Warning, /office/kbibtex-testset/bib/bug19484-refs.bib is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 @comment{x-kbibtex-encoding=utf-8}
0003 @article{Couso-Moral-2011,
0004         abstract = {The theory of sets of desirable gambles is a very general model which covers most of the existing theories for imprecise probability as special cases; it has a clear and simple axiomatic justification; and mathematical definitions are natural and intuitive. However, much work remains to be done until the theory of desirable gambles can be considered as generally applicable to reasoning tasks as other approaches to imprecise probability are. This paper gives an overview of some of the fundamental concepts for reasoning with uncertainty expressed in terms of desirable gambles in the finite case, provides a characterization of regular extension, and studies the nature of maximally coherent sets of desirable gambles, which correspond to finite sequences of probability distributions, each one of them defined on the set where the previous one assigns probability zero.},
0005         author = {Inés Couso and Serafín Moral},
0006         doi = {10.1016/j.ijar.2011.04.004},
0007         journal = {International Journal of Approximate Reasoning},
0008         localfile = {article/Couso-Moral-2011.pdf},
0009         number = {7},
0010         pages = {1034–1055},
0011         title = {Sets of desirable gambles: conditioning, representation, and precise probabilities},
0012         volume = {52},
0013         year = {2011}
0014 }
0016 @incollection{Quaeghebeur-2012-itip,
0017         author = {Erik Quaeghebeur},
0018         booktitle = {Introduction to Imprecise Probabilities},
0019         editor = {Frank P. A. Coolen and Thomas Augustin and Gert {De Cooman} and Matthias C. M. Troffaes},
0020         publisher = {Wiley},
0021         title = {Desirability},
0022         year = {at the editor}
0023 }
0025 @incollection{Morishima-1964-Perron-Frobenius,
0026         author = {Michio Morishima},
0027         booktitle = {Equilibrium, stability, and growth},
0028         chapter = {Appendix},
0029         edition = {1967},
0030         localfile = {inbook/Morishima-1964-Perron-Frobenius.pdf},
0031         note = {ook op papier},
0032         pages = {195–215},
0033         publisher = {Oxford University Press},
0034         title = {Generalizations of the Perron–Frobenius Theorem for nonnegative square matrices},
0035         year = {1964}
0036 }
0038 @article{DeCooman-Quaeghebeur-2010-Kyburg,
0039         abstract = {Sets of desirable gambles constitute a quite general type of
0040 uncertainty model with an interesting geometrical interpretation. We give a
0041 general discussion of such models and their rationality criteria. We study
0042 exchangeability assessments for them, and prove counterparts of de Finetti's
0043 finite and infinite representation theorems. We show that the finite
0044 representation in terms of count vectors has a very nice geometrical
0045 interpretation, and that the representation in terms of frequency vectors is
0046 tied up with multivariate Bernstein (basis) polynomials. We also lay bare the
0047 relationships between the representations of updated exchangeable models, and
0048 discuss conservative inference (natural extension) under exchangeability and the
0049 extension of exchangeable sequences.},
0050         author = {Gert {De Cooman} and Erik Quaeghebeur},
0051         doi = {10.1016/j.ijar.2010.12.002},
0052         journal = {International Journal of Approximate Reasoning},
0053         title = {Exchangeability and sets of desirable gambles},
0054         year = {in press}
0055 }
0057 @incollection{Dayhoff-Schwartz-Orcutt-1978,
0058         author = {M. O. Dayhoff and R. M. Schwartz and B. C. Orcutt},
0059         booktitle = {Atlas of Protein Sequence and Structure},
0060         chapter = {22},
0061         editor = {M. O. Dayhoff},
0062         localfile = {inbook/Dayhoff-Schwartz-Orcutt-1978.pdf},
0063         pages = {345–352},
0064         publisher = {National Biomedical Research Foundation},
0065         title = {A Model of Evolutionary Change in Proteins},
0066         year = {1978}
0067 }
0069 @misc{Quaeghebeur-2010-SSS,
0070         author = {Erik Quaeghebeur},
0071         howpublished = {Lecture at the 4th SIPTA Summer School, Durham, UK},
0072         title = {Inference \& Desirability},
0073         url = {http://users.ugent.be/~equaeghe/#EQ-2010-SSS},
0074         year = {2010}
0075 }
0077 @article{Buckley-1995,
0078         abstract = {We propose a new solution concept for fuzzy programming
0079 problems. It is based on our new method of solving fuzzy equations [10]. For
0080 simplicity we discuss in detail only fuzzy linear programming in this paper. We
0081 define, and obtain the basic properties of the joint solution (a fuzzy vector in
0082 R^n) and the optimal value of the objective function (a fuzzy number). Three
0083 examples are presented illustrating these concepts.},
0084         author = {J. J. Buckley},
0085         doi = {10.1016/0165-0114(94)00353-9},
0086         issn = {0165-0114},
0087         journal = {Fuzzy Sets and Systems},
0088         keywords = {mathematical programming},
0089         localfile = {article/Buckley-1995.pdf},
0090         number = {2},
0091         pages = {215–220},
0092         title = {Joint solution to fuzzy programming problems},
0093         volume = {72},
0094         year = {1995}
0095 }
0097 @article{Peterson-1972-Radon,
0098         author = {B. B. Peterson},
0099         journal = {The American Mathematical Monthly},
0100         localfile = {article/Peterson-1972-Radon.pdf},
0101         number = {9},
0102         pages = {949–963},
0103         title = {The geometry of Radon's theorem},
0104         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2318065},
0105         volume = {79},
0106         year = {1972}
0107 }
0109 @book{BenHaim-2006-info-gap,
0110         author = {Yakov Ben-Haim},
0111         edition = {2},
0112         publisher = {Academic Press},
0113         title = {Info-Gap Decision Theory: Decisions Under Severe Uncertainty},
0114         year = {2006}
0115 }
0117 @inproceedings{Mevel-Finesso-2000,
0118         annote = {ook op papier},
0119         author = {Laurent Mevel and Lorenzo Finesso},
0120         booktitle = {Fourteenth International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and systems: MTNS 2000},
0121         title = {Bayesian estimation of Hidden Markov Models},
0122         year = {2000}
0123 }
0125 @article{Fagiuoli-Zaffalon-1998-2U,
0126         abstract = {This paper addresses the problem of computing posterior
0127 probabilities in a discrete Bayesian network where the conditional distributions
0128 of the model belong to convex sets. The computation on a general Bayesian
0129 network with convex sets of conditional distributions is formalized as a global
0130 optimization problem. It is shown that such a problem can be reduced to a
0131 combinatorial problem, suitable to exact algorithmic solutions. An exact
0132 propagation algorithm for the updating of a polytree with binary variables is
0133 derived. The overall complexity is linear to the size of the network, when the
0134 maximum number of parents is fixed.},
0135         author = {Enrico Fagiuoli and Marco Zaffalon},
0136         doi = {10.1016/S0004-3702(98)00089-7},
0137         issn = {0004-3702},
0138         journal = {Artificial Intelligence},
0139         keywords = {Bayesian networks; convex sets; credal sets; intervals; uncertain reasoning},
0140         localfile = {article/Fagiuoli-Zaffalon-1998-2U.pdf},
0141         month = nov,
0142         number = {1},
0143         pages = {77–107},
0144         publisher = {Elsevier},
0145         title = {2U: an exact interval propagation algorithm for polytrees with binary variables},
0146         volume = {106},
0147         year = {1998}
0148 }
0150 @article{Edwards-1983-Pascal,
0151         author = {A. W. F. Edwards},
0152         journal = {International Statistical Review},
0153         localfile = {article/Edwards-1983-Pascal.pdf},
0154         pages = {73–79},
0155         title = {Pascal's Problem: The ‘Gambler's Ruin’},
0156         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/1402732},
0157         volume = {51},
0158         year = {1983}
0159 }
0161 @book{Friedman-1989feron,
0162         annote = {geannoteerde uittreksels},
0163         author = {James W. Friedman},
0164         keywords = {game theory; mathematical economics},
0165         publisher = {Oxford University Press},
0166         title = {Game Theory with Applications to Economics},
0167         year = {1989}
0168 }
0170 @article{Hipp-1974,
0171         author = {Christian Hipp},
0172         doi = {10.1214/aos},
0173         journal = {The Annals of Statistics},
0174         localfile = {article/Hipp-1974.pdf},
0175         month = nov,
0176         number = {6},
0177         pages = {1283–1292},
0178         title = {Sufficient statistics and exponential families},
0179         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2958344},
0180         volume = {2},
0181         year = {1974}
0182 }
0184 @article{Dempster-1968,
0185         abstract = {Procedures of statistical inference are described which
0186 generalize Bayesian inference in specific ways. Probability is used in such a
0187 way that in general only bounds may be placed on the probabilities of given
0188 events, and probability systems of this kind are suggested both for sample
0189 information and for prior information. These systems are then combined using a
0190 specified rule. Illustrations are given for inferences about trinomial
0191 probabilities, and for inferences about a monotone sequence of binomial p\_i.
0192 Finally, some comments are made on the general class of models which produce
0193 upper and lower probabilities, and on the specific models which underlie the
0194 suggested inference procedures.},
0195         annote = {with discussion},
0196         author = {Arthur P. Dempster},
0197         journal = {Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Methodological)},
0198         localfile = {article/Dempster-1968.pdf},
0199         number = {2},
0200         pages = {205–247},
0201         title = {A generalization of Bayesian inference},
0202         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2984504},
0203         volume = {30},
0204         year = {1968}
0205 }
0207 @article{Koopman-1940-ams,
0208         author = {B. O. Koopman},
0209         journal = {Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society},
0210         localfile = {article/Koopman-1940-ams.pdf},
0211         number = {10},
0212         pages = {763–774},
0213         title = {The bases of probability},
0214         url = {http://www.ams.org/bull/1940-46-10/S0002-9904-1940-07294-5/S0002-9904-1940-0729
0215 4-5.pdf; http://projecteuclid.org/euclid.bams/1183503229},
0216         volume = {46},
0217         year = {1940}
0218 }
0220 @article{Cozman-2005-graphical,
0221         abstract = {This paper presents an overview of graphical models that can
0222 handle imprecision in probability values. The paper first reviews basic concepts
0223 and presents a brief historical account of the field. The main characteristics
0224 of the credal network model are then discussed, as this model has received
0225 considerable attention in the literature.},
0226         author = {Fabio Gagliardi Cozman},
0227         doi = {10.1016/j.ijar.2004.10.003},
0228         issn = {0888-613X},
0229         journal = {International Journal of Approximate Reasoning},
0230         keywords = {Credal network; Graphical models; Sets of probability distributions; imprecise probability},
0231         localfile = {article/Cozman-2005-graphical.pdf},
0232         number = {2-3},
0233         pages = {167–184},
0234         title = {Graphical models for imprecise probabilities},
0235         volume = {39},
0236         year = {2005}
0237 }
0239 @book{Liu-2007-uncertainty-theory,
0240         author = {Baoding Liu},
0241         edition = {3},
0242         title = {Uncertainty Theory},
0243         year = {2007}
0244 }
0246 @article{Ha-etal-1998,
0247         author = {Vu A. Ha and AnHai Doan and Van H. Vu and Peter Haddawy},
0248         doi = {10.1023/A:1018936829318},
0249         journal = {Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence},
0250         localfile = {article/Ha-etal-1998.pdf},
0251         pages = {1–21},
0252         title = {Geometric foundations for interval-based probabilities},
0253         volume = {24},
0254         year = {1998}
0255 }
0257 @phdthesis{Augustin-1998-phdthesis-parts,
0258         annote = {Extracts},
0259         author = {Thomas Augustin},
0260         isbn = {978-3-52511411-7},
0261         school = {LMU München},
0262         title = {Optimale Tests bei Intervallwahrscheinlichkeit},
0263         year = {1998}
0264 }
0266 @article{Daboni-1975,
0267         author = {Luciano Daboni},
0268         journal = {Rendiconti di matematica},
0269         localfile = {article/Daboni-1975.pdf},
0270         pages = {399–412},
0271         title = {Caratterizzatione delle successioni (funzioni) completamente monotone in termini di rappresentabilià delle funzioni di sopravvivenza di particolari intervalli scambiabli tra successi (arrivi) contigui},
0272         volume = {8},
0273         year = {1975}
0274 }
0276 @article{Zaffalon-2002-ncc,
0277         abstract = {Convex sets of probability distributions are also called
0278 credal sets. They generalize probability theory by relaxing the requirement that
0279 probability values be precise. Classification, i.e. assigning class labels to
0280 instances described by a set of attributes, is an important domain of
0281 application of Bayesian methods, where the naive Bayes classifier has a
0282 surprisingly good performance. This paper proposes a new method of
0283 classification which involves extending the naive Bayes classifier to credal
0284 sets. Exact and effective solution procedures for naive credal classification
0285 are derived, and the related dominance criteria are discussed. Credal
0286 classiffcation appears as a new method, based on more realistic assumptions and
0287 in the direction of more reliable inferences.},
0288         annote = {ook op papier},
0289         author = {Marco Zaffalon},
0290         doi = {10.1016/S0378-3758(01)00201-4},
0291         journal = {Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference},
0292         keywords = {Classification; Credal sets; Imprecise probabilities; Naive Bayes classifier; Pattern recognition},
0293         localfile = {article/Zaffalon-2002-ncc.pdf},
0294         number = {1},
0295         pages = {5–21},
0296         publisher = {Elsevier},
0297         title = {The naive credal classifier},
0298         volume = {105},
0299         year = {2002}
0300 }
0302 @article{Zaffalon-2005-environmental,
0303         abstract = {Classifiers that aim at doing credible predictions should
0304 rely on carefully elicited prior knowledge. Often this is not available so they
0305 should start learning from data in condition of near-ignorance. This paper shows
0306 empirically, on an agricultural data set, that established methods of
0307 classification do not always adhere to this principle. Traditional ways to
0308 represent prior ignorance are shown to have an overwhelming weight compared to
0309 the information in the data, producing overconfident predictions. This point is
0310 crucial for problems, such as environmental ones, where prior knowledge is often
0311 scarce and even the data may not be known precisely. Credal classification, and
0312 in particular the naive credal classifier, is proposed as more faithful ways to
0313 cope with the ignorance problem. With credal classification, conditions of
0314 ignorance may limit the power of the inferences, not the credibility of the
0315 predictions.},
0316         author = {Marco Zaffalon},
0317         doi = {10.1016/j.envsoft.2004.10.006},
0318         journal = {Environmental Modelling \& Software},
0319         number = {8},
0320         pages = {1003–1012},
0321         title = {Credible classification for environmental problems},
0322         volume = {20},
0323         year = {2005}
0324 }
0326 @book{Kuznetsov-1991,
0327         address = {Moscow},
0328         author = {Kuznetsov},
0329         title = {No Title},
0330         year = {1991}
0331 }
0333 @book{Zabell-2005,
0334         address = {Cambridge, United Kingdom},
0335         author = {Sandy L. Zabell},
0336         publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
0337         series = {Cambridge Studies in Probability, Induction, and Decision Theory},
0338         title = {Symmetry and Its Discontents: Essay on the History of Inductive Probability},
0339         year = {2005}
0340 }
0342 @article{Combarro-Miranda-2008-polytope,
0343         abstract = {In this paper we deal with the problem of studying the
0344 structure of the polytope of non-additive measures for finite referential sets.
0345 We give a necessary and sufficient condition for two extreme points of this
0346 polytope to be adjacent. We also show that it is possible to find out in
0347 polynomial time whether two vertices are adjacent. These results can be extended
0348 to the polytope given by the convex hull of monotone Boolean functions. We also
0349 give some results about the facets and edges of the polytope of non-additive
0350 measures; we prove that the diameter of the polytope is 3 for referentials of
0351 three elements or more. Finally, we show that the polytope is combinatorial and
0352 study the corresponding properties; more concretely, we show that the graph of
0353 non-additive measures is Hamilton connected if the cardinality of the
0354 referential set is not 2.},
0355         author = {Elías F. Combarro and Pedro Miranda},
0356         doi = {10.1016/j.fss.2007.12.021},
0357         journal = {Fuzzy Sets and Systems},
0358         keywords = {Adjacency; Combinatorial polytopes; Complexity; Diameter; Monotone Boolean functions; Non-additive measures; Stack filters},
0359         localfile = {article/Combarro-Miranda-2008-polytope.pdf},
0360         number = {16},
0361         pages = {2145–2162},
0362         title = {On the polytope of non-additive measures},
0363         url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6V05-4RM881N-1/1/385e96ea2df064e7
0364 ab875367eafbf9f9},
0365         volume = {159},
0366         year = {2008}
0367 }
0369 @article{Tatcher-1964,
0370         abstract = {Given the number of successes in a random sample, prediction
0371 limits can be determined for the number which will be observed in a second
0372 sample, in a way which does not depend on any assumption or inference about the
0373 unknown proportion in the population. Such "confidence limits" for the
0374 prediction are found to correspond to Bayesian solutions based on two particular
0375 prior distributions, and are related to Laplace's rule of succession. The
0376 results suggest a possible type of "prediction strategy".},
0377         author = {A. R. Thatcher},
0378         journal = {Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Methodological)},
0379         localfile = {article/Tatcher-1964.pdf},
0380         number = {2},
0381         pages = {176–210},
0382         title = {Relationships between Bayesian and confidence limits for predictions},
0383         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2984417},
0384         volume = {26},
0385         year = {1964}
0386 }
0388 @article{Aughenbaugh-Herrmann-2009,
0389         abstract = {This paper considers the problem of choosing between an
0390 existing component whose reliability is well established and a new component
0391 that has an unknown reliability. In some scenarios, the designer may have some
0392 initial beliefs about the new component's reliability. The designer may also
0393 have the opportunity to obtain more information and to update these beliefs.
0394 Then, based on these updated beliefs, the designer must make a decision between
0395 the two components. This paper examines the statistical approaches for updating
0396 reliability assessments and the decision policy that the designer uses. We
0397 consider four statistical approaches for modeling the uncertainty about the new
0398 component and updating assessments of its reliability: A classical approach, a
0399 precise Bayesian approach, a robust Bayesian approach, and an imprecise
0400 probability approach. The paper investigates the impact of different approaches
0401 on the decision between the components and compares them. In particular, given
0402 that the test results are random, the paper considers the likelihood of making a
0403 correct decision with each statistical approach under different scenarios of
0404 available information and true reliability. In this way, the emphasis is on
0405 practical comparisons of the policies rather than on philosophical arguments.},
0406         author = {J. M. Aughenbaugh and J. W. Herrmann},
0407         doi = {10.1080/15598608.2009.10411926},
0408         issn = {1559-8608},
0409         journal = {Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice},
0410         keywords = {Bayesian statistics; Imprecise probabilities; Reliability assessment},
0411         localfile = {article/Aughenbaugh-Herrmann-2009.pdf},
0412         month = mar,
0413         number = {1},
0414         pages = {289–303},
0415         publisher = {Taylor \& Francis},
0416         title = {Reliability-Based Decision Making: A Comparison of Statistical Approaches},
0417         volume = {3},
0418         year = {2009}
0419 }
0421 @book{Handbook-Beta-2003,
0422         editor = {A. K. Gupta and S. Nadarajah},
0423         publisher = {Marcel Dekker},
0424         title = {Handbook of the Beta Distribution and its Applications},
0425         year = {2003}
0426 }
0428 @article{Kozine-Utkin-2002,
0429         abstract = {The requirement that precise state and transition
0430 probabilities be available is often not realistic because of cost, technical
0431 difficulties or the uniqueness of the situation under study. Expert judgements,
0432 generic data, heterogeneous and partial information on the occurrences of events
0433 may be sources of the probability assessments. All this source information
0434 cannot produce precise probabilities of interest without having to introduce
0435 drastic assumptions often of quite an arbitrary nature. in this paper the theory
0436 of interval-valued coherent previsions is employed to generalise discrete Markov
0437 chains to interval-valued probabilities. A general procedure of interval-valued
0438 probability elicitation is analysed as well. In addition, examples are
0439 provided.},
0440         annote = {ook offprint},
0441         author = {Igor O. Kozine and Lev V. Utkin},
0442         doi = {10.1023/A:1014745904458},
0443         journal = {Reliable Computing},
0444         localfile = {article/Kozine-Utkin-2002.pdf},
0445         pages = {97–113},
0446         title = {Interval-Valued Finite Markov Chains},
0447         volume = {8},
0448         year = {2002}
0449 }
0451 @inproceedings{Chrisman-1996,
0452         author = {Lonnie Chrisman},
0453         booktitle = {Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence},
0454         publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann},
0455         title = {Propagation of 2-Monotone Lower Probabilities on an Undirected Graph},
0456         year = {1996}
0457 }
0459 @article{DeFinetti-1933c,
0460         author = {Bruno de Finetti},
0461         journal = {Atti della reale accadeamia nazionale dei Lincei, Rendiconti, Classe di Scienze fisiche, matematiche e naturali},
0462         localfile = {article/DeFinetti-1933c.pdf},
0463         pages = {279–284},
0464         title = {Sulla legge di distribuzione dei valori in una successione di numeri aleatori equivalenti},
0465         volume = {18},
0466         year = {1933}
0467 }
0469 @article{Gilbert-DeCooman-Kerre-2003,
0470         abstract = {Probability assessments of events are often linguistic in
0471 nature. We model them by means of possibilistic probabilities (a version of
0472 Zadeh's fuzzy probabilities with a behavioural interpretation) with a suitable
0473 shape for practical implementation (on a computer). Employing the tools of
0474 interval analysis and the theory of imprecise probabilities we argue that the
0475 verification of coherence for these possibilistic probabilities, the corrections
0476 of non-coherent to coherent possibilistic probabilities and their extension to
0477 other events and gambles can be performed by finite and exact algorithms. The
0478 model can furthermore be transformed into an imprecise first-order model, useful
0479 for decision making and statistical inference.},
0480         annote = {ook op papier},
0481         author = {L. Gilbert and Gert {De Cooman} and Etienne E. Kerre},
0482         doi = {10.1007/s00500-002-0217-3},
0483         journal = {Soft Computing},
0484         keywords = {Fuzzy number; Fuzzy probability; Linguistic uncertainty; Lowest prevision; Possibility measure},
0485         localfile = {article/Gilbert-DeCooman-Kerre-2003.pdf},
0486         pages = {304–309},
0487         title = {Practical implementation of possibilistic probability mass functions},
0488         volume = {7},
0489         year = {2003}
0490 }
0492 @article{DeFinetti-1933a,
0493         author = {Bruno de Finetti},
0494         journal = {Atti della reale accadeamia nazionale dei Lincei, Rendiconti, Classe di Scienze fisiche, matematiche e naturali},
0495         localfile = {article/DeFinetti-1933a.pdf},
0496         pages = {279–284},
0497         title = {Classi di numeri aleatori equivalenti},
0498         volume = {18},
0499         year = {1933}
0500 }
0502 @article{Munch-Krogh-2006,
0503         abstract = {BACKGROUND: The number of sequenced eukaryotic genomes is
0504 rapidly increasing. This means that over time it will be hard to keep supplying
0505 customised gene finders for each genome. This calls for procedures to
0506 automatically generate species-specific gene finders and to re-train them as the
0507 quantity and quality of reliable gene annotation grows. RESULTS: We present a
0508 procedure, Agene, that automatically generates a species-specific gene predictor
0509 from a set of reliable mRNA sequences and a genome. We apply a Hidden Markov
0510 model (HMM) that implements explicit length distribution modelling for all gene
0511 structure blocks using acyclic discrete phase type distributions. The state
0512 structure of the each HMM is generated dynamically from an array of sub-models
0513 to include only gene features represented in the training set. CONCLUSION:
0514 Acyclic discrete phase type distributions are well suited to model sequence
0515 length distributions. The performance of each individual gene predictor on each
0516 individual genome is comparable to the best of the manually optimised
0517 species-specific gene finders. It is shown that species-specific gene finders
0518 are superior to gene finders trained on other species.},
0519         author = {Kasper Munch and Anders Krogh},
0520         doi = {10.1186/1471-2105-7-263},
0521         issn = {1471-2105},
0522         journal = {BMC Bioinformatics},
0523         localfile = {article/Munch-Krogh-2006.pdf},
0524         number = {1},
0525         pages = {263},
0526         publisher = {BioMed Central Ltd},
0527         title = {Automatic generation of gene finders for eukaryotic species},
0528         volume = {7},
0529         year = {2006}
0530 }
0532 @article{Basu-Pereira-1983b,
0533         abstract = {The theory of conditional independence is explained and the
0534 relations between ancillarity, sufficiency and statistical independence are
0535 discussed in depth. Some related concepts like specific sufficiency, bounded
0536 completeness, and splitting sets are also studied in some details by using the
0537 language of conditional independence.},
0538         annote = {ook op papier},
0539         author = {D. Basu and Carlos A. B. Pereira},
0540         journal = {Sankhya Series A},
0541         keywords = {(strong) identification; Conditional independence; Markov property; ancillarity; measuable separability; specific sufficiency; splitting sets; sufficiency; variation independence},
0542         localfile = {article/Basu-Pereira-1983b.pdf},
0543         number = {3},
0544         pages = {324–337},
0545         title = {Conditional independence in statistics},
0546         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/25050444},
0547         volume = {45},
0548         year = {1983}
0549 }
0551 @article{Klee-1951,
0552         author = {Victor L. Jr. Klee},
0553         doi = {10.1215/S0012-7094-51-01835-2},
0554         journal = {Duke Mathematical Journal},
0555         number = {2},
0556         pages = {443–466},
0557         title = {Convex sets in linear spaces},
0558         volume = {18},
0559         year = {1951}
0560 }
0562 @article{Miranda-Grabisch-Gil-2002,
0563         archiveprefix = {arXiv},
0564         arxivid = {0804.2642},
0565         author = {Pedro Miranda and Michel Grabisch and Pedro Gil},
0566         doi = {10.1142/S0218488502001867},
0567         eprint = {0804.2642},
0568         journal = {International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems},
0569         localfile = {article/Miranda-Grabisch-Gil-2002.pdf},
0570         number = {Supplementary Issue 1},
0571         pages = {105–123},
0572         title = {p-Symmetric fuzzy measures},
0573         volume = {10},
0574         year = {2002}
0575 }
0577 @incollection{VanDorp-Mazzuchi-2003,
0578         author = {J. René {Van Dorp} and Thomas A. Mazzuchi},
0579         booktitle = {Handbook of the Beta Distribution and its Applications},
0580         editor = {A. K. Gupta and S. Nadarajah},
0581         localfile = {inbook/VanDorp-Mazzuchi-2003.pdf},
0582         pages = {283–316},
0583         publisher = {Marcel Dekker},
0584         title = {Parameter Specification of the Beta Distribution and its Dirichlet Extensions Utilizing Quantiles},
0585         year = {2003}
0586 }
0588 @article{Fodor-Marichal-Roubens-1995,
0589         author = {Janos Fodor and Jean-Luc Marichal and Marc Roubens},
0590         journal = {IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems},
0591         localfile = {article/Fodor-Marichal-Roubens-1995.pdf},
0592         number = {2},
0593         pages = {236–240},
0594         title = {Characterization of the Ordered Weighted Averaging Operators},
0595         volume = {3},
0596         year = {1995}
0597 }
0599 @article{Pericchi-Walley-1991,
0600         author = {Luis Raúl Pericchi and Peter Walley},
0601         journal = {International Statistical Review},
0602         localfile = {article/Pericchi-Walley-1991.pdf},
0603         number = {1},
0604         pages = {1–23},
0605         title = {Robust Bayesian credible intervals and prior ignorance},
0606         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/1403571},
0607         volume = {58},
0608         year = {1991}
0609 }
0611 @article{Fishburn-1980,
0612         abstract = {Stochastic dominance orders of all finite degrees are
0613 defined on the set of distribution functions on the nonnegative real numbers in
0614 terms of integrals of the distributions. It is proved that if F strictly
0615 nth-degree stochastically dominates G, and if the moments of F and G through
0616 order n are finite with $\mu \_{F}^{k}-∈t x^{k}dF(x)$, then $(\mu
0617 \_{F}^{1},…,\mu \_{F}^{n})\neq (\mu \_{G}^{n},…,\mu \_{G}^{n})$ and
0618 $(-1)^{k-1}\mu \_{F}^{k}>(-1)^{k-1}\mu \_{G}^{k}$ for the smallest k for which
0619 $\mu \_{F}^{k}\neq \mu \_{G}^{k}$.},
0620         author = {Peter C. Fishburn},
0621         issn = {0364-765X},
0622         journal = {Mathematics of Operations Research},
0623         localfile = {article/Fishburn-1980.pdf},
0624         number = {1},
0625         pages = {94–100},
0626         publisher = {INFORMS},
0627         title = {Stochastic dominance and moments of distributions},
0628         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/3689397},
0629         volume = {5},
0630         year = {1980}
0631 }
0633 @article{Walley-1996-IDM,
0634         abstract = {A new method is proposed for making inferences from
0635 multinomial data in cases where there is no prior information. A paradigm is the
0636 problem of predicting the colour of the next marble to be drawn from a bag whose
0637 contents are (initially) completely unknown. In such problems we may be unable
0638 to formulate a sample space because we do not know what outcomes are possible.
0639 This suggests an invariance principle: inferences based on observations should
0640 not depend on the sample space in which the observations and future events of
0641 interest are represented. Objective Bayesian methods do not satisfy this
0642 principle. This paper describes a statistical model, called the imprecise
0643 Dirichlet model, for drawing coherent inferences from multinomial data.
0644 Inferences are expressed in terms of posterior upper and lower probabilities.
0645 The probabilities are initially vacuous, reflecting prior ignorance, but they
0646 become more precise as the number of observations increases. This model does
0647 satisfy the invariance principle. Two sets of data are analysed in detail. In
0648 the first example one red marble is observed in six drawings from a bag.
0649 Inferences from the imprecise Dirichlet model are compared with objective
0650 Bayesian and frequentist inferences. The second example is an analysis of data
0651 from medical trials which compared two treatments for cardiorespiratory failure
0652 in newborn babies. There are two problems: to draw conclusions about which
0653 treatment is more effective and to decide when the randomized trials should be
0654 terminated. This example shows how the imprecise Dirichlet model can be used to
0655 analyse data in the form of a contingency table.},
0656         annote = {with discussion geannoteerde kopie},
0657         author = {Peter Walley},
0658         journal = {Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Methodological)},
0659         localfile = {article/Walley-1996-IDM.pdf},
0660         number = {1},
0661         pages = {3–57},
0662         title = {Inferences from multinomial data: learning about a bag of marbles},
0663         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2346164},
0664         volume = {58},
0665         year = {1996}
0666 }
0668 @article{Bushell-1986-Hilbert-metric,
0669         abstract = {The Cayley-Hilbert metric is defined for a real Banach space
0670 containing a closed cone. By restricting the domain of a particular type of
0671 positive nonlinear operator, the Banach contraction-mapping theorem is used to
0672 prove the existence of a unique fixed point of the operator with explicit upper
0673 and lower bounds. Applications to quasilinear elliptic partial differential
0674 equations and to matrix theory are considered.},
0675         author = {P. J. Bushell},
0676         doi = {10.1016/0024-3795(86)90319-8},
0677         journal = {Linear Algebra and its Applications},
0678         localfile = {article/Bushell-1986-Hilbert-metric.pdf},
0679         pages = {271–280},
0680         publisher = {Elsevier},
0681         title = {The Cayley-Hilbert metric and positive operators},
0682         volume = {84},
0683         year = {1986}
0684 }
0686 @misc{DeCooman-2004-summer,
0687         annote = {Slides voor inleidende presentatie SIPTA summer school},
0688         author = {Gert {De Cooman}},
0689         title = {Coherent lower and upper previsions (and their behavioural interpretation)},
0690         year = {2004}
0691 }
0693 @book{deFinetti-1992,
0694         author = {Bruno de Finetti},
0695         editor = {Paola Monari and Daniela Cocchi},
0696         publisher = {CLUEB, Bologna},
0697         title = {Probabilità e Induzione – Induction and Probability},
0698         url = {http://diglib.cib.unibo.it/diglib.php?inv=35&term_ptnum=1&format=jpg},
0699         volume = {52},
0700         year = {1992}
0701 }
0703 @article{Bot-Lorenz-Wanka-2010,
0704         author = {Radu Ioan Bot and Nicole Lorenz and Gert Wanka},
0705         doi = {10.4134/JKMS.2010.47.1.017},
0706         journal = {Journal of The Korean Mathematical Society},
0707         localfile = {article/Bot-Lorenz-Wanka-2010.pdf},
0708         pages = {17–28},
0709         title = {Duality for linear chance-constrained optimization problems},
0710         volume = {47},
0711         year = {2010}
0712 }
0714 @book{Levi-1980,
0715         address = {London},
0716         author = {Isaac Levi},
0717         publisher = {MIT Press},
0718         title = {The Enterprise of Knowledge},
0719         year = {1980}
0720 }
0722 @article{Lambrakis1969,
0723         author = {D. P. Lambrakis},
0724         journal = {Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Methodological)},
0725         localfile = {article/Ericson-1969.pdf},
0726         number = {2},
0727         pages = {234–245},
0728         title = {Experiments with mixtures: an alternative to the simplex-lattice design},
0729         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2984207},
0730         volume = {31},
0731         year = {1969}
0732 }
0734 @article{Rosenthal-1995-Markov-rate,
0735         abstract = {This is an expository paper that presents various ideas
0736 related to nonasymptotic rates of convergence for Markov chains. Such rates are
0737 of great importance for stochastic algorithms that are widely used in statistics
0738 and in computer science. They also have applications to analysis of card
0739 shuffling and other areas.In this paper, we attempt to describe various
0740 mathematical techniques that have been used to bound such rates of convergence.
0741 In particular, we describe eigenvalue analysis, random walks on groups,
0742 coupling, and minorization conditions. Connections are made to modern areas of
0743 research wherever possible. Elements of linear algebra, probability theory,
0744 group theory, and measure theory are used, but efforts are made to keep the
0745 presentation elementary and accessible.},
0746         author = {Jeffrey S. Rosenthal},
0747         doi = {10.1137/1037083},
0748         journal = {SIAM Review},
0749         keywords = {Markov chain; coupling; eigenvalue; random walk on group},
0750         localfile = {article/Rosenthal-1995-Markov-rate.pdf},
0751         number = {3},
0752         pages = {387–405},
0753         title = {Convergence rates for Markov chains},
0754         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2132659},
0755         volume = {37},
0756         year = {1995}
0757 }
0759 @misc{Doumont-2001-website,
0760         author = {Jean-luc Doumont},
0761         title = {Designing Web sites},
0762         year = {2001}
0763 }
0765 @inproceedings{Capotorti-Zagoraiou-2006,
0766         address = {Paris},
0767         author = {Andrea Capotorti and Maroussa Zagoraiou},
0768         booktitle = {Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-based Systems},
0769         title = {Implicit Degree of Support for Finite Lower-Upper Conditional Probabilities Extensions},
0770         year = {2006}
0771 }
0773 @article{Bloch-Watson-1967,
0774         abstract = {Lindley [6] studies the topic in our title. By using
0775 Fisher's conditional-Poisson approach to the multinomial and the logarithmic
0776 transformation of gamma variables to normality, he showed that linear contrasts
0777 in the logarithms of the cell probabilities $\theta$\_i are asymptotically
0778 jointly normal and suggested that the approximation can be improved by applying
0779 a "correction" to the sample. By studying the asymptotic series for the joint
0780 distribution in Section 2 an improved correction procedure is found below. A
0781 more detailed expansion is given in Section 3 for the distribution of a single
0782 contrast in the \log $\theta$\_i. In many problems a linear function of the
0783 $\theta$\_i is of interest. The exact distribution is obtained and is of a form
0784 familiar in the theory of serial correlation coefficients. A beta approximation
0785 is given. For three cells, a numerical example is given to show the merit of
0786 this approximation. A genetic linkage example is considered which requires the
0787 joint distribution of two linear functions of the $\theta$\_i. The exact joint
0788 distribution is found but is too involved for practical use. A normal
0789 approximation leads to Lindley's results [7].},
0790         author = {Daniel A. Bloch and Geoffrey S. Watson},
0791         journal = {The Annals of Mathematical Statistics},
0792         localfile = {article/Bloch-Watson-1967.pdf},
0793         number = {5},
0794         pages = {1423–1435},
0795         title = {A Bayesian study of the multinomial distribution},
0796         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2238958},
0797         volume = {38},
0798         year = {1967}
0799 }
0801 @misc{Good-2003,
0802         author = {I. J. Good},
0803         title = {The accumulation of imprecise weights of evidence},
0804         year = {2003}
0805 }
0807 @article{Zabell-1982,
0808         abstract = {How do Bayesians justify using conjugate priors on grounds
0809 other than mathematical convenience? In the 1920's the Cambridge philosopher
0810 William Ernest Johnson in effect characterized symmetric Dirichlet priors for
0811 multinomial sampling in terms of a natural and easily assessed subjective
0812 condition. Johnson's proof can be generalized to include asymmetric Dirichlet
0813 priors and those finitely exchangeable sequences with linear posterior
0814 expectation of success. Some interesting open problems that Johnson's result
0815 raises, and its historical and philosophical background, are also discussed.},
0816         annote = {ook op papier},
0817         author = {Sandy L. Zabell},
0818         doi = {10.1214/aos},
0819         journal = {The Annals of Statistics},
0820         localfile = {article/Zabell-1982.pdf},
0821         number = {4},
0822         pages = {1091–1099},
0823         publisher = {Institute of Mathematical Statistics},
0824         title = {W. E. Johnson's “sufficientness” postulate},
0825         volume = {10},
0826         year = {1982}
0827 }
0829 @article{Cifarelli-Regazzini-1996,
0830         abstract = {This paper summarizes the scientific activity of de Finetti
0831 in probability and statistics. It falls into three sections: Section 1 includes
0832 an essential biography of de Finetti and a survey of the basic features of the
0833 scientific milieu in which he took the first steps of his scientific career;
0834 Section 2 concerns de Finetti's work in probability: (a) foundations, (b)
0835 processes with independent increments, (c) sequences of exchangeable random
0836 variables, and (d) contributions which fall within other fields; Section 3 deals
0837 with de Finetti's contributions to statistics: (a) description of frequency
0838 distributions, (b) induction and statistics, (c) probability and induction, and
0839 (d) objectivistic schools and theory of decision. Many recent developments of de
0840 Finetti's work are mentioned here and briefly described.},
0841         author = {Donato Michele Cifarelli and Eugenio Regazzini},
0842         doi = {10.1214/ss},
0843         journal = {Statistical Science},
0844         keywords = {Associative mean; Bayes-Laplace paradigm; Bayesian nonparametric statistics; Glivenko-Cantelli theorem; completely additive probabilities; correlation and monotone dependence; exchangeable and partially exchangeable random var; finitely additive probabilities; gambler's ruin; infinitely decomposable laws; predictive inference; prevision; principle of coherence processes with independent; reasoning by induction; statistical decision; subjective probability; utility function},
0845         localfile = {article/Cifarelli-Regazzini-1996.pdf},
0846         number = {4},
0847         pages = {253–282},
0848         title = {De Finetti's Contribution to probability and Statistics},
0849         volume = {11},
0850         year = {1996}
0851 }
0853 @proceedings{ISIPTA-2003,
0854         address = {Waterloo, Ontario, Canada},
0855         booktitle = {ISIPTA '03: Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Imprecise Probabilities and Their Applications},
0856         editor = {Jean-Marc Bernard and Teddy Seidenfeld and Marco Zaffalon},
0857         location = {Lugano, Switzerland},
0858         publisher = {Carleton Scientific},
0859         series = {Proceedings in Informatics},
0860         title = {ISIPTA '03: Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Imprecise Probabilities and Their Applications},
0861         volume = {18},
0862         year = {2003}
0863 }
0865 @article{Rommelfanger-2004,
0866         abstract = {Classical mathematical programming models require
0867 well-defined coefficients and right hand sides. In order to avoid a non
0868 satisfying modeling usually a broad information gathering and processing is
0869 necessary. In case of real problems some model parameters can be only roughly
0870 estimated. While in case of classical models the vague data is replaced by
0871 "average data", fuzzy models offer the opportunity to model subjective
0872 imaginations of the decision maker as precisely as a decision maker will be able
0873 to describe it. Thus the risk of applying a wrong model of the reality and
0874 selecting solutions which do not reflect the real problem can be clearly
0875 reduced. The modeling of real problems by means of deterministic and stochastic
0876 models requires extensive information processing. On the other hand we know that
0877 an optimum solution is finally defined only by few restrictions. Especially in
0878 case of larger systems we notice afterwards that most of the information is
0879 useless. The dilemma of data processing is due to the fact that first we have to
0880 calculate the solution in order to define, whether the information must be
0881 well-defined or whether vague data may be sufficient. Based on multicriteria
0882 programming problems it should be demonstrated that the dilemma of data
0883 processing in case of real programming problems can be handled adequately by
0884 modeling them as fuzzy system combined with an interactive problem-solving.
0885 Describing the real problem by means of a fuzzy system first of all only the
0886 available information or such information which can be achieved easily will be
0887 considered. Then we try to develop an optimum solution. With reference to the
0888 cost-benefit relation further information can be gathered in order to describe
0889 the solution more precisely. Furthermore it should be pointed out that some
0890 interactive fuzzy solution algorithms, e.g. FULPAL provide the opportunity to
0891 solve mixed integer multicriteria programming models as well.},
0892         author = {Heinrich Rommelfanger},
0893         doi = {10.1007/s10700-004-4200-6},
0894         issn = {1568-4539},
0895         journal = {Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making},
0896         localfile = {article/Rommelfanger-2004.pdf},
0897         pages = {295–309},
0898         publisher = {Springer Netherlands},
0899         title = {The Advantages of Fuzzy Optimization Models in Practical Use},
0900         volume = {3},
0901         year = {2004}
0902 }
0904 @incollection{Mukerji-Tallon-2003,
0905         author = {Sujoy Mukerji and Jean-Marc Tallon},
0906         booktitle = {Uncertainty in Economic Theory: A collection of essays in honor of David Schmeidler's 65th birthday},
0907         editor = {I. Gilboa},
0908         publisher = {Routledge},
0909         title = {An overview of economic applications of David Schmeidler's models of decision making under uncertainty},
0910         year = {2004}
0911 }
0913 @article{Smith-1961,
0914         abstract = {It is suggested that the strength of a person's beliefs may
0915 be tested by finding at what odds he is prepared to bet on them. This leads to a
0916 system of numerical "medial personal probabilities" obeying the classical laws
0917 of probability. However, these do not have precisely defined values, but are
0918 contained within specified intervals. The appropriate method of inference is
0919 Bayes's Theorem. This leads to generally accepted statistical procedures in
0920 large samples, except that the "weight of evidence" and not significance level
0921 is the measure of conviction in a significance test. Under very general
0922 conditions decisions are made by maximizing expected utility.},
0923         annote = {geannoteerde kopie op papier},
0924         author = {Cedric A. B. Smith},
0925         issn = {0035-9246},
0926         journal = {Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Methodological)},
0927         localfile = {article/Smith-1961.pdf},
0928         number = {1},
0929         pages = {1–37},
0930         publisher = {Blackwell Publishing for the Royal Statistical Society},
0931         title = {Consistency in statistical inference and decision},
0932         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2983842},
0933         volume = {23},
0934         year = {1961}
0935 }
0937 @book{Kemeny-Snell-1976-markov,
0938         address = {New York and Berlin and Heidelberg and Tokyo},
0939         author = {John G. Kemeny and J. Laurie Snell},
0940         edition = {2},
0941         publisher = {Springer},
0942         series = {Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics},
0943         title = {Finite Markov Chains},
0944         url = {http://books.google.com/books?id=0bTK5uWzbYwC},
0945         year = {1976}
0946 }
0948 @inproceedings{Lee-Varaiya-2000-sysensig,
0949         annote = {ook op papier},
0950         author = {Edward A. Lee and Pravin Varaiya},
0951         booktitle = {Proceedings of the First Signal Processing Workshop},
0952         title = {Introducing signals and syetems – The Berkeley approach},
0953         year = {2000}
0954 }
0956 @article{Williams-1978,
0957         annote = {Review of Shafer-1976},
0958         author = {Peter M. Williams},
0959         journal = {The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science},
0960         localfile = {article/Williams-1978.pdf},
0961         number = {4},
0962         pages = {375–387},
0963         title = {On a new theory of epistemic probability},
0964         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/687102},
0965         volume = {29},
0966         year = {1978}
0967 }
0969 @article{Luce-VonWinterfeld-1994,
0970         abstract = {Descriptive and normative modeling of decision making under
0971 risk and uncertainty have grown apart over the past decade. Psychological models
0972 attempt to accommodate the numerous violations of rationality axioms, including
0973 independence and transitivity. Meanwhile, normatively oriented decision analysts
0974 continue to insist on the applied usefulness of the subjective expected utility
0975 (SEU) model. As this gap has widened, two facts have remained largely
0976 unobserved. First, most people in real situations attempt to behave in accord
0977 with the most basic rationality principles, even though they are likely to fail
0978 in more complex situations. Second, the SEU model is likely to provide
0979 consistent and rational answers to decision problems within a given problem
0980 structure, but may not be invariant across structures. Thus, people may be more
0981 rational than the psychological literature gives them credit for, and
0982 applications of the SEU model may be susceptible to some violations of
0983 invariance principles. This paper attempts to search out the common ground
0984 between the normative, descriptive, and prescriptive modeling by exploring three
0985 types of axioms concerning structural rationality, preference rationality, and
0986 quasi-rationality. Normatively the first two are mandatory and the last,
0987 suspect. Descriptively, all have been questioned, but often the inferences
0988 involved have confounded preference and structural rationality. We propose a
0989 prescriptive view that entails full compliance with preference rationality,
0990 modifications of structural rationality, and acceptance of quasi-rationality to
0991 the extent of granting a primary role to the status quo and the decomposition of
0992 decision problems into gains and losses.},
0993         author = {R. Duncan Luce and Detlof von Winterfeldt},
0994         doi = {10.1287/mnsc.40.2.263},
0995         journal = {Management Science},
0996         keywords = {Decision Analysis; Prescriptive Utility; Rank-Dependent Utility; Sign-Dependent Utility},
0997         localfile = {article/Luce-VonWinterfeld-1994.pdf},
0998         number = {2},
0999         pages = {263–279},
1000         title = {What common ground exists for descriptive, prescriptive, and normative utility theories?},
1001         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2632765},
1002         volume = {40},
1003         year = {1994}
1004 }
1006 @article{Whittle-1955,
1007         abstract = {An exact formula (8) is derived for the probability
1008 distribution of an observed set of transition totals. This expression furnishes
1009 asymptotic expressions for the likelihood (24), for the covariances of
1010 transition totals (27), and for the distribution of Bartlett's goodness-of-fit
1011 statistic (31). Formulae are also derived for the expectations of some sample
1012 functions related to the factorial moments of the transition totals (34) and for
1013 the lower moments of the estimated transition probabilities (42), (44). It is
1014 shown that the Markov chain has properties similar to those of a set of
1015 independent multinomial distributions.},
1016         annote = {geannoteerde kopie},
1017         author = {Peter Whittle},
1018         journal = {Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Methodological)},
1019         localfile = {article/Whittle-1955.pdf},
1020         number = {2},
1021         pages = {235–242},
1022         title = {Some distribution and moment formulae for the Markov chain},
1023         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2983957},
1024         volume = {17},
1025         year = {1955}
1026 }
1028 @techreport{Deshpande-Karypis-2000,
1029         author = {Mukund Deshpande and George Karypis},
1030         institution = {University of Minnesota, Department of Computer Science},
1031         number = {00-056},
1032         title = {Selective Markov Models for Predicting Web-Page Accesses},
1033         year = {2000}
1034 }
1036 @phdthesis{Degrauwe-2007-PhD,
1037         author = {Daan Degrauwe},
1038         school = {Katholieke Universiteit Leuven},
1039         title = {Uncertainty propagation in structural analysis by fuzzy numbers},
1040         year = {2007}
1041 }
1043 @article{GuitierrezPena-Smith-1995,
1044         annote = {met errata, ook op papier},
1045         author = {Eduardo Gutiérrez-Peña and Adrian F. M. Smith},
1046         journal = {Journal of the American Statistical Association},
1047         keywords = {Bayesian inference; Conjugate prior; Jeffreys's prior; Quadratic variance function},
1048         localfile = {article/GutierrezPena-Smith-1995.pdf},
1049         number = {432},
1050         pages = {1347–1356},
1051         title = {Conjugate parameterizations for natural exponential families},
1052         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2291525},
1053         volume = {90},
1054         year = {1995}
1055 }
1057 @article{Krein-Milman-1940,
1058         author = {M. Krein and D. Milman},
1059         journal = {Studia Mathematica},
1060         localfile = {article/Krein-Milman-1940.pdf},
1061         pages = {133–138},
1062         title = {On extreme points of regular convex sets},
1063         volume = {9},
1064         year = {1940}
1065 }
1067 @article{Tukey-1986-sunset,
1068         author = {John W. Tukey},
1069         journal = {The American Statistician},
1070         localfile = {article/Tukey-1986-sunset.pdf},
1071         number = {1},
1072         pages = {72–76},
1073         title = {Sunset salvo},
1074         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2683137},
1075         volume = {40},
1076         year = {1986}
1077 }
1079 @article{Hammer-1955,
1080         author = {Preston C. Hammer},
1081         doi = {10.1215/S0012-7094-55-02209-2},
1082         journal = {Duke Mathematical Journal},
1083         localfile = {article/Hammer-1955.pdf},
1084         number = {1},
1085         pages = {103–106},
1086         publisher = {Duke University Press},
1087         title = {Maximal convex sets},
1088         volume = {22},
1089         year = {1955}
1090 }
1092 @proceedings{Cowles-1951,
1093         booktitle = {Activity analysis of production and allocation},
1094         editor = {Tjalling C. Koopmans},
1095         number = {13},
1096         organization = {Cowles Commission for Research in Economics},
1097         series = {Cowles Commission Monographs},
1098         title = {Activity analysis of production and allocation},
1099         year = {1951}
1100 }
1102 @article{Consonni-Veronese-GutierrezPena-2004,
1103         abstract = {Reference analysis is one of the most successful general
1104 methods to derive noninformative prior distributions. In practice, however,
1105 reference priors are often difficult to obtain. Recently developed theory for
1106 conditionally reducible natural exponential families identifies an attractive
1107 reparameterization which allows one, among other things, to construct an
1108 enriched conjugate prior. In this paper, under the assumption that the variance
1109 function is simple quadratic, the order-invariant group reference prior for the
1110 above parameter is found. Furthermore, group reference priors for the mean- and
1111 natural parameter of the families are obtained. A brief discussion of the
1112 frequentist coverage properties is also presented. The theory is illustrated for
1113 the multinomial and negative-multinomial family. Posterior computations are
1114 especially straightforward due to the fact that the resulting reference
1115 distributions belong to the corresponding enriched conjugate family. A
1116 substantive application of the theory relates to the construction of reference
1117 priors for the Bayesian analysis of two-way contingency tables with respect to
1118 two alternative parameterizations.},
1119         author = {Guido Consonni and Piero Veronese and Eduardo Gutiérrez-Peña},
1120         doi = {10.1016/S0047-259X(03)00095-2},
1121         journal = {Journal of Multivariate Analysis},
1122         keywords = {Bayesian inference; Contingency table; Enriched conjugate prior; Multinomial family; Negative-multinomial family; Noninformative prior; conditional reducibility},
1123         localfile = {article/Consonni-Veronese-GutierrezPena-2004.pdf},
1124         number = {2},
1125         pages = {335–364},
1126         publisher = {Elsevier},
1127         title = {Reference priors for exponential families with simple quadratic variance function},
1128         volume = {88},
1129         year = {2004}
1130 }
1132 @article{Quaeghebeur-DeCooman-2009-idmgames,
1133         author = {Erik Quaeghebeur and Gert {De Cooman}},
1134         doi = {10.1016/j.ijar.2008.03.012},
1135         journal = {International Journal of Approximate Reasoning},
1136         pages = {243–256},
1137         title = {Learning in games using the imprecise Dirichlet-model},
1138         volume = {50},
1139         year = {2009}
1140 }
1142 @techreport{Ferson-et-al-2002,
1143         annote = {unabridged version, with corrections, printed in 2003},
1144         author = {Scott Ferson and Vladik Kreinovich and Lev Ginzburg and Davis S. Myers and Kari Sentz},
1145         institution = {Sandia National Laboratories},
1146         number = {SAND2002-4015},
1147         title = {Constructing probability boxes and Dempster-Shafer structures},
1148         year = {2002}
1149 }
1151 @article{Wagner-1999-two-envelope,
1152         annote = {op papier in Wagnerbundel},
1153         author = {Carl G. Wagner},
1154         journal = {Erkenntnis},
1155         pages = {233–241},
1156         title = {Misadventures in conditional expectation: the two-envelope problem},
1157         volume = {51},
1158         year = {1999}
1159 }
1161 @article{Augustin-2005,
1162         abstract = {Dempster-Shafer theory allows to construct belief functions
1163 from (precise) basic probability assignments. The present paper extends this
1164 idea substantially. By considering sets of basic probability assignments, an
1165 appealing constructive approach to general interval probability is achieved,
1166 which allows for a very flexible modelling of uncertain knowledge.},
1167         author = {Thomas Augustin},
1168         doi = {10.1080/03081070500190839},
1169         journal = {International Journal of General Systems},
1170         keywords = {Basic probability assignment; Belief function; Dempster–Shafer theory; Imprecise probabilities; Interval probability; Linear partial information},
1171         localfile = {article/Augustin-2005.pdf},
1172         number = {4},
1173         pages = {451–463},
1174         title = {Generalized basic probability assignments},
1175         volume = {34},
1176         year = {2005}
1177 }
1179 @article{Pearl-1988-intervals,
1180         abstract = {The apparent failure of individual probabilistic expressions
1181 to distinguish between uncertainty and ignorance, and between certainty and
1182 confidence, have swayed researchers to seek alternative formalisms, where
1183 confidence measures are provided explicit notation. This paper summarizes how a
1184 causal networks formulation of probabilities facilitates the representation of
1185 confidence measures as an integral part of a knowledge system that does not
1186 require the use of higher order probabilities. We also examine whether
1187 Dempster-Shafer intervals represent confidence about probabilities.},
1188         author = {Judea Pearl},
1189         doi = {10.1016/0888-613X(88)90117-X},
1190         issn = {0888-613X},
1191         journal = {International Journal of Approximate Reasoning},
1192         keywords = {Dempster-Shafer theory; ca; interval probability},
1193         localfile = {article/Pearl-1988-intervals.pdf},
1194         number = {3},
1195         pages = {211–216},
1196         publisher = {Elsevier},
1197         title = {On probability intervals},
1198         volume = {2},
1199         year = {1988}
1200 }
1202 @article{DeFinetti-1933b,
1203         author = {Bruno de Finetti},
1204         journal = {Atti della reale accadeamia nazionale dei Lincei, Rendiconti, Classe di Scienze fisiche, matematiche e naturali},
1205         localfile = {article/DeFinetti-1933b.pdf},
1206         pages = {203–207},
1207         title = {La legge dei grandi numeri nel caso dei numeri aleatori equivalenti},
1208         volume = {18},
1209         year = {1933}
1210 }
1212 @article{Walley-1997-bounded,
1213         abstract = {A new method is proposed for drawing coherent statistical
1214 inferences about a real-valued parameter in problems where there is little or no
1215 prior information. Prior ignorance about the parameter is modelled by the set of
1216 all continuous probability density functions for which the derivative of the
1217 log-density is bounded by a positive constant. This set is
1218 translation-invariant, it contains density functions with a wide variety of
1219 shapes and tail behaviour, and it generates prior probabilities that are highly
1220 imprecise. Statistical inferences can be calculated by solving a simple type of
1221 optimal control problem whose general solution is characterized. Detailed
1222 results are given for the problems of calculating posterior upper and lower
1223 means, variances, distribution functions and probabilities of intervals. In
1224 general, posterior upper and lower expectations are achieved by prior density
1225 functions that are piecewise exponential. The results are illustrated by normal
1226 and binomial examples},
1227         author = {Peter Walley},
1228         doi = {10.1111/1467-9469.00075},
1229         journal = {Scandinavian Journal of Statistics},
1230         localfile = {article/Walley-1997-bounded.pdf},
1231         number = {4},
1232         pages = {463–483},
1233         title = {A Bounded Derivative model for Prior Ignorance about a Real-valued Parameter},
1234         volume = {24},
1235         year = {1997}
1236 }
1238 @incollection{Piatti-et-al-2010-CNtutorial,
1239         address = {New York},
1240         annote = {ook op papier},
1241         author = {Alberto Piatti and Alessandro Antonucci and Marco Zaffalon},
1242         booktitle = {Advances in Mathematics Research},
1243         editor = {Albert R. Baswell},
1244         publisher = {Nova Publishers},
1245         title = {Building Knowledge-Based Systems by Credal Networks: A Tutorial},
1246         volume = {11},
1247         year = {2010}
1248 }
1250 @techreport{Walley-Bernard-1999,
1251         annote = {geannoteerde kopie},
1252         author = {Peter Walley and Jean-Marc Bernard},
1253         institution = {Université de Paris 8},
1254         number = {CAF-9901},
1255         title = {Imprecise Probabilistic Prediction for Categorical Data},
1256         year = {1999}
1257 }
1259 @book{DeFinetti-1972,
1260         annote = {geringde kopie},
1261         author = {Bruno de Finetti},
1262         publisher = {John Wiley \& Sons},
1263         title = {Probability, Induction and Statistics (The art of guessing)},
1264         year = {1972}
1265 }
1267 @article{Suppes-1974,
1268         abstract = {This paper criticizes some of the claims of the standard
1269 theories of subjective probability. The criticisms are especially oriented
1270 toward the structural axioms that cannot be regarded as axioms of pure
1271 rationality and the general results that yield exact measurement of subjective
1272 probabilities. Qualitative axioms for upper and lower probability are introduced
1273 to provide a theory of inexact measurement of subjective probability. Only minor
1274 modifications of de Finetti's qualitative axioms yield the desired theory. The
1275 paper concludes with a comparison of the measurement of belief to the
1276 measurement results characteristic of Euclidean geometry, and also examines
1277 briefly some possibilities for using learning models as simplified abstract
1278 processes for constructing belief.},
1279         author = {Patrick Suppes},
1280         issn = {0035-9246},
1281         journal = {Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Methodological)},
1282         keywords = {belief; lower probability; measurement; upper probability},
1283         localfile = {article/Suppes-1974.pdf},
1284         number = {2},
1285         pages = {160–191},
1286         title = {The measurement of belief},
1287         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2984811},
1288         volume = {36},
1289         year = {1974}
1290 }
1292 @article{Revuz-1956,
1293         author = {André Revuz},
1294         journal = {Annales de l'Institut Fourier},
1295         localfile = {article/Revuz-1956.pdf},
1296         pages = {187–269},
1297         title = {Fonctions croissantes et mesures sur les espaces topologiques ordonnés},
1298         url = {http://www.numdam.org/item?id=AIF_1956__6__187_0},
1299         volume = {6},
1300         year = {1956}
1301 }
1303 @phdthesis{Davison-2002,
1304         abstract = {User-perceived retrieval latencies in the World Wide Web can
1305 be improved by preloading a local cache with resources likely to be accessed. A
1306 user requesting content that can be served by the cache is able to avoid the
1307 delays inherent in the Web, such as congested networks and slow servers. The
1308 difficulty, then, is to determine what content to prefetch into the cache. This
1309 work explores machine learning algorithms for user sequence prediction, both in
1310 general and speciffically for sequences of Web requests. We also consider
1311 information retrieval techniques to allow the use of the content of Web pages to
1312 help predict future requests. Although history-based mechanisms can provide
1313 strong performance in predicting future requests, performance can be improved by
1314 including predictions from additional sources. While past researchers have used
1315 a variety of techniques for evaluating caching algorithms and systems, most of
1316 those methods were not applicable to the evaluation of prefetching algorithms or
1317 systems. Therefore, two new mechanisms for evaluation are introduced. The first
1318 is a detailed trace-based simulator, built from scratch, that estimates
1319 client-side response times in a simulated network of clients, caches, and Web
1320 servers with various connectivity. This simulator is then used to evaluate
1321 various prefetching approaches. The second evaluation method presented is a
1322 novel architecture to simultaneously evaluate multiple proxy caches in a live
1323 network, which we introduce, implement, and demonstrate through experiments. The
1324 simulator is appropriate for evaluation of algorithms and research ideas, while
1325 simultaneous proxy evaluation is ideally suited to implemented systems. We also
1326 consider the present and the future ofWeb prefetching, nding that changes to the
1327 HTTP standard will be required in order for Web prefetching to become
1328 commonplace.},
1329         author = {Brian Douglas Davison},
1330         school = {Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey},
1331         title = {The design and evaluation of web prefetching and caching techniques},
1332         year = {2002}
1333 }
1335 @book{Fiedler-etal-2006-inexactLP,
1336         author = {M. Fiedler and Jiri Nedoma and Jaroslav Ramík and Jiri Rohn and Karel Zimmermann},
1337         publisher = {Springer},
1338         title = {Linear Optimization Problems with Inexact Data},
1339         url = {http://www.nsc.ru/interval/Library/InteBooks/InexactLP.pdf},
1340         year = {2006}
1341 }
1343 @inbook{Avis-2000-lrs,
1344         author = {David Avis},
1345         booktitle = {Polytopes - Combinatorics and Computation},
1346         editor = {Gil Kalai and Günther Ziegler},
1347         pages = {177–198},
1348         publisher = {Birkhäuser},
1349         series = {DMV Seminar},
1350         title = {lrs: A Revised Implementation of the Reverse Search Vertex Enumeration Algorithm},
1351         url = {http://cgm.cs.mcgill.ca/~avis/C/lrs.html},
1352         volume = {29},
1353         year = {2000}
1354 }
1356 @article{Zimmermann-1975,
1357         abstract = {The concept of fuzzy sets is presented as a new tool for the
1358 formulation and solution of systems and decision problems which contain fuzzy
1359 components or fuzzy relationships. After a brief description of the basic theory
1360 of fuzzy sets, implications to systems theory and decision making are indicated.
