. and Dodd, K. J. and Taylor, N. F.}, 8470 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/A systematic review of the self-concept of children with cerebral palsy compared with children without disability - Shields et al.pdf:pdf}, 8471 journal = {Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology}, 8472 number = {02}, 8473 pages = {151--157}, 8474 title = {{A systematic review of the self-concept of children with cerebral palsy compared with children without disability}}, 8475 volume = {48}, 8476 year = {2006} 8477 } 8478 @article{Erosheva2005, 8479 author = {Erosheva, E. A.}, 8480 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2005/Comparing latent structures of the grade of membership, rasch, and latent class models - Erosheva.pdf:pdf}, 8481 journal = {Psychometrika}, 8482 number = {4}, 8483 pages = {619--628}, 8484 title = {{Comparing latent structures of the grade of membership, rasch, and latent class models}}, 8485 volume = {70}, 8486 year = {2005} 8487 } 8488 @book{Long1997, 8489 address = {Thousand Oaks, CA}, 8490 annote = {need to buy}, 8491 author = {Long, J. S.}, 8492 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1997/Regression Models for Categorical and Limited Dependent Variables - Long.pdf:pdf}, 8493 keywords = {Linear Models}, 8494 mendeley-tags = {Linear Models}, 8495 publisher = {SAGE Publications}, 8496 title = {{Regression Models for Categorical and Limited Dependent Variables}}, 8497 year = {1997} 8498 } 8499 @article{Baldwin2005, 8500 author = {Baldwin, D. S. and Anderson, I. M. and Nutt, D. J. and Bandelow, B. and Bond, A. and Davidson, J. R. T. and den Boer, J. A. and Fineberg, N. A. and Knapp, M. and Scott, J.}, 8501 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2005/Evidence-based guidelines for the pharmacological treatment of anxiety disorders recommendations from the British Association for Psychopharmacology - Baldwin et al.pdf:pdf}, 8502 journal = {Journal of Psychopharmacology}, 8503 number = {6}, 8504 pages = {567}, 8505 shorttitle = {Evidence-based guidelines for the pharmacological }, 8506 title = {{Evidence-based guidelines for the pharmacological treatment of anxiety disorders: recommendations from the British Association for Psychopharmacology}}, 8507 volume = {19}, 8508 year = {2005} 8509 } 8510 @incollection{Madison2000, 8511 address = {San Francisco, CA}, 8512 author = {Madison, Anna Marie}, 8513 booktitle = {New Directions for Evaluation}, 8514 doi = {10.1002/ev.1169}, 8515 editor = {Hopson, R. K.}, 8516 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2000/Language in defining social problems and in evaluating social programs - Madison.pdf:pdf}, 8517 issn = {1097-6736}, 8518 number = {86}, 8519 pages = {17--28}, 8520 publisher = {Jossey-Bass}, 8521 title = {{Language in defining social problems and in evaluating social programs}}, 8522 url = {http://doi.wiley.com/10.1002/ev.1169}, 8523 volume = {2000}, 8524 year = {2000} 8525 } 8526 @article{Wallander1987, 8527 author = {Wallander, J. L. and Hubert, N. C.}, 8528 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1987/Peer social dysfunction in children with developmental disabilities Empirical basis and a conceptual model - Wallander, Hubert.pdf:pdf}, 8529 journal = {Clinical Psychology Review}, 8530 number = {2}, 8531 pages = {205--221}, 8532 shorttitle = {Peer social dysfunction in children with developme}, 8533 title = {{Peer social dysfunction in children with developmental disabilities: Empirical basis and a conceptual model}}, 8534 volume = {7}, 8535 year = {1987} 8536 } 8537 @article{Edwards2008, 8538 abstract = {Statisticians most often use the linear mixed model to analyze Gaussian longitudinal data. The value and familiarity of the R(2) statistic in the linear univariate model naturally creates great interest in extending it to the linear mixed model. We define and describe how to compute a model R(2) statistic for the linear mixed model by using only a single model. The proposed R(2) statistic measures multivariate association between the repeated outcomes and the fixed effects in the linear mixed model. The R(2) statistic arises as a 1-1 function of an appropriate F statistic for testing all fixed effects (except typically the intercept) in a full model. The statistic compares the full model with a null model with all fixed effects deleted (except typically the intercept) while retaining exactly the same covariance structure. Furthermore, the R(2) statistic leads immediately to a natural definition of a partial R(2) statistic. A mixed model in which ethnicity gives a very small p-value as a longitudinal predictor of blood pressure (BP) compellingly illustrates the value of the statistic. In sharp contrast to the extreme p-value, a very small R(2) , a measure of statistical and scientific importance, indicates that ethnicity has an almost negligible association with the repeated BP outcomes for the study.}, 8539 author = {Edwards, Lloyd J and Muller, Keith E and Wolfinger, Russell D and Qaqish, Bahjat F and Schabenberger, Oliver}, 8540 doi = {10.1002/sim.3429}, 8541 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2008/An R2 statistic for fixed effects in the linear mixed model - Edwards et al.pdf:pdf}, 8542 issn = {1097-0258}, 8543 journal = {Statistics in Medicine}, 8544 keywords = {Adolescent,Biometry,Biometry: methods,Blood Pressure,Child,Continental Population Groups,Data Interpretation,Dental Models,Female,Humans,Linear Models,Longitudinal Studies,Male,Multivariate Analysis,Orthodontics,Orthodontics: statistics & numerical data,Statistical}, 8545 month = dec, 8546 number = {29}, 8547 pages = {6137--57}, 8548 pmid = {18816511}, 8549 title = {{An R2 statistic for fixed effects in the linear mixed model}}, 8550 volume = {27}, 8551 year = {2008} 8552 } 8553 @article{Wade2000, 8554 author = {Wade, TD and Kendler, KS}, 8555 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2000/The Relationship between Social Support and Major Depression Cross-Sectional, Longitudinal, and Genetic Perspectives - Wade, Kendler.pdf:pdf}, 8556 journal = {The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease}, 8557 number = {5}, 8558 pages = {251}, 8559 shorttitle = {The Relationship between Social Support and Major}, 8560 title = {{The Relationship between Social Support and Major Depression: Cross-Sectional, Longitudinal, and Genetic Perspectives}}, 8561 volume = {188}, 8562 year = {2000} 8563 } 8564 @book{kerl2009metropolis, 8565 author = {Kerl, J.}, 8566 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/The Metropolis-Hastings algorithm by example - Kerl.pdf:pdf}, 8567 title = {{The Metropolis-Hastings algorithm by example}}, 8568 url = {http://www.johnkerl.org/doc/mhcoin.pdf}, 8569 year = {2009} 8570 } 8571 @article{gelman2008weakly, 8572 author = {Gelman, A. and Jakulin, A. and Pittau, M.G. and Su, Y.S.}, 8573 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2008/A weakly informative default prior distribution for logistic and other regression models - Gelman et al.pdf:pdf}, 8574 journal = {The Annals of Applied Statistics}, 8575 pages = {1360--1383}, 8576 publisher = {JSTOR}, 8577 title = {{A weakly informative default prior distribution for logistic and other regression models}}, 8578 url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.2307/30245139}, 8579 year = {2008} 8580 } 8581 @article{Berger1999, 8582 author = {Berger, Joseph B. and Milem, Jeffrey F.}, 8583 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1999/The role of student involvement and perceptions of integration in a causal model of student persistence - Berger, Milem.pdf:pdf}, 8584 journal = {Research in Higher Education}, 8585 number = {6}, 8586 pages = {641--664}, 8587 title = {{The role of student involvement and perceptions of integration in a causal model of student persistence}}, 8588 volume = {40}, 8589 year = {1999} 8590 } 8591 @article{briggs2001effect, 8592 author = {Briggs, D.C.}, 8593 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2001/The effect of admissions test preparation Evidence from NELS 88 - Briggs.pdf:pdf}, 8594 journal = {Chance}, 8595 number = {1}, 8596 pages = {10--18}, 8597 title = {{The effect of admissions test preparation: Evidence from NELS: 88}}, 8598 url = {http://www.stat.duke.edu/$\sim$dalene/chance/chanceweb/141.briggs.pdf}, 8599 volume = {14}, 8600 year = {2001} 8601 } 8602 @article{Krause2005, 8603 author = {Krause, J. S. and Broderick, L.}, 8604 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2005/A 25-year longitudinal study of the natural course of aging after spinal cord injury - Krause, Broderick.pdf:pdf}, 8605 journal = {Spinal Cord}, 8606 pages = {349--356}, 8607 title = {{A 25-year longitudinal study of the natural course of aging after spinal cord injury}}, 8608 volume = {43}, 8609 year = {2005} 8610 } 8611 @book{durkheim1951study, 8612 address = {Glencoe, Il}, 8613 author = {Durkheim, E.}, 8614 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1951/Suicide A study in sociology - Durkheim.pdf:pdf}, 8615 publisher = {The Free Press}, 8616 title = {{Suicide: A study in sociology}}, 8617 translator = {Spaulding, John A. and Simpson, George}, 8618 url = {http://www.bahaistudies.net/asma/suicide-durkheim.pdf}, 8619 year = {1951} 8620 } 8621 @article{Coffman2011, 8622 author = {Coffman, S}, 8623 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2011/A social constructionist view of issues confronting first generation college students - Coffman.pdf:pdf}, 8624 journal = {New Directions for Teaching and Learning}, 8625 title = {{A social constructionist view of issues confronting first generation college students}}, 8626 url = {http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/tl.459/abstract}, 8627 year = {2011} 8628 } 8629 @article{Floyd2009, 8630 abstract = {The transition to adulthood is a potentially formative period of the life course for individuals with intellectual disability. In this investigation, we examined the transition using traditional criteria for launching and role functioning and also explored how the concept of emerging adulthood applies to young adults who have intellectual disability. The targets were 140 young adults (ages 18–33 years, mean = 24 years) who participated in a long-term follow-up of a longitudinal investigation of family and child development for children with mild and moderate intellectual disability. Overall, there was limited evidence of launching and financial independence for the young adults, with most living with parents and few able to support themselves financially. As expected, greater progress toward independence occurred for individuals with mild as opposed to moderate intellectual disability. However, relatively few adult outcomes were predicted by childhood behavior problems, and there were few gender differences. Despite this situation, most of the parents reported that the target individual had “reached adulthood” and, similar to normative samples, they focused on criteria for adulthood that emphasized independent thought and free choice over role transitions and financial independence. The findings suggest an expanded view of emerging adulthood for individuals with intellectual disability who are transitioning into adulthood characterized by interdependence rather than independence.}, 8631 annote = {Defining adulthood and independence has been an issue for disability since the civil rights movement began. Due to teh fact many can not become financially or physically independent, the definition clearly needs changing. this study shows an emerging definition for those with mild to moderate intellectual disability is grounded more in thought and free choice than financial or physical independence, although this is similar to normative comparison samples. This could be a major point for disability, or a major social change in the interaction between young adults in general, more research is needed.}, 8632 author = {Floyd, Frank J. and Costigan, Catherine L. and Piazza, Vivian E.}, 8633 doi = {10.1016/S0074-7750(09)37002-0}, 8634 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/The Transition to Adulthood for Individuals with Intellectual Disability - Floyd, Costigan, Piazza.pdf:pdf}, 8635 isbn = {9780123744661}, 8636 journal = {International Review of Research in Mental Retardation}, 8637 pages = {31--59}, 8638 publisher = {Elsevier}, 8639 series = {International Review of Research in Mental Retardation}, 8640 title = {{The Transition to Adulthood for Individuals with Intellectual Disability}}, 8641 volume = {37}, 8642 year = {2009} 8643 } 8644 @techreport{TheP2009, 8645 abstract = {Since 1997, four national studies conducted by the U.S. Department of Education have been completed on the Federal TRIO programs. Data from these studies demonstrate that participation in a TRIO program has a significant impact on the educational outcomes of low-income, first-generation students and students with disabilities. This paper provides overviews of the following national studies: (1) Westat's assessment report to the U.S. Department of Education on the impact of Student Support Services (SSS); (2) Mathematica Policy Research's assessment report to the U.S. Department of Education on the impact of Talent Search on secondary and postsecondary outcomes in Texas, Indiana, and Florida; (3) Mathematica Policy Research's assessment report to the U.S. Department of Education on the impact of Upward Bound on postsecondary outcomes; and (4) Mathematica Policy Research's assessment report to the U.S. Department of Education on the impact of Upward Bound Math-Science on postsecondary completion, performance, enrollment, and participation in math and science coursework both at the high school and postsecondary level. (Contains 6 footnotes.)}, 8646 address = {Washington, DC}, 8647 author = {{The Pell Institute for the Study of Opportunity in Higher Education}}, 8648 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/National Studies Find TRIO Programs Effective at Increasing College Enrollment and Graduation - The Pell Institute for the Study of Opportunity in Higher Education.pdf:pdf}, 8649 institution = {Pell Institute for the Study of Opportunity in Higher Education. 1025 Vermont Avenue NW Suite 1020, Washington, DC 20005. Tel: 202-638-2887; Fax: 202-638-3808; e-mail: info@pellinstitute.org; Web site: http://www.pellinstitute.org}, 8650 keywords = {Academic Support Services,Disabilities,Educational Attainment,Educational Objectives,Educational Opportunities,Enrollment,Enrollment Trends,First Generation College Students,Graduation Rate,Low Income Groups,Outcomes of Education,Program Effectiveness,Program Evaluation,Talent}, 8651 month = may, 8652 title = {{National Studies Find TRIO Programs Effective at Increasing College Enrollment and Graduation}}, 8653 year = {2009} 8654 } 8655 @article{Collins2005, 8656 abstract = {Students with psychiatric disabilities are an increasing presence on college and university campuses. However, there is little factual information about the services available to these students in campus disability services offices or the extent to which they use these services. This article reports the results of a survey of disability services offices at colleges and universities in 10 states. Data from 275 schools revealed the number of students with psychiatric disabilities seeking assistance from disability services offices, characteristics of these offices, and the types of services they provide. Survey data also identified barriers to full participation of these students in academic settings. Implications of the study are discussed to inform policy and postsecondary institutional practices with the goal of better serving psychiatrically disabled students to maximize their talents and potential.}, 8657 author = {Collins, Mary Elizabeth and Mowbray, Carol T}, 8658 doi = {10.1037/0002-9432.75.2.304}, 8659 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2005/Higher education and psychiatric disabilities National survey of campus disability services - Collins, Mowbray.pdf:pdf}, 8660 issn = {0002-9432}, 8661 journal = {American Journal of orthopsychiatry}, 8662 keywords = {Adult,Educational Status,Female,Humans,Male,Mental Disorders,Mental Disorders: epidemiology,Mental Disorders: psychology,Mental Health Services,Mental Health Services: utilization,Questionnaires,Students,Students: psychology,Students: statistics & numerical data,United States,United States: epidemiology,Universities}, 8663 month = apr, 8664 number = {2}, 8665 pages = {304--15}, 8666 pmid = {15839766}, 8667 title = {{Higher education and psychiatric disabilities: National survey of campus disability services}}, 8668 url = {http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1037/0002-9432.75.2.304/abstract http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15839766}, 8669 volume = {75}, 8670 year = {2005} 8671 } 8672 @article{Baker2008, 8673 author = {Baker, J. P.}, 8674 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2008/Mercury, vaccines, and autism one controversy, three histories - Baker.pdf:pdf}, 8675 journal = {American Journal of Public Health}, 8676 title = {{Mercury, vaccines, and autism: one controversy, three histories}}, 8677 year = {2008} 8678 } 8679 @incollection{Samu2010, 8680 author = {Museus, Samuel D. and Harris, Frank}, 8681 booktitle = {Managing Diversity. (Re)Visioning Equity on College Campuses}, 8682 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2010/Success among college students of color How institutional culture matters - Museus, Harris.pdf:pdf}, 8683 title = {{Success among college students of color: How institutional culture matters}}, 8684 url = {http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=zuuqO-9cSXEC&oi=fnd&pg=PA25&dq=Focusing+on+institutional+fabric+Using+campus+culture+assessments+to+enhance+cross-cultural+engagement&ots=UuCgvkPLOO&sig=-tKZJ5rw_msiomsu4c4k4WuCNrw}, 8685 year = {2010} 8686 } 8687 @article{Kauffman2009, 8688 author = {Kauffman, J. M. and Hung, L. Y.}, 8689 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/Special education for intellectual disability current trends and perspectives - Kauffman, Hung.pdf:pdf}, 8690 journal = {Current Opinion in Psychiatry}, 8691 number = {5}, 8692 pages = {452}, 8693 title = {{Special education for intellectual disability: current trends and perspectives}}, 8694 volume = {22}, 8695 year = {2009} 8696 } 8697 @article{Shrout2002, 8698 abstract = {Mediation is said to occur when a causal effect of some variable X on an outcome Y is explained by some intervening variable M. The authors recommend that with small to moderate samples, bootstrap methods (B. Efron & R. Tibshirani, 1993) be used to assess mediation. Bootstrap tests are powerful because they detect that the sampling distribution of the mediated effect is skewed away from 0. They argue that R. M. Baron and D. A. Kenny's (1986) recommendation of first testing the X Y association for statistical significance should not be a requirement when there is a priori belief that the effect size is small or suppression is a possibility. Empirical examples and computer setups for bootstrap analyses are provided.