Warning, /office/calligraplan/src/calligraplansettings.kcfg is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
0002 <kcfg xmlns="http://www.kde.org/standards/kcfg/1.0"
0003       xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
0004       xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.kde.org/standards/kcfg/1.0
0005                           http://www.kde.org/standards/kcfg/1.0/kcfg.xsd" >
0006   <kcfgfile/> <!-- name="planrc"/> Don't, Factory::componentData().config() is used -->
0007     <group name="EstimateConversion">
0008         <entry name="HoursPrYear" type="Double">
0009             <label>Hours per year</label>
0010             <default>1760</default>
0011         </entry>
0012         <entry name="HoursPrMonth" type="Double">
0013             <label>Hours per month</label>
0014             <default>176</default>
0015         </entry>
0016         <entry name="HoursPrWeek" type="Double">
0017             <label>Hours per week</label>
0018             <default>40</default>
0019         </entry>
0020         <entry name="HoursPrDay" type="Double">
0021             <label>Hours per day</label>
0022             <default>8</default>
0023         </entry>
0024     </group>
0025     <group name="CalendarGeneration">
0026         <entry name="GenerateWeek" type="Bool">
0027             <label>Generate working week</label>
0028             <default>true</default>
0029         </entry>
0030         <entry name="GenerateWeekChoice" type="Enum">
0031             <label>Generate working week options</label>
0032             <choices>
0033                 <choice name="NoneExists">
0034                     <label>If none exists</label>
0035                 </choice>
0036                 <choice name="Always">
0037                     <label>Always</label>
0038                 </choice>
0039                 <default>NoneExists</default>
0040             </choices>
0041         </entry>
0042         <entry name="GenerateHolidays" type="Bool">
0043             <label>Generate holidays</label>
0044             <default>true</default>
0045         </entry>
0046         <entry name="GenerateHolidaysChoice" type="Enum">
0047             <label>Generate holidays options</label>
0048             <choices>
0049                 <choice name="InWeekCalendar">
0050                     <label>In base calendar</label>
0051                 </choice>
0052                 <choice name="AsSubCalendar">
0053                     <label>As sub-calendar</label>
0054                 </choice>
0055                 <choice name="AsSeparateCalendar">
0056                     <label>As separate calendar</label>
0057                 </choice>
0058                 <default>InWeekCalendar</default>
0059             </choices>
0060         </entry>
0061         <entry name="Region" type="String">
0062             <label>Holiday region</label>
0063             <default>Default</default>
0064         </entry>
0065     </group>
0066     <group name="WorkingWeek">
0067         <entry name="Monday" type="Bool">
0068             <label>Monday:</label>
0069             <default>true</default>
0070         </entry>
0071         <entry name="MondayStart" type="String">
0072             <label>Start of working day</label>
0073             <default>08:00</default>
0074         </entry>
0075         <entry name="MondayEnd" type="String">
0076             <label>End of working day</label>
0077             <default>16:00</default>
0078         </entry>
0080         <entry name="Tuesday" type="Bool">
0081             <label>Tuesday:</label>
0082             <default>true</default>
0083         </entry>
0084         <entry name="TuesdayStart" type="String">
0085             <label>Start of working day</label>
0086             <default>08:00</default>
0087         </entry>
0088         <entry name="TuesdayEnd" type="String">
0089             <label>End of working day</label>
0090             <default>16:00</default>
0091         </entry>
0093         <entry name="Wednesday" type="Bool">
0094             <label>Wednesday:</label>
0095             <default>true</default>
0096         </entry>
0097         <entry name="WednesdayStart" type="String">
0098             <label>Start of working day</label>
0099             <default>08:00</default>
0100         </entry>
0101         <entry name="WednesdayEnd" type="String">
0102             <label>End of working day</label>
0103             <default>16:00</default>
0104         </entry>
0106         <entry name="Thursday" type="Bool">
0107             <label>Thursday:</label>
0108             <default>true</default>
0109         </entry>
0110         <entry name="ThursdayStart" type="String">
0111             <label>Start of working day</label>
0112             <default>08:00</default>
0113         </entry>
0114         <entry name="ThursdayEnd" type="String">
0115             <label>End of working day</label>
0116             <default>16:00</default>
0117         </entry>
0119         <entry name="Friday" type="Bool">
0120             <label>Friday:</label>
0121             <default>true</default>
0122         </entry>
0123         <entry name="FridayStart" type="String">