1361 Fuzzy set theory is then applied to fuzzy linear programming problems and it is
1362 shown how fuzzy linear programming problems can be solved without increasing the
1363 computational effort. Some critical remarks concerning the presently existing
1364 axioms and necessary future research efforts conclude this introductionary
1365 paper.},
1366         author = {Hans-Jürgen Zimmermann},
1367         doi = {10.1080/03081077508960870},
1368         journal = {International Journal of General Systems},
1369         number = {1},
1370         title = {Description and optimization of fuzzy systems},
1371         volume = {2},
1372         year = {1975}
1373 }
1375 @article{Klee-1956,
1376         author = {Victor L. Jr. Klee},
1377         journal = {Mathematica Scandinavica},
1378         localfile = {article/Klee-1956.pdf},
1379         pages = {54–64},
1380         title = {The structure of semispaces},
1381         url = {http://www.mscand.dk/article.php?id=1449},
1382         volume = {4},
1383         year = {1956}
1384 }
1386 @article{DeCooman-2005-order,
1387         annote = {reprint},
1388         author = {Gert {De Cooman}},
1389         doi = {10.1007/s10472-005-9006-x},
1390         journal = {Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence},
1391         keywords = {belief model; belief revision; classical propositional logic; imprecise probability; order theory; possibility measure; system of spheres},
1392         localfile = {article/DeCooman-2005-order.pdf},
1393         number = {1},
1394         pages = {5–34},
1395         publisher = {Springer},
1396         title = {Belief models: An order-theoretic investigation},
1397         volume = {45},
1398         year = {2005}
1399 }
1401 @techreport{Williams-1975,
1402         author = {Peter M. Williams},
1403         booktitle = {International Journal of Approximate Reasoning},
1404         institution = {University of Sussex},
1405         localfile = {techreport/Williams-1975.pdf},
1406         pages = {29},
1407         title = {Notes on conditional previsions},
1408         volume = {44},
1409         year = {1975}
1410 }
1412 @inproceedings{DeCooman-Quaeghebeur-2009-ISIPTA,
1413         address = {Durham, United Kingdom},
1414         author = {Gert {De Cooman} and Erik Quaeghebeur},
1415         booktitle = {ISIPTA '09: Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Imprecise Probabilities: Theories and Applications},
1416         editor = {Thomas Augustin and Frank P. A. Coolen and Serafin Moral and Matthias C. M. Troffaes},
1417         organization = {SIPTA},
1418         pages = {159–168},
1419         title = {Exchangeability for sets of desirable gambles},
1420         year = {2009}
1421 }
1423 @techreport{Nilim-ElGhaoui-2004-robust-Markov,
1424         address = {Berkeley, California},
1425         author = {Arnab Nilim and Laurent {El Ghaoui}},
1426         institution = {Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences},
1427         number = {M04/26},
1428         school = {University of California Berkeley},
1429         title = {Robust Markov Decision Processes with Uncertain Transition Matrices},
1430         type = {UCB ERL MEMO},
1431         year = {2004}
1432 }
1434 @misc{Doumont-2001-writing,
1435         author = {Jean-luc Doumont},
1436         title = {Writing documents},
1437         year = {2001}
1438 }
1440 @article{Shimony-1955,
1441         author = {Abner Shimony},
1442         issn = {0022-4812},
1443         journal = {The Journal of Symbolic Logic},
1444         localfile = {article/Shimony-1955.pdf},
1445         number = {1},
1446         pages = {1–28},
1447         publisher = {Association for Symbolic Logic},
1448         title = {Coherence and the Axioms of Confirmation},
1449         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2268039},
1450         volume = {20},
1451         year = {1955}
1452 }
1454 @book{Acta-Numerica-2004,
1455         editor = {A. Iserles},
1456         publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
1457         title = {Acta Numerica 2004},
1458         year = {2004}
1459 }
1461 @proceedings{IPMU-1996,
1462         booktitle = {Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems: IPMU 96},
1463         title = {Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems: IPMU 96},
1464         year = {1996}
1465 }
1467 @article{Troffaes-2007-decision,
1468         abstract = {Various ways for decision making with imprecise
1469 probabilities—admissibility, maximal expected utility, maximality,
1470 E-admissibility, $\Gamma$-maximax, $\Gamma$-maximin, all of which are well known
1471 from the literature—are discussed and compared. We generalise a well-known
1472 sufficient condition for existence of optimal decisions. A simple numerical
1473 example shows how these criteria can work in practice, and demonstrates their
1474 differences. Finally, we suggest an efficient approach to calculate optimal
1475 decisions under these decision criteria.},
1476         author = {Matthias C. M. Troffaes},
1477         doi = {10.1016/j.ijar.2006.06.001},
1478         journal = {International Journal of Approximate Reasoning},
1479         keywords = {Decision; E-admissibility; Lower prevision; Maximality; Maximin; Optimality; Probability; Uncertainty},
1480         localfile = {article/Troffaes-2007-decision.pdf},
1481         number = {1},
1482         pages = {17–29},
1483         title = {Decision making under uncertainty using imprecise probabilities},
1484         volume = {45},
1485         year = {2007}
1486 }
1488 @book{Floudas-Pardalos-2009,
1489         edition = {2},
1490         editor = {Christodoulos A. Floudas and Panos M. Pardalos},
1491         publisher = {Springer},
1492         series = {Springer Reference},
1493         title = {Encyclopedia of Optimization},
1494         year = {2009}
1495 }
1497 @book{Nuutila-1995-transcl,
1498         author = {Esko Nuutila},
1499         number = {74},
1500         publisher = {Finnish Academy of Technology},
1501         series = {Acta Polytechnica Scandinavica, Mathematics and Computing in Engineering Series},
1502         title = {Efficient Transitive Closure Computation in Large Digraphs},
1503         url = {http://www.cs.hut.fi/~enu/thesis.html},
1504         year = {1995}
1505 }
1507 @article{Connor-Mosimann-1969,
1508         annote = {ook op papier},
1509         author = {Robert J. Connor and James E. Mosimann},
1510         journal = {Journal of the American Statistical Association},
1511         localfile = {article/Conner-Mosimann-1969.pdf},
1512         number = {325},
1513         pages = {194–206},
1514         title = {Concepts of independence for proportions with a generalization of the Dirichlet distribution},
1515         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2283728},
1516         volume = {64},
1517         year = {1969}
1518 }
1520 @inproceedings{Zaffalon-2001,
1521         address = {Ithaca, New York},
1522         author = {Marco Zaffalon},
1523         booktitle = {ISIPTA '01: Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Imprecise Probabilities and Their Applications},
1524         editor = {Gert {De Cooman} and Terrence L. Fine and Teddy Seidenfeld},
1525         pages = {384–393},
1526         publisher = {Shaker Publishing, Maastricht, The Netherlands},
1527         title = {Statistical inference of the naive credal classifier},
1528         year = {2001}
1529 }
1531 @article{Miranda-DeCooman-Quaeghebeur-2007-Hausdorff,
1532         abstract = {We investigate to what extent finitely additive probability
1533 measures on the unit interval are determined by their moment sequence. We do
1534 this by studying the lower envelope of all finitely additive probability
1535 measures with a given moment sequence. Our investigation leads to several
1536 elegant expressions for this lower envelope, and it allows us to conclude that
1537 the information provided by the moments is equivalent to the one given by the
1538 associated lower and upper distribution functions.},
1539         author = {Enrique Miranda and Gert {De Cooman} and Erik Quaeghebeur},
1540         doi = {10.1007/s10959-007-0055-4},
1541         journal = {Journal of Theoretical Probability},
1542         keywords = {Hausdorff moment problem; coherent lower prevision; complete monotonicity; lower distribution function},
1543         localfile = {article/Miranda-DeCooman-Quaeghebeur-2007-Hausdorff.pdf},
1544         number = {3},
1545         pages = {663–693},
1546         title = {The Hausdorff Moment Problem under Finite Additivity},
1547         volume = {20},
1548         year = {2007}
1549 }
1551 @book{Johnson-1924,
1552         address = {Cambridge, United Kingdom},
1553         author = {W. E. Johnson},
1554         publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
1555         title = {Logic, Part III},
1556         year = {1924}
1557 }
1559 @article{Burge-karlin-1997,
1560         author = {Chris Burge and Samuel Karlin},
1561         journal = {Journal of Molecular Biology},
1562         pages = {78–94},
1563         title = {Prediction of Complete gene Structures in Human genomic DNA},
1564         volume = {268},
1565         year = {1997}
1566 }
1568 @book{Kemeny-Snell-Thompson-1974-finitemathintro,
1569         author = {John G. Kemeny and J. Laurie Snell and Gerald L. Thompson},
1570         edition = {3},
1571         publisher = {Prentice-Hall},
1572         title = {Introduction to Finite Mathematics},
1573         year = {1974}
1574 }
1576 @article{Ovaere-Deschrijver-Kerre-2009,
1577         abstract = {In this paper we present a new approach to handle
1578 uncertainty in the Finite Element Method. As this technique is widely used to
1579 tackle real-life design problems, it is also very prone to
1580 parameter-uncertainty. It is hard to make a good decision regarding design
1581 optimization if no claim can be made with respect to the outcome of the
1582 simulation. We propose an approach that combines several techniques in order to
1583 offer a total order on the possible design choices, taking the inherent
1584 fuzziness into account. Additionally we propose a more efficient ordering
1585 procedure to build a total order on fuzzy numbers.},
1586         annote = {ook op papier},
1587         author = {Koen Ovaere and Glad Deschrijver and Etienne E. Kerre},
1588         doi = {10.1007/s12543-009-0002-4},
1589         journal = {Fuzzy Information and Engineering},
1590         keywords = {fuzzy decision making; fuzzy finite element method; fuzzy ordering},
1591         localfile = {article/Ovaere-deschrijver-Kerre-2009.pdf},
1592         number = {1},
1593         pages = {27–36},
1594         publisher = {Springer},
1595         title = {Application of fuzzy decision making to the fuzzy finite element method},
1596         volume = {1},
1597         year = {2009}
1598 }
1600 @book{Brokken-2006,
1601         author = {Frank B. Brokken},
1602         month = sep,
1603         publisher = {University of Groningen},
1604         title = {C++ Annotations},
1605         year = {2006}
1606 }
1608 @book{BarndorffNielsen-1978,
1609         annote = {Geselecteerde delen kopies},
1610         author = {Ole Barndorff-Nielsen},
1611         publisher = {Wiley},
1612         title = {Information and Exponential Families In Statistical Theory},
1613         year = {1978}
1614 }
1616 @article{Harsanyi-1982-comment,
1617         annote = {ook op papier},
1618         author = {John C. Harsanyi},
1619         journal = {Management Science},
1620         localfile = {article/Harsanyi-1982-comment.pdf},
1621         number = {2},
1622         pages = {120–124},
1623         title = {Subjective probability and the theory of games: Comments on Kadane and Larkey's paper},
1624         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2631295},
1625         volume = {28},
1626         year = {1982}
1627 }
1629 @proceedings{IPMU-2004,
1630         booktitle = {Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems: IPMU 2004},
1631         title = {Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems: IPMU 2004},
1632         year = {2004}
1633 }
1635 @article{Wagner-2007-Smith-Walley,
1636         annote = {op papier in Wagnerbundel},
1637         author = {Carl G. Wagner},
1638         doi = {10.1007/s11225-007-9064-7},
1639         journal = {Studia Logica},
1640         localfile = {article/Wagner-2007-Smith-Walley.pdf},
1641         pages = {343–350},
1642         title = {The Smith-Walley Interpretation of Subjective Probability: An Appreciation},
1643         volume = {86},
1644         year = {2007}
1645 }
1647 @book{Davey-Priestley-1990,
1648         author = {B. A. Davey and H. A. Priestley},
1649         publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
1650         series = {Cambridge Mathematical Textbooks},
1651         title = {Introduction to Lattices and Order},
1652         year = {1990}
1653 }
1655 @inproceedings{John-Langley-1995,
1656         author = {George H. John and Pat Langley},
1657         booktitle = {Proceedings of the Eleventh Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI-95)},
1658         editor = {Philippe Besnard and Steve Hanks},
1659         pages = {338–345},
1660         publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann},
1661         title = {Estimating Continuous Distributions in Bayesian Classifiers},
1662         year = {1995}
1663 }
1665 @article{Tanaka-Okuda-Asai-1973,
1666         abstract = {In problems of system analysis, it is customary to treat
1667 imprecision by the use of probability theory. It is becoming increasingly clear,
1668 however, that in the case of many real world problems involving large scale
1669 systems such as economic systems, social systems, mass service systems, etc.,
1670 the major source of imprecision should more properly be labeled 'fuzziness'
1671 rather than 'randomness.' By fuzziness, we mean the type of imprecision which is
1672 associated with the lack of sharp transition from membership to nonmembership,
1673 as in tall men, small numbers, likely events, etc. In this paper our main
1674 concern is with the application of the theory of fuzzy sets to decision problems
1675 involving fuzzy goals and strategies, etc., as defined by R. E. Bellman and L.
1676 A. Zadeh [1]. However, in our approach, the emphasis is on mathematical
1677 programming and the use of the concept of a level set to extend some of the
1678 classical results to problems involving fuzzy constraints and objective
1679 functions.},
1680         author = {Hideo Tanaka and Tetsuji Okuda and Kiyoji Asai},
1681         doi = {10.1080/01969727308545912},
1682         journal = {Cybernetics and Systems: An International Journal},
1683         number = {4},
1684         pages = {37–46},
1685         title = {On Fuzzy-Mathematical Programming},
1686         volume = {3},
1687         year = {1973}
1688 }
1690 @article{Diaconis-Ylvisaker-1979,
1691         abstract = {Let X be a random vector distributed according to an
1692 exponential family with natural parameter $\theta$ ∈ $\Theta$. We characterize
1693 conjugate prior measures on $\Theta$ through the property of linear posterior
1694 expectation of the mean parameter of X : E{E(X|$\theta$)|X = x} = ax + b. We
1695 also delineate which hyperparameters permit such conjugate priors to be
1696 proper.},
1697         annote = {geannoteerde kopie},
1698         author = {Persi Diaconis and Donald Ylvisaker},
1699         doi = {10.1214/aos},
1700         journal = {The Annals of Statistics},
1701         keywords = {Bayes; conjugate priors; linearity of regression},
1702         localfile = {article/Diaconis-Ylvisaker-1979.pdf},
1703         number = {2},
1704         pages = {269–281},
1705         publisher = {Institute of Mathematical Statistics},
1706         title = {Conjugate priors for exponential families},
1707         volume = {7},
1708         year = {1979}
1709 }
1711 @proceedings{ISIPTA-2001,
1712         address = {Ithaca, New York},
1713         booktitle = {ISIPTA '01: Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Imprecise Probabilities and Their Applications},
1714         editor = {Gert {De Cooman} and Terrence L. Fine and Teddy Seidenfeld},
1715         publisher = {Shaker Publishing, Maastricht, The Netherlands},
1716         title = {ISIPTA '01: Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Imprecise Probabilities and Their Applications},
1717         year = {2001}
1718 }
1720 @article{Miranda-Combarro-Gil-2006-extreme,
1721         abstract = {Non-additive measures are a valuable tool to model many
1722 different problems arising in real situations. However, two important
1723 difficulties appear in their practical use: the complexity of the measures and
1724 their identification from sample data. For the first problem, additional
1725 conditions are imposed, leading to different subfamilies of non-additive
1726 measures. Related to the second point, in this paper we study the set of
1727 vertices of some families of non-additive measures, namely k-additive measures
1728 and p-symmetric measures. These extreme points are necessary in order to
1729 properly apply a new method of identification of non-additive measures based on
1730 genetic algorithms, whose cross-over operator is the convex combination. We
1731 solve the problem through techniques of Linear Programming.},
1732         author = {Pedro Miranda and Elías F. Combarro and Pedro Gil},
1733         doi = {10.1016/j.ejor.2005.03.005},
1734         journal = {European Journal of Operational Research},
1735         keywords = {Decision analysis; Genetic algorithms; Linear programming; Multiple criteria analysis; Non-additive measures; Vertices; k-additivity; p-symmetry},
1736         localfile = {article/Miranda-Combarro-Gil-2006-extreme.pdf},
1737         number = {3},
1738         pages = {1865–1884},
1739         title = {Extreme points of some families of non-additive measures},
1740         volume = {174},
1741         year = {2006}
1742 }
1744 @article{Miranda-DeCooman-Couso-2005-multivalued,
1745         abstract = {We discuss how lower previsions induced by multi-valued
1746 mappings fit into the framework of the behavioural theory of imprecise
1747 probabilities, and show how the notions of coherence and natural extension from
1748 that theory can be used to prove and generalise existing results in an elegant
1749 and straightforward manner. This provides a clear example for their explanatory
1750 and unifying power.},
1751         annote = {uitgebreide versie, ook op papier},
1752         author = {Enrique Miranda and Gert {De Cooman} and Inés Couso},
1753         doi = {10.1016/j.jspi.2004.03.005},
1754         journal = {Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference},
1755         keywords = {Coherence; Conditioning; Evidence theory; Imprecise probabilities; Lower inverse; Lower prevision; Multi-valued mapping; Natural extension; Random set},
1756         localfile = {article/Miranda-DeCooman-Couso-2005-multivalued.pdf},
1757         number = {1},
1758         pages = {173–197},
1759         title = {Lower previsions induced by multi-valued mappings},
1760         volume = {133},
1761         year = {2005}
1762 }
1764 @article{Wagner-2003-uniformity-rule,
1765         annote = {op papier in Wagnerbundel},
1766         author = {Carl G. Wagner},
1767         journal = {Erkenntnis},
1768         pages = {349–364},
1769         title = {Commuting probability revisions: the uniformity rule},
1770         volume = {59},
1771         year = {2003}
1772 }
1774 @article{Bruening-Dennenberg-2008-belELP,
1775         abstract = {It is known that the $\sigma$-additive Möbius transform of a
1776 belief function (we prefer to call it belief measure) can be derived from
1777 Choquet's Theorem. One has to show that the extreme points of the compact convex
1778 set of belief measures are the {0,1}-valued belief measures, which are called
1779 filter games as well. A proof is implicit in the famous 1953/54 paper of Choquet
1780 but it is hard to read it. We present a direct proof and – for the sake of
1781 completeness – derive the Möbius transform.},
1782         annote = {explicitation of an implicit result of Choquet-1954},
1783         author = {Martin Brüning and Dieter Denneberg},
1784         doi = {10.1016/j.ijar.2006.11.003},
1785         journal = {International Journal of Approximate Reasoning},
1786         localfile = {article/Bruening-Dennenberg-2007-belELP.pdf},
1787         number = {3},
1788         pages = {670–675},
1789         publisher = {Elsevier},
1790         title = {The extreme points of the set of belief measures},
1791         volume = {48},
1792         year = {2008}
1793 }
1795 @article{Epstein-Seo-2010,
1796         abstract = {The de Finetti Theorem is a cornerstone of the Bayesian
1797 approach. Bernardo (1996, p. 5) writes that its “message is very clear: if a
1798 sequence of observations is judged to be exchangeable, then any subset of them
1799 must be regarded as a random sample from some model, and there exists a prior
1800 distribution on the parameter of such model, hence requiring a Bayesian
1801 approach.” We argue that although exchangeability, interpreted as symmetry of
1802 evidence, is a weak assumption, when combined with subjective expected utility
1803 theory, it also implies complete confidence that experiments are identical. When
1804 evidence is sparse and there is little evidence of symmetry, this implication of
1805 de Finetti's hypotheses is not intuitive. This motivates our adoption of
1806 multiple-priors utility as the benchmark model of preference. We provide two
1807 alternative generalizations of the de Finetti Theorem for this framework. A
1808 model of updating is also provided.},
1809         author = {Larry G. Epstein and Kyoungwon Seo},
1810         doi = {10.3982/TE596},
1811         issn = {1555-7561},
1812         journal = {Theoretical Economics},
1813         keywords = {ambiguity; exchangeability; learning; multiple priors; symmetry; updating},
1814         localfile = {article/Epstein-Seo-2010.pdf},
1815         number = {3},
1816         pages = {313–368},
1817         publisher = {Blackwell Publishing Ltd},
1818         title = {Symmetry of evidence without evidence of symmetry},
1819         volume = {5},
1820         year = {2010}
1821 }
1823 @article{Rho-Tang-Ye-2010,
1824         abstract = {The advances of next-generation sequencing technology have
1825 facilitated metagenomics research that attempts to determine directly the whole
1826 collection of genetic material within an environmental sample (i.e. the
1827 metagenome). Identification of genes directly from short reads has become an
1828 important yet challenging problem in annotating metagenomes, since the assembly
1829 of metagenomes is often not available. Gene predictors developed for whole
1830 genomes (e.g. Glimmer) and recently developed for metagenomic sequences (e.g.
1831 MetaGene) show a significant decrease in performance as the sequencing error
1832 rates increase, or as reads get shorter. We have developed a novel gene
1833 prediction method FragGeneScan, which combines sequencing error models and codon
1834 usages in a hidden Markov model to improve the prediction of protein-coding
1835 region in short reads. The performance of FragGeneScan was comparable to Glimmer
1836 and MetaGene for complete genomes. But for short reads, FragGeneScan
1837 consistently outperformed MetaGene (accuracy improved ~62\% for reads of 400
1838 bases with 1\% sequencing errors, and ~18\% for short reads of 100 bases that
1839 are error free). When applied to metagenomes, FragGeneScan recovered
1840 substantially more genes than MetaGene predicted (>90\% of the genes identified
1841 by homology search), and many novel genes with no homologs in current protein
1842 sequence database.},
1843         author = {Mina Rho and Haixu Tang and Yuzhen Ye},
1844         doi = {10.1093/nar},
1845         journal = {Nucleic Acids Research},
1846         localfile = {article/Rho-Tang-Ye-2010.pdf},
1847         number = {20},
1848         pages = {e191},
1849         title = {FragGeneScan: predicting genes in short and error-prone reads},
1850         volume = {38},
1851         year = {2010}
1852 }
1854 @article{Utkin-Augustin-2007,
1855         abstract = {The paper presents an efficient solution to decision
1856 problems where direct partial information on the distribution of the states of
1857 nature is available, either by observations of previous repetitions of the
1858 decision problem or by direct expert judgements. To process this information we
1859 use a recent generalization of Walley's imprecise Dirichlet model, allowing us
1860 also to handle incomplete observations or imprecise judgements, including
1861 missing data. We derive efficient algorithms and discuss properties of the
1862 optimal solutions with respect to several criteria, including Gamma-maximinity
1863 and E-admissibility. In the case of precise data and pure actions the former
1864 surprisingly leads us to a frequency-based variant of the Hodges–Lehmann
1865 criterion, which was developed in classical decision theory as a compromise
1866 between Bayesian and minimax procedures.},
1867         author = {Lev V. Utkin and Thomas Augustin},
1868         journal = {International Journal of Approximate Reasoning},
1869         keywords = {Belief functions; Coarse data; Decision making; E-admissibility; Imprecise Dirichlet model (IDM); Imprecise probabilities; Incomplete data; Interval probability; Interval statistical models; Missing or set-valued statistical data},
1870         localfile = {article/Utkin-Augustin-2007.pdf},
1871         number = {3},
1872         pages = {322–338},
1873         title = {Decision making under incomplete data using the imprecise Dirichlet model},
1874         volume = {44},
1875         year = {2007}
1876 }
1878 @inproceedings{DeCooman-Troffaes-Miranda-2005,
1879         address = {Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania},
1880         author = {Gert {De Cooman} and Matthias C. M. Troffaes and Enrique Miranda},
1881         booktitle = {ISIPTA '05: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Imprecise Probabilities and Their Applications},
1882         editor = {Fabio Gagliardi Cozman and Robert Nau and Teddy Seidenfeld},
1883         organization = {SIPTA},
1884         pages = {145–154},
1885         title = {n-Monotone lower previsions and lower integrals},
1886         year = {2005}
1887 }
1889 @inproceedings{Fortet-1951,
1890         address = {Paris},
1891         author = {Robert M. Fortet},
1892         booktitle = {Congrès international de philosophie des sciences. 4: Calcul des probabilités},
1893         editor = {Raymond Bayer},
1894         number = {1146},
1895         pages = {35–47},
1896         publisher = {Hermann},
1897         series = {Actualités scientifiques et industrielles},
1898         title = {Faut-il élargir les axiomes du calcul des probabilités?},
1899         year = {1951}
1900 }
1902 @inproceedings{Wilson-Moral-1994,
1903         author = {Nic Wilson and Serafín Moral},
1904         booktitle = {ECAI 94: Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence},
1905         editor = {A. Cohn},
1906         pages = {386–390},
1907         publisher = {John Wiley \& Sons},
1908         title = {A logical view of probability},
1909         year = {1994}
1910 }
1912 @article{Munch-etal-2006,
1913         abstract = {BACKGROUND: Genomic tiling micro arrays have great potential
1914 for identifying previously undiscovered coding as well as non-coding
1915 transcription. To-date, however, analyses of these data have been performed in
1916 an ad hoc fashion. RESULTS: We present a probabilistic procedure, ExpressHMM,
1917 that adaptively models tiling data prior to predicting expression on genomic
1918 sequence. A hidden Markov model (HMM) is used to model the distributions of
1919 tiling array probe scores in expressed and non-expressed regions. The HMM is
1920 trained on sets of probes mapped to regions of annotated expression and
1921 non-expression. Subsequently, prediction of transcribed fragments is made on
1922 tiled genomic sequence. The prediction is accompanied by an expression
1923 probability curve for visual inspection of the supporting evidence. We test
1924 ExpressHMM on data from the Cheng et al. (2005) tiling array experiments on ten
1925 Human chromosomes [1]. Results can be downloaded and viewed from our web site
1926 [2]. CONCLUSION: The value of adaptive modelling of fluorescence scores prior to
1927 categorisation into expressed and non-expressed probes is demonstrated. Our
1928 results indicate that our adaptive approach is superior to the previous analysis
1929 in terms of nucleotide sensitivity and transfrag specificity.},
1930         author = {Kasper Munch and Paul Gardner and Peter Arctander and Anders Krogh},
1931         doi = {10.1186/1471-2105-7-239},
1932         issn = {1471-2105},
1933         journal = {BMC Bioinformatics},
1934         localfile = {article/Munch-etal-2006.pdf},
1935         number = {1},
1936         pages = {239},
1937         publisher = {BioMed Central Ltd},
1938         title = {A hidden Markov model approach for determining expression from genomic tiling micro arrays},
1939         volume = {7},
1940         year = {2006}
1941 }
1943 @phdthesis{Mevel-1997,
1944         author = {Laurent Mevel},
1945         school = {Université de Rennes},
1946         title = {Statistique asymptotique pour les modèles de Markov cachés},
1947         year = {1997}
1948 }
1950 @article{DeCooman-2001,
1951         abstract = {The paper discusses integration and some aspects of
1952 conditioning in numerical possibility theory, where possibility measures have
1953 the behavioural interpretation of upper probabilities, that is, systems of upper
1954 betting rates. In such a context, integration can be used to extend upper
1955 probabilities to upper previsions. It is argued that the role of the fuzzy
1956 integral in this context is limited, as it can only be used to define a coherent
1957 upper prevision if the associated upper probability is 0–1-valued, in which
1958 case it moreover coincides with the Choquet integral. These results are valid
1959 for arbitrary coherent upper probabilities, and therefore also relevant for
1960 possibility theory. It follows from the discussion that in a numerical context,
1961 the Choquet integral is better suited than the fuzzy integral for producing
1962 coherent upper previsions starting from possibility measures. At the same time,
1963 alternative expressions for the Choquet integral associated with a possibility
1964 measure are derived. Finally, it is shown that a possibility measure is fully
1965 conglomerable and satisfies Walley's regularity axiom for conditioning, ensuring
1966 that it can be coherently extended to a conditional possibility measure using
1967 both the methods of natural and regular extension.},
1968         author = {Gert {De Cooman}},
1969         doi = {10.1023/A:1016705331195},
1970         journal = {Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence},
1971         localfile = {article/DeCooman-2001.pdf},
1972         month = aug,
1973         number = {1},
1974         pages = {87–123},
1975         publisher = {Springer},
1976         title = {Integration and conditioning in numerical possibility theory},
1977         volume = {32},
1978         year = {2001}
1979 }
1981 @book{Johnson-Kotz-Balakrishnan-1997,
1982         author = {Norman L. Johnson and Samuel Kotz and N. Balakrishnan},
1983         publisher = {Wiley},
1984         series = {Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics},
1985         title = {Discrete Multivariate Distributions},
1986         year = {1997}
1987 }
1989 @article{Casalis-1996,
1990         abstract = {The present paper describes all the natural exponential
1991 families on \mathbb{R}^d whose variance function is of the form V(m) = am øtimes
1992 m + B(m) + C, with m øtimes m($\theta$) = \langle $\theta$, m \rangle m and B
1993 linear in m. There are 2d + 4 types of such families, which are built from
1994 particular mixtures of families of Normal, Poisson, gamma, hyperbolic on
1995 \mathbb{R}^d and negative-multinomial distributions. The proof of this result
1996 relies mainly on techniques used in the elementary theory of Lie algebras.},
1997         author = {M. Casalis},
1998         doi = {10.1214/aos},
1999         issn = {0090-5364},
2000         journal = {The Annals of Statistics},
2001         keywords = {Morris class; Variance functions},
2002         localfile = {article/Casalis-1996.pdf},
2003         number = {4},
2004         pages = {1828–1854},
2005         publisher = {Institute of Mathematical Statistics},
2006         title = {The 2d+4 simple quadratic natural exponential families on R^d},
2007         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2242752},
2008         volume = {24},
2009         year = {1996}
2010 }
2012 @article{DeCooman-etal-2010,
2013         abstract = {We focus on credal nets, which are graphical models that
2014 generalise Bayesian nets to imprecise probability. We replace the notion of
2015 strong independence commonly used in credal nets with the weaker notion of
2016 epistemic irrelevance, which is arguably more suited for a behavioural theory of
2017 probability. Focusing on directed trees, we show how to combine the given local
2018 uncertainty models in the nodes of the graph into a global model, and we use
2019 this to construct and justify an exact message-passing algorithm that computes
2020 updated beliefs for a variable in the tree. The algorithm, which is linear in
2021 the number of nodes, is formulated entirely in terms of coherent lower
2022 previsions, and is shown to satisfy a number of rationality requirements. We
2023 supply examples of the algorithm's operation, and report an application to
2024 on-line character recognition that illustrates the advantages of our approach
2025 for prediction. We comment on the perspectives, opened by the availability, for
2026 the first time, of a truly efficient algorithm based on epistemic irrelevance.},
2027         author = {Gert {De Cooman} and Filip Hermans and Alessandro Antonucci and Marco Zaffalon},
2028         doi = {10.1016/j.ijar.2010.08.011},
2029         issn = {0888-613X},
2030         journal = {International Journal of Approximate Reasoning},
2031         keywords = {Coherence; Credal net; Epistemic irrelevance; Hidden Markov model; Separation; Strong independence},
2032         localfile = {article/DeCooman-etal-2010.pdf},
2033         number = {9},
2034         pages = {1029–1052},
2035         publisher = {Elsevier},
2036         title = {Epistemic irrelevance in credal nets: the case of imprecise Markov trees},
2037         volume = {51},
2038         year = {2010}
2039 }
2041 @inproceedings{Quaeghebeur-DeCooman-2003-PhDsymp,
2042         address = {Ghent, Belgium},
2043         author = {Erik Quaeghebeur and Gert {De Cooman}},
2044         booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fourth UGent-FTW PhD Symposium},
2045         title = {Command line completion: an illustration of learning and decision making using the imprecise Dirichlet model},
2046         year = {2003}
2047 }
2049 @article{Kadane-Larkey-1982,
2050         annote = {ook op papier},
2051         author = {Joseph B. Kadane and Patrick D. Larkey},
2052         journal = {Management Science},
2053         localfile = {article/Kadane-Larkey-1982.pdf},
2054         number = {2},
2055         pages = {113–120},
2056         title = {Subjective probability and the theory of games},
2057         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2631294},
2058         volume = {28},
2059         year = {1982}
2060 }
2062 @book{Fudenberg-Levine-1998,
2063         annote = {geannoteerde uittreksels},
2064         author = {Drew Fudenberg and David K. Levine},
2065         editor = {Ken Binmore},
2066         number = {2},
2067         publisher = {The MIT Press},
2068         series = {MIT Press Series on Economic Learning and Social Evolution},
2069         title = {The Theory of Learning in Games},
2070         year = {1998}
2071 }
2073 @article{Bellman-Zadeh-1970,
2074         abstract = {By decision-making in a fuzzy environment is meant a
2075 decision process in which the goals and/or the constraints, but not necessarily
2076 the system under control, are fuzzy in nature. This means that the goals and/or
2077 the constraints constitute classes of alternatives whose boundaries are not
2078 sharply defined. An example of a fuzzy constraint is: "The cost of A should not
2079 be substantially higher than $\alpha$," where $\alpha$ is a specified constant.
2080 Similarly, an example of a fuzzy goal is: "$\chi$ should be in the vicinity of
2081 $\chi$0," where $\chi$0 is a constant. The italicized words are the sources of
2082 fuzziness in these examples. Fuzzy goals and fuzzy constraints can be defined
2083 precisely as fuzzy sets in the space of alternatives. A fuzzy decision, then,
2084 may be viewed as an intersection of the given goals and constraints. A
2085 maximizing decision is defined as a point in the space of alternatives at which
2086 the membership function of a fuzzy decision attains its maximum value. The use
2087 of these conc},
2088         author = {R. E. Bellman and L. A. Zadeh},
2089         doi = {10.1287/mnsc.17.4.B141},
2090         issn = {0025-1909},
2091         journal = {Management Science},
2092         localfile = {article/Bellman-Zadeh-1970.pdf},
2093         number = {4},
2094         pages = {141–164},
2095         publisher = {INFORMS},
2096         title = {Decision-making in a fuzzy environment},
2097         volume = {17},
2098         year = {1970}
2099 }
2101 @article{Zaffalon-2002-missing,
2102         abstract = {This paper proposes an exact, no-assumptions approach to
2103 dealing with incomplete sets of multivariate categorical data. An incomplete
2104 data set is regarded as a 1nite collection of complete data sets, and a joint
2105 distribution is obtained from each of them, at a descriptive level. The tools to
2106 simultaneously treat all the possible joint distributions compatible with an
2107 incomplete set of data are given. In particular, a linear description of the set
2108 of distributions is formulated, and it is shown that the computation of bounds
2109 on the expectation of real-valued functions under such distributions is both
2110 possible and efficient, by means of linear programming. Specific algorithms are
2111 also developed whose complexity grows linearly in the number of observations. An
2112 analysis is then carried out to estimate population probabilities from
2113 incomplete multinomial samples. The descriptive tool extends in a
2114 straightforward way to the inferential problem by exploiting Walley s imprecise
2115 Dirichlet model.},
2116         author = {Marco Zaffalon},
2117         doi = {10.1016/S0378-3758(01)00206-3},
2118         journal = {Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference},
2119         keywords = {Belief functions; Credal sets; Flow network; Imprecise Dirichlet model; Imprecise probabilities; Incomplete data; Linear optimization},
2120         localfile = {article/Zaffalon-2002-missing.pdf},
2121         pages = {105–122},
2122         title = {Exact credal treatment of missing data},
2123         url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0378375801002063},
2124         volume = {105},
2125         year = {2002}
2126 }
2128 @inproceedings{Strens-2000,
2129         author = {Malcolm Strens},
2130         booktitle = {Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML-2000)},
2131         title = {A Bayesian Framework for Reinforcement Learning},
2132         year = {2000}
2133 }
2135 @phdthesis{Coolen-1994,
2136         author = {Frank P. A. Coolen},
2137         school = {Technische Universiteit Eindhoven},
2138         title = {Statistical Modelling of Expert Opinions Using Imprecise Probabilities},
2139         year = {1994}
2140 }
2142 @article{DeCooman-Zaffalon-2004-incomplete,
2143         abstract = {Currently, there is renewed interest in the problem, raised
2144 by Shafer in 1985, of updating probabilities when observations are incomplete
2145 (or set-valued). This is a fundamental problem in general, and of particular
2146 interest for Bayesian networks. Recently, Grünwald and Halpern have shown that
2147 commonly used updating strategies fail in this case, except under very special
2148 assumptions. In this paper we propose a new method for updating probabilities
2149 with incomplete observations. Our approach is deliberately conservative: we make
2150 no assumptions about the so-called incompleteness mechanism that associates
2151 complete with incomplete observations. We model our ignorance about this
2152 mechanism by a vacuous lower prevision, a tool from the theory of imprecise
2153 probabilities, and we use only coherence arguments to turn prior into posterior
2154 (updated) probabilities. In general, this new approach to updating produces
2155 lower and upper posterior probabilities and previsions (expectations), as well
2156 as partially determinate decisions. This is a logical consequence of the
2157 existing ignorance about the incompleteness mechanism. As an example, we use the
2158 new updating method to properly address the apparent paradox in the [`]Monty
2159 Hall' puzzle. More importantly, we apply it to the problem of classification of
2160 new evidence in probabilistic expert systems, where it leads to a new, so-called
2161 conservative updating rule. In the special case of Bayesian networks constructed
2162 using expert knowledge, we provide an exact algorithm to compare classes based
2163 on our updating rule, which has linear-time complexity for a class of networks
2164 wider than polytrees. This result is then extended to the more general framework
2165 of credal networks, where computations are often much harder than with Bayesian
2166 nets. Using an example, we show that our rule appears to provide a solid basis
2167 for reliable updating with incomplete observations, when no strong assumptions
2168 about the incompleteness mechanism are justified.},
2169         author = {Gert {De Cooman} and Marco Zaffalon},
2170         doi = {10.1016/j.artint.2004.05.006},
2171         issn = {0004-3702},
2172         journal = {Artificial Intelligence},
2173         keywords = {Incomplete observations; Updating probabilities},
2174         localfile = {article/DeCooman-Zaffalon-2004-incomplete.pdf},
2175         number = {1-2},
2176         pages = {75–125},
2177         publisher = {Elsevier},
2178         title = {Updating beliefs with incomplete observations},
2179         volume = {159},
2180         year = {2004}
2181 }
2183 @article{Liu-Mueller-2003,
2184         author = {Xueli Liu and Hans-Georg Müller},
2185         doi = {10.1093/bioinformatics},
2186         journal = {Bioinformatics},
2187         localfile = {article/Liu-Mueller-2003.pdf},
2188         number = {15},
2189         pages = {1937–1944},
2190         title = {Modes and clustering for time-warped gene expression profile data},
2191         volume = {19},
2192         year = {2003}
2193 }
2195 @book{DeGroot-2004,
2196         annote = {Wiley Classics Library Edition},
2197         author = {Morris H. DeGroot},
2198         publisher = {Wiley},
2199         title = {Optimal Statistical Decisions},
2200         year = {2004}
2201 }
2203 @article{Benaim-Hirsch-1999,
2204         abstract = {Fictitious play in infinitely repeated, randomly perturbed
2205 games is investigated. Dynamical systems theory is used to study the Markov
2206 process {x\_k}, whose state vector x\_k lists the empirical frequencies of
2207 player's actions in the first k games. For 2 × 2 games with countably many Nash
2208 distribution equilibria, we prove that sample paths converge almost surely. But
2209 for Jordan's 3 × 2 matching game, there are robust parameter values giving
2210 probability 0 of convergence. Applications are made to coordination and
2211 anticoordination games and to general theory. Proofs rely on results in
2212 stochastic approximation and dynamical systems.},
2213         annote = {op papier},
2214         author = {Michael Benaïm and Morris W. Hirsch},
2215         doi = {10.1006/game.1999.0717},
2216         issn = {0899-8256},
2217         journal = {Games and Economic Behavior},
2218         month = oct,
2219         number = {1-2},
2220         pages = {36–72},
2221         title = {Mixed Equilibria and Dynamical Systems Arising from Fictitious Play in Perturbed Games},
2222         volume = {29},
2223         year = {1999}
2224 }
2226 @incollection{Brams-Fishburn-1991-altvote,
2227         author = {Steven J. Brams and Peter C. Fishburn},
2228         booktitle = {Political Pareties and Elections in the United States: An Encyclopedia},
2229         editor = {Sandy L Maisel},
2230         pages = {23–31},
2231         publisher = {garland},
2232         title = {Alternative voting systems},
2233         url = {http://bcn.boulder.co.us/government/approvalvote/altvote.html},
2234         volume = {1},
2235         year = {1991}
2236 }
2238 @incollection{Miranda-DeCooman-Quaeghebeur-2008-IPMU2006,
2239         author = {Enrique Miranda and Gert {De Cooman} and Erik Quaeghebeur},
2240         booktitle = {Uncertainty and Intelligent Information Systems},
2241         chapter = {3},
2242         editor = {Bernadette Bouchon-Meunier and R. R. Yager and C. Marsala and M. Rifqi},
2243         pages = {33–45},
2244         publisher = {World Scientific},
2245         title = {The moment problem for finitely additive probabilities},
2246         url = {http://www.worldscibooks.com/compsci/6747.html},
2247         year = {2008}
2248 }
2250 @article{Dubois-Prade-Sabbadin-2001,
2251         author = {Didier Dubois and Henri Prade and Régis Sabbadin},
2252         doi = {10.1016/S0377-2217(99)00473-7},
2253         journal = {European Journal of Operational Research},
2254         keywords = {decision theory; possibility theory; uncertainty},
2255         localfile = {article/Dubois-Prade-Sabbadin-2001.pdf},
2256         pages = {459–478},
2257         title = {Decision-theoretic foundations of qualitative possibility theory},
2258         volume = {128},
2259         year = {2001}
2260 }
2262 @techreport{Hofbauer-1995,
2263         author = {Josef Hofbauer},
2264         institution = {Collegium Budapest},
2265         title = {Stability for the Best Response Dynamics},
2266         year = {1995}
2267 }
2269 @article{Derriennic-1985,
2270         author = {Marie-Madeleine Derriennic},
2271         journal = {Journal of Approximation Theory},
2272         pages = {155–166},
2273         title = {On Multivariate Approximation by Bernstein-Type Polynomials},
2274         volume = {45},
2275         year = {1985}
2276 }
2278 @article{Amara-1995-wavelets,
2279         annote = {op papier},
2280         author = {Amara Graps},
2281         journal = {IEEE Computational Science and Engineering},
2282         number = {2},
2283         publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
2284         title = {An Introduction to Wavelets},
2285         volume = {2},
2286         year = {1995}
2287 }
2289 @inproceedings{Bouckaert-2004,
2290         author = {Remco R. Bouckaert},
2291         booktitle = {AI 2004: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 17th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence},
2292         editor = {Geoffrey I. Webb and Xinghuo Yu},
2293         pages = {1089–1094},
2294         publisher = {Springer},
2295         series = {Lecture Notes in AI},
2296         title = {Naive Bayes Classifiers that Perform Well with Continuous Variables},
2297         year = {2004}
2298 }
2300 @article{Gillett-et-al-2007,
2301         abstract = {This article presents a probabilistic logic whose sentences
2302 can be interpreted as asserting the acceptability of gambles described in terms
2303 of an underlying logic. This probabilistic logic has a concrete syntax and a
2304 complete inference procedure, and it handles conditional as well as
2305 unconditional probabilities. It synthesizes Nilsson's probabilistic logic and
2306 Frisch and Haddawy's anytime inference procedure with Wilson and Moral's logic
2307 of gambles. Two distinct semantics can be used for our probabilistic logic: (1)
2308 the measure-theoretic semantics used by the prior logics already mentioned and
2309 also by the more expressive logic of Fagin, Halpern, and Meggido and (2) a
2310 behavioral semantics. Under the measure-theoretic semantics, sentences of our
2311 probabilistic logic are interpreted as assertions about a probability
2312 distribution over interpretations of the underlying logic. Under the behavioral
2313 semantics, these sentences are interpreted only as asserting the acceptability
2314 of gambles, and this suggests different directions for generalization.},
2315         annote = {Reasoning with Imprecise Probabilities},
2316         author = {Peter R. Gillett and Richard B. Scherl and Glenn Shafer},
2317         doi = {10.1016/j.ijar.2006.07.014},
2318         issn = {0888-613X},
2319         journal = {International Journal of Approximate Reasoning},
2320         keywords = {Anytime deduction; Behavioral semantics; Gambles; Measure–theoretic; Probabilistic logic},
2321         localfile = {article/Gillett-et-al-2007.pdf},
2322         number = {3},
2323         pages = {281–300},
2324         title = {A probabilistic logic based on the acceptability of gambles},
2325         volume = {44},
2326         year = {2007}
2327 }
2329 @article{Zhu-Lomsadze-Borodovsky-2010,
2330         abstract = {We describe an algorithm for gene identification in DNA
2331 sequences derived from shotgun sequencing of microbial communities. Accurate ab
2332 initio gene prediction in a short nucleotide sequence of anonymous origin is
2333 hampered by uncertainty in model parameters. While several machine learning
2334 approaches could be proposed to bypass this difficulty, one effective method is
2335 to estimate parameters from dependencies, formed in evolution, between
2336 frequencies of oligonucleotides in protein-coding regions and genome nucleotide
2337 composition. Original version of the method was proposed in 1999 and has been
2338 used since for (i) reconstructing codon frequency vector needed for gene finding
2339 in viral genomes and (ii) initializing parameters of self-training gene finding
2340 algorithms. With advent of new prokaryotic genomes en masse it became possible
2341 to enhance the original approach by using direct polynomial and logistic
2342 approximations of oligonucleotide frequencies, as well as by separating models
2343 for bacteria and archaea. These advances have increased the accuracy of model
2344 reconstruction and, subsequently, gene prediction. We describe the refined
2345 method and assess its accuracy on known prokaryotic genomes split into short
2346 sequences. Also, we show that as a result of application of the new method,
2347 several thousands of new genes could be added to existing annotations of several
2348 human and mouse gut metagenomes.},
2349         author = {Wenhan Zhu and Alexandre Lomsadze and Mark Borodovsky},
2350         doi = {10.1093/nar},
2351         journal = {Nucleic Acids Research},
2352         number = {12},
2353         pages = {e132},
2354         title = {Ab initio gene identification in metagenomic sequences},
2355         volume = {38},
2356         year = {2010}
2357 }
2359 @techreport{Fink-1995-conjugate-compendium,
2360         address = {Bozeman, Montana},
2361         author = {Daniel Fink},
2362         institution = {Environmental Statistics Group, Department of Biology, Montana State Univeristy},
2363         title = {A Compendium of Conjugate Priors},
2364         url = {http://www.people.cornell.edu/pages/df36/CONJINTRnewTEX.pdf},
2365         year = {1995}
2366 }
2368 @article{Zabell-1992,
2369         abstract = {A major difficulty for currently existing theories of
2370 inductive inference involves the question of what to do when novel, unknown, or
2371 previously unsuspected phenomena occur. In this paper one particular instance of
2372 this difficulty is considered, the so-called sampling of species problem. The
2373 classical probabilistic theories of inductive inference due to Laplace, Johnson,
2374 de Finetti, and Carnap adopt a model of simple enumerative induction in which
2375 there are a prespecified number of types or species which may be observed. But,
2376 realistically, this is often not the case. In 1838 the English mathematician
2377 Augustus De Morgan proposed a modification of the Laplacian model to accommodate
2378 situations where the possible types or species to be observed are not assumed to
2379 be known in advance; but he did not advance a justification for his solution. In
2380 this paper a general philosophical approach to such problems is suggested,
2381 drawing on work of the English mathematician J. F. C. Kingman. It then emerges
2382 that the solution advanced by De Morgan has a very deep, if not totally
2383 unexpected, justification. The key idea is that although lsquoexchangeablersquo
2384 random sequences are the right objects to consider when all possible
2385 outcome-types are known in advance, exchangeable random partitions are the right
2386 objects to consider when they are not. The result turns out to be very
2387 satisfying. The classical theory has several basic elements: a representation
2388 theorem for the general exchangeable sequence (the de Finetti representation
2389 theorem), a distinguished class of sequences (those employing Dirichlet priors),
2390 and a corresponding rule of succession (the continuum of inductive methods). The
2391 new theory has parallel basic elements: a representation theorem for the general
2392 exchangeable random partition (the Kingman representation theorem), a
2393 distinguished class of random partitions (the Poisson-Dirichlet process), and a
2394 rule of succession which corresponds to De Morgan's rule.},
2395         annote = {ook op papier},
2396         author = {Sandy L. Zabell},
2397         doi = {10.1007/BF00485351},
2398         journal = {Synthese},
2399         localfile = {article/Zabell-1992.pdf},
2400         number = {2},
2401         pages = {205–232},
2402         publisher = {Harvard Business School Publication Corp.},
2403         title = {Predicting the unpredictable},
2404         volume = {90},
2405         year = {1992}
2406 }
2408 @article{Inuiguchi-Ramik-2000,
2409         abstract = {In this paper, we review some fuzzy linear programming
2410 methods and techniques from a practical point of view. In the first part, the
2411 general history and the approach of fuzzy mathematical programming are
2412 introduced. Using a numerical example, some models of fuzzy linear programming
2413 are described. In the second part of the paper, fuzzy mathematical programming
2414 approaches are compared to stochastic programming ones. The advantages and
2415 disadvantages of fuzzy mathematical programming approaches are exemplified in
2416 the setting of an optimal portfolio selection problem. Finally, some newly
2417 developed ideas and techniques in fuzzy mathematical programming are briefly
2418 reviewed.},
2419         author = {Masahiro Inuiguchi and Jaroslav Ramík},
2420         doi = {10.1016/S0165-0114(98)00449-7},
2421         issn = {0165-0114},
2422         journal = {Fuzzy Sets and Systems},
2423         keywords = {Fuzzy constraint; Fuzzy goal; Fuzzy mathematical programming; Necessity measure; Portfolio selection; Possibility measure; Simplex method; Stochastic programming},
2424         localfile = {article/Inuiguchi-Ramik-2000.pdf},
2425         number = {1},
2426         pages = {3–28},
2427         title = {Possibilistic linear programming: a brief review of fuzzy mathematical programming and a comparison with stochastic programming in portfolio selection problem},
2428         volume = {111},
2429         year = {2000}
2430 }
2432 @book{Protein-Atlas-1978,
2433         editor = {M. O. Dayhoff},
2434         title = {Atlas of Protein Sequence and Structure},
2435         year = {1978}
2436 }
2438 @article{Hart-MasColell-2001,
2439         author = {Sergiu Hart and Andreu Mas-Colell},
2440         doi = {10.1006/jeth.2000.2746},
2441         journal = {Journal of Economic Theory},
2442         localfile = {article/Hart-MasColell-2001.pdf},
2443         pages = {26–54},
2444         title = {A General Class of Adaptive Strategies},
2445         volume = {98},
2446         year = {2001}
2447 }
2449 @article{Couso-Moral-Walley-2000-independence,
2450         abstract = {Our aim in this paper is to clarify the notion of
2451 independence for imprecise probabilities. Suppose that two marginal experiments
2452 are each described by an imprecise probability model, i.e., by a convex set of
2453 probability distributions or an equivalent model such as upper and lower
2454 probabilities or previsions. Then there are several ways to define independence
2455 of the two experiments and to construct an imprecise probability model for the
2456 joint experiment. We survey and compare six definitions of independence. To
2457 clarify the meaning of the definitions and the relationships between them, we
2458 give simple examples which involve drawing balls from urns. For each concept of
2459 independence, we give a mathematical definition, an intuitive or behavioural
2460 interpretation, assumptions under which the definition is justified, and an
2461 example of an urn model to which the definition is applicable. Each of the
2462 independence concepts we study appears to be useful in some kinds of
2463 application. The concepts of strong independence and epistemic independence
2464 appear to be the most frequently applicable.},
2465         author = {Inés Couso and Serafín Moral and Peter Walley},
2466         doi = {10.1017/S1357530900000156},
2467         journal = {Risk, Decision and Policy},
2468         localfile = {article/Couso-Moral-Walley-2000-independence.pdf},
2469         number = {2},
2470         pages = {165–181},
2471         title = {A survey of concepts of independence for imprecise probabilities},
2472         volume = {5},
2473         year = {2000}
2474 }
2476 @article{DeCooman-2002,
2477         abstract = {Hierarchical models are rather common in uncertainty theory.
2478 They arise when there is a ‘correct’ or ‘ideal’ (the so-called first-order)
2479 uncertainty model about a phenomenon of interest, but the modeler is uncertain
2480 about what it is. The modeler's uncertainty is then called second-order
2481 uncertainty. For most of the hierarchical models in the literature, both the
2482 first- and the second-order models are precise, i.e., they are based on
2483 classical probabilities. In the present paper, I propose a specific hierarchical
2484 model that is imprecise at the second level, which means that at this level,
2485 lower probabilities are used. No restrictions are imposed on the underlying
2486 first-order model: that is allowed to be either precise or imprecise. I argue
2487 that this type of hierarchical model generalizes and includes a number of
2488 existing uncertainty models, such as imprecise probabilities, Bayesian models,
2489 and fuzzy probabilities. The main result of the paper is what I call
2490 precision–imprecision equivalence: the implications of the model for decision
2491 making and statistical reasoning are the same, whether the underlying
2492 first-order model is assumed to be precise or imprecise.},
2493         annote = {reprint},
2494         author = {Gert {De Cooman}},
2495         doi = {10.1016/S0378-3758(01)00209-9},
2496         journal = {Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference},
2497         keywords = {coherence; hierarchical uncertainty model; imprecision; natural extension},
2498         localfile = {article/DeCooman-2002.pdf},
2499         number = {1},
2500         pages = {175–198},
2501         publisher = {Elsevier},
2502         title = {Precision-imprecision equivalence in a broad class of imprecise hierarchical uncertainty models},
2503         volume = {105},
2504         year = {2002}
2505 }
2507 @article{Buehler-1976,
2508         abstract = {De Finetti has defined coherent previsions and coherent
2509 probabilities, and others have described concepts of coherent actions or
2510 coherent decisions. Here we consider a related concept of coherent preferences.
2511 Willingness to accept one side of a bet is an example of a preference. A set of
2512 preferences is called incoherent if reversal of some subset yields a uniform
2513 increase in utility, as with a sure win for a collection of bets. In both
2514 probability and statistical models (where preferences are conditional on data)
2515 separating hyperplane theorems show that coherence implies existence of a
2516 probability measure from which the preferences could have been inferred.