}, 8699 author = {Shrout, Patrick E and Bolger, Niall}, 8700 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2002/Mediation in experimental and nonexperimental studies new procedures and recommendations - Shrout, Bolger.pdf:pdf}, 8701 institution = {Department of Psychology, New York University, New York, New York 10003, USA. pat.shrout@nyu.edu}, 8702 journal = {Psychological Methods}, 8703 number = {4}, 8704 pages = {422--445}, 8705 pmid = {12530702}, 8706 publisher = {American Psychological Association}, 8707 title = {{Mediation in experimental and nonexperimental studies: new procedures and recommendations}}, 8708 url = {http://doi.apa.org/getdoi.cfm?doi=10.1037/1082-989X.7.4.422}, 8709 volume = {7}, 8710 year = {2002} 8711 } 8712 @article{Steigera, 8713 author = {Steiger, James H.}, 8714 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/Unknown/Exploratory Common Factor Analysis - Steiger.pdf:pdf}, 8715 title = {{Exploratory Common Factor Analysis}} 8716 } 8717 @book{Monahan2008, 8718 annote = {Purchased from: Google Books}, 8719 author = {Monahan, John F.}, 8720 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2008/A Primer on Linear Models (Chapman & HallCRC Texts in Statistical Science) - Monahan.pdf:pdf}, 8721 isbn = {1420062018}, 8722 keywords = {Linear Models}, 8723 mendeley-tags = {Linear Models}, 8724 pages = {304}, 8725 publisher = {Chapman and Hall/CRC}, 8726 title = {{A Primer on Linear Models (Chapman & Hall/CRC Texts in Statistical Science)}}, 8727 url = {http://www.amazon.com/Primer-Linear-Chapman-Statistical-Science/dp/1420062018}, 8728 year = {2008} 8729 } 8730 @article{strauss2002comparing, 8731 author = {Strauss, L.C. and Volkwein, J.F.}, 8732 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2002/Comparing student performance and growth in 2-and 4-year institutions - Strauss, Volkwein.pdf:pdf}, 8733 issn = {0361-0365}, 8734 journal = {Research in Higher Education}, 8735 number = {2}, 8736 pages = {133--161}, 8737 publisher = {Springer}, 8738 title = {{Comparing student performance and growth in 2-and 4-year institutions}}, 8739 url = {http://www.springerlink.com/index/BQ26B74WNXQ54WXP.pdf}, 8740 volume = {43}, 8741 year = {2002} 8742 } 8743 @article{Brinckerhoff1992, 8744 abstract = {This article focuses on the four primary issues that directly affect service delivery to students with learning disabilities in postsecondary settings, including (a) How are high school and postsecondary settings different? (b) How are eligibility and access determined? (c) How are reasonable accommodations determined? and (d) How can the independence level of college students with learning disabilities be fostered? Each of these issues will be discussed within the context of the student's transition from high school, where Public Law 94-142 is in effect, to college, where Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 applies.}, 8745 author = {Brinckerhoff, L. C. and Shaw, S. F. and McGuire, J. M.}, 8746 doi = {10.1177/002221949202500702}, 8747 issn = {0022-2194}, 8748 journal = {Journal of Learning Disabilities}, 8749 month = aug, 8750 number = {7}, 8751 pages = {417--429}, 8752 title = {{Promoting Access, Accommodations, and Independence for College Students with Learning Disabilities}}, 8753 url = {http://ldx.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/25/7/417}, 8754 volume = {25}, 8755 year = {1992} 8756 } 8757 @article{Frank1987, 8758 author = {Frank, R. G. and Elliott, T. R. and Corcoran, J. R. and Wonderlich, S. A.}, 8759 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1987/Depression after spinal cord injury Is it necessary - Frank et al.pdf:pdf}, 8760 journal = {Clinical Psychology Review}, 8761 number = {6}, 8762 pages = {611--630}, 8763 title = {{Depression after spinal cord injury: Is it necessary?}}, 8764 volume = {7}, 8765 year = {1987} 8766 } 8767 @article{Livneh2003a, 8768 author = {Livneh, H. and Martz, E.}, 8769 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2003/Psychosocial adaptation to spinal cord injury as a function of time since injury - Livneh, Martz.pdf:pdf}, 8770 journal = {International Journal of Rehabilitation Research}, 8771 number = {3}, 8772 pages = {191}, 8773 title = {{Psychosocial adaptation to spinal cord injury as a function of time since injury}}, 8774 volume = {26}, 8775 year = {2003} 8776 } 8777 @article{Yates1998, 8778 annote = {· What is the article about? The development of political activism over adolescence and its impact on future jobs, political participation. This was a study and not so much about primary data analysis but looking at the role of ethnicity and political participation on later political participation. 8779 · In the literature review and/or conceptual framework, how do authors talk about the relationship between political participation/orientation and life course experiences, and/or the relationship between political participation/orientation and college experiences? Political participation was looked through the lens of ethnicity and previous political participation and how political participation at such an early age (high school) can have effects on political participation. 8780 · What interesting thoughts or assertions did authors make in literature review or discussion that we can use in our paper? (e.g., “the need to promote political participation is essential for our democracy,” “those who do not participate politically are likely to have a highly undemocratic view of the world”) Basically think about things we can use for fodder. We should look at the idea what happens in college may just be the middle and not the catalyst to future political participation. 8781 · What variables or concepts relate to political participation? voting in elections, protests, rallies. 8782 · What are the research questions of the study? does identity development play a role in whether or not people begin to identify with political issues or political participation. 8783 · What data was used or collected? 8784 8785 alumni data from a high school from 3 different years of graduates 8786 · What methodologies were 8787 employed? descriptive statistics, chi-square tests of independence 8788 · IF SEM, describe model they intend to estimate NA 8789 · What findings were relevant to understanding political participation? political participation can (and does) start earlier in life than college and seemingly unrelated issues like identity development can impact whether people becoming participatory in political issues. The authors argue they become more aware of politics and their role in the political system. 8790 · What interesting things stated in the discussion can we use for our paper. Make sure you cite everything. Race seems to play an issue with regards to political participations among those who were politically active at a college in the mid 1950-1963. differences were found between protesters and non-protesters (Fendrich, 1993). 8791 · List citations of other studies that authors reference of regarding the relationship between political participation/orientation and/or the relationship between life course experiences, and/or political participation and college experiences? 8792 8793 Fendrich, J. (1993). Ideal citizens. Albany: State University of New York Press. Flanagan, 8794 Rosenberg, S. W. (1988). Reason, ideology, and politics. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Rosenhan, 8795 Yates, M., & Youniss, J. (1996a). Community service and political-moral identity development in ado- lescents. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 6,271-284.Yates, M., & Youniss, J. (1996b). A developmental perspective on community service. Social Develop- ment, 5.85-1 1 1. 8796 Youniss, J., & Yates, M. (1997). Communityserviceandsociul responsibility in youth. Chicago: Univer- sity of Chicago Press.}, 8797 author = {Yates, M. and Youniss, J.}, 8798 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1998/Community service and political identity development in adolescence - Yates, Youniss.pdf:pdf}, 8799 journal = {Journal of Social Issues}, 8800 number = {3}, 8801 pages = {495--512}, 8802 title = {{Community service and political identity development in adolescence}}, 8803 url = {http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1540-4560.1998.tb01232.x/abstract}, 8804 volume = {54}, 8805 year = {1998} 8806 } 8807 @article{Revelle1979a, 8808 author = {Revelle, William and Rocklin, Thomas}, 8809 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1979/Very Simple Structure an Alternative Procedure for Estimating the Optimal Number of Interpretable Factors - Revelle, Rocklin.pdf:pdf}, 8810 journal = {Multivariate Behavioral Research}, 8811 pages = {403--414}, 8812 title = {{Very Simple Structure an Alternative Procedure for Estimating the Optimal Number of Interpretable Factors}}, 8813 volume = {14}, 8814 year = {1979} 8815 } 8816 @article{Jones2007, 8817 author = {Jones, B. L. and Nagin, D. S.}, 8818 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/Advances in group-based trajectory modeling and an SAS procedure for estimating them - Jones, Nagin.pdf:pdf}, 8819 journal = {Sociological Methods & Research}, 8820 keywords = {Statistics}, 8821 number = {4}, 8822 pages = {542}, 8823 title = {{Advances in group-based trajectory modeling and an SAS procedure for estimating them}}, 8824 volume = {35}, 8825 year = {2007} 8826 } 8827 @article{Fichten1986a, 8828 author = {Fichten, C. S. and Bourdon, C. V.}, 8829 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1986/Social Skill Deficit or Response Inhibition Interaction Between Disabled and Nondisabled College Students - Fichten, Bourdon.pdf:pdf}, 8830 journal = {Journal of College Student Personnel}, 8831 number = {4}, 8832 pages = {326--33}, 8833 shorttitle = {Social Skill Deficit or Response Inhibition}, 8834 title = {{Social Skill Deficit or Response Inhibition: Interaction Between Disabled and Nondisabled College Students}}, 8835 volume = {27}, 8836 year = {1986} 8837 } 8838 @article{Kavale2000, 8839 abstract = {In this article, we analyze critically available definitions of learning disability (LD). The general problem of definition is discussed first followed by a discussion of individual LD definitions from the earliest to the latest. We conclude that LD definitions fail to provide substantive insight into the nature of the condition. The reasons for this failure are discussed in relation to the nature of definition and the difficulties in providing operational definitions of LD that are meaningful and significant. Finally, means for resolving the problem of definition are discussed.}, 8840 author = {Kavale, K. A. and Forness, S. R.}, 8841 doi = {10.1177/002221940003300303}, 8842 issn = {0022-2194}, 8843 journal = {Journal of Learning Disabilities}, 8844 month = may, 8845 number = {3}, 8846 pages = {239--256}, 8847 title = {{What Definitions of Learning Disability Say and Don't Say: A Critical Analysis}}, 8848 url = {http://ldx.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/33/3/239}, 8849 volume = {33}, 8850 year = {2000} 8851 } 8852 @article{Harry2002, 8853 author = {Harry, B.}, 8854 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2002/Trends and Issues in Serving Culturally Diverse Families of Children with Disabilities - Harry.pdf:pdf}, 8855 journal = {The Journal of Special Education}, 8856 number = {3}, 8857 pages = {132--140}, 8858 title = {{Trends and Issues in Serving Culturally Diverse Families of Children with Disabilities}}, 8859 volume = {36}, 8860 year = {2002} 8861 } 8862 @article{McAllion1996, 8863 author = {McAllion, S. J.}, 8864 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1996/Causes of death in osteogenesis imperfecta - McAllion.pdf:pdf}, 8865 journal = {Journal of Clinical Pathology}, 8866 number = {8}, 8867 pages = {627--630}, 8868 title = {{Causes of death in osteogenesis imperfecta}}, 8869 volume = {49}, 8870 year = {1996} 8871 } 8872 @article{Ichimura1993, 8873 abstract = {For the class of single-index models, I construct a semiparametric estimator of coefficients up to a multiplicative constant that exhibits 1/√n-consistency and asymptotic normality. This class of models includes censored and truncated Tobit models, binary choice models, and duration models with unobserved individual heterogeneity and random censoring. I also investigate a weighting scheme that achieves the semiparametric efficiency bound.}, 8874 author = {Ichimura, H}, 8875 doi = {10.1016/0304-4076(93)90114-K}, 8876 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1993/Semiparametric least squares (SLS) and weighted SLS estimation of single-index models - Ichimura.pdf:pdf}, 8877 issn = {03044076}, 8878 journal = {Journal of Econometrics}, 8879 month = jul, 8880 number = {1-2}, 8881 pages = {71--120}, 8882 title = {{Semiparametric least squares (SLS) and weighted SLS estimation of single-index models}}, 8883 url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0304-4076(93)90114-K}, 8884 volume = {58}, 8885 year = {1993} 8886 } 8887 @article{Strahl2000, 8888 author = {Strahl, C. and Kleinknecht, R. A. and Dinnel, D. L.}, 8889 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2000/The role of pain anxiety, coping, and pain self-efficacy in rheumatoid arthritis patient functioning - Strahl, Kleinknecht, Dinnel.pdf:pdf}, 8890 journal = {Behaviour research and therapy}, 8891 number = {9}, 8892 pages = {863--873}, 8893 title = {{The role of pain anxiety, coping, and pain self-efficacy in rheumatoid arthritis patient functioning}}, 8894 volume = {38}, 8895 year = {2000} 8896 } 8897 @article{woodhams2003defining, 8898 author = {Woodhams, C. and Corby, S.}, 8899 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2003/Defining disability in theory and practice a critique of the British Disability Discrimination Act 1995 - Woodhams, Corby.pdf:pdf}, 8900 journal = {Journal of Social Policy}, 8901 number = {2}, 8902 pages = {159--178}, 8903 publisher = {Cambridge Univ Press}, 8904 title = {{Defining disability in theory and practice: a critique of the British Disability Discrimination Act 1995}}, 8905 url = {http://journals.cambridge.org/production/action/cjoGetFulltext?fulltextid=148282}, 8906 volume = {32}, 8907 year = {2003} 8908 } 8909 @article{Carter2006a, 8910 author = {Carter, DF}, 8911 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/Key issues in the persistence of underrepresented minority students - Carter.pdf:pdf}, 8912 journal = {New Directions for Institutional Research}, 8913 number = {130}, 8914 pages = {33--46}, 8915 title = {{Key issues in the persistence of underrepresented minority students}}, 8916 url = {http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ir.178/abstract}, 8917 volume = {2006}, 8918 year = {2006} 8919 } 8920 @article{Bonanno2006, 8921 author = {Bonanno, G. A.}, 8922 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/Is Complicated Grief a Valid Construct - Bonanno.pdf:pdf}, 8923 journal = {Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice}, 8924 number = {2}, 8925 pages = {129--134}, 8926 title = {{Is Complicated Grief a Valid Construct?}}, 8927 volume = {13}, 8928 year = {2006} 8929 } 8930 @article{Larntz1978, 8931 author = {Larntz, K}, 8932 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1978/Small-sample comparisons of exact levels for chi-squared goodness-of-fit statistics - Larntz.pdf:pdf}, 8933 journal = {Journal of the American Statistical Association}, 8934 title = {{Small-sample comparisons of exact levels for chi-squared goodness-of-fit statistics}}, 8935 url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.2307/2286650}, 8936 year = {1978} 8937 } 8938 @article{Boyer2000, 8939 author = {Boyer, B. A.}, 8940 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2000/Prevalence of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Patients with Pediatric Spinal Cord Injury Relationship to Functional Independence - Boyer.pdf:pdf}, 8941 journal = {Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation}, 8942 pages = {125--133}, 8943 shorttitle = {Prevalence of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Pat}, 8944 title = {{Prevalence of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Patients with Pediatric Spinal Cord Injury: Relationship to Functional Independence}}, 8945 volume = {6}, 8946 year = {2000} 8947 } 8948 @article{Leffert2000, 8949 author = {Leffert, JS}, 8950 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2000/Understanding social adaptation in children with mental retardation A social-cognitive perspective - Leffert.pdf:pdf}, 8951 journal = {Exceptional Children}, 8952 title = {{Understanding social adaptation in children with mental retardation: A social-cognitive perspective}}, 8953 url = {http://www.freepatentsonline.com/article/Exceptional-Children/63856597.html}, 8954 year = {2000} 8955 } 8956 @article{Gorin2007, 8957 author = {Gorin, J. S.}, 8958 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/Reconsidering issues in validity theory - Gorin.pdf:pdf}, 8959 journal = {Educational Researcher}, 8960 number = {8}, 8961 pages = {456}, 8962 title = {{Reconsidering issues in validity theory}}, 8963 volume = {36}, 8964 year = {2007} 8965 } 8966 @article{Hammell2004, 8967 author = {Hammell, K. W.}, 8968 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2004/Quality of life among people with high spinal cord injury living in the community - Hammell.pdf:pdf}, 8969 issn = {1362-4393}, 8970 journal = {Spinal Cord}, 8971 number = {11}, 8972 pages = {607--620}, 8973 title = {{Quality of life among people with high spinal cord injury living in the community}}, 8974 url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/sj.sc.3101662}, 8975 volume = {42}, 8976 year = {2004} 8977 } 8978 @article{Gouvier1994, 8979 abstract = {Examined actual language behavior directed toward individuals with and without apparent disabilities in a standardized but naturalistic setting. Four experimenters (2 male and 2 female) requested directions to the bookstore from a total of 160 college students on a university campus. Each experimenter portrayed a student with a disability using a wheelchair and a student without a disability. Conversations were surreptitiously recorded, and verbal interaction patterns were analyzed. Significant differences were observed on all dependent variables, word counts, frequency of interrogatives, and use of locator words. Findings suggest that individuals with a disability are addressed differently than those without disabilities, and provide limited behavioral replication of research documenting differential responses of college students to persons with and without disabilities. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2008 APA, all rights reserved)}, 8980 author = {Gouvier, Wm. Drew and Coon, Robert C. and Todd, Mark E. and Fuller, Kristi Hulse}, 8981 doi = {10.1037/h0080322}, 8982 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1994/Verbal interactions with individuals presenting with and without physical disability - Gouvier et al.pdf:pdf}, 8983 issn = {0090-5550}, 8984 journal = {Rehabilitation Psychology}, 8985 keywords = {Conversation,Language,Physical Disorders,Speech Characteristics,verbal interaction patterns in conversations with}, 8986 number = {4}, 8987 pages = {263--268}, 8988 title = {{Verbal interactions with individuals presenting with and without physical disability}}, 8989 url = {http://offcampus.lib.washington.