0124             <label>Start of working day</label>
0125             <default>08:00</default>
0126         </entry>
0127         <entry name="FridayEnd" type="String">
0128             <label>End of working day</label>
0129             <default>16:00</default>
0130         </entry>
0132         <entry name="Saturday" type="Bool">
0133             <label>Saturday:</label>
0134             <default>false</default>
0135         </entry>
0136         <entry name="SaturdayStart" type="String">
0137             <label>Start of working day</label>
0138             <default>08:00</default>
0139         </entry>
0140         <entry name="SaturdayEnd" type="String">
0141             <label>End of working day</label>
0142             <default>16:00</default>
0143         </entry>
0145         <entry name="Sunday" type="Bool">
0146             <label>Sunday:</label>
0147             <default>false</default>
0148         </entry>
0149         <entry name="SundayStart" type="String">
0150             <label>Start of working day</label>
0151             <default>08:00</default>
0152         </entry>
0153         <entry name="SundayEnd" type="String">
0154             <label>End of working day</label>
0155             <default>16:00</default>
0156         </entry>
0158     </group>
0159     <group name="Project settings">
0160       <entry name="Manager" type="String">
0161           <label>Name of project manager</label>
0162       </entry>
0163       <entry name="UseSharedResources" type="Bool">
0164           <label>Use shared resources</label>
0165           <default>false</default>
0166       </entry>
0167       <entry name="SharedResourcesFile" type="String">
0168           <label>File to contain shared resources</label>
0169       </entry>
0170       <entry name="SharedProjectsPlace" type="String">
0171           <label>Directory that contains projects that share resources</label>
0172       </entry>
0173       <entry name="ProjectDescription" type="String">
0174           <label>Project description</label>
0175       </entry>
0176   </group>
0177   <group name="Task defaults">
0178     <entry name="Leader" type="String">
0179       <label>Name of task responsible</label>
0180     </entry>
0181     <entry name="ConstraintType" type="Enum">
0182       <label>Scheduling constraint type</label>
0183       <choices>
0184         <choice name="AsSoonAsPossible"/>
0185         <choice name="AsLateAsPossible"/>
0186         <choice name="MustStartOn"/>
0187         <choice name="MustFinishOn"/>
0188         <choice name="StartNotEarlierThan"/>
0189         <choice name="FinishNotLaterThan"/>
0190         <choice name="FixedInterval"/>
0191       </choices>
0192       <default>AsSoonAsPossible</default>
0193     </entry>
0194     <entry name="StartTimeUsage" type="Enum">
0195       <label>Defines how start constraint time is used</label>
0196       <choices>
0197         <choice name="CurrentdateTime"/>
0198         <choice name="CurrentDate"/>
0199         <choice name="SpecifiedDateTime"/>
0200       </choices>
0201       <default>CurrentdateTime</default>
0202     </entry>
0203     <entry name="ConstraintStartTime" type="DateTime">
0204       <label>Constraint start date and time</label>
0205     </entry>
0206     <entry name="EndTimeUsage" type="Enum">
0207       <label>Defines how end constraint time is used</label>
0208       <choices>
0209         <choice name="CurrentdateTime"/>
0210         <choice name="CurrentDate"/>
0211         <choice name="SpecifiedDateTime"/>
0212       </choices>
0213       <default>CurrentdateTime</default>
0214     </entry>
0215     <entry name="ConstraintEndTime" type="DateTime">
0216       <label>Constraint end date and time</label>
0217     </entry>
0219     <entry name="EstimateType" type="Enum">
0220       <label>Type of estimate</label>
0221       <choices>
0222         <choice name="Effort"/>
0223         <choice name="Duration"/>
0224       </choices>
0225       <default>Effort</default>
0226     </entry>
0227     <entry name="Unit" type="Enum">
0228       <label>Estimate time unit</label>
0229       <choices>
0230         <choice name="Year"/>
0231         <choice name="Month"/>
0232         <choice name="Week"/>
0233         <choice name="Day"/>
0234         <choice name="Hour"/>
0235         <choice name="Minute"/>
0236         <choice name="Second"/>
0237         <choice name="Millisecond"/>
0238       </choices>
0239       <default>Hour</default>
0240     </entry>
0241     <entry name="ExpectedEstimate" type="Double">
0242       <label>Expected estimate</label>
0243       <default>8.0</default>
0244     </entry>
0245     <entry name="OptimisticRatio" type="Int">
0246       <label>Optimistic estimate</label>
0247       <default>-75</default>
0248     </entry>
0249     <entry name="PessimisticRatio" type="Int">
0250       <label>Pessimistic estimate</label>
0251       <default>100</default>
0252     </entry>
0254     <entry name="Description" type="String">
0255       <label>Task description</label>
0256     </entry>
0257   </group>
0259   <group name="TaskColors">
0260     <entry name="ColorGradientType" type="Enum">
0261       <label>Gradient</label>
0262       <choices>