2517 Relationships to confidence intervals and to decision theory are indicated. No
2518 single definition of coherence is given which covers all cases of interest. The
2519 various cases distinguish between probability and statistical models and between
2520 finite and infinite spaces. No satisfactory theory is given for continuous
2521 statistical models.},
2522         annote = {ook op papier},
2523         author = {Robert J. Buehler},
2524         doi = {10.1214/aos},
2525         issn = {0090-5364},
2526         journal = {The Annals of Statistics},
2527         localfile = {article/Buehler-1976.pdf},
2528         number = {6},
2529         pages = {1051–1064},
2530         publisher = {Institute of Mathematical Statistics},
2531         title = {Coherent preferences},
2532         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2958578},
2533         volume = {4},
2534         year = {1976}
2535 }
2537 @book{Michie-Spiegelhalter-Taylor-1994,
2538         editor = {D. Michie and D. J. Spiegelhalter and C. C. Taylor},
2539         title = {Machine Learning, Neural and Statistical Classification},
2540         url = {http://www.amsta.leeds.ac.uk/~charles/statlog},
2541         year = {1994}
2542 }
2544 @article{Kadane-Larkey-1982-reply,
2545         annote = {ook op papier},
2546         author = {Joseph B. Kadane and Patrick D. Larkey},
2547         doi = {10.1287/mnsc.28.2.124},
2548         journal = {Management Science},
2549         localfile = {article/Kadane-Larkey-1982-reply.pdf},
2550         number = {2},
2551         pages = {124},
2552         publisher = {INFORMS},
2553         title = {Reply to Professor Harsanyi},
2554         url = {http://repository.cmu.edu/statistics/38},
2555         volume = {28},
2556         year = {1982}
2557 }
2559 @article{Zaffalon-Fagiuoli-2003,
2560         abstract = {Bayesian networks are models for uncertain reasoning which
2561 are achieving a growing importance also for the data mining task of
2562 classification. Credal networks extend Bayesian nets to sets of distributions,
2563 or credal sets. This paper extends a state-of-the-art Bayesian net for
2564 classification, called tree-augmented naive Bayes classifier, to credal sets
2565 originated from probability intervals. This extension is a basis to address the
2566 fundamental problem of prior ignorance about the distribution that generates the
2567 data, which is a commonplace in data mining applications. This issue is often
2568 neglected, but addressing it properly is a key to ultimately draw reliable
2569 conclusions from the inferred models. In this paper we formalize the new model,
2570 develop an exact linear-time classification algorithm, and evaluate the credal
2571 net-based classifier on a number of real data sets. The empirical analysis shows
2572 that the new classifier is good and reliable, and raises a problem of excessive
2573 caution that is discussed in the paper. Overall, given the favorable trade-off
2574 between expressiveness and efficient computation, the newly proposed classifier
2575 appears to be a good candidate for the wide-scale application of reliable
2576 classifiers based on credal networks, to real and complex tasks.},
2577         author = {Marco Zaffalon and Enrico Fagiuoli},
2578         doi = {10.1023/A:1025822321743},
2579         journal = {Reliable Computing},
2580         number = {6},
2581         pages = {487–509},
2582         title = {Tree-Based Credal Networks for Classification},
2583         volume = {9},
2584         year = {2003}
2585 }
2587 @article{BenTal-Nemirovski-2002,
2588         abstract = {Robust Optimization (RO) is a modeling methodology, combined
2589 with computational tools, to process optimization problems in which the data are
2590 uncertain and is only known to belong to some uncertainty set. The paper surveys
2591 the main results of RO as applied to uncertain linear, conic quadratic and
2592 semidefinite programming. For these cases, computationally tractable robust
2593 counterparts of uncertain problems are explicitly obtained, or good
2594 approximations of these counterparts are proposed, making RO a useful tool for
2595 real-world applications. We discuss some of these applications, specifically:
2596 antenna design, truss topology design and stability analysis/synthesis in
2597 uncertain dynamic systems. We also describe a case study of 90 LPs from the
2598 NETLIB collection. The study reveals that the feasibility properties of the
2599 usual solutions of real world LPs can be severely affected by small
2600 perturbations of the data and that the RO methodology can be successfully used
2601 to overcome this phenomenon.},
2602         author = {Aharon Ben-Tal and Arkadi Nemirovski},
2603         doi = {10.1007/s101070100286},
2604         issn = {0025-5610},
2605         journal = {Mathematical Programming},
2606         localfile = {article/BenTal-Nemirovski-2002.pdf},
2607         number = {3},
2608         pages = {453–480},
2609         publisher = {Springer},
2610         title = {Robust optimization – methodology and applications},
2611         volume = {92},
2612         year = {2002}
2613 }
2615 @article{Morris-1982,
2616         author = {Carl N. Morris},
2617         doi = {10.1214/aos},
2618         journal = {The Annals of Statistics},
2619         localfile = {article/Morris-1982.pdf},
2620         number = {1},
2621         pages = {65–80},
2622         publisher = {Institute of Mathematical Statistics},
2623         title = {Natural exponential families with quadratic variance functions},
2624         volume = {10},
2625         year = {1982}
2626 }
2628 @article{Krogh-etal-1994,
2629         abstract = {Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) are applied to the problems of
2630 statistical modeling, database searching and multiple sequence alignment of
2631 protein families and protein domains. These methods are demonstrated on the
2632 globin family, the protein kinase catalytic domain, and the EF-hand calcium
2633 binding motif. In each case the parameters of an HMM are estimated from a
2634 training set of unaligned sequences. After the HMM is built, it is used to
2635 obtain a multiple alignment of all the training sequences. It is also used to
2636 search the SWISS-PROT 22 database for other sequences that are members of the
2637 given protein family, or contain the given domain. The HMM produces multiple
2638 alignments of good quality that agree closely with the alignments produced by
2639 programs that incorporate three-dimensional structural information. When
2640 employed in discrimination tests (by examining how closely the sequences in a
2641 database fit the globin, kinase and EF-hand HMMs), the HMM is able to
2642 distinguish members of these families from non-members with a high degree of
2643 accuracy. Both the HMM and PROFILESEARCH (a technique used to search for
2644 relationships between a protein sequence and multiply aligned sequences) perform
2645 better in these tests than PROSITE (a dictionary of sites and patterns in
2646 proteins). The HMM appears to have a slight advantage over PROFILESEARCH in
2647 terms of lower rates of false negatives and false positives, even though the HMM
2648 is trained using only unaligned sequences, whereas PROFILESEARCH requires
2649 aligned training sequences. Our results suggest the presence of an EF-hand
2650 calcium binding motif in a highly conserved and evolutionary preserved putative
2651 intracellular region of 155 residues in the [alpha]-1 subunit of L-type calcium
2652 channels which play an important role in excitation-contraction coupling. This
2653 region has been suggested to contain the functional domains that are typical or
2654 essential for all L-type calcium channels regardless of whether they couple to
2655 ryanodine receptors, conduct ions or both.},
2656         author = {Anders Krogh and Michael Brown and I. Saira Mian and Kimmen Sjölander and David Haussler},
2657         doi = {10.1006/jmbi.1994.1104},
2658         issn = {0022-2836},
2659         journal = {Journal of Molecular Biology},
2660         keywords = {EF-hand; globin; hidden Markov models; kinase},
2661         localfile = {article/Krogh-etal-1994.pdf},
2662         number = {5},
2663         pages = {1501–1531},
2664         title = {Hidden Markov models in computational biology: Applications to protein modeling},
2665         volume = {235},
2666         year = {1994}
2667 }
2669 @article{Diaconis-Freedman-1980-partial-xch,
2670         author = {Persi Diaconis and D. Freedman},
2671         doi = {10.1214/aop},
2672         journal = {The Annals of Probability},
2673         localfile = {article/Diaconis-Freedman-1980-partial-xch.pdf},
2674         number = {1},
2675         pages = {115–130},
2676         title = {De Finetti's theorem for Markov chains},
2677         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2243063},
2678         volume = {8},
2679         year = {1980}
2680 }
2682 @techreport{Murphy-2001-graphical,
2683         author = {Kevin P. Murphy},
2684         institution = {University of British Columbia},
2685         title = {An introduction to graphical models},
2686         url = {http://people.cs.ubc.ca/~murphyk/Papers/intro_gm.pdf},
2687         year = {2001}
2688 }
2690 @book{Huzurbazar-1976,
2691         address = {New York},
2692         author = {Vasant S. Huzurbazar},
2693         editor = {Anant M. Kshirsagar},
2694         publisher = {Marcel Dekker},
2695         series = {Statistics: Textbooks and Monographs},
2696         title = {Sufficient Statistics: Selected Contributions},
2697         volume = {19},
2698         year = {1976}
2699 }
2701 @article{Kadane-Schervish-Seidenfeld-1996,
2702         abstract = {When can a Bayesian select an hypothesis H and design an
2703 experiment (or a sequence of experiments) to make certain that, given the
2704 experimental outcome(s), the posterior probability of H will be greater than its
2705 prior probability? We discuss an elementary result that establishes sufficient
2706 conditions under which this reasoning to a foregone conclusion cannot occur. We
2707 illustrate how when the sufficient conditions fail, because probability is
2708 finitely but not countably additive, it may be that a Bayesian can design an
2709 experiment to lead his/her posterior probability into a foregone conclusion. The
2710 problem has a decision theoretic version in which a Bayesian might rationally
2711 pay not to see the outcome of certain cost-free experiments, which we discuss
2712 from several perspectives. Also, we relate this issue in Bayesian hypothesis
2713 testing to various concerns about "optional stopping."},
2714         author = {Joseph B. Kadane and Mark J. Schervish and Teddy Seidenfeld},
2715         issn = {0162-1459},
2716         journal = {Journal of the American Statistical Association},
2717         keywords = {coherence; finite additivity; sequential tests; stopping rules; value of information},
2718         localfile = {article/Kadane-Schervish-Seidenfeld-1996-foregone.pdf},
2719         month = sep,
2720         number = {435},
2721         pages = {1228–1235},
2722         publisher = {American Statistical Association},
2723         title = {Reasoning to a foregone conclusion},
2724         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2291741},
2725         volume = {91},
2726         year = {1996}
2727 }
2729 @inproceedings{Quaeghebeur-DeCooman-2003-games,
2730         address = {Waterloo, Ontario, Canada},
2731         author = {Erik Quaeghebeur and Gert {De Cooman}},
2732         booktitle = {ISIPTA '03: Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Imprecise Probabilities and Their Applications},
2733         editor = {Jean-Marc Bernard and Teddy Seidenfeld and Marco Zaffalon},
2734         location = {Lugano, Switzerland},
2735         pages = {452–466},
2736         publisher = {Carleton Scientific},
2737         series = {Proceedings in Informatics},
2738         title = {Game-Theoretic Learning Using the Imprecise Dirichlet Model},
2739         volume = {18},
2740         year = {2003}
2741 }
2743 @article{Moral-2005-desir,
2744         abstract = {This paper studies graphoid properties for epistemic
2745 irrelevance in sets of desirable gambles. For that aim, the basic operations of
2746 conditioning and marginalization are expressed in terms of variables. Then, it
2747 is shown that epistemic irrelevance is an asymmetric graphoid. The intersection
2748 property is verified in probability theory when the global probability
2749 distribution is positive in all the values. Here it is always verified due to
2750 the handling of zero probabilities in sets of gambles. An asymmetrical
2751 D-separation principle is also presented, by which this type of independence
2752 relationships can be represented in directed acyclic graphs.},
2753         annote = {ook op papier},
2754         author = {Serafín Moral},
2755         doi = {10.1007/s10472-005-9011-0},
2756         journal = {Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence},
2757         keywords = {Desirable gambles; conditioning; epistemic independence; epistemic irrelevance; imprecise probabilities},
2758         localfile = {article/Moral-2005-desir.pdf},
2759         pages = {197–214},
2760         title = {Epistemic irrelevance on sets of desirable gambles},
2761         volume = {45},
2762         year = {2005}
2763 }
2765 @techreport{Schervish-Seidenfeld-Kadane-1998,
2766         author = {Mark J. Schervish and Teddy Seidenfeld and Joseph B. Kadane},
2767         institution = {Carnegie Mellon University},
2768         number = {660},
2769         title = {Two Measures of Incoherence: How Not to Gamble If You Must},
2770         url = {http://www.stat.cmu.edu/tr/tr660/tr660.html},
2771         year = {1998}
2772 }
2774 @article{Buckley-Qu-1991,
2775         author = {J. J. Buckley and Y. Qu},
2776         doi = {10.1016/0165-0114(91)90019-M},
2777         journal = {Fuzzy Sets and Systems},
2778         keywords = {algebra; fuzzy number},
2779         localfile = {article/Buckley-Qu-1991.pdf},
2780         number = {1},
2781         pages = {33–43},
2782         publisher = {Elsevier},
2783         title = {Solving systems of linear fuzzy equations},
2784         volume = {43},
2785         year = {1991}
2786 }
2788 @article{Dyer-1983,
2789         abstract = {The computational complexity of problems relating to the
2790 enumeration of all the vertices of a convex polyhedron defined by linear
2791 inequalities is examined. Several published approaches are evaluated in this
2792 light. A new algorithm is described, and shown to have a better complexity
2793 estimate than existing methods. Empirical evidence supporting the theoretical
2794 superiority is presented. Finally vertex enumeration is discussed when the space
2795 containing the polyhedra is of fixed dimension and only the size of the
2796 inequality system is permitted to vary.},
2797         author = {M. E. Dyer},
2798         issn = {0364-765X},
2799         journal = {Mathematics of Operations Research},
2800         localfile = {article/Dyer-1983.pdf},
2801         number = {3},
2802         pages = {381–402},
2803         publisher = {INFORMS},
2804         title = {The complexity of vertex enumeration methods},
2805         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/3689308},
2806         volume = {8},
2807         year = {1983}
2808 }
2810 @phdthesis{Quaeghebeur-2010-phd,
2811         author = {Liesbet Quaeghebeur},
2812         school = {Universiteit Antwerpen},
2813         title = {A Philosophy of Everyday, Face-to-face Conversation},
2814         year = {2010}
2815 }
2817 @book{Dubois-Prade-1988,
2818         address = {Paris},
2819         author = {Didier Dubois and Henri Prade},
2820         edition = {2},
2821         publisher = {Masson},
2822         title = {Théorie des possibilités: applications à la représentation des connaissances en informatique},
2823         year = {1988}
2824 }
2826 @article{Soyster-1973,
2827         abstract = {This note formulates a convex mathematical programming
2828 problem in which the usual definition of the feasible region is replaced by a
2829 significantly different strategy. Instead of specifying the feasible region by a
2830 set of convex inequalities, fi(x)≤ bi, i=1,2,⋯,m, the feasible region is defined
2831 via set containment. Here n convex activity sets {Kj, j=1,2,⋯,n} and a convex
2832 resource set K are specified and the feasible region is given by X={x ∈
2833 R^{n}|x\_{1}K\_{1}+x\_{2}K\_{2}+⋯ +x\_{n}K\_{n}\subseteq K,\ x\_{j}\geq 0},
2834 where the binary operation + refers to addition of sets. The problem is then to
2835 find x∈ X that maximizes the linear function c· x. When the resource set has a
2836 special form, this problem is solved via an auxiliary linear-programming problem
2837 and application to inexact linear programming is possible.},
2838         author = {A.L. L. Soyster},
2839         issn = {0030-364X},
2840         journal = {Operations Research},
2841         localfile = {article/Soyster-1973.pdf},
2842         number = {5},
2843         pages = {1154–1157},
2844         publisher = {INFORMS},
2845         title = {Convex programming with set-inclusive constraints and applications to inexact linear programming},
2846         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/168933},
2847         volume = {21},
2848         year = {1973}
2849 }
2851 @article{GutierrezPena-Smith-1997-review,
2852         author = {Eduardo Gutiérrez-Peña and Adrian F. M. Smith},
2853         doi = {10.1007/BF02564426},
2854         journal = {Test},
2855         localfile = {article/GutierrezPena-Smith-1997-review.pdf},
2856         number = {1},
2857         pages = {1–90},
2858         publisher = {Springer},
2859         title = {Exponential and Bayesian conjugate families: review and extensions},
2860         volume = {6},
2861         year = {1997}
2862 }
2864 @article{vonNeumann-1928,
2865         author = {John von Neumann},
2866         doi = {10.1007/BF01448847},
2867         journal = {Mathematische Annalen},
2868         localfile = {article/vonNeumann-1928.pdf},
2869         number = {1},
2870         pages = {295–320},
2871         title = {Zur Theorie der Gesellschaftsspiele},
2872         volume = {100},
2873         year = {1928}
2874 }
2876 @inproceedings{Miranda-Troffaes-destercke-2008-SMPS,
2877         annote = {extended version on paper; available from authors},
2878         author = {Enrique Miranda and Matthias C. M. Troffaes and Sébastien Destercke},
2879         booktitle = {SMPS},
2880         doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-85027-4_29},
2881         editor = {Didier Dubois and María Asunción Lubiano and Henri Prade and María Angeles Gil and Przemysław Grzegorzewski and Olgierd Hryniewicz},
2882         isbn = {978-3-540-85026-7},
2883         pages = {235–242},
2884         publisher = {Springer},
2885         series = {Advances in Soft Computing},
2886         title = {Generalised p-Boxes on Totally Ordered Spaces},
2887         volume = {48},
2888         year = {2008}
2889 }
2891 @techreport{Fioretti-2001-Shackle,
2892         abstract = {Evidence Theory is a branch of mathematics that concerns the
2893 combination of empirical evidence in an individual's mind in order to construct
2894 a coherent picture of reality. Designed to deal with unexpected empirical
2895 evidence suggesting new possibilities, evidence theory has a lot in common with
2896 Shackle's idea of decision-making as a creative act. This essay investigates
2897 this connection in detail, pointing to the usefulness of evidence theory to
2898 formalise and extend Shackle's decision theory. In order to ease a proper
2899 framing of the issues involved, evidence theory is not only compared with
2900 Shackle's ideas but also with additive and sub-additive probability theories.
2901 Furthermore, the presentation of evidence theory does not refer to the original
2902 version only, but takes account of its most recent developments, too.},
2903         author = {Guido Fioretti},
2904         institution = {Università di Firenze and ICER, Torino},
2905         title = {A mathematical theory of evidence for G. L. S. Shackle},
2906         year = {2001}
2907 }
2909 @phdthesis{Kriegler-2005,
2910         author = {Elmar Kriegler},
2911         school = {Universität Potsdam},
2912         title = {Imprecise Probability Analysis for Integrated Assessment of Climate Change},
2913         year = {2005}
2914 }
2916 @inproceedings{Williams-1974,
2917         author = {Peter M. Williams},
2918         booktitle = {Formal methods in the methodology of empirical sciences: Proceedings of the conference for formal methods in the methodology of empirical sciences},
2919         editor = {Marian Przełęcki and Klemens Szaniawski and Ryszard Wójcicki},
2920         pages = {229–246},
2921         publisher = {D. Reidel Publishing Company and Ossolineum Publishing company},
2922         title = {Indeterminate probabilities},
2923         year = {1974}
2924 }
2926 @article{Antonucci-Zaffalon-2008,
2927         abstract = {Credal networks are models that extend Bayesian nets to deal
2928 with imprecision in probability, and can actually be regarded as sets of
2929 Bayesian nets. Credal nets appear to be powerful means to represent and deal
2930 with many important and challenging problems in uncertain reasoning. We give
2931 examples to show that some of these problems can only be modeled by credal nets
2932 called non-separately specified. These, however, are still missing a graphical
2933 representation language and updating algorithms. The situation is quite the
2934 opposite with separately specified credal nets, which have been the subject of
2935 much study and algorithmic development. This paper gives two major
2936 contributions. First, it delivers a new graphical language to formulate any type
2937 of credal network, both separately and non-separately specified. Second, it
2938 shows that any non-separately specified net represented with the new language
2939 can be easily transformed into an equivalent separately specified net, defined
2940 over a larger domain. This result opens up a number of new outlooks and concrete
2941 outcomes: first of all, it immediately enables the existing algorithms for
2942 separately specified credal nets to be applied to non-separately specified ones.
2943 We explore this possibility for the 2U algorithm: an algorithm for exact
2944 updating of singly connected credal nets, which is extended by our results to a
2945 class of non-separately specified models. We also consider the problem of
2946 inference on Bayesian networks, when the reason that prevents some of the
2947 variables from being observed is unknown. The problem is first reformulated in
2948 the new graphical language, and then mapped into an equivalent problem on a
2949 separately specified net. This provides a first algorithmic approach to this
2950 kind of inference, which is also proved to be NP-hard by similar transformations
2951 based on our formalism.},
2952         author = {Alessandro Antonucci and Marco Zaffalon},
2953         doi = {10.1016/j.ijar.2008.02.005},
2954         issn = {0888-613X},
2955         journal = {International Journal of Approximate Reasoning},
2956         keywords = {Bayesian networks; Conservative inference rule; Conservative updating; Credal networks; Credal sets; Imprecise probabilities; Probabilistic graphical models},
2957         localfile = {article/Antonucci-Zaffalon-2008.pdf},
2958         number = {2},
2959         pages = {345–361},
2960         title = {Decision-theoretic specification of credal networks: A unified language for uncertain modeling with sets of Bayesian networks},
2961         volume = {49},
2962         year = {2008}
2963 }
2965 @article{Kschischang-Frey-Loeliger-2001,
2966         abstract = {Algorithms that must deal with complicated global functions
2967 of many variables often exploit the manner in which the given functions factor
2968 as a product of ldquo;local rdquo; functions, each of which depends on a subset
2969 of the variables. Such a factorization can be visualized with a bipartite graph
2970 that we call a factor graph, In this tutorial paper, we present a generic
2971 message-passing algorithm, the sum-product algorithm, that operates in a factor
2972 graph. Following a single, simple computational rule, the sum-product algorithm
2973 computes-either exactly or approximately-various marginal functions derived from
2974 the global function. A wide variety of algorithms developed in artificial
2975 intelligence, signal processing, and digital communications can be derived as
2976 specific instances of the sum-product algorithm, including the forward/backward
2977 algorithm, the Viterbi algorithm, the iterative ldquo;turbo rdquo; decoding
2978 algorithm, Pearl's (1988) belief propagation algorithm for Bayesian networks,
2979 the Kalman filter, and certain fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithms},
2980         author = {F. R. Kschischang and B. J. Frey and H.-A. Loeliger},
2981         doi = {10.1109/18.910572},
2982         issn = {0018-9448},
2983         journal = {IEEE Transactions on Information Theory},
2984         keywords = {Bayesian networks; FFT algorithms; HMM; Kalman filter; Kalman filters; Viterbi algorithm; Viterbi decoding; artificial intelligence; belief networks; belief propagation algorithm; bipartite graph; computational rule; digital communication; digital communications; factor graphs; factorization; fast Fourier transform; fast Fourier transforms; forward/backward algorithm; functional analysis; generic message-passing algorithm; global function; global functions; graph theory; hidden Markov models; iterative decoding; iterative turbo decoding algorithm; local functions; marginal functions; message passing; signal processing; sum-product algorithm; turbo codes},
2985         localfile = {article/Kschischang-Frey-Loeliger-2001.pdf},
2986         number = {2},
2987         pages = {498–519},
2988         title = {Factor graphs and the sum-product algorithm},
2989         volume = {47},
2990         year = {2001}
2991 }
2993 @article{Seidenfeld-1985,
2994         abstract = {Can there be good reasons for judging one set of
2995 probabilistic assertions more reliable than a second? There are many candidates
2996 for measuring "goodness" of probabilistic forecasts. Here, I focus on one such
2997 aspirant: calibration. Calibration requires an alignment of announced
2998 probabilities and observed relative frequency, e.g., 50 percent of forecasts
2999 made with the announced probability of .5 occur, 70 percent of forecasts made
3000 with probability .7 occur, etc. To summarize the conclusions: (i) Surveys
3001 designed to display calibration curves, from which a recalibration is to be
3002 calculated, are useless without due consideration for the interconnections
3003 between questions (forecasts) in the survey. (ii) Subject to feedback,
3004 calibration in the long run is otiose. It gives no ground for validating one
3005 coherent opinion over another as each coherent forecaster is (almost) sure of
3006 his own long-run calibration. (iii) Calibration in the short run is an
3007 inducement to hedge forecasts. A calibration score, in the short run, is
3008 improper. It gives the forecaster reason to feign violation of total evidence by
3009 enticing him to use the more predictable frequencies in a larger finite
3010 reference class than that directly relevant.},
3011         author = {Teddy Seidenfeld},
3012         journal = {Philosophy of Science},
3013         localfile = {article/Seidenfeld-1985.pdf},
3014         number = {2},
3015         pages = {274–294},
3016         title = {Calibration, coherence, and scoring rules},
3017         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/187511},
3018         volume = {52},
3019         year = {1985}
3020 }
3022 @book{DeFinetti-1970-book,
3023         author = {Bruno de Finetti},
3024         publisher = {Giulio Einaudi},
3025         title = {Teoria Delle Probabilità},
3026         year = {1970}
3027 }
3029 @article{Avis-Fukuda-1992,
3030         author = {David Avis and Komei Fukuda},
3031         doi = {10.1007/BF02293050},
3032         journal = {Discrete \& Computational Geometry},
3033         localfile = {article/Avis-Fukuda-1992.pdf},
3034         number = {1},
3035         pages = {295–313},
3036         publisher = {Springer},
3037         title = {A pivoting algorithm for convex hulls and vertex enumeration of arrangements and polyhedra},
3038         url = {http://www.digizeitschriften.de/dms/img/?PPN=GDZPPN000365548},
3039         volume = {8},
3040         year = {1992}
3041 }
3043 @article{Georgakopoulos-Kavvadias-Papadimitriou-1988,
3044         annote = {ook op papier},
3045         author = {George Georgakopoulos and Dimitris Kavvadias and Christos H. Papadimitriou},
3046         doi = {10.1016/0885-064X(88)90006-4},
3047         journal = {Journal of Complexity},
3048         localfile = {article/Georgakopoulos-Kavvadias-Papadimitriou-1988.pdf},
3049         number = {1},
3050         pages = {1–11},
3051         publisher = {Elsevier},
3052         title = {Probabilistic satisfiability},
3053         volume = {4},
3054         year = {1988}
3055 }
3057 @incollection{Jimenez-etal-2005,
3058         author = {F. Jiménez and G. Sánchez and J. Cadenas and A. Gómez-Skarmeta and J. Verdegay},
3059         booktitle = {Computational Intelligence, Theory and Applications},
3060         doi = {10.1007/3-540-31182-3_66},
3061         editor = {Bernd Reusch},
3062         isbn = {978-3-540-22807-3},
3063         localfile = {incollection/Jimenez-etal-2005.pdf},
3064         pages = {713–722},
3065         publisher = {Springer},
3066         series = {Advances in Soft Computing},
3067         title = {Nonlinear Optimization with Fuzzy Constraints by Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms},
3068         volume = {33},
3069         year = {2005}
3070 }
3072 @article{Ide-Cozman-2008,
3073         abstract = {This paper presents a family of algorithms for approximate
3074 inference in credal networks (that is, models based on directed acyclic graphs
3075 and set-valued probabilities) that contain only binary variables. Such networks
3076 can represent incomplete or vague beliefs, lack of data, and disagreements among
3077 experts; they can also encode models based on belief functions and possibilistic
3078 measures. All algorithms for approximate inference in this paper rely on exact
3079 inferences in credal networks based on polytrees with binary variables, as these
3080 inferences have polynomial complexity. We are inspired by approximate algorithms
3081 for Bayesian networks; thus the Loopy 2U algorithm resembles Loopy Belief
3082 Propagation, while the Iterated Partial Evaluation and Structured Variational 2U
3083 algorithms are, respectively, based on Localized Partial Evaluation and
3084 variational techniques.},
3085         author = {Jaime Shinsuke Ide and Fabio Gagliardi Cozman},
3086         doi = {10.1016/j.ijar.2007.09.003},
3087         issn = {0888-613X},
3088         journal = {International Journal of Approximate Reasoning},
3089         keywords = {2U algorithm; Credal networks; Loopy Belief Propagation; Variational methods},
3090         localfile = {article/Ide-Cozman-2008.pdf},
3091         number = {1},
3092         pages = {275–296},
3093         title = {Approximate algorithms for credal networks with binary variables},
3094         volume = {48},
3095         year = {2008}
3096 }
3098 @article{Milne-1993,
3099         abstract = {Taking as starting point two familiar interpretations of
3100 probability, we develop these in a perhaps unfamiliar way to arrive ultimately
3101 at an improbable claim concerning the proper axiomatization of probability
3102 theory: the domain of definition of a point-valued probability distribution is
3103 an orthomodular partially ordered set. Similar claims have been made in the
3104 light of quantum mechanics but here the motivation is intrinsically
3105 probabilistic. This being so the main task is to investigate what light, if any,
3106 this sheds on quantum mechanics. In particular it is important to know under
3107 what conditions these point-valued distributions can be thought of as derived
3108 from distribution-pairs of upper and lower probabilities on boolean algebras.
3109 Generalising known results this investigation unsurprisingly proves unrewarding.
3110 In the light of this failure the next topic investigated is how these
3111 generalized probability distributions are to be interpreted.},
3112         author = {Peter Milne},
3113         doi = {10.1007/BF01049259},
3114         journal = {Journal of Philosophical Logic},
3115         pages = {129–168},
3116         title = {The foundations of probability and quantum mechanics},
3117         volume = {22},
3118         year = {1993}
3119 }
3121 @article{Dietzenbacher-1994-Perron-Frobenius,
3122         abstract = {The dominant eigenvalue and the corresponding eigenvector
3123 (or Perron vector) of a non-linear eigensystem are considered. We discuss the
3124 effects upon these, of perturbations and of aggregation of the underlying
3125 mapping. The results are applied to study the sensitivity of the outputs in a
3126 non-linear input-output model. For that purpose, it is shown that the
3127 input-output model can be rewritten as a non-linear eigensystem. It turns out
3128 that the Perron vector of this eigensystem includes the solution vector of the
3129 input-output model.},
3130         author = {Erik Dietzenbacher},
3131         doi = {10.1016/0304-4068(94)90033-7},
3132         journal = {Journal of Mathematical Economics},
3133         localfile = {article/Dietzenbacher-1994-Perron-Frobenius.pdf},
3134         number = {1},
3135         pages = {21–31},
3136         publisher = {Elsevier},
3137         title = {The non-linear Perron-Frobenius theorem: Perturbations and aggregation},
3138         volume = {23},
3139         year = {1994}
3140 }
3142 @inproceedings{Quaeghebeur-DeCooman-2004,
3143         address = {Helvoirt, The Netherlands},
3144         author = {Erik Quaeghebeur and Gert {De Cooman}},
3145         booktitle = {Book of Abstracts 23rd Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control},
3146         editor = {Bram de Jager and Vincent Verdult},
3147         pages = {113},
3148         title = {Command line completion: an illustration of learning and decision making using the imprecise Dirichlet model},
3149         year = {2004}
3150 }
3152 @article{DeCampos-Huete-Moral-1994-intervals,
3153         abstract = {We study probability intervals as an interesting tool to
3154 represent uncertain information. A number of basic operations necessary to
3155 develop a calculus with probability intervals, such as combination,
3156 marginalization, conditioning and integration are studied in detail. Moreover,
3157 probability intervals are compared with other uncertainty theories, such as
3158 lower and upper probabilities, Choquet capacities of order two and belief and
3159 plausibility functions. The advantages of probability intervals with respect to
3160 these formalisms in computational efficiency are also highlighted.},
3161         annote = {op papier},
3162         author = {Luis M. de Campos and Juan F. Huete and Serafín Moral},
3163         doi = {10.1142/S0218488594000146},
3164         journal = {International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems},
3165         keywords = {Combination; Conditioning; Lower and Upper Probability; Marginalization; Probability Intervals; Uncertainty Management},
3166         localfile = {article/DeCampos-Huete-Moral-1994-intervals.pdf},
3167         number = {2},
3168         pages = {167–196},
3169         title = {Probability intervals: a tool for uncertain reasoning},
3170         url = {http://decsai.ugr.es/~lci/journal-papers-pdf/ijuf94.pdf},
3171         volume = {2},
3172         year = {1994}
3173 }
3175 @article{DeCooman-Hermans-2008-bridging,
3176         abstract = {We give an overview of two approaches to probability theory
3177 where lower and upper probabilities, rather than probabilities, are used:
3178 Walley's behavioural theory of imprecise probabilities, and Shafer and Vovk's
3179 game-theoretic account of probability. We show that the two theories are more
3180 closely related than would be suspected at first sight, and we establish a
3181 correspondence between them that (i) has an interesting interpretation, and (ii)
3182 allows us to freely import results from one theory into the other. Our approach
3183 leads to an account of probability trees and random processes in the framework
3184 of Walley's theory. We indicate how our results can be used to reduce the
3185 computational complexity of dealing with imprecision in probability trees, and
3186 we prove an interesting and quite general version of the weak law of large
3187 numbers.},
3188         author = {Gert {De Cooman} and Filip Hermans},
3189         doi = {10.1016/j.artint.2008.03.001},
3190         journal = {Artificial Intelligence},
3191         keywords = {Coherence; Conglomerability; Event tree; Game-theoretic probability; Hoeffding’s inequality; Immediate prediction; Imprecise probabilities; Imprecise probability tree; Law of large numbers; Lower prevision; Markov chain; Prequential Principle; Probability tree; Random process},
3192         localfile = {article/DeCooman-Hermans-2008-bridging.pdf},
3193         number = {11},
3194         pages = {1400–1427},
3195         publisher = {Elsevier},
3196         title = {Imprecise probability trees: Bridging two theories of imprecise probability},
3197         volume = {172},
3198         year = {2008}
3199 }
3201 @article{DeCooman-Quaeghebeur-Miranda-2007-exchangeable,
3202         author = {Gert {De Cooman} and Erik Quaeghebeur and Enrique Miranda},
3203         doi = {10.3150/09-BEJ182},
3204         journal = {Bernoulli},
3205         number = {3},
3206         pages = {721–735},
3207         title = {Exchangeable lower previsions},
3208         volume = {15},
3209         year = {2009}
3210 }
3212 @article{Billingsley-1961,
3213         abstract = {This paper is an expository survey of the mathematical
3214 aspects of statistical inference as it applies to finite Markov chains, the
3215 problem being to draw inferences about the transition probabilities from one
3216 long, unbroken observation {x\_1, x\_2, ⋯, x\_n} on the chain. The topics
3217 covered include Whittle's formula, chi-square and maximum-likelihood methods,
3218 estimation of parameters, and multiple Markov chains. At the end of the paper it
3219 is briefly indicated how these methods can be applied to a process with an
3220 arbitrary state space or a continuous time parameter. Section 2 contains a
3221 simple proof of Whittle's formula; Section 3 provides an elementary and
3222 self-contained development of the limit theory required for the application of
3223 chi-square methods to finite chains. In the remainder of the paper, the results
3224 are accompanied by references to the literature, rather than by complete proofs.
3225 As is usual in a review paper, the emphasis reflects the author's interests.
3226 Other general accounts of statistical inference on Markov processes will be
3227 found in Grenander [53], Bartlett [9] and [10], Fortet [35], and in my monograph
3228 [18]. I would like to thank Paul Meier for a number of very helpful discussions
3229 on the topics treated in this paper, particularly those of Section 3.},
3230         annote = {geannoteerde kopie},
3231         author = {Patrick Billingsley},
3232         journal = {The Annals of Mathematical Statistics},
3233         localfile = {article/Billingsley-1961.pdf},
3234         number = {1},
3235         pages = {12–40},
3236         title = {Statistical methods in Markov chains},
3237         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2237603},
3238         volume = {32},
3239         year = {1961}
3240 }
3242 @article{Augustin-Coolen-2004,
3243         abstract = {The assumption A(n), proposed by Hill (J. Amer. Statist.
3244 Assoc. 63 (1968) 677), provides a natural basis for low structure non-parametric
3245 predictive inference, and has been justified in the Bayesian framework. This
3246 paper embeds A(n)-based inference into the theory of interval probability, by
3247 showing that the corresponding bounds are totally monotone F-probability and
3248 coherent. Similar attractive internal consistency results are proven to hold for
3249 conditioning and updating.},
3250         author = {Thomas Augustin and Frank P. A. Coolen},
3251         doi = {10.1016/j.jspi.2003.07.003},
3252         journal = {Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference},
3253         keywords = {A(n); Capacities; Conditioning; Consistency; Imprecise probabilities; Interval probability; Low structure inference; Non- parametrics; Predictive inference; Updating},
3254         localfile = {article/Augustin-Coolen-2004.pdf},
3255         number = {2},
3256         pages = {251–272},
3257         title = {Nonparametric predictive inference and interval probability},
3258         volume = {124},
3259         year = {2004}
3260 }
3262 @techreport{Walley-1981,
3263         annote = {only the part on 2-monotonicity},
3264         author = {Peter Walley},
3265         institution = {Department of statistics, University of Warwick},
3266         title = {Coherent lower (and upper) probabilities},
3267         year = {1981}
3268 }
3270 @article{Nash-1951,
3271         annote = {ook op papier},
3272         author = {John Nash},
3273         journal = {The Annals of Mathematics},
3274         localfile = {article/Nash-1951.pdf},
3275         number = {2},
3276         pages = {286–295},
3277         title = {Non-cooperative games},
3278         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/1969529},
3279         volume = {54},
3280         year = {1951}
3281 }
3283 @mastersthesis{Walter-2006,
3284         author = {Gero Walter},
3285         localfile = {mastersthesis/Walter-2006.pdf},
3286         school = {Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München},
3287         title = {Robuste Bayes-Regression mit Mengen von Prioris – Ein Beitrag zur Statistik unter komplexer Unsicherheit},
3288         url = {http://www.stat.uni-muenchen.de/~thomas/team/diplomathesis_GeroWalter.pdf},
3289         year = {2006}
3290 }
3292 @article{Trump-Prautzsch-1996,
3293         abstract = {In this paper we present fast algorithms to raise the degree
3294 n of a simplicial Bézier representation of degree n to arbitrarily high degree.
3295 Each Bézier point of some (n + r)th degree representation can be computed in a
3296 simplicial recursive scheme of depth n. In the case of curves the recurrence
3297 relation reveals that the (n + r)th degree Bézier polygon can also be obtained
3298 by inserting r knots into some nth degree spline which provides a very fast
3299 algorithm. Furthermore, a short new proof is given for the fact that the Bézier
3300 nets of a multivariate polynomial converge to the polynomial under repeated
3301 degree elevation.},
3302         author = {Wilfried Trump and Hartmut Prautzsch},
3303         doi = {10.1016/0167-8396(95)00031-3},
3304         journal = {Computer Aided Geometric Design},
3305         keywords = {Bézier curves; Bézier simplices; Bézier triangles; b-splines; convergence; elevation; knot insertion; pyramidal schemes; repeated degree; simplicial recursions},
3306         localfile = {article/Trump-Prautzsch-1996.pdf},
3307         number = {5},
3308         pages = {387–398},
3309         publisher = {Elsevier},
3310         title = {Arbitrarily high degree elevation of Bézier representations},
3311         volume = {13},
3312         year = {1996}
3313 }
3315 @article{Miranda-Zaffalon-2011,
3316         abstract = {We detail the relationship between sets of desirable gambles
3317 and conditional lower previsions. The former is one the most general models of
3318 uncertainty. The latter corresponds to Walley’s celebrated theory of imprecise
3319 probability. We consider two avenues: when a collection of conditional lower
3320 previsions is derived from a set of desirable gambles, and its converse. In
3321 either case, we relate the properties of the derived model with those of the
3322 originating one. Our results constitute basic tools to move from one formalism
3323 to the other, and thus to take advantage of work done in the two fronts.},
3324         author = {Enrique Miranda and Marco Zaffalon},
3325         doi = {10.1007/s10472-011-9231-4},
3326         issn = {1012-2443},
3327         issue = {3},
3328         journal = {Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence},
3329         keyword = {Computer Science},
3330         keywords = {coherence; equal expressivity; lower and upper previsions; mathematics subject classifications; natural extension; sets of desirable gambles},
3331         localfile = {article/Miranda-Zaffalon-2011.pdf},
3332         pages = {251–309},
3333         publisher = {Springer Netherlands},
3334         title = {Notes on desirability and conditional lower previsions},
3335         volume = {60},
3336         year = {2011}
3337 }
3339 @proceedings{WWW-2002,
3340         booktitle = {Proceedings of the Eleventh International World Wide Web Conference},
3341         title = {Proceedings of the Eleventh International World Wide Web Conference},
3342         year = {2002}
3343 }
3345 @inproceedings{Couso-Moral-2009-ISIPTA,
3346         address = {Durham, United Kingdom},
3347         author = {Inés Couso and Serafín Moral},
3348         booktitle = {ISIPTA '09: Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Imprecise Probabilities: Theories and Applications},
3349         editor = {Thomas Augustin and Frank P. A. Coolen and Serafin Moral and Matthias C. M. Troffaes},
3350         organization = {SIPTA},
3351         pages = {99–108},
3352         title = {Sets of desirable gambles and credal sets},
3353         url = {http://www.sipta.org/isipta09/proceedings/063.html},
3354         year = {2009}
3355 }
3357 @article{Mantel-1976-tails,
3358         author = {Nathan Mantel},
3359         journal = {The American Statistician},
3360         localfile = {article/Mantel-1976-tails.pdf},
3361         number = {1},
3362         pages = {14–17},
3363         title = {Tails of Distributions},
3364         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2682880},
3365         volume = {30},
3366         year = {1976}
3367 }
3369 @book{Jaynes-2003,
3370         author = {E. T. Jaynes},
3371         editor = {J. Larry Bretthorst},
3372         publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
3373         title = {Probability Theory: The Logic of Science},
3374         year = {2003}
3375 }
3377 @incollection{Shapley-1964-twoperson,
3378         author = {Lloyd S. Shapley},
3379         booktitle = {Advances in game theory},
3380         editor = {D. Dresher and L. S. Shapley and A. W. Tucker},
3381         publisher = {Princeton University Press},
3382         title = {Some topics in two-person games},
3383         year = {1964}
3384 }
3386 @article{Shannon-1948,
3387         annote = {ook op papier},
3388         author = {Claude E. Shannon},
3389         journal = {The Bell System Technical Journal},
3390         localfile = {article/Shannon-1948.pdf},
3391         pages = {379–423,623–656},
3392         title = {A Mathematical Theory of Communication},
3393         url = {http://cm.bell-labs.com/cm/ms/what/shannonday/shannon1948.pdf},
3394         volume = {27},
3395         year = {1948}
3396 }
3398 @inproceedings{Schervish-Seidenfeld-Kadane-1999-incoherence,
3399         abstract = {We introduce two indices for the degree of incoherence in a
3400 set of lower and upper previsions: maximizing the rate of loss the incoherent
3401 Bookie experiences in a Dutch Book, or maximizing the rate of profit the Gambler
3402 achieves who makes Dutch Book against the incoherent Bookie. We report how
3403 efficient bookmaking is achieved against these two indices in the case of
3404 incoherent previsions for events on a finite partition, and for incoherent
3405 previsions that include also a simple random variable. We relate the
3406 epsilon-contamination model to efficient bookmaking in the case of the rate of
3407 profit.},
3408         address = {Ghent, Belgium},
3409         author = {Mark J. Schervish and Teddy Seidenfeld and Joseph B. Kadane},
3410         booktitle = {ISIPTA '99: Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Imprecise probabilities and Their Applications},
3411         editor = {Gert {De Cooman} and Fabio Gagliardi Cozman and Serafin Moral and Peter Walley},
3412         keywords = {Dutch Book; coherence; epsilon-contamination mod},
3413         pages = {319–323},
3414         title = {How Sets of Coherent Probabilities may Serve as Models for Degrees of Incoherence},
3415         url = {http://decsai.ugr.es/~smc/isipta99/proc/072.html},
3416         year = {1999}
3417 }
3419 @phdthesis{Jaeger-1995,
3420         address = {Saarbrücken},
3421         author = {Manfred Jaeger},
3422         school = {Universität des Saarlandes},
3423         title = {Default Reasoning about Probabilities},
3424         year = {1995}
3425 }
3427 @book{Cowell-etal-2003-expert,
3428         author = {R. G. Cowell and A. Philip Dawid and Steffen L. Lauritzen and D. J. Spiegelhalter},
3429         isbn = {978-0-387-98767-5},
3430         publisher = {Springer},
3431         series = {Information Science and Statistics},
3432         title = {Probabilistic Networks and Expert Systems},
3433         year = {2003}
3434 }
3436 @article{Kunreuther-et-al-2002,
3437         abstract = {This paper reviews the state of the art of research on
3438 individual decision-making in high-stakes, low-probability settings. A central
3439 theme is that resolving high-stakes decisions optimally poses a formidable
3440 challenge not only to naïve decision makers, but also to users of more
3441 sophisticated tools, such as decision analysis. Such decisions are difficult to
3442 make because precise information about probabilities is not available, and the
3443 dynamics of the decision are complex. When faced with such problems, naïve
3444 decision-makers fall prey to a wide range of potentially harmful biases, such as
3445 failing to recognize a high-stakes problem, ignoring the information about
3446 probabilities that does exist, and responding to complexity by accepting the
3447 status quo. A proposed agenda for future research focuses on how the process and
3448 outcomes of high-stakes decision making might be improved.},
3449         author = {Howard C. Kunreuther and Robert Meyer and Richard Zeckhauser and Paul Slovic and Barry Schwartz and Christian Schade and Mary Frances Luce and Steven Lippman and David H. Krantz and Barbara Kahn and Robin Hogarth},
3450         doi = {10.1023/A:1020287225409},
3451         journal = {Marketing Letters},
3452         keywords = {decision biases; decision heuristics; decision making under certainty; high-stakes decisions; risky decision making},
3453         localfile = {article/Kunreuther-et-al-2002.pdf},
3454         number = {3},
3455         pages = {259–268},
3456         publisher = {Springer},
3457         title = {High stakes decision making: Normative, descriptive and prescriptive considerations},
3458         volume = {13},
3459         year = {2002}
3460 }
3462 @article{McKinney-1962,
3463         author = {Richard L. McKinney},
3464         doi = {10.1090/S0002-9947-1962-0147879-X},
3465         journal = {Transactions of the American Mathematical Society},
3466         localfile = {article/McKinney-1962.pdf},
3467         pages = {131–148},
3468         title = {Positive bases for linear spaces},
3469         url = {http://www.ams.org/journals/tran/1962-103-01/S0002-9947-1962-0147879-X/S0002-99
3470 47-1962-0147879-X.pdf},
3471         volume = {103},
3472         year = {1962}
3473 }
3475 @article{Hartfiel-1991,
3476         abstract = {Let T be a non-empty subset of n x n stochastic matrices.
3477 Define T2={A1A2 | A1,A2∈T}, T3= {A1A2A3 | A1,A2,A3∈T}, ⋯. The sequence T1,T2,⋯
3478 is called a Markov set-chain. An important problem in this area is to determine
3479 when such a set-chain converges. This paper gives a notion of a sequential
3480 limiting set and shows how it can be used to obtain a result on set-chain
3481 convergence.},
3482         author = {Darald J. Hartfiel},
3483         issn = {0021-9002},
3484         journal = {Journal of Applied Probability},
3485         localfile = {article/Hartfiel-1991.pdf},
3486         number = {4},
3487         pages = {910–913},
3488         publisher = {Applied Probability Trust},
3489         title = {Sequential limits in Markov set-chains},
3490         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/3214695},
3491         volume = {28},
3492         year = {1991}
3493 }
3495 @article{Coolen-Augustin-2009-IDM-alternative,
3496         abstract = {Nonparametric predictive inference (NPI) is a general
3497 methodology to learn from data in the absence of prior knowledge and without
3498 adding unjustified assumptions. This paper develops NPI for multinomial data
3499 when the total number of possible categories for the data is known. We present
3500 the upper and lower probabilities for events involving the next observation and
3501 several of their properties. We also comment on differences between this NPI
3502 approach and corresponding inferences based on Walley's Imprecise Dirichlet
3503 Model.},
3504         annote = {Special Section on The Imprecise Dirichlet Model and Special Section on Bayesian Robustness (Issues in Imprecise Probability)},
3505         author = {Frank P. A. Coolen and Thomas Augustin},
3506         doi = {10.1016/j.ijar.2008.03.011},
3507         issn = {0888-613X},
3508         journal = {International Journal of Approximate Reasoning},
3509         keywords = {Circular A(n); Imprecise Dirichlet Model; Imprecise probabilities; Interval probability; Lower and upper probabilities; Multinomial data; Nonparametric predictive inference; Rule of succession},
3510         localfile = {article/Coolen-Augustin-2008-IDM-alternative.pdf},
3511         number = {2},
3512         pages = {217–230},
3513         publisher = {Elsevier},
3514         title = {A nonparametric predictive alternative to the Imprecise Dirichlet Model: the case of a known number of categories},
3515         volume = {50},
3516         year = {2009}
3517 }
3519 @proceedings{ISIPTA-1999,
3520         address = {Ghent, Belgium},
3521         booktitle = {ISIPTA '99: Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Imprecise probabilities and Their Applications},
3522         editor = {Gert {De Cooman} and Fabio Gagliardi Cozman and Serafin Moral and Peter Walley},
3523         title = {ISIPTA '99: Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Imprecise Probabilities and Their Applications},
3524         year = {1999}
3525 }
3527 @article{Koopman-1940-axioms,
3528         author = {B. O. Koopman},
3529         issn = {0003-486X},
3530         journal = {The Annals of Mathematics},
3531         localfile = {article/Koopman-1940-axioms.pdf},
3532         number = {2},
3533         pages = {269–292},
3534         title = {The axioms and algebra of intuitive probability},
3535         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/1969003},
3536         volume = {41},
3537         year = {1940}
3538 }
3540 @misc{Manski-2003,
3541         author = {Charles F. Manski},
3542         title = {Partial identification of probability distributions},
3543         year = {2003}
3544 }
3546 @article{Inuiguchi-2006,
3547         author = {Masahiro Inuiguchi},
3548         journal = {Kybernetika},
3549         keywords = {bender; fuzzy linear programming; necessity measure; oblique fuzzy vector; s},
3550         localfile = {article/Inuiguchi-2006.pdf},
3551         number = {4},
3552         pages = {441–452},
3554         title = {A necessity measure optimization approach to linear programming problems with oblique fuzzy vectors},
3555         url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10338.dmlcz/135726},
3556         volume = {42},
3557         year = {2006}
3558 }
3560 @inproceedings{Fuller-Zimmermann-1992,
3561         author = {Robert Fullér and Hans-Jürgen Zimmermann},
3562         booktitle = {Proceedings of 2nd International Workshop on Current Issues in Fuzzy Technologies},
3563         title = {Approximate Reasoning for Solving Fuzzy Linear Programming Problems},
3564         year = {1992}
3565 }
3567 @article{Northrop-1936-prob-in-QM,
3568         author = {F. S. C. Northrop},
3569         journal = {Philosophy of Science},
3570         localfile = {article/Northrop-1936-prob-in-QM.pdf},
3571         number = {2},
3572         pages = {215–232},
3573         title = {The Philosophical Significance of the Concept of Probability in Quantum Mechanics},
3574         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/184348},
3575         volume = {3},
3576         year = {1936}
3577 }
3579 @misc{Cozman-2003,
3580         author = {Fabio Gagliardi Cozman},
3581         note = {slide printout},
3582         title = {Graph-Theoretical Models for Multivariate Modeling with Imprecise Probabilities},
3583         year = {2003}
3584 }
3586 @article{Avis-Bremner-Seidel-1997,
3587         abstract = {A convex polytope P can be specified in two ways: as the
3588 convex hull of the vertex set V of P, or as the intersection of the set H of its
3589 facet-inducing halfspaces. The vertex enumeration problem is to compute V from
3590 H. The facet enumeration problem is to compute H from V. These two problems are
3591 essentially equivalent under point/hyperplane duality. They are among the
3592 central computational problems in the theory of polytopes. It is open whether
3593 they can be solved in time polynomial in |H| + |V| and the dimension. In this
3594 paper we consider the main known classes of algorithms for solving these
3595 problems. We argue that they all have at least one of two weaknesses: inability
3596 to deal well with "degeneracies", or, inability to control the sizes of
3597 intermediate results. We then introduce families of polytopes that exercise
3598 those weaknesses. Roughly speaking, fat-lattice or intricate polytopes cause
3599 algorithms with bad degeneracy handling to perform badly; dwarfed polytopes
3600 cause algorithms with bad intermediate size control to perform badly. We also
3601 present computational experience with trying to solve these problem on these
3602 hard polytopes, using various implementations of the main algorithms.},
3603         annote = {ook op papier},
3604         author = {David Avis and David Bremner and Raimund Seidel},
3605         doi = {10.1016/S0925-7721(96)00023-5},
3606         journal = {Computational Geometry},
3607         keywords = {Convex hulls; Convex polytopes; Lattice complexity; Triangulation complexity; Vertex enumeration},
3608         localfile = {article/Avis-Bremner-Seidel-1997.pdf},
3609         pages = {265–301},
3610         title = {How good are convex hull algorithms?},
3611         volume = {7},
3612         year = {1997}
3613 }
3615 @article{OHara-OHara-1999,
3616         author = {K. O'Hara and J. O'Hara},
3617         doi = {10.1046/j.1464-410x.1999.0830s1079.x},
3618         issn = {1464-4096},
3619         journal = {BJU international},
3620         keywords = {Age Distribution; Circumcision; Coitus; Female; Humans; Interpersonal Relations; Male; Male: adverse effects; Male: psychology; Orgasm; Sexual Behavior; Sexual Partners; Sexual Partners: psychology},
3621         localfile = {article/OHara-OHara-1999.pdf},
3622         month = jan,
3623         number = {Supplement 1},
3624         pages = {79–84},
3625         pmid = {10349418},
3626         title = {The effect of male circumcision on the sexual enjoyment of the female partner.},
3627         volume = {83},
3628         year = {1999}
3629 }
3631 @article{Genest-MacKay-1986,
3632         author = {Christian Genest and Jock MacKay},
3633         journal = {The American Statistician},
3634         keywords = {Archimedean copulas; Fréchet bounds; Kendall's tau; fixed marginals; singular distributions},
3635         localfile = {article/Genest-MacKay-1986.pdf},
3636         number = {4},
3637         pages = {280–283},
3638         title = {The joy of copulas: bivariate distributions with uniform marginals},
3639         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2684602},
3640         volume = {40},
3641         year = {1986}
3642 }
3644 @article{Rudolph-1996-duality,
3645         abstract = {Using elementary module theory, an intrinsic definition of
3646 the dual (or adjoint) of a generalized time-varying linear system is given. With
3647 this, the duality of controllability and observability is recovered from their
3648 intrinsic module theoretical definitions. The duality of state feedback and
3649 output injection is discussed both in the static case and for its quasistatic
3650 generalization. Related Brunovsky type canonical forms are derived in the
3651 quasistatic case. The corresponding controllability indices and their duals the
3652 observability indices are defined intrinsically.},
3653         author = {J. Rudolph},
3654         doi = {10.1016/0024-3795(94)00222-3},
3655         issn = {0024-3795},
3656         journal = {Linear Algebra and its Applications},
3657         localfile = {article/Rudolph-1996-duality.pdf},
3658         pages = {83–106},
3659         title = {Duality in time-varying linear systems: a module theoretic approach},
3660         volume = {245},
3661         year = {1996}
3662 }
3664 @article{Benavoli-et-al-2010,
3665         abstract = {We extend hidden Markov models for continuous variables
3666 taking into account imprecision in our knowledge about the probabilistic
3667 relationships involved. To achieve that, we consider sets of probabilities, also
3668 called coherent lower previsions. In addition to the general formulation, we
3669 study in detail a particular case of interest: linear-vacuous mixtures. We also
3670 show, in a practical case, that our extension outperforms the Kalman filter when
3671 modelling errors are present in the system.},
3672         address = {Seattle, Washington},
3673         annote = {ook op papier},
3674         author = {Alessio Benavoli and Marco Zaffalon and Enrique Miranda},
3675         journal = {IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control},
3676         localfile = {article/Benavoli-et-al-2010.pdf},
3677         organization = {IEEE},
3678         pages = {1743–1750},
3679         title = {A new robust approach to filtering based on coherent lower previsions},
3680         year = {2009}
3681 }
3683 @proceedings{IPMU-2002,
3684         booktitle = {Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems: IPMU 2002},
3685         title = {Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems: IPMU 2002},
3686         year = {2002}
3687 }
3689 @article{Savage-1971,
3690         author = {Leonard J. Savage},
3691         journal = {Journal of the American Statistical Association},
3692         localfile = {article/Savage-1971.pdf},
3693         number = {336},
3694         pages = {783–801},
3695         title = {Elicitation of personal probabilities and expectations},
3696         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2284229},
3697         volume = {66},
3698         year = {1971}
3699 }
3701 @techreport{Minka-2001,
3702         author = {Thomas P. Minka},
3703         title = {Bayesian linear regression},
3704         year = {2001}
3705 }
3707 @article{Lange-1995,
3708         author = {Kenneth Lange},
3709         doi = {10.1007/BF01441156},
3710         journal = {Genetica},
3711         localfile = {article/Lange-1995.pdf},
3712         number = {1},
3713         pages = {107–117},
3714         publisher = {Springer},
3715         title = {Applications of the Dirichlet distribution to forensic match probabilities},
3716         volume = {96},
3717         year = {1995}
3718 }
3720 @techreport{Miranda-2008-updating,
3721         annote = {ook op papier},
3722         author = {Enrique Miranda},
3723         institution = {Department of Statistics and Operations Research, Rey Juan Carlos University},
3724         title = {Updating coherent previsions on finite spaces},
3725         year = {2008}
3726 }
3728 @article{Goodhardt-Ehrenberg-Chatfield-1984,
3729         abstract = {The Dirichlet is a stochastic model of purchase incidence
3730 and brand choice which parsimoniously integrates a wide range of already
3731 well-established empirical regularities.},
3732         annote = {ook op papier},
3733         author = {G. J. Goodhardt and A. S. C. Ehrenberg and C. Chatfield},
3734         journal = {Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A (General)},
3735         localfile = {article/Goodhardt-Ehrenberg-Chatfield-1984.pdf},
3736         number = {5},
3737         pages = {621–655},
3738         title = {The Dirichlet: a comprehensive model of buying behaviour},
3739         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2981696},
3740         volume = {147},
3741         year = {1984}
3742 }
3744 @article{DeCooman-Troffaes-Miranda-2005,
3745         abstract = {We study n-monotone lower previsions, which constitute a
3746 generalisation of n-monotone lower probabilities. We investigate their relation
3747 with the concepts of coherence and natural extension in the behavioural theory
3748 of imprecise probabilities, and improve along the way upon a number of results
3749 from the literature.},
3750         author = {Gert {De Cooman} and Matthias C. M. Troffaes and Enrique Miranda},
3751         journal = {Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems},
3752         keywords = {Choquet integral; coherence; comonotone additivity; n-monotonicity; natural extension},
3753         localfile = {article/DeCooman-Troffaes-Miranda-2005-Kerre.pdf},
3754         number = {4},
3755         pages = {253–263},
3756         publisher = {IOS Press},
3757         title = {n-Monotone lower previsions and lower integrals},
3758         url = {http://iospress.metapress.com/content/22bh7djyjk86a55h},
3759         volume = {16},
3760         year = {2005}
3761 }
3763 @book{Geisser-1993,
3764         author = {Seymour Geisser},
3765         number = {55},
3766         publisher = {Chapman \& Hall},
3767         series = {Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability},
3768         title = {Predictive Inference: An Introduction},
3769         year = {1993}
3770 }
3772 @inproceedings{DeCooman-Quaeghebeur-2010-IPMU,
3773         address = {Berlin},
3774         author = {Gert {De Cooman} and Erik Quaeghebeur},
3775         booktitle = {Communications in Computer and Information Science},
3776         doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-14055-6_7},
3777         editor = {Eyke Hüllermeier and Rudolf Kruse and Frank Hoffmann},
3778         isbn = {978-3-64214054-9},
3779         issn = {1865-0929},
3780         pages = {60–69},
3781         publisher = {Springer},
3782         title = {Infinite exchangeability for sets of desirable gambles},
3783         volume = {80},
3784         year = {2010}
3785 }
3787 @article{Zaffalon-DeCooman-2005-editorial,
3788         annote = {reprint},
3789         author = {Marco Zaffalon and Gert {De Cooman}},
3790         doi = {10.1007/s10472-005-9009-7},
3791         journal = {Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence},
3792         pages = {1–4},
3793         title = {Editorial: Imprecise probability perspectives on artificial intelligence},
3794         volume = {45},
3795         year = {2005}
3796 }
3798 @book{Schneier-1996-crypto,
3799         annote = {stukken uit H5,6 op papier},
3800         author = {Bruce Schneier},
3801         publisher = {John Wiley \& Sons},
3802         title = {Applied Cryptography},
3803         url = {http://www.schneier.com/book-applied.html},
3804         year = {1996}
3805 }
3807 @inbook{DeFinetti-1972-notation,
3808         annote = {Translation of \cite{DeFinetti-1967} by Leonard J. Savage geringde kopie},
3809         author = {Bruno de Finetti},
3810         booktitle = {Probability, Induction and Statistics (The art of guessing)},
3811         pages = {xviii–xxiv},
3812         publisher = {John Wiley \& Sons},
3813         title = {A Useful Notation},
3814         year = {1972}
3815 }
3817 @article{Harsanyi-1982-rejoinder,
3818         annote = {ook op papier},
3819         author = {John C. Harsanyi},
3820         doi = {10.1287/mnsc.28.2.124a},
3821         journal = {Management Science},
3822         localfile = {article/Harsanyi-1982-rejoinder.pdf},
3823         number = {2},
3824         pages = {124–125},
3825         publisher = {INFORMS},
3826         title = {Rejoinder to professors Kadane and Larkey},
3827         volume = {28},
3828         year = {1982}
3829 }
3831 @article{Mazaheri-Nasri-2007,
3832         author = {H. Mazaheri and M. Nasri},
3833         journal = {International Mathematical Forum},
3834         localfile = {article/Mazaheri-Nasri-2007.pdf},
3835         number = {16},
3836         pages = {747–751},
3837         title = {Complemented Subspaces in the Normed Spaces},
3838         url = {http://www.m-hikari.com/imf-password2007/13-16-2007/mazaheriIMF13-16-2007-3.pdf
3839 },
3840         volume = {2},
3841         year = {2007}
3842 }
3844 @article{Hofbauer-Sigmund-2003,
3845         author = {Josef Hofbauer and Karl Sigmund},
3846         journal = {Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society},
3847         number = {4},
3848         pages = {479–519},
3849         title = {Evolutionary game dynamics},
3850         volume = {40},
3851         year = {2003}
3852 }
3854 @article{Antonucci-etal-2009-milident,
3855         abstract = {Credal networks are imprecise probabilistic graphical models
3856 generalizing Bayesian networks to convex sets of probability mass functions.