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=pdh&AN=rep-39-4-263&site=ehost-live}, 8990 volume = {39}, 8991 year = {1994} 8992 } 8993 @article{messick1998test, 8994 author = {Messick, S.}, 8995 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1998/Test validity A matter of consequence - Messick.pdf:pdf}, 8996 journal = {Social Indicators Research}, 8997 number = {1}, 8998 pages = {35--44}, 8999 publisher = {Springer}, 9000 title = {{Test validity: A matter of consequence}}, 9001 volume = {45}, 9002 year = {1998} 9003 } 9004 @article{Czado2006, 9005 abstract = {One important component of model selection using generalized linear models (GLM) is the choice of a link function. We propose using approximate Bayes factors to assess the improvement in fit over a GLM with canonical link when a parametric link family is used. The approximate Bayes factors are calculated using the Laplace approximations given in [32], together with a reference set of prior distributions. This methodology can be used to differentiate between different parametric link families, as well as allowing one to jointly select the link family and the independent variables. This involves comparing nonnested models and so standard significance tests cannot be used. The approach also accounts explicitly for uncertainty about the link function. The methods are illustrated using parametric link families studied in [12] for two data sets involving binomial responses.}, 9006 author = {Czado, Claudia and Raftery, Adrian E.}, 9007 doi = {10.1007/s00362-006-0296-9}, 9008 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/Choosing the link function and accounting for link uncertainty in generalized linear models using Bayes factors - Czado, Raftery.pdf:pdf}, 9009 issn = {0932-5026}, 9010 journal = {Statistical Papers}, 9011 keywords = {Business and Economics}, 9012 month = jun, 9013 number = {3}, 9014 pages = {419--442}, 9015 publisher = {Springer Berlin / Heidelberg}, 9016 title = {{Choosing the link function and accounting for link uncertainty in generalized linear models using Bayes factors}}, 9017 url = {http://www.springerlink.com/content/u602287m41436tt4/}, 9018 volume = {47}, 9019 year = {2006} 9020 } 9021 @article{Muthen2003, 9022 author = {Muth\'{e}n, B.}, 9023 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2003/Statistical and substantive checking in growth mixture modeling Comment on Bauer and Curran (2003) - Muth\'{e}n.pdf:pdf}, 9024 journal = {Psychological Methods}, 9025 pages = {369--377}, 9026 title = {{Statistical and substantive checking in growth mixture modeling: Comment on Bauer and Curran (2003)}}, 9027 volume = {8}, 9028 year = {2003} 9029 } 9030 @article{Weiserbs2000, 9031 author = {Weiserbs, B. and Gottlieb, J.}, 9032 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2000/The effect of perceived duration of physical disability on attitudes of school children toward friendship and helping - Weiserbs, Gottlieb.pdf:pdf}, 9033 journal = {The Journal of psychology}, 9034 number = {3}, 9035 pages = {343}, 9036 title = {{The effect of perceived duration of physical disability on attitudes of school children toward friendship and helping}}, 9037 volume = {134}, 9038 year = {2000} 9039 } 9040 @article{Gray2004, 9041 author = {Gray, K. M. and Mohr, C.}, 9042 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2004/Mental health problems in children and adolescents with intellectual disability - Gray, Mohr.pdf:pdf}, 9043 journal = {Current Opinion in Psychiatry}, 9044 number = {5}, 9045 pages = {365}, 9046 title = {{Mental health problems in children and adolescents with intellectual disability}}, 9047 volume = {17}, 9048 year = {2004} 9049 } 9050 @article{Cheung2002, 9051 author = {Cheung, YB}, 9052 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2002/Zero inflated models for regression analysis of count data a study of growth and development - Cheung.pdf:pdf}, 9053 journal = {Statistics in Medicine}, 9054 title = {{Zero inflated models for regression analysis of count data: a study of growth and development}}, 9055 url = {http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/sim.1088/abstract}, 9056 year = {2002} 9057 } 9058 @article{Johnston1996, 9059 author = {Johnston, M.}, 9060 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1996/Models of disability - Johnston.pdf:pdf}, 9061 journal = {Physiotherapy Theory and Practice}, 9062 number = {3}, 9063 pages = {131--141}, 9064 title = {{Models of disability}}, 9065 volume = {12}, 9066 year = {1996} 9067 } 9068 @article{Harris2000, 9069 author = {Harris, J}, 9070 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2000/Is there a coherent social conception of disability - Harris.pdf:pdf}, 9071 journal = {Journal of Medical Ethics}, 9072 title = {{Is there a coherent social conception of disability?}}, 9073 url = {http://jme.bmj.com/content/26/2/95.abstract}, 9074 year = {2000} 9075 } 9076 @article{ErnestT.Pascarella1980, 9077 author = {Pascarella, Ernest T. and Terenzini, Patrick T.}, 9078 journal = {The Journal of Educational Research}, 9079 title = {{Student-faculty and student-peer relationships as mediators of the structural effects of undergraduate residence arrangement}}, 9080 url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.2307/27539780}, 9081 year = {1980} 9082 } 9083 @article{LoBianco2007, 9084 abstract = {This study addressed self-perception of disability and the belief that others perceive one to have a disability. Factors from the medical and social models of disability were tested to determine if social factors still play a role in such perceptions when controlling for medical factors. Cross-sectional data from the 199420131995 National Health Interview Study on Disability (NHIS-D) provided a stratified random sample of 25,805 noninstitutionalized adults. Logistic regression models were used to demonstrate that even controlling for medical factors (e.g., particular disabling conditions and restrictions in activities of daily living), social and vocational factors were significant predictors of disability perception. Ramifications for the theoretical study of disability, social psychology, and disability policy are discussed.}, 9085 author = {LoBianco, Anthony F. and Sheppard-Jones, Kathy}, 9086 doi = {10.1111/j.0021-9029.2007.00143.x}, 9087 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/Perceptions of Disability as Related to Medical and Social Factors - LoBianco, Sheppard-Jones.pdf:pdf}, 9088 journal = {Journal of Applied Social Psychology}, 9089 number = {1}, 9090 pages = {1--13}, 9091 title = {{Perceptions of Disability as Related to Medical and Social Factors}}, 9092 url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.0021-9029.2007.00143.x http://download.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/fulltext?ID=118531279&PLACEBO=IE.pdf&mode=pdf}, 9093 volume = {37}, 9094 year = {2007} 9095 } 9096 @book{Burris1981, 9097 annote = {http://www.math.iastate.edu/cbergman/BurrisSanka.pdf}, 9098 author = {Burris, S}, 9099 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1981/A course in universal algebra - Burris.PDF:PDF}, 9100 keywords = {Mathematics,Universal Algebra}, 9101 mendeley-tags = {Mathematics,Universal Algebra}, 9102 title = {{A course in universal algebra}}, 9103 url = {http://en.scientificcommons.org/42755917}, 9104 year = {1981} 9105 } 9106 @article{Bonanno2002, 9107 author = {Bonanno, G. A. and Wortman, C. B. and Lehman, D. R. and Tweed, R. G. and Haring, M. and Sonnega, J. and Carr, D. and Nesse, R. M.}, 9108 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2002/Resilience to Loss and Chronic Grief A Prospective Study From Preloss to 18-Months Postloss - Bonanno et al.pdf:pdf}, 9109 journal = {Journal of Personality and Social Psychology}, 9110 number = {5}, 9111 pages = {1150--1164}, 9112 shorttitle = {Resilience to Loss and Chronic Grief}, 9113 title = {{Resilience to Loss and Chronic Grief: A Prospective Study From Preloss to 18-Months Postloss}}, 9114 volume = {83}, 9115 year = {2002} 9116 } 9117 @book{Leeuw2008, 9118 author = {Leeuw, J De and Meijer, E}, 9119 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2008/Handbook of multilevel analysis - Leeuw, Meijer.pdf:pdf}, 9120 keywords = {Linear Models}, 9121 mendeley-tags = {Linear Models}, 9122 title = {{Handbook of multilevel analysis}}, 9123 url = {http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=iAMY62x0o2wC&oi=fnd&pg=PA1&dq=Handbook+of+Multilevel+Analysis&ots=sASowvLl7o&sig=m4_XT9Uq92XcwI2NExRXazsvdmE}, 9124 year = {2008} 9125 } 9126 @article{Barhorst1999, 9127 author = {Barhorst, SE}, 9128 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1999/What does disability mean The Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 in the aftermath of Sutton, Murphy, and Albertsons - Barhorst.pdf:pdf}, 9129 journal = {Drake L. Rev.}, 9130 title = {{What does disability mean: The Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 in the aftermath of Sutton, Murphy, and Albertsons}}, 9131 year = {1999} 9132 } 9133 @book{Lynch2007, 9134 author = {Lynch, SM}, 9135 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/Introduction to applied Bayesian statistics and estimation for social scientists - Lynch.pdf:pdf}, 9136 keywords = {Bayes,Linear Models}, 9137 mendeley-tags = {Bayes,Linear Models}, 9138 title = {{Introduction to applied Bayesian statistics and estimation for social scientists}}, 9139 url = {http://scholar.google.com/scholar?cluster=17576313786150368100&hl=en&as_sdt=0,48#2}, 9140 year = {2007} 9141 } 9142 @article{Darmawan2006, 9143 author = {Darmawan, I. and Keeves, J.}, 9144 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/Suppressor variables and multilevel mixture modelling - Darmawan, Keeves.pdf:pdf}, 9145 journal = {International Education Journal}, 9146 keywords = {Statistics}, 9147 title = {{Suppressor variables and multilevel mixture modelling}}, 9148 year = {2006} 9149 } 9150 @article{Lee2009a, 9151 abstract = {The authors examined the extent to which college student drinkers are at risk for experiencing negative alcohol-related consequences during Spring Break. A sample of first-year college student drinkers (N = 726) participated by completing an online survey assessing typical drinking, as well as Spring Break drinking and related consequences. Findings suggest Spring Break drinking was positively associated with alcohol-related consequences during Spring Break, even after controlling for sex and typical drinking. Furthermore, results indicated that typical drinking moderated the relationship between Spring Break drinking and expected zero-values (i.e., not reporting any Spring Break consequences), such that the association between Spring Break drinking and the likelihood of being a zero-score was less evident for those who are typically lighter drinkers. Identifying and examining temporal and contextually relevant events and associated drinking is critical for understanding and ultimately preventing extreme drinking and associated consequences associated with specific events like Spring Break, which place many students at high risk for experiencing acute harm.}, 9152 author = {Lee, Christine M and Lewis, Melissa A and Neighbors, Clayton}, 9153 doi = {10.1037/a0016482}, 9154 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/Preliminary examination of spring break alcohol use and related consequences - Lee, Lewis, Neighbors.pdf:pdf}, 9155 issn = {1939-1501}, 9156 journal = {Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors}, 9157 keywords = {Alcohol Drinking,Alcohol Drinking: epidemiology,Alcoholic Intoxication,Alcoholic Intoxication: epidemiology,Female,Health Surveys,Holidays,Holidays: statistics & numerical data,Humans,Male,Questionnaires,Regression Analysis,Risk-Taking,Social Behavior,Social Environment,Students,Students: statistics & numerical data,Universities,Young Adult}, 9158 language = {English}, 9159 month = dec, 9160 number = {4}, 9161 pages = {689--94}, 9162 pmid = {20025375}, 9163 title = {{Preliminary examination of spring break alcohol use and related consequences}}, 9164 volume = {23}, 9165 year = {2009} 9166 } 9167 @book{Cog2010, 9168 annote = {buy}, 9169 author = {Congdon, P}, 9170 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2010/Applied Bayesian Hierarchical Methods Hardcover - Congdon.PDF:PDF}, 9171 isbn = {1584887206}, 9172 keywords = {Bayes,Linear Models}, 9173 mendeley-tags = {Bayes,Linear Models}, 9174 pages = {604}, 9175 publisher = {Chapman and Hall/CRC}, 9176 title = {{Applied Bayesian Hierarchical Methods [Hardcover]}}, 9177 url = {http://www.amazon.com/Applied-Bayesian-Hierarchical-Methods-Congdon/dp/1584887206}, 9178 year = {2010} 9179 } 9180 @article{Peters1990, 9181 author = {Peters, S. J.}, 9182 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1990/Integration and socialization of exceptional children - Peters.pdf:pdf}, 9183 journal = {Anthropology & Education Quarterly}, 9184 pages = {319--339}, 9185 title = {{Integration and socialization of exceptional children}}, 9186 year = {1990} 9187 } 9188 @book{Pearl2009a, 9189 author = {Pearl, Judea}, 9190 isbn = {9780521895606}, 9191 pages = {484}, 9192 publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, 9193 title = {{Causality: Models, Reasoning and Inference}}, 9194 year = {2009} 9195 } 9196 @article{Milem1997, 9197 author = {Milem, Jeffrey F. and Berger, J.B.}, 9198 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1997/A modified model of college student persistence Exploring the relationship between Astin's theory of involvement and Tinto's theory of student departure - Milem, Berger.pdf:pdf}, 9199 journal = {Journal of college student development}, 9200 number = {4}, 9201 pages = {387--400}, 9202 title = {{A modified model of college student persistence: Exploring the relationship between Astin's theory of involvement and Tinto's theory of student departure}}, 9203 volume = {38}, 9204 year = {1997} 9205 } 9206 @article{Brewin2000, 9207 author = {Brewin, C. R. and Andrews, B. and Valentine, J. D.}, 9208 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2000/Meta-analysis of risk factors for posttraumatic stress disorder in trauma-exposed adults - Brewin, Andrews, Valentine.pdf:pdf}, 9209 journal = {Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology}, 9210 number = {5}, 9211 pages = {748--766}, 9212 title = {{Meta-analysis of risk factors for posttraumatic stress disorder in trauma-exposed adults}}, 9213 volume = {68}, 9214 year = {2000} 9215 } 9216 @article{stodden2002services, 9217 author = {Stodden, R. A. and Jones, M. and Chang, K.}, 9218 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2002/Services, supports and accommodations for individuals with disabilities An analysis across secondary education, postsecondary education and employment - Stodden, Jones, Chang.pdf:pdf}, 9219 journal = {Unpublished manuscript, Honolulu}, 9220 title = {{Services, supports and accommodations for individuals with disabilities: An analysis across secondary education, postsecondary education and employment}}, 9221 year = {2002} 9222 } 9223 @article{Costello1998, 9224 author = {Costello, E. J. and Angold, A. and March, J. and Fairbank, J.}, 9225 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1998/Life events and post-traumatic stress the development of a new measure for children and adolescents - Costello et al.pdf:pdf}, 9226 journal = {Psychological Medicine}, 9227 number = {6}, 9228 pages = {1275}, 9229 shorttitle = {Life events and post-traumatic stress}, 9230 title = {{Life events and post-traumatic stress: the development of a new measure for children and adolescents}}, 9231 volume = {28}, 9232 year = {1998} 9233 } 9234 @article{Griebel1999, 9235 author = {Griebel, G. and Perrault, G. and Letang, V. and Granger, P. and Avenet, P. and Schoemaker, H. and Sanger, D. J.}, 9236 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1999/New evidence that the pharmacological effects of benzodiazepine receptor ligands can be associated with activities at different BZ () receptor subtypes - Griebel et al.pdf:pdf}, 9237 journal = {Psychopharmacology}, 9238 number = {2}, 9239 pages = {205--213}, 9240 shorttitle = {New evidence that the pharmacological effects of b}, 9241 title = {{New evidence that the pharmacological effects of benzodiazepine receptor ligands can be associated with activities at different BZ (?) receptor subtypes}}, 9242 volume = {146}, 9243 year = {1999} 9244 } 9245 @article{Majumdar1988, 9246 abstract = {Study of the conformational and electronic aspects of molecules may throw some light on the conformational preference for binding with the receptor and also their pharmacological importance. The transmitter substances, their agonists and antagonists are flexible molecules which appear to interact with quite distinct receptors. The electronic properties of GABA ([gamma]-aminobutyric acid) and several GABA-inhibitors have been investigated by calculating molecular electrostatic potentials (MEP) with a localized bond orbital technique. The GABA-inhibitors include several GABA-uptake inhibitors (e.g., [beta]-amino-isobutyric acid, guvacine and homo-[beta]-proline) and GABA-agonists (e.g., isoguvacine, isonipecotic acid and muscimol). The zwitterionic forms of these molecules have been investigated using their low energy conformers. The isopotential contour maps for various low energy conformers of GABA have been compared with the MEP contours of GABA inhibitors to find the biologically active species of these molecules. The MEP calculations on different forms of GABA show that there is a high positive potential zone around the nitrogen head and a deep negative potential zone around the carboxyl head. Superimposition of the simplified and partial MEP of GABA and GABA inhibitors leads to the pharmacophoric model of GABA-receptor and uptake carrier ligands.}, 9247 author = {Majumdar, Devashis and Guha, Sephali}, 9248 doi = {10.1016/0166-1280(88)80084-8}, 9249 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1988/Conformation, electrostatic potential and pharmacophoric pattern of GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) and several GABA inhibitors - Majumdar, Guha.pdf:pdf}, 9250 issn = {0166-1280}, 9251 journal = {Journal of Molecular Structure (Theochem)}, 9252 month = nov, 9253 pages = {125--140}, 9254 title = {{Conformation, electrostatic potential and pharmacophoric pattern of GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) and several GABA inhibitors}}, 9255 url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6TGT-44HSNGM-S6/2/cb42f97f571108296aba62dbd3447a78}, 9256 volume = {180}, 9257 year = {1988} 9258 } 9259 @article{Scelza2007, 9260 author = {Priebe, M. M. and Chiodo, A. E. and Scelza, W. M. and Kirshblum, S. C. and Wuermser, L. A. and Ho, C. H.