0263         <choice name="Linear"><label>Linear</label></choice>
0264         <choice name="Flat"><label>Flat</label></choice>
0265       </choices>
0266       <default>Linear</default>
0267     </entry>
0268     <entry name="SummaryTaskLevelColorsEnabled" type="Bool">
0269       <label>Enable summary task level colors</label>
0270       <default>false</default>
0271     </entry>
0272     <entry name="SummaryTaskDefaultColor" type="Color">
0273       <label>Summary task default color</label>
0274       <default>#0000ff</default>
0275     </entry>
0276     <entry name="SummaryTaskLevelColor_1" type="Color">
0277       <label>Summary task color, level 1</label>
0278       <default>#0000ff</default>
0279     </entry>
0280     <entry name="SummaryTaskLevelColor_2" type="Color">
0281       <label>Summary task color, level 2</label>
0282       <default>#0000ff</default>
0283     </entry>
0284     <entry name="SummaryTaskLevelColor_3" type="Color">
0285       <label>Summary task color, level 3</label>
0286       <default>#0000ff</default>
0287     </entry>
0288     <entry name="SummaryTaskLevelColor_4" type="Color">
0289       <label>Summary task color, level 4</label>
0290       <default>#0000ff</default>
0291     </entry>
0292     <entry name="TaskNormalColor" type="Color">
0293       <label>Task color in normal state</label>
0294       <default>#00ff00</default>
0295     </entry>
0296     <entry name="TaskCriticalColor" type="Color">
0297       <label>Task color in critical state</label>
0298       <default>#ff0000</default>
0299     </entry>
0300     <entry name="TaskFinishedColor" type="Color">
0301       <label>Task color in finished state</label>
0302       <default>#A0A0A0</default>
0303     </entry>
0304     <entry name="TaskErrorColor" type="Color">
0305       <label>Task color in error state</label>
0306       <default>#ffff00</default>
0307     </entry>
0308     <entry name="MilestoneNormalColor" type="Color">
0309       <label>Milestone color in normal state</label>
0310       <default>#0000ff</default>
0311     </entry>
0312     <entry name="MilestoneCriticalColor" type="Color">
0313       <label>Milestone color in critical state</label>
0314       <default>#ff0000</default>
0315     </entry>
0316     <entry name="MilestoneFinishedColor" type="Color">
0317       <label>Milestone color in finished state</label>
0318       <default>#A0A0A0</default>
0319     </entry>
0320     <entry name="MilestoneErrorColor" type="Color">
0321       <label>Milestone color in error state</label>
0322       <default>#ffff00</default>
0323     </entry>
0324   </group>
0326   <group name="Work Package">
0327     <entry name="CheckForWorkPackages" type="Bool">
0328       <label>Automatically check for new work packages</label>
0329     </entry>
0330     <entry name="RetrieveUrl" type="Url">
0331 <!--       <label>Directory where Plan retrieves work packages from project members</label> -->
0332     </entry>
0333     <entry name="DeleteFile" type="Bool">
0334 <!--       <label>If set, Plan will delete the file after it has been read</label> -->
0335     </entry>
0336     <entry name="SaveFile" type="Bool">
0337 <!--       <label>If set, Plan will save the file after it has been read</label> -->
0338     </entry>
0339     <entry name="SaveUrl" type="Url">
0340 <!--       <label>Directory where Plan saves work packages when the package has been read</label> -->
0341     </entry>
0342     <entry name="PublishUrl" type="Url">
0343         <!--       <label>Directory where Plan publishes work packages</label> -->
0344     </entry>
0345 </group>
0347   <group name="Miscellaneous">
0348     <entry name="MinimumDurationUnit" type="Int">
0349       <label>The smallest duration unit allowed</label>
0350       <default>EnumUnit::Minute</default>
0351     </entry>
0352     <entry name="MaximumDurationUnit" type="Int">
0353       <label>The largest duration unit allowed</label>
0354       <default>EnumUnit::Month</default>
0355     </entry>
0356   </group>
0358   <group name="Documentation">
0359       <entry name="DocumentationPath" type="String">
0360           <label>Path to the documentation</label>
0361           <default>help:</default>
0362       </entry>
0363       <entry name="ContextPath" type="String">
0364           <label>Path to the context help documentation</label>
0365           <default>help:</default>
0366       </entry>
0367       <entry name="ContextLanguage" type="String">
0368           <label>The context help documentation must have been translated to the language</label>
0369       </entry>
0370   </group>
0372   <group name="Task Modules">
0373       <entry name="UseLocalTaskModules" type="Bool">
0374           <label>Use the task modules from your private store</label>
0375           <default>true</default>
0376       </entry>
0377       <entry name="TaskModulePaths" type="StringList">
0378           <label>List of paths to task modules</label>
0379       </entry>
0380   </group>
0382   <group name="Project Templates">
0383       <entry name="ProjectTemplatePaths" type="StringList">
0384           <label>List of paths to project templates</label>
0385       </entry>
0386   </group>
0387 </kcfg>