3857 This makes credal networks particularly suited to model expert knowledge under
3858 very general conditions, including states of qualitative and incomplete
3859 knowledge. In this paper, we present a credal network for risk evaluation in
3860 case of intrusion of civil aircrafts into a restricted flight area. The
3861 different factors relevant for this evaluation, together with an independence
3862 structure over them, are initially identified. These factors are observed by
3863 sensors, whose reliabilities can be affected by variable external factors, and
3864 even by the behaviour of the intruder. A model of these observation processes,
3865 and the necessary fusion scheme for the information returned by the sensors
3866 measuring the same factor, are both completely embedded into the structure of
3867 the credal network. A pool of experts, facilitated in their task by specific
3868 techniques to convert qualitative judgements into imprecise probabilistic
3869 assessments, has made possible the quantification of the network. We show the
3870 capabilities of the proposed model by means of some preliminary tests referred
3871 to simulated scenarios. Overall, we can regard this application as a useful tool
3872 to support military experts in their decision, but also as a quite general
3873 imprecise-probability paradigm for information fusion.},
3874         author = {Alessandro Antonucci and Ralph Brühlmann and Alberto Piatti and Marco Zaffalon},
3875         doi = {10.1016/j.ijar.2009.01.005},
3876         issn = {0888-613X},
3877         journal = {International Journal of Approximate Reasoning},
3878         keywords = {Credal networks; Information fusion; Sensor management; Tracking systems},
3879         localfile = {article/Antonucci-etal-2009-milident.pdf},
3880         number = {4},
3881         pages = {666–679},
3882         title = {Credal networks for military identification problems},
3883         volume = {50},
3884         year = {2009}
3885 }
3887 @book{Boole-1854,
3888         author = {George Boole},
3889         publisher = {Macmillan},
3890         title = {The laws of thought},
3891         url = {http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/15114},
3892         year = {1854}
3893 }
3895 @inproceedings{Miranda-DeCooman-Couso-2002,
3896         abstract = {We discuss how lower previsions induced by multi-valued
3897 mappings fit into the framework of the behavioural theory of imprecise
3898 probabilities, and show how the notions of coherence and natural extension from
3899 that theory can be used to prove and generalise existing results in an elegant
3900 and straightforward manner. This provides a clear example for their explanatory
3901 and unifying power.},
3902         annote = {uitgebreide versie, ook op papier},
3903         author = {Enrique Miranda and Gert {De Cooman} and Inés Couso},
3904         booktitle = {Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems: IPMU 2002},
3905         keywords = {coherence; conditioning; evidence theory},
3906         title = {Lower previsions induced by multi-valued mappings},
3907         year = {2002}
3908 }
3910 @book{Ziegler-1995,
3911         author = {Günter M. Ziegler},
3912         publisher = {Springer},
3913         title = {Lectures on Polytopes},
3914         year = {1995}
3915 }
3917 @article{Bildikar-Patil-1968,
3918         abstract = {Let \mathbf{x} and \mathbf{$\theta$} denote s-dimensional
3919 column vectors. The components x\_1, x\_2,⋯ x\_s of \mathbf{x} are random
3920 variables jointly following an s-variate distribution and components
3921 $\theta$\_1, $\theta$\_2,⋯, $\theta$\_s of \mathbf{$\theta$} are real numbers.
3922 The random vector \mathbf{x} is said to follow an s-variate Exponential-type
3923 distribution with the parameter vector (pv) \mathbf{$\theta$}, if its
3924 probability function (pf) is given by \begin{equation*}\tag{1.1} f(\mathbf{x},
3925 \mathbf{$\theta$}) = h(\mathbf{x}) \exp {\mathbf{x'$\theta$} -
3926 q(\mathbf{$\theta$})},\end{equation*} \mathbf{x} \varepsilon R\_s and
3927 \mathbf{$\theta$} \varepsilon (\mathbf{a}, \mathbf{b}) \subset R\_s. R\_s
3928 denotes the s-dimensional Euclidean space. The s-dimensional open interval
3929 (\mathbf{a}, \mathbf{b}) may or may not be finite. h(\mathbf{x}) is a function
3930 of \mathbf{x}, independent of \mathbf{$\theta$}, and q(\mathbf{$\theta$}) is a
3931 bounded analytic function of $\theta$\_1, $\theta$\_2,⋯ $\theta$\_s, independent
3932 of \mathbf{x}. We note that f(\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{$\theta$}), given by (1.1),
3933 defines the class of multivariate exponential-type distributions which includes
3934 distributions like multivariate normal, multinomial, multivariate negative
3935 binomial, multivariate logarithmic series, etc. This paper presents a
3936 theoretical study of the structural properties of the class of multivariate
3937 exponential-type distributions. For example, different distributions connected
3938 with a multivariate exponential-type distribution are derived. Statistical
3939 independence of the components x\_1, x\_2,⋯, x\_s is discussed. The problem of
3940 characterization of different distributions in the class is studied under
3941 suitable restrictions on the cumulants. A canonical representation of the
3942 characteristic function of an infinitely divisible (id), purely discrete random
3943 vector, whose moments of second order are all finite, is also obtained.
3944 $\phi$(\mathbf{t}), m(\mathbf{t}), k(\mathbf{t}) denote, throughout this paper,
3945 the characteristic function (ch. f.), the moment generating function (mgf), and
3946 the cumulant generating function (cgf), respectively, of a random vector
3947 \mathbf{x}. The components t\_i of the s-dimensional column vector \mathbf{t}
3948 are all real.},
3949         annote = {ook op papier},
3950         author = {Sheela Bildikar and G. P. Patil},
3951         doi = {10.1214/aoms},
3952         journal = {The Annals of Mathematical Statistics},
3953         localfile = {article/Bildikar-Patil-1968.pdf},
3954         number = {4},
3955         pages = {1316–1326},
3956         publisher = {Institute of Mathematical Statistics},
3957         title = {Multivariate exponential-type distributions},
3958         volume = {39},
3959         year = {1968}
3960 }
3962 @book{Laplace-1825-essai,
3963         address = {Paris},
3964         author = {Pierre-Simon Laplace},
3965         edition = {5},
3966         publisher = {Bachelier},
3967         title = {Essai philosophique sur les probabilités},
3968         url = {http://books.google.com/books?id=Ovo3AAAAMAAJ},
3969         year = {1825}
3970 }
3972 @article{Koopman-1936,
3973         author = {B. O. Koopman},
3974         journal = {Transactions of the American Mathematical Society},
3975         localfile = {article/Koopman-1936.pdf},
3976         number = {3},
3977         pages = {399–409},
3978         title = {On distributions admitting a sufficient statistic},
3979         url = {http://www.ams.org/journals/tran/1936-039-03/S0002-9947-1936-1501854-3/S0002-99
3980 47-1936-1501854-3.pdf},
3981         volume = {39},
3982         year = {1936}
3983 }
3985 @techreport{Nesterov-Palma-2000,
3986         annote = {geannoteerde reprint},
3987         author = {Yu. Nesterov and André {De Palma}},
3988         institution = {Center for Operations Research \& Econometrics, Université catholique de Louvain},
3989         number = {2000/27},
3990         title = {Stable dynamics in transportation systems},
3991         type = {CORE discussion paper},
3992         year = {2000}
3993 }
3995 @proceedings{IPMU-2006,
3996         address = {Paris},
3997         booktitle = {Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-based Systems},
3998         title = {Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-based Systems},
3999         year = {2006}
4000 }
4002 @inproceedings{Dash-Cooper-2002,
4003         author = {Denver Dash and Gregory F. Cooper},
4004         booktitle = {Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2002)},
4005         pages = {91–98},
4006         title = {Exact model averaging with naive Bayesian classifiers},
4007         year = {2002}
4008 }
4010 @article{Fisher-1934,
4011         author = {R. A. Fisher},
4012         doi = {10.1098/rspa.1934.0050},
4013         journal = {Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, A},
4014         localfile = {article/Fisher-1934.pdf},
4015         pages = {285–307},
4016         title = {Two new properties of mathematical likelihood},
4017         volume = {144},
4018         year = {1934}
4019 }
4021 @article{Neumaier-2003-surprise,
4022         abstract = {This paper presents a new approach to fuzzy modeling based
4023 on the concept of surprise. The new concept is related to the traditional
4024 membership function by an antitone transformation. Advantages of the surprise
4025 approach include: 1. It has a consistent semantic interpretation. 2. It allows
4026 the joint use of quantitative and qualitative knowledge, using simple rules of
4027 logic. 3. It is a direct extension of (and allows combination with) the
4028 least-squares approach to reconciling conflicting approximate numerical data. 4.
4029 It is ideally suited to optimization under imprecise or conflicting goals,
4030 specified by a combination of soft and hard interval constraints. 5. It gives a
4031 straightforward approach to constructing families of functions consistent with
4032 fuzzy associative memories as used in fuzzy control, with tuning parameters
4033 (reflecting linguistic ambiguity) that can be adapted to available performance
4034 data.},
4035         author = {Arnold Neumaier},
4036         doi = {10.1016/S0165-0114(02)00248-8},
4037         issn = {0165-0114},
4038         journal = {Fuzzy Sets and Systems},
4039         localfile = {article/Neumaier-2003-surprise.pdf},
4040         number = {1},
4041         pages = {21–38},
4042         title = {Fuzzy modeling in terms of surprise},
4043         volume = {135},
4044         year = {2003}
4045 }
4047 @article{Pelessoni-Vicig-2003-risk,
4048         abstract = {In this paper the theory of coherent imprecise previsions is
4049 applied to risk measurement. We introduce the notion of coherent risk measure
4050 defined on an arbitrary set of risks, showing that it can be considered a
4051 special case of coherent upper prevision. We also prove that our definition
4052 generalizes the notion of coherence for risk measures defined on a linear space
4053 of random numbers, given in literature. Consistency properties of Value-at-Risk
4054 (VaR), currently one of the most used risk measures, are investigated too,
4055 showing that it does not necessarily satisfy a weaker notion of consistency
4056 called 'avoiding sure loss'. We introduce sufficient conditions for VaR to avoid
4057 sure loss and to be coherent. Finally we discuss ways of modifying incoherent
4058 risk measures into coherent ones.},
4059         author = {Renato Pelessoni and Paolo Vicig},
4060         doi = {10.1142/S0218488503002156},
4061         journal = {International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems},
4062         keywords = {Imprecise prevision; Value-at-Risk; avoiding sure loss condition; coherent risk measure},
4063         localfile = {article/Pelessoni-Vicig-2003-risk.pdf},
4064         number = {4},
4065         pages = {393–412},
4066         title = {Imprecise previsions for risk measurement},
4067         volume = {11},
4068         year = {2003}
4069 }
4071 @article{Dose-2007-gravity,
4072         author = {Volker Dose},
4073         doi = {10.1088/0957-0233},
4074         journal = {Measurement Science and Technology},
4075         keywords = {gravitational constant; robust estimation},
4076         localfile = {article/Dose-2007-gravity.pdf},
4077         pages = {176–182},
4078         title = {Bayesian estimate of the Newtonian constant of gravitation},
4079         volume = {18},
4080         year = {2007}
4081 }
4083 @techreport{Coolen-Augustin-2006-cNPI4,
4084         author = {Frank P. A. Coolen and Thomas Augustin},
4085         title = {Nonparametric predictive inference for multinomial data - Notes 4 (known number of categories, interval previsions for gambles, classification, and further comments)},
4086         year = {2006}
4087 }
4089 @article{Boumont-2002,
4090         author = {Jean-luc Doumont},
4091         doi = {10.1109/TPC.2002.805164},
4092         journal = {IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication},
4093         localfile = {article/Doumont-2002.pdf},
4094         month = dec,
4095         number = {4},
4096         pages = {291–296},
4097         title = {The three laws of professional communication},
4098         volume = {45},
4099         year = {2002}
4100 }
4102 @book{Carnap-1952,
4103         address = {Chicago},
4104         author = {Rudoplh Carnap},
4105         publisher = {The University of Chicago Press},
4106         title = {The Continuum of Inductive Methods},
4107         year = {1952}
4108 }
4110 @inproceedings{Brown-1951,
4111         author = {George W. Brown},
4112         booktitle = {Activity analysis of production and allocation},
4113         editor = {Tjalling C. Koopmans},
4114         number = {13},
4115         organization = {Cowles Commission for Research in Economics},
4116         pages = {374–376},
4117         series = {Cowles Commission Monographs},
4118         title = {Iterative solution of games by fictitious play},
4119         year = {1951}
4120 }
4122 @article{Halpern-2010,
4123         abstract = {The relationship between Popper spaces (conditional
4124 probability spaces that satisfy some regularity conditions), lexicographic
4125 probability systems (LPS's), and nonstandard probability spaces (NPS's) is
4126 considered. If countable additivity is assumed, Popper spaces and a subclass of
4127 LPS's are equivalent; without the assumption of countable additivity, the
4128 equivalence no longer holds. If the state space is finite, LPS's are equivalent
4129 to NPS's. However, if the state space is infinite, NPS's are shown to be more
4130 general than LPS's.},
4131         author = {Joseph Y. Halpern},
4132         doi = {10.1016/j.geb.2009.03.013},
4133         issn = {0899-8256},
4134         journal = {Games and Economic Behavior},
4135         localfile = {article/Halpern-2010.pdf},
4136         number = {1},
4137         pages = {155–179},
4138         title = {Lexicographic probability, conditional probability, and nonstandard probability},
4139         volume = {68},
4140         year = {2010}
4141 }
4143 @techreport{DeCooman-1991-margextconv,
4144         author = {Gert {De Cooman}},
4145         title = {Marginal extension and convexity},
4146         year = {2008}
4147 }
4149 @misc{Lauritzen-2004b,
4150         annote = {Transparanten},
4151         author = {Steffen L. Lauritzen},
4152         title = {Exponential Families of Distributions},
4153         year = {2004}
4154 }
4156 @article{Fishburn-LaValle-1998,
4157         abstract = {The theory of subjective expected lexicographic utility
4158 brings together two classical developments in expected utility theory. The first
4159 is Hausner's theory of expected lexicographic utility in decision under risk.
4160 The second is a lottery-based theory of subjective expected utility in decision
4161 under uncertainty that was first axiomatized by Anscombe and Aumann. Our
4162 synthesis of the two produces representations of preference in decision
4163 underuncertainty in which utilities are finite-dimensional real vectors ordered
4164 lexicographicallyand subjective probabilities are real matrices. Axiomatizations
4165 of subjective expected lexicographic utility are described for finite and
4166 infinite sets of states. Procedures for assessing vector utilities and matrix
4167 probabilities are outlined.},
4168         author = {Peter C. Fishburn and Irving H. LaValle},
4169         doi = {10.1023/A:1018911830478},
4170         issn = {0254-5330},
4171         journal = {Annals of Operations Research},
4172         localfile = {article/Fishburn-LaValle-1998.pdf},
4173         pages = {183–206},
4174         publisher = {Springer Netherlands},
4175         title = {Subjective expected lexicographic utility: Axioms and assessment},
4176         volume = {80},
4177         year = {1998}
4178 }
4180 @book{Schechter-1997-HAF,
4181         author = {Eric Schechter},
4182         publisher = {Academic Press},
4183         title = {Handbook of Analysis and Its Foundations},
4184         year = {1997}
4185 }
4187 @incollection{Seidenfeld-2000-reasonsforFA,
4188         author = {Teddy Seidenfeld},
4189         booktitle = {Probability theory: philosophy, recent history and relations to science},
4190         editor = {Vincent F. Hendricks and Stig Andur Pedersen and Klaus Frovin Jørgensen},
4191         keywords = {improper regular conditional distributions},
4192         publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers},
4193         series = {Synthese Library},
4194         title = {Remarks on the theory of conditional probability: some issues of finite versus countable additivity},
4195         volume = {297},
4196         year = {2001}
4197 }
4199 @book{Ito-Kunisch-2008,
4200         author = {Kazufumi Ito and Karl Kunisch},
4201         publisher = {SIAM},
4202         title = {Lagrange Multiplier Approach to Variational Problems and Applications},
4203         year = {2008}
4204 }
4206 @article{Haldane-1945,
4207         author = {J. B. S. Haldane},
4208         journal = {Biometrika},
4209         localfile = {article/Haldane-1945.pdf},
4210         number = {3},
4211         pages = {222–225},
4212         title = {On a method of estimating frequencies},
4213         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2332299},
4214         volume = {33},
4215         year = {1945}
4216 }
4218 @book{Cramer-1946,
4219         author = {Harald Cramér},
4220         publisher = {Princeton University Press},
4221         title = {Mathematical methods of statistics},
4222         year = {1946}
4223 }
4225 @article{Halpern-Koller-2004,
4226         abstract = {Non-deductive reasoning systems are often representation
4227 dependent: representing the same situation in two di erent ways may cause such a
4228 system to return two different answers. Some have viewed this as a significant
4229 problem. For example, the principle of maximum entropy has been subjected to
4230 much criticism due to its representation dependence. There has, however, been
4231 almost no work investigating representation dependence. In this paper, we
4232 formalize this notion and show that it is not a problem specific to maximum
4233 entropy. In fact, we show that any representation-independent probabilistic
4234 inference procedure that ignores irrelevant information is essentially
4235 entailment, in a precise sense. Moreover, we show that representation
4236 independence is incompatible with even a weak default assumption of
4237 independence. We then show that invariance under a restricted class of
4238 representation changes can form a reasonable compromise between representation
4239 independence and other desiderata, and provide a construction of a family of
4240 inference procedures that provides such restricted representation independence,
4241 using relative entropy.},
4242         annote = {ook op papier},
4243         author = {Joseph Y. Halpern and Daphne Koller},
4244         doi = {10.1613/jair.1292},
4245         journal = {Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research},
4246         localfile = {article/Halpern-Koller-2004.pdf},
4247         pages = {319–356},
4248         title = {Representation Dependence in Probabilistic Inference},
4249         volume = {21},
4250         year = {2004}
4251 }
4253 @book{Bernardo-Smith-1994,
4254         author = {José M. Bernardo and Adrian F. M. Smith},
4255         publisher = {Wiley},
4256         series = {Wiley Series in Probability and Mathematical Statistics},
4257         title = {Bayesian theory},
4258         year = {1994}
4259 }
4261 @manual{DeJongh-html,
4262         author = {Hans de Jong},
4263         title = {Handleiding HTML},
4264         url = {http://www.handleidinghtml.nl}
4265 }
4267 @proceedings{WWW-2000,
4268         booktitle = {Proceedings of the Ninth International World Wide Web Conference},
4269         title = {Proceedings of the Ninth International World Wide Web Conference},
4270         year = {2000}
4271 }
4273 @article{Oshime-1983,
4274         author = {Yorimasa Oshime},
4275         journal = {Journal of mathematics of Kyoto university},
4276         localfile = {article/Oshime-1983-Perron.pdf},
4277         number = {4},
4278         pages = {803–830},
4279         title = {An extension of Morishima's nonlinear Perron-Frobenius theorem},
4280         url = {http://projecteuclid.org/euclid.kjm/1250521436},
4281         volume = {23},
4282         year = {1983}
4283 }
4285 @incollection{VanderGaag-Renooij-Coupe-2007,
4286         author = {Linda C. van der Gaag and Silja Renooij and Veerle M. H. Coupé},
4287         booktitle = {Advances in Probabilistic Graphical Models},
4288         doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-68996-6_5},
4289         localfile = {inbook/VanderGaag-Renooij-Coupe-2007.pdf},
4290         pages = {103–124},
4291         publisher = {Springer},
4292         title = {Sensitivity analysis of probabilistic networks},
4293         volume = {124},
4294         year = {2007}
4295 }
4297 @article{Johnson-1967,
4298         abstract = {It is shown that the uniqueness of relationship between a
4299 regression function and a prior distribution, in Bates-Neyman type models,
4300 previously established for linear regressions and gamma prior distributions, is
4301 of much more general application.},
4302         author = {Norman L. Johnson},
4303         issn = {0162-1459},
4304         journal = {Journal of the American Statistical Association},
4305         localfile = {article/Johnson-1967.pdf},
4306         number = {317},
4307         pages = {288–289},
4308         publisher = {American Statistical Association},
4309         title = {Note on a uniqueness relation in certain accident proneness models},
4310         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2282931},
4311         volume = {62},
4312         year = {1967}
4313 }
4315 @incollection{Shenoy-Shafer-2008-axioms,
4316         abstract = {In this paper, we describe an abstract framework and axioms
4317 under which exact local computation of marginals is possible. The primitive
4318 objects of the framework are variables and valuations. The primitive operators
4319 of the framework are combination and marginalization. These operate on
4320 valuations. We state three axioms for these operators and we derive the
4321 possibility of local computation from the axioms. Next, we describe a
4322 propagation scheme for computing marginals of a valuation when we have a
4323 factorization of the valuation on a hypertree. Finally we show how the problem
4324 of computing marginals of joint probability distributions and joint belief
4325 functions fits the general framework.},
4326         author = {Prakash Shenoy and Glenn Shafer},
4327         booktitle = {Classic Works of the Dempster-Shafer Theory of Belief Functions},
4328         doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-44792-4_20},
4329         editor = {Roland Yager and Liping Liu},
4330         pages = {499–528},
4331         publisher = {Springer},
4332         series = {Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing},
4333         title = {Axioms for Probability and Belief-Function Propagation},
4334         volume = {219},
4335         year = {2008}
4336 }
4338 @article{Walley-DeCooman-2001,
4339         author = {Peter Walley and Gert {De Cooman}},
4340         doi = {10.1016/S0020-0255(01)00090-1},
4341         issn = {0020-0255},
4342         journal = {Information Sciences},
4343         keywords = {Imprecise probabilities; Linguistic information; Monotonic predicate; Plausibility ordering; Possibility distribution; Prototype theory; Vagueness},
4344         localfile = {article/Walley-DeCooman-2001.pdf},
4345         number = {1-4},
4346         pages = {1–37},
4347         title = {A behavioral model for linguistic uncertainty},
4348         volume = {134},
4349         year = {2001}
4350 }
4352 @phdthesis{Quaeghebeur-2009-phd,
4353         author = {Erik Quaeghebeur},
4354         school = {Ghent University},
4355         title = {Learning from samples using coherent lower previsions},
4356         year = {2009}
4357 }
4359 @inproceedings{Quaeghebeur-DeCooman-Hermans-2011,
4360         author = {Erik Quaeghebeur and Gert {De Cooman} and Filip Hermans},
4361         booktitle = {ISIPTA '11: Program and Abstracts},
4362         keywords = {acceptability; desirability; favorability; indifference; preference},
4363         pages = {29},
4364         title = {Generalizing nonstrict and strict preference desirability},
4365         url = {http://hdl.handle.net/1854/LU-1863955},
4366         year = {2011}
4367 }
4369 @article{Schervish-1989-forecaster,
4370         author = {Mark J. Schervish},
4371         doi = {10.1214/aos},
4372         journal = {The Annals of Statistics},
4373         localfile = {article/Schervish-1989-forecaster.pdf},
4374         number = {4},
4375         pages = {1856–1879},
4376         publisher = {Institute of Mathematical Statistics},
4377         title = {A general method for comparing probability assessors},
4378         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2241668},
4379         volume = {17},
4380         year = {1989}
4381 }
4383 @inproceedings{Nilim-ElGhaoui-2003-robust-Markov-NIPS,
4384         author = {Arnab Nilim and Laurent {El Ghaoui}},
4385         booktitle = {NIPS},
4386         editor = {Sebastian Thrun and Lawrence K Saul and Bernhard Schölkopf},
4387         isbn = {0-262-20152-6},
4388         publisher = {MIT Press},
4389         title = {Robustness in Markov Decision Problems with Uncertain Transition Matrices},
4390         year = {2003}
4391 }
4393 @article{Hill-1968-An,
4394         abstract = {A Bayesian approach to inference about the percentiles and
4395 other characteristics of a finite population is proposed. The approach does not
4396 depend upon, though it need not exclude, the use of parametric models. Some
4397 related questions concerning the existence of exchangeable distributions are
4398 considered. It is shown that there are no countably additive exchangeable
4399 distributions on the space of observations which give ties probability 0 and for
4400 which a next observation is conditionally equally likely to fall in any of the
4401 open intervals between successive order statistics of a given sample.},
4402         author = {Bruce M. Hill},
4403         journal = {Journal of the American Statistical Association},
4404         localfile = {article/Hill-1968-An.pdf},
4405         number = {322},
4406         pages = {677–691},
4407         title = {Posterior distribution of percentiles: Bayes' theorem for sampling from a population},
4408         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2284038},
4409         volume = {63},
4410         year = {1968}
4411 }
4413 @incollection{Wagner-2003-two-dogmas,
4414         annote = {op papier in Wagnerbundel},
4415         author = {Carl G. Wagner},
4416         booktitle = {The Epistemology of Keith Lehrer},
4417         chapter = {9},
4418         editor = {E. J. Olsson},
4419         pages = {143–152},
4420         publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers},
4421         title = {Two dogmas of probabilism},
4422         year = {2003}
4423 }
4425 @book{Eckel-2000-C++V1,
4426         author = {Bruce Eckel},
4427         edition = {2},
4428         publisher = {Prentice Hall},
4429         title = {Thinking in C++},
4430         volume = {1},
4431         year = {2000}
4432 }
4434 @article{Walley-DeCooman-1999,
4435         abstract = {Possibility measures and conditional possibility measures
4436 are given a behavioural interpretation as marginal betting rates against events.
4437 Under this interpretation, possibility measures should satisfy two consistency
4438 criteria, known as ‘avoiding sure loss’ and ‘coherence’. We survey the rules
4439 that have been proposed for defining conditional possibilities and investigate
4440 which of them satisfy our consistency criteria in two situations of practical
4441 interest. Only two of these rules satisfy the criteria in both cases studied,
4442 and the conditional possibilities produced by these rules are highly
4443 uninformative. We introduce a new rule that is more informative and is also
4444 coherent in both cases.},
4445         annote = {reprint},
4446         author = {Peter Walley and Gert {De Cooman}},
4447         doi = {10.1016/S0888-613X(99)00007-9},
4448         journal = {International Journal of Approximate Reasoning},
4449         keywords = {Dempster's rule; coherence; conditional possibility; imprecise probabilities; natural extension; possibility measure; possibility theory; upper probability},
4450         localfile = {article/Walley-DeCooman-1999.pdf},
4451         pages = {63–107},
4452         title = {Coherence of rules for defining conditional possibility},
4453         volume = {21},
4454         year = {1999}
4455 }
4457 @book{Bertsimas-Tsitsiklis-1997,
4458         author = {Dimitris Bertsimas and John N. Tsitsiklis},
4459         isbn = {1-886529-19-1},
4460         keywords = {Linear programming; integer programming; mathematical optimization},
4461         publisher = {Athena Scientific},
4462         title = {Introduction to linear optimization},
4463         year = {1997}
4464 }
4466 @book{Huygens-1920,
4467         author = {Christiaan Huygens},
4468         publisher = {Martinus Nijhoff},
4469         title = {Oevres complètes de Christiaan Huygens},
4470         volume = {14},
4471         year = {1920}
4472 }
4474 @article{Zaffalon-Wesnes-Petrini-2003-dementia,
4475         abstract = {Dementia is a serious personal, medical and social problem.
4476 Recent research indicates early and accurate diagnoses as the key to effectively
4477 cope with it. No definitive cure is available but in some cases when the
4478 impairment is still mild the disease can be contained. This paper describes a
4479 diagnostic tool that jointly uses the naive credal classifier and the most
4480 widely used computerized system of cognitive tests in dementia research, the
4481 Cognitive Drug Research system. The naive credal classifier extends the discrete
4482 naive Bayes classifier to imprecise probabilities. The naive credal classifier
4483 models both prior ignorance and ignorance about the likelihood by sets of
4484 probability distributions. This is a new way to deal with small and incomplete
4485 datasets that departs significantly from most established classification
4486 methods. In the empirical study presented here, the naive credal classifier
4487 provides reliability and unmatched predictive performance. It delivers up to
4488 95\% correct predictions while being very robust with respect to the partial
4489 ignorance due to the largely incomplete data. The diagnostic tool also proves to
4490 be very effective in discriminating between Alzheimer's disease and dementia
4491 with Lewy bodies.},
4492         author = {Marco Zaffalon and Keith Wesnes and Orlando Petrini},
4493         doi = {10.1016/S0933-3657(03)00046-0},
4494         journal = {Artificial Intelligence in Medicine},
4495         keywords = {Cognitive tests; Credal classification; Dementia},
4496         number = {1-2},
4497         pages = {61–79},
4498         title = {Reliable diagnoses of dementia by the naive credal classifier inferred from incomplete cognitive data},
4499         volume = {29},
4500         year = {2003}
4501 }
4503 @article{Fishburn-1986,
4504         author = {Peter C. Fishburn},
4505         doi = {10.1214/ss},
4506         journal = {Statistical Science},
4507         localfile = {article/Fishburn-1986.pdf},
4508         number = {3},
4509         pages = {335–345},
4510         publisher = {Institute of Mathematical Statistics},
4511         title = {The axioms of subjective probability},
4512         volume = {1},
4513         year = {1986}
4514 }
4516 @book{Kolmogorov-1956,
4517         address = {New York},
4518         annote = {English translation of Grundbegriffe der Wahrscheinlichkeit[s]rechnung, 1933},
4519         author = {A. N. Kolmogorov},
4520         edition = {Second},
4521         editor = {Nathan Morisson},
4522         publisher = {Chelsea publishing company},
4523         title = {Foundations of the theory of probability},
4524         year = {1956}
4525 }
4527 @mastersthesis{Quaeghebeur-2002,
4528         abstract = {This text treats of the problem of predicting the flow of a
4529 river using past flow measurements, rainfall measurements and rainfall
4530 predictions. The objective is to generalize a forecasting method already used to
4531 predict daily consumption of electricity. The developed method will be compared
4532 to Hydromax, an existing riverflow forecasting model. The developed method
4533 simultaneously generates a series of consecutive flow predictions called a flow
4534 curve. This is done by combining separate forecasts for the mean, standard
4535 deviation and the normalized profile of the flow curve. Therefore, three
4536 separate forecasting models will be used, one for each of the aforementioned
4537 flow curve components. To understand the difficulties involved in riverflow
4538 forecasting we first take a look at the relevant hydrological concepts and the
4539 data used in constructing and testing the forecasting method. We will
4540 principally be interested in the prediction of floods, as these phenomena can
4541 have dire socioeconomic consequences if they take place without a timely
4542 warning. Some of the forecasting models will be based on mathematical techniques
4543 derived from the field of artificial neural networks. As an introduction we will
4544 shortly elaborate on this field before presenting a more profound study of the
4545 two derived techniques we will use. These are the so-called `self-organizing
4546 maps' and `radial basis function networks'. An essential part of the forecasting
4547 method are linear and nonlinear regression models. We shall take a look at these
4548 parameterized prediction models, the associated prediction errors and the
4549 parameter estimation involved in constructing them. Thus being well prepared, we
4550 will have at this stage a close look at the Hydromax model and explain the
4551 forecasting method we have developed. They will be compared in terms of the data
4552 needed and the hydrological knowledge involved. Finally, we will show how the
4553 developed method is used in practice. The obtained results will be compared with
4554 those obtained by Hydromax, and remarks will be made about possible
4555 improvements. We will conclude with showing that the developed method holds
4556 promise, but is not yet suitable for practical applications. Suggestions for
4557 further research are also included.},
4558         author = {Erik Quaeghebeur},
4559         localfile = {mastersthesis/Quaeghebeur-2002.pdf},
4560         school = {Université catholique de Louvain},
4561         title = {Analyse et prédiction de débit de rivières par des méthodes non linéaires},
4562         url = {http://users.ugent.be/~equaeghe/content/EQ-2002-UCL-memoire-hyperlinked.pdf},
4563         year = {2002}
4564 }
4566 @article{Ghahramani-2001-HMM+BN-intro,
4567         abstract = {We provide a tutorial on learning and inference in hidden
4568 Markov models in the context of the recent literature on Bayesian networks. This
4569 perspective makes it possible to consider novel generalizations of hidden Markov
4570 models with multiple hidden state variables, multiscale representations, and
4571 mixed discrete and continuous variables. Although exact inference in these
4572 generalizations is usually intractable, one can use approximate inference
4573 algorithms such as Markov chain sampling and variational methods. We describe
4574 how such methods are applied to these generalized hidden Markov models. We
4575 conclude this review with a discussion of Bayesian methods for model selection
4576 in generalized HMMs.},
4577         author = {Zoubin Ghahramani},
4578         doi = {10.1142/S0218001401000836},
4579         journal = {International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence},
4580         keywords = {Dynamic Bayesian networks; hidden Markov models},
4581         localfile = {article/Ghahramani-2001-HMM+BN-intro.pdf},
4582         number = {1},
4583         pages = {9–42},
4584         title = {An introduction to hidden Markov models and Bayesian networks},
4585         volume = {15},
4586         year = {2001}
4587 }
4589 @book{Abramowitz-Stegun-1972,
4590         editor = {Milton Abramowitz and Irene A Stegun},
4591         publisher = {Dover},
4592         title = {Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical tables},
4593         url = {http://frameindex.htm},
4594         year = {1972}
4595 }
4597 @book{Fine-1973,
4598         address = {New York and London},
4599         author = {Terrence L. Fine},
4600         publisher = {Academic Press},
4601         title = {Theories of Probability (An Examination of Foundations)},
4602         year = {1973}
4603 }
4605 @article{Basu-Pereira-1983a,
4606         abstract = {A Skibinsky (1970) characterization of the family of
4607 hypergeometric distributions is re-examined from the point of view of sufficient
4608 experiments and a number of other distributions similarly characterized.},
4609         annote = {ook op papier},
4610         author = {D. Basu and Carlos A. B. Pereira},
4611         journal = {Sankhya Series A},
4612         localfile = {article/Basu-Pereira-1983a.pdf},
4613         number = {1},
4614         pages = {99–104},
4615         publisher = {Springer},
4616         title = {A Note on Blackwell Sufficiency and a Skibinsky Characterization of Distributions},
4617         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/25050417},
4618         volume = {45},
4619         year = {1983}
4620 }
4622 @article{Fudenberg-Kreps-1993,
4623         abstract = {We study learning processes for finite strategic-form games,
4624 in which players use the history of past play to forecast play in the current
4625 period. In a generalization of fictitious play, we assume only that players
4626 asymptotically choose best responses to the historical frequencies of opponents′
4627 past play. This implies that if the stage-game strategies converge, the limit is
4628 a Nash equilibrium. In the basic model, plays seems unlikely to converge to a
4629 mixed-strategy equilibrium, but such convergence is natural when the stage game
4630 is perturbed in the manner of Harsanyi′s purification theorem.},
4631         annote = {geannoteerde kopie},
4632         author = {Drew Fudenberg},
4633         doi = {10.1006/game.1993.1021},
4634         issn = {0899-8256},
4635         journal = {Games and Economic Behavior},
4636         localfile = {article/Fudenberg-Kreps-1993.pdf},
4637         month = jul,
4638         number = {3},
4639         pages = {320–367},
4640         publisher = {MIT Press},
4641         title = {Learning Mixed Equilibria},
4642         volume = {5},
4643         year = {1993}
4644 }
4646 @article{Chateauneuf-Jaffray-1989,
4647         abstract = {Monotone capacities (on finite sets) of finite or infinite
4648 order (lower probabilities) are characterized by properties of their Möbius
4649 inverses. A necessary property of probabilities dominating a given capacity is
4650 demonstrated through the use of Gale's theorem for the transshipment problem.
4651 This property is shown to be also sufficient if and only if the capacity is
4652 monotone of infinite order. A characterization of dominating probabilities
4653 specific to capacities of order 2 is also proved.},
4654         annote = {ook op papier},
4655         author = {Alain Chateauneuf and Jean-Yves Jaffray},
4656         doi = {10.1016/0165-4896(89)90056-5},
4657         journal = {Mathematical Social Sciences},
4658         keywords = {Decision theory; belief funct; lower probability},
4659         localfile = {article/Chateauneuf-Jaffray-1989.pdf},
4660         number = {3},
4661         pages = {263–283},
4662         publisher = {Elsevier},
4663         title = {Some characterizations of lower probabilities and other monotone capacities through the use of Möbius inversion},
4664         volume = {17},
4665         year = {1989}
4666 }
4668 @article{Wallner-2007-extremepoints,
4669         abstract = {Every coherent probability (= F-probability) \mathcal{F} on
4670 a finite sample space $Ømega$\_k with k elements defines a set of classical
4671 probabilities in accordance with the interval limits. This set, called
4672 "structure" of , is a convex polytope having dimension \leq k - 1. We prove that
4673 the maximal number of extreme points of structures is exactly k!.},
4674         author = {Anton Wallner},
4675         doi = {10.1016/j.ijar.2006.07.017},
4676         journal = {International Journal of Approximate Reasoning},
4677         keywords = {0/1-Matrix; Coherent probability; Core; Credal set; Extreme point; F-probability; Interval probability; Polyhedron; Polytope; Structure; Vertex},
4678         localfile = {article/Wallner-2007-extremepoints.pdf},
4679         number = {3},
4680         pages = {339–357},
4681         title = {Extreme points of coherent probabilities in finite spaces},
4682         volume = {44},
4683         year = {2007}
4684 }
4686 @article{Quaeghebeur-DeCooman-2008-ELP-FSS,
4687         abstract = {We consider lower probabilities on finite possibility spaces
4688 as models for the uncertainty about the state. These generalizations of
4689 classical probabilities can have some interesting properties; for example:
4690 k-monotonicity, avoiding sure loss, coherence, permutation invariance. The sets
4691 formed by all the lower probabilities satisfying zero or more of these
4692 properties are convex. We show how the extreme points and rays of these sets –
4693 the extreme lower probabilities – can be calculated and we give an illustration
4694 of our results.},
4695         author = {Erik Quaeghebeur and Gert {De Cooman}},
4696         doi = {10.1016/j.fss.2007.11.020},
4697         journal = {Fuzzy Sets and Systems},
4698         keywords = {combinatorial problems; extreme points; imprecise probabilities; lower probabilities; non-additive measures},
4699         localfile = {article/Quaeghebeur-DeCooman-2008-ELP-FSS.pdf},
4700         month = sep,
4701         number = {16},
4702         pages = {2163–2175},
4703         publisher = {Elsevier},
4704         title = {Extreme lower probabilities},
4705         volume = {159},
4706         year = {2008}
4707 }
4709 @article{Heath-Sudderth-1976-exchangeability,
4710         abstract = {A simple proof is given for de Finetti's theorem that every
4711 sequence of exchangeable 0-1 random variables is a probability mixture of
4712 sequences of independent, identically distributed variables. The proof can
4713 easily be presented to seniors or first year graduate students of mathematical
4714 statistics and should aid them in understanding the relationship between the
4715 classical and the Bayesian point of view.},
4716         author = {David Heath and William Sudderth},
4717         journal = {The American Statistician},
4718         localfile = {article/Heath-Sudderth-1976-exchangeability.pdf},
4719         number = {4},
4720         pages = {188–189},
4721         title = {De Finetti's theorem on exchangeable variables},
4722         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2683760},
4723         volume = {30},
4724         year = {1976}
4725 }
4727 @book{BangJensen-Gutin-2008-digraphs,
4728         author = {Jørgen Bang-Jensen and Gregory Gutin},
4729         edition = {2},
4730         publisher = {Springer},
4731         title = {Digraphs: Theory, Algorithms and Applications},
4732         url = {http://books.google.com/books?id=4UY-ucucWucC},
4733         year = {2008}
4734 }
4736 @incollection{Garloff-Graf-1999,
4737         author = {J. Garloff and B. Graf},
4738         editor = {N. Munro},
4739         pages = {339–352},
4740         publisher = {The Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE)},
4741         title = {Solving strict polynomial inequalities by Bernstein expansion},
4742         year = {1999}
4743 }
4745 @unpublished{DeBoor-1995-BBForm,
4746         author = {C. de Boor},
4747         keywords = {Bernstein polynomials},
4748         title = {B-form basics},
4749         year = {1995}
4750 }
4752 @article{Zimmermann-1985,
4753         abstract = {Mathematical programming is one of the areas to which fuzzy
4754 set theory has been applied extensively. Primarily based on Bellman and Zadeh's
4755 model of decision in fuzzy environments, models have been suggested which allow
4756 flexibility in constraints and fuzziness in the objective function in
4757 traditional linear and nonlinear programming, in integer and fractional
4758 programming, and in dynamic programming. These models in turn have been used to
4759 offer computationally efficient approaches for solving vector maximum problems.
4760 This paper surveys major models and theories in this area and offers some
4761 indication on future developments which can be expected.},
4762         author = {Hans-Jürgen Zimmermann},
4763         doi = {10.1016/0020-0255(85)90025-8},
4764         issn = {0020-0255},
4765         journal = {Information Sciences},
4766         number = {1-2},
4767         pages = {29–58},
4768         title = {Applications of fuzzy set theory to mathematical programming},
4769         volume = {36},
4770         year = {1985}
4771 }
4773 @article{Wagner-1997-old+new,
4774         annote = {op papier in Wagnerbundel},
4775         author = {Carl G. Wagner},
4776         journal = {Philosophy of Science},
4777         pages = {677–691},
4778         title = {Old Evidence and New Explanation},
4779         volume = {64},
4780         year = {1997}
4781 }
4783 @article{Friedman-1997,
4784         abstract = {The classification problem is considered in which an
4785 outputvariable y assumes discrete values with respectiveprobabilities that
4786 depend upon the simultaneous values of a set of input variablesx =
4787 {x\_1,....,x\_n}. At issue is how error in the estimates of theseprobabilities
4788 affects classification error when the estimates are used ina classification
4789 rule. These effects are seen to be somewhat counterintuitive in both their
4790 strength and nature. In particular the bias andvariance components of the
4791 estimation error combine to influenceclassification in a very different way than
4792 with squared error on theprobabilities themselves. Certain types of (very high)
4793 bias can becanceled by low variance to produce accurate classification. This
4794 candramatically mitigate the effect of the bias associated with some
4795 simpleestimators like “naive” Bayes, and the bias induced by
4796 thecurse-of-dimensionality on nearest-neighbor procedures. This helps explainwhy
4797 such simple methods are often competitive with and sometimes superiorto more
4798 sophisticated ones for classification, and why “bagging/aggregating” classifiers
4799 can often improveaccuracy. These results also suggest simple modifications to
4800 theseprocedures that can (sometimes dramatically) further improve
4801 theirclassification performance.},
4802         author = {Jerome H. Friedman},
4803         doi = {10.1023/A:1009778005914},
4804         journal = {Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery},
4805         keywords = {bagging; bias; classification; curse-of-dimensionality; naive Bayes; nearest-neighbors; variance},
4806         localfile = {article/Friedman-1997.pdf},
4807         number = {1},
4808         pages = {55–77},
4809         publisher = {Springer},
4810         title = {On Bias, Variance, 0/1—Loss, and the Curse-of-Dimensionality},
4811         volume = {1},
4812         year = {1997}
4813 }
4815 @phdthesis{Troffaes-2005,
4816         author = {Matthias C. M. Troffaes},
4817         school = {Universiteit Gent – Ghent University},
4818         title = {Optimaliteit, onzekerheid, en dynamisch programmeren met onderprevisies – Optimality, Uncertainty, and Dynamic Programming with Lower Previsions},
4819         year = {2005}
4820 }
4822 @proceedings{ISIPTA-2005,
4823         address = {Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania},
4824         booktitle = {ISIPTA '05: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Imprecise Probabilities and Their Applications},
4825         editor = {Fabio Gagliardi Cozman and Robert Nau and Teddy Seidenfeld},
4826         organization = {SIPTA},
4827         title = {ISIPTA '05: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Imprecise Probabilities and Their Applications},
4828         year = {2005}
4829 }
4831 @book{Rohn-2005,
4832         author = {Jiri Rohn},
4833         title = {A Handbook of Results on Interval Linear Problems},
4834         url = {http://uivtx.cs.cas.cz/~rohn/handbook},
4835         year = {2005}
4836 }
4838 @article{Wong-1998,
4839         abstract = {Generalized Dirichlet distribution has a more general
4840 covariance structure than Dirichlet distribution. This makes the generalized
4841 Dirichlet distribution to be more practical and useful. The concept of complete
4842 neutrality will be used to derive the general moment function for the
4843 generalized Dirichlet distribution, and then some properties of the generalized
4844 Dirichlet distribution will be established. Similar to the Dirichlet
4845 distribution, the generalized Dirichlet distribution will be shown to conjugate
4846 to multinominal sampling. Two experiments are designed for studying the
4847 differences between the Dirichlet and the generalized Dirichlet distributions in
4848 Bayesian analysis. A method for generating samples from a generalized Dirichlet
4849 in presented. When a prior distribution is either a Dirichlet or a generalized
4850 Dirichlet distribution, the way for constructing such a prior is discussed.},
4851         annote = {ook op papier},
4852         author = {Tzu-Tsung Wong},
4853         doi = {10.1016/S0096-3003(97)10140-0},
4854         journal = {Applied Mathematics and Computation},
4855         keywords = {Bayesian analysis; Completely neutral; Conjugate; Generalized Dirichlet distribution; Prior construction},
4856         localfile = {article/Wong-1998.pdf},
4857         number = {2-3},
4858         pages = {165–181},
4859         publisher = {Elsevier},
4860         title = {Generalized Dirichlet distribution in Bayesian analysis},
4861         volume = {97},
4862         year = {1998}
4863 }
4865 @book{DeFinetti-1974/1975,
4866         author = {Bruno de Finetti},
4867         publisher = {John Wiley \& Sons},
4868         title = {Theory of Probability},
4869         year = {1974-1975}
4870 }
4872 @article{Hall-2006-sensitivity-indices,
4873         abstract = {An uncertainty-based sensitivity index represents the
4874 contribution that uncertainty in model input Xi makes to the uncertainty in
4875 model output Y. This paper addresses the situation where the uncertainties in
4876 the model inputs are expressed as closed convex sets of probability measures, a
4877 situation that exists when inputs are expressed as intervals or sets of
4878 intervals with no particular distribution specified over the intervals, or as
4879 probability distributions with interval-valued parameters. Three different
4880 approaches to measuring uncertainty, and hence uncertainty-based sensitivity,
4881 are explored. Variance-based sensitivity analysis (VBSA) estimates the
4882 contribution that each uncertain input, acting individually or in combination,
4883 makes to variance in the model output. The partial expected value of perfect
4884 information (partial EVPI), quantifies the (financial) value of learning the
4885 true numeric value of an input. For both of these sensitivity indices the
4886 generalization to closed convex sets of probability measures yields lower and
4887 upper sensitivity indices. Finally, the use of relative entropy as an
4888 uncertainty-based sensitivity index is introduced and extended to the imprecise
4889 setting, drawing upon recent work on entropy measures for imprecise
4890 information.},
4891         author = {Jim W. Hall},
4892         doi = {10.1016/j.ress.2005.11.042},
4893         issn = {0951-8320},
4894         journal = {Reliability Engineering \& System Safety},
4895         keywords = {Coherent lower and upper probabilities; Entropy-based sensitivity indices; Generalized information theory; Partial expected value of perfect information; Variance-based sensitivity indices},
4896         localfile = {article/Hall-2006-sensitivity-indices.pdf},
4897         month = oct,
4898         number = {10-11},
4899         pages = {1443–1451},
4900         publisher = {Elsevier},
4901         title = {Uncertainty-based sensitivity indices for imprecise probability distributions},
4902         volume = {91},
4903         year = {2006}
4904 }
4906 @proceedings{CIPS-1951,
4907         address = {Paris},
4908         booktitle = {Congrès international de philosophie des sciences. 4: Calcul des probabilités},
4909         editor = {Raymond Bayer},
4910         number = {1146},
4911         publisher = {Hermann},
4912         series = {Actualités scientifiques et industrielles},
4913         title = {Congrès international de philosophie des sciences},
4914         year = {1951}
4915 }
4917 @book{Hume-1739,
4918         author = {David Hume},
4919         edition = {Annotated},
4920         editor = {David Fate Norton and Mary J. Norton},
4921         publisher = {Oxford University Press},
4922         series = {Oxford Philosophical Texts},
4923         title = {A treatise of human nature},
4924         year = {1739}
4925 }
4927 @article{Rota-1964-moebius,
4928         author = {Gian-Carlo Rota},
4929         doi = {10.1007/BF00531932},
4930         journal = {Probability Theory and Related Fields},
4931         localfile = {article/Rota-1964-moebius.pdf},
4932         month = jan,
4933         number = {4},
4934         pages = {340–368},
4935         title = {On the foundations of combinatorial theory: I. Theory of Möbius functions},
4936         volume = {2},
4937         year = {1964}
4938 }
4940 @article{Walley-Pelessoni-Vicig-2004,
4941         abstract = {We solve two fundamental problems of probabilistic
4942 reasoning: given finitely many conditional probability assessments, how to
4943 determine whether the assessments are mutually consistent, and how to determine
4944 what they imply about the conditional probabilities of other events? These
4945 problems were posed in 1854 by George Boole, who gave a partial solution using
4946 algebraic methods. The two problems are fundamental in applications of the
4947 Bayesian theory of probability; Bruno de Finetti solved the second problem for
4948 the special case of unconditional probability assessments in what he called ‘the
4949 fundamental theorem of probability’. We give examples to show that previous
4950 attempts to solve the two problems, using probabilistic logic and similar
4951 methods, can produce incorrect answers. Using ideas from the theory of imprecise
4952 probability, we show that the general problems have simple, direct solutions
4953 which can be implemented using linear programming algorithms. Unlike earlier
4954 proposals, our methods are formulated directly in terms of the assessments,
4955 without introducing unknown probabilities. Our methods work when any of the
4956 conditioning events may have probability zero, and they work when the
4957 assessments include imprecise (upper and lower) probabilities or previsions. The
4958 main methodological contribution of the paper is to provide general algorithms
4959 for making inferences from any finite collection of (possibly imprecise)
4960 conditional probabilities.},
4961         author = {Peter Walley and Renato Pelessoni and Paolo Vicig},
4962         doi = {10.1016/j.jspi.2003.09.005},
4963         journal = {Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference},
4964         keywords = {Avoiding uniform loss; Bayesian inference; Coherent probabilities; Fundamental theorem of probability; Imprecise probability; Lower probability; Natural extension; Probabilistic logic; Probabilistic reasoning},
4965         localfile = {article/Walley-Pelessoni-Vicig-2004.pdf},
4966         number = {1},
4967         pages = {119–151},
4968         title = {Direct algorithms for checking consistency and making inferences from conditional probability assessments},
4969         volume = {126},
4970         year = {2004}
4971 }
4973 @article{Matheiss-Rubin-1980-vertexenum,
4974         abstract = {This paper surveys the literature on methods for finding all
4975 vertices of convex polytopes, contrasting the main features of each method and
4976 providing computational results for representative methods.},
4977         annote = {ook op papier},
4978         author = {T. H. Matheiss and David S. Rubin},
4979         issn = {0364-765X},
4980         journal = {Mathematics of Operations Research},
4981         localfile = {article/Matheiss-Rubin-1980.pdf},
4982         number = {2},
4983         pages = {167–185},
4984         title = {A survey and comparison of methods for finding all vertices of convex polyhedral sets},
4985         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/3689148},
4986         volume = {5},
4987         year = {1980}
4988 }
4990 @article{Friedman-2004,
4991         annote = {geannoteerde kopie},
4992         author = {Nir Friedman},
4993         doi = {10.1126/science.1094068},
4994         journal = {Science},
4995         localfile = {article/Friedman-2004.pdf},
4996         number = {5659},
4997         pages = {799–805},
4998         publisher = {American Association for the Advancement of Science},
4999         title = {Inferring cellular networks using probabilistic graphical models},
5000         volume = {303},
5001         year = {2004}
5002 }
5004 @article{Bremner-Fukuda-Marzetta-1998-pd,
5005         author = {David Bremner and Komei Fukuda and Ambros Marzetta},
5006         doi = {10.1007/PL00009389},
5007         journal = {Discrete \& Computational Geometry},
5008         pages = {333–357},
5009         title = {Primal-Dual Methods for Vertex and Facet Enumeration},
5010         url = {http://www.cs.unb.ca/profs/bremner/pd},
5011         volume = {20},
5012         year = {1998}
5013 }
5015 @proceedings{CIM-1928,
5016         address = {Bologna},
5017         booktitle = {Atti del congresso internationale dei matematici},
5018         publisher = {N. Zanichelli},
5019         title = {Atti del congresso internationale dei matematici},
5020         year = {1928}
5021 }
5023 @article{Goldstein-1983,
5024         abstract = {We prove that the result EX = E(E(X|Y)) is true, for bounded
5025 X, when the usual concept of conditional expectation or prevision is replaced by
5026 an alternative definition reflecting an individual's actual beliefs concerning X
5027 after observing Y. We discuss the importance of this result to subjectivist
5028 theory.},
5029         author = {Michael Goldstein},
5030         issn = {0162-1459},
5031         journal = {Journal of the American Statistical Association},
5032         keywords = {coherence},
5033         localfile = {article/Goldstein-1983.pdf},
5034         month = dec,
5035         number = {384},
5036         pages = {817–819},
5037         publisher = {American Statistical Association},
5038         title = {The prevision of a prevision},
5039         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2288190},
5040         volume = {78},
5041         year = {1983}
5042 }
5044 @article{Sarukkai-2000-link-prediction,
5045         abstract = {The enormous growth in the number of documents in the World
5046 Wide Web increases the need for improved link navigation and path analysis
5047 models. Link prediction and path analysis are important problems with a wide
5048 range of applications ranging from personalization to Web server request
5049 prediction. The sheer size of the World Wide Web coupled with the variation in
5050 users' navigation patterns makes this a very difficult sequence modelling
5051 problem. In this paper, the notion of probabilistic link prediction and path
5052 analysis using Markov chains is proposed and evaluated. Markov chains allow the
5053 system to dynamically model the URL access patterns that are observed in
5054 navigation logs based on the previous state. Furthermore, the Markov chain model
5055 can also be used in a generative mode to automatically obtain tours. The Markov
5056 transition matrix can be analysed further using eigenvector decomposition to
5057 obtain `personalized hubs/authorities'. The utility of the Markov chain approach
5058 is demonstrated in many domains: HTTP request prediction, system-driven adaptive
5059 Web navigation, tour generation, and detection of `personalized
5060 hubs/authorities' from user navigation profiles. The generality and power of
5061 Markov chains is a first step towards the application of powerful probabilistic
5062 models to Web path analysis and link prediction.},
5063         author = {Ramesh R. Sarukkai},
5064         doi = {10.1016/S1389-1286(00)00044-X},
5065         journal = {Computer Networks},
5066         keywords = {Adaptive navigation; HTTP request; Hubs=authorities; Link prediction; Markov chains; Tour generation},
5067         localfile = {article/Sarukkai-2000-link-prediction.pdf},
5068         number = {1-6},
5069         pages = {377–386},
5070         title = {Link prediction and path analysis using Markov chains},
5071         volume = {33},
5072         year = {2000}
5073 }
5075 @article{Walley-2002-reconciling,
5076         abstract = {This paper describes the author's research connecting the
5077 empirical analysis of treatment response with the normative analysis of
5078 treatment choice under ambiguity. Imagine a planner who must choose a treatment
5079 rule assigning a treatment to each member of a heterogeneous population of
5080 interest. The planner observes certain covariates for each person. Each member
5081 of the population has a response function mapping treatments into a real-valued
5082 outcome of interest. Suppose that the planner wants to choose a treatment rule
5083 that maximizes the population mean outcome. An optimal rule assigns to each
5084 member of the population a treatment that maximizes mean outcome conditional on
5085 the person's observed covariates. However, identification problems in the
5086 empirical analysis of treatment response commonly prevent planners from knowing
5087 the conditional mean outcomes associated with alternative treatments; hence
5088 planners commonly face problems of treatment choice under ambiguity. The
5089 research surveyed here characterizes this ambiguity in practical settings where
5090 the planner may be able to bound but not identify the relevant conditional mean
5091 outcomes. The statistical problem of treatment choice using finite-sample data
5092 is discussed as well.},
5093         author = {Peter Walley},
5094         doi = {10.1016/S0378-3758(01)00204-X},
5095         journal = {Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference},
5096         keywords = {Conditional inference; Consistency function; Contamination neighborhood; Foundations of statistics; Frequentist principle; Imprecise Beta model; Imprecise probability; Upper probability},
5097         localfile = {article/Walley-2002-reconciling.pdf},
5098         pages = {35–65},
5099         title = {Reconciling frequentist properties with the likelihood principle},
5100         volume = {105},
5101         year = {2002}
5102 }
5104 @book{Rockafellar-1970,
5105         address = {Princeton, New Jersey},
5106         author = {R. Tyrell Rockafellar},
5107         publisher = {Princeton University Press},
5108         series = {Princeton Landmarks in Mathematics},
5109         title = {Convex Analysis},
5110         year = {1970}
5111 }
5113 @article{Cozman-2000-cn,
5114         abstract = {This paper presents a complete theory of credal networks,
5115 structures that associate convex sets of probability measures with directed
5116 acyclic graphs. Credal networks are graphical models for precise/imprecise
5117 beliefs. The main contribution of this work is a theory of credal networks that
5118 displays as much flexibility and representational power as the theory of
5119 standard Bayesian networks. Results in this paper show how to express judgements
5120 of irrelevance and independence, and how to compute inferences in credal
5121 networks. A credal network admits several extensions–several sets of
5122 probability measures comply with the constraints represented by a network. Two
5123 types of extensions are investigated. The properties of strong extensions are
5124 clarified through a new generalization of d-separation, and exact and
5125 approximate inference methods are described for strong extensions. Novel results
5126 are presented for natural extensions, and linear fractional programming methods
5127 are described for natural extensions. The paper also investigates credal
5128 networks that are defined globally through perturbations of a single network.},
5129         author = {Fabio Gagliardi Cozman},
5130         doi = {10.1016/S0004-3702(00)00029-1},
5131         issn = {0004-3702},
5132         journal = {Artificial Intelligence},
5133         keywords = {Bayesian networks; Convex sets of probability measures; Graphical d-separation relations; Graphical models of inference; Independence relations; Lower and upper expectations; Robust Bayesian analysis},
5134         localfile = {article/Cozman-2000-cn.pdf},
5135         number = {2},
5136         pages = {199–233},
5137         title = {Credal networks},
5138         volume = {120},
5139         year = {2000}
5140 }
5142 @book{Oliphant-2006-numpy,
5143         author = {Travis E. Oliphant},
5144         publisher = {Trelgol Publishing},
5145         title = {Guide to NumPy},
5146         url = {http://www.tramy.us/numpybook.pdf},
5147         year = {2006}
5148 }
5150 @article{Daboni-1953,
5151         author = {Luciano Daboni},
5152         journal = {Giornale dell'Istituto italiano degli attuari},
5153         localfile = {article/Daboni-1953.pdf},
5154         pages = {58–65},
5155         title = {Considerazioni geometriche sulla condizione di equivalenza per una classa di eventi},
5156         volume = {16},
5157         year = {1953}
5158 }
5160 @misc{Suppes-2003,
5161         author = {Patrick Suppes},
5162         title = {Nonmonotonic Upper Probabilities and Quantum Entanglement},
5163         year = {2003}
5164 }
5166 @article{Ferreira-Cozman-2005-AR+,
5167         abstract = {A credal network is a graphical representation for a set of
5168 joint probability distributions. In this paper we discuss algorithms for exact
5169 and approximate inferences in credal networks. We propose a branch-and-bound
5170 framework for inference, and focus on inferences for polytree-shaped networks.