}, 9261 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/Community Reintegration After Spinal Cord Injury - Priebe et al.pdf:pdf}, 9262 journal = {Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation}, 9263 number = {3S1}, 9264 pages = {71--75}, 9265 title = {{Community Reintegration After Spinal Cord Injury}}, 9266 volume = {88}, 9267 year = {2007} 9268 } 9269 @book{Tyrrell, 9270 author = {Tyrrell, Sidney}, 9271 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/SPSS Stats Practically Short and Simple - Tyrrell.pdf:pdf}, 9272 title = {{SPSS Stats Practically Short and Simple}}, 9273 year = {2009} 9274 } 9275 @article{Chandler2007, 9276 author = {Chandler, M. and Kennedy, P. and Sandhu, N.}, 9277 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/The Association Between Threat Appraisals and Psychological Adjustment in Partners of People With Spinal Cord Injuries - Chandler, Kennedy, Sandhu.pdf:pdf}, 9278 journal = {Rehabilitation Psychology}, 9279 number = {4}, 9280 pages = {470}, 9281 title = {{The Association Between Threat Appraisals and Psychological Adjustment in Partners of People With Spinal Cord Injuries}}, 9282 volume = {52}, 9283 year = {2007} 9284 } 9285 @article{Stage1988, 9286 abstract = {A study demonstrated the use of logistic regression in conjunction with a new structural equations modeling technique for a university attrition study. The results and their methodological implications are discussed. (MSE)}, 9287 author = {Stage, Frances K.}, 9288 journal = {Research in Higher Education}, 9289 keywords = {Academic Persistence,College Freshmen,Comparative Analysis,Higher Education,Predictor Variables,Regression (Statistics),Statistical Analysis,Student Attrition}, 9290 number = {4}, 9291 pages = {343--57}, 9292 shorttitle = {University Attrition}, 9293 title = {{University Attrition: LISREL with Logistic Regression for the Persistence Criterion.}}, 9294 volume = {29}, 9295 year = {1988} 9296 } 9297 @article{Grunkemeier2009, 9298 abstract = {Successful publication of a research study usually requires a small p value, typically p < 0.05. Many clinicians believe that a p value represents the probability that the null hypothesis is true, so that a small p value means the null hypothesis must be false. In fact, the p value provides very weak evidence against the null hypothesis, and the probability that the null hypothesis is true is usually much greater than the p value would suggest. Moreover, even considering "the probability that the null hypothesis is true" is not possible with the usual statistical setup and requires a different (Bayesian) statistical approach. We describe the Bayesian approach using a well-established diagnostic testing analogy. Then, as a practical example, we compare the p-value result of a study of aprotinin-associated operative mortality with the more illuminative interpretation of the same study data using a Bayesian approach.}, 9299 author = {Grunkemeier, Gary L and Wu, YingXing and Furnary, Anthony P}, 9300 doi = {10.1016/j.athoracsur.2009.03.027}, 9301 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/What is the value of a p value - Grunkemeier, Wu, Furnary.pdf:pdf}, 9302 issn = {1552-6259}, 9303 journal = {The Annals of thoracic surgery}, 9304 keywords = {Biometry,Coronary Disease,Coronary Disease: diagnosis,Game Theory,Humans,Probability,Reproducibility of Results,Research,Research: standards,Risk Factors,Sensitivity and Specificity}, 9305 month = may, 9306 number = {5}, 9307 pages = {1337--43}, 9308 pmid = {19379861}, 9309 title = {{What is the value of a p value?}}, 9310 url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.athoracsur.2009.03.027}, 9311 volume = {87}, 9312 year = {2009} 9313 } 9314 @article{Hatcher2006, 9315 author = {Hatcher, P. J. and Hulme, C. and Miles, J. N. V. and Carroll, J. M. and Hatcher, J. and Gibbs, S. and Smith, G. and Bowyer-Crane, C. and Snowling, M. J.}, 9316 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/Efficacy of small group reading intervention for beginning readers with reading-delay a randomised controlled trial - Hatcher et al.pdf:pdf}, 9317 journal = {Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry}, 9318 number = {8}, 9319 pages = {820--7}, 9320 title = {{Efficacy of small group reading intervention for beginning readers with reading-delay: a randomised controlled trial}}, 9321 volume = {47}, 9322 year = {2006} 9323 } 9324 @article{Ware1991, 9325 author = {Ware, John E.}, 9326 doi = {10.1002/1097-0142(19910201)67:3+<774::AID-CNCR2820671404>3.0.CO;2-I}, 9327 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1991/Conceptualizing and measuring generic health outcomes - Ware.pdf:pdf}, 9328 issn = {0008-543X}, 9329 journal = {Cancer}, 9330 month = feb, 9331 number = {S3}, 9332 pages = {774--779}, 9333 title = {{Conceptualizing and measuring generic health outcomes}}, 9334 url = {http://doi.wiley.com/10.1002/1097-0142(19910201)67:3+<774::AID-CNCR2820671404>3.0.CO;2-I}, 9335 volume = {67}, 9336 year = {1991} 9337 } 9338 @article{Museus2009a, 9339 annote = {social integration is key but want to be with peers like them, congregation not segretation, but also can socialize with others outside their peer groups}, 9340 author = {Museus, Samuel D. and Quaye, Stephen John}, 9341 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/Toward an intercultural perspective of racial and ethnic minority college student persistence - Museus, Quaye.pdf:pdf}, 9342 journal = {The Review of Higher Education}, 9343 number = {1}, 9344 pages = {67--94}, 9345 title = {{Toward an intercultural perspective of racial and ethnic minority college student persistence}}, 9346 volume = {33}, 9347 year = {2009} 9348 } 9349 @article{Pfeiffer1998, 9350 author = {Pfeiffer, David}, 9351 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1998/The ICIDH and the need for its revision - Pfeiffer.pdf:pdf}, 9352 journal = {Disability & Society}, 9353 title = {{The ICIDH and the need for its revision}}, 9354 url = {http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09687599826579}, 9355 year = {1998} 9356 } 9357 @book{Dobson2002, 9358 abstract = {Generalized linear models provide a unified theoretical and conceptual framework for many of the most commonly used statistical methods. In the ten years since publication of the first edition of this bestselling text, great strides have been made in the development of new methods and in software for generalized linear models and other closely related models.Thoroughly revised and updated, An Introduction to Generalized Linear Models, Second Edition continues to initiate intermediate students of statistics, and the many other disciplines that use statistics, in the practical use of these models and methods. The new edition incorporates many of the important developments of the last decade, including survival analysis, nominal and ordinal logistic regression, generalized estimating equations, and multi-level models. It also includes modern methods for checking model adequacy and examples from an even wider range of application.Statistics can appear to the uninitiated as a collection of unrelated tools. An Introduction to Generalized Linear Models, Second Edition illustrates how these apparently disparate methods are examples or special cases of a conceptually simple structure based on the exponential family of distribution, maximum likelihood estimation, and the principles of statistical modelling.}, 9359 annote = {need to buy}, 9360 author = {Dobson, Annette J.}, 9361 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2002/An introduction to generalized linear models - Dobson.pdf:pdf}, 9362 isbn = {1584881658}, 9363 keywords = {Linear Models}, 9364 mendeley-tags = {Linear Models}, 9365 pages = {225}, 9366 publisher = {CRC Press}, 9367 title = {{An introduction to generalized linear models}}, 9368 year = {2002} 9369 } 9370 @article{Bair2004, 9371 author = {Bair, M. J. and Robinson, R. L. and Eckert, G. J. and Stang, P. E. and Croghan, T. W. and Kroenke, K.}, 9372 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2004/Impact of Pain on Depression Treatment Response in Primary Care - Bair et al.pdf:pdf}, 9373 pages = {17--22}, 9374 title = {{Impact of Pain on Depression Treatment Response in Primary Care}}, 9375 volume = {66}, 9376 year = {2004} 9377 } 9378 @article{Lenth2001, 9379 author = {Lenth, R. V.}, 9380 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2001/Some practical guidelines for effective sample size determination - Lenth.pdf:pdf}, 9381 journal = {The American Statistician}, 9382 number = {3}, 9383 pages = {187--193}, 9384 title = {{Some practical guidelines for effective sample size determination}}, 9385 volume = {55}, 9386 year = {2001} 9387 } 9388 @article{steiger1998note, 9389 author = {Steiger, J.H.}, 9390 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1998/A note on multiple sample extensions of the RMSEA fit index - Steiger.pdf:pdf}, 9391 journal = {Structural Equation Modeling}, 9392 number = {4}, 9393 pages = {411--419}, 9394 publisher = {Taylor & Francis}, 9395 title = {{A note on multiple sample extensions of the RMSEA fit index}}, 9396 url = {http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10705519809540115}, 9397 volume = {5}, 9398 year = {1998} 9399 } 9400 @article{CameronA.C.andJohansson1997, 9401 author = {Cameron, A.C. and Johansson, P.}, 9402 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1997/Count data regression using series expansions with applications - Cameron, Johansson.pdf:pdf}, 9403 journal = {Journal of Applied Econometrics}, 9404 number = {3}, 9405 pages = {203----223}, 9406 title = {{Count data regression using series expansions: with applications}}, 9407 url = {http://harrisd.net/papers/CountData/CameronJohansson1997JAppEc.pdf}, 9408 volume = {12}, 9409 year = {1997} 9410 } 9411 @article{Janssens2004, 9412 author = {Janssens, ACJW and van Doorn, P. A. and de Boer, J. B. and van der Mech\'{e}, F. G. A. and Passchier, J. and Hintzen, R. Q.}, 9413 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2004/Perception of prognostic risk in patients with multiple sclerosis the relationship with anxiety, depression, and disease-related distress - Janssens et al.pdf:pdf}, 9414 journal = {Journal of Clinical Epidemiology}, 9415 number = {2}, 9416 pages = {180--186}, 9417 shorttitle = {Perception of prognostic risk in patients with mul}, 9418 title = {{Perception of prognostic risk in patients with multiple sclerosis: the relationship with anxiety, depression, and disease-related distress}}, 9419 volume = {57}, 9420 year = {2004} 9421 } 9422 @article{Cahn2008, 9423 author = {Cahn, P. and McClure, C. and McGirk, J. and Das, P. and Rajabali, A. and Khan, S. and Warraich, H. J. and Khanani, M. R. and Ali, S. H.}, 9424 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2008/HIVAIDS in Latin America and the Caribbean - Cahn et al.pdf:pdf}, 9425 journal = {The Lancet}, 9426 pages = {263}, 9427 title = {{HIV/AIDS in Latin America and the Caribbean}}, 9428 volume = {372}, 9429 year = {2008} 9430 } 9431 @book{Taboga, 9432 author = {Taboga, Marco}, 9433 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2010/Fundamentals of Probability - Taboga.pdf:pdf}, 9434 keywords = {Probability}, 9435 mendeley-tags = {Probability}, 9436 title = {{Fundamentals of Probability}}, 9437 year = {2010} 9438 } 9439 @article{Guralnick1996, 9440 author = {Guralnick, M. J. and Connor, R. T. and Hammond, M. and Gottman, J. M. and Kinnish, K.}, 9441 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1996/Immediate Effects of Mainstreamed Settings on the Social Interactions and Social Integration of Preschool Children - Guralnick et al.pdf:pdf}, 9442 journal = {American Journal of Mental Retardation}, 9443 pages = {359--377}, 9444 title = {{Immediate Effects of Mainstreamed Settings on the Social Interactions and Social Integration of Preschool Children}}, 9445 volume = {100}, 9446 year = {1996} 9447 } 9448 @book{wickham2009ggplot2, 9449 author = {Wickham, H.}, 9450 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/ggplot2 elegant graphics for data analysis - Wickham.pdf:pdf}, 9451 isbn = {0387981403}, 9452 publisher = {Springer-Verlag New York Inc}, 9453 title = {ggplot2: elegant graphics for data analysis}, 9454 url = {http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=F_hwtlzPXBcC&oi=fnd&pg=PA1&dq=ggplot2+Elegant+Graphics+for+Data+Analysis&ots=FsAR6nt3pJ&sig=hKqKnlY7IAhxu8yBAZty3O_rNhM}, 9455 year = {2009} 9456 } 9457 @article{Dohrenwend2006, 9458 author = {Dohrenwend, B. P. and Turner, J. B. and Turse, N. A. and Adams, B. G. and Koenen, K. C. and Marshall, R.}, 9459 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/The Psychological Risks of Vietnam for US Veterans A Revisit with New Data and Methods - Dohrenwend et al.pdf:pdf}, 9460 journal = {Science}, 9461 pages = {979--982}, 9462 shorttitle = {The Psychological Risks of Vietnam for US Veterans}, 9463 title = {{The Psychological Risks of Vietnam for US Veterans: A Revisit with New Data and Methods}}, 9464 volume = {313}, 9465 year = {2006} 9466 } 9467 @article{Kennedy2003, 9468 author = {Kennedy, P. and Duff, J. and Evans, M. and Beedie, A.}, 9469 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2003/Coping effectiveness training reduces depression and anxiety following traumatic spinal cord injuries - Kennedy et al.pdf:pdf}, 9470 journal = {British Journal of Clinical Psychology}, 9471 number = {1}, 9472 pages = {41--52}, 9473 title = {{Coping effectiveness training reduces depression and anxiety following traumatic spinal cord injuries}}, 9474 volume = {42}, 9475 year = {2003} 9476 } 9477 @article{Turner2001, 9478 author = {Turner, J. A. and Cardenas, D. D. and Warms, C. A. and McClellan, C. B.}, 9479 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2001/Chronic pain associated with spinal cord injuries A community survey - Turner et al.pdf:pdf}, 9480 journal = {Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation}, 9481 number = {4}, 9482 pages = {501--508}, 9483 shorttitle = {Chronic pain associated with spinal cord injuries}, 9484 title = {{Chronic pain associated with spinal cord injuries: A community survey}}, 9485 volume = {82}, 9486 year = {2001} 9487 } 9488 @article{lumley2002importance, 9489 author = {Lumley, T. and Diehr, P. and Emerson, S. and Chen, L.}, 9490 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2002/The importance of the normality assumption in large public health data sets - Lumley et al.pdf:pdf}, 9491 issn = {0163-7525}, 9492 journal = {Annual Review of Public Health}, 9493 number = {1}, 9494 pages = {151--169}, 9495 title = {{The importance of the normality assumption in large public health data sets}}, 9496 url = {http://works.bepress.com/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1023&context=paula_diehr}, 9497 volume = {23}, 9498 year = {2002} 9499 } 9500 @article{Rovai2003, 9501 abstract = {Tinto's Rev. Educ. Res. 45 (1975) 89; Tinto, V. (1987). Leaving college. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press; Tinto, V. (1993). Leaving college: rethinking the causes and cures of student attrition. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press student integration model and Bean and Metzner's Rev. Educ. Res. 55 (1985) 485 student attrition model have been influential in explaining persistence and attrition in higher education programs. However, these models were developed with on-campus programs in mind and, although they are broadly relevant to distance education programs, their ability to explain the persistence of online students is limited. Distance education students have characteristics and needs that differ from traditional learners and the virtual learning environment differs in important ways from an on-campus environment. This article draws chiefly from Tinto's and Bean and Metzner's models and the results of research into the needs of online distance education students in order to synthesize a composite model to better explain persistence and attrition among the largely nontraditional students that enroll in online courses.}, 9502 author = {Rovai, Alfred P}, 9503 doi = {10.1016/S1096-7516(02)00158-6}, 9504 isbn = {1757226486}, 9505 issn = {10967516}, 9506 journal = {The Internet and Higher Education}, 9507 keywords = {adult education,attrition,distance education,dropout,online,persistence,retention}, 9508 number = {1}, 9509 pages = {1--16}, 9510 title = {{In search of higher persistence rates in distance education online programs}}, 9511 url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6W4X-47HC8MR-1/2/f098c4771634ad39b2de7225c40e5e76}, 9512 volume = {6}, 9513 year = {2003} 9514 } 9515 @article{Ladd2003, 9516 author = {Ladd, G. W. and Troop-Gordon, W.}, 9517 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2003/The Role of Chronic Peer Difficulties in the Development of Children’s Psychological Adjustment Problems - Ladd, Troop-Gordon.pdf:pdf}, 9518 journal = {Child Development}, 9519 number = {5}, 9520 pages = {1344--1367}, 9521 title = {{The Role of Chronic Peer Difficulties in the Development of Children’s Psychological Adjustment Problems}}, 9522 volume = {74}, 9523 year = {2003} 9524 } 9525 @article{Altshuler2008, 9526 author = {Altshuler, S. J. and Mackelprang, R. W. and Baker, R. L.}, 9527 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2008/Youth with disabilities a standardized self-portrait of how they are faring - Altshuler, Mackelprang, Baker.pdf:pdf}, 9528 journal = {Journal of social work in disability & rehabilitation}, 9529 number = {1}, 9530 pages = {1--18}, 9531 title = {{Youth with disabilities: a standardized self-portrait of how they are faring}}, 9532 volume = {7}, 9533 year = {2008} 9534 } 9535 @book{LeonidB.KoralovYakovG.Sinai2007, 9536 author = {Koralov, Leonid B. and Sinai, Yakov G.}, 9537 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/Theory of probability and random processes - Koralov, Sinai.pdf:pdf}, 9538 title = {{Theory of probability and random processes}}, 9539 year = {2007} 9540 } 9541 @book{Gelman2007, 9542 address = {New York}, 9543 annote = {Purchased from ebooks.com}, 9544 author = {Gelman, A. and Hill, J.}, 9545 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/Data Analysis Using Regression and MultilevelHierarchical Models - Gelman, Hill.pdf:pdf}, 9546 keywords = {Linear Models}, 9547 mendeley-tags = {Linear Models}, 9548 publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, 9549 title = {{Data Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel/Hierarchical Models}}, 9550 year = {2007} 9551 } 9552 @article{Braxton1995, 9553 abstract = {Tinto postulates that students enter college with expectations. If these expectations are unmet, there is early disenchantment with the social and academic communities. Such disenchantments hinder academic and social integration which, in turn, influence subsequent institutional and goal commitments and ultimately student departure. These formulations are tested in a multi-institutional study of 263 first-time freshmen who entered four-year colleges and universities. The findings indicate that both academic and social integration are positively influenced by the meeting of expectations for academic and career development. Social integration is positively influenced by expectations for opportunities for personal involvement, but negatively affected by expectations for a collegiate atmosphere. Indirect effects on intentions to remain in the focal college are indirectly influenced by collegiate atmosphere and academic and career development. Implications for enrollment management and the development of linkages between theories of college choice and student departure are drawn.