Warning, /office/calligraplan/doc/taskstatusview.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <sect2><title/>
0002 <sect3 id="description22"><title>Description</title>
0003   <para>
0004     The Task Status View is used to inspect task progress information at a period, set in the configuration.
0005   </para>
0006   <para>
0007     <screenshot>
0008       <screeninfo></screeninfo>
0009       <mediaobject>
0010         <imageobject>
0011           <imagedata fileref="plan_taskstatusview.png" format="PNG"/>
0012         </imageobject>
0013         <textobject>
0014           <phrase></phrase>
0015         </textobject>
0016       </mediaobject>
0017     </screenshot>
0018   </para>
0019   <para>The tasks are divided into groups dependent on the status of the task:
0020   </para>
0021   <para>
0022     <informaltable>
0023       <tgroup cols="2">
0024         <tbody>
0025           <row>
0026             <entry>
0027               <para>Not Started</para>
0028             </entry>
0029             <entry>
0030               <para>Tasks that should have been started by now.</para>
0031             </entry>
0032           </row>
0033           <row>
0034             <entry>
0035               <para>Running</para>
0036             </entry>
0037             <entry>
0038               <para>Tasks that have been started, but not yet finished.</para>
0039             </entry>
0040           </row>
0041           <row>
0042             <entry>
0043               <para>Finished</para>
0044             </entry>
0045             <entry>
0046               <para>Tasks that were finished in this period</para>
0047             </entry>
0048           </row>
0049           <row>
0050             <entry>
0051               <para>Next Period</para>
0052             </entry>
0053             <entry>
0054               <para>Tasks that are scheduled to be started in the next period.</para></entry>
0055           </row>
0056         </tbody>
0057       </tgroup>
0058     </informaltable>
0059   </para>
0060 </sect3>
0061 <sect3 id="editing-data23"><title>Editing data</title>
0062   <para>
0063     <informaltable>
0064       <tgroup cols="2">
0065         <tbody>
0066           <row>
0067             <entry>
0068               <para>Progress information can be edited in-line as described <link linkend="using-the-views">here</link>  or by using the task progress dialog.</para>
0069             </entry>
0070             <entry>
0071               <para>
0072                 <screenshot>
0073                   <screeninfo></screeninfo>
0074                   <mediaobject>
0075                     <imageobject>
0076                       <imagedata fileref="plan_taskprogressdialog.png" format="PNG"/>
0077                     </imageobject>
0078                     <textobject>
0079                       <phrase></phrase>
0080                     </textobject>
0081                   </mediaobject>
0082                   </screenshot></para></entry>
0083           </row>
0084         </tbody>
0085       </tgroup>
0086     </informaltable>
0087   </para>
0088   <para>The following columns are displayed as default:
0089   </para>
0090   <para>
0091     <informaltable>
0092       <tgroup cols="2">
0093         <thead>
0094           <row>
0095             <entry><guilabel>Column</guilabel></entry>
0096             <entry><guilabel>Description</guilabel></entry>
0097           </row>
0098         </thead>
0099         <tbody>
0100           <row>
0101             <entry>
0102               <para>Name</para>
0103             </entry>
0104             <entry>
0105               <para>The name of the task.</para>
0106             </entry>
0107           </row>
0108           <row>
0109             <entry>
0110               <para>Status</para>
0111             </entry>
0112             <entry>
0113               <para>Task status</para>
0114             </entry>
0115           </row>
0116           <row>
0117             <entry>
0118               <para>% Completion</para>
0119             </entry>
0120             <entry>
0121               <para>Task completion</para>
0122             </entry>
0123           </row>
0124           <row>
0125             <entry>
0126               <para>Planned Effort</para>
0127             </entry>
0128             <entry>
0129               <para>The amount of work planned to be used at the end of the current period.</para>
0130             </entry>
0131           </row>
0132           <row>
0133             <entry>
0134               <para>Actual Effort</para>
0135             </entry>
0136             <entry>
0137               <para>The amount of work spent.</para>
0138             </entry>
0139           </row>
0140           <row>
0141             <entry>
0142               <para>Remaining Effort</para>
0143             </entry>
0144             <entry>
0145               <para>The remaining effort needed to complete the task.</para>
0146             </entry>
0147           </row>
0148           <row>
0149             <entry>
0150               <para>Planned Cost</para>
0151             </entry>
0152             <entry>
0153               <para>The planned cost at the end of the current period.</para>
0154             </entry>
0155           </row>
0156           <row>
0157             <entry>
0158               <para>Actual Cost</para>
0159             </entry>
0160             <entry>
0161               <para>The actual cost incurred.</para>
0162             </entry>
0163           </row>
0164           <row>
0165             <entry>
0166               <para>Actual Start</para>
0167             </entry>
0168             <entry>
0169               <para>The actual start time of the task.</para>
0170             </entry>
0171           </row>
0172           <row>
0173             <entry>
0174               <para>Actual Finish</para>
0175             </entry>
0176             <entry>
0177               <para>The actual finish time of the task.</para></entry>
0178           </row>
0179         </tbody>
0180       </tgroup>
0181     </informaltable>
0182   </para>
0183 </sect3>
0184 <sect3 id="configuration24"><title>Configuration</title>
0185   <para>Using the context menu, the view can be configured to split / unsplit the tree view or it can be configured using the configure dialog.
0186   </para>
0187   <para>
0188     <informaltable>
0189       <tgroup cols="2">
0190         <tbody>
0191           <row>
0192             <entry>
0193               <para>The configure dialog enables you to tailor the amount of information the view displays to fit your needs.</para>
0194             </entry>
0195             <entry>
0196               <para>
0197                 <screenshot>
0198                   <screeninfo></screeninfo>
0199                   <mediaobject>
0200                     <imageobject>
0201                       <imagedata fileref="plan_taskstatusview_config.png" format="PNG"/>
0202                     </imageobject>
0203                     <textobject>
0204                       <phrase></phrase>
0205                     </textobject>
0206                   </mediaobject>
0207                   </screenshot></para></entry>
0208           </row>
0209         </tbody>
0210       </tgroup>
0211     </informaltable>
0212   </para>
0213 </sect3>
0214 </sect2>