5171 We also propose a new algorithm, A/R+, for outer approximations in
5172 polytree-shaped credal networks.},
5173         author = {José Carlos {Ferreira da Rocha} and Fabio Gagliardi Cozman},
5174         doi = {10.1016/j.ijar.2004.10.009},
5175         issn = {0888-613X},
5176         journal = {International Journal of Approximate Reasoning},
5177         localfile = {article/Ferreira-Cozman-2005-AR+.pdf},
5178         number = {2-3},
5179         pages = {279–296},
5180         title = {Inference in credal networks: branch-and-bound methods and the A/R+ algorithm},
5181         volume = {39},
5182         year = {2005}
5183 }
5185 @book{Eckel-2000-C++V2,
5186         author = {Bruce Eckel},
5187         edition = {2},
5188         publisher = {Prentice Hall},
5189         title = {Thinking in C++},
5190         volume = {2},
5191         year = {2000}
5192 }
5194 @article{Polya-1930,
5195         annote = {Bevat deel over urneproblemen},
5196         author = {G. Pólya},
5197         journal = {Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré},
5198         localfile = {article/Polya-1930.pdf},
5199         number = {2},
5200         pages = {117–161},
5201         title = {Sur quelques points de la théorie des probabilités},
5202         url = {http://www.numdam.org/item?id=AIHP_1930__1_2_117_0},
5203         volume = {1},
5204         year = {1930}
5205 }
5207 @inproceedings{DeBock-DeCooman-2011,
5208         abstract = {We present an efficient exact algorithm for estimating state
5209 sequences from outputs (or observations) in imprecise hidden Markov models
5210 (iHMM), where both the uncertainty linking one state to the next, and that
5211 linking a state to its output, are represented using coherent lower previsions.
5212 The notion of independence we associate with the credal network representing the
5213 iHMM is that of epistemic irrelevance. We consider as best estimates for state
5214 sequences the (Walley–Sen) maximal sequences for the posterior joint state
5215 model (conditioned on the observed output sequence), associated with a gain
5216 function that is the indicator of the state sequence. This corresponds to (and
5217 generalises) finding the state sequence with the highest posterior probability
5218 in HMMs with precise transition and output probabilities (pHMMs). We argue that
5219 the computational complexity is at worst quadratic in the length of the Markov
5220 chain, cubic in the number of states, and essentially linear in the number of
5221 maximal state sequences. For binary iHMMs, we investigate experimentally how the
5222 number of maximal state sequences depends on the model parameters.},
5223         address = {Innsbruck, Austria},
5224         author = {Jasper {De Bock} and Gert {De Cooman}},
5225         booktitle = {ISIPTA'11: Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications},
5226         editor = {Frank P. A. Coolen and Gert {De Cooman} and Thomas Fetz and Michael Oberguggenberger},
5227         pages = {159–168},
5228         publisher = {SIPTA},
5229         title = {State sequence prediction in imprecise hidden Markov models},
5230         year = {2011}
5231 }
5233 @article{Inuiguchi-Sakawa-1997,
5234         abstract = {In this paper, we focus on a treatment of a linear
5235 programming problem with an interval objective function. From the viewpoint of
5236 the achievement rate, a new solution concept, the maximin achievement rate
5237 solution, is proposed. Nice properties of this solution are shown: a maximin
5238 achievement rate solution is necessarily optimal when a necessarily optimal
5239 solution exists, and if not, then it is still a possibly optimal solution. An
5240 algorithm for a maximin achievement rate solution is proposed based on a
5241 relaxation procedure together with a simplex method. A numerical example is
5242 given to demonstrate the proposed solution algorithm.},
5243         author = {Masahiro Inuiguchi and M. Sakawa},
5244         issn = {0160-5682},
5245         journal = {Journal of the Operational Research Society},
5246         keywords = {fractional programming},
5247         localfile = {article/Inuiguchi-Sakawa-1997.pdf},
5248         number = {1},
5249         pages = {25–33},
5250         publisher = {Palgrave Macmillan Journals on behalf of the Operational Research Society},
5251         title = {An achievement rate approach to linear programming problems with an interval objective function},
5252         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/3009940},
5253         volume = {48},
5254         year = {1997}
5255 }
5257 @article{Williams-2007-notes,
5258         abstract = {The personalist conception of probability is often
5259 explicated in terms of betting rates acceptable to an individual. A common
5260 approach, that of de Finetti for example, assumes that the individual is willing
5261 to take either side of the bet, so that the bet is “fair” from the individual's
5262 point of view. This can sometimes be unrealistic, and leads to difficulties in
5263 the case of conditional probabilities or previsions. An alternative conception
5264 is presented in which it is only assumed that the collection of acceptable bets
5265 forms a convex cone, rather than a linear space. This leads to the more general
5266 conception of an upper conditional prevision. The main concerns of the paper are
5267 with the extension of upper conditional previsions. The main result is that any
5268 upper conditional prevision is the upper envelope of a family of additive
5269 conditional previsions.},
5270         author = {Peter M. Williams},
5271         doi = {10.1016/j.ijar.2006.07.019},
5272         institution = {University of Sussex},
5273         journal = {International Journal of Approximate Reasoning},
5274         keywords = {Coherence; Conditional prevision; Imprecise probabilities; de Finetti},
5275         localfile = {article/Williams-2007-notes.pdf},
5276         pages = {366–383},
5277         title = {Notes on conditional previsions},
5278         volume = {44},
5279         year = {2007}
5280 }
5282 @proceedings{ISIPTA-2009,
5283         address = {Durham, United Kingdom},
5284         editor = {Thomas Augustin and Frank P. A. Coolen and Serafin Moral and Matthias C. M. Troffaes},
5285         organization = {SIPTA},
5286         title = {ISIPTA '09: Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Imprecise Probabilities: Theories and Applications},
5287         year = {2009}
5288 }
5290 @article{Delbaen-1974,
5291         annote = {ook op papier},
5292         author = {Freddy Delbaen},
5293         doi = {10.1016/0022-247X(74)90133-4},
5294         journal = {Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications},
5295         localfile = {article/Delbaen-1974.pdf},
5296         number = {1},
5297         pages = {210–233},
5298         publisher = {Elsevier},
5299         title = {Convex games and extreme points},
5300         volume = {45},
5301         year = {1974}
5302 }
5304 @inproceedings{Quaeghebeur-2010-UAI,
5305         author = {Erik Quaeghebeur},
5306         booktitle = {UAI-10: Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence},
5307         editor = {Peter Spirtes and Peter Grünwald},
5308         isbn = {978-0-9749039-6-5},
5309         pages = {466–473},
5310         publisher = {AUAI Press},
5311         title = {Characterizing the set of coherent lower previsions with a finite number of constraints or vertices},
5312         year = {2010}
5313 }
5315 @article{Jaffray-1989,
5316         author = {Jean-Yves Jaffray},
5317         doi = {10.1016/0167-6377(89)90010-2},
5318         journal = {Operations Research Letters},
5319         localfile = {article/Jaffray-1989.pdf},
5320         number = {2},
5321         pages = {107–112},
5322         publisher = {Elsevier},
5323         title = {Linear utility theory for belief functions},
5324         volume = {8},
5325         year = {1989}
5326 }
5328 @article{Williams-1980,
5329         author = {Peter M. Williams},
5330         journal = {The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science},
5331         localfile = {article/Williams-1980.pdf},
5332         number = {2},
5333         pages = {131–144},
5334         title = {Bayesian conditionalisation and the principle of minimum information},
5335         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/687182},
5336         volume = {31},
5337         year = {1980}
5338 }
5340 @article{Huber-Strassen-1973,
5341         author = {Peter J. Huber and Volker Strassen},
5342         doi = {10.1214/aos},
5343         journal = {The Annals of Statistics},
5344         localfile = {article/Huber-Strassen-1973.pdf},
5345         pages = {251–263},
5346         title = {Minimax tests and the Neyman-Pearson lemma for capacities},
5347         volume = {1},
5348         year = {1973}
5349 }
5351 @article{Ioannidis-et-al-2010-afraid,
5352         author = {J. P. A. Ioannidis and Athina Tatsioni and F. B. Karassa},
5353         doi = {10.1111/j.1365-2362.2010.02272.x},
5354         issn = {1365-2362},
5355         journal = {European Journal of Clinical Investigation},
5356         localfile = {article/Ioannidis-et-al-2010-afraid.pdf},
5357         number = {4},
5358         pages = {285–287},
5359         title = {Who is afraid of reviewers' comments?: Or, why anything can be published and anything can be cited},
5360         volume = {40},
5361         year = {2010}
5362 }
5364 @techreport{kam981,
5365         author = {Milan Hladík},
5366         institution = {KAM-DIMATIA Series},
5367         number = {981},
5368         title = {Interval linear programming: A survey},
5369         year = {2010}
5370 }
5372 @article{Gneiting-Raftery-2007,
5373         abstract = {Scoring rules assess the quality of probabilistic forecasts,
5374 by assigning a numerical score based on the predictive distribution and on the
5375 event or value that materializes. A scoring rule is proper if the forecaster
5376 maximizes the expected score for an observation drawn from the distributionF if
5377 he or she issues the probabilistic forecast F, rather than G ≠ F. It is strictly
5378 proper if the maximum is unique. In prediction problems, proper scoring rules
5379 encourage the forecaster to make careful assessments and to be honest. In
5380 estimation problems, strictly proper scoring rules provide attractive loss and
5381 utility functions that can be tailored to the problem at hand. This article
5382 reviews and develops the theory of proper scoring rules on general probability
5383 spaces, and proposes and discusses examples thereof. Proper scoring rules derive
5384 from convex functions and relate to information measures, entropy functions, and
5385 Bregman divergences. In the case of categorical variables, we prove a rigorous
5386 version of the Savage representation. Examples of scoring rules for
5387 probabilistic forecasts in the form of predictive densities include the
5388 logarithmic, spherical, pseudospherical, and quadratic scores. The continuous
5389 ranked probability score applies to probabilistic forecasts that take the form
5390 of predictive cumulative distribution functions. It generalizes the absolute
5391 error and forms a special case of a new and very general type of score, the
5392 energy score. Like many other scoring rules, the energy score admits a kernel
5393 representation in terms of negative definite functions, with links to
5394 inequalities of Hoeffding type, in both univariate and multivariate settings.
5395 Proper scoring rules for quantile and interval forecasts are also discussed. We
5396 relate proper scoring rules to Bayes factors and to cross-validation, and
5397 propose a novel form of cross-validation known as random-fold cross-validation.
5398 A case study on probabilistic weather forecasts in the North American Pacific
5399 Northwest illustrates the importance of propriety. We note optimum score
5400 approaches to point and quantile estimation, and propose the intuitively
5401 appealing interval score as a utility function in interval estimation that
5402 addresses width as well as coverage.},
5403         author = {Tilmann Gneiting and Adrian E. Raftery},
5404         doi = {10.1198/016214506000001437},
5405         journal = {Journal of the American Statistical Association},
5406         keywords = {Bayes factor; Bregman divergence; Brier score; Coherent; Continuous ranked probability score; Cross-validation; Entropy; Kernel score; Loss function; Minimum contrast estimation; Negative definite function; Prediction interval; Predictive distribution; Quantile forecast; Scoring rule; Skill score; Strictly proper; Utility function},
5407         localfile = {article/Gneiting-Raftery-2007.pdf},
5408         number = {477},
5409         pages = {359–378},
5410         publisher = {ASA},
5411         title = {Strictly proper scoring rules, prediction, and estimation},
5412         volume = {102},
5413         year = {2007}
5414 }
5416 @incollection{Seidenfeld-Schervish-Kadane-1990-decwoord,
5417         address = {Dordrecht},
5418         author = {Teddy Seidenfeld and Mark J. Schervish and Joseph B. Kadane},
5419         booktitle = {Acting and Reflecting: The Interdisciplinary Turn in Philosophy},
5420         editor = {Wilfried Sieg},
5421         pages = {143–170},
5422         publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers},
5423         series = {Synthese Library},
5424         title = {Decisions without ordering},
5425         volume = {211},
5426         year = {1990}
5427 }
5429 @inproceedings{Cozman-Seidenfeld-2009-graphoid,
5430         abstract = {This paper examines definitions of independence for events
5431 and variables in the context of full conditional measures; that is, when
5432 conditional probability is a primitive notion and conditioning is allowed on
5433 null events. Several independence concepts are evaluated with respect to
5434 graphoid properties; we show that properties of weak union, contraction and
5435 intersection may fail when null events are present. We propose a concept of
5436 “full” independence, characterize the form of a full conditional measure under
5437 full independence, and suggest how to build a theory of Bayesian networks that
5438 accommodates null events.},
5439         annote = {Conference held in Amsterdam, May 2-5, 2007},
5440         author = {Fabio Gagliardi Cozman and Teddy Seidenfeld},
5441         booktitle = {Foundations of the Formal Sciences VI: Reasoning about Probabilities and Probabilistic Reasoning},
5442         editor = {Benedikt Löwe and Eric Pacuit and Jan-Willem Romeijn},
5443         publisher = {College Publications},
5444         series = {Studies in Logic},
5445         title = {Independence for Full Conditional Measures and their Graphoid Problems},
5446         year = {2010}
5447 }
5449 @inproceedings{Zaffalon-1999,
5450         address = {Ghent, Belgium},
5451         author = {Marco Zaffalon},
5452         booktitle = {ISIPTA '99: Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Imprecise probabilities and Their Applications},
5453         editor = {Gert {De Cooman} and Fabio Gagliardi Cozman and Serafin Moral and Peter Walley},
5454         pages = {405–414},
5455         title = {A Credal Approach to Naive Classification},
5456         year = {1999}
5457 }
5459 @inproceedings{Quaeghebeur-2003,
5460         address = {Leuven, Belgium},
5461         author = {Erik Quaeghebeur},
5462         booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th workshop on dynamics and computation: Iterated games and cooperation},
5463         title = {Fictitious play: two viewpoints and two versions},
5464         year = {2003}
5465 }
5467 @inproceedings{Delort-BouchonMeunier-2000,
5468         author = {Jean-Yves Delort and Bernadette Bouchon-Meunier},
5469         booktitle = {Proceedings of the Eleventh International World Wide Web Conference},
5470         title = {Facing Uncertainty in Link Recommender Systems},
5471         year = {2002}
5472 }
5474 @article{Fukuda-2004-Minkowski-addition,
5475         abstract = {A zonotope is the Minkowski addition of line segments in Rd.
5476 The zonotope construction problem is to list all extreme points of a zonotope
5477 given by its line segments. By duality, it is equivalent to the arrangement
5478 construction problem—that is, to generate all regions of an arrangement of
5479 hyperplanes. By replacing line segments with convex V-polytopes, we obtain a
5480 natural generalization of the zonotope construction problem: the construction of
5481 the Minkowski addition of k polytopes. Gritzmann and Sturmfels studied this
5482 general problem in various aspects and presented polynomial algorithms for the
5483 problem when one of the parameters k or d is fixed. The main objective of the
5484 present work is to introduce an efficient algorithm for variable d and k. Here
5485 we call an algorithm efficient or polynomial if it runs in time bounded by a
5486 polynomial function of both the input size and the output size. The algorithm is
5487 a natural extension of a known algorithm for the zonotope construction, based on
5488 linear programming and reverse search. It is compact, highly parallelizable and
5489 very easy to implement. This work has been motivated by the use of polyhedral
5490 computation for optimal tolerance determination in mechanical engineering.},
5491         author = {Komei Fukuda},
5492         doi = {10.1016/j.jsc.2003.08.007},
5493         journal = {Journal of Symbolic Computation},
5494         keywords = {Convex polytope; Efficient algorithm; Minkowski addition; Reverse search},
5495         localfile = {article/Fukuda-2004-Minkowski-addition.pdf},
5496         pages = {1261–1272},
5497         title = {From the zonotope construction to the Minkowski addition of convex polytopes},
5498         volume = {38},
5499         year = {2004}
5500 }
5502 @misc{Doumont-2001-fundamentals,
5503         author = {Jean-luc Doumont},
5504         title = {Fundamentals},
5505         year = {2001}
5506 }
5508 @incollection{Mura-2008-backmatter,
5509         author = {Bruno de Finetti},
5510         doi = {10.1007/978-1-4020-8202-3},
5511         editor = {Alberto Mura},
5512         publisher = {Springer},
5513         series = {Synthese Library},
5514         title = {Back Matter},
5515         volume = {340},
5516         year = {2008}
5517 }
5519 @article{Vicig-Zaffalon-Cozman-2007-notes,
5520         abstract = {These notes comment on Williams' fundamental essay Notes on
5521 Conditional Previsions, written as a research report in 1975 and published in
5522 the present issue. Basic aspects of that work are discussed, including
5523 historical background and relevance to the foundations of probability; examples
5524 are supplied to help understanding.},
5525         author = {Paolo Vicig and Marco Zaffalon and Fabio Gagliardi Cozman},
5526         doi = {10.1016/j.ijar.2006.07.018},
5527         journal = {International Journal of Approximate Reasoning},
5528         localfile = {article/Vicig-Zaffalon-Cozman-2007-notes.pdf},
5529         pages = {358–365},
5530         title = {Notes on “Notes on conditional previsions”},
5531         volume = {44},
5532         year = {2007}
5533 }
5535 @inproceedings{DeCooman-Miranda-2004,
5536         author = {Gert {De Cooman} and Enrique Miranda},
5537         booktitle = {Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems: IPMU 2004},
5538         pages = {451–458},
5539         title = {A weak law of large numbers for coherent lower previsions},
5540         year = {2004}
5541 }
5543 @incollection{Neumaier-2004,
5544         author = {Arnold Neumaier},
5545         editor = {A. Iserles},
5546         pages = {271–369},
5547         publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
5548         title = {Complete Search in Continuous Global Optimization and Constraint Satisfaction},
5549         year = {2004}
5550 }
5552 @article{Nau-1992,
5553         abstract = {This paper presents a quasi-Bayesian model of subjective
5554 uncertainty in which beliefs which are represented by lower and upper
5555 probabilities qualified by numerical confidence weights. The representation is
5556 derived from a system of axioms of binary preferences which differs from
5557 standard axiom systems insofar as completeness is not assumed and transitivity
5558 is weakened. Confidence-weighted probabilities may be elicited through the
5559 acceptance of bets with limited stakes, a generalization of the operational
5560 method of de Finetti. The model is applicable to the reconciliation of
5561 inconsistent probability judgments and to the sensitivity analysis of Bayesian
5562 decision models.},
5563         author = {Robert F. Nau},
5564         doi = {10.1214/aos},
5565         issn = {0090-5364},
5566         journal = {The Annals of Statistics},
5567         keywords = {coherence; confidence-weighted probabilities; fuzzy sets; incompletenes; lower and upper probabilities; second-order probabilities; subjective probability},
5568         localfile = {article/Nau-1992.pdf},
5569         month = dec,
5570         number = {4},
5571         pages = {1737–1767},
5572         publisher = {Institute of Mathematical Statistics},
5573         title = {Indeterminate probabilities on finite sets},
5574         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2242366},
5575         volume = {20},
5576         year = {1992}
5577 }
5579 @misc{Walley-1998,
5580         annote = {(used to be?) part of the Imprecise Probabilities Project geannoteerde kopie},
5581         author = {Peter Walley},
5582         title = {Coherent upper and lower previsions},
5583         year = {1998}
5584 }
5586 @article{Ericson-1969,
5587         abstract = {Scheffe (1958) introduced the simplex-lattice design for
5588 experiments with mixtures of q components. The purpose of this design is the
5589 empirical prediction of the response to any mixture of the components when the
5590 response depends only on the proportions of the components but not on the total
5591 amount of the mixture. In this paper an alternative to the simplex-lattice
5592 design is developed in which all the features of the design are maintained
5593 except that the pure mixtures are replaced by the (q - 1)-nary mixtures.},
5594         annote = {with discussion},
5595         author = {W. A. Ericson},
5596         journal = {Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Methodological)},
5597         number = {2},
5598         pages = {195–233},
5599         title = {Subjective Bayesian Models in Sampling Finite Populations},
5600         url = {http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0035-9246(1969)31:2%3C195:SBMISF%3E2.0.CO},
5601         volume = {31},
5602         year = {1969}
5603 }
5605 @misc{Doumont-2001-graphing,
5606         author = {Jean-luc Doumont},
5607         title = {Graphing data},
5608         year = {2001}
5609 }
5611 @article{Zimmermann-1983,
5612         abstract = {Fuzzy linear programming (FLP) was originally suggested to
5613 solve problems which could be formulated as LP-models, the parameters of which,
5614 however, were fuzzy rather than crisp numbers. It has turned out in the meantime
5615 that FLP is also well suited to solve LP-problems with several objective
5616 functions. FLP belongs to goal programming in the sense that implicitly or
5617 explicitly aspiration levels have to be defined at which the membership
5618 functions of the fuzzy sets reach their maximum or minimum. Main advantages of
5619 FLP are, that the models used are numerically very efficient and that they can
5620 in many ways be well adopted to different decision behaviors and contexts.},
5621         author = {Hans-Jürgen Zimmermann},
5622         doi = {10.1016/0305-0548(83)90004-7},
5623         issn = {0305-0548},
5624         journal = {Computers \& Operations Research},
5625         number = {4},
5626         pages = {291–298},
5627         title = {Fuzzy mathematical programming},
5628         volume = {10},
5629         year = {1983}
5630 }
5632 @misc{Knuth-Larrabee-Roberts-1987,
5633         annote = {Report based on a Stanford University course},
5634         author = {Donald E. Knuth and Tracy Larrabee and Paul M. Roberts},
5635         title = {Mathematical Writing},
5636         year = {1987}
5637 }
5639 @article{Bernard-2005,
5640         abstract = {The imprecise Dirichlet model (IDM) was recently proposed by
5641 Walley as a model for objective statistical inference from multinomial data with
5642 chances $\theta$. In the IDM, prior or posterior uncertainty about $\theta$ is
5643 described by a set of Dirichlet distributions, and inferences about events are
5644 summarized by lower and upper probabilities. The IDM avoids shortcomings of
5645 alternative objective models, either frequentist or Bayesian. We review the
5646 properties of the model, for both parametric and predictive inferences, and some
5647 of its recent applications to various statistical problems.},
5648         author = {Jean-Marc Bernard},
5649         doi = {10.1016/j.ijar.2004.10.002},
5650         journal = {International Journal of Approximate Reasoning},
5651         keywords = {Bayesian inference; Dirichlet distribution; Frequentist inference; IDM; Lower and upper probabilities; Predictive inference; Prior ignorance},
5652         localfile = {article/Bernard-2005.pdf},
5653         pages = {123–150},
5654         title = {An introduction to the imprecise Dirichlet model for multinomial data},
5655         volume = {39},
5656         year = {2005}
5657 }
5659 @article{Domingos-Pazzani-1997,
5660         abstract = {The simple Bayesian classifier is known to be optimal when
5661 attributes are independent given the class, but the question of whether other
5662 sufficient conditions for its optimality exist has so far not been explored.
5663 Empirical results showing that it performs surprisingly well in many domains
5664 containing clear attribute dependences suggest that the answer to this question
5665 may be positive. This article shows that, although the Bayesian classifier's
5666 probability estimates are only optimal under quadratic loss if the independence
5667 assumption holds, the classifier itself can be optimal under zero-one loss
5668 (misclassification rate) even when this assumption is violated by a wide margin.
5669 The region of quadratic-loss optimality of the Bayesian classifier is in fact a
5670 second-order infinitesimal fraction of the region of zero-one optimality. This
5671 implies that the Bayesian classifier has a much greater range of applicability
5672 than previously thought. For example, in this article it is shown to be optimal
5673 for learning conjunctions and disjunctions, even though they violate the
5674 independence assumption. Further, studies in artificial domains show that it
5675 will often outperform more powerful classifiers for common training set sizes
5676 and numbers of attributes, even if its bias is a priori much less appropriate to
5677 the domain. This article's results also imply that detecting attribute
5678 dependence is not necessarily the best way to extend the Bayesian classifier,
5679 and this is also verified empirically.},
5680         author = {Pedro Domingos and Michael Pazzani},
5681         doi = {10.1023/A:1007413511361},
5682         journal = {Machine Learning},
5683         keywords = {induction; naive bayesian classifier; optimal classification; simple bayesian classifier; with attribute dependences; zero-one loss},
5684         localfile = {article/Domingos-Pazzani-1997.pdf},
5685         number = {2},
5686         pages = {103–130},
5687         title = {On the optimality of the simple Bayesian classifier under zero-one loss},
5688         volume = {29},
5689         year = {1997}
5690 }
5692 @article{Tessem,
5693         abstract = {Belief networks are tried as a method for propagation of
5694 singleton interval probabilities. A convex polytope representation of the
5695 interval probabilities is shown to make the problem intractable even for small
5696 parameters. A solution to this is to use the interval bounds directly in
5697 computations of the propagation algorithm. The algorithm presented leads to
5698 approximative results but has the advantage of being polynomial in time. It is
5699 shown that the method gives fairly good results.},
5700         author = {Bjørnar Tessem},
5701         doi = {10.1016/0888-613X(92)90006-L},
5702         issn = {0888-613X},
5703         journal = {International Journal of Approximate Reasoning},
5704         number = {3-4},
5705         pages = {95–120},
5706         title = {Interval probability propagation},
5707         volume = {7},
5708         year = {1992}
5709 }
5711 @article{DeCooman-1997-postheo1,
5712         abstract = {In this paper, I provide the basis for a measure- and
5713 integral-theoretic formulation of possibility theory. It is shown thai, using a
5714 general definition of possibility measures, and a generalization of Sugeno's
5715 fuzzy integral-the semi-normed fuzzy integral, or possibility integral-. a
5716 unified and consistent account can be given of many of the possibilistic results
5717 extant in the literature. The striking formal analogy between this treatment of
5718 possibility theory, using possibility integrals, and Kolmogorov's
5719 measure-theoretic formulation of probability theory, using Lebesgue integrals,
5720 is explored and exploited. I introduce and study possibilistic and fuzzy
5721 variables as possibilistic counterparts of stochastic and real stochastic
5722 variables respeclively, and develop the notion of a possibility distribution for
5723 these variables. The almost everywhere equality and dominance of fuzzy variables
5724 is defined and studied. The proof is given for a Radon-Nikodym-like theorem in
5725 possibility theory. Following the example set by the classical theory of
5726 integration, product possibility measures and multiple possibility integrals are
5727 introduced, and a Fubini-like theorem is proven. In this way, the groundwork is
5728 laid for a unifying measure- and integral-theoretic treatment of conditional
5729 possibility and possibilistic independence, discussed in more detail in Parts II
5730 and III of this series of three papers.},
5731         author = {Gert {De Cooman}},
5732         doi = {10.1080/03081079708945160},
5733         journal = {International Journal of General Systems},
5734         keywords = {Fubini-like theorem; Possibility measure; Radon-Nikodym-like theorem; fuzzy variable; possibilistic variable; possibility distribution; seminormed fuzzy integral},
5735         localfile = {article/DeCooman-1997-postheo1.pdf},
5736         number = {4},
5737         pages = {291–323},
5738         title = {Possibility theory I: the measure- and integral-theoretic groundwork},
5739         url = {http://hdl.handle.net/1854/LU-182365},
5740         volume = {25},
5741         year = {1997}
5742 }
5744 @book{Kallenberg-2005,
5745         author = {Olav Kallenberg},
5746         publisher = {Springer},
5747         series = {probability and Its Applications},
5748         title = {Probabilistic Symmetries and Invariance Principles},
5749         year = {2005}
5750 }
5752 @article{Rommelfanger-1996,
5753         abstract = {This paper presents a survey on methods for solving fuzzy
5754 linear programs. First LP models with soft constraints are discussed. Then LP
5755 problems in which coefficients of constraints and/or of the objective function
5756 may be fuzzy are outlined. Pivotal questions are the interpretation of the
5757 inequality relation in fuzzy constraints and the meaning of fuzzy objectives. In
5758 addition to the commonly applied extended addition, based on the min-operator
5759 and used for the aggregation of the left-hand sides of fuzzy constraints and
5760 fuzzy objectives, a more flexible procedure, based on Yager's parametrized
5761 t-norm Tp, is presented. Finally practical applications of fuzzy linear programs
5762 are listed.},
5763         author = {Heinrich Rommelfanger},
5764         doi = {10.1016/0377-2217(95)00008-9},
5765         issn = {0377-2217},
5766         journal = {European Journal of Operational Research},
5767         keywords = {Compromise solution; Extended addition of fuzzy intervals; Fuzzy sets; Inequality relation in fuzzy conslraints; Mathematical Programming},
5768         localfile = {article/Rommelfanger-1996.pdf},
5769         number = {3},
5770         pages = {512–527},
5771         title = {Fuzzy linear programming and applications},
5772         volume = {92},
5773         year = {1996}
5774 }
5776 @misc{DeCooman-2003,
5777         annote = {Transparanten voor ISIPTA'03},
5778         author = {Gert {De Cooman}},
5779         title = {Theory of Imprecise Probabilities (Basic ideas)},
5780         year = {2003}
5781 }
5783 @techreport{Coolen-Augustin-2006-cNPI1,
5784         author = {Frank P. A. Coolen and Thomas Augustin},
5785         title = {Nonparametric predictive inference for multinomial data - Notes 1 (m-functions and interval probabilities for events)},
5786         year = {2006}
5787 }
5789 @book{Walley-1991,
5790         address = {London},
5791         author = {Peter Walley},
5792         localfile = {book/Walley-1991-book.pdf; book/Walley-1991.pdf},
5793         publisher = {Chapman \& Hall},
5794         series = {Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability},
5795         title = {Statistical Reasoning with Imprecise Probabilities},
5796         volume = {42},
5797         year = {1991}
5798 }
5800 @book{Prautzsch-Boehm-Paluszny-2002-Bezier,
5801         annote = {boek bij Gert},
5802         author = {Hartmut Prautzsch and Wolfgang Boehm and Marco Paluszny},
5803         publisher = {Springer},
5804         series = {Mathematics and visualization},
5805         title = {Bézier and B-spline Techniques},
5806         year = {2002}
5807 }
5809 @article{Wagner-1992-gen-probkin,
5810         author = {Carl G. Wagner},
5811         journal = {Erkenntnis},
5812         pages = {245–257},
5813         title = {Generalized probability Kinematics},
5814         volume = {36},
5815         year = {1992}
5816 }
5818 @proceedings{ICML-2002,
5819         booktitle = {Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2002)},
5820         title = {Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2002)},
5821         year = {2002}
5822 }
5824 @phdthesis{Strobl-2008,
5825         author = {Carolin Strobl},
5826         school = {Institut für Statistik, Fakultät für Mathematik, Informatik und Statistik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München},
5827         title = {Statistical Issues in Machine Learning – Towards Reliable Split Selection and Variable Importance Measures},
5828         year = {2008}
5829 }
5831 @article{Alexandrov-Kopteva-Kutateladze-2005-Blashke,
5832         abstract = {This is an extended version of a talk on October 4, 2004 at
5833 the research seminar “Differential geometry and applications” (headed by
5834 Academician A. T. Fomenko) at Moscow State University. The paper contains an
5835 overview of available (but far from well-known) results about the Blaschke
5836 addition of convex bodies, some new theorems on the monotonicity of the volume
5837 of convex bodies (in particular, convex polyhedra with parallel faces) as well
5838 as description of a software for visualization of polyhedra with prescribed
5839 outward normals and face areas.},
5840         author = {Victor Alexandrov and Natalia Kopteva and S. S. Kutateladze},
5841         journal = {Tr. Semin. Vektorn. Tenzorn. Anal.},
5842         pages = {8–30},
5843         title = {Blaschke addition and convex polyhedra},
5844         volume = {26},
5845         year = {2005}
5846 }
5848 @article{Miranda-DeCooman-2007-margext,
5849         abstract = {We generalise Walley's Marginal Extension Theorem to the
5850 case of any finite number of conditional lower previsions. Unlike the procedure
5851 of natural extension, our marginal extension always provides the smallest (most
5852 conservative) coherent extensions. We show that they can also be calculated as
5853 lower envelopes of marginal extensions of conditional linear (precise)
5854 previsions. Finally, we use our version of the theorem to study the so-called
5855 forward irrelevant product and forward irrelevant natural extension of a number
5856 of marginal lower previsions.},
5857         author = {Enrique Miranda and Gert {De Cooman}},
5858         doi = {10.1016/j.ijar.2006.12.009},
5859         journal = {International Journal of Approximate Reasoning},
5860         keywords = {Coherence; Epistemic irrelevance; Forward irrelevance; Forward irrelevant natural extension; Forward irrelevant product; Imprecise probabilities; Lower previsions; Marginal extension; Natural extension},
5861         localfile = {article/Miranda-DeCooman-2007-margext.pdf},
5862         number = {1},
5863         pages = {188–225},
5864         title = {Marginal extension in the theory of coherent lower previsions},
5865         volume = {46},
5866         year = {2007}
5867 }
5869 @misc{Lauritzen-2004a,
5870         annote = {Transparanten},
5871         author = {Steffen L. Lauritzen},
5872         title = {Sufficiency and Unbiased Estimation},
5873         year = {2004}
5874 }
5876 @article{Walley-1996-expert,
5877         abstract = {This paper compares four measures that have been advocated
5878 as models for uncertainty in expert systems. The measures are additive
5879 probabilities (used in the Bayesian theory), coherent lower (or upper)
5880 previsions, belief functions (used in the Dempster-Shafer theory) and
5881 possibility measures (fuzzy logic). Special emphasis is given to the theory of
5882 coherent lower previsions, in which upper and lower probabilities, expectations
5883 and conditional probabilities are constructed from initial assessments through a
5884 technique of natural extension. Mathematically, all the measures can be regarded
5885 as types of coherent lower or upper previsions, and this perspective gives some
5886 insight into the properties of belief functions and possibility measures. The
5887 measures are evaluated according to six criteria: clarity of interpretation;
5888 ability to model partial information and imprecise assessments, especially
5889 judgements expressed in natural language; rules for combining and updating
5890 uncertainty, and their justification; consistency of models and inferences;
5891 feasibility of assessment; and feasibility of computations. Each of the four
5892 measures seems to be useful in special kinds of problems, but only lower and
5893 upper previsions appear to be sufficiently general to model the most common
5894 types of uncertainty.},
5895         annote = {geannoteerde kopie},
5896         author = {Peter Walley},
5897         doi = {10.1016/0004-3702(95)00009-7},
5898         journal = {Artificial Intelligence},
5899         keywords = {Bayesian theory; Belief functions; Conditional probability; Decision; Dempster–Shafer theory; Imprecise probabilities; Inference; Lower probability; Possibility theory; Prevision; Upper probability; lndependence},
5900         localfile = {article/Walley-1996-expert.pdf},
5901         pages = {1–58},
5902         title = {Measures of uncertainty in expert systems},
5903         volume = {83},
5904         year = {1996}
5905 }
5907 @incollection{Mura-2008-frontmatter,
5908         author = {Bruno de Finetti},
5909         doi = {10.1007/978-1-4020-8202-3},
5910         editor = {Alberto Mura},
5911         publisher = {Springer},
5912         series = {Synthese Library},
5913         title = {Front Matter},
5914         volume = {340},
5915         year = {2008}
5916 }
5918 @inproceedings{Quaeghebeur-DeCooman-2006-SMPS,
5919         address = {Bristol},
5920         annote = {Proceedings of the 2006 International Workshop on Soft Methods in Probability and Statistics},
5921         author = {Erik Quaeghebeur and Gert {De Cooman}},
5922         booktitle = {Soft Methods for Integrated Uncertainty Modelling},
5923         editor = {Jonathan Lawry and Enrique Miranda and A. Bugarin and S. Li and María Angeles Gil and P. Grzegorzewski and Olgierd Hryniewicz},
5924         month = sep,
5925         organization = {Artificial Intelligence Group, University of Bristol},
5926         pages = {211–221},
5927         publisher = {Springer},
5928         series = {Advances in Soft Computing},
5929         title = {Extreme lower probabilities},
5930         volume = {6},
5931         year = {2006}
5932 }
5934 @inproceedings{DeFinetti-1928,
5935         address = {Bologna},
5936         author = {Bruno de Finetti},
5937         booktitle = {Atti del congresso internationale dei matematici},
5938         pages = {179–190},
5939         publisher = {N. Zanichelli},
5940         title = {Funzione caratteristica di un fenomeno aleatorio},
5941         volume = {VI},
5942         year = {1928}
5943 }
5945 @article{Boute-2005,
5946         author = {Raymond T. Boute},
5947         doi = {10.1145/1086642.1086647},
5948         issn = {0164-0925},
5949         journal = {ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems},
5950         localfile = {article/Boute-2005.pdf},
5951         month = sep,
5952         number = {5},
5953         pages = {988–1047},
5954         title = {Functional declarative language design and predicate calculus},
5955         url = {http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=1086642.1086647},
5956         volume = {27},
5957         year = {2005}
5958 }
5960 @inproceedings{Wallner-2005,
5961         address = {Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania},
5962         author = {Anton Wallner},
5963         booktitle = {ISIPTA '05: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Imprecise Probabilities and Their Applications},
5964         editor = {Fabio Gagliardi Cozman and Robert Nau and Teddy Seidenfeld},
5965         organization = {SIPTA},
5966         pages = {388–395},
5967         title = {Maximal Number of Vertices of Polytopes Defined by F-Probabilities},
5968         year = {2005}
5969 }
5971 @techreport{Augustin-2003-note,
5972         author = {Thomas Augustin},
5973         institution = {LMU München},
5974         title = {A Note on Lower Envelopes},
5975         year = {2003}
5976 }
5978 @article{Cozman-Walley-2005-graphoid,
5979         abstract = {This paper investigates Walley's concepts of epistemic
5980 irrelevance and epistemic independence for imprecise probability models. We
5981 study the mathematical properties of irrelevance and independence, and their
5982 relation to the graphoid axioms. Examples are given to show that epistemic
5983 irrelevance can violate the symmetry, contraction and intersection axioms, that
5984 epistemic independence can violate contraction and intersection, and that this
5985 accords with informal notions of irrelevance and independence.},
5986         annote = {ook op papier},
5987         author = {Fabio Gagliardi Cozman and Peter Walley},
5988         doi = {10.1007/s10472-005-9004-z},
5989         journal = {Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence},
5990         localfile = {article/Cozman-Walley-2005-graphoid.pdf},
5991         number = {1},
5992         pages = {173–195},
5993         title = {Graphoid properties of epistemic irrelevance and independence},
5994         volume = {45},
5995         year = {2005}
5996 }
5998 @article{Zabell-1995,
5999         abstract = {In the 1920s the English philosopher W. E. Johnson
6000 discovered a simple characterization of the Dirichlet family of conjugate priors
6001 for a multinomial distribution having at least three categories. In the present
6002 note Johnson's result is extended to the case of a Markov exchangeable
6003 sequence.},
6004         author = {Sandy L. Zabell},
6005         doi = {10.1007/BF02213460},
6006         journal = {Journal of Theoretical Probability},
6007         keywords = {Markov exchangeable sequences; W. E. Johnson; conjugate prior; predictive probability},
6008         localfile = {article/Zabell-1995.pdf},
6009         number = {1},
6010         pages = {175–178},
6011         title = {Characterizing Markov exchangeable sequences},
6012         volume = {8},
6013         year = {1995}
6014 }
6016 @article{Miller-1980-gamma,
6017         abstract = {This paper presents a Bayesian analysis of shape, scale, and
6018 mean of the two-parameter gamma distribution. Attention is given to conjugate
6019 and "non-informative" priors, to simplifications of the numerical analysis of
6020 posterior distributions, and to comparison of Bayesian and classical
6021 inferences.},
6022         author = {Robert B. Miller},
6023         issn = {0040-1706},
6024         journal = {Technometrics},
6025         keywords = {Bayesian analysis; Gamma distribution},
6026         localfile = {article/Miller-1980-gamma.pdf},
6027         number = {1},
6028         pages = {65–69},
6029         publisher = {American Statistical Association and American Society for Quality},
6030         title = {Bayesian analysis of the two-parameter Gamma distribution},
6031         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/1268384},
6032         volume = {22},
6033         year = {1980}
6034 }
6036 @misc{Doumont-2001-feedback,
6037         author = {Jean-luc Doumont},
6038         title = {Giving Feedback},
6039         year = {2001}
6040 }
6042 @book{Kotz-Balakrishnan-Johnson-2000,
6043         author = {Samuel Kotz and N. Balakrishnan and Norman L. Johnson},
6044         edition = {second},
6045         publisher = {Wiley},
6046         series = {Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics},
6047         title = {Continuous Multivariate Distributions},
6048         volume = {1: Models},
6049         year = {2000}
6050 }
6052 @article{Fujimoto-Oshime-1994-Perron-Frobenius,
6053         abstract = {By a pointed closed convex cone K \subset of \mathbb{R}^N
6054 with interior, an order is defined in \mathbb{R}^N. Let T: K\to K be a
6055 set-valued nondecreasing subhomogeneous map. The main purpose of this paper
6056 concerns the conditions on $\lambda$>0 under which $\lambda$u ∈ T(u)+c, u ∈ K,
6057 is solvable for all c∈ K and how its solution depends on c. The homogenization
6058 of T around infinity is also introduced and is proved to leave the solvability
6059 condition for $\lambda$>0 unchanged.},
6060         author = {Takao Fujimoto and Yorimasa Oshime},
6061         doi = {10.1016/0304-4068(94)90028-0},
6062         journal = {Journal of Mathematical Economics},
6063         keywords = {Homo; Monotonicity; Nonlinear resolvent problems},
6064         localfile = {article/Fujimoto-Oshime-1994-Perron-Frobenius.pdf},
6065         number = {5},
6066         pages = {475–498},
6067         title = {The nonlinear Perron-Frobenius problem for set-valued maps in a closed convex cone in R^N},
6068         volume = {23},
6069         year = {1994}
6070 }
6072 @misc{Doumont-2001-training,
6073         author = {Jean-luc Doumont},
6074         title = {Training others},
6075         year = {2001}
6076 }
6078 @article{DeCooman-Aeyels-2000,
6079         abstract = {The relationship is studied between possibility and
6080 necessity measures defined on arbitrary spaces, the theory of imprecise
6081 probabilities, and elementary random set theory. It is shown how special random
6082 sets can be used to generate normal possibility and necessity measures, as well
6083 as their natural extensions. This leads to interesting alternative formulas for
6084 the calculation of these natural extensions},
6085         author = {Gert {De Cooman} and Dirk Aeyels},
6086         doi = {10.1109/3468.833093},
6087         journal = {IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems and Humans},
6088         localfile = {article/DeCooman-Aeyels-2000.pdf},
6089         number = {2},
6090         pages = {124–130},
6091         publisher = {IEEE},
6092         title = {A random set description of a possibility measure and its natural extension},
6093         volume = {30},
6094         year = {2000}
6095 }
6097 @article{Antonucci-etal-2010-GL2U,
6098         abstract = {Credal networks generalize Bayesian networks by relaxing the
6099 requirement of precision of probabilities. Credal networks are considerably more
6100 expressive than Bayesian networks, but this makes belief updating NP-hard even
6101 on polytrees. We develop a new efficient algorithm for approximate belief
6102 updating in credal networks. The algorithm is based on an important
6103 representation result we prove for general credal networks: that any credal
6104 network can be equivalently reformulated as a credal network with binary
6105 variables; moreover, the transformation, which is considerably more complex than
6106 in the Bayesian case, can be implemented in polynomial time. The equivalent
6107 binary credal network is then updated by L2U, a loopy approximate algorithm for
6108 binary credal networks. Overall, we generalize L2U to non-binary credal
6109 networks, obtaining a scalable algorithm for the general case, which is
6110 approximate only because of its loopy nature. The accuracy of the inferences
6111 with respect to other state-of-the-art algorithms is evaluated by extensive
6112 numerical tests.},
6113         author = {Alessandro Antonucci and Yi Sun and Cassio Polpo de Campos and Marco Zaffalon},
6114         doi = {10.1016/j.ijar.2010.01.007},
6115         journal = {International Journal of Approximate Reasoning},
6116         localfile = {article/Antonucci-etal-2010-GL2U.pdf},
6117         number = {5},
6118         pages = {474–484},
6119         title = {Generalized loopy 2U: a new algorithm for approximate inference in credal networks},
6120         volume = {51},
6121         year = {2010}
6122 }
6124 @article{Krantz-Kunreuther-2007,
6125         abstract = {We propose a constructed-choice model for general decision
6126 making. The model departs from utility theory and prospect theory in its
6127 treatment of multiple goals and it suggests several different ways in which
6128 context can affect choice. It is particularly instructive to apply this model to
6129 protective decisions, which are often puzzling. Among other anomalies, people
6130 insure against non-catastrophic events, underinsure against catastrophic risks,
6131 and allow extraneous factors to influence insurance purchases and other
6132 protective decisions. Neither expected-utility theory nor prospect theory can
6133 explain these anomalies satisfactorily. To apply this model to the above
6134 anomalies, we consider many different insurance-related goals, organized in a
6135 taxonomy, and we consider the effects of context on goals, resources, plans and
6136 decision rules. The paper concludes by suggesting some prescriptions for
6137 improving individual decision making with respect to protective measures.},
6138         annote = {ook op papier},
6139         author = {David H. Krantz and Howard C. Kunreuther},
6140         journal = {Judgment and Decision Making},
6141         keywords = {catastrophic risk; decision making; goals; insurance; plans; prospect theory; protective behavior; utility theory},
6142         localfile = {article/Krantz-Kunreuther-2007.pdf},
6143         month = jun,
6144         number = {3},
6145         pages = {137–168},
6146         title = {Goals and plans in decision making},
6147         url = {http://journal.sjdm.org/jdm7303b.pdf},
6148         volume = {2},
6149         year = {2007}
6150 }
6152 @proceedings{AI-2004,
6153         booktitle = {AI 2004: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 17th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence},
6154         editor = {Geoffrey I. Webb and Xinghuo Yu},
6155         publisher = {Springer},
6156         series = {Lecture Notes in AI},
6157         title = {AI 2004: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 17th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence},
6158         year = {2004}
6159 }
6161 @article{Mardia-ElAtoum-1976,
6162         abstract = {The main aim of this note is to give a theoretical
6163 discussion of Bayesian inference for the von Mises-Fisher distribution. The
6164 choice of particular priors is considered and the admissibility of certain
6165 Bayesian estimators studied. For the multisample case estimators are given. Some
6166 problems of testing hypotheses are summarized in the form of posterior odds
6167 against the null hypothesis.},
6168         author = {K. V. Mardia and S. A. M. El-Atoum},
6169         doi = {10.1093/biomet},
6170         journal = {Biometrika},
6171         keywords = {Bayesian directional data analysis; Loss function},
6172         localfile = {article/Mardia-ElAtoum-1976.pdf},
6173         number = {1},
6174         pages = {203–206},
6175         publisher = {Biometrika Trust},
6176         title = {Bayesian inference for the von Mises-Fisher distribution},
6177         volume = {63},
6178         year = {1976}
6179 }
6181 @article{Robinson-1951,
6182         annote = {ook op papier},
6183         author = {Julia Robinson},
6184         journal = {The Annals of Mathematics},
6185         localfile = {article/Robinson-1951.pdf},
6186         number = {2},
6187         pages = {296–301},
6188         title = {An iterative method of solving a game},
6189         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/1969530},
6190         volume = {54},
6191         year = {1951}
6192 }
6194 @book{Kadane-Schervish-Seidenfeld-1999,
6195         abstract = {This important collection of essays is a synthesis of
6196 foundational studies in Bayesian decision theory and statistics. An overarching
6197 topic of the collection is understanding how the norms for Bayesian decision
6198 making should apply in settings with more than one rational decision maker and
6199 then tracing out some of the consequences of this turn for Bayesian statistics.
6200 There are four principal themes to the collection: cooperative, non-sequential
6201 decisions; the representation and measurement of 'partially ordered'
6202 preferences; non-cooperative, sequential decisions; and pooling rules and
6203 Bayesian dynamics for sets of probabilities. The volume will be particularly
6204 valuable to philosophers concerned with decision theory, probability, and
6205 statistics, statisticians, mathematicians, and economists.},
6206         author = {Joseph B. Kadane and Mark J. Schervish and Teddy Seidenfeld},
6207         publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
6208         series = {Cambridge studies in probability, induction, and decision theory},
6209         title = {Rethinking the foundations of statistics},
6210         url = {http://books.google.com/books?id=SsBPTDFwnpoC},
6211         year = {1999}
6212 }
6214 @techreport{Dhillon-Sra-2003-directional,
6215         abstract = {Traditionally multi-variate normal distributions have been
6216 the staple of data modeling in most domains. For some domains, the model they
6217 provide is either inadequate or incorrect because of the disregard for the
6218 directional components of the data. We present a generative model for data that
6219 is suitable for modeling directional data (as can arise in text and gene
6220 expression clustering). We use mixtures of von Mises-Fisher distributions to
6221 model our data since the von Mises-Fisher distribution is the natural
6222 distribution for directional data. We derive an Expectation Maximization (EM)
6223 algorithm to find the maximum likelihood estimates for the parameters of our
6224 mixture model, and provide various experimental results to evaluate the
6225 “correctness” of our formulation. In this paper we also provide some of the
6226 mathematical background necessary to carry out all the derivations and to gain
6227 insight for an implementation.},
6228         address = {Austin, Texas},
6229         author = {Inderjit S. Dhillon and Sra Suvrit},
6230         institution = {The University of Texas at Austin},
6231         number = {TR-03-06},
6232         title = {Modeling Data using Directional Distributions},
6233         url = {http://www.cs.utexas.edu/~suvrit/work/research.html},
6234         year = {2003}
6235 }
6237 @article{Gaifman-2004,
6238         author = {Haim Gaifman},
6239         doi = {10.1023/B:SYNT.0000029944.99888.a7},
6240         journal = {Synthese},
6241         localfile = {article/Gaifman-2004.pdf},
6242         number = {1-2},
6243         pages = {97–119},
6244         title = {Reasoning with limited resources and assigning probabilities to arithmetical statements},
6245         volume = {140},
6246         year = {2004}
6247 }
6249 @article{Sundberg-Wagner-1990-capacities,
6250         annote = {op papier in Wagnerbundel},
6251         author = {Carl Sundberg and Carl G. Wagner},
6252         journal = {Journal of Theoretical Probability},
6253         number = {1},
6254         pages = {159–167},
6255         title = {Characterizations of Monotone and 2-Monotone Capacities},
6256         volume = {5},
6257         year = {1990}
6258 }
6260 @techreport{Katzoff-1964,
6261         annote = {Second Edition ook op papier},
6262         author = {S. Katzoff},
6263         organization = {NASA},
6264         title = {Clarity in technical reporting},
6265         year = {1964}
6266 }
6268 @mastersthesis{Quaeghebeur-2001,
6269         abstract = {We bestuderen een leermethode voor eindige spelen in de
6270 strategische vorm. Hierbij maken de spelers gebruik van een geschiedenis van
6271 reeds gespeelde sessies om inschattingen te maken over de waarschijnlijke
6272 strategiekeuze van een tegenspeler. Op die waarschijnlijk geachte strategiekeuze
6273 baseren de spelers zich om een eigen strategie te kiezen. We bestuderen hiervoor
6274 eerst de wetenschapsdiscipline genaamd speltheorie. We gaan hier in op
6275 kenmerkende elementen van spelen en bekijken mogelijke voorstellingswijzen. We
6276 gaan dieper in op de voorstelling van een spel in de strategische vorm. Een
6277 strategie, een geheel aan regels die de keuze van acties binnen een spel
6278 volledig bepalen, en de opbrengstfunctie, die de uitslag van een spel voor de
6279 speler vastlegt, worden gedefinieerd. We bekijken hoe we de strategieën van een
6280 spel kunnen onderverdelen en welke strategieën optimaal zijn voor een speler. Zo
6281 komen we tot volgende concepten: beste antwoord, wat de verzameling van
6282 strategieën is die de opbrengst van de speler maximaliseert voor een gegeven
6283 strategie van zijn tegenspeler; evenwicht, wat een strategiecombinatie is waar
6284 geen enkele speler er voordeel bij heeft om van strategie te veranderen;
6285 dominantie, wat een methode is om strategieën te identificeren die het best niet
6286 gespeeld worden en maximin-strategie, wat een voorzichtige strategiekeuze is. In
6287 tweede instantie bespreken we imprecieze waarschijnlijkheden, wat een
6288 onzekerheidsmodel is waar niet alleen rekening kan worden gehouden met
6289 onzekerheid, maar ook met onbepaaldheid. We gaan in op de gevolgen van
6290 rationaliteitvereisten voor dit model en zijn rekenregels. Er wordt tevens een
6291 interpretatie op basis van gokgedrag gegeven aan de grootheden die we gebruiken
6292 om waarschijnlijkheden uit te drukken. Voortbouwend op het voorgaande wordt
6293 onderzocht hoe we een beslissing kunnen maken tussen keuzes voor verschillende
6294 mogelijke strategieën. Dit leidt tot de definitie van maximale strategieën, die
6295 goede keuzes zijn voor een speler. Deze beslissingen worden gebaseerd op het
6296 Dirichletmodel, dat inschattingen weergeeft over de strategiekeuze van een
6297 tegenspeler. We leggen ook uit hoe dit model bijgesteld kan worden door
6298 verrekening van de informatie bekomen uit reeds gespeelde sessies. Door het
6299 voorgaande te combineren kunnen we de beoogde leermethode formuleren. We maken
6300 hier een onderscheid tussen een precieze methode, waarbij er geen rekening wordt
6301 gehouden met eventuele onbepaaldheid en twee imprecieze methodes, waarbij dit
6302 wel gebeurt. Uiteindelijk bekijken we de dynamica van de leermethode, namelijk
6303 de evolutie van de inschattingen van spelers en de door hen gespeelde
6304 strategieën. We onderzoeken voornamelijk onder welke voorwaarden er enkel
6305 convergentie naar een evenwicht zal optreden.},
6306         author = {Erik Quaeghebeur},
6307         keywords = {evenwicht; fictief spelen; imprecieze waarschijnlijkheden; leren; speltheorie},
6308         localfile = {mastersthesis/Quaeghebeur-2001.pdf},
6309         school = {Universiteit Gent},
6310         title = {Speltheoretisch leren met imprecieze waarschijnlijkheden: dynamische aspecten},
6311         url = {http://hdl.handle.net/1854/6279},
6312         year = {2001}
6313 }
6315 @inproceedings{Quaeghebeur-DeCooman-Aeyels-2005,
6316         address = {Ghent, Belgium},
6317         author = {Erik Quaeghebeur and Gert {De Cooman} and Dirk Aeyels},
6318         booktitle = {Proceedings of the Sixth UGent-FirW PhD Symposium},
6319         title = {Building classifiers that cope with small training sets},
6320         year = {2005}
6321 }
6323 @book{Weichselberger-2001,
6324         address = {Heidelberg},
6325         annote = {Unter Mitarbeit von T. Augustin und A. Wallner},
6326         author = {Kurt Weichselberger},
6327         publisher = {Physica-Verlag},
6328         title = {Elementare Grundbegriffe einer allgemeineren Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung I: Intervallwahrscheinlichkeit als Umfassendes Konzept},
6329         year = {2001}
6330 }
6332 @proceedings{ICLMPS-1975,
6333         booktitle = {Fifth International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science},
6334         title = {Fifth International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science},
6335         year = {1975}
6336 }
6338 @proceedings{UAI-1995,
6339         booktitle = {UAI-95: Proceedings of the Eleventh Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence},
6340         editor = {Philippe Besnard and Steve Hanks},
6341         publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann},
6342         title = {UAI-95: Proceedings of the Eleventh Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence},
6343         year = {1995}
6344 }
6346 @article{Gaubert-Gunawardena-2004-Perron,
6347         abstract = {If A is a nonnegative matrix whose associated directed graph
6348 is strongly connected, the Perron-Frobenius theorem asserts that A has an
6349 eigenvector in the positive cone, (\mathbb{R}^+)^n. We associate a directed
6350 graph to any homogeneous, monotone function, f : (\mathbb{R}+)n \to
6351 (\mathbb{R}^+)^n, and show that if the graph is strongly connected, then f has a
6352 (nonlinear) eigenvector in (\mathbb{R}^+)^n. Several results in the literature
6353 emerge as corollaries. Our methods show that the Perron-Frobenius theorem is
6354 "really" about the boundedness of invariant subsets in the Hilbert projective
6355 metric. They lead to further existence results and open problems.},
6356         annote = {ook op papier als arXiv preprint},
6357         author = {Stéphane Gaubert and Jeremy Gunawardena},
6358         journal = {Transactions of the American Mathematical Society},
6359         keywords = {Collatz-Wielandt property; Hilbert projective met; Hilbert projective metric; nonexpansive function; nonlinear eigenvalue},
6360         localfile = {article/Gaubert-Gunawardena-2004-Perron.pdf},
6361         number = {12},
6362         pages = {4931–4950},
6363         title = {The Perron-Frobenius theorem for homogeneous, monotone functions},
6364         url = {http://www.ams.org/journals/tran/2004-356-12/S0002-9947-04-03470-1},
6365         volume = {356},
6366         year = {2004}
6367 }
6369 @book{Burrill-1972-measure,
6370         author = {Claude W. Burrill},
6371         publisher = {McGraw-Hill},
6372         title = {Measure, Integration, and Probability},
6373         year = {1972}
6374 }
6376 @article{Skulj-2009-impmarkov,
6377         abstract = {The parameters of Markov chain models are often not known
6378 precisely. Instead of ignoring this problem, a better way to cope with it is to
6379 incorporate the imprecision into the models. This has become possible with the
6380 development of models of imprecise probabilities, such as the interval
6381 probability model. In this paper we discuss some modelling approaches which
6382 range from simple probability intervals to the general interval probability
6383 models and further to the models allowing completely general convex sets of
6384 probabilities. The basic idea is that precisely known initial distributions and
6385 transition matrices are replaced by imprecise ones, which effectively means that
6386 sets of possible candidates are considered. Consequently, sets of possible
6387 results are obtained and represented using similar imprecise probability models.