}, 9554 author = {Braxton, John M. and Vesper, Nick and Hossler, Don}, 9555 doi = {10.1007/BF02208833}, 9556 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1995/Expectations for college and student persistence - Braxton, Vesper, Hossler.pdf:pdf}, 9557 issn = {0361-0365}, 9558 journal = {Research in Higher Education}, 9559 keywords = {Humanities,Social Sciences and Law}, 9560 month = oct, 9561 number = {5}, 9562 pages = {595--611}, 9563 publisher = {Springer Netherlands}, 9564 title = {{Expectations for college and student persistence}}, 9565 url = {http://www.springerlink.com/content/792651n271092584/}, 9566 volume = {36}, 9567 year = {1995} 9568 } 9569 @incollection{Weidman2006, 9570 author = {Weidman, John C.}, 9571 booktitle = {The SAGE Handbook for Research in Education}, 9572 chapter = {14}, 9573 editor = {Conrad, Clifton F. and Serlin, Ronald C.}, 9574 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/Socialization Of Students In Higher Education Organizational Perspectives - Weidman.pdf:pdf}, 9575 pages = {253--262}, 9576 title = {{Socialization Of Students In Higher Education: Organizational Perspectives}}, 9577 year = {2006} 9578 } 9579 @article{Gourieroux1984, 9580 author = {Gourieroux, C. and Monfort, A. and Trognon, A.}, 9581 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1984/Pseudo maximum likelihood methods applications to Poisson models - Gourieroux, Monfort, Trognon.pdf:pdf}, 9582 journal = {Econometrica}, 9583 number = {3}, 9584 pages = {701--720}, 9585 title = {{Pseudo maximum likelihood methods: applications to Poisson models}}, 9586 volume = {52}, 9587 year = {1984} 9588 } 9589 @book{Richardsona, 9590 annote = {calc review for }, 9591 author = {Richardson, Thomas}, 9592 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2004/Calculus Review Guide - Richardson.pdf:pdf}, 9593 keywords = {Mathematics}, 9594 mendeley-tags = {Mathematics}, 9595 title = {{Calculus Review Guide}}, 9596 year = {2004} 9597 } 9598 @book{Garrett2008, 9599 author = {Garrett, Paul}, 9600 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2008/Notes on First-Year Calculus - Garrett.pdf:pdf}, 9601 keywords = {Mathematics}, 9602 mendeley-tags = {Mathematics}, 9603 title = {{Notes on First-Year Calculus}}, 9604 year = {2008} 9605 } 9606 @article{Lunsky2004, 9607 author = {Lunsky, Y. and Palucka, A. M.}, 9608 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2004/Depression in intellectual disability - Lunsky, Palucka.pdf:pdf}, 9609 journal = {Current Opinion in Psychiatry}, 9610 number = {5}, 9611 pages = {359}, 9612 title = {{Depression in intellectual disability}}, 9613 volume = {17}, 9614 year = {2004} 9615 } 9616 @book{Millar2011, 9617 author = {Millar, RB}, 9618 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2011/Maximum Likelihood Estimation and Inference With Examples in R, SAS and ADMB - Millar.pdf:pdf}, 9619 keywords = {Linear Models}, 9620 mendeley-tags = {Linear Models}, 9621 title = {{Maximum Likelihood Estimation and Inference: With Examples in R, SAS and ADMB}}, 9622 url = {http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=Rqmbfc87_u0C&oi=fnd&pg=PR5&dq=Maximum+Likelihood+Estimation+and+Inference:+With+Examples+in+R,+SAS+and+ADMB&ots=sK8U0XERL2&sig=xOG0ut0yigyi-o0jkzZGNOiXCiw}, 9623 year = {2011} 9624 } 9625 @article{Diamond2004, 9626 abstract = {Large, randomized clinical trials ("megatrials") are key drivers of modern cardiovascular practice, since they are cited frequently as the authoritative foundation for evidence-based management policies. Nevertheless, fundamental limitations in the conventional approach to statistical hypothesis testing undermine the scientific basis of the conclusions drawn from these trials. This review describes the conventional approach to statistical inference, highlights its limitations, and proposes an alternative approach based on Bayes' theorem. Despite its inherent subjectivity, the Bayesian approach possesses a number of practical advantages over the conventional approach: 1). it allows the explicit integration of previous knowledge with new empirical data; 2). it avoids the inevitable misinterpretations of p values derived from megatrial populations; and 3). it replaces the misleading p value with a summary statistic having a natural, clinically relevant interpretation-the probability that the study hypothesis is true given the observations. This posterior probability thereby quantifies the likelihood of various magnitudes of therapeutic benefit rather than the single null magnitude to which the p value refers, and it lends itself to graphical sensitivity analyses with respect to its underlying assumptions. Accordingly, the Bayesian approach should be employed more widely in the design, analysis, and interpretation of clinical megatrials.}, 9627 author = {Diamond, George A and Kaul, Sanjay}, 9628 doi = {10.1016/j.jacc.2004.01.035}, 9629 issn = {0735-1097}, 9630 journal = {Journal of the American College of Cardiology}, 9631 keywords = {Bayes Theorem,Humans,Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic,Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic: statistics,Research Design}, 9632 month = jun, 9633 number = {11}, 9634 pages = {1929--39}, 9635 pmid = {15172393}, 9636 title = {{Prior convictions: Bayesian approaches to the analysis and interpretation of clinical megatrials}}, 9637 url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jacc.2004.01.035}, 9638 volume = {43}, 9639 year = {2004} 9640 } 9641 @article{Bonanno1999, 9642 author = {Bonanno, G. A. and Kaltman, S.}, 9643 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1999/Toward an integrative perspective on bereavement - Bonanno, Kaltman.pdf:pdf}, 9644 journal = {Psychological bulletin}, 9645 pages = {760--776}, 9646 title = {{Toward an integrative perspective on bereavement}}, 9647 volume = {125}, 9648 year = {1999} 9649 } 9650 @incollection{Cohen1988, 9651 address = {Newbury Park, CA}, 9652 author = {Cohen, S. and Spacapan, S and Williamson, G. M. and Oskamp, S}, 9653 pages = {123--128}, 9654 publisher = {Sage}, 9655 title = {{Perceived stress in a probability sample of the United States}}, 9656 volume = {13}, 9657 year = {1988} 9658 } 9659 @article{Hastorf1979, 9660 author = {Hastorf, AH}, 9661 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1979/Acknowledgement of handicap as a tactic in social interaction - Hastorf.pdf:pdf}, 9662 journal = {Journal of Personality and Social Psychology}, 9663 title = {{Acknowledgement of handicap as a tactic in social interaction}}, 9664 url = {http://psycnet.apa.org/psycinfo/1981-01269-001}, 9665 year = {1979} 9666 } 9667 @article{Tinto1988, 9668 abstract = {Expanding upon existing theory, it is argued that the longitudinal process of student departure, far from being uniform across time, is marked by distinct stages which reflect the unique problems individuals encounter in seeking to become incorporated into the life of the institution. Research and policy implications are discussed.}, 9669 author = {Tinto, Vincent}, 9670 doi = {10.2307/1981920}, 9671 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1988/Stages of Student Departure Reflections on the Longitudinal Character of Student Leaving - Tinto.pdf:pdf}, 9672 issn = {00221546}, 9673 journal = {The Journal of Higher Education}, 9674 number = {4}, 9675 pages = {438}, 9676 title = {{Stages of Student Departure: Reflections on the Longitudinal Character of Student Leaving}}, 9677 volume = {59}, 9678 year = {1988} 9679 } 9680 @article{Cumming2007, 9681 author = {Cumming, G}, 9682 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/Error bars in experimental biology - Cumming.pdf:pdf}, 9683 journal = {The Journal of cell biology}, 9684 title = {{Error bars in experimental biology}}, 9685 url = {http://jcb.rupress.org/content/177/1/7.short}, 9686 year = {2007} 9687 } 9688 @article{Boelen2006, 9689 author = {Boelen, P. A. and van den Hout, M. A. and van den Bout, J.}, 9690 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/A Cognitive-Behavioral Conceptualization of Complicated Grief - Boelen, van den Hout, van den Bout.pdf:pdf}, 9691 journal = {Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice}, 9692 number = {2}, 9693 pages = {109--128}, 9694 title = {{A Cognitive-Behavioral Conceptualization of Complicated Grief}}, 9695 volume = {13}, 9696 year = {2006} 9697 } 9698 @article{WoncheolJang2006, 9699 author = {Jang, Woncheol and Lim, Johan}, 9700 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/PQL estimation biases in generalized linear mixed models - Jang, Lim.pdf:pdf}, 9701 journal = {Scenario}, 9702 title = {{PQL estimation biases in generalized linear mixed models}}, 9703 year = {2006} 9704 } 9705 @article{Packham2004, 9706 author = {Packham, J. C.}, 9707 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2004/Overview of the psychosocial concerns of young adults with juvenile arthritis - Packham.pdf:pdf}, 9708 journal = {Musculoskeletal Care}, 9709 number = {1}, 9710 title = {{Overview of the psychosocial concerns of young adults with juvenile arthritis}}, 9711 volume = {2}, 9712 year = {2004} 9713 } 9714 @article{Roux, 9715 abstract = {Relationships are much more complex for those with disabilities than for those without disabilities. This study was part of a larger mixed-method investigation that explored comprehensive aspects of adaptation in adolescents with spina bifida (SB). The purpose of this qualitative component of the study was to explore the experiences of peer relationships in 31 adolescent women with SB. The participants were interviewed, and analysis was conducted for common themes. The five major themes and one subtheme were peers without disabilities (subtheme: peers with disabilities), normalization, challenges in peer connectedness, peer connectedness with adults, and romantic connectedness. Whereas some participants voiced close connections with peers, others described prejudices, stereotyping, and limited dating experiences. Results from this study support the need for comprehensive assessment of social relationships in adolescent women with SB and active interventions to address problems identified. Rehabilitation nurses are in a key position to implement social interventions in adolescents and young women with SB.}, 9716 author = {Roux, Gayle and Sawin, Kathleen J and Bellin, Melissa Hayden and Buran, Constance F and Brei, Timothy J}, 9717 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/The experience of adolescent women living with spina bifida. Part II Peer relationships - Roux et al.pdf:pdf}, 9718 issn = {0278-4807}, 9719 journal = {Rehabilitation Nursing: The Official Journal of the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses}, 9720 number = {3}, 9721 pages = {112--9}, 9722 shorttitle = {The experience of adolescent women living with spi}, 9723 title = {{The experience of adolescent women living with spina bifida. Part II: Peer relationships}}, 9724 url = {http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17514995}, 9725 volume = {32}, 9726 year = {2007} 9727 } 9728 @book{Der2008, 9729 address = {Boca Raton, FL}, 9730 annote = {2011}, 9731 author = {Der, Geoff and Everitt, Brian S.}, 9732 isbn = {1584887842}, 9733 pages = {392}, 9734 publisher = {Chapman and Hall/CRC}, 9735 title = {{A Handbook of Statistical Analyses using SAS, Third Edition}}, 9736 url = {http://www.amazon.com/Handbook-Statistical-Analyses-using-Third/dp/1584887842}, 9737 year = {2008} 9738 } 9739 @article{Rind1998, 9740 author = {Rind, B. and Tromovitch, P. and Bauserman, R.}, 9741 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1998/A meta-analytic examination of assumed properties of child sexual abuse using college samples - Rind, Tromovitch, Bauserman.pdf:pdf}, 9742 journal = {Psychological Bulletin}, 9743 pages = {22--53}, 9744 title = {{A meta-analytic examination of assumed properties of child sexual abuse using college samples}}, 9745 volume = {124}, 9746 year = {1998} 9747 } 9748 @article{Dagne2004, 9749 author = {Dagne, GA}, 9750 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2004/Hierarchical Bayesian analysis of correlated zeroinflated count data - Dagne.pdf:pdf}, 9751 journal = {Biometrical journal}, 9752 title = {{Hierarchical Bayesian analysis of correlated zeroinflated count data}}, 9753 url = {http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/bimj.200310077/abstract}, 9754 year = {2004} 9755 } 9756 @article{Judd1991, 9757 author = {Judd, F. K. and Brown, D. J. and Burrows, G. D.}, 9758 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1991/Depression, disease and disability application to patients with traumatic spinal cord injury - Judd, Brown, Burrows.pdf:pdf}, 9759 journal = {Paraplegia}, 9760 number = {2}, 9761 pages = {91}, 9762 title = {{Depression, disease and disability: application to patients with traumatic spinal cord injury}}, 9763 volume = {29}, 9764 year = {1991} 9765 } 9766 @article{Ford1998, 9767 author = {Ford, DY}, 9768 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1998/The underrepresentation of minority students in gifted education - Ford.pdf:pdf}, 9769 journal = {The Journal of Special Education}, 9770 title = {{The underrepresentation of minority students in gifted education}}, 9771 url = {http://sed.sagepub.com/content/32/1/4.short}, 9772 year = {1998} 9773 } 9774 @article{Kim2002, 9775 author = {Kim, MM}, 9776 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2002/Cultivating intellectual development Comparing women-only colleges and coeducational colleges for educational effectiveness - Kim.pdf:pdf}, 9777 journal = {Research in Higher Education}, 9778 number = {4}, 9779 pages = {447--481}, 9780 title = {{Cultivating intellectual development: Comparing women-only colleges and coeducational colleges for educational effectiveness}}, 9781 url = {http://www.springerlink.com/index/Q4YA1GFDNHKG0Q7U.pdf}, 9782 volume = {43}, 9783 year = {2002} 9784 } 9785 @article{Parasuram2006, 9786 author = {Parasuram, K.}, 9787 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/Variables that affect teachers' attitudes towards disability and inclusive education in Mumbai, India - Parasuram.pdf:pdf}, 9788 journal = {Disability & Society}, 9789 number = {3}, 9790 pages = {231--242}, 9791 title = {{Variables that affect teachers' attitudes towards disability and inclusive education in Mumbai, India}}, 9792 volume = {21}, 9793 year = {2006} 9794 } 9795 @article{Nakagawa2007, 9796 author = {Nakagawa, S and Cuthill, IC}, 9797 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/Effect size, confidence interval and statistical significance a practical guide for biologists - Nakagawa, Cuthill.pdf:pdf}, 9798 journal = {Biological Reviews}, 9799 title = {{Effect size, confidence interval and statistical significance: a practical guide for biologists}}, 9800 url = {http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1469-185X.2007.00027.x/full}, 9801 year = {2007} 9802 } 9803 @inproceedings{Ridout1998, 9804 author = {Ridout, M}, 9805 booktitle = {International Biometric Conference}, 9806 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1998/Models for count data with many zeros - Ridout.pdf:pdf}, 9807 title = {{Models for count data with many zeros}}, 9808 url = {http://www.kent.ac.uk/IMS/personal/msr/webfiles/zip/ibc_fin.pdf}, 9809 year = {1998} 9810 } 9811 @article{page200317, 9812 author = {Page, D.N.}, 9813 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2003/Mindless Sensationalism A Quantum Framework for Consciousness - Page.pdf:pdf}, 9814 journal = {Consciousness: new philosophical perspectives}, 9815 pages = {468}, 9816 publisher = {Oxford University Press, USA}, 9817 title = {{Mindless Sensationalism: A Quantum Framework for Consciousness}}, 9818 url = {http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=8AHDK62jPSgC&oi=fnd&pg=PA468&dq=MINDLESS+SENSATIONALISM+A+QUANTUM+FRAMEWORK+FOR+CONSCIOUSNESS+&ots=fIHaLOFAcl&sig=sWPMKcswquf5vs8-LD8qwxc6BB8}, 9819 year = {2003} 9820 } 9821 @article{Engel1977, 9822 author = {Engel, G. L.}, 9823 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1977/The need for a new medical model a challenge for biomedicine - Engel.pdf:pdf}, 9824 journal = {Science}, 9825 number = {4286}, 9826 pages = {129--136}, 9827 shorttitle = {The need for a new medical model}, 9828 title = {{The need for a new medical model: a challenge for biomedicine}}, 9829 volume = {196}, 9830 year = {1977} 9831 } 9832 @article{o2004bayesian, 9833 author = {O'brien, S.M. and Dunson, D.B.}, 9834 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2004/Bayesian multivariate logistic regression - O'brien, Dunson.pdf:pdf}, 9835 journal = {Biometrics}, 9836 number = {3}, 9837 pages = {739--746}, 9838 publisher = {Wiley Online Library}, 9839 title = {{Bayesian multivariate logistic regression}}, 9840 url = {http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.0006-341X.2004.00224.x/full}, 9841 volume = {60}, 9842 year = {2004} 9843 } 9844 @article{Banta2009, 9845 author = {Banta, TW}, 9846 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/The use of engagement data in accreditation, planning, and assessment - Banta.pdf:pdf}, 9847 journal = {New Directions for Institutional Research}, 9848 pages = {21--34}, 9849 title = {{The use of engagement data in accreditation, planning, and assessment}}, 9850 volume = {141}, 9851 year = {2009} 9852 } 9853 @article{Bernardo2000, 9854 author = {Bernardo, Jos\'{e} M and Smith, Adrian F M}, 9855 doi = {10.1007/BF00139452}, 9856 isbn = {047149464X}, 9857 publisher = {Wiley}, 9858 series = {Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics}, 9859 title = {{Bayesian Theory}} 9860 } 9861 @article{Burdette2005, 9862 author = {Burdette, AM}, 9863 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2005/Conservative Protestantism and Tolerance toward Homosexuals An Examination of Potential Mechanisms - Burdette.pdf:pdf}, 9864 journal = {Sociological Inquiry}, 9865 title = {{Conservative Protestantism and Tolerance toward Homosexuals: An Examination of Potential Mechanisms}}, 9866 url = {http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/118690004/abstract}, 9867 year = {2005} 9868 } 9869 @article{Bonanno2005, 9870 author = {Bonanno, G. A.}, 9871 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2005/Resilience in the Face of Potential Trauma - Bonanno.pdf:pdf}, 9872 journal = {Current Directions in Psychological Science}, 9873 number = {3}, 9874 pages = {135--138}, 9875 title = {{Resilience in the Face of Potential Trauma}}, 9876 volume = {14}, 9877 year = {2005} 9878 } 9879 @article{Hartup1996, 9880 author = {Hartup, W. W.}, 9881 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1996/The Company They Keep Friendships and Their Developmental Significance - Hartup.pdf:pdf}, 9882 journal = {Child Development}, 9883 pages = {1--13}, 9884 shorttitle = {The Company They Keep}, 9885 title = {{The Company They Keep: Friendships and Their Developmental Significance}}, 9886 year = {1996} 9887 } 9888 @article{MardyT.EimersGaryR.Pike1997, 9889 author = {Eimers, Mardy T. and Pike, Gary R.