6388 We first set up the model and then show how to perform calculations of the
6389 distributions corresponding to the consecutive steps of a Markov chain. We
6390 present several approaches to such calculations and compare them with respect to
6391 the accuracy of the results. Next we consider a generalisation of the concept of
6392 regularity and study the convergence of regular imprecise Markov chains. We also
6393 give some numerical examples to compare different approaches to calculations of
6394 the sets of probabilities.},
6395         author = {Damjan Škulj},
6396         doi = {10.1016/j.ijar.2009.06.007},
6397         issn = {0888-613X},
6398         journal = {International Journal of Approximate Reasoning},
6399         keywords = {Imprecise Markov chains; Imprecise probabilities; Interval probabilities; Markov chains; Regularity},
6400         localfile = {article/Skulj-2009-impmarkov.pdf},
6401         number = {8},
6402         pages = {1314–1329},
6403         title = {Discrete time Markov chains with interval probabilities},
6404         volume = {50},
6405         year = {2009}
6406 }
6408 @techreport{Bruening-Dennenberg-2003-belELP,
6409         annote = {Direct proof (of Choquet's implicit proof) that {0,1}-valued belief measures are the extreme points of the set of belief measures.},
6410         author = {Martin Brüning and Dieter Denneberg},
6411         institution = {Universität Bremen},
6412         title = {The $\sigma$-additive Möbius Transform of Belief Measures via Choquet's Theorem},
6413         year = {2003}
6414 }
6416 @inproceedings{DeCooman-Miranda-Quaeghebeur-2007-ISIPTA,
6417         abstract = {We consider immediate predictive inference, where a subject,
6418 using a number of observations of a finite number of exchangeable random
6419 variables, is asked to coherently model his beliefs about the next observation,
6420 in terms of a predictive lower prevision. We study when such predictive lower
6421 previsions are representation insensitive, meaning that they are essentially
6422 independent of the choice of the (finite) set of possible values for the random
6423 variables. Such representation insensitive predictive models have very
6424 interesting properties, and among such models, the ones produced by the
6425 Imprecise Dirichlet-Multinomial Model are quite special in a number of ways.},
6426         address = {Prague, Czech Republic},
6427         author = {Gert {De Cooman} and Enrique Miranda and Erik Quaeghebeur},
6428         editor = {Gert {De Cooman} and Jiřina Vejnarová and Marco Zaffalon},
6429         keywords = {coherence; exchangeability; immediate prediction},
6430         organization = {SIPTA},
6431         title = {Immediate prediction under exchangeability and represenation insensitivity},
6432         year = {2007}
6433 }
6435 @article{Aitchison-1964-tolerance,
6436         abstract = {In the theory of statistical tolerance regions, as usually
6437 presented in frequentist terms, there are inherent difficulties of formulation,
6438 development and interpretation. The present paper re-examines the basic problem
6439 from a Bayesian point of view and suggests that such an approach provides a set
6440 of widely applicable, mathematically tractable tools, often more tailored to the
6441 requirements of users than the corresponding frequentist tools. For the
6442 one-dimensional case, Bayesian intervals are quoted for a number of standard
6443 distributions and prior densities, and the customary feature of a Bayesian
6444 analysis–that special prior densities give rise to standard frequentist
6445 results–is briefly demonstrated. A problem which seems to be of greater
6446 practical significance, namely the selection of an optimum tolerance region from
6447 a set of possible tolerance regions, is also investigated and the overwhelming
6448 advantages of the Bayesian approach are indicated.},
6449         author = {J. Aitchison},
6450         journal = {Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Methodological)},
6451         localfile = {article/Aitchison-1964-tolerance.pdf},
6452         number = {2},
6453         pages = {161–175},
6454         title = {Two Papers on the Comparison of Bayesian and Frequentist Approaches to Statistical Problems of Prediction: Bayesian Tolerance Regions},
6455         url = {http://links.jstor.org/stable/2984416},
6456         volume = {26},
6457         year = {1964}
6458 }
6460 @article{Baroni-Vicig-2005-interchange,
6461         abstract = {This paper addresses the problem of exchanging uncertainty
6462 assessments in multi-agent systems. Since it is assumed that each agent might
6463 completely ignore the internal representation of its partners, a common
6464 interchange format is needed. We analyze the case of an interchange format
6465 defined by means of imprecise probabilities, pointing out the reasons of this
6466 choice. A core problem with the interchange format concerns transformations from
6467 imprecise probabilities into other formalisms (in particular, precise
6468 probabilities, possibilities, belief functions). We discuss this so far little
6469 investigated question, analyzing how previous proposals, mostly regarding
6470 special instances of imprecise probabilities, would fit into this problem. We
6471 then propose some general transformation procedures, which take also account of
6472 the fact that information can be partial, i.e. may concern an arbitrary (finite)
6473 set of events.},
6474         author = {Pietro Baroni and Paolo Vicig},
6475         doi = {10.1016/j.ijar.2005.03.001},
6476         journal = {International Journal of Approximate Reasoning},
6477         keywords = {Imprecise probability theory; Multi-agent systems; Partial possibilities; Pignistic probability; Uncertainty transformations},
6478         localfile = {article/Baroni-Vicig-2005-interchange.pdf},
6479         pages = {147–180},
6480         title = {An uncertainty interchange format with imprecise probabilities},
6481         volume = {40},
6482         year = {2005}
6483 }
6485 @book{Holmes-1975,
6486         address = {New York},
6487         author = {Richard B. Holmes},
6488         number = {24},
6489         publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
6490         series = {Graduate Texts in Mathematics},
6491         title = {Geometric Functional Analysis and its Applications},
6492         year = {1975}
6493 }
6495 @incollection{Mura-2008-ch12,
6496         author = {Bruno de Finetti},
6497         doi = {10.1007/978-1-4020-8202-3},
6498         editor = {Alberto Mura},
6499         publisher = {Springer},
6500         series = {Synthese Library},
6501         title = {Complete additivity and zero probabilities},
6502         volume = {340},
6503         year = {2008}
6504 }
6506 @misc{Walley-0a,
6507         annote = {written notes},
6508         author = {Peter Walley},
6509         title = {The theory of natural extension}
6510 }
6512 @article{Cooman2007,
6513         author = {Gert {De Cooman}},
6514         number = {1556},
6515         title = {Representing and assessing exchangeable lower previsions},
6516         year = {2007}
6517 }
6519 @article{Wasserman-Kadane-1992,
6520         abstract = {One method for evaluating the sensitivity of a Bayesian
6521 analysis is to embed the prior into a class of priors. Then bounds on prior and
6522 posterior quantities of interest must be computed. This approach to inference,
6523 often called robust Bayesian inference, has received much attention lately.
6524 Implementing robust Bayesian methods entails difficult computations, especially
6525 if the parameter space is high dimensional. In this article we develop a Monte
6526 Carlo approach to computing these bounds and also explore some interesting
6527 theoretical properties of certain classes of priors. The methods can be useful
6528 in other situations in which bounds on expectations are required.},
6529         author = {Larry Wasserman and Joseph B. Kadane},
6530         issn = {0162-1459},
6531         journal = {Journal of the American Statistical Association},
6532         localfile = {article/Wasserman-Kadane-1992.pdf},
6533         number = {418},
6534         pages = {516–522},
6535         publisher = {American Statistical Association},
6536         title = {Computing bounds on expectations},
6537         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2290285},
6538         volume = {87},
6539         year = {1992}
6540 }
6542 @article{Walley-2000-towards,
6543         author = {Peter Walley},
6544         doi = {10.1016/S0888-613X(00)00031-1},
6545         journal = {International Journal of Approximate Reasoning},
6546         keywords = {Choquet capacity; Comparative probability; coherence; credal sets; desirable gambles; foundations of probability; interval-valued probability; lower prevision; lower probability; partial preference ordering; uncertainty measures},
6547         localfile = {article/Walley-2000-towards.pdf},
6548         number = {2-3},
6549         pages = {125–148},
6550         title = {Towards a unified theory of imprecise probability},
6551         volume = {24},
6552         year = {2000}
6553 }
6555 @article{Diaconis-Zabell-1982,
6556         author = {Persi Diaconis and Sandy L. Zabell},
6557         issn = {0162-1459},
6558         journal = {Journal of the American Statistical Association},
6559         localfile = {article/Diaconis-Zabell-1982.pdf},
6560         number = {380},
6561         pages = {822–830},
6562         publisher = {American Statistical Association},
6563         title = {Updating subjective probability},
6564         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2287313},
6565         volume = {77},
6566         year = {1982}
6567 }
6569 @inproceedings{Lemmer-Kyburg-1991,
6570         author = {John F. Lemmer and Jr. Henry E. Kyburg},
6571         booktitle = {AAAI-91 Proceedings},
6572         pages = {488–493},
6573         title = {Conditions for the existence of belief functions corresponding to intervals of beliefs},
6574         year = {1991}
6575 }
6577 @article{Johnson-1932,
6578         author = {W. E. Johnson},
6579         issn = {0026-4423},
6580         journal = {Mind},
6581         localfile = {article/Johnson-1932.pdf},
6582         number = {164},
6583         pages = {409–423},
6584         publisher = {Oxford University Press on behalf of the Mind Association},
6585         title = {Probability: The Deductive and Inductive Problems},
6586         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2250183},
6587         volume = {41},
6588         year = {1932}
6589 }
6591 @inproceedings{Moral-Wilson-1996,
6592         annote = {ook op papier},
6593         author = {Serafín Moral and Nic Wilson},
6594         booktitle = {Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems: IPMU 96},
6595         pages = {1337–1344},
6596         title = {Importance sampling algorithms for the calculation of Dempster-Shafer belief},
6597         volume = {3},
6598         year = {1996}
6599 }
6601 @proceedings{ISIPTA-2007,
6602         address = {Prague, Czech Republic},
6603         editor = {Gert {De Cooman} and Jiřina Vejnarová and Marco Zaffalon},
6604         localfile = {proceedings/ISIPTA-2007.pdf},
6605         organization = {SIPTA},
6606         publisher = {Action M Agency for SIPTA},
6607         title = {ISIPTA '07: Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Imprecise Probabilities: Theories and Applications},
6608         url = {http://www.sipta.org/isipta07/proceedings/proceedings-optimised.pdf},
6609         year = {2007}
6610 }
6612 @article{Cano-etal-2007-cn,
6613         abstract = {This paper proposes two new algorithms for inference in
6614 credal networks. These algorithms enable probability intervals to be obtained
6615 for the states of a given query variable. The first algorithm is approximate and
6616 uses the hill-climbing technique in the Shenoy-Shafer architecture to propagate
6617 in join trees ; the second is exact and is a modification of Rocha and Cozman's
6618 branch-and-bound algorithm, but applied to general directed acyclic graphs.},
6619         author = {Andrés Cano and Manuel Gómez and Serafín Moral and Joaquín Abellán},
6620         doi = {10.1016/j.ijar.2006.07.020},
6621         issn = {0888-613X},
6622         journal = {International Journal of Approximate Reasoning},
6623         keywords = {Bayesian networks; branch-and-bound algorithms; credal network; hill-climbing; probability intervals; strong independence},
6624         localfile = {article/Cano-etal-2007-cn.pdf},
6625         number = {3},
6626         pages = {261–280},
6627         title = {Hill-climbing and branch-and-bound algorithms for exact and approximate inference in credal networks},
6628         volume = {44},
6629         year = {2007}
6630 }
6632 @article{Lo-1986-finite-sampling,
6633         author = {Albert Y. Lo},
6634         doi = {10.1214/aos},
6635         journal = {The Annals of Statistics},
6636         localfile = {article/Lo-1986-finite-sampling.pdf},
6637         number = {3},
6638         pages = {1226–1233},
6639         publisher = {Institute of Mathematical Statistics},
6640         title = {Bayesian statistical inference for sampling a finite population},
6641         volume = {14},
6642         year = {1986}
6643 }
6645 @article{Hall-Lawry-2004-approx,
6646         abstract = {Random set theory provides a convenient mechanism for
6647 representing uncertain knowledge including probabilistic and set-based
6648 information, and extending it through a function. This paper focuses upon the
6649 situation when the available information is in terms of coherent lower and upper
6650 probabilities, which are encountered, for example, when a probability
6651 distribution is specified by interval parameters. We propose an Iterative
6652 Rescaling Method (IRM) for constructing a random set with corresponding belief
6653 and plausibility measures that are a close outer approximation to the lower and
6654 upper probabilities. The approach is compared with the discrete approximation
6655 method of Williamson and Downs (sometimes referred to as the p-box), which
6656 generates a closer approximation to lower and upper cumulative probability
6657 distributions but in most cases a less accurate approximation to the lower and
6658 upper probabilities on the remainder of the power set. Four combination methods
6659 are compared by application to example random sets generated using the IRM.},
6660         author = {Jim W. Hall and Jonathan Lawry},
6661         doi = {10.1016/j.ress.2004.03.005},
6662         journal = {Reliability Engineering \& System Safety},
6663         keywords = {Coherent lower and upper probabilities; Dempster–Shafer theory; Iterative rescaling method; Möbius inversion; Random set theory; p-Box},
6664         localfile = {article/Hall-Lawry-2004-approx.pdf},
6665         pages = {89–101},
6666         title = {Generation, combination and extension of random set approximations to coherent lower and upper probabilities},
6667         volume = {85},
6668         year = {2004}
6669 }
6671 @article{Xie-Beerel-1998-stateclassif,
6672         abstract = {This paper presents an efficient method for state
6673 classification of finite-state Markov chains using binary-decision diagram-based
6674 symbolic techniques. The method exploits the fundamental properties of a Markov
6675 chain and classifies the state space by iteratively applying reachability
6676 analysis. We compare our method with the state-of-the-art technique, which
6677 requires the transitive closure of the transition relation of a Markov chain.
6678 Experiments in over a dozen synchronous and asynchronous systems and queueing
6679 networks demonstrate that our method dramatically reduces the CPU time needed
6680 and solves much larger problems because of the reduced memory requirements},
6681         annote = {Geannoteerde versie op papier},
6682         author = {Aiguo Xie and P. A. Beerel},
6683         doi = {10.1109/43.736573},
6684         issn = {0278-0070},
6685         journal = {IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems},
6686         keywords = {BDD-based symbolic techniques; CPU time reduction; Markov processes; asynchronous systems; binary decision diagrams; binary-decision diagram; circuit analysis computing; finite-state Markov chains; queueing networks; reachability analysis; state classification; state space; synchronous systems},
6687         localfile = {article/Xie-Beerel-1998-stateclassif.pdf},
6688         number = {12},
6689         pages = {1334–1339},
6690         title = {Efficient state classification of finite-state Markov chains},
6691         volume = {17},
6692         year = {1998}
6693 }
6695 @article{Haldane-1948,
6696         author = {J. B. S. Haldane},
6697         journal = {Biometrika},
6698         localfile = {article/Haldane-1948.pdf},
6699         number = {3–4},
6700         pages = {297–300},
6701         title = {The precision of observed values of small frequencies},
6702         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2332350},
6703         volume = {35},
6704         year = {1948}
6705 }
6707 @article{Pinkus-2005-approx,
6708         abstract = {Approximation theory is concerned with the ability to
6709 approximate functions by simpler and more easily calculated functions. The first
6710 question we ask in approximation theory concerns the possibility of
6711 approximation. Is the given family of functions from which we plan to
6712 approximate dense in the set of functions we wish to approximate? In this work,
6713 we survey some of the main density results and density methods.},
6714         archiveprefix = {arXiv},
6715         arxivid = {math/0501328},
6716         author = {Allan Pinkus},
6717         eprint = {0501328},
6718         journal = {Surveys in Approximation Theory},
6719         localfile = {article/Pinkus-2005-approx.pdf},
6720         pages = {1–45},
6721         primaryclass = {math},
6722         title = {Density in Approximation Theory},
6723         url = {http://www.math.technion.ac.il/sat/papers/1},
6724         volume = {1},
6725         year = {2005}
6726 }
6728 @book{Hatcher-2002,
6729         author = {Allan Hatcher},
6730         publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
6731         title = {Algebraic Topology},
6732         year = {2002}
6733 }
6735 @inproceedings{DeCooman-Quaeghebeur-Miranda-2007-ISI,
6736         abstract = {This paper deals with belief models, and in particular lower
6737 previsions, for both (finite) collections and (infinite) sequences of
6738 exchangeable random variables taking a finite number of values. When such
6739 collections or sequences are assumed to be exchangeable, this more or less means
6740 that their specific order is irrelevant. We show that exchangeable lower
6741 previsions can be written as a combination of (i) a coherent prevision
6742 expressing that permutations of realisations of such collections or sequences
6743 are considered equally likely, and (ii) a coherent lower prevision for the
6744 `frequency' of occurrence of the different values the random variables can take.
6745 This is the essence of representation in de Finetti's sense: we generalise his
6746 results to coherent lower previsions, both for finite collections and infinite
6747 sequences. We also solve a more practical problem: how to extend a number of
6748 lower prevision assessments to an exchangeable lower prevision that is as
6749 conservative as possible.},
6750         address = {Lisboa, Portugal},
6751         author = {Gert {De Cooman} and Erik Quaeghebeur and Enrique Miranda},
6752         booktitle = {Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute 56th Session – Proceedings},
6753         number = {1556},
6754         organization = {International Statistical Institute},
6755         title = {Representing and assessing exchangeable lower previsions},
6756         year = {2007}
6757 }
6759 @inproceedings{Skulj-2007-Markov,
6760         abstract = {In Markov chain theory a stochastic matrix P is regular if
6761 some matrix power P^n contains only strictly positive elements. Regularity of
6762 transition matrix of a Markov chain guarantees the existence of a unique
6763 invariant distribution which is also the limiting distribution. In the present
6764 paper a similar result is shown for the generalized Markov chain model that
6765 replaces classical probabilities with interval probabilities. We generalize the
6766 concept of regularity and show that for a regular interval transition matrix
6767 sets of probabilities corresponding to consecutive steps of a Markov chain
6768 converge to a unique limiting set of distributions that only depends on
6769 transition matrix and is independent of the initial distribution. A similar
6770 convergence result is also shown for approximations of the invariant set.},
6771         author = {Damjan Škulj},
6772         keywords = {Markov chain; interval probability},
6773         pages = {405–414},
6774         title = {Regular finite Markov chains with interval probabilities},
6775         year = {2007}
6776 }
6778 @article{Dempster-1967,
6779         abstract = {A multivalued mapping from a space X to a space S carries a
6780 probability measure defined over subsets of X into a system of upper and lower
6781 probabilities over subsets of S. Some basic properties of such systems are
6782 explored in Sections 1 and 2. Other approaches to upper and lower probabilities
6783 are possible and some of these are related to the present approach in Section 3.
6784 A distinctive feature of the present approach is a rule for conditioning, or
6785 more generally, a rule for combining sources of information, as discussed in
6786 Sections 4 and 5. Finally, the context in statistical inference from which the
6787 present theory arose is sketched briefly in Section 6.},
6788         annote = {ook op papier},
6789         author = {Arthur P. Dempster},
6790         journal = {The Annals of Mathematical Statistics},
6791         localfile = {article/Dempster-1967.pdf},
6792         number = {2},
6793         pages = {325–339},
6794         publisher = {Springer},
6795         title = {Upper and lower probabilities induced by a multivalued mapping},
6796         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2239146},
6797         volume = {38},
6798         year = {1967}
6799 }
6801 @inproceedings{Quaeghebeur-DeCooman-2005,
6802         address = {Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania},
6803         author = {Erik Quaeghebeur and Gert {De Cooman}},
6804         booktitle = {ISIPTA '05: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Imprecise Probabilities and Their Applications},
6805         editor = {Fabio Gagliardi Cozman and Robert Nau and Teddy Seidenfeld},
6806         organization = {SIPTA},
6807         pages = {287–296},
6808         title = {Imprecise probability models for inference in exponential families},
6809         year = {2005}
6810 }
6812 @inproceedings{Verheest-Hellberg-Mace-1998,
6813         annote = {reprint},
6814         author = {Frank Verheest and Manfred A. Hellberg and Richard L. Mace},
6815         booktitle = {AIP Conference Proceedings},
6816         organization = {American Institute of Physics},
6817         title = {New aspects of the Jeans instability in dusty plasmas},
6818         year = {1998}
6819 }
6821 @inproceedings{Alessio-Zaffalon-Miranda-2009-filtering,
6822         abstract = {We extend hidden Markov models for continuous variables
6823 taking into account imprecision in our knowledge about the probabilistic
6824 relationships involved. To achieve that, we consider sets of probabilities, also
6825 called coherent lower previsions. In addition to the general formulation, we
6826 study in detail a particular case of interest: linear-vacuous mixtures. We also
6827 show, in a practical case, that our extension outperforms the Kalman filter when
6828 modelling errors are present in the system.},
6829         address = {Seattle, Washington},
6830         annote = {ook op papier},
6831         author = {Alessio Benavoli and Marco Zaffalon and Enrique Miranda},
6832         booktitle = {FUSION 2009: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Information Fusion.},
6833         organization = {IEEE},
6834         pages = {1743–1750},
6835         title = {Reliable hidden Markov model filtering through coherent lower previsions},
6836         year = {2009}
6837 }
6839 @article{Wagner-2004-modus-tollens,
6840         annote = {op papier in Wagnerbundel},
6841         author = {Carl G. Wagner},
6842         journal = {British Journal of the Philosophy of Science},
6843         pages = {747–753},
6844         title = {Modus Tollens probabilized},
6845         volume = {55},
6846         year = {2004}
6847 }
6849 @article{VantVeer-etal-2002,
6850         annote = {ook op papier},
6851         author = {Laura J. {van 't Veer} and Hongyue Dai and Marc J. {Van de Vijver} and Yudong D. He and Augustinus A. M. Hart and Mao Mao and Hans L. Peterse and Karin {Van der Kooy} and Matthew J. Marton and Anke T. Witteveen and George J. Schreiber and Ron M. Kerkhoven and Chris Roberts and Peter S. Linsley and René Bernards and Stephen H. Friend},
6852         doi = {10.1038/415530a},
6853         journal = {Nature},
6854         localfile = {article/VantVeer-etal-2002.pdf},
6855         number = {6871},
6856         pages = {530–536},
6857         publisher = {Nature Publishing Group},
6858         title = {Gene expression profiling predicts clinical outcome of breastcancer},
6859         volume = {415},
6860         year = {2002}
6861 }
6863 @article{Jamison-Lodwick-2001,
6864         abstract = {In this paper we begin with a standard form of the linear
6865 programming problem. We replace each constant in the problem with a fuzzy
6866 number. We then reformat the objective and constraints into an unconstrained
6867 fuzzy function by penalizing the objective for possible constraint violations.
6868 The range of this fuzzy function lies in the space of fuzzy numbers. The
6869 objective is then redefined as optimizing the expected midpoint of the image of
6870 this fuzzy function. We show that this objective defines a concave function
6871 which, therefore, can be maximized globally. We present an algorithm for finding
6872 the optimum.},
6873         author = {K. David Jamison and Weldon A. Lodwick},
6874         doi = {10.1016/S0165-0114(99)00082-2},
6875         issn = {0165-0114},
6876         journal = {Fuzzy Sets and Systems},
6877         keywords = {Fuzzy function; Fuzzy number; Linear programming; possibility distribution},
6878         localfile = {article/Jamison-Lodwick-2001.pdf},
6879         number = {1},
6880         pages = {97–110},
6881         title = {Fuzzy linear programming using a penalty method},
6882         volume = {119},
6883         year = {2001}
6884 }
6886 @misc{Doumont-2001-persuading,
6887         author = {Jean-luc Doumont},
6888         title = {Persuading others},
6889         year = {2001}
6890 }
6892 @article{Steuer-1981,
6893         abstract = {This paper presents three algorithms for solving linear
6894 programming problems in which some or all of the objective function coefficients
6895 are specified in terms of intervals. Which algorithm is applicable depends upon
6896 (a) the number of interval objective function coefficients, (b) the number of
6897 nonzero objective function coefficients, and (c) whether or not the feasible
6898 region is bounded. The algorithms output all extreme points and unbounded edge
6899 directions that are "multiparametrically optimal" with respect to the ranges
6900 placed on the objective function coefficients. The algorithms are most suitable
6901 to linear programs in which the objective function coefficients are
6902 deterministic but are likely to vary from time period to time period (as for
6903 example in blending problems).},
6904         author = {Ralph E. Steuer},
6905         issn = {0364-765X},
6906         journal = {Mathematics of Operations Research},
6907         localfile = {article/Steuer-1981.pdf},
6908         number = {3},
6909         pages = {333–348},
6910         publisher = {INFORMS},
6911         title = {Algorithms for linear programming problems with interval objective function coefficients},
6912         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/3689177},
6913         volume = {6},
6914         year = {1981}
6915 }
6917 @proceedings{Klee-1963,
6918         editor = {V. L. {Klee, Jr. }},
6919         publisher = {American Mathematical Society},
6920         series = {Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics},
6921         title = {Convexity: Proceedings of the Seventh Symposium in Pure Mathematics of the American Mathematical Society},
6922         url = {http://books.google.com/books?id=MuEFJR7Ek4EC},
6923         year = {1963}
6924 }
6926 @book{Grinstead-Snell-2006-probintro,
6927         annote = {GNU FDL version, source available},
6928         author = {Charles M. Grinstead and J. Laurie Snell},
6929         publisher = {American Mathematical Society},
6930         title = {Introduction to Probability},
6931         year = {2006}
6932 }
6934 @article{Haddad-Moreaux-2007,
6935         abstract = {Performance evaluation of complex systems is a critical
6936 issue and bounds computation provides confidence about service quality,
6937 reliability, etc. of such systems. The stochastic ordering theory has generated
6938 a lot of works on bounds computation. Maximal lower and minimal upper bounds of
6939 a Markov chain by a st-monotone one exist and can be efficiently computed. In
6940 the present work, we extend simultaneously this last result in two directions.
6941 On the one hand, we handle the case of a maximal monotone lower bound of a
6942 family of Markov chains where the coefficients are given by numerical intervals.
6943 On the other hand, these chains are sub-chains associated to sub-stochastic
6944 matrices. We prove the existence of this maximal bound and we provide polynomial
6945 time algorithms to compute it both for discrete and continuous Markov chains.
6946 Moreover, it appears that the bounding sub-chain of a family of strictly
6947 sub-stochastic ones is not necessarily strictly sub-stochastic. We establish a
6948 characterization of the families of sub-chains for which these bounds are
6949 strictly sub-stochastic. Finally, we show how to apply these results to a
6950 classical model of repairable system. A forthcoming paper will present detailed
6951 numerical results and comparison with other methods.},
6952         author = {Serge Haddad and Patrice Moreaux},
6953         doi = {10.1016/j.ejor.2005.08.016},
6954         issn = {0377-2217},
6955         journal = {European Journal of Operational Research},
6956         keywords = {Markov process; Stochastic bound; Stochastic process; Strong stochastic ordering; Sub-Markov chain},
6957         localfile = {article/Haddad-Moreaux-2007.pdf},
6958         number = {2},
6959         pages = {999–1015},
6960         title = {Sub-stochastic matrix analysis for bounds computation–Theoretical results},
6961         volume = {176},
6962         year = {2007}
6963 }
6965 @article{Boratynska-1997,
6966         abstract = {The problem of estimating the unknown parameter of a
6967 one-parameter exponential family with the conjugate prior is considered. Some
6968 uncertainty about the prior is assumed by introducing a class of priors Gamma.
6969 The most robust and conditional Gamma-minimax estimators are constructed. The
6970 situations when those estimators coincide are presented. The paper is a
6971 generalization of the result for the Poisson distribution obtained in Mezarski
6972 and Zielinski (1991).},
6973         annote = {ook op papier},
6974         author = {Agata Boratyńska},
6975         doi = {10.1016/S0167-7152(97)00060-6},
6976         journal = {Statistics \& Probability Letters},
6977         keywords = {Bayes estimators; classes of priors; one-parameter exponential family; robust Bayesian estimation},
6978         localfile = {article/Boratynska-1997.pdf},
6979         number = {2},
6980         pages = {173–178},
6981         publisher = {Elsevier},
6982         title = {Stability of Bayesian inference in exponential families},
6983         volume = {36},
6984         year = {1997}
6985 }
6987 @article{Schervish-Seidenfeld-Kadane-2002-incoherence,
6988         author = {Mark J. Schervish and Teddy Seidenfeld and Joseph B. Kadane},
6989         journal = {Sankhya Series A},
6990         localfile = {article/Schervish-Seidenfeld-Kadane-2002-incoherence.pdf},
6991         number = {3},
6992         pages = {561–587},
6993         title = {Measuring Incoherence},
6994         url = {http://repository.cmu.edu/statistics/29},
6995         volume = {64},
6996         year = {2002}
6997 }
6999 @article{Roy-1987,
7000         author = {Nina M. Roy},
7001         doi = {10.2307/2322725},
7002         journal = {The American Mathematical Monthly},
7003         localfile = {article/Roy-1987.pdf},
7004         number = {5},
7005         pages = {409–422},
7006         title = {Extreme points of convex sets in infinite dimensional spaces},
7007         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2322725},
7008         volume = {94},
7009         year = {1987}
7010 }
7012 @inproceedings{Walter-Augustin-Peters-2007-regression,
7013         abstract = {Regression is the central concept in applied statistics for
7014 analyzing multivariate, heterogenous data: The influence of a group of variables
7015 on one other variable is quantified by the regression parameter $\beta$. In this
7016 paper, we extend standard Bayesian inference on $\beta$ in linear regression
7017 models by considering imprecise conjugated priors. Inspired by a variation and
7018 an extension of a method for inference in i.i.d. exponential families presented
7019 at ISIPTA'05 by Quaeghebeur and de Cooman, we develop a general framework for
7020 handling linear regression models including analysis of variance models, and
7021 discuss obstacles in direct implementation of the method. Then properties of the
7022 interval-valued point estimates for a two-regressor model are derived and
7023 illustrated with simulated data. As a practical example we take a small data set
7024 from the AIRGENE study and consider the influence of age and body mass index on
7025 the concentration of an inflammation marker.},
7026         address = {Prague, Czech Republic},
7027         author = {Gero Walter and Thomas Augustin and Annette Peters},
7028         editor = {Gert {De Cooman} and Jiřina Vejnarová and Marco Zaffalon},
7029         organization = {SIPTA},
7030         title = {Linear Regression Analysis under Sets of Conjugate Priors},
7031         year = {2007}
7032 }
7034 @article{Seidenfeld-Wasserman-1993,
7035         abstract = {Suppose that a probability measure P is known to lie in a
7036 set of probability measures M. Upper and lower bounds on the probability of any
7037 event may then be computed. Sometimes, the bounds on the probability of an event
7038 A conditional on an event B may strictly contain the bounds on the unconditional
7039 probability of A. Surprisingly, this might happen for every B in a partition
7040 \mathscr{B}. If so, we say that dilation has occurred. In addition to being an
7041 interesting statistical curiosity, this counterintuitive phenomenon has
7042 important implications in robust Bayesian inference and in the theory of upper
7043 and lower probabilities. We investigate conditions under which dilation occurs
7044 and we study some of its implications. We characterize dilation immune
7045 neighborhoods of the uniform measure.},
7046         annote = {ook op papier},
7047         author = {Teddy Seidenfeld and Larry Wasserman},
7048         doi = {10.1214/aos},
7049         journal = {The Annals of Statistics},
7050         localfile = {article/Seidenfeld-Wasserman-1993.pdf},
7051         number = {3},
7052         pages = {1139–1154},
7053         publisher = {Institute of Mathematical Statistics},
7054         title = {Dilation for sets of probabilities},
7055         volume = {21},
7056         year = {1993}
7057 }
7059 @article{Giron-Rios-1980,
7060         abstract = {In this paper the theoretical and practical implications of
7061 dropping-from the basic Bayesian coherence principles- the assumption of
7062 comparability of every pair of acts is examined. The resulting theory is shown
7063 to be still perfectly coherent and has Bayesian theory as a particular case. In
7064 particular we question the need of weakening or ruling out some of the axioms
7065 that constitute the coherence principles; what are their practical implications;
7066 how this drive to the notion of partial information or partial uncertainty in a
7067 certain sense; how this partial information is combined with sample information
7068 and how this relates to Bayesian methods. We also point out the relation of this
7069 approach to rational behaviour with the more (and apparently unrelated) general
7070 notion of domination structures as applied to multicrieria decision making.},
7071         author = {F. J. Girón and S. Rios},
7072         doi = {10.1007/BF02888345},
7073         journal = {Trabajos de Estadística y de Investigación Operativa},
7074         localfile = {article/Giron-Rios-1980.pdf},
7075         number = {1},
7076         pages = {17–38},
7077         title = {Quasi-Bayesian behaviour: a more realistic approach to decision making?},
7078         volume = {31},
7079         year = {1980}
7080 }
7082 @book{Grunbaum-1967,
7083         address = {London},
7084         author = {Branko Grünbaum},
7085         publisher = {Interscience Publishers},
7086         title = {Convex Polytopes},
7087         year = {1967}
7088 }
7090 @article{Sine-1990-Perron-Frobenius,
7091         abstract = {If T is a nonexpansive map on a domain in a
7092 finite-dimensional sup-norm space then there is a universal bound on the periods
7093 of periodic points. This yields the same result for T nonexpansive on a domain
7094 in a finite-dimensional Banach space which has a polyhedral unit ball. Similar
7095 results are obtained for certain nonexpansive maps defined on all of an
7096 infinite-dimensional L\_p space with 1<p<∞.},
7097         author = {Robert Sine},
7098         journal = {Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society},
7099         localfile = {article/Sine-1990-Perron-Frobenius.pdf},
7100         number = {2},
7101         pages = {331–336},
7102         title = {A nonlinear Perron-Frobenius theorem},
7103         url = {http://www.ams.org/proc/1990-109-02/S0002-9939-1990-0948156-X/S0002-9939-1990-0
7104 948156-X.pdf},
7105         volume = {109},
7106         year = {1990}
7107 }
7109 @article{Skyrms-1993,
7110         abstract = {Maher (1992b) advances an objection to dynamic Dutch-book
7111 arguments, partly inspired by the discussion in Levi (1987; in particular by
7112 Levi's case 2, p. 204). Informally, the objection is that the decision maker
7113 will "see the dutch book coming" and consequently refuse to bet, thus escaping
7114 the Dutch book. Maher makes this explicit by modeling the decision maker's
7115 choices as a sequential decision problem. On this basis he claims that there is
7116 a mistake in dynamic coherence arguments. There is really no formal mistake in
7117 classical dynamic coherence arguments, but the discussions in Maher and Levi do
7118 suggest interesting ways in which the definition of dynamic coherence might be
7119 strengthened. Such a strengthened "sequentialized" notion of dynamic coherence
7120 is explored here. It so happens that even on the strengthened standards for a
7121 Dutch book, the classic dynamic coherence argument for conditioning still goes
7122 through.},
7123         author = {Brian Skyrms},
7124         issn = {0031-8248},
7125         journal = {Philosophy of Science},
7126         localfile = {article/Skyrms-1993.pdf},
7127         number = {2},
7128         pages = {320–328},
7129         publisher = {The University of Chicago Press on behalf of the Philosophy of Science Association},
7130         title = {A mistake in dynamic coherence arguments?},
7131         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/188357},
7132         volume = {60},
7133         year = {1993}
7134 }
7136 @book{Brown-1986,
7137         address = {Hayward, California},
7138         annote = {Geselecteerde delen kopies},
7139         author = {Lawrence D. Brown},
7140         editor = {Shanti S. Gupta},
7141         publisher = {Institute of Mathematical Statistics},
7142         series = {Institute of Mathematical Statistics: Lecture Notes—Monograph Series},
7143         title = {Fundamentals of Statistical Exponential Families (with Applications in Statistical Decision Theory)},
7144         volume = {9},
7145         year = {1986}
7146 }
7148 @inproceedings{Feron-1981,
7149         address = {New York},
7150         annote = {Proceedings of the International Congress on Applied Systems Research and Cybernetics, Acapulco, Mexico, December 1980 enkel op papier},
7151         author = {R. Feron},
7152         booktitle = {Applied Systems and Cybernetics},
7153         editor = {G. E. Lasker},
7154         pages = {2831–2836},
7155         publisher = {Pergamom Press},
7156         series = {Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Possibility Theory and Special Topics in Systems Research},
7157         title = {Probabilistic and statistical study of random fuzzy sets whose referential is R^N},
7158         volume = {VI},
7159         year = {1981}
7160 }
7162 @inproceedings{Baroni-Vicig-2000-interchange,
7163         author = {Pietro Baroni and Paolo Vicig},
7164         booktitle = {Proceedings of IPMU 2000},
7165         pages = {1027–1034},
7166         title = {An uncertainty interchange format for multi-agent systems based on imprecise probabilities},
7167         year = {2000}
7168 }
7170 @article{Fudenberg-Levine-1995,
7171         abstract = {We study a variation of fictitious play, in which the
7172 probability of each action is an exponential function of that action's utility
7173 against the historical frequency of opponents' play. Regardless of the
7174 opponents' strategies, the utility received by an agent using this rule is
7175 nearly the best that could be achieved against the historical frequency. Such
7176 rules are approximately optimal in i.i.d. environments, and guarantee nearly the
7177 minmax regardless of opponents' behavior. Fictitious play shares these
7178 properties provided it switches ‘infrequently’ between actions. We also study
7179 the long-run outcomes when all players use consistent and cautious rules.},
7180         author = {Drew Fudenberg and David K. Levine},
7181         doi = {10.1016/0165-1889(94)00819-4},
7182         journal = {Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control},
7183         keywords = {Games; Learning; Rationality; consistency},
7184         localfile = {article/Fudenberg-Levine-1995.pdf},
7185         number = {5-7},
7186         pages = {1065–1089},
7187         publisher = {Elsevier},
7188         title = {Consistency and cautious fictitious play},
7189         volume = {19},
7190         year = {1995}
7191 }
7193 @article{DeFinetti-1937,
7194         annote = {geannoteerde kopie},
7195         author = {Bruno de Finetti},
7196         journal = {Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré},
7197         localfile = {article/DeFinetti-1937.pdf},
7198         number = {1},
7199         pages = {1–68},
7200         publisher = {Institut Henri Poincaré},
7201         title = {La prévision: ses lois logiques, ses sources subjectives},
7202         url = {http://www.numdam.org/item?id=AIHP_1937__7_1_1_0},
7203         volume = {7},
7204         year = {1937}
7205 }
7207 @article{Arnold-Castillo-Sarabia-1993,
7208         annote = {ook op papier},
7209         author = {Barry C. Arnold and Enrique Castillo and Jose María Sarabia},
7210         doi = {10.1080/02331889308802432},
7211         journal = {Statistics},
7212         localfile = {article/Arnold-Castillo-Sarabia-1993.pdf},
7213         pages = {71–77},
7214         publisher = {Taylor \& Francis},
7215         title = {Conjugate exponential family priors for exponential family likelihoods},
7216         volume = {25},
7217         year = {1993}
7218 }
7220 @inproceedings{Schervish-Seidenfeld-Kadane-2003-incoherence,
7221         address = {Oxford},
7222         annote = {Proceedings of the Seventh Valencia International Meeting, 2–6 June 2002},
7223         author = {Mark J. Schervish and Teddy Seidenfeld and Joseph B. Kadane},
7224         booktitle = {Bayesian Statistics 7},
7225         editor = {José M. Bernardo and others},
7226         organization = {ISBA},
7227         pages = {385–402},
7228         publisher = {Clarendon Press},
7229         title = {Measures of incoherence: How not to gamble if you must},
7230         year = {2003}
7231 }
7233 @article{Levi-1977,
7234         author = {Isaac Levi},
7235         journal = {The Journal of Philosophy},
7236         localfile = {article/Levi-1977.pdf},
7237         number = {1},
7238         pages = {5–29},
7239         title = {Direct inference},
7240         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2025732},
7241         volume = {74},
7242         year = {1977}
7243 }
7245 @article{Mosimann-1962,
7246         annote = {ook op papier},
7247         author = {James E. Mosimann},
7248         journal = {Biometrika},
7249         localfile = {article/Mosimann-1962.pdf},
7250         number = {1/2},
7251         pages = {65–82},
7252         title = {On the compound multinomial distribution, the multivariate $\beta$-distribution, and correlations among proportions},
7253         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2333468},
7254         volume = {49},
7255         year = {1962}
7256 }
7258 @article{Diaconis-Freedman-1982-exchangeability,
7259         abstract = {Let X\_1, X\_2,⋯, X\_k, X\_{k+1},⋯, X\_n be exchangeable
7260 random variables taking values in the set S. The variation distance between the
7261 distribution of X\_1, X\_2,⋯, X\_k and the closest mixture of independent,
7262 identically distributed random variables is shown to be at most 2 ck/n, where c
7263 is the cardinality of S. If c is infinite, the bound k(k - 1)/n is obtained.
7264 These results imply the most general known forms of de Finetti's theorem.
7265 Examples are given to show that the rates k/n and k(k - 1)/n cannot be improved.
7266 The main tool is a bound on the variation distance between sampling with and
7267 without replacement. For instance, suppose an urn contains n balls, each marked
7268 with some element of the set S, whose cardinality c is finite. Now k draws are
7269 made at random from this urn, either with or without replacement. This generates
7270 two probability distributions on the set of k-tuples, and the variation distance
7271 between them is at most 2 ck/n.},
7272         author = {Persi Diaconis and D. Freedman},
7273         journal = {The Annals of Probability},
7274         localfile = {article/Diaconis-Freedman-1982-exchangeability.pdf},
7275         number = {4},
7276         pages = {745–764},
7277         title = {Finite exchangeable sequences},
7278         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2242823},
7279         volume = {8},
7280         year = {1980}
7281 }
7283 @book{Durbin-etal-1998-seqalign,
7284         author = {R. Durbin and S. R. Eddy and Anders Krogh and G. Mitchison},
7285         publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
7286         title = {Biological sequence analysis: probabilistic models of proteins and nucleic acids},
7287         year = {1998}
7288 }
7290 @article{Coolen-1993,
7291         abstract = {Reconsidering generalizations of the original Bayesian
7292 framework that have been suggested during the last three decades, imprecise
7293 conjugate prior densities are proposed for members of the one-parameter
7294 exponential family of distributions.},
7295         annote = {reprint},
7296         author = {Frank P. A. Coolen},
7297         doi = {10.1016/0167-7152(93)90066-R},
7298         journal = {Statistics \& Probability Letters},
7299         keywords = {Bayesian theory; conjugate priors; imprecise pro},
7300         localfile = {article/Coolen-1993.pdf},
7301         number = {5},
7302         pages = {337–342},
7303         publisher = {Elsevier},
7304         title = {Imprecise conjugate prior densities for the one-parameter exponential family of distributions},
7305         volume = {16},
7306         year = {1993}
7307 }
7309 @article{Campos-Cozman-2007-epistemic,
7310         abstract = {This paper investigates the computation of lower/upper
7311 expectations that must cohere with a collection of probabilistic assessments and
7312 a collection of judgements of epistemic independence. New algorithms, based on
7313 multilinear programming, are presented, both for independence among events and
7314 among random variables. Separation properties of graphical models are also
7315 investigated.},
7316         author = {Cassio Polpo de Campos and Fabio Gagliardi Cozman},
7317         doi = {10.1016/j.ijar.2006.07.013},
7318         issn = {0888-613X},
7319         journal = {International Journal of Approximate Reasoning},
7320         keywords = {concepts of independence; epistemic independence; imprecise probabilities; multilinear programming; sets of probability measures},
7321         localfile = {article/Campos-Cozman-2007-epistemic.pdf},
7322         number = {3},
7323         pages = {244–260},
7324         publisher = {Elsevier},
7325         title = {Computing lower and upper expectations under epistemic independence},
7326         url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0888613X0600096X},
7327         volume = {44},
7328         year = {2007}
7329 }
7331 @article{Kreinovich-Xiang-Ferson-2006,
7332         abstract = {In many real-life situations, we only have partial
7333 information about the actual probability distribution. For example, under
7334 Dempster-Shafer uncertainty, we only know the masses m1, ... ,mn assigned to
7335 different sets S1, ... ,Sn, but we do not know the distribution within each set
7336 Si. Because of this uncertainty, there are many possible probability
7337 distributions consistent with our knowledge; different distributions have, in
7338 general, different values of standard statistical characteristics such as mean
7339 and variance. It is therefore desirable, given a Dempster-Shafer knowledge base,
7340 to compute the ranges and of possible values of mean E and of variance V. In
7341 their recent paper, Langewisch and Choobineh show how to compute these ranges in
7342 polynomial time. In particular, they reduce the problem of computing to the
7343 problem of minimizing a convex quadratic function, a problem which can be solved
7344 in time O(n2 [middle dot] log(n)). We show that the corresponding quadratic
7345 optimization problem can be actually solved faster, in time O(n [middle dot]
7346 log(n)); thus, we can compute the bounds V and in time O(n [middle dot]
7347 log(n)).},
7348         author = {Vladik Kreinovich and Gang Xiang and Scott Ferson},
7349         doi = {10.1016/j.ijar.2005.12.001},
7350         journal = {International Journal of Approximate Reasoning},
7351         localfile = {article/Kreinovich-Xiang-Ferson-2006.pdf},
7352         number = {3},
7353         pages = {212–227},
7354         title = {Computing mean and variance under Dempster-Shafer uncertainty: Towards faster algorithms},
7355         volume = {42},
7356         year = {2006}
7357 }
7359 @article{Inuiguchi-2007,
7360         abstract = {In this paper, we treat fuzzy linear programming problems
7361 with uncertain parameters whose ranges are specified as fuzzy polytopes. The
7362 problem is formulated as a necessity measure optimization model. It is shown
7363 that the problem can be reduced to a semi-infinite programming problem and
7364 solved by a combination of a bisection method and a relaxation procedure. An
7365 algorithm in which the bisection method and the relaxation procedure converge
7366 simultaneously is proposed. A simple numerical example is given to illustrate
7367 the solution procedure.},
7368         author = {Masahiro Inuiguchi},
7369         doi = {10.1016/j.fss.2007.04.004},
7370         issn = {0165-0114},
7371         journal = {Fuzzy Sets and Systems},
7372         keywords = {Bisection method; Fuzzy polytope; Necessity measure; Possibilistic linear programming; Relaxation procedure; Semi-infinite programming},
7373         localfile = {article/Inuiguchi-2007.pdf},
7374         number = {17},
7375         pages = {1882–1891},
7376         title = {Necessity measure optimization in linear programming problems with fuzzy polytopes},
7377         volume = {158},
7378         year = {2007}
7379 }
7381 @book{Letac-1992,
7382         annote = {Hoofdstukken 1, 2 en 4 kopies},
7383         author = {Gérard Letac},
7384         number = {50},
7385         publisher = {Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnológico, Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (IMPA)},
7386         series = {Monografias de Matemática},
7387         title = {Lectures on natural exponential families and their variance functions},
7388         year = {1992}
7389 }
7391 @article{Tanaka-1993,
7392         author = {Yoshihiro Tanaka},
7393         journal = {Economic Journal of Hokkaido University},
7394         localfile = {article/Tanaka-1993.pdf},
7395         pages = {159–166},
7396         title = {On Convexity of A System of Linear Interval Equations},
7397         url = {http://hdl.handle.net/2115/30499},
7398         volume = {22},
7399         year = {1993}
7400 }
7402 @book{Whittle-1992,
7403         author = {Peter Whittle},
7404         edition = {3},
7405         series = {Springer Texts in Statistics},
7406         title = {Probability via Expectation},
7407         volume = {XVIII},
7408         year = {1992}
7409 }
7411 @proceedings{SMPS-2004,
7412         address = {Oviedo, Spain},
7413         booktitle = {Soft Methodology and Random Information Systems},
7414         editor = {Miguel Lopéz-Díaz and María Angeles Gil and Przemysław Grzegorzewski and Olgierd Hryniewicz and Jonathan Lawry},
7415         publisher = {Springer},
7416         series = {Advances in soft computing},
7417         title = {Soft Methodology and Random Information Systems},
7418         year = {2004}
7419 }
7421 @article{DeCooman-Miranda-Quaeghebeur-2009-RIP,
7422         abstract = {We consider immediate predictive inference, where a subject,
7423 using a number of observations of a finite number of exchangeable random
7424 variables, is asked to coherently model his beliefs about the next observation,
7425 in terms of a predictive lower prevision. We study when such predictive lower
7426 previsions are representation insensitive, meaning that they are essentially
7427 independent of the choice of the (finite) set of possible values for the random
7428 variables. We establish that such representation insensitive predictive models
7429 have very interesting properties, and show that among such models, the ones
7430 produced by the Imprecise Dirichlet-Multinomial Model are quite special in a
7431 number of ways. In the Conclusion, we discuss the open question as to how unique
7432 the predictive lower previsions of the Imprecise Dirichlet-Multinomial Model are
7433 in being representation insensitive.},
7434         author = {Gert {De Cooman} and Enrique Miranda and Erik Quaeghebeur},
7435         doi = {10.1016/j.ijar.2008.03.010},
7436         issn = {0888-613X},
7437         journal = {International Journal of Approximate Reasoning},
7438         keywords = {Coherence; Exchangeability; Immediate prediction; Imprecise Dirichlet-Multinomial Model; Imprecise probabilities; Johnson’s sufficientness postulate; Lower prevision; Predictive inference; Representation insensitivity; Representation invariance principle; Rule of Succession},
7439         localfile = {article/DeCooman-Miranda-Quaeghebeur-2009-RIP.pdf},
7440         number = {2},
7441         pages = {204–216},
7442         publisher = {Elsevier},
7443         title = {Representation insensitivity in immediate prediction under exchangeability},
7444         volume = {50},
7445         year = {2009}
7446 }
7448 @book{Boyd-Vandenberghe-2004,
7449         author = {Stephen Boyd and Lieven Vandenberghe},
7450         publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
7451         title = {Convex Optimization},
7452         url = {http://www.stanford.edu/~boyd/cvxbook},
7453         year = {2004}
7454 }
7456 @book{Golub-VanLoan-1989,
7457         author = {Gene H. Golub and Charles F. {Van Loan}},
7458         edition = {2},
7459         publisher = {Johns Hopkins University Press},
7460         series = {Johns Hopkins Series in the Mathematical Sciences},
7461         title = {Matrix Computation},
7462         year = {1989}
7463 }
7465 @article{Shapley-1971,
7466         abstract = {The core of an n-person game is the set of feasible outcomes
7467 that cannot be improved upon by any coalition of players. A convex game is
7468 defined as one that is based on a convex set function. In this paper it is shown
7469 that the core of a convex game is not empty and that it has an especially
7470 regular structure. It is further shown that certain other cooperative solution
7471 concepts are related in a simple way to the core: The value of a convex game is
7472 the center of gravity of the extreme points of the core, and the von
7473 Neumann-Morgenstern stable set solution of a convex game is unique and coincides
7474 with the core.},
7475         annote = {ook op papier},
7476         author = {Lloyd S. Shapley},
7477         doi = {10.1007/BF01753431},
7478         journal = {International Journal of Game Theory},
7479         localfile = {article/Shapley-1971.pdf},
7480         number = {1},
7481         pages = {11–26},
7482         publisher = {Springer},
7483         title = {Cores of convex games},
7484         volume = {1},
7485         year = {1971}
7486 }
7488 @article{Nowak-May-Sigmund-1995connor,
7489         author = {Martin A. Nowak and Robert M. May and Karl Sigmund},
7490         journal = {Scientific American},
7491         pages = {76–81},
7492         title = {The Arithmetics of Mutual Help},
7493         year = {1995}
7494 }
7496 @article{Frechet-1948,
7497         author = {Maurice Fréchet},
7498         journal = {Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré},
7499         localfile = {article/Frechet-1948.pdf},
7500         number = {4},
7501         pages = {215–310},
7502         title = {Les éléments aléatoires de nature quelconque dans un espace distancié},
7503         url = {http://www.numdam.org/item?id=AIHP_1948__10_4_215_0},
7504         volume = {10},
7505         year = {1948}
7506 }
7508 @proceedings{NIPS2003,
7509         booktitle = {NIPS},
7510         editor = {Sebastian Thrun and Lawrence K Saul and Bernhard Schölkopf},
7511         isbn = {0-262-20152-6},
7512         publisher = {MIT Press},
7513         title = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 16 [Neural Information Processing Systems, NIPS 2003, December 8-13, 2003, Vancouver and Whistler, British Columbia, Canada]},
7514         year = {2004}
7515 }
7517 @proceedings{ICML-2000,
7518         booktitle = {Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML-2000)},
7519         title = {Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML-2000)},
7520         year = {2000}
7521 }
7523 @inproceedings{Williams-1975-coherence,
7524         author = {Peter M. Williams},
7525         booktitle = {Fifth International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science},
7526         pages = {29–33},
7527         title = {Coherence, strict coherence and zero probabilities},
7528         volume = {VI},
7529         year = {1975}
7530 }
7532 @article{Miranda-2008-survey,
7533         abstract = {This paper presents a summary of Peter Walley's theory of
7534 coherent lower previsions. We introduce three representations of coherent
7535 assessments: coherent lower and upper previsions, closed and convex sets of
7536 linear previsions, and sets of desirable gambles. We show also how the notion of
7537 coherence can be used to update our beliefs with new information, and a number
7538 of possibilities to model the notion of independence with coherent lower
7539 previsions. Next, we comment on the connection with other approaches in the
7540 literature: de Finetti's and Williams' earlier work, Kuznetsov's and
7541 Weischelberger's work on interval-valued probabilities, Dempster-Shafer theory
7542 of evidence and Shafer and Vovk's game-theoretic approach. Finally, we present a
7543 brief survey of some applications and summarize the main strengths and
7544 challenges of the theory.},
7545         author = {Enrique Miranda},
7546         doi = {10.1016/j.ijar.2007.12.001},
7547         journal = {International Journal of Approximate Reasoning},
7548         keywords = {Avoiding sure loss; Coherence; Conditional lower previsions; Desirability; Imprecision; Independence; Subjective probability},
7549         localfile = {article/Miranda-2008-survey.pdf},
7550         number = {2},
7551         pages = {628–658},
7552         title = {A survey of the theory of coherent lower previsions},
7553         volume = {48},
7554         year = {2008}
7555 }
7557 @book{Munro-1999,
7558         editor = {N. Munro},
7559         publisher = {The Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE)},
7560         title = {The Use of Symbolic Methods in Control System Analysis and Design},
7561         year = {1999}
7562 }
7564 @book{Mura-2008,
7565         author = {Bruno de Finetti},
7566         doi = {10.1007/978-1-4020-8202-3},
7567         editor = {Alberto Mura},
7568         publisher = {Springer},
7569         series = {Synthese Library},
7570         title = {Philosophical Lectures on Probability},
7571         volume = {340},
7572         year = {2008}
7573 }
7575 @article{DeCooman-Hermans-Quaeghebeur-2009-PES,
7576         author = {Gert {De Cooman} and Filip Hermans and Erik Quaeghebeur},
7577         doi = {10.1017/S0269964809990039},
7578         journal = {Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences},
7579         number = {4},
7580         pages = {597–635},
7581         title = {Imprecise Markov chains and their limit behavior},
7582         volume = {23},
7583         year = {2009}
7584 }
7586 @book{Keynes-1921,
7587         author = {John Maynard Keynes},
7588         publisher = {Macmillan},
7589         title = {A Treatise on Probability},
7590         url = {http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/32625},
7591         year = {1921}
7592 }
7594 @article{Moslehian-2006,
7595         archiveprefix = {arXiv},
7596         arxivid = {math/0501048},
7597         author = {Mohammad Sal Moslehian},
7598         eprint = {0501048},
7599         journal = {Trends in Mathematics},
7600         keywords = {Complemented subspace; L1-predual space; Schauder basis; basis; complementary minimal subspace; prime space; quasi-complemented subspace; sequence spaces; weakly complemented subspace},
7601         localfile = {article/Moslehian-2006.pdf},
7602         number = {1},
7603         pages = {91–98},
7604         primaryclass = {math},
7605         title = {A survey of the complemented subspace problem},
7606         volume = {9},
7607         year = {2006}
7608 }
7610 @book{Martin-1966,
7611         author = {J. J. Martin},
7612         editor = {David B. Hertz},
7613         number = {13},
7614         publisher = {Wiley},
7615         series = {Publications in Operations Research},
7616         title = {Bayesian Decision problems and Markov Chains},
7617         year = {1966}
7618 }
7620 @article{Walley-Gurrin-Burton-1996,
7621         abstract = {This paper describes a new method, based on the theory of
7622 imprecise probabilities, for analysing clinical data in the form of a
7623 contingency table. The method is applied to a well-known set of statistical data
7624 from randomized clinical trials of two treatments for severe cardiorespiratory
7625 failure in newborn babies. Two problems are distinguished. The inference problem
7626 is to draw conclusions about which treatment is more effective. The decision
7627 problem is to determine whether one treatment should be preferred to another for
7628 the next patient, or whether it is ethical to select the treatment by
7629 randomization. The two problems are analysed using three possible models for
7630 prior ignorance about the statistical parameters, and one of the models is
7631 modified to take account of earlier clinical data. In this example the four
7632 models produce essentially the same conclusions.},
7633         annote = {ook op papier},
7634         author = {Peter Walley and Lyle Gurrin and Paul Burton},
7635         journal = {The Statistician},
7636         localfile = {article/Walley-Gurrin-Burton-1996.pdf},
7637         number = {4},
7638         pages = {457–485},
7639         title = {Analysis of clinical data using imprecise prior probabilities},
7640         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2988546},
7641         volume = {45},
7642         year = {1996}
7643 }
7645 @inproceedings{DeCooman-etal-ISIPTA09-Markovtrees,
7646         abstract = {We replace strong independence in credal networks with the
7647 weaker notion of epistemic irrelevance. Focusing on directed trees, we show how
7648 to combine local credal sets into a global model, and we use this to construct
7649 and justify an exact message-passing algorithm that computes updated beliefs for
7650 a variable in the tree. The algorithm, which is essentially linear in the number
7651 of nodes, is formulated entirely in terms of coherent lower previsions. We
7652 supply examples of the algorithm's operation, and report an application to
7653 on-line character recognition that illustrates the advantages of our model for
7654 prediction.},
7655         address = {Durham, United Kingdom},
7656         annote = {ook op papier},
7657         author = {Gert {De Cooman} and Filip Hermans and Alessandro Antonucci and Marco Zaffalon},
7658         booktitle = {ISIPTA '09: Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Imprecise Probabilities: Theories and Applications},
7659         editor = {Thomas Augustin and Frank P. A. Coolen and Serafin Moral and Matthias C. M. Troffaes},
7660         organization = {SIPTA},
7661         pages = {149–158},
7662         title = {Epistemic irrelevance in credal networks: the case of imprecise Markov trees},
7663         year = {2009}
7664 }
7666 @inproceedings{Maass-2003-ISIPTA,
7667         address = {Waterloo, Ontario, Canada},
7668         author = {Sebastian Maaß},
7669         booktitle = {ISIPTA '03: Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Imprecise Probabilities and Their Applications},
7670         editor = {Jean-Marc Bernard and Teddy Seidenfeld and Marco Zaffalon},
7671         location = {Lugano, Switzerland},
7672         pages = {372–382},
7673         publisher = {Carleton Scientific},
7674         series = {Proceedings in Informatics},
7675         title = {Continuous Linear Representations of Coherent Lower Previsions},
7676         volume = {18},
7677         year = {2003}
7678 }
7680 @article{Miranda-DeCooman-2003,
7681         abstract = {Numerical possibility measures can be interpreted as systems
7682 of upper betting rates for events. As such, they have a special part in the
7683 unifying behavioural theory of imprecise probabilities, proposed by Walley. On
7684 this interpretation, they should arguably satisfy certain rationality, or
7685 consistency, requirements, such as avoiding sure loss and coherence. Using a
7686 version of Walley's notion of epistemic independence suitable for possibility
7687 measures, we study in detail what these rationality requirements tell us about
7688 the construction of independent product possibility measures from given
7689 marginals, and we obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for a product to
7690 satisfy these criteria. In particular, we show that the well-known minimum and
7691 product rules for forming independent joint distributions from marginal ones,
7692 are only coherent when at least one of these distributions assume just the
7693 values zero and one.},
7694         annote = {reprint},
7695         author = {Enrique Miranda and Gert {De Cooman}},
7696         doi = {10.1016/S0888-613X(02)00087-7},
7697         journal = {International Journal of Approximate Reasoning},
7698         keywords = {Coherence; Conditioning; Epistemic independence; Independent product; Possibility theory; Upper probability},
7699         localfile = {article/Miranda-DeCooman-2003.pdf},
7700         pages = {23–42},
7701         title = {Epistemic independence in numerical possibility theory},
7702         volume = {32},
7703         year = {2003}
7704 }
7706 @article{Dawid-1985-symmetry,
7707         author = {A. Philip Dawid},
7708         doi = {10.1093/bjps},
7709         journal = {The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science},
7710         localfile = {article/Dawid-1985-symmetry.pdf},
7711         number = {2},
7712         pages = {107–128},
7713         publisher = {British Society for the Philosophy of Science},
7714         title = {Probability, symmetry and frequency},
7715         volume = {36},
7716         year = {1985}
7717 }
7719 @article{Consonni-Veronese-1992,
7720         annote = {ook op papier},
7721         author = {Guido Consonni and Piero Veronese},
7722         journal = {Journal of the American Statistical Association},
7723         keywords = {Bayesian statistics; least favorable prior; partial prior information},
7724         localfile = {article/Consonni-Veronese-1992.pdf},
7725         number = {420},
7726         pages = {1123–1127},
7727         title = {Conjugate priors for exponential families having quadratic variance functions},
7728         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2290650},
7729         volume = {87},
7730         year = {1992}
7731 }
7733 @article{GutierrezPena-Rueda-2003,
7734         abstract = {Reference analysis, introduced by Bernardo (J. Roy. Statist.
7735 Soc. 41 (1979) 113) and further developed by Berger and Bernardo (On the
7736 development of reference priors (with discussion). In: J.M. Bernardo, J.O.
7737 Berger, A.P. Dawid, A.F.M. Smith (Eds.), Bayesian Statistics, Vol. 4, Clarendon
7738 Press, Oxford, pp. 35-60), has proved to be one of the most successful general
7739 methods to derive noninformative prior distributions. In practice, however,
7740 reference priors are typically difficult to obtain. In this paper we show how to
7741 find reference priors for a wide class of exponential family likelihoods.},
7742         author = {Eduardo Gutiérrez-Peña and R. Rueda},
7743         doi = {10.1016/S0378-3758(01)00281-6},
7744         journal = {Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference},
7745         keywords = {Affine dual foliations; Bayesian inference; Natural exponential family; Quadratic variance function; Reference prior; cut},
7746         localfile = {article/GutierrezPena-Rueda-2003.pdf},
7747         number = {1-2},
7748         pages = {35–54},
7749         title = {Reference priors for exponential families},
7750         volume = {110},
7751         year = {2003}
7752 }
7754 @inproceedings{Troffaes-2004,
7755         author = {Matthias C. M. Troffaes},
7756         booktitle = {Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems: IPMU 2004},
7757         pages = {571–578},
7758         title = {Efficient and robust global amino acid sequence alignment with uncertain evolutionary distances},
7759         volume = {1},
7760         year = {2004}
7761 }
7763 @article{Bernard-1997-specificity,
7764         annote = {ook op papier},
7765         author = {Jean-Marc Bernard},
7766         journal = {Revue Internationale de Systémique},
7767         localfile = {article/Bernard-1997-specificity.pdf},
7768         number = {1},
7769         pages = {11–29},
7770         title = {Bayesian analysis of tree-structured data},
7771         volume = {11},
7772         year = {1997}
7773 }
7775 @inbook{Boute-2004,
7776         annote = {Op papier},
7777         author = {Raymond T. Boute},
7778         booktitle = {Information Technology},
7779         pages = {85–114},
7780         publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers},
7781         title = {Formal Reasoning about Systems, Software and Hardware using Functionals, Predicates and Relations},
7782         year = {2004}
7783 }
7785 @phdthesis{DeMunck-2009-PhD,
7786         author = {Maarten {De Munck}},
7787         month = apr,
7788         school = {Katholieke Universiteit Leuven},
7789         title = {Efficient optimization approaches for interval and fuzzy finite element analysis},
7790         year = {2009}
7791 }
7793 @book{Liu-2007-uncertain-programming,
7794         author = {Baoding Liu},
7795         edition = {2},
7796         title = {Theory and Practice of Uncertain Programming},
7797         year = {2007}
7798 }
7800 @article{Kubis-2002,
7801         abstract = {The purpose of this paper is to investigate some separation
7802 properties of sets with axiomatically defined convexity structures. We state a
7803 general separation theorem for pairs of convexities, improving some known
7804 results. As an application, we discuss separation properties of lattices, real
7805 vector spaces and modules.},
7806         address = {Basel},
7807         author = {Wiesław Kubiś},
7808         doi = {10.1007/PL00012529},
7809         issn = {0047-2468},
7810         journal = {Journal of Geometry},
7811         keywords = {Mathematics; Statistics},
7812         localfile = {article/Kubis-2002.pdf},
7813         number = {1},
7814         pages = {110–119},
7815         publisher = {Birkhäuser},
7816         title = {Separation properties of convexity spaces},
7817         volume = {74},
7818         year = {2002}
7819 }
7821 @article{Pelessoni-Vicig-2005-convex,
7822         abstract = {Two classes of imprecise previsions, which we termed convex
7823 and centered convex previsions, are studied in this paper in a framework close
7824 to Walley's and Williams' theory of imprecise previsions. We show that convex
7825 previsions are related with a concept of convex natural extension, which is
7826 useful in correcting a large class of inconsistent imprecise probability
7827 assessments, characterised by a condition of avoiding unbounded sure loss.
7828 Convexity further provides a conceptual framework for some uncertainty models
7829 and devices, like unnormalised supremum preserving functions. Centered convex
7830 previsions are intermediate between coherent previsions and previsions avoiding
7831 sure loss, and their not requiring positive homogeneity is a relevant feature
7832 for potential applications. We discuss in particular their usage in (financial)
7833 risk measurement. In a final part we introduce convex imprecise previsions in a
7834 conditional environment and investigate their basic properties, showing how
7835 several of the preceding notions may be extended and the way the generalised
7836 Bayes rule applies.},
7837         author = {Renato Pelessoni and Paolo Vicig},
7838         doi = {10.1016/j.ijar.2004.10.007},
7839         issn = {0888-613X},
7840         journal = {International Journal of Approximate Reasoning},
7841         keywords = {Convex conditional imprecise previsions; Convex imprecise previsions; Convex natural extension; Generalised Bayes rule; Risk measures},
7842         localfile = {article/Pelessoni-Vicig-2005-convex.pdf},
7843         number = {2-3},
7844         pages = {297–319},
7845         title = {Uncertainty modelling and conditioning with convex imprecise previsions},
7846         volume = {39},
7847         year = {2005}
7848 }
7850 @article{Berger-1994-robust-overview,
7851         abstract = {Robust Bayesian analysis is the study of the sensitivity of
7852 Bayesian answers to uncertain inputs. This paper seeks to provide an overview of
7853 the subject, one that is accessible to statisticians outside the field. Recent
7854 developments in the area are also reviewed, though with very uneven emphasis.},
7855         author = {James Berger and Elías Moreno and Luis Raúl Pericchi and M. Bayarri and José M. Bernardo and Juan Cano and Julián {De la Horra} and Jacinto Martín and David Ríos-Insúa and Bruno Betrò and A. Dasgupta and Paul Gustafson and Larry Wasserman and Joseph B. Kadane and Srinivasan Cid and Michael Lavine and Anthony O'Hagan and Wolfgang Polasek and Christian Robert and Constantinos Goutis and Fabrizio Ruggeri and Gabriella Salinetti and Siva Sivaganesan},
7856         doi = {10.1007/BF02562676},
7857         journal = {Test},
7858         number = {1},
7859         pages = {5–124},
7860         title = {An overview of Robust Bayesian analysis},
7861         volume = {3},
7862         year = {1994}
7863 }
7865 @book{Shafer-1976,
7866         author = {Glenn Shafer},
7867         publisher = {Princeton University Press},
7868         title = {A mathematical theory of evidence},
7869         year = {1976}
7870 }
7872 @article{Hsu-et-al-2005,
7873         abstract = {Much is known about how people make decisions under varying
7874 levels of probability (risk). Less is known about the neural basis of
7875 decision-making when probabilities are uncertain because of missing information
7876 (ambiguity). In decision theory, ambiguity about probabilities should not affect
7877 choices. Using functional brain imaging, we show that the level of ambiguity in
7878 choices correlates positively with activation in the amygdala and orbitofrontal
7879 cortex, and negatively with a striatal system. Moreover, striatal activity
7880 correlates positively with expected reward. Neurological subjects with
7881 orbitofrontal lesions were insensitive to the level of ambiguity and risk in
7882 behavioral choices. These data suggest a general neural circuit responding to
7883 degrees of uncertainty, contrary to decision theory.},
7884         author = {Ming Hsu and Meghana Bhatt and Ralph Adolphs and Daniel Tranel and Colin F. Camerer},
7885         doi = {10.1126/science.1115327},
7886         journal = {Science},
7887         localfile = {article/Hsu-et-al-2005.pdf},
7888         month = dec,
7889         number = {5754},
7890         pages = {1680–1683},
7891         publisher = {American Association for the Advancement of Science},
7892         title = {Neural systems responding to degrees of uncertainty in human decision-making},
7893         volume = {310},
7894         year = {2005}
7895 }
7897 @phdthesis{Maass-2003-PhD,
7898         author = {Sebastian Maaß},
7899         school = {Universität Bremen},
7900         title = {Exact functionals, functionals preserving linear inequalities, Lévy's metric},
7901         year = {2003}
7902 }
7904 @article{Good-1952,
7905         abstract = {This paper deals first with the relationship between the
7906 theory of probability and the theory of rational behaviour. A method is then
7907 suggested for encouraging people to make accurate probability estimates, a
7908 connection with the theory of information being mentioned. Finally Wald's theory
7909 of statistical decision functions is summarised and generalised and its relation
7910 to the theory of rational behaviour is discussed.},
7911         author = {I. J. Good},
7912         issn = {0035-9246},
7913         journal = {Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Methodological)},
7914         localfile = {article/Good-1952.pdf},
7915         number = {1},
7916         pages = {107–114},
7917         publisher = {Blackwell Publishing for the Royal Statistical Society},
7918         title = {Rational decisions},
7919         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2984087},
7920         volume = {14},
7921         year = {1952}
7922 }
7924 @article{Sundberg-Wagner-1992,
7925         annote = {op papier in Wagnerbundel},
7926         author = {Carl Sundberg and Carl G. Wagner},
7927         journal = {Advances in Applied Mathematics of Operations Research},
7928         pages = {262–272},
7929         title = {Generalized Differences and Bayesian Conditioning of Choquet Capacities},
7930         volume = {13},
7931         year = {1992}
7932 }
7934 @article{DeCooman-Aeyels-1999,
7935         abstract = {We study the relation between possibility measures and the
7936 theory of imprecise probabilities, and argue that possibility measures have an
7937 important part in this theory. It is shown that a possibility measure is a
7938 coherent upper probability if and only if it is normal. A detailed comparison is
7939 given between the possibilistic and natural extension of an upper probability,
7940 both in the general case and for upper probabilities defined on a class of
7941 nested sets. We prove in particular that a possibility measure is the
7942 restriction to events of the natural extension of a special kind of upper
7943 probability, defined on a class of nested sets. We show that possibilistic
7944 extension can be interpreted in terms of natural extension. We also prove that
7945 when either the upper or the lower cumulative distribution function of a random
7946 quantity is specified, possibility measures very naturally emerge as the
7947 corresponding natural extensions. Next, we go from upper probabilities to upper
7948 previsions. We show that if a coherent upper prevision defined on the convex
7949 cone of all non-negative gambles is supremum preserving, then it must take the
7950 form of a Shilkret integral associated with a possibility measure. But at the
7951 same time, we show that such a supremum preserving upper prevision is never
7952 coherent unless it is the vacuous upper prevision with respect to a non-empty
7953 subset of the universe of discourse.},
7954         author = {Gert {De Cooman} and Dirk Aeyels},
7955         doi = {10.1016/S0020-0255(99)00007-9},
7956         issn = {0020-0255},
7957         journal = {Information Sciences},
7958         keywords = {choquet integral; coherence; lower cumulative distribution function; natural extension; possibilistic extension; possibility measure; upper cumulative distribution function; upper probability},
7959         localfile = {article/DeCooman-Aeyels-1999.pdf},
7960         number = {1-4},
7961         pages = {173–212},
7962         publisher = {Elsevier},
7963         title = {Supremum preserving upper probabilities},
7964         volume = {118},
7965         year = {1999}
7966 }
7968 @misc{Bernard-2003,
7969         annote = {Tutorial for ISIPTA'03},
7970         author = {Jean-Marc Bernard},
7971         title = {An Introduction to the Imprecise Dirichlet Model for Multinomial Data},
7972         year = {2003}
7973 }
7975 @misc{Doumont-2001-speaking,
7976         author = {Jean-luc Doumont},
7977         title = {Speaking in public},
7978         year = {2001}
7979 }
7981 @book{Raiffa-Schlaifer-1961,
7982         address = {Cambridge, Massachusetts},
7983         annote = {Boek bij René},
7984         author = {Howard Raiffa and Robert Schlaifer},
7985         publisher = {MIT Press},
7986         title = {Applied Statistical decision Theory},
7987         year = {1968}
7988 }
7990 @article{Barabasi-Oltvai-2004,
7991         abstract = {A key aim of postgenomic biomedical research is to
7992 systematically catalogue all molecules and their interactions within a living
7993 cell. There is a clear need to understand how these molecules and the
7994 interactions between them determine the function of this enormously complex
7995 machinery, both in isolation and when surrounded by other cells. Rapid advances
7996 in network biology indicate that cellular networks are governed by universal
7997 laws and offer a new conceptual framework that could potentially revolutionize
7998 our view of biology and disease pathologies in the twenty-first century.},
7999         annote = {ook op papier},
8000         author = {Albert-László Barabási and Zoltán N. Oltvai},
8001         doi = {10.1038/nrg1272},
8002         journal = {Nature Reviews Genetics},
8003         localfile = {article/Barabasi-Oltvai-2004.pdf},
8004         number = {2},
8005         pages = {101–113},
8006         publisher = {Nature Publishing Group},
8007         title = {Network biology: understanding the cell's functional organization},
8008         volume = {5},
8009         year = {2004}
8010 }
8012 @article{Jordan-2004-graphical,
8013         author = {Michael I. Jordan},
8014         doi = {10.1214/088342304000000026},
8015         journal = {Statistical Science},
8016         localfile = {article/Jordan-2004-graphical.pdf},
8017         number = {1},
8018         pages = {140–155},
8019         title = {Graphical Models},
8020         volume = {19},
8021         year = {2004}
8022 }
8024 @book{Johnson-Kemp-Kotz-2005,
8025         author = {Norman L. Johnson and Adrienne W. Kemp and Samuel Kotz},
8026         edition = {3},
8027         publisher = {Wiley},
8028         title = {Univariate Discrete Distributions},
8029         year = {2005}
8030 }
8032 @article{DeCooman-Troffaes-Miranda-2008-exact,
8033         abstract = {We study n-monotone functionals, which constitute a
8034 generalisation of n-monotone set functions. We investigate their relation to the
8035 concepts of exactness and natural extension, which generalise coherence and
8036 natural extension in the behavioural theory of imprecise probabilities. We
8037 improve upon a number of results in the literature, and prove among other things
8038 a representation result for exact n-monotone functionals in terms of Choquet
8039 integrals.},
8040         author = {Gert {De Cooman} and Matthias C. M. Troffaes and Enrique Miranda},
8041         doi = {10.1016/j.jmaa.2008.05.071},
8042         issn = {0022-247X},
8043         journal = {Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications},
8044         keywords = {Choquet integral; coherence; comonotone additivi},
8045         localfile = {article/DeCooman-Troffaes-Miranda-2008-exact.pdf},
8046         number = {1},
8047         pages = {143–156},
8048         publisher = {Elsevier},
8049         title = {n-Monotone exact functionals},
8050         volume = {347},
8051         year = {2008}
8052 }
8054 @proceedings{MTNS-2000,
8055         booktitle = {Fourteenth International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and systems: MTNS 2000},
8056         title = {Fourteenth International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and systems: MTNS 2000},
8057         year = {2000}
8058 }
8060 @techreport{Troffaes-idmfacts,
8061         author = {Matthias C. M. Troffaes},
8062         title = {The imprecise Dirichlet model: facts and formulas}
8063 }
8065 @techreport{Berger-1993,
8066         annote = {ook op papier},
8067         author = {James Berger},
8068         institution = {Purdue University, Department of Statistics},
8069         number = {93-53C},
8070         title = {An Overview of Robust Bayesian Analysis},
8071         year = {1993}
8072 }
8074 @inproceedings{DeCooman-Miranda-2011,
8075         address = {Innsbruck, Austria},
8076         author = {Gert {De Cooman} and Enrique Miranda},
8077         booktitle = {ISIPTA'11: Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications},
8078         editor = {Frank Coolen and Gert {De Cooman} and Thomas Fetz and Michael Oberguggenberger},
8079         pages = {169–178},
8080         publisher = {SIPTA},
8081         title = {Independent natural extension for sets of desirable gambles},
8082         year = {2011}
8083 }
8085 @article{Wagner-1997-old+new-III,
8086         annote = {op papier in Wagnerbundel},
8087         author = {Carl G. Wagner},
8088         journal = {Philosophy of Science},
8089         pages = {165–175},
8090         title = {Old Evidence and New Explanation},
8091         volume = {68},
8092         year = {2001}
8093 }
8095 @misc{Fukuda-polyfaq,
8096         author = {Komei Fukuda},
8097         title = {Frequently Asked Questions in Polyhedral Computation},
8098         url = {http://www.ifor.math.ethz.ch/~fukuda/polyfaq/polyfaq.html},
8099         year = {2004}
8100 }
8102 @book{Jeffreys-1983,
8103         author = {Harold Jeffreys},
8104         edition = {corrected},
8105         publisher = {Oxford University Press},
8106         title = {Theory of Probability},
8107         year = {1983}
8108 }
8110 @article{Daniell-1918,
8111         author = {P. J. Daniell},
8112         journal = {The Annals of Mathematics},
8113         localfile = {article/Daniell-1918.pdf},
8114         number = {4},
8115         pages = {279–294},
8116         title = {A general form of integral},
8117         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/1967495},
8118         volume = {19},
8119         year = {1918}
8120 }
8122 @book{Hartfiel-1998-book,
8123         author = {Darald J. Hartfiel},
8124         number = {1695},
8125         publisher = {Springer},
8126         series = {Lecture Notes in Mathematics},
8127         title = {Markov Set-Chains},
8128         url = {http://books.google.com/books?id=79wZAQAAIAAJ},
8129         year = {1998}
8130 }
8132 @book{Laplace-1920-theorie,
8133         author = {Pierre-Simon Laplace},
8134         edition = {3},
8135         publisher = {Gauthier-Villars},
8136         series = {Oeuvres complètes de Laplace},
8137         title = {Théorie analytique des probabilités},
8138         volume = {7},
8139         year = {1820}
8140 }
8142 @incollection{DeCooman-Miranda-2007-symmetry,
8143         address = {London},
8144         annote = {in svn-repo},
8145         author = {Gert {De Cooman} and Enrique Miranda},
8146         booktitle = {Probability and Inference: Essays in Honor of Henry E. Kyburg, Jr.},
8147         editor = {William Harper and Gregory Wheeler},
8148         pages = {67–149},
8149         publisher = {King's College Publications},
8150         title = {Symmetry of models versus models of symmetry},
8151         year = {2007}
8152 }
8154 @article{Seidenfeld-Schervish-Kadane-1995-preference,
8155         author = {Teddy Seidenfeld and Mark J. Schervish and Joseph B. Kadane},
8156         doi = {10.1214/aos},
8157         journal = {The Annals of Statistics},
8158         keywords = {Axioms of decision theory; partial order; robust},
8159         localfile = {article/Seidenfeld-Schervish-Kadane-1995-preference.pdf},
8160         month = dec,
8161         number = {6},
8162         pages = {2168–2217},
8163         publisher = {Institute of Mathematical Statistics},
8164         title = {A representation of partially ordered preferences},
8165         volume = {23},
8166         year = {1995}
8167 }
8169 @article{Kaplan-etal-2011,
8170         abstract = {During early stages of development, regulatory proteins bind
8171 DNA and control the expression of nearby genes, thereby driving spatial and
8172 temporal patterns of gene expression during development. But the biochemical
8173 forces that determine where these regulatory proteins bind are poorly
8174 understood. We gathered experimental data on the activities of several key
8175 regulators of early development of the fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) and
8176 developed a computational method to predict where and how strongly they will
8177 bind. We find that competition, cooperativity, and other interactions among
8178 individual regulatory proteins have a limited effect on their binding, while the
8179 global accessibility of DNA to protein binding has a significant impact on the
8180 binding of all factors. Our results suggest a practical method for predicting
8181 regulatory binding by combining experimental DNA accessibility assays with
8182 computational algorithms to determine where will binding occur among the
8183 accessible regions of the genome.},
8184         author = {Tommy Kaplan and Li Xiao-Yong and Peter J. Sabo and Sean Thomas and John A Stamatoyannopoulos and Mark D. Biggin and Michael B. Eisen},
8185         doi = {10.1371/journal.pgen.1001290},
8186         journal = {PLoS Genetics},
8187         localfile = {article/Kaplan-etal-2011.pdf},
8188         number = {2},
8189         pages = {e1001290},
8190         publisher = {Public Library of Science},
8191         title = {Quantitative Models of the Mechanisms That Control Genome-Wide Patterns of Transcription Factor Binding during Early Drosophila Development},
8192         volume = {7},
8193         year = {2011}
8194 }
8196 @article{Efron-1978-expfam,
8197         abstract = {There are two important spaces connected with every
8198 multivariate exponential family, the natural parameter space and the expectation
8199 parameter space. We describe some geometric results relating the two. (In the
8200 simplest case, that of a normal translation family, the two spaces coincide and
8201 the geometry is the familiar Euclidean one.) Maximum likelihood estimation,
8202 within one-parameter curved subfamilies of the multivariate family, has two
8203 simple and useful geometric interpretations. The geometry also relates to the
8204 Fisherian question: to what extent can the Fisher information be replaced by
8205 -\partial^2/\partial$\theta$^2\lbrack\log
8206 f\_$\theta$(x)\rbrack\mid\_{$\theta$=\hat{$\theta$}} in the variance bound for
8207 \hat{$\theta$}, the maximum likelihood estimator?},
8208         author = {Bradley Efron},
8209         doi = {10.1214/aos},
8210         issn = {0090-5364},
8211         journal = {The Annals of Statistics},
8212         keywords = {Curvature; Kullback-Leibler distance; duality; maximum likelihood estimation},
8213         localfile = {article/Efron-1978-expfam.pdf},
8214         month = mar,
8215         number = {2},
8216         pages = {362–376},
8217         publisher = {Institute of Mathematical Statistics},
8218         title = {The geometry of exponential families},
8219         volume = {6},
8220         year = {1978}
8221 }
8223 @article{Consonni-Veronese-2001,
8224         abstract = {Consider a standard conjugate family of prior distributions
8225 for a vector-parameter indexing an exponential family. Two distinct model
8226 parameterizations may well lead to standard conjugate families which are not
8227 consistent, i.e. one family cannot be derived from the other by the usual
8228 change-of-variable technique. This raises the problem of finding suitable
8229 parameterizations that may lead to enriched conjugate families which are more
8230 flexible than the traditional ones. The previous remark motivates the definition
8231 of a new property for an exponential family, named conditional reducibility.
8232 Features of conditionally-reducible natural exponential families are
8233 investigated thoroughly. In particular, we relate this new property to the
8234 notion of cut, and show that conditionally-reducible families admit a
8235 reparameterization in terms of a vector having likelihood-independent
8236 components. A general methodology to obtain enriched conjugate distributions for
8237 conditionally-reducible families is described in detail, generalizing previous
8238 works and more recent contributions in the area. The theory is illustrated with
8239 reference to natural exponential families having simple quadratic variance
8240 function.},
8241         author = {Guido Consonni and Piero Veronese},
8242         doi = {10.1111/1467-9469.00243},
8243         journal = {Scandinavian Journal of Statistics},
8244         keywords = {Bayesian inference; conditional reducibility; cut; enriched prior; exponential family; simple quadratic variance function},
8245         localfile = {article/Consonni-Veronese-2001.pdf},
8246         number = {2},
8247         pages = {377–406},
8248         title = {Conditionally Reducible Natural Exponential Families and Enriched Conjugate Priors},
8249         volume = {28},
8250         year = {2001}
8251 }
8253 @article{Lodwick-Bachman-2005,
8254         abstract = {Fuzzy and possibilistic optimization methods are
8255 demonstrated to be effective tools in solving large-scale problems. In
8256 particular, an optimization problem in radiation therapy with various orders of
8257 complexity from 1000 to 62,250 constraints for fuzzy and possibilistic linear
8258 and nonlinear programming implementations possessing (1) fuzzy or soft
8259 inequalities, (2) fuzzy right-hand side values, and (3) possibilistic right-hand
8260 side is used to demonstrate that fuzzy and possibilistic optimization methods
8261 are tractable and useful. We focus on the uncertainty in the right side of
8262 constraints which arises, in the context of the radiation therapy problem, from
8263 the fact that minimal and maximal radiation tolerances are ranges of values,
8264 with preferences within the range whose values are based on research results,
8265 empirical findings, and expert knowledge, rather than fixed real numbers. The
8266 results indicate that fuzzy/possibilistic optimization is a natural and
8267 effective way to model various types of optimization under uncertainty problems
8268 and that large fuzzy and possibilistic optimization problems can be solved
8269 efficiently.},
8270         author = {Weldon A. Lodwick and Katherine Bachman},
8271         doi = {10.1007/s10700-005-3663-4},
8272         issn = {1568-4539},
8273         journal = {Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making},
8274         localfile = {article/Lodwick-Bachman-2005.pdf},
8275         pages = {257–278},
8276         publisher = {Springer Netherlands},
8277         title = {Solving Large-Scale Fuzzy and Possibilistic Optimization Problems},
8278         volume = {4},
8279         year = {2005}
8280 }
8282 @article{Goldberg-1991-float,
8283         abstract = {Floating-point arithmetic is considered as esoteric subject
8284 by many people. This is rather surprising, because floating-point is ubiquitous
8285 in computer systems: Almost every language has a floating-point datatype;
8286 computers from PCs to supercomputers have floating-point accelerators; most
8287 compilers will be called upon to compile floating-point algorithms from time to
8288 time; and virtually every operating system must respond to floating-point
8289 exceptions such as overflow. This paper presents a tutorial on the aspects of
8290 floating-point that have a direct impact on designers of computer systems. It
8291 begins with background on floating-point representation and rounding error,
8292 continues with a discussion of the IEEE floating point standard, and concludes
8293 with examples of how computer system builders can better support floating
8294 point.},
8295         author = {David Goldberg},
8296         doi = {10.1145/103162.103163},
8297         issn = {0360-0300},
8298         journal = {ACM Computing Surveys},
8299         localfile = {article/Goldberg-1991-float.pdf},
8300         month = mar,
8301         number = {1},
8302         pages = {5–48},
8303         publisher = {ACM},
8304         title = {What every computer scientist should know about floating-point arithmetic},
8305         url = {http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=103162.103163},
8306         volume = {23},
8307         year = {1991}
8308 }
8310 @article{Davis-1954,
8311         author = {Chandler Davis},
8312         issn = {0002-9327},
8313         journal = {American Journal of Mathematics},
8314         localfile = {article/Davis-1954.pdf},
8315         number = {4},
8316         pages = {733–746},
8317         publisher = {The Johns Hopkins University Press},
8318         title = {Theory of positive linear dependence},
8319         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2372648},
8320         volume = {76},
8321         year = {1954}
8322 }
8324 @techreport{Hutter-2006,
8325         address = {Manno-Lugano, Switzerland},
8326         author = {Marcus Hutter},
8327         institution = {IDSIA},
8328         number = {IDSIA-03-06},
8329         title = {On the Foundations of Universal Sequence Prediction},
8330         year = {2006}
8331 }
8333 @article{Wagner-2002-probkin+comm,
8334         annote = {op papier in Wagnerbundel},
8335         author = {Carl G. Wagner},
8336         journal = {Philosophy of Science},
8337         pages = {266–278},
8338         title = {Probability Kinematics and Commutativity},
8339         volume = {69},
8340         year = {2002}
8341 }
8343 @proceedings{FMMES-1974,
8344         address = {Warsaw},
8345         booktitle = {Formal methods in the methodology of empirical sciences},
8346         editor = {Marian Przełęcki and Klemens Szaniawski},
8347         publisher = {D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht, Holland / Boston, U.S.A; Ossolineum Publishing company, Wrocław, Poland},
8348         title = {Proceedings of the conference for formal methods in the methodology of empirical sciences},
8349         year = {1974}
8350 }
8352 @article{Grabisch-1995,
8353         author = {Michel Grabisch},
8354         journal = {IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems},
8355         localfile = {article/Grabisch-1995.pdf},
8356         number = {1},
8357         pages = {96–109},
8358         title = {On Equivalence Classes of Fuzzy Connectives—The Case of Fuzzy Integrals},
8359         volume = {3},
8360         year = {1995}
8361 }
8363 @article{Hartfiel-Seneta-1994,
8364         abstract = {In the theory of homogeneous Markov chains, states are
8365 classified according to their connectivity to other states and this
8366 classification leads to a classification of the Markov chains themselves. In
8367 this paper we classify Markov set-chains analogously, particularly into ergodic,
8368 regular, and absorbing Markov set-chains. A weak law of large numbers is
8369 developed for regular Markov set-chains. Examples are used to illustrate
8370 analysis of behavior of Markov set-chains.},
8371         author = {Darald J. Hartfiel and E. Seneta},
8372         issn = {0001-8678},
8373         journal = {Advances in Applied Probability},
8374         localfile = {article/Hartfiel-Seneta-1994.pdf},
8375         number = {4},
8376         pages = {947–964},
8377         publisher = {Applied Probability Trust},
8378         title = {On the theory of Markov set-chains},
8379         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/1427899},
8380         volume = {26},
8381         year = {1994}
8382 }
8384 @techreport{Griffiths-Ghahramani-2005,
8385         author = {Thomas L. Griffiths and Zoubin Ghahramani},
8386         institution = {Gatsby Unit, University College London},
8387         number = {GCNU TR 2005-001},
8388         title = {Infinite Latent Feature Models and the Indian Buffet Process},
8389         year = {2005}
8390 }
8392 @article{Destercke-etal-2008-unifying1,
8393         author = {Sébastien Destercke and Didier Dubois and E. Chojnacki},
8394         doi = {10.1016/j.ijar.2008.07.003},
8395         journal = {International Journal of Approximate Reasoning},
8396         localfile = {article/Destercke-etal-2008-unifying1.pdf},
8397         pages = {649–663},
8398         title = {Unifying practical uncertainty representations: I. Generalized p-boxes},
8399         volume = {49},
8400         year = {2008}
8401 }
8403 @incollection{Henk-RichterGebert-Ziegler-1997,
8404         author = {Martin Henk and Jürgen Richter-Gebert and Günter M. Ziegler},
8405         booktitle = {Handbook of Discrete and Computational Geometry},
8406         editor = {J. E. Goodman and J. O'Rourke},
8407         pages = {243–270},
8408         publisher = {CRC Press},
8409         title = {Basic properties of convex polytopes},
8410         url = {http://fma2.math.uni-magdeburg.de/~henk/preprints/henk; richter-gebert ziegler&basic properties of convex polytopes.pdf},
8411         year = {1997}
8412 }
8414 @article{Levi-1974,
8415         author = {Isaac Levi},
8416         journal = {The Journal of Philosophy},
8417         localfile = {article/Levi-1974.pdf},
8418         number = {13},
8419         pages = {391–418},
8420         title = {On indeterminate probabilities},
8421         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2025161},
8422         volume = {71},
8423         year = {1974}
8424 }
8426 @article{Huang-Huang-Tsai-2006-Hilbert-metric,
8427         abstract = {The purpose of this paper is to study the eigenvalue
8428 problems for a class of positive nonlinear operators. Using projective metric
8429 techniques and the contraction mapping principle, we establish existence,
8430 uniqueness and continuity results for positive eigensolutions of a particular
8431 type of positive nonlinear operator. In addition, we prove the existence of a
8432 unique fixed point of the operator with explicit norm-estimates. Applications to
8433 nonlinear systems of equations and to matrix equations are considered.},
8434         author = {Min-Jei Huang and Chao-Ya Huang and Tzong-Mo Tsai},
8435         doi = {10.1016/j.laa.2005.08.024},
8436         journal = {Linear Algebra and its Applications},
8437         keywords = {Concave operator; Cone; Eigenvalue problem; Hilbert’s projective metric; Matrix equation; Nonlinear system of equations},
8438         localfile = {article/Huang-Huang-Tsai-2006-Hilbert-metric.pdf},
8439         number = {1},
8440         pages = {202–211},
8441         title = {Applications of Hilbert's projective metric to a class of positive nonlinear operators},
8442         volume = {413},
8443         year = {2006}
8444 }
8446 @book{Koller-Friedman-2009,
8447         author = {Daphne Koller and Nir Friedman},
8448         isbn = {978-0-262-01319-2},
8449         publisher = {MIT Press},
8450         series = {Adaptive Computation and Machine Learning},
8451         title = {Probabilistic Graphical Models},
8452         year = {2009}
8453 }
8455 @mastersthesis{Dhaenens-2007,
8456         author = {Stefaan Dhaenens},
8457         localfile = {mastersthesis/Dhaenens-2007.pdf},
8458         school = {Universiteit Gent},
8459         title = {Onderzoek van Imprecieze Markov-modellen},
8460         url = {http://hdl.handle.net/1854/LU-470245},
8461         year = {2007}
8462 }
8464 @article{Nau-2006-shape,
8465         abstract = {Incomplete preferences provide the epistemic foundation for
8466 models of imprecise subjective probabilities and utilities that are used in
8467 robust Bayesian analysis and in theories of bounded rationality. This paper
8468 presents a simple axiomatization of incomplete preferences and characterizes the
8469 shape of their representing sets of probabilities and utilities. Deletion of the
8470 completeness assumption from the axiom system of Anscombe and Aumann yields
8471 preferences represented by a convex set of state-dependent expected utilities,
8472 of which at least one must be a probability/utility pair. A strengthening of the
8473 state-independence axiom is needed to obtain a representation purely in terms of
8474 a set of probability/utility pairs.},
8475         author = {Robert F. Nau},
8476         doi = {10.1214/009053606000000740},
8477         journal = {The Annals of Statistics},
8478         keywords = {Axioms of decision theory; Bayesian robustness; coherence; imprecise probabilities and utilities; partial order; state-dependent utility},
8479         localfile = {article/Nau-2006-shape.pdf},
8480         number = {5},
8481         pages = {2430–2448},
8482         title = {The shape of incomplete preferences},
8483         volume = {34},
8484         year = {2006}
8485 }
8487 @misc{Doumont-2001-internet,
8488         author = {Jean-luc Doumont},
8489         title = {How Internet works},
8490         year = {2001}
8491 }
8493 @article{Miranda-DeCooman-Quaeghebeur-2007-finitely,
8494         abstract = {We study the information that a distribution function
8495 provides about the finitely additive probability measure inducing it. We show
8496 that in general there is an infinite number of finitely additive probabilities
8497 associated with the same distribution function. Secondly, we investigate the
8498 relationship between a distribution function and its given sequence of moments.
8499 We provide formulae for the sets of distribution functions, and finitely
8500 additive probabilities, associated with some moment sequence, and determine
8501 under which conditions the moments determine the distribution function uniquely.
8502 We show that all these problems can be addressed efficiently using the theory of
8503 coherent lower previsions.},
8504         author = {Enrique Miranda and Gert {De Cooman} and Erik Quaeghebeur},
8505         doi = {10.1016/j.ijar.2007.07.007},
8506         journal = {International Journal of Approximate Reasoning},
8507         localfile = {article/Miranda-DeCooman-Quaeghebeur-2007-finitely.pdf},
8508         number = {1},
8509         pages = {132–155},
8510         title = {Finitely additive extensions of distribution functions and moment sequences: The coherent lower prevision approach},
8511         volume = {48},
8512         year = {2008}
8513 }
8515 @inproceedings{Fukuda-Prodon-1996-cdd,
8516         author = {Komei Fukuda and Alain Prodon},
8517         booktitle = {Combinatorics and Computer Science},
8518         doi = {10.1007/3-540-61576-8_77},
8519         editor = {M. Deza and R. Euler and I. Manoussakis},
8520         pages = {91–111},
8521         publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
8522         series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
8523         title = {Double Description Method Revisited},
8524         url = {http://www.ifor.math.ethz.ch/~fukuda/cdd_home},
8525         volume = {1120},
8526         year = {1996}
8527 }
8529 @book{Pearl-1988,
8530         address = {San Francisco, California},
8531         author = {Judea Pearl},
8532         publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann},
8533         title = {Probabilistic Reasoning in Intelligent Systems},
8534         year = {1988}
8535 }
8537 @article{Mraz-1998,
8538         abstract = {The paper deals with computing the exact upper and lower
8539 bounds of optimal values forlinear programming problems whose coefficients vary
8540 in given intervals. The theoreticalbackground for calculating these bounds is
8541 described and corresponding algorithms aregiven. A comparison with other
8542 approaches, some applications and a software package arementioned.},
8543         author = {František Mráz},
8544         doi = {10.1023/A:1018985914065},
8545         issn = {0254-5330},
8546         journal = {Annals of Operations Research},
8547         keywords = {inexact data; interval coefficients; linear programming problem},
8548         localfile = {article/Mraz-1998.pdf},
8549         pages = {51–62},
8550         publisher = {Springer},
8551         title = {Calculating the exact bounds of optimal valuesin LP with interval coefficients},
8552         volume = {81},
8553         year = {1998}
8554 }
8556 @article{Aach-Church-2001,
8557         annote = {ook op papier},
8558         author = {John Aach and George M. Church},
8559         doi = {10.1093/bioinformatics},
8560         journal = {Bioinformatics},
8561         localfile = {article/Aach-Church-2001.pdf},
8562         pages = {495–508},
8563         title = {Aligning gene expression time series with time warping algorithms},
8564         volume = {17},
8565         year = {2001}
8566 }
8568 @article{DeFinetti-1967,
8569         author = {Bruno de Finetti},
8570         journal = {Revue Roumaine des Mathémathiques Pures et Appliquées},
8571         pages = {1227–1233},
8572         title = {Quelques conventions qui semblent utiles},
8573         volume = {12},
8574         year = {1967}
8575 }
8577 @techreport{Kaymak-Sousa-2001,
8578         abstract = {Many practical optimization problems are characterized by
8579 some flexibility in the problem constraints, where this flexibility can be
8580 exploited for additional trade-off between improving the objective function and
8581 satisfying the constraints. Especially in decision making, this type of
8582 flexibility could lead to workable solutions, where the goals and the
8583 constraints specified by different parties involved in the decision making are
8584 traded off against one another and satisfied to various degrees. Fuzzy sets have
8585 proven to be a suitable representation for modeling this type of soft
8586 constraints. Conventionally, the fuzzy optimization problem in such a setting is
8587 defined as the simultaneous satisfaction of the constraints and the goals. No
8588 additional distinction is assumed to exist amongst the constraints and the
8589 goals. This report proposes an extension of this model for satisfying the
8590 problem constraints and the goals, where preference for different constraints
8591 and goals can be specified by the decision-maker. The difference in the
8592 preference for the constraints is represented by a set of associated weight
8593 factors, which influence the nature of trade-off between improving the
8594 optimization objectives and satisfying various constraints. Simultaneous
8595 weighted satisfaction of various criteria is modeled by using the recently
8596 proposed weighted extensions of Archimedean) fuzzy t-norms. The weighted
8597 satisfaction of the problem constraints and goals are demonstrated by using a
8598 simple general, and it can also be applied to fuzzy mathematical programming
8599 problems and multi-objective fuzzy optimization.},
8600         author = {U. Kaymak and J. M. Sousa},
8601         institution = {Erasmus Universiteit Amsterdam},
8602         number = {ERS-2001-19-LIS},
8603         title = {Weighted constraints in fuzzy optimization},
8604         url = {http://repub.eur.nl/res/pub/85},
8605         year = {2001}
8606 }
8608 @book{Dunford-Schwartz-1958,
8609         address = {New York},
8610         author = {Nelson Dunford and Jacob T. Schwartz},
8611         publisher = {Interscience Publishers},
8612         series = {Pure and Applied Mathematics},
8613         title = {Linear Operators Part I},
8614         volume = {VII},
8615         year = {1958}
8616 }
8618 @article{DeCooman-Troffaes-2004,
8619         abstract = {We discuss why coherent lower previsions provide a good
8620 uncertainty model for solving generic uncertainty problems involving possibly
8621 conflicting expert information. We study various ways of combining expert
8622 assessments on different domains, such as natural extension, independent natural
8623 extension and the type-I product, as well as on common domains, such as
8624 conjunction and disjunction. We provide each of these with a clear
8625 interpretation, and we study how they are related. Observing that in combining
8626 expert assessments no information is available about the order in which they
8627 should be combined, we suggest that the final result should be independent of
8628 the order of combination. The rules of combination we study here satisfy this
8629 requirement.},
8630         annote = {reprint},
8631         author = {Gert {De Cooman} and Matthias C. M. Troffaes},
8632         doi = {10.1016/j.ress.2004.03.007},
8633         journal = {Reliability Engineering \& System Safety},
8634         keywords = {coherent lower previsions; conjunction; disjunction; expert information; independence; marginal extension; natural extension; type-1 product},
8635         localfile = {article/DeCooman-Troffaes-2004.pdf},
8636         number = {1},
8637         pages = {113–134},
8638         publisher = {Elsevier},
8639         title = {Coherent lower previsions in systems modelling: products and aggregation rules},
8640         volume = {85},
8641         year = {2004}
8642 }
8644 @book{Menezes-VanOorschot-Vanstone-1996,
8645         author = {Alfred J. Menezes and Paul C. {Van Oorschot} and Scott A. Vanstone},
8646         publisher = {CRC Press},
8647         title = {Handbook of Applied Cryptography},
8648         year = {1996}
8649 }
8651 @article{Choquet-1954,
8652         abstract = {C'est un essai de théorie générale des fonctions croissantes
8653 d'ensemble. On est amené à mettre en évidence diverses classes importantes de
8654 telles fonctions, en particulier la classe des fonctions fortement
8655 sous-additives, pour lesquelles existe une théorie analogue à celle de la
8656 mesure, et une sous-classe de celle-ci, à savoir la classe des fonctions
8657 alternées d'ordre infini, analogues aux fonctions numériques complètement
8658 monotones. La capacité classique est une telle fonction d'ensemble ; il en
8659 résulte l'identité des capacités intérieure et extérieure de tout ensemble
8660 borélien ou analytique. Un outil de recherche puissant est la représentation
8661 intégrale des fonctions d'une classe additive et convexe au moyen des éléments
8662 extrémaux d'une telle classe. Cette représentation permet d'identifier les
8663 fonctions alternées d'ordre infini avec certaines probabilités associées à
8664 l'ensemble variable.},
8665         author = {Gustave Choquet},
8666         doi = {10.5802/aif.53},
8667         journal = {Annales de l'Institut Fourier},
8668         localfile = {article/Choquet-1954.pdf},
8669         pages = {131–295},
8670         title = {Theory of capacities},
8671         url = {http://www.numdam.org/item?id=AIF_1954__5__131_0},
8672         volume = {5},
8673         year = {1954}
8674 }
8676 @inproceedings{Miranda-DeCooman-Quaeghebeur-2006-IPMU,
8677         address = {Paris},
8678         author = {Enrique Miranda and Gert {De Cooman} and Erik Quaeghebeur},
8679         booktitle = {Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-based Systems},
8680         pages = {89–96},
8681         title = {The moment problem for finitely additive probabilities},
8682         volume = {1},
8683         year = {2006}
8684 }
8686 @article{Wagner-1997-old+new-II,
8687         annote = {op papier in Wagnerbundel},
8688         author = {Carl G. Wagner},
8689         journal = {Philosophy of Science},
8690         pages = {283–288},
8691         title = {Old Evidence and New Explanation},
8692         volume = {66},
8693         year = {1999}
8694 }
8696 @article{Hartman-Watson-1974,
8697         author = {Philip Hartman and Geoffrey S. Watson},
8698         doi = {10.1214/aop},
8699         journal = {The Annals of Probability},
8700         localfile = {article/Hartman-Watson-1974.pdf},
8701         month = aug,
8702         number = {4},
8703         pages = {593–607},
8704         title = {“Normal” distribution functions on spheres and the modified Bessel functions},
8705         volume = {2},
8706         year = {1974}
8707 }
8709 @article{Grunbaum-Shepard-1969,
8710         author = {Branko Grünbaum and G. C. Shepard},
8711         doi = {10.1112/blms},
8712         journal = {Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society},
8713         localfile = {article/Grunbaum-Shepard-1969.pdf},
8714         pages = {257–300},
8715         publisher = {Springer Verlag},
8716         title = {Convex polytopes},
8717         volume = {1},
8718         year = {1969}
8719 }
8721 @misc{Quaeghebeur-murasyp,
8722         author = {Erik Quaeghebeur},
8723         title = {murasyp: Python software for accept/reject statement-based uncertainty modeling},
8724         url = {http://equaeghe.github.com/murasyp},
8725         year = {in progress}
8726 }
8728 @inproceedings{Schrage-IJzendoorn-VanderGaag-2005,
8729         author = {Martijn M. Schrage and Arjan van IJzendoorn and Linda C. van der Gaag},
8730         booktitle = {Haskell '05: Proceedings of the 2005 ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Haskell},
8731         doi = {10.1145/1088348.1088351},
8732         isbn = {1-59593-071-X},
8733         location = {Tallinn, Estonia},
8734         month = sep,
8735         pages = {17–26},
8736         publisher = {ACM Press},
8737         title = {Haskell ready to Dazzle the real world},
8738         url = {http://www.cs.uu.nl/dazzle},
8739         year = {2005}
8740 }
8742 @article{Quaeghebeur-DeCooman-Hermans-2012,
8743         author = {Erik Quaeghebeur and Gert {De Cooman} and Filip Hermans},
8744         note = {Journal paper},
8745         title = {Accept \& Reject Statement-Based Uncertainty Models},
8746         year = {in preparation}
8747 }
8749 @inproceedings{VanderGaag-etal-2010-BNAIC,
8750         author = {Linda C. van der Gaag and Silja Renooij and Hermi J. M. Schijf and A. R. Elbers and W. L. Loeffen},
8751         booktitle = {BNAIC 2010: Proceedings of the 22nd Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence},
8752         location = {Luxembourg},
8753         title = {Probability assessments from multiple experts: qualitative information is more robust},
8754         year = {2010}
8755 }
8757 @article{Coupe-VanderGaag-2002,
8758         abstract = {The assessments for the various conditional probabilities of
8759 a Bayesian belief network inevitably are inaccurate, influencing the reliability
8760 of its output. By subjecting the network to a sensitivity analysis with respect
8761 to its conditional probabilities, the reliability of its output can be
8762 investigated. Unfortunately, straightforward sensitivity analysis of a belief
8763 network is highly time-consuming. In this paper, we show that by qualitative
8764 considerations several analyses can be identified as being uninformative as the
8765 conditional probabilities under study cannot affect the output. In addition, we
8766 show that the analyses that are informative comply with simple mathematical
8767 functions. More specifically, we show that a belief network's output can be
8768 expressed as a quotient of two functions that are linear in a conditional
8769 probability under study. These properties allow for considerably reducing the
8770 computational burden of sensitivity analysis of Bayesian belief networks.},
8771         author = {Veerle M. H. Coupé and Linda C. van der Gaag},
8772         doi = {10.1023/A:1016398407857},
8773         issn = {1012-2443},
8774         journal = {Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence},
8775         number = {4},
8776         pages = {323–356},
8777         publisher = {Springer Netherlands},
8778         title = {Properties of sensitivity analysis of Bayesian belief networks},
8779         volume = {36},
8780         year = {2002}
8781 }
8783 @inproceedings{VanderGaag-Renooij-2004,
8784         author = {Linda C. van der Gaag and Silja Renooij},
8785         booktitle = {IPMU : Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems},
8786         location = {Perugia},
8787         pages = {1675–1682},
8788         title = {On the sensitivity of probabilistic networks to test reliability},
8789         year = {2004}
8790 }
8792 @inproceedings{Renooij-VanderGaag-2004-UAI,
8793         author = {Silja Renooij and Linda C. van der Gaag},
8794         booktitle = {UAI-04: Proceedings of the Twentieth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence},
8795         isbn = {0-9749039-0-6},
8796         location = {Banff, Canada},
8797         pages = {479–486},
8798         publisher = {AUAI Press},
8799         title = {Evidence-invariant sensitivity bounds},
8800         year = {2004}
8801 }
8803 @inproceedings{Kjaerulff-VanderGaag-2000,
8804         author = {Uffe Kjærulff and Linda C. van der Gaag},
8805         booktitle = {UAI-00: Proceedings of the Sixteenth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence},
8806         editor = {Craig Boutilier and Moisés Goldszmidt},
8807         isbn = {1-55860-709-9},
8808         pages = {317–325},
8809         publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann},
8810         title = {Making Sensitivity Analysis Computationally Efficient.},
8811         year = {2000}
8812 }
8814 @inproceedings{VanderGaag-Renooij-2001,
8815         author = {Linda C. van der Gaag and Silja Renooij},
8816         booktitle = {UAI-01: Proceedings of the Seventeenth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence},
8817         editor = {Jack S. Breese and Daphne Koller},
8818         isbn = {1-55860-800-1},
8819         pages = {530–537},
8820         publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann},
8821         title = {Analysing sensitivity data from probabilistic networks},
8822         year = 2001
8823 }
8825 @incollection{deFinetti-1937-foresight,
8826         author = {Bruno de Finetti},
8827         booktitle = {Studies in Subjective Probability},
8828         editor = {Henry E Kyburg and Smokler},
8829         localfile = {inbook/deFinetti-1937-foresight.pdf},
8830         pages = {93–158},
8831         publisher = {Wiley},
8832         title = {Foresight: Its Logical Laws, Its Subjective Sources},
8833         year = {1964}
8834 }
8836 @article{DeCampos-etal-2009,
8837         abstract = {This paper explores the application of semi-qualitative
8838 probabilistic networks (SQPNs) that combine numeric and qualitative information
8839 to computer vision problems. Our version of SQPN allows qualitative influences
8840 and imprecise probability measures using intervals. We describe an Imprecise
8841 Dirichlet model for parameter learning and an iterative algorithm for evaluating
8842 posterior probabilities, maximum a posteriori and most probable explanations.
8843 Experiments on facial expression recognition and image segmentation problems are
8844 performed using real data.},
8845         annote = {doi: 10.1080/15598608.2009.10411920},
8846         author = {Cassio Polpo de Campos and Lei Zhang and Yan Tong and Qiang Ji},
8847         doi = {10.1080/15598608.2009.10411920},
8848         issn = {1559-8608},
8849         journal = {Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice},
8850         keywords = {Computer vision applications; Imprecise probabilities; Probabilistic networks; Qualitative relations},
8851         localfile = {article/DeCampos-etal-2009.pdf},
8852         month = mar,
8853         number = {1},
8854         pages = {197–210},
8855         publisher = {Taylor \& Francis},
8856         title = {Semi-Qualitative Probabilistic Networks in Computer Vision Problems},
8857         volume = {3},
8858         year = {2009}
8859 }
8861 @article{DeFinetti-Jacob-1935,
8862         author = {Bruno de Finetti and M. Jacob},
8863         journal = {Giornale dell'Istituto italiano degli attuari},
8864         localfile = {article/DeFinetti-Jacob-1935.pdf},
8865         pages = {303–319},
8866         title = {Sull'integrale di Stieltjes-Riemann},
8867         volume = {6},
8868         year = {1935}
8869 }
8871 @article{Hampel2009,
8872         abstract = {The paper gives a short survey about the occurrence
8873 (sometimes hidden in the background) of nonadditive probabilities in statistics.