}, 9890 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1997/Minority and nonminority adjustment to college Differences or similarities - Eimers, Pike.pdf:pdf}, 9891 journal = {Research in Higher Education}, 9892 title = {{Minority and nonminority adjustment to college: Differences or similarities?}}, 9893 url = {http://www.springerlink.com/index/M78760673M877001.pdf}, 9894 year = {1997} 9895 } 9896 @article{Ehde2003, 9897 author = {Ehde, D. M. and Jensen, M. P. and Engel, J. M. and Turner, J. A. and Hoffman, A. J. and Cardenas, D. D.}, 9898 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2003/Chronic Pain Secondary to Disability A Review - Ehde et al.pdf:pdf}, 9899 journal = {The Clinical Journal of Pain}, 9900 number = {1}, 9901 pages = {3}, 9902 shorttitle = {Chronic Pain Secondary to Disability}, 9903 title = {{Chronic Pain Secondary to Disability: A Review}}, 9904 volume = {19}, 9905 year = {2003} 9906 } 9907 @article{Westervelt1980, 9908 author = {Westervelt, V. D. and Turnbull, A. P.}, 9909 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1980/Children's Attitudes Toward Physically Handicapped Peers and Intervention Approaches for Attitude Change - Westervelt, Turnbull.pdf:pdf}, 9910 journal = {Physical Therapy}, 9911 number = {7}, 9912 pages = {896}, 9913 title = {{Children's Attitudes Toward Physically Handicapped Peers and Intervention Approaches for Attitude Change}}, 9914 volume = {60}, 9915 year = {1980} 9916 } 9917 @book{wasserman2004all, 9918 author = {Wasserman, L.}, 9919 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2004/All of statistics a concise course in statistical inference - Wasserman.pdf:pdf}, 9920 keywords = {Linear Models}, 9921 mendeley-tags = {Linear Models}, 9922 publisher = {Springer Verlag}, 9923 title = {{All of statistics: a concise course in statistical inference}}, 9924 year = {2004} 9925 } 9926 @article{jones1996toward, 9927 author = {Jones, S.R.}, 9928 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1996/Toward inclusive theory Disability as social construction - Jones.pdf:pdf}, 9929 journal = {NASPA journal}, 9930 pages = {347--354}, 9931 publisher = {NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF STUDENT PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION, INC.}, 9932 title = {{Toward inclusive theory: Disability as social construction}}, 9933 volume = {33}, 9934 year = {1996} 9935 } 9936 @article{Jemta2008, 9937 author = {Jemta, L. and Fugl-Meyer, K. S. and Oberg, K.}, 9938 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2008/On intimacy, sexual activities and exposure to sexual abuse among children and adolescents with mobility impairment - Jemta, Fugl-Meyer, Oberg.pdf:pdf}, 9939 journal = {Acta Paediatrica}, 9940 number = {5}, 9941 pages = {641--646}, 9942 title = {{On intimacy, sexual activities and exposure to sexual abuse among children and adolescents with mobility impairment}}, 9943 volume = {97}, 9944 year = {2008} 9945 } 9946 @article{Komisaruk2004, 9947 author = {Komisaruk, B. R. and Whipple, B. and Crawford, A. and Grimes, S. and Liu, W. C. and Kalnin, A. and Mosier, K.}, 9948 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2004/Brain activation during vaginocervical self-stimulation and orgasm in women with complete spinal cord injury fMRI evidence of mediation by the Vagus nerves - Komisaruk et al.pdf:pdf}, 9949 journal = {Brain Research}, 9950 number = {1-2}, 9951 pages = {77--88}, 9952 shorttitle = {Brain activation during vaginocervical self-stimul}, 9953 title = {{Brain activation during vaginocervical self-stimulation and orgasm in women with complete spinal cord injury: fMRI evidence of mediation by the Vagus nerves}}, 9954 volume = {1024}, 9955 year = {2004} 9956 } 9957 @article{Huber1981, 9958 author = {Huber, J}, 9959 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1981/Partial and Semipartial Correlation-A Vector Approach - Huber.pdf:pdf}, 9960 journal = {Two-Year College Mathematics Journal}, 9961 title = {{Partial and Semipartial Correlation-A Vector Approach}}, 9962 year = {1981} 9963 } 9964 @book{Finan, 9965 author = {Finan, Marcel B.}, 9966 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2003/A Reform Approach to College Algebra - Finan.pdf:pdf}, 9967 keywords = {College Algebra,Mathematics}, 9968 mendeley-tags = {College Algebra,Mathematics}, 9969 title = {{A Reform Approach to College Algebra}}, 9970 year = {2003} 9971 } 9972 @article{Horn2002, 9973 author = {Horn, L. and Peter, K. and Rooney, K.}, 9974 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2002/Profiles of Undergraduates in US Postsecondary Education Institutions 1999-2000 - Horn, Peter, Rooney.pdf:pdf}, 9975 journal = {Education Statistics Quarterly}, 9976 number = {3}, 9977 pages = {79--86}, 9978 title = {{Profiles of Undergraduates in US Postsecondary Education Institutions: 1999-2000}}, 9979 volume = {4}, 9980 year = {2002} 9981 } 9982 @book{Zakon, 9983 author = {Zakon, Elias}, 9984 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/Mathematical Analysis - Zakon.pdf:pdf}, 9985 keywords = {Mathematics}, 9986 mendeley-tags = {Mathematics}, 9987 title = {{Mathematical Analysis}}, 9988 year = {2009} 9989 } 9990 @misc{CenteronDisabilityStudies2012, 9991 author = {{Center on Disability Studies}}, 9992 title = {{Funding Sources | Center on Disability Studies}}, 9993 url = {http://www.cds.hawaii.edu/node/8}, 9994 year = {2012} 9995 } 9996 @article{lindeterminants, 9997 author = {Lin, T.C. and Yu, W.C. and Chen, Y.C. and Kauffman, D.}, 9998 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2011/Determinants and probability prediction of college student retention New evidence from the Probit model - Lin et al.pdf:pdf}, 9999 title = {{Determinants and probability prediction of college student retention: New evidence from the Probit model}}, 10000 year = {2011} 10001 } 10002 @article{hammill1988new, 10003 author = {Hammill, D.D. and Leigh, J.E. and McNutt, G. and Larsen, S.C.}, 10004 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1988/A new definition of learning disabilities - Hammill et al.pdf:pdf}, 10005 journal = {Learning Disability Quarterly}, 10006 pages = {217--223}, 10007 publisher = {JSTOR}, 10008 title = {{A new definition of learning disabilities}}, 10009 url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.2307/1510766}, 10010 year = {1988} 10011 } 10012 @book{Thompson2008, 10013 author = {Thompson, S. P.}, 10014 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2008/Calculus Made Easy - Thompson.pdf:pdf}, 10015 keywords = {Mathematics}, 10016 mendeley-tags = {Mathematics}, 10017 publisher = {Johnston Pr}, 10018 title = {{Calculus Made Easy}}, 10019 year = {2008} 10020 } 10021 @article{Mitra2006, 10022 author = {Mitra, S}, 10023 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/The capability approach and disability - Mitra.pdf:pdf}, 10024 journal = {Journal of disability policy studies}, 10025 title = {{The capability approach and disability}}, 10026 year = {2006} 10027 } 10028 @article{Fichten1997, 10029 author = {Fichten, C. S. and Amsel, Rhonda and Robillard, K. and Sabourin, S. and Wright, J.}, 10030 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1997/Personality, Attentional Focus, and Novelty Effects Reactions to Peers With Disabilities - Fichten et al.pdf:pdf}, 10031 journal = {Rehabilitation Psychology}, 10032 number = {3}, 10033 pages = {209--230}, 10034 shorttitle = {Personality, Attentional Focus, and Novelty Effect}, 10035 title = {{Personality, Attentional Focus, and Novelty Effects: Reactions to Peers With Disabilities}}, 10036 volume = {42}, 10037 year = {1997} 10038 } 10039 @inproceedings{kreft1995effects, 10040 address = {San Francisco, CA}, 10041 author = {Kreft, I.G.G.}, 10042 booktitle = {Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association}, 10043 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1995/The Effects of Centering in Multilevel Analysis Is the Public School the Loser or the Winner - Kreft.pdf:pdf}, 10044 title = {{The Effects of Centering in Multilevel Analysis: Is the Public School the Loser or the Winner?}}, 10045 url = {http://eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/recordDetail?accno=ED392837}, 10046 year = {1995} 10047 } 10048 @book{Ghosh2006, 10049 address = {New York}, 10050 author = {Ghosh, J. K. and Delampady, M. and Samanta, T.}, 10051 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/An Introduction to Bayesian Analysis Theory and Methods - Ghosh, Delampady, Samanta.pdf:pdf}, 10052 keywords = {Bayes,Linear Models}, 10053 mendeley-tags = {Bayes,Linear Models}, 10054 publisher = {Springer}, 10055 title = {{An Introduction to Bayesian Analysis: Theory and Methods}}, 10056 year = {2006} 10057 } 10058 @article{Fichten1985, 10059 author = {Fichten, C. S. and Compton, V. and Amsel, Rhonda}, 10060 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1985/Imagined empathy and attributions concerning activity preferences of physically disabled college students - Fichten, Compton, Amsel.pdf:pdf}, 10061 journal = {Rehabilitation Psychology}, 10062 number = {4}, 10063 pages = {235--239}, 10064 title = {{Imagined empathy and attributions concerning activity preferences of physically disabled college students}}, 10065 volume = {30}, 10066 year = {1985} 10067 } 10068 @article{kuh2006matters, 10069 author = {Kuh, G.D. and Kinzie, J. and Buckley, J.A. and Bridges, BK and Hayek, JC}, 10070 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/What matters to student success A review of the literature commissioned report for the national symposium on postsecondary student success Spearheading a dialog on student success - Kuh et al.pdf:pdf}, 10071 journal = {Washington DC: National Postsecondary Education Cooperative}, 10072 title = {{What matters to student success: A review of the literature commissioned report for the national symposium on postsecondary student success: Spearheading a dialog on student success}}, 10073 year = {2006} 10074 } 10075 @article{Cook1977, 10076 author = {Cook, RD}, 10077 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1996/Detection of influential observation in linear regression - Cook.pdf:pdf}, 10078 journal = {Technometrics}, 10079 title = {{Detection of influential observation in linear regression}}, 10080 url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/1268249 http://www.jstor.org/stable/1270611}, 10081 year = {1996} 10082 } 10083 @book{Keisler1985, 10084 author = {Keisler, H. Jerome}, 10085 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1985/Elementary Calculus An Infinitesimal Approach - Keisler.pdf:pdf}, 10086 isbn = {0871509113}, 10087 keywords = {Mathematics}, 10088 mendeley-tags = {Mathematics}, 10089 pages = {913}, 10090 publisher = {Prindle Weber & Schmidt}, 10091 title = {{Elementary Calculus: An Infinitesimal Approach}}, 10092 year = {1985} 10093 } 10094 @article{Thomas2000, 10095 abstract = {A social network paradigm provides a unique way of understanding student integration. Integration, in a structural sense, can be measured with knowledge of the universe of students' on-campus associations. This study surveys such a universe and measures the structural aspects of student relations to assess how they affect student commitment and persistence.}, 10096 author = {Thomas, Scott L.}, 10097 doi = {10.2307/2649261}, 10098 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2000/Ties That Bind A Social Network Approach to Understanding Student Integration and Persistence - Thomas.pdf:pdf}, 10099 issn = {0022-1546}, 10100 journal = {The Journal of Higher Education}, 10101 number = {5}, 10102 pages = {591--615}, 10103 shorttitle = {Ties That Bind}, 10104 title = {{Ties That Bind: A Social Network Approach to Understanding Student Integration and Persistence}}, 10105 volume = {71}, 10106 year = {2000} 10107 } 10108 @book{Brink2010, 10109 author = {Brink, David}, 10110 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2010/Essentials of Statistics - Brink.pdf:pdf}, 10111 isbn = {978-87-7681-408-3}, 10112 keywords = {Statistical Theory and Mathematical Statistics}, 10113 mendeley-tags = {Statistical Theory and Mathematical Statistics}, 10114 pages = {103}, 10115 publisher = {David Brink & Ventus Publishing ApS}, 10116 title = {{Essentials of Statistics}}, 10117 year = {2010} 10118 } 10119 @article{Copas1983, 10120 author = {Copas, JB}, 10121 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1983/Regression, prediction and shrinkage - Copas.pdf:pdf}, 10122 journal = {Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology)}, 10123 title = {{Regression, prediction and shrinkage}}, 10124 year = {1983} 10125 } 10126 @article{Guiffrida2005, 10127 author = {Guiffrida, D. A.}, 10128 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2005/To break away or strengthen ties to home A complex issue for African American college students attending a predominantly White institution - Guiffrida.pdf:pdf}, 10129 journal = {Equity & Excellence in Education}, 10130 title = {{To break away or strengthen ties to home: A complex issue for African American college students attending a predominantly White institution}}, 10131 url = {http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10665680590907864}, 10132 year = {2005} 10133 } 10134 @article{Ustun1998, 10135 author = {\"{U}st\"{u}n, TB and Bickenback, JE}, 10136 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1998/A reply to David Pfeiffer'The ICIDH and the need for its revision' - \"{U}st\"{u}n, Bickenback.pdf:pdf}, 10137 journal = {Disability & Society}, 10138 number = {4}, 10139 pages = {829--831}, 10140 title = {{A reply to David Pfeiffer'The ICIDH and the need for its revision'}}, 10141 url = {http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09687599826533}, 10142 volume = {13}, 10143 year = {1998} 10144 } 10145 @article{Carter2006, 10146 author = {Carter, R. L.}, 10147 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/Solutions for Missing Data in Structural Equation Modeling - Carter.pdf:pdf}, 10148 journal = {Research and Practice in Assessment}, 10149 keywords = {Statistics}, 10150 number = {1}, 10151 pages = {1--5}, 10152 title = {{Solutions for Missing Data in Structural Equation Modeling}}, 10153 volume = {1}, 10154 year = {2006} 10155 } 10156 @article{Mutz2002, 10157 author = {Mutz, DC}, 10158 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2002/The consequences of cross-cutting networks for political participation - Mutz.pdf:pdf}, 10159 journal = {American Journal of Political Science}, 10160 title = {{The consequences of cross-cutting networks for political participation}}, 10161 url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/3088437}, 10162 year = {2002} 10163 } 10164 @techreport{GovernmentAccountabilityOffice2009, 10165 address = {Washington, D.C.}, 10166 author = {{Government Accountability Office}}, 10167 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/Higher education and disability Education needs a coordinated approach to improve its assistance to schools in supporting students - Government Accountability Office.pdf:pdf}, 10168 language = {English}, 10169 title = {{Higher education and disability Education needs a coordinated approach to improve its assistance to schools in supporting students}}, 10170 year = {2009} 10171 } 10172 @article{Goff2007, 10173 abstract = {Research traditionally has focused on the development of individual symptoms in those who experienced trauma directly but has overlooked the interpersonal impact of trauma. The current study reports data from 45 male Army soldiers who recently returned from a military deployment to Iraq (Operation Iraqi Freedom) or Afghanistan (Operation Enduring Freedom) and their female spouses/partners. The results indicated that increased trauma symptoms, particularly sleep problems, dissociation, and severe sexual problems, in the soldiers significantly predicted lower marital/relationship satisfaction for both soldiers and their female partners. The results suggest that individual trauma symptoms negatively impact relationship satisfaction in military couples in which the husband has been exposed to war trauma. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2008 APA, all rights reserved)}, 10174 author = {Goff, Briana S. Nelson and Crow, Janet R. and Reisbig, Allison M. J. and Hamilton, Stacy}, 10175 doi = {doi:10.1037/0893-3200.21.3.344}, 10176 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/The impact of individual trauma symptoms of deployed soldiers on relationship satisfaction - Goff et al.pdf:pdf}, 10177 issn = {0893-3200 (Print); 1939-1293 (Electronic)}, 10178 journal = {Journal of Family Psychology}, 10179 keywords = {Operation Iraqi Freedom & Operation Enduring Freed,couples,military deployments,relationship satisfaction,trauma symptoms,traumatic stress}, 10180 number = {3}, 10181 pages = {344--353}, 10182 title = {{The impact of individual trauma symptoms of deployed soldiers on relationship satisfaction}}, 10183 url = {http://psycnet.apa.org/index.cfm?fa=search.displayRecord&uid=2007-12912-002}, 10184 volume = {21}, 10185 year = {2007} 10186 } 10187 @book{Agresti2002, 10188 address = {Hoboken, NJ}, 10189 author = {Agresti, Alan}, 10190 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2002/Categorical Data Analysis (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics) - Agresti.pdf:pdf}, 10191 isbn = {0471360937}, 10192 keywords = {Linear Models}, 10193 mendeley-tags = {Linear Models}, 10194 publisher = {Wiley-Interscience}, 10195 title = {{Categorical Data Analysis (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)}}, 10196 year = {2002} 10197 } 10198 @article{tinto1982limits, 10199 author = {Tinto, Vincent}, 10200 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1982/Limits of theory and practice in student attrition - Tinto.pdf:pdf}, 10201 journal = {The Journal of Higher Education}, 10202 number = {6}, 10203 pages = {687--700}, 10204 title = {{Limits of theory and practice in student attrition}}, 10205 url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.2307/1981525}, 10206 volume = {53}, 10207 year = {1982} 10208 } 10209 @article{Travis2004, 10210 author = {Travis, L. A. and Lyness, J. M. and Shields, C. G. and King, D. A. and Cox, C.}, 10211 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2004/Social Support, Depression, and Functional Disability in Older Adult Primary-Care Patients - Travis et al.pdf:pdf}, 10212 journal = {American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry}, 10213 pages = {265--271}, 10214 title = {{Social Support, Depression, and Functional Disability in Older Adult Primary-Care Patients}}, 10215 volume = {12}, 10216 year = {2004} 10217 } 10218 @misc{TobiasOetiker2009, 10219 author = {{Tobias Oetiker} and Partl, Hubert and Hyna, Irene and Schlegl, Elisabeth}, 10220 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/The Not So Short Introduction to LATEX2 - Tobias Oetiker et al.pdf:pdf}, 10221 title = {{The Not So Short Introduction to LATEX2}}, 10222 year = {2009} 10223 } 10224 @book{Rencher2008, 10225 author = {Rencher, Alvin and Schaalje, Bruce}, 10226 edition = {2}, 10227 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2008/Linear Models in Statistics - Rencher, Schaalje.pdf:pdf}, 10228 isbn = {0471754986}, 10229 keywords = {Linear Models}, 10230 mendeley-tags = {Linear Models}, 10231 publisher = {Wiley-Interscience}, 10232 title = {{Linear Models in Statistics}}, 10233 year = {2008} 10234 } 10235 @article{Antonak1991, 10236 author = {Antonak, RF and Livneh, H.}, 10237 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1991/A hierarchy of reactions to disability - Antonak, Livneh.pdf:pdf}, 10238 journal = {International Journal of Rehabilitation Research}, 10239 number = {1}, 10240 pages = {13}, 10241 title = {{A hierarchy of reactions to disability}}, 10242 volume = {14}, 10243 year = {1991} 10244 } 10245 @article{zwerling2002workforce, 10246 author = {Zwerling, C. and Whitten, P.S. and Sprince, N.L. and Davis, C.S. and Wallace, R.B. and Blanck, P.D. and Heeringa, S.G.}, 10247 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2002/Workforce participation by persons with disabilities the National Health Interview Survey Disability Supplement, 1994 to 1995 - Zwerling et al.pdf:pdf}, 10248 journal = {Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine}, 10249 number = {4}, 10250 pages = {358}, 10251 title = {{Workforce participation by persons with disabilities: the National Health Interview Survey Disability Supplement, 1994 to 1995}}, 10252 volume = {44}, 10253 year = {2002} 10254 } 10255 @article{Roberts2004, 10256 author = {Roberts, L. and Lafta, R. and Garfield, R. and Khudhairi, J. and Burnham, G.}, 10257 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2004/Mortality before and after the 2003 invasion of Iraq cluster sample survey - Roberts et al.pdf:pdf}, 10258 journal = {The Lancet}, 10259 number = {9448}, 10260 pages = {1857--1864}, 10261 title = {{Mortality before and after the 2003 invasion of Iraq: cluster sample survey}}, 10262 volume = {364}, 10263 year = {2004} 10264 } 10265 @article{Gbur2001, 10266 author = {Gbur, G. and Visser, T. D. and Wolf, E.}, 10267 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2001/Anomalous Behavior of Spectra near Phase Singularities of Focused Waves - Gbur, Visser, Wolf.pdf:pdf}, 10268 journal = {Physical Review Letters}, 10269 number = {1}, 10270 pages = {13901}, 10271 title = {{Anomalous Behavior of Spectra near Phase Singularities of Focused Waves}}, 10272 volume = {88}, 10273 year = {2001} 10274 } 10275 @inproceedings{Keller, 10276 address = {New York City}, 10277 author = {Keller, Richard and King, J. P.}, 10278 booktitle = {The second annual health disparities conference: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health: Toward integrated evidence-based approaches to health disparity reduction}, 10279 title = {{People with disabilities: Addressing and reducing health disparities.}}, 10280 year = {2007} 10281 } 10282 @article{astin2005making, 10283 author = {Astin, Alexander W.}, 10284 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2005/Making sense out of degree completion rates - Astin.pdf:pdf}, 10285 journal = {Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice}, 10286 number = {1}, 10287 pages = {5--17}, 10288 publisher = {Baywood}, 10289 title = {{Making sense out of degree completion rates}}, 10290 volume = {7}, 10291 year = {2005} 10292 } 10293 @article{Waller2011, 10294 abstract = {In linear multiple regression, enhancement is said to occur when R 2=b′r>r′r, where b is a p×1 vector of standardized regression coefficients and r is a p×1 vector of correlations between a criterion y and a set of standardized regressors, x. When p=1 then b≡r and enhancement cannot occur. When p=2, for all full-rank R xx≠I, R xx=E[xx′]=V $\Lambda$ V′ (where V $\Lambda$ V′ denotes the eigen decomposition of R xx; $\lambda$ 1>$\lambda$ 2), the set contains four vectors; the set ; contains an infinite number of vectors. When p≥3 (and $\lambda$ 1>$\lambda$ 2>⋯>$\lambda$ p ), both sets contain an uncountably infinite number of vectors. Geometrical arguments demonstrate that B 1 occurs at the intersection of two hyper-ellipsoids in ℝ p . Equations are provided for populating the sets B 1 and B 2 and for demonstrating that maximum enhancement occurs when b is collinear with the eigenvector that is associated with $\lambda$ p (the smallest eigenvalue of the predictor correlation matrix). These equations are used to illustrate the logic and the underlying geometry of enhancement in population, multiple-regression models. R code for simulating population regression models that exhibit enhancement of any degree and any number of predictors is included in Appendices A and B.}, 10295 author = {Waller, Niels G.}, 10296 doi = {10.1007/s11336-011-9220-x}, 10297 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2011/The Geometry of Enhancement in Multiple Regression - Waller.pdf:pdf}, 10298 issn = {0033-3123}, 10299 journal = {Psychometrika}, 10300 keywords = {Humanities,Social Sciences and Law}, 10301 month = jun, 10302 pages = {1--16--16}, 10303 publisher = {Springer New York}, 10304 title = {{The Geometry of Enhancement in Multiple Regression}}, 10305 url = {http://www.springerlink.com/content/6ur482l61v32060h/}, 10306 year = {2011} 10307 } 10308 @article{Harville1977, 10309 abstract = {Recent developments promise to increase greatly the popularity of maximum likelihood (ML) as a technique for estimating variance components. Patterson and Thompson (1971) proposed a restricted maximum likelihood (REML) approach which takes into account the loss in degrees of freedom resulting from estimating fixed effects. Miller (1973) developed a satisfactory asymptotic theory for ML estimators of variance components. There are many iterative algorithms that can be considered for computing the ML or REML estimates. The computations on each iteration of these algorithms are those associated with computing estimates of fixed and random effects for given values of the variance components.}, 10310 author = {Harville, David A.}, 10311 doi = {10.2307/2286796}, 10312 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1977/Maximum Likelihood Approaches to Variance Component Estimation and to Related Problems - Harville.pdf:pdf}, 10313 issn = {0162-1459}, 10314 journal = {Journal of the American Statistical Association}, 10315 month = jun, 10316 number = {358}, 10317 pages = {320--338}, 10318 title = {{Maximum Likelihood Approaches to Variance Component Estimation and to Related Problems}}, 10319 url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2286796 http://www.jstor.org/stable/pdfplus/2286796.pdf?acceptTC=true}, 10320 volume = {72}, 10321 year = {1977} 10322 } 10323 @incollection{hebl2000social, 10324 author = {Hebl, M. R. and Kleck, R. E.}, 10325 booktitle = {The social psychology of stigma}, 10326 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2000/The social consequences of physical disability - Hebl, Kleck.pdf:pdf}, 10327 pages = {419--439}, 10328 publisher = {The Guilford Press}, 10329 title = {{The social consequences of physical disability}}, 10330 year = {2000} 10331 } 10332 @article{Rubel1960, 10333 author = {Rubel, A. J.}, 10334 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1960/Concepts of disease in Mexican-American culture - Rubel.pdf:pdf}, 10335 journal = {American Anthropologist}, 10336 pages = {795--814}, 10337 title = {{Concepts of disease in Mexican-American culture}}, 10338 year = {1960} 10339 } 10340 @book{Ambrosio2011, 10341 author = {Ambrosio, L}, 10342 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2011/Introduction to Measure Theory and Integration - Ambrosio.pdf:pdf}, 10343 keywords = {Mathematics}, 10344 mendeley-tags = {Mathematics}, 10345 title = {{Introduction to Measure Theory and Integration}}, 10346 year = {2011} 10347 } 10348 @article{Berger1998, 10349 author = {Berger, Joseph B. and Braxton, John M.}, 10350 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1998/Revising Tinto's interactionalist theory of student departure through theory elaboration Examining the role of organizational attributes in the persistence process - Berger, Braxton.pdf:pdf}, 10351 journal = {Research in Higher Education}, 10352 number = {2}, 10353 pages = {103--119}, 10354 title = {{Revising Tinto's interactionalist theory of student departure through theory elaboration: Examining the role of organizational attributes in the persistence process}}, 10355 volume = {39}, 10356 year = {1998} 10357 } 10358 @book{Jiang2007, 10359 address = {New York}, 10360 author = {Jiang, J}, 10361 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/Linear and generalized linear mixed models and their applications - Jiang.pdf:pdf}, 10362 keywords = {Linear Models}, 10363 mendeley-tags = {Linear Models}, 10364 publisher = {Springer}, 10365 title = {{Linear and generalized linear mixed models and their applications}}, 10366 year = {2007} 10367 } 10368 @book{Bisacre1922, 10369 author = {Bisacre, FFP}, 10370 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1922/Applied calculus an introductory textbook - Bisacre.pdf:pdf}, 10371 keywords = {Mathematics}, 10372 mendeley-tags = {Mathematics}, 10373 title = {{Applied calculus: an introductory textbook}}, 10374 url = {http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=1uISAQAAMAAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PR15&dq=f+f+p+bisacre&ots=87tifqzZE2&sig=Q2_T7Q24CevjGJ4WgBj1lTp1Fkk}, 10375 year = {1922} 10376 } 10377 @article{Nielsen2003, 10378 author = {Nielsen, M. S.}, 10379 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2003/Post-traumatic stress disorder and emotional distress in persons with spinal cord lesion - Nielsen.pdf:pdf}, 10380 journal = {Spinal Cord}, 10381 pages = {296--302}, 10382 title = {{Post-traumatic stress disorder and emotional distress in persons with spinal cord lesion}}, 10383 volume = {41}, 10384 year = {2003} 10385 } 10386 @article{RussellW.RumbergerandKatherineA.Larson1998, 10387 author = {Rumberger, Russell W. and Larson, Katherine A.}, 10388 journal = {Sociology of Education}, 10389 title = {{Toward explaining differences in educational achievement among Mexican American language-minority students}}, 10390 year = {1998} 10391 } 10392 @article{Lock1993, 10393 author = {Lock, RH}, 10394 journal = {Journal of Statistics Education}, 10395 number = {1}, 10396 title = {1993 new car data}, 10397 url = {http://www.amstat.org/PUBLICATIONS/JSE/v1n1/datasets.lock.html}, 10398 volume = {1}, 10399 year = {1993} 10400 } 10401 @article{Howard2000, 10402 author = {Howard, G. S. and Maxwell, S. E. and Fleming, K. J.}, 10403 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2000/The proof of the pudding an illustration of the relative strengths of null hypothesis, meta-analysis, and Bayesian analysis - Howard, Maxwell, Fleming.pdf:pdf}, 10404 journal = {Psychological Methods}, 10405 number = {3}, 10406 pages = {315--332}, 10407 title = {{The proof of the pudding: an illustration of the relative strengths of null hypothesis, meta-analysis, and Bayesian analysis}}, 10408 volume = {5}, 10409 year = {2000} 10410 } 10411 @article{Saikkonen1993, 10412 abstract = {It is shown that in a first-order mixed autoregressive moving average model, a Lagrange multiplier test for the autoregressive unit-root hypothesis can be inconsistent against stationary alternatives.}, 10413 author = {Saikkonen, Pentti}, 10414 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1993/A Note on a Lagrange Multiplier Test for Testing an Autoregressive Unit Root - Saikkonen.pdf:pdf}, 10415 issn = {02664666}, 10416 journal = {Econometric Theory}, 10417 month = sep, 10418 number = {3}, 10419 pages = {494--498}, 10420 title = {{A Note on a Lagrange Multiplier Test for Testing an Autoregressive Unit Root}}, 10421 url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/3532233}, 10422 volume = {9}, 10423 year = {1993} 10424 } 10425 @article{Fendrich1988, 10426 annote = {· What is the article about? Activists in the 1960s fell into three groups, Radical Activists, Institutional Activists, and Noninvolved, and their experiences as activists in college did impact their later political participation. The authors did state that though given low political participation in general society, their small numbers may be offset by their level of participation. This shows historical relevance, that college predictors go back to the civil rights era of the 1960s, but without the radical movements going on, I wonder how strong the results are compared to back then. 10427 · In the literature review and/or conceptual framework, how do authors talk about the relationship between political participation/orientation and life course experiences, and/or the relationship between political participation/orientation and college experiences? five dimensions of politicla participation, protest, community activism, party and campaign work, political communication and voting and patriotism (patriotism being defined as having a feeling for love of my country and show my patritosm by flying the flag or other way), the first three being more active forms of participation while the latter two are more passive. 10428 · What interesting thoughts or assertions did authors make in literature review or discussion that we can use in our paper? (e.g., “the need to promote political participation is essential for our democracy,” “those who do not participate politically are likely to have a highly undemocratic view of the world”) Basically think about things we can use for fodder. not all political activities may be active (like voting, or patriotism), and these may be in the calculus of how mcuh people participate. if a person is busy with life (like in 1997 variables) they still might be able to be "patriotic" since they require minimal resources. 10429 · What variables or concepts relate to political participation? a survey was used to discuss political participation (see Table 1 of article for all questions), and these are divided in the groups. 10430 · What are the research questions of the study? were there groups of students based on their level of activism in college many years after graduation. 10431 · What data was used or collected? survey data, N=85 of returned surveys. 10432 · What methodologies were employed? EFA to determine how many factors there were, three were extracted with an eigenvalue >= 1, and then ANOVA on the factors relating to the political participation. 10433 · IF SEM, describe model they intend to estimate NA 10434 · What findings were relevant to understanding political participation? different kind of activism can lead to different types of political participation 10435 · What interesting things stated in the discussion can we use for our paper. Make sure you cite everything. activists from the 1960s still tend to be active politically and so their experiences in college play a prominent role in their political participation after college 25 years after (Jennings 1987; Marwell et al. 1987; Whalen and Flacks 1980). 10436 · List citations of other studies that authors reference of regarding the relationship between political participation/orientation and/or the relationship between life course experiences, and/or political participation and college experiences? 10437 10438 10439 10440 Jennings, M. Kent. 1987. "Residues of a Move- ment: The Aging of the American Protest Generation." American Political Science Review 81:367-82. 10441 Marwell, Gerald, Michael Aiken, and N.J. Deme- rath. 1987. "The Persistence of Political Atti- tudes Among 1960s Civil Rights Activists." Public Opinion Quarterly 51:359-75. 10442 Whalen, John and Richard Flacks. 1980. "The Isla Vista 'Bank Burners' Ten Years Later: Notes on the Fate of Student Activists." Sociological Focus 13:215-36.}, 10443 author = {Fendrich, J.M. and Lovoy, K.L.}, 10444 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1988/Back to the future Adult political behavior of former student activists - Fendrich, Lovoy.pdf:pdf}, 10445 journal = {American Sociological Review}, 10446 pages = {780--784}, 10447 shorttitle = {Back to the future}, 10448 title = {{Back to the future: Adult political behavior of former student activists}}, 10449 url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2095823}, 10450 year = {1988} 10451 } 10452 @article{Walker2003, 10453 author = {Walker, D. A.}, 10454 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2003/Suppressor variable (s) importance within a regression model - Walker.pdf:pdf}, 10455 journal = {Journal of College Student Development}, 10456 keywords = {Statistics}, 10457 pages = {127--133}, 10458 title = {{Suppressor variable (s) importance within a regression model}}, 10459 volume = {44}, 10460 year = {2003} 10461 } 10462 @book{Tinto1994, 10463 address = {Chicago}, 10464 author = {Tinto, Vincent}, 10465 edition = {2nd}, 10466 isbn = {9780226804460}, 10467 pages = {312}, 10468 publisher = {University Of Chicago Press}, 10469 title = {{Leaving College: Rethinking the Causes and Cures of Student Attrition}}, 10470 year = {1994} 10471 } 10472 @book{khuri2003advanced, 10473 author = {Khuri, A.I.}, 10474 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2003/Advanced calculus with applications in statistics - Khuri.pdf:pdf}, 10475 isbn = {0471391042}, 10476 keywords = {Mathematics}, 10477 mendeley-tags = {Mathematics}, 10478 publisher = {John Wiley and Sons}, 10479 title = {{Advanced calculus with applications in statistics}}, 10480 year = {2003} 10481 } 10482 @article{McDermott1995, 10483 author = {McDermott, R. and Varenne, H.}, 10484 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1995/Culture as Disability - McDermott, Varenne.pdf:pdf}, 10485 journal = {Anthropology & Education Quarterly}, 10486 pages = {324--348}, 10487 title = {{Culture "as" Disability}}, 10488 year = {1995} 10489 } 10490 @techreport{Kennedy2002, 10491 address = {Washington, D.C.}, 10492 author = {Kennedy, Cille}, 10493 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2002/Federal Activities Related to the World Health Organization’s International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) - Kennedy.pdf:pdf}, 10494 institution = {Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation Disability, Aging and Long-Term Care Policy}, 10495 title = {{Federal Activities Related to the World Health Organization’s International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF)}}, 10496 year = {2002} 10497 } 10498 @article{Ablon2002, 10499 author = {Ablon, J.}, 10500 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2002/The nature of stigma and medical conditions - Ablon.pdf:pdf}, 10501 journal = {Epilepsy and Behavior}, 10502 number = {6S2}, 10503 pages = {2--9}, 10504 title = {{The nature of stigma and medical conditions}}, 10505 volume = {3}, 10506 year = {2002} 10507 } 10508 @article{Chung2007, 10509 author = {Chung, M. C. and Preveza, E. and Papandreou, K. and Prevezas, N.}, 10510 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/Locus of control among spinal cord injury patients with different levels of posttraumatic stress disorder - Chung et al.pdf:pdf}, 10511 journal = {Psychiatry Research}, 10512 number = {2-3}, 10513 pages = {253--260}, 10514 title = {{Locus of control among spinal cord injury patients with different levels of posttraumatic stress disorder}}, 10515 volume = {152}, 10516 year = {2007} 10517 } 10518 @article{Galston2004, 10519 annote = {· What is the article about? This looks at the role of high school civics participation. This is good in the fact that it looks before college. 10520 10521 10522 · In the literature review and/or conceptual framework, how do authors talk about the relationship between political participation/orientation and life course experiences, and/or the relationship between political participation/orientation and college experiences? 10523 10524 Three main points among many were: 10525 Civic knowledge promotes political participation. All other things being equal, the more knowledge people have, the more likely they are to participate in civic and political affairs. 10526 10527 10528 Civic knowledge helps citizens understand their interests as individuals and as members of groups. There is a rational relationship between one’s interests and particular legislation. The more knowledge we have, the more readily and accurately we connect with and defend our interests in the political process. 10529 10530 10531 Civic knowledge helps citizens learn more about civic affairs. It is difficult to acquire more knowledge unless we have a certain basis of knowledge. The new knowledge we do gain can be effectively used only if we are able to integrate it into an existing framework. 10532 10533 10534 · What interesting thoughts or assertions did authors make in literature review or discussion that we can use in our paper? (e.g., “the need to promote political participation is essential for our democracy,” “those who do not participate politically are likely to have a highly undemocratic view of the world”) Basically think about things we can use for fodder. education can lead to impacts on political participation, so not only what you do in high school or college but also what you learn will impact your future political participation. 10535 · What variables or concepts relate to political participation? Review article, no data analysis 10536 · What are the research questions of the study? Review article, no data analysis 10537 · What data was used or collected? Review article, no data analysis 10538 · What methodologies were employed? Review article, no data analysis 10539 · IF SEM, describe model they intend to estimate Review article, no data analysis 10540 · What findings were relevant to understanding political participation? no findings from data analysis, just what theories were dicussed above. 10541 · What interesting things stated in the discussion can we use for our paper. Make sure you cite everything. 10542 10543 since the mid 60's, every indicator of civic engagement has fallen by half, political knowledge is way down and more use of internet than tv or newspapers (Olander, 2003). 10544 · List citations of other studies that authors reference of regarding the relationship between political participation/orientation and/or the relationship between life course experiences, and/or political participation and college experiences? 10545 10546 Carnegie Corporation of New York and CIRCLE: The Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement. 2003. "The Civic Mission of Schools." New York and Washing-ton, D.C. 10547 Delli Carpini, Michael X., and Scott Keeter. 1996. What Americans Know about Politics and Why It Matters. New Haven: Yale University Press. 10548 Galston, William A. 2001. "Political Knowledge, Political Engagement and civic education". Annual Review of Political Science, 4, 217-234. 10549 Olander, Michael. 2003. Media Use Among Young People. College Park, MD: CIRCLE}, 10550 author = {Galston, W.A.}, 10551 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2004/Civic education and political participation - Galston.pdf:pdf}, 10552 journal = {Political Science and Politics}, 10553 number = {02}, 10554 pages = {263--266}, 10555 title = {{Civic education and political participation}}, 10556 volume = {37}, 10557 year = {2004} 10558 } 10559 @article{Cabrera1993, 10560 author = {Cabrera, Alberto F. and Nora, A. and Castaneda, M. B.}, 10561 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1993/College Persistence Structural Equations Modeling Test of an Integrated Model of Student Retention - Cabrera, Nora, Castaneda.pdf:pdf}, 10562 journal = {Journal of Higher Education}, 10563 number = {2}, 10564 pages = {123--139}, 10565 title = {{College Persistence: Structural Equations Modeling Test of an Integrated Model of Student Retention}}, 10566 volume = {64}, 10567 year = {1993} 10568 } 10569 @techreport{WesHableyMichaelValigaRandyMcClanahan, 10570 address = {Iowa City, IA}, 10571 author = {Habley, Wes and Valiga, Michael and McClanahan, Randy and Burkum, Kurt}, 10572 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2010/What Works in Student Retention Fourth National Survey Four-Year Colleges and Universities with Twenty Percent or More Black Students Enrolled - Survey - Habley et al.pdf:pdf}, 10573 institution = {ACT}, 10574 title = {{What Works in Student Retention Fourth National Survey Four-Year Colleges and Universities with Twenty Percent or More Black Students Enrolled - Survey}}, 10575 year = {2010} 10576 } 10577 @article{Livneh2003, 10578 author = {Livneh, H. and Wilson, L. M.}, 10579 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2003/Coping Strategies as Predictors and Mediators of Disability-Related Variables and Psychosocial Adaptation An Exploratory Investigation - Livneh, Wilson.pdf:pdf}, 10580 journal = {Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin}, 10581 number = {4}, 10582 pages = {194}, 10583 shorttitle = {Coping Strategies as Predictors and Mediators of D}, 10584 title = {{Coping Strategies as Predictors and Mediators of Disability-Related Variables and Psychosocial Adaptation: An Exploratory Investigation}}, 10585 volume = {46}, 10586 year = {2003} 10587 } 10588 @article{jennings1965matrix, 10589 author = {Jennings, E.}, 10590 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1965/Matrix formulas for part and partial correlation - Jennings.pdf:pdf}, 10591 journal = {Psychometrika}, 10592 number = {3}, 10593 pages = {353--356}, 10594 publisher = {Springer}, 10595 title = {{Matrix formulas for part and partial correlation}}, 10596 url = {http://www.springerlink.com/index/q301434015w26v38.pdf}, 10597 volume = {30}, 10598 year = {1965} 10599 } 10600 @article{Isaksson2005, 10601 author = {Isaksson, G. and Sk\"{a}r, L. and Lexell, J.}, 10602 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2005/Women's perception of changes in the social network after a spinal cord injury - Isaksson, Sk\"{a}r, Lexell.pdf:pdf}, 10603 journal = {Disability & Rehabilitation}, 10604 number = {17}, 10605 pages = {1013--1021}, 10606 title = {{Women's perception of changes in the social network after a spinal cord injury}}, 10607 volume = {27}, 10608 year = {2005} 10609 } 10610 @article{Widerstrom-Noga2007, 10611 author = {Widerstr\"{o}m-Noga, E. G. and Felix, E. R. and Cruz-Almeida, Y. and Turk, D. C.}, 10612 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/Psychosocial Subgroups in Persons With Spinal Cord Injuries and Chronic Pain - Widerstr\"{o}m-Noga et al.pdf:pdf}, 10613 journal = {Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation}, 10614 number = {12}, 10615 pages = {1628--1635}, 10616 title = {{Psychosocial Subgroups in Persons With Spinal Cord Injuries and Chronic Pain}}, 10617 volume = {88}, 10618 year = {2007} 10619 } 10620 @article{Zautra1994, 10621 author = {Zautra, A. J. and Burleson, M. H. and Matt, K. S. and Roth, S. and Burrows, L.}, 10622 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1994/Interpersonal stress, depression, and disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis patients - Zautra et al.pdf:pdf}, 10623 journal = {Health psychology: official journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association}, 10624 number = {2}, 10625 pages = {139}, 10626 title = {{Interpersonal stress, depression, and disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis patients}}, 10627 volume = {13}, 10628 year = {1994} 10629 } 10630 @article{warton2005many, 10631 author = {Warton, D.I.}, 10632 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2005/Many zeros does not mean zero inflation comparing the goodness-of-fit of parametric models to multivariate abundance data - Warton.pdf:pdf}, 10633 journal = {Environmetrics}, 10634 number = {3}, 10635 pages = {275--289}, 10636 publisher = {Wiley Online Library}, 10637 title = {{Many zeros does not mean zero inflation: comparing the goodness-of-fit of parametric models to multivariate abundance data}}, 10638 url = {http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/env.702/abstract}, 10639 volume = {16}, 10640 year = {2005} 10641 } 10642 @article{Jacob1995, 10643 author = {Jacob, K. S. and Zachariah, K. and Bhattacharji, S.}, 10644 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1995/Depression in individuals with spinal cord injury methodological issues - Jacob, Zachariah, Bhattacharji.pdf:pdf}, 10645 journal = {Paraplegia}, 10646 number = {7}, 10647 pages = {377}, 10648 title = {{Depression in individuals with spinal cord injury: methodological issues}}, 10649 volume = {33}, 10650 year = {1995} 10651 } 10652 @article{NonakaY.andKonishi2005, 10653 author = {Nonaka, Y. and Konishi, S.}, 10654 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2005/Nonlinear regression modeling using regularized local likelihood method - Nonaka, Konishi.pdf:pdf}, 10655 journal = {Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics}, 10656 number = {4}, 10657 pages = {617--635}, 10658 title = {{Nonlinear regression modeling using regularized local likelihood method}}, 10659 url = {http://www.springerlink.com/index/G3343GG784802K60.pdf}, 10660 volume = {57}, 10661 year = {2005} 10662 } 10663 @article{Fuchs2006, 10664 author = {Fuchs, D. and Fuchs, L. S.}, 10665 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2006/Introduction to Response to Intervention What, why, and how valid is it - Fuchs, Fuchs.pdf:pdf}, 10666 journal = {Reading Research Quarterly}, 10667 number = {1}, 10668 pages = {93--99}, 10669 title = {{Introduction to Response to Intervention: What, why, and how valid is it?}}, 10670 volume = {41}, 10671 year = {2006} 10672 } 10673 @book{Lee2004, 10674 author = {Lee, P. M.}, 10675 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2004/Bayesian Statistics An Introduction - Lee.pdf:pdf}, 10676 keywords = {Bayes}, 10677 mendeley-tags = {Bayes}, 10678 publisher = {Arnold London, UK:}, 10679 title = {{Bayesian Statistics: An Introduction}}, 10680 url = {http://www-users.york.ac.uk/$\sim$pml1/bayes/answers.pdf}, 10681 year = {2004} 10682 } 10683 @book{Pampel2000, 10684 author = {Pampel, F. C}, 10685 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2000/Logistic regression A primer - Pampel.pdf:pdf}, 10686 keywords = {Linear Models}, 10687 mendeley-tags = {Linear Models}, 10688 publisher = {Sage Publications, Inc}, 10689 shorttitle = {Logistic regression}, 10690 title = {{Logistic regression: A primer}}, 10691 year = {2000} 10692 } 10693 @article{Samaranayake2010, 10694 author = {Samaranayake, CB}, 10695 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2010/Outcome of combined melatonin and bright light treatments for delayed sleep phase disorder - Samaranayake.pdf:pdf}, 10696 journal = {Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry}, 10697 title = {{Outcome of combined melatonin and bright light treatments for delayed sleep phase disorder}}, 10698 url = {http://informahealthcare.com/doi/abs/10.3109/00048674.2010.482922}, 10699 year = {2010} 10700 } 10701 @incollection{Borsboom2009, 10702 abstract = {Construct validity theory holds that (a) validity is a property of test score inter- pretations in terms of constructs that (b) reflects the strength of the evidence for these interpretations. In this paper, we argue that this view has absurd consequences. For instance, following construct validity theory, test score in- terpretations that deny that anything is measured by a test may themselves have a high degree of construct validity. In addition, construct validity theory implies that now defunct test score interpretations, like those attached to phlogiston measures in the 17th century, were valid at the time but became invalid when the theory of phlogiston was refuted. We propose an alternative view that holds that (a) validity is a property of measurement instruments that (b) codes whether these instruments are sensitive to variation in a targeted attribute. This theory avoids the absurdities of construct validity theory, and is broadly consistent with the view, commonly held by working researchers and textbook writers but not construct validity theorists, that a test is valid if it measures what it should measure. Finally, we discuss some pressing problems in psychological measurement that are salient within our conceptualization, and argue that the time has come to face them.}, 10703 author = {Borsboom, Denny and Cramer, Angelique O J and Kievit, Rogier A and Scholten, Annemarie Zand and Franic, Sanja}, 10704 booktitle = {The concept of validity Revisions new directions and applications}, 10705 chapter = {7}, 10706 editor = {Lissitz, Robert W}, 10707 pages = {135--170}, 10708 publisher = {Information Age Publishing}, 10709 title = {{The end of construct validity}}, 10710 year = {2009} 10711 } 10712 @article{Midlarsky2008, 10713 author = {Midlarsky, E. and Nitzburg, G.}, 10714 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2008/Eating Disorders in Middle-Aged Women - Midlarsky, Nitzburg.pdf:pdf}, 10715 journal = {The Journal of General Psychology}, 10716 number = {4}, 10717 pages = {393--408}, 10718 title = {{Eating Disorders in Middle-Aged Women}}, 10719 volume = {135}, 10720 year = {2008} 10721 } 10722 @article{Ang2002, 10723 author = {Ang, Soon and Slaughter, Sandra and Ng, Kok Yee}, 10724 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2002/Human capital and institutional determinants of information technology compensation Modeling multilevel and cross-level interactions - Ang, Slaughter, Ng.pdf:pdf}, 10725 journal = {Management Science}, 10726 number = {11}, 10727 pages = {1427--1445}, 10728 title = {{Human capital and institutional determinants of information technology compensation: Modeling multilevel and cross-level interactions}}, 10729 volume = {48}, 10730 year = {2002} 10731 } 10732 @article{Autry2010, 10733 author = {Autry, SL}, 10734 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2010/Predicting Student-Athlete Success An Analysis of Graduation Using Precollege and College Experience Variables - Autry.pdf:pdf}, 10735 title = {{Predicting Student-Athlete Success: An Analysis of Graduation Using Precollege and College Experience Variables}}, 10736 year = {2010} 10737 } 10738 @article{Beach1999, 10739 author = {Beach, K.}, 10740 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1999/Consequential Transitions A Sociocultural Expedition Beyond Transfer in Education - Beach.pdf:pdf}, 10741 journal = {Review of research in education}, 10742 number = {1}, 10743 pages = {101}, 10744 title = {{Consequential Transitions: A Sociocultural Expedition Beyond Transfer in Education}}, 10745 volume = {24}, 10746 year = {1999} 10747 } 10748 @article{Rapoport2005, 10749 author = {Rapoport, M. J. and McCullagh, S. and Shammi, P. and Feinstein, A.}, 10750 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2005/Cognitive Impairment Associated With Major Depression Following Mild and Moderate Traumatic Brain Injury - Rapoport et al.pdf:pdf}, 10751 pages = {61--65}, 10752 title = {{Cognitive Impairment Associated With Major Depression Following Mild and Moderate Traumatic Brain Injury}}, 10753 volume = {17}, 10754 year = {2005} 10755 } 10756 @article{AF1994, 10757 author = {Cabrera, Alberto F. and Nora, Amaury}, 10758 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/1994/College Students' Perceptions of Prejudice and Discrimination and Their Feelings of Alienation A Construct Validation Approach - Cabrera, Nora.pdf:pdf}, 10759 journal = {The Review of Education/Pedagogy/Cultural Studies}, 10760 number = {3-4}, 10761 pages = {387--409}, 10762 title = {{College Students' Perceptions of Prejudice and Discrimination and Their Feelings of Alienation: A Construct Validation Approach}}, 10763 volume = {16}, 10764 year = {1994} 10765 } 10766 @book{Faraway2004, 10767 address = {Boca Raton, FL}, 10768 annote = {need to buy}, 10769 author = {Faraway, Julian J.}, 10770 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2004/Linear Models with R (Chapman & HallCRC Texts in Statistical Science) - Faraway.pdf:pdf}, 10771 isbn = {1584884258}, 10772 keywords = {Linear Models,R Books}, 10773 mendeley-tags = {Linear Models,R Books}, 10774 publisher = {Chapman and Hall/CRC}, 10775 title = {{Linear Models with R (Chapman & Hall/CRC Texts in Statistical Science)}}, 10776 year = {2004} 10777 } 10778 @article{Crabtree2001, 10779 author = {Crabtree, J. and Rutland, A.}, 10780 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2001/Self-evaluation and social comparison amongst adolescents with learning difficulties - Crabtree, Rutland.pdf:pdf}, 10781 journal = {Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology}, 10782 number = {5}, 10783 pages = {347--359}, 10784 title = {{Self-evaluation and social comparison amongst adolescents with learning difficulties}}, 10785 volume = {11}, 10786 year = {2001} 10787 } 10788 @incollection{Hawley2007, 10789 author = {Hawley, P. H. and Little, T. D. and Rodkin, P. C.}, 10790 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/Aggression and adaptation The bright side to bad behavior - Hawley, Little, Rodkin.pdf:pdf}, 10791 publisher = {Lawrence Erlbaum Associates}, 10792 title = {{Aggression and adaptation: The bright side to bad behavior}}, 10793 year = {2007} 10794 } 10795 @article{Harrison2004, 10796 author = {Harrison, T. C. and Kahn, D. L.}, 10797 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2004/Disability Rites The Cultural Shift Following Impairment - Harrison, Kahn.pdf:pdf}, 10798 journal = {Family & Community Health}, 10799 number = {1}, 10800 pages = {86}, 10801 shorttitle = {Disability Rites}, 10802 title = {{Disability Rites: The Cultural Shift Following Impairment}}, 10803 volume = {27}, 10804 year = {2004} 10805 } 10806 @article{Usami, 10807 author = {Usami, S}, 10808 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2009/Applying Gibbs Sampler for Multivariate Hierarchical Linear Model - Usami.pdf:pdf}, 10809 journal = {waset.ac.nz}, 10810 title = {{Applying Gibbs Sampler for Multivariate Hierarchical Linear Model}}, 10811 url = {http://www.waset.ac.nz/journals/waset/v54/v54-59.pdf}, 10812 year = {2009} 10813 } 10814 @article{Graham2007, 10815 author = {Graham, J. W. and Olchowski, A. E. and Gilreath, T. D.}, 10816 file = {:C\:/Users/Joe/Misc/Mendeley Desktop/2007/How many imputations are really needed Some practical clarifications of multiple imputation theory -