8874 It starts with the original meaning of ?probability? in statistics in the Ars
8875 Conjectandi by Jakob (James) Bernoulli, and the ensuing misunderstanding which
8876 gave the term its present meaning. One chapter is about robustness theory, its
8877 use of (nonadditive) Choquet-capacities, and an attempt to clarify some
8878 widespread misunderstandings about it, which have consequences for the use of
8879 upper and lower probabilities. Also the uncertainty about model choice
8880 (including the conflict between purely mathematical reasoning and good
8881 statistical practice) and treatment of outliers is briefly discussed. The
8882 partial arbitrariness of additivity both in Bayes' famous Scholium and in modern
8883 Bayes theory is outlined. The infamous and almost forgotten fiducial
8884 probabilities can actually be corrected and find their place in a more general
8885 paradigm using upper and lower probabilities. Finally, a new (?) qualitative
8886 theory of inference is mentioned which may contain some essentials of inductive
8887 reasoning in real life.},
8888         author = {Frank Hampel},
8889         doi = {10.1080/15598608.2009.10411908},
8890         issn = {1559-8608},
8891         journal = {Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice},
8892         keywords = {Ars Conjectandi; Bayes’ Scholium; Inaccuracy and uncertainty; Misleading logic in data analysis; Misunder- standings about robustness theory; Nonadditive probabilites; Original meaning of probability; Proper fiducial probabilities; Qualitative reasoning in real life.},
8893         localfile = {article/Hampel-2009.pdf},
8894         month = mar,
8895         number = {1},
8896         pages = {11–23},
8897         publisher = {Taylor \& Francis},
8898         title = {Nonadditive Probabilities in Statistics},
8899         volume = {3},
8900         year = {2009}
8901 }
8903 @article{Kozine-Krymsky-2009,
8904         abstract = {This paper describes how one can compute interval-valued
8905 statistical measures given limited information about the underlying
8906 distribution. The particular focus is on a bounded derivative of a probability
8907 density function and its combination with other available statistical evidence
8908 for computing quantities of interest. To be able to utilise the evidence about
8909 the derivative it is suggested to adapt the ?conventional? problem statement to
8910 variational calculus and the way to do so is demonstrated. A number of examples
8911 are given throughout the paper.},
8912         author = {Igor O. Kozine and Victor Krymsky},
8913         doi = {10.1080/15598608.2009.10411909},
8914         issn = {1559-8608},
8915         journal = {Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice},
8916         keywords = {Bounded derivative; Bounded probability distribution; Interval- valued measures; Natural extension; Variational calculus},
8917         localfile = {article/Kozine-Krymsky-2009.pdf},
8918         month = mar,
8919         number = {1},
8920         pages = {25–38},
8921         publisher = {Taylor \& Francis},
8922         title = {Bounded Densities and Their Derivatives: Extension to other Domains},
8923         volume = {3},
8924         year = {2009}
8925 }
8927 @article{Stoye-2009,
8928         abstract = {This paper applies recently developed methods to robust
8929 assessment of treatment outcomes and robust treatment choice based on
8930 nonexperimental data. The substantive question is whether young offenders should
8931 be assigned to residential or nonresidential treatment in order to prevent
8932 subsequent recidivism. A large data set on past offenders exists, but treatment
8933 assignment was by judges and not by experimenters, hence counterfactual outcomes
8934 are not identified unless one imposes strong assumptions. The analysis is
8935 carried out in two steps. First, I show how to compute identified bounds on
8936 expected outcomes under various assumptions that are too weak to restore
8937 conventional identification but may be accordingly credible. The bounds are
8938 estimated, and confidence regions that take current theoretical developments
8939 into account are computed. I then ask which treatment to assign to future
8940 offenders if the identity of the best treatment will not be learned from the
8941 data. This is a decision problem under ambiguity. I characterize and compute
8942 decision rules that are asymptotically efficient under the minimax regret
8943 criterion. The substantive conclusion is that both bounds and recommended
8944 decisions vary significantly across the assumptions. The data alone do not
8945 permit conclusions or decisions that are globally robust in the sense of holding
8946 uniformly over reasonable assumptions.},
8947         author = {Jörg Stoye},
8948         doi = {10.1080/15598608.2009.10411923},
8949         issn = {1559-8608},
8950         journal = {Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice},
8951         keywords = {Bounds; Minimax regret; Partial identification; Statistical decision rules; Treatment choice; Treatment evaluation},
8952         localfile = {article/Stoye-2009.pdf},
8953         month = mar,
8954         number = {1},
8955         pages = {239–254},
8956         publisher = {Taylor \& Francis},
8957         title = {Partial Identification and Robust Treatment Choice: An Application to Young Offenders},
8958         volume = {3},
8959         year = {2009}
8960 }
8962 @article{CoolenSchrijner-etal-2009,
8963         abstract = {More and more often the traditional (classical) concept of
8964 probability, and the statistical methods based on it, have been criticized for
8965 being unable to cope with the multidimensional nature of uncertainty. Careful
8966 handling of imprecision is essential to draw reliable conclusions from complex
8967 data. This paper presents a short introductory discussion on the general area of
8968 imprecision in statistical theory and practice, and briefly introduces the
8969 further papers in this collection, demonstrating the importance of the adequate
8970 modelling of imprecision in different areas of application.},
8971         author = {Pauline Coolen-Schrijner and Frank P. A. Coolen and Matthias C. M. Troffaes and Thomas Augustin},
8972         doi = {10.1080/15598608.2009.10411907},
8973         issn = {1559-8608},
8974         journal = {Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice},
8975         keywords = {Decision making; Elicition; Inference; Lower and upper probabilities; Robustness; Theory},
8976         localfile = {article/CoolenSchrijner-etal-2009.pdf},
8977         month = mar,
8978         number = {1},
8979         pages = {1–9},
8980         publisher = {Taylor \& Francis},
8981         title = {Imprecision in Statistical Theory and Practice},
8982         volume = {3},
8983         year = {2009}
8984 }
8986 @article{Pelessoni-Vicig-2009,
8987         abstract = {In this paper we consider some bounds for lower previsions
8988 that are either coherent or, more generally, centered convex. We focus on bounds
8989 concerning the classical product and Bayes' rules, discussing first weak product
8990 rules and some of their implications for coherent lower previsions. We then
8991 generalise a well-known lower bound, which is a (weak) version for events and
8992 coherent lower probabilities of Bayes' theorem, to the case of random variables
8993 and (centered) convex previsions. We obtain a family of bounds and show that one
8994 of them is undominated in all cases. Some applications are outlined, and it is
8995 shown that 2-monotonicity, which ensures that the bound is sharp in the case of
8996 events, plays a much more limited role in this general framework.},
8997         author = {Renato Pelessoni and Paolo Vicig},
8998         doi = {10.1080/15598608.2009.10411913},
8999         issn = {1559-8608},
9000         journal = {Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice},
9001         keywords = {2-monotonicity; Bayes’ theorem; Centered convex previsions; Conditional lower previsions; Product rule},
9002         localfile = {article/Pelessoni-Vicig-2009.pdf},
9003         month = mar,
9004         number = {1},
9005         pages = {85–101},
9006         publisher = {Taylor \& Francis},
9007         title = {Bayes' Theorem Bounds for Convex Lower Previsions},
9008         volume = {3},
9009         year = {2009}
9010 }
9012 @article{Bose-2009-imposition,
9013         abstract = {We consider the problem of imposing shape constraints on a
9014 neighborhood class – the density ratio class (DeRobertis and Hartigan, 1981).
9015 Bose (1994) used mixture distributions to impose shape and smoothness
9016 constraints simultaneously. We discuss how one may impose either or both
9017 unimodality and symmetry without requiring simultaneous imposition of a
9018 smoothness constraint.},
9019         author = {Sudip Bose},
9020         doi = {10.1080/15598608.2009.10411910},
9021         issn = {1559-8608},
9022         journal = {Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice},
9023         keywords = {Bayesian robustness; Convexity; Density bounded; Density ratio; Likelihood; Minimax; Neighborhood class; Posterior regret; Smoothness; Symmetry; Unimodality; $\Gamma$-minimax},
9024         localfile = {article/Bose-2009-imposition.pdf},
9025         month = mar,
9026         number = {1},
9027         pages = {39–55},
9028         publisher = {Taylor \& Francis},
9029         title = {On the imposition of shape constraints in a robust Bayesian analysis},
9030         volume = {3},
9031         year = {2009}
9032 }
9034 @article{Wilson-Huzurbazar-Sentz-2009,
9035         abstract = {In this paper we expand on recent advances in Bayesian
9036 inference for multilevel data in fault trees and Bayesian networks. As a first
9037 example, we compare the Bayesian fault tree and incomplete data approaches to
9038 statistical inference for multilevel data in fault trees. As a second example,
9039 we consider two a priori representations of uncertainty about the parameters of
9040 a Bayesian network: A multinomial-Dirichlet model and an extension of the
9041 imprecise Dirichlet model. We calculate the a posteriori uncertainty after
9042 updating with data using Markov chain Monte Carlo and compare the results.},
9043         author = {Alyson G. Wilson and Aparna V. Huzurbazar and Kari Sentz},
9044         doi = {10.1080/15598608.2009.10411921},
9045         issn = {1559-8608},
9046         journal = {Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice},
9047         keywords = {Bayesian network; Fault tree; Imprecise Dirichlet model; Multilevel data; Multinomial-Dirichlet model; Reliability},
9048         localfile = {article/Wilson-Huzurbazar-Sentz-2009.pdf},
9049         month = mar,
9050         number = {1},
9051         pages = {211–223},
9052         publisher = {Taylor \& Francis},
9053         title = {The Imprecise Dirichlet Model for Multilevel System Reliability},
9054         volume = {3},
9055         year = {2009}
9056 }
9058 @article{deFinetti-1981-BJPS,
9059         author = {Bruno de Finetti},
9060         doi = {10.1093/bjps},
9061         journal = {The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science},
9062         localfile = {article/deFinetti-1981-BJPS.pdf},
9063         number = {1},
9064         pages = {55–56},
9065         publisher = {British Society for the Philosophy of Science},
9066         title = {The role of `Dutch books' and of `proper scoring rules'},
9067         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/687386},
9068         volume = {32},
9069         year = {1981}
9070 }
9072 @article{Fuchs-Neumaier-2009,
9073         abstract = {Robust design optimization methods applied to real life
9074 problems face some major difficulties: How to deal with the estimation of
9075 probability densities when data are sparse, how to cope with high dimensional
9076 problems and how to use valuable information in the form of unformalized expert
9077 knowledge. In this paper we introduce in detail the clouds formalism as a means
9078 to process available uncertainty information reliably, even if limited in amount
9079 and possibly lacking a formal description. This enables a worst-case analysis
9080 with confidence regions of relevant scenarios which can be involved in an
9081 optimization problem formulation for robust design.},
9082         author = {Martin Fuchs and Arnold Neumaier},
9083         doi = {10.1080/15598608.2009.10411922},
9084         issn = {1559-8608},
9085         journal = {Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice},
9086         keywords = {Clouds; Confidence regions; Design optimization; Potential clouds; Robust design; Uncertainty modeling},
9087         localfile = {article/Fuchs-Neumaier-2009.pdf},
9088         month = mar,
9089         number = {1},
9090         pages = {225–238},
9091         publisher = {Taylor \& Francis},
9092         title = {Potential Based Clouds in Robust Design Optimization},
9093         volume = {3},
9094         year = {2009}
9095 }
9097 @article{Walter-Augustin-2009,
9098         abstract = {A great advantage of imprecise probability models over
9099 models based on precise, traditional probabilities is the potential to reflect
9100 the amount of knowledge they stand for. Consequently, imprecise probability
9101 models promise to offer a vivid tool for handling situations of prior-data
9102 conflict in (generalized) Bayesian inference. In this paper we consider a
9103 general class of recently studied imprecise probability models, including the
9104 Imprecise Dirichlet Model under prior information, and more generally the
9105 framework of Quaeghebeur and de Cooman for imprecise inference in canonical
9106 exponential families. We demonstrate that such models, in their originally
9107 proposed form, prove to be insensitive to the extent of prior-data conflict. We
9108 propose an extension reestablishing the natural relationship between knowledge
9109 and imprecision: The higher the discrepancy between the observed sample and what
9110 was expected from prior knowledge, the higher the imprecision in the posterior,
9111 producing cautious inferences if, and only if, caution is needed. Our approach
9112 is illustrated by some examples and simulation results.},
9113         author = {Gero Walter and Thomas Augustin},
9114         doi = {10.1080/15598608.2009.10411924},
9115         issn = {1559-8608},
9116         journal = {Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice},
9117         keywords = {Canonical exponential family; Generalized Bayesian inference; Generalized Bayes’ Rule; Imprecise Dirichlet Model (IDM); Imprecise priors; Prior-data conflict; Posterior imprecision; Robust Bayesian analysis},
9118         localfile = {article/Walter-Augustin-2009.pdf},
9119         month = mar,
9120         number = {1},
9121         pages = {255–271},
9122         publisher = {Taylor \& Francis},
9123         title = {Imprecision and Prior-Data Conflict in Generalized Bayesian Inference},
9124         volume = {3},
9125         year = {2009}
9126 }
9128 @article{Danielson-Ekenberg-Riabacke-2009,
9129         abstract = {Most current decision analytical tools and elicitation
9130 methods are built on the assumption that decision-makers are able to make their
9131 probability and utility assessments in a proper manner. This is, however, often
9132 not the case. The specification and execution of elicitation processes are in
9133 the majority of cases left to the discretion of the users, not least in
9134 user-driven cases such as public information and e-democracy projects. A number
9135 of studies have shown, among other things, that people's natural choice
9136 behaviour deviates from normative assumptions, and that the results display an
9137 inertia gap due to differently framed prospects. One reason for the occurrence
9138 of the inertia gap is people's inability to express their preferences as single
9139 numbers. Instead of considering this as being a human error, this paper uses the
9140 gap in order to develop a class of methods more aligned to the observed
9141 behaviour. The core idea of the class is to acknowledge the existence of the gap
9142 and, as a consequence, not elicit single point numbers.},
9143         author = {Mats Danielson and Love Ekenberg and Ari Riabacke},
9144         doi = {10.1080/15598608.2009.10411917},
9145         issn = {1559-8608},
9146         journal = {Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice},
9147         keywords = {Decision analysis; Elicitation method; Imprecise information; Interval assessments},
9148         localfile = {article/Danielson-Ekenberg-Riabacke-2009.pdf},
9149         month = mar,
9150         number = {1},
9151         pages = {157–168},
9152         publisher = {Taylor \& Francis},
9153         title = {A Prescriptive Approach to Elicitation of Decision Data},
9154         volume = {3},
9155         year = {2009}
9156 }
9158 @article{Strobl-Augustin-2009,
9159         abstract = {Classification and regression trees are a popular and easy
9160 to interpret non-parametric regression approach, but are known to be very
9161 instable: Small changes in the learning sample can produce completely different
9162 trees. Therefore recently it has become state-of-the-art to consider ensembles
9163 (i.e. sets) of trees. The present paper contributes to the so-called TWIX
9164 approach, which produces ensembles by extra splits in additional cutpoints. This
9165 approach can be considered as a compromise between the interpretable but
9166 instable single tree models and the stable but no longer interpretable ensemble
9167 methods bagging and random forests. Based on the idea to study the sensitivity
9168 of a split to some virtual, yet unseen observations, we develop a new, data
9169 driven, cutpoint selection criterion, that technically turns out to be closely
9170 related to an upper entropy approach based on an Imprecise Dirichlet Model. Our
9171 criterion combines several attractive features: By adding extra cutpoints only
9172 iff the underlying cutpoint is instable, the tree is robustified parsimoniously
9173 and the computational expense of the resulting TWIX ensemble is reduced
9174 considerably. As a welcome by-product we moreover obtain a vivid diagnostic
9175 measure for the robustness of a single tree model. The rationale and benefit of
9176 our new adaptive criterion are illustrated by means of a small data example and
9177 a simulation study. Credal classification rules for robust aggregated
9178 predictions from sets of trees are briefly sketched in an outlook.},
9179         author = {Carolin Strobl and Thomas Augustin},
9180         doi = {10.1080/15598608.2009.10411915},
9181         issn = {1559-8608},
9182         journal = {Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice},
9183         keywords = {Aggregation; Bagging; C4.5; Classification trees; Credal classification; CART; Cutpoint selection; Imprecise Dirichlet Model; Gini index; Random forests; Shannon entropy; TWIX},
9184         localfile = {article/Strobl-Augustin-2009.pdf},
9185         month = mar,
9186         number = {1},
9187         pages = {119–135},
9188         publisher = {Taylor \& Francis},
9189         title = {Adaptive Selection of Extra Cutpoints—Towards Reconciling Robustness and Interpretability in Classification Trees},
9190         volume = {3},
9191         year = {2009}
9192 }
9194 @article{Montgomery-Coolen-Hart-2009,
9195         abstract = {Refined risk assessments should increase realism compared
9196 with the first tier deterministic risk assessment. This may involve using
9197 probabilistic methods which account separately for uncertainty and variability.
9198 Analysts use cumulative distribution functions to represent variability, and
9199 bounds around these to illustrate uncertainty. In probability bounds analysis,
9200 parametric probability boxes (p-boxes) are usually formed using intervals for
9201 each parameter. In this paper a Bayesian framework is adopted, which takes
9202 account of dependencies between parameters. Bayesian p-boxes use imprecision
9203 represented by bounds to summarise the uncertainty surrounding the risk
9204 distribution parameters.},
9205         author = {Victoria J. Montgomery and Frank P. A. Coolen and Andy D. M. Hart},
9206         doi = {10.1080/15598608.2009.10411912},
9207         issn = {1559-8608},
9208         journal = {Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice},
9209         keywords = {Bayesian methods; Cumulative distribution functions; Highest posterior density regions; Risk assessment; Probability boxes},
9210         localfile = {article/Montgomery-Coolen-Hart-2009.pdf},
9211         month = mar,
9212         number = {1},
9213         pages = {69–83},
9214         publisher = {Taylor \& Francis},
9215         title = {Bayesian Probability Boxes in Risk Assessment},
9216         volume = {3},
9217         year = {2009}
9218 }
9220 @article{Farrow-Goldstein-2009,
9221         abstract = {We develop methods for analysing decision problems based on
9222 multi-attribute utility hierarchies, structured by mutual utility independence,
9223 which are not precisely specified due to unwillingness or inability of an
9224 individual or group to agree on precise values for the trade-offs between the
9225 various attributes. Instead, our analysis is based on whatever limited
9226 collection of preferences we may assert between attribute collections. These
9227 preferences identify a class of Pareto optimal decisions. We show how to reduce
9228 the class further by combining rules which are almost equivalent and introduce
9229 general principles appropriate to selecting decisions in an imprecise hierarchy.
9230 The approach is illustrated by the design of a university course module.},
9231         author = {M. Farrow and Michael Goldstein},
9232         doi = {10.1080/15598608.2009.10411916},
9233         issn = {1559-8608},
9234         journal = {Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice},
9235         keywords = {Imprecise utilities; Mutual utility independence; Pareto optimality; Robust decisions; Utility hierarchies},
9236         localfile = {article/Farrow-Goldstein-2009.pdf},
9237         month = mar,
9238         number = {1},
9239         pages = {137–155},
9240         publisher = {Taylor \& Francis},
9241         title = {Almost-Pareto Decision Sets in Imprecise Utility Hierarchies},
9242         volume = {3},
9243         year = {2009}
9244 }
9246 @article{Bickis-2009,
9247         abstract = {Given data on inter-arrival times, the imprecise Dirichlet
9248 model can be used to determine upper and lower values on the survival function.
9249 Similar bounds on the hazard function can be quite irregular without some
9250 structural assumptions. To address this problem, a family of prior distributions
9251 for a binomial success probability is contructed by assuming that the logit of
9252 the probability has a normal distribution. Posterior distributions so defined
9253 form a three-dimensional exponential family of which the beta family is a
9254 limiting case. This family is extended to the multivariate case, which provides
9255 for the inclusion of prior information about autocorrelation in the parameters.
9256 By restricting the hyperparameters to a suitably chosen subset, this model is
9257 proposed as an alternative to the usual imprecise Dirichlet model of Walley,
9258 having the advantage of providing smoother estimates of the hazard function. The
9259 methods are applied to data on inter-occurrence times of pandemic influenza.},
9260         annote = {doi: 10.1080/15598608.2009.10411919},
9261         author = {Miķelis Bickis},
9262         doi = {10.1080/15598608.2009.10411919},
9263         issn = {1559-8608},
9264         journal = {Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice},
9265         keywords = {Autocorrelation; Hazard function; Imprecise inference},
9266         localfile = {article/Bickis-2009.pdf},
9267         month = mar,
9268         number = {1},
9269         pages = {183–195},
9270         publisher = {Taylor \& Francis},
9271         title = {The Imprecise Logit-Normal Model and its Application to Estimating Hazard Functions},
9272         volume = {3},
9273         year = {2009}
9274 }
9276 @incollection{Schempp-1977-Bernstein,
9277         author = {Walter Schempp},
9278         booktitle = {Constructive Theory of Functions of Several Variables},
9279         doi = {10.1007/BFb0086576},
9280         editor = {Walter Schempp and Karl Zeller},
9281         localfile = {inbook/Schempp-1977-Bernstein.pdf},
9282         pages = {212–219},
9283         publisher = {Springer},
9284         series = {Lecture Notes in Mathematics},
9285         title = {Bernstein Polynomials in Several Variables},
9286         volume = {571},
9287         year = {1977}
9288 }
9290 @article{Crossman-CoolenSchrijner-Coolen-2009,
9291         abstract = {This paper concerns discrete-time time-homogeneous
9292 birth-death processes on a finite state space, containing a single absorbing
9293 state, with interval-valued transition probabilities. As absorption is certain,
9294 the quasi-stationary behaviour of the process is studied with the distribution
9295 of the process conditional on non-absorption. It is shown that the set of all
9296 possible limiting conditional distributions is the set of all possible
9297 quasi-stationary distributions. An approximation of the possibly infinite set of
9298 conditional distributions at time n is presented, together with an example.},
9299         author = {Richard J. Crossman and Pauline Coolen-Schrijner and Frank P. A. Coolen},
9300         doi = {10.1080/15598608.2009.10411914},
9301         issn = {1559-8608},
9302         journal = {Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice},
9303         keywords = {Absorbing state; Birth-death process; Interval probability; Limiting conditional distribu- tion; Time-homogeneity; Quasi-stationary distribution},
9304         localfile = {article/Crossman-CoolenSchrijner-Coolen-2009.pdf},
9305         month = mar,
9306         number = {1},
9307         pages = {103–118},
9308         publisher = {Taylor \& Francis},
9309         title = {Time-Homogeneous Birth-Death Processes with Probability Intervals and Absorbing State},
9310         volume = {3},
9311         year = {2009}
9312 }
9314 @article{Smithson-Segale-2009,
9315         abstract = {On grounds of insufficient reason, a probability of 1/K is
9316 assigned to K mutually exclusive possible events when nothing is known about the
9317 likelihood of those events. Fox and Rottenstreich (2003) present evidence that
9318 subjective probability judgments are typically biased towards this ignorance
9319 prior, and therefore depend on the partition K. Results from two studies
9320 indicate that lower-upper (imprecise) probability judgments by naive judges also
9321 exhibit partition dependence, despite the potential that imprecise probabilities
9322 provide for avoiding it. However, beta regression reveals two kinds of priming
9323 effects, one of which is modeled by mixture distributions. Another novel finding
9324 suggests that when partition primes conflict with a normatively correct
9325 partition some judges widen their probability intervals to encompass both
9326 partitions. The results indicate that imprecise probability judgments may be
9327 better suited than precise probabilities for handling conflicting or ambiguous
9328 information about partitions.},
9329         author = {Michael Smithson and Carl Segale},
9330         doi = {10.1080/15598608.2009.10411918},
9331         issn = {1559-8608},
9332         journal = {Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice},
9333         keywords = {Imprecise probability; Judgment; Partition; Subjective probability},
9334         localfile = {article/Smithson-Segale-2009.pdf},
9335         month = mar,
9336         number = {1},
9337         pages = {169–181},
9338         publisher = {Taylor \& Francis},
9339         title = {Partition Priming in Judgments of Imprecise Probabilities},
9340         volume = {3},
9341         year = {2009}
9342 }
9344 @article{CoolenSchrijner-Maturi-Coolen-2009.pdf,
9345         abstract = {This paper presents a statistical method for comparison of
9346 two groups based on nonparametric predictive inference (NPI). NPI is a
9347 statistical approach based on few modelling assumptions, with inferences
9348 strongly based on data and uncertainty quantified via lower and upper
9349 probabilities. Life- times of units from groups X and Y are compared, based on
9350 observed lifetimes from an experiment that may have ended before all units
9351 failed. We present upper and lower probabilities for the event that the lifetime
9352 of a future unit from X is less than the lifetime of a future unit from Y, and
9353 we compare this approach with traditional precedence testing.},
9354         author = {Pauline Coolen-Schrijner and Tahani A. Maturi and Frank P. A. Coolen},
9355         doi = {10.1080/15598608.2009.10411925},
9356         issn = {1559-8608},
9357         journal = {Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice},
9358         keywords = {Lower and upper probabilities; Nonparametric predictive inference; Pairwise comparison; Precedence tests},
9359         localfile = {article/CoolenSchrijner-Maturi-Coolen-2009.pdf},
9360         month = mar,
9361         number = {1},
9362         pages = {273–287},
9363         publisher = {Taylor \& Francis},
9364         title = {Nonparametric predictive precedence testing for two groups},
9365         volume = {3},
9366         year = {2009}
9367 }
9369 @article{Bose-2009-smoothness,
9370         abstract = {We examine the role of the likelihood in Bayesian robustness
9371 with the density ratio class (DeRobertis and Hartigan, 1981. Ann. Stat.) and
9372 show how to impose smoothness on the density ratio class after imposing shape
9373 constraints. We discuss how to impose shape constraints on the density bounded
9374 class (Lavine, 1991. JASA)},
9375         annote = {doi: 10.1080/15598608.2009.10411911},
9376         author = {Sudip Bose},
9377         doi = {10.1080/15598608.2009.10411911},
9378         issn = {1559-8608},
9379         journal = {Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice},
9380         keywords = {Bayesian robustness; Density bounded; Density ratio; Likelihood; Neighborhood class; Smoothness; Symmetry; Unimodality; Convexity; Minimax; Posterior regret; $\Gamma$-minimax},
9381         localfile = {article/Bose-2009-smoothness.pdf},
9382         month = mar,
9383         number = {1},
9384         pages = {57–67},
9385         publisher = {Taylor \& Francis},
9386         title = {On smoothness constraints with shape constraints in a robust Bayesian analysis},
9387         volume = {3},
9388         year = {2009}
9389 }
9391 @article{Renooij-VanderGaag-2008-EQPN,
9392         abstract = {Qualitative probabilistic networks were designed to
9393 overcome, to at least some extent, the quantification problem known to
9394 probabilistic networks. Qualitative networks abstract from the numerical
9395 probabilities of their quantitative counterparts by using signs to summarise the
9396 probabilistic influences between their variables. One of the major drawbacks of
9397 these qualitative abstractions, however, is the coarse level of representation
9398 detail that does not provide for indicating strengths of influences. As a
9399 result, the trade-offs modelled in a network remain unresolved upon inference.
9400 We present an enhanced formalism of qualitative probabilistic networks to
9401 provide for a finer level of representation detail. An enhanced qualitative
9402 probabilistic network differs from a basic qualitative network in that it
9403 distinguishes between strong and weak influences. Now, if a strong influence is
9404 combined, upon inference, with a conflicting weak influence, the sign of the net
9405 influence may be readily determined. Enhanced qualitative networks are purely
9406 qualitative in nature, as basic qualitative networks are, yet allow for
9407 resolving some trade-offs upon inference.},
9408         author = {Silja Renooij and Linda C. van der Gaag},
9409         doi = {10.1016/j.artint.2008.04.001},
9410         issn = {0004-3702},
9411         journal = {Artificial Intelligence},
9412         keywords = {Probabilistic reasoning; Qualitative reasoning; Trade-off resolution},
9413         number = {12-13},
9414         pages = {1470–1494},
9415         title = {Enhanced qualitative probabilistic networks for resolving trade-offs},
9416         volume = {172},
9417         year = {2008}
9418 }
9420 @article{Bolt-VanderGaag-Renooij-2005,
9421         abstract = {A qualitative probabilistic network is a graphical model of
9422 the probabilistic influences among a set of statistical variables, in which each
9423 influence is associated with a qualitative sign. A non-monotonic influence
9424 between two variables is associated with the ambiguous sign ‘?’, which indicates
9425 that the actual sign of the influence depends on the state of the network. The
9426 presence of such ambiguous signs is undesirable as it tends to lead to
9427 uninformative results upon inference. In this paper, we argue that, although a
9428 non-monotonic influence may have varying effects, in each specific state of the
9429 network, its effect is unambiguous. To capture the current effect of the
9430 influence, we introduce the concept of situational sign. We show how situational
9431 signs can be used upon inference and how they are updated as the state of the
9432 network changes. By means of a real-life qualitative network in oncology, we
9433 show that the use of situational signs can effectively forestall uninformative
9434 results upon inference.},
9435         author = {Janneke H. Bolt and Linda C. van der Gaag and Silja Renooij},
9436         doi = {10.1016/j.ijar.2004.05.009},
9437         issn = {0888-613X},
9438         journal = {International Journal of Approximate Reasoning},
9439         number = {3},
9440         pages = {333–354},
9441         title = {Introducing situational signs in qualitative probabilistic networks},
9442         volume = {38},
9443         year = {2005}
9444 }
9446 @article{Renooij-VanderGaag-Parsons-2002,
9447         abstract = {Qualitative probabilistic networks are qualitative
9448 abstractions of probabilistic networks, summarising probabilistic influences by
9449 qualitative signs. As qualitative networks model influences at the level of
9450 variables, knowledge about probabilistic influences that hold only for specific
9451 values cannot be expressed. The results computed from a qualitative network, as
9452 a consequence, can be weaker than strictly necessary and may in fact be rather
9453 uninformative. We extend the basic formalism of qualitative probabilistic
9454 networks by providing for the inclusion of context-specific information about
9455 influences and show that exploiting this information upon reasoning has the
9456 ability to forestall unnecessarily weak results.},
9457         author = {Silja Renooij and Linda C. van der Gaag and Simon Parsons},
9458         doi = {10.1016/S0004-3702(02)00247-3},
9459         issn = {0004-3702},
9460         journal = {Artificial Intelligence},
9461         keywords = {Probabilistic reasoning; Qualitative reasoning; Context-specific independence; Non-monotonicity},
9462         number = {1-2},
9463         pages = {207–230},
9464         title = {Context-specific sign-propagation in qualitative probabilistic networks},
9465         volume = {140},
9466         year = {2002}
9467 }
9469 @inproceedings{Renooij-VanderGaag-2002-UAI,
9470         address = {San Francisco, California},
9471         author = {Silja Renooij and Linda C. van der Gaag},
9472         booktitle = {UAI-02: Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence},
9473         pages = {422–429},
9474         publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann},
9475         title = {From qualitative to quantitative probabilistic networks},
9476         year = {2002}
9477 }
9479 @article{Renooij-VanderGaag-2000-IPMU,
9480         author = {Silja Renooij and Linda C. van der Gaag},
9481         booktitle = {IPMU 2000: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-based Systems},
9482         location = {Madrid},
9483         pages = {1285–1290},
9484         title = {Exploiting non-monotonic influences in qualitative belief networks},
9485         year = {2000}
9486 }
9488 @article{Wellman-1990-QPN,
9489         abstract = {Graphical representations for probabilistic relationships
9490 have recently received considerable attention in AI. Qualitative probabilistic
9491 networks abstract from the usual numeric representations by encoding only
9492 qualitative relationships, which are inequality constraints on the joint
9493 probability distribution over the variables. Although these constraints are
9494 insufficient to determine probabilities uniquely, they are designed to justify
9495 the deduction of a class of relative likelihood conclusions that imply useful
9496 decision-making properties. Two types of qualitative relationship are defined,
9497 each a probabilistic form of monotonicity constraint over a group of variables.
9498 Qualitative influences describe the direction of the relationship between two
9499 variables. Qualitative synergies describe interactions among influences. The
9500 probabilistic definitions chosen justify sound and efficient inference
9501 procedures based on graphical manipulations of the network. These procedures
9502 answer queries about qualitative relationships among variables separated in the
9503 network and determine structural properties of optimal assignments to decision
9504 variables.},
9505         author = {Michael P. Wellman},
9506         doi = {10.1016/0004-3702(90)90026-V},
9507         issn = {0004-3702},
9508         journal = {Artificial Intelligence},
9509         number = {3},
9510         pages = {257–303},
9511         title = {Fundamental concepts of qualitative probabilistic networks},
9512         volume = {44},
9513         year = {1990}
9514 }
9516 @article{Steeneveld-etal-2010,
9517         abstract = {Automatic milking systems (AMS) generate alert lists
9518 reporting cows likely to have clinical mastitis (CM). Dutch farmers indicated
9519 that they use non-AMS cow information or the detailed alert information from the
9520 AMS to decide whether to check an alerted cow for CM. However, it is not yet
9521 known to what extent such information can be used to discriminate between
9522 true-positive and false-positive alerts. The overall objective was to
9523 investigate whether selection of the alerted cows that need further
9524 investigation for CM can be made. For this purpose, non-AMS cow information and
9525 detailed alert information were used. During a 2-yr study period, 11,156 alerts
9526 for CM, including 159 true-positive alerts, were collected at one farm in the
9527 Netherlands. Non-AMS cow information on parity, days in milk, season of the
9528 year, somatic cell count history, and CM history was added to each alert. In
9529 addition, 6 alert information variables were defined. These were the height of
9530 electrical conductivity, the alert origin (electrical conductivity, color, or
9531 both), whether or not a color alert for mastitic milk was given, whether or not
9532 a color alert for abnormal milk was given, deviation from the expected milk
9533 yield, and the number of alerts of the cow in the preceding 12 to 96\&\#xa0;h.
9534 Subsequently, naive Bayesian networks (NBN) were constructed to compute the
9535 posterior probability of an alert being truly positive based only on non-AMS cow
9536 information, based on only alert information, or based on both types of
9537 information. The NBN including both types of information had the highest area
9538 under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC; 0.78), followed by the
9539 NBN including only alert information (AUC\&\#xa0;=\&\#xa0;0.75) and the NBN
9540 including only non-AMS cow information (AUC\&\#xa0;=\&\#xa0;0.62). By combining
9541 the 2 types of information and by setting a threshold on the computed
9542 probabilities, the number of false-positive alerts on a mastitis alert list was
9543 reduced by 35\%, and 10\% of the true-positive alerts would not be identified.
9544 To detect CM cases at a farm with an AMS, checking all alerts is still the best
9545 option but would result in a high workload. Checking alerts based on a single
9546 alert information variable would result in missing too many true-positive cases.
9547 Using a combination of alert information variables, however, is the best way to
9548 select cows that need further investigation. The effect of adding non-AMS cow
9549 information on making a distinction between true-positive and false-positive
9550 alerts would be minor.},
9551         author = {W. Steeneveld and Linda C. van der Gaag and W. Ouweltjes and H. Mollenhorst and H. Hogeveen},
9552         doi = {10.3168/jds.2009-3020},
9553         issn = {0022-0302},
9554         journal = {Journal of Dairy Science},
9555         keywords = {clinical mastitis; detection; automatic milking; dairy cow},
9556         number = {6},
9557         pages = {2559–2568},
9558         title = {Discriminating between true-positive and false-positive clinical mastitis alerts from automatic milking systems},
9559         volume = {93},
9560         year = {2010}
9561 }
9563 @inproceedings{TabachneckSchijf-etal-2008,
9564         author = {Hermi J. M. Tabachneck-Schijf and Linda C. van der Gaag and Petra L. Geenen and Martijn M. Schrage and W. L. A. Loeffen and A. R. W. Elbers},
9565         booktitle = {Proceedings of the 20th International Pig Veterinary Science Congress},
9566         editor = {P. Evans},
9567         location = {Durban, South Africa},
9568         title = {Designing a personal digital assistant for early on-site detection of classical swine fever in a pig unit},
9569         year = {2008}
9570 }
9572 @inproceedings{Geenen-VanderGaag-2005,
9573         author = {Petra L. Geenen and Linda C. van der Gaag},
9574         booktitle = {Proceedings of the Third Bayesian Modelling Applications Workshop},
9575         location = {Edinburgh},
9576         title = {Developing a Bayesian network for clinical diagnosis in veterinary medicine: from the individual to the herd},
9577         year = {2005}
9578 }
9580 @article{Grunwald-Halpern-2011,
9581         author = {Peter D. Grünwald and Joseph Y. Halpern},
9582         doi = {10.1613/jair.3374},
9583         journal = {Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research},
9584         pages = {393–426},
9585         title = {Making decisions using sets of probabilities: updating, time consistency, and calibration.},
9586         volume = 42,
9587         year = 2011
9588 }
9590 @book{Pourret-Naim-Marcot-2008,
9591         editor = {Olivier Pourret and Patrick Naïm and Bruce Marcot},
9592         isbn = {978-0-470-06030-8},
9593         publisher = {Wiley},
9594         title = {Bayesian networks: a practical guide to applications},
9595         year = {2008}
9596 }
9598 @inproceedings{VanderGaag-1990,
9599         abstract = {Many AI researchers argue that probability theory is only
9600 capable of dealing with uncertainty in situations where a full specification of
9601 a joint probability distribution is available, and conclude that it is not
9602 suitable for application in knowledge-based systems. Probability intervals,
9603 however, constitute a means for expressing incompleteness of information. We
9604 present a method for computing such probability intervals for probabilities of
9605 interest from a partial specification of a joint probability distribution. Our
9606 method improves on earlier approaches by allowing for independency relationships
9607 between statistical variables to be exploited.},
9608         address = {Amsterdam, the Netherlands},
9609         author = {Linda C. van der Gaag},
9610         booktitle = {UAI-90: Proceedings of the Sixth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence},
9611         pages = {457–466},
9612         publisher = {Elsevier},
9613         title = {Computing Probability Intervals Under Independency Constraints},
9614         year = {1990}
9615 }
9617 @inproceedings{VanderGaag-etal-1999,
9618         abstract = {In building Bayesian belief networks, the elicitation of all
9619 probabilities required can be a major obstacle. We learned the extent of this
9620 often-cited observation in the construction of the probabilistic part of a
9621 complex influence diagram in the field of cancer treatment. Based upon our
9622 negative experiences with existing methods, we designed a new method for
9623 probability elicitation from domain experts. The method combines various ideas,
9624 among which are the ideas of transcribing probabilities and of using a scale
9625 with both numerical and verbal anchors for marking assessments. In the
9626 construction of the probabilistic part of our influence diagram, the method
9627 proved to allow for the elicitation of many probabilities in little time.},
9628         address = {San Francisco, California},
9629         author = {Linda C. van der Gaag and Silja Renooij and Cilia L. M. Witteman and Berthe M. P. Aleman and Babs G. Taal},
9630         booktitle = {UAI-99: Proceedings of the Fifteenth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence},
9631         keywords = {belief networks; expert elicitation},
9632         pages = {647–654},
9633         publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann},
9634         title = {How to elicit many probabilities},
9635         year = {1999}
9636 }
9638 @article{VanderGaag-etal-2002,
9639         abstract = {With the help of two experts in gastrointestinal oncology
9640 from The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Antoni van Leeuwenhoekhuis, a
9641 decision-support system is being developed for patient-specific therapy
9642 selection for oesophageal cancer. The kernel of the system is a probabilistic
9643 network that describes the presentation characteristics of cancer of the
9644 oesophagus and the pathophysiological processes of invasion and metastasis.
9645 While the construction of the graphical structure of the network was relatively
9646 straightforward, probability elicitation with existing methods proved to be a
9647 major obstacle. To overcome this obstacle, we designed a new method for
9648 eliciting probabilities from experts that combines the ideas of transcribing
9649 probabilities as fragments of text and of using a scale with both numerical and
9650 verbal anchors for marking assessments. In this paper, we report experiences
9651 with our method in eliciting the probabilities required for the oesophagus
9652 network. The method allowed us to elicit many probabilities in reasonable time.
9653 To gain some insight in the quality of the probabilities obtained, we conducted
9654 a preliminary evaluation study of our network, using data from real patients. We
9655 found that for 85\% of the patients, the network predicted the correct cancer
9656 stage.},
9657         author = {Linda C. van der Gaag and Silja Renooij and Cilia L. M. Witteman and Berthe M. P. Aleman and Babs G. Taal},
9658         doi = {10.1016/S0933-3657(02)00012-X},
9659         issn = {0933-3657},
9660         journal = {Artificial Intelligence in Medicine},
9661         keywords = {Elicitation of judgemental probabilities; Probabilistic networks},
9662         number = {2},
9663         pages = {123–148},
9664         title = {Probabilities for a probabilistic network: a case study in oesophageal cancer},
9665         volume = {25},
9666         year = {2002}
9667 }
9669 @inproceedings{Helsper-VanderGaag-Groenendaal-2004,
9670         author = {E. Helsper and Linda C. van der Gaag and F. Groenendaal},
9671         booktitle = {Engineering Knowledge in the Age of the Semantic Web},
9672         editor = {E. Motta and N. R. Shadbolt and A. Stutt and N. Gibbins},
9673         pages = {280–292},
9674         publisher = {Springer},
9675         title = {Designing a procedure for the acquisition of probability constraints for Bayesian networks},
9676         year = {2004}
9677 }
9679 @article{Sent-etal-2005,
9680         author = {D. Sent and Linda C. van der Gaag and Cilia L. M. Witteman and Berthe M. P. Aleman and Babs G. Taal},
9681         journal = {Interdisciplinary Journal of Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behaviour},
9682         number = {6},
9683         pages = {543–561},
9684         title = {Eliciting test-selection strategies for a decision-support system in oncology},
9685         volume = {1},
9686         year = {2005}
9687 }
9689 @inproceedings{Geenen-etal-2006,
9690         author = {Petra L. Geenen and A. R. W. Elbers and Linda C. van der Gaag and W. L. A. Loeffen},
9691         booktitle = {Proceedings of the Eleventh Symposium of the International Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics},
9692         pages = {667–669},
9693         title = {Development of a probabilistic network for clinical detection of classical swine fever},
9694         year = {2006}
9695 }
9697 @article{Laskey-1995,
9698         abstract = {When eliciting a probability model from experts, knowledge
9699 engineers may compare the results of the model with expert judgment on test
9700 scenarios, then adjust model parameters to bring the behavior of the model more
9701 in line with the experts intuition. This paper presents a methodology for
9702 analytic computation of sensitivity values in Bayesian network models.
9703 Sensitivity values are partial derivatives of output probabilities with respect
9704 to parameters being varied in the sensitivity analysis. They measure the impact
9705 of small changes in a network parameter on a target probability value or
9706 distribution. Sensitivity values can be used to focus knowledge elicitation
9707 effort on those parameters having the most impact on outputs of concern.
9708 Analytic sensitivity values are computed for an example and compared to
9709 sensitivity analysis by direct variation of parameters},
9710         author = {K. B. Laskey},
9711         doi = {10.1109/21.384252},
9712         issn = {0018-9472},
9713         journal = {IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics},
9714         keywords = {Bayesian networks; knowledge elicitation; knowledge engineering; probability assessments; sensitivity analysis; symbolic reasoning; target probability value; uncertainty representation; Bayes methods; inference mechanisms; knowledge acquisition; probability; sensitivity analysis},
9715         month = jun,
9716         number = {6},
9717         pages = {901–909},
9718         title = {Sensitivity analysis for probability assessments in Bayesian networks},
9719         volume = {25},
9720         year = {1995}
9721 }
9723 @inproceedings{Chan-Darwiche-2004,
9724         abstract = {Previous work on sensitivity analysis in Bayesian networks
9725 has focused on single parameters, where the goal is to understand the
9726 sensitivity of queries to single parameter changes, and to identify single
9727 parameter changes that would enforce a certain query constraint. In this paper,
9728 we expand the work to multiple parameters which may be in the CPT of a single
9729 variable, or the CPTs of multiple variables. Not only do we identify the
9730 solution space of multiple parameter changes that would be needed to enforce a
9731 query constraint, but we also show how to find the optimal solution, that is,
9732 the one which disturbs the current probability distribution the least (with
9733 respect to a specific measure of disturbance). We characterize the computational
9734 complexity of our new techniques and discuss their applications to developing
9735 and debugging Bayesian networks, and to the problem of reasoning about the value
9736 (reliability) of new information.},
9737         address = {Arlington, Virginia},
9738         author = {Hei Chan and Adnan Darwiche},
9739         booktitle = {UAI-04: Proceedings of the Twentieth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence},
9740         pages = {67–75},
9741         publisher = {AUAI Press},
9742         title = {Sensitivity analysis in Bayesian networks: from single to multiple parameters},
9743         year = {2004}
9744 }
9746 @misc{BNatWork,
9747         author = {BN@Work},
9748         title = {European Community for Researchers on Probabilistic Graphical Models},
9749         url = {http://www.bnatwork.org}
9750 }
9752 @misc{SIKS,
9753         author = {SIKS},
9754         title = {Netherlands research school for Information and Knowledge Systems},
9755         url = {http://www.siks.nl}
9756 }
9758 @misc{AUAI,
9759         author = {AUAI},
9760         title = {Association for Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence},
9761         url = {http://www.auai.org}
9762 }
9764 @misc{ECCAI,
9765         author = {ECCAI},
9766         title = {European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence},
9767         url = {http://www.eccai.org}
9768 }
9770 @misc{SIPTA,
9771         author = {SIPTA},
9772         title = {Society for Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications},
9773         url = {http://www.sipta.org}
9774 }
9776 @inproceedings{Blanco-etal-2004,
9777         author = {Rosa Blanco and Linda C. van der Gaag and Iñaki Inza and Pedro Larrañaga},
9778         booktitle = {ISBMDA 2004: Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Biological and Medical Data Analysis},
9779         editor = {José María Barreiro and Fernando Martín-Sánchez and Victor Maojo and Ferran Sanz},
9780         isbn = {3-540-23964-2},
9781         pages = {212–223},
9782         publisher = {Springer},
9783         series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
9784         title = {Selective classifiers can be too restrictive: a case-study in oesophageal cancer},
9785         volume = {3337},
9786         year = {2004}
9787 }
9789 @article{Feelders-VanderGaag-2006,
9790         abstract = {We consider the problem of learning the parameters of a
9791 Bayesian network from data, while taking into account prior knowledge about the
9792 signs of influences between variables. Such prior knowledge can be readily
9793 obtained from domain experts. We show that this problem of parameter learning is
9794 a special case of isotonic regression and provide a simple algorithm for
9795 computing isotonic estimates. Our experimental results for a small Bayesian
9796 network in the medical domain show that taking prior knowledge about the signs
9797 of influences into account leads to an improved fit of the true distribution,
9798 especially when only a small sample of data is available. More importantly,
9799 however, the isotonic estimator provides parameter estimates that are consistent
9800 with the specified prior knowledge, thereby resulting in a network that is more
9801 likely to be accepted by experts in its domain of application.},
9802         author = {Ad Feelders and Linda C. van der Gaag},
9803         doi = {10.1016/j.ijar.2005.10.003},
9804         issn = {0888-613X},
9805         journal = {International Journal of Approximate Reasoning},
9806         keywords = {Bayesian networks; Parameter learning; Order-constrained estimation},
9807         number = {1-2},
9808         pages = {37–53},
9809         title = {Learning Bayesian network parameters under order constraints},
9810         volume = {42},
9811         year = {2006}
9812 }
9814 @inproceedings{VanderGaag-etal-2009,
9815         author = {Linda C. van der Gaag and Silja Renooij and Ad Feelders and Arend de Groote and Marinus J. C. Eijkemans and Frank J. Broekmans and Bart C. J. M. Fauser},
9816         booktitle = {Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition},
9817         doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-03070-3_59},
9818         editor = {Petra Perner},
9819         isbn = {978-3-642-03069-7},
9820         pages = {787–801},
9821         publisher = {Springer},
9822         series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
9823         title = {Aligning Bayesian Network Classifiers with Medical Contexts.},
9824         volume = 5632,
9825         year = 2009
9826 }
9828 @incollection{Chateauneuf-Jaffray-1995,
9829         abstract = {The concept of local Möbius transform of a capacity is
9830 introduced and shown to provide a handier characterization of K-monotonicity
9831 than the standard Möbius transformation. It is moreover used to give a new proof
9832 of the preservation of K monotonicity by conditional lower probabilities.},
9833         author = {Alain Chateauneuf and Jean-Yves Jaffray},
9834         booktitle = {Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning and Uncertainty},
9835         doi = {10.1007/3-540-60112-0_14},
9836         editor = {Christine Froidevaux and Jürg Kohlas},
9837         isbn = {978-3-540-60112-8},
9838         localfile = {inbook/Chateauneuf-Jaffray-1995.pdf},
9839         number = {1},
9840         pages = {115–124},
9841         publisher = {Springer},
9842         series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
9843         title = {Local Möbius transforms of monotone capacities},
9844         volume = {946},
9845         year = {1995}
9846 }
9848 @inproceedings{Quaeghebeur-Shariatmadar-DeCooman-2010-FLINS,
9849         abstract = {We investigate a constrained optimization problem for which
9850 there is uncertainty about a constraint parameter. Our aim is to reformulate it
9851 as a (constrained) optimization problem without uncertainty. This is done by
9852 recasting the original problem as a decision problem under uncertainty. We give
9853 results for a number of different types of uncertainty models—linear and vacuous
9854 previsions, and possibility distributions—and for two different optimality
9855 criteria for decision problems under uncertainty—maximinity and maximality.},
9856         address = {Singapore},
9857         author = {Erik Quaeghebeur and Keivan Shariatmadar and Gert {De Cooman}},
9858         booktitle = {Computational intelligence: foundations and applications: proceedings of the 9th international FLINS conference},
9859         editor = {Da Ruan and Yianrui Li and Yang Xu and Guoqing Chen and Etienne E. Kerre},
9860         keywords = {possibility distribution; linear prevision; maximinity; maximality; vacuous prevision; constrained optimization},
9861         location = {Chengdu, China},
9862         pages = {791–796},
9863         publisher = {World Scientific},
9864         series = {World Scientific Proceedings Series on Computer Engineering and Information Science},
9865         title = {A constrained optimization problem under uncertainty},
9866         year = {2010}
9867 }
9869 @article{Quaeghebeur-Shariatmadar-DeCooman-2012-FSS,
9870         author = {Erik Quaeghebeur and Keivan Shariatmadar and Gert {De Cooman}},
9871         journal = {Fuzzy Sets and Systems},
9872         title = {Constrained optimization problems under uncertainty with coherent lower previsions},
9873         year = {submitted}
9874 }
9876 @article{Charnes-Cooper-1959,
9877         abstract = {A new conceptual and analytical vehicle for problems of
9878 temporal planning under uncertainty, involving determination of optimal
9879 (sequential) stochastic decision rules is defined and illustrated by means of a
9880 typical industrial example. The paper presents a method of attack which splits
9881 the problem into two non-linear (or linear) programming parts, (i) determining
9882 optimal probability distributions, (ii) approximating the optimal distributions
9883 as closely as possible by decision rules of prescribed form.},
9884         author = {A. Charnes and W. W. Cooper},
9885         doi = {10.1287/mnsc.6.1.73},
9886         issn = {0025-1909},
9887         journal = {Management Science},
9888         localfile = {article/Charnes-Cooper-1959.pdf},
9889         month = {oct},
9890         number = {1},
9891         pages = {73–79},
9892         publisher = {INFORMS},
9893         title = {Chance-constrained programming},
9894         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2627476},
9895         volume = {6},
9896         year = {1959}
9897 }
9899 @article{Dantzig-1955,
9900         author = {George B. Dantzig},
9901         doi = {10.1287/mnsc.1.3-4.197},
9902         issn = {0025-1909},
9903         journal = {Management Science},
9904         localfile = {article/Dantzig-1955.pdf},
9905         number = {3/4},
9906         pages = {197–206},
9907         publisher = {INFORMS},
9908         title = {Linear Programming under Uncertainty},
9909         url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2627159},
9910         volume = {1},
9911         year = {1955}
9912 }
9914 @article{Yu-Zeleny-1975,
9915         abstract = {In this note we are interested in the properties of, and
9916 methods for locating the set of all nondominated solutions of multiple linear
9917 criteria defined over a polyhedron. We first show that the set of all dominated
9918 solutions is convex and that the set of all nondominated solutions is a subset
9919 of the convex hull of the nondominated extreme points. When the domination cone
9920 is polyhedral, we derive a necessary and sufficient condition for a point to be
9921 nondominated. The condition is stronger than that of Ref. [1] and enables us to
9922 give a simple proof that the set of all nondominated extreme points indeed is
9923 connected. In order to locate the entire set of all nondominated extreme points,
9924 we derive a generalized version of simplex method—multicriteria simplex method.
9925 In addition to some useful results, a necessary and sufficient condition for an
9926 extreme point to be nondominated is derived. Examples and computer experience
9927 are also given. Finally, we focus on how to generate the entire set of all
9928 nondominated solutions through the set of all nondominated extreme points. A
9929 decomposition theorem and some necessary and sufficient conditions for a face to
9930 be nondominated are derived. We then describe a systematic way to identify the
9931 entire set of all nondominated solutions. Through examples, we show that in fact
9932 our procedure is quite efficient.},
9933         author = {P. L. Yu and M. Zeleny},
9934         doi = {10.1016/0022-247X(75)90189-4},
9935         issn = {0022-247X},
9936         journal = {Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications},
9937         number = {2},
9938         pages = {430–468},
9939         title = {The set of all nondominated solutions in linear cases and a multicriteria simplex method},
9940         volume = {49},
9941         year = {1975}
9942 }
9944 @article{Evans-Steuer-1973,
9945         abstract = {For linear multiple-objective problems, a necessary and
9946 sufficient condition for a point to be efficient is employed in the development
9947 of a revised simplex algorithm for the enumeration of the set of efficient
9948 extreme points. Five options within this algorithm were tested on a variety of
9949 problems. Results of these tests provide indications for effective use of the
9950 algorithm.},
9951         author = {J. P. Evans and R. E. Steuer},
9952         doi = {10.1007/BF01580111},
9953         issn = {0025-5610},
9954         journal = {Mathematical Programming},
9955         pages = {54–72},
9956         publisher = {Springer Berlin / Heidelberg},
9957         title = {A revised simplex method for linear multiple objective programs},
9958         volume = {5},
9959         year = {1973}
9960 }
9962 @book{Dubois-Prade-1988-en,
9963         address = {New York},
9964         author = {Didier Dubois and Henri Prade},
9965         publisher = {Plenum Press},
9966         title = {Possibility Theory: An Approach to Computerized Processing of Uncertainty},
9967         year = {1988}
9968 }
9970 @inproceedings{Huntley-etal-2012-FLINS,
9971         abstract = {We present a software implementation of the methods for
9972 solving linear programming problems under uncertainty from previous work.
9973 Uncertainties about constraint parameters can be expressed as intervals or
9974 trapezoidal possibility distributions. The software computes the solutions for
9975 the optimality criteria maximin and maximality. For maximality with possibility
9976 distributions, only an approximate solution is obtained.},
9977         author = {Nathan Huntley and Rolando Quiñones and Keivan Shariatmadar and Erik Quaeghebeur and Gert {De Cooman} and Etienne E. Kerre},
9978         keywords = {linear programming; uncertainty; maximin; maximality; implementation},
9979         note = {Submitted to FLINS 2012},
9980         title = {Implementation of maximin and maximal solutions for linear programming problems under uncertainty},
9981         year = {2012}
9982 }
9984 @inproceedings{Quaeghebeur-etal-2012-IPMU,
9985         abstract = {We consider linear programming problems with uncertain
9986 constraint coefficients described by intervals or, more generally, possibility
9987 distributions. The uncertainty is given a behavioral interpretation using
9988 coherent lower previsions from the theory of imprecise probabilities. We give a
9989 meaning to the linear programming problems by reformulating them as decision
9990 problems under such imprecise-probabilistic uncertainty. We provide expressions
9991 for and illustrations of the maximin and maximal solutions of these decision
9992 problems and present computational approaches for dealing with them.},
9993         author = {Erik Quaeghebeur and Nathan Huntley and Keivan Shariatmadar and Gert {De Cooman}},
9994         keywords = {linear program; interval uncertainty; vacuous lower prevision; possibility distribution; coherent lower prevision; imprecise probabilities; decision making; maximinity; maximality},
9995         note = {Submitted to IPMU 2012},
9996         title = {Maximin and Maximal Solutions for Linear Programming Problems with Possibilistic Uncertainty},
9997         year = {2012}
9998 }
10000 @book{Dantzig-Thapa-2003,
10001         author = {George B. Dantzig and Mukund N. Thapa},
10002         booktitle = {Linear Programming:2: Theory and Extensions},
10003         doi = {10.1007/b97283},
10004         localfile = {book/Dantzig-Thapa-2003.pdf},
10005         publisher = {Springer},
10006         series = {Springer Series in Operations Research},
10007         year = {2003}
10008 }
10010 @inproceedings{Bagnara-etal-2002,
10011         author = {Roberto Bagnara and Elisa Ricci and Enea Zaffanella and Patricia M. Hill},
10012         booktitle = {Static Analysis: Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium},
10013         doi = {10.1007/3-540-45789-5_17},
10014         editor = {Manuel V. Hermenegildo and Germán Puebla},
10015         isbn = {3-540-44235-9},
10016         localfile = {inproceedings/Bagnara-etal-2002.pdf},
10017         pages = {213–229},
10018         publisher = {Springer},
10019         series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
10020         title = {Possibly Not Closed Convex Polyhedra and the Parma Polyhedra Library.},
10021         url = {http://bugseng.com/products/ppl/documentation/BagnaraRZH02.pdf},
10022         volume = 2477,
10023         year = 2